International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 A New Approach to Solve Type-2 Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem Using Possibility, Necessity, and Credibility Measures A.Srinivasan1 , G.Geetharamani2 1,2 Department of Mathematics Bharathidasan Institute of Technology (BIT) Campus-Anna University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024,Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT In this paper, a type -2 fuzzy linear programming model based on the possibility, necessity and credibility relation is introduced. By using the degree of measures, the satisfaction of constraints can be measured. With this ranking index, the bound of optimal(opt) solution is obtained at different degree of possibility and necessity measures. To validate the proposed method, Optimal solution is obtained for type -2 fuzzy linear programming problem at different degree of satisfaction by using simplex method with the help of MATLAB. Finally, the optimal solution procedure is illustrated with numerical example. Keywords: Fuzzy Linear programming, Type-2 Fuzzy Set, Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set, Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Number, Perfectly normal 1. INTRODUCTION Management Science includes all rational approaches to management decision-making that are based on an application of scientific and systematic procedures. The analysis process employed by the decision maker may take two basic forms: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative analysis approach is based primarily upon the manager's judgment and experience. In the quantitative approach to the problem, an analyst will concentrate on the quantitative facts or data associated with the problem and develop mathematical expressions that describe the objectives, constraints, and relationships that exist in the problem. There are several important tools, or techniques, that have been found useful in the quantitative analysis phase of the decision making process. Among them Linear programming is an unsurpassed technique to achieve the best outcome. The quantitative analysis contains five phases: 1. problem definition. 2. Model development. 3. Data preparation 4. Model solution, and 5. Report generation. In model development phase, the models are representations of real objects. These representations, can be presented in various forms alike Iconic models, Analog models, and Mathematical models. The mathematical models represent the real situation by a system of symbols and mathematical relationships or expressions. The success of the mathematical model and quantitative approach will depend heavily upon how accurately the objective and constraints can be expressed in terms of mathematical equations or relationships. Such environmental factors, which can affect both the objective function and constraints, are referred to as the Uncontrollable input to the model. The input which are controlled or determined by the decision maker are referred to as the controllable inputs to the model, thus are referred to as the decision variables of the model. Once all controllable and uncontrollable inputs are specified, the objective function and constraints can be evaluated and the output of the model determined [1]. In this sense, the output of the model is simply the projection of what would happen if the particular environmental factors and decisions occurred in the real situation. The uncontrollable inputs can either be known exactly or be uncertain and subject to variation. If all uncontrollable inputs to a model are known and cannot vary, the model is referred to as a deterministic model. If any of the uncontrollable inputs are uncertain and subjective to variation, uncertainties can be categorized as probabilistic or stochastic uncertainty and fuzziness as pointed out by Zimmerman stochastic uncertainty can be modeled and solved by stochastic mathematical programming techniques and problems with fuzziness can be modeled and solved by fuzzy mathematical programming techniques. For the uncontrollable input analysis, give an example concerning a mathematical model. In the production model, the number of man-hours required per unit of production could vary from 3 to 6 hours depending upon the quality of the raw material, the model would have been stochastic. Fuzzy set provides a rudimentary mathematical framework for dealing with incomplete uncertain information. It has long been proposed by Zadeh[2] as an extension of the classical theory of crisp sets. Bellman and Zadeh [3] primarily make known to the notion of fuzzy decision making which was extensively developed later by researchers. Fuzzy linear programming with fuzzy coefficients has been formulated by Negoita and Stan [4] and followed by Zimmermann [5], and Tanaka and Asai [6]. Since then, work on Fuzzy linear programming grew continuously its application. Like, Wu [7] presented possibility and necessity measures fuzzy optimization problems based on the embedding theorem. Xu and Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 96 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Zhou [8] discussed possibility, necessity, and credibility measures for fuzzy optimization. Figueroa[9] presents some definitions about of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Constraints regarding Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Linear Programming models which can be solved by classical algorithms. In [10] he shows the use of interval optimization models to solve linear programming problems with Interval Type-2 fuzzy constraints and the concept of -cut of an Interval Type-2 fuzzy set is used to find optimal solutions to uncertain optimization problems. In [11] he presents a general model for Linear Programming where its technological coefficients are assumed as Interval Type-2 fuzzy sets and it is solved through an -cuts approach. And [12] he shows a method for solving linear programming problems that includes Interval Type-2 fuzzy constraints and he proposed method finds an optimal solution in these conditions using convex optimization techniques. Jindong Qin and Xinwang Liu [13] investigates an approach to multiple attribute group decision-making problems, in which the individual assessments are in the form of triangle interval type-2 fuzzy numbers. With our best knowledge, however, none of them introduced Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model based on possibility, necessity, and credibility measures on interval type-2 fuzzy set for upper and lower membership functions. The Possibility, necessity, and credibility measures have a significant role in fuzzy and fuzzy optimization. The possibility measure is much suitable for the optimistic decision maker. If the decision-maker is pessimistic, he may use the necessity measure as a tool to make decision and credibility measure as the average of possibility measure and necessity measure. In this paper, The uncontrollable input, due to environmental factors or inputs that cannot be specified by decision maker, uncertainty and imprecision involved in decision maker knowledge can be well addressed using type-2 fuzzy set. We consider the both membership function of perfectly normal Interval type-2fuzzy set are trapezoidal membership function and normal and convex. The advantages of the Perfectly normal Interval Type-2 fuzzy sets in Linear programming instead of Type-1 fuzzy sets allows us to handle higher uncertainty levels which come from typical scenarios where the problem is being defined by decision makers, and they are not in agreement of using a single fuzzy set for representing their perceptions about the problem. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 and 3, we recall some preliminary knowledge about fuzzy and its arithmetic operation. In section 4, the representation for PnIT2TrFN, its properties, and some arithmetic operations of PnIT2TrFN based on type 1 fuzzy number are presented. Section 5 has provided possibility, necessity, and credibility measures of PnIT2TrFN.In Section 6, we have proposed type-2 fuzzy linear programming models based on possibility, necessity, and credibility measures. The solution methodology of the proposed models using possibility, necessity, and credibility measures has been discussed in Section 7.In Section 8,a numerical example is presented to validate the proposed method. The numerical and graphical results at different possibility and necessity levels of the given problems have also been discussed here. Section 9 summarizes the paper and also discusses about the scope of future work. 2. PRELIMINARIES In this section some basic definitions of fuzzy set theory are reviewed [14]. Definition 2.1 in X is characterized by its membership function Let X be a non-empty set. A fuzzy set A A : X 0,1 and A x is interpreted as the degree of membership of element x in fuzzy set A for each x X . It is clear that A is completely determined by the set of tuples A x, A x x X . The family of all fuzzy (sub) sets in X is denoted by F ( X ) . Fuzzy subsets of the real line are called fuzzy quantities. Definition 2.2 be a fuzzy subset of X : the support of A , denoted Supp A , is the crisp subset of X whose elements all Let A . have non-zero membership grades in A Supp A x X A x 0 . Definition 2.3 of a classical set X is called normal if there exists an x X such that x 1 . Otherwise A A fuzzy subset A A is subnormal. Definition 2.4 An level set (or cut ) of a fuzzy set A of X is a non-fuzzy set denoted by A and defined by Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 97 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 x X x A A cl SuppA ISSN 2319 - 4847 if 0 if 0 denotes the closure of the support of A . Where cl SuppA Definition 2.5 of X is called convex if A is a convex subset of X for all A fuzzy set