Appendix H: Cost Estimates LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER COST ESTIMATES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1-1 2 Capital Costs ........................................................................................................ 2-1 3 2.1 A. Pre-Construction Activities ..................................................................... 2-1 2.2 B. Mobilization and Demobilization ............................................................ 2-8 2.3 C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping ..... 2-10 2.4 D. Dredging ................................................................................................ 2-13 2.5 E. Backfill and/or Engineered Cap ............................................................. 2-15 Dredged Material Management Capital Costs ..................................................... 3-1 3.1 CAD (DMM Scenario A) .............................................................................. 3-1 3.1.1 F1. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM ............................................ 3-1 3.1.2 G1. CAD Excavation............................................................................. 3-6 3.1.3 H1. Upland Support Facility ................................................................. 3-9 3.1.4 I1. CAD Closure.................................................................................. 3-12 3.1.5 J1. Site Decommissioning/Restoration ............................................... 3-14 3.2 Off-Site Disposal (DMM Scenario B) ......................................................... 3-14 3.2.1 F2. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM .......................................... 3-14 3.2.2 G2. Upland Sediment Processing Facility........................................... 3-17 3.2.3 H2. Equipment Costs........................................................................... 3-23 3.2.4 I2. Processing and Disposal ................................................................ 3-23 3.2.5 J2. Site Decommissioning/Restoration ............................................... 3-26 3.3 Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use (DMM Scenario C) ................ 3-26 3.3.1 F3. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM .......................................... 3-27 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River i 2014 4 3.3.2 G3. Upland Sediment Processing Facility........................................... 3-30 3.3.3 H3. Equipment Costs........................................................................... 3-35 3.3.4 I3. Local Decontamination .................................................................. 3-36 3.3.5 J3. Site Decommissioning/Restoration ............................................... 3-39 Dredged Material Management O&M Costs ....................................................... 4-1 4.1 5 K. DMM Site O&M....................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 CAD (DMM Scenario A) ....................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Off-Site Disposal (DMM Scenario B) ................................................... 4-3 4.1.3 Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use (DMM Scenario C) .......... 4-5 Long Term O&M Costs ....................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Annual O&M ................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 L. Annual Monitoring Activities ............................................................ 5-1 5.1.2 M. Annual Maintenance Activities ........................................................ 5-4 5.2 Periodic O&M ............................................................................................... 5-5 5.2.1 N. Periodic Monitoring Activities .......................................................... 5-5 5.2.2 O. Periodic Maintenance Activities ....................................................... 5-6 6 Acronyms ............................................................................................................. 6-1 7 References ............................................................................................................ 7-1 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ii 2014 LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER COST ESTIMATES Table 1-1 LIST OF TABLES Summary of Present Value Cost Estimates Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A – Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD Disposal Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B – Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C – Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A – Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD Disposal Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B – Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C – Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A – Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, CAD Disposal Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B – Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C – Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Table 1-11 Cash Flow Analysis for Present Value Calculations Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River iii 2014 LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER COST ESTIMATES LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Anticipated Project Schedule Figure 1-2 Process Flow Diagram - DMM Scenario A: CAD Disposal Figure 1-3 Process Flow Diagram – DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal Figure 1-4 Process Flow Diagram – DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River iv 2014 1 INTRODUCTION This appendix presents the cost estimates for the remedial alternatives being evaluated in the Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) for the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River (FFS Study Area), as follows (see FFS Chapter 4 for more detail on the alternatives): • Alternative 1: No Action • Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill • Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation • Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Each of the three active remedial alternatives (i.e., alternatives other than No Action) has three dredged material management (DMM) scenarios (see FFS Chapter 4): • DMM Scenario A: Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) • DMM Scenario B: Off-site Disposal • DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Cost estimates were developed in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidance for developing cost estimates for feasibility studies (USEPA, 2000). The estimated cost for each active remedial alternative includes preconstruction costs, dredging and capping costs, DMM capital and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and operation and long-term O&M costs. Note that Alternative 1 does not involve any active remediation and has no monetary cost. Preliminary cost estimates are based on January 2014 costs. The Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index at the time the estimates were finalized was 9664.45 (ENR, 2014). For comparison purposes, costs for each remedial alternative were converted to Present Value 1 based on the project 1 Note that Net Present Value and Net Present Worth are other commonly used terms. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-1 2014 schedule shown in Figure 1-1. A seven percent discount rate was selected based on USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1993). Table 1-1 presents a summary of the present value for each remedial alternative. Tables 1-2 through 1-10 provide summaries of the estimated cost for each remedial alternative. Figures 1-2 through 1-4 show the process flow for the three dredged materials management (DMM) scenarios. Table 1-11 presents the cash flow analysis for each active remedial alternative. The basis of cost for each of the cost items is summarized in the following sections of this appendix. Unit prices were taken from a variety of published and unpublished sources including RS Means, internal cost databases, and communications with contractors, suppliers, vendors and other professional engaged in similar activities. Where appropriate, costs were based on delivery of goods and services in Newark, New Jersey. Costs do not include USEPA oversight. Costs for acquisition of property for the upland processing facility are included in the cost estimate. Costs associated with acquiring a leasehold or other interest in Newark Bay for construction of the CAD are not included. Due to the opposition voiced by the state of New Jersey to construction of a CAD in the bay, it was not possible to develop an estimate of such costs. Remediation costs for the upland processing site are not included in the cost estimate. Because it is likely that upland support or sediment processing facility sites would be in close proximity to the river, and potentially located on a former industrial site, it is not unreasonable to assume that some remedial activities would be required at the site. However, due to the unknown scope of this work, it is not possible to estimate the cost. Similarly, costs for structural improvements to the soil at the site were not included in the cost estimate. In addition, a variety of soil conditions exist in upland sites along the Lower Passaic River which would affect site development; it is not possible at this stage of the project to determine which conditions are likely to apply to the selected site. These Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-2 2014 conditions would impact each of the remedial alternatives evaluated since each DMM scenario includes an upland support or sediment processing facility. There would be a greater impact on DMM scenarios with larger upland sites and a smaller impact on DMM scenarios with smaller upland sites. These factors would be evaluated during the site selection process. Assuming an appropriate site selection process, these conditions would not impact the relative costs of the various remedial alternatives. Cost estimates in this appendix are provided so that comparisons among remedial alternatives may be made in the FFS. Should a remedy be selected, detailed scopes of work would be developed and project-specific costs developed. Uncertainty of Cost Estimates Estimated costs are expected to be within -30 to +50 percent of the actual costs. However, a number of variables introduce a degree of uncertainty into the estimated costs for the active remedial alternatives and DMM scenarios: • Uncertainty related to volume estimates (Appendix G). This arises to the inherent need to project conditions over the FFS Study Area based on a limited number of sampling points. Unidentified conditions could impact the volume of material to be handled; actual volumes could either increase or decrease. • Uncertainty regarding project duration and schedule. A number of things could impact the project duration including general weather conditions, natural and man-made disasters, labor disputes, fish windows or other conditions identified during the predesign investigation. • Uncertainty in the dredging productivity estimates based on site conditions (Appendix F). Dredging productivity estimates were developed based on sitespecific conditions, information from vendors, pilot study results, and experience at other major sediment projects in the area. If unforeseen conditions are encountered during dredging, productivity could change. • Uncertainty in market conditions that would affect vendor pricing. In preparing the cost estimate, information was obtained from vendors on various components in the conceptual design. These prices are subject to change based on market Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-3 2014 conditions (e.g., the number and size of other dredging projects in the northeastern United States) at the time the project contracts are let. • Uncertainty in inflation and interest rates (actual discount rate). Project costs will ultimately be impacted by inflation rates and change in interest rates during project implementation. Alternative 2, because it has the longest project duration, is likely to be the most affected by changes in inflation and interest rates. Alternative 3, because it requires long-term care of the engineered cap in perpetuity, is also likely to be impacted by changes in interest rates and inflation although the impact may not be as significant as for Alternative 2. The impact of these and other major factors are evaluated in the sensitivity analysis presented in Chapter 5 of the FFS. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-4 2014 2 CAPITAL COSTS General Assumptions Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Twenty five percent contingency on all costs except construction management 2.1 A. Pre-Construction Activities Design: Six percent of construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Covers design analysis, plans, specifications, and engineer’s cost estimate Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach: Permitting or if on-site, establishing compliance with substantive requirements Two percent construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Contractor Work Plans and Submittals: Lump sum charge of $355,000 for contractor submittals and project specific Health and Safety Plan Pre-Construction Support Facility: Facility/property used for contractor job trailers, core/sample processing facility, equipment storage employee parking, etc. Lease existing warehouse space with or near to water access. Size - five acres Monthly lease rate - $10,000 [Internal database] Lease period - 12 months Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-1 2014 Pre-Construction Oversight: Monthly charge of $48,000 for two staff to oversee coring/processing operations Monthly charge includes labor, equipment and supplies, transportation, per diem, quality assurance (QA) sampling and analysis performed in addition to the sample specified, etc. Field investigation takes 12 months to complete General Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization: One time cost for mobilization [Contractor communications] • One geophysical vessel - $6,000 • Video survey vessel - $4,000 • Vibracoring vessel: o Alternative 2 - $6,900 per vessel (18-foot to 28-foot cores); three vessels o Alternative 3 (RM0 to RM2.2) - $3,500 (12-foot to 18-foot cores) o Alternative 3 (RM2.2 to RM8.3) - $2,800 (less than 12-foot cores) o Alternative 4 - $2,800 (less than 12-foot cores) • Barge-auger - $12,600 Pre-Design Investigation – Chemical, Waste Characterization, and Geological Sample Collection: Daily rate for vibracoring vessel and equipment [Contractor communications]: • Alternative 2 - $7,300 (18-foot to 28-foot cores) • Alternative 3 (RM0 to RM2.2) - $6,900 (12-foot to 18-foot cores) • Alternative 3 (RM2.2 to RM8.3) - $3,700 (less than 12-foot cores) • Alternative 4 - $3,700 (less than 12-foot cores) Daily rate for vibracoring vessel crew (labor) - $1,600 [Contractor communications] Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contractor communications] Vibracoring equipment would be selected for a coring range approximately two feet longer than targeted core length Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-2 2014 Sampling rate: • Alternative 2 - five 16-foot cores collected per vessel per 12 hour day • Alternative 3 (RM0 to RM2.2) - eight 10-foot cores collected per 12 hour day Alternative 3 (RM2.2 to 8.3 - twenty 4-foot cores collected per 12 hour day • Alternative 4 - twenty 4-foot cores collected per 12 hour day Cores collected in a triangular pattern – 80-foot spacing for chemical cores and 160-foot spacing for waste characterization and geological samples Samples for Alternatives 2 and 3 would be collected over the FFS Study Area; samples for Alternative 4 would be collected over a number of separate areas as shown in FFS Figure 4-2 Ten percent additional cores collected as samples of opportunity Ten percent additional cores collected for chemical analysis and waste characterization for confirmation or delineation of dredged material management waste streams Sample processing rate of $130 per man hour Five man hours processing time for 16-foot cores (includes transport, sectioning, and packaging for shipment of core) Four man hours processing time for 10-foot cores (includes transport, sectioning, and packaging for shipment of core) One man hour processing time for two 4-foot cores (includes transport, sectioning, and packaging for shipment of core) Additional 25 percent of processing time to account for time to process additional samples at the 160-foot grid level Core processing performed at support facility Process and decontamination water containerized for later processing at wastewater treatment plant Investigation derived waste (IDW) transportation and disposal cost of $630 per cubic yard [Internal database] IDW volume calculated assuming 4-inch core diameter and half of the core volume is disposed Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-3 2014 Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection: Daily rate for barge-auger - $8,200 [Contractor communications] Four cores collected at each transect for Alternatives 2 and 3 and two cores for Alternative 4; transects spaced at 0.5 miles intervals Ten percent additional cores collected as samples of opportunity One core collected per day; three samples taken per core Undisturbed sample collection and processing cost - $500 per sample [Internal database] Core processing performed at support facility Process and decontamination water containerized for later processing at wastewater treatment plant IDW transportation and disposal cost of $630 per cubic yard [Internal database] IDW volume calculated assuming 6-inch boring diameter, 20-foot boring depth and half of the boring volume is disposed Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis: Samples collected at 2-foot intervals of core Additional sample collected in 4-foot cores for Alternatives 3 and 4 Samples analyzed for dioxins, metals (including mercury), and Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Ten percent of samples analyzed for “full suite” of chemicals (Target Analyte List/Target Compound List [TAL/TCL] plus cyanide) Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Metals - $275 • PAHs - $250 • Dioxins - $940 • TAL/TCL plus cyanide - $625 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Pre-Design Investigation – Waste Characterization Analysis: Samples collected at 2-foot intervals of core Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-4 2014 Additional sample collected in 4-foot cores for Alternatives 3 and 4 Samples analyzed for Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Aroclors, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for waste characterization, and Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) criteria (corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity). Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • PCBs - $188 • TCLP - $1063 • RCRA disposal criteria (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity) - included in TCLP price Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis: Samples collected at 2-foot intervals of core Additional sample collected in 4-foot cores for Alternatives 3 and 4 Samples analyzed for grain size (sieve and hydrometer), moisture content, and total organic carbon (TOC) Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Grain size (sieve and hydrometer) - $150 • Moisture content - $32 • TOC – $63 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis: Three samples collected per boring Samples analyzed for Atterberg limits, percent solids, specific gravity, grain size (sieve and hydrometer), consolidation tests and strength tests Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Atterberg limits - $85 • Percent solids- $50 • Specific gravity- $75 • Grain size (sieve and hydrometer) - $150 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-5 2014 • Consolidation- $600 • Strength - $250 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies: Terrestrial vegetation surveys Avian community surveys Fish community surveys Benthic invertebrate surveys Biological tissue-residual testing Toxicity testing Lump sum cost of $2,800,000 Pore Water Evaluation: Pore water evaluation conducted for Alternatives 3 and 4 (which incorporate an engineered cap); not required for Alternative 2 because this alternative targets the entire contaminant inventory for removal and does not include an engineered cap Samples collected concurrent with chemical/geological investigation samples Elutriate tests and particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) performed on 10 percent of cores Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Elutriate - $630 • POC - $188 • DOC - $219 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey: Daily rate for geophysical vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $6,600 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Survey rate - one river mile per day Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-6 2014 Video Survey for Debris Identification: Daily rate for video survey vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $6,600 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Survey rate - one river mile per day Habitat Survey (in river): Lump sum cost of $100,000 Mapping and presentation of existing data No additional field work Cultural Survey (in river): Phase I study - Lump sum cost of $40,000 Phase II study - Lump sum cost of $500,000 Fish Spawning Study: Lump sum cost of $50,000 Compilation and assessment of existing information that has been collected previously for the Lower Passaic River; no additional field investigation To be used to determine fish windows and other restrictions on in-water operations Borrow Site Pre-Screening: Three borings per five acres collected using standard drill rig (air rotary, sonic, etc.) Borings extend to a depth of 25 feet below ground surface Three samples per borehole Samples analyzed for grain size (sieve and hydrometer) and metals Cost per sample (including collection and shipping) - $3,000 [Internal database] Ten borrow sources evaluated – average of 50 acres per site Borrow Material Characterization: One sample per 5,000 cubic yard of fine grained soils (mudflat reconstruction material) Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-7 2014 One sample per 10,000 cubic yard of granular soil (engineered cap and backfill materials) Samples collected using standard drill rig (air rotary, sonic, etc.) Samples analyzed for grain size (sieve and hydrometer), TOC, and metals Ten percent of samples analyzed for dioxin, PCBs, and pesticides Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Grain size - $150 • TOC - $63 • Metals - $275 • Dioxin - $940 • PCBs - $188 • Pesticides - $1063 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design: Alternatives 3 and 4 only Lump sum cost of $18,000 Computer modeling of final cap design [Internal database] 2.2 B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization: One time mobilization charge of $237,000 per dredge [Contractor communications]: • Two dredges for Alternative 2 • Two dredges for Alternative 3 • Two dredges for Alternative 4 Equipment onsite for either duration of dredging or capping activities (not including the armor placement duration), whichever is greater Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-8 2014 Backfilling/Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization: One time mobilization charge of $237,000 per clamshell [Contractor communications] : • Two clamshells for Alternative 2 • Two clamshells for Alternative 3 • Two clamshells for Alternative 4 Capping equipment used for backfilling activities Equipment onsite for either duration of dredging or capping activities (not including the armor placement duration), whichever is greater Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization: One time mobilization charge for monitoring equipment for each Alternative [Contractor communications]: • Two Water quality vessels - $2,500 each • Geophysical vessel - $6,000 • Small vibracoring vessel - $2,800 Equipment onsite for duration of project Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization: One-time mobilization charge of $60,000 (each Alternative) Equipment onsite for either duration of dredging or capping activities (not including the armor placement duration), whichever is greater Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization: One time mobilization charge of $237,000 for each Alternative [Internal database] Shoreline protection equipment used to protect utilities, if necessary Equipment onsite for either duration of dredging or capping activities (not including the armor placement duration), whichever is greater Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-9 2014 New Season Restart: Annual charge (starting in second year) of 25 percent of equipment mobilization/demobilization costs to cover shutdown and restart of operations each dredging season Dredging operation duration: • Alternative 2 - 11 years total, 10 new season restart charges • Alternative 3 - 5 years total, 4 new season restart charges • Alternative 4 - 2 years total, 1 new season restart charges 2.3 C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping Monitoring and testing activities performed throughout duration of construction and dredging activities. Assume dredging/capping operations occur 40 weeks per year, 6 days per week. For cost estimating purposes this is equivalent to approximately 240 days per year or 20 days per month. Bathymetric Survey: Daily rate for geophysical vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $2,800 (vessel and equipment) for bathymetric survey only [Contractor communications] Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contractor communications] Equipment rate scaled by a factor of 12 to calculate yearly rate. Bathymetric surveys at each dredging unit would include pre-dredging, postdredging, and post-capping surveys to confirm target elevations and assess dredging/capping performance. Water Quality Monitoring: Daily rate for two water quality vessels - $2,400 (labor) and $2,000 (vessel and equipment) [Contactor communications] Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contactor communications] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-10 2014 Equipment rate scaled by a factor of 12 to calculate yearly rate. Two vessels collect water quality samples continuously during dredging operations; one vessel located upstream and one located downstream of dredge operations Ten water column samples collected per day, or 200 samples per month Water column samples analyzed for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Two composite water samples per day analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) and lead (surrogate chemical parameters) Ten percent of daily composite water samples analyzed for “full suite” of analytes (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide) Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TSS - $50 • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Sample processing rate of $130 per man hour Process/ship three samples per man hour Shipping cost $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Sediment Monitoring: Conducted for all alternatives Grab samples collected from dredge Eight sediment samples collected per acre Average acres completed per month: • Alternative 2 - 5 acres • Alternative 3 - 11 acres • Alternative 4 - 10 acres Samples analyzed for TPH and lead (surrogate chemical parameters). Ten percent of the samples analyzed for the “full suite” of chemicals (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide). Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-11 2014 Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Sample processing rate of $130 per man hour Process/ship three samples per man hour Shipping cost $100 per cooler, four samples per cooler [Internal database] Biological Monitoring: Biological monitoring conducted monthly throughout dredging operations Monthly surveys may include all or some of the following elements: • Terrestrial vegetation surveys • Avian community surveys • Fish community surveys • Benthic invertebrates survey • Biological tissue-residual testing • Toxicity testing Average monthly cost of approximately $112,500 or approximately $1,350,000 per year [Internal calculation/database] Air Monitoring: Air monitoring at dredge site(s) for VOCs and odors - $5000 per month per dredge Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting): Annual cost of $355,000 monitoring reports during dredging [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-12 2014 2.4 D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging: Dredging limits for Alternatives 2 and 3 are assumed to be the 2008 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection shoreline (i.e., within the FFS Study Area) as shown in the FFS concept designs (see Figures 4-6 and 4-7 of the FFS) Dredging limits for Alternative 4 are assumed to be select areas within the FFS Study Area as determined by modeling results (refer to Chapter 4 in the FFS for additional details [see FFS Figure 4-8]) Existing structures would not be removed - dredging would be conducted as close as possible without damaging structures Mechanical dredging operations - $25 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Dredge production rate - 2,000 cubic yards per day per dredge Dredging season - 40 weeks per year Dredging operations conducted 24 hour days, 6 work days per week during season (240 days per year) Once design depths achieved, additional dredging for residuals cleanup performed, on average, in one pass (applies to locations where all inventory is targeted, not in areas where capping is planned) Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal: DMM Scenario A (CAD Disposal) - large debris removed and off-loaded for disposal in the CAD; $30 per ton DMM Scenarios B and C (incorporating an upland processing site) - large debris removed, off-loaded, decontaminated (e.g., via high pressure washing), and transported off-site for disposal - $200 per ton [Contractor communications]. Volume of material removed during dredging operations: • Alternative 2 - 8,000 tons total • Alternative 3 - 6,000 tons total • Alternative 4 - 2,000 tons total • Quantity estimated based on review of site-specific geophysical surveys Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-13 2014 Utility Protection: To prevent undercutting utility lines - Alternative 2 only Sheetpiling driven to 35-foot depth on average, on each side of utility line Cost of $100 per square foot of sheeting for installation and removal following dredging operations [Internal database] One utility crossing requiring protection per river mile; approximate river width 500 feet at each crossing Bridge/Abutment/Bulkhead Protection: To prevent undercutting of structures - Alternative 2 only Cost of protection -$4,100 per linear foot [Internal database] Approximately 20 percent of existing linear pier/bulkheads to be reinforced Barge Transport of Dredged Material: Barge transport cost - $10 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Dredged material transported in 1,500 - 4,000 cubic yard hopper scows and delivered to upland processing site or CAD Estimate of volume of material to be transported based on process flow calculations Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling: Applies to dredging in shallow water areas such as Kearny Mudflats and areas upstream of RM8.1 Applicable to Alternatives 3 and 4 where these materials represent a greater portion of total volume of material Small equipment required for shallow water access with transfer to large barges for transport to upland sediment processing facility or CAD Additional costs for transfer and barge transport - $5 per cubic yard Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-14 2014 Hydraulic Offloading of Dredged Material: Hydraulic offloading cost - $10 per cubic yard for DMM Scenarios B and C only [Internal calculation/database, Contractor communications] Estimate of volume of material to be offloaded based on process flow calculations Controls for Quality of Life Impacts: Includes odor controls, light shielding, sound abatement, vector management and related costs Approximately one percent of cost for dredging and backfill/capping activities 2.5 E. Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Backfill/Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery: Backfill/engineered cap material purchased and delivered in hopper scow directly to dredge site Cost of material - $30 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Backfill/engineered cap material volume: • Backfill sand thickness - two feet, used when dredging depth exceeds depth of fine-grained sediments (Alternative 2 and portions of Alternative 3) • Engineered cap design thickness - two feet used when dredging depth does not remove entire depth of fine-grained sediments (Alternative 3 and 4) Overplacement allowance of up to 0.5 feet. Backfill/Engineered Cap Material Placement: Cost to place backfill material (Alternative 2) - $20 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Cost to place engineered cap material (Alternatives 3 and 4) - $30 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Material placement rate - 2,000 cubic yard per day [Contractor communications] Armor Material Purchase and Delivery: Alternative 3 and 4 only Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-15 2014 Armor layer purchased and delivery to site in hopper scow - $30 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Armor material volume: • Armor placed over engineered sand cap in high erosional areas (refer to Appendix F) - 0.5 feet thick • Coverage: Alternative 3 - 119 acres; Alternative 4 - 56 acres • Overplacement allowance of up to 0.5 feet Armor Layer Placement: Cost to place armor material - $30 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Material placement rate - 2,000 cubic yard per day [Contractor communications] Confirmation Coring: Alternatives 3 and 4 only Three-foot long cores collected to verify proper placement of cap layer (assessment of mixing during cap placement) Seven cores collected along each transect; transects placed at 0.125 miles intervals Twenty cores collected per day Daily rate for small vibracoring vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $3,700 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contactor communications] One man hour processing time per two cores (includes transport, sectioning , and packaging for shipment of core) Sediment Recontamination Monitoring: Samples taken from confirmation coring, three samples per core All samples analyzed for TPH and lead (surrogate chemical parameters). Ten percent of the samples analyzed for the “full suite” of chemicals (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide). Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-16 2014 • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Shipping cost $100 per cooler, four samples per cooler [Internal database] Mudflat Backfill/Engineered Cap: Backfill or cap mudflats (i.e., areas which are intermittently exposed and submerged based on tidal action) disturbed through dredging operations and regrade to original bathymetry Top one foot of mudflat will be reconstructed with suitable habitat material (see Mudflat Reconstruction below) Alternative 2: • Dredged to the depth of contamination (refer to Appendix G) • Disturbed area approximately 101 acres • Backfill to one foot below original grade • Cost to purchase, deliver, and place backfill material - $50 per cubic yard [Internal database] Alternatives 3 and 4: • Dredged to accommodate engineered cap elements • Disturbed area approximately 101 acres for Alternative 3 and 51 acres for Alternative 4 • Cap with one foot of capping material for chemical isolation layer (Appendix F) • Cost to purchase, deliver, and place backfill material - $80 per cubic yard [Internal database] Overplacement allowance of up to 0.25 feet Mudflat Reconstruction: One foot thick layer of suitable material placed in disturbed mudflats areas (see Mudflat Backfill/Engineered Cap above) Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-17 2014 Overplacement allowance of up to 0.25 feet Cost to purchase and deliver mudflat reconstruction material - $100 per cubic yard [Internal database] Cost to place mudflat reconstruction material - $50 per cubic yard [Internal database]. Natural Shoreline Reconstruction: Required only with Alternative 2 Twenty foot wide area of shoreline to be restored with backfill. Side slopes to be constructed with a 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V) slope Approximately 5,560 feet of natural shorelines to be reconstructed Estimate cost of backfill (purchase, delivery and placement) - $50 per cubic yard Natural Shoreline Biostabilization: Required only with Alternative 2 Twenty foot wide area of shoreline to be stabilized Cost for two coir rolls, wedges, twine, and biodegradable erosion control matting $30 per linear foot Twenty wetland plants planted per linear foot at $3 per plant, or $60 per linear foot Two hours of labor for two laborers to install one lineal foot of erosion control matting, coir roll, and plants at a cost of $65 per hour Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement: Allowance to repair or replace riprap slope protection • Alternative 2 - approximately 10,000 square yards • Alternative 3 – approximately 5,000 square yards • Alternative 4 – approximately 2,500 square yards Cost for riprap installation - $75 per square yard Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-18 2014 3 DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS 3.1 CAD (DMM Scenario A) General Assumptions Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by a single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to DMM construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Twenty five percent contingency on all costs except construction management 3.1.1 F1. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design: Six percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities costs) Covers design analysis, plans, specifications, and engineer’s cost estimate Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach: Permitting or if on-site, establishing compliance with substantive requirements Two percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities) Land Acquisition: Site selection study for upland support facility Site to include water access Land purchased for upland support facility under Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 Facility size - five acres Estimated cost for property acquisition - $510,000 per acre Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-1 2014 Contractor Work Plans and Submittals: Lump sum charge of $119,000 for contractor submittals and project specific Health and Safety Plan Pre-Construction Oversight: Monthly charge of $48,000 for two staff to oversee coring/processing operations at disposal site Monthly charge includes labor, equipment and supplies, transportation, per diem Field investigation takes two months to complete for each of the alternatives Upland Support Facility Site Investigation – Geotechnical: Samples collected using standard drill rig (air rotary, sonic, or other) Cost for sampling and processing - $1,800 per core Borings extend to depth of 25 feet below ground surface Two borings per acre for all sites with upland component; three samples per core Samples are analyzed for Atterberg limits, percent solids, specific gravity, grain size (sieve and hydrometer) Consolidation tests and strength tests performed on 10 percent of the samples Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Atterberg limits - $85 • Percent solids - $50 • Specific gravity - $75 • Grain size (sieve and hydrometer) - $150 • Consolidation - $600 • Strength - $250 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Upland Support Facility Site Investigation – Chemical: Conduct Phase I/II Due Diligence investigation of upland site Estimated cost per acre for Phase I/II Due Diligence investigation is $1,000 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-2 2014 Samples taken from Geotechnical Investigation borings, one boring per acre; three samples per boring Samples analyzed for metals Ten percent of samples analyzed for dioxin, PCBs, and pesticides Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Metals - $275 • Dioxin - $940 • PCBs - $188 • Pesticides - $1,063 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Topographic Survey – Upland Support Facility Site: Topographic survey prepared for uplands support facility site plus additional 10 percent of acreage to include surrounding areas for design purposes Topographic map tied to State Plane coordinates with two foot contour interval tied to North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) One day of ground survey to establish ground control for aerial survey Daily rate for survey crew - $4,000 [Internal database] Topographic map prepared by aerial survey of site - $500 per acre for flight Drawing cost for contour map - $100 per acre Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site – Chemical Sample Collection: Daily rate for vibracoring vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $7,300 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Daily rate scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate [Contractor communications] Five 16-foot cores collected per 12 hour day in contaminated sediment layer One core collected per 5,000 cubic yard in contaminated sediment layer Five man hours processing time per 16-foot core (includes transport, sectioning, and packaging for shipment of core) Assumes excess sediment (i.e., IDW) is transported/disposed at cost of $630 per cubic yard [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-3 2014 Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site – Geotechnical Sample Collection: Daily rate for barge-auger - $8,200 [Contractor communications] One core collected per five acres of disposal area, minimum five cores; three samples per core: • Alternative 2 - 33 cores • Alternative 3 - 15 cores • Alternative 4 - 5 cores Undisturbed sample collection and processing cost - $500 per sample [Internal database] Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site – Chemical Analysis: One sample per 5,000 cubic yard of dredged materials Samples analyzed for PAHs, dioxin, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide. Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • PAHs - $250 • Dioxin - $940 • TAL/TCL plus cyanide - $625 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site – Geotechnical Analysis: Samples analyzed for Atterberg limits, percent solids, specific gravity, grain size (sieve and hydrometer), consolidation tests and strength tests Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Atterberg limits - $85 • Percent solids - $50 • Specific gravity - $75 • Grain size (sieve and hydrometer) - $150 • Consolidation - $600 • Strength - $250 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-4 2014 Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site – Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) Disposal Determination: Toxicology assessment of material quality Lump sum cost of $200,000 for sample collection and analysis Habitat Survey (upland support facility site): Lump sum cost of $5,000 Cultural Survey (upland support facility site): Lump sum cost of $5,000 Elutriate Evaluation: Samples collected concurrent with chemical core sampling. One core collected per 5,000 cubic yard of dredged materials Elutriate tests and POC, DOC analyses performed on 10 percent of cores Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Elutriate tests - $630 • POC - $188 • DOC - $219 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey: Daily rate for geophysical vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $6,600 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Survey rate - one day for CAD (each alternative) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design: Samples taken cores and borings collected for chemical and geotechnical analyses Dredged material slurry simulations - 20 tests at (@) $1,900 Dredge elutriate tests - 20 tests @ $600 each Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-5 2014 Settling tests - 20 tests @ $1,200 3.1.2 G1. CAD Excavation Dredge Mobilization/ Demobilization: One time mobilization charge for each cell constructed of $237,000 per dredge for both navigation and environmental dredges. Separate mobilizations for each disposal cell Dredge usage: • Alternative 2 - two navigation dredges; two environmental dredges, three cells • Alternative 3 - two navigation dredges; two environmental dredges, two cells • Alternative 4 - two navigation dredges; two environmental dredges, one cell Monitoring Equipment and Debris Removal Mobilization/Demobilization: Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization: • One time mobilization charge for monitoring equipment for each Alternative for each cell [Contractor communications]: o Two Water quality vessels - $2,500 each o Geophysical vessel - $6,000 o Small vibracoring vessel - $2,800 Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization • One-time mobilization charge of $59,000 (Alternatives 2, 3, and 4) Equipment usage: • Alternative 2 - three cells • Alternative 3 - two cells • Alternative 4 - one cell Large Debris Removal: Debris removed, off-loaded, decontaminated (e.g., via high pressure washing), and transported off-site for disposal at cost of $300 per ton [Contractor communications] Volume removed during dredging operations based on previous survey results: Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-6 2014 • Alternatives 2 - 1,000 tons total • Alternative 3 - 500 tons total • Alternative 4 - 200 tons total Contaminated Sediment Dredging (First Cell): Includes material removed from both CAD site and entrance channel Cost for dredging, amending, and upland disposal of dredged sediment - $200 per cubic yard: • Alternative 2 - 388,000 cubic yards • Alternative 3 - 278,000 cubic yards • Alternative 4 - 148,000 cubic yards Contaminated Sediment Testing and Disposal (First Cell): Includes material removed from both CAD site and entrance channel Analysis cost [Internal database]: • TCLP - $1,063 • Paint filter - $25 One sample per 5,000 cubic yards dredged materials Contaminated Sediment Dredging and Disposal (Subsequent Cells): Includes material removed from both CAD site and entrance channel No additional testing required (disposed in existing CAD cell) Cost for dredging and CAD placement of dredged sediment - $35 per cubic yard • Alternative 2 - 786,000 cubic yards • Alternative 3 - 278,000 cubic yards • Alternative 4 - not applicable Clay Dredging/Transport/Disposal at HARS: Cost to dredge, transport, and dispose of dredged material at HARS - $25 per cubic yard [Internal database] • Alternative 2 - 11,153,000 cubic yards Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-7 2014 • Alternative 3 - 5,062,000 cubic yards • Alternative 4 - 1,121,000 cubic yards Average dredge production rate - 5,000 cubic yards per day per dredge (average rate decreases with depth) Site conditions allow excavation to required depth without removal of bedrock Containment System Installation: Construct containment wall around CAD area consisting of a combination of kingpiles (62 feet in length) and sheet piles (25 feet in length) Total length of berm • Alternative 2 - 365,000 square feet • Alternative 3 - 220,000 square feet • Alternative 4 - 107,500 square feet Scour protection (sand and riprap) Cost - $235 per square foot (materials and installation) Silt Curtain at CAD Entrance Channel: Silt curtain to close entrance area during dumping operations Entrance Channel opening - 150 feet Height of water - 15 feet with 5 foot allowance for tidal variations Provisions for opening and closing silt curtain during placement operations. Material purchase and installation cost - $100 per square feet Air Monitoring During Construction: Monitoring for VOCs and odors - $5000 per month Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance Testing and Monitoring: Daily rate for geophysical vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $6,600 (vessel and equipment) Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contactor communications] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-8 2014 Two rounds of bathymetric surveys performed after dredging to specified elevation Daily rate for two water quality vessels - $2,400 (labor) and $2,000 (vessel and equipment) Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contactor communications] Two sampling vessels (one located upstream and one downstream of the dredge) collecting water quality samples continuously during dredging operations. Ten water column samples collected per day, or 200 samples per month (240 days per year of dredging operations averaged over 12 months, or approximately 20 days per month of operations) Water column samples analyzed for TSS Two composite water samples per day analyzed for TPH and lead (surrogate chemical parameters) Ten percent of daily composite water samples analyzed for “full suite” of analytes (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide) Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TSS - $50 • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Process/ship three samples per man hour Shipping cost $100 per cooler, four samples per cooler [Internal database] Lump sum data reporting cost of $63,000 [Internal database] 3.1.3 H1. Upland Support Facility Mobilization/Demobilization: Ten percent of construction costs for uplands facility [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-9 2014 Layout and Documentation Survey: Daily rate for survey crew - $4,000 [Internal database] Surveying performed periodically during construction - 10 days total Fencing: Material purchase and installation - $60 per lineal foot [Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - 1,900 