Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg 729G11: Artificial Intelligence II Linköping University September 19, 2011. One goal in Artificial Intelligence is to design cognitive systems that can perform multi level reasoning typical of humans. The aim of this paper is to theoretically demonstrate how human multi-level reasoning within a competitive environment can be modelled in an intelligent agent. Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception “ is the means by which rational beings understand themselves to think about cause and effect, truth and falsehood, and what is good or bad.” Reason - From Wikipedia 09-09-2011 Introduction Human intelligence can be observed through their rational reasoning in the face of the unknown: hypotheses are made, tested and evaluated and new beliefs replace old. When presented with problems that require uninformed/sub-informed decisions, humans typically perform strategic actions in order to gain more information about the problem. With problems that involve two or more persons, humans engage in multilevel reasoning: reasoning about other‟s beliefs and predicting their plans of action. One goal in Artificial Intelligence is to design cognitive systems that can perform this kind of human-level reasoning and the aim of this paper is to theoretically demonstrate how human multi-level reasoning in a competitive environment can be modelled in an intelligent agent. Background Games have been a key element for studies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). They provide researchers with a structured environment for which human cognition can be observed, monitored and tested. One of the most popular games since the late 20th Century that involves making rational, sub-informed decisions with multi-level reasoning is poker. Poker is described as a game of simple rules but with complex strategies, and one challenge within AI is to create a poker agent capable of playing on par with a human expert. Despite increasing progress in pokerbot design, the reason why agents are still unable to compete at an expert level is not due to the complexity of the game space but due to the Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg fact that poker is a nontransitive zero-sum game. To tackle this challenge, AI researchers have taken a Bayesian Network-driven approach, (Korb, Nicholson, & Jitnah, 1999), (Mihok & Terry, 2005), (Tretyakov & Kamm, 2009). Bayesian Networks are used in AI to reason about uncertainty and provide agents with the means to make inferences about complex causal relationships between variables via a directed acyclic graph. Bayesian inference is an iterative process. Beliefs are modelled as a probability distribution over uncertain data and as new evidence is observed the belief system is updated. The initial belief is termed prior probability and the modified belief is termed posterior probability. Pokerbot researchers, Brian Mihok and Michael Terry (M&T) defined the different levels of human reasoning in poker so as to create a solid framework for their model (see Definition 1). A key element in M&T‟s system-design was the use of Bayesian Nets for lower-level inferences about the opponent‟s hand and strategy as a basis for higher-level strategic reasoning (Mihok & Terry, 2005). Definition 1. Mihok and Terry define different levels of human reasoning in poker as: Level 0: Reasoning about your hand Level 1: Reasoning about your opponents hand Level 2: Reasoning about what your opponent thinks about his and your hand Level 3: What to do about what your opponent thinks … Professional players are often thinking on level 4 or 5. Influenced by M&T‟s framework, this project will explain the design of a theoretical model for a Cheat1 agent capable of competing on par with an experienced human player. The card game Cheat is not as complex as poker, betting and suiting (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades), for example, are not elements of the game. Deception though, plays a major role in game strategy and so like poker, multi-level reasoning is required for optimal play. For simplicity, the game space in this model will be confined 1 Also known as „Bullshit‟ and „I doubt it‟. 3 to the two player game version, but with a few modifications the model may be usable for versions with 3+ players. 2 Player Cheat Set Up A standard pack of shuffled 52 playing cards is used. The chosen dealer deals 8 cards face down to both players (the player‟s hand) and one card face up in the middle of the board (the tabled card). The remaining cards (the pack) are piled face down beside the table card (see Figure 1). A player may look at the cards in his own hand. The player who did not deal is the first to move. Figure 1. Initial board setup. Object The object of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in his hand. Game Play Turns: The player whose turn it is, (Player) can choose to discard one to four cards face down onto the tabled pile and call out their rank or pick up one card from the pack and add it to his hand. Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg Picking Up: If Player chooses to pick up a card from the pack then Player‟s turn is over. Discarding: Should Player choose to table a number of cards, the chosen rank must either be one rank higher or one rank lower than the previously tabled card(s) (see Definition 2). Player must be truthful about the quantity of cards he discards but is allowed to bluff about the actual cards he tables. For example, Player may claim to table three 7s but in actual fact placed face down two Js and one 9. Opponent must decide whether or not Player made an honest claim. Accepting A Play: If Opponent accepts Player‟s claim as honest, then Player‟s turn is over and Opponent‟s turn consists of choosing between picking up a card from the pack or discarding a number of cards with either one rank higher or lower than the (claimed) rank of the tabled card(s). Calling A Bluff: If Opponent thinks Player was dishonest, he calls out „Cheat!‟ Player‟s tabled cards are exposed and one of two things happens: 1. If all of the exposed cards are shown to be of the rank that Player claimed, then Opponent must pick up and add to his hand the entire tabled pile. Player starts the next round. 2. If any of the exposed cards are different from the claimed rank, then Player must pick up and add to his hand the entire tabled pile. Opponent starts the next round. Next Round: Then next round starts with the player whose turn it is which is dependent upon the outcome of the called bluff. The player tables face up any card he chooses from his hand and it then becomes Opponents turn to move and play continues as usual. Ending the Game: The player who has just one card left in his hand and is able to discard that card without cheating, wins the game. Alternatively, a player who collects 30+ cards in his hand, automatically loses. 5 Definition 2. Ranking of cards from lowest to highest. When a King is tabled the choice of ranks are Queen or Ace. When an Ace is tabled the choice of ranks are King or Two. Cheat Strategy The key to winning is being the player with the least number of cards in hand and having increasing opportunities to set the tabled rank to one‟s own preference. This is done by successfully calling the opponent‟s bluff and fooling the opponent into calling cheat for an honest play. Holding all four cards of a rank in hand is the easiest way to gain the lead because the opponent is either forced to pick up or cheat if made to play this rank. Card memory is a necessity. Remembering which cards one has discarded that have ended up in the opponent‟s hand, assists in reasoning whether or not to play honestly and whether or not to call the opponent a cheat. Cheat becomes a game of pattern recognition. The player who wins exploits patterns in his opponent's play before the opponent can adjust. Thus, an inexperienced player will repeatedly call cheat for honest plays. With every turn, an experienced player will reason on various levels: Which rank should I play? What will most likely lead to strong sequential play and discards to my advantage? (Level 0) What is the likelihood that my opponent holds one or more cards of this rank in his hand? (Level 1) What is the likelihood that my opponent will call cheat, what is the likelihood that my opponent cheated? (Level 2) Is my opponent aware of my bluffing strategy and what should I do about my opponent‟s bluffing strategy? (Level 3) Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg As M&T have demonstrated in their research, these multi reasoning levels provide a framework from which to generate a winning strategy for the agent and aid in classifying inference tasks. For this theoretical model, Levels 0 to 2 will be formulated. The advanced Level 3 will remain outside the scope of the project but will be included in the discussion at the end of this report. Achieving Level 0: In Cheat a strong hand is one that allows for sequential play with many discards or controls whether the opponent will be forced to pick up or cheat. Sequential play involves playing a series of successive ranks. In most cases the entire hand does not need to be evaluated in order to determine sequential play, it is enough to reason over ±3 ranks from the rank of the tabled. Because the outcome of each turn is uncertain, it is necessary for the agent to calculate hand strength with each turn. Reasoning about own hand Let: q = the quantity with the domain: {1, 2, 3, 4} r = a rank with the domain: {A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K} t = the rank of the tabled card. Represent sequential play in the hand as: H = [qt, q(t+1), q(t+2), q(t+3)] and: L = [q(t-3), q(t-2), q(t-1), qt] Create a heuristic algorithm to compare the strength of L to H (see Algorithm 1). Algorithm 1 helps the agent to decide whether to play one rank