lI I
listed here are available from
your County Extension Agent or from the Bulletin Mailing Service, Industrial Building, Oregon
State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. Your
Extension agent can assist you on specific problems not covered in the bulletins. Oregon Extension offices are listed on page 23.
Distribution Policies
(Please observe limitations)
Oregon residents: Single copies of most publications are free. Please limit your order to
5 or 6 titles of current interest, then order
other titles later as you need them. Do not build
a pennanent reference file of these publications.
Many are revised each year and you will want
to be sure you have the latest edition.
Nonresidents: We cannot make free (listribution of publication outside Oregon. Your state
can provide publications on most of these topics,
and recommendations will be tailored to fit local
conditions. We will quote prices on request.
There is no standing price list since costs vary
with each printing.
Students: Please make use of reference files in
your library as much as possible. Our bulletins
are on file in the libraries of all land-grant colleges and universities, in many foreign schools,
and in most Oregon high schools.
Libraries: Exchanges are managed by the Oregon
State University Library, Serials Department.
Quantity orders: When supplies permit, we will
sell quantities at the approximate production
cost. The publications are not to be altered or
imprinted in any way. For quotation, address
Editor, Agricultural Experiment Station or
OSU Extension Service, as appropriate. (Note
series explanation on page 2.) There is no
standing price list.
In ordering bulletins always
specify the series letters, numbers,
and the full title.
Publication Series
EBExtension Bulletin
ECExtension Circular
FSExtension Fact Sheet
PNWPacific Northwest Extension
(Oregon- U/ash inqton-Irlaho)
BPBuilding Plan
FR and FGFertilizer Guide Sheets
RPRange Plant Identification
SGSea Grant
PASGAPPacific Sea Grant
Advisory Publication
(Pacific Coast S7atcs)
HandbooksSee description on page 2
Experiment Station
SBExperiment Station Bulletin
ClExperiment Station Circular of
*_Astei.jsk indicates new publication
since last 1istini.
Technical Bulletins
Experiment Station Technical Bulletins, written for research workers and organized in standard technical report style, report research which
has been completed. Single copies will be mailed
free to Oregon residents and to research workers
upon request. For a list of these publications, write
to the Bulletin Mailing Service. For bulk order
prices, write to the Experiment Station Editor,
AdS 416-R. Non-U.S. orders can be subject to
publication mailing charges.
Pest Control Handbooks
The OSU Extension Service compiles comprehensive control handbooks, revising them an-
nuallv. These are completed by mid-April and
usually are out of print by mid-summer. Send
orders and payment to the OSU Bookstores, Inc.,
Box 491, Corvallis, Oregon 97330. Price is $4 per
hook, plus 35i per copy for wrapping and mailing.
Weed Control Handbook
Orc!Jon Plant I )iscase Control Handbook
Oregon Insect Control Handbook
EC 540 Feeding Calves for Veal
EC 601 Oregon's Goal: Complete Eradication of Brucellosis
*EC 767 Livestock Marketing HandbookDressed Costs
and Shrinkage Tables
SB 584 Winter Feeding and Management of Range
SB 597 The Feeding Value of Screenings from Ryegrass
FS 107 Vibriosis in Range Cattle
FS 108 Nitrates in Cattle Feeding
FS 167 The Face Fly
FS 169 Pinkeye in Cattle
EC 720 Mastitis Prevention
PNW 66 Rural Preparedness for Dairymen
PNW 69 Milking Management
PNW 70 Leukocytes in Milk... Questions and Answers
PNW 71 Housing for Dairy Calves
FS 155 Corn Silage for Dairy Cattle
FS 156 Selecting and Providing Dairy Sires
FS 159 Urea for Dairy Cows
FS 173 Ketosis in Dairy Cows
FS 177 Milk Production Costs in Oregon
*FS 187 Dairy Cow Nutrition
*F5 189 Increasing Dairy Efficiency
'FS 191 Protein in Dairy Nutrition
*FS 194 Energy for Dairy Cows
SB 575 Economics of Bulk Milk Dispensers for Home
LB 772 Ranchers, Ranges, and Cows
*EB 802 Improvement of Beef Through Breeding
EC 752 Evaluation and Judging of Beef Cattle
PNW 67 Rural Preparedness for Beef Producers
FS 70 Beef Herd Production Testing
SB 594 Economics Analysis of Beef Cattle Prices in the
United States and Oregon
SB 603 Performance of Hereford and Charolais X
Hereford Crossbred Cattle in Eastern Oregon
EC 641 Sore Mouth in Lambs and Kids
*EC 800 Internal and External Parasites of Sheep
PNW 74 Rural Preparedness for Sheep Producers
EC 654 So You Want to Raise Hogs
EC 659 Management Recommendations for the Sow and
EC 660 Management Recommendations for the Swine
Breeding Herd
PNW 75 Rural Preparedness for Swine Producers
Send orders and payment to the Extension
Business Office, Extension HaIl 118, Oregon State tJni-
For sale only:
versity, Corvallis 97331.
Manual 1 Livestock Poisoning Plants of Oregon. 126
pages, illustrated, $1.50 per copy.
EB 652 OSU Brooder Houses
EB 659 Green Feed, Sod and Pasture for Chickens and
EB 673 Culling the Poultry Flock
*EC 744 Feeding Laying and Breeding Hens
EB 752 Better Eggs
EB 782 Judging Poultry and Eggs
EC 589 Cannabilism in Poultry
EC 761 The Home Unit Poultry Flock
PNW 68 Rural Preparedness for Poultry Producers
SB 498 Chicken Hatching Egg Production
EB 602 Brooding and Rearing Turkeys
EB 644 Management of Turkey Breeding Stock
EB 756 Erysipelas of Turkeys
EC 563 An Individual Turkey Nest
CI 543 Questions and Answers on Artificial Insemination
of Turkeys
(See also subject matter headings.)
