-- V - P96

1.2 19
Ordering Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------------Community and Country -------------------------------------------------------------
Pest Control Handbook
Animal health and nutrition ................................................
Animal pests
Build ngs and equipment
Fertilizer guides ..................................................................
Fish and wildlfe ................................................................
Food processing ..................................................................
Healthand safety ................................................................
Insectcontrol ......................................................................
Marketing and management ..............................................
Plant disease control ...........................................................
Small and part time farming ................................................
Soilsand water ..................................................................
Weed control
Forest.......................................................................................... 15
Harvesting and roads ........................................................ 16
Identification and conservation .......................................... 16
Management and marketing .............................................. 16
5ilvicultue............................................................................ 16
Wood processing ................................................................ 16
Home.......................................................................................... 16
Clothing and textiles .......................................................... 16
Families and children ........................................................ 17
Familyfinance .................................................................... 17
Food preservation and storage ........................................ 17
Foods and nutrition ............................................................ 18
Gardening............................................................................ 18
Health and safety ................................................................ 19
Household equipment ........................................................ 19
Housing and home furnishings .......................................... 19
Lawns.................................................................................... 20
Spanrsh language publications .......................................... 20
Marine Resources .................................................................... 20
Aquaculture.......................................................................... 20
Business and economics .................................................... 21
Engineering technology ...................................................... 21
Natural resources ................................................................ 21
Recreation............................................................................ 21
Safety.................................................................................... 21
Seafood technology ............................................................ 22
Oregon County Extension Offices ............................................ 23
This list includes publications of the Oregon
State University Extension Service and the Agricultural Experiment Station. You can request a
separate list of the Station's Technical Bulletins.
Our publications revision program is constant. Reference collections become obsolete
almost at once and are discouraged. Please
limit your request to five or six titles of present
interest, and reorder as new information needs
arise. Within this limit, single copies of most
publications are free to Oregon residents on
individual request.
When supplies permit we sell quantities to
schools, other agencies, or individuals. Handling and replacement costs change, so there
is no standing price list. Write to the Extension
or Experiment Station editor, Administrative
Services Building, OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331,
for a quotation.
Library exchanges are negotiated through
the OSU Library Serials Department. We do not
maintain publications mailing lists by subjectmatter interest, but your Extension agent may
have a mailing list for your commodity or special interest. A list of Oregon Extension offices
is on page 23.
You can use the order form provided, or
order by letter. Please specify the series letters,
number, and full title.
Community and Country
EC 719 Rural Areas Development in Oregon
EC 782 Organizing a Council on Aging
EC 783 Organizing a Survey of Senior Adults
EC 784 Establishing a Senior Center
EC 785 Organizing a Transportation System for Senior Adults
EC 786 Attaining Community Involvement in Programs for
Senior Adults
EC 808 The Social Action Process: How Change Takes Place
EC 868 Comprehensive Planning for Your Community
EC 869 County Home Rule
An Option for Oregon Counties
EC 908 Why Planning?
EC 955 The Organization of Planning Programs in Oregon
EC 958 Planning, Zoning and Property Tax Assessment: How
Are They Related?
EC 963 Community Growth ManagementPerformance Zoning
EC 973 Community Growth ManagementIntroduction to
Growth Management
EC 975 Reducing Public Costs of Residential Developments
EC 978 Community Growth ManagementSix Case Examples
EC 988 Fire Protection Choices for Rural Oregon Communities
WREP 7 Health Care for Western Rural CommunitiesA Workbook for Considering Alternatives
WREP 16 Coping With GrowthEvaluating Fiscal Impact Studies: Community Guidelines
WREP 17 Coping With GrowthMinimizing Public Costs of
Residential Growth
WREP 20 Coping With GrowthCoping with Rapid Growth: A
Community Perspective
WREP 23 Coping With GrowthThe Public Policy Process: Its
Role in Community Growth
WREP 24 Coping With GrowthEconomic Multipliers: Can a
Rural Community Use Them?
WREP 25 Coping With GrowthIncoming Population: Where
Will The People Live?
WREP 26 Coping With GrowthGrowth Impacts on Public
Service Expenditures: Some Questions For the
WREP 29 Coping With GrowthAssessing Fiscal Impact of
Rural Growth
CI 672 Business Interrelationships of the Tillamook County
Economy: A Study for Analysis
Cl 675 An Evaluation of Expected Private Losses from Selected
Public Policies for Reducing Open Field Burning,
Willamette Valley, Oregon
Cl 676 Who Owns the Rural Land in Oregon?
Public office
EC 947 Parliamentary Procedure Made Easier
EC 971 Oregon Port CommissionersThe Job and How to
Seek It
EC 976 Oregon Port CommissionersSuggestions for Effective Port Management
EC 979 Oregon's Smaller PortsWhat They Do and How They
Are Financed
EC 906 Oregon's 6 Percent Limitation
EC 907 How Your Property Tax Bill is Computed
EC 957 Estate and Gift Tax Changes in the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1976
EC 1008 Oregon Local Public IssuesBallot Measure 5 and
Oregon's Tax System
EC 1010 Oregon Local Public IssuesEvaluating Changes in
Oregon's Tax System
ES 113 Let's Think About Taxes and Public Services
EC 847 Gathering Fuelwood for Home Heating
EC 865 Energy Saving HomesA Checklist
EC 870 Solar Energy Facts for the Pacific Northwest
EC 931 Home Insulation
EC 949 Laundry Techniques to Save Energy
EC 977 Heat Pumps for Homes
WRAES 60 Residential Energy Usage Curtailment
WRAES 70 Fuelwood Facts
WRAES 72 Standby Equipment for Electric Power Interruptions
WRAES 75 Energy: The Fossil Fuel Era
WRAES 84 Weather Stripping & Caulking Doors & Windows
Money-Saving Do-It-Yourself Projects
WRAES 86 Estimating Farming Fuel Requirements
WRAES 87 ENERGY Selecting Power Equipment to
WRAES 90 Energy-Conserving Window Treatments
WRAES 94 ENERGY More Light for Your Money
WRAES 95 Heating with WoodA Cost Comparison
WRAES 97 Burning Wood
WRAES 99 Window Condensation Control
WRAES 103 Wood Stove Selection
WRAES 104 Improving Fireplace Efficiency
The OSU Extension Service compiles comprehensive control
handbooks, revising them annually. These are completed by
mid-April and usually are out of print by mid-summer. Send
orders and payment to OSU Book Stores, Inc., Box 489, Corvallis, Oregon 97330. Price is $10 per book, plus mailing cost.
At present this is about $1.20 for one book.
Oregon Weed Control Handbook
Oregon Plant Disease Control Handbook
Oregon Insect Control Handbook
Animal health and nutrition
EB 829 Understanding Calf Scours
EB 830 Promoting Swine Health
EC 720 Mastitis Prevention Means Cash For You
EC 800 Internal and External Parasites of Sheep
EC 950 Preventing Prussic Acid Poisoning of Livestock
FS 107 Vibriosis in Range Cattle
FS 108 Nitrates in Cattle Feeding
ES 169 Pinkeye in Cattle
FS 173 Ketosis in Dairy Cows
ES 221 Infectious Abortions in Cattle
FS 234 Feeding Grass Straw to Cattle and Horses
PNW 157 White Muscle and other Selenium-Responsive
Diseases of Livestock
WREP 33 Diseases of Dairy Goats
SB 641 Chromic Oxide in Range Nutrition Studies
Animal pests
EC 909 Predation by Coyotes and Other Animals
EC 910 Predator Control: History and Policies
EC 913 Deterrents to Predators of Livestock
EC 914 The Impact of Coyotes on Wildlife
EC 916 Fencing Against Coyotes
EC 987 Mole Control
FS 182 Poisoning Meadow Mice
WRP-1 1 Control of Damage by Coyotes and Some Other Carnivores
For sale only: Send orders and payment to the Extension Business Office, Extension Hall 118, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331.
