BSc (Hons) in Computing Science Proposals for Student Projects April 2016

BSc (Hons) in Computing Science
Proposals for Student Projects
April 2016
Part A
Preapproved Proposals
Optimising Path Tracing with Genetic Algorithms
Keith Bugeja, Joshua Ellul, Kevin Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automating Pointcloud Acquisition methods for Scene Understanding
Sandro Spina, Keith Bugeja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Generic Chess-Like Game Player
Gordon Pace, Jean-Paul Ebejer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expressing Runtime Verification Properties Using Regular Expression
in Larva
Gordon Pace, Christian Colombo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Runtime Verification Tool for Javascript Programs
Gordon Pace, Christian Colombo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expressing Versatile Runtime Verification Events for Java
Gordon Pace, Christian Colombo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preliminary investigations on Runtime Enforcement Implementations
Adrian Francalanza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proof Rule based Runtime Verification for LTL
Adrian Francalanza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reusable Building Blocks for Thread and Event Scheduling
Kevin Vella, Keith Bugeja, Joshua Ellul . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Language-Independent Native Address Spaces for the MMU-less
Joshua Ellul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatic Ahead-of-Time Compiler Generation
Joshua Ellul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Dalvik Bytecode Interpreter for 16-bit Architectures
Joshua Ellul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A JavaScript Operating System Simulator
Joshua Ellul, Keith Bugeja, Kevin Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Hybrid Smartphone-Cloud based Rendering Algorithm for Natural
Video Scenes on Mobile Devices
Carl James Debono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heart Beat Rate Calculation from Facial Video Recording on Smartphones
Carl James Debono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fast Video Compression
Carl James Debono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multi-hop Data Broadcasting in Vehicular Networks
Carl James Debono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Super-resolution of License Plates
Reuben Farrugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Emotion Analysis using Local Binary Pattern
Reuben Farrugia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exploring Ligand-Protein Interactions for Drug Discovery
Jean-Paul Ebejer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Malta Human Genome Project
Jean-Paul Ebejer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Motion Analysis with High Speed Video
Johann A. Briffa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Real-time pedestrian detection from a static video surveillance camera
George Azzopardi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part B
Generic Proposals
Using virtual machine introspection for kernel code execution monitoring
Mark Vella, Kevin Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Extending Android’s Binder as a basis for application monitoring.
Mark Vella, Joshua Ellul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Real-time radiosity for dynamic scenes
Keith Bugeja, Sandro Spina, Kevin Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Efficient rendering of shadowcasting light sources
Keith Bugeja, Sandro Spina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulating formally specified language behaviour and analysis
Adrian Francalanza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Algorithm Implementation on Highly Parallel Architectures
Johann A. Briffa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updates to Distributed Simulator for Communications Systems
Johann A. Briffa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Machine learning methods for handling missing data in medical questionnaires
Lalit Garg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Real-time hospital bed occupancy and requirements forecasting
Lalit Garg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Supervisor Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Keyword Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part A
Preapproved Proposals
This part of the booklet contains project proposals that
have been preapproved by the Computing Science Board
of Studies. Students who wish to pursue their Final Year
Projects (FYPs) in a topic proposed herein are required
to register their interest using the apposite form1 available online.
Optimising Path Tracing
with Genetic Algorithms
Supervised by: Keith Bugeja, Joshua Ellul, Kevin Vella
Keywords: Computer Graphics, Ray Tracing, Genetic Algorithms
The path tracing algorithm [2] is a Monte Carlo solution to the rendering
equation based on point-sampling methods. Recently, the algorithm has been
the focus of a number of studies in interactive physically-based rendering due
to its ability to simulate lighting phenomena such as global illumination and
caustics. Being a Monte Carlo method, path tracing can quickly yield a coarse
solution or, given more time, converge towards a more accurate one. Realtime
applications opt for the former approach and have to contend with implementations that are largely optimised for a specific platform and hardware configuration, oft focusing on minimising execution time without factoring in power
While operation counts are correlated to performance, the increasingly complex hardware and compiler technology makes optimisation largely an empirical
process [3]. The lack of semantic information available to conventional compilers
limits their transformative power and the extent of the optimisations they can
carry out. Thus, generating high-quality code still requires some form of human intervention. Library generators such as ATLAS [5] and FFTW [1] make
use of semantic information to apply transformations at all levels of abstraction, and the most powerful of these are not just program optimisers but true
algorithm design systems. ATLAS generates linear algebra routines, focusing
the implementation on matrix-matrix multiplication, identifying the parameters
that give the best performance on a given setup during installation. FFTW generates signal processing libraries using heuristics such as dynamic programming
or genetic algorithms in the generation due to the search space being too large
for exhaustive search to be possible.
The aim of this project is that of using genetic algorithms to improve program performance in a spirit similar to that shown effective for sorting and
generator libraries like ATLAS and FFTW [4]. The candidate will identify the
possible levels of abstraction at which transformations can be gainfully applied
by an optimisation strategy and also determine the possible transformation units
at each of these levels. A suitable evolutionary algorithm will be designed and
developed to discover the transformations that best satisfy the desired optimisation critera (e.g lower execution time, lower power consumption or CPU
[1] Matteo Frigo. A fast fourier transform compiler. In Acm sigplan notices,
volume 34, pages 169–180. ACM, 1999.
[2] James T Kajiya. The rendering equation. In ACM Siggraph Computer
Graphics, volume 20, pages 143–150. ACM, 1986.
[3] Andrew Kensler and Peter Shirley. Optimizing ray-triangle intersection via
automated search. In Interactive Ray Tracing 2006, IEEE Symposium on,
pages 33–38. IEEE, 2006.
[4] Xiaoming Li, Maria Jesus Garzaran, and David Padua. Optimizing sorting
with genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the international symposium on
Code generation and optimization, pages 99–110. IEEE Computer Society,
[5] R Clint Whaley, Antoine Petitet, and Jack J Dongarra. Automated empirical
optimizations of software and the atlas project. Parallel Computing, 27(1):3–
35, 2001.
Automating Pointcloud
Acquisition methods for
Scene Understanding
Supervised by: Sandro Spina, Keith Bugeja
Keywords: Computer Graphics, Pointclouds, Ray Tracing, GPU
While it may be a trivial task for a person to recognise objects and structures
in an image or point cloud, this is not a straightforward task for a computer
system. This task, referred to as scene understading (SU), is particularly challenging in scenes comprised of an unknown number of different objects, where
the complexity of the identification task is augmented with the added challenge
of determining object boundaries. In cluttered indoor scenes objects are typically only partially visible to the sensor due to inter-object occlusions. In the
general case, the utilisation of both apprearance and shape information increases
the potential for a correct interpretation of a scene.
A variety of SU from pointclouds algorithms exist, for instance Spina et al.[1]
and Wang et al.[2], which propose graph-based methods for the identification of
objects within cluttered indoor scenes. In both cases, indoor scenes are manually
scanned and labelled in order to provide ground truth for evaluation purposes.
This project looks into the development of a simulator framework to facilitate
comparative evaluation of different SU algorithms on common datasets. This
project will focus on the development of these datasets using either of the following approaches:
1) a manual (using triangulation-based scanners) approach. Main challenge
is the design/implementation of a GUI to manually (or using semi-automated
methods) label the manually acquired datasets. 2) a fully automated virtual
scene generation approach. Main challenge is the design/implementation of
a virtual scanner which properly simulates a manual acquisition process and
automatically navigates the virtual scene to produce the pointcloud dataset.
[1] Sandro Spina, Kurt Debattista, Keith Bugeja, and Alan Chalmers. Scene
segmentation and understanding for context-free point clouds. 2014.
[2] Jun Wang, Qian Xie, Yabin Xu, Laishui Zhou, and Nan Ye. Cluttered indoor
scene modeling via functional part-guided graph matching. Computer Aided
Geometric Design, 2016.
A Generic Chess-Like
Game Player
Supervised by: Gordon Pace, Jean-Paul Ebejer
Keywords: Game Playing
Computer board game playing has hit the news again recently when a computer Go player beat top human players, but has a long history starting from
the dream of chess playing automata like the mechanical Turk [6], and with
computer playing algorithms initially discussed in the fifties [5, 4].
An interesting problem is that of analysing a class of games, as opposed to a
single one. In this project, the student will be exploring the class of symmetric
chess-like games, in which two players battle across a board upon which pieces
are placed. Such games may vary with respect to the topology of the board,
how the pieces move and capture, how turns work, etc. The project will build
on the work of Pell [2] to build a system which allows a user to describe a game
and automatically produce a client to enable playing according the given rules,
and also a computer player for the game.
The project will be organised into phases as follows:
Research and understanding: The student will be expected to read through
the papers in the project’s bibliography and identify other work which
might be relevant or helpful to understand the algorithms and data structures involved.
Generic game framework: A framework to describe chess-like games, using
a language akin to the one used in [2] will be built, enabling automated
generation of clients to allow human players to play against each other
such games.
Extending game information: The language will be extended to enable the
automated analysis of a game position. This will be used to be able to
generate computer players using standard algorithms such as minimax and
alpha-beta pruning [1].