EB 751 Beef Cattle Equipment
EB 813 Soil Fumigation Equipment
EB 818 A Home-Built Food Dehydrator
EC 760 Planning for a Liquid Manure Disposal System
for a Livestock Enterprise
*EC 763 Planning Animal Waste Disposal Systems
*EC 810 Facts on the New Oregon Builder & Subcontractor Registration Law
PNW 12 Feed Handling Equipment
PNW 100 Pole-Type Structures: Planning Guide for
Various Sizes, Rafter Styles, and Strength Re-
PNW 112 The Hobby Greenhouse
FS 10 Controlling Moss on Roofs
FS 75 Equipment Recommendations for Spraying Wettable Powders
FS 109 Guide to Selection and Use of Orchard Man-
Positioning Machines
FS 166 Sweet Cherry Mechanical Harvesters in Oregon
SB 599 Costs of Operating Various Sizes and Types of
Tractors in Marion County, Oregon
*SB 609 Limitations of Single- and Multi-man Platform
Harvesting Aids
CI 605 The Oregon Press Seeder
BP 3 One Room Milk House
BP 4 One Room Milk House
BP 5 Milk Room and Parlor
BP 7 Milk Room and Parlor
BP 16 Utility Shed
BP 17 Turkey Breeding Shelter
BP 18 Grain Elevator (Sheets 1, 2, & 3)
BP 22 Portable Hog Feeder
BP 24 Cattle Feeding Shelter
BP 25 Open Air Laying House (Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 26 Community Nest
BP 27 Pole-Frame Poultry House (Sheets 1, 2, 3, & 4)
BP 28 Poultry Range House
BP 29 Wire Cage Laying Shelter
BP 30 Open Laying House 20' x 20'
BP 31 Range Shelter
BP 32 Portable Mash Bin
BP 33 Twenty-Four Foot Nailed Roof Truss (Sheets
1 & 2)
BP 33 Pole Frame (Sheet 3)
BP 33 Roof Construction for Twin Pole Frame Silo
(Sheet 4)
BP 34 Milk and Milking Room
BP 35 Three Way Sheep Cutting Gates
BP 36 Six Corrals for Beef Cattle (Sheets 1, 2, & 3)
BP 37 California Type Cage Laying Houses (Sheets
1 & 2)
BP 41 Farrowing Stall
BP 43 Self Feeder for Hogs
BP 44 Central Farrowing House (Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 45 Central Farrowing House (Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 46 Pig Production Plant (Sheets 1, 2, & 3)
BP 47 Cattle Holding Chute and Head Gates
BP 48 Movable Calf Creep Feeder
BP 49 Movable Calf Creep Feeder
BP 50 Calf Creep Feeder
BP 51 Shed Roof ConstructionType D
BP 52 Shed Roof ConstructionType C
BP 53 Shed Roof ConstructionType B
BP 54 Shed Roof ConstructionType A
BP 55 Fence-Line Feeder for CattleType A
BP 56 Cattle Feeding Shelter (Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 58 Broiler House 40-0" Wide 10'-O" Multiples Long
(Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 59 Broiler House 30'-O" Wide 10'-O" Multiples Long
(Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 60 Broiler House 40-0"
BP 61 Broiler House 30'-O"
BP 62 A 48-Foot Trussed Rafter
BP 63 Cattle Handling Corrals (Sheets I & 2)
BP 64 Tilting Calf Table (Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 65 Sheep Shed (Sheets 1 & 2)
BP 66 Weighing Crate for Sheep
BP 67 Plywood Storage Rack or Cart
BP 68 Picnic Table
BP 69 Irrigation Pipe Trailer
BP 70 Portable Lumber Rack
BP 71 Hoisting Frame
BP 73 Plastic Covered Greenhouse
BP 74 Forty Foot Truss
BP 75 Portable Step-Ramp
BP 76 Heavy Duty Horse Trailer
BP 78 Twenty-eight Foot Single Cantilever Shed
BP 79 Thirty-six Foot Double Cantilever Roof
BP 80 Baled Hay Conveyor
BP 81 Stretched Wire Colony Cage House
BP 82 Separate Stalls for Loafing Sheds
BP 84 Portable Plastic Greenhouse
BP 85 Hoof Trimming Table
BP 86 Utility Flat Bed Trailer
BP 87 Shade House
BP 88 Cattle Hay Bunks (Long Hay)
BP 89 Hoof Trimming Cradle for Sheep
BP 90 Cattle GuardConcrete and Wood
BP 91 Cattle GuardWood Construction
BP 92 Cattle GuardConcrete and Steel
BP 93 Tilting Sheep Squeeze
BP 94 Pole Type Saddle Horse Barn
BP 95 The Eicher Self-Feeder
BP 96 Portable Foot Bath for Sheep
BP 97 Sheep Corral
BP 98 Floor Plan-Sheep Shearing Shed
BP 99 Saddle Racks
BP 100 Shearing Shed Floor Plan
BP 101 Sheep Corral
BP 102 Horse Barn
BP 103 Swine Finishing House
BP 104 Cattle Feeding Rack
*BP 105 Chute and Corral Layout for Artificial Insemination For Beef Cattle
*BP 106 Lamb Creep Feeder
PNW 43 Weed Seed Screens for Irrigation Systems
PNW 63 Sprinkler Irrigation in the Pacific Northwest
EB 769 Soil Judging from the Ground Up
EB 774 Applying Fertilizer Through Sprinkler Systems
EB 789 Safeguarding Rural Water Supplies
EB 808 Quality of Irrigation Water
EB 810 Electrical Resistance Gypsum Blocks for Scheduling Irrigations
BC 607 Drainage Around Homes on Level Ground
EC 623 Land Drainage for Conservation
*EC 628 How to Take a Soil Sample and Why
EC 712 Fertilize in the Fall
*EC 770 OSU Soil Test for Nitrate Nitrogen
*EC 813 How to Estimate Capacity for Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
SB 492 Drainage Practices for Oregon
SB 558 Improving Irrigation in Eastern Oregon
*SB 610 Recycling Nitrogen and Sulfur in Grass-Clover
CI 593 Ammonia Nitrogen Loss from Sprinkler Applications
CI 628 Consumptive Use and Net Irrigation Requirements for Oregon
Fertilizer Guides
Note: The "FR" series will be designated "Jbi" (IS reVisionS
or' printed. This series consists of Siflgle sheets intended as a
quide for fertili,ing specific crops, The'' are revised frequently,
s we suqqest \'U order on/v those of immediate interest. A
r, 'f'ren cc flew mild son be obsolete. If you have need of the
entire set of cmerrentiv available guides, please enclose $2 with
your order. Mae checks payable to the Oregon State University Lxtensm in . civ 'ice.
