International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for National Conference On Recent Advances in Technology and Management for Integrated Growth 2013 (RATMIG 2013) Dispersion Studies Of Sox Gases Emitted From Koradi Thermal Power Stations Using Model System Bapu Shende1, S. H. Ganatra2 Nitu Gupta3 and N. G. Telkapalliwar4 1 Dr. Bapu Shende, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur 2 Dr. S. H. Ganatra, Associate Professor, Head Environmental Chemistry, Institute of science, Nagpur. 3 Dr. Nitu Gupta, Asst. Professor, Guru Nanak Institute of Engineering and Management, Nagpur 4 . N. G. Telkapalliwar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur. ABSTRACT The major air pollutions are generally from thermal power stations. The exit gas from thermal power station contains various pollutant gases including SOx , NOx and Cox. SOx is one of the major polluting gas and also responsible for acid rains. Present calculates the dispersion profile of SOx gases emitted from the Koradi thermal power station using ISCST2 model system. The deposition of SOx gases calculated around 35 km of Koradi thermal power plant and the data reported in the form of contour graphs. The deposition for 3 hours average, 24 hours average and monthly average calculated and reported in this paper. It is reported that the dispersion profile changes with seasons. In summer season the dispersion is spread equally and broadly, whereas the deposition is highest in the month of November and December near to the plants. Keywords: Air Pollution, Dispersion, Countour, Gas, ISCST2, Model System. 1. INTRODUCTION The explosion of human population particularly in developing countries generated many more environmental problems. More population needs more energy in various forms. Electricity is one of them. In India, the majority of electricity produced by Thermal power plants situated in Vidarbha areas. This area is also having huge deposition of coal and hence enormous mining activities. [1,2] There are a few very huge thermal power plants situated in Chandrapur, Koradi, Khaperkheda etc. The coal fired plants uses local coal or sometimes imported from other locations of the countries or even from abroad. The quality of coal is generally responsible for the air pollution due to the exit gas from thermal power plants.[3] High content of sulphur gives out large amount of SOx in the atmosphere and its interaction with moisture results into acid rains in surrounding areas. High concentration of SOx gases in the atmosphere always dangerous as it has tendency to deposit earlier and generally remains in lower atmosphere layer. [4] It is the need of the time to know the dispersion of these gases emitted from thermal power plants and to understand how these gases disperse in a region utilizing the wind profile and other meteorological data. Organized By: GNI Nagpur, India International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for National Conference On Recent Advances in Technology and Management for Integrated Growth 2013 (RATMIG 2013) Theoretically it is possible to understand the dispersion of the gases using Gaussian plume model [5]. The basic Gaussian dispersion model applies to a single point source. The Gaussian point source dispersion equation relates average steady state pollutant concentrations to the source strength, wind speed, effective stack height and atmospheric conditions. Its form can be derived from basic considerations involving gaseous diffusion in three dimensional space.[6]The most popular and widely used model is Industrial Source Complex Model (ISC2) designed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.[7]. The basis of the model is the straight line, steady-state Gaussian plume equation, which is used with slight modification to model single point source emissions from stack. Present study is to understand the dispersion of SOx gases emitted along with other gases from the stack of Koradi thermal power plant. Also to understand the deposition of these gases around 35 km areas for 3 hours, 24 hours and monthly deposition averages. 2. Experimental The computer program ISCST2 designed by Environmental protection agency (EPA), U.S.A., used to calculate the dispersion of the gases, particularly SOx. [8]. The model requires certain default values which suit to Nagpur weather condition. Modified default values are evaluated against standard data provided by EPA. Site around Koradi thermal power plant was extensively studied for possibilities of any terrain or high rise building upto 2 km. The gas exit parameters from all five stacks were collected from the plant literatures and also confirmed from the plant authorities with due permission. The required Meteorological data like Temperature, Pressure, Rain details, Cloud detail, Humidity, Wind velocity, Wind direction etc. were procured from Meteorological department, Sonegaon, Nagpur. Two types of data collected, Surface data and Radiosonde data. The surface data file contains three hourly weather data of Nagpur city. For dispersion calculation hourly weather data is required[8 ]. Hence three hourly weather data converted into one hourly weather data using self-prepared computer programme “change.exe”. For the same statistical techniques were employed i.e. data were prepared using time series techniques. Missing data were evaluated using average techniques. The mixing height, which is one of the required parameter, calculated from the Radiosonde data which were procured from Meteorological department, Pune. Temperature lapse method used in calculating the mixing height [8]. To calculate dispersion of gas, ISCST2 model system used. ISCST2 is regulatory software and provided by EPA, USA. The software installed in Computer system having high capacity processing powers and storage. This software requires to provide source data and meteorological data in pre-formatted input file. The required input file format is as follows: Year(two digits) Months (two digits) Days (two digits) Hours (two digits) Wind direction( total seven digits , four after decimal points) Wind velocity( total seven digits , four after decimal points) Temperature in Kelvin (xxx.x four digit , one after decimal points) Stability category (x one digit; valid range is from one to six)[ 8,9 ]. The input file prepared with two years of data and supplied to ISCST2 system. The program runs on computer having fast processing power and the results were collected in “Output” file in specific format. For the dispersion calculation, the model system requires the threshold values of SOx around the plant. Table 1 shows the selected threshold values selected for the present study. Table 1. The maximum threshold values of concentration of SOx Average Time Concentration 3 - hour average 500 microram/m3 24 - hour average 200 microgram/m3 Month - average 50 microram/m3 3. Calculations and Results The model system provides the deposition of the gas pollutants surrounding the source plant. The results for 3 hours, 24 hours and month average are calculated. Organized By: GNI Nagpur, India International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for National Conference On Recent Advances in Technology and Management for Integrated Growth 2013 (RATMIG 2013) Table 2, 3 and 4 show the first highest calculated values for the maximum 3 hours, 24 hours and monthly average concentration. They show the rank, concentration in micrograms/m 3 ,date and the polar coordinates. It is reported that the highest values for 3 hours, 24 hours and monthly average are 1696.8260, 1239.81 and 323.56490 microgram/m 3. Table 2. Maximum 3-hr average concentration of SOx in micrograms/m3 Rank Concentration (yy/mm/dd/hh) (Xr,Yr) 1. 1696.82600 88/11/21/24 .00, 5000.00 2. 1696.82500 88/12/03/24 .00, 5000.00 3. 1614.59700 88/11/30/18 .00, 5000.00 4. 1604.49200 88/12/31/24 -5000.00, 5. 1572.21400 88/12/17/21 .00, 6. 1517.38700 88/12/20/21 -5000.00, 7. 1461.12100 88/11/09/18 868.24, 4924.04 8. 1460.47300 88/11/08/21 .00, 5000.00 9. 1460.47300 88/12/07/03 .00, 5000.00 10. 1460.47300 88/12/21/15 .00, 5000.00 .00 5000.00 .00 Table 3. Maximum 24-hr average concentration of SOx in micrograms/m3 Rank Concentration (yy/mm/dd/hh) (Xr,Yr) 1. 1239.81300 88040724 2. 1218.97600 88041424 4330.13, 2500.00 3. 1215.50100 88082024 -4924.04, -868.24 4. 1215.10100 88042524 -868.24, -4924.04 5. 1213.46400 88091524 .00, 5000.00 6. 1213.01300 88032424 .00, 5000.00 7. 1210.89200 88081124 4330.13, 2500.00 8. 1209.53700 88092424 1710.10, -4698.46 9. 1208.91000 88091424 .00, 10. 1201.78500 88012224 -4924.04, -4924.04, -868.24 5000.00 868.24 Table 4. Period average concentration of SOx in micrograms/m3 Rank Concentration 1. 323.56490 .00, 5000.00 2. 158.32290 .00, 10000.00 3. 136.6030 2500.00, 4330.13 4. 129.30470 -868.24, 4924.04 5. 110.64370 868.24, 4924.04 6. 104.23570 .00, Organized By: GNI Nagpur, India Distance 15000.00 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for National Conference On Recent Advances in Technology and Management for Integrated Growth 2013 (RATMIG 2013) The distribution of concentrations for 3 hrs, 24 hrsand periodaverage are also reported in the form of contours in figure 1,2 and 3. Figure 1 . Dispersion of SOx surrounding the source upto 35 Km. for 3 hours average. Figure 2 : Dispersion of SOx surrounding the source upto 35 Km. for 24 hours average Figure 3: Dispersion of SOx surrounding the source upto 35 Km. for Month Average. Note : Source Group Position: Centre of the Contour The table 5 depicts the result for the first, second and third highest concentration of SOx for 3 - hours average, 24 - hours average, Monthly average and Period average. It also reports the time and receptor coordinates. Table No. 5.1 : Summary of the highest concentrations of SOx for different average times Receptor Coordinates Rank Avg. Time Month Day Hour Conc. X Y (Meters) First 03 11 21 24 1696.82600 .00, 5000.00 Second 03 12 03 24 1696.82500 .00, 5000.00 Third 03 11 30 18 1614.59700 .00, 5000.00 First 24 04 07 24 1239.81300 -4924.04, -868.24 Second 24 04 14 24 1218.97600 Third 24 08 20 24 1215.50100 Organized By: GNI Nagpur, India 4330.13, 2500.00 -4924.04, -868.24 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for National Conference On Recent Advances in Technology and Management for Integrated Growth 2013 (RATMIG 2013) First Month 01 31 02 700.87980 .00, 5000.00 Second Month 11 30 24 587.17290 .00, 5000.00 Third Month 09 30 24 441.41110 .00, 5000.00 First Period - - - 323.56490 .00, 5000.00 Second Period - - - 158.32290 .00, 10000.00 Third Period - - - 136.60300 2500.00, 4330.13 From the table 5 it is reported that the highest 3 - hour average maximum dispersion were found to be 1696.82 μg/ m3 on 21stNovember 1988 at the distance of 5 km. around the Koradithermal power station, Koradi, District Nagpur . On the same way the highest 24 – hour average dispersion was found to be 700.87 μg/ m3 and it occurs on 7thApril 1988 at the distance of 5 km. around the source. The highest maximum month wise dispersion of SOx occurs on 31 st January 1988 and the amount of SOx concentration was found to be 441.41μg/ m3. 4. Conclusion The dispersion of SOx surrounding the plant site is depends on the climate conditions. Particularly, the atmospheric temperature and wind velocity. The highest concentration for 3 hrs, 24 hrs and month averages are near 5 kms from the source plant. The reported values are above threshold values in the month of November, January and April. References [1] . 1. Arthur C. Stern “Air pollution”, Third Edition, volume I, Chapter Two, “Air Pollutants, Their Transformation”, Academic Press Inc.,1976. [2] . 2. E.W. Hewson “Air pollution” ,Third Edition, Volume I , ed. A.C. Stern, “ Meteorological Measurements”, 1976. [3] . 3. 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AUTHOR Dr. Bapu Shende. received the M.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in Chemistry from Institute of Science, Nagpur in 1999 and 2008, respectively. He now with Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur Organized By: GNI Nagpur, India International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for National Conference On Recent Advances in Technology and Management for Integrated Growth 2013 (RATMIG 2013) Organized By: GNI Nagpur, India