International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Real-Time Video watermarking of uncompressed video using FuzzyLogic Shelly1, Simar preetkaur2 1 M.Tech Student, BBSBEC, Fatehgarhsahib, PTU AssistantProfessor, BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib, PTU 2 ABSTRACT In this paper, a robust digital video watermarking scheme is proposed. The proposed method is based on extracting noisy portions of video frames by using fuzzy logic and then embedding high capacity watermark in the form of text to these noisy portions. This may leads to undesirable degradation of video quality. The simulation result shows the improvement in PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) and MSE (mean square error) and watermark can be completely extracted at the time of decoding. The proposed algorithm is not computationally complex, produces almost no visual distortion, and can be accomplished in real time. Keywords: Digital video watermarking, Fuzzy logic, PSNR, MSE 1. INTRODUCTION MANY illegal copies of movies can be found on the Internet or on the street markets before their official release. Over 90% of these copies were made by recording films with camcorders in movie theatres [1]. People can easily copy and Redistribute the images, videos, which render the copyright protection issues. Originally, cryptology is deemed as a best choice for the information protection. The researchers find that the protected data is without any protection once the data is decrypted. So the researchers are aware that cryptology is not sufficient for the copyright protection. Watermarking technique provides a seamless interface between the protected data and the user. Up to date, watermarking research has become most prevalent method for enforcing copyright protection of digital content. This technique imperceptibly alters the media content by embedding a message. This message is used to either identify the owner of the content of the device that created the illegal copy. When it comes to digital video, watermarks should be designed so that they are invisible when the content is being displayed, furthermore, they should be robust to regular manipulations, such as video compression, filtering and so on. Applications of watermarking technique include copyright protection, fingerprinting, authentication, copy control, tamper detection and data hiding application such as broadcast monitoring [2]. Most important of all applications is copyright protection, it is also the application most widely used nowadays. To aim at copyright protection, the watermarking must meet two features: robustness and transparency. For robustness, it means that watermark should be correctly extracted when the watermarked media is processed whether it is intentional or not. For transparency, it means that the watermark could not cause distortion seriously to decrease the visual quality of the host data. Copyright protection of image, audio, and video continues to remain the main objective of digital watermarking. Digital watermark is a visible or an invisible mark inserted into a digital media, which generally serves the purpose of identifying the Copyright owner of the media and acts as a deterrent for illegal copying and distribution. In this paper, we propose a robust digital video watermarking scheme using fuzzy logic method for detecting the noisy portions in the video frames before adding the watermark data to it. This paper is organized into 4 sections. The next section presents the details of the proposed video watermark scheme and the results are shown in section 3.Section 4 provides a conclusion and a further improvement of the scheme. 2. PROPOSED WATERMARKING ALGORITHM The proposed watermarking algorithm includes the embedding process and extracting process and the watermarking embedding and extracting structure diagram presented as fig (1) and fig (2). 2.1 WATERMARK EMBEDDING In the proposed algorithm, the video is first read from computer frame by frame. The two main parameters are to be taken care of are, first is frame size that should be accurate and secondly the value of frame per second. After reading a video file, read the watermark in the form of text from the text file. Before adding the watermark, the text in watermark must be converted to ASCII code. The details of watermark embedding process are as follows: Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013 Page 282 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Fig(1) Read the video file from pc frame by frame. Before adding the watermark in video frames, separate out the R, G, B components of each frame. Get the noisy portions in any of the R, G, or B components by using 3X3 fuzzy logic scanning mask. Noisy portions will be detected by setting up the threshold value Th. The number of noisy portions should be more than the number of data bytes to be stored in those noisy portions. Now add the watermark to the noisy portions and also the threshold value and save the watermarked video. Calculate the PSNR and MSE between the watermarked and original video. 2.2 WATERMARK EXTRACTION Before extracting the watermark from the watermarked video, separate out the watermarked video in its R, G and B components. Compute the noisy portions in video frames at the same threshold value. Create the noise table in MATLAB so as to extract the watermarked data from those noisy portions. Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013 Page 283 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS In this experiment, we implemented the proposed video watermarking algorithm under visual studio 2008 environment. The size of the mpg video we used is 320 x 240 and the watermark to be embedded is of 2433 bytes or 19464 bits. After selecting a threshold value, we calculated the noisy portions for embedding 2433 bytes of data (text). Calculate the PSNR and MSE for the scaling factor of 1, 0.75, and 0.5. Results of PSNR and MSE is Tab1-TestresultsforPSNRandMSE scaling factor 0.5 PSNR (previous results)[3] 37.17 PSNR (new results) 36.8956 MSE (additional new parameter) 0.0521 0.75 34.11 41.0293 0.0201 1 31.98 44.1291 0.0099 4. CONCLUSION In this paper, a new video watermarking technique based on fuzzy based system was proposed. As experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is highly robust. The disadvantage of this algorithm is that only uncompressed video is required for embedding. The proposed work further can be done for the prevention of watermark distortion after malicious attacks like frame swapping, frame averaging, and frame dropping. In future, some modifications are required which make this algorithm more authenticated and secure. References [1] U.S. Piracy Fact Sheet, Motion Picture Association of America, 2005. [Online]. [2] Podilchuk, C.I. and E.J. Delp, Digital watermarking: algorithms and applications. IEEE Signal processing magazine, 2001. 18(4): p. 33-46. [3] Tamas Tokar, Tomas Kanocz and Dusan Levicky, Digital watermarking of uncompressed video in special domain. IEEE,2009 [4] Sang-woo-Lee, Dong-II-Seo, Novel Robust video watermarking algorithm based on adaptive modulation. 2012 ICACT, 2012 [5] D. 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