PROFILE Renal medicine at UCL T he UCL Centre for Nephrology Royal Free is situated at the Royal Free Hospital and Royal Free Campus of UCL Medical School in north London. It became a large single clinical service and academic unit in 2006 when renal services at the Middlesex, University College, and Royal Free Hospitals merged. Our centre comprises 25 consultant nephrologists, six with primary UCL academic appointments and 10 with honorary UCL academic appointments, plus five consultant transplant surgeons. Academic nephrology and research in the UK over the last 30-40 years have been largely dominated by immunopathology with a focus on glomerular disease (glomerulonephritis) and kidney transplantation. Consequently, many UK academic renal centres are known for their specialist knowledge and research in one or two key areas. The UCL Centre for Nephrology Royal Free is unique in having a wide breadth of clinical and research expertise (applied epithelial physiology and pathophysiology, renal genetics and cell biology, immunology and inflammation, mineral metabolism, cardiovascular disease, and modalities of renal replacement therapy), which is applied to its research, clinical care and training. Our guiding ethos is that all our staff are encouraged to engage in collaborative research and exploit the collective expertise. The prevalence and incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing for many reasons – greater public awareness, an ageing population, more advanced and complicated surgery carried out in older patients, and fewer deaths from infection, heart attacks and some forms of cancer. CKD is recognised to be a silent epidemic with numbers expected to 86 increase year on year. Many patients will have a routine blood test at their GP’s surgery, usually including measurement of their blood creatinine level to screen for reduced kidney function; this method is relatively insensitive and better methods are needed to detect and treat kidney disease earlier and thereby reduce the high costs of dialysis treatment and kidney transplantation, and lessen impact on quality of life. The following summary of our key research themes and activities demonstrates our comprehensive clinical and basic research, which forms the foundation for our highly regarded clinical and research training programmes. CKD and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk: David Wheeler Patients with CKD have decreased life expectancy despite treatment with dialysis and kidney transplantation. Many patients with advanced CKD die prematurely of CVD and reducing CVD risk is essential for improved survival. The association between CVD and kidney function has been clearly defined in epidemiological studies in which we have participated, including the CRIB and LACKABO cohort studies, whilst SHARP, an interventional study in which we took a leading role, has confirmed the benefits of lipid-lowering therapy. The mechanisms by which reduced kidney function increases CVD risk, particularly with respect to non-atherosclerotic disease, are still poorly understood. Our recent work has focused on the abnormal calcification of blood vessel that is common in Public Service Review: UK Science & Technology: issue 4 The prevalence and incidence of chronic kidney disease is increasing for many reasons… Members of the centre and delegates at a recent Nephrology Day meeting CKD. This may be worsened by our current calcium and vitamin D-based treatments aimed at controlling overactivity of the parathyroid glands (which normally regulate mineral metabolism and bone turnover). Our primary goal is to understand the local and systemic factors that affect mineral metabolism and cause arterial calcification. CKD and progressive fibrosis: Jill Norman Following kidney injury or disease, damage can be repaired and organ function restored. However, in some cases the normal healing response fails and scarring continues causing CKD. Progressive scarring replaces normal kidney tissue with non-functional fibrotic tissue and kidney function is lost. Ultimately, this can lead to kidney failure and the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation. Therapies that can retard or halt progressive scarring are limited and there is a need for novel therapeutic PROFILE Fig. 1: Destruction of the glomeruli in a patient with vasculitis. One of the goals of our research is to re-educate the immune system to stop this injury and allow the kidney to heal strategies. The key to this is understanding the basic mechanisms underlying fibrosis. Our work focuses on the biology of kidney fibroblasts, since in CKD the number of fibroblasts increases and the cells become activated to produce large amounts of fibrous tissue. Gene profiling and proteomic approaches are used to identify differences in normal and CKD-derived fibroblasts. Mechanistic studies explore how altered gene expression is regulated and how changes alter fibroblast behaviour and function, as well as fibroblast interactions with other renal cell types. We are also trying to identify biomarkers in blood and urine predictive of fibrosis and define key molecular targets for therapy, as well as test novel anti-fibrotic agents. Lipids, the kidney and vascular injury: Xiong Z Ruan Dyslipidaemia is the most common metabolic disorder at all stages of CKD and contributes to vascular injury in CKD patients. We have shown that inflammation in CKD increases cholesterol influx and reduces lipid efflux from cells thus diverting cholesterol from the blood to the tissues. This cholesterol redistribution causes cholesterol to accumulate in the kidney and in the arterial wall, and lowers circulating cholesterol levels. This may be why CVD risk is increased in CKD, yet plasma cholesterol levels (usually directly correlated with CVD risk) are not high. Inflammatory stress, a feature of CKD, also increases intra- (A) (B) Fig. 2: (A) Microtubule cytoskeleton (green) of branching podocytes; (B) ureteric tree (green) and glomeruli (red) of embryonic mouse kidney cellular cholesterol synthesis, which adds to lipid accumulation and foam cell formation (a feature of atherosclerosis) in the kidney and blood vessels. This suggests that the level of circulating cholesterol is not solely a reliable predictor of cardiovascular and renal risks in patients with CKD. We are working to identify new biomarkers in blood or cells for risk assessment and to define key molecular targets that can block the cholesterol redistribution in CKD. Acute kidney inflammation: Alan Salama, Mark Little, John Connolly and Aine Burns Around 1,000 people annually in the UK develop vasculitis, an inflammation of small blood vessels. When it affects the kidneys, this form of glomerulonephritis is one of the commonest causes of kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation. It is often sudden in onset and sometimes associated with bleeding from the lung, frequently affecting those who were otherwise well (Fig. 1). Our