*FG 1 Irrigated Clover Grass Pastures (Western Ore-
gon-West of Cascades)
FR 2 Improved Nonirrigated Pastures (Coast Counties)
FG 3 Liming Materials for Oregon
FG 4 Subclover-Grass Pastures (Western OregonWest
of Cascades)
FG 5 Annual Ryegrass Seed (Western OregonWest of
FG 6 Fine Fescue Seed (Western OregonWest of
FG 7 Highland Bent Grass SeedAlso Astoria and
Exeter (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 8 Spring Grains (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 9 Winter Wheat (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 10 Field Corn (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 11 Sweet Corn (Western OregonWest of
FG 12 Pole Beans (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 13 Table Beets (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 14 Strawberries (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
*FG 15 PeppermintWestern Oregon-West of Cascades
*FG 17 Red Clover
FO 18 Alfalfa (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FR 19 Irrigated Clover-Grass Pastures (Willamette
FG 20 Alfalfa (Eastern OregonEast of Cascades)
FR 22 Native Meadows
FG 23 Apples (Oregon)
FG 24 Prunes (Oregon)
FO 25 Sweet Cherries (Oregon)
*FG 26 Pears (Oregon)
FG 27 Broccoli (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 28 Bush Beans (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 29 Carrots (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 30 Crimson Clover-Vetch-Austrian Peas (Western
OregonWest of Cascades)
FR 32 Fine Fescue (Northeastern Oregon)
FR 33 Wheat (Northeastern Oregon)
FG 34 Filberts (Oregon)
FG 35 Walnuts (Oregon)
FG 36 Tall Fescue (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 37 Irrigated Spring-Planted Small Grains (Eastern
OregonEast of Cascades)
FR 38 Irrigated Pastures (Central Oregon)
FG 39 Irrigated Potatoes (Eastern OregonEast of
FG 40 Irrigated Semi-Dwarf Wheat (Eastern Oregon
East of Cascades)
FG 44 Blue Grass Seed (Western OregonWest of
FG 45 Orchard Grass Seed (Western OregonWest of
FG 46 Perennial Ryegrass Seed (Western Oregon
West of Cascades)
FG 47 Turf Grass (Oregon)
FG 48 Loganberries, Boysenberries, and Marion Black-
berries (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 49 Red Raspberries (Western OregonWest of
FG 50 Black Raspberries (Blackcaps) (Western OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 51 Thorniess
OregonWest of Cascades)
FG 52 Fertilizer Materials and Soil Amendments
*FG 53 Peaches (Oregon)
EB 806 Fertilizer Recommendations fr Wheat in the
Columbia Basin of Oregon
EB 811 Orchardgrass Seed Production in Oregon
EB 814 Field Corn Production in Oregon
EC 748 Background on Oregon's Grass and Legume Seed
EC 753 Lane Oats
EC 754 Casbon Barley
EC 755 Yamhill Wheat
FS 65 High Quality Seeds Cost You Less
FS 66 Why Grow Certified Seed?
FS 93 Suggestions for Peppermint Wilt Control
FS 119 Producing & Marketing Clean Grain
FS 174 Northwest Wheat Farm Income in a Decade of
*FS 184 Inoculating Alfalfa and Clover Seed
SB 572 Government Programs for Agriculture . . . for
SB 577 Wheat Farming in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
Part 1. Major Characteristics of Agriculture
SB 578 Wheat Farming in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
Part 2. Costs and Returns on Specialized WheatSummerfallow Farms
SB 583 Wheat Farming in the Columbia Basin of Oregon
Part 3. Impact of Proposed Wheat Programs on
a Specialized Wheat-Summerfallow Farm
SB 585 An Economic Analysis of Ryegrass Seed .
Prices, Production, Movement
SB 600 Forty Years of Testing Grass and Legume Va-
rieties for Seed Yields in Oregon
SB 601 Fertilizing Kentucky Bluegrass and Fine Fescue
for Seed Production in Northeast Oregon
CI 573 Profitability of Field Crop Rotations in Umatilla
CI 607 Summary Report . . . Wheat Fertilization Experiments in the Columbia Basin 1953-57
CI 610 Winter Wheat Fertilization in Northeast Oregon
CI 612 Gaines . . . A Semidwarf Winter Wheat for the
Pacific Northwest
CI 614 Performance of Barley, Oat, and Wheat Varieties Tested in Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa
CI 616 The Potential of Oil Crops on Diverted Wheat
CI 619 Sulfur and Phosphorus Fertilization of Alfalfa
and Clover in Northeast Oregon
CI 620 Performance of Wheat, Oat, and Barley Varieties
Tested at the Southern Oregon Experiment Station
CI 621 Small Grain Varieties for Oregon
CI 623 Time Isolation as a Safeguard to Varietal Purity
in Perennial Ryegrass, and Orchardgrass, Corvallis, Oregon
CI 626 Cougar Kentucky Bluegrass
634 Effects of Fertilizers and Lime on the Establishment of Subterranean Clover
*CI 635 Seed Production of Arrowleaf Clover in Western Oregon
FS 120 Range SeedingsSuccess or Failure
PNW 73 Pacific Northwest Range . . Its Nature and
*EC 806 Growing Alfalfa in Western Oregon
EB 770 Grass Is the Wealth
EB 780 Range Robbers . . . Undesirable Range Plants
SB 588 Forecasting Range Herbage Production in Eastern Oregon
SB 592 Raising Dryland Rye Hay
CI 617 Forage Varieties Recommended for Oregon
CI 625 Alfalfa Variety Tests in the Columbia Basin,
Blue Mountains, and Snake River Valley
Range Plant Series
The "RP" scrics consists of single she/s gi7'ing descriptions
of specific weeds, grasses, shrubs, and trees found on eastern
Oregon range/and. it is intended so/ely as an identification guide
and no culture or control reconusiendations are included.