Extending the class of games: The student will investigate how the class of
games can be extended beyond that used in [2] and show how this can be
Evaluation: The framework developed will be evaluated on the basis of (i)
coverage of chess-like games, by showing whether and how easily instances
of games from standard texts like [3, 2] can be encoded in the framework;
and (ii) limitations to quality of automated play, by comparing the level
of play achieved by the generic player to specialised game-specific players.
[1] Ian Millington and John Funge. Artificial Intelligence for Games Hardcover.
CRC Press, 2009.
[2] Barney Darryl Pell. Strategy Generation and Evaluation for Meta-Game
Playing. PhD thesis, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 1993.
[3] D. Pritchard. The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Games & Puzzles, 1994.
[4] Arthur Samuel. Some studies in machine learning using the game of checkers.
IBM Journal, 3(3):210–229, 1959.
[5] C. E. Shannon. Programming a computer for playing chess. Philosophical
Magazine, 41:256–275, 1950.
[6] Tom Standage. The Mechanical Turk: The True Story of the Chess-playing
Machine That Fooled the World. Penguin Books, 2003.
Expressing Runtime
Verification Properties
Using Regular Expression
in Larva
Supervised by: Gordon Pace, Christian Colombo
Keywords: Runtime Verification
Runtime verification [3] provides an approach to monitoring the behaviour
of a system without directly changing the code thus separating the concerns of
normal system behaviour from that of the verification. Starting from a formal
specification and a system, a runtime verification tool automatically instruments checks for the properties into the system, ensuring that any violations
are identified at runtime.
Runtime verification tools come with their own native property language
and although one can typically translate other languages into such the native
one, relating errors back to the original property can be challenging. In this
project, we will be using the runtime verification tool Larva [2], which uses an
automaton-based formalism DATEs to describe properties, and build different
ways of allowing properties to be written using regular expressions. Regular
expressions have been used in different ways to express properties: (i) positive
specifications which state how the system should behave under normal circumstances e.g. the property (login (read + write)* logout)* shows that reading
a writing should only occur while logged in; (ii) negative specifications which
state what should not happen e.g. the property (login + logout)* (read + write)
states that a read or a write while logged out is wrong behaviour. Although
equivalent in terms of expressiveness, some properties may be easier to express
in one of the two forms. Although translating regular expressions into DATEs
can use standard algorithms, relating unexpected behaviour with the original
regular expression specification can be challenging. For instance, receiving two
consecutive logins would trigger an error in the first property given above, and
would have to be explained in terms of the expression by showing that after a
login, only read, write or logout should be allowed. The aim of this project is
to explore different ways of achieving this.
The project will be organised into phases as follows:
Research and understanding: The student will be expected to read through
the papers in the project’s bibliography and identify other work which
might be relevant or helpful to understand the tools, algorithms and data
structures involved.
Case study: An appropriate system will be identified — an open source Java
project — for which the student will write a number of properties expressed using regular expressions, and implemented directly using DATEs
in Larva.
Regular expression monitoring (I): A tool to translate a regular expression (positive or negative) into DATEs using standard techniques from
formal languages [5] and using deterministic finite state automata will be
built. The translation should ensure that violations of a property will be
explained and logged in terms of the original regular expression rather
than the DATE produced.
Regular expression monitoring (II): The translation to deterministic automata may lead to an exponential blowup. One way of circumventing
this problem is that of producing non-deterministic automata and keeping
track of the set of states the automaton may lie in using DATE variables.
This approach will be implemented, including feedback using the original
regular expression as in the previous case.
Regular expression monitoring (III): Another approach which has been
proposed to monitor regular expressions is that of using derivatives [1, 4].
This approach will also be implemented as in the previous two cases.
Evaluation: The different approaches developed will be evaluated on the basis
of (i) efficiency in terms of memory and temporal overheads induced; and
(ii) complexity of reverse explanation of identified property violations in
terms of the original regular expression.
[1] Janusz A. Brzozowski. Derivatives of regular expressions. JOURNAL OF
THE ACM, 11:481–494, 1964.
[2] Christian Colombo, Gordon J. Pace, and Gerardo Schneider. Dynamic eventbased runtime monitoring of real-time and contextual properties. In Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 13th International Workshop,
FMICS 2008, L’Aquila, Italy, pages 135–149, 2008.
[3] Martin Leucker and Christian Schallhart. A brief account of runtime verification. J. Log. Algebr. Program., 78(5):293–303, 2009.
[4] Usa Sammapun and Oleg Sokolsky. Regular expressions for run-time verification. In 1st International Workshop on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis 2003 (ATVA 2003), 2003.
[5] Michael Sipser. Introduction to the Theory of Computation. International
Thomson Publishing, 1996.
A Runtime Verification
Tool for Javascript
Supervised by: Gordon Pace, Christian Colombo
Keywords: Runtime Verification
Runtime verification [3] provides an approach to monitoring the behaviour
of a system without directly changing the code thus separating the concerns of
normal system behaviour from that of the verification. Starting from a formal
specification and a system, a runtime verification tool automatically instruments checks for the properties into the system, ensuring that any violations
are identified at runtime.
Javascript is becoming an increasingly popular technology, and its widespread
use to interact with web content results in an interaction of technologies which
poses particular challenges for runtime verification.
The aim of this project is to build a runtime verification tool for Javascript
programs, extended to enable the monitoring of events consisting not only of
Javascript control-flow points (e.g. the moment a function is called, or exits)
but also upon changes to the Document Object Model (DOM) with which the
Javascript code is interacting. The tool will use a guarded-command language
to specify properties in the same style as used by the runtime verification tool
pollyRV [1].
The project will be organised into phases as follows:
Research and understanding: The student will be expected to read through
the papers in the project’s bibliography and identify other work which
might be relevant or helpful to understand the tools, algorithms and data
structures involved.
Case study: An appropriate system will be identified — an open source Javascript
project — for which the student will write a number of properties expressed using guarded-commands in the style of [1].
Aspect-Oriented Programming for Javascript: Typically, runtime verification tools use aspect-oriented programming (AoP) [2] techniques to inject code into a system to enable verification without having to change
the code of the system directly. There are a number of AoP tools for
Javascript, such as Meld meld2 and AspectJS3 , which the student is to
look into and select an appropriate one for building the runtime verification tool upon.
Runtime verification for Javascript: The student will build a tool for the
monitoring of Javascript programs using standard AoP techniques.
DOM modification events: The set of events which the tool can handle will
be extended to deal with modification of the DOM structure. Different
approaches in which this can be done will be explored, but the tool may
assume that access to the DOM will be done via jQuery4 or a similar
Evaluation: The tool will be developed will be evaluated on the basis of efficiency in terms of memory and temporal overheads induced in the case
study. Other properties which can be scaled up (e.g. monitoring each
instance of a DOM object, thus allowing for scaling up analysis to large
documents) will also be analysed to give a better picture of the effectiveness of the approach.
[1] Christian Colombo, Adrian Francalanza, Ruth Mizzi, and Gordon J Pace.
polylarva: Runtime verification with configurable resource-aware monitoring
boundaries. In Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 10th International Conference, SEFM 2012, volume 7504 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 218–232. Springer, 2012.
[2] G. Kiczales. Aspect-oriented programming. ACM Comput. Surv., 28(4es),
December 1996.
[3] Martin Leucker and Christian Schallhart. A brief account of runtime verification. J. Log. Algebr. Program., 78(5):293–303, 2009.
Expressing Versatile
Runtime Verification
Events for Java
Supervised by: Gordon Pace, Christian Colombo
Keywords: Runtime Verification
Runtime verification [3] provides an approach to monitoring the behaviour
of a system without directly changing the code thus separating the concerns of
normal system behaviour from that of the verification. Starting from a formal
specification and a system, a runtime verification tool automatically instruments checks for the properties into the system, ensuring that any violations
are identified at runtime.
System behaviour is typically defined in terms of a sequence of system events
where an event is a point of interest in the system’s execution. To enable the
specification of points of interest, several runtime verification tools come with
their own native event specification language. While one would usually be able
to express a wide range of events and bind a number of related objects (such as
parameters and returned objects), such an events specification language might
sometimes limit the expressiveness of the runtime verification tool.
In this project, we will be investigating the limitations of the event language used in the runtime verification tool Larva [1]. The Larva event language
is closely related to AspectJ [2] but is a strict subset of it. While Larva has
been used to monitor a numerous Java systems, some concepts (such as filtering
classes by package name) are not directly expressible in the event language. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, Larva has been evolving over the years
and some features are not well integrated and documented. Examples include
detecting constructor events, distinguishing between execution and call events,
binding the “this” object, and so on. Therefore, the aim of this project would
be to look at a range of Java program events one would want to monitor and
redesign the language, making sure to identify a good trade-off of expressiveness
versus clarity of the event language.
The project will be organised into phases as follows:
Research and understanding: The student will be expected to read through
the papers in the project’s bibliography and identify other work which
might be relevant or helpful to understand the tools, algorithms and data
structures involved.
Experimenting with Larva and AspectJ: A deep understanding of Larva
and AspectJ is a must. Therefore, the second phase involves carrying out
exercises and experimentation with these tools.
Case study: An appropriate system will be identified — an open source Java
project — for which the student will identify a variety of potential events
of interest.