A 0,1 . Definition 2.6 is defined as The complement of a fuzzy set A A c x 1 A x Definition 2.7[15] Let A,B be fuzzy sets with the membership function A 0,1 , B 0,1 , respectively, Pos A * B sup min A x , B y x * y , x, y Nec A * B inf max A x , B y x * y , x, y Pos and Nec represent possibility of membership and necessity of membership function respectively. * is any of the relations , , , ± , and . The dual relationship of possibility and necessity gives Nec A * B 1 Pos A * B , * B represents complement of the event A * B . where A Definition 2.8[16] be a fuzzy set. Then the fuzzy measures of A for membership function is Let A Me A Pos A 1 Nec A where Me represent measures of membership functions and 0 1 is the optimistic-pessimistic parameter to determine the combined attitude of a decision maker. 1 then Me Pos ; it means the decision maker is optimistic and maximum chance of A holds. holds.\newline If 0 then Me Nec ; it means the decision maker is pessimistic and maximum chance of A If If 0.5 then Me Cre ; where Cre is the credibility measure; it means the decision maker takes compromise attitude. Definition 2.9[14][17] is a fuzzy set of the real line with a normal,(fuzzy)convex and continuous membership function of A fuzzy number A of bounded support. Alternatively, the fuzzy subset A satisfied: 1. A is normal, i.e., there exist an x such that is called a fuzzy number if the following conditions are A x 1 ; 2. The membership function A x is quasi-concave,\\ i.e., A x1 1 x2 min A x1 , A x2 for all 0,1 ; 3. The membership function A x is upper semi continuous, i.e., x for all : A x is a closed subset of 0,1 ; 4. The 0 level set A 0 is compact (closed and bounded in Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ) Page 98 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Figure 1 Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number A is a fuzzy number, then, from Zadeh[2]. level set A is is a compact and a convex set from condition (ii). Combining this fact with condition (iii), the level set A convex set for all 0,1 ( since A 0 is bounded, it says that A A 0 is also bounded for all (0,1] ). a L , aU . Therefore, we can write A We denote by F the set of all fuzzy numbers. If Definition 2.10 The trapezoidal fuzzy number is fully determined by quadruples L a L , aU , , of crisp numbers such that U a a , 0, 0 , whose membership function can be denoted by x aL / , 1, A x U x a / 0 L a L x aL , a L x aU , aU x aU otherwise U when a a ,the trapezoidal fuzzy number becomes a triangular fuzzy number. If , the trapezoidal fuzzy L U , and number becomes a symmetrical trapezoidal fuzzy number. a , a is the core of A 0, 0 are the left- hand and right-hand spreads(See Figure \ref{fig:fig1}).It can easily be shown that A aL aL aL , is a , aU The support of A L a U aU aU a. Arithmetic operations In this sub section addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication operation of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are reviewed [14][18] a , a , , Let A L U and B b , b , , be two trapezoidal fuzzy numbers then A a , a , , and B b , b , , A B a b , a b , , , A B a b , a b , , a , a , , , 0, A a , a , , , 0. L U U U L L U L U L U U L L U L U L Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 99 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 3 INTERVAL TYPE-2 FUZZY SETS An Interval type-2 fuzzy set (IT2FS) is a special case of type-2 fuzzy set, which play an important role in management and engineering applications. These fuzzy sets are characterized by their footprints of uncertainty. Definition 3.1[19] in the universe of discourse X can be represented by a type-2 membership function A Type-2 fuzzy set A A x, u as follows: A x, u , A x, u x X , u J x 0,1 , 0 A x, u 1 where J x 0,1 is the primary membership function at x , and A x, u / u uJ x indicates the second membership at x . For discreet situations, is replaced by . Definition 3.2[20] be a type-2 fuzzy set in the universe of discourse X represented by a type-2 membership function Let A If all A x, u . A x, u 1 , then A is called an interval type-2 fuzzy set . An interval type-2 fuzzy set can be regarded as a special case of the type-2 fuzzy set, which is defined as A 1/ x, u xX uJ x 1/ u uJ / x x X x where x is the primary variable, J x 0,1 is the primary membership of x , u is the secondary variable, and 1/ u is the secondary membership function at x . uJ x defined on X is completely determined by the primary membership It is obvious that the interval type-2 fuzzy set A which is called the footprint of uncertainty, and the footprint of uncertainty can be expressed as follows: FOU A J x, u u J 0,1 x x X x x X Definition 3.3[21][22] be an interval type-2 fuzzy set, uncertainty in the primary membership of a type-2 fuzzy set consists of a Let A bounded region called the footprint of uncertainty, which is the union of all primary memberships. Footprint of uncertainty is characterized by upper membership function and lower membership function. Both of the membership functions are type-1 fuzzy sets. Upper membership function is denoted by 0 A 1 and lower membership function is denoted by 0 A 1 respectively. Definition 3.4[22] An interval type-2 fuzzy number is called trapezoidal interval type-2 fuzzy number where the upper membership function and lower membership function are both trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, i.e., , A A L , AU a1L , a2L , a3L , a4L ; H1 A L , H 2 AL , a1U , aU2 , a3U , aU4 ; H1 AU , H 2 AU and H A , j 1, 2 denote membership values of the corresponding elements a where H j A L U j L j 1 U and a j 1 , j 1, 2 , respectively. Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 100 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Definition 3.5[23] The upper membership function and lower membership function of an interval type-2 fuzzy set are type-1 membership function, respectively. Definition 3.6[24] A interval type-2 fuzzy set, A , is said to be perfectly normal if both its upper and lower membership function are normal i.e., sup A x sup A 1. 4 PERFECTLY NORMAL IT2TRFN In this section, the concepts of Perfectly normal interval type-2 trapezoidal fuzzy number (PnIT2TrFN) have been discussed. It is the extension work of Chiao[25][26]. Definition 4.1 A PnIT2TrFN A AL , AU a2L , a3L , L , L , aU2 , a3U , U , U of crisp numbers such that a2L a3L , a2U a3U , L , U 0 and L , U 0 . a2L , a3L is the core of A L , and L 0 , L 0 are the leftU U U and 0 , 0 are the left-hand and righthand and right-hand spreads and a2 , a3 is the core of A U U hand spreads such that the membership function are as follows(see Figure 2).: x a2L L / L , a2L L x a2L , 1, a2L x a3L , A x L L L x a3 L / L , a3 x a3 L , 0, otherwise. x aU2 U / U , a2U U x aU2 , 1, a2U x a3U , A x U U U x a3 U / U , a3 x a3 U , 0, otherwise. L L U U Obviously, If a2 a3 , a2 a3 the perfectly normal interval type-2 trapezoidal fuzzy number reduce to the perfectly L U normal interval type-2 triangular fuzzy number. If A A , then the perfectly normal interval type-2 trapezoidal becomes a type-1 trapezoidal fuzzy number[23][27]. fuzzy number A U and the lower trapezoidal membership function A L of the Figure 2 The upper Trapezoidal membership function A . IT2FS A cut of an PnIT2FS) The primary cut of an PnIT2FS is A x, u J x , u 0,1 which is bounded by two regions Definition 4.2 (Primary Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 101 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 A x x, A x A x , 0,1 A x x, A x A x , 0,1. ISSN 2319 - 4847 and Definition 4.3 (Crisp bounds of PnIT2TrFN) The crisp bounds of the primary cut of the PnIT2TrFN A a2L , a3L , L , L , a2U , a3U , U , U is closed A shall be obtained as follows (0,1] thus are defined as the upper and lower membership functions. L U . Also, let the bounds of AL and AU be The A and A are the lower and upper interval valued bounds of A defined as the boundaries of the cuts of each interval type-1 fuzzy set, as follows: AL inf A x , sup A x alL , auL x x interval AU inf A x ,sup A x alU , auU x x cb A inf A x, u ,sup A x, u alU , alL , auL , auU a L , a L , a R , a R x x which is equivalent to say cb A a L , a L , a R , a R . Evidently, from the Figure 3 a L a L a R a R Figure 3 Crisp bounds of PnIT2TrFN . Definition 4.4 AL , AU A fuzzy number A a L 2 , a3L , L , L , aU2 , a3U , U , U is said to be non-negative PnIT2TrFN A x A 0, x 0. Definition 4.5 Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 102 if International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 AL , AU A fuzzy number A a ISSN 2319 - 4847 is said to be non-positive PnIT2TrFN if is said to be zero PnIT2TrFN if L 2 , a3L , L , L , aU2 , a3U , U , U L 2 , a3L , L , L , aU2 , a3U , U , U A x A 0, x 0. Definition 4.6 AL , AU A fuzzy number A a a2L b2L 0, a3L b3L 0 , L L L L U U 0 and U U 0. Definition 4.7 and B B L , BU A PnIT2TrFNs A b L 2 , b3L , L , L , b2U , b3U , U , U are is said to be identically equal A B if and only if a2L b2L , a3L b3L , L L , L L , U U and U U . Arithmetic Operations on PnIT2TrFN Definition 4.8 and B are PnIT2TrFNs, then C A B is also a PnIT2TrFN and defined by If A C a2L b2L , a3L b3L , L L , L L , a2U b2U , a3U b3U , U U , U U Definition 4.9 and B are PnIT2TrFNs, then C A B is also a PnIT2TrFN and defined by If A C a2L b3U , a3L b2U , L U , L U , aU2 b3L , a3U b2L , U L , U L Definition 4.10 Let R . If A is also a PnIT2TrFN and is given by a2L , a3L , L , L , a2U , a3U , U , U ; if 0 C A U U L L a3 , a2 , U , U , a3 , a2 , L , L ; if 0 5. POSSIBILITY, NECESSITY, AND CREDIBILITY MEASURES OF PNIT2TRFN Definition 5.1 and B be two PnIT2TrFNs with lower and upper membership function, and Let A is the set of real numbers. Then the possibility degrees of lower and upper membership functions are defined as follows: max aL bL,0 max a2L b2L ,0 max a3L b3L ,0 max aR bR,0 aR bL Pos