RP 1 Bitterbrush
RP 2 Foxtail Barley
RP 3 Meadow Barley
RP 4 Cheatgrass Brome
RP 5 Pinegrass
RP 6 Big Sagebrush
RP 7 Sheep Fescue
RP 8 Alfilaria
RP 9 Green Fescue
RP 10 Needle and Thread
RP 11 Manzanita
RP 12 Biscuitroot
RP 13 Bottlebrush Squirreltail
RP 14 Indian Ricegrass
RP 15 Oniongrass
RP 16 Mountain Bromegrass
RP 17 Big-Headed Clover
RP 18 Blue Wild-Rye
RP 19 Idaho Fescue
RP 20 Oregon Grape
RP 21 Mullein
RP 22 Gooseberries
RP 23 Wild Currant
Note limitations on
inside front cover.
If you wish a complete
set of range plant identification sheets, please
send $2. Make checks
payable to Extension
Service, OSU.
RP 24 Slender Wheatgrass
RP 25 Butterweeds
RP 26 Desert Wheatgrass
RP 27 Pearl Everlasting
RP 28 Giant Wild-Rye
RP 29 Nevada Bluegrass
RP 30 Mules Ears
RP 31 Columbia Needlegrass
RP 32 Phlox
RP 33 Cushion Eriogonum or Wild Buckwheat
RP 34 Canada Bluegrass
RP 35 Junegrass
RP 36 Balsamroot
RP 37 Bulbous Bluegrass
RP 38 Indian Paintbrush
RP 39 Saltbrush
RP 40 Mannagrass
RP 41 Puncture Vine
RP 42 Rattlesnake Grass
RP 43 Showy Aster
RP 44 Western Juniper
RP 45 Intermediate Wheatgrass
RP 46 Smooth Brome
RP 47 Timothy
RP 48 Ripgut Brome
RP 49 Orchard Grass
RP 50 Meadow Foxtail
RP 51 TaIl Wheatgrass
RP 52 Tufted Hairgrass
RP 53 Baltic or Wire Rush
RP 54 Elk Sedge
RP 55 Ross Sedge
RP 56 Death Camas
RP 57 Halogeton
RP 58 Wedge-leaf Ceanothus
RP 59 Spiny Hop-Sage
RP 60 Winterfat
RP 61 Broom Snakeweed
RP 62 Snowbrush
RP 63 Saskatoon Serviceberry
RP 64 Cusick Serviceberry
RP 65 Shrubby Cinquefoil
RP 66 Rubber Rabbitbrush
RP 67 Douglas Rabbitbrush
RP 68 Cusick Bluegrass
RP 69 Thurber Needlegrass
RP 70 Bald Brome
RP 71 Big Bluegrass
RP 72 Bittercherry
RP 73 Medusahead Rye
RP 74 Sandberg Bluegrass
RP 75 Bluebunch Wheatgrass
*RP 76 Western Wheatgrass
'RP 77 Beardless Wildrye
Note control handbook announcement inside front cover.
FS 9 Dalmation Toadflax
FS 20 Weed Control on Highway Shoulders, Fence
Rows, and Ditchbanks
FS 29 Bull Thistle
FS 30 Bur Chervil
Note limitations on inFS 31 Catchweed
side front cover.
If you wish a complete
FS 32 Cattails
set of the publications
FS 33 Cheatgrass
on individual weeds,
FS 34 Chicory
please send $2. Make
FS 35 Cocklebur
checks payable to ExFS 36 Corn Cockle
tension Service, OSU.
FS 37 Cow Cockle
FS 38 Dodder
FS 39 Henbit
FS 40 Horseweed
Also available: Weeds
FS 41 Knotweed
of the Pacific NorthFS 42 Little Bur
west, by Helen Gilkey,
OSU professor emeriFS 43 Matchweed
tus of botany. 441
FS 44 Narrow-leaved
pages, illustrated, $6
per copy. Order from
FS 45 Purple Filare
OSU Bookstores, Inc.,
FS 46 Purple Mustard
P.O. Box 491, Corvallis 97330.
FS 47 Scouring Rush
FS 48 Shoestring Weed
FS 49 Showy Milkweed
FS 50 St. Johnswort
FS 51 Wild Oats
FS 52 Yellow Star Thistle
FS 76 Weed Control in Crimson Closer Seed Fields
FS 79 Herbicides as Aids in Establishment of Grasses
for Seed Productions in Western Oregon
FS 133 Chemical Weed Control in Christmas Tree
*FS 188 Timing of Selective Herbicide Applications
PNW 101 Larkspur
PNW 102 Death Weed or Poverty Weed
PNW 103 Scotch Broom
PNW 104 Death Camas
PNW 105 Horsetail
PNW 106 Blue Flowering Lettuce
PNW 107 Gorse
*PNW 114 Tansy Ragwort . . . a Poisonous Weed
EB 519 Canada Thistle
EB 738 Ragweed
EB 759 Evergreen, Himalaya and Wild Blackberry
EB 761 Wild Onion and Garlic
EB 762 Plantains
EC 643 Weed Control Recommendations for Oregon
EC 745 1972 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations
for Commercial Orchards
EC 746 1972 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations
for Commercial Vegetable Crops
EC 747 1972 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations
for Commercial Small Fruit Crops
EC 759 Oregon Weed Control Recommendations for
Grass Seed Crops
*EC 796 Tansy Ragwort: an Increasing Problem in
Western Oregon
*EC 801 Poisonous Plants Encountered in Oregon
*EC 811 Herbicides for Annual Weed Control in Wheat
in Eastern Oregon
For sale only: Send order and payment to the Extension Business Office, Extension Hall 118, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, Or. 97331.