higher or one rank lower than the tabled card, even when the agent‟s hand doesn‟t actually have that rank. This is because the algorithm puts a value on the sequence of ranks and their quantities rather than just valuing a rank per se. When the outcome of the opponent‟s turn falls in favour of the agent‟s direction of preference – H(igher) vs. L(ower); the agent can reason at this level, together with 7 condition action rules, to not risk calling cheat and instead continue to discard cards in the direction of the preferred sequence. Algorithm 1. Algorithm to compare the strength of L to H. Achieving Level 1 As the game evolves, a player gains increasing information over what cards the opponent may be holding. The player gets this information in two ways: 1. Estimating the likelihood that the opponent will have qi ri in his hand based upon the total number of unknown cards on the board. 2. By remembering which cards he has discarded that have ended up in the opponent‟s hand and by estimating the likelihood that those cards are still in the opponent‟s hand (Level 2). Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg Reasoning about opponent’s hand Let: U = the total number of unknown cards on the board (includes unknown cards in opponent hand, tabled pile and pack). N = the number of ri contained in the set of U. C = the total number unknown cards in opponent‟s hand. Create an algorithm for calculating P(qj ri) (see Algorithm 2). Algorithm 2. Calculating the probability that a certain quantity of a certain rank is contained in the hand of the opponent. Algorithm 2 gives the agent necessary insight into the opponent‟s hand, which together with condition action rules, at this level of reasoning, can be used to decide whether or not to call the opponent a cheat. This level of reasoning however, is not a optimal strategy because an experienced human player will take into account a number of other stochastic variables that influence whether or not an opponent has decided to cheat. Achieving Level 2 Reasoning about what opponent thinks about his and your hand Estimating whether or not a known card is still in the opponent‟s hand after several turns (within a single round), involves taking into consideration the likelihood that the opponent has cheated with each turn. Calculating this likelihood requires Level 2 9 reasoning and the agent achieves this through Bayesian inference. This project now turns to the design of the Bayesian Net, and does so node by node with reference to the agent‟s reasoning needs. Engineering the Bayesian Net A Bayesian Net is a directed acyclic graph in which each node in the graph corresponds to a random variable, which may be discrete or continuous. A probability function associated with each node takes as input a particular set of values and returns the probability for a particular value of the variable represented by the node. The edges are directed links between pairs of nodes and represent conditional dependencies. Each node Xi has a conditional probability distribution P(Xi | Parents(Xi)) that quantifies the effect of the parents on the node (Russell & Norvig, 2010). Nodes which are not connected represent conditionally independent variables. Algorithm 2 is used to calculate the probability that a certain quantity, qj of a certain rank, ri exists in the Opponent’s hand - P(O). So the first node, X1 in the Bayesian Net will contain thirteen different probability tables for P(O) one for each card rank. Algorithm 2 can also be used for calculating the conditional probability distribution: P(A | O), which represents the opponent‟s belief about the quantity ri in the Agent’s hand given the quantity ri contained in his own hand. A conditional probability table for P(A | O) forms the second node, X2 = A in the Bayesian Net (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Connected nodes: X1 and X2, with probability tables. Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg So far, the agent is able to form knowledge about the cards in the opponent‟s hand and what the opponent believes about the agent‟s hand based only upon the information contained in his own hand. But this information is not enough to reason about deception, thus the Bayesian Net will need additional nodes. Experienced players regularly weigh how certain they are that the opponent is bluffing against the cost of picking up the tabled pile should they be wrong. This is a crucial decision making process and must therefore be represented in the Bayesian Net. Let: H be a random variable with a Bernouilli distribution (see Formula 1). H = 1 means that picking up the pack will Hurt. H = 0 means that picking up the pack will not Hurt. X3 = H Forumla 1. The probability formula for the random variable H where p = P(H =1) and h ∈ {0,1}. P(H = h) = ph(1-p)1-h Create an algorithm for determining the value of H for player B (see Algorithm 3) where: A = number of cards in A‟s hand B = number of cards B‟s hand T = number of cards in tabled pile True = 1 False = 0 Algorithm 3 allows for the agent to take into account the likelihood that picking up the tabled pile will hurt either its chances of winning or the opponent‟s chances of winning. This is determined by calculating the ratio for A:(B+T). If > 2.3 for A < B+T, then picking up the tabled piled is considered detrimental to B‟s hand because for every one card A discards, B must discard more than 2.3 cards in order to win. Such a scenario will increase B‟s need to cheat with large quantities of cards at a time and thus increase the risk of being caught again. 