Manual 1 Livestock Poisoning Plants of Oregon. 126 pages,
illustrated, $1.50 per copy, plus 50 mailing charge per single
EB 802 Improving Beef Cattle Through Breeding
EB 831 Oregon Carcass of Merit
EC 752 Evaluation and Judging of Beef Cattle
EC 934 Feeding Beef Cattle During Periods of Feed Shortages
EC 935 Creep Feeding and Early Weaning of Beef Calves
FS 70 Beef Herd Production Testing
PNW 173 Freeze Marking Farm Animals
SB 616 Some Effects of Diethyistilbestrol on Sexual Maturation
and Growth of Male Calves
SB 625 Stockwater's Effect on Cattle Performance on the High
SB 635 Irrigated Pastures for Range Livestock
Cl 641 Grass Straw as a Beef Feed: A Research Review
EC 629 Diseases of Honey Bees
. How to recognize and
EC 857 Removal of Bees from Buildings
PNW 79 Beekeeping
PNW 155 Alkali Bees: Their Biology and Management for
Alfalfa Seed Production in the Pacific Northwest
FS 240 Controlling Wax Moths in Honeycombs
SB 598 Artificial Beds for Alkali Bee Propagation
SB 630 Chalk Brood Disease in the Leafcutting Bee
SB 636 A Natural Light Sapyga and Parasite Emergence Trap
in Leafcutting Bee Management (Megachile rotundata)
SB 637 Field Domiciles and Incubators for the Leafcutting Bee
Their Form and Function in Management
WREP 15 How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides
Buildings and equipment
For Building Plans write to: Extension Agricultural Engineering, 228 Gilmore Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331
EB 813 Soil Fumigation Equipment
EC 887 Selecting and Preserving Fenceposts
EC 962 Calibrating a Knapsack Sprayer for Reforestation and
Christmas Tree Weed Control
EC 1007 Planning a Dairy Waste Handling System
FS 75 Equipment Recommendations for Spraying Wettable
Selection and Use of Orchard Man-Positioning
FS 132 Mechanical Harvesting of Prunes in Oregon
FS 166 Sweet Cherry Mechanical Harvesters in Oregon
SB 609 Limitations of Single- and Multi-man Platform Harvesting Aids
WRAES 15 Managing Dairy Waste Holding Ponds
WRAES 73 Livestock Manure Lagoons
WRAES 88 Round Balers
WRAES 89 Herringbone A. I. Breeding Chute
ES 109
WRAES 92 Detecting Stray Currents in Milking Parlors
WRAES 93 Coyote Control Electric Fence
WRAES 98 Cattle Trap
WRAES 100 Hydraulic Ram
WRAES 105 Small Tractor Comparisons
WRAES 106 Ewe and Lamb Trailer
EB 811 Orchardgrass Seed Production in Oregon
EC 748 Background on Oregon's Grass and Legume Seed
EC 753 Lane Oats for Western Oregon
EC 754 Casbon Barley for Oregons Willamette Valley
EC 806 Growing Alfalfa in Western Oregon
EC 856 Hay Testing
EC 942 Forage Quality: What to Look for in Evaluating Hay
EC 943 Forage Quality: What It Is and Why It Is Important
ES 65 High Quality Seeds Cost You Less
PNW 129 Alfalfa Analyst
SB 600 Forty Years of Testing . . Grass and Legume Varieties
for Seed Yields in Oregon
SB 601 Fertilizing Kentucky Bluegrass and Fine Fescue for
Seed Production in Northeastern Oregon
SB 619 Flower Seed Production Trials in Southern Oregon
SB 626 Seasonal Responses of Perennial Forage Grasses to
Nitrogen Applications
SB 631 Alfalfa Management in the Willarnette Valley of Oregon
SB 633 Effective Nodulation and Production of Subterranean
Clover with Pelleted and Small Amounts of Lime
Cl 617 Forage Varieties for Oregon
Cl 623 Time Isolation as a Safeguard to Varietal Purity in Perrenial Ryegrass, Annual Ryegrass and Orchardgrass
CI 625 Alfalfa Variety Tests in the Columbia Basin, Blue Mountains and Snake River Valley
CI 626 Cougar Kentucky Bluegrass
CI 635 Seed Production of Arrowleaf Clover in Western Oregon
Cl 644 Sick Alfalfa
Cl 661 Alfalfa Trials in Southern OregonProduction Practices
and Varieties
CI 685 Irrigated Spring Wheat: A Production Guide for Central
EC 866 Dairy Goats for Family Milk Supply
EC 867 Dairy Goat Housing and Care
EC 951 How to Select, Grow, and Manage Replacement Heifers
FS 156 Selecting and Proving Dairy Sires
ES 159 Urea For Dairy Cows
ES 187 Dairy Cow Nutrition
FS 189 Increasing Dairy Efficiency
ES 191 Protein in Dairy Nutrition
ES 194 Energy for Dairy Cows
ES 195 Minerals for Dairy Cows
ES 201 So You Own a Cow . . Now What?
ES 247 Energy Savings Through Higher Producing Cows
PNW 66 Rural Preparedness for Dairymen
PNW 71 Housing for Dairy Calves
WREP 13 Dry Cow Feeding Management
Fertilizer guides
The FG series consists of single sheets intended as a guide
fertilizing specific crops. They are revised periodically so we
suggest you order only those of immediate interest. A reference
file would soon be obsolete, If you have need of the entire set of
currently available guides, please send $2.50. Make checks
payable to the Oregon State University Extension Service. You
may use the order blank at the end of this list.