MANUAL 1. Livestock-Poisoning Plants of Oregon.
126 pages, illustrated. $1.50 per copy.
FS 60 Care of Physically Injured Fruit and Nut Trees
FS 118 How To Take a Leaf Sample (For determining
nutrient needs)
FS 142 Market News Service on Fruits and Vegetables
SB 574 The Homeowner Market for Nursery Stock,
Plants, Supplies and Equipment
SB 593 Potential Fresh Market Outlets for Oregon
Vegetables and Small Fruits
CI 613 The Changing Pacific Northwest Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry
Fruits and Nuts
EC 631 Spray Schedule for Home Orchards
PNW 121 Nutrient Disorders in Tree Fruits
EC 733 Pruning the Home Orchard
*EC 795 Soil Management in Non-Irrigated Orchards
PNW 62 Grafting Fruit Trees
FS 63 Dwarf Fruit Trees for Home Gardens
FS 143 Fruit and Nut Varieties for Home Orchards
BC 650 Apple Bud Development (A guide for timing
pesticide application)
FS 85 Apple Scab Control in Home Gardens
EC 677 Spray Program for Commercial Apples and
Pears in the Willamette Valley, 1972
SB 573 Cost of Producing Apples and Pears in Hood
River Valley
SB 595 Observations on Winter Injury to Apple and
Pear Trees
FS 147 When to Pick Apples and Pears
SB 606 Marketing Fresh Apples and Pears in Bulk Containers
FS 15 Pruning and Training Pear Trees in the Willamette Valley
FS 61 Pear Rootstocks for Oregon
CI 618 The El Dorado Pear in Oregon
FS 172 Stone Fruit Pollination
EC 675 Spray Program for Commercial Stone Fruits in
Oregon 1972
*EC 773 Growing Prunes
FS 57 Sweet Cherry Varieties and
Pollinizers for
FS 132 Mechanical Harvesting of Prunes in Oregon
CI 609 The Corum Sweet Cherry
EC 749 Pruning and Training Grapes in Oregon
EC 699 Oregon Blueberry Culture
EC 585 Control Strawberry Aphids to Stop Spread of
Virus Diseases
FS 99 Cranberry Growing in Oregon
*EC 766 Gooseberry and Currant Culture
*EC 765 Blackberry Culture
FS 97 Black Raspberry Growing
*EC 764 Growing Red Raspberries in Oregon
CI 615 The Raspberry Crown Borer and its Control
EB 628 Growing Filberts in Oregon
EC 645 Control of Filbert Blight in Oregon
EC 728 Control of Filbert Insect Pests
*EB 795 Producing Walnuts in Oregon
FS 122 Walnut Varieties for Oregon
FS 168 The Walnut Husk Fly
EC 644 Blackline of Walnuts
*EC 646 Control of Walnut Blight in Oregon
EC 647 Shell Perforation and Poor Sealing of Walnuts
EC 724 Grafting Walnut Trees
FS 146 Home Drying of Prunes, Filberts, and Walnuts
EB 614 Farm and Home Vegetable Garden
FS 137 Home Storage of Pumpkins and Squashes
EC 653 How To Select and Prepare Vegetables for
EC 671 Fresh Market and Home Garden Vegetable
EB 783 Commercial Production of Pole Snap Beans in
EB 787 Commercial Production of Bush Snap Beans in
*EC 817 Commercial Onion Production in Oregon
FS 82 Halo Blight of Beans
FS 83 Bean Rust
FS 131 Commercial Production of Striped Kiondike
*EC 662 Growing Cantaloupes in Oregon
*EC 797 Growing Rhubarb in Oregon
FS 68 Potatoes for the Home Garden
FS 77 Use of Soil Fumigation for Control of Verticilhum Wilt of Potatoes
FS 53 Tomatoes in the Garden
FS 139 Blossom-End Rot of Tomatoes
PS 138 Garlic for the Garden
Vegetable Seed Production
FS 86 Carrot and Parsnip
FS 87 Table Beet, Spinach, Swiss Chard, and Mangel
FS 88 Onion
FS 89 Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chinese
Cabbage, and Kale
FS 90 Kohlrabi, Mustard, Radish, Rutabaga, and Turnip
FS 91 Lettuce
FS 104 Cucurbits: Cucumber, Squash, Pumpkin, Muskmelon, and Watermelon
Lawns and Ornamentals
EB 758 Plant Materials for Landscaping
*CI 633 Landscape Tree Performance
FS 1 Storage of Fuchsias, Geraniums, Tuberous Begonias, etc.
EC 751 Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
FS 126 Container Mixtures and Nutrition Management
for Ornamental Plants
FS 102 Fertilizing Ornamental Plants
FS 103 Fertilizing Shade and Ornamental Trees
*EC 780 Diseases of Perennial Ornamental Plants
FS 115 Plant Propagation by Leaf and Leaf-Bud Cuttings
FS 125 Propagation of Herbaceous Plants from Stem
FS 153 Propagation of Woody Plants From Stem Cuttings
FS 84 Sycamore Anthracoose
Commercial Production of English Holly in the
Pacific Northwest (journal reprint)
*F5 186 Pest Control for Holly
FS 154 Preserving Cut Holly
FS 162 Care and Handling of Poinsettias
FS 3 Cottony Camellia and Soft Brown Scales
FS 12 Azalea and Rhododendron Care and Culture
EC 649 Fleck Disease in West Coast Easter Lilies
FS 95 Dahlia Culture
FS 127 Commercial Greenhouse Geranium Production
FS 136 Ornamental Gourds
FS 121 Starting a New Lawn in Western Oregon
FS 55 Control of Lawn Moss
(See also subject matter headings.)
Note control handbooks announcement inside front cover.