research aims to find ways to control this inflammation without disabling the body’s immune system that normally protects against infection and cancer. Vasculitis is rare and the diagnosis can be missed, so we are trying to find better disease markers for earlier detection and to monitor its progress, and we have established a UK registry of all affected patients. We have found that the level of a protein, the mannose receptor, influences kidney damage in this disease and we are investigating patients with high levels of mannose receptor in their blood or urine to determine if they develop more severe kidney or lung injury. Tissue oxygen sensing and renal genetics: Patrick Maxwell, Margaret Ashcroft and Daniel Gale Our main goal is to understand the key cellular mechanisms involved in oxygen-sensing and hypoxia signalling in mammalian cells, in particular, the role of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) family of transcription factors in disease: anaemia, cardiovascular and renal diseases, and cancer. A pivotal discovery was that the von HippelLindau tumour suppressor protein is crucial for oxygen sensing. We have also discovered novel molecular mechanisms that link mitochondria with the oxygen-sensing machinery and have identified new therapeutic approaches to target the HIF pathway in cancer. As part of our broad interest in genetic factors in kidney disease, we recently discovered a new genetic kidney disease, CFHR5 nephropathy, which is a common cause of kidney disease in Greek Cypriots. Renal genetics in paediatric and adult nephrology: Robert Kleta, Detlef Böckenhauer, Riko Klootwijk, Horia Stanescu and Anselm Zdebik Genetics is revolutionising medicine. Better and cheaper genetic technologies enable us to quickly understand genetic components of kidney disease, Public Service Review: UK Science & Technology: issue 4 87 PROFILE culture, metanephric organ culture and transgenic mouse technology to study podocyte morphogenesis. Fig. 2 shows the microtubule cytoskeleton of branching podocytes in vitro alongside the arborising ureteric tree and podocytes in mouse embryonic metanephric organ culture. Polycystic kidney disease: Pat Wilson Fig. 3: In the image depicted, a live intact rat kidney has been perfused with a fluorescent cationic dye that is taken up into mitochondria according to their membrane potential, which is generated by respiratory chain activity and drives ATP synthesis, providing energy for the cells. The tubules are densely packed with elongated mitochondria, which lie in a basolateral distribution, close to the ion pumps that power solute transport and are the main consumers of ATP in the kidney and to study individual families with unknown kidney disorders, and unrelated individuals with apparently similar kidney problems. Recent work from our group, in collaboration with colleagues throughout the UK and abroad, includes: the elucidation of a rare, but highly informative, kidney disorder also affecting the brain (epilepsy and incoordination) and hearing – EAST syndrome; establishing the genetic basis of premature arterial calcification in adults; and clarification of the genetic components contributing to idiopathic membranous nephropathy, another common form of glomerulonephritis. Podocytes and glomerular filtration: Jenny Papakrivopoulou Podocytes are specialised epithelial cells, which, together with the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and an endothelial cell layer, form the kidney filtration barrier. During kidney development, they acquire a highly branched morphology, essential for their role in glomerular filtration. Although the importance of podocyte morphology in glomerular function is well-recognised, the mechanisms and signal transduction pathways regulating podocyte architecture remain poorly understood. We use a variety of techniques, including podocyte cell 88 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is the commonest genetic cause of CKD with around 60,000 patients affected in the UK. The kidney cysts develop before birth and slowly expand to compress and damage kidney tissue over many years. We are working to define the underlying mechanisms of cyst formation, identify potential drug targets, and identify specific biomarkers that predict progression and can be used to monitor responses to therapy. We have identified the epidermal growth factor receptor proteins ErbB1 and ErbB2 as potential therapeutic targets, since their inhibition restores a normal phenotype to human ADPKD cells in culture. The efficacy of small molecule inhibitors of ErbB1 and/or ErbB2 is currently being evaluated and optimised in a mouse model of ADPKD. Together with Jill Norman, we have targeted abnormal fibrosis in ADPKD for further therapeutic research. Mitochondrial function in the kidney: Andrew Hall Mitochondria are intracellular organelles that have a number of important roles in tubular cells in the kidney, including the provision of ATP, which is required to power solute transport along the nephron. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated as a key step in the development of various kidney diseases. We have developed imaging-based techniques, using confocal and multiphoton microscopy, that allow the study of various aspects of mitochondrial function in intact rodent kidney tissue in models of human kidney diseases (Fig. 3). We also perform clinical studies of patients with Public Service Review: UK Science & Technology: issue 4 genetic or acquired mitochondrial diseases, using techniques such as urine proteomic screening, in order to investigate the effects of abnormal mitochondrial function on the kidney in humans. Glucose and phosphate transport: Ted Debnam, Joanne Marks and Robert Unwin Glucose transport across renal and intestinal cells contributes to body glucose balance and is markedly altered in diabetes mellitus (DM). We aim to elucidate the mechanisms leading to altered intestinal and renal glucose transport in DM. DM accounts for almost 30% of patients developing advanced CKD, so defining the role of altered glucose transport in DM and the relationship to its major renal complication is likely to be important. The intestine and kidneys are also involved in the regulation of body phosphate balance, which has been linked to premature CVD and vascular calcification in CKD. Phosphate overload occurs in CKD. In the absence of adequate excretion by the kidneys to prevent this, absorption by the intestine becomes an important therapeutic target. We are investigating the mechanisms of phosphate absorption by the intestine and how they are regulated, particularly by a group of novel hormones called phosphatonins; one in particular, FGF-23, has also been implicated in vascular calcification. Robert Unwin PhD, FRCP, CBiol, FSB Head of Centre, Professor of Nephrology and Physiology UCL Centre for Nephrology Royal Free UCL Medical School Royal Free campus Rowland Hill Street London NW3 2PF Tel: +44 (0)20 7830 2930