Event language design: An event language is designed, taking into consideration the knowledge experience gathered from the previous phases.
Integration with Larva: The language will be implemented and integrated
as part of the Larva runtime verification suite.
Evaluation: By implementing the case study using (i) plain Larva; and (ii) the
extended event language, a qualitative analysis of the expressiveness and
clarity of the Larva specification language extension can be carried out.
[1] Christian Colombo, Gordon J. Pace, and Gerardo Schneider. Dynamic eventbased runtime monitoring of real-time and contextual properties. In Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 13th International Workshop,
FMICS 2008, L’Aquila, Italy, pages 135–149, 2008.
[2] Gregor Kiczales, Erik Hilsdale, Jim Hugunin, Mik Kersten, Jeffrey Palm,
and William G. Griswold. An overview of aspectj. In Proceedings of the
15th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP ’01,
pages 327–353. Springer-Verlag, 2001.
[3] Martin Leucker and Christian Schallhart. A brief account of runtime verification. J. Log. Algebr. Program., 78(5):293–303, 2009.
Preliminary investigations
on Runtime Enforcement
Supervised by: Adrian Francalanza
Keywords: Runtime Analysis, Concurrency
DetectEr and AdapterEr form part of a tool suite for extending a concurreny
system (written in Erlang) with runtime monitoring support. They automatically synthesise and instrument monitors from logical specifications that analyse
and adapt the system under scrutiny while it is executing. The tool suite has
acted both as prototype tool guiding the study of theories for monitoring semantics [3, 4] as well as vehicle for investigating practical issues relating to aspects
such as asynchronounous/synchronous monitoring and monitor modularisation
[1, 2].
In this project, the candidate will conduct preliminary investigations for
an implementation of a prototype told that generates enforcement monitors.
Whereas detection monitors merely flag behavioural violations/satisfactions,
and adaptation monitors attempt to change aspects of a running system after
a violation/satisfaction is detected, enforcement monitors attempt to anticipate
violations before they actually happen. They are thus capable to enforce the
satifaction of a correctness property. The candidate will start from an existing implementation of the tool suite and investigate extensions for enforcement
monitor instumentations and enforcement monitor synthesis. Since the monitors
will have their own thread of execution that is separate from that of the system
being analaysed, the candidate will be exposed to concurrent programming and
issues associated with this paradigm such as race conditions.
[1] Ian Cassar and Adrian Francalanza. On synchronous and asynchronous
monitor instrumentation for actor-based systems. In Proceedings 13th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and SelfAdaptive Systems, FOCLASA 2014, Rome, Italy, 6th September 2014., volume 175 of EPTCS, pages 54–68, 2014.
[2] Ian Cassar and Adrian Francalanza. On implementing a monitor-oriented
programming framework for actor systems. In Proceedings 12th International
Conference on integrated Formal Methods, iFM 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-5
June 2016., Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2016. (to appear).
[3] Adrian Francalanza. A theory of monitors - (extended abstract). In Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures - 19th International
Conference, FOSSACS 2016, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands, April 2-8, 2016, Proceedings, volume 9634 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 145–161. Springer, 2016.
[4] Adrian Francalanza, Luca Aceto, and Anna Ingólfsdóttir. On verifying
hennessy-milner logic with recursion at runtime. In Runtime Verification
- 6th International Conference, RV 2015 Vienna, Austria, September 22-25,
2015. Proceedings, volume 9333 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
71–86. Springer, 2015.
Proof Rule based Runtime
Verification for LTL
Supervised by: Adrian Francalanza
Keywords: Runtime Verification, Logic
Runtime Verification (RV) [2] is a lightweight technique that attempts to
verify the correctness of a system by analysing its behaviour at runtime. In
most cases, correctness is specified using some formal program logic which a
precise semantics, from which monitors are then synthesised to execute along
side and analyse the system under scrutiny.
Linear Temporal Logic [3] is a commonly used logic in the setting of RV because its semantics can be given in terms of execution traces. In [1] the authors
define a proof system that is attuned to the restrictions of online monitoring
(e.g., partial traces and incremental analysis) with the advantage that property satisfactions/violations can be backed up by a proof derivation. They also
outline a procedure for extracting monitors from this proof system. The candidate will be expected to understand this formal system and carry out the resp.,
monitor synthesis from these proof rules.
[1] Clare Cini and Adrian Francalanza. An LTL Proof System for Runtime
Verification. In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of
Systems - 21st International Conference, TACAS 2015, Held as Part of the
European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS
2015, London, UK, April 11-18, 2015. Proceedings, volume 9035 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 581–595. Springer, 2015.
[2] Martin Leucker and Christian Schallhart. A Brief Account of Runtime Verification. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 78(5):293 – 303,
[3] Moshe Y. Vardi. An automata-theoretic approach to linear temporal logic. In
Logics for Concurrency: Structure versus Automata, volume 1043 of LNCS,
pages 238–266. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Reusable Building Blocks
for Thread and Event
Supervised by: Kevin Vella, Keith Bugeja, Joshua Ellul
Keywords: System Software, Multicores
This project will focus on identifying common building blocks that resurface
in several implementations of thread and event schedulers [5, 4, 1, 2, 3], isolating these reusable primitives in a library, and quantifying the impact of this
reorganisation on application performance.
While thread and event schedulers tend to be packaged as monolithic generalpurpose libraries that are isolated from application-specific code, there are also
use cases where application performance benefits significantly from hard-coding
task or event scheduling in the application itself. An example of this can be
found in parallel scene rendering, where it is common to bind the notion of
a task to the specific application. This project will investigate an alternate
method of structuring the system where a collection of lower-level scheduling
primitives are exposed to the application. Empirical measurement will determine whether this compromise can yield comparable performance to hard-coded,
application-specific scheduler implementations while maintaining the ease-of-use
and generality of a scheduling library.
Work on this project will be organised in the following phases:
• Implement a compendium of generic and task-specific user-level schedulers
for threads and events on single and multicore processors using a selection
of locking and lock-free primitives.
• Identify and isolate common building blocks in a library and reimplement
the schedulers using this library.
• Measure, compare and analyse the performance impact of using the library
relative to the original implementations.
An good knowledge of C is required, and experience with x86 assembly language would be beneficial. Background knowledge on system software, operating
systems and concurrent systems is desirable. In the course of the project the
student will gain experience on system software, concurrent systems, lock-based
and lock-free techniques, performance measurement and analysis.
[1] Shimin Chen, Phillip B. Gibbons, Michael Kozuch, Vasileios Liaskovitis,
Anastassia Ailamaki, Guy E. Blelloch, Babak Falsafi, Limor Fix, Nikos Hardavellas, Todd C. Mowry, and Chris Wilkerson. Scheduling threads for
constructive cache sharing on CMPs. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA ’07,
pages 105–115, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM.
[2] Joseph Cordina, Kurt Debattista, and Kevin Vella. Cache-affinity scheduling for fine grain multithreading. Communicating Process Architectures,
2002:135–146, 2002.
[3] Joseph Cordina, Kurt Debattista, and Kevin Vella. Wait-free cache-affinity
thread scheduling. In Software, IEE Proceedings-, volume 150, pages 137–
146. IET, 2003.
[4] Mohan Rajagopalan, Brian T. Lewis, and Todd A. Anderson. Thread
scheduling for multi-core platforms. In Proceedings of the 11th USENIX
Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, HOTOS’07, pages 2:1–2:6,
Berkeley, CA, USA, 2007. USENIX Association.
[5] Thomas Rauber and Gudula Rünger. Parallel Programming - for Multicore
and Cluster Systems. Springer, 2010.
Native Address Spaces for
the MMU-less
Supervised by: Joshua Ellul
Keywords: Operating Systems, Compilers, Systems
The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to enhance and augment our lives
by enabling connected devices to monitor and react to our daily routines. It
is envisaged that users will be able to download apps onto their different devices in aim of customising and getting the most out of the devices as possible.
Downloading applications from untrusted (and even trusted) sources introduces
the potential for malicious and/or buggy applications to disrupt behaviour of
other applications. Traditional processors provide memory management units
(MMUs) that enable operating systems to provide protection between address
spaces of the different executing processes. Many microcontrollers used in the
IoT domain do not have MMUs.
Wahbe et al [4] first proposed software-based techniques for process memory
protection. More recently software-based approaches to enable process memory
protection for such resource constrained devices have been proposed [1] [3] [5].
The techniques proposed are either language-dependent [3], require a virtualisation layer [5] or are no longer supported or available [1].
LLVM [2] is a modular and reusable compiler infrastructure that is sourcelanguage and target-architecture-independent. A compilation pass that inserts
run-time memory-access checks can be implemented in LLVM so as to provide
programming language-independent process memory protection that is executed
natively. In this project we aim to investigate software-based techniques to
enable process memory protection that are programming language-independent
and natively supported.
[1] Ram Kumar, Eddie Kohler, and Mani Srivastava. Harbor: software-based
memory protection for sensor nodes. In Proceedings of the 6th international
conference on Information processing in sensor networks, pages 340–349.
ACM, 2007.