EC 727 Pesticides Kill People Too (Safety Message)
EC 762 Don't Be a Loser With Agricultural Chemicals
FS 81 Safety Procedures for Chemical Applicators
FS 163 Alfalfa Weevil Control in Oregon
FS 129 The Black Widow and Other Spiders
*FS 185 Preparation of Tank-Mix Bordeaux Mixture
EB 747 Vegetable Garden Insect Pests
EB 816 Controlling the Garden Symphylan
EC 627 Carpenter Ant Control
BC 629 Diseases of Bees
How to Recognize and
PNW 79 Beekeeping
*PNW 128 Insect Management and Control on Crops
Grown for Seed
FS 175 Nesting Media for the Propagation of Leaf Cutter Bees
SB 598 Artificial Beds for Alkali Bee Propagation
BC 713 The Golden Buprestid
A Wood Boring
EC 738 Control of Root Weevils in Ornamentals and in
the Home
SB 579 Nematodes Affecting Oregon Agriculture
FS 164 Douglas-fir Needle Midges
PNW 6 Raising Christmas Trees for Profit
*PNW 31 Measuring Trees
PNW 33 Plant Your Trees Right
PNW 48 Marketing Wodland Products
PNW 65 Timber Sales Agreements
PNW 72 Land, Water, Trees, and PeopleA forest
conservation tour guide
PNW 76 Pruning Increases Forest Tree Quality
PNW 96 Raising Forest Tree Seedlings at Home
PNW 97 What's the Most Profitable Cutting Age for
Timber? Douglas-Fir
PNW 98 What's the Most Profitable Cutting Age for
Timber? Inland Empire Species
PNW 99 Shelterwood Cutting For Natural Forester
PNW Ill Felling and Bucking Timber with Safety
and Profit
PNW 119 SalvageIts Role in Forest Management
PNW 120 Planting Forest Trees in the Pacific North-
*PNW 125 Building Woodland Roads
EB 785 Ferns to Know in Oregon
EB 796 The Forest and the Florist
EB 797 The Forest and the Druggist
*EB 827 The Impact of Timber Harvest on Soil and
Water Resources
EC 546 Men Who Grow Trees
EC 553 Western Oregon Shrub Quiz
EC 554 Western Oregon Shrub QuizKey
EC 566 Oregon Tree Quiz
EC 567 Oregon Tree QuizKey
EC 615 Eastern Oregon Shrub Quiz
EC 616 Eastern Oregon Shrub QuizKey
EC 635 Columbia County Timber Harvest Demonstration Tract (A Progress Report)
EC 689 Early Thinning in Douglas Fir Woodlands
EC 725 Growing Red Alder for Profit
*EC 779 Certified Tree Seed
*EC 798 Forest Grazing
For sale only: Send orders and payment to the Extensior
Business Office, Extension Hall 118, Oregon State Uni-
versity, Corvallis 97331.
EB 697 Trees to Know in Oregon. 96 pages, illustrated,
5Oc per copy.
Woodland Handbook for the Pacific Northwest. 431
pages. A guidebook for Pacific Northwest woodland management. $5 per copy, plus 35ç handling charge.
FS 56 Catching and Cooking Crayfish
FS 123 How to Catch Bluegill, Sunfish, and Largemouth
FS 140 Care and Culture of Earthworms
FS 152 Preparing Cluster Egg Baits from Salmon and
Steelhead Roe
*FS 182 Poisoning Meadow Mice
EB 788 A Smokehouse for the Sportsman and Hobbyist
EB 790 Game Foods
*EB 792 Managing Oregon Trout Ponds
EB 800 Treats with Venison
*EB 804 Mole and Gopher Control
EB 819 Boning Out Your Deer
EC 744 Catching, Cleaning, and Cooking Bay Crabs
EC 750 Background on Oregon's Marine Industry
SB 607 Field Guide to Common Marine and Bay Fishes
of Oregon
SB 608 Hydraulic Fishing Machinery Systems for Outboard Motor-Powered Boats
*SB 613 An Effective Combination Trawl for West
Coast Draggers: Atlantic-Western Trawls
CI 630 A Long-Line Crab Pot System
CI 631 Plastics as a Fish-Hold Lining Material
OSU Sea-Grant Marine Advisory Program
*SG 2 Sea Grant in Oregon
*SG 3 Don't Bring 'em Back (poster)
5SG 4 Crisis in Oregon Estuaries
*SG 5 Landslides of Oregon: Northcoast
*SG 6 Fishing Business Management and Economic Information
*SG 7 Home Freezing of Seafoods
*SG 8 Continental Shelf Sediments off Oregon
*SG 9 Phytoplankton, Grass of the Sea
*SG 10 Ocean Zones and BoundariesInternational Law
and Oceans
*SG 11 Incorporating a Fishing Business
*SG 13 Oyster Farming
*SG 14 Bottomfishing Fact Sheet
*SG 15 Diversity - Characteristic for Oregon's Year
'Round Fishery
*SG 16 Oregon's Near Shore Ocean
*SG 17 Economics of Hatchery Salmon Disposal in Oregon
55G 18 Understanding the Use and Management of Oregon Estuaries
5SG 19 OrganizingOperating a Fishing Cooperative
*SG 20 The Fisherman as Borrower
Pacific Sea-Grant Advisory Program
*PASGAP 1 Commercial
Emergency ServicesNorth Pacific Coast
*PASGAP 2 Pacific Sea Grant Advisory Program Information
*PASGAP 3 Today's Youth in Tomorrow's Sea
*PASGAP 4 Marine Resource Development
5PASGAP 5 PASGAP Inventory
*PASGAP 6 Limited Entry in the Salmon FisheryThe
British Columbia Experience
*EC 807 Noise Pollution
(See also subject matter headings.)
FS 113 Let's Think About Taxes and Public Service
FS 114 Let's Think About Taxes and Our Choices
PNW 95 The Computer, A New Farm Management Tool
EB 779 What is Marketing?
EC 593 Questions and Answers on the Oregon Commodity Commission Act
EC 618 Our "Farm Problem"
EC 683 Background on Oregon's Agriculture
EC 735 The Growing World of Packaging
*EC 812 Role of Hard Red Winter Wheat in the Pacific
SB 580 Study and Prospects of Contract Farming in
SB 590 Farmer Coperative Performance in a Changing
SB 591 A Survey of Off-Farm Employment Opportunities for Oregon Farm Families
SB 596 Capital for Growth and Adjustment of Agricultural Cooperatives
SB 602 A Survey of Migrant Farmworker Housing in
SB 604 Effects of Selected Changes in Federal Land
Use on a Rural Economy
SB 605 Cooperative Mergers: Their Objectives, Suc-
cess, and Impact on Growth
*SB 612 Short-Run Demand for a Reduction of Delivery
Time in the Provision of Farm Machinery Parts:
a Conceptual Framework
CI 606 A Decade of Performance by Oregon Farm Supply Cooperatives
CI 611 A Minimum-Sized Economic Orchard Unit .
Hood River Valley, Oregon
CI 622 The Role of Borrowed Funds in Oregon Cooperatives
CI 627 Economics of the Dungeness Crab Industry
FS 165 Seed Warehousing in Oregon
FS 176 Procedures for Sanitation in Retail Frozen
*FS 190 Occupational Safety and Health Act in Agriculture
EB 807 A Will of Your Own
Information About
EB 809 When Death Comes
Funerals and Post-Funeral Arrangements
EB 832 The Family and the Law
EC 642 Mister Chairman (Parliamentary procedure.
Available in quantity (a l5c per copy.)
EC 719 Rural Areas Development in Oregon
EC 721 Enjoy the Beaches in Safety
EC 732 Protecting Family and Livestock from Nuclear
EC 743 Let's Think About County Home Rule in Oregon
*EC 771 Local Government Budgets and Property Taxes
*EC 808 How Change Takes Place
SB 581 Estimating Dates for Low Temperature in Oregon
PNW 17 The Social Game
EC 619 Party Favors and Decorations
Exp. Sta. Weaving with Linen
PNW 60 Planning for Retirement
PNW 61 Family Communication
PNW 64 Child Guidance Techniques
PNW 83 Helping Children Develop Responsibility
PNW 84 You and the Family Life Cycle
PNW 85 You and Tension
PNW 86 Teenagers
PNW 87 Facing the Middle Years
PNW 88 DeathA Family Crisis
PNW 94 Moral Values in Today's World (A guide for
study and discussion)
PNW 110 Teaching Money Skills to the Preschool Child
*EC 772 Children and Toys
*EC 814 Woman's Role in Her Husband's Retirement
PNW 93 Homes for Senior Citizens (A check list)
*PNW 123 Always Attractive in Your Elderly Years
*PNW 124 Clothing for Senior Citizens
EB 828 Cooking for One in the Senior Years
EC 782 Organizing a Council on Aging
*EC 783 Organizing a Survey of Senior Adults
*EC 784 Establishing a Senior Center
*EC 785 Organizing a Transportation System for Senior
*EC 786 Attaining Community Involvement in Programs
for Senior Adults
PNW 46 Buying Children's Clothing
PNW 49 Planning Plaids
PNW 118 Sewing with Knit Fabrics
EC 576 Making Shirts for the Men of the Family
EC 603 Patching and Mending Wool Garments
EC 694 Altering Ready-to-wear Dresses
*EC 768 See Lovely Lingerie
*EC 774 How to Make the Pants Scene
*EC 787 Which Wig?
PNW 45 Choosing and Using Western Vegetables
PNW 51 Let's Cut Meat
PNW 54 Good Eating with Beef
PNW 59 Food Facts Versus Fads
EB 778 Outdoor Cookery for the Family
EB 803 Compare Cost Per Serving to Stretch Your Food
EB 820 Prepared and Precooked Foods for the Freezer
*EB 823 Family FoodFruits and Vegetables
*EB 824 Family FoodMeat and Meat Foods
*EB 825 Family FoodMilk
*EB 826 Dry Milk in Every Meal
EC 667 Adventures in Salad Making
EC 680 Making Cottage Cheese at Home
EC 685 Making Berry Syrups at Home
EC 686 Your Weekly Food Bill
EC 688 Oregon Sweets
EC 696 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Availability in
EC 697 Creative Baking with Mixes
EC 714 Buffet Meals
EC 736 Potatoes for Successful Meals
EC 740 Vary Meals with Variety Meats
*EC 775 Focus on NutritionPlanning Main Meals
*EC 776 Focus on NutritionCooking Information
*EC 777 Focus on NutritionEveryone Needs Breakfast
*EC 778 Focus on NutritionSuper Snacks that Count
*EC 781 Focus on Nutrition: E-Z Ways with Fruits and
*EC 809 Nutritive Value of Native Foods of Warm
Springs Indians
CI 600 Science in Cooking Potatoes
CI 624 Cherry Brining and Finishing
CI 629 The Chemical and Preservative Properties of
Sulfur Dioxide Solution for Brining Fruit
*CI 632 Procedure for Secondary Bleaching Brined
Cherries with Sodium Chlorite
*SB 611 Rye Flour Volatiles (Secale Cereale)
FS 4 Using Canned Chopped Meat
*FS 5 Using Quick Rolle1 Wheat and Oats
FS 21 Canning Tuna and Salmon at Home
*FS 72 Ideas for Cornmeal
FS 116 Cooking With Ready-Made Mix
FS 117 Using Non-Fat Dry Milk
*FS 124 Rice is Good for Family Meals
FS 130 Bulgur in Family Meals
*F5 141 Dry Split Peas Make Good Meals
FS 158 Using Instant Scrambled Egg Mix
FS 160 High Altitude Cookery
FS 170 A Guide for Buying Oregon Fish and Shellfish
*F5 181 Cooking with Lentils
*FS 183 Cutting and Freezing Salmon & Steelhead at
FS 27 Reduce Christmas Fire Hazards
FS 58 Iron in Your Water Supply
FS 71 Modern Diaper Care
FS 112 Window Treatments
FS 128 Care of Wood Finishes
FS 149 What to Look for When Renting a House or
FS 150 How to Avoid Unnecessary Service Calls for
Laundry Appliances
FS 171 Interior Painting
FS 179 Buylines for Bedding and Bath Towels
FS 180 The Truth-in-Lending Law and Your Credit
*FS 192 Home Plumbing Problems
*FS 193 Simple Home Maintenance Tips
PNW 13 Arranging Flowers
PNW 36 Today's Soaps and Detergents
PNW 47 Better Kitchen Storage
PNW 55 Be a Better Buyer of Laundry Aids
PNW 56 Be a Better Buyer of Starches
*PNW 57 Be a Better Buyer of Bleaches
PNW 90 How to Prevent Moisture Damage in Your
*PNW 122 Choosing a Mobile Home
PNW 126 Care of Housewares and Surfaces in the Home
EB 799 Work Smarter Not Harder
EB 815 Use Your Consumer Credit Wisely
EB 817 Live with Color
EB 821 Maintaining Your Family Business Records
EB 822 30-Days to Reality
EC 579 An Easy Way to Iron a Cotton Shirt
EC 634 The Family Entertains
EC 670 Better Baking and Broiling Equipment
EC 698 Longer Life for Your Rugs and Upholstery
EC 704 How to Make Slip Covers
EC 706 What Is A Good Kitchen?