EB 774 Analyzing Eertilizer Through Sprinkler Systems
EB 806 Fertilizer Recommendations for Wheat in the Columbia
Basin of Oregon
EC 712 Eertilize in the Fall
EG 1 Irrigated Clover Grass Pastures (Western OregonWest
of Cascades)
EG 3 Liming Materials for Oregon
EG 4 Subclover-Grass Pastures, Western Oregon (Excepting
Coos, Curry, Jackson, Josephine Counties)
FG 5 Annual Ryegrass Seed (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 6 Fine Fescue Seed (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 7 Highland Bent Grass Seed (Also Astoria and Exeter)
(Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 8 Spring Grains (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 9 Winter Wheat (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 10 Eield Corn (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 11 Sweet Corn (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 12 Pole Beans (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 13 Table Beets (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 14 Strawberries (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 15 Peppermint (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 16 Perennial Grass Pastures, Non-Irrigated (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
EG 17 Red Clover (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 18 Alfalfa (Willamette Valley and Northwest Oregon)
EG 19 Potatoes (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 20 Alfalfa (Eastern OregonEast of Cascades)
EG 21 Irrigated Clover-Grass Pastures (Eastern OregonEast
of Cascades)
EG 23 Apples (Oregon)
FG 24 Prunes (Oregon)
EG 25 Sweet Cherries (Oregon)
EG 26 Pears (Oregon)
FG 27 Broccoli (Western OregonWest of Cascades) (Also
applicable to Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower)
FG 28 Bush Beans (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 29 Carrots (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 30 Crimson Clover-Vetch-Austrian Peas (Western Oregon
West of Cascades)
FG 34 Filberts (Oregon)
FG 35 Walnuts (Oregon)
FG 36 Tall Fescue (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 37 Irrigated Spring-Planted Small Grains (Eastern Oregon
East of Cascades)
FR 38 Irrigated Pastures (Central Oregon)
FG 40 Irrigated Semi-Dwarf Wheat (Eastern OregonEast of
FG 44 Blue Grass Seed (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 45 Orchard Grass Seed (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 46 Perennial Ryegrass Seed (Western OregonWest of
FG 47 Turf Grass (Oregon)
FG 48 Loganberries, Boysenberries and Marion Blackberries
FG 49 Red Raspberries (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 50 Black Raspberries (Blackcaps) (Western OregonWest
of Cascades)
FG 51 Thornless Evergreen Blackberries (Western Oregon
West of Cascades)
FG 52 Fertilizer Materials (Introduction)
FG 53 Peaches (Oregon)
FG 55 Peas (Western Oregon)
FG 56 Irrigated Potatoes(Central Oregon and Klamath Areas)
FG 57 Irrigated Potatoes (Columbia Basin-Maiheur County)
FG 58 Irrigated Clover-Grass Pastures (Southwest Oregon)
FG 59 Pears (Hood River-White Salmon)
FG 60 Alfalfa (Southwest Oregon)
FG 61 Using Wood Ashes in the Home Garden
FG 62 Sweet Corn (Eastern OregonEast of Cascades)
Fish and wildlife
EB 790 Game Foods
EB 800 Treats with Venison
EB 819 Boning Out Your Deer
EC 912 Growing Earthworms
EC 939 Catching Crayfish for Fun and Profit
FS 152 Preparing Cluster Egg Baits From Salmon and Steelhead Roe
Food processing
FS 176 Procedures for Sanitation in Retail Frozen Desserts
Cl 624 Cherry Brining and Finishing
Cl 629 The Chemical and Preservative Properties of Sulfur
Dioxide Solution for Brining Fruit
Cl 632 Procedure for Secondary Bleaching Brined Cherries
with Sodium Chlorite
Health and safety
EC 727 Pesticides Kill People Too!
EC 732 Protecting Family and Livestock from Nuclear Fallout
EC 762 Don't be a Loser with Agricultural Chemicals
EC 807 Noise Pollution
FS 81 Safety Procedures for Chemical Applicators
WRAES 12 Roll-Over Protective Structures for Agricultural
WRAES 16 Preventing Inner Ear Damage from Agricultural
WRAES 23 Control of Chemical Drift
WRAES 33 Work-Related Skin Problems
WRAES 42 Safe Handling of Pesticides
WRAES 45 Safe Handling and Use of Aqua Ammonia
WRAES 46/58 Step Ladder Safety/Straight Ladder Safety
WRAES 63 Hand Lifting
WRAES 64 Hand Signals for Agriculture
WRAES 66 Chain Saw Safety
WRAES 67 Safe Installation of CB Base Station Antennas
WRAES 69 Extension Ladder Safety
WRAES 91 Electrical Wiring Safety for Irrigation Systems
EB 628 Growing Filberts in Oregon
EC 650 Apple Bud Development
EC 653 How to Select and Prepare Vegetables for Exhibition
EC 764 Growing Red Raspberries in Oregon
EC 817 Oommercial Onion Production in Oregon
EC 862 Commercial Production of Bush Beans
EC 863 Commercial Production of Sweet Corn
EC 936 Commercial Greenhouse Vegetable Production
EC 948 Onion Storage: Guidelines for Commercial Growers
EC 952 Recommendations for Commercial High-Density Snap
Bean Production
EC 953 Improving Bee Pollination of Commercial Caneberries
EC 974 Growing Walnuts in the Pacific Northwest
EC 986 Pollination and Fruit Set of Pear
FS 1 Winter Storage of Fuchsias, Geraniums and Tuberous
FS 12 Azalea and Rfhododendron Care and Culture
FS 15 Pruning and Training Pear Trees in the Willamette
FS 57 Sweet Cherry Varieties and Pollinizers for Oregon
FS 60 Care of Physically Injured Fruit and Nut Trees
FS 61 Pear Rootstocks for Oregon
ES 95 Dahlia Culture
FS 99 Cranberry Growing in Oregon
ES 103 Fertilizing Shade and Ornamental Trees
ES 104 Cucurbit Seed ProductionCucumber, Squash, Pumpkin, Muskmelon and Watermelon
ES 118 The Concept of Plant Analysis and How to Take a Leaf
ES 125 Propagation of Herbaceous Plants from Stem Cuttings
ES 131 Commercial Production of Striped Klondike Watermelon
ES 136 Ornamental Gourds
ES 142 Market News Service on Fruits and Vegetables
FS 147 When to Pick Apples and Pears
ES 154 Preserving Cut Holly
ES 162 Care and Handling of Poinsettias
FS 172 Stone Fruit Pollination
FS 202 Training and Pruning Sweet Cherry Trees for Mechanical Harvesting
ES 207 Pruning Sweet Cherry Trees for Hand Harvest
ES 208 Peaches for the Willamette Valley
ES 238 How to Find Help Identifying Fruit Trees
ES 241 Control of Premature Ripening of Bartlett Pears
PNW 6 Raising Christmas Trees for Profit
PNW 62 Grafting Fruit Trees
PNW 96 Raising Forest Tree Seedlings a Home
PNW 121 Nutrient Disorders in Tree Fruits
PNW 151 Propagating Herbaceous Plants from Cuttings
PNW 152 Propagating Deciduous and Evergreenn Shrubs,
Trees and Vines with Stem Cuttings
PNW 156 Training and Pruning Apple and Pear Trees
PNW 164 Propagating from Bulbs, Corms, Tubers, Rhizomes
and Tuberous Roots and Stems
PNW 165 Layering to Renew or Multiply Plants
PNW 170 Propagating Plants from Seed
PNW 185 Plant Materials for Landscaping
PNW 208 Rootstocks for Apples in the Pacific Northwest
SB 624 Color and Pigment Analyses in Fruit Products
SB 632 Phenology and Plant Species Adaptation to Climates
of the Western United States
Cl 633 Landscape Tree Performance
Cl 655 Progress Report of Table Grapes in the Northern Willamette Valley
Cl 671 Cover Crop and Residue Management for Wind Erosion Control
Cl 677 Establishment and Management of 'Boysenberries' in
Western Oregon
Cl 678 Oregon Potato Variety Trials 1978
CI 681 Evaporative Cooling as an Oregon Alternative in Frost
Protection System of Pears
Commercial Production of English Hotly in the Pacific
Northwest (journal reprint)
Insect control
For complete information in insect control recommendations, see Pest Control Handbooks, page 3.
EB 747 Vegetable Garden Insect Pests
EC 627 Carpenter Ant Control
EO 647 Shell Perforation and Poor Sealing of Walnuts
EC 675 Spray Program for Stone Fruits in Oregon
EC 677 Spray Program for Apples and Pears in the Willamette
EC 700 Dampwood Termite Control
EC 713 The Golden BuprestidA Wood-Boring Beetle
EC 717 Root WeevilsTheir Control in Strawberry Fields
EC 829 Oregon Insect Control Recommendations for Livestock
EC 845 Biology and Control of the Garden Symphylan
EC 850 Billbug Control in Orchard Grass Seed Fields
EC 851 Life History and Control of Sod Webworms in Grass
Seed Production
EC 852 Spray Program for Cane Fruits
EO 860 Controlling Green Peach Aphids on Potatoes
EC 861 Controlling Wireworms in Potatoes
EC 1003 Spray Guide for Filberts and Walnuts
EC 1009 Soil Samples for Redbacked Cutworm in Peppermint
FS 3 Cottony Camellia and Brown Soft Scales and Their Control
FS 129 The Black Widow and Other Spiders
FS 163 Alfalfa Weevil Control in Oregon
FS 167 The Face Fly
ES 168 The Walnut Husk Fly
ES 196 Mint Flea Beetle in Oregon
ES 197 Red-Backed Cutworm in Oregon
FS 209 Federal Government Participation in Rangeland Grasshopper Control
ES 210 Grasshopper Control in Oregon
ES 211 Labops, a Plant Bug on Oregon Rangeland
ES 239 Controlling Corn Rootworms in Commercial Corn Crops
ES 243 The Blue Alfalfa Aphid
ES 244 The Strawberry Crown Moth
ES 245 The Carrot Rust Ely
PNW 130 How to Recognize Cut Worms, Army Worms, Loopers
PNW 150 Insects ot Peas
PNW 182 Insects on Mint
SB 628 Chemical Control of Terrestrial Slugs and Snails
SB 634 Integrated Pest Management of Insects and Mites Attacking Pears in Southern Oregon
SB 639 Indexed Bibliography of Nematode-Resistance in
SB 643 Filbert Insect and Mite Pests
CI 615 The Raspberry Crown Borer
and Its Control
in Oregon's Hood
CI 660 Integrated Control of Pear Psylla
River Valley
CI 684 Rain Beetle Grub Control in Orchards for the MidColumbia, Oregon, Area: Summary of 1974-75
Fumigation Tests
WREP 11 Insect Management and Control on Crops Grown
for Seed
WREP 12 Alfalfa Seed Insect Pest Management
Marketing and management
EC 832 Estimated Wheat Production Costs on a 2,700-Acre
Dryland Farm, Oregon Columbia Plateau, 1973
EC 917 Farming and Ranching in OregonA Picture of Diversity
EC 945 Direct Farm Marketing
EC 972 Livestock Market NewsAs Near as Your Phone
ES 66 Why Grow Certified Seed?
ES 119 Producing and Marketing Clean Grain
ES 174 Northwest Wheat Farm Income in a Decade of Change
ES 177 Milk Production Costs in Oregon
ES 237 Income Tax Options for Drought Sales ot Livestock
PNW 161 Pacific Northwest Agricultural Situation and Outlook
WRAES 20 Comparing Pumping Energy Costs
WRAES 76 How To Figure Tractor Costs
SB 594 Economic Analysis of Beef Cattle Prices in the United
States and Oregon
SB 596 Capital for Growth and Adjustment of Agricultural
SB 605 Cooperative Mergers: Their Objectives, Success, and
Impact on Growth
SB 606 Marketing Fresh Apples and Pears ri Bulk Containers
SB 612 The Short-Run Demand for a Reduction of Delivery
Time in the Provision of Farm Machinery Parts:
A Conceptual Framework
SB 614 Impact of a Major Economic Change on a Coastal
Rural Economy: A Large Aluminum Plant in Clatsop County, Oregon
SB 617 Pulping Characteristics of Willamette Valley Grass
SB 618 Linkages Between the Economy and the Environment:
An Analysis of Economic Growth in Clatsop
County, Oregon
SB 620 Alternate-Year Production of Thornless Evergreen
Blackberries: Technical and Economic Feasibility
SB 622 The Relationship Between Education and Income: An
Economic Analysis
Cl 622 The Role of Borrowed Funds in Oregon Cooperatives
Cl 638 Technical and Economic Considerations in Shipping
Grass Seed Residue to Japan
Cl 639 An Economic Analysis of Alternative Milk Production
Systems: Oregon Milk Marketing Area One 1971
Cl 640 Fresh and Frozen Beef Retailing by Independent Groc-
ery Stores In OregonCharacteristics and Comparisons
CI 642 Feasibility and Location Considerations for a White
Wheat Futures Contract
CI 643 Economic Characteristics of Farms Producing Grass
Seed in Oregon's Willamette Valley
CI 648 Ryegrass Straw Utilization in Paper and Fiberboard
Products: An Exploratory Investigation
CI 651 The Influence of Feed Costs and Milk Price on Forage
Production on Coastal Dairy Farms
CI 657 Cooperative Market Pooling
CI 659 Commercial Campgrounds on the Oregon Coast: Characteristics and Financial Status
CI 662 Corporate Agriculture in Oregon: A Descriptive Analysis
Cl 663 An Economic Analysis of Alternative Milk Packaging
Containers in Washington, Oregon and California
CI 664 Income, Employment and Expenditure Patterns in a
Timber-Based Economy: Douglas County, Oregon
CI 667 Costs of Sanitation in Four Oregon Supermarkets
Cl 679 The Economics of Producing and Marketing Soybeans
in Oregon
CI 682 Strawberries in the Northwest: Present Situation and
Future Prospects
Plant disease control
For complete in formation on plant disease control recomsee Pest Control Handbooks, page 3.
EB 836 Dutch Elm Disease
EC 646 Control of Walnut Blight in Oregon
EC 649 Fleck Disease in West Coast Easter Lilies
EC 780 Diseases of Perennial Ornamental Plants
EC 844 Tobacco Rattle Virus in Oregon Potatoes
EC 954 Controlling Bacterial Soft Rot and Blackleg Potatoes
EC 1002 Verticillium Wilt for Alfalfa
ES 77 Use of Soil Fumigation For Control of Verticillium Wilt of
FS 82 Halo Blight of Beans
FS 83 Bean Rust
FS 93 Suggestions for Peppermint Wilt Control
FS 185 Preparation of Tank-Mix Bordeaux Mixture
FS 212 Bean Necrosis Disease
FS 215 Eastern Filbert Blight
FS 216 Blackline of Walnuts
ES 222 White Mold and Grey Mold of Snap Beans
ES 223 Cropping Peppermint on Soils Infested with Verticillium
FS 229 Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases
ES 235 Onion White Rot
SB 615 Management of Aphid-Borne Legume Viruses
S.B 623 Bibliography of Nematode Interactions with Other Organisms in Plant Disease Complexes
EB 782 Judging Poultry and Eggs
EC 761 The Home Unit Poultry Flock
EC 854 Brooding Chicks
EC 960 Feeding Laying and Breeding Hens
EB 780 Range RobbersUndesirable Range Plants
EC 1006 Effects of Grazing and Drought on Range Grasses
PNW 73 Pacific Northwest Range: Its Nature and Use
PNW 200 Rangelands in Dry Years
SB 640 A Bibliography of Bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata (Pursh)
D. C.) Annotated From 1967 to 1978
SB 642 Taxonomy and Ecology of Sagebrush in Oregon
SB 644 Medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum Nevski): A Review
and Annotated Bibliography
Cl 680 Response of Bluebunch Wheatgrass to Drought and
Climatic Fluctuations: A Review
The RP series consists of single sheets giving descriptions
of specific weeds, grasses, shrubs, and trees found on eastern
Oregon range/and. It is intended solely as an identification
guide; no culture or control recommendations are included.