[2] Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve. Llvm: A compilation framework for lifelong
program analysis & transformation. In Code Generation and Optimization,
2004. CGO 2004. International Symposium on, pages 75–86. IEEE, 2004.
[3] Nan Lin, Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu, and Jie He. Enforcing memory safety
for sensor node programs. In Computer and Information Technology (CIT),
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on, pages 300–306. IEEE, 2012.
[4] Robert Wahbe, Steven Lucco, Thomas E Anderson, and Susan L Graham.
Efficient software-based fault isolation. In ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems
Review, volume 27, pages 203–216. ACM, 1994.
[5] Nirmal Weerasinghe and Geoff Coulson. Lightweight module isolation for
sensor nodes. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Virtualization in
Mobile Computing, pages 24–29. ACM, 2008.
Automatic Ahead-of-Time
Compiler Generation
Supervised by: Joshua Ellul
Keywords: Operating Systems, Compilers, Systems
Intermediate representations (IR) are useful for code distribution due to their
platform independence and smaller size. Upon receiving code it is often beneficial to translate received IR into the underlying native architecture instruction
set so as to benefit from execution gains (as opposed to having to interpret the
IR). This process is called Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation. Writing an AOT
compiler is a non-trivial task [3]. It involves mapping from a source language
or instruction set to the underlying target native instruction set.
LLVM [5] is a modular and reusable compiler infrastructure that is source
language and target architecture independent. New languages can be supported
by writing a frontend for LLVM, and new target platforms can be supported
by writing a backend for LLVM. LLVM has gained extensive interest from both
academia and industry which has resulted in quite a number of frontends [1][2]
and backends [4][6] being made available.
In this project we aim to investigate techniques to facilitate automatic generation of AOT compilers for different architectures by analysing how the different
input IR instructions are translated to native instructions for different target
architectures using available LLVM backends. Heuristics will then be proposed
that given the input IR instructions and the generated native code instructions,
will output an AOT compiler for the respective architecture.
[1] Davide Ancona, Massimo Ancona, Antonio Cuni, and Nicholas D Matsakis.
Rpython: a step towards reconciling dynamically and statically typed oo
languages. In Proceedings of the 2007 symposium on Dynamic languages,
pages 53–64. ACM, 2007.
[2] Paul Buis. The d programming language. Journal of Computing Sciences
in Colleges, 31(1):45–46, 2015.
[3] Joshua Ellul. Run-time compilation techniques for wireless sensor networks.
PhD thesis, University of Southampton, 2012.
[4] Veli-Pekka Jääskeläinen. Retargetable compiler backend for transport triggered architectures. PhD thesis, Master?s thesis, Tampere University of
Technology, Finland, 2011.
[5] Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve. Llvm: A compilation framework for lifelong
program analysis & transformation. In Code Generation and Optimization,
2004. CGO 2004. International Symposium on, pages 75–86. IEEE, 2004.
[6] Timo Stripf, Ralf Koenig, Patrick Rieder, and Juergen Becker. A compiler
back-end for reconfigurable, mixed-isa processors with clustered register files.
In Parallel and distributed processing symposium workshops & PhD forum
(IPDPSW), 2012 IEEE 26th International, pages 462–469. IEEE, 2012.
A Dalvik Bytecode
Interpreter for 16-bit
Supervised by: Joshua Ellul
Keywords: Operating Systems, Compilers, Systems
Over the past decade the Android Operating System has become ubiquitous
within mobile platforms. Prior to the Lollipop Android 5.0 release Android’s
execution engine, Dalvik, was based on Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and
interpretation of Dalvik bytecode. Thereafter a new execution engine, the Anrdoid Runtime (ART), was introduced which performs Ahead-Of-Time (AOT)
compilation of Dalvik bytecode to the underlying native instruction set. Although the Dalvik execution engine has been replaced, Dalvik bytecode is still
an integral part of Android and the runtime.
Android is also gaining traction within the Internet-of-Things (IoT), specifically on larger devices. The operating system’s footprint is much larger than
what many resource constrained systems typically used in the IoT can support. However, the Dalvik bytecode instruction set and a subset of the Android
framework could be used on such resource constrained systems. Dalvik bytecode is similar to Java bytecode except that it is a register-based instruction set
as opposed to a stack-based one. Previous work has shown that interpretation
[3] and dynamic binary translation [4] of Java bytecode are possible on such
resource-constrained devices.
In this project we aim to investigate techniques to efficiently interpret Dalvik
Bytecode on resource constrained 16-bit microcontrollers. We will aim to specifically implement an interpreter for MSP430 microcontrollers, however will also
focus on facilitating other resource constrained microcontrollers. In doing so
we will investigate intermediate representation design [1], garbage collection [2]
and memory management [3] techniques.
[1] Faisal Aslam, Luminous Fennell, Christian Schindelhauer, Peter Thiemann,
Gidon Ernst, Elmar Haussmann, Stefan Rührup, and Zastash A Uzmi. Optimized java binary and virtual machine for tiny motes. In Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, pages 15–30. Springer, 2010.
[2] Faisal Aslam, Luminous Fennell, Christian Schindelhauer, Peter Thiemann,
and Zartash Afzal Uzmi. Offline gc: trashing reachable objects on tiny
devices. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked
Sensor Systems, pages 302–315. ACM, 2011.
[3] Niels Brouwers, Koen Langendoen, and Peter Corke. Darjeeling, a featurerich vm for the resource poor. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference
on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, pages 169–182. ACM, 2009.
[4] Joshua Ellul. Run-time compilation techniques for wireless sensor networks.
PhD thesis, University of Southampton, 2012.
A JavaScript Operating
System Simulator
Supervised by: Joshua Ellul, Keith Bugeja, Kevin Vella
Keywords: Operating Systems, Systems
Operating System (OS) concepts are a foundation of many areas of computer science. Understanding what is under the hood can help even high-level
programmers to develop efficient code. A practical approach to teaching operating systems by demonstrating internals is beneficial. However available popular
operating system source code is often too complex for the purpose of demonstrating internal concepts.
Instructional operating systems specifically designed for demonstration of OS
concepts were first proposed in the early 1980’s [3] of which many were motivated
by the development of UNIX [2]. Such operating systems required students to
install the OS on a separate partition or VM, or required configuration that
posed a barrier to entry. More recently web-based OS simulators were proposed.
However, they are either no longer publicly available [1] or require browsers that
support non-standard frameworks such as silverlight [4].
In this project a client-side JavaScript Operating System Simulator will be
developed which will provide a skeleton framework of an Operating System that
will allow users to plug-in their own implementation of Operating System level
[1] Felix Buendia and Juan-Carlos Cano. Webgene: A generative and web-based
learning architecture to teach operating systems in undergraduate courses.
Education, IEEE Transactions on, 49(4):464–473, 2006.
[2] Wayne A Christopher, Steven J Procter, and Thomas E Anderson. The nachos instructional operating system. In Proceedings of the USENIX Winter
1993 Conference Proceedings on USENIX Winter 1993 Conference Proceedings, pages 4–4. USENIX Association, 1993.
[3] Roy Dowsing. Concurrent euclid, the unix system and tunis. Software &
Microsystems, 2(4):96, 1983.
[4] Aristogiannis Garmpis. Alg os: A web-based software tool to teach page replacement algorithms of operating systems to undergraduate students. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 21(4):581–585, 2013.
A Hybrid
Smartphone-Cloud based
Rendering Algorithm for
Natural Video Scenes on
Mobile Devices
Supervised by: Carl James Debono
Keywords: Video Processing, Cloud Computing, Computer Graphics
Nowadays, mobile devices are being equipped with more processing power
and graphical processing units allowing them to perform more complex tasks.
Free-viewpoint television is a solution that allows the user to select a view where
this can be an actual camera view or a virtual position that has to be generated
from the available views [1]. Rendering these virtual views at 25 or 30 frames per
second or better for high-definition screens is very computationally demanding
even for the latest devices and drains battery power fast. In this project, the
student will reduce the mobile device’s workload by offloading part of these
computations to the cloud. The developed algorithm will need to be tested and
evaluated in terms of speed and video quality [2].
[1] Masayuki Tanimoto, Mehrdad Panahpour Tehrani, Toshiaki Fujii, and Tomohiro Yendo. Free-viewpoint tv. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE,
28(1):67–76, 2011.
[2] Terence Zarb and Carl J Debono. Depth-based image processing for 3d video
rendering applications. In Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP),
2014 International Conference on, pages 215–218. IEEE, 2014.
Heart Beat Rate
Calculation from Facial
Video Recording on
Supervised by: Carl James Debono
Keywords: Video Processing, Digital Image Processing, Artificial
Mobile devices have become portable computers which are equipped with
cameras, colour displays, and other sensors. A non-invasive technique to measure heart beat is to use video processing [2]. Image processing tools are used
to determine the location of the face of the user as the area of interest [1]. This
is followed by video processing algorithm to identify and count the number of
heart beats per minute. This can be displayed on the screen or transmitted as
necessary. Given that the video is taken in real-life scenarios, motion induced
artefacts and ambient noise have to be filtered. The aim of this project is to
create a solution that is low in complexity, fast, and reliable with the resources
available on a typical smartphone.