A B max 1max ,0 ,0 (1) L L L L L L R R R L R L a b a2 b2 a3 b3 a b b b a a L L max aL bL,0 max aU2 b2U ,0 max a3U b3U ,0 max aR bR,0 aR bL Pos A B max1max ,0,0 (2) L L a b aU2 b2U a3U b3U aR bR bR bL aR aL U U The dual relationship of possibility and necessity gives L Nec A B L 1 Pos AL B L Nec AU BU 1 Pos AU BU (3) (4) Definition 5.2 ba a type-2 fuzzy number. Then the fuzzy measures of A for membership function is Let A Me A Pos A 1 Nec A (5) Me (6) A Pos A 1 Nec A Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 103 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 where Me and Me are represent measures of lower and upper membership functions and ISSN 2319 - 4847 0 1 is the optimistic-pessimistic parameter to determine the combined attitude of a decision maker. If 1, then Me Pos , Me Pos ; it means the decision maker is optimistic and maximum chance of A holds. If 0, then Me Nec , Me Nec ; it means the decision maker is pessimistic and maximum chance of A holds. If 0.5, then Me Cre , Me Cre ; where Cre is the credibility measure; it means the decision maker takes compromise attitude. Definition 5.3[14][27][28] and B be two PnIT2TrFNs,From Definition5.1 the possibility of lower and upper membership functions are as Let A follows: 1 b L a2L L L Pos AL B L 3 L L 0 a2L b3L a L 2 L b3L L , a2L b3L L 3 L a2L L b 1, bU aU2 U u Pos AU BU 3 , U U 0, (7) aU2 b3U , a U 2 U b3U U , aU2 b3U b U 3 (8) L aU2 L ± B for lower and upper membership function are as follows: The possibility of the event A 1 a3L b2L L L L L Pos A ± B L L 0 a3L b2L a3L b2L , a3L L b2L L a L 3 (9) L b2L L 1, a3U b2U a3U b2U U U U U Pos A ± B , a3U b2U , a3U U b2U U L L 0, a3U U b2U U (10) Definition 5.4 and B be two PnIT2TrFNs, From Definition5.1 the necessity of lower and upper membership functions are as Let A follows: Nec A L B L 1 Pos A L B L Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 0, b2L a3L L , L L 1 b3L a2L L , b L 2 L a3L , a3L L b2L (11) b2L a3L L . Page 104 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Nec A U B U 1 Pos A U B U 0, b2U a3U U , U U 1 ISSN 2319 - 4847 b3U aU2 U , b U 2 U a3U , a3L L b2L (12) b2U a3U U . ± B for lower and upper membership function are as follows: The necessity of the event A 0, a2L b3L L , aL bL L Nec AL ± B L 1 Pos AL B L 2 3 , a2L b3L L , a2L L b3L L L 1 a2L L b3L . (13) 0, aU2 b3U U aU b3U U Nec AU ± BU 1 Pos AU BU 2 , aU2 b3U U , aU2 U b3U U U 1 aU2 U b3U (14) Definition 5.5 and B be two PnIT2TrFNs, By Definition 5.1 measures of the event upper and lower membership functions Let A are as follows: Me AL B L Pos AL B L 1 Nec AL B L 0, b3L L a2L L , b3L a2L L L , b3L a2L , b2L L a2L , L L , b3L a2L , b2L L a3L , L L 1 b2 a3 L , b L a L , a L b L 2 L 3 3 L 2 L L 1, b2L a3L L Me AU BU Pos AU BU 1 Nec AU BU 0, b3U U aU2 U , b3U aU2 U U , b3U a2U , b2U U a2U , U U , b3U a2U , b2U U a3U , U U 1 b2 a3 U , bU aU , aU bU , 2 U 3 3 U 2 U U 1, b2U a3U U ± B for lower and upper membership function are as follows: The measures of event A Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 (15) (16) Page 105 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Me A L ± B L Pos AL ± B L 1 Nec A L ± B L 1, b3L a2L , L L 1 a2 b3 L , b L a L , b L a L , 2 L 3 L 2 3 L L , b3L L a2L , b2L a3L , L L a3 b2 L L , a L a L , a L b L 3 2 3 L 2 L L L 0, b2L L a3L L Me AU ± BU Pos AU ± BU 1 Nec AU ± BU 1, b3U aU2 , U U 1 a2 b3 U , bU aU , bU aU , 2 U 3 U 2 3 U U , b3U U a2U , b2U a3U , U U a3 b2 U U , aU aU , aU bU 3 2 3 U 2 U U U 0, b2U U a3U U For 0.5 0, b2L L a2L L , b3L a2L L L , b3L L a2L L , a2L b3L , 2 L L 1 Cre AL B L , b3L a2L , b2L L a3L , 2 L a3L b2L 2 L , b2L L a3L , a3L L b2L , 2 L L 1, b2L a3L L 0, b3U aU2 U U , 2 U U 1 Cre AU BU , 2 U a3U b2U 2 U , 2 U U 1, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 b U 2 b U 3 (17) (18) U a2U U , U a2U U , a2U b3U , b3U a2U , b2U U a3U , b U 2 (19) (20) U a3U , a3U U b2U , b2U a3U U Page 106 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 1, b3L a2L , L L a2 b3 2 L L , b L a L , a L b L , 2 L 2 3 L 3 2 L L 1 , b3L L a2L , b2L a3L , Cre A L ± B L (21) 2 L a3 b2L L L , b2L a3L , a3L L b2L L 2 L L 0, b2L L a3L L 1, b3U aU2 , U U a2 b3 2U U , bU aU , aU bU , 2 U 2 3 U 3 2 U U 1 , b3U U a2U , b2U a3U , Cre AU ± BU (22) 2 U a3 b2U U U , b2U a3U , a3U U b2U U 2 U U 0, b2U U a3U U Theorem 5.6 and B be two PnIT2TrFNs, p (0,1], Pos A L B L p, if and only if b L a L p 1 Let A 3 2 L L U B U p, if and only if bU aU p 1 . and Pos A 3 2 U U Proof : L B L 1 one can get that b L a L , and vice versa. If 0 p 1, then b L a L and If p 1, then from Pos A 3 2 3 2 b L a L , Pos A L B L p L 3 L 2 if and only b3L a2L L L p, L L if that b3L a2L p 1 L L . Similarly for Pos A U B U p, if and only if b3U a2U p 1U U . Theorem 5.7 and B be two PnIT2TrFNs, p (0,1], Nec AL B L p, if and only if b L a L p Let A 2 3 L L L p, if and only if b a p . Proof: If p 1, then from Nec A B 1 we can get that b a , and vice versa. If 0 p 1, then b a b a and a b , Nec A B p if and only if p, U and Nec A B U U 2 L L 2 L 3 L 3 L L L 2 U 3 U U L U L 2 L L 3 L 2 L L 3 L L 2 L L L 3 i.e., b a p L L L . Similarly for Nec AU BU p,if and only if b2U a3U p U U U . Theorem 5.8 and B be two PnIT2TrFNs, p (0,1], Cre AL B L p, if and only if If A b3L a2L 2 p 1 L L , b2L a3L L 2 L 2 p L L . Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 107 is International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Proof: L Let us consider Cre A B L p, Now, from equation 19, Cre A L B L p b3L a2L L L b L a3L L 2 L p, 2 p. 2 L L 2 L L Remark : x a2L L Cre A x p 2 L L p, L a3L x p. 2 L 6. TYPE-2 FUZZY LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODELS In this section, we propose a type-2 fuzzy linear programming models based on Chance-Constrained Programming Models(CCM)[29] with Type-2 fuzzy parameter. We can use the chance operator (possibility or necessity or credibility measure) to transform the type-2 fuzzy model in to crisp linear programming model. A general single objective linear programming model with Type-2 fuzzy parameter should have the following form: Opt f x, c j (23) Subject to g i x, aij bi , x 0, a where A ij and x j m n , b b1 , b2 , T T , c c1 , c2 ,..., cn , x x1 , x2 ,..., xn i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n . and aij , bi , c j are an PnIT2FN is a Type-2 fuzzy partial order. Definition 6.1 Consider a set of right-hand-side(resources) parameters of a Fuzzy linear programming problem define as an PnIT2FS b defined on the closed interval bi bi L , bi L , bi R , bi R and i n. The membership function which represents the fuzzy space Supp bi is bi bi 1/ u / bi , i uJbi n , J bi 0,1. Here, b is bounded by both lower and upper primary membership function, namely i with parameter i bi L & bi R and b bi , u b , i with parameter b bi , u b i bi L and bi R . Definition 6.2 Consider a technological coefficient of an fuzzy linear programming problem define as an PnIT2FS aij defined on the closed interval aij inf aij aij aij , u , sup aij Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 aij aij , u aijL , aijL , aijR , aijR , i n , j m Page 108 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 is The membership function which represents the fuzzy space Supp aij aij 1/ u / aij , i uJ a ij aij n , j m , J aij 0,1 . Here, aij is bounded by both lower and upper primary membership function, namely with parameter with parameter aij aij , u aij aij aij , u aij aijL & aijR and aijL & aijR . Definition 6.3 Consider a profit or cost coefficient of an fuzzy linear programming problem define as an PnIT2FS c defined on the closed interval c j c jL , c jL , c jR , c jR and j n is . The membership function which represents the fuzzy space Supp c j c j cj 1/ u / c j , j uJ c j n , J c j 0,1 . Here, c is bounded by both lower and upper primary membership function, namely with parameter c j c j , u c j c j c j , u c j , c jL & c jR and with parameter c jL and c jR . 6.1 Type-2 Fuzzy Linear programming model with PnIT2FN The general type-2 fuzzy linear programming models based on CCM with PnIT2TrFN for model equation (23) is as follows: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 109 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Opt ISSN 2319 - 4847 1 f L fU 2 Subject to Ch L f x, c j L ± f p L ± f p Ch g x, a b p Ch g x, a b p U ChU f x, c j U L ij U ij (24) L L i U U i x 0, i 1, 2,.., m; j 1, 2,..., n. a , a a , a , , , a , a , , , b b , b b , b , , , b , b , , c c , c c , c , , , c , c , , L where aij U ij ij L i U i i L ij 3 L i 2 i L i L ij 2 U L i 3 L i 2 i ij L i L L i 3 ij L U ij 3 U i 2 i L i L U ij 2 U i 3 U i 2 i L L i U U i 3 i U ij U ij U and i U i U U are PnIT2TrFNs, xi are the decision variable. The abbreviations Ch and Ch represent chance operator (i.e., possibility or necessity or credibility measure for) lower and upper membership functions is predetermined confidence levels such that 0 p 1 for i 1, 2,.., m; j 1, 2,..., n. 6.1.1 Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model based on possibility measure. The Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model with PnIT2TrFN (24) based on CCM and possibility measure is as follows: Opt 1 f L fU 2 Subject to Pos f x, c j ± f L p Pos g x, a b p Pos g x, a b p Pos f x, c j ± fU p ij L i ij U i (25) x 0, i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. Where p is the predetermined confidence level such that 0 p 1 for i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. Definition 6.4 A solution x* of the problem equation (25) satisfies Pos g x, aij biL p and Pos g x, aij biU p, i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. is called a feasible solution at p cut possibility level. Definition 6.5 * A feasible solution at p cut possibility level, x , is said to be p cut efficient solution for problem (25) if and x only if there exists no other feasible solution at p cut