Please note quantity limitations on page 1. If you need a
complete set of RP sheets, send $2.50. Make checks payable to
Oregon State University Extension Service. You may use the
order blank at the end of this list.
RP 1 Bitterbrush
RP 2 Foxtail Barley
RP S Meadow Barley
RP 4 Cheatgrass Brome
RP 5 Pinegrass
RP 6 Big Sagebrush
RP 7 Sheep Fescue
RP 8 Alfilaria
RP 9 Green Fescue
RP 10 Needle and Thread
RP 11 Manzanita
RP 12 Biscuitroot
RP 13 Bottlebrush and Squirreltail
HP 14 Indian Ricegrass
RP 15 Oniongrass
RP 16 Mountain Bromegrass
RP 17 Big-Headed Clover
RP 18 Blue Wild-Rye
RP 19 Idaho Fescue
RP 20 Oregon Grape
RP 21 Mullein
RP 22 Gooseberries
HP 23 Wild Currant
RP 24 Slender Wheatgrass
RP 25 Butterweeds
RP 26 Desert Wheatgrass
RP 27 Pearl Everlasting
RP 28 Giant Wild-Rye
RP 29 Nevada Bluegrass
RP 30 Mule Ears
RP 31 Columbia Needlegrass
RP 32 Phlox
RP 33 Cushion Eriogonum or Wild Buckwheat
RP 34 Canada Bluegrass
RP 35 Junegrass
RP 36 Balsamroot
RP 37 Bulbous Bluegrass
RP 38 Indian Paintbrush
RP 39 Saltbrush
RP 40 Mannagrass
RP 41 Puncture Vine
RP 42 Rattlesnake Grass
RP 43 Showy Aster
RP 44 Western Juniper
RP 45 Intermediate Wheatgrass
RP 46 Smooth Brome
RP 47 Timothy
RP 48 Ripgut Brome
RP 49 Orchard Grass
RP 50 Meadow Foxtail
RP 51 Tall Wheatgrass
RP 52 Tufted Hairgrass
RP 53 Baltic or Wire Rush
RP 54 Elk Sedge
RP 55 Ross Sedge
RP 56 Death Camas
RP 57 Halogeton
PP 58 Wedge-leaf Ceanothus
RP 59 Spiny Hop-Sage
RP 60 Winterfat
RP 61 Broom Snakeweed
RP 62 Snowbrush
RP 63 Saskatoon Serviceberry
RP 64 Cusick Serviceberry
RP 65 Shrubby Cinquefoil
RP 66 Rubber Rabbitbrush
RP 67 Douglas Rabbitbrush
RP 68 Cusick Bluegrass
RP 69 Thurber Needlegrass
RP 70 Bald Brome
RP 71 Big Bluegrass
RP 72 Bittercherry
RP 73 Medusahead Rye
PP 74 Sandberg Bluegrass
RP 75 Bluebunch Wheatgrass
RP 76 Western Wheatgrass
RP 77 Beardless Wildrye
EC 964 Management Considerations for Accelerated Lambing
in Western Oregon
EC 1001 Adoption Crates for Grafting Orphaned Lambs
PNW 74 Rural Preparedness for Sheep Producers
Cl 666 Sheep Management at Oregon State University
Cl 674 Evaluation of Border Leicester and Targhee Crossbred
Ewes for the Pacific Coastal Northwest
Small and part time farming
EC 918 Country LivingAre You Sure?
EC 919 Can You Earn Your Living on a Small Farm?
EC 983 What Size Farm Does It Take to Earn a Family Living
in Oregon?
Cl 669 Public Support for Small Farm Research in Oregon
Soils and water
EB 810 Electrical Resistance Gypsum Blocks for Scheduling
EB 835 Soil Evaluation for Subsurface Sewage Disposal
EC 623 Land Drainage for Conservation
EC 628 How to Take a Soil Sample
and Why
EC 770 OSU Soil Test for Nitrate Nitrogen
EC 795 Soil Management in Non-Irrigated Orchards
EC 813 How to Estimate Capacity for Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
WRAES 48 Stretching Irrigation Water Supplies
WRAES 54 Measuring Well Water Levels
WRAES 61 Reduce TillageConserve Energy and Increase
SB 610 Recycling Nitrogen and Sulfur in Grass-Clover Pastures
SB 629 Capillary Flow in Agricultural Drainage
CI 628 Consumptive Use and Net Irrigation Requirements for
Cl 650 Liming for Filbert Production in Western Oregon
PNW 75 Rural Preparedness for Swine Producers
For sa/e only: Send orders and payment to the Extension Business Oftice, Extension HaIl 118, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331.
Swine Producer's Handbook, containing 39 leaflets,
loose-leaf notebook, $8 per copy, plus $1.50 mailing.
Weed control
For complete information on weed control recommendations,
see Pest Control Handbooks, page 3.
EB 738 Ragweed
EC 745 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations for Commercial Orchards
EC 746 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations for Commercial Vegetable Crops
EC 747 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations for Commercial Small Fruit Crops
EC 796 Tansy Ragwort: An Increasing Problem
in Western
EC 902 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations for Grass
and Legume Seed Crops
Please note quantity limitations to ordering on page 1. If you
need a complete set of the following fact sheets on individual
weeds, please send $2.50. Make checks payable to the Oregon
State University Extension Service. You may use the order blank
at the end of this list.
FS 20 Weed Control on Highway Shoulders, Fence Rows and
FS 29 Bull Thistle
FS 30 Bur Chervil
FS 31 Catchweed
FS 32 Cattails
FS 34 Chicory
FS 35 Cocklebur
FS 36 Corn Cockle
ES 37 Cow Cockle
ES 38 Dodder
ES 39 Henbit
ES 40 Horseweed
ES 41 Knotweed
ES 42 Little Bur
ES 43 Matchweed
ES 44 Narrow-leaved Milkweed
ES 45 Purple Filare
ES 46 Purple Mustard
ES 47 Scouring Rush
ES 48 Shoestring Weed
ES 49 Showy Milkweed
ES 50 St. Johnswort
FS 51 Wild Oats
ES 52 Yellow Star Thistle
FS 76 Weed Control in Crimson Clover Seed Eields
FS 188 Timing of Selective Herbicide Applications
ES 203 Jointed Goat Grass
ES 204 Sand Bur
ES 205 Canada Thistle
ES 206 Corn Gromwell
ES 217 Controlling Hard-to-Kill Weeds in Landscaped Areas
ES 218 Weed Control in Lawns and Flower Beds
ES 219 Weed Control in Home Orchards and Vegetable Gardens
PNW 101 Larkspur
PNW 102 Death Weed or Poverty Weed
PNW 103 Scotch Broom
PNW 104 Death Camas
PNW 105 Horsetail
PNW 107 Gorse
PNW 108 Poison Oak and Ivy
PNW 109 Water Hemlock
PNW 115 Eield Bindweed
PNW 116 Hoary Cress
PNW 117 Common and False Dandelion
PNW 133 Puncturevine
PNW 134 Longspine Sandbur
PNW 135 Yellow Toldflax and Dalmation Toadflax
PNW 175 Tansy Ragwort
Cl 658 Annual Weed Control in Furrow-Irrigated Mint
Cl 665 Control of Tansy Ragwort in Western Oregon Pastures
with 2,4-D
CI 683 Selectivity and Efficacy of Diuron for Weed Control in
only: Send orders and payment to the Extension Business Oftice, Extension Hall 118, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331.
EB 697 Trees to Know in Oregon. 96 pages, illustrated, 750
per copy, plus 50c1 mailing charge (or single copies. Shipping
charges on quantities will be billed at cost.
Woodland Handbook for the Pacific Northwest. 431 pages.
A guidebook for Pacific Northwest woodland management.
$7.50 per copy, postpaid.
Regenerating Oregon's Forests. 290 pages, illustrated, $9.50
per copy, plus 500 per copy for shipping. This is a comprehensive reference on reforestation, useful throughout the North-
For sale
Harvesting and roads
EC 858 Timber Harvesting Options
EC 859 Rocking Woodland Roads
EC 885 Seeding to Control Erosion Along Forest Roads
EC 956 Logging Woodland Properties
PNW 125 Building Woodland Roads
Identification and conservation
EB 785 Ferns to Know in Oregon
ES 827 The Impact of Timber Harvest on Soil and Water Resources
EC 553 Western Oregon Shrub Quiz
EC 554 Western Oregon Shrub QuizKey
EC 566 Oregon Tree Quiz
EC 567 Oregon Tree QuizKey
EC 615 Eastern Oregon Shrub Quiz
EC 616 Eastern Oregon Shrub Quiz--Key
PNW 72 Land, Water, Trees, and PeopleA forest conservation tour guide
PNW 195 Impacts of Forest Practices on Surface Erosion
Management and marketing
EB 834 Economic Aspects of Reforestation Planning on Woodland Properties
EC 898 Forest Property Taxation in Eastern Oregon
PNW 97 Most Profitable Cutting Age for Douglas-Fir
PNW 119 SalvageIts Role in Forest Management
PNW 149 Clearcuttingin the Douglas-Fir Region of the Pacific
PNW 184 Thinning: an introduction to a timber management
EC 798 Forest Grazing
EC 820 How to Recognize Frost Damage in Forest Trees .
and what to do about it.
FS 164 Douglas-fir Needle Midges
ES 214 Douglas-fir Tussock Moth Control by the Homeowner
PNW 5 Trees Against the Wind
PNW 33 Plant Your Trees Right
PNW 99 Shelterwood Cutting for Natural Forest Regeneration
Wood processing
EB 833 Air Drying Lumber
Clothing and textiles
ES 837 Create the Look You Like-With Texture
EB 838 Create the Look You Like-With Line
EC 576 Making Shirts for the Men of the Family
EC 892 Decisions About Recycling Clothing
EC 893 Sewing EquipmentWhat Do You Need?
EC 894 Basic Handsewing Stitches
EC 895 Cutting Skills for Garment Construction
EC 897 The Structure of Woven, Knit, and Other Fabrics
EQ 922 Plain Seams and Seam Finishing
EC 923 Ease and Gathers
EC 924 Pressing
EC 926 Insulate Yourself with Clothes
EC 930 Darts
EC 933 Hems
EC 940 Zippers-Centered and Lapped Applications
EC 944 Facings and Enclosed Seams
EC 946 Analyzing the Color, Design and Texture of Fabric
EC 980 Set-in Sleeves
EC 981 Topstitched Seams
EC 985 Complex Seams for Woven Fabrics
FS 233 Making Pressing Pads
PNW 123 Always Attractive in Your Elderly Years
PNW 124 Clothing for Senior Citizens
PNW 166 Removing Stains From Fabrics
PNW 187 Sewing with Stripes, Checks, and Plaids
PNW 192 Interfacings
Families and children
EC 814 Woman's Role in Her Husbands Retirement
EC 990 In the Middle Years: Facing Adulthood
EC 991 Learning is Child's Play (Introduction)
EC 992 Learning is Child's Play (Attribute Blocks)
EC 993 Learning is Child's Play (Comparison Blocks)
EC 994 Learning is Child's Play (Color Blocks)
EC 995 Learning is Child's Play (Number Puzzle)
EC 996 Learning is Child's Play (Learning Squares)
EC 997 Learning is Child's Play (Color Lotto)
EC 998 Learning is Child's Play (Matching Board)
EC 999 Learning is Child's Play (Feelie Bag)
EC 1000 Learning is Child's Play (Sound Cans)
PNW 61 Family Communication
PNW 64 Child Guidance Techniques
PNW 83 Helping Children Develop Responsibility
PNW 87 Facing the Middle Years
PNW 88 DeathA Family Crisis
PNW 127 The Family Council
PNW 168 Facts and Fallacies of Aging
PNW 196 Growing Older: Sensory Changes
Family finance
EB 803 Compare Cost per Serving To Stretch Your Food
EB 809 When Death Comes
EB 821 Maintaining Your Family Business Records
EB 822 30 Days to Reality (credit cards)
EB 832 The Family and The Law
EC 686 Your Weekly Food Bill
EC 735 The Growing World of Packaging
EC 739 Guarantees and Adjustments
EC 799 Nine Ways to Shop Smarter
EC 815 Consumer Protection
EC 823 Buying a Used Car
EC 920 Consumer Service Directory
EC 984 Shopper's Survival Kit
WREP 3 Computerized Grocery CheckoutHow Does It Work?
Cl 670 Corvallis Food Shopping Survey, Summer 1977
Food preservation and storage
EC 685 Making Berry Syrups at Home
EC 864 Home Freezing of Fruits and Vegetables
EC 889 Drying Fruits and Vegetables at Home
PNW 169 Prepared and Precooked Foods for the Freezer
PNW 183 Fish Pickling for Home Use
PNW 194 Canning Seafood
FS 21 Canning Tuna and Salmon at Home
ES 230 How to Store Pumpkins and Squash at Home
ES 232 Making Dried Fruit Leather
FS 146 Home Drying of Prunes, Filberts and Walnuts
SG 7 Home Freezing of Seafood
Foods and nutrition
EB 823 Family FoodFruit and Vegetables
EB 824 Family FoodMeat and Meat Foods
EB 825 Family FoodMilk
EB 826 Dry Milk in Every Meal
EB 828 Cooking for One in the Senior Years
EC 667 Adventures in Salad Making
EC 696 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Availability in Oregon
EC 740 Vary Meals with Variety Meats
EC 776 Focus on NutritionCooking Information
EC 777 Focus on NutritionEveryone Needs Breakfast
EC 778 Focus on NutritionSuper Snacks that Count
EC 781 Focus on NutritionE-Z ways with Fruits and Vegetables
EC 809 Nutritive Values of Native Foods of Warm Springs
EC 826 Focus on NutritionCreating a Meal in a Dish
EC 827 Focus on NutritionServe Vegetables
EC 828 Focus on NutritionMini-Meals
EQ 830 Girth Control
EC 873 A Daily Food Guide
PNW 45 Choosing and Using Western Vegetables
PNW 54 Good Eating with Beef
PNW 59 Food Facts Versus Fads
FS 5 Using Quick Rolled Wheat and Oats
ES 116 Cooking With Ready-Made Mix
ES 124 Rice is Good for Family Meals
ES 141 Dry Split Peas Make Good Meals
ES 170 A Guide for Buying Oregon Fish and Shellfish
ES 181 Cooking with Lentils
ES 226 Making American-Type Cheese at Home
ES 227 Making Soft Cheeses at Home
ES 231 Nutritional Needs of Oral Contraceptive Users
SB 611 Rye Flour Volatiles (Secale Cereale)
EC 631 Spray Schedule for Home Orchards
EC 653 Selecting and Preparing Vegetables for Exhibit
EC 733 Pruning the Home Orchard
EC 766 Gooseberry & Currant Culture
EC 768 Growing Strawberries
EC 797 Growing Rhubarb in Oregon
EC 819 Growing Tree Fruits and Nuts in the Home Orchard
EC 824 Soil and Water Management for Home Gardens
EQ 871 Home and Farm Vegetable Garden
EC 874 Grow Your Own Vegetables
EC 875 Grow Your Own Beets
EC 876 Grow Your Own Cabbage
EC 877 Grow Your Own Carrots
EC 878 Grow Your Own Corn
EC 879 Grow Your Own Greens
EQ 880 Grow Your Own Kohirabi, Turnips and Rutabagas
EC 881 Grow Your Own Lettuce
EC 882 Grow Your Own Peppers
EC 883 Grow Your Own Radishes
EC 884 Vegetable Garden Plan
EC 886 Grow Your Own Green Beans
EC 890 Garden Mulches and Compost
EC 1004 Growing Potatoes in the Home Garden
EC 1005 Pruning to Restore an Old, Neglected Apple Tree
FS 53 Tomatoes in the Garden
FS 85 Apple Scab Control in Home Gardens
FS 138 Garlic for the Garden
FS 139 Blossom-End Rot of Tomatoes
FS 198 Bitterness in Cucumbers
FS 220 Collecting and Storing Seeds from Your Garden
FS 225 Producing Transplants at Home
ES 242 Discourage Plant Diseases in Your Home Garden
ES 246 Constructing Coldframes and Hotbeds
PNW 13 Arranging Flowers
PNW 171 Building Hobby Greenhouses
WRAES 102 Hobby Greenhouse Design Notes
Health and safety
EC 801 Poisonous Plants Encountered in Oregon
EC 831 Dental Health for Adults
EC 989 Home Fire Safety Checklist
EC 1011 Health Insurance
ES 27 Reduce Christmas Fire Hazard
Household equipment
EC 855 How to Build a Portable Electric Food Dehydrator
EC 896 Choosing and Using A Slow Cooker
EC 915 Choosing and Using Your Electric Skillet
EC 927 Facts About Blenders
EC 928 Facts About Drip-filter Coffee Makers
EC 929 Facts About Vacuum Cleaners
EC 932 Facts About Toasters and Toaster Ovens
EC 937 Facts About MixersIn Hand or On Stand
EC 938 Choosing and Using Your Microwave Oven
EC 941 Facts About Electric Irons
EC 982 Facts About Dishwashers
Housing and home furnishings
EC 698 Longer Life for Your Rugs and Upholstery
EC 804 Storage Accessories on a Low Cost Budget
EC 833 Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
FS 10 Controlling Moss on Roofs
ES 128 Care of Wood Finishes
ES 149 What to Look for When Renting a House or Apartment
ES 192 Home Plumbing Problems
ES 236 Planning Kitchen Area Wiring
PNW 47 Better Kitchen Storage
PNW 126 Care of Housewares and Surfaces in the Home
PNW 136 Design Considerations in Mobile Homes
PNW 137 Homesites Considerations
PNW 138 Mobile Home Construction Requirements
PNW 141 Be an Aware ShopperRugs and Carpets
PNW 142 Be an Aware ShopperWood Furniture
PNW 143 Be an Aware ShopperUpholstered Furniture
PNW 144 Be an Aware ShopperDraperies and Curtains
PNW 145 Furniture Restoration
PNW 147 Choosing Resilient Floor Coverings
PNW 153 Storage for New or Remodeled Homes
PNW 162 Storage for Kids Stuff
WRAES Cat. 1 Vacation and Leisure Home Design Ideas (27
WRAES 39 Home Remodeling: The Decision
WRAES 40 Kitchen Lighting
WRAES 96 Home Buyer's Guide: A Checklist
EC 966 Establishing Lawns by Sodding
EC 967 Fertilizing Home Lawns
EC 968 Controlling Weeds in Home Lawns
EC 969 Establishing and Maintaining a Seeded Lawn in Eastern Oregon
EC 970 Grasses for Oregon Lawns
Spanish language publications
EC 776-S Enfoque en Nutricion Informacion de Cocina
EC 799-S Nueve Modo de Comprar Comidas con Agudeza
EC 815-S Proteccion del Consumidor
EC 891-S Como Renovar Ropa con Rehacer o con Cambiar el
EC 899 Como Figurar el Costo Monetario de Credito
EC 900 ,Que Es el Credito?
EC 901 Que Hacer y Qui No Hacer
EC 903 Donde Obtener Credito
EC 904 ,Debe Used Usar el Credito?
EC 905 Su Contracto de Credito
EC 920-S Directorio de Servicios Para el Consumidor
PNW 156-S Poda y Guia de Manzanos y Perales
WRAES 1 Como Reparar La Ventiadura Al Rededor Del Fregadero, El Bano, o El Bano De Regardero
WRAES 2 Como Reprarar Puertas
WRAES 3 Como Reprarar Los Cajones
WRAES 4 Como Reprarar Una Liave Oue Gotea
WRAES 5 Como Reprarar Agujeros En La Pared De Yeso
WRAES 6 Las Tomas Electricas
WRAES 7 Como Reprarar Alambreas
WRES 8 Clavos, Tornillos, y Pernos (Tornillos Con Tuerca)
WRAES 9 Como Instalar Azulejos
WRAES 10 Como Usar Herramientas Basicas
WRAES 11 Como Reponer Un Vidrio Quebrado
Marine Resources
For sale only: Send orders and payment to the Extension Business Office, Extension Hall 118, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331.
Manual 2 Identifying Oregon Driftwood. 48 pages, illustrated,
$1.25 per copy, plus 500 mailing charge for single
Manual 3 Boating in Coastal Waters. 52 pages, illustrated,
$1.00 per copy, plus 500 mailing charge for single
SG 13 Oyster Farming
SB 621 Netarts Bay Chum Salmon HatcheryAn Experiment in
Ocean Ranching
SB 627 Intensive Culture of the Pacific Oyster crassoslrea
gigas (Thunberg), In Heated Effluents
Business and Economics
Sc 11 Incorporating a Fishing Business
SG 19 Organizing and Operating a Fishing Cooperative
SG 20 The Fisherman as Borrower
SG 29 How to Calculate Profit in a Fishing Business
SG 34 Analyzing a New Marine Business
SG 38 How to Meet Your Federal Employer Tax Requirements
SG 39 The Tax Aspects of Disposing of Business Assets
SG 48 What Are Salmon Worth?