[1] Sungjun Kwon, Hyunseok Kim, and Kwang Suk Park. Validation of heart
rate extraction using video imaging on a built-in camera system of a smartphone. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pages 2174–2177. IEEE, 2012.
[2] Xiaobai Li, Jie Chen, Guoying Zhao, and Matti Pietikainen. Remote heart
rate measurement from face videos under realistic situations. In Proceedings
of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages
4264–4271, 2014.
Fast Video Compression
Supervised by: Carl James Debono
Keywords: Video Processing, Data Compression, Computer Graphics
The latest video compression standard (H.265 or HEVC) [4] is quite complex
[1] due to the amount of predictions and searches required in optimising compression. This results in delays that make it unpractical in resource-restricted
environments. Therefore there is scope to try to minimise time complexity by
employing better prediction schemes [3] and parallelisation [2] of the algorithms
used. The aim of this project is therefore to explore techniques and develop
algorithms to minimise the time taken for compression. The study will include
the impact of these algorithms on the quality of the video.
[1] Frank Bossen, Benjamin Bross, Karsten Suhring, and Damian Flynn. Hevc
complexity and implementation analysis. Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 22(12):1685–1696, 2012.
[2] Chi Ching Chi, Mauricio Alvarez-Mesa, Ben Juurlink, Gordon Clare, Félix
Henry, Stéphane Pateux, and Thomas Schierl. Parallel scalability and efficiency of hevc parallelization approaches. Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 22(12):1827–1838, 2012.
[3] Muhammad Usman Karim Khan, Muhammad Shafique, and Jörg Henkel.
An adaptive complexity reduction scheme with fast prediction unit decision for hevc intra encoding. In Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 20th IEEE
International Conference on, pages 1578–1582. IEEE, 2013.
[4] Gary J Sullivan, J-R Ohm, Woo-Jin Han, and Thomas Wiegand. Overview
of the high efficiency video coding (hevc) standard. Circuits and Systems
for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 22(12):1649–1668, 2012.
Multi-hop Data
Broadcasting in Vehicular
Supervised by: Carl James Debono
Keywords: Data Networks, Graph Theory, Artificial Intelligence
New vehicles are being equipped with on-board computers and soon will
carry wireless devices that can transmit and receive data. Moreover, vehicles
have a number of sensors ranging from telemetery measuring devices to cameras,
which are interfaced to on-board stand-alone computer systems. The addition of
wireless transmitting devices will allow communications with other vehicles and
with the infrastructure and can help in improving road safety. Broadcasting
is ideal for vehicular networks since fast dissemination of critical information
is crucial for its effectiveness. However, the reliability of transmission cannot
be guaranteed in such an environment. The aim of this project is to develop a
multi-hop broadcasting protocol [2, 1] and investigate its performance compared
to simple flooding of the network.
[1] Gökhan Korkmaz, Eylem Ekici, and Füsun Özgüner. An efficient fully
ad-hoc multi-hop broadcast protocol for inter-vehicular communication systems. In Communications, 2006. ICC’06. IEEE International Conference
on, volume 1, pages 423–428. IEEE, 2006.
[2] Ttsuaki Osafune, Lan Lin, and Massimiliano Lenardi. Multi-hop vehicular broadcast (mhvb). In ITS Telecommunications Proceedings, 2006 6th
International Conference on, pages 757–760. IEEE, 2006.
Super-resolution of License
Supervised by: Reuben Farrugia
Keywords: Digital Image Processing, Image Restoration, SuperResolution
Videos captured by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems are important
in many areas such as crime scene investigation and monitoring offences in public
roads [4]. These cameras are normally installed to cover a large field of view
where the query license plate may not be sampled densely enough by the camera
sensors. The low-resolution of the captured images reduce the effectiveness of
CCTV in identifying perpetrators and potential eyewitnesses [3].
The goal of super-resolution (SR) methods is to recover a high resolution
image from one or more low resolution input images [2]. Class-specific examplebased restoration methods have been successfully employed in face super-resolution
[5], iris-super-resolution [1] and face-inpainting [6] to mention a few. In this
project we will investigate the use of class-specific example-based super-resolution
methods for license-plate super-resolution. The developed algorithm will extract
the low-quality license plate image and perform class-specific example-based
super-resolution to increase the resolution and texture detail in the restored
image. Experiments will be conducted on publicly available datasets 5 6 . The
project can be developed using either C++ or Python.
[1] F. Alonso-Fernandez, R. A. Farrugia, and J. Bigun. Eigen-patch iris superresolution for iris recognition improvement. In Signal Processing Conference
(EUSIPCO), 2015 23rd European, pages 76–80, Aug 2015.
[2] Daniel Glasner, Shai Bagon, and Michal Irani. Super-resolution from a single
image. In ICCV, 2009.
[3] N.G. La Vigne, S.S. Lowry, J.A. Markman, and A.M. Dwyer. Evaluating the
use of public surveillance cameras for crime control and prevention. Technical
report, Urban Institute Justice Policy Center, 2011.
[4] Lakkhana Mallikarachchi and Anuja Dharmaratne. Super resolution to identify license plate numbers in low resolution videos. In Proceedings of the 7th
5 License
Plate Dataset:
LPR Dataset:
6 MediaLab
International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, VINCI ’14, pages 220:220–220:223, New York, NY, USA, 2014.
[5] Nannan Wang, Dacheng Tao, Xinbo Gao, Xuelong Li, and Jie Li. A comprehensive survey to face hallucination. International Journal of Computer
Vision, 106(1):9–30, 2014.
[6] Z. Zhou, A. Wagner, H. Mobahi, J. Wright, and Y. Ma. Face recognition
with contiguous occlusion using markov random fields. In Computer Vision,
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on, pages 1050–1057, Sept 2009.
Emotion Analysis using
Local Binary Pattern
Supervised by: Reuben Farrugia
Keywords: Computer Vision
Affective computing, which is currently an active research area, aims at
building the machines that recognize, express, model, communicate and respond
to a user’s emotion information [2, 3]. Within this field, recognizing human
emotion from facial images, i.e., facial expression recognition, is increasingly
attracting attention and has become an important issue, since facial expression
provides the most natural and immediate indication about a person’s emotions.
An automated facial expression recognition system generally comprises two
steps: i) facial feature extraction and ii) facial expression classification. In this
project the student will use Local Binary Pattern (LBP) as facial features to
extract discriminative features to be used for classification. LBP is a texture
descriptor which was used in several applications, including emotion analysis
[4, 1]. The classification stage can be computed using linear multi-category
classifiers using publicly available datasets 7 8 . The project can be implemented
using MATLAB, C++ or Python.
[1] Yanjun Guo, Yantao Tian, Xu Gao, and Xuange Zhang. Micro-expression
recognition based on local binary patterns from three orthogonal planes and
nearest neighbor method. In Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014 International
Joint Conference on, pages 3473–3479, July 2014.
[2] Rosalind W. Picard. Affective Computing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
USA, 2000.
[3] Ernest Andre Poole. Seeing emotions: a review of micro and subtle emotion
expression training. Cultural Studies of Science Education, pages 1–13, 2016.
[4] Caifeng Shan, Shaogang Gong, and Peter W. McOwan. Facial expression
recognition based on local binary patterns: A comprehensive study. Image
and Vision Computing, 27(6):803 – 816, 2009.
7 Emotion
8 DEAPdataset:
Exploring Ligand-Protein
Interactions for Drug
Supervised by: Jean-Paul Ebejer
Keywords: Data Science, Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics
Small-molecule drugs work by binding to a protein to either inhibit its function or to activate it. The small-molecule, hereafter referred to as ligand, has
a 3D structure which is complementary to the protein’s binding site. The ligand binds to the protein due to interactions between the ligand and the protein
(e.g. a favourable interaction could feature a positive charge on the ligand and
a negative charge on the protein within a certain distance). Even though many
such interactions exist [2], and are well understood, calculating the free binding
energy is still an elusive problem.
Figure 1: Aspirin (in yellow) bound to a protein in PDB structure 1TGM.
The Protein Database [1] is a repository of over 100,000 experimentallyresolved protein structures (with 3D coordinates). Some of these structures
have bound ligands which interact with the protein. The aim of this project
is to identify and mine these structures and build a database of protein-ligand
interactions. The interaction type, ligand-to-protein distance, quality of the
structure will be extracted. Many applications of such a database exist, including training models to predict binding affinity and to elucidate the determinants
of molecular recognition.
The main deliverables of this project are:
• An automated process to determine protein-ligand complexes of interest
from the PDB (note that this also includes evaluating the “goodness” of
the structure)
• An automated process to analyse these complexes and extract proteinligand interactions
• Design and implementation of a protein-ligand interactions database (e.g.
including querying capabilities for specific classes of protein-ligand interactions using molecular similarity)
• Statistical analysis of protein-ligand interactions
• A website advertising results and allowing the user to download the full
• A RESTful API which allows users to query the database
This project is best suited to students with programming experience (Python,
Java, etc.) with an interest in bioinformatics and biological systems.
[1] F. C. Bernstein, T. F. Koetzle, G. J. Williams, E. F. Meyer, M. D. Brice,
J. R. Rodgers, O. Kennard, T. Shimanouchi, and M. Tasumi. The Protein
Data Bank: a computer-based archival file for macromolecular structures.
Journal of molecular biology, 112(3):535–542, May 1977.
[2] Caterina Bissantz, Bernd Kuhn, and Martin Stahl. A Medicinal Chemist’s
Guide to Molecular Interactions.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,
53(14):5061–5084, 2010.
The Malta Human Genome
Supervised by: Jean-Paul Ebejer
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Data Science, Big Data
The University of Malta shall be, for the first time in Malta, developing a
National Maltese Human Reference Genome in the form of a public database
and a user-friendly web-based viewer. The overall intention is to discover new
DNA variants that cause disease in Malta and may be developed into biomarkers
for diagnosis or targets for the development of new drugs.
Together with the partner help of Complete Genomics, which is an established human genome sequencing facility based in the USA, we shall be conducting whole genome sequencing on selected Maltese DNA samples available
from the established Malta BioBank located on campus. What initially costed
2 billion euros and took 10 years to complete (from 1990 to 2000), the whole
human genome can now be sequenced in less than a day and under 1000 EUR
per genome.
The setting up of a National Maltese Human Reference Genome database
will have lasting benefits for the Health Sector and major impact on the society.
Clinicians from different sectors can compare their patients’ results with this
reference genome and pinpoint exactly the underlying molecular lesion. The
patient can benefit from personalized treatment and medicine making healthcare
more efficient and cost-effective. The presence of this database will also in turn
encourage clinicians to conduct, perform and order genetic tests to screen whole
exomes/genomes of their patients, whereas previously they would have been
reluctant if such a reference was unavailable.
The aim of this project is to build tools for the visualization and analysis
of genomes sequenced from the Malta Human Genome Project. This is a ‘Big
Data’ project (each individual’s DNA has 3 billion bases), which requires special
techniques in data storage, visualization and analysis.
The main deliverables of this project are:
• Visualization of human genomes. This includes a comparative review of
existing methods.
• Building of a genome browser using novel and established components
which allow for comparative genomics (to reference DNA) and analysis of
DNA mutations.
This project is best suited to students with programming experience (Python,
Java, etc.) with an interest in bioinformatics and biological systems.
Motion Analysis with High
Speed Video
Supervised by: Johann A. Briffa
Keywords: Digital Image Processing, Embedded Systems, Software Engineering
The project trials the use of recently available low cost high speed cameras
in a sports application and develop the necessary software to enable that use.
Similar systems have existed for some time, though at significantly higher costs
(in the order of e10–100k per unit). Recent advances in sensor technology also
means that cameras are now able to operate with less light, which has always
been a limiting factor. While some open source software is already available,
its functionality will not necessarily cover all the requirements for the intended
application. Therefore, some programming effort will be required to implement
the necessary updates. The chosen camera platform exposes the embedded
microcontroller, allowing us to modify how the hardware operates, as needed.
• Consider off-the-shelf software for motion tracking (e.g. [1, 2, 3]) and apply
this to target archery with the available high speed camera.
• Suggest improvements, listing upgrade features and performing a preliminary analysis of how these could be implemented.
• Design, implement, and test a selection of features identified above.
Student background/interests:
• Interest in image processing and/or embedded systems.
• Aptitude and willingness to program (the project requires the use of C++;
prior OO development experience in another language is suitable).
[1] Kinovea., 2016. [Online; accessed 7-Apr-2016].
[2] Mokka: Motion kinematic & kinetic analyzer. http://b-tk.googlecode.
com/svn/web/mokka/index.html, 2016. [Online; accessed 7-Apr-2016].
[3] Tracker: Video analysis and modeling tool.
tracker/, 2016. [Online; accessed 7-Apr-2016].
Real-time pedestrian
detection from a static
video surveillance camera
Supervised by: George Azzopardi
Keywords: High Performance Computing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Digital Image Processing
The automatic detection of pedestrians is very important and has various
applications, ranging from security on the roads, tracking of pedestrians in high
security areas (e.g. airports, train stations), and detecting abnormal behaviour
from the gait analysis of pedestrians. Fig. 1 shows an example of pedestrian detection system. There are various challenges in such applications, which mainly
are due to various light conditions (day, night, sunny, cloudy) and occlusions.
In this project, we will investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of various
algorithms which performs the detection of pedestrians in real-time. Techniques
that will be investigated include the histogram of gradients descriptor (HOG)
[2] as well as the COSFIRE approach [1]. For the evaluation of this project we
will use public benchmark data sets as well as a video surveillance camera that
we will install in a public space.
This project is ideal for students who are interested to develop efficient
algorithms for real-time applications. No prior knowledge about computer vision
techniques is required.
Figure 2: Example of pedestrian detection system; taken from [3]
[1] G. Azzopardi and N. Azzopardi. Trainable cosfire filters for keypoint detection and pattern recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 35(2):490–503, Feb 2013.
[2] N. Dalal and B. Triggs. Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005.
IEEE Computer Society Conference on, volume 1, pages 886–893 vol. 1,
June 2005.
[3] X. Wang, M. Wang, and W. Li. Scene-specific pedestrian detection for static
video surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 36(2):361–374, Feb 2014.
Part B
Generic Proposals
This part of the booklet contains a series of generic proposals which have not been preapproved. Together with
their supervisors, students may use any of these proposals as a starting point in crafting a specific submission
to the Computing Science Board of Studies for approval.
Therefore, students interested in basing their FYPs on
one of the generic proposals presented herein should:
1. Discuss the proposal(s) with at least one of the listed
academic members of staff.
2. Upon acceptance of supervision by the academic member of staff, complete the apposite acceptance form1
available online.
3. Await notification of approval by the Computing Science Board of Studies.
Using virtual machine
introspection for kernel
code execution monitoring
Supervised by: Mark Vella, Kevin Vella
Keywords: Cyber Security, Digital Forensics
Memory analysis routines are currently used to conduct digital investigations [3, 5] and to automate malware analysis [4]. However the benefits of
both these applications are currently limited by the off-line analysis of memory
dumps. In the prior case memory dumps are typically only acquired at the start
of an incident response procedure [8], typically on the flagging of a suspicious
event. Whilst providing a valuable source of forensic artifacts in case of malicious activity, that either does not touch secondary storage or else encrypts
its artifacts, the volatile nature of memory objects complicates matters when
dumps are not acquired in a timely fashion. For the latter case, malware sandboxes typically create a snapshot of system memory before and after malware
execution, with any differences being highlighted as a result of their comparison. This approach is particularly suitable for analyzing kernel-level rootkits
that manipulate kernel-level structures to hide their presence along with any
user-level components. Whilst benefiting the triaging of suspicious binaries this
approach is a far cry from providing a detailed account of code execution. A
finer-grained approach for automating dynamic malware analysis can pursue the
Dynamic Binary Translation [2] approach, which however is tough to pull off at
the kernel-level due to significant threats for performance and system stability.
This group of (individual) projects aims to explore how to leverage an existing bare-bones virtual machine introspection framework [9] in order to trigger
memory analysis routines in a time fashion as well as to produce finer-grained
accounts of kernel-level malware behavior during automated analysis. Comparative evaluation with live forensics and off-line memory dump analysis routines
will be used to measure technique effectiveness and performance costs, whilst
case studies using real-world rootkits will demonstrate their value in a cyber
security setting. The projects will cater for both Windows [7] and Linux-based
[6] operating systems, covering the x86/x86-64 and ARMv7-A [1] platforms.
At the undergraduate level, projects will only be expected to address core and
document kernel structures (processes, files, and network sockets) and to only
evaluate the effectiveness aspect. The number of students working on these
projects is limited by hardware availability in the Systems Security Lab (unless
provided otherwise).
[1] Elias Bachaalany, Alexandre Gazet, and Bruce Dang. Practical Reverse
Engineering: X86, X64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation. Wiley, 2014.
[2] Derek Bruening, Qin Zhao, and Saman Amarasinghe. Transparent dynamic
instrumentation. In ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 47, pages 133–144.
ACM, 2012.
[3] Mariano Graziano, Andrea Lanzi, and Davide Balzarotti. Hypervisor memory forensics. In Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses, pages 21–40.
Springer, 2013.
[4] Claudio Guarnieri, Allessandro Tanasi, Jurriaan Bremer, and Mark
Schloesser. The cuckoo sandbox, 2012.
[5] Michael Hale Ligh, Andrew Case, et al. The Art of Memory Forensics:
Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory. John
Wiley & Sons. July, 2014.
[6] Wolfgang Mauerer. Professional Linux kernel architecture. John Wiley &
Sons, 2010.
[7] Mark Russinovich and David A Solomon. Windows internals: including
Windows server 2008 and Windows Vista. Microsoft press, 2009.
[8] Bruce Schneier. The future of incident response. Security & Privacy, IEEE,
12(5):96–96, 2014.
[9] Haiquan Xiong, Zhiyong Liu, Weizhi Xu, and Shuai Jiao. Libvmi: a library
for bridging the semantic gap between guest os and vmm. In Computer and
Information Technology (CIT), 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference
on, pages 549–556. IEEE, 2012.
Extending Android’s
Binder as a basis for
application monitoring.
Supervised by: Mark Vella, Joshua Ellul
Keywords: Cyber Security, Digital Forensics
Android is a Linux-based open-source operating system (OS) and is currently
the market leader for smart devices2 . By design this OS aims for a simplified
and elegant application development framework, while at the same time fitting
the constrained resources of smart devices it targets for deployment3 . One result
of this aim constitutes Android’s framework (Java-level) application component
communication mechanisms of: Intents, Intent Filters, Bound Services and any
associated Message Handlers [3, 5], which provide application developers with a
high-level of abstraction mechanisms to connect components within and across
applications. Underneath, all these mechanisms are implemented using a central
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism, named Binder [1]. Its implementation is split between Android’s middleware (user-level Linux/C++ implemented
shared object) and the Linux kernel (a C-implemented driver). Binder replaces
the Linux’s System V inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms, with the
aim of rendering this central component as efficient as possible and thus avoids
introducing a serious performance bottleneck. Its centrality makes it also a
convenient choke point for monitoring both application and system-centric behavior. Such a mechanism could benefit the development of verification and
security tools alike [2].
This group of (individual) projects aims to explore how to leverage Binder’s
strategic positioning within Android’s architecture in order to provide application monitoring functionality, which can be tapped by application developers
at the Android framework level while still using existing developer abstractions. This work requires extending Binder’s current implementation whilst
safeguarding it from malicious subvertion by malware to leak sensitive information. In this respect it is necessary to patch the modify Android’s SELinux
policy. SELinux is a complementary Discretionary Access Control mechanism
for Linux-based OSs, that separates access control policy definition from enforcement [4]. Additionally, it would be interesting to explore the use of in-memory
patching through Linux’s ptrace interface [6] in order to bring the required
Android modifications to a minimum. Specifically, most likely it would require
just a change to the initializing process’s and SELinux’s configuration. Another
advantage of this approach could be the possibility to toggle the availability
of additional monitoring through the simple insertion/removal of an SD card.
This proposition mechanism requires evaluation in terms of: i) seamless blending
with Android’s application development framework, ii) performance overheads,
iii+iv) threats to system stability, and security. At the undergraduate level, the
study is expected to only cover application events concerning framework-level
system service usage, while at the postgraduate level it is expected to also cover
full application component activation. Also, the undergraduate level excludes
venturing into the security and in-memory patching aspects of this study.
[1] Nitay Artenstein and Idan Revivo. Man in the binder: He who controls ipc,
controls the droid. In Europe BlackHat Conf, 2014.
[2] Jessica Buttigieg, Mark Vella, and Christian Colombo. Byod for android—
just add java. In Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 8th International Conference, TRUST 2015, Heraklion, Greece, August 24-26, 2015, Proceedings,
volume 9229, page 315. Springer, 2015.
[3] Joshua J Drake, Zach Lanier, Collin Mulliner, Pau Oliva Fora, Stephen A
Ridley, and Georg Wicherski. Android hacker’s handbook. John Wiley &
Sons, 2014.
[4] Nikolay Elenkov. Android Security Internals: An In-Depth Guide to Android’s Security Architecture. No Starch Press, 2014.
[5] Aleksandar Gargenta. Deep dive into android ipc/binder framework. In
AnDevCon: The Android Developer Conference, 2012.
[6] Collin Mulliner, Jon Oberheide, William Robertson, and Engin Kirda.
PatchDroid: Scalable Third-Party Security Patches for Android Devices.
In Proceedings of the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
(ACSAC), New Orleans, Louisiana, December 2013.
Real-time radiosity for
dynamic scenes
Supervised by: Keith Bugeja, Sandro Spina, Kevin Vella
Keywords: Computer Graphics, Ray Tracing, GPU, Interactive
The radiosity algorithm [3] is a technique for the estimation of exitant radiance in an environment, a view-independent model based on the finite-element
method that yields illumination leaving one surface and reaching another. The
technique is principally used in the context of diffuse reflectors. These surfaces
are approximated via a finite number of planar patches with constant radiosity
and reflectivity; a form-factor denotes the fraction of energy leaving one patch
and arriving at another. In order to compute the form-factor for a patch, the
visibility between the patch and all patches over the hemisphere of directions
above the patch must be determined. This is typically carried out via projection
techniques [4], computationally expensive operations which constrain surfaces
to static configurations in real-time scenarios.
This series of projects aims to investigate modern formulations of the radiosity algorithm that take advantage of GPU programmable shaders, including
hybrid methods that combine point-based sampling and Monte Carlo methods
with the traditional radiosity algorithm [5]. In particular, these projects will
investigate (i) an efficient scene representation that is amenable to the radiosity
algorithm and can be efficiently and dynamically (re)generated using GPU programmable shaders or GPGPU methods; (ii) GPU/SMP-based ray-casting and
spatial-hashing methods [1, 2, 6] to estimate the form-factors in the radiosity solution (iii) point-based methods for first-bounce (primary ray intersection) light
estimation on generated patches; (iv) various degrees of physical correctness for
the respective models in view of their potential applications (e.g. architecture,
video-games, cultural heritage, etc).
[1] Arthur Appel. Some techniques for shading machine renderings of solids. In
Proceedings of the April 30–May 2, 1968, spring joint computer conference,
pages 37–45. ACM, 1968.
[2] Akira Fujimoto, Takayuki Tanaka, and Kansei Iwata. Arts: Accelerated
ray-tracing system. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 6(4):16–
26, 1986.
[3] Cindy M Goral, Kenneth E Torrance, Donald P Greenberg, and Bennett
Battaile. Modeling the interaction of light between diffuse surfaces. In ACM
SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, volume 18, pages 213–222. ACM, 1984.
[4] David S Immel, Michael F Cohen, and Donald P Greenberg. A radiosity method for non-diffuse environments. In ACM SIGGRAPH Computer
Graphics, volume 20, pages 133–142. ACM, 1986.
[5] Alexander Keller. Instant radiosity. In Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pages 49–56. ACM
Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1997.
[6] Francois Sillion and Claude Puech. A general two-pass method integrating
specular and diffuse reflection. In ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics,
volume 23, pages 335–344. ACM, 1989.
Efficient rendering of
shadowcasting light sources
Supervised by: Keith Bugeja, Sandro Spina
Keywords: Computer Graphics, Ray Tracing, GPU, Interactive
In the field of interactive rendering, a number of ad-hoc illumination models are often employed to balance the performance-quality trade-off. Visibility
testing helps determine whether a surface is in shadow or not with respect to a
particular light source and is often a very time-consuming part of an interactive
rendering implementation. Thus, a very common trade-off is the use of light
sources that do not cast shadows, boosting performance at the cost of image
quality. The classification of light sources into shadowcasting and non is oftentimes arbitrary and left to the designers of a particular virtual environment.
This series of projects aims to investigate novel methods for the automatic
per-frame classification and rendering of light sources based on two criteria:
budget and image quality. In particular, for a given rendering budget, the
method(s) should classify as shadowcasters the light sources that affect the
image most, with respect to perceived differences from a reference image [3].
The use of point light sources to simulate radiosity in indirect lighting solutions provides a unified mathematical framework for the problem of global
illumination and reduces the full light transport simulation to the calculation
of direct illumination from many virtual light sources [1]. The many-lights formulation is scalable: an image can be generated in a fraction of a second or
allowed to converge to a full solution over time. Virtual point lights are generated by tracing light source emissions, recording photon-medium intersections
and the respective energy transfers [2]. Following the classification stage, the
use of many-lights algorithms in visualising shadowcasting light sources will be
[1] Carsten Dachsbacher, Jaroslav Křivánek, Miloš Hašan, Adam Arbree, Bruce
Walter, and Jan Novák. Scalable realistic rendering with many-light methods. In Computer Graphics Forum, volume 33, pages 88–104. Wiley Online
Library, 2014.
[2] Alexander Keller. Instant radiosity. In Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pages 49–56. ACM
Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1997.
[3] Rafat Mantiuk, Kil Joong Kim, Allan G Rempel, and Wolfgang Heidrich.
Hdr-vdp-2: a calibrated visual metric for visibility and quality predictions
in all luminance conditions. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
volume 30, page 40. ACM, 2011.
Simulating formally
specified language
behaviour and analysis
Supervised by: Adrian Francalanza
Keywords: Semantics, Process Calculi, Programming Language
Design, Concurrency
It is now standard for language designers to formally specify the runtime semantics of a programming language using operational semantics and the static
semantics using a type system [2]. It is however a laborious task to get this
semantics right and establish properties about it e.g., subject reduction or
PLT Redex [1] is a domain-specific language designed for specifying and
debugging operational semantics. From standard reduction rules and (type)
derivation rules, PLT Redex allows the designer to interactively explore terms
and to use randomized test generation to attempt to falsify properties of the
semantics. This allows the language designer to tighten the feedback loop and
vet out obvious mistakes cheaply through automated tests.
The candidate will be asked to understand an existing language whose (static
and dynamic) semantics is already formally defined. She will then be asked to
implement this specification in PLT Redex and analyse the behaviour of the
language using the model implemented.
[1] Casey Klein, John Clements, Christos Dimoulas, Carl Eastlund, Matthias
Felleisen, Matthew Flatt, Jay A. McCarthy, Jon Rafkind, Sam TobinHochstadt, and Robert Bruce Findler. Run your research: On the effectiveness of lightweight mechanization. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM
SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
POPL ’12, pages 285–296, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM.
[2] Benjamin C. Pierce. Types and Programming Languages. The MIT Press,
1st edition, 2002.
Algorithm Implementation
on Highly Parallel
Supervised by: Johann A. Briffa
Keywords: GPU, GPGPU, Parallel Computing, High Performance
CUDA is an interface for general-purpose programming on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) from NVIDIA. The architecture of GPUs emphasises massive parallelism of arithmetic units at the expense of control units and memory caching. This allows a very high speed-up for classes of computationallyintensive data-parallel problems, often found in scientific computing. This is an
implementation project, with a significant research orientation.
Objectives: Implement a compute-intensive algorithm on GPUs and optimize for speed. Suitable algorithms to be discussed with supervisor; possible
examples include algorithms used in high energy physics from an ongoing collaboration with the ALICE experiment at CERN. Examples of prior work by
the supervisor can be seen in [2, 1].
Student background/interests:
• Interest in parallel computing.
• Aptitude and willingness to program (the project requires the use of C++
and NVIDIA CUDA; prior OO development experience in another language is suitable).
[1] Johann A. Briffa. A GPU implementation of a MAP decoder for synchronization error correcting codes. IEEE Commun. Lett., 17(5):996–999, May 27th
[2] Johann A. Briffa. Graphics processing unit implementation and optimization
of a flexible maximum a-posteriori decoder for synchronisation correction.
IET Journal of Engineering, June 11th 2014.
Updates to Distributed
Simulator for
Communications Systems
Supervised by: Johann A. Briffa
Keywords: Software Engineering, High Performance Computing
SimCommSys is a multi-platform distributed Monte Carlo simulator for
communication systems [1]. The error control coding component implements
various kinds of binary and non-binary codes, including turbo, LDPC, repeataccumulate, and Reed-Solomon. This code base has been in continuous development since 1997, and currently weighs in at over 55 000 physical lines of code,
written by Dr Briffa and collaborators. The distributed computing component
of this code uses a client/server architecture built on TCP/IP to facilitate running simulations on grid resources; this also works well on local clusters.
Objectives: This project will look to extend the existing code base, continuing our previous work in this area. Various extensions could be looked at,
• Writing a cross-platform GUI for the simulator (i.e. writing software to
create and edit simulation files in a user-friendly way).
• Writing a back-end / middle-ware for matching resources with simulations.
• Adding a result validation component to confirm simulation reproducibility and facilitate the use of public computing.
Student background/interests:
• Interest in low-level computing issues and parallel computing.
• Aptitude and willingness to program (the project requires the use of C++;
prior OO development experience in another language is suitable).
[1] Johann A. Briffa and Stephan Wesemeyer. SimCommSys: Taking the errors out of error-correcting code simulations. IET Journal of Engineering,
June 30th 2014.
Machine learning methods
for handling missing data in
medical questionnaires
Supervised by: Lalit Garg
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, Missing data analysis, Tensor decomposition
Self-report questionnaires[4] are used as an extremely valuable instrument
to assess the quality of life of a patient, its relationship with socioeconomic and
environmental factors, disease risk/ progress, treatment and disease burden,
treatment response and quality of care. However, a common problem with such
questionnaires is missing data. Despite enormous care and effort to prevent
it, some level of missing data is common and unavoidable. Such missing data
can have a detrimental impact on statistical analyses based on the questionnaires responses. A variety of methods [4] have been suggested for missing data
imputation. Nevertheless, more research is desperately needed to assess and
improve the reliability of data imputation. In this project [4, 1, 3, 2], we will
develop a novel algorithm/method which would evaluate all existing algorithms
(including those we developed recently [4]) to decide the best algorithm based on
the correlation and dependence among (observed) values and other parameters.
This way we would be able to ensure the best prediction/imputation of missing
values based on known values. This way an application will be developed to
effectively impute missing data initially implemented using Matlab which can
then be developed as an independent package or a web-based tool.
[1] Muhammad Tayyab Asif, Nikola Mitrovic, Lalit Garg, Justin Dauwels, and
Patrick Jaillet. Low-dimensional models for missing data imputation in road
networks. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE
International Conference on, pages 3527–3531. IEEE, 2013.
[2] Justin Dauwels, Lalit Garg, Arul Earnest, and Leong Khai Pang. Handling missing data in medical questionnaires using tensor decompositions.
In Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2011 8th
International Conference on, pages 1–5. IEEE, 2011.
[3] Justin Dauwels, Lalit Garg, Arul Earnest, and Leong Khai Pang. Tensor factorization for missing data imputation in medical questionnaires. In Acous55
tics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, pages 2109–2112. IEEE, 2012.
[4] Lalit Garg, Justin Dauwels, Arul Earnest, and Khai Pang Leong. Tensorbased methods for handling missing data in quality-of-life questionnaires.
Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of, 18(5):1571–1580, 2014.
Real-time hospital bed
occupancy and
requirements forecasting
Supervised by: Lalit Garg
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, Healthcare Modelling, Resource Optimization, Forecasting, Data Mining, Modelling And Simulation
Healthcare resource planners need to develop policies that ensure optimal
allocation of scarce healthcare resources [3, 2, 1]. This goal can be achieved by
forecasting daily resource requirements for a given admission policy. If resources
are limited, admission should be scheduled according to the resource availability. Such resource availability or demand can change with time. We here model
patient flow through the care system as a discrete time Markov chain [3, 2, 1]. In
order to have a more realistic representation, a non-homogeneous model is developed which incorporates time-dependent covariates, namely a patient’s present
age and the present calendar year [3, 2, 1]. However, these models use historical
data to estimate parameter values to be used in the model. These parameter values may not always represent the present scenario. As the healthcare system is a
very dynamic and complex system it is necessary to continuously assess and update the parameter values to correctly represent the present scenario. We would
enhance models developed earlier [3, 2, 1] to facilitate real-time assessment and
corrections of parameter values to well reflect and accommodate changes in the
scenario. We would develop an algorithm which will continuously estimate the
parameter values, and monitor the change in the parameter values and develop
the new model with the updated parameters to update resource requirements
forecast. A real dataset of patients admitted in the Mater Dei Hospital would
be used to evaluate the proposed methods/procedures/algorithms developed.
[1] Lalit Garg, Sally McClean, Brian Meenan, and Peter Millard. Nonhomogeneous markov models for sequential pattern mining of healthcare
data. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 20(4):327–344, 2009.
[2] Lalit Garg, Sally McClean, Brian Meenan, and Peter Millard. A nonhomogeneous discrete time markov model for admission scheduling and resource planning in a cost or capacity constrained healthcare system. Health
care management science, 13(2):155–169, 2010.
[3] Lalit Garg, Sally I McClean, Maria Barton, Brian J Meenan, and Ken Fullerton. Intelligent patient management and resource planning for complex, heterogeneous, and stochastic healthcare systems. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, 42(6):1332–1345,
Supervisor Index
Azzopardi, George, 40
Briffa, Johann A., 39, 53, 54
Bugeja, Keith, 6, 8, 20, 28, 48, 50
Colombo, Christian, 11, 13, 15
Debono, Carl James, 29–32
Ebejer, Jean-Paul, 9, 36, 38
Ellul, Joshua, 6, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 46
Farrugia, Reuben, 33, 35
Francalanza, Adrian, 17, 19, 52
Garg, Lalit, 55, 57
Pace, Gordon, 9, 11, 13, 15
Spina, Sandro, 8, 48, 50
Vella, Kevin, 6, 20, 28, 44, 48
Vella, Mark, 44, 46
Keyword Index
Modelling And Simulation, 57
Multicores, 20
Artificial Intelligence, 30, 32, 55, 57
Big Data, 38
Bioinformatics, 36, 38
Business Intelligence, 55, 57
Operating Systems, 22, 24, 26, 28
Parallel Computing, 53
Pointclouds, 8
Process Calculi, 52
Programming Language Design, 52
Cheminformatics, 36
Cloud Computing, 29
Compilers, 22, 24, 26
Computer Graphics, 6, 8, 29, 31, 48,
Computer Vision, 35, 40
Concurrency, 17, 52
Cyber Security, 44, 46
Ray Tracing, 6, 8, 48, 50
Resource Optimization, 57
Runtime Analysis, 17
Runtime Verification, 11, 13, 15, 19
Data Compression, 31
Data Mining, 57
Data Networks, 32
Data Science, 36, 38
Digital Forensics, 44, 46
Digital Image Processing, 30, 33, 39,
Semantics, 52
Software Engineering, 39, 54
Super-Resolution, 33
System Software, 20
Systems, 22, 24, 26, 28
Embedded Systems, 39
Video Processing, 29–31
Tensor decomposition, 55
Forecasting, 57
Game Playing, 9
Genetic Algorithms, 6
GPU, 8, 48, 50, 53
Graph Theory, 32
Healthcare Modelling, 57
High Performance Computing, 40, 53,
Image Restoration, 33
Interactive Rendering, 48, 50
Logic, 19
Machine Learning, 40, 55, 57
Missing data analysis, 55