Session 3 Home Network Architecture Conclusions & Recommendations Mayumi Matsumoto

Session 3
Home Network Architecture
Conclusions & Recommendations
Mayumi Matsumoto
NEC Magnus Communications, Ltd.
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Presentations in Session
Home Network Architecture and Logical Entities/
Steven Saunders, CableLabs
Bridging to CE Devices across IP Domains /
Mayuko Tanaka, Hitachi Ltd.
Home Network Service Aggregation Platform and Service
Collaborations /
Nobuo Fujii, NTT
Digital Television as “Integrated Information Device”/
Haruo Okuda, NHK
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Highlights from Presentation 1
“Home Network Architecture and Logical Entities”
Main issues
Focus on Management, Security, and QoS
Transport technology independent
Accommodate IP and non-IP home devices
Logical Entities and Domains
Portal Services Element
Flexible and expandable architecture allowing different domains
Configurable PS functionalities
Applicable for A/V contents to time critical services
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Highlights from Presentation 2
“Bridging to CE Devices across IP Domains ”
Main issues
Seamless access between IP domain and proprietary domains
No change of the existing CE devices in the proprietary domains
Common commands and common directory schemes for unified access
Common protocol and secure access for inside and outside home
Domain Gateway Architecture
Need Domain gateways for connecting IP and proprietary domains
Home gateway is for connecting inside and outside home
Define common commands and common directory information format
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Highlights from Presentation 3
“Home Network Service Aggregation Platform and Service
Collaborations ”
Main issues
Software based OPEN architectural Service Gateway
OSGi platform Java-based software platform
Service Aggregation Platform
Service operation architecture on Service gateway
Needs for Service Gateway (SGW) to handle diversified services
Service collaboration function will increase values of home services
Some new standards for SGW is needed
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Highlights from Presentation 4
“Digital Television as “Integrated Information Device””
Main issues
Connecting ISDB to Home Network via Home Gateway
Copt Right Protection for Digital Receiver and Digital Storage
Home Server and RMP (Rights Managements and Protection)
ISDB is a solution of future broadcasting that shall be connected with
Home Network
Copy Right Protection is strictly required for Digital Storage Device
Spreading Services are expected by Digital Television
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Overview of issues in the session
Architecture is required to terminate access networks and to control
Home Networks.
Architecture shall be independent from Transport technologies.
Need Domain Gateway (DGW) for connecting IP and proprietary
Common commands and directory schemes for unified access are
Needs for Service Gateway (SGW) to handle diversified services
Some new standards for SGW is needed
Future broadcasting shall be connected with Home Network
Copy Right Protection is strictly required for Digital Storage Device
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Basic Home Network Architecture is ITU-T Rec. J.190
Needs enhancement to connect Proprietary Domains
Common commands and directory schemes for unified
access are to be specified
Some new standards for Service GW is needed to handle
diversified services
Need mechanism (DGW) enabling broadcast services to
connect with Home Network
Copy Right Protection shall be specified in Home
Networking environment
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Follow-up actions
Enhancement of ITU-T Rec. J.190 Series
Works to be continued for ;
Specifying unified access including Common commands
and directory schemes
Studying Service GW to handle diversified services
Creating mechanism enabling broadcast services to
connect with Home Network
Inclusion of Copy Right Protection in Home Networking
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004
Agreed to further study for enhancement of Home
Network Architecture based on ITU-T Rec. J.190 Series
Home Networking as a milestone toward Ubiquitous
Agreed to study mechanism enabling broadcast services to
connect with Home Network
Agreed to study Copy Right Protection in Home
Networking environment
Home networking & home services, Tokyo, 17-18 June 2004