SG 59 Making Good Use of Your MoneyMarine Business
EC 965 Oregon's Seafood IndustryIts Importance to Oregon's Economy
Cl 627 Economics of the Dungeness Crab Industry
Engineering and technology
SG 23 Preventing Decay in Wood Boats
SG 41 Radar Reflectors for Boats
SG 42 Using Multimeters on Boats
SG 43 Outboard Motor Maintenance Tips
SG 46 Cathodic Protection for Boats in Saltwater
SG 47 Loran-C Receivers: Making the Decision
SG 49 Recognizing and Controlling Marine Wood Borers
SG 50 What You Should Know About Loran-C Receivers
SG 54 How to Get the Most Out of Loran-C
SG 55 Control of Wood Rot in Waterfront Structures
SG 56 Loran-C Receivers: Financial Considerations of Conversion
PASGAP 9 Net Mending and Patching
PASGAP 13 Storage Batteries for Boats
SB 608 Hydraulic Fishing Machinery Systems for Outboard
Motor-Powered Boats
SB 613 An Effective Combination Trawl for West Coast Draggers; Atlantic-Western Trawis
Cl 630 A Long-Line Crab Pot System
Natural resources
SG 8 Continental Shelf Sediment Otf Oregon
SG 9 Phytoplankton, Grass of the Sea
SG 16 Oregon's Nearshore Ocean
SG 25 Understanding Tides
SG 35 Oregon's Ever-Changing Coastline
SG 40 A Bird in Hand (poster)
SG 45 Today's Youth in Tomorrow's Sea
SG 52 Gray Whales
SG 53 Watching Whales
SG 14 Bottomfishing off Oregon
SG 28 Oregon's Captivating Clams
SG 30 Catching, Cleaning, and Cooking Bay Crabs
SG 2 Join the Wake Watchers (poster)
SG 3 So You're Going To The Beach
Sc 26 Getting Hurt on the Winter Beach (poster)
Sc 27 Watch Your Step (poster)
Sc 33 Six Ways to Sink Your Boat
SG 44 Marine Fires: Preventing Them; Fighting Them
SG 51 Enjoy the Beachesin Safety
SG 57 Coastal Bars Can Be Dangerous
SG 58 Flotsam, Jetsam and Wrack
PASGAP 7 First Aid for Fishermen (chart)
PASGAP 12 Man in Cold Water (survival)
WRAES 80 Controlling Fires on Pleasure Boats
Seafood technology
SG 21 Cleaning and Sanitizing Agents for Seafood Processing
SG 22 Preparation of Salt Brines for the Fishing Industry
SG 32 Life Begins at 40 F: How to Use a Seafood-Handlers
You are invited to visit, write, or phone your Extension office for
formation, publications, or other assistance. In Gilliam County, for example,
the office is in the Courthouse, but it you write, address the Gilliam County
Extension Office, P. 0. Box 707, Condon, Oregon 97823.
BAKER-2610 Grove Street, Baker 97814, Ph 523-6373, Ext. 230
BENTON-2720 N. W. Polk, Corvallis 97330, Ph. 757-6750
CLACKAMAS-256 Warner-Mime Rd., Oregon City 97045, Ph. 655-8631
CLATSOP-Post Office, P.O. Box 207, Astoria 97103, Ph. 325-7441, Ext. 50
COLUMBIA-Courthouse, St. Helens 97061, Ph. 397-3462
COOS-Courthouse Annex, 290 North Central, Coquille 97423, Ph. 396-3121,
Ext. 246
CROOK-Courthouse Prineville 97754, Ph. 447-6228
CURRY-County Office Bldg., P.O. Box 488, Gold Beach 97444,
Ph. 247-7011, Ext. 226
DESCHUTES-922 West Highland, P.O. Box 756, Redmond 97756,
Ph. 548-3152
DOUGLAS-1134 SE Douglas Ave., P.O. Box 1165, Roseburg 97470
Ph. 672-4461
GILLIAM-Courthouse, P.O. Box 707, Condon 97823, Ph. 384-2271
GRANT-Courthouse, Canyon CIty 97820, Ph. 575-1911
HARNEY-Courthouse, 450 N. Buena Vista, Burns 97720, Ph. 573-2506
HOOD RIVER-Courthouse, P.O. Box 499, Hood River 97031, Ph. 386-3343
JACKSON-1301 Maple Grove Drive, Medford 97501, Ph. 776-7371
JEFFERSON-Old Courthouse, 530 D St., Madras 97741, Ph 475-3808
-Tribal Office Building, P.O. Box 428, Warm Springs 97761,
Ph. 553-1161, Ext. 47
JOSEPHINE-215 Ringuette St., Grants Pass 97526, Ph. 476-6613
KLAMATH-3328 Vandenberg Rd., Kiamath Falls 97601, Ph. 883-7131
LAKE-Courthouse, Lakeview 97630, Ph. 947-2279
LANE-950 W. 13th Street, Eugene 97402, Ph. 687-4243
LINCOLN-Courthouse, 225 W. Olive Street, Newport 97365, Ph. 265-6611
LINN-4th & Lyons, P.O. Box 765, Albany 97321, Ph. 967-3871
MALHEUR-710 SW. Fifth, Ontario 97914, Ph. 881-1417
MARION-3180 Center St. N.E., Room 160, Salem 97301, Ph. 588-5301
MORROW-Gilllam & Bisbee Bldg., P.O. Box 397, Heppner 97836,
Ph. 676-9642
MULTNOMAH-1633 SW. Park, Rm. 253, P.O. Box 1261, Portland 97207,
Ph. 229-4830
POLK-316 N. Main Street, Dallas 97338, Ph. 623-8171, Ext. 282
SHERMAN-Courthouse, P.O. Box 385, Moro 97039, Ph. 565-3230
TILLAMOOK-Courthouse, Tillamook 97141, Ph. 842-5511, Ext. 372
UMATILLA-FederaI Land Bank, Box 1107 Pendleton 97801,
Ph. 276-7111, Ext. 235
-Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 105,
Hermiston 97838, Ph. 567-8321
-418 N. Main Street,
P.O. Box E, Miiton-Freewater 97862,
Ph. 938-5597
UNION-4th & Adams Street, P.O. Box 760, La Grande 97850, Ph. 963-8686,
Ext. 259
WALLOWA-Courthouse, P.O. Box 280, Enterprise 97828, Ph. 426-3143
WASCO-Courthouse Annex, P.O. Box 821, The Dallas 97058, Ph. 296-5494
WASHINGTON-Branch Co. Office Bldg., 2448 Tualatin Valley Highway
Courthouse, Hillsboro 97123, Ph 648-8771
WHEELER-Courthouse, P.O. Box 407, Fossil 97830, Ph. 763-4115
YAMHILL-Rm. 42, Courthouse, McMinnville 97128, Ph 472-9371, Ext. 251
Extension's programs and services are available
equally to all people.
Extension offices in other states will be listed in local telephone directories
usually under 'county offices."
OR HEO/ExO 8P96 : 980 c 3
Publication5 list (Oregon
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Publications list /
Oregon State Library
To: Bulletin Mailing Service
Industrial Building
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Please send me a copy of each of the publications
listed below:
(Please note limitationssee page 1.)
Zip Code
July 1980
Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
Henry A. Wadsworth, director. This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30. 1914. Extension work is a
cooperative program of Oregon State University, the U. S.
Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties. Extension invites participation in ts programs and offers them
equally to all people, without discrimination.