linear feet • Alternative 3 - 1,900 linear feet • Alternative 4 - 1,900 linear feet Increase fencing quantity by two percent to account for cost of gates Exterior Lighting: Material purchase and installation - $50,000 per acre [Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - five acres • Alternative 3 - five acres • Alternative 4 - five acres Security: Lump sum cost of $20,000 for each alternative [Internal database] Buildings: Administrative • Size - 10,000 square feet • Cost - $100 per square foot not including amenities [Internal database] • Amenities (laboratory, shower, locker room), mechanical, electrical – Lump sum $125,000 [Internal database] Guard shack -Lump sum - $15,000 [Internal database] Truck wash facility - Lump sum - $20,000 [Internal database] Utilities: Sewer connection - $50,000 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-10 2014 Water connection - $25,000 Electrical connection - $50,000 [Internal database] Earthwork: Site suitable for construction of wastewater treatment facility and other support facilities without major earthwork Grading cost - $12 per cubic yard [Internal database] Average one foot cut across relatively flat site No demolition or site remediation costs included Stormwater Management: Contact water drains to decontamination pad or truck wash Stormwater system design intensity - 24-hour, 10-year storm event: • Grading costs - $15 per cubic yard [Internal database] • Retention basin for non-contact water - 2,500 cubic yards • Perimeter drainage ditches for non-contact water - 1,400 cubic yards Lump sum for miscellaneous piping and catch basins - $10,000 Paving: Filter fabric installed above native soils Installed cost of filter fabric - $2 per square yard [Internal database] Six inches subgrade material placed over filter fabric Installed cost of subgrade material - $40 per cubic yard [Internal database] Plant mix asphalt paving - 3 inches bearing course and 1.5 inches wearing course Installed cost of plant mix asphalt paving - $20 per square yard [Internal database] Paved area - 17,300 square yards Pier/Dock Structure: Docking facilities provided for docking of monitoring and sampling equipment Size - 15,000 square feet Material cost and installation - $160 per square foot [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-11 2014 Wastewater Treatment System for Contact Water: Contact water from decontamination of sampling equipment/utensils Rental rate - $10,000 per month Rental Period: • Alternative 2 - 125 months • Alternative 3 - 60 months • Alternative 4 - 16 months 3.1.4 I1. CAD Closure Cap Material Purchase and Delivery: Engineered cap material purchased and delivered in hopper scow directly to dredge site Cap material: • Alternative 2 - 930,000 cubic yards • Alternative 3 - 420,000 cubic yards • Alternative 4 - 90,000 cubic yards Cost of material - $30 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Engineered Cap Material Placement: Material placement rate - 2,000 cubic yard per day [Contractor communications] Engineered cap design thickness - 3 feet Overplacement allowance of up to 0.5 feet. Installation cost - $30 per cubic yard [Internal database] Confirmation Coring: Three-foot long cores collected to verify proper placement of cap layer (assessment of mixing during cap placement) Twenty cores collected per day; five cores per acre Daily rate for small vibracoring vessel - $1,600 (labor) and $3,700 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-12 2014 Daily equipment rate (not including labor) scaled by factor of 1.5 to calculate 12 hour daily rate and 9 to calculate monthly rate [Contactor communications] One man hour processing time per two cores (includes transport, sectioning, and packaging for shipment of core) Collect three samples from each core and analyze samples for TPH and lead (surrogate chemical parameters) Ten percent of the samples analyzed for the “full suite” of chemicals (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide) Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Shipping cost $100 per cooler, four samples per cooler [Internal database] Remove Containment System: Sheeting removed at an estimated cost of $36 per square foot Bathymetric Survey: Daily rate for survey crew - $8,200 [Internal database] Survey crew on-site periodically totaling two days per cell Additional Habitat Mitigation: Disturbed acres • Alternative 2 - 171 acres • Alternative 3 - 80 acres • Alternative 4 - 19 acres Cost for off-site mitigation – see Table 2-3 in Appendix F of the FFS • Alternative 2 - $102,751,000 • Alternative 3 - $63,770,000 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-13 2014 • Alternative 4 - $12,950,000 3.1.5 J1. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Site restoration/demolition/decommissioning of upland support facility - $30,000 per acre 3.2 Off-Site Disposal (DMM Scenario B) General Assumptions Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by a single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to DMM construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Twenty-five percent contingency on all costs except construction management because of technical complexity of the operations 3.2.1 F2. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design: Six percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities costs) Covers design analysis, plans, specifications, and engineer’s cost estimate Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach: Permitting or if on-site, establishing compliance with substantive requirements Two percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities ) Land Acquisition: Site selection study for upland sediment processing facility Site to include water access and rail spur/siding or ability to construct rail spur or siding Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-14 2014 Land purchased for upland sediment processing facility under Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 Estimated cost for property acquisition @ $510,000 per acre: • Alternative 2 - 27.5 acres • Alternative 3 - 26 acres • Alternative 4 - 26 acres Contractor Work Plans and Submittals: Lump sum charge of $119,000 for contractor submittals and project specific Health and Safety Plan Pre-Construction Oversight: Monthly charge of $48,000 for two staff to oversee site investigation of processing site Monthly charge includes labor, equipment and supplies, transportation, per diem Field investigation takes three months to complete for each of the alternatives Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical: Samples collected using standard drill rig (air rotary, sonic, or other) Cost for core sampling and processing - $1,800 per core [Internal database] Cores extend to depth of 25 feet below ground surface Two cores per acre collected for all sites with upland component; three samples taken per core Samples analyzed for Atterberg limits, percent solids, specific gravity, grain size (sieve and hydrometer) Consolidation tests and strength tests performed on 10 percent of the samples Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Atterberg limits - $85 • Percent solids - $50 • Specific gravity - $75 • Grain size (sieve and hydrometer) - $150 • Consolidation - $600 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-15 2014 • Strength - $250 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation – Chemical: Conduct Phase I/II Due Diligence investigation of upland sediment processing facility site Estimated cost per acre for Phase I/II Due Diligence investigation is $1,000 Samples taken from Geotechnical Investigation borings, one boring per acre; three samples per boring Samples analyzed for metals Ten percent of samples analyzed for dioxin, PCBs, and pesticides Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Metals - $275 • Dioxin - $940 • PCBs -$188 • Pesticides - $1,063 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Topographic Survey – Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site: Topographic survey prepared for upland sediment processing facility site plus additional 10 percent of acreage to include surrounding areas for design purposes Topographic map tied to State Plane coordinates with two foot contour interval tied to NAVD Two days of ground survey to establish ground control for aerial survey Daily rate for survey crew - $4,000 [Internal database] Topographic map prepared by aerial survey of site: • Cost for aerial survey flight - $500 per acre • Cost for drawing contour map - $100 per acre Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site): Lump sum cost of $42,000 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-16 2014 Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site): Lump sum cost of $42,000 Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design: Samples taken from cores and borings collected for chemical and geotechnical analyses Dredged material slurry simulations - 20 tests @ $1,900 Dredge elutriate tests - 20 tests @ $600 each Paint filter tests - 20 tests @ $25 each Jar testing/settling tests - 20 tests @ $1,300 Optimum polymer doses - 3 tests@ $1,900 Mechanical dewatering tests - 1 test @ $1,300 Multimedia filter tests - 20 tests @ $600 each TCLP Testing - 10 @ $1,063 each 3.2.2 G2. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization: Ten percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities costs) [Internal database] Mechanical and Electrical: Ten percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities costs) [Internal database] Layout and Documentation Survey: Daily rate for survey crew - $4,000 [Internal database] Surveying performed periodically during construction - 2 days per week over 12 month construction period Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-17 2014 Fencing: Material purchase and installation - $60 per linear foot [Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - 8,600 linear feet (4,400 feet for site boundary; 4,200 feet for exclusion zone) • Alternative 3 - 8,300 linear feet (4,300 feet for site boundary; 4,000 feet for exclusion zone) • Alternative 4 - 8,300 linear feet (4,300 feet for site boundary; 4,000 feet for exclusion zone) Increase fencing quantity by two percent to account for cost of gates Exterior Lighting: Material purchase and installation - $50,000 per acre [Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - 27.5 acres • Alternative 3 - 26 acres • Alternative 4 - 26 acres Security: Lump sum cost of $100,000 [Internal database] Buildings: Processing Building • Size: o Alternative 2 - 5.6 acres o Alternative 3 - 5.5 acres o Alternative 4 - 5.5 acres • Cost - $100 per square foot not including amenities [Internal database] • Amenities - Lump sum for laboratory, shower, and locker facility - $100,000 Additional cost for Administrative/Laboratory Area of Processing Building - 30,000 square feet @ $50 per square foot Wastewater treatment system included in Processing Building (equipment costs elsewhere) Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-18 2014 Guard shack - 150 square feet @ $100 per square foot [Internal database] Truck wash - Lump sum $100,000 [Internal database] Assumes site soils are stable and capable of supporting building and equipment loads without piling or major soil modifications Utilities: Sewer connection - $500,000 Water connection - $250,000 Electrical connection - $500,000 [Internal database] Costs assumes an undeveloped site and all new utility connections Earthwork: Grading and clearing of site prior to construction - assume minimal effort required (up to three foot cut/fill across site) Cost - $12 per cubic yard based on on-site disposal of soil Continuous footings required around building perimeter along with pads for major equipment No other costs for soil improvements required Stormwater Management: Perimeter drainage ditch diverts non-contact water to a sedimentation basin for treatment prior to discharge to the river Roof leaders are connected to perimeter drainage system Water in the exclusion zone is captured and treated/reused before being discharged to river in accordance with regulatory requirements Lump sum cost of $163,000 for Alternative 2 and $151,000 for Alternatives 3 and 4 Paving: Filter fabric installed over native soil Installed cost of filter fabric - $2 per square yard [Internal database] Six inches subgrade material placed over the filter fabric Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-19 2014 Installed cost of subgrade material - $40 per cubic yard [Internal database] Plant mix asphalt paving - 3 inches bearing course and 1.5 inches wearing course Installed cost of plant mix asphalt paving - $20 per square yard [Internal database] Paved area: • Alternative 2 - approximately 74,000 square yards • Alternative 3 - approximately 73,000 square yards • Alternative 4 - approximately 73,000 square yards Pier/Dock Structure: Frontage wharf along shore of upland sediment processing facility – 50,000 square feet Wharf intended for temporary use during hydraulic offloading. The length of the wharf is intended to provide space for two barges at a time. Material cost and installation - $160 per square foot [Internal database] Pre-fabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage: Enclosed on-site storage of dewatered solids Approximately six months of storage provided for material to be shipped off-site for thermal treatment to allow flexibility in production schedules; approximately three months of storage provided for materials to be shipped off-site for disposal in landfill Negative pressure maintained in structure to control emission; vapors routed through granular activated carbon before discharge Approximate storage requirements: • Alternative 2 - 230,000 square feet • Alternative 3 - 185,000 square feet • Alternative 4 - 185,000 square feet Installed cost for insulated structure - $40 per square foot [Contactor communications] Storage Area – Concrete Slab and Push Walls: Structure installed on concrete slab with eight foot push walls Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-20 2014 Installed costs for concrete slabs - $600 per cubic yard [Internal database] Storage Area – Subgrade Material: Installed cost for subgrade material under slab - $40 per cubic yard [Internal database] Storage Area – Filter Fabric: Installed cost for filter fabric under slab - $2 per square yard [Internal database] Storage Area –Vapor Emissions Control: Maintain negative pressure within storage structure to control emissions (dust and odors) One unit for approximately 10,000 cubic yards of storage capacity Vapors routed through a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter units prior to discharge to atmosphere: • Alternative 2 - 20 units • Alternative 3 - 16 units • Alternative 4 - 16 units Installed cost per unit - $5,000 [Internal database] Piping: Includes exterior piping and appurtenances (e.g., storm drains, catch basins, culverts, etc.) and interior piping in processing building Exterior piping (stormwater and ancillary piping) - 25,000 linear feet for Alternative 2 and 23,500 linear feet for Alternatives 3 and 4 Interior piping (dewatering system) - 4,800 linear feet for Alternative 2 and 4,600 linear feet for Alternatives 3 and 4 Installed/delivered cost - $25 per linear foot for exterior piping and $15 per linear foot for interior piping [Internal database] Add 25 percent for joints, tees, wyes, other connections and fittings Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-21 2014 Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks: Upfront Storage Tank - provide temporary storage of sediment in case of plant upsets or shutdown Recycle Water Tank - provide temporary storage of water used for the hydraulic offloading of barges Storage capacity provided for each tank - 12 hours [Internal database] Loadout Facility: Lump sum - $500,000 [Internal database] Rail Line Spur/Railcar Storage: Provide siding/spur capacity adequate for staging rail cars Five miles of railroad spur/siding constructed at site Installed cost - $1,000,000 per mile [Internal database] Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility: Two bunkers at $10,000 each [Internal database] Hazardous Material Storage Area: Temporary storage of material prior to shipment off site Includes decontamination pad for medium and large debris processing Lump sum[Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - $124,000 • Alternative 3 - $93,000 • Alternative 4 - $33,000 Air Monitoring During Construction: Fugitive dust monitoring - $5,000 per month Other constituents based on site soil characterization data Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-22 2014 3.2.3 H2. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment: Equipment purchased for site operators: • 3 Front end loaders ($124,000 each) • 1 Skidsteer ($25,000 each) • 1 Excavator ($200,000 each) • 4 Dump trucks ($80,000 each) • 1 Water truck ($50,000 each) • 1 Street Sweeper ($100,000 each) Wastewater Treatment Plant: Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) includes the following components: equalization tank, sedimentation tank with combined oil-water separator, multimedia filter, carbon filter, and bag filter Where feasible water would be treated and reused in the process minimizing the overall water consumption Cost includes fixed and variable components: • Fixed costs (structure, design, contractor overhead, etc.) • Variable costs (based on flow in million gallons per day [MGD]) Treatment plant sizes: • Alternative 2 - 1.0 MGD • Alternative 3 - 1.0 MGD • Alternative 4 - 1.0 MGD 3.2.4 I2. Processing and Disposal Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses: Treatment includes screening, coarse and fine sand separation, pre-thickening, chemical addition, and mechanical dewatering, Cost includes equipment capital costs and operating costs (including labor) Unit costs - $50 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-23 2014 Dewatered Material Testing for Disposal: One sample per 5,000 cubic yards of dewatered material Analytical cost [Internal database]: • TCLP - $1,063 • Paint filter - $25 Transport Off-site to Thermal Treatment: Rail transportation through long-term leasing of rail cars Based on evenly distributed usage of all treatment facilities (see Appendix G), average transportation cost is approximately $240 per ton Thermal Treatment and Disposal (Off-site Facility): Four thermal treatment facilities identified in United States that could potentially treat contaminated sediment; facilities include: • Veolia Environmental Services’ Gulf Coast Incineration Facility, Port Arthur, Texas • Clean Harbors’ Aragonite Incineration Facility, Salt Lake City, Utah • Clean Harbors’ Deer Park Incineration Facility, La Porte, Texas • Clean Harbors’ Kimball Incineration Facility, Kimball, Nebraska Information on sites provided for estimation purposes only and would have to be verified during site design; details on sites presented in Appendix G Disposal cost at United States facilities for RCRA waste - approximately $400 per ton (varies based on material characteristics) On-site storage at the upland sediment processing facility (described elsewhere) Dewatered mass of material to be thermally treated • Alternative 2 – 740,000 tons • Alternative 3 – 180,000 tons • Alternative 4 – 30,000 tons Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-24 2014 Transport to Subtitle C Landfill (Off-site Facility): Rail transportation through long-term leasing of rail cars Based on use of multiple facilities, average transportation cost is approximately $130 per ton Off-Site Disposal in Subtitle C Landfill: Fifteen Subtitle C landfills identified in United States that could potentially accept contaminated sediment. Three facilities: Lake Charles, Lone Mountain and Grandview, have a combined total of approximately 12.7 million cubic yards in available capacity. Information on sites provided for estimation purposes only and would have to be verified during site design; details on sites presented in Appendix G. Landfill Tipping Fee - $100 per ton – will vary based on waste characteristics [Contractor communications] Dewatered mass of material to be disposed at a Subtitle C Landfill: • Alternative 2 - 6,630,000 tons • Alternative 3 - 2,460,000 tons • Alternative 4 - 600,000 tons Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-Sized Debris: Debris removed during screening, decontaminated (via high pressure washing), and transported off-site for disposal at cost of $200 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] In-situ volume of debris removed during dredging operations: • Alternatives 2 - 534,000 cubic yards • Alternative 3 - 238,000 cubic yards • Alternative 4 - 56,000 cubic yards Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill: Generally small sized organic debris and gravel removed by fine screening or microfiltration during processing Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-25 2014 Debris containerized and shipped to a Subtitle C landfill for disposal at a cost of $230 per ton. In-situ mass of debris: • Alternatives 2 - 55,000 tons total • Alternative 3 - 24,000 tons total • Alternative 4 - 6,000 tons total Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use: Reclaimed sand recovered during sediment processing to be used beneficially Cost for transportation and beneficial use - $50 per ton. Dewatered mass of reclaimed sand: • Alternatives 2 – 1,600,000 tons total • Alternative 3 - 600,000 tons total • Alternative 4 - 100,000 tons total 3.2.5 J2. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Site restoration/demolition/decommission - $30,000 per acre 3.3 Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use (DMM Scenario C) General Assumptions: Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to DMM construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Twenty-five percent contingency on all costs except construction management because of technical complexity of the operations Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-26 2014 3.3.1 F3. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design: Six percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities costs) Covers design analysis, plans, specifications, and engineer’s cost estimate Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Outreach: Permitting or if on-site, establishing compliance with substantive requirements Two percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM Pre-Construction Activities ) Land Acquisition: Site selection study for upland sediment processing facility Site to include water access Land purchased for upland sediment processing facility under Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 Estimated cost for property acquis ition @ $510,000 per acre: • Alternative 2 - 39.5 acres • Alternative 3 - 36 acres • Alternative 4 - 36 acres Contractor Work Plans and Submittals: Lump sum charge of $119,000 per alternative for contractor submittals and project specific Health and Safety Plan Pre-Construction Oversight: Monthly charge of $48,000 for two staff to oversee coring/processing operations at disposal site Monthly charge includes labor, equipment and supplies, transportation, per diem Field investigation takes three months to complete for each of the alternatives Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-27 2014 Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical: Samples collected using standard drill rig (air rotary, sonic, or other) Cost for core sampling and processing - $1,800 per core [Internal database] Cores extend to depth of 25 feet below ground surface Two cores per acre collected for all sites with upland component; three samples taken per core Samples analyzed for Atterberg limits, percent solids, specific gravity, grain size (sieve and hydrometer) Consolidation tests and strength tests performed on 10 percent of the samples Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Atterberg limits - $85 • Percent solids - $50 • Specific gravity - $75 • Grain size (sieve and hydrometer) - $150 • Consolidation - $600 • Strength - $250 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation – Chemical: Conduct Phase I/II Due Diligence investigation of upland sediment processing facility site Estimated cost per acre for Phase I/II Due Diligence investigation is $1,000 Samples taken from Geotechnical Investigation borings, one boring per acre; three samples per boring Samples analyzed for metals Ten percent of samples analyzed for dioxin, PCBs, and pesticides Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • Metals - $275 • Dioxin – $940 • PCBs -$188 • Pesticides - $1,063 Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-28 2014 Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Topographic Survey – Uplands Sediment Processing Facility Site: Topographic survey prepared for uplands site plus an additional 10 percent of acreage to include surrounding areas for design purposes Topographic map tied to State Plane coordinates with two foot contour interval tied to NAVD. Two days of ground survey to establish ground control for aerial survey Daily rate for survey crew - $4,000 [Internal database] Topographic map prepared by aerial survey of site: • Cost for aerial survey flight - $500 per acre • Cost for drafting contour map - $100 per acre Habitat Survey (upland site): Lump sum cost of $42,000 Cultural Survey (upland site): Lump sum cost of $42,000 Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design: Samples taken from cores and boring materials collected for chemical and geotechnical analyses Dredged material slurry simulations - 20 tests @ $1,900 Dredge elutriate tests - 20 tests @ $600 each Paint filter tests - 20 tests @ $25 each Jar testing/settling tests - 20 tests @ $1,200 Optimum polymer doses - 3 tests@ $1,900 Mechanical dewatering tests - 1 test @ $1,200 Multimedia filter tests - 20 tests @ $600 each TCLP Testing - 10 @ $1,063 each Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-29 2014 3.3.2 G3. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization: Ten percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities costs) [Internal database] Mechanical and Electrical: Ten percent of DMM construction phase capital costs (not including DMM PreConstruction Activities and Mobilization costs) [Internal database] Layout and Documentation Survey: Daily rate for survey crew - $4,000 [Internal database] Surveying performed periodically during construction – 2 days per week over 12 month construction period Fencing: Material purchase and installation - $60 per linear foot [Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - 10,300 linear feet (5,200 feet for site boundary; 5,100 feet for exclusion zone) • Alternative 3 - 9,800 linear feet (5,000 feet for site boundary; 4,800 feet for exclusion zone) • Alternative 4 - 9,800 linear feet (5,000 feet for site boundary; 4,800 feet for exclusion zone) Increase fencing quantity by two percent to account for cost of gates Exterior Lighting: Material purchase and installation - $50,000 per acre [Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - 39.5 acres • Alternative 3 - 36 acres • Alternative 4 - 36 acres Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-30 2014 Security: Lump sum cost of $100,000 [Internal database] Buildings: Processing Building • Size: o Alternative 2 - 8.5 acres o Alternative 3 - 8.2 acres o Alternative 4 - 8.2 acres • Cost - $100 per square foot not including amenities [Internal database] • Amenities - Lump sum for laboratory, shower, and locker facility - $100,000 Additional cost for Administrative/Laboratory Area of Processing Building 30,000 square feet @ $50 per square foot Wastewater treatment system included in Processing Building (equipment costs elsewhere Guard shack - 150 square feet @ $100 per square foot [Internal database] Truck wash - Lump sum $100,000 [Internal database] Assumes site soils are stable and capable of supporting building and equipment loads without piling or major soil modifications Utilities: Sewer connection - $500,000 Water connection - $250,000 Electrical connection - $500,000 [Internal database] Costs assumes an undeveloped site and all new utility connections Earthwork: Grading and clearing of site prior to construction - assume minimal effort required (up to three foot cut/fill across site) Cost - $12 per cubic yard based on on-site disposal of soil Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-31 2014 Continuous footings required around building perimeter along with pads for major equipment No other costs for soil improvements required Stormwater Management: Perimeter drainage ditch diverts non-contact water to a sedimentation basin for treatment prior to discharge to the river Roof leaders are connected to perimeter drainage system Water in the exclusion zone is captured and treated/reused before being discharged to river in accordance with regulatory requirements Lump sum cost of $219,000 for Alternative 2 and $168,000 for Alternatives 3 and 4 Paving: Filter fabric installed over native soil Installed cost of filter fabric - $2 per square yard [Internal database] Six inches subgrade material placed over the filter fabric Installed cost of subgrade material - $40 per cubic yard [Internal database] Plant mix asphalt paving - 3 inches bearing course and 1.5 inches wearing course Installed cost of plant mix asphalt paving - $20 per square yard [Internal database] Paved area: • Alternative 2 - approximately 81,000 square yards • Alternative 3 - approximately 73,000 square yards • Alternative 4 - approximately 73,000 square yards Pier/Dock Structure: Frontage wharf along shore of upland sediment processing facility – 50,000 square feet Wharf intended for temporary use during hydraulic offloading The length of the wharf is intended to provide space for two barges at a time Material cost and installation - $160 per square foot [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-32 2014 Pre-fabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage: Enclosed on-site storage of dewatered solids Approximately six months of storage provided for dewatered hazardous material to allow flexibility in production schedules; approximately six months of storage for treated materials (thermal treatment and sediment washing) Negative pressure maintained in structure to control emission; vapors routed through granular activated carbon before discharge Approximate storage requirements: • Alternative 2 - 351,000 square feet • Alternative 3 - 283,000 square feet • Alternative 4 - 283,000 square feet Installed cost for insulated structure - $40 square foot [Contactor communications] Storage Area – Concrete Slab and Push Walls: Structure installed on concrete slab with eight foot push walls Installed costs for concrete slabs - $600 per cubic yard [Internal database] Storage Area – Subgrade Material: Installed cost for subgrade material under slab - $40 per cubic yard [Internal database] Storage Area – Filter Fabric: Installed cost for filter fabric under slab - $2 per square yard [Internal database] Storage Area –Vapor Emissions Control: Maintain negative pressure within storage structure to control emissions (dust and odors) One unit for approximately 10,000 cubic yards of storage capacity Vapors routed through GAC filter units prior to discharge to the atmosphere: • Alternative 2 - 30 units • Alternative 3 - 24 units Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-33 2014 • Alternative 4 - 24 units Installed cost per unit - $5,000 [Internal database] Piping: Includes exterior piping and appurtenances (e.g., storm drains, catch basins, culverts, etc.) and interior piping in processing building Exterior piping (stormwater and ancillary piping) - 37,000 linear feet for Alternative 2 and 33,500 linear fit for Alternatives 3 and 4 Interior piping (treatment system) - 7,100 linear feet for Alternative 2 and 6,900 linear feet for Alternatives 3 and 4 Installed/delivered cost - $25 per linear foot for exterior piping and $15 per linear foot for interior piping [Internal database] Add 25 percent for joints, tees, wyes, other connections and fittings Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Upfront Storage Tank: provide temporary storage of sediment in case of plant upsets or shutdown Recycle Water Tank: provide temporary storage of water used for the hydraulic offloading of barges Storage capacity provided for each tank- 12 hours [Internal database] Loadout Facility: Lump sum - $500,000 [Internal database] Transfer Vehicle Storage: Approximately 2.8 to 3.4 acres of storage area for transfer vehicles; provide storage for 5 to 10 days of vehicle storage Storage area can be on a separate parcel away from the rest of the upland sediment processing facility as long as it is located in the general area Paved surface for parking area Installed cost per square yard - $30 [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-34 2014 Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility: Two bunkers at $10,000 each [Internal database] Hazardous Material Processing and Storage Area: Includes decontamination pad for medium and large debris processing Lump sum[Internal database]: • Alternative 2 - $124,000 • Alternative 3 - $93,000 • Alternative 4 - $33,000 Air Monitoring During Construction Fugitive dust, odors, VOCs monitoring - $5,000 per month Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance 3.3.3 H3. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment: Equipment purchased for site operators: • 3 Front end loaders ($124,000 each) • 1 Skidsteer ($25,000 each) • 1 Excavator ($200,000 each) • 4 Dump trucks ($80,000 each) • 1 Water truck ($50,000 each) • 1 Street Sweeper ($100,000 each) Wastewater Treatment Plant: Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) includes the following components: equalization tank, sedimentation tank with combined oil-water separator, multimedia filter, carbon filter, and bag filter. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-35 2014 Where feasible water would be treated and reused in the process minimizing the overall water consumption Cost broken down into fixed and variable components • Fixed costs (structure, design, contractor overhead, etc.) • Variable costs (based on flow in MGD) Treatment plant sizes: • Alternative 2 - 1.8 MGD • Alternative 3 - 1.6 MGD • Alternative 4 - 1.6 MGD 3.3.4 I3. Local Decontamination Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses: Treatment includes screening, coarse and fine sand separation, pre-thickening, chemical addition, and mechanical dewatering, Cost includes equipment capital costs as well as operating costs Unit costs: $50 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] Dewatered Material Testing for Disposal: One sample per 5,000 cubic yards of material Analytical cost [Internal database]: • TCLP - $1,063 • Paint filter - $25 Thermal Treatment (On-site/Local Facility): Thermal treatment systems potentially suitable for FFS Study Area sediments include the following: • Cement-Lock® Technology • JCI/Upcycle Associates, LLC’s Rotary Kiln • Minergy’s Glass Furnace Technology • WPC’s Vitrification Technology Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-36 2014 Information on technologies provided for estimation purposes only and performance would have to be verified during site design; details on sites presented in Appendix G Thermal Treatment unit (e.g., GTI/Volcano) constructed at the processing site or in the general area for treatment of heavily contaminated sediment Byproduct of the treatment process (e.g., CementLock®) would meet beneficial use requirements in the state of New Jersey Income derived from the sale of the byproduct would offset marketing and transportation costs for the material Treatment cost of $370 per dewatered ton for Alternatives 2 and 3 [Contractor communications] Treatment cost of $640 per dewatered ton for Alternative 4. Cost adjusted to reflect that a dedicated thermal treatment facility may not be commercially viable [Contractor communications]. Dewatered mass of material to be thermally treated • Alternative 2 - 740,000 tons • Alternative 3 - 180,000 tons • Alternative 4 - 30,000 tons Storage requirements addressed elsewhere Sediment Washing: Sediment washing systems potentially suitable for FFS Study Area sediments include the following: • Pear Technologies • Biogenesis® Information on technologies provided for estimation purposes only and performance would have to be verified during site design; details on sites presented in Appendix G Sediment washing system (e.g., Biogenesis®) constructed at the processing site for treatment of medium contaminated sediment; washed sediment stabilized using Portland cement, Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) or other similar material to meet beneficial use requirements in the state of New Jersey Treated sediment would be hauled to a landfill for beneficial use as cover material Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-37 2014 Treatment/transportation and landfill cost is $150 per cubic yard. In-situ volumes of material • Alternative 2 - 6,160,000 cubic yards • Alternative 3 - 2,890,000 cubic yards • Alternative 4 - 710,000 cubic yards Sediment Amendment: Sediment that is lightly contaminated would be stabilized using Portland cement, CKD or other similar material to meet beneficial use requirements in the state of New Jersey Treated sediment would be hauled to a landfill for beneficial use as cover material Treatment/transport/fee at landfill cost totals $80 per dewatered ton Dewatered mass of material being amended • Alternative 2 - 140,000 tons • Alternative 3 - 20,000 tons • Alternative 4 - 11,000 tons Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-Sized Debris: Debris removed during screening, decontaminated (via high pressure washing), and transported off-site for disposal at cost of $200 per cubic yard [Contractor communications] In-situ volume of debris removed during dredging operations: • Alternatives 2 - 534,000 cubic yards total • Alternative 3 - 238,000 cubic yards total • Alternative 4 - 56,000 cubic yards total Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill: Generally small sized organic debris and gravel removed by fine screening or microfiltration during processing Debris containerized and shipped to a Subtitle C landfill for disposal at a cost of $230 per ton Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-38 2014 In-situ mass of debris: • Alternatives 2 - 55,000 tons total • Alternative 3 - 24,000 tons total • Alternative 4 - 6,000 tons total Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use: Reclaimed sand recovered during sediment processing to be used beneficially Cost for transportation, and beneficial use - $50 per ton. Dewatered mass of reclaimed sand: • Alternatives 2 - 1,600,000 tons total • Alternative 3 - 600,000 tons total • Alternative 4 - 100,000 tons total 3.3.5 J3. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Site restoration/demolition/decommissioning - $30,000 per acre Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-39 2014 4 DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS 4.1 K. DMM Site O&M 4.1.1 CAD (DMM Scenario A) General Assumptions: Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to DMM construction phase capital costs (not including Pre-Construction Activities costs) Twenty five percent contingency on all costs except construction management Duration of Dredging and Capping Operations: • Alternative 2 - 11 years • Alternative 3 - 5 years • Alternative 4 - 2 years Operational Testing: One to two water column samples collected per day, or 30 samples per month (240 days per year of dredging operations averaged over 12 months, or approximately 20 days per month of operations) Water column samples analyzed for TSS Two composite water samples per month analyzed for TAL/TCL plus cyanide and dioxin per month Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TSS - $50 • Dioxin - $940 • TAL/TCL - $625 Process/ship three samples per man hour Shipping cost $100 per cooler, four samples per cooler [Internal database] Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-1 2014 Upland Support Facility O&M: Staffed operations in upland support facility: • 24 hour per day operations during dredging and capping • Staffing does not include dredging contractor workforce Site operations support staff: • Site Manager - one person @ $131,000 per year • Shift Supervisors - three people @ 102,000 per year (each) • Site Health and Safety Officer - one person @ 102,000 per year • Mechanics - three people @ $80,000 per year (each) • Laborers - two people @ $44,000 per year (each) • Laboratory Technician - one person @ $58,000 per year • Administrative Support - one person @ $36,000 per year • Site Security - four people @ $29,000 per year (each) Annual wages/salaries including 40 percent benefits Utilities/Fuel - $20,000 to 30,000 per year Insurance - $100,000 per year Miscellaneous Equipment - $25,000 per year Operations Management/Coordination: Site operational staffing: • Program Manager - one person @ $204,000 per year • Operations Leaders - three people @ $131,000 per year (each) • Senior QA - one person @ $204,000 per year (half time) • Program Management Support - three people @ $80,000 per year Annual wages/salaries including 40 percent benefits Air Monitoring: Fugitive dust, odors, VOCs monitoring - $5,000 per month Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-2 2014 4.1.2 Off-Site Disposal (DMM Scenario B) General Assumptions: Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to Long Term O&M costs Twenty five percent contingency on all costs except construction management Duration of Dredging and Capping Operations: • Alternative 2 - 11 years • Alternative 3 - 5 years • Alternative 4 - 2 years Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M: Annual operation and maintenance cost – ten percent of the capital wastewater treatment plant costs Covers chemical and supplies, regeneration of activated carbon, waste disposal, electrical Treated wastewater discharged to Newark Bay in accordance with regulatory requirements Sediment Processing Site O&M: Includes labor, fuel, utilities, site maintenance and site security for upland processing site Staffed operations during dredging and processing: • 24 hour per day operations during dredging and processing • Staffing does not include dredging contractor workforce or dewatering contractor workforce at upland sediment processing facility Site operational staffing: • Site Manager - one person @ $131,000 per year • Shift Supervisors - three people @ $102,000 per year (each) • Site Health and Safety Officer - one person @ $102,000 per year Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-3 2014 • Equipment/WWTP Operators - four people @ $80,000 per year (each) • Mechanics - four people @ $80,000 per year (each) • Laborers - four people @ $44,000 per year (each) • Laboratory Technician - two people @ $58,000 per year (each) • Administrative Support - two people @ $36,000 per year (each) • Site Security - four people @ $29,000 per year (each) Annual wages/salaries including 40 percent benefits Insurance - $100,000 per year Utilities/Fuel - $20,000 per year GAC storage/recycle cost • Alternative 2 - $40,000 per year • Alternative 3 - $30,000 per year • Alternative 4 - $10,000 per year Annual equipment operations and maintenance - 10% of total equipment costs Miscellaneous equipment - $25,000 per year Operations Management/Coordination: Site operational staffing: • Program Manager - one person @ $204,000 per year • Operations Leaders - three people @ $131,000 per year (each) • Senior QA - one person @ $204,000 per year (half time) • Program Management Support - three people @ $80,000 per year Annual wages/salaries including 40 percent benefits Wastewater Testing: Monthly sampling and analysis • TSS - 30 samples • TAL/TCL plus cyanide - 2 samples • Dioxins - 2 samples Analytical and validation cost per sample: Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-4 2014 • TSS - $50 • Dioxin - $940 • TAL/TCL plus cyanide - $625 [Internal database] Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Air Monitoring: Fugitive dust, VOCs and odors - $5000 per month [Internal database] Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance 4.1.3 Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use (DMM Scenario C) General Assumptions: Construction performed under multiple prime contracts held by client, not by single prime/general contractor Ten percent construction management fee applied to Long Term O&M costs Twenty five percent contingency on all costs except construction management Duration of Dredging and Capping Operations: • Alternative 2 - 11 years • Alternative 3 - 5 years • Alternative 4 - 2 years Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M: Annual operation and maintenance cost - 10% of the capital wastewater treatment plant costs Includes chemical and supplies, regeneration of activated carbon, waste disposal, electrical Treated wastewater discharged to Newark Bay in accordance with regulatory requirements Sediment Processing Site O&M: Includes labor, fuel, utilities, site maintenance and site security for upland processing site Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-5 2014 Staffed operations during dredging and processing: • 24 hour per day operations during dredging and processing • Staffing does not include dredging contractor workforce or dewatering contractor workforce at upland sediment processing facility Site operational staffing: • Site Manager - one person @ $131,000 per year • Shift Supervisors - three people @ $102,000 per year (each) • Site Health and Safety Officer - one person @ $102,000 per year • Equipment/WWTP Operators - six people @ $80,000 per year (each) • Mechanics - five people @ $80,000 per year (each) • Laborers - five people @ $44,000 per year (each) • Laboratory Technician - two people @ $58,000 per year (each) • Administrative Support - two people @ $36,000 per year (each) • Site Security - four people @ $29,000 per year (each) Annual wages/salaries including 40 percent benefits Insurance - $100,000 per year Utilities/Fuel - $20,000 per year GAC storage/recycle cost: • Alternative 2 - $40,000 per year • Alternative 3 - $30,000 per year • Alternative 4 - $10,000 per year Annual equipment operations and maintenance - 10% of total equipment costs Miscellaneous equipment - $25,000 per year Operations Management/Coordination: Site operational staffing: • Program Manager - one person @ $204,000 per year • Operations Leaders - three people @ $131,000 per year (each) • Senior QA - one person @ $204,000 per year (half time) • Program Management Support - three people @ $80,000 per year Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-6 2014 Annual wages/salaries including 40 percent benefits Wastewater Testing: Monthly sampling and analysis: • TSS - 30 samples • TAL/TCL plus cyanide - 2 samples • Dioxins - 2 samples Analytical and validation cost per sample: • TSS - $50 • Dioxin - $940 • TAL/TCL plus cyanide - $625 [Internal database] Shipping cost of $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Air Monitoring: Fugitive dust, VOCs and odors - $5000 per month [Internal database] Includes labor, sample analysis, equipment maintenance Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-7 2014 5 LONG TERM O&M COSTS General Assumptions: Ten percent construction management fee applied to Long Term O&M costs Twenty five percent contingency on all costs except construction management Alternative 2 has fewer annual O&M requirements because of the reduced volume of remaining contaminant inventory and the lack of engineered cap in the river 5.1 Annual O&M 5.1.1 L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach: Includes public meetings, fact sheet development, maintenance of administrative record, and other efforts to communicate with the public on the status of work and conditions in the FFS Study Area Alternative 2 (DMM Scenario A only) and Alternatives 3 and 4 (all DMM Scenarios) Lump sum of $95,000 per year [Internal database] Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment: Annual mobilization charge for monitoring equipment [Contractor communications]: • Two water quality vessels - $2,500 each • Geophysical vessel - $6,000 • Small vibracoring vessel - $2,800 • Sediment profile imaging (SPI) vessel - $13,100 Bathymetric Survey: Daily rate for geophysical vessel of $1,600 (labor) and $6,600 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Survey rate - one river mile surveyed per day plus one additional day to survey CAD cell (DMM Scenario A only) Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-1 2014 Water Column Sampling and Analysis: All Alternatives - Two samples taken for two tidal cycles per river mile DMM Scenario A - Four additional samples for two tidal cycles per CAD cell Ten percent additional samples collected as samples of opportunity Daily rate for two water quality vessels of $2,400 (labor) and $2,000 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Ten water quality samples collected per day Samples are analyzed for TPH and lead (surrogate chemical parameters). Ten percent of the samples are analyzed for the “full suite” of chemicals (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide). Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Process/ship three samples per man hour Shipping cost $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Sediment Sampling and Analysis: Sediment sampling for evaluation of remedy and/or cap performance: • Alternative 2 - Five samples collected at each transect; transects spaced at 0.125 mile intervals; surface sediment sampling only • Alternatives 3 and 4 - Five cores collected at each transect; transects spaced at 0.1 mile intervals; 6-foot cores on average; four samples per core • DMM Scenario A - Five cores per CAD cell; 6-foot cores on average; 4 samples per core Daily rate for small vibracoring vessel of $1,600 (labor) and $3,700 (vessel and equipment) [Contractor communications] Twenty sediment samples collected per day Samples analyzed for TPH and lead (surrogate chemical parameters) Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-2 2014 Ten percent of samples analyzed for “full suite” of chemicals (dioxin, pesticides, and TAL/TCL plus cyanide) Analytical and validation cost per sample [Internal database]: • TPH - $207 • Lead - $25 • Dioxin - $940 • Pesticides - $1,063 • TAL/TCL - $625 Process/ship three samples per man hour Shipping cost $100 per cooler; four samples per cooler [Internal database] Biological Monitoring: Biological monitoring conducted monthly throughout long term O&M period; surveys may include all or some of the following elements: • Avian community surveys • Fish community surveys • Benthic invertebrates surveys • Biological tissue-residual testing • Toxicity testing Average monthly cost of $112,500, or approximately $1,400,000 per year [Internal calculation/database] for surveying the lower 8.3 river miles Average monthly cost for monitoring cost at the CAD cell: • Alternative 2 - equal to 20 percent of average monthly cost for surveying in the lower 8.3 miles • Alternatives 3 - equal to 10 percent of average monthly cost for surveying in the lower 8.3 miles • Alternative 4 - equal to 3 percent of average monthly cost for surveying in the lower 8.3 miles Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-3 2014 Habitat Recolonization using SPI: All Alternatives - Approximately 10 SPI locations per river mile, 20 percent of the river each year DMM Scenario A - Four additional locations per CAD cell Imaging, processing and reporting - $2,300 per SPI location Annual Monitoring Reports: Laboratory reporting cost - $35,000 Report preparation - 400 hours at $175 per hour to complete draft and final monitoring reports 5.1.2 M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment: Alternative 2 (DMM Scenario A only) and Alternatives 3 and 4 (all DMM Scenarios) Cost based on use of more conventional and readily available equipment compared to precision equipment used to construct cap initially Ice Scour Evaluation for Cap along Shoreline: Alternatives 3 and 4 only Visual cap inspection during low tide in the spring to evaluate winter season ice impacts - three person crew; five 8-hour days - $15,000 Reporting costs - $6,000 Annual Cap Maintenance: Annual cap maintenance performed on an as-needed based on conditions observed during routine maintenance; estimate provided for budgetary purposes • Alternative 2, DMM Scenario A - 0.2 percent of cap material at CAD cell replaced annually • Alternatives 3 and 4, all DMM Scenarios – 0.2 percent of cap material at CAD cell and in river replaced annually Cap material cost (installed) - $50 per cubic yard Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-4 2014 No maintenance required in backfill and armor areas 5.2 Periodic O&M General Assumptions: Periodic or supplemental O&M activities to occur approximately every five years 5.2.1 N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Community Outreach: Includes public meetings, fact sheet development, maintenance of administrative record, and other efforts to communicate with the public on the status of work and conditions in the FFS Study Area Alternative 2 (DMM Scenarios B and C only) Lump sum of $95,000 per year [Internal database] Supplemental Biological Monitoring: Supplemental biological monitoring conducted periodically; surveys may include all or some of the following elements: • Avian community surveys • Fish community • Benthic invertebrates • Biological tissue-residual testing • Toxicity testing Approximate cost for complete assessment $2,800,000 [Internal calculation/database] less work performed on an annual basis for an additional periodic cost of approximately $1,400,000 Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI: All Alternatives - approximately 10 SPI locations per river mile, additional 80 percent of the river DMM Scenario A - additional six locations per CAD cell Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-5 2014 Imaging, processing and reporting - $2,300 per SPI location Performance Review Report: Additional laboratory report cost - $15,000 Report preparation - 2000 hours at $175 per hour to complete draft and final monitoring reports 5.2.2 O. Periodic Maintenance Activities Periodic Cap Maintenance: Periodic expanded maintenance of engineered cap: • Alternative 2, DMM Scenario A - five percent of cap material at CAD cell replaced periodically • Alternatives 3 and 4, all DMM Scenarios - five percent of cap material at CAD cell and in river replaced periodically Installed cap material costs - $50 per cubic yard No maintenance required in backfill and armor areas Natural Shoreline Maintenance: Replace dying and diseased plantings Replant ten percent of natural shoreline - approximately 2300 linear feet Replanting cost - $200 per linear foot Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-6 2014 6 @ at CAD Confined Aquatic Disposal CKD cement kiln dust DMM Dredge Materials Management DOC dissolved organic carbon ENR Engineering News Record FFS Focused Feasibility Study GAC Granulated Activated Carbon H:V horizontal to vertical HARS Historic Area Remediation Site IDW investigation derived waste MGD million gallons per day NAVD North American Vertical Datum O&M Operations and Maintenance PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PCB polychlorinated biphenyl POC particulate organic carbon QA quality assurance RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RM river mile S/S solidification/stabilization SVOC semi-volatile organic compounds TAL/TCL Target Analyte List/Target Compound List TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TOC total organic carbon TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons TSS total suspended solids USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency VOC volatile organic compounds Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-1 ACRONYMS 2014 Unit Acronyms Presented in Tables CY cubic yards EA each LF linear feet LS lump sum SF square feet SY square yard Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-2 2014 7 REFERENCES Engineering News-Record (ENR), 2014. “Current Costs”. Available at: Accessed on: January 14, 2014, updated January 1, 2011. USEPA, 2000. “A Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates During the Feasibility Study.” EPA 540-R-00-002. OSWER 9355.0-75. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Center of Expertise, Omaha, NE. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington, D.C. July 2000. USEPA, 1993. “Revisions to OMB Circular A-94 on Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis.” OSWER 9355.3-20. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. June 1993. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 7-1 2014 Tables Table 1-1 Summary of Present Value Cost Estimate Present Value Costs1 Alternative Capital2 DMM3,4 O&M5 Contingency Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD $549,000,000 $522,000,000 $18,000,000 $252,000,000 $1,341,000,000 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal $657,000,000 $1,967,000,000 $13,000,000 $608,000,000 $3,245,000,000 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $657,000,000 $1,460,000,000 $13,000,000 $491,000,000 $2,621,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD $408,000,000 $322,000,000 $45,000,000 $179,000,000 $953,000,000 $463,000,000 $903,000,000 $41,000,000 $324,000,000 $1,731,000,000 $463,000,000 $784,000,000 $41,000,000 $297,000,000 $1,585,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, CAD $140,000,000 $116,000,000 $41,000,000 $68,000,000 $365,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-Site Disposal $154,000,000 $306,000,000 $39,000,000 $115,000,000 $614,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $154,000,000 $299,000,000 $39,000,000 $113,000,000 $606,000,000 Alternative 1: No Action Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Notes: 1. Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1 (refer to Section 1 of Appendix H). Values are rounded to the nearest million. 2. Capital Costs includes Construction Management 3. DMM = Dredged Material Management (includes Construction Management) 4. Total DMM Costs = DMM Capital Cost + DMM O&M Costs 5. O&M = Operation and Maintenance Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 1 2014 Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A Deep Dredging with Backfill, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Backfilling Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $43,300 671,524,810 671,524,810 1 12 12 1 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample $1,810 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 5,478 77 43,824 11,280 10,344 231 1 9 9 1 1 1 300 343 EA EA LS EA EA Year $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 2 2 1 1 1 10 Cost $40,290,000 $13,430,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $43,300 $9,915,180 $750,750 $68,365,440 $14,438,400 $2,896,320 $286,440 $2,800,000 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $898,660 $156,903,090 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $3,100,000 $4,358,800 2014 Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A Deep Dredging with Backfill, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Utility Protection Bridge/Abutment/Bulkhead Protection Barge Transport of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Backfill Backfill Material Purchase and Delivery Backfill Material Placement Mudflat Backfill Mudflat Reconstruction Natural Shoreline Reconstruction Natural Shoreline Biostabilization Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Backfill Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $270,360 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 11 11 11 11 11 11 $9,213,600 $16,000,600 $2,973,960 $14,850,000 $1,320,000 $3,905,000 $48,263,160 CY Ton SF LF CY Percentage $25 $30 $100 $4,100 $10 1% 9,681,000 8,000 290,500 6,100 15,635,000 664,870,000 $242,025,000 $240,000 $29,050,000 $25,010,000 $156,350,000 $6,650,000 $459,325,000 CY CY CY CY CY LF SY $30 $20 $50 $150 $50 $220 $75 1,799,000 1,799,000 712,500 203,500 30,093 5,560 10,000 $53,970,000 $35,980,000 $35,625,000 $30,525,000 $1,504,650 $1,223,200 $750,000 $159,577,850 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 671,524,810 828,427,900 $828,427,900 $67,150,000 $207,107,000 $1,102,684,900 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A Deep Dredging with Backfill, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F1. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Support Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Support Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Support Facility Site Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Chemical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Geotechnical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - HARS Disposal Determination Habitat Survey (upland support facility site) Cultural Survey (upland support facility site) Elutriate Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G1. CAD Excavation Dredge Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment and Debris Removal Mobilization/Demobilization Large Debris Removal Contaminated Sediment Dredging and Disposal (First Cell) Contaminated Sediment Testing for Disposal (First Cell) Contaminated Sediment Dredge and Disposal (Subsequent Cells) Clay Dredging/Transport/Disposal at HARS Containment System Installation Silt Curtain at CAD Entrance Channel Air Monitoring During Construction Testing and Monitoring Total CAD Excavation Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre Core Boring Sample Sample LS LS LS Sample Day LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $1,330 $1,650 $9,700 $1,850 $1,240 $200,000 $5,000 $5,000 $1,040 $8,200 $76,000 665,172,040 665,172,040 5 1 2 10 5 5.5 235 33 235 99 1 1 1 24 1 1 $39,910,000 $13,300,000 $2,550,000 $119,000 $96,000 $32,200 $12,800 $7,315 $387,750 $320,100 $434,750 $122,760 $200,000 $5,000 $5,000 $24,960 $8,200 $76,000 $57,611,835 EA EA Ton CY Sample CY CY SF SF Month Month $237,000 $72,800 $300 $200 $1,090 $35 $25 $235 $100 $5,000 $294,020 12 3 1,000 388,000 78 786,000 11,153,000 365,000 11,250 36 36 $2,844,000 $218,400 $300,000 $77,600,000 $85,020 $27,510,000 $278,825,000 $85,775,000 $1,125,000 $180,000 $10,584,720 $485,047,140 2014 Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A Deep Dredging with Backfill, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component H1. Upland Support Facility Mobilization/Demobilization Layout and Documentation Survey Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Wastewater Treatment System for Contact Water Total Upland Support Facility I1. CAD Closure Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Engineered Cap Material Placement Confirmation Coring Remove Containment System Bathymetric Surveys Additional Habitat Mitigation Total CAD Closure J1. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Site Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal DMM Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Percentage Day LF Acre LS SF LS CY SF SY SF Month 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $20,000 $120 $125,000 $12 $18 $30 $160 $10,000 6,105,800 10 1,940 5 1 10,150 1 8,100 3,900 17,300 15,000 125 CY CY Core SF Day LS $30 $30 $1,830 $36 $8,200 $102,751,000 930,000 930,000 830 365,000 6 1 Acre $30,000 5 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 665,172,040 722,783,875 Cost $610,000 $40,000 $116,400 $250,000 $20,000 $1,218,000 $125,000 $97,200 $70,200 $519,000 $2,400,000 $1,250,000 $6,715,800 $27,900,000 $27,900,000 $1,518,900 $13,140,000 $49,200 $102,751,000 $173,259,100 $150,000 $150,000 $722,783,875 $66,520,000 $180,700,000 $970,003,875 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A Deep Dredging with Backfill, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Operational Testing Upland Support Facility O&M Operations Management/Coordination Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Month Year Year Month $6,820 $1,220,000 $939,000 $5,000 12 1 1 12 $81,840 $1,220,000 $939,000 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 2,300,840 2,300,840 $2,300,840 $230,000 $575,000 $3,105,840 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Year Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,680,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 10 63 431 1 29 1 Year CY $54,000 $50 1 1,900 Percentage Percentage TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost 10% 25% 2,625,330 2,625,330 $95,000 $26,900 $82,000 $63,000 $357,730 $1,680,000 $66,700 $105,000 $2,476,330 $54,000 $95,000 $149,000 $2,625,330 $263,000 $656,000 $3,544,330 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-2 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A Deep Dredging with Backfill, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,300 $365,000 1 84 1 $1,400,000 $193,200 $365,000 $1,958,200 Year LF $50 $200 47,000 2,300 $2,350,000 $460,000 $2,810,000 Percentage Percentage TOTAL PERIODIC O&M 10% 25% 4,768,200 4,768,200 Cost $4,768,200 $477,000 $1,192,000 $6,437,200 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Backfilling Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $43,300 830,814,810 830,814,810 1 12 12 1 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample $1,810 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 5,478 77 43,824 11,280 10,344 231 1 9 9 1 1 1 300 343 EA EA LS EA EA Year $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 2 2 1 1 1 10 Cost $49,850,000 $16,620,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $43,300 $9,915,180 $750,750 $68,365,440 $14,438,400 $2,896,320 $286,440 $2,800,000 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $898,660 $169,653,090 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $3,100,000 $4,358,800 2014 Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Component C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Utility Protection Bridge/Abutment/Bulkhead Protection Barge Transport of Dredged Material Hydraulic Off-loading of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Backfill Backfill Material Purchase and Delivery Backfill Material Placement Mudflat Backfill Mudflat Reconstruction Natural Shoreline Reconstruction Natural Shoreline Biostabilization Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Backfill Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $270,360 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 11 11 11 11 11 11 $9,213,600 $16,000,600 $2,973,960 $14,850,000 $1,320,000 $3,905,000 $48,263,160 CY Ton SF LF CY CY Percentage $25 $200 $100 $4,100 $10 $10 1% 9,681,000 8,000 290,500 6,100 15,635,000 15,635,000 822,584,810 $242,025,000 $1,600,000 $29,050,000 $25,010,000 $156,350,000 $156,350,000 $8,230,000 $618,615,000 CY CY CY CY CY LF SY $30 $20 $50 $150 $50 $220 $75 1,799,000 1,799,000 712,500 203,500 30,093 5,560 10,000 $53,970,000 $35,980,000 $35,625,000 $30,525,000 $1,504,650 $1,223,200 $750,000 $159,577,850 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 830,814,810 1,000,467,900 $1,000,467,900 $83,080,000 $250,120,000 $1,333,667,900 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F2. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G2. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization Mechanical and Electrical Layout and Documentation Surveys Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Prefabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage Storage Area - Concrete Slab and Push Walls Storage Area - Subgrade Material Storage Area - Filter Fabric Storage Area - Vapor Emissions Control Piping Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre LS LS LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $870 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 2,771,016,000 2,771,016,000 27.5 1 3 55 28 30.5 1 1 1 Percentage Percentage Day LF Acre LS LS LS CY LS SY SF SF CY CY SY Unit LF LS 10% 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $100,000 $26,320,000 $1,250,000 $12 $163,000 $30 $160 $40 $600 $40 $2 $5,000 $29 $2,052,000 65,727,400 65,727,400 104 8,800 27.5 1 1 1 151,000 1 74,000 50,000 230,000 9,000 4,300 25,600 20 29,800 1 Cost $166,260,000 $55,420,000 $14,025,000 $119,000 $144,000 $177,100 $71,680 $26,535 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 $236,433,445 $6,570,000 $6,570,000 $416,000 $528,000 $1,375,000 $100,000 $26,320,000 $1,250,000 $1,812,000 $163,000 $2,220,000 $8,000,000 $9,200,000 $5,400,000 $172,000 $51,200 $100,000 $864,200 $2,052,000 2014 Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Component Loadout Facility Rail Line Spur/Railcar Storage Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility Hazardous Material Storage Area Air Monitoring During Construction Total Upland Sediment Processing Facility H2. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Equipment Costs I2. Processing and Disposal Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses Dredged Material Testing for Disposal Transport Off-site Thermal Treatment Thermal Treatment and Disposal (Off-site Facility) Transport to Subtitle C Landfill (Off-site Facility) Off-site Disposal in Subtitle C Landfill Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-sized Debris Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use Total Processing and Disposal J2. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost LS Mile Unit LS Month $500,000 $1,000,000 $10,000 $124,000 $5,000 1 5 2 1 12 $500,000 $5,000,000 $20,000 $124,000 $60,000 $78,867,400 LS LS $1,067,000 $6,679,000 1 1 $1,067,000 $6,679,000 $7,746,000 CY 5000 CY Ton Ton Ton Ton CY Ton Ton $50 $1,088 $240 $400 $130 $100 $200 $230 $50 9,681,000 1,450 740,000 740,000 6,630,000 6,630,000 534,000 55,000 1,600,000 Acre $30,000 27.5 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 2,771,016,000 3,007,449,445 $484,050,000 $1,577,600 $177,600,000 $296,000,000 $861,900,000 $663,000,000 $106,800,000 $12,650,000 $80,000,000 $2,683,577,600 $825,000 $825,000 $3,007,449,445 $277,100,000 $751,860,000 $4,036,409,445 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Sediment Processing Site O&M Operations Management/Coordination Wastewater Testing Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Year Month Month $667,900 $2,746,000 $939,000 $5,430 $5,000 1 1 1 12 12 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,478,060 4,478,060 $667,900 $2,746,000 $939,000 $65,160 $60,000 $4,478,060 $450,000 $1,120,000 $6,048,060 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,400,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 9 37 365 1 17 1 M. Annual Maintenance Activities Total Annual Maintenance Activities $26,900 $73,800 $37,000 $302,950 $1,400,000 $39,100 $105,000 $1,984,750 $0 Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Percentage Percentage TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost 10% 25% 1,984,750 1,984,750 $1,984,750 $200,000 $500,000 $2,684,750 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-3 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-site Disposal Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Location Year $95,000 $1,400,000 $2,400 $365,000 1 1 66 1 LF $200 2,300 Percentage Percentage TOTAL PERIODIC O&M 10% 25% 2,478,400 2,478,400 Cost $95,000 $1,400,000 $158,400 $365,000 $2,018,400 $460,000 $460,000 $2,478,400 $250,000 $620,000 $3,348,400 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Backfilling Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $43,300 $1,810 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 830,814,810 830,814,810 1 12 12 1 5,478 77 43,824 11,280 10,344 231 1 9 9 1 1 1 300 343 EA EA LS EA EA Year $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 2 2 1 1 1 10 Cost $49,850,000 $16,620,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $43,300 $9,915,180 $750,750 $68,365,440 $14,438,400 $2,896,320 $286,440 $2,800,000 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $898,660 $169,653,090 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $3,100,000 $4,358,800 2014 Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Utility Protection Bridge/Abutment/Bulkhead Protection Barge Transport of Dredged Material Hydraulic Off-loading of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Backfill Backfill Material Purchase and Delivery Backfill Material Placement Mudflat Backfill Mudflat Reconstruction Natural Shoreline Reconstruction Natural Shoreline Biostabilization Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Backfill Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $270,360 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 11 11 11 11 11 11 $9,213,600 $16,000,600 $2,973,960 $14,850,000 $1,320,000 $3,905,000 $48,263,160 CY Ton SF LF CY CY Percentage $25 $200 $100 $4,100 $10 $10 1% 9,681,000 8,000 290,500 6,100 15,635,000 15,635,000 822,584,810 $242,025,000 $1,600,000 $29,050,000 $25,010,000 $156,350,000 $156,350,000 $8,230,000 $618,615,000 CY CY CY CY CY CY LF $30 $20 $50 $150 $50 $220 $75 1,799,000 1,799,000 712,500 203,500 30,093 5,560 10,000 $53,970,000 $35,980,000 $35,625,000 $30,525,000 $1,504,650 $1,223,200 $750,000 $159,577,850 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 830,814,810 1,000,467,900 $1,000,467,900 $83,080,000 $250,120,000 $1,333,667,900 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F3. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G3. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization Mechanical and Electrical Layout and Documentation Survey Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Prefabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage Storage Area - Concrete Slab and Push Walls Storage Area - Subgrade Material Storage Area - Filter Fabric Storage Area - Vapor Emissions Control Piping Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre LS LS LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $870 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 2,005,047,300 2,005,047,300 39.5 1 3 79 40 44 1 1 1 Percentage Percentage Day LF Acre LS LS LS CY LS SY SF SF CY CY SY Unit LF LS 10% 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $100,000 $38,620,000 $1,250,000 $12 $219,000 $30 $160 $40 $600 $40 $2 $5,000 $29 $2,085,500 83,763,700 83,763,700 104 10,500 40 1 1 1 218,000 1 81,000 50,000 351,000 14,000 6,600 39,100 30 44,000 1 Cost $120,300,000 $40,100,000 $20,145,000 $119,000 $144,000 $254,380 $102,400 $38,280 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 $181,393,190 $8,380,000 $8,380,000 $416,000 $630,000 $1,975,000 $100,000 $38,620,000 $1,250,000 $2,616,000 $219,000 $2,430,000 $8,000,000 $14,040,000 $8,400,000 $264,000 $78,200 $150,000 $1,276,000 $2,085,500 2014 Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component Loadout facility Transfer Vehicle Storage Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility Hazardous Material Processing and Storage Area Air Monitoring During Construction Total Upland Sediment Processing Facility H3. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Equipment Costs I3. Local Decontamination Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses Dredged Material Testing for Disposal Thermal Treatment (On-Site/Local Facility) Sediment Washing Sediment Amendment Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-sized Debris Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use Total Local Decontamination J3. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units LS SY Unit LS Month $500,000 $30 $10,000 $124,000 $5,000 1 17,000 2 1 12 LS LS $1,067,000 $8,194,000 1 1 CY 5000 CY Tons CY Ton CY Ton Ton $50 $1,088 $370 $150 $80 $200 $230 $50 9,681,000 1,450 740,000 6,160,000 140,000 534,000 55,000 1,600,000 Acre $30,000 39.5 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 2,005,047,300 2,186,440,490 Cost $500,000 $510,000 $20,000 $124,000 $60,000 $100,523,700 $1,067,000 $8,194,000 $9,261,000 $484,050,000 $1,577,600 $273,800,000 $924,000,000 $11,200,000 $106,800,000 $12,650,000 $80,000,000 $1,894,077,600 $1,185,000 $1,185,000 $2,186,440,490 $200,500,000 $546,610,000 $2,933,550,490 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Sediment Processing Site O&M Operations Management/Coordination Wastewater Testing Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Year Month Month $819,400 $3,201,000 $939,000 $5,430 $5,000 1 1 1 12 12 $819,400 $3,201,000 $939,000 $65,160 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 5,084,560 5,084,560 $5,084,560 $510,000 $1,270,000 $6,864,560 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,400,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 9 37 365 1 17 1 M. Annual Maintenance Activities Total Annual Maintenance Activities $26,900 $73,800 $37,000 $302,950 $1,400,000 $39,100 $105,000 $1,984,750 $0 Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Percentage Percentage TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost 10% 25% 1,984,750 1,984,750 $1,984,750 $200,000 $500,000 $2,684,750 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-4 Cost Estimate: Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Location Year $95,000 $1,400,000 $2,400 $365,000 1 1 66 1 LF $200 2,300 Percentage Percentage TOTAL PERIODIC O&M 10% 25% 2,478,400 2,478,400 Cost $95,000 $1,400,000 $158,400 $365,000 $2,018,400 $460,000 $460,000 $2,478,400 $250,000 $620,000 $3,348,400 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection RM0 to RM 2.2 Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection RM2.2 to RM8.3 Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Pore Water Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $28,900 428,837,950 428,837,950 1 12 12 1 $25,730,000 $8,580,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $28,900 Core $1,250 2,739 $3,423,750 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Sample Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample LS $250 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $1,040 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 $18,000 2,739 77 30,129 7,755 7,106 231 1 274 9 9 1 1 1 300 354 1 $684,750 $750,750 $47,001,240 $9,926,400 $1,989,680 $286,440 $2,800,000 $284,960 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $927,480 $18,000 $105,220,950 EA EA LS EA EA $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 2 2 1 1 1 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 2014 Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Barge Transport of Dredged Material Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Backfill/Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Backfill Material Placement Engineered Cap Material Placement Armor Material Purchase and Delivery Armor Material Placement Confirmation Coring Sediment Recontamination Monitoring Mudflat Engineered Cap Mudflat Reconstruction Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year $310,000 4 $1,240,000 $2,498,800 Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $594,780 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 5 5 5 5 5 5 $4,188,000 $7,273,000 $2,973,900 $6,750,000 $600,000 $1,775,000 $23,559,900 CY Ton CY CY Percentage $25 $30 $10 $5 1% 4,304,000 6,000 6,676,000 203,500 424,587,950 $107,600,000 $180,000 $66,760,000 $1,017,500 $4,250,000 $179,807,500 CY CY CY CY CY Core Sample CY CY SY $30 $20 $30 $30 $30 $270 $1,560 $80 $150 $75 2,723,000 141,000 2,582,000 192,000 192,000 465 1,395 203,500 203,500 5,000 $81,690,000 $2,820,000 $77,460,000 $5,760,000 $5,760,000 $125,550 $2,176,200 $16,280,000 $30,525,000 $375,000 $222,971,750 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 428,837,950 534,058,900 $534,058,900 $42,880,000 $133,510,000 $710,448,900 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F1. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Support Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Support Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Support Facility Site Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Chemical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Geotechnical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - HARS Disposal Determination Habitat Survey (upland support facility site) Cultural Survey (upland support facility site) Elutriate Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G1. CAD Excavation Dredge Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment and Debris Removal Mobilization/Demobilization Large Debris Removal Contaminated Sediment Dredging and Disposal (First Cell) Contaminated Sediment Testing for Disposal (First Cell) Contaminated Sediment Dredge and Disposal (Subsequent Cells) Clay Dredging/Transport/Disposal at HARS Containment System Installation Silt Curtain at CAD Entrance Channel Air Monitoring During Construction Testing and Monitoring Total CAD Excavation Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre Core Boring Sample Sample LS LS LS Sample Day LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $1,330 $1,650 $9,700 $1,850 $1,240 $200,000 $5,000 $5,000 $1,040 $8,200 $76,000 357,533,120 357,533,120 5 1 2 10 5 5.5 111 15 111 45 1 1 1 11 1 1 $21,450,000 $7,150,000 $2,550,000 $119,000 $96,000 $32,200 $12,800 $7,315 $183,150 $145,500 $205,350 $55,800 $200,000 $5,000 $5,000 $11,440 $8,200 $76,000 $32,312,755 Vessel Cell Ton CY Sample CY CY SF SF Month Month $237,000 $72,800 $300 $200 $1,090 $35 $25 $235 $100 $5,000 $294,020 8 2 500 278,000 56 278,000 5,062,000 220,000 7,500 24 24 $1,896,000 $145,600 $150,000 $55,600,000 $61,040 $9,730,000 $126,550,000 $51,700,000 $750,000 $120,000 $7,056,480 $253,759,120 2014 Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component H1. Upland Support Facility Mobilization/Demobilization Layout and Documentation Survey Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Wastewater Treatment System for Contact Water Total Upland Support Facility I1. CAD Closure Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Engineered Cap Material Placement Confirmation Coring Remove Containment System Bathymetric Surveys Additional Habitat Mitigation Total CAD Closure J1. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Site Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal DMM Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Day LF Acre LS SF LS CY SF SY SF Month 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $20,000 $120 $125,000 $12 $18 $30 $160 $10,000 5,455,800 10 1,940 5 1 10,150 1 8,100 3,900 17,300 15,000 60 $550,000 $40,000 $116,400 $250,000 $20,000 $1,218,000 $125,000 $97,200 $70,200 $519,000 $2,400,000 $600,000 $6,005,800 CY CY Core SF Day LS $30 $30 $1,830 $36 $8,200 $63,770,000 420,000 420,000 380 220,000 4 1 $12,600,000 $12,600,000 $695,400 $7,920,000 $32,800 $63,770,000 $97,618,200 Acre $30,000 5 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 357,533,120 389,845,875 $150,000 $150,000 $389,845,875 $35,750,000 $97,460,000 $523,055,875 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Operational Testing Upland Support Facility O&M Operations Management/Coordination Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Month Year Year Month $6,820 $1,222,000 $939,000 $5,000 12 1 1 12 $81,840 $1,222,000 $939,000 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 2,302,840 2,302,840 $2,302,840 $230,000 $580,000 $3,112,840 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Ice Scour Evaluation of Cap along Shoreline Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost Year Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,540,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 10 54 1,870 1 25 1 $95,000 $26,900 $82,000 $54,000 $1,552,100 $1,540,000 $57,500 $105,000 $3,512,500 Year LS CY $54,000 $21,000 $50 1 1 6,100 $54,000 $21,000 $305,000 $380,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 3,892,500 3,892,500 $3,892,500 $390,000 $970,000 $5,252,500 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-5 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL PERIODIC O&M Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,300 $365,000 1 78 1 $1,400,000 $179,400 $365,000 $1,944,400 CY LF $50 $200 151,000 2,300 $7,550,000 $460,000 $8,010,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 9,954,400 9,954,400 Cost $9,954,400 $1,000,000 $2,490,000 $13,444,400 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection RM0 to RM 2.2 Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection RM2.2 to RM8.3 Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Pore Water Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $28,900 497,287,950 497,287,950 1 12 12 1 $29,840,000 $9,950,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $28,900 Core $1,250 2,739 $3,423,750 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Sample Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample LS $250 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $1,040 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 $18,000 2,739 77 30,129 7,755 7,106 231 1 274 9 9 1 1 1 300 354 1 $684,750 $750,750 $47,001,240 $9,926,400 $1,989,680 $286,440 $2,800,000 $284,960 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $927,480 $18,000 $110,700,950 EA EA LS EA EA $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 2 2 1 1 1 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 2014 Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Component New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Barge Transport of Dredged Material Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling Hydraulic Off-loading of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Backfill/Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Backfill Material Placement Engineered Cap Material Placement Armor Material Purchase and Delivery Armor Material Placement Confirmation Coring Sediment Recontamination Monitoring Mudflat Engineered Cap Mudflat Reconstruction Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year $310,000 4 $1,240,000 $2,498,800 EA EA EA Year Year EA $837,600 $1,454,600 $594,780 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 5 5 5 5 5 5 $4,188,000 $7,273,000 $2,973,900 $6,750,000 $600,000 $1,775,000 $23,559,900 CY Ton CY CY CY Percentage $25 $200 $10 $5 $10 1% 4,304,000 6,000 6,676,000 203,500 6,676,000 492,367,950 $107,600,000 $1,200,000 $66,760,000 $1,017,500 $66,760,000 $4,920,000 $248,257,500 CY CY CY CY CY Core Sample CY CY SY $30 $20 $30 $30 $30 $270 $1,560 $80 $150 $75 2,723,000 141,000 2,582,000 192,000 192,000 465 1,395 203,500 203,500 5,000 $81,690,000 $2,820,000 $77,460,000 $5,760,000 $5,760,000 $125,550 $2,176,200 $16,280,000 $30,525,000 $375,000 $222,971,750 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 497,287,950 607,988,900 $607,988,900 $49,730,000 $152,000,000 $809,718,900 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F2. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G2. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization Mechanical and Electrical Layout and Documentation Surveys Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Prefabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage Storage Area - Concrete Slab and Push Walls Storage Area - Subgrade Material Storage Area - Filter Fabric Storage Area - Vapor Emissions Control Piping Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Loadout Facility Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre LS LS LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $870 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 1,061,558,740 1,061,558,740 26 1 3 52 26 28.5 1 1 1 $63,690,000 $21,230,000 $13,260,000 $119,000 $144,000 $167,440 $66,560 $24,795 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 $98,891,925 Percentage Percentage Day LF Acre LS LS LS CY LS SY SF SF CY CY SY Unit LF LS LS 10% 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $100,000 $25,650,000 $1,250,000 $12 $151,000 $30 $160 $40 $600 $40 $2 $5,000 $29 $707,000 $500,000 60,947,100 60,947,100 104 8,500 26 1 1 1 144,000 1 73,000 50,000 185,000 8,000 3,400 20,600 16 28,100 1 1 $6,090,000 $6,090,000 $416,000 $510,000 $1,300,000 $100,000 $25,650,000 $1,250,000 $1,728,000 $151,000 $2,190,000 $8,000,000 $7,400,000 $4,800,000 $136,000 $41,200 $80,000 $814,900 $707,000 $500,000 2014 Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Component Rail Line Spur/Railcar Storage Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility Hazardous Material Storage Area Air Monitoring During Construction Total Upland Sediment Processing Facility H2. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Equipment Costs I2. Processing and Disposal Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses Dredged Material Testing for Disposal Transport Off-site Thermal Treatment Thermal Treatment and Disposal (Off-site Facility) Transport to Subtitle C Landfill (Off-site Facility) Off-site Disposal in Subtitle C Landfill Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-sized Debris Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use Total Processing and Disposal J2. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Mile Unit LS Month $1,000,000 $10,000 $93,000 $5,000 5 2 1 12 $5,000,000 $20,000 $93,000 $60,000 $73,127,100 LS LS $1,067,000 $6,688,000 1 1 $1,067,000 $6,688,000 $7,755,000 CY 5000 CY Ton Ton Ton Ton CY Ton Ton $50 $1,088 $240 $400 $130 $100 $200 $230 $50 4,304,000 530 180,000 180,000 2,460,000 2,460,000 238,000 24,000 600,000 Acre $30,000 26 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 1,061,558,740 1,160,450,665 $215,200,000 $576,640 $43,200,000 $72,000,000 $319,800,000 $246,000,000 $47,600,000 $5,520,000 $30,000,000 $979,896,640 $780,000 $780,000 $1,160,450,665 $106,160,000 $290,110,000 $1,556,720,665 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Sediment Processing Site O&M Operations Management/Coordination Wastewater Testing Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Year Month Month $668,800 $2,737,000 $939,000 $5,430 $5,000 1 1 1 12 12 $668,800 $2,737,000 $939,000 $65,160 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,469,960 4,469,960 $4,469,960 $450,000 $1,120,000 $6,039,960 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Ice Scour Evaluation of Cap along Shoreline Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost LS EA Day Sample Sample LS Location EA $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,400,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 9 37 1,826 1 17 1 $95,000 $26,900 $73,800 $37,000 $1,515,580 $1,400,000 $39,100 $105,000 $3,292,380 EA LS CY $54,000 $21,000 $50 1 1 5,200 $54,000 $21,000 $260,000 $335,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 3,627,380 3,627,380 $3,627,380 $360,000 $910,000 $4,897,380 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-6 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-site Disposal Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL PERIODIC O&M Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,400 $365,000 1 66 1 $1,400,000 $158,400 $365,000 $1,923,400 CY LF $50 $200 130,000 2,300 $6,500,000 $460,000 $6,960,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 8,883,400 8,883,400 $8,883,400 $890,000 $2,220,000 $11,993,400 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection RM0 to RM 2.2 Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection RM2.2 to RM8.3 Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Pore Water Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilizationa nd Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $28,900 497,047,950 497,047,950 1 12 12 1 $29,820,000 $9,940,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $28,900 Core $1,250 2,739 $3,423,750 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Sample Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample LS $250 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $1,040 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 $18,000 2,739 77 30,129 7,755 7,106 231 1 274 9 9 1 1 1 300 354 1 $684,750 $750,750 $47,001,240 $9,926,400 $1,989,680 $286,440 $2,800,000 $284,960 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $927,480 $18,000 $110,670,950 EA EA LS EA EA $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 2 2 1 1 1 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 2014 Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Barge Transport of Dredged Material Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling Hydraulic Off-loading of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Backfill/Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Backfill Material Placement Engineered Cap Material Placement Armor Material Purchase and Delivery Armor Material Placement Confirmation Coring Sediment Recontamination Monitoring Mudflat Engineered Cap Mudflat Reconstruction Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Backfill and/or Engineered Cap Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year $310,000 4 $1,240,000 $2,498,800 EA EA EA Year Year EA $837,600 $1,454,600 $594,780 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 5 5 5 5 3 5 $4,188,000 $7,273,000 $2,973,900 $6,750,000 $360,000 $1,775,000 $23,319,900 CY Ton CY CY CY Percentage $25 $200 $10 $5 $10 1% 4,304,000 6,000 6,676,000 203,500 6,676,000 492,127,950 $107,600,000 $1,200,000 $66,760,000 $1,017,500 $66,760,000 $4,920,000 $248,257,500 CY CY CY CY CY Core Sample CY CY SY $30 $20 $30 $30 $30 $270 $1,560 $80 $150 $75 2,723,000 141,000 2,582,000 192,000 192,000 465 1,395 203,500 203,500 5,000 $81,690,000 $2,820,000 $77,460,000 $5,760,000 $5,760,000 $125,550 $2,176,200 $16,280,000 $30,525,000 $375,000 $222,971,750 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 497,047,950 607,718,900 $607,718,900 $49,700,000 $151,930,000 $809,348,900 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F3. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G3. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization Mechanical and Electrical Layout and Documentation Survey Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Prefabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage Storage Area - Concrete Slab and Push Walls Storage Area - Subgrade Material Storage Area - Filter Fabric Storage Area - Vapor Emissions Control Piping Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre LS LS LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $870 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 901,690,140 901,690,140 36 1 3 72 36 40 1 1 1 $54,100,000 $18,030,000 $18,360,000 $119,000 $144,000 $231,840 $92,160 $34,800 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 $91,301,930 Percentage Percentage Day LF Acre LS LS LS CY LS SY SF SF CY CY SY Unit LF LS 10% 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $100,000 $37,620,000 $1,250,000 $12 $168,000 $30 $160 $40 $600 $40 $2 $5,000 $29 $740,500 75,860,500 75,860,500 104 10,000 36 1 1 1 201,000 1 73,000 50,000 283,000 11,000 5,200 31,500 24 40,000 1 $7,590,000 $7,590,000 $416,000 $600,000 $1,800,000 $100,000 $37,620,000 $1,250,000 $2,412,000 $168,000 $2,190,000 $8,000,000 $11,320,000 $6,600,000 $208,000 $63,000 $120,000 $1,160,000 $740,500 2014 Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component Loadout facility Transfer Vehicle Storage Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility Hazardous Material Processing and Storage Area Air Monitoring During Construction Total Upland Sediment Processing Facility H3. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Equipment Costs I3. Local Decontamination Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses Dredged Material Testing for Disposal Thermal Treatment (On-Site/Local Facility) Sediment Washing Sediment Amendment Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-sized Debris Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use Total Local Decontamination J3. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost LS SY Unit LS Month $500,000 $30 $10,000 $93,000 $5,000 1 14,000 2 1 12 $500,000 $420,000 $20,000 $93,000 $60,000 $91,040,500 LS LS $1,067,000 $7,906,000 1 1 $1,067,000 $7,906,000 $8,973,000 CY 5000 CY Tons CY Ton CY Ton Ton $50 $1,088 $370 $150 $80 $200 $230 $50 4,304,000 530 180,000 2,890,000 20,000 238,000 24,000 600,000 Acre $30,000 36 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 901,690,140 992,992,070 $215,200,000 $576,640 $66,600,000 $433,500,000 $1,600,000 $47,600,000 $5,520,000 $30,000,000 $800,596,640 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $992,992,070 $90,170,000 $248,250,000 $1,331,412,070 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Sediment Processing Site O&M Operations Management/Coordination Wastewater Testing Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Year Month Month $790,600 $3,162,000 $939,000 $5,430 $5,000 1 1 1 12 12 $790,600 $3,162,000 $939,000 $65,160 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 5,016,760 5,016,760 $5,016,760 $500,000 $1,250,000 $6,766,760 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Ice Scour Evaluation of Cap along Shoreline Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost LS EA Day Sample Sample LS Location EA $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,400,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 9 37 1,826 1 17 1 $95,000 $26,900 $73,800 $37,000 $1,515,580 $1,400,000 $39,100 $105,000 $3,292,380 EA EA CY $54,000 $21,000 $50 1 1 5,200 $54,000 $21,000 $260,000 $335,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 3,627,380 3,627,380 $3,627,380 $360,000 $910,000 $4,897,380 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-7 Cost Estimate: Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL PERIODIC O&M Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,400 $365,000 1 66 1 $1,400,000 $158,400 $365,000 $1,923,400 CY LF $50 $200 130,000 2,300 $6,500,000 $460,000 $6,960,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 8,883,400 8,883,400 $8,883,400 $890,000 $2,220,000 $11,993,400 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Pore Water Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $25,400 140,371,120 140,371,120 1 12 12 1 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Sample Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample LS $250 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $1,040 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 $18,000 1,882 33 5,646 1,482 1,359 99 1 188 9 9 1 1 1 300 135 1 $470,500 $321,750 $8,807,760 $1,896,960 $380,520 $122,760 $2,800,000 $195,520 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $353,700 $18,000 $29,411,470 EA EA LS EA EA Year $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 2 2 1 1 1 1 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 $1,568,800 $8,420,000 $2,810,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $25,400 2014 Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Barge Transport of Dredged Material Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Engineered Cap Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Engineered Cap Material Placement Armor Material Purchase and Delivery Armor Material Placement Confirmation Coring Sediment Recontamination Monitoring Mudflat Engineered Cap Mudflat Reconstruction Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Engineered Cap Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $540,710 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 2 2 2 2 2 2 $1,675,200 $2,909,200 $1,081,420 $2,700,000 $240,000 $710,000 $9,315,820 CY Ton CY CY Percentage $25 $30 $10 $5 1% 1,021,000 2,000 1,584,000 103,500 138,981,120 $25,525,000 $60,000 $15,840,000 $517,500 $1,390,000 $43,332,500 CY CY CY CY Location Sample CY CY SY $30 $30 $30 $30 $270 $1,560 $80 $150 $75 930,000 930,000 92,000 92,000 170 510 103,500 103,500 2,500 $27,900,000 $27,900,000 $2,760,000 $2,760,000 $45,900 $795,600 $8,280,000 $15,525,000 $187,500 $86,154,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 140,371,120 169,782,590 $169,782,590 $14,040,000 $42,450,000 $226,272,590 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F1. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Support Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Support Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Support Facility Site Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Chemical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - Geotechnical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation of CAD Site - HARS Disposal Determination Habitat Survey (upland support facility site) Cultural Survey (upland support facility site) Elutriate Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G1. CAD Excavation Dredge Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment and Debris Removal Mobilization/Demobilization Large Debris Removal Contaminated Sediment Dredging and Disposal Contaminated Sediment Testing for Disposal Clay Dredging/Transport/Disposal at HARS Containment System Installation Silt Curtain at CAD Entrance Channel Air Monitoring During Construction Testing and Monitoring Total CAD Excavation Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre Core Boring Sample Sample LS LS LS Sample Day LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $1,330 $1,650 $9,700 $1,850 $1,240 $200,000 $5,000 $5,000 $1,040 $8,200 $76,000 116,012,940 116,012,940 5 1 2 10 5 5.5 30 5 30 15 1 1 1 5 1 1 $6,960,000 $2,320,000 $2,550,000 $119,000 $96,000 $32,200 $12,800 $7,315 $48,840 $48,500 $54,760 $18,600 $200,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,200 $8,200 $76,000 $12,567,415 EA EA Ton CY Sample CY SF LF Month Month $237,000 $72,800 $300 $200 $1,090 $25 $235 $100 $5,000 $294,020 4 1 200 148,000 30 1,121,000 107,500 3,750 12 12 $948,000 $72,800 $60,000 $29,600,000 $32,700 $28,025,000 $25,262,500 $375,000 $60,000 $3,528,240 $87,964,240 2014 Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component H1. Upland Support Facility Mobilization/Demobilization Layout and Documentation Survey Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Wastewater Treatment System for Contact Water Total Upland Support Facility I1. CAD Closure Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Engineered Cap Material Placement Confirmation Coring Remove Containment System Bathymetric Surveys Additional Habitat Mitigation Total CAD Closure J1. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Site Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal DMM Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Day LF Acre LS SF LS CY SF SY SF Month 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $20,000 $120 $125,000 $12 $18 $30 $160 $10,000 5,005,800 10 1,940 5 1 10,150 1 8,100 3,900 17,300 15,000 15 $500,000 $40,000 $116,400 $250,000 $20,000 $1,218,000 $125,000 $97,200 $70,200 $519,000 $2,400,000 $150,000 $5,505,800 CY CY Core SF Day LS $30 $30 $1,830 $36 $8,200 $12,950,000 90,000 90,000 90 107,500 1 1 $2,700,000 $2,700,000 $164,700 $3,870,000 $8,200 $12,950,000 $22,392,900 Acre $30,000 5 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 116,012,940 128,580,355 $150,000 $150,000 $128,580,355 $11,600,000 $32,150,000 $172,330,355 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Operational Testing Upland Support Facility O&M Operations Management/Coordination Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Month Year Year Month $6,820 $1,222,000 $939,000 $5,000 12 1 1 12 $81,840 $1,222,000 $939,000 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 2,302,840 2,302,840 $2,302,840 $230,000 $580,000 $3,112,840 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Ice Scour Evaluation of Cap along Shoreline Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Year Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,440,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 8 45 1,584 1 18 1 $95,000 $26,900 $65,600 $45,000 $1,314,720 $1,440,000 $41,400 $105,000 $3,133,620 Year LS CY $54,000 $21,000 $50 1 1 2,100 $54,000 $21,000 $105,000 $180,000 Percentage Percentage TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost 10% 25% 3,313,620 3,313,620 $3,313,620 $330,000 $830,000 $4,473,620 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-8 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Confined Aquatic Disposal Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL PERIODIC O&M Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,300 $365,000 1 63 1 $1,400,000 $144,900 $365,000 $1,909,900 CY LF $50 $200 51,000 2,300 $2,550,000 $460,000 $3,010,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,919,900 4,919,900 $4,919,900 $490,000 $1,230,000 $6,639,900 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Pore Water Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $25,400 156,711,120 156,711,120 1 12 12 1 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Sample Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample LS $250 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $1,040 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 $18,000 1,882 33 5,646 1,482 1,359 99 1 188 9 9 1 1 1 300 135 1 $470,500 $321,750 $8,807,760 $1,896,960 $380,520 $122,760 $2,800,000 $195,520 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $353,700 $18,000 $30,711,470 EA EA LS EA EA Year $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 2 2 1 1 1 1 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 $1,568,800 $9,400,000 $3,130,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $25,400 2014 Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Component C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Barge Transport of Dredged Material Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling Hydraulic Off-loading of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Engineered Cap Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Engineered Cap Material Placement Armor Material Purchase and Delivery Armor Material Placement Confirmation Coring Sediment Recontamination Monitoring Mudflat Engineered Cap Mudflat Reconstruction Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Engineered Cap Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $540,710 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 2 2 2 2 2 2 $1,675,200 $2,909,200 $1,081,420 $2,700,000 $240,000 $710,000 $9,315,820 CY Ton CY CY CY Percentage $25 $200 $10 $5 $10 1% 1,021,000 2,000 1,584,000 103,500 1,584,000 155,161,120 $25,525,000 $400,000 $15,840,000 $517,500 $15,840,000 $1,550,000 $59,672,500 CY CY CY CY Core Sample CY CY SY $30 $30 $30 $30 $270 $1,560 $80 $150 $75 930,000 930,000 92,000 92,000 170 510 103,500 103,500 2,500 $27,900,000 $27,900,000 $2,760,000 $2,760,000 $45,900 $795,600 $8,280,000 $15,525,000 $187,500 $86,154,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 156,711,120 187,422,590 $187,422,590 $15,670,000 $46,860,000 $249,952,590 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F2. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G2. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization Mechanical and Electrical Layout and Documentation Surveys Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Prefabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage Storage Area - Concrete Slab and Push Walls Storage Area - Subgrade Material Storage Area - Filter Fabric Storage Area - Vapor Emissions Control Piping Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre LS LS LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $870 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 307,587,540 307,587,540 26 1 3 52 26 28.5 1 1 1 $18,460,000 $6,150,000 $13,260,000 $119,000 $144,000 $167,440 $66,560 $24,795 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 $38,581,925 Percentage Percentage Day LF Acre LS LS LS CY LS SY SF SF CY CY SY Unit LF LS 10% 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $100,000 $25,660,000 $1,250,000 $12 $151,000 $30 $160 $40 $600 $40 $2 $5,000 $29 $707,000 60,901,100 60,901,100 104 8,500 26 1 1 1 144,000 1 73,000 50,000 185,000 8,000 3,500 20,600 16 28,100 1 $6,090,000 $6,090,000 $416,000 $510,000 $1,300,000 $100,000 $25,660,000 $1,250,000 $1,728,000 $151,000 $2,190,000 $8,000,000 $7,400,000 $4,800,000 $140,000 $41,200 $80,000 $814,900 $707,000 2014 Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Component Loadout Facility Rail Line Spur/Railcar Storage Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility Hazardous Material Storage Area Air Monitoring During Construction Total Upland Sediment Processing Facility H2. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Equipment Costs I2. Processing and Disposal Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses Dredged Material Testing for Disposal Transport Off-site Thermal Treatment Thermal Treatment and Disposal (Off-site Facility) Transport to Subtitle C Landfill (Off-site Facility) Off-site Disposal in Subtitle C Landfill Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-sized Debris Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use Total Processing and Disposal J2. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost LS Mile Unit LS Month $500,000 $1,000,000 $10,000 $33,000 $5,000 1 5 2 1 12 $500,000 $5,000,000 $20,000 $33,000 $60,000 $73,081,100 EA LS $1,067,000 $6,688,000 1 1 $1,067,000 $6,688,000 $7,755,000 CY 5000 CY Ton Ton Ton Ton CY Ton Ton $50 $1,088 $240 $400 $130 $100 $200 $230 $50 1,021,000 130 30,000 30,000 600,000 600,000 56,000 6,000 100,000 Acre $30,000 26 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 307,587,540 346,169,465 $51,050,000 $141,440 $7,200,000 $12,000,000 $78,000,000 $60,000,000 $11,200,000 $1,380,000 $5,000,000 $225,971,440 $780,000 $780,000 $346,169,465 $30,760,000 $86,540,000 $463,469,465 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Sediment Processing Site O&M Operations Management/Coordination Wastewater Testing Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Year Month Month $668,800 $2,838,000 $939,000 $5,430 $5,000 1 1 1 12 12 $668,800 $2,838,000 $939,000 $65,160 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,570,960 4,570,960 $4,570,960 $460,000 $1,140,000 $6,170,960 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Ice Scour Evaluation of Cap along Shoreline Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost Year Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,400,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 7 37 1,562 1 14 1 $95,000 $26,900 $57,400 $37,000 $1,296,460 $1,400,000 $32,200 $105,000 $3,049,960 Year LS CY $54,000 $0 $50 1 1 1,900 $54,000 $0 $95,000 $149,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 3,198,960 3,198,960 $3,198,960 $320,000 $800,000 $4,318,960 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-9 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-site Disposal Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL PERIODIC O&M Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,400 $365,000 1 57 1 $1,400,000 $136,800 $365,000 $1,901,800 CY LF $50 $200 47,000 2,300 $2,350,000 $460,000 $2,810,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,711,800 4,711,800 Cost $4,711,800 $470,000 $1,180,000 $6,361,800 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component CAPITAL COSTS A. Pre-Construction Activities Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Support Facility Pre-Construction Oversight General and Survey and Coring Vessels Mobilization Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical, Waste Characterization, Geological Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Sample Collection Pre-Design Investigation - Chemical Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Waste Characterization Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geological Analysis Pre-Design Investigation - Geotechnical Analysis Biological Monitoring Baseline Studies Pore Water Evaluation Sub-bottom Geophysics and Bathymetric Survey Video Survey for Debris Identification Habitat Survey (in river) Cultural Survey (in river) Fish Spawning Study Borrow Site Pre-Screening Borrow Material Characterization Cap Erosion Modeling for Armor Placement Design Total Pre-Construction Activities B. Mobilization and Demobilization Dredge Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Capping Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Monitoring Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Debris Removal Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization Shoreline Protection Equipment Mobilization/Demobilization New Season Restart Total Mobilization and Demobilization Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage LS Month Month LS 6% 2% $355,000 $10,000 $48,000 $25,400 156,711,120 156,711,120 1 12 12 1 Core Boring Sample Sample Sample Sample LS Sample Day Day LS LS LS Sample Sample LS $250 $9,750 $1,560 $1,280 $280 $1,240 $2,800,000 $1,040 $8,200 $8,200 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $3,000 $2,620 $18,000 1,882 33 5,646 1,482 1,359 99 1 188 9 9 1 1 1 300 135 1 $470,500 $321,750 $8,807,760 $1,896,960 $380,520 $122,760 $2,800,000 $195,520 $73,800 $73,800 $100,000 $540,000 $50,000 $900,000 $353,700 $18,000 $30,711,470 EA EA LS EA EA Year $237,000 $237,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 2 2 1 1 1 1 $474,000 $474,000 $13,800 $60,000 $237,000 $310,000 $1,568,800 $9,400,000 $3,130,000 $355,000 $120,000 $576,000 $25,400 2014 Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component C. Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping Bathymetric Survey Water Quality Monitoring Sediment Monitoring Biological Monitoring Air Monitoring Monitoring Reports (including Laboratory Reporting) Total Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling/Capping D. Dredging Mechanical Dredging Large Debris Removal, Off-loading, Transport, and Disposal Barge Transport of Dredged Material Shallow Water Sediments - Double Handling Hydraulic Off-loading of Dredged Material Controls for Quality of Life Impacts Total Dredging E. Engineered Cap Engineered Cap Material Purchase and Delivery Engineered Cap Material Placement Armor Material Purchase and Delivery Armor Material Placement Confirmation Coring Sediment Recontamination Monitoring Mudflat Engineered Cap Mudflat Reconstruction Riprapped Shoreline Repairs and Replacement Total Engineered Cap Subtotal Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Year Year Year Year Year Year $837,600 $1,454,600 $540,710 $1,350,000 $120,000 $355,000 2 2 2 2 2 2 $1,675,200 $2,909,200 $1,081,420 $2,700,000 $240,000 $710,000 $9,315,820 CY Ton CY CY CY Percentage $25 $200 $10 $5 $10 1% 1,021,000 2,000 1,584,000 103,500 1,584,000 155,161,120 $25,525,000 $400,000 $15,840,000 $517,500 $15,840,000 $1,550,000 $59,672,500 CY CY CY CY Core Sample CY CY SY $30 $30 $30 $30 $270 $1,560 $80 $150 $75 930,000 930,000 92,000 92,000 170 510 103,500 103,500 2,500 $27,900,000 $27,900,000 $2,760,000 $2,760,000 $45,900 $795,600 $8,280,000 $15,525,000 $187,500 $86,154,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 156,711,120 187,422,590 $187,422,590 $15,670,000 $46,860,000 $249,952,590 2 of 6 2014 Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS F3. Pre-Construction Activities for DMM Design Regulatory Requirements, Legal, and Community Outreach Land Acquisition Contractor Work Plans and Submittals Pre-Construction Oversight Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Geotechnical Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Investigation - Chemical Topographic Survey - Upland Sediment Processing Facility Site Habitat Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Cultural Survey (upland sediment processing facility site) Miscellaneous Tests for DMM Design Total Pre-Construction Activities for DMM G3. Upland Sediment Processing Facility Mobilization and Demobilization Mechanical and Electrical Layout and Documentation Survey Fencing Exterior Lighting Security Buildings Utilities Earthwork Stormwater Management Paving Pier/Dock Structure Prefabricated Building (Sprung Structure) for Dewatered Sediment Storage Storage Area - Concrete Slab and Push Walls Storage Area - Subgrade Material Storage Area - Filter Fabric Storage Area - Vapor Emissions Control Piping Upfront Storage and Recycle Water Tanks Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 6 Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost Percentage Percentage Acre LS Month Boring Core Acre LS LS LS 6% 2% $510,000 $119,000 $48,000 $3,220 $2,560 $870 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 296,380,940 296,380,940 36 1 3 72 36 40 1 1 1 $17,780,000 $5,930,000 $18,360,000 $119,000 $144,000 $231,840 $92,160 $34,800 $42,000 $42,000 $106,130 $42,881,930 Percentage Percentage Day LF Acre LS LS LS CY LS SY SF SF CY CY SY Unit LF LS 10% 10% $4,000 $60 $50,000 $100,000 $37,630,000 $1,250,000 $12 $168,000 $30 $160 $40 $600 $40 $2 $5,000 $29 $740,500 75,814,500 75,814,500 104 10,000 36 1 1 1 201,000 1 73,000 50,000 283,000 11,000 5,300 31,500 24 40,000 1 $7,581,000 $7,581,000 $416,000 $600,000 $1,800,000 $100,000 $37,630,000 $1,250,000 $2,412,000 $168,000 $2,190,000 $8,000,000 $11,320,000 $6,600,000 $212,000 $63,000 $120,000 $1,160,000 $740,500 2014 Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component Loadout facility Transfer Vehicle Storage Temporary Bunkers for Loadout Facility Hazardous Material Processing and Storage Area Air Monitoring During Construction Total Upland Sediment Processing Facility H3. Equipment Costs Operating Equipment Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Equipment Costs I3. Local Decontamination Mechanical Dewatering Using Filter Presses Dredged Material Testing for Disposal Thermal Treatment (On-Site/Local Facility) Sediment Washing Sediment Amendment Decontamination and Disposal of Medium-sized Debris Debris Transport and Disposal (Small Organic Fraction) in Subtitle C Landfill Reclaimed Sand Processing, Transport, and Beneficial Use Total Local Decontamination J3. Site Decommissioning/Restoration Total Decommissioning/Restoration Subtotal Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL COSTS Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Unit Unit Cost # of Units Cost LS SY Unit LS Month $500,000 $30 $10,000 $33,000 $5,000 1 14,000 2 1 12 $500,000 $420,000 $20,000 $33,000 $60,000 $90,976,500 LS LS $1,067,000 $7,906,000 1 1 $1,067,000 $7,906,000 $8,973,000 CY 5000 CY Tons CY Ton CY Ton Ton $50 $1,088 $640 $150 $80 $200 $230 $50 1,021,000 130 30,000 710,000 11,000 56,000 6,000 100,000 Acre $30,000 36 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 296,380,940 339,262,870 $51,050,000 $141,440 $19,200,000 $106,500,000 $880,000 $11,200,000 $1,380,000 $5,000,000 $195,351,440 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $339,262,870 $29,640,000 $84,820,000 $453,722,870 4 of 6 2014 Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS K. DMM Site O&M Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Sediment Processing Site O&M Operations Management/Coordination Wastewater Testing Air Monitoring Subtotal DMM Site O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Year Year Month Month $790,600 $3,142,000 $939,000 $5,430 $5,000 1 1 1 12 12 $790,600 $3,142,000 $939,000 $65,160 $60,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,996,760 4,996,760 $4,996,760 $500,000 $1,250,000 $6,746,760 TOTAL DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT O&M COSTS LONG-TERM O&M COSTS L. Annual Monitoring Activities Community Outreach Mobilization and Demobilization of Monitoring Equipment Bathymetric Survey Water Column Sampling and Analysis Sediment Sampling and Analysis Biological Monitoring Habitat Recolonization using SPI Annual Monitoring Reports Total Annual Monitoring Activities M. Annual Maintenance Activities Mobilization and Demobilization of Cap Maintenance Equipment Ice Scour Evaluation of Cap along Shoreline Annual Cap Maintenance Total Annual Maintenance Activities Subtotal Annual O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency Year Year Day Sample Sample Year Location Year $95,000 $26,900 $8,200 $1,000 $830 $1,400,000 $2,300 $105,000 1 1 7 37 1,562 1 14 1 $95,000 $26,900 $57,400 $37,000 $1,296,460 $1,400,000 $32,200 $105,000 $3,049,960 Year LS CY $54,000 $21,000 $50 1 1 1,900 $54,000 $21,000 $95,000 $170,000 Percentage Percentage TOTAL ANNUAL O&M Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Cost 10% 25% 3,219,960 3,219,960 $3,219,960 $320,000 $800,000 $4,339,960 5 of 6 2014 Table 1-10 Cost Estimate: Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Component N. Periodic Monitoring Activities Supplemental Biological Monitoring Supplemental Habitat Recolonization using SPI Performance Review Report Total Periodical Monitoring Activities O. Periodic Maintenance Activitites Periodic Cap Maintenance Natural Shoreline Maintenance Total Periodic Maintenance Activitites Subtotal Periodic O&M Construction and Program Management Scope and Bid Contingency TOTAL PERIODIC O&M Unit Unit Cost # of Units Year Location Year $1,400,000 $2,400 $365,000 1 14 1 $1,400,000 $33,600 $365,000 $1,798,600 CY LF $50 $200 47,000 2,300 $2,350,000 $460,000 $2,810,000 Percentage Percentage 10% 25% 4,608,600 4,608,600 Cost $4,608,600 $460,000 $1,150,000 $6,218,600 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; CY = Cubic Yard; DMM = Dredged Material Management; EA = Each; HARS = Historic Area Remediation Site; LF = Linear Feet; LS = Lump Sum; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; SPI = Sediment Profile Imaging; SF = Square Feet; SY = Square Yard. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6 of 6 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M TOTAL PV CONTINGENCY CM COST PV 2014 2015 2016 2017 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,340,834,200 676,394,300 171,568,000 3,629,700 36,256,800 345,059,800 119,880,000 622,983,800 65,102,000 434,575,700 7,400,800 115,831,900 73,400 19,013,200 22,442,900 17,056,200 5,386,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 251,809,000 127,800,000 34,313,600 672,200 6,714,200 63,900,000 22,200,000 116,331,900 13,020,400 80,477,000 1,370,500 21,450,400 13,600 3,521,000 4,156,100 3,158,600 997,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 81,789,900 37,394,600 268,900 2,685,700 25,560,000 8,880,000 41,324,500 32,190,800 548,200 8,580,100 5,400 1,408,400 1,662,400 1,263,400 399,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,007,235,300 511,199,700 137,254,400 2,688,600 26,856,900 255,599,800 88,800,000 465,327,400 52,081,600 321,907,900 5,482,100 85,801,400 54,400 14,083,800 16,624,400 12,634,200 3,990,200 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 52,301,030 52,301,030 28,805,918 28,805,918 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 52,301,030 52,301,030 28,805,918 28,805,918 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,244,755,600 809,999,900 185,509,800 3,629,700 36,256,800 464,723,600 119,880,000 2,382,056,500 267,172,500 89,954,100 8,536,100 2,015,990,100 403,700 37,004,700 15,694,500 12,894,600 2,799,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 607,587,200 152,748,300 37,102,000 672,200 6,714,200 86,059,900 22,200,000 445,079,800 53,434,500 16,658,200 1,580,800 373,331,500 74,800 6,852,700 2,906,400 2,387,900 518,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 206,820,400 46,258,600 268,900 2,685,700 34,424,000 8,880,000 156,658,100 6,663,300 632,300 149,332,600 29,900 2,741,100 1,162,600 955,200 207,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,430,348,000 610,993,000 148,407,800 2,688,600 26,856,900 344,239,700 88,800,000 1,780,318,600 213,738,000 66,632,600 6,323,000 1,493,326,000 299,000 27,410,900 11,625,500 9,551,500 2,074,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 56,551,030 56,551,030 118,216,723 118,216,723 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 56,551,030 56,551,030 157,650,423 118,216,723 39,433,700 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,621,019,700 809,999,900 185,509,800 3,629,700 36,256,800 464,723,600 119,880,000 1,753,308,700 204,976,400 114,654,500 10,205,600 1,422,892,300 579,900 42,016,600 15,694,500 12,894,600 2,799,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 491,159,100 152,748,300 37,102,000 672,200 6,714,200 86,059,900 22,200,000 327,723,500 40,995,300 21,232,300 1,889,900 263,498,600 107,400 7,780,900 2,906,400 2,387,900 518,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 165,224,800 46,258,600 268,900 2,685,700 34,424,000 8,880,000 114,691,300 8,492,900 756,000 105,399,400 43,000 3,112,300 1,162,600 955,200 207,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,964,635,800 610,993,000 148,407,800 2,688,600 26,856,900 344,239,700 88,800,000 1,310,893,900 163,981,100 84,929,300 7,559,700 1,053,994,300 429,500 31,123,400 11,625,500 9,551,500 2,074,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 56,551,030 56,551,030 90,696,595 90,696,595 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 56,551,030 56,551,030 140,958,445 90,696,595 50,261,850 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 53,559,830 $ 52,301,030 $ 1,258,800 $ $ $ $ 168,398,180 $ 161,682,380 $ 6,715,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ - 57,809,830 56,551,030 1,258,800 47,179,700 $ 39,433,700 $ 7,746,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ - 2018 2019 2020 2021 $ 60,651,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ $ $ $ $ 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 - $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 - $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 41,756,818 $ 14,507,077 $ 161,682,380 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 57,753,033 $ 161,682,380 $ $ - $ - - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 57,753,033 2,300,840 - $ 75,132,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ $ $ $ $ 4,387,560 56,237,727 14,507,077 28,805,918 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ 57,809,830 56,551,030 1,258,800 59,522,850 75,132,365 75,442,365 75,442,365 75,442,365 $ $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 50,261,850 $ 9,261,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ 60,961,455 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 - $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 - $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 41,756,818 $ 14,507,077 $ 161,682,380 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 57,753,033 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 - $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 - $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,387,560 41,756,818 14,507,077 57,753,033 $ - $ - 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 57,753,033 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,300,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 57,753,033 2,300,840 - $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 75,442,365 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 243,961,600 $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ 243,961,600 $ $ 4,478,060 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 75,442,365 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 $ 161,682,380 $ $ $ $ $ $ 75,442,365 2029 75,442,365 75,442,365 75,442,365 75,442,365 $ 150,000 $ $ $ 2,625,330 2,625,330 - $ 825,000 $ 825,000 $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ 1,185,000 $ 1,185,000 $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 2,625,330 2,625,330 - $ $ $ 2,625,330 2,625,330 - $ $ $ 2,625,330 2,625,330 - $ $ $ 7,393,530 2,625,330 4,768,200 $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 4,463,150 1,984,750 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 1,984,750 1,984,750 - $ $ $ 4,463,150 1,984,750 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - 75,442,365 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 310,000 $ 4,387,560 $ 56,237,727 $ 14,507,077 $ 172,188,873 $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - $ 172,188,873 $ $ 5,084,560 $ $ $ - Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 7,393,530 $ 2,625,330 $ 4,768,200 $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 7,393,530 $ 2,625,330 $ 4,768,200 $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 7,393,530 $ 2,625,330 $ 4,768,200 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Backfilling Dredging Backfill Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 7,393,530 $ 2,625,330 $ 4,768,200 $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 2,625,330 $ 2,625,330 $ - $ 7,393,530 $ 2,625,330 $ 4,768,200 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 1,984,750 $ 1,984,750 $ - $ 4,463,150 $ 1,984,750 $ 2,478,400 2059 Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M TOTAL PV CONTINGENCY CM COST PV 2014 2015 2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 953,091,700 502,800,500 115,055,400 2,468,700 21,290,700 162,489,400 201,496,300 385,057,400 34,125,000 261,947,100 6,618,400 82,256,700 110,200 10,405,300 54,828,500 37,951,600 16,876,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 178,708,400 94,815,700 23,011,100 457,200 3,942,700 30,090,600 37,314,100 71,812,400 6,825,000 48,508,700 1,225,600 15,232,700 20,400 1,926,900 10,153,400 7,028,100 3,125,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 59,549,300 28,722,000 182,900 1,577,100 12,036,300 14,925,700 25,995,100 19,403,500 490,300 6,093,100 8,200 770,800 4,061,400 2,811,200 1,250,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 714,834,000 379,262,800 92,044,300 1,828,600 15,770,900 120,362,500 149,256,500 287,249,900 27,300,000 194,034,900 4,902,500 60,930,900 81,600 7,707,600 40,613,700 28,112,300 12,501,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 35,073,650 35,073,650 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 35,073,650 35,073,650 16,156,378 16,156,378 - $ 36,332,450 $ 35,073,650 $ 1,258,800 $ $ $ $ 149,041,738 $ 16,156,378 $ 126,879,560 $ 6,005,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,731,067,900 570,650,000 121,047,600 2,468,700 21,290,700 224,346,700 201,496,300 1,089,792,800 111,749,000 83,406,800 8,546,000 885,518,200 572,800 20,197,200 50,427,900 35,366,800 15,061,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 324,017,000 107,469,200 24,209,500 457,200 3,942,700 41,545,700 37,314,100 203,469,100 22,349,800 15,445,700 1,582,600 163,984,900 106,100 3,740,200 9,338,500 6,549,400 2,789,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 110,983,100 33,304,000 182,900 1,577,100 16,618,300 14,925,700 72,447,600 6,178,300 633,000 65,593,900 42,400 1,496,100 3,735,400 2,619,800 1,115,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,296,067,800 429,876,800 96,838,100 1,828,600 15,770,900 166,182,700 149,256,500 813,876,100 89,399,200 61,782,800 6,330,400 655,939,400 424,300 14,960,900 37,354,000 26,197,600 11,156,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,900,317 36,900,317 49,445,963 49,445,963 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,900,317 36,900,317 86,009,513 49,445,963 36,563,550 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,584,675,300 570,400,400 121,014,800 2,468,700 21,073,900 224,346,700 201,496,300 941,179,100 103,172,300 103,838,200 9,888,300 723,487,500 793,000 22,667,900 50,427,900 35,366,800 15,061,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 296,779,800 107,422,600 24,203,000 457,200 3,902,600 41,545,700 37,314,100 175,820,900 20,634,500 19,229,300 1,831,200 133,979,200 146,900 4,197,800 9,338,500 6,549,400 2,789,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100,777,000 33,287,900 182,900 1,561,000 16,618,300 14,925,700 62,074,600 7,691,700 732,500 53,591,700 58,700 1,679,100 3,735,400 2,619,800 1,115,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,187,118,500 429,689,900 96,811,800 1,828,600 15,610,300 166,182,700 149,256,500 703,283,600 82,537,800 76,917,200 7,324,600 535,916,600 587,400 16,791,000 37,354,000 26,197,600 11,156,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,890,317 36,890,317 45,650,965 45,650,965 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,890,317 36,890,317 91,171,215 45,650,965 45,520,250 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2017 5 of 12 2018 2019 2020 2021 $ 85,267,830 $ 85,577,830 $ 85,577,830 $ 85,577,830 $ $ $ $ $ 4,711,980 35,961,500 44,594,350 - $ 310,000 $ 4,711,980 $ 35,961,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 126,879,560 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,711,980 35,961,500 44,594,350 48,809,100 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,711,980 35,961,500 44,594,350 - $ - $ 126,879,560 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,302,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,302,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 48,809,100 2,302,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,302,840 - $ 98,957,830 $ 99,267,830 $ 99,267,830 $ 99,267,830 38,159,117 36,900,317 1,258,800 44,318,550 $ $ 4,711,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 195,979,328 $ 310,000 $ 4,711,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 195,979,328 $ 310,000 $ 4,711,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 195,979,328 $ 310,000 $ 4,711,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 195,979,328 $ 36,563,550 $ 7,755,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 195,979,328 $ $ 4,469,960 $ $ $ - $ 195,979,328 $ $ 4,469,960 $ $ $ - $ 195,979,328 $ $ 4,469,960 $ $ $ - $ 195,979,328 $ $ 4,469,960 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ 38,149,117 36,890,317 1,258,800 54,493,250 98,909,830 99,219,830 99,219,830 99,219,830 $ $ 4,663,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 160,119,328 $ 310,000 $ 4,663,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 160,119,328 $ 310,000 $ 4,663,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 160,119,328 $ 310,000 $ 4,663,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 160,119,328 $ 45,520,250 $ 8,973,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 160,119,328 $ $ 5,016,760 $ $ $ - $ 160,119,328 $ $ 5,016,760 $ $ $ - $ 160,119,328 $ $ 5,016,760 $ $ $ - $ 160,119,328 $ $ 5,016,760 $ $ $ - 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2022 $ 85,577,830 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,711,980 35,961,500 44,594,350 48,809,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ 48,809,100 2,302,840 - $ 99,267,830 $ 310,000 $ 4,711,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 195,979,328 $ 195,979,328 $ $ 4,469,960 $ $ $ - $ 2023 $ 150,000 $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ 780,000 $ 780,000 $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ 1,080,000 $ 1,080,000 $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2031 2032 2033 2034 $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 13,846,900 3,892,500 9,954,400 $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ $ $ 13,846,900 3,892,500 9,954,400 $ $ $ 3,892,500 3,892,500 - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 12,510,780 3,627,380 8,883,400 $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 12,510,780 3,627,380 8,883,400 $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 12,510,780 3,627,380 8,883,400 $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ $ $ 12,510,780 3,627,380 8,883,400 $ $ $ 3,627,380 3,627,380 - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - 99,219,830 $ 310,000 $ 4,663,980 $ 49,651,500 $ 44,594,350 $ 160,119,328 $ 160,119,328 $ $ 5,016,760 $ $ $ - Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2030 6 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 13,846,900 $ 3,892,500 $ 9,954,400 $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 13,846,900 $ 3,892,500 $ 9,954,400 $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 13,846,900 $ 3,892,500 $ 9,954,400 $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 7 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Backfilling and/or Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2049 2050 2051 2052 $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 3,892,500 $ 3,892,500 $ - $ 13,846,900 $ 3,892,500 $ 9,954,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 3,627,380 $ 3,627,380 $ - $ 12,510,780 $ 3,627,380 $ 8,883,400 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 8 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term O&M Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M TOTAL PV CONTINGENCY CM COST PV 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 364,922,800 172,123,700 32,160,400 1,685,700 9,280,600 43,168,700 85,828,300 138,414,200 13,721,100 96,936,800 6,067,400 21,553,900 135,000 4,588,300 49,796,600 39,578,200 10,218,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 68,258,100 32,351,200 6,432,100 312,200 1,718,600 7,994,200 15,894,100 25,835,600 2,744,200 17,951,300 1,123,600 3,991,500 25,000 849,700 9,221,600 7,329,300 1,892,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 23,632,800 10,367,800 124,900 687,500 3,197,700 6,357,700 9,236,500 7,180,500 449,400 1,596,600 10,000 339,900 3,688,600 2,931,700 756,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 273,031,900 129,404,700 25,728,300 1,248,600 6,874,500 31,976,800 63,576,500 103,342,100 10,976,900 71,805,000 4,494,400 15,965,800 100,000 3,398,700 36,886,400 29,317,200 7,569,200 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,803,823 9,803,823 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,803,823 9,803,823 12,567,415 12,567,415 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,062,623 9,803,823 1,258,800 93,470,040 $ 69,401,160 $ 69,711,160 $ $ $ $ $ 4,657,910 21,666,250 43,077,000 - $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,657,910 21,666,250 43,077,000 22,392,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 87,964,240 5,505,800 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,302,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 22,392,900 2,302,840 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 614,077,900 189,823,500 33,581,900 1,685,700 9,280,600 59,447,000 85,828,300 367,152,000 43,598,000 89,189,100 8,546,000 225,117,300 701,600 9,107,400 47,995,000 38,208,700 9,786,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 114,861,600 35,650,000 6,716,400 312,200 1,718,600 11,008,700 15,894,100 68,637,000 8,719,600 16,516,500 1,582,600 41,688,400 129,900 1,686,600 8,888,000 7,075,700 1,812,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 39,770,400 11,573,600 124,900 687,500 4,403,500 6,357,700 23,967,000 6,606,600 633,000 16,675,400 52,000 674,600 3,555,200 2,830,300 724,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 459,445,900 142,599,900 26,865,500 1,248,600 6,874,500 44,034,800 63,576,500 274,548,000 34,878,400 66,066,000 6,330,400 166,753,500 519,700 6,746,200 35,551,800 28,302,700 7,249,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,237,157 10,237,157 19,290,963 19,290,963 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,237,157 10,237,157 55,831,513 19,290,963 36,540,550 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,495,957 10,237,157 1,258,800 44,295,550 $ 77,571,160 $ 77,881,160 $ $ 4,657,910 $ 29,836,250 $ 43,077,000 $ 112,985,720 $ 310,000 $ 4,657,910 $ 29,836,250 $ 43,077,000 $ 112,985,720 $ 36,540,550 $ 7,755,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 112,985,720 $ $ 4,570,960 $ $ $ - $ 112,985,720 $ $ 4,570,960 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 605,505,900 189,823,500 33,581,900 1,685,700 9,280,600 59,447,000 85,828,300 357,695,200 48,457,100 103,765,300 9,888,300 194,613,100 971,500 9,955,800 48,031,400 38,459,500 9,571,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 113,346,100 35,650,000 6,716,400 312,200 1,718,600 11,008,700 15,894,100 66,957,700 9,691,400 19,215,800 1,831,200 36,039,500 179,900 1,843,700 8,894,700 7,122,100 1,772,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 38,775,600 11,573,600 124,900 687,500 4,403,500 6,357,700 22,906,600 7,686,300 732,500 14,415,800 72,000 737,500 3,557,900 2,848,900 709,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 453,384,200 142,599,900 26,865,500 1,248,600 6,874,500 44,034,800 63,576,500 267,830,900 38,765,700 76,863,200 7,324,600 144,157,800 719,600 7,374,600 35,578,800 28,488,500 7,090,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,237,157 10,237,157 66,929,215 21,440,965 45,488,250 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 77,571,160 $ 77,881,160 $ $ $ $ $ 4,657,910 29,836,250 43,077,000 97,675,720 $ $ $ $ $ 310,000 4,657,910 29,836,250 43,077,000 97,675,720 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - 10,237,157 10,237,157 21,440,965 21,440,965 - 11,495,957 10,237,157 1,258,800 54,461,250 $ 45,488,250 $ 8,973,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 97,675,720 $ $ 4,996,760 $ $ $ - $ 97,675,720 $ $ 4,996,760 $ $ $ - 2020 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ 780,000 $ 780,000 $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ 1,080,000 $ 1,080,000 $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - 2021 $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 9 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term O&M Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 8,233,520 3,313,620 4,919,900 $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 8,233,520 3,313,620 4,919,900 $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ $ $ 3,313,620 3,313,620 - $ 8,233,520 $ 3,313,620 $ 4,919,900 $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 7,910,760 3,198,960 4,711,800 $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 7,910,760 3,198,960 4,711,800 $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ $ $ 3,198,960 3,198,960 - $ 7,910,760 $ 3,198,960 $ 4,711,800 $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 7,828,560 3,219,960 4,608,600 $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 7,828,560 3,219,960 4,608,600 $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ $ $ 3,219,960 3,219,960 - $ 7,828,560 $ 3,219,960 $ 4,608,600 Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 10 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term O&M Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 8,233,520 $ 3,313,620 $ 4,919,900 $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 8,233,520 $ 3,313,620 $ 4,919,900 $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,313,620 $ 3,313,620 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 7,910,760 $ 3,198,960 $ 4,711,800 $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 7,910,760 $ 3,198,960 $ 4,711,800 $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,198,960 $ 3,198,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 7,828,560 $ 3,219,960 $ 4,608,600 $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 7,828,560 $ 3,219,960 $ 4,608,600 $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - $ 3,219,960 $ 3,219,960 $ - Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 11 of 12 2014 Table 1-11 Present Value Calculations YEAR Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping, CAD TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM CAD Excavation Upland Support Facility CAD Closure Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping, Off-Site Disposal TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Processing and Disposal Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use TOTAL PRESENT VALUE Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities Mobilization and Demobilization Testing and Monitoring During Dredging and Capping Dredging Engineered Cap Dredged Material Management Capital Costs Pre-construction Activities for DMM Upland Sediment Processing Facility Equipment Costs Local Decontamination Site Decommissioning/Restoration Dredged Material Management O&M Costs Long-Term O&M Costs Annual O&M Periodic O&M 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 $ 8,233,520 $ 3,313,620 $ 4,919,900 $ 7,910,760 $ 3,198,960 $ 4,711,800 $ 7,828,560 $ 3,219,960 $ 4,608,600 Notes: Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1. PV = Present Value; CM = Construction Management; O&M = Operation and Maintenance; CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. Appendix H: Cost Estimates Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 12 of 12 2014 Figures ALTERNATIVE & TASK DESCRIPTION 2A Deep Dredging with CAD Disposal YEAR 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2021 2025 2028 2028 2058 2B Deep Dredging with Off-Site Disposal Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Off-Site Treatment and Disposal Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2028 2028 2029 2058 2C Deep Dredging with Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Full Decontamination Treatment Process Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2028 2028 2030 2058 3A Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation with CAD Disposal Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2020 2022 2022 2052 3B Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation with Off-Site Disposal Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Off-Site Treatment and Disposal Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2022 2022 2023 2052 3C Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation with Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Full Decontamination Treatment Process Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2022 2022 2023 2052 4A Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding with CAD Disposal Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2019 2019 2049 4B Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding with Off-Site Disposal Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Off-Site Treatment and Disposal Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2019 2019 2020 2049 4C Capping with Dredging for Flooding with Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Preconstruction Activities, Design, and Construction Dredging, Backfilling, and Capping Full Decontamination Treatment Process Facility Closure Long-Term Maintenance 2017 2019 2019 2020 2049 Note: Variations in estimated construction start and end dates associated with the modeling may deviate slightly from estimated dates used in the cost estimates. In general the differences were minor and resulted in completion dates for the model and cost estimates that were within six months of each other. This difference should have no impact on the relative Present Value costs of the different alternatives Anticipated Project Schedule Figure 1-1 Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 DMM Scenario A: CAD Disposal (A) Step Description Sediment Process Flow 1S In-Situ Sediment 2S Scow 4S Bottom-Dump Placement 5S CAD Debris Process Flow 1D Off-Site Disposal of Large Debris Units Cubic Yards Cubic Yards Cubic Yards Cubic Yards Tons Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 9,700,000 15,600,000 15,600,000 9,700,000 4,300,000 6,700,000 6,700,000 4,300,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 8,000 6,000 2,000 Legend Alternative 2: Deep Dredging With Backfill Alternative 3: Capping With Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding CAD - Confined Aquatic Disposal (A) Totals may not add due to rounding. (B) Large debris collected during CAD construction (e.g., cars) will be cleaned and disposed under applicable regulations; medium and small size debris will be disposed in CAD. During dredging operations, debris will be disposed in CAD Process Flow Diagram DMM Scenario A: CAD Disposal Figure 1-2 NOT TO SCALE Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Legend Alternative 2: Deep Dredging With Backfill Alternative 3: Capping With Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flood ing Notes: (A) Volume of runoff resulting from one 10-yr 24-hr storm event over the area of the site’s exclusion zone. (B) Stormwater in the retention basin is bled into the water treatment system over a period of 3 weeks. (C) Debris collected during dredging operations and material processing will be disposed under applicable regulations. (D) Totals may not add due to rounding. (E) Non-contact stormwater will be routed to retention basins and discharged to the river under an NPDES permit. (A)(2W) DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal (D) Step Description Units Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Sediment Process Flow 1S In-Situ Sediment Cubic Yards 9,700,000 4,300,000 1,000,000 2S Scow Cubic Yards 15,600,000 6,700,000 1,600,000 3S Hydraulic Off-loading 4S Dewatered Material Cubic Yards 65,300,000 22,800,000 5,400,000 Cubic Yards 5,700,000 2,000,000 500,000 Tons 7,300,000 2,600,000 600,000 (B) Debris Process Flow 1D Large Debris Tons 8,000 6,000 2,000 2D Medium/Small Debris Tons 690,000 310,000 70,000 3D Off-Site Disposal of Debris Tons 698,000 316,000 72,000 4D Sand for Beneficial Use Tons 1,600,000 600,000 100,000 Water Process Flow 1W Dewatering Water** Gallons 11,496,800,000 4,048,300,000 960,600,000 2W Contact Stormwater Runoff Gallons 2,800,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 3W Recycle Water Gallons 9,421,400,000 3,063,300,000 726,900,000 Process Flow Diagram DMM Scenario B: Off-site Disposal Figure 1-3 NOT TO SCALE Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Legend Alternative 2: Deep Dredging With Backfill Alternative 3: Capping With Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Notes: (A) Volume of runoff resulting from one 10-yr 24-hr storm event over the area of the site’s exclusion zone (Excluding dewatering cell area). (B) Stormwater in the retention basin is bled into the water treatment system over a period of 3 weeks. (C) Debris collected during dredging operations and generated during dewatering operations will be cleaned disposed under applicable regulations. (D) SCR used only for the dredge alternative. (E) Totals may not add due to rounding. (F) Non-contact stormwater will be routed to retention basins and discharged to the river under an NPDES permit. DMM Scenario C: Local Treatment and Beneficial Use (E) Step Description Units Sediment Process Flow 1S In-Situ Sediment Cubic Yards 2S Scow Cubic Yards 3S Hydraulic Off-loading Cubic Yards 4S Sediment Washing Cubic Yards 5S Mechanical Dewatering Cubic Yards 6S Thermal Treatment Cubic Yards 7S Sediment Amendment Cubic Yards 8S Thermal Treament Beneficial Use Product Cubic Yards 9S Sed. Washing/Amendment Beneficial Use Cubic Yards 10S Sed. Amendment Only Beneficial Use Cubic Yards Debris Process Flow 1D Large Debris Tons 2D Medium/Small Debris Tons 3D Off-Site Disposal of Debris Tons 4D Sand for Beneficial Use Tons Water Process Flow 1W Dewatering Water Gallons 2W Contact Stormwater Runoff Gallons 3W Recycle Water Gallons Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 9,700,000 15,600,000 65,300,000 57,464,000 65,300,000 570,000 5,130,000 285,000 6,270,000 142,500 4,300,000 6,700,000 22,800,000 20,976,000 22,800,000 140,000 1,860,000 70,000 2,300,000 25,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 5,400,000 4,968,000 5,400,000 35,000 465,000 17,500 575,000 6,250 8,000 690,000 698,000 1,600,000 6,000 310,000 316,000 600,000 2,000 70,000 72,000 100,000 11,496,800,000 4,000,000 9,421,400,000 4,048,300,000 3,600,000 3,063,300,000 960,600,000 3,600,000 726,900,000 (B) Process Flow Diagram DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Figure 1-4 NOT TO SCALE Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014