11 Algorithm 3. Algorithm for determining the value of H for player B. The choice of how many cards to table can greatly affect the outcome of being called a cheat, so the fourth node, X4 in the network will represent the Choice of tabling 1-4 cards. Let C be a random variable with a categorical distribution for the domain {1, 2, 3, 4}. The probability law of C is given in Formula 2 where pi represents the probability of seeing element i and . Formula 2. The probability formula of C where pi represents the probability of seeing element i and . P(C = ci) = pi The final node, X5 in the Bayesian Net represents the probability that the player in question has Bluffed. The random variable B in X5 has the domain: {True, False}. The initial data contained within the conditional probability table P(B | A, C, H) will only be an estimate. It is intended, that as the Bayesian net is learned through new data observations, each parameter in the conditional probability table will come to represent the actual probability for the sample‟s value (this is discussed more in the next section: Learning the Bayesian Net). The final topography of the Bayesian Net can be seen in Figure 3 which shows the conditional dependencies for X5. Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg Figure 3. Bayesian inference net for Cheat agent. Bayesian Net for Level 2 reasoning The semantics of this Bayesian Net allow the agent to use the same data and inference methods for two different reasoning perspectives: 1. The first perspective is reasoning about the opponent‟s cards and actions – the agent reasoning when it is the opponent‟s turn. 2. The second perspective is reasoning about the opponent‟s beliefs about the agent‟s cards and actions – the agent reasoning when it is its own turn. By learning the Bayesian Net after each player‟s turn, the posterior probability of perspective one forms the hypothesis (prior probability) for perspective two. This makes the Bayesian Net a powerful tool for Level 2 reasoning and is not so different from the reasoning methods that humans employ at this level. The next section of this project will explain how the Bayesian Net is learned. 13 Learning The Bayesian Net In order for this multi level reasoning model to be effective, it must learn from its observations. This process involves maintaining an observation table for each variable to be updated in the network, and then updating the variable‟s conditional probability table under the assertion that the actual probabilities for the parameters are proportionally equal to the observed data for that variable. The chosen learning approach is therefore Maximum-likelihood Parameter Learning (Russell & Norvig, 2010). In a report from 2002, titled “Sensitivity Analysis for Selective Parameter Update in Bayesian Network Learning” by Wang, Rish & Ma; a formula for the maximum likelihood of a specific parameter θ was discussed (Wang, Rish, & Ma, 2002). Because learning the network involves the process of actively updating specific parameters, this formula will be applied to the model (see Formula 1). Formula 1. Maxiumum likelihood parameter learning formula (Wang, Rish, & Ma, 2002). θ is a parameter from row x, column y in a conditional probability table τ. N is the number of observations made for a particular instance of a variable, with k possible values, in an observation table τ´. Each variable in the Bayesian Net that requires active evidence updating will have a corresponding observation table (see Figure 4), which is a total of 15 tables. Figure 4. Observation tables for the variables B´, A´ and O´i. Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg An observation value entered into a table representing the quantity of a rank in the opponent's hand does, not have to be exactly 1 if the agent is uncertain. Instead the agent can use Algorithm 2 and add the value for each P( in the table. ) to the corresponding value The total observations for the table will still however be a whole number because . The reason why observations for the agent‟s hand are represented in only one table, rather than 13 different tables for each rank is because it is assumed that the actual rank of the cards have no varying effect on the behaviour of the opponent. It is only the quantity of cards in relation to the opponent‟s cards that need to be statistically observed. Inference And Action At node X5 the agent is able to use the same inference method to determine two different questions: 1. Given that my opponent has tabled qj ri what is the probability that he is bluffing? 