EC 716 Make Your Own Draperies
EC 734 Furniture Restoration
EC 739 Guarantees and Adjustments
EC 756 Low-Cost Furniture
*EC 799 9 Ways to Shop Smarter
*EC 802 Storage for New or Remodeled Homes
*EC 803 Stretch Storage Space
*EC 804 Storage Accessories on a Low Cost Budget
*EC 805 Closets for Kids Stuff
*EC 815 Consumer Protection
*EC 816 Where the Consumer Can Turn for Help
You are invited to visit, write, or phone your Extension office for information, publications, or other assistance. In Baker County, for example,
the office is in the Courthouse, but if you write, address the Baker County
ExtensioO Office, P. 0. Box 747, Baker, Oregon 97814.
BAKER-Courthouse, P.O. Box 747, Baker 97814, Ph 523.6373.
BENTON--Post Office, P.O. Box B, Corvallis 97330, Ph. 752-7186.
CLACKAMAS-256 Warner-Mime Rd., Oregon City 97045, Ph. 655-3311,
Ext. 355
CLATSOP-Post Office, P.O. Box 207, Astoria 97103, Ph. 325-7441,
Ext. 50
COLUMBIA-Courthouse, St. Helens 97051, Ph. 397-3462
COOS-Courthouse, Coquille 97423, Ph. 396-3121, Ext. 246
CROOK-Courthouse Prineville 97754, Ph. 447.6228
CURRY-County Office Bldg., P.O. Box 488, Gold Beaclt 97444, Ph.
DESCHUTES-Old Highway Bldg., 922 W. Highland Ave., Redmond
97756, Ph. 548.3152
DOUGLAS-1134 SE Douglas Ave , P.O. Box 1165, Roseburg 97470,
Ph. 672-4461
GILLIAM-Courthouse, P.O. Box 707, Condon 97823, Ph. 384-2271
GRANT-Courthouse, Canyon City 97820, Ph. 575-1911
HARNEY-Courthouse, P.O. Box 433, Burns 97720, Ph. 573-2506
HOOD RIVER--Courthouse, P.O. Box 499, Hood River 97031, Ph.
JACKSON-1301 Maple Grove Drive, Medford 9750t, Ph. 773-8215
EFFERSON-McCaulou Building, Madras 97741, Ph 475-3808
JOSEPHINE-215 Ringuette St., Grants Pass 97526, Ph. 476-6(13
KLAMATH-Post Office, P.O. Box 255, Klainatli Falls 97601, Ph. 882-7761
LAKE-Courthouse, Lakeviesv 97630, Ph. 947-2279
LAYE-950 W. 13th Street, Eugene 97402, Ph. 342-5537
l.INCOLN-Courthouse, 225 \V. Olive Street, Newport 97365, Ph.
l.[YX-Courthouse Annex, 1' 0. Box 765, Albany 97321, Ph. 928-9323
IIALHEUR-City Hall, Ontario 97914, Ph. 889-9129
MARION-3810 State Street, P. 0. Box 948, Salem 97308, Ph. 588-5301
MORROW-Gilliain & Bishee Bldg., P.O. Box 397, }-Teppner 97836,
Ph. 676-9642
MULTNOMAH-['. 0. Box 1491, Portland 97207, Ph. 229-4830
NORTH WILLAMETTE AREA Extension Office, P.O. Box 1491, I'ortland 97207
POLK-Courthouse Annex, P 0. Box 348, Dallas 97338, Ph. 623-8171,
Ext. 56
PORTLAND 4-H OFFICE-Couch School, 2033 NW Glisan, Portland
97209, Ph. 226-2635
SHERMAN-Courthouse, PC). Box 385, Moro 97039, Ph. 565.3230
Tli.LAMOOK-Courthouse, 'rillamook 97141, Ph. 842-4426
UMATILLA-Courthouse, P.O. Box 1107, Pendleton 97801, Ph. 276-7111
-240 E. Gladys Street, P.O. Box 84, Hermiston 97838, Ph.
-15 S Main Street, P.O. Box 468, Milton-Freewater 97862,
Ph. 938-5597
UNION-4th & Adams Street, P.O. Box 760, La Grande 97850, Ph.
t\ALLOWA-Courthiouse, 1'.O. Box 280, Enterprise 97828, Ph. 426-3781
\VASCO-Courthouse Annex, P.O. Box 821, The T)alles 97058, Ph.
WASHINGTON-Branch Co. Office Bldg.. Courthouse, Hillshoro 97123,
Ph. 648-8755
\VHEELER-Courthouse, P 0. Box 407, Fossil 97830, Ph. 763-4115
YAMHILL-Courthouse Room 42, McMinnville 97128, Ph. 472.5161,
Ext. 251
Extension offices hi other states will be listed in local telephone directories,
usually under "county offices."
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Oregon State Library
Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics,
Lee Kolmer, director. Oregon State University and the United States
Department of Agriculture cooperating. Printed and distributed in
furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914.