Focused Feasibility Study Report for the Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Prepared by: The Louis Berger Group, Inc. in conjunction with: Battelle HDR|HydroQual 2014 FOCUSED FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 1-1 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 1.1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.2 Organization ....................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2 2 Purpose and Organization .......................................................................................... 1-1 Summary of the Remedial Investigation Report ....................................................... 1-3 1.2.1 Site Description .................................................................................................. 1-3 1.2.2 Site History......................................................................................................... 1-6 1.2.3 Nature and Extent of Contamination.................................................................. 1-9 1.2.4 Contaminant Fate and Transport ...................................................................... 1-24 1.2.5 Baseline Risk Assessment ................................................................................ 1-31 Development of Remedial Action Objectives and Selection of Target Areas....................... 2-1 2.1 Remedial Action Objectives for FFS Study Area ..................................................... 2-1 2.2 Overview of ARARs ................................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.1 Definition of ARARs ......................................................................................... 2-3 2.2.2 Waiver of ARARs .............................................................................................. 2-5 2.3 Development of ARARs ............................................................................................ 2-6 2.3.1 Chemical-Specific ARARs and TBCs ............................................................... 2-7 2.3.2 Location-Specific ARARs and TBCs ................................................................ 2-8 2.3.3 Action-Specific ARARs and TBCs .................................................................... 2-8 2.4 Development of Preliminary Remediation Goals ...................................................... 2-8 2.4.1 Human Health Preliminary Remediation Goals ................................................. 2-8 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River i 2014 2.4.2 Ecological Preliminary Remediation Goals ..................................................... 2-10 2.4.3 Identification of Background Concentrations .................................................. 2-11 2.4.4 PRG Selection .................................................................................................. 2-14 2.4.5 Identification and Selection of Potential Target Areas and Volume Estimate for Remediation .................................................................................................................... 2-15 3 Identification and Screening of General Response Actions, Remedial Technologies, and Process Options ............................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Identification of General Response Actions .............................................................. 3-2 3.1.1 No Action ........................................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.2 Institutional Controls .......................................................................................... 3-3 3.1.3 Monitored Natural Recovery.............................................................................. 3-3 3.1.4 Containment ....................................................................................................... 3-4 3.1.5 In-Situ Treatment................................................................................................ 3-4 3.1.6 Sediment Removal ............................................................................................. 3-4 3.1.7 Ex-Situ Treatment ............................................................................................... 3-4 3.1.8 Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments ............................................................... 3-5 3.1.9 Disposal of Dredged Sediments ......................................................................... 3-5 3.2 Sources and Methods for the Identification of Potentially Applicable Technologies3-5 3.3 Identification and Initial Screening of Technology Types ........................................ 3-6 3.4 Effectiveness, Implementability and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options.................................................................................................................................. 3-7 3.5 Ancillary Technologies.............................................................................................. 3-9 3.5.2 Dewatering ....................................................................................................... 3-10 3.5.3 Wastewater Treatment...................................................................................... 3-11 3.5.4 Transportation .................................................................................................. 3-12 3.5.5 Restoration ....................................................................................................... 3-13 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ii 2014 4 3.6 Summary of Retained Technologies and Process Options ...................................... 3-14 3.7 Selection of Representative Technologies and Process Options ............................. 3-15 Development and Screening of Remedial Alternatives ......................................................... 4-1 4.1 Alternative Development ........................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Common Elements of Active Remedial Alternatives................................................ 4-2 4.2.1 Institutional Controls .......................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.2 Monitored Natural Recovery.............................................................................. 4-3 4.2.3 Sediment Removal ............................................................................................. 4-4 4.2.4 Sediment Capping .............................................................................................. 4-6 4.2.5 Removal Actions .............................................................................................. 4-10 4.2.6 Dredged Material Management Scenarios ....................................................... 4-10 4.2.7 Upland Sediment Processing Facility .............................................................. 4-17 4.2.8 Additional Considerations ................................................................................ 4-18 4.3 4.3.1 Modeling Framework ....................................................................................... 4-19 4.3.2 Application of Models for Simulating FFS Alternatives ................................. 4-23 4.4 Description and Screening of Remedial Alternatives.............................................. 4-26 4.4.1 Evaluation Criteria and Approach .................................................................... 4-26 4.4.2 Alternative 1: No Action .................................................................................. 4-27 4.4.3 Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill .................................................... 4-30 4.4.4 Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation .............. 4-38 4.4.5 Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding.......................... 4-45 4.5 5 Modeling Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives ...................................................... 4-19 Summary of Remedial Alternatives Retained for Detailed Analysis ...................... 4-50 Detailed Analysis of Remedial Alternatives .......................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Evaluation Process and Evaluation Criteria .............................................................. 5-1 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River iii 2014 5.1.1 Threshold Criterion 1: Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment ...................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.2 Threshold Criterion 2: Compliance with ARARs .............................................. 5-3 5.1.3 Primary Balancing Criterion 1: Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence ..... 5-4 5.1.4 Primary Balancing Criterion 2: Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment ............................................................................................................. 5-7 5.1.5 Primary Balancing Criterion 3: Short-Term Effectiveness ................................ 5-8 5.1.6 Primary Balancing Criterion 4: Implementability.............................................. 5-8 5.1.7 Primary Balancing Criterion 5: Cost .................................................................. 5-8 5.1.8 Modifying Criterion 1: State Acceptance......................................................... 5-11 5.1.9 Modifying Criterion 2: Community Acceptance ............................................. 5-11 5.2 Detailed Analysis of Remedial Alternatives ........................................................... 5-11 5.2.1 Alternative 1: No Action (described in Section 4.4.2) ..................................... 5-11 5.2.2 Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill (described in Section 4.4.3) ....... 5-15 5.2.3 Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation (described in Section 4.4.4) .............................................................................................................. 5-30 5.2.4 Alternative 4: Capping with Dredging for Flooding (described in Section 4.4.5) .................................................................................................................. 5-45 5.3 Comparative Analysis and Cost Sensitivity Analyses ............................................. 5-60 5.3.1 Comparative Analysis ...................................................................................... 5-60 5.3.2 Cost Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................. 5-65 6 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 6-1 7 References .............................................................................................................................. 7-1 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River iv 2014 FOCUSED FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Lower Passaic River Authorized Dimensions of the Federal Navigation Channel and Periods of Dredging Table 1-2a Summary Statistics for Concentrations of Contaminants in Surface Sediments in the Lower Passaic River Table 1-2b Summary Statistics for Concentrations of Contaminants in Surface Sediments in Newark Bay (2005 and 2007 data) Table 1-2c Summary Statistics for Concentrations of Contaminants in Surface Sediments (0-1 inch) in the Upper Passaic River Table 1-3 Concentrations of COPCs and COPECs by Depth within the FFS Study Area Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values Table 2-2 Summary of Biota Tissue PRG Levels Protective of the Adult Angler Receptor Table 2-3 Summary of Sediment PRGs Based on Human Health Table 2-4 Summary of Biota Tissue PRG Levels Protective of Ecological Receptors Table 2-5 Summary of Sediment PRGs based on Ecological Health Table 2-6 Background COPEC and COPC Concentrations in Sediment Table 2-7 Estimates of the Cancer Risks and Non-cancer Health Hazards Associated with Background Sediment Concentrations for Consumption of Fish and Crabs Table 2-8 Summary of Hazard Quotients for Macroinvertebrate and Fish Receptors Associated with Exposure to Background Conditions Table 2-9 Summary of Hazard Quotients for Wildlife Receptors Associated with Exposure to Background Conditions Table 2-10 PRG Selection Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Table 3-3 Dewatering Methods Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River v 2014 Table 4-1 Factors Affecting Dredging Depth Requirements Table 4-2 Gross Cumulative Resuspension Fluxes in the FFS Study Area from 2030-2059 Table 4-3 Summary of Estimates for Remedial Alternatives Table 5-1 Summary of Total Cancer Risks and Child Health Hazards Table 5-2a Sediment Benchmarks Hazard Quotients Based on Future Modeled Sediment Exposures – Benthic Invertebrates Table 5-2b Critical Body Residues Based on Future Modeled Sediment Exposures – Crab Tissue, Predatory Fish Tissue, and Mummichog Tissue Table 5-2c Wildlife Dose Model Based on Future Modeled Sediment Exposures – Heron (general fish diet), Heron (mummichog diet), and Mink Table 5-3 Summary of Present Value Estimates Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives Table 5-5 Sensitivity Analysis for Alternatives 2, 3 and 4 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River vi 2014 FOCUSED FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 FFS Study Area Location Map Figure 1-2 NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Location Map Figure 1-3 The History of Dredging in the Lower Passaic River Figure 1-4 Locations of CPG Members as of July 2012 Figure 1-5 Footprint of the Phase I and Phase II Tierra Non-Time-Critical Removal Action Areas Figure 1-6a Sediment Texture Type – RM0 to RM8 Figure 1-6b Sediment Texture Type – RM8 to RM13 Figure 1-6c Sediment Texture Type – RM13 to RM17 Figure 4-1 Proposed Confined Aquatic Disposal Cells in Newark Bay Figure 4-2 Capping Area for Alternative 4 Figure 4-3a Average Concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear Scale) Figure 4-3b Average Concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Log Scale) Figure 4-3c Average Concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-3d Average Concentration of Total PCB in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear Scale) Figure 4-3e Average Concentration of Total PCB in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Log Scale) Figure 4-3f Average Concentration of Total PCB in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-3g Average Concentration of Total DDx in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear and Log Scale) Figure 4-3h Average Concentration of Total DDx in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River vii 2014 Figure 4-3i Average Concentration of Mercury in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear Scale) Figure 4-3j Average Concentration of Mercury in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Log Scale) Figure 4-3k Average Concentration of Mercury in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-4a Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-4b Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of Total PCB at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-4c Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of Total DDx at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-4d Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of Mercury at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-5 Conceptual Design for Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill Figure 4-6 Conceptual Design for Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Figure 4-7 Conceptual Design for Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Figure 5-1a Average Concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1b Average Concentration of Total PCB in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1c Average Concentration of Total DDx in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1d Average Concentration of Mercury in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River viii 2014 FOCUSED FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT LOWER EIGHT MILES OF THE LOWER PASSAIC RIVER LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Data Evaluation Reports Appendix B Modeling Appendix C Mass Balance Modeling Analysis Appendix D Risk Assessment Appendix E Development of Preliminary Remediation Goals Appendix F Engineering Evaluations Appendix G Dredged Material Management Assessments Appendix H Cost Estimates Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ix 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During a comprehensive study of the Lower Passaic River, an Operable Unit of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site, the sediments of the lower 8.3 miles were found to be a major source of contamination to the rest of the river and Newark Bay. Therefore, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) prepared this Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) to evaluate potential actions to address those sediments, while the 17-mile Lower Passaic River Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study (RI/FS) is on-going. Site Background and Sediment Contamination The FFS Study Area is the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River in northeastern New Jersey, from the river’s confluence with Newark Bay at River Mile (RM) 0 to RM8.3 near the border between the City of Newark and Belleville Township. The FFS Study Area is located within the Lower Passaic River Study Area (LPRSA), which is the 17-mile, tidal portion of the Passaic River from Dundee Dam (located at RM17.4) to the confluence with Newark Bay at RM0 and its watershed, including the Saddle River (RM15.6), Third River (RM11.3) and Second River (RM8.1). This FFS builds on the results of the Remedial Investigation (RI) that characterized the nature and extent of contamination in the FFS Study Area and established the existence of unacceptable human health cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards from exposure to contaminants in fish and crabs, as well as unacceptable ecological risks. The FFS evaluates remedial alternatives for the sediments of the FFS Study Area to address these unacceptable human health and ecological risks. Although a large number of contaminants are found in the FFS Study Area, the FFS focuses on those that pose the greatest risks to human and ecological health. The contaminants of potential concern (COPCs) and contaminants of potential ecological concern (COPECs) are presented in the following table. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-1 2014 Surface Sediments, 0-6 inches 1 Unit 2 Frequency of Detection Minimum Maximum Mean Median 2,3,7,8-TCDD 3 ρg/g 363 / 365 0.09 34,100 951 280 Total TCDD ρg/g 311 / 312 2.20 37,900 1,193 399 Total PCBs µg/kg 357 / 358 0.10 28,600 1,668 1,004 Total DDx µg/kg 361 / 361 0.32 10,229 235 102 Dieldrin µg/kg 269 / 355 0.01 152 11 5.3 Total Chlordane µg/kg 344 / 344 0.05 254 37 31 Total PAHs mg/kg 361 / 361 0.21 2,806 48 31 Mercury mg/kg 373 / 381 0.05 16 2.72 2.20 Copper mg/kg 382 / 384 0.21 2,470 183 169 Lead mg/kg 378 / 378 4.40 906 259 235 Based on 1995 – 2012 data. 1 The top six inches of sediment is where most organisms in contact with the sediment are exposed to COPCs and COPECs, because it is where they are most active (e.g., burrowing or feeding). 2 ρg/g = picograms per gram or parts per trillion (ppt); µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram or parts per billion (ppb); mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram or parts per million (ppm). 3 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is the most toxic form of dioxin. Total TCDD = Sum of dioxins and furans. Total PCBs = Sum of Aroclors or sum of PCB congeners, depending on the analysis performed. Total DDx = Sum of 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) and 4.4’dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE). Total PAHs = Sum of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs) RAOs for the FFS Study Area are as follows: • Reduce cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards for people eating fish and shellfish by reducing the concentrations of COPCs in the sediments of the FFS Study Area. • Reduce the risks to ecological receptors by reducing the concentrations of COPECs in the sediments of the FFS Study Area. • Reduce the migration of COPC- and COPEC-contaminated sediments from the FFS Study Area to upstream portions of the Lower Passaic River and to Newark Bay and the New York / New Jersey (NY/NJ) Harbor Estuary. In accordance with Superfund guidance (Land Use in the CERCLA Remedy Selection Process, OSWER Directive No. 9355.7-04, [USEPA, 1995a]), reasonably anticipated future land and waterway use in the FFS Study Area should be considered during remedial alternative development and remedy selection. There is a federally-authorized navigation channel in the Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-2 2014 Lower Passaic River that has not been maintained since 1983. Despite various constraints described in Chapter 3 of the RI Report (e.g., shallow depths, low vertical clearance bridges), the lower two miles of the river are used for commercial navigation by a number of companies. A berth-by-berth analysis for 1997-2006 done by United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) established current waterway use and a survey of commercial users showed clear future waterway use objectives in the lower 2.2 miles of the river (USACE, 2010). In addition, the communities located along the FFS Study Area have clearly planned for future increases in recreational access to the river, particularly above RM2.2, through master plans (City of Newark 2010, City of Newark et al. 2004, Clarke et al. 2004, Clarke et al. 1999, Heyer et al. 2002, NJDOT, 2007) and municipal zoning regulations (City of Newark, 2012). These RAOs and reasonably anticipated future land and waterway use objectives were considered during the development and evaluation of the remedial alternatives described below. Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) Since there are no chemical-specific applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs) that pertain to sediments, PRGs for the FFS Study Area were developed based on: 1) risk-based fish- and crab-tissue concentrations that are protective of human health; 2) sediment and body burden concentrations that are protective of benthic organisms; 3) body burden concentrations that are protective of fish and aquatic wildlife populations; and 4) background sediment concentrations. PRGs become final remediation goals when USEPA makes a final decision to select a remedy for the FFS Study Area, after considering all public comments. According to USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1991), the starting point for setting remediation goals is a cancer risk level of 1 × 10-6, a non-cancer Hazard Index (HI) equal to one for protection of human health, and Hazard Quotient (HQ) equal to one for the lowest ecological PRG set to protect the various ecological receptors. However, remedial action may achieve remediation goals set anywhere within the range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6 and an HI at or below one (USEPA, 1997). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-3 2014 While all of the contaminants presented in the previous table (in the Site Background and Sediment Contamination section) are considered COPCs and COPECs, risk-based PRGs were only developed for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs, Total DDx, and mercury because they are the major risk drivers (refer to Section 2.4) and because there were multiple lines of evidence developed to evaluate how the alternatives would achieve PRGs for these four COPCs and COPECs after remediation (see Appendix E). The proposed remediation goals for the FFS Study Area are summarized in FFS Table 2-10. For the contaminants with human health PRGs, the proposed remediation goals are within the cancer risk range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6 and at or below an HI equal to one, so they are protective of human health. For mercury and Total DDx, the proposed remediation goals are at or below an HQ equal to one, so they are protective of the environment. In addition, modeling results presented in Section 5.2 show that the proposed remediation goals would be met under at least two of the active remedial alternatives described in the “Description of Alternatives” section, in conjunction with natural recovery processes. For 2,3,7,8-TCDD and Total PCBs, it is unlikely that the ecological PRGs could be met under any of the alternatives within a reasonable time frame, even with natural recovery processes. However, given that bank-to-bank remediation in the FFS Study Area would be necessary to achieve protection of human health (see Section 5.2), the ecological PRGs would not result in any additional remediation in the FFS Study Area, and those ecological PRGs were not selected as remediation goals. While the Superfund program generally does not clean-up to concentrations below natural or anthropogenic background levels (USEPA, 2002b), the flow of water and suspended sediment over Dundee Dam (background for the FFS Study Area) is just one of many sources of surface water and sediment into the FFS Study Area. Post-remediation, the suspended sediment from the Upper Passaic River will mix with suspended sediment from other sources entering the FFS Study Area (e.g., Newark Bay, Saddle River, Third River, and Second River), with the cleaner solids in the water column resulting from a remediated FFS Study Area and with any clean material placed on the river bed as part of the remediation. As a result, contaminant concentrations in the top six inches (bioactive zone evaluated in the risk assessment) can end up being much less than background concentrations coming over Dundee Dam. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-4 2014 Cancer Threshold Sediment PRG for an Adult Contaminant Units Overall Eco Sediment PRG 56 fish meals per year 1 × 10-6 1 × 10-5 34 crab meals per year 1 × 10-4 1 ×10-6 1 × 10-5 1 × 10-4 Non-cancer Threshold Sediment PRG 56 fish meals per year 34 crab meals per year Background Sediment Concentration Mercury ng/g 74 (W) Classification — C; possible human carcinogen; There is no quantitative estimate of carcinogenic risk from oral exposure 550 45,000 720 Total PCBs ng/g 7.8 (B) 3.2 44 82 460 Total DDx ng/g 0.30 (W) - - 30 2,3,7,8-TCDD ng/g 0.0011 (F/W) 0.0071 0.019 0.002 0.000095 32 0.0016 320* 1.6 - - 0.022 0.00043 51 0.005 1600* 0.058 Overall Ecological PRG for each COPEC is the lowest of the values (benthos, fish, wildlife), so that all of the organisms, including the most sensitive species, would be protected. B = Benthos; F = Fish; W = Wildlife. * = Indicates that the risk-based value exceeds the NJDEP advisory trigger level and would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. The NJDEP uses ‘do not eat’ values of 0.0077 ng/g and 240 ng/g to set fish consumption advisories for TCDD TEQ. Proposed remediation goals are shown in Bold. General Response Actions, Remedial Technologies, and Process Options The first step in developing and screening remedial alternatives in the FFS was to identify general response actions (GRAs) that may be taken to satisfy the RAOs. GRAs identified for the sediments of the FFS Study Area are No Action, institutional controls, monitored natural recovery (MNR), containment, in situ treatment, sediment removal, ex situ treatment, beneficial use of dredged sediment, and disposal of dredged sediment. Technologies and process options that could not be effectively implemented for the FFS Study Area were screened out. Except for in situ treatment, all of the technology types were found to be technically implementable. The remaining technologies and processes were then evaluated and screened for effectiveness, implementability, and cost – the same criteria that are used to screen alternatives prior to the detailed analysis. In addition to the No Action response, the following technologies and process options were retained for further evaluation in the FFS: Retained Technologies Institutional controls Retained Process Options Fish consumption advisories and dredging restrictions Fish consumption advisories, restrictions on private sediment disturbance, and limitations on recreational use of the river MNR as a component of alternatives comprising active remedial measures Engineered caps (including stone or clay aggregate material as armor), active caps, and geotextiles Engineered caps (with and without armor stone) MNR Containment Representative Process Options (for cost estimation purposes) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-5 2014 Retained Technologies Sediment removal Ex situ treatment Beneficial use Disposal Representative Process Options (for cost estimation purposes) Retained Process Options Excavation, mechanical dredging, and/or hydraulic dredging Immobilization, sediment washing, vitrification, or thermal destruction Sanitary landfill cover, construction fill, and mined lands reclamation Off-site landfill or confined aquatic disposal (CAD) cell Mechanical dredging Thermal destruction, sediment washing, and solidification/stabilization Off-site landfill or CAD cell Representative process options were used for FFS cost estimation purposes. Should an alternative be selected that requires construction, the best process option would be determined during the remedial design phase. Development and Screening of Potential Remedial Alternatives Four potential remedial alternatives were developed for addressing the contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area, by grouping the remedial technologies and representative process options identified previously. These are: • Alternative 1: No Action • Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill • Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation • Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding A modeling framework consisting of a hydrodynamic model, sediment transport model, organic carbon cycling model and contaminant fate and transport model was developed and used to simulate future sediment and water column concentrations for each of the remedial alternatives. The simulation results were used to predict future human health and ecological risks under the various alternatives to support the detailed analysis of alternatives described below. The four selected alternatives were screened for effectiveness, implementability, and cost. The effectiveness criterion was evaluated by comparing the average surface sediment concentrations of COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area forecast by the model for each of the alternatives to PRGs. Effectiveness was also evaluated by examining surface sediment concentrations of COPCs and COPECs in RM8.3 to RM17, as well as net fluxes from the FFS Study Area to Newark Bay, for each of the alternatives. As a result of this analysis, it was determined that Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-6 2014 Alternative 1 (No Action) and Alternative 4 (Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding) would not be protective of human health and the environment and would not satisfy the RAOs and PRGs (see human health and ecological risk tables in the Detailed Analysis section). However, Alternative 1 was retained for detailed analysis, as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the National Contingency Plan (NCP), to serve as a basis for comparison with other remedial alternatives. Alternative 4 was retained for detailed analysis to serve as a basis for comparison with the other active remedial alternatives which are both bank-to-bank in scope whereas Alternative 4 is more limited. Detailed Analysis of Alternatives The NCP provides nine key criteria to address CERCLA requirements for detailed analysis of remedial alternatives. The first two are threshold criteria that must be met by each alternative: Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment; and Compliance with ARARs. The next five are the primary balancing criteria upon which the analysis is based: Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence; Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment; Short-Term Effectiveness; Implementability; and Cost. The final two are referred to as modifying criteria (State Acceptance and Community Acceptance). They will be evaluated following receipt of comments on the Proposed Plan and described in USEPA’s Record of Decision (ROD) for the FFS Study Area. Descriptions of Alternatives Alternative 1: No Action The No Action Alternative would not include any containment, removal, disposal, or treatment of contaminated sediments. The No Action alternative would not include implementation of any new institutional controls or new monitoring. The NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories are assumed to remain in place, but not as part of a CERCLA remedial action. The 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS would continue. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-7 2014 Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill Alternative 2 evaluates a bank-to-bank remedy that would involve removal of all of the contaminated fine-grained sediment throughout the FFS Study Area using mechanical dredging, followed by placement of two feet of backfill material to cover residuals. This alternative is intended to remove the contaminated sediment inventory causing the current and potential future risks in the FFS Study Area. It also results in the restoration of the federally-authorized navigation channel since the contaminated sediment inventory is coincident with the channel. Within the horizontal limits of the federally-authorized navigation channel, the depth of contaminated fine-grained sediment corresponds well with the depth of historical dredging. Therefore, the depth of dredging is assumed to be the authorized channel depth plus an additional three feet to account for historical over-dredging (two feet) and dredging accuracy (one foot). The resulting sediment removal depths are 33 feet below mean low water (MLW) for RM0 to RM2.6 (resulting in a 30-foot deep channel), 23 feet MLW for RM2.6 to RM4.6 (resulting in a 20-foot deep channel) 1, 19 feet MLW for RM4.6 to RM8.1 (resulting in a 16-foot deep channel), and 13 feet MLW for RM8.1 to RM8.3 (resulting in a 10-foot deep navigation channel). Outside the horizontal limits of the navigation channel (in the shoals), the depth of fine-grained sediment targeted for dredging varies from 3 feet to 19.5 feet below the existing sediment surface. Mudflats disturbed by implementation of Alternative 2 would be reconstructed to their original grade, incorporating 1-foot of mudflat reconstruction (habitat) material. A total volume of approximately 9.7 million cubic yards (cy) would be targeted for removal under Alternative 2. The dredged material would be managed in accordance with one of three dredged material management (DMM) scenarios: • DMM Scenario A: Confined Aquatic Disposal • DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal • DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use 1 The 20-foot deep section of the authorized navigation channel stops at RM4.1; however, historical dredging records show that the channel was sometimes maintained to a 20-foot depth up to RM4.6 (refer to Table 1-1). Therefore, Alternative 2 includes dredging to the 20-foot depth (plus three feet) up to RM4.6 to ensure removal of the contaminated fine-grained sediment that would have deposited there after maintenance dredging stopped. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-8 2014 This alternative would include institutional controls, incorporating NJDEP’s fish and shellfish consumption advisories and adding enhanced outreach activities to educate community members about the advisories. MNR is also part of Alternative 2 and includes post-construction monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 3 evaluates a bank-to-bank remedy that would place a 2-foot engineered cap (or backfill, where appropriate) bank-to-bank over the FFS Study Area. Before placing the cap, contaminated fine-grained sediment would be removed to targeted depths using mechanical dredging. Alternative 3 would include dredging of the existing 300-foot wide federallyauthorized navigation channel to accommodate the continued and reasonably-anticipated future use depths between RM0 to RM2.2. Where dredging depths coincide with the authorized navigation channel (RM0 to RM1.2), an additional three feet would be dredged to account for historical dredging accuracy and over-dredging followed by placement of 2 feet of backfill. Where dredging depths are shallower than the authorized channel (RM1.2 to RM2.2), an additional 5.5 feet would be dredged to accommodate an engineered cap (to account for maintenance dredging, future over-dredge allowance for channel maintenance and cap construction, cap protection buffer and engineered cap). The resulting sediment removal depths are 33 feet MLW from RM0 to RM1.2 (resulting in a 30-foot navigation channel), 30.5 feet MLW from RM1.2 to RM1.7 (resulting in a 25-foot channel), and 25.5 feet MLW from RM1.7 to RM2.2 (resulting in a 20-foot channel). Between RM2.2 and RM8.3, enough dredging would be performed to prevent the engineered cap from causing additional flooding and to provide a water depth of at least 10 feet below MLW over a 200-foot width (except between RM8.1 and RM8.3 where dredging would be over a 150-foot width) to accommodate reasonably anticipated recreational future uses above RM2.2. Alternative 3 would require modification of the navigation channel from RM1.2 to RM2.2, and deauthorization of the navigation channel above RM2.2 under the federal River and Harbors Act through USACE procedures and Congressional action. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-9 2014 Approximately 4.3 million cy of sediment would be targeted for removal under Alternative 3. Mudflats disturbed by implementation of Alternative 3 would be reconstructed to their original grade. The cap placed over the mudflats would incorporate 1-foot of mudflat reconstruction (habitat) material (see Appendix F Figure 2-1). As part of the post-construction monitoring program, the thickness of the engineered cap would be monitored and maintained in perpetuity following implementation. The dredged material removed from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 would be managed in accordance with one of three DMM scenarios described previously under Alternative 2. Alternative 3 would also include institutional controls, such as NJDEP’s fish and shellfish consumption advisories with enhanced outreach and restrictions on activities that might disturb the engineered cap. MNR is also part of Alternative 3 and includes post-construction monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Alternative 4 evaluates a remedy that is less than bank-to-bank in scope. It focuses on discrete areas of the FFS Study Area sediments that release the most contaminants into the water column. Alternative 4 includes dredging of contaminated fine-grained sediments in selected noncontiguous portions of the FFS Study Area (totaling approximately 220 acres, or about one third of the FFS Study Area surface) with the highest gross and net fluxes of contaminants. Dredging would occur to a depth of 2.5 feet to allow an engineered cap to be placed over dredged areas without causing additional flooding (see Figure 4-2). Alternative 4 would not include any dredging to accommodate the continued use of the federally-authorized navigation channel. Since the depths after remediation would be shallower than the authorized channel depth from RM0 to RM8.3, it would be necessary to obtain deauthorization of the federal navigation channel under the federal River and Harbors Act through USACE procedures and Congressional action. Approximately 1 million cy of sediment would be targeted for removal under Alternative 4. Mudflats disturbed by implementation of Alternative 4 would be reconstructed to their original grade. The cap placed over the mudflats would incorporate 1-foot of mudflat reconstruction Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-10 2014 (habitat) material (see Appendix F Figure 2-1). As part of the post-construction monitoring program, the thickness of the engineered cap would be monitored and maintained in perpetuity following implementation. The dredged material removed from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 4 would be managed in accordance with one of three DMM scenarios described previously under Alternative 2. Alternative 4 would also include institutional controls, incorporating NJDEP’s fish and shellfish consumption advisories and adding enhanced outreach activities and restrictions on activities that might disturb the engineered caps. MNR is also part of Alternative 4 and includes postconstruction monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Detailed Analysis The overall protection of human health and the environment criterion draws on the assessments conducted under other evaluation criteria, especially long-term effectiveness and permanence, short-term effectiveness, and compliance with ARARs, and provides a final assessment as to whether each alternative adequately protects human health and the environment. Section 121(d) of CERCLA requires that remedial actions comply with state and federal ARARs, unless a waiver is justified. ARARs can fall into three categories (chemical-specific, location-specific, and action-specific). ARARs are considered “potential” ARARs in this FFS and in the Proposed Plan; final ARARs will be identified in the ROD. Chemical-specific ARARs and other to-be-considered (TBC) criteria define concentration limits or other chemical levels for environmental media. This FFS addresses the contaminated sediments in the lower 8.3 miles but is intended to be consistent with future remedial actions that may be proposed for the 17-mile Lower Passaic River. The other portions of the Lower Passaic River, which include the sediments in RM8.3 to RM17.4 and the water column of the entire 17 miles, will be addressed as part of the RI/FS being conducted by the Cooperating Parties Group (CPG). Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation of one of these alternatives by itself would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. However, because this FFS only addresses the Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-11 2014 sediments portion of the Lower Passaic River and is only part of the remedial activities under consideration for the 17-mile Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. This FFS evaluates the extent to which each alternative meets RAOs and PRGs, and complies with action-specific and location-specific ARARs including those that would apply to dredging and to management of dredged materials. Long-term effectiveness was evaluated using modeling results to project the human health and ecological impacts over the exposure period for a human or ecological receptor. It was also evaluated by examining: the magnitude of residual risks in terms of amounts and concentrations of wastes remaining following implementation of a remedial action, considering the persistence, toxicity, mobility, and propensity to bioaccumulate of such hazardous substances and their constituents; the long-term reliability and adequacy of the engineering and institutional controls, including uncertainties associated with land disposal of untreated wastes and residuals; and, remedy replacement and the continuing need for repairs/maintenance. Reduction of toxicity, mobility or volume through treatment was evaluated by examining the treatment processes that the alternatives employ and the materials they would treat, the amount of hazardous materials that would be destroyed or treated, and the degree to which the treatment would be irreversible. The short-term effectiveness of alternatives was assessed considering such factors as: protection of the community and workers during remedial actions; potential adverse environmental impacts resulting from construction and implementation; and time until remedial response objectives (i.e., RAOs and PRGs) would be achieved. Implementability was assessed by considering technical feasibility, administrative feasibility, and availability of services and materials. Costs were examined in two principal categories - capital costs and annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Costs were converted to a present value (PV) to allow a comparison of alternatives with differing implementation schedules. Based on the modeled annual average projections of future concentrations in surface sediment that consider natural attenuation and degradation over time, exposure point concentrations (EPCs) were derived in order to estimate future risks (see Appendix D and Chapters 4 and 7 of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-12 2014 the RI). The exposure duration began in the year immediately following completion of the remediation and ended 30 years post remediation. The modeled future human health cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards are shown in the tables below. Similar modeled future hazards for ecological receptors are also estimated and are presented below. Estimated Modeled Future Cancer Risks for Each Remedial Alternative No Action 30-Year Exposure Combined Risk (Adult + Child) 4 × 10-3 Deep Dredging with Backfill 5 × 10-4 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 4 × 10-4 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action 2 × 10-3 30-Year Exposure Combined Risk (Adult + Child) 2 × 10-3 Deep Dredging with Backfill 4 × 10-4 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 3 × 10-4 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 1 × 10-3 Remedial Alternative Fish Remedial Alternative Crab Estimated Modeled Future Non-Cancer Health Hazards for Each Remedial Alternative Remedial Alternative Fish No Action 90 163 Deep Dredging with Backfill 10 22 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 8 18 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Remedial Alternative Crab 30-Year Exposure Adult Hazard Child Hazard 55 97 30-Year Exposure Adult Hazard Child Hazard No Action 40 71 Deep Dredging with Backfill 7 15 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 6 13 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 27 47 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-13 2014 Estimated Modeled Future Ecological Hazards for Each Remedial Alternative Receptor Category Species Remedial Alternative(a) No Action Benthos Macro invertebrate Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action Crab Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action Generic Fish Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action Mummichog Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action Bird Great Blue Heron (mummichog diet) Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action Mammal Mink Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding NOAEL= No Observed Adverse Effect Levels; LOAEL= Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-14 Year 2019 2048 2030 2059 2023 2052 2020 2049 2019 2048 2030 2059 2023 2052 2020 2049 2019 2048 2030 2059 2023 2052 2020 2049 2019 2048 2030 2059 2023 2052 2020 2049 2019 2048 2030 2059 2023 2052 2020 2049 2019 2048 2030 2059 2023 2052 2020 2049 Hazard Estimate NOAEL LOAEL 300 200 200 100 10 6 30 8 20 8 30 7 200 100 100 70 400 60 300 40 20 4 20 4 30 5 10 3 200 40 200 30 300 200 200 100 20 7 20 6 20 9 20 5 200 90 100 70 50 20 40 10 4 2 8 2 4 2 7 2 30 10 30 10 20 3 10 2 1 0.2 7 0.8 1 0.3 7 0.8 10 2 10 2 1000 50 700 30 50 3 40 3 60 4 30 2 600 30 400 20 2014 Present Value (PV) The bar chart below presents the PV for Alternatives 2, 3 and 4 (including the three DMM scenarios). Each bar illustrates the relative contribution of the total capital costs, the total DMM costs, the total O&M costs, and the contingency costs. Alternative 1 has a PV of $0. 3500 Total Contingency Total Operation and Maintenance Costs Total Dredged Material Management Costs Total Capital Costs 3000 2500 Cost [$M] 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Alternative 3 Alternative 2 Alternative 2 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 4 Alternative 4 DMM Scenario A DMM Scenario B DMM Scenario C DMM Scenario A DMM Scenario B DMM Scenario C DMM Scenario A DMM Scenario B DMM Scenario C Conclusions from Detailed Analysis of Alternatives Alternative 1 (No Action) would not be protective of human health and the environment, and would not contribute significantly toward eventual achievement of ARARs. The No Action Alternative does not use treatment to reduce the toxicity, mobility or volume of the contamination. The cancer risks and non-cancer human health hazards, and risks to ecological receptors would remain one to well over two orders of magnitude above protective goals 30 years into the future and modeled surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area would remain one to two orders of magnitude above any of the proposed remediation goals. No Action Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-15 2014 has been retained for detailed analysis, in accordance with CERCLA and the NCP, to serve as a basis for comparison with other remedial alternatives. Alternatives 2 and 3, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment and effective in meeting the RAOs. The cancer risks and noncancer human health hazards, and risks to ecological receptors, would be significantly reduced after completion of construction (six years earlier for Alternative 3 than for Alternative 2, given the shorter construction period for the former) so that under both alternatives future risk levels are predicted to get close enough to protective goals that MNR would result in reaching those goals relatively shortly beyond the model simulation period. During the post-remediation period, implementation of institutional controls would be effective in protecting human health until those goals are achieved. Alternative 4, even with institutional controls and MNR, would not be protective of human health and the environment and would not be effective in meeting the RAOs. Although Alternative 4 would address the unacceptable risks in the FFS Study Area sediments to some extent by capping areas that contribute the most contaminant flux to the water column, the cancer risks and non-cancer human health hazards as well as the risks to ecological receptors would not be significantly reduced after completion of construction. These risks and hazards would remain up to two orders of magnitude above protective goals 30 years into the future and surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area are predicted to remain one to two orders of magnitude above the proposed remediation goals. Alternatives 2 and 3 are designed to address sediment contamination in the FFS Study Area and the bank-to-bank removal and/or capping of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality. Under Alternative 4, which is designed to cap areas that contribute the most contaminant flux to the water column and is less than bank-to-bank in scope, the relative contribution to improved water quality would be much lower. Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 have also been designed to be consistent with future remedial actions but ultimately, compliance with chemical-specific surface water ARARs would depend on future remedial actions including those that may be performed following completion of the RI/FS for the Lower Passaic River Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-16 2014 being conducted by the CPG under USEPA oversight, or other source control measures. Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 would satisfy the location-specific and action-specific ARARs. Under Alternative 2, the COPCs and COPECs present in fine-grained sediments within the FFS Study Area would be permanently removed from the river. Under Alternatives 3 and 4, the engineered caps (approximately 650 acres for Alternative 3 and approximately 220 acres for Alternative 4) would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Under Alternatives 3 and 4 some, but not all (approximately 4.3 million cy for Alternative 3 and approximately 1 million cy for Alternative 4), of the COPCs and COPECs present in the predominantly finegrained sediments within FFS Study Area would be permanently removed from the river. For DMM Scenario A, the engineered cap on the CAD cells would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. For DMM Scenario B, the off-site treatment and disposal would not require further monitoring or maintenance. Similarly, for DMM Scenario C, local decontamination and beneficial reuse would not require further monitoring or maintenance. Under Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, with DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced, although not by treatment. There would be no reduction in the toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs, and long-term effectiveness would rely on monitoring and maintenance of the engineered caps. For DMM Scenario B, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs of a portion of the removed sediments would be effectively reduced through thermal destruction (incineration) satisfying the statutory preference under CERCLA. Approximately 4 percent for Alternative 4, 7 percent for Alternative 3, and 10 percent for Alternative 2 of the contaminated sediment would be thermally treated; the remaining material would be placed untreated in a landfill. For DMM Scenario C, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be reduced through treatment satisfying the statutory preference under CERCLA. Alternative 2 is expected to have a greater impact on the community and site workers, as well as the environment than Alternative 3, because of the longer duration of the construction and the handling of larger volumes of more contaminated dredged materials (9.7 million cy versus 4.3 million cy). Alternative 4 is expected to have the least impact on the community and site Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-17 2014 workers, as well as the environment because it has the shortest construction period and involves handling the smallest volume of contaminated dredged materials (1 million cy). Within each of these three alternatives, DMM Scenario A would have the least impact on the community and site workers but the most impact on the aquatic habitat because all transport and disposal occurs on or in the water. Further, DMM Scenario C would have a greater impact on the local community and workers than DMM Scenario B because the decontamination technologies need a larger upland sediment processing facility and may need more trucking to transport beneficial end use products to local destinations (as opposed to reliance on rail for DMM Scenario B). For Alternatives 2 and 3, the in-river work has been demonstrated to be technically and administratively feasible. The necessary materials and expertise to implement Alternatives 2, 3 and 4 would be readily available. However, under Alternative 4, the process of reliably identifying discrete areas that release the most contaminants into the water column would involve a great degree of uncertainty given the complex estuarine environment of the FFS Study Area. Also, Alternative 4 may face an administrative implementability hurdle with respect to obtaining deauthorization of the federally-authorized navigation channel in the lower 2.2 miles of the river, given that the USACE survey of commercial users showed clear current and future waterway use objectives in that reach of the river. DMM Scenario A has been demonstrated to be technically feasible. However, DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments, because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of CAD cells in Newark Bay. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also oppose construction of CAD cells in Newark Bay. DMM Scenario B is technically and administratively feasible although it may be challenging to locate an approximately 26 to 28 acres upland processing facility in a dense urban area. DMM Scenario C has the most uncertainty since the thermal treatment and sediment washing technologies have not been built and operated on a commercial scale. Locating an approximately 36 to 40 acres upland processing facility for DMM Scenario C in a dense urban area is likely to be more difficult than a similar facility for DMM Scenario B. Also, DMM Scenario C involves the construction of a Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-18 2014 thermal treatment plant that may be subject to stringent limitations on air emissions and regulatory requirements which may be administratively challenging. Cost Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analyses have been performed to assess the significance that changing various factors for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 would have on the overall PV for the three active remedial alternatives. Five factors were identified as having the greatest impacts on costs. These factors are the volume of sediment removed for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, the thickness of the engineered caps for Alternatives 3 and 4, the proportion of dredged material requiring thermal destruction treatment for DMM Scenarios B and C for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, the dredging productivity rate, and the discount rate used for Alternatives 2, 3 and 4 (see Section 5.3.2 for a detailed discussion). For Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, increasing the volume of sediment removed by approximately 10 percent is roughly equivalent to increasing the depth of dredging by 1- to 2-feet (depending on alternative) and results in increasing the PV for DMM Scenarios B and C by approximately 5 to 9 percent and for DMM Scenario A by approximately 1 to 2 percent. Decreasing the volume of sediment removed by approximately 10 percent is roughly equivalent to decreasing the depth of dredging by 1- to 2-feet (depending on alternative) and results in decreasing the PV for DMM Scenario A by approximately 2 percent, DMM Scenario B by approximately 4 to 9 percent, and for DMM Scenario C by approximately 5 to 8 percent. Increasing the thickness of the engineered cap in the river by 6 inches (or 25 percent) results in increasing the PV by 3 to 5 percent (for Alternative 3) and 3 percent (for Alternative 4). If the percentage of dredged material requiring thermal treatment is doubled to 20 percent, 14 percent, and 8 percent, respectively for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, for DMM Scenario B, the PV increases by approximately 12 percent, 7 percent, and 1 percent, respectively. Similarly, for DMM Scenario C for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, the PV increases by approximately 7 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent, respectively. DMM Scenario A does not involve treatment and is not affected. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-19 2014 Reducing the dredging productivity rate by 25 percent for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 decreases the PV by approximately 3 percent, 2 percent, and zero percent, respectively for DMM Scenario A. For DMM Scenario B, the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 decreases by approximately 5 percent, 3 percent, and 2 percent, respectively. For DMM Scenario C, the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 decreases by approximately 5 percent, 3 percent, and 3 percent, respectively. For Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, increasing the discount rate by 3 percentage points to 10 percent decreases the PV by approximately 16 percent, 14 percent, and 13 percent, respectively for DMM Scenario A. For DMM Scenario B, the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 decreases by approximately 18 percent, 14 percent, and 11 percent, respectively. For DMM Scenario C, the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 decreases by approximately 17 percent, 14 percent, and 12 percent, respectively. Similarly, for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, decreasing the discount rate by 4 percentage points to 3 percent increases the PV by approximately 32 percent, 26 percent, and 26 percent, respectively, for DMM Scenario A; for DMM Scenario B, the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 increases by approximately 34 percent, 25 percent, and 21 percent, respectively; for DMM Scenario C, the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 increases by approximately 33 percent, 25 percent, and 21 percent, respectively. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ES-20 2014 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Organization 1.1.1 Purpose This Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) for the sediments of the lower 8.3 miles of the Lower Passaic River (FFS Study Area) builds on the results of the Remedial Investigation (RI) that established the existence of unacceptable human health cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards from exposure to contaminants in fish and crabs; 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 2 (2,3,7,8-TCDD), TCDD Toxic Equivalency Quotient (TEQ 3), Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs 4) and methyl mercury had individual cancer risks above 1 × 10-4 and/or non-cancer health hazards above a Hazard Quotient (HQ) equal to 1. The RI also established that the sediments pose unacceptable ecological risks to benthic invertebrates, fish and wildlife with the following contaminants causing at least one group of ecological receptors to have an HQ above 1: 2,3,7,8TCDD, TCDD TEQ, Total PCBs, Total DDx (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, the sum of 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE, and 4,4’-DDT) 5, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), copper, mercury and dieldrin as the main risk drivers. This FFS evaluates remedial alternatives for the sediments of the FFS Study Area to address the unacceptable human health and ecological risks identified in the RI. This FFS Report was prepared pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), consistent with the National Contingency Plan (NCP) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Office of Solid Waste and 2 Dioxin represents 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, which is the most toxic form of dioxin. TCDD TEQ for D/F (Dioxin/Furans) – Sum of the products of the congener concentration and congener-specific Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF). A TEF is a measure of the relative potency of a compound to cause a particular toxic or biological effect relative to 2,3,7,8- TCDD. By convention, TCDD is assigned a TEF of 1.0, and the TEFs for other compounds with dioxin-like effects range from 0 to 1. When TEFs are derived based on the relative binding affinity to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor or induction of cytochrome P4501A1, it is assumed that these biochemical responses correlate with toxicologically important effects (Van den Berg et al., 1998). The consensus TEF values published in 2005 by the World Health Organization (Van den Berg et. al., 2006) and recommended by USEPA (2010) are used in the risk evaluations. 4 For the risk assessment in Section 1.2.5 and in Appendix D, Total PCBs refers to the sum of non-dioxin-like congeners and TCDD TEQ (based on PCBs) refers to the sum of 12 dioxin-like congeners. In Section 1.2.3 Nature and Extent of Contamination, Total PCBs refers to the sum of Aroclors or the sum of PCB congeners, depending on the analysis performed. 5 DDT is a common name that refers to an industrially-produced, chlorinated pesticide. DDT is chemically known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; its metabolites include dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE). The term Total DDx refers the sum of the 4,4’-DDT, 4,4’-DDD, and 4,4’-DDE concentrations in a sample. 3 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-1 2014 Emergency Response (OSWER) remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS) guidance (USEPA, 1988), USEPA contaminated sediment remediation guidance (USEPA, 2005) and other USEPA guidance and policies as appropriate. 1.1.2 Organization This FFS Report encompasses the following sections from this section forward: Section 2.0, Development of Remedial Action Objectives and Selection of Target Areas: describes the remedial action objectives (RAOs) for the FFS Study Area, identifies potentially applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs) and to-be-considered (TBC) criteria, develops preliminary remediation goals (PRGs) for addressing human health and ecological risks posed by contaminants in sediment and tissue, selects target areas for remediation, and determines areas and volumes of contaminated sediments. Section 3.0, Identification and Screening of General Response Actions, Remedial Technologies, and Process Options: identifies and screens general response actions (GRAs) and classes of remedial technologies for technical implementability, then further screens remedial technologies and process options for effectiveness, implementability and cost, identifies remedial technologies, and selects representative process options to be retained for development of remedial alternatives. Section 4.0, Development and Screening of Remedial Alternatives: defines criteria for the development of remedial alternatives, including ARARs, statutory preferences, and navigation and flood hazard requirements, develops concepts for common elements of potential remedial alternatives, describes the modeling evaluation of potential remedial alternatives, and screens the developed remedial alternatives for effectiveness, implementability and cost, identifying those remedial alternatives that have been retained for detailed analysis. Section 5.0, Detailed Analysis of Remedial Alternatives: discusses the alternative evaluation process, describing the nine evaluation criteria specified by CERCLA and the NCP, including threshold criteria, primary balancing criteria and modifying criteria, and performs detailed Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-2 2014 analyses of the retained remedial alternatives including comparative and cost sensitivity analyses. 