possibility level, such that Pos f x, c j f L p and Pos f x, c j fU p with f x Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 1 f L x* fU 2 * Page 110 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 6.1.2 Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model based on necessity measure. The Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model with PnIT2TrFN (24) based on CCM and necessity measure is as follows: Opt 1 f L fU 2 Subject to Nec f x, c j ± f L p Nec g x, a b p Nec g x, a b p Nec f x, c j ± fU p ij L i ij U i (26) x 0, i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. where p is the predetermined confidence level such that 0 p 1 for i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. Definition 6.6 * A solution x of the problem equation (26) satisfies Nec g x, aij bi L p and Nec g x, a b p, U i ij i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. is called a feasible solution at p cut necessity level Definition 6.7 * A feasible solution at p cut necessity level, x , is said to be p cut efficient solution for problem (26) if and only if there exists no other feasible solution at p cut necessity level, such that Nec f x, c j f L and Nec f x, c j fU with f x 1 f L x* fU x* 2 6.1.3 Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model based on credibility measure. The Type-2 fuzzy linear programming model with PnIT2TrFN (24) based on CCM and credibility measure is as follows: Opt 1 f L fU 2 Subject to Cre f x, c j ± f L p Cre g x, a b p Cre g x, a b p Cre f x, c j ± fU p ij L i ij U i (27) x 0, i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. Where $ p $ is the predetermined confidence level such that 0 p 1 for i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. Definition 6.8 A solution x* of the problem equation (27) satisfies Cre g x, aij biL p and Cre g x, aij biU p, i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. is called a feasible solution at p cut credibility level. Definition 6.9 * A feasible solution at p cut credibility level, x , is said to be p cut efficient solution for problem (27) if and x only if there exists no other feasible solution at p cut credibility level, such that Cre f x, c j f L p and Cre f x, c j fU p with f x Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 1 f L x* fU 2 * Page 111 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 7 PROPOSED METHOD TO SOLVE TYPE-2 FUZZY LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODELS: To solve type 2 fuzzy linear programming model based on possibility or necessity or credibility measures we propose the following method. Step 1. Apply chance operator possibility/necessity/credibility in type -2 fuzzy linear programming model (23) can be converted into following form. Opt 1 f L fU 2 Subject to Pos f x, c j f L p Pos f x, c j fU p Nec f x, c j f L p or (28) Nec f x, c j fU p Cre f x, c j f L p or Cre f x, c j fU p Pos g x, a b p or Nec g x, a b p Nec g x, a b p or Cre g x, a b p Cre g x, a b p Pos g x, aij biL p ij U i ij ij (29) U i ij ij L i L i U i x 0, 0 p 1 (30) for i=1,2,...,m;j=1,2,...,n.where p is the predefined confidence level. Step 2. Using Theorems 5.6, 5.7 and/or Theorem 5.8, the above problem in Step 1 can also be written as 1 f L fU 2 Subject to f L fU Z Opt (31) (29) -(30) where Z is obtained by applying Theorems.5.6, 5.7 and/or Theorem 5.8 in (28) Step 3. The above model is equivalent to Opt Z Subject to 29 30 (32) for i 1, 2,..., m; j 1, 2,..., n. Step 4. Crisp programming model obtained in step 2 can be solved using simplex method to get the optimal solution 8 NUMERICAL ILLUSTRATION A farmer has “about 12" acres of cultivable land and he wanted to grow multiple vegetable crops viz., Brinjal, Ladies finger, Bitter guard and Tomato in a season. Out of his experience, he stated that labour work time available with him is 220 hours and availability of water is 25 acre-inches. The profit coefficients (lakh rupees), required work time and water for each crop for one acre of land are provided in the Table-1. How many acres he has to consider for each crop in order to get guaranteed net returns out of volatility among profit coefficients ? Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 112 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Table 1: Profit coefficients, labour requirement and water for entire duration of crop Brinja Ladies Bitter Tomato l finger guard Profit coefficients (lakh rupees)(about) 2.2 1.64 3.12 4.8 Labour requirement per acre('000 hours)(about) Water requirement per acre (acre-inch)(about) 1.760 1.280 1.600 1.840 27.2 17.5 18.2 18 Here, we illustrate solution of the problem by the working procedure provided in the section-\ref{methodology} . Let xi for i 1, 2, 3, 4. be the number of acres to be considered for Brinjal, Ladies finger, Bitter guard and Tomato respectively and the undertaken problem is to solve. Max Z c1 x1 c2 x2 c3 x3 c4 x4 S .t a11 x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 a14 x4 b1 a x a x a x a x b 21 1 22 2 23 3 24 4 1 (33) a31 x1 a32 x2 a33 x3 a34 x4 b1 x j 0, j 1, 2,3, 4. where\\ c1 0.80, 0.84, 0, 0 , 0.80, 0.84, 0, 0 ; c2 0.60, 0.64, 0, 0 , 0.60, 0.64, 0, 0 ; a12 1,1, 0, 0 , 1,1, 0, 0 ; a13 1,1,0, 0 , 1,1, 0, 0 ; a14 1,1, 0, 0 , 1,1, 0, 0 , a21 1.72,1.8, 0.2, 0.2 , 1.74,1.78, 0.5, 0.5 ; a22 1.24,1.32, 0.2, 0.2 , 1.26,1.3, 0.5, 0.5 ; a23 1.56,1.64, 0.2, 0.2 , 1.58,1.62, 0.5, 0.5 ; a24 1.8,1.88, 0.2, 0.2 , 1.82,1.86, 0.5, 0.5 , a31 27.16, 27.24,0.2, 0.2 , 27.18, 27.22, 0.5,0.5 ; c3 1,1.5, 0, 0 , 1,1.5, 0, 0 ; a32 17.46,17.54, 0.2, 0.2 , 17.48,17.52, 0.5, 0.5 ; c4 0.7,0.9, 0, 0 , 0.7, 0.9, 0, 0 ; a33 18.16,18.24, 0.2, 0.2 , 18.18,18.22, 0.5, 0.5 ; a11 1,1, 0, 0 , 1,1, 0, 0 ; a34 17.96,18.04, 0.2, 0.2 , 18.16,18.2, 0.5, 0.5 , b1 11.96,12.04, 0.2, 0.2 , 12.16,12.2, 0.5, 0.5 , b2 24.96, 25.04, 0.2, 0.2 , 24.98, 25.02, 0.5, 0.5 and b3 180, 260, 20, 20 , 180, 260, 50,50 . 8. TYPE-2 FUZZY LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM BASED ON CCM AND POSSIBILITY MEASURE. Now by using Step 2 of the method explained in Section 7 and theorem 5.6,if we apply the possibility measure in type-2 fuzzy linear programming problem 33, is converted into the following crisp programming problems: Z 1 MaxZ MaxZ 2 MaxZ (0.84 0.04 p) x1 (0.64 0.04 p ) x2 (1.5 0.5 p ) x3 (0.9 0.2 p ) x4 S .t x1 x2 x3 x4 (12.24 0.2 p ) (1.52 0.2 p ) x1 (1.04 0.2 p ) x2 (1.36 0.2 p ) x3 (1.6 0.2 p ) x4 25.24 0.2 p (34) (26.96 0.2 p) x1 (17.26 0.2 p ) x2 (17.96 0.2 p) x3 (17.76 0.2 p) x4 280 20 p x j 0, j 1, 2,3, 4. Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 113 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 MaxZ (0.84 0.04 p) x1 (0.64 0.04 p ) x2 (1.5 0.5 p) x3 (0.9 0.2 p ) x4 S .t x1 x2 x3 x4 (12.7 0.5 p ) (1.24 0.5 p ) x1 (0.76 0.5 p) x2 (1.08 0.5 p) x3 (1.32 0.5 p) x4 25.52 0.5 p (35) (26.68 0.5 p ) x1 (16.48 0.5 p) x2 (17.68 0.5 p ) x3 (17.66 0.5 p ) x4 310 50 p x j 0, j 1, 2,3, 4. Solving the above crisp problem for efficient levels ( 0.1, 0.5 and 1) and different possibility levels, we get different optimal solutions. Optimal solution of 34 and 35 at different possibility levels are presented in Table 2 Table 2: Optimal solution of 34 and 35 at different possibility levels. Optimal solution and Optimal Value Optimal solution and Optimal Value Z 0.1 Z x3 =17.719 0.5 1 17.719 Z x3 =18.3425 18.3425 18.031 x3 =15.175 15.175 x3 =15.5625 15.5625 15.368 x3 =12.04 12.04 x3 =15.25 15.25 13.645 3 TYPE-2 FUZZY LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM BASED ON CCM AND NECESSITY MEASURE. Now by using Step 2 of the method explained in Section 7 and theorem 5.7,if we apply the necessity measure in type-2 fuzzy linear programming problem 33, is converted into the following crisp programming problems: Z 1 MaxZ MaxZ 2 MaxZ (0.80) x1 (0.60) x2 (1) x3 (0.7) x4 S .t x1 x2 x3 x4 (11.76 0.2 p) (1.8 0.2 p ) x1 (1.32 0.2 p) x2 (1.64 0.2 p) x3 (1.88 0.2 p) x4 24.76 0.2 p (36) (27.24 0.2 p) x1 (17.54 0.2 p ) x2 (18.24 0.2 p) x3 (18.04 0.2 p) x4 160 20 p x j 0, j 1, 2,3, 4. MaxZ (0.80) x1 (0.60) x2 (1) x3 (0.7) x4 S .t x1 x2 x3 x4 (11.66 0.5 p) (1.78 0.5 p) x1 (1.3 0.5 p) x2 (1.62 0.5 p ) x3 (1.86 0.5 p) x4 24.48 0.5 p (37) (27.22 0.5 p) x1 (17.52 0.5 p ) x2 (18.22 0.5 p ) x3 (18.2 0.5 p ) x4 160 50 p x j 0, j 1, 2,3, 4. Table 3: Optimal solution of 36 and 37 at different necessity levels. Optimal solution and Optimal Value Z 0.1 x3 =8.872 0.5 x3 =9.269 1 x3 = 9.761 Optimal solution and Optimal Value Z 8.872 Z x3 =8.484 8.484 8.676 9.269 x3 =7.309 7.309 8.289 9.761 5.876 7.819 x3 =5.876 Solving the above crisp problem for efficient levels ( 0.1, 0.5 and 1) and different necessity levels, we get different optimal solutions. Optimal solution of 36 and 37 at different necessity levels are presented in Table 3. 9. Conclusion In this paper, we have developed the possibility, necessity, and credibility measures on type-2 fuzzy set. We have also developed the theoretical calculation on possibility, necessity, and credibility measures for defuzzify type-2 fuzzy linear programming model using chance operators. To validate the proposed method, we have discussed three different Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 Page 114 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016 ISSN 2319 - 4847 approaches to defuzzify the type-2 fuzzy relations using possibility, necessity, and credibility measures. Using chance operator we can convert a problem under imprecise models to corresponding crisp models. At different levels of possibility, necessity, and credibility, we have achieved different optimal solution. References [1]. David Ray Anderson and Thomas Williams. An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approach to Decision Making. West Publishing Company, 1979. [2]. L.A. Zadeh. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8(3):338 pp. 353, 1965. 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