Program Assessment Plan American University CAS: Theater/Music Theatre - BA

Program Assessment Plan
American University
CAS: Theater/Music Theatre - BA
CAS: Theater/Music Theatre - BA
Contact Person for Sybil R. Williams
Primary Department: Performing Arts
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Learning Outcome: Competent Expression
All majors will demonstrate competency in verbal, written and practical expression in the areas of world theatre history, literature and criticism.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Start Date: 05/20/2012
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Senior Exist Interviews.
All graduating seniors will discuss their 4-year experience and fill out a questionnaire
designed around the five outcomes.
Measure Type:
75% of seniors will respond with a 4 or
better on a 5-point scale rubric.
Annually - Spring.
Students interview with the full faculty.
Surveys are collected and tabulated by one
faculty member and shared with the
Senior Capstone Assessment.
Senior capstone students' final project is assessed using a rubric that measures all
learning outcomes. The instrument and the course are designed to comprehensively
utilize all areas of the students' educational experience in the major.
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
All graduating seniors must complete the
capstone with a 75% competency or better
in each area specified on the rubric.
Annually - Spring.
Data is collected by instructor of senior
capstone class and utilized to adjust
curricular deficiencies and shortcomings in
the 4-year program of study.
For the Spring of 2013, the faculty completed exit interviews as a group following the
culminating production for measuring all artistic competencies, the Senior Capstone. For
the Capstone productions, students had to research specific dramas and other
performance literature to create ten minute plays that showed evidence of the original
work as well as an clear understanding of adaptation and dramaturgy. The performance
measured competencies in acting technique, including Stanislavski, Miesner, and others,
directing skills, singing, (vocal) skills, and dance technique. Further, each senior was
required to complete a questionnaire the served as the basis of the exit interview where
they assessed the strengths and weaknesses of their training.
Learning Outcome: Mastery of Concepts
All performance majors and musical theatre majors will demonstrate mastery of the concepts, vocabulary and performance requirements needed in the performance of a full range of theatrical works.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Start Date: 05/20/2012
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
12/05/2014 2:45 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Senior Exist Interviews.
All graduating seniors will discuss their 4-year experience and fill out a questionnaire
designed around the five outcomes.
Measure Type:
75% of seniors will respond with a 4 or
better on a 5-point scale rubric.
Annually - Spring.
Students interview with the full faculty.
Surveys are collected and tabulated by one
faculty member and shared with the
Senior Capstone Assessment.
Senior capstone students' final project is assessed using a rubric that measures all
learning outcomes. The instrument and the course are designed to comprehensively
utilize all areas of the students' educational experience in the major.
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
All graduating seniors must complete the
capstone with a 75% competency or better
in each area specified on the rubric.
Annually - Spring.
Data is collected by instructor of senior
capstone class and utilized to adjust
curricular deficiencies and shortcomings in
the 4-year program of study.
For the Spring of 2013, the faculty completed exit interviews as a group following the
culminating production for measuring all artistic competencies, the Senior Capstone. For
the Capstone productions, students had to research specific dramas and other
performance literature to create ten minute plays that showed evidence of the original
work as well as an clear understanding of adaptation and dramaturgy. The performance
measured competencies in acting technique, including Stanislavski, Miesner, and others,
directing skills, singing, (vocal) skills, and dance technique. Further, each senior was
required to complete a questionnaire the served as the basis of the exit interview where
they assessed the strengths and weaknesses of their training.
Learning Outcome: Theatre Design and Construction
All theatre majors will identify and correctly/ safely utilize appropriate tools, materials and theatrical elements in the execution of theatre design and construction in the areas of sets, lights, costumes and
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Start Date: 05/20/2012
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Senior Exist Interviews.
All graduating seniors will discuss their 4-year experience and fill out a questionnaire
designed around the five outcomes.
Measure Type:
75% of seniors will respond with a 4 or
better on a 5-point scale rubric.
Annually - Spring.
Students interview with the full faculty.
Surveys are collected and tabulated by one
faculty member and shared with the
Senior Capstone Assessment.
Senior capstone students' final project is assessed using a rubric that measures all
learning outcomes. The instrument and the course are designed to comprehensively
utilize all areas of the students' educational experience in the major.
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
All graduating seniors must complete the
capstone with a 75% competency or better
in each area specified on the rubric.
Annually - Spring.
Data is collected by instructor of senior
capstone class and utilized to adjust
curricular deficiencies and shortcomings in
the 4-year program of study.
12/05/2014 2:45 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Learning Outcome: Stanislavski Competencies
All students taking Fundamentals of Acting I will be able to identify, define and demonstrate the steps and ingredients that comprise the Stanislavski system of acting.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Start Date: 05/20/2012
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
For the Spring of 2013, the faculty completed exit interviews as a group following the
culminating production for measuring all artistic competencies, the Senior Capstone. For
the Capstone productions, students had to research specific dramas and other
performance literature to create ten minute plays that showed evidence of the original
work as well as an clear understanding of adaptation and dramaturgy. The performance
measured competencies in acting technique, including Stanislavski, Miesner, and others,
directing skills, singing, (vocal) skills, and dance technique. Further, each senior was
required to complete a questionnaire the served as the basis of the exit interview where
they assessed the strengths and weaknesses of their training.
12/05/2014 2:45 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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