2. If I table qj ri what is the probability that the opponent will call cheat? Using inference by enumeration together with relevant variable selection, the agent is able to calculate (see Formula 3), the probability of B = True given the value for H as determined by Algorithm 3 and the value of C as either an observed value (question 1) or a hypothesis (question 2). Formula 2. Bayesian inference formula for P(B | H, C) This method of inference can be used to calculate all Level 2 queries such as whether or not a known quantity of card rank is still in the opponent‟s hand after several turns (within a single round): P(o | b) in which o = qj ri and b = True. 15 The information derived from Bayesian inference combined with the information regarding hand strength in Algorithm 1 provides the agent with a solid foundation for the condition action rules. Algorithm 4 is a simple example of how the condition action rules could be formulated. Algorithm 4. A simple example of condition action rules for a Cheat agent. Discussion The inference method used in this project was one of exact inference. The complexity of exact inference is dependent upon the structure of the network. This network‟s structure is known as a polytree in which there is at most one undirected path between any two nodes. The time and space complexity of exact inference in polytrees is linear in the size of the network. (Russell & Norvig, 2010) The size of this network can be defined as the total number parameters from all of the conditional probability tables. If adapting this network to a 3+ player game involves a structural change such that the network becomes multiply connected rather than singly connected (polytree), other inference methods will be needed in order to avoid exponential time and space complexity. This project has shown that human multi-level reasoning as high as Level 2 theoretically can be modelled in an agent using Bayesian inference. As previous pokerbot researchers have shown, a purely Bayesian driven model will not succeed in solving higher level reasoning problems, such as reasoning about an opponent‟s strategy and adapting to that strategy. This is because Bayesian Nets are meant for the Multi Level Reasoning In A Cheat Agent Using Bayesian Inference to Cover and Uncover Deception Rina Blomberg construction of adaptive algorithms and so model engineers must turn to hybrid Bayesian networks such as a Dynamic Bayesian Net (Tretyakov & Kamm, 2009). Mihok‟s and Terry‟s pokerbot research, theoretically incorporated Bayesian nets into a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for the purpose of creating a multivariable inference system (Mihok & Terry, 2005). A HMM can be considered as a simple Dynamic Bayesian Net (Wikipedia, 2011) and consists of a finite set of states, each of which is associated with a probability distribution. M&T argue that humans attempt high levels of reasoning through hypothesis testing and an important goal in their research was to demonstrate how a HMM is an applicable model for this human process. Their approach starts by estimating the range of hands an opponent in poker may have and as more information becomes available, the distribution of initial states is updated. The HMM keeps track of the transitions between various hand states and the embedded Bayesian Nets in the HMM are used to make inferences about observations regarding the opponent‟s hand and strategy. Future work for this project will continue using M&T‟s research and influence and attempt to design a Cheat agent capable of reasoning on Level 3 by introducing a Dynamic Bayesian Net to the model. 17 References Korb, K. B., Nicholson, A. E., & Jitnah, N. (1999). Bayesian Poker. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 343-350). Stockholm: UAI. Mihok, B. E., & Terry, M. A. (2005). A Bayesian Net Inference Tool for Hidden State in Texas Hold'em Poker. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology . Mihok, B., & Terry, M. (2005). Statistical Learning and Inference Methods for Reasoning in Games. Cognitive Robotics 2005 Advance Lectures. Cambridge: MIT Open Courseware. Nicholson, A. E., Korb, K. B., & Boulton, D. Using Bayesian Decision Networks to Play Texas Hold'Em Poker. Australia: Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach -Third Edition. New Jersey: Pearson. Tretyakov, K., & Kamm, L. (2009). Modeling Texas Hold'em Poker Strategies with Bayesian Networks. Tartu: University of Tartu. Wang, H., Rish, I., & Ma, S. (2002). Using Sensitivity Analysis for Selective Parameter Update in Bayesian Network Learning. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. Wikipedia. (2011). Wikipedia. Retrieved 9 19, 2011, from Dynamic Bayesian Network: