Stockbridge Primary School and Nursery Class The City of Edinburgh

Stockbridge Primary
School and Nursery Class
The City of Edinburgh
24 August 2010
We published a report on Stockbridge Primary School and
Nursery Class in August 2009. That report set out key strengths
of the school and main points for action.
This follow-through report is based on an inspection visit which
was carried out in May 2010. It tells you about improvements
since the original inspection in the quality of education which the
school1 provides. It also comments on how the school is getting
on with the main points for action. First we focus on changes in
the core work of the school. We explain how the school has got
better at helping children to learn and benefit from being at the
school. Next we look at the key processes which enable this to
happen, including the involvement of parents2. Our report also
describes developments in the ‘ethos’ of the school, by which we
mean how well children are cared for and how much is expected
of them in all aspects of school life. Finally we comment on
improvements in leadership to help the school achieve its aims.
A copy of this report has been placed on the HMIE website Where applicable, you will also find analyses
of questionnaire returns.
The term ‘school’ is used to include the work of the nursery
class, where relevant.
Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to
include foster carers, residential care staff and carers who are
relatives or friends.
1. The school
2. Particular strengths of the school
3. How well do children learn and achieve?
4. How well do staff work with others to support children's learning?
5. Are staff and children actively involved in improving their school
6. Does the school have high expectations of all children?
7. Does the school have a clear sense of direction?
8. What happens next?
1. The school
Stockbridge Primary School and Nursery Class serves the Stockbridge
area of Edinburgh. The present acting headteacher and the new
nursery teacher were appointed in January 2010.
2. Particular strengths of the school
Children are motivated and enthusiastic about learning.
Staff, across the school work effectively as a team to share and
develop good practice.
Children are achieving well in many areas of school life.
The nursery provides high quality learning experiences.
3. How well do children learn and achieve?
Across the school, children are motivated and enthusiastic about
learning. They respond well to the many opportunities they have to
learn more actively. In the primary classes, children are developing
very good skills in citizenship and enterprise. In the nursery class,
children are now enthusiastic about learning and are eager to explore
in the playrooms and outdoors. They now enjoy taking on
responsibilities and support each other in activities like planting bulbs
and seeds.
At the primary stages, children are achieving very well. Almost all
children are achieving national levels of attainment in reading, writing
and mathematics. A whole school focus on writing has resulted in
improvements across the school. Children now write well for a wide
range of purposes. A similar focus on mathematics is developing
children’s knowledge and understanding well. Children are taking
increasing responsibility for their own learning. In the nursery class,
children are now achieving very well. They are keen to talk to staff
and other children about their work. Children listen well at group times
and show a keen interest in books and stories. They make very good
use of information and communications technology, using drawing and
painting programmes. Children enjoy cooking and baking activities
and are learning how materials change when heated.
The school is taking very good account of Curriculum for Excellence in
developing its curriculum. The school has recently developed a
stronger focus on learning in enterprising ways. This has resulted in a
worthwhile link with a school in Malawi, which is helping children
understand wider global issues. In the nursery class, the curriculum is
now better. The new nursery teacher is working effectively to improve
learners’ experiences. Children benefit from a rich and stimulating
playroom environment with a strong focus on sensory learning. At the
primary stages, staff meet children’s learning needs very well.
Children’s progress is tracked carefully and staff give support to
groups and individuals who require it. In the nursery class, staff work
very well together, and with a range of agencies, to develop support
plans for a small number of children. These plans need to have more
specific short-term targets and be reviewed more frequently to ensure
children are making good progress.
4. How well do staff work with others to support children's
The school has improved communication with parents through more
regular newsletters and an updated website. Parents of nursery
children report that they feel better informed about developments. A
few parents would like more information on their children’s progress.
Staff provide a high level of care for children. The school continues to
develop strong and productive links with a range of external agencies.
5. Are staff and children actively involved in improving their
school community?
Staff and children work well together to embed the school’s values in
the day-to-day work of each class. The pupil panel has worked
effectively to improve lunch arrangements and the environment in the
dining hall. Children have very good opportunities to serve on groups
and teams and to make their views known. They are working with the
acting headteacher to find ways of improving wider achievements for
all children. In the nursery class, staff ask children for their ideas and
opinions and use these when planning activities. Across the school,
staff have become more reflective and skilled at discussing their work
and evaluating it. This is leading to improvements in learning,
teaching, and attainment.
6. Does the school have high expectations of all children?
School staff set appropriately high standards for children’s attendance,
behaviour and achievement. Children are polite and courteous to staff
and to one another. Children’s achievements are celebrated in many
ways including through awards, certificates and at assemblies. Staff
provide a high level of care for children. Catering staff are now trained
in child protection procedures.
7. Does the school have a clear sense of direction?
The acting headteacher has effectively shared her vision for school
improvement with staff. She has strengthened the arrangements for
planning and evaluating the work of the school by successfully
involving staff, children and parents more fully. The acting principal
teacher provides effective support to the school and the head teacher.
The nursery teacher provides very clear leadership for learning and, as
a result, children’s experiences have improved significantly. All staff,
including learning assistants, are committed to improving learning and
teaching and have made important changes to their approaches. This
is improving children’s attainment and achievement. The school has a
strong capacity to continue to improve.
8. What happens next?
The school has improved since the original inspection. The primary
classes continue to provide high quality education. In the nursery
class, children’s achievements and learning experiences, the
curriculum, arrangements for meeting learning needs and
self-evaluation are now at a satisfactory or better level. We will make
no further visits in connection with the report of August 2009.
HM Inspector: May Geddes
24 August 2010
When we write reports, we use the following word scale so that our
readers can see clearly what our judgments mean.
very good
outstanding, sector leading
major strengths
important strengths with some areas
for improvement
strengths just outweigh weaknesses
important weaknesses
major weaknesses
If you would like to find out more about our inspections or get an
electronic copy of this report, please go to
Please contact us if you want to know how to get the report in a
different format, for example, in a translation, or if you wish to
comment about any aspect of our inspections. You can contact us
at or write to us at BMCT,
HM Inspectorate of Education, Denholm House, Almondvale Business
Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA.
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You can find our complaints procedure on our website or alternatively you can contact our Complaints
Manager, at the address above or by telephoning 01506 600259.
Crown Copyright 2010
HM Inspectorate of Education