1.2 Summary of the Remedial Investigation Report The FFS Study Area is located in northeastern New Jersey (NJ), from the river’s confluence with Newark Bay at River Mile (RM) 0 to RM8.3 6 near the border between the City of Newark and Belleville Township. The FFS Study Area is located within the Lower Passaic River Study Area (LPRSA), which is the 17-mile, tidal portion of the Passaic River from Dundee Dam (located at RM17.4) to the confluence with Newark Bay at RM0 and the watershed of this river portion, including the Saddle River (RM15.6), Third River (RM11.3) and Second River (RM8.1) [Figure 1-1]. The entire 17-mile LPRSA is the subject of another study (named the Lower Passaic River Restoration Project) being implemented by USEPA under CERCLA in conjunction with United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 7 (NJDEP) under the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) authorities and in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) [collectively, Partner Agencies]. During the Lower Passaic River Restoration Project, the sediments of the FFS Study Area were found to be a major source of contamination to the rest of the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay. Therefore, USEPA, in cooperation with the Partner Agencies, completed this FFS to evaluate remedial alternatives to address those sediments, while the comprehensive study of the 17-mile LPRSA is on-going. 1.2.1 Site Description The FFS Study Area is located within the LPRSA, which is part of the 80-mile long Passaic River, located in northern New Jersey. The Passaic River has a total watershed of 935 square miles that empties into Newark Bay in the New York / New Jersey (NY/NJ) Harbor. Dundee 6 The river mile system used in the FFS is the one developed by USACE, which follows the centerline of the federally authorized navigation channel. 7 In November 2007, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) fulfilled its financial obligation for the Lower Passaic River Restoration Project pursuant to the USACE Feasibility Study Cost Share Agreement and has relied on NJDEP to represent the State of New Jersey in the governmental partnership. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-3 2014 Dam, originally built in 1845, divides the Upper Passaic River from the Lower Passaic River (Figure 1-1). The Upper Passaic River meanders across several geologic settings, draining urban, suburban, and rural portions of northern New Jersey. The Upper Passaic River watershed is 805 square miles (defined at the dam for the purpose of the RI and FFS) and includes approximately 1,200 Known Contaminated Sites, 3 Chromate Waste Sites, 15 National Priorities List (NPL) sites and 200 Toxic Release Inventory Facilities as defined by USEPA and NJDEP. 8 However, very few of these contaminated sites discharge directly into the Passaic River. The cumulative effect of these and other natural and anthropogenic watershed contaminant sources forms a background contaminant discharge over Dundee Dam into the Lower Passaic River. The physical boundary of the dam isolates the proximal Dundee Lake and other Upper Passaic River sediments from any Lower Passaic River influences, including releases from the former Diamond Alkali facility in Newark. The proximity of these sediments to the proposed remediation area and demonstrated geochemical connection to a portion of the Lower Passaic River sediment contamination means that they are representative of “background” for the Lower Passaic River for the purposes of the risk characterization for this FFS. The contaminant concentrations in recently-deposited Dundee Lake sediments are representative of the contaminant burden carried by the Upper Passaic River’s suspended solids into the Lower Passaic River; therefore the recently-deposited sediments of Dundee Lake were chosen to be the background location for the FFS. The Lower Passaic River flows through some of the most urbanized and industrialized areas of New Jersey, including the city of Newark. Approximately 2.8 million people reside in the New Jersey counties of Essex, Bergen, Hudson, and Passaic, which surround the Lower Passaic River (United States Census Bureau, 2010). Existing land use adjoining the FFS Study Area is 8 Geographic information system (GIS) data for the 2007 NPL were obtained from the USEPA at Data for the list of 2005 Known Contaminated Sites were obtained from NJDEP at For this compilation, hazardous sites in the FFS Study Area were identified using the Known Contaminated Site list and the Chromate Waste Site datasets provided by the NJDEP and the NPL, and the Toxic Release Inventory Facility lists provided by the USEPA. The Known Contaminated Site list includes sites where soil and groundwater contamination have been identified or are suspected. The Chromate Waste Sites list identifies site-specific chromate contamination to the soil or groundwater. The NPL sites are a subset of these hazardous waste sites and are associated with the USEPA Superfund program. Lastly, sites identified on the Toxic Release Inventory Facility list have used or stored toxic chemicals, have released such chemicals to the environment by air, water or land, or have been subject to any combination of these. These hazardous waste sites may include complex industrial sites, small underground storage tank sites or homeowner sites. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-4 2014 primarily developed (i.e., 85 percent of the area is classified as urban), while forests, wetlands, and other land uses comprise the remaining 15 percent. Intensive commercial and industrial uses occur near the mouth of the Lower Passaic River and around portions of Newark Bay, in part to take advantage of the multi-modal transportation infrastructure that includes roadway, railway, air, and marine transportation services. Proceeding upstream from approximately RM4, the Lower Passaic River continues to include commercial uses, but also starts to include more recreational and residential uses. The banks of the FFS Study Area between RM1 and RM7 consist of bulkheads and riprap (70 to 80 percent), bulkheads or bulkhead with overhanging vegetation (10 to 30 percent) and aquatic vegetation (5 percent) (Tierra Solutions Inc. [TSI], 2002; Windward Environmental, 2011). Mudflats within the FFS Study Area total approximately 100 acres 9. The FFS Study Area is connected to the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary and the Hackensack River through Newark Bay. Newark Bay (approximately 6 miles long and 1 mile wide) extends southward from the confluence of the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers and is connected to Upper New York Bay by the Kill Van Kull and to Raritan Bay by the Arthur Kill. Although originally a shallow tidal estuary, deep navigation channels are maintained in Newark Bay to provide oceangoing container ship access to the Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal along the bay’s western side. These navigation channels originally extended northward from Newark Bay into the Lower Passaic River and the Hackensack River, but the channels in the northern end of the bay and the rivers have not been maintained for decades. The NY/NJ Harbor Estuary encompasses an area of over 16,000 square miles, making it one of the largest estuaries on the east coast of the United States. The estuary encompasses several major water bodies, including the Hudson River, Raritan River, Upper and Lower New York Bay, and Newark Bay and the tributaries to Newark Bay, including the Lower Passaic River (Figure 1-2). Lower New York Bay is the primary means of marine access to Upper New York Bay and to the Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal in Newark Bay. 9 According to Table 3-3 of the Cooperating Parties Group (CPG) habitat survey (Windward Environmental, 2011), the mudflat acreage is 117 acres. For the Mitigation Study in Appendix F GIS measurements were made based on NOAA maps, resulting in a calculation of 101 acres of mudflats between RM0 and RM8.3. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-5 2014 Because of the relationship between the Lower Passaic River and the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary, contaminated solids originating in the Lower Passaic River are distributed to the estuary and back again by tidal action. It is important to understand how the estuary operates (i.e., how the Lower Passaic River connects to the estuary and how contaminated solids are transported through the system) in order to evaluate how best to remediate the sediments of the FFS Study Area. Three Conceptual Site Models (CSMs) have been developed for the Lower Passaic River: 1) a CSM of the physical and chemical aspects of the system, 2) a human health CSM and 3) an ecological CSM. The physical and chemical CSM is described in Chapter 6 of the RI Report. The human health and ecological CSMs are described in Chapter 7 of the RI Report. 1.2.2 Site History The Passaic River was one of the major centers of the American industrial revolution, starting two centuries ago. By the end of the 19th century, a multitude of industrial operations, such as manufactured gas plants, paper manufacturing and recycling facilities, petroleum refineries, pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers, and others had sprung up along the river’s banks as the cities of Newark and Paterson grew. These industries and municipalities often discharged wastewater directly to the river. Over 100 of the industrial facilities have been identified as potentially responsible for discharging a number of contaminants to the river, including, but not limited to, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and furans, PCB mixtures, PAH compounds, Total DDx and other pesticides, mercury, lead and other metals. An important component of the development and urbanization of the Lower Passaic River was the channelization of the river, which permitted commercial vessels better access into the city of Newark from Newark Bay and the Kills. Several large dredging projects were undertaken by USACE at the end of the nineteenth century to create a federally-authorized navigation channel from RM0 to RM15.4. The various periods of dredging listed in Table 1-1 show the frequency of maintenance and channel expansion activities. Note that for RM4.6 to RM7.1, the authorized Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-6 2014 depth was 20 feet but the channel was only constructed to a depth of 16 feet below mean low water (MLW). The volumes of sediments removed each year by dredging were recorded by the USACE and summarized by Iannuzzi et al. (2002). These dredging data are presented graphically in Figure 1-3 to show the volume of sediment removed by maintenance dredging over the years. The figure also highlights the portion of the dredged volume removed from the Lower Passaic River below RM2. Over time, the total volume of sediments removed by dredging has declined. Since the 1940s, approximately 85 percent of the material removed from the river (in limited dredging projects) has been taken from below RM2 (Figure 1-3). Maintenance dredging of the channel ceased in 1930-32 (RM7 to RM8), 1937-50 (RM2 to RM7) and 1983 (RM0 to RM2), resulting in the accumulation of a large volume of sediments and yielding an average rate of deposition substantially greater than would naturally occur if there were no navigation channel. The coincidence of chemical disposal in the river along with the infilling of the navigation channel created an ideal situation for contaminated sediments to accumulate in the Lower Passaic River. In addition to various other accidental and intentional releases to the Lower Passaic River, the river was significantly impacted by releases from a former manufacturing facility located at 80 Lister Avenue in Newark, NJ (near RM3), which began producing DDT and other products in the 1940s. Between 1951 and 1969, the facility was operated by Diamond Alkali Company (later purchased by and merged into Occidental Chemical Corporation [OCC]), which used the facility for the production of the defoliant chemical known as “Agent Orange,” among other products. A by-product of this manufacturing process was 2,3,7,8-TCDD, which was released into the river. After investigations by the NJDEP and USEPA, the facility was listed on the National Priorities List in 1984. A Record of Decision (ROD) was issued in 1987, which selected an interim containment remedial action consisting of capping, subsurface slurry walls and a groundwater treatment system. This remedial action was implemented under a judicial Consent Decree by OCC and the property owner, Chemical Land Holdings, now known as TSI. Construction of the interim remedial action was completed in 2001. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-7 2014 In 1994, OCC (with TSI performing the work on OCC’s behalf) agreed to investigate a six-mile stretch (RM1 to RM7) of the Lower Passaic River, under USEPA oversight. The sampling results from this investigation showed that sediments contaminated with hazardous substances move into and out of the six-mile stretch leading USEPA, in 2002, to expand its investigation to include the entire 17-mile tidal stretch of the Passaic River, from Dundee Dam to Newark Bay. In 2004, USEPA signed a settlement agreement with a group of potentially responsible parties named the Cooperating Parties Group (CPG) in which they agreed to pay for the LPRSA RI/FS. The settlement agreement was amended in 2005 and 2007, adding more group members to reach a total of over 70 potentially responsible parties (Figure 1-4). In 2007, the CPG entered into a separate administrative order on consent (AOC) in which they agreed to take over the performance of the LPRSA RI/FS from USEPA. In 2004, USEPA and OCC signed an AOC in which OCC agreed to conduct a RI/FS of Newark Bay, under USEPA oversight. As with the 1994 agreement, TSI is performing the work on OCC’s behalf. The study of Newark Bay is underway. In June 2008, USEPA, OCC and TSI signed an AOC for a non-time-critical removal of contaminated sediments from the Lower Passaic River under USEPA oversight (Tierra Removal). The Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Removal Action Docket No. 02-2008-2020 (USEPA, 2008) called for 200,000 cubic yards (cy) of contaminated sediment to be taken out of the river adjacent to the former Diamond Alkali facility at 80 Lister Avenue in Newark, NJ. This sediment is known to have the highest levels of dioxin measured to date in the Lower Passaic River (maximum 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations of 9,410 ppb at depth). OCC agreed to remove and dispose of the sediment in two phases. In Phase 1, approximately 40,000 cy of sediment were dredged and dewatered at an upland processing facility and shipped off-site for treatment and disposal. Phase 1 operations were completed in 2012. For Phase 2 (160,000 cy of sediment), the agreement contemplates the siting of a confined disposal facility (CDF) as a receptacle for the dredged materials. Phase 2 work is expected to undergo a separate engineering study and proposal to be submitted for public review Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-8 2014 and comment at a later date. The target quantities for both phases are based on removal of the uppermost 12 feet of sediments within the Action Areas delineated (see Figure 1-5). In June 2012, USEPA and the CPG signed an agreement for a time-critical removal action to address the risks posed by high concentrations of dioxins and PCBs (and other contaminants) found at the surface of a mudflat on the east bank of the river at RM10.9 in Lyndhurst, NJ (RM10.9 Removal). The AOC for Removal Action, CERCLA Docket No. 02-2012-2015 (USEPA, 2012) called for removing the volume of sediment necessary to place an engineered cap over the identified contaminated sediments thereby reducing exposure and preventing migration of the contaminants to other parts of the river. Dredging was performed in 2013 and capping is on-going in 2014. The removal action is not a final remedy; a final decision for RM10.9 will be made by USEPA as part of remedy selection for the LPRSA, to be set forth in the LPRSA Record of Decision. 1.2.3 Nature and Extent of Contamination The Lower Passaic River’s cross-sectional area declines steadily from RM0 to RM17.4, with a pronounced narrowing at RM8.3. At that location, a change in sediment texture is also observed. The river bed below RM8.3 is dominated, from bank-to-bank, by fine-grained sediment material (silts) with pockets of coarser material (sand and gravel). Above RM8.3, the bed is predominantly coarser sediments with smaller areas of silt, often located outside the channel as shown in Figures 1-6a through 1-6c. About 85 percent of the surface area and, about 90 percent of the volume of fine-grained materials (silts) in the Lower Passaic River are located below RM8.3. Due to a combination of a wider cross-section and a deeper federally–authorized navigation channel below RM8.3 (16 to 30 feet) than the channel above RM8.3 (10 feet), thicker and wider beds of contaminated sediments accumulated below RM8.3 than above. The contaminants of potential concern (COPCs) and contaminants of potential ecological concern (COPECs) shown in the following table tend to bind tightly to fine sediment particles. Therefore, the majority of COPCs and COPECs tend to be found in areas that are predominantly comprised of fine sediments, which, for the Lower Passaic River, are the lower 8.3 miles, the FFS Study Area. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-9 2014 Descriptive Statistics for COPC and COPEC Concentrations in Surface Sediments of the FFS Study Area (0 to 6-inch samples) COPC or COPEC Minimum Maximum Mean Median 2,3,7,8-TCDD (ρg/g) 0.09 34,100 970 280 Total TCDD (ρg/g) 2.2 37,900 1,210 400 Total PCBs (µg/kg) 0.10 28,600 1,700 1,000 Total DDx (µg/kg) 0.32 10,200 240 99 Dieldrin (µg/kg) 0.01 150 11 5.3 Chlordane (µg/kg) 0.05 250 36 30 Total PAHs (mg/kg) 0.21 2,800 48 31 Mercury (mg/kg) 0.05 16.2 2.8 2.3 Copper (mg/kg) 12 2,470 190 170 Lead (mg/kg) 4.4 906 260 240 Notes: 1. 2. ρg/g = picograms per gram or parts per trillion (ppt); µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram or parts per billion (ppb); mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram or parts per million (ppm). Statistics based on 1995 to 2012 data. The Lower Passaic River is a partially-stratified estuary with a tidally-driven salt wedge that pushes upstream from Newark Bay into the river, under a top layer of fresher water flowing in from the Upper Passaic River over Dundee Dam. Near the upstream limit of the salt wedge is a cloud of suspended sediments called an estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM). During low flow conditions, the salt wedge and ETM reach as far upstream as approximately RM12, while during storm events, they may be pushed out to Newark Bay. Under typical flow conditions, the salt wedge and ETM are usually located between RM2 and RM10, and move back and forth along about 4 miles of the river each tidal cycle (twice a day). The movement of the salt wedge and ETM causes surface sediments to resuspend and redeposit on each tidal cycle, resulting in longitudinal mixing of the surface sediments, so that, while there is a broad range of concentration values present at the surface (typically two orders of magnitude variations or more), there is little or no trend in COPC and COPEC median concentrations on recentlydeposited sediments by river mile from RM2 to RM12 (see RI Figures 4-3, 4-12, 4-17b, 4-32b, Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-10 2014 4-47b). This lack of trend in median concentration from RM2 to RM12 is also apparent even when all surface sediment data are considered (see RI Figures 4-2, 4-11, 4-17a, 4-32a, 4-47a). As noted previously, 85 percent of the surface area and 90 percent of the volume of fine sediments are located in the FFS Study Area, so that there is much less contaminated silt above RM8.3 than below RM8.3, even though median surface concentrations from RM2 to RM12 are very similar. In addition, data show that between RM0 and RM8.3 surface sediments in channel and shoal areas are comparably contaminated, exhibiting similar median concentrations and similar concentration ranges (see RI Figures 4-7a and b, 4-14a and b, 4-23a and b, 4-38a and b, 4-57a and b). When maintenance dredging first declined and then stopped in the 1950s (above RM2) to 1983 (between RM0 and RM2), sediment infilling rates in the deep anthropogenic channel were relatively high (on the order of several inches per year) and coincided with a period of highly active industrial discharges, so that the deepest sediments are the most highly contaminated. Then, in the 1970s-80s, industrial discharges declined under Clean Water Act (CWA) regulations and the channel began to fill with less contaminated solids, leading to a slow decline in concentrations in sediments deposited since 1980. Since the 2000s, however, the in-fill rate of the channel has slowed and the river has begun to reach a quasi-steady state, with overall rates of deposition slowing considerably and alternating with some scouring, particularly during high flow events. This condition means that the river is not steadily filling with “cleaner” sediments from outside the FFS Study Area. Daily tidal action resuspends and redeposits the contaminated surface sediments, while occasional scouring during high flow events uncovers and resuspends deeper, more highly-contaminated sediments. As a result, contaminant concentrations in the surface sediments have been declining extremely slowly in recent years. Sampling from 1995 through 2012 confirms that median contaminant concentrations in FFS Study Area surface sediment have remained almost unchanged over the 17 year period (see RI Figures 4-8, 4-9, 415, 4-26, 4-27, 4-28, 4-39, 4-40, 4-41, 4-58, 4-59, 4-60, 4-61, and 4-62), even though industrial sources along the river have declined and generally ceased discharging. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-11 2014 Lateral Extent and Temporal Trend of Surface Sediment Contamination The analysis of surface sediment contamination in the Lower Passaic River has provided a series of observations that form much of the basis for the CSM. These observations provide insight into the processes at work in the Lower Passaic River that govern the fate and transport of the contaminants found there. This analysis and the conclusions that follow are based on a review of data from 12 different studies of sediment contamination in the Lower Passaic River, involving sampling intervals ranging from 0 to 1 inch to 0 to 6 inches thick. These conclusions are supported by the information presented in RI Report Chapter 4 as well as in Data Evaluation Report No. 4 in Appendix A. • Surface concentrations are locally variable but largely without trend in river mile from RM2 to RM12. Of note, concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in 0 to 6 inch samples can vary over 4 orders of magnitude within a single river mile interval. However, 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations in recently-deposited sediments vary less than a factor of 3 from RM2 to RM12, slowly and regularly increasing in value moving upstream. This gradual increase is further reduced when concentrations are normalized to Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Other compounds show similar distributions, with highly variable local concentrations but little variation in the concentrations measured in recently-deposited sediments from RM2 to RM12. • When Upper Passaic River contamination on recently-deposited sediments is less than that of the Lower Passaic River (e.g., for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total TCDD, dieldrin and chromium), an increasing concentration gradient occurs from RM17.4 to RM12. • When downstream contamination is less than that of the Lower Passaic River, a decreasing concentration gradient occurs from RM2 to RM0 and sometimes extends to the southern end of Newark Bay (e.g., for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total TCDD, dieldrin and chromium). • Normalization to TOC for organics further reduces concentration variation and any trend with river mile from RM2 to RM12 within the Lower Passaic River for Beryllium-7 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-12 2014 (Be-7) 10 bearing (i.e., recently-deposited) sediments. However, normalization does little to reduce variability in 0 to 6 inch results from samples in depositional locations. This is because 0 to 6 inch samples tend to incorporate much older materials (pre-1990s), which are generally more contaminated, thus reducing the interpretative value of normalization. Based on TOC-normalized contaminant concentrations, little difference exists between shoal and channel areas. • Some component of the concentration gradient above RM12 is due to the greatly reduced presence of fine-grained sediment in this region. In some instances, normalization to TOC or iron largely eliminates the gradient for recently-deposited sediments, indicating that the Upper Passaic River is contributing contaminant concentrations on a fine-grained particle basis that are comparable to those observed in the Lower Passaic River for contaminants such as PAHs, dieldrin and Total chlordane. • For metal contaminants, normalization to iron reduces sample-to-sample variability, often fairly substantially, and typically more than TOC normalization does for organic contaminants, indicating that fine-grained sediment content may control metal contamination levels more closely than organic contamination levels. • Iron-normalized data in RM2 to RM12 exhibit significantly reduced variability for cadmium, chromium, copper, and lead. Sample to sample variability for cadmium, chromium, and copper was + 15 percent or less of the mean value for RM2 to RM12. For lead, the variability was reduced to + 20 percent. Variation in mercury concentrations is larger (roughly +45 percent) and was not reduced by normalization to iron. The reason for the lack of improvement in mercury variation has not been explored. • The low variability in recently-deposited sediments indicates that tidal mixing homogenizes water column fine-grained suspended matter contaminant burdens (i.e., the particles that are the source of these recently-deposited sediments). That is, water column concentrations of metals on fine-grained suspended matter vary less than + 20 percent between RM2 and RM12 (when averaged over a 6 to 12 month period, which is the measurement period for Be-7). It is likely that water column concentrations of organic 10 Be-7 is a naturally occurring radionuclide with a half-life of 53 days. It is detectable in sediments within approximately 4 to 5 half-lives of deposition, or about 6-12 months. Be-7 bearing sediment samples settled out of the water column in the last 6-12 months and are considered recently-deposited sediments (see Data Evaluation Report No. 3 in Appendix A). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-13 2014 contaminants have a similarly low range of variability over this region, based on the similarly low variability noted in TOC-normalized samples. • Surface concentrations within RM2 to RM12 are affected by variations in fine-grained sediment content (i.e., percent fines). Most variation in fine-grained sediment content in surface sediments occurs above RM8.3, where most of the river bottom is characterized as sands and coarser sediment with pockets of fine-grained sediments. In RM2 to RM8.3, each contaminant shows comparable concentrations in channel and shoal areas, with local variations. No contaminant showed a systematic trend with river mile in RM2 to RM8.3. • Extreme values of the compounds of concern occurred somewhat randomly across the river bottom and do not always coincide with extreme values of other compounds of concern. These observations were noted in the 0 to 6 inch and 0 to 2 inch non-Be-7 bearing samples. The randomness of these values indicates that care is necessary in estimating local concentration averages. These extreme values are likely the result of differences in release history for the various compounds such that different compounds reach maximum values at different horizons with the sediment bed. Their presence at the riverbed surface is evidence for reworking (i.e., erosion and redeposition) of the sediment bed after initial deposition and burial. Alternatively, and particularly in the shallower shoals, their presence at the riverbed surface may be evidence for lack of burial subsequent to deposition 30 to 40 years ago. • Samples obtained from 0 to 6 inches integrate sediments over highly variable time scales, whereas Be-7 bearing samples represent just the last year of deposition or less. As a result, 0 to 6 inch samples have inherently more variable concentrations, incorporating deeper, more contaminated sediments. • The observations of parallel trends in median contaminant concentrations across the Lower Passaic River from both 0 to 6 inch samples and the Be-7 bearing sediments is the result of the estuarine processes at work in the river. The spatial distribution of the contaminants of concern in the Lower Passaic River is well explained by the occurrence of extensive tidal mixing and reworking of the sediment bed, generating locally variable concentrations as legacy sediments are exposed and reworked, while recent deposition is evenly contaminated over distances of several miles. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-14 2014 • Some compounds such as Total DDx, mercury and dieldrin appear to have lower surface concentrations in the 2008 to 2012 sampling period than in 1995, unlike 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Comparison of 0 to 6 inch samples indicates higher PAHs concentrations in 2008 to 2012 relative to 1995. These observations are inconsistent with those from the dated sediment cores (see Data Evaluation Report No. 3 in Appendix A) and probably result from analytical differences among sampling programs and over time. Analytical differences are not an issue for the dated sediment cores since a single analytical technique was used across all cores for all core layers for any given analyte. Based on these observations, the Lower Passaic River and its boundaries can be divided into the following regions for the purposes of the CSM of contaminant transport: • The Upper Passaic River exhibits a generally low level of contamination relative to the Lower Passaic River when viewed on a simple concentrations basis; the exception being PAHs. Normalized concentrations further reduce the differences between the Upper Passaic sediments for PCBs, dieldrin, and Total chlordane, which appear comparable to or higher than normalized levels in the Lower Passaic River. This indicates that the level of contamination in Upper Passaic River fine-grained sediment is comparable to levels found in recently-deposited Lower Passaic River sediments for PAHs, PCBs, dieldrin, and Total chlordane. Regardless of normalization, however, the Upper Passaic River is still orders of magnitude lower in 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations relative to the Lower Passaic River. • The RM12 to RM17.4 region is characterized by an increasing concentration gradient with decreasing river mile (two-orders of magnitude gradient in 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations). This is the result of the mixing of cleaner Upper Passaic solids with more contaminated resuspended solids originating in the Lower Passaic River. • The RM8.3 to RM12 region is characterized by highly variable contaminant concentrations but little-to-no trend in concentration with river mile. Some of the concentration variability can be explained by variations in fine-grained sediment content. In particular, the RM8.3 to RM12 region has wide areas of coarse-grained sediments and Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-15 2014 relatively few areas of fine-grained sediments. Higher contaminant concentrations occur primarily in fine-grained sediments in this region. • The RM2 to RM8.3 region is also characterized by highly variable contaminant concentrations but has a stronger central tendency to the distribution compared to the RM8.3 to RM12 region, with many samples close to the median concentration for each contaminant. This is attributed in part to the more spatially extensive fine-grained sediment texture that is characteristic of this region. There is little area characterized as coarse-grained in RM2 to RM8.3. Channel and shoal areas are comparably contaminated in this region, showing little difference in contaminant concentrations and little difference in sediment texture. • The RM0 to RM2 region is characterized by a shallow concentration gradient for most contaminants. Although shallow, this gradient is substantively steeper than any trend observed from RM2 to RM12. For 2,3,7,8-TCDD, the gradient in this region is much shallower than that observed in the RM12 to RM17.4 region. The gradient in the RM0 to RM2 region is attributed to the mixing of solids from Newark Bay into the Lower Passaic River as the result of tidal exchange. Like the region from RM2 to RM8.3, the channel and shoals of this region are also comparably contaminated. • Newark Bay is characterized by a decreasing gradient that begins at RM2 and extends south through the bay, as less contaminated solids from Upper New York Bay are mixed with solids from the Lower Passaic River. More information is presented in Tables 1-2 a, b and c, Chapter 4 of the RI Report and Data Evaluation Report No. 4 in Appendix A. Vertical Extent of Sediment Contamination As mentioned above, the coincidence of chemical disposal in the river, along with the infilling of the federally-authorized navigation channel when maintenance dredging stopped, created an ideal situation for the accumulation of contaminated sediments in the Lower Passaic River. Since many industries were most active in the decades when the navigation channel was first filling in, the highest contaminant concentrations tend to be found deeper down into the sediment bed (see Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-16 2014 Table 1-3). The total inventory of contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area is approximately 9.7 million cy. Low resolution sediment cores collected in 1995, 2006, and 2008 were used to assess the vertical extent of contamination in the FFS Study Area for five COPCs: 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs, Total PAHs, Total DDx, and mercury (see Table 1-3). The results show consistently greater depths of contamination in the channel relative to the shoals. The depth of contamination in the channel is about 12 feet for all contaminants examined, except Total PCBs. There are, however, thicker contaminated shoal areas immediately adjacent to certain historical discharges (such as the Tierra Removal footprint near the former Diamond Alkali plant at 80 Lister Avenue in Newark, NJ, which was dredged in 2012 as part of the Phase I Removal). The consistency of the depth of contamination for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PAHs, Total DDx, and mercury leads to the conclusion that these contaminants were already present in the Lower Passaic River in the 1950s and 1960s, when channel maintenance became more sporadic and eventually stopped. Based on the dated sediment cores, peak discharges of PCBs probably occurred after the 1950s. In the shoal areas, the depths of contamination are less consistent and probably reflect the interactions of the release histories, proximity to the sources, and the local rate of deposition. • A large number of the cores obtained for the FFS Study Area do not penetrate the entire thickness of contaminated sediment (i.e., incomplete cores) and thus provide limited information on the depth of contamination at these locations. • There are sufficient cores to provide an estimate of average depth of contamination in most river sections. In channel areas in the FFS Study Area, the depth of contamination compares well with the estimated thickness of contaminated sediment based on dredging history and post-dredging bathymetric changes. • Local measurements of the depth of contamination show the depth of contamination to vary widely throughout the river. This is attributed to local depositional and erosional histories and the continued reworking of the sediment bed to the present time. • Based on the sediment profiles, mercury and Total PAHs are present at the greatest depths, followed by 2,3,7,8-TCDD and then by Total PCBs. This sequence is considered Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-17 2014 to represent the relative age of the contaminants in the FFS Study Area, from oldest to youngest. • The depth of contamination is greatest in the FFS Study Area relative to other areas of the LPRSA. This is attributed to the greater dredging depths in the FFS Study Area relative to other regions of the river. More information is presented in Chapter 4 of the RI Report. Surface Water The water column serves as a means for the transport and dispersal of contaminants throughout the Lower Passaic River. In the context of the RI and FFS for the FFS Study Area, the water column has not been evaluated as a potential source of contamination but rather a medium whose contaminant inventory is transient and regularly replaced and replenished. The water column inventory at any moment represents a dynamic balance of the various loads and sinks connected to the water column. The high resolution sediment cores located at RM1.4, RM2.2, RM7.8, RM11, and RM12.6, collected in 2005 were used to examine contaminants in dated intervals as an indication of historical water quality changes in the Lower Passaic River. Nearly all contaminants reached significant maximum concentrations (indicating maximum water-borne loads) between the mid1950s and early 1970s. A few contaminants, like PAH compounds, exhibit earlier maxima. These cores also document the decline in contaminant concentrations in the water column to the present. Most contaminants, like 2,3,7,8-TCDD, mercury, and PCBs, exhibit a gradual concentration decline to the most recent layers. These declines were examined in light of the trends exhibited in the dated sediment core obtained above Dundee Dam, representing the background water-borne contaminant loads from the Upper Passaic River. The trend in this core along with concentrations from sediment traps and Be-7 bearing samples from the tributaries and suspended matter samples from the combined sewer overflows (CSOs), were used to describe baseline suspended matter concentrations and, by inference, baseline loads external to the Lower Passaic River. The dated sediment core profiles for the Lower Passaic River and the Upper Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-18 2014 Passaic River at Dundee Dam describe the chronologies of contaminant concentrations in the sediment. The dated cores show that even though industrial discharges of contamination to the LPRSA have been controlled under the CWA and other laws or regulations, annual sediment deposition remains highly contaminated. In particular, concentrations of most contaminants examined on recently-deposited sediments remain well above contaminant levels of any solids entering the LPRSA. For 2,3,7,8-TCDD, the concentrations on recently-deposited solids remain orders of magnitude above any external solids source. This observation in combination with the absence of substantive boundary loads leads to the conclusion that recently-deposited sediments are contaminated by the resuspension of contaminated legacy sediments from within the LPRSA. The dated cores also show the rate of contaminant concentration decline since 1980 to be quite slow, with a concentration half-time 11 of approximately 30 years for most contaminants, including 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Further, since 1980, these cores show close agreement in contaminant levels on depositing sediments from RM1.4 to RM12.6. The observation that concentrations and trends through time for many contaminants are consistent from RM1.4 to RM12.6 forms the foundation for the geochemical understanding of the Lower Passaic River. These observations can only be explained by a very active hydrodynamic system, where suspended solids are mixed over long distances prior to long-term deposition. This can be accomplished by either extensive mixing within the water column prior to deposition or by extensive temporary settling and remobilization/redeposition combined with water column mixing, repeatedly reworking settled solids. In either case, concentration gradients are largely smoothed out over relatively short periods of time, currently on the scale of 6 months to a year, yielding the observation of Be-7-bearing sediments with similar contaminant concentrations over a 10-mile segment of the Lower Passaic River between RM2 and RM12. 11 The use of the term “half- time” in this sense is not to imply decay or destruction of a contaminant over time, akin to the decay of a radionuclide. Rather, the term here is used to simply express a rate for the decline of contaminant concentrations in the solids accumulating at each coring location. Specifically, the half-time is the time required for the concentration of a given contaminant to decline to half of its current value. The processes that affect the decline are multifold, including many of the fluxes and processes that occur in an urban estuary. The “halftime” expression is just a means to encompass these processes and note their net effect on concentration through time. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-19 2014 The observation about concentrations and trends through time implies that the same sediment mixing processes currently responsible for the similarity in recently-deposited sediments have been operating since at least 1980. Lastly, the sustained slow rate of recovery observed in these dated sediment cores also indicates that absent remediation, it can be anticipated that surface sediment concentrations in the LPRSA and FFS Study Area will continue to decline in a similar slow fashion. As discussed earlier, daily tides mix, resuspend, and redeposit sediments, thereby reducing the variability in chemical concentrations in the recently-deposited surface sediments across the Lower Passaic River. Accordingly, suspended solids should possess the same contaminant pattern as the recently-deposited surface sediments. To evaluate this premise, suspended solids data from the Trace Organic Platform Sampler and Infiltrex samples collected during the large volume water column sampling event in 2005 were converted from mass of contaminant per liter of water to mass of contaminant per mass of suspended solids by dividing the contaminant concentrations by the TSS concentration of the whole water sample. In addition to these samples, the United States Geological Survey 2005 Water Monitoring Program data on pre-dredging conditions obtained during the Lower Passaic River Environmental Dredging Pilot Study conducted by NJDOT were also examined (The Louis Berger Group [LBG], 2012). Concentrations and patterns of contamination in suspended solids collected during large volume water column sampling were statistically compared to corresponding results in recentlydeposited sediments to assess their similarity. In general, the evaluations of these water column data were hindered by either a limited amount of data, undefined datasets, or data variability. Despite these issues, there are some important observations drawn from these datasets (see Data Evaluation Report No. 4 in Appendix A), including: • For dioxins, Total PCBs, Total DDx, mercury, lead, and Total PAHs the suspended-phase concentrations approximate the Be-7 bearing surficial sediment concentrations, demonstrating the close link between the two media due to tidally-driven resuspension and settling. The average suspended-phase concentration for 2,3,7,8-TCDD was 850 ρg/g while the average concentration on the Be-7 bearing surficial sediment was 640 ρg/g. The Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-20 2014 average suspended-phase concentrations for mercury and lead were 1 and 300 mg/kg, respectively, while the average concentrations on the Be-7 bearing surficial sediment were 2 and 250 mg/kg for mercury and lead, respectively. Total PCBs and Total DDx average concentrations on the suspended-phase were 1,000 mg/kg and 190 mg/kg, respectively. These concentrations are comparable to the Be-7 bearing surficial sediment concentrations of 1,000 mg/kg and 130 mg/kg for Total PCBs and Total DDx, respectively. • A principal components analysis performed on all classes of contaminants as part of the Empirical Mass Balance (EMB) model (Appendix C) further confirmed the hypothesis that the Be-7 bearing suspended solids possesses the same contaminant pattern as the recently-deposited surface sediments. • FFS Study Area contaminants in the water column are primarily borne by the suspended solids as opposed to the dissolved-phase. • The suspended solids and dissolved-phase both have a 2,3,7,8-TCDD/Total TCDD ratio of approximately 0.5 to 0.8, similar to that observed in the surface sediments of the Lower Passaic River, as would be expected given the close link between the two media. • The principal components analysis further suggests that the contaminant patterns and concentrations of recently-deposited Lower Passaic River sediment can be derived from a simple combination of the solids contamination patterns observed for Newark Bay, the Upper Passaic River, all the tributaries, CSOs/ storm water outfalls (SWOs), and the legacy sediments. This indicates that no additional sources are required to recreate the contaminant patterns and concentrations present in recently-deposited sediments, i.e., that all sources of contamination have been identified. Biota During the RI, two separate analyses were conducted to examine the impact of the sediment contamination in the Lower Passaic River on the existing biota: • An evaluation of the variation of fish and crab tissue concentrations over time and by river mile in the FFS Study Area. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-21 2014 • A multivariate regression on contaminant concentrations in fish and crab tissue and in sediment to establish a relationship among these media for different contaminants, for use in estimating fish and crab body burdens in response to surface sediment concentrations. Both analyses were conducted to examine the functional relationship between the sediment contamination in the Lower Passaic River and aquatic biota relevant to the risk assessment process. Overall, there were data for 26 fish species available in the project database considered in this analysis, derived from four main studies of the Lower Passaic River. Of these species, four were selected for detailed analysis based on the spatial and temporal availability of measurements, their importance to human consumption, and their trophic level (representing the Lower Passaic River estuarine food web). The four species selected for analysis were: • Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) • Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) • White perch (Morone americana) • American eel (Anguilla rostrata) The specific tissue sample types for each of these four species varied among studies and included whole body, skinless fillet, skin-on fillet, muscle, hepatopancreas, muscle/hepatopancreas, and “all edible tissue” but were grouped together when appropriate. For the sake of consistency across the various sampling programs, this analysis of contaminant concentrations in fish tissue examined whole body fish tissue samples only whereas for blue crab, this analysis examined samples labeled muscle/hepatopancreas, whole body soft tissue, and “all edible tissue”, which were considered equivalent for blue crab. Evaluations of the nature and extent and trends in contaminant concentrations over time for mummichog, American eel, white perch, and blue crab were conducted for a subset of contaminants that are considered to be most bioaccumulative, most persistent in the environment, and toxic to human and/or ecological receptors, namely, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, PCB 126, Total PCBs, Total DDx, dieldrin, Total chlordane, Low Molecular Weight (LMW) PAHs, High Molecular Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-22 2014 Weight (HMW) PAHs, copper, lead, and Total mercury. An analysis of the correlation between contaminant concentrations in biota tissue samples and the concentrations in corresponding sediment samples was conducted to determine site-specific sediment-tissue relationships (estimated biota sediment accumulation factors or bioaccumulation factors, as appropriate), as discussed in Data Evaluation Report No. 6 in Appendix A. This analysis was successful in obtaining strong sediment-tissue regressions for the most important contaminants with respect to risk, the chlorinated organic compounds. In the FFS Study Area, contaminant concentrations in fish and crab tissue have similar patterns and trends to those observed in the surface sediments. Spatially, there is a broad range of contaminant concentrations in fish and crab tissue (more than an order of magnitude), but there is little or no trend in COPC and COPEC median concentrations with river mile (see RI Figures 4-77 through 4-87). Local variation in tissue concentration is often an order of magnitude or more (i.e., maximum/minimum = 10 or more) while mean concentrations vary by about a factor of two (i.e., maximum/minimum = 2) and often less with river mile. For most contaminants, mean tissue concentrations gradually increase upstream, although trends are very weak and only marginally significant. For the organic contaminants, lipid-normalized tissue concentrations show less local variation than the absolute tissue concentrations, but still confirm observations of little trend of the mean lipid-normalized tissue concentrations with river mile. There are significant variations in the mean lipid content over time for three of the four species examined. Specifically, blue crab, mummichog and white perch all show decreased lipid concentrations with time. These lipid content variations help explain much of the study-to-study variation in organic contaminant tissue concentrations. This is important since concentrations of several organic contaminants otherwise appear to decline in biota tissue with time (without lipid normalization). Lipid-normalized contaminant concentrations in fish and crab tissue have not consistently increased or decreased with time over the period 1999 to 2010 (see Data Evaluation Report No. 6 in Appendix A). Concentrations of contaminants may increase over time in one species, while decreasing in another species, or even in another tissue type of the same species. The lack of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-23 2014 consistent trends over time across species and tissue type, as well as the lack of trend with river mile indicate that variations in contaminant concentrations in fish and crab tissue do not represent variations in the sediment COPC and COPEC concentrations to which the fish or crab are exposed, but are probably attributable to factors such as analytical differences among studies, variations in sample types (e.g., variations in number, size age or tissue type of specimens in a typical sample), seasonal variations in the time of collection or other environmental factors not related to long-term trends in sediment exposure concentrations. 1.2.4 Contaminant Fate and Transport The COPCs and COPECs of the Lower Passaic River are persistent and particle-reactive. As a result, the RI emphasized those factors which govern particle-water interactions. Pertinent physical and chemical properties of the COPCs and COPECs and the general chemical, physical, and biological transport mechanisms that govern their fate and transport are described below. Chemical Properties Affecting Contaminant Fate and Transport COPC and COPEC transport in the Lower Passaic River occurs through several processes, including: • Water-borne (dissolved phase) transport, both in surface water and in pore water; • Particle-borne (suspended matter) transport; • Burial in the sediments; • Resuspension of deposited sediments; • Bioturbation of sediments; • Volatilization into the atmosphere; and • Incorporation into the food chain. In addition to these transport processes, contaminant concentrations in the Lower Passaic River can be affected by chemical transformations such as in situ degradation and photolysis. As a group, the COPCs and COPECs in the Lower Passaic River tend to sorb to sediment particles, are resistant to biodegradation, volatilize slowly if at all, and bioaccumulate in aquatic Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-24 2014 organisms. Only the LMW PCBs and PAH compounds have non-negligible losses via gas exchange at the river’s surface. The most important chemical properties affecting the environmental fate of COPCs and COPECs in the Lower Passaic River are those affecting partitioning, which can be characterized by the organic carbon partitioning coefficient, the octanol-water partitioning coefficient, or the solid phase partitioning coefficient. Partitioning characteristics are also important factors influencing the accumulation of contaminants in biota, which can be described empirically as ratios of biota concentrations to exposure concentrations (i.e., the bioaccumulation factors or biota-sediment accumulation factors, and the bioconcentration factor). These properties and factors are summarized in Table 5-2 of the RI Report. Other chemical properties such as vapor pressure, Henry’s Law constant, the biodegradation rate, photolysis rate, and water solubility can also affect COPC and COPEC fate and transport to a lesser degree. Physical Transport Interactions The Lower Passaic River is a tidal estuary connected to the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary and the Hackensack River through Newark Bay. It is a partially-stratified estuary where freshwater and solids flow from the Upper Passaic River downriver to Newark Bay. The tidal currents and freshwater discharges are the main mechanisms for contaminant transport in the Lower Passaic River. These currents move water, sediment, and their associated contaminants along the length of the estuary, while also delivering contaminants to Newark Bay or depositing them in portions of the Lower Passaic River bed. Hydrologic conditions in both Newark Bay and the river bed are such that contaminants may be returned from these areas to the water column of the Lower Passaic River. Depending on the contaminant, transport may take place as either dissolved or suspended solids-borne phases or both. The actual distribution for each COPC/COPEC in the water column is a function of partition coefficients described in Table 5- 2 of the RI Report and the water column concentration of particulate and dissolved organic matter, and the grain size of the particulate matter. Note that organic carbon, aluminum and iron can be used as surrogates for particulate grain size. For metals, factors affecting speciation are also important. Refer to Chapter 3 of the RI Report for a more detailed discussion of stream flow characteristics and physical movement of sediment particles as suspended solids in the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-25 2014 Contaminants sorbed to sediments and organic matter may be transported as suspended matter or as bedload during higher flow events. Fine-grained material, such as silts and clays, will generally be entrained in the water column as suspended solids. Due to their high surface area per unit mass and their high organic carbon content, silts and clays tend to have higher contaminant concentrations than coarser materials, such as sand. As water velocities increase due to storm events or seasonal runoff, coarser-grained material (medium to coarse-grained sand or larger particles) become suspended and/or move along the river bottom as bedload. During these events, fine-grained deposited material and associated contaminants may become mobilized and transported downstream as suspended matter, which eventually settles and deposits along the length of the Lower Passaic River. In the Lower Passaic River, bottom sediments are subject to repeated resuspension, returning the contaminated solids to the water column for redistribution by tidally driven currents. High flows resulting from large storm events can also result in erosion and redistribution of contaminated sediments in the Lower Passaic River. Within Newark Bay, chemical and sediment transport occurs through tidally-driven currents as well as wind-driven currents and wave action. Note that wind-driven currents and wave action are not important factors in contaminant transport in the Lower Passaic River. With the exception of LMW PCBs and PAHs where atmospheric exchange may represent a more important transport process, most of the organic COPCs and COPECs of the Lower Passaic River persist in the estuary. Biological Transport Interactions The important biological processes that affect long-term COPC and COPEC persistence in sediments include bioturbation of sediments, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation (i.e., increase in contaminant concentration from the environment to the first organism in a food chain). Sediment bioturbation will generally accelerate degradation rates of organic compounds through oxygenation of surface sediments. Although biodegradation of chlorinated compounds such as PCBs, pesticides, and dioxin can occur via anaerobic dechlorination, this process is generally limited to fresh water; the abundance of chloride ions potentially inhibits the process in saline waters. Microbial PCB dechlorination is widespread in many anaerobic environments, including freshwater (pond, lake, and river) (Bedard and Quensen 1995; Wiegel and Wu 2000), estuarine (Brown and Wagner 1990; Tiedje et al., 1993), and marine sediments (Ofjord et al,. 1994) for Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-26 2014 congeners with up to 10 chlorine substituents (Hartkamp-Commandeur et al,. 1996), although other authors report dechlorination occurring for up to 7 (Quensen et al,. 1990), 8 (Abramowicz 1990; Kuipers et al., 1999), or 9 (Kuipers et al., 1999) chlorines only. Metals are not subject to biodegradation although biological activity can mediate metal speciation. Examples of such speciation are conversion of biologically available lead oxides or carbonates to less bioavailable lead sulfides and the conversion of ionic mercury to more bioavailable methyl mercury. Benthic infauna reside in the upper strata of sediment in the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay and mix sediment throughout their life cycles. The depth of sediment that is susceptible to mixing varies with the sediment grain size, density, sediment chemistry, bottom current velocity, and type of habitat available. Benthic insect larvae ingest bulk sediment and strip detritus from the surface of the particles. Dioxins and PCBs (and other chlorinated compounds) partitioned to sediments may enter into the food web principally from uptake of sediment solids (Capel and Eisenrich, 1990). Bioaccumulation occurs in an organism when the uptake rate exceeds the organism’s ability to remove the chemical through metabolic functions, dilution, or excretion, so that the excess chemical is stored in the body of the organism. One result of bioaccumulation may be biomagnification of the chemical up the food chain. Biomagnification occurs at the upper end of the food chain when the chemicals are passed from one organism to another through consumption (e.g., phytoplankton contain low levels of PCBs which are passed to the fish and ultimately to piscivorous birds or humans). Fate and Transport Modeling Contaminant transport was evaluated using an EMB Model developed for the Lower Passaic River, as well as adaptations of existing numerical models. The EMB is a receptor-type chemical mass balance model, where the total contaminant mass present in the sediments of the receptor (i.e., the recently-deposited, Be-7 bearing sediments in the Lower Passaic River) is the sum of the mass contributions from the individual sources. The EMB provides a quantitative mechanism to estimate the importance of each potential source of COPCs and COPECs to the Lower Passaic River, examining the portion of the river between RM2 and RM12. The results of the EMB show Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-27 2014 that the primary (dominant) source of contamination to recently-deposited sediments of the Lower Passaic River is the resuspension of legacy contaminated sediments for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, PCBs, pesticides, and metals. The Upper Passaic River and Newark Bay are the major external sources to the contaminant burden in recently-deposited sediments but typically contribute much less to the contaminant burden in recently-deposited sediments than legacy sediments (see table below). The EMB results show that the Upper Passaic River was the primary source of PAHs and a secondary source of PCBs, pesticides, copper, and lead (with resuspension of Passaic River mainstem sediments as the primary source of the latter four contaminants). Newark Bay is shown to be a secondary source for mercury. Contributions by tributaries, CSOs, and SWOs to the Lower Passaic River are less than 10 percent for any individual source for any contaminant and typically less than 10 percent in total. Contributions from the various sources are summarized below. Lower Passaic Upper Passaic Newark Bay Tributaries CSOs-SWOs River River (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) Resuspension (percent) Solids 32 14 6 1 48 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0 3 0 0 97 Total TCDD 3 5 0 0 92 Total PCBs 11 6 1 0 81 DDE 10 8 3 1 78 Copper 14 12 1 1 72 Mercury 11 14 0 0 75 Lead 19 7 2 2 71 Chlordane 32 3 11 3 52 Benzo(a)pyrene 53 7 5 1 33 Fluoranthene 47 5 6 2 40 The legacy sediments of the FFS Study Area are the primary (dominant) driver of the highly contaminated surface sediments and biota of the Lower Passaic River with active tidal exchange and storm events. The legacy sediments of the FFS Study Area also distribute contamination to Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-28 2014 Newark Bay and the rest of the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. The results of the EMB were used to provide insight and constraints to the application of the numerical models. In addition to the EMB, a numerical modeling approach using a mechanistic model (Lower Passaic River-Newark Bay [LPR-NB] Model) was developed largely from an existing NY/NJ Harbor-wide model 12 to understand the complex fate and transport of contaminants in the estuary and to predict future sediment and surface water contaminant concentrations under various remedial alternatives. The LPR-NB Model consists of a series of linked hydrodynamic (ECOM), sediment transport (ECOM-SEDZLJS), organic carbon production and transport (ST-SWEM) and contaminant fate and transport (RCATOX) models (see Appendix B). To understand the fate and transport of sediments within the FFS Study Area, box diagrams showing model results for the annual inputs and sinks in metric tons per year (MT/yr) into the portion of river between RM0.9 and RM8.3 were plotted for a high flow year (water year 13 2011), a low flow year (water year 2002), and the overall annual average over the calibration period (see RI Figure 5-1). The flux to Newark Bay was approximated at RM0.9, where the river widens on its approach to the bay. Based on the model results, the following observations can be made about the fate and transport of sediments in the FFS Study Area: • Over the 17-year simulation period, the gross internal processes of resuspension and deposition are approximately 100 to 220 times greater than the net exchange of solids at the boundaries of the FFS Study Area (i.e., at RM8.3 and at RM0 [or mouth of Newark Bay]). The large gross internal recycling of sediments within the FFS Study Area (as compared to the inputs from above RM8.3 and the flux to Newark Bay) is one of the factors responsible for the slow recovery of contaminant concentrations observed in surface sediments. The inputs from the CSOs and SWOs are negligible relative to all of the other internal and external sources. • The sediment fluxes during high flow (storm) events are orders of magnitude greater than the corresponding fluxes under low flow conditions. 12 13 Contaminant Assessment and Reduction Program (CARP) model (HydroQual, 2007). A “water year” is defined as the 12-month period from October 1st of any given year through September 30th of the following year. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-29 2014 • Under low flow conditions (water year 2002), the internal flux of resuspension and deposition is on the order of 870,000 MT/yr and the FFS Study Area is a net source of solids contributing about 1,000 MT/yr to Newark Bay and approximately 2000 MT/yr are transported above RM8.3. • Under high flow conditions (water year 2011), the internal flux of resuspension and deposition is on the order of 49 million MT/yr. Approximately 200,000 MT/yr are transported into the FFS Study Area from the upstream area of RM8.3 to RM17.4 and 140,000 MT/yr are transported into Newark Bay. • Over the calibration period, the average flux of resuspension and deposition is on the order of 5 million MT/yr. Approximately 47,000 MT/yr are delivered to the FFS Study Area from the upstream area of RM8.3 to RM17.4 and 21,000 MT/yr are transported into Newark Bay. The purpose of the ST-SWEM sediment transport-organic carbon production model is to calculate how organic carbon is being produced, decayed, and transported through the Passaic River. This is important because hydrophobic organic contaminants such as PCBs, dioxin/furans, pesticides, and PAHs bind to particulate organic carbon (POC) on the sediment, and to a lesser extent dissolved organic carbon (DOC). RCATOX incorporates the chemical kinetics and thermodynamics for each compound with the external loadings, hydrodynamics and sediment transport into a water quality model framework. RCATOX helps understand the fate and transport of contaminants within the Lower Passaic River, as well as the export to and import from Newark Bay and other portions of the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary (see Appendix B). To understand the fate and transport of contaminants within the FFS Study Area, model results of overall average annual inputs and sinks of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs, Total DDx, and mercury were evaluated over the calibration period. Note that this period included both high and low flows, and in particular the Hurricane Irene event in August 2011. In general, the mechanistic model produced results that are consistent with empirical evaluation. Specifically, both analyses indicate that the gross recycling of legacy sediments in the FFS Study area is the primary source of contamination in the Lower Passaic River. The model results also indicate that the Lower Passaic River is a significant source of COPCs and COPECs to Newark Bay. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-30 2014 Contributions from Lower Passaic River tributaries and CSOs are small relative to in-river fluxes. The net fluxes computed by the mechanistic model above RM8.3 are smaller relative to the gross recycling of contaminants in the FFS Study Area. Overall, for the calibration period, the average annual flux from internal recycling of resuspension and deposition processes within the FFS Study area is 3 to 10 times greater than the flux generated upstream of the FFS Study Area. This internal recycling of sediments likely controls the surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area. The relatively small flux from the upstream portion between RM8.3 and RM17.4 mixes with the large gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area and a large component is redeposited in the FFS Study Area. 1.2.5 Baseline Risk Assessment The human health risk assessment (HHRA) and the baseline ecological risk assessment (BERA) were conducted following a streamlined approach based on USEPA Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) (1989; 1997; 1998a; 2001a, 2001b, 2001c) and other appropriate USEPA risk assessment guidance, guidelines, and policies. Consistent with RAGS, these assessments focused on providing sufficient information to evaluate potential remedial actions, establish RAOs and PRGs, and evaluate reductions in risk associated with the various remedial options for the FFS Study Area sediments. The HHRA and BERA are presented in Appendix D. Separate baseline human health and ecological risk assessments are being prepared to support decisionmaking during the conduct of the comprehensive RI/FS for the entire 17-mile LPRSA, which is currently underway. Human Health Risk Assessment Based on the results of Superfund HHRAs conducted for other river sites with bioaccumulative COPCs, such as dioxins and PCBs, (e.g., Hudson River [TAMS Consultants, Inc., and Gradient Corporation, 2000]; Housatonic River [Weston Solutions, 2005]; Centredale Manor Woonasquatucket River [USEPA Region 1, 2005]) consumption of fish and shellfish (e.g., crabs) is anticipated to be associated with the highest cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards compared to ingestion, dermal contact or inhalation of chemicals in surface water or sediment during recreational exposures. Despite New Jersey’s fish and crab consumption advisories, and prohibitions on taking blue crabs in the Newark Bay Complex, individuals are known to catch Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-31 2014 fish and crab along the river banks and from docks and bulkheads (NJDEP, 1995; May and Burger, 1996; Burger et al., 1999; Kirk-Pflugh et al., 1999 and 2011). The HHRA evaluated exposure of the adult angler/sportsman and other family members (i.e., an adolescent aged 7 to 18 years and a child aged 1 to 6 years) to COPCs associated with the consumption of self-caught fish and blue crab from the FFS Study Area. The HHRA determined that the total cancer risks to the combined adult and child are 5 × 10-3 and 2 × 10-3 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (based on reasonable maximum exposure [RME]). These risks are greater than the risk range established in the NCP of 1 × 10-4 (one in ten thousand) to 1 × 10-6 (one in one million). Total non-cancer health hazards to the adult are 126 and 43 for fish and crab consumption, respectively. For the adolescent, the total non-cancer health hazards are 113 and 38 for fish and crab consumption, respectively. Similarly, for the child the total non-cancer health hazards the total non-cancer health hazards are 195 and 67 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, which are much higher than USEPA’s goal of protection of a hazard index (HI) of one. The majority of the cancer risk is associated with TCDD TEQ (based on D/F congeners) (approximately 70 percent for fish ingestion and 80 percent for crab ingestion). Most of the remaining cancer risk is from PCBs for both fish and crab consumption. Similarly, dioxins/furans and PCBs combined contribute approximately 98 percent of the excess noncancer hazard (56 percent for dioxins/furans and 42 percent for PCBs), while the remaining excess non-cancer hazard is associated with methyl mercury for all receptors for ingestion of both fish and crab. The compound 2,3,7,8-TCDD, which is found throughout the FFS Study Area, by itself, comprises 82 to 97 percent of the TCDD TEQ in fish and crab tissue samples. There are uncertainties associated with the results of the HHRA that may contribute to over- or under-estimates of cancer risk and non-cancer hazard that should be considered when making risk management decisions. However, given that there were COPC and exposure pathways (e.g., boating, wading) not evaluated, risks may be underestimated, so that the conclusion that the sediments of the FFS Study Area pose unacceptable risks to human health is robust. Ecological Risk Assessment Despite the extensively urbanized nature of the FFS Study Area, a wide range of ecological receptors may be exposed to COPECs, including benthic invertebrates, fish and a variety of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-32 2014 aquatic-dependent bird and mammal wildlife species. The BERA determined that under current (baseline) conditions the risks estimated for each category of ecological receptor evaluated were substantially greater than acceptable levels (i.e., HQs were substantially greater than one). For benthic invertebrates, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs and pesticides (Total DDx and dieldrin) contribute most substantially to the risk, followed by PAHs and mercury. For fish, TCDD TEQ (based on D/F congeners) is the primary contributor to risk, followed by copper and Total PCBs. For wildlife, TCDD TEQ (based on dioxin/furans and PCBs) and Total PCBs contribute most substantially to the risk. Although the uncertainty analysis suggests that risks may have been over-estimated in some cases (e.g., measurement endpoint [i.e., sediment benchmarks, critical body residues (CBRs) and toxicity reference values (TRVs)] derivation and selection of sensitive receptors), this is counter-balanced by other factors (e.g., COPECs and exposure pathways evaluated) that may have resulted in risks being under-estimated; risks to sedentary organisms such as benthic organisms may have also been under-estimated in parts of the study area exhibiting higher contaminant concentrations than average. In addition, a potentially important exposure route was not evaluated (i.e., the surface water pathway). Therefore, despite the uncertainties in the BERA, the conclusion that the sediments of the FFS Study Area pose unacceptable risks to ecological receptors is considered robust. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-33 2014 2 DEVELOPMENT OF REMEDIAL ACTION OBJECTIVES AND SELECTION OF TARGET AREAS This Chapter of the FFS introduces the requirements that must be met by remedial actions, the objectives that remedial actions are designed to achieve, and the risk-based selection of a target area (or areas) for remediation. CERCLA requires the development of “...methods and criteria for determining the appropriate extent of removal, remedy, and other measures...”for responding to releases of hazardous pollutants and contaminants [CERCLA Section 105(a)(3)]. 2.1 Remedial Action Objectives for FFS Study Area RAOs provide a general description of what the cleanup is expected to accomplish and helps focus the development of remedial alternatives in the FFS. RAOs for the FFS Study Area are as follows: • Reduce cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards for people eating fish and shellfish by reducing the concentrations of COPCs in the sediments of the FFS Study Area. • Reduce the risks to ecological receptors by reducing the concentrations of COPECs in the sediments of the FFS Study Area. • Reduce the migration of COPC- and COPEC-contaminated sediments from the FFS Study Area to upstream portions of the Lower Passaic River and to Newark Bay and the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. In accordance with Superfund guidance (Land Use in the CERCLA Remedy Selection Process, OSWER Directive No. 9355.7-04), reasonably anticipated future land and waterway use in the FFS Study Area should be considered during the development of remedial alternatives and remedy selection. Maintenance on the federally-authorized navigation channel in the FFS Study Area has not been conducted since the 1950s to 1983, depending on location. Various physical constraints described in RI Chapter 3, such as shallow depths and low vertical clearance bridges, limit commercial use of most of the navigation channel. However, the lower two miles of the Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-1 2014 river are currently used for commercial navigation by a number of petroleum, chemical, and other companies. A berth-by-berth analysis of commercial shipping for the period between 1997 and 2006 conducted by USACE demonstrates current waterway use and a USACE survey of commercial users in 2009 (USACE, 2010) showed clear future waterway use objectives in the lower two miles of the river. In addition, the communities located along the banks of the FFS Study Area have clearly planned for future increases in recreational access to the river, particularly above RM2, through master plans (City of Newark 2010, City of Newark et al. 2004, Clarke et al. 2004, Clarke et al. 1999, Heyer et al. 2002, NJDOT, 2007) and municipal zoning regulations (City of Newark, 2012). The RAOs, along with the reasonably anticipated future land and waterway use objectives, are considered during the development and evaluation of the remedial alternatives in Chapter 4. 2.2 Overview of ARARs Section 121(d) of CERCLA requires that remedial actions comply with state and federal ARARs as defined below unless a waiver is justified. ARARs are used in conjunction with risk-based goals to determine the appropriate extent of cleanup, to scope and formulate remedial action alternatives, and to govern the implementation of a selected response action. The potential ARARs for the FFS Study Area in each of the three categories (chemical-specific, location-specific, and action-specific), along with other TBC criteria, are summarized in Table 2-1a and discussed below. It should be noted that the requirements listed are considered potential ARARs in this FFS and in the Proposed Plan and become final upon issuance of the ROD. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-2 2014 2.2.1 Definition of ARARs ARARs 14, as defined in CERCLA Section 121(d), are: • Any standard, requirement, criterion, or limitation promulgated under federal environmental law; and • Any promulgated standard, requirement, criterion, or limitation under a state environmental or facility siting law that is more stringent than the associated federal standard, requirement, criterion, or limitation that has been identified in a timely manner. If a state is authorized to implement a program in lieu of a federal agency, state laws arising out of that program provide the “applicable” standards. However, federal standards that are more stringent may be considered “relevant and appropriate.” “On-site” with regard to CERCLA remedial response actions means the areal extent of contamination and all suitable areas in very close proximity to the contamination necessary for implementation of the response action. On-site actions must comply with the substantive requirements of a regulation, but not the administrative requirements (CERCLA Section 121(e)(1)). Substantive requirements are those requirements that pertain directly to actions or conditions in the environment. Examples include health-based or risk-based standards for hazardous substances (e.g., maximum contaminant levels [MCLs] in drinking water) and technology-based standards (e.g., Resource Conservation and Recovery Act [RCRA] standards for landfills). Administrative requirements include permit applications. Applicable Requirements Applicable requirements are those cleanup standards, control standards, and other substantive environmental protection requirements, criteria, or limitations promulgated under federal or state law that specifically address a hazardous substance, pollutant, contaminant, remedial action, location, or other circumstance at a CERCLA site. In order to be applicable, a standard, 14 Note that compliance with employee protection requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is specifically required by 40 CFR §300.150. OSHA standards are not considered ARARs because they directly apply to all CERCLA response actions. A Health and Safety Plan is developed for workers and describes the application of OSHA standards. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-3 2014 requirement, criterion, or limitation must satisfy all of the jurisdictional prerequisites of a requirement including the party subject to the law, the circumstances or activities that fall under the authority of the law, the time period during which the law is in effect, and the types of activities the statute or regulations require, limit, or prohibit. Relevant and Appropriate Requirements Relevant and appropriate requirements are those cleanup standards, control standards, and other substantive environmental protection requirements, criteria, or limitations promulgated under federal or state law that, while not “applicable” to a hazardous substance, pollutant, contaminant, remedial action, location, or other circumstance at an NPL site, address problems or situations sufficiently similar (relevant) to those encountered, and are well-suited (appropriate) to circumstances at the particular site. Requirements must be both relevant and appropriate to be ARARs. During the FFS and remedy selection process, once USEPA has determined that a requirement is relevant and appropriate, it is given the same weight and consideration as applicable requirements. The term “relevant” was included so that a requirement initially screened as non-applicable because of jurisdictional restrictions could be reconsidered and, if appropriate, included as an ARAR for a given site. For example, MCLs would not be applicable but relevant and appropriate for a site with groundwater contamination in a potential (as opposed to an actual) drinking water source. The relevance and appropriateness of a requirement can be judged by comparing a number of factors including the characteristics of the remedial action, the hazardous substances in question, or the physical circumstances of the site with those addressed in the requirement. The objective and origin of the requirement are also considered. A requirement that is judged to be relevant and appropriate must be complied with to the same degree as if it were applicable. However, it is possible for only part of a requirement to be considered relevant and appropriate, the rest being dismissed if not judged to be both relevant and appropriate in a given case. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-4 2014 Other Information To Be Considered To-be-considered information, or TBCs, are non-promulgated criteria, advisories, guidance, and proposed standards issued by federal or state governments. TBCs are not potential ARARs because they are neither promulgated nor enforceable although it may be necessary to consult TBCs to interpret ARARs or to determine preliminary remediation goals when ARARs do not exist for particular contaminants or are not sufficiently protective. Compliance with TBCs is not mandatory as it is for ARARs. 2.2.2 Waiver of ARARs CERCLA Section 121(d) provides that under certain circumstances an ARAR may be waived. The six statutory waivers are as follows: • Interim Measure: Occurs when the selected remedial action is only part of a total remedial action that will attain ARARs when completed. • Greater Risk to Health and the Environment: Occurs when compliance with such requirements will result in greater risk to human health and the environment than noncompliance. • Technical Impracticability: Occurs when compliance with such requirements is technically impracticable from an engineering perspective. • Equivalent Standard of Performance: Occurs when the selected remedial action will provide a standard of performance equivalent to that required under the otherwise applicable standard, requirement, criteria, or limitation through use of another method or approach. • Inconsistent Application of State Requirements: Occurs when a state requirement has been inconsistently applied in similar circumstances at other remedial actions within the state. • Fund-Balancing: Occurs when, in the case of an action undertaken using Superfund resources, the attainment of the ARAR would entail extremely high costs relative to the added degree of reduction of risk afforded by the standard such that remedial actions at other sites would be jeopardized. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-5 2014 2.3 Development of ARARs ARARs and TBCs fall into three broad categories, based on the manner in which they are applied at a site: • Chemical-specific: These are health- or risk-based numerical values or methodologies that establish concentration or discharge limits, or are a basis for calculating such limits for particular contaminants. Examples of chemical-specific ARARs are drinking water MCLs, ambient air quality standards, or ambient water quality criteria for dioxins and PCBs. If more than one such requirement applies to a contaminant, compliance with the more stringent applicable requirement is necessary. • Location-specific: These are restrictions based on the concentration of hazardous substances or the conduct of activities in specific locations. Examples of natural features include wetlands, scenic rivers, and floodplains. Examples of man-made features include historic districts and archaeological sites. Remedial action alternatives may be restricted or precluded depending on the location or characteristics of the site and the requirements that apply to it. • Action-specific: Action-specific requirements set controls or restrictions on particular kinds of activities related to the management of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants and are primarily used to assess the feasibility of remedial technologies and alternatives. Examples of action-specific ARARs include RCRA monitoring requirements and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) disposal requirements. Chemical-specific, location-specific, and action-specific ARARs and TBCs are all considered in the development and evaluation of remedial alternatives. Chemical- and location-specific ARARs typically are identified during scoping of the RI/FS and during the site characterization phase of the RI. Action-specific ARARs are identified during the development of the remedial alternatives in the FFS. When a remedial alternative is selected, it must be able to fulfill the requirements of all ARARs including during the implementation of the remedy (or a waiver must be justified). ARARs pertaining to both contaminant levels and performance or design standards should be attained at Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-6 2014 all points of potential exposure or at the point specified by the ARAR itself. Where the ARAR does not specify the point of compliance, USEPA has the discretion to determine where the requirement shall be attained to be protective. 2.3.1 Chemical-Specific ARARs and TBCs Chemical-specific ARARs and TBCs define concentration limits or other chemical levels for environmental media. This FFS addresses the lower 8.3 miles of the Lower Passaic River, which is an Operable Unit of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site. All of the contaminated media in the LPRSA will be addressed in the remedy selected following completion of the 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS being conducted by the CPG under USEPA oversight. Since the FFS for the sediments of the lower 8.3 miles is intended to be consistent with any future remedial actions that might be proposed for the 17-mile Lower Passaic River, any remedy proposed as a result of this FFS would be formulated so as to contribute to the attainment of surface water ARARs that would be required in the 17-mile RI/FS. However, since compliance with surface water ARARs depends on an overall remedy for the 17 miles of the river those ARARs will be addressed in the remedy selection process for the 17-mile LPRSA. This FFS evaluates attainment of RAOs, PRGs, ARARs and TBCs for the sediments in the lower 8.3 miles. No chemical-specific ARARs exist for the sediments of the FFS Study Area. A broad universe of potential chemical-specific TBCs was initially identified from criteria developed by other USEPA regions and a variety of other agencies (see Table 2-1a). Table 2-1a presents a detailed inventory of these potential TBCs and their sources and Table 2-1b lists the associated contaminant screening values. As described in Section 2.4, PRGs were developed for the FFS. These PRGs, while not ARARs, are concentration limits that have been developed specifically for the FFS based on site-specific risk-based concentrations (RBCs). They are thus more appropriate benchmarks for an action at the FFS Study Area than any of the initially identified chemical-specific TBCs. As a result, all of the potential chemical-specific TBCs were screened from consideration as viable criteria for this FFS. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-7 2014 2.3.2 Location-Specific ARARs and TBCs The location-specific ARARs and TBCs identified for the FFS are listed in Table 2-1a. 2.3.3 Action-Specific ARARs and TBCs The action-specific ARARs and TBCs identified for the FFS are listed in Table 2-1a. 2.4 Development of Preliminary Remediation Goals Generally, PRGs that are protective of human health and the environment are developed early in the RI process based on readily-available screening levels for human health and ecological risks. Since there are no chemical-specific ARARs that pertain to sediments, PRGs were developed for this FFS using risk-based fish- and crab-tissue concentrations that are protective of human health, sediment and body burden concentrations that are protective of benthic organisms, and body burden concentrations that are protective of fish and aquatic wildlife populations. Background sediment concentrations were also considered. 2.4.1 Human Health Preliminary Remediation Goals Human Health PRGs were developed consistent with USEPA Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Part B (USEPA, 1991) and based on the results of the HHRA presented in Appendix D. Details on PRG development methods, data, and assumptions are presented in Appendix E. The HHRA determined that total cancer risks are above the NCP risk range of 1 × 10-4 (one in ten thousand) to 1 × 10-6 (one in a million), and non-cancer health hazards are above an HQ of one. The following COPCs have individual cancer risks above 1 × 10-4: Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-8 2014 • Dioxins/furans as TCDD TEQ (D/F) 15 • Total non-dioxin-like PCBs (sum of non-dioxin-like congeners) • PCBs (12 dioxin-like congeners evaluated as TCDD TEQ) [TCDD TEQ (PCB)]. The following COPCs have individual non-carcinogenic health hazards above an HQ of one: • TCDD TEQ (D/F) • TCDD TEQ (PCB) • Total non-dioxin-like PCBs (sum of non-dioxin-like congeners) • Methyl mercury. A PRG based on carcinogenic effects was calculated for Total non-dioxin-like PCBs but not for the TCDD TEQ (PCB), for two reasons. First, the estimated carcinogenic risks determined during the HHRA for Total non-dioxin-like PCBs and dioxin-like PCB congeners [TCDD TEQ (PCB)] are comparable and calculated PRGs using both Total non-dioxin-like PCBs and coplanar PCBs separately would not significantly differ. Second, remedial action based on Total non-dioxin-like PCBs PRGs would address the presence of the dioxin-like PCB congeners. The methods, data, and exposure assumptions used to calculate the risk-based PRGs for the protection of human health are described in Appendix E. The PRGs developed for the adult angler who consumes fish or crabs from the FFS Study Area are summarized in Table 2-2. For the analysis, the point of departure for cancer risks was calculated at 1 × 10-6 (i.e., one in a million), and for non-cancer health hazards the point of departure was an HQ equal to one. As presented in Table 2-2 16, tissue PRGs were first developed based on the adult consumption rates of 34.6 grams per day for fish and 20.9 grams per day for crab, used in the HHRA. In State fish and crab consumption advisories, those consumption rates are equivalent to 56 eight-ounce 15 TCDD TEQ for D/F – Sum of the products of the congener concentration and congener-specific Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF). A TEF is a measure of the relative potency of a compound to cause a particular toxic or biological effect relative to 2,3,7,8- TCDD. By convention, TCDD is assigned a TEF of 1.0, and the TEFs for other compounds with dioxin-like effects range from 0 to 1. When TEFs are derived based on the relative binding affinity to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor or induction of cytochrome P4501A1, it is assumed that these biochemical responses correlate with toxicologically important effects (Van den Berg et al., 1998). The consensus TEF values published in 2005 by the World Health Organization (Van den Berg et. al., 2006) and recommended by USEPA (2010) are used in the risk evaluations. 16 Twelve eight-ounce fish or crab meals per year is used as an interim PRG Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-9 2014 fish meals per year and 34 eight-ounce crab meals per year. An additional risk-based tissue concentration was then developed for 12 eight-ounce fish or crab meals per year for use as interim tissue PRGs (see Table 2-2). Sediment concentrations required for biota to meet the risk-based tissue concentration levels were estimated based on the results of regression analyses conducted to develop site-specific sediment-tissue relationships for the FFS Study Area (as summarized in Attachment 1 and described in Data Evaluation Report No. 6, located in Appendix A). Note that the regression model derived for mercury was based on analytical tissue data for elemental mercury due to a lack of methyl mercury analytical results in the historical tissue dataset. As such, the data for elemental mercury and methyl mercury were assumed to be equivalent and treated as if all were methyl mercury. This conservative assumption will tend to overestimate risks as discussed in Appendix D under the human health uncertainty analysis. The estimated risk-based sediment PRGs are presented in Table 2-3. 2.4.2 Ecological Preliminary Remediation Goals Ecological risk PRGs were developed consistent with USEPA risk guidance (USEPA, 1991) based on the results of the BERA presented in Appendix D. The BERA determined that ecological risks attributable to exposure to a majority of the COPECs are substantial enough that remedial action should be considered to address ecological concerns. COPECs include copper, lead, mercury (including methyl mercury), LMW PAHs and HMW PAHs, Total non-dioxin-like PCBs, Total DDx, dieldrin, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, TCDD TEQ (D/F), and TCDD TEQ (PCB). The methods, data, and assumptions used to calculate the PRGs for the ecological receptors are described in detail in Appendix E. While all of the COPECs discussed in the BERA caused unacceptable risks (HQ greater than 1) to some or all of the receptors evaluated, risk-based PRGs were only developed for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs, mercury, and Total DDx, because they are the major risk drivers (based on the magnitude of HQs and number of receptors affected) and because multiple lines of evidence were developed to evaluate how the alternatives would Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-10 2014 achieve PRGs for these four COPECs after remediation. In addition, most active remedial alternatives designed to address the major risk drivers would also address the other COPECs. For the analysis, the point of departure for ecological hazards was an HQ 17 equal to one. Sediment PRGs protective of direct contact exposures to benthic macroinvertebrates were derived as the geometric mean of the lower- and upper-based sediment benchmarks used to characterize risks to this receptor group. Development of sediment PRGs protective of accumulated contaminants in invertebrate tissue as well as in fish and in the diets of wildlife involved a two-step calculation process. First, biota tissue PRGs (Table 2-4) were derived for invertebrate tissue, fish tissue, fish tissue protective of fish and avian embryos (i.e., residuebased tissue PRGs) and fish tissue protective of food-web exposure of avian and mammalian wildlife (dose-based tissue PRGs). PRGs were estimated based on the results of regression analyses conducted to develop site-specific sediment-tissue relationships for the FFS Study Area (as summarized in Attachment 1 of Appendix E and described in Data Evaluation Report No. 6, located in Appendix A). The overall sediment PRG chosen was the lowest of the sediment PRGs based on direct contact by macroinvertebrates and the various biota tissue PRGs, so that all of the organisms, including the most sensitive species, would be protected (as shown in Table 2-5). 2.4.3 Identification of Background Concentrations According to contaminated sediment remediation guidance, project managers should consider background contributions to sites to adequately understand contaminant sources and establish realistic risk reduction goals (USEPA, 2005). Potential contaminant sources for the Lower Passaic River sediments include the Passaic River above the Dundee Dam, Newark Bay through tidal exchange, and tributaries. The potential for these waterways to contribute contaminants to the FFS Study Area following the implementation of a remedial alternative was evaluated in the FFS. Sediment contaminant concentration gradients from the mouth of the Lower Passaic River into the Newark Bay Study Area (NBSA) were examined in Chapters 2 and 4 of the RI Report. 17 In all cases, the target HQ of 1 was based on the geometric mean of the lower- and upper-bound toxicity benchmark values (e.g., No Observed Adverse Effect Level [NOAELs] and Lowest Observed Adverse Effect level [LOAEL]). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-11 2014 Sediment contaminant concentrations generally decrease from north to south, from the Lower Passaic River into the NBSA. These data indicate that tidal exchange between the Lower Passaic River and NBSA currently results in the net transport of contaminants from the Lower Passaic River to Newark Bay. The NBSA RI/FS was initiated based on the concern that contaminants related to the former Diamond Alkali facility (located at 80 Lister Avenue in Newark, NJ adjacent to the Lower Passaic River) had impacted Newark Bay (USEPA, 2004). Remediation of sediment contamination in the FFS Study Area is expected to reduce these impacts causing sediment contaminant concentrations in the NBSA to decline. From this, it can be concluded that NBSA sediments (and by extension, New York Harbor sediments) are too closely related to contamination in the Lower Passaic River (i.e., not independent of site-related impacts) to be considered as a potential “background” for the FFS Study Area. Contaminant data collected from sediments in the Upper Passaic River above the Dundee Dam show the presence of historic and ongoing upstream sources of COPCs and COPECs. USEPA (2002b) defines “background” as constituents and locations that are not influenced by releases from the site and includes both anthropogenic and naturally derived constituents. The physical boundary of the dam isolates the proximal Dundee Lake and other Upper Passaic River sediments from Lower Passaic River influences. The proximity of these sediments to the proposed remediation area and demonstrated geochemical connection to a portion of the Lower Passaic River sediment contamination means that they are representative of “background” for the Lower Passaic River for the purposes of this FFS. The contaminant concentrations in recentlydeposited Dundee Lake sediments are representative of the contaminant burden carried by the Upper Passaic River’s suspended solids into the Lower Passaic River; therefore the recentlydeposited sediments of Dundee Lake represent the background location for the FFS. Table 2-6 lists the concentrations of COPCs and COPECs detected in recently-deposited sediments as represented by four cores, two sediment traps, and four sediment grab samples collected from the Upper Passaic River immediately above and below Dundee Dam (refer to Sections 2 and 4 of the RI Report for more detail). Using geochemical principles discussed in the RI Report, the chemicals found in the sediment samples have been determined to be representative of the current water column solids contaminant concentrations being introduced to Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-12 2014 the Lower Passaic River from the Upper Passaic River. The chemical mass contributed by the solids load from the Upper Passaic River represents a source for all of the COPCs and COPECs and can be considered to be representative of background conditions for the Lower Passaic River. Estimates of cancer risks and non-cancer health hazards associated with background sediment concentrations for consumption of fish and crabs were calculated for Total non-dioxin-like PCBs, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and mercury, employing the same risk assessment methodology and assumptions used in the baseline risk assessment for the adult and child angler/sportsman (Appendix D). Table 2-7 summarizes the estimates of cancer risk and non-cancer health hazards for ingestion of fish and crab. For dioxins, all of the estimated cancer risks are within the target cancer risk range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6 specified in the NCP and the HQs are less than the target HQ of one. For Total non-dioxin-like PCBs, estimated cancer risks are within the target cancer risk range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6 specified in the NCP, and the HQs are greater than the target HQ of one. For methyl mercury, HQs are equal to or marginally above the target HQ of one for ingestion of fish, but less than the target HQ of one for ingestion of crab. Estimates of ecological risk associated with background sediment concentrations were also calculated for copper, lead, mercury, HMW PAHs, dieldrin, Total DDx, Total non-dioxin-like PCBs, and TCDD TEQs. Again, risk calculations were made using the same risk assessment methodology and assumptions as employed for the baseline risk assessment (Appendix D). Tables 2-8 and 2-9 summarize the risk estimates for exposure of invertebrate, fish, and wildlife receptors. Although background concentrations of COPECs are substantially lower than current concentrations in the Lower Passaic River, they are at levels that pose risk to ecological receptors. Background concentrations of both inorganic and organic COPECs are at levels that have a potential to cause adverse effects in fish and benthic macroinvertebrates. In the case of wildlife receptors, background concentrations of lead and mercury, as well as Total PCBs (mink only), and HMW PAHs (heron only) have the potential to cause adverse effects in piscivorous mammal populations; however, background concentrations are only marginally greater than Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-13 2014 effect threshold concentrations (i.e., HQs are only slightly greater than one). In addition, the potential for adverse effects is uncertain because background concentrations exceed NOAELs but not LOAELs in most cases. 2.4.4 PRG Selection A summary of the PRGs identified for the FFS Study Area is provided in Table 2-10. A single PRG for each of the major risk drivers was selected to guide the analysis of target areas and alternatives for remediation using the nine Superfund evaluation criteria (see Chapter 5). PRGs become final remediation goals when USEPA makes a final decision to select a remedy for the FFS Study Area, after taking into consideration all public comments. According to USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1991), the starting point for setting remediation goals is a risk level of 1 × 10-6 and a non-cancer HI equal to one for protection of human health and the lowest ecological PRG set to protect the various ecological receptors evaluated at an HQ equal to one. However, remedial actions may achieve remediation goals set anywhere within the range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6 and HI at or below one (USEPA, 1997). While the Superfund program generally does not clean-up to concentrations below natural or anthropogenic background levels (USEPA, 2002b), in the Lower Passaic River the flow of water and suspended sediment over Dundee Dam is just one of many sources of surface water and sediment into the FFS Study Area. Post-remediation, the suspended sediment from the Upper Passaic River will mix with other sources into the FFS Study Area (Newark Bay, Saddle River, Third River, and Second River), with the cleaner solids in the water column resulting from a remediated FFS Study Area, and with any clean material placed on the riverbed as part of remediation. The result of this mixing in the water column along with settling, remobilization and redeposition, will be surface sediment concentrations of contaminants that are lower than the background concentrations above the Dam. The proposed remediation goals for the FFS Study Area are summarized in FFS Table 2-10. For the contaminants with human health PRGs, the proposed remediation goals are within the risk range and at or below an HI equal to one, so they are protective of human health. For mercury and Total DDx, the proposed remediation goals are at an HQ equal to one, so they are protective Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-14 2014 of the environment. In addition, modeling results presented in Section 5.2 show that the proposed remediation goals would be met by at least two of the active remedial alternatives described in Section 4.4, in conjunction with natural recovery processes. For 2,3,7,8-TCDD and Total PCBs, it is unlikely that the ecological PRGs could be met under any of the alternatives within a reasonable time frame, even with natural recovery processes. However, given that bank-to-bank remediation in the FFS Study Area would be necessary to achieve the protection of human health (see Section 5.2), the ecological PRGs would not result in any additional remediation in the FFS Study Area, and those ecological PRGs were not selected as remediation goals. 2.4.5 Identification and Selection of Potential Target Areas and Volume Estimate for Remediation When developing remedial alternatives, it is necessary to identify the sediments that should be targeted for remediation to meet the RAOs. Criteria for making this identification typically include ARARs, RBCs, and PRGs, as well as geochemical and statistical interpretations of contaminant concentration data and sediment characteristics. These analyses are described in detail in the RI Report and are summarized below. The river’s cross-sectional area declines steadily from RM0 to RM17.4 (Dundee Dam), with a pronounced narrowing at RM8.3. At that location, a change in sediment texture is also observed. The FFS Study Area (below RM8.3) is dominated by fine-grained material (silts) bank-to-bank, with pockets of coarser material (sand and gravel). The river bed upstream of RM8.3 is predominantly coarser sediments with smaller areas of silt, often located outside the channel (see Figures 1-6a through 1-6c). About 85 percent of the surface area and, about 90 percent of the volume of fine-grained materials (silts) in the Lower Passaic River are located below RM8.3. Due to a combination of a wider cross-section and a deeper federally-authorized navigation channel below RM8.3 (16 to 30 feet) than above RM8.3 (10 feet), thicker and wider beds of contaminated sediments accumulated below RM8.3 than above. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-15 2014 Analysis of surface sediment contamination (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total TCDD, and 13 other compounds representing the classes of PCBs, pesticides, PAHs and metals) 18 resulted in a series of observations that form the basis for much of the CSM. Most of the contaminants examined, in studies conducted between 1995 and 2010, exhibited a broad range of concentrations (spanning an order of magnitude or more) within a given river mile interval between RM2 to RM12, with very little or no discernible trend with respect to location. That is, the concentrations are variable everywhere. More importantly, there is little or no trend of the median concentration with river mile. In the FFS Study Area, the channel and shoal areas are comparably contaminated with nearly all compounds (with local variations) but no systematic trends with river mile. In many cases, the surface concentrations in the river are significantly higher than those measured in Newark Bay or above Dundee Dam. This indicates that the source of the continuing sediment contamination must be in the river itself and not from the Upper Passaic River or Newark Bay. The area and volume of the sediments targeted for remediation in the FFS Study Area (RM0 to RM8.3) are approximately 650 acres and 9.7 million cy, respectively. Concentrations of COPCs and COPECs within the FFS Study Area are summarized in Table 1-3 for varying depth ranges measured from the surface to the bottom of the cores. Based on this information, the entire (bank-to-bank) river area from RM0 to RM8.3 was selected for remediation because it contains COPC and COPEC concentrations in surface sediment bankto-bank that exceed PRGs for each contaminant and even higher concentrations of each contaminant at depth. 18 These 15 constituents were evaluated in the RI due to their potential usefulness in geochemical data interpretation and the EMB model (Appendix C) as well in Data Evaluation Report No. 4 (Appendix A) as part of the assessment of COPCs and COPECs. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2-16 2014 3 IDENTIFICATION AND SCREENING OF GENERAL RESPONSE ACTIONS, REMEDIAL TECHNOLOGIES, AND PROCESS OPTIONS General response actions (GRAs) are categories of actions that may be implemented to achieve the RAOs for the sediments of the FFS Study Area. This chapter identifies and screens general response actions, remedial technology types, and process options that are potentially applicable to remediate contaminated sediment in the FFS Study Area. The technology selection and screening processes are conducted in accordance with the RI/FS guidance (USEPA, 1988), the Principles for Managing Contaminated Sediment Risks at Hazardous Waste Sites (USEPA, 2002a), and the Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites (USEPA, 2005). Various databases, technical reports, and publications (refer to Section 3.2) are used to identify potentially applicable technologies based on the general response actions identified in Section 3.1. The selected technology types are initially screened for technical implementability as described in Section 3.3 and then expanded into lists of potentially applicable process options as discussed in Section 3.4, and screened further for effectiveness, implementability, and relative cost. Ancillary technologies, such as sediment dispersion control options, sediment dewatering, wastewater treatment, sediment transportation options, and restoration options are discussed in Section 3.5. Technologies and process options that were retained after the effectiveness, implementability, and cost screening are summarized in Section 3.6 and representative process options are selected in Section 3.7. The screening processes conducted in this FFS (resulting in retention or elimination of technologies and process options) are solely for the sediments of the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River. The CPG will separately identify, evaluate, and screen technologies and process options during the development of the FS for the overall 17-mile LPRSA. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-1 2014 3.1 Identification of General Response Actions The first step in the development and screening of remedial alternatives is to identify GRAs that may be taken to satisfy the RAOs identified in the previous chapter. These are: • No action • Institutional controls • Monitored natural recovery (MNR) • Containment • In-situ treatment • Sediment removal • Ex-situ treatment • Beneficial use • Disposal Although an individual response action may be capable of satisfying the RAOs alone, combinations of response actions are usually required to adequately address the contamination. A brief description for each of the GRAs is provided below. 3.1.1 No Action No Action will be considered throughout each phase of the FFS, as required by the NCP [40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §300.430(e)(6)]. The No Action response serves as a baseline against which the performance of other remedial alternatives may be compared. Under the No Action alternative, contaminated river sediments would be left in place without treatment or containment. NJDEP could continue to implement existing fish and crab consumption advisories pursuant to state legal authorities, but no institutional controls or monitoring would be implemented as part of a CERCLA response action for the FFS Study Area. The CPG would continue to conduct the 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS. According to the ROD guidance (USEPA, 1999), No Action may be appropriate: 1) when the site or operable unit poses no current or potential threat to human health or the environment; 2) when CERCLA does not provide the authority to Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-2 2014 take remedial action; or, 3) when a previous response has eliminated the need for further remedial response (often called a “No Further Action” alternative). 3.1.2 Institutional Controls Institutional controls are legal or administrative measures designed to prevent or reduce human exposure to on-site hazardous substances. Fish and shellfish consumption advisories and dredging restrictions are examples of relevant institutional controls for the Lower Passaic River. Institutional controls are typically implemented in conjunction with other remedy components. 3.1.3 Monitored Natural Recovery Natural recovery refers to the decline in contaminant concentrations in impacted media over time via natural processes that contain, destroy, or reduce bioavailability or toxicity of contaminants. These naturally occurring mechanisms include physical phenomena (e.g., burial and sedimentation), biological processes (e.g., biodegradation), and chemical processes (e.g., sorption and oxidation). MNR includes monitoring to assess whether these natural processes are occurring and at what rate they may be reducing contaminant concentrations, but does not include active remedial measures. MNR should be considered as a stand-alone remedy when it would meet remedial objectives within a time frame that is reasonable compared to active remedies (USEPA, 2005). Factors that should be considered in determining whether the time frame for MNR is “reasonable” include the following: • The extent and likelihood of human exposure to contaminants during the recovery period, and if addressed by institutional controls, the effectiveness of those controls; • The value of ecological resources that may continue to be impacted during the recovery period; • The timeframe in which affected portions of the site may be needed for future uses which will be available only after MNR has achieved cleanup levels; and, • The uncertainty associated with the time frame prediction. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-3 2014 MNR may also be used as one component of a total remedy, either in conjunction with active remediation or as a follow-up measure to monitor the continued reduction of contaminant concentrations. 3.1.4 Containment Containment entails the physical isolation (sequestration) or immobilization of contaminated sediment by an engineered cap, thereby limiting potential exposure to, and mobility and bioavailability of, contaminants bound to the sediment. Capping technologies require long-term monitoring and maintenance in perpetuity to ensure that containment measures are performing successfully because contaminated sediment is left in place. 3.1.5 In-Situ Treatment In-situ treatment of sediments refers to chemical, physical, or biological techniques for reducing contaminant concentrations, toxicity, or mobility while leaving the contaminated sediment in place. 3.1.6 Sediment Removal Sediment removal may be accomplished by dredging or excavation of contaminated sediment for subsequent treatment or disposal. This response results in the removal of contaminant mass from the river bed. 3.1.7 Ex-Situ Treatment Ex-situ treatment involves the application of chemical, physical or biological technologies to transform, destroy, or immobilize contaminants following removal of contaminated sediments. After ex-situ treatment, treated dredged sediment could either be beneficially used (assuming appropriate characterization) or disposed on land or in water. Both of these GRAs are discussed in the following subsections. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-4 2014 3.1.8 Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments Following removal and, if necessary, ex-situ treatment, dredged material could potentially be beneficially used. Sediment that meets applicable criteria for contaminant concentrations and structural properties could serve a beneficial purpose such as structural fill, lower permeability cover soils, or capping for a brownfield or landfill without pre-treatment. In some instances, ex-situ treatment, such as ex-situ immobilization, is required prior to application of dredged sediment as fill or cover material. In addition, certain ex-situ treatment processes result in an end product that can be beneficially used (e.g., formation of glass following vitrification or cement aggregate following certain thermo-chemical processes). 3.1.9 Disposal of Dredged Sediments Disposal refers to the placement of dredged or excavated material into a permanent structure, site, or facility (USEPA, 2005). Depending on the disposal location, the dredged or excavated material may undergo limited or extensive prior ex-situ treatment. 3.2 Sources and Methods for the Identification of Potentially Applicable Technologies Several databases, guidance documents, and feasibility studies for similar sediment remediation projects were used to identify potentially applicable remedial technologies. The following sources are of particular note: • Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites (USEPA, 2005). • Technical Guidelines for the Environmental Dredging of Contaminated Sediments, ERDC/EL TR-08-29 (USACE, 2008a). • Mass Balance, Beneficial Use Products, and Cost Comparisons of Four Sediment Treatment Technologies near Commercialization, ERDC/EL TR-11-1 (USACE, 2011). • Monitored Natural Recovery at Contaminated Sediment Sites, ESTCP Project ER-0622 (ESTCP, 2009). • The Four Rs of Environmental Dredging: Resuspension, Release, Residual, and Risk, ERDC/EL TR-08-4 (USACE, 2008b). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-5 2014 • Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable website ( • USEPA Hazardous Waste Clean-up Information website ( • Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program, Remediation Guidance Document (USEPA, 1994). • Equipment and Placement Techniques for Subaqueous Capping (Bailey and Palermo, 2005). • Final Feasibility Study, Lower Fox River and Green Bay, Wisconsin (RETEC Group, Inc., 2002). • Hudson River PCBs Reassessment RI/FS Phase 3 Report: Feasibility Study (TAMS Consultants, Inc., 2000). • Dredging Technology Review Report (TAMS, an Earth Tech Company and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2004). • NJDOT Office of Maritime Resources (NJDOT-OMR), Sediment Decontamination Technology Demonstration Program Website ( 3.3 Identification and Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology types presented in this section are grouped by GRA as identified in Section 3.1. In this step, the universe of potentially applicable technology types and process options is reduced by evaluating the options with respect to technical implementability. The term "technology types" refers to general categories of technologies, such as chemical treatment, thermal destruction, immobilization, capping, or dewatering. The term "process options" refers to specific processes within each technology type. For example, dredging is a type of removal technology and the corresponding process options are mechanical dredging and hydraulic dredging. During this initial screening step process options and entire technology types are eliminated from further consideration on the basis of technical implementability. This is accomplished by using readily available information from the RI site characterization on the types and concentrations of contaminants, and other on-site physical characteristics to screen out technologies and process options that cannot be effectively implemented for the FFS Study Area. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-6 2014 Table 3-1 presents the initial screening of technology types. The technology types that are retained after this initial screening are discussed in Section 3.4. 3.4 Effectiveness, Implementability and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options The technologies and processes considered to be technically implementable are evaluated in greater detail before selecting one representative process option to represent each technology type. The representative process option is selected, if possible, for each technology type to simplify the subsequent development and evaluation of alternatives without limiting flexibility during remedial design. The representative process option provides a basis for developing performance specifications during preliminary design; the specific process option actually used to implement the remedial action may not be selected until the remedial design phase. More than one process option may be selected for a technology type if two or more processes are sufficiently different in their performance that one option would not adequately represent the other option. Process options are evaluated using the same criteria – effectiveness, implementability, and cost - that are used to screen alternatives prior to the detailed analysis. An important distinction is that at this point in the FFS process, these criteria are applied only to the technologies and the GRAs, and not to the site as a whole. At this stage, the evaluation is primarily focused on the effectiveness with less consideration given to the implementability and cost evaluation. Because of the limited data available on most innovative technologies it may not be possible to evaluate those process options on the same basis as other demonstrated technologies. Typically, if innovative technologies are judged to be implementable they are retained for evaluation either as a "selected" process option (if available information indicates that they will provide better treatment, have fewer adverse impacts, or cost less than other options), or "represented" by another process option of the same technology type (USEPA, 1988). The effectiveness evaluation is focused on: (1) the potential effectiveness of process options in handling the estimated areas or volumes of media and meeting the remediation goals identified in Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-7 2014 the RAOs; (2) the potential impacts to human health and the environment during the construction and implementation phase; and (3) how proven and reliable the process is with respect to the contaminants and conditions at the site. Implementability encompasses both the technical and administrative feasibility of implementing a technology process. As discussed, technical implementability is used in the initial screening of technology types and process options to eliminate those that are clearly ineffective or unworkable. The following, more detailed evaluation of process options places greater emphasis on the institutional aspects of implementability, such as the ability to obtain necessary permits for off-site actions; the availability of treatment, storage, and disposal services (including capacity); and, the availability of necessary equipment and skilled workers to implement the technology. Cost plays a limited role in the screening of process options. Relative capital and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are used rather than detailed estimates. At this stage, the cost analysis is made on the basis of engineering judgment and each process option is evaluated as to whether costs are high, low, or medium relative to other process options in the same technology type. For the purposes of this discussion, costs of less than $100 per ton of sediments are considered low, $100 to $500 per ton are considered moderate, costs between $500 and $1,000 per ton are considered high, and costs over $1,000 per ton are considered very high. As evident in Chapter 5, the greatest cost consequences in site remediation are usually associated with the degree to which different general technology types (i.e., containment, treatment, excavation, etc.) are used. Using different process options within a technology type usually has a less significant effect on cost than does the use of different technology types. Table 3-2 presents the effectiveness, implementability, and cost screening of technologies and process options. Technologies and process options that are retained after this screening are summarized in Section 3.6. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-8 2014 3.5 Ancillary Technologies Additional technologies and process options that are ancillary to the retained process options presented in Section 3.6 may be incorporated into any remedial alternative implemented in the FFS Study Area. These ancillary systems are described here in relation to their potential applicability to some of the primary technologies that are evaluated. Sediment Dispersion Control Water-borne transport of resuspended contaminated sediment released during dredging can often be reduced by using physical barriers around the dredging operation area. Two of the more common approaches include silt curtains, and sheetpile walls. Silt curtains are floating barriers designed to control the dispersion of sediment in a body of water. They are made of impervious flexible materials such as polyester-reinforced thermoplastic (vinyl) and coated nylon. The effectiveness of silt curtains and screens is primarily determined by the hydrodynamic conditions in a specific location. Under ideal conditions, turbidity levels in the water column outside the curtain can be as much as 80 to 90 percent lower than the levels inside or upstream of the curtain (Francingues and Palermo, 2005). Conditions that may reduce the effectiveness of these and other types of barriers include significant currents, high winds, changing water levels and current direction (i.e., tidal fluctuation), excessive wave height, and drifting ice and debris (USEPA, 2005). Silt curtains are generally more effective in relatively shallow, quiescent water. As water depth and turbulence due to currents and waves increase, it becomes more difficult to isolate the dredging operation effectively from the ambient water. In general, the use of silt curtains is not expected to be effective in the FFS Study Area during dredging operations due to the presence of significant currents and tidal fluctuations. Consideration has been given to the use of silt curtains across the entrance channel of a confined aquatic disposal (CAD) cell in Newark Bay where the water velocities are much lower. This approach would require developing a method for quickly removing and reinstalling the silt curtain during barge unloading operations. A similar approach has been developed and is in use at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site remediation work (Apex, 2013). Silt curtains are retained for further consideration in the FFS. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-9 2014 Sheetpiling consists of a series of panels and piling with interlocking connections driven into the subsurface with impact or vibratory hammers to form an impermeable barrier. While the sheets can be made from a variety of materials such as steel, vinyl, plastic, wood, recast concrete, and fiberglass, lightweight materials (e.g., plastic, fiberglass, vinyl) are typically surface mounted to the piling. Sheetpile containment structures are more likely to provide reliable containment of resuspended sediment than silt curtains, although at significantly higher cost and with different technological limitations. Sheeting and/or piling must be imbedded sufficiently deep into the subsurface to ensure that the sheetpile structure will withstand hydraulic forces (e.g., waves and currents) and the weight of material (if any) piled behind the sheeting. Sheetpile containment may increase the potential for scour around the outside of the containment area and resuspension may occur during placement and removal of the structures. The use of sheetpiling may significantly change the carrying capacity of a stream or river and make it temporarily more susceptible to flooding (USEPA, 2005). Sheetpiling may be used in localized areas to prevent migration of highly contaminated sediment during dredging or during disposal operations. Sheetpiling is retained for further consideration in the FFS. 3.5.2 Dewatering Dewatering involves reducing the moisture content of dredged material to produce a material more amenable to handling with general construction equipment and that meets landfill or treatment plant criteria (e.g., paint filter test or percent moisture for thermal treatment). The ARCS Remediation Guidance Document (USEPA, 1994) has classified dewatering technologies into three general categories: passive dewatering, mechanical dewatering, and active evaporative technologies. Information on these dewatering methods, as well as desiccation via amendment, is summarized in Table 3-3; a brief discussion of concerns specific to the dewatering of Lower Passaic River sediment is included in the table. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-10 2014 Selection of the appropriate dewatering technology depends on the physical characteristics of the material being dredged, the dredging method, and the target moisture content of the dewatered material. The design of a dewatering system should be based on consolidation tests performed on material being dredged. Dewatering of significant amounts of dredged material requires a land-based staging area in close proximity to the dredging area. The area should be accessible to barges, large equipment, and trucks. Although the optimal dewatering system operating characteristics include a small footprint, high production rates, and low per unit cost large dewatering projects, even ones incorporating mechanical dewatering systems, generally require large amounts of space. Based on the limited availability of land for a dewatering facility adjacent to the FFS Study Area, along Newark Bay, or within the NY/NJ Harbor area, only the mechanical dewatering process option is retained for further consideration. 3.5.3 Wastewater Treatment Dewatering dredged material requires managing the wastewater generated during the dewatering process (dredged material typically has a water content ranging from 50 to 98 percent depending on the dredging method) along with contact water (e.g., precipitation that has been in contact with contaminated material, decontamination water, and wheel wash water) from other facility operations. The purpose of wastewater treatment is to prevent adverse impacts on the receiving water body from the dewatering discharge to the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay. A wastewater treatment plant would typically be included as part of the on-site management of dredged material. An on-site wastewater treatment plant to manage wastewater for a facility handling sediment from the FFS Study Area may include coagulation, clarification, multi-stage filtration, and granular activated carbon adsorption with provision for metals removal, if necessary. The primary difference in the wastewater treatment plant for a hydraulic dredging operation as compared to a mechanical dredging operation would be the volume of wastewater to be treated; hydraulic dredging results in a larger volume of sediment-water slurry to be managed. The hydraulic dredging wastewater treatment plant would require a larger footprint. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-11 2014 An on-site wastewater treatment system is retained for further consideration. 3.5.4 Transportation Transportation would be a component for any remedial alternative that involves removal of contaminated sediments from the FFS Study Area. The transportation method included in each remedial alternative would be based upon the compatibility of that transportation method to the other process options. The most likely transportation methods are truck, rail, and barge. These are briefly discussed below. Appendix G includes a summary of waterborne, rail, and road access associated with potential sediment processing or placement sites. Truck - Truck transportation includes the transport of dewatered dredged material over public roadways using dump trucks, roll-off boxes, or trailers. This form of transportation is the most flexible but can be very costly over long haul distances. Truck transport also has the greatest potential to impact local streets and traffic depending on the location of the processing facility with respect to major highways. Rail - Rail transportation includes the transport of dewatered dredged material via railroad tracks using gondolas or containers. Rail transport is desirable where sediment is shipped over long distances, for example, to out-of-state treatment or disposal facilities. Because rail transport requires coordination between multiple owners and many operators are unwilling to provide detailed information prior to entering actual negotiations, it is difficult to obtain accurate cost estimates. Rail transport may require the construction of a rail spur from a sediment handling facility to a main rail line. Barge - Barge transportation includes the transport of dredged solids directly to a processing (i.e., dewatering facility) or a disposal (i.e., CAD site or CDF) facility, or the transport of dewatered dredged material to a trans-shipment or disposal facility. Barge transport would likely be used for short distances such as from the dredging location to the dredged material handling facility. In addition, barge transport may be considered for longer distances if dredged material is hauled to out-of-state treatment or disposal locations that have the ability to accept barge-loaded dredged material. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-12 2014 Transportation of dredged sediments via truck, rail, and barge is retained for further consideration. 3.5.5 Restoration The implementation of a remedial action in the FFS Study Area would result in short-term temporary impacts to existing aquatic and wildlife habitat in the FFS Study Area. However, should a selected remedial action be implemented the degraded FFS Study Area would be replaced with a healthier ecosystem of improved habitat. As part of the reconstruction of the remediated area, the existing open water, mudflat, riparian fringe and intertidal wetlands would be replaced with features of similar size and location but significantly improved substrate quality. In addition, biostabilization techniques, such as the use of biologs and coir fiber mats could be considered as an alternative erosion protection measure and have the added benefit of providing submerged aquatic or tidal emergent habitat. The removal or capping of contaminated sediments and the resulting improvements in water quality would improve the long-term health and diversity of aquatic communities of the FFS Study Area. Remediation may result in collateral benefits including removal of nuisance species, reintroduction of native species, aeration of compacted anaerobic soils and other enhancements of wetland and mudflat habitats (USEPA, 2002b). Since the remedial action would improve and replace existing open water, mudflat and intertidal habitat, the FFS assumes that no additional compensatory mitigation measures for in-river operations would be necessary for this aspect of the remediation. This is consistent with other ongoing Superfund river dredging cleanup projects (e.g., Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site). See Appendix F for analysis. In-water disposal in a CAD cell or CDF in Newark Bay would involve the discharge of dredged material into waters of the United States. If aquatic disposal is incorporated into the selected remedy, mitigation of the temporal and permanent impacts from the aquatic disposal facility would be necessary in accordance with Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404(b)(1). In keeping with the three-step Section 404 (b)(1) process, impacts to open waters that cannot be avoided are Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-13 2014 minimized and then mitigated with created, restored, enhanced and/or preserved areas to achieve no net loss of functions of the aquatic system. A restoration study is being implemented by the USACE with the State of New Jersey as the local sponsor 19.This study will identify potential restoration opportunities (for example, wetland creation or enhancement) that could be implemented following remediation, beyond reconstruction to the original grade. These activities are conducted as part of the WRDA function of the joint program (refer to Appendix F for additional information regarding restoration and Appendix H for the estimated cost of restoration). Restoration activities conducted as part of the remedial action for the FFS Study Area would require coordination with USACE and Federal and State Trustees. 3.6 Summary of Retained Technologies and Process Options In addition to the No Action response, the following process options have been retained for further evaluation: • Institutional controls, including, but not limited to, fish and shellfish consumption advisories, recreational boating restrictions, and dredging restrictions in shoal areas. • MNR processes, including, but not limited to, burial, sedimentation, bio-degradation, sorption, and oxidation. • Containment via engineered caps (including stone or clay aggregate material as armor), active caps, and geotextiles. • Sediment removal via excavation, mechanical dredging, and hydraulic dredging. • Ex-situ treatment via immobilization, sediment washing, vitrification, and thermal treatment. • Beneficial uses including use as sanitary landfill cover, construction fill, and mined lands reclamation. • Disposal in an off-site landfill or CAD cell. 19 The Lower Passaic River is part of one of the USACE Planning Regions of the Hudson Raritan Estuary Restoration Feasibility Study. The remediation and restoration of the Lower Passaic River is critical to achieving the goals of the Hudson Raritan Estuary Comprehensive Restoration Plan [USACE, 2009]. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-14 2014 3.7 Selection of Representative Technologies and Process Options To proceed further with the development of the remedial alternatives and to evaluate and develop costs in subsequent chapters for this FFS, it is necessary to select representative technologies and process options. Other process options may be identified and selected during the design phase of the FFS Study Area remedy or the FS for the 17-mile LPRSA. No Action: The No Action response does not include any containment, removal, disposal, or treatment of contaminated sediments, no new institutional controls, and no new monitoring. Institutional Controls: Existing NJDEP fish and crab consumption advisories would continue under any of the remedial actions. Further, enhanced outreach to educate community members about the NJDEP consumption advisories and to emphasize that advisories would remain in place during and after remediation would be incorporated into the active remedial alternatives. Outreach activities would focus on communities (typically economically disadvantaged groups) known to engage in sustenance fishing, with a special emphasis on sensitive populations (e.g., children, pregnant women, nursing mothers). These activities could also include posting multilingual signs in fishing areas, distributing illustrated, multi-lingual brochures, and holding educational community meetings and workshops. Additional institutional controls such as restrictions or special conditions (e.g., to protect the integrity of engineered caps) imposed on private sediment disturbance activities could also be implemented as components of alternatives comprising active remedial measures. Monitored Natural Recovery: As discussed in Section 3.1.3, MNR could be included as a component of alternatives comprising active remedial measures. It includes monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Once active remediation is completed, the influx, mixing and deposition of sediment originating from freshwater flow over Dundee Dam, from resuspended sediment between the dam and RM8.3, and from tidal exchange with Newark Bay, would subsequently determine the extent to which the sediment surface in the FFS Study Area is recontaminated. However, the FFS Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-15 2014 Study Area is the major source of contaminants to the river above RM8.3 and to Newark Bay; so remediation of the FFS Study Area would reduce the major source of contamination to those areas, thereby reducing the contamination brought back into the FFS Study Area from those areas over time, resulting in MNR being a more effective mechanism for reducing risk under the active remedial alternatives. Sediment Containment: Several process options using a variety of materials for sediment containment are retained including engineered caps (using stone or clay aggregate material as armor), active caps, and geotextiles. Due to the large area being considered for remediation and the limited precedent for using active caps and geotextiles, engineered sand caps with, and without, stone armor are selected as the representative process option for alternatives involving sediment containment. Sediment Removal: Three process options for sediment removal were retained including excavation, hydraulic dredging, and mechanical dredging. The costs of remedial alternatives involving sediment removal are based on mechanical dredging as the representative process option because of the following: • The additional challenges to implementability associated with the infrastructure needs for hydraulic dredging in the NY/NJ Harbor area • The availability of site-specific data regarding implementation. Although it would be possible to extend a hydraulic transport pipeline across Newark Bay by submerging it, due to the presence of berths and shipping lanes it is preferable to locate a dewatering facility of sufficient size close to the FFS Study Area for the hydraulic dredging option. Site-specific data were obtained during the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study [LBG, 2012]. Sediment Treatment: Process options retained for treatment include solidification / stabilization, sediment washing, thermal treatment, and incineration. As described in Section 4.2.6, depending on the concentrations of COPCs and COPECs, the four process options could be used for treatment of the dredged materials from the FFS Study Area. The effectiveness of solidification/ Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-16 2014 stabilization treatment is highly dependent on the initial COPC and COPEC concentrations, and therefore, it is more suitable for sediment with lower COPC and COPEC concentrations. The effectiveness of sediment washing also depends on the types of COPCs that are present as well as their initial concentrations. A pilot study of sediment washing using Lower Passaic River sediment (BioGenesisSM Enterprises, Inc., 2009), indicated that certain contaminants like VOCs, dioxins and metals were treated more efficiently than PAHs and PCBs. The results of a 2012 bench scale study (de maximis, inc., 2012) failed to show any reduction in dioxin and PCB concentrations in the highly contaminated sediments at RM10.9. Thermal treatment (Cement-Lock®) and vitrification (Minergy) generally provide the highest on-site treatment efficiencies with the least sensitivity to initial COPC and COPEC concentrations. Similarly, off-site incineration at a permitted facility also provides the highest treatment efficiency with the least sensitivity to initial COPC and COPEC concentrations. A number of incineration facilities that accept hazardous waste are located in the United States and Canada. Currently, thermal treatment and incineration are the only technologies known to be able to treat dredged materials that contain hazardous constituents not suitable for direct land disposal (as defined by RCRA) and that contain dioxin as an underlying hazardous constituent (UHC) to the applicable RCRA standards (see Appendix G for more information). Based on in-situ COPC and COPEC concentrations (final estimates to be determined during the pre-design investigation sampling) and the presence of hazardous constituents, the dredged material from the FFS Study Area would be segregated as hazardous or non-hazardous. For purposes of developing the remedial alternatives and cost estimates, thermal destruction via the Cement-Lock® process and off-site incineration were selected as the representative treatment process options for handling hazardous materials. The Cement-Lock® process produces a beneficial use product that offsets a significant portion of the treatment costs (Gas Technology Institute [GTI], 2008a). In addition, based on the results of a pilot demonstration in which 16.5 tons of Passaic River sediment were treated (GTI, 2008b), the Cement-Lock® process was shown to achieve a high treatment efficiency for Passaic River sediments. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-17 2014 For sediments with in-situ COPC and COPEC concentrations between one and ten times the universal treatment standard (UTS) and exceeding the New Jersey Non-Residential Direct Contact Soil Remediation Standards (NRDCSRS), sediment washing is selected as the representative treatment process option for purposes of developing the remedial alternatives and cost estimates. For sediments with in-situ COPC and COPEC concentrations below both the UTS and the NRDCSRS, solidification/stabilization is selected as the representative treatment process option. Other treatment processes may be considered during the design phase. For example, sediment washing may be explored as a pre-treatment process for metals to offset potential costs associated with removing metals from the thermal treatment air emission stream. Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments: Low value beneficial use options include landfill cover, construction fill, brownfields remediation, and mined lands restoration. These options require immobilization of dredged sediments to solidify, stabilize, and/or encapsulate COPCs and COPECs. Given the uncertainties regarding the effectiveness of immobilization treatment for highly contaminated sediments and the uncertain market factors for such beneficial use, these lower value beneficial use options have not been selected for use in remedial alternative development. It should be noted, however, that the representative treatment option (thermal treatment via the Cement-Lock® process) results in a beneficial use end product. Disposal of Dredged Sediments: The two process options for disposal include an off-site landfill and a CAD cell. RCRA regulations exclude dredged material that is subject to the requirements of CWA Section 404, which governs the disposal of the sediment in a disposal area within the navigable waters of the United States, from the definition of hazardous waste. Further, if dredged contaminated sediment is consolidated within the Area of Contamination, which includes the Lower Passaic River and the areal extent of contamination within Newark Bay, land disposal regulations (LDRs, refer to Appendix G) would not be triggered. In addition, CAD is more efficiently integrated with dredging (e.g., transporting and offloading dredged material to a CAD cell causes fewer short-term impacts to the community and would be more cost-effective than transporting and offloading to an off-site landfill). Therefore, a CAD site is selected as the representative process option for disposal of dredged sediments. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-18 2014 However, to provide greater flexibility in managing large quantities of dredged material, disposal in an off-site landfill has also been retained as an alternative representative process option. Many RCRA Subtitle C and D landfills are located in the United States. Non-hazardous dredged materials (as defined under RCRA) are eligible for direct landfill disposal at a RCRA Subtitle C or D facility if in compliance with the individual acceptance criteria of the receiving facility. Hazardous dredged material that contain UHCs exceeding the UTS, but do not contain UHCs exceeding ten times the UTS for soil or sediment are eligible for direct landfill disposal at a RCRA Subtitle C facility, if the material is in compliance with the individual acceptance criteria of the receiving facility. See Appendix G for more information. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 3-19 2014 4 DEVELOPMENT AND SCREENING OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES This chapter presents the development of remedial alternatives for addressing contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area. The remedial alternatives are developed by grouping the remedial technologies and representative process options that were retained in Chapter 3. The alternatives are presented and screened based on effectiveness, implementability, and cost as required by CERCLA and the NCP, to narrow the field of potential alternatives while preserving an appropriate range of options. Concepts for common elements of the remedial alternatives are described and the contaminant fate and transport modeling framework used to simulate and then screen the alternatives for protection of human health and the environment is discussed. 4.1 Alternative Development CERCLA Section 121(b) establishes statutory preferences that must be considered when developing and evaluating remedial alternatives: • Remedial actions that involve treatment that permanently and significantly reduces the volume, toxicity, or mobility of the hazardous substances are preferred over remedial actions not involving such treatment. • Off-site transport and disposal of hazardous substances or contaminated materials without treatment is considered the least favorable remedial alternative when practicable treatment technologies are available. • Remedial actions using permanent solutions, alternative treatment technologies, or resource recovery technologies that, in whole or in part, will result in a permanent and significant decrease in toxicity, mobility, or volume of a hazardous substance are preferred. Remedial alternatives were developed to protect human health and the environment, attain chemical-specific ARARs (unless a waiver is justified), comply with location-specific and action-specific ARARs, and achieve the RAOs in a cost-effective manner. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-1 2014 The RI/FS Guidance (USEPA, 1988) and the NCP state that remedial alternatives should range from those that will eliminate, to the degree possible, the need for long-term management (including monitoring) at the site to those that treat the principal threats posed by hazardous substances at a site but that otherwise vary in the degree of treatment employed and the quantities and characteristics of the treatment residuals and untreated waste that must be managed. The guidance and the NCP require that a containment option involving little or no treatment, as well as a No Action Alternative, should be developed. The potentially applicable technologies that were retained in Section 3.6 and the representative technologies and process options that were selected in Section 3.7 were combined into four alternatives listed below that span the range of alternatives described in the NCP and RI/FS guidance. • Alternative 1: No Action • Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill • Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation • Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 4.2 Common Elements of Active Remedial Alternatives The three active remedial alternatives contain some common elements that were considered in the evaluation process, as described below. 4.2.1 Institutional Controls NJDEP’s fish and shellfish consumption advisories currently in place would continue under all of the alternatives. Enhanced outreach efforts conducted in every municipality on both shores of the FFS Study Area to educate community members about the NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories and to emphasize the fact that advisories would remain in place during and after remediation, would be incorporated into the active remedial alternatives until PRGs are reached. Enhanced outreach activities would focus on communities known to catch fish and shellfish for consumption with a special emphasis on sensitive populations (e.g., children, pregnant women, nursing mothers). These enhanced activities could include posting multiFocused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-2 2014 lingual signs in fishing and crabbing areas, distributing illustrated, multi-lingual brochures, and holding community educational meetings and workshops. For the active remedial alternatives that rely on an engineered cap for protectiveness, additional institutional controls would be necessary to protect the integrity of the cap in perpetuity. These controls could include vessel speed restrictions or depth of draft limitations; prohibitions on anchoring vessels within the FFS Study Area to prevent damage to the cap (mooring to bulkheads is already standard practice); limitations on recreational uses; restrictions on construction and dredging in the FFS Study Area near or below the capping depth (while allowing maintenance dredging in the navigation channel between RM0 and RM2.2); and/or bulkhead maintenance agreements or deed restrictions in the FFS Study Area that specify or limit what can be done with regard to bulkhead construction or repair. Additional institutional controls could be developed during the remedial design. 4.2.2 Monitored Natural Recovery After active remediation activities are completed, MNR would involve monitoring the water column, sediment and biota tissue to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Once active remediation is completed, the influx, mixing and deposition of sediment originating from freshwater flow over Dundee Dam, from resuspended sediment between the dam and RM8.3, and tidal exchange with Newark Bay, would determine the extent to which the sediment surface in the FFS Study Area is recontaminated. However, the FFS Study Area is the major source of COPCs and COPECs to the river above RM8.3 and to Newark Bay; so remediation of the FFS Study Area would reduce the major source of contamination to those areas, and thereby reducing the contamination brought back into the FFS Study Area from those areas over time, resulting in MNR being a more effective mechanism for reducing risk under the active remedial alternatives. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-3 2014 4.2.3 Sediment Removal The FFS conceptual development of alternatives assumed that dredging would occur using a mechanical dredge fitted with an environmental clamshell bucket although costs for hydraulic dredging were also estimated. After remedy selection, the most appropriate and effective equipment would be determined during the design phase and used during construction. Several major considerations drive the conceptual design, cost estimates, and feasibility evaluation for the dredging included in the active remedial alternatives, such as the following: • Productivity: Because of the large volume of sediment proposed for removal under the three active remedial alternatives, the ability of the contractor to dredge, transport, and handle the contaminated sediment as expeditiously as possible will be critical. System productivity was evaluated using information developed during the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012) as well as operations at other large remediation dredging projects. On the basis of this evaluation, an average production rate for each of the two primary dredges has been conservatively estimated to be 2,000 cubic yards per 24-hour day. This production rate accounts for periods where a smaller secondary dredge would operate at a lower production rate around obstructions such as bridge abutments and bulkheads. Dredging was assumed to occur for 40 weeks per year to account for equipment maintenance, weather, and some degree of fish window restrictions. Additional information on dredging productivity is included in Appendix F. • Accuracy: Like productivity, accuracy is a major factor in effective implementation of a dredging program. Poor accuracy can either result in the need for multiple passes to achieve PRGs or the removal of excess amounts of clean material, slowing down and adding costs to the project. Dredging depth accuracy can be attributed to several factors such as experience of equipment operator, positioning system accuracy, site conditions (e.g. water depths), and dredging bucket design. During the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012), over 90 percent of the targeted area (1.2 acres) was dredged to within12 inches and over 70 percent of the targeted area was dredged to within 6 inches of the target elevation using single pass production dredging which is typical of modern dredging practices. Given the specifications of the dredging equipment, the targeted dredging depths, and the performance observed during the Pilot Study, a vertical Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-4 2014 accuracy of six inches was assumed for estimated depths of fifteen feet or less, and a vertical accuracy of one foot was assumed for estimated depths greater than fifteen feet; hence a six-inch or one-foot over-dredging allowance (depending on the dredging depth) was used for volume estimates (refer to Appendix G). When the existing federally-authorized navigation channel was constructed in the 1880s1910s, dredging accuracy was more typically one foot with an over-dredging allowance of two feet (USACE, 2010). Where sediment volume estimates were based on the depth of the existing navigation channel, historical dredging accuracy and over-dredging depth estimates were used in lieu of assumed values. Additional information on dredging accuracy is included in Appendix F. • Resuspension: This is the process by which dredging operations dislodge bedded sediment particles and disperse them into the water column (USACE, 2008b). Resuspended sediment particles settle and become part of the dredging residuals. Dredging area containment to limit the spread of resuspended particles would not be proposed except during placement of dredged materials in CAD cells under DMM Scenario A (see Section 4.2.6). For the remainder of the FFS Study Area, it is assumed that application of best management practices and state of the art technology would be employed to minimize resuspension (refer to Appendix F). • Release: This is the mechanism by which dredging operations result in the transfer of contaminants from sediment pore water and sediment particles into the water column or air (USACE, 2008b). Contaminants adsorbed to resuspended particles may partition to the water column and be transported great distances downstream in a dissolved form along with dissolved contaminants in the pore water. Contaminants in the residuals may also be released to the water column by consolidation, diffusion, and bioturbation. These effects have been evaluated using the fate and transport model (refer to Appendix B). • Residuals: Environmental dredging residuals refer to contaminated sediment found at the post-construction sediment surface, either within or adjacent to the construction footprint. Based on the inspection of sediment profile imagery collected during the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012), the thickness of the dredging residuals layer is assumed to be up to six inches. Refer to Section 4 of Appendix F for a more detailed Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-5 2014 discussion on the construction-phase impacts of dredging including the generation and mitigation of resuspended sediments and residuals. • Backfilling: In areas where all sediment inventory has been removed, a layer of backfill would be placed to cover the exposed surface and chemically isolate the residuals layer (capping is discussed in Section 4.2.4). The backfill material may be placed in a single lift or in a series of lifts, with the first lift being placed soon after dredging is completed in a given area to sequester residuals with the remainder of the backfill being placed after dredging has been completed. Additional information on backfilling is included in Appendix F. In order to provide a basis from which assumptions can be made, data obtained from several large environmental dredging projects like the Hudson River and Fox River were evaluated. This evaluation was used to confirm data specific to the Lower Passaic River obtained from the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study. The assumptions developed based on the data from the Pilot Study may not fully represent large scale physical and environmental conditions applicable to the FFS Study Area dredging remedies and warrant further evaluation during the design phase. 4.2.4 Sediment Capping Containment alternatives involve leaving a portion of the contaminated sediment in place and isolating these materials from the environment through the use of an engineered cap. Several major considerations drive the conceptual design, cost estimates, and feasibility evaluation of alternatives involving containment including the following. • Cap Material: Significant quantities of cap material would be required for alternatives involving containment. For cost estimating purposes it is assumed that a nearby borrow source(s) (either subaqueous or land-based) of coarse-grained sand would be available; several potential borrow sources within 50 miles of the FFS Study Area were identified as potential suppliers. Modeling of potential cap erosion (see Appendix B) shows that sand meeting NJDOT Specification I-7 20 would remain stable under normal flow 20 See Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-6 2014 conditions so the feasibility analysis was performed assuming the use of this material. During design, enhanced capping technologies such as additives to create an active cap or thin layer capping techniques may be considered in areas where necessary or where conditions are conducive to such approaches. • Cap Placement: It is assumed that cap material would be placed on the river bed using either a hydraulic diffuser or clamshell bucket. As soon as practicable after removal of dredged sediment from each sediment management unit (SMU), capping material would be placed over the dredged area to cover the exposed surface and chemically isolate the residuals layer and remaining contaminated sediment inventory. • Cap Thickness: The cap would be designed to provide chemical isolation with allowances for consolidation, bioturbation, and erosion protection. The estimated cap thickness of two feet is discussed in Appendix F. The computations for the chemical isolation layer were performed using the steady-state Reible model version 1.18 which are also discussed in Appendix F. • Engineered Cap Erosion/Armor Layer: The surface of a granular cap placed over the bed of a large, tidally-influenced riverine system is an inherently dynamic environment. Cap erosion modeling was conducted to investigate the extent of cap migration and the need for armoring (see Appendix B). Erosion estimates developed using projected bottom velocities from the hydrodynamic modeling indicate that certain capped areas in the river would require armoring to reduce erosion of the capping material, particularly after large storms (refer to Appendix F). Re-deposition of fine-grained material in capped and armored areas would be anticipated to occur over time, making the armored areas similar in surface grain size to non-armored areas. It is anticipated that, over time, the recolonized benthic community would be similar to the benthic community currently residing in the Lower Passaic River. 21 21 Restoration components for the lower eight miles are presented in the Draft Final Restoration Opportunities Report (Earth Tech, Inc. and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2006a) and Draft Restoration Vision: Balancing Ecosystem and Human Use (Earth Tech, Inc. and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2006b) (both documents are posted on; refer to Appendix F “Engineering Evaluations” for additional information regarding restoration). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-7 2014 • Flooding Analysis: Flooding periodically occurs in some areas adjacent to the Lower Passaic River. To determine whether an engineered cap would result in additional flooding in these areas, an analysis was conducted to evaluate the response of the water elevation in the river to the modified bathymetry (post-capping), the surface roughness (associated with the capping materials, e.g., sand), and the hydrodynamic conditions present during an extreme flow event (see Appendix B). The extreme event modeled for this analysis was a 100-year storm event (USEPA, 2005). New Jersey Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:13) implemented by NJDEP require that any planned action in, or change to the river, result in a water surface elevation rise of no more than 0.1 foot under the 100-year flow event to minimize impacts on flooding (this is a location-specific ARAR as shown in Table 2-1a). The flooding analysis evaluated two capping options: a) Capping with Dredging for Flooding. In this option, capped areas (whether armored or not) would be pre-dredged prior to placement of the cap and armor layer such that post-remediation depths would be equivalent to pre-remediation bathymetry. b) Capping with Armor Area Pre-dredging. A two-foot thick engineered sand cap would be placed over the entire riverbed in the FFS Study Area. Pre-dredging would be conducted in armored areas only. Under this option, post-remediation depths would be two feet shallower than pre-remediation bathymetry. The results of the flood modeling indicate that water surface elevations associated with the first option (Capping with Dredging for Flooding) would rise less than 0.1 feet thereby complying with the regulatory criterion. However, water surface elevations associated with second option (Capping with Armor Area Pre-dredging) are predicted to rise up to 0.7 feet and, therefore, would not comply with regulatory requirements. The two remedial alternatives incorporating capping developed for evaluation (i.e., Alternative 3 -Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and Alternative 4 Focused Capping for Flooding) were not modeled directly but are expected to result in water surface elevations similar to or less than those predicted by modeling for the first option evaluated (Capping with Dredging for Flooding) as similar sediment surface conditions but greater water depths are achieved by implementation of these alternatives. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-8 2014 • Pore Water Fluxes: An analysis of the possible impact of pore water on the contaminant levels in the FFS Study Area was performed using a model constructed based on Reible’s solution to the advection/diffusion chemical transport equations (USEPA, 1998a). Because of the lack of site-specific data, the model was run using a Monte Carlo analysis allowing the input variables to vary within assigned distributions. The model results showed that pore water is not likely to be a significant contributor of hydrophobic contamination to the river, even when the ability of dissolved organic compounds (solvents) to enhance chemical flux is taken into account (see Data Evaluation Report No. 2 in Appendix A). • Propeller Wash: Erosive forces associated with engine propeller (i.e., “prop”) wash have not been considered in detail and should be evaluated further during the remedial design; however, incorporation of an additional one foot of channel depth as a buffer (as shown on Table 4-1) was assumed, on average, to limit impacts to the cap to acceptable levels. • Ice Scour: In colder regions, there is the potential for erosion of a cap due to ice jam formations. The presence of ice reduces the cross-sectional area of the river, thereby increasing water velocities and causing bottom scour. Submerged ice blocks can physically damage the cap as they move downstream, and wind-driven ice scour can occur as ice blocks contact the cap when traveling through shallow areas. In addition, ice blocks that have adhered (frozen) to the surface of the cap can lift off potentially large portions of the cap if the ice blocks become mobile. According to the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Ice Jam Database, there have been three ice jam events recorded in the freshwater portions of the Passaic River in Chatham, New Jersey. Although ice forms in the Lower Passaic River, no records of ice jams were found for the FFS Study Area (USACE, 2007a). Therefore, cap erosion due to ice jams are not considered a major concern in the FFS Study Area but should be evaluated more thoroughly during the remedial design. Although ice scour could occur at the shoreline, it could be mitigated via bio-stabilization or installation of armoring materials. Alternatives involving containment include costs for annual visual cap inspections at low tide during the spring to evaluate the need for cap maintenance. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-9 2014 • Wind/Wave Effects: The effects of wind/wave action on cap stability have not been evaluated quantitatively. Areas that are in deeper and/or open water would be less influenced by wind- or wave-generated currents and are generally less prone to erosion than shallow, near-shore environments. However, armoring techniques or selection of erosion resistant capping materials make capping technically feasible in higher energy environments. 4.2.5 Removal Actions All of the alternatives assume that the Tierra Removal (Phase 1 and 2) and RM10.9 Removal would be implemented since they are governed by existing AOCs. The removals were assumed to occur prior to implementation of the remedial alternatives. However, the agreement for Phase 2 of the Tierra Removal contemplates the siting of a CDF 22 as a receptacle for the dredged materials, which has not been done to date. If Phase 2 has not been implemented by the start of the FFS Study Area remediation, then USEPA expects that Phase 2 would be implemented in conjunction with the FFS Study Area remedy in a coordinated and consistent manner. See Chapter 2 in the RI Report for more information. 4.2.6 Dredged Material Management Scenarios Since the active remedial alternatives all involve dredging large volumes of contaminated sediment, a number of dredged material management (DMM) scenarios were evaluated for each active remedial alternative. DMM Scenario A: CAD As described in Chapter 3, CAD was retained as a feasible sediment disposal option. Multiple CAD cells below the existing bathymetry would be constructed in Newark Bay, as shown in Figure 4-1. The conceptual design assumes that approximately the first five feet of material excavated from the first CAD cell would be contaminated requiring disposal at an upland 22 A CDF is an engineered structure enclosed by dikes designed to contain sediment. CDFs can be constructed at upland sites (similar to landfills) or in-water, either nearshore (adjacent to land) or as self-contained islands. Dredged sediment is typically placed to an elevation above the water surface creating dry land. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-10 2014 facility. For the remaining CAD cells, approximately the first five feet of material would be disposed of in one of the previously-constructed CAD cells. Deeper, much less-contaminated material (approximately 45 feet of clay) would be disposed in an ocean disposal area, such as the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) in the New York Bight east of Sandy Hook. Final disposal locations would be determined during remedy design. Dredged material from the active remedial alternatives would be barged directly to the CAD site in a split hull or bottom-dump barge and released in the CAD cell under water. Under DMM Scenario A, the dredged material would be placed directly into a CAD site and waste classification would not be required 23. Passive consolidation of the dredged material would occur within the cell and an extended consolidation/settling period may be required prior to cell closure. An engineered cap (and armor if deemed necessary during design) would be placed over the dredged material as final cover. The final grades of the CAD site would be consistent with the existing adjacent bathymetry. To the extent practicable, the most-highly contaminated dredged material would be placed in the CAD cell first so that it would be confined in the deepest part of the cell, followed by lesscontaminated material as recommended by Palermo and Averett, (2000). Long-term monitoring and maintenance of the engineered caps (i.e., in perpetuity) covering the CAD cells would be required to ensure that they remain in place. A summary of monitoring measures to be considered is presented in Appendix G. CAD cells in Newark Bay operated without dissolved and particulate phase controls were modeled over short time periods using USACE’s Particle Tracking Model (PTM) and Short Term Fate (STFATE) model. The model simulations were run for a seven day period assuming a total of 12 barge placements (approximately 38,400 cy of dredged materials) which is similar to one week of operations of a CAD based on the current conceptual design. The model simulations 23 RCRA regulations exclude dredged material that is subject to the requirements of a CWA Section 404 permit, which would govern the disposal of the sediment in a disposal area within the navigable waters of the United States, from the definition of hazardous waste 40 C.F.R. 261.4(g). Because the Lower Passaic River is being remediated as part of a Superfund site, a permit is not required, but the remedial action will comply with substantive requirements of CWA Section 404. Further, if dredged contaminated sediment is consolidated within the Area of Contamination, which includes the Lower Passaic River and the areal extent of contamination within Newark Bay, RCRA land disposal restrictions would not be triggered. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-11 2014 indicated that contaminant losses from the CAD cells would cause a maximum increase in contaminant levels in surface sediments in parts of Newark Bay of 150 ppt for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 50 ppb for PAHs and 1.5 ppb for PCB-77 (see Attachment C of Appendix G). Based on the modeling results, the conceptual design in DMM Scenario A includes a containment system (i.e., sheetpile walls) surrounding the CAD site, intended to minimize the migration of dissolved and particulate-phase contaminants out of the CAD cells during construction and operation. There would be an opening for barges to enter the CAD site. The conceptual design envisions that silt curtains would be used across the entrance channel to minimize the escape of contaminants, similar to that used in the New Bedford Harbor Superfund site design (Apex, 2013). Even with the use of sheetpile walls, some of the dissolved-phase contamination could escape the containment system. An evaluation of how much dissolved-phase contamination would escape the containment system could not be performed within the scope of the FFS. In addition, there is the potential for fish and semi-aquatic birds moving into the open CAD cells during their years of operation and being exposed to highly concentrated contaminants by direct contact or ingestion of prey. Also, engineering controls (containment system and silt curtains) may be vulnerable to storm surges which were not modeled. That vulnerability includes the potential for the sheetpile to be compromised by storm surges, potentially releasing contamination into Newark Bay and requiring the containment system to be repaired/replaced before operations can continue. DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal This scenario includes two components retained in Chapter 3: thermal treatment and landfill disposal. Under this scenario, the dredged material would be removed either mechanically or hydraulically. For mechanically dredged sediment, dredged material would be placed on a barge, transported to a local upland sediment processing facility, and offloaded. For hydraulically dredged sediment, the dredged material slurry would be transported by pipeline (a mix of floating and sunken pipelines with booster pump station) into a tank at a local upland processing facility. For either dredging method, dredged material would be dewatered using mechanical presses and stabilized as necessary. The dredged material would then be transported via rail offsite for thermal treatment, if necessary, and final disposal. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-12 2014 USEPA has determined that the sediments from the Lower Passaic River do not contain a listed hazardous waste (USEPA, 2008). Management and disposal of dredged material would comply with the requirements of RCRA, the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), and with the Off-Site Rule, which requires that CERCLA wastes be placed in a facility operating in compliance with RCRA or other applicable Federal or State requirements. Prior to disposal, the dredged material would be characterized, and classified as either a non-hazardous or hazardous material based on RCRA regulations. Dredged material must be managed as a hazardous waste if the material exhibits a RCRA hazardous characteristic (toxicity, reactivity, ignitability, or corrosivity). Nonhazardous materials may be eligible for direct landfill disposal at a RCRA Subtitle D facility, depending on the facility’s permit. It is not expected that dredged material would be regulated as a TSCA waste because sampling to date for Total PCBs in the Lower Passaic River generally has not detected concentrations above 50 parts per million (ppm) 24. For FFS cost estimation purposes only, dredged material from the FFS Study Area were evaluated with respect to whether it would be characterized as hazardous based on the RCRA characteristic of toxicity, since past experience has shown that the sediment is not reactive, ignitable, or corrosive. This evaluation was prepared using analytical results of samples taken from historical sediment cores collected in 1995, sediment cores collected by USEPA in 2006 and by the CPG in 2008, as well as waste characterization data collected from the Tierra Phase 1 Removal near 80-120 Lister Avenue, which included toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) results. The analysis identified UHCs present at concentrations exceeding the UTS, requiring treatment prior to disposal. To estimate the volume of sediment in the FFS Study Area with contaminant concentrations that could exceed TCLP criteria, each core was assigned a volume of influence in the river using statistical polygons. At this time, thermal treatment is the only technology known to be able to treat sediments characterized as hazardous under RCRA and containing dioxin as an UHC, to the applicable RCRA standards. Based on the above analysis, for Alternative 2, 10 percent of the dredged material is estimated to require thermal 24 To date, only 1 sediment sample out of more than 1000 samples has shown Total PCB concentrations in excess of 50 ppm. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-13 2014 treatment; for Alternative 3, 7 percent; and for Alternative 4, 4 percent. See Appendix G for additional information on this analysis. For cost estimating purposes, it was conservatively assumed that sediment not requiring thermal treatment would be disposed of in Subtitle C landfills consistent with the disposal method used for the Tierra Removal (Phase 1) and RM10.9 Removal. In addition, the ash generated by thermal treatment would be disposed of at a Subtitle C landfill. Under this scenario, dredged materials from the active remedial alternatives would be barged to an upland sediment processing facility ideally located in the vicinity of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay shorelines, for dewatering using filter presses. The facility would treat the process and contact water generated on-site using treatment processes such as multi-stage filtration with polishing by granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption and provisions for metals removal if necessary to meet regulatory discharge requirements (N.J.A.C. 7:14A; an action-specific ARAR as presented in Table 2-1a) before being discharged into the river. Note that the upland processing facility is expected to be sited along the shoreline of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay, and so, may also be vulnerable to storm surges. There are no thermal treatment facilities or Subtitle C landfills in the NY/NJ Harbor area so the dewatered material would be transported to an existing, off-site facility for thermal treatment and disposal or directly to an existing Subtitle C landfill, as appropriate. In order to evaluate the feasibility of this DMM Scenario, thermal destruction facilities and Subtitle C landfills in the United States and Canada were preliminarily identified and screened for their ability to accept FFS Study Area dredged materials (should this DMM Scenario be selected, additional evaluation and final identification of facilities would need to be done during the design phase). Four domestic thermal destruction facilities (i.e., incinerators) located in Texas, Utah, and Nebraska, and two international thermal destruction facilities located in Ontario and Quebec, Canada, were identified and are capable of accepting dioxin-containing hazardous material (see Appendix G). For cost estimating purposes, it has been assumed that rail transport would be employed. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-14 2014 Fifteen Subtitle C landfills were evaluated to assess their suitability for disposal of the nonhazardous dredged materials generated from the FFS Study Area (see Appendix G). The Subtitle C facilities identified meet the requirements of the RCRA Off-Site Rule (CERCLA Section 121(d)(3)). Fourteen of the 15 facilities surveyed accept non-listed dioxin-containing waste. Each facility generally has its own specific criteria for waste acceptance and requires a waste profile for further evaluation. The cost for disposal can vary based on whether the material requires additional stabilization and/or treatment. For this study, the primary factors for determining appropriate Subtitle C landfill facilities are available capacity, location, and access to rail transport. These factors are discussed further in Appendix G. DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Local decontamination with beneficial use includes three components retained in Chapter 3: thermal treatment, sediment washing and solidification/stabilization. Under this scenario, material would be dredged and transported to a local upland sediment processing facility as described for DMM Scenario B. At the processing facility, treatment would be based on the chemical characteristics of the dredged sediment. As described above in the discussion of DMM Scenario B, dredged materials from the FFS Study Area were evaluated with respect to whether they would be characterized as hazardous based on the RCRA characteristic of toxicity. As noted, at this time thermal treatment is the only technology known to be able to treat sediments characterized as hazardous under RCRA and containing dioxin as an UHC, to the applicable RCRA standards. For Alternative 2, 10 percent of the dredged material is estimated to require thermal treatment; for Alternative 3, 7 percent; and for Alternative 4, 4 percent. See Appendix G for additional information on this analysis. Several alternative thermal treatment technologies were evaluated in Appendix G. For FFS cost estimation purposes, this scenario relies on the construction and operation of a self-contained thermal treatment facility such as Cement-Lock® Technology. The size of the facility would be based on the estimated throughput established during the remedial design. For fine-grained dredged materials characterized as non-hazardous (the material does not exhibit a RCRA characteristic of toxicity), but with in situ COPC and COPEC concentrations exceeding Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-15 2014 the New Jersey NRDCSRS, sediment washing was selected as the representative treatment process option prior to beneficial use (see Appendix G). For Alternative 2, 88 percent of the dredged material is estimated to require sediment washing; for Alternative 3, 92 percent; and for Alternative 4, 94 percent. Sediment washing has not yet been developed on a commercial scale but has been tested in a number of pilot studies. In a 2006 demonstration project sponsored by USEPA and NJDOT using dredged material from the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay (see Appendix G), this process produced a manufactured soil that was used as a beneficial use product (BioGenesisSM Enterprises, Inc., 2009). However, in mid-2012, bench scale studies by two sediment washing technology vendors (Biogenesis and Pear Technology) showed that their processes were unable to reduce Lower Passaic River sediment contamination to levels low enough for beneficial use (de maximis, inc., 2012). It remains to be seen whether the beneficial use products produced through sediment washing can receive regulatory approval and/or public acceptance. In addition, a small percentage (1 to 2 percent) of FFS Study Area sediments may not exhibit a RCRA characteristic and may meet NRDCSRS, requiring only minimal treatment (see Appendix G). That small percentage would be stabilized using solidification and stabilization technologies and beneficially used. Selection of specific beneficial use options, such as sanitary landfill cover, construction fill, or restoration of abandoned surface mined lands would depend on the physical and chemical requirements of the proposed application, local site-specific restrictions, and market demand for the material. Under this scenario, dredged materials from the active remedial alternatives would be barged to an upland sediment processing facility, ideally located in the vicinity of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay shorelines. The material to be decontaminated using thermal treatment or solidification/stabilization would be dewatered using filter presses prior to treatment; the material to be decontaminated using sediment washing would be dewatered following treatment. The facility would treat the process and contact water generated on-site using treatment processes such as multi-stage filtration with polishing by GAC adsorption and provisions for metals removal if necessary to meet regulatory discharge requirements, before being discharged Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-16 2014 into the river. Note that the upland processing facility is expected to be sited along the shoreline of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay, and so, may also be vulnerable to storm surges. 4.2.7 Upland Sediment Processing Facility As discussed in Section 4.2.6, an upland sediment processing facility would be required for the DMM scenarios involving off-site or local treatment of dredged material. The feasibility-level conceptual designs of upland processing facilities for both of these DMM scenarios are presented in Appendix G. Assumptions inherent to the conceptual designs have been incorporated into the cost estimates presented in Appendix H. The siting of an upland sediment processing facility that includes dewatering and decontamination technologies involves a number of logistical challenges. A number of variables must be taken into account when selecting a suitable location including proximity to the Lower Passaic River, adequate water frontage, sufficient land for materials processing and storage, access to rail facilities and major highways, current land use at the proposed site of the treatment facility and adjacent properties (e.g., proximity to sensitive receptors and potential restoration sites 25), and quality of life issues (e.g., noise, odor) for surrounding land users. A preliminary siting study (USACE, 2007b and Appendix G) was conducted in 2006 to aid in the selection of a suitable sediment treatment facility location (not related to the FFS study). During the remedial design this study would need to be updated and expanded based on current conditions and project needs. The upland processing facility is estimated to range from approximately 26 to 40 acres in size depending on the Alternative and DMM Scenario (see Appendix G). In addition to a processing facility building, space would be needed for an administrative building, employee and visitor parking, decontamination facilities, material handling, loading and off-loading facilities, debris processing and storage, and stormwater management. Water treatment facilities to treat water 25 Restoration components for the lower eight miles are presented in the Draft Final Restoration Opportunities Report (Earth Tech, Inc. and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2006a) and Draft Restoration Vision: Balancing Ecosystem and Human Use (Earth Tech, Inc. and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2006b) (both documents are posted on; refer to Appendix F for additional information regarding restoration). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-17 2014 from the dewatering system and contact water (including storm water within the exclusion zone, decontamination water, and wheel wash water) would be located at the facility. The active remedial alternatives include at least 6 months of storage for material waiting for treatment or off-site shipment (refer to Appendix G). An analysis of throughput and storage requirements for the different treatment facilities would be required during the design phase to account for potential system downtimes and effective operating capacity. Administrative challenges associated with the construction of a thermal treatment facility (DMM Scenario C) would include obtaining regulatory approval and permits for air emissions, or, if the facility is located at the Superfund site, addressing substantive requirements. 4.2.8 Additional Considerations Additional common elements of the active remedial alternatives would include, but are not limited, to the following: • Pre-design investigation – Extensive sampling of sediment and the water column during a pre-design investigation is not uncommon for remedial actions at large Superfund sediment sites to update site conditions; the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site is one example at which such an investigation was required by USEPA. • Remedial design - A final design incorporating specifications and drawings would be prepared addressing conditions identified during the predesign investigation, and a contractor would be selected to perform the construction work. • Site selection – A preliminary site evaluation study for an upland sediment processing facility was conducted by the USACE in 2006 (see Section 4.2.7 and Appendix G). Depending on the selected DMM scenario, a more detailed study may be required during design. • Contractor work plans - The contractor would be required to prepare work plans detailing operational parameters for equipment to be used, quality assurance and quality control procedures, health and safety procedures, work schedules, and other items. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-18 2014 • Equipment mobilization/demobilization – Prior to the start of work, equipment would be moved to the site and removed at the end of the project. • Annual project startup / shutdown - The project schedule is based on 40 weeks of in-water work with an approximately three months down-period each year. An annual restart cost was included to cover some remobilization or other down-period costs. • Debris management - Prior to dredging, it would be necessary to remove large debris from the sediment bed to streamline subsequent dredging or capping operations. A side-scan sonar survey performed in 2004 (Aqua Survey, Inc. (ASI), 2006) identified 47 large objects, 16 of which had signatures of automobiles. A shipwreck was also identified. • Environmental monitoring during construction – The program would include water quality, sediment quality, and air monitoring. Appropriate data quality objectives for the construction monitoring program would be developed during the design phase of the project. • Confirmatory sampling - The thickness of the engineered cap and armoring layer (as necessary) would be documented for Alternatives 3 and 4. • Long-term annual and periodic monitoring and maintenance – Conditions of the FFS Study Area would be assessed over time. Ecological impacts of the construction on the habitat and biological communities would be evaluated as well as the changes and recovery expected to occur over the monitoring period. Maintenance would be performed as necessary. • Five year reviews - For each active remedial alternative, a review of site conditions would be conducted at five-year intervals, as required by CERCLA Section 121(c). These elements are not considered process options but are integral parts of the conceptual design considered during development of the three active remedial alternatives. Background assumptions and the associated cost for each element are provided in Appendix H. 4.3 Modeling Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives 4.3.1 Modeling Framework The modeling framework for the Lower Passaic River was subjected to an independent peer review in February and March 2013, in accordance with USEPA’s Peer Review Handbook Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-19 2014 (USEPA, 2006). The peer review process, charge questions, key issues, summary of changes made to the model following the peer review and detailed response to peer review comments are all documented in a peer review report dated September 2013 (HDR, 2013). The modeling framework for the Lower Passaic River includes model components for hydrodynamics, sediment transport and organic carbon production and transport, and contaminant fate and transport (see Appendix B for more detailed descriptions). These modeling components were derived from the previously peer-reviewed CARP (Contamination Assessment and Reduction Project) models and revised in a number of ways, including a finer grid resolution to capture spatial detail affecting the transport processes within the project domain. Hydrodynamic and sediment transport model calculations were performed first to determine intra-tidal transport, bottom shear stresses, erosion, deposition, and transport of sediment throughout the model domain. Changes in river bed elevations were accounted for by allowing feedback from the sediment transport model to the hydrodynamic model. The results of the hydrodynamic and sediment transport models were transferred to an organic carbon production and transport model to determine the movement of DOC and POC through the water column and between the overlying water and the bed. Information from the hydrodynamic, sediment transport and organic carbon production and transport models was transferred to a contaminant fate and transport model. This model was then used (along with descriptions of contaminant partitioning to organic carbon and other contaminant processes presented in Appendix B) to determine contaminant concentrations in the overlying water and sediment. Finally, contaminant concentrations in the water column and sediment were used in risk assessment calculations. Hydrodynamic Model The purpose of the hydrodynamic model is to develop a time-dependent, three-dimensional description of transport through the Lower Passaic River. The hydrodynamic model is based on HDR|HydroQual’s in-house model ECOM. ECOM is a three-dimensional model that simulates the spatial and temporal variation of water levels, currents, and dispersive mixing, which transport contaminants throughout the system, as well as salinity and temperature fields as they Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-20 2014 vary with freshwater inflows, tide, winds, and heating exchange between the atmosphere and water. Sediment Transport Model The purpose of the sediment transport model is to provide a mathematical representation of the processes affecting sediment transport behavior, so that simulated sediment transport results could be used to determine the transport of sorbed contaminants in the fate and transport modeling. The sediment transport model ECOMSED, with the bed model, SEDZLJS (HydroQual, 2007) was used for these analyses. The ECOM-SEDZLJS model allows for the following: • Computation of grain-shear stress based on bed composition and velocity and water depth calculated by the hydrodynamic model. • Simulation of a user-defined number of particle size classes. • Computation of erosion fluxes as a function of grain-shear stress, bed composition and erosion rates derived from site-specific erosion experiments. • Division of total erosion fluxes into bedload and suspended load components. • Simulation of bedload transport. • Computation of deposition fluxes as a function of defined or calculated critical values shear stresses for each particle class size. • Flexible simulation of consolidation effects in deposited cohesive sediment layers. The sediment transport model is dynamically linked to the hydrodynamics model so that changes in bed elevation simulated in the sediment transport model are accounted for by modifying the model bathymetry at every time step. Organic Carbon (ST-SWEM) Production and Transport Model The purpose of the organic carbon production and transport model for the Lower Passaic River was to establish how organic carbon is being produced in, removed from, and transported through the Lower Passaic River. This is important because in aquatic systems the partitioning of hydrophobic organic contaminants such as PCBs, dioxin/furans, pesticides and PAHs is related to the POC on the sediments and, to a lesser extent, to DOC. Therefore, the fate and transport of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-21 2014 organic carbon are important to understanding the fate and transport of these hydrophobic chemicals. An organic carbon production and transport and sediment diagenesis model of the Lower Passaic River and contiguous waterways provides information on reducing/oxidizing conditions, sulfate reduction rates, and sulfide concentrations which are critical in evaluating the fate and transport of mercury and the production of methyl mercury in sediments. Contaminant Fate and Transport Model The purpose of the contaminant fate and transport model is to gain an understanding of the fate and transport of contaminants within the Lower Passaic River, as well as the export to or import from Newark Bay and other portions of the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. An important feature of the contaminant fate and transport model is the ability to predict future contaminant levels in surface waters and sediments resulting from specific remedial actions. The contaminant fate and transport model is analogous in structure to the model used for the CARP (i.e., RCATOX) but it takes advantage of an improved bed layering scheme, higher grid resolution and more refined hydrodynamics, sediment transport and organic carbon production calculations. The contaminant fate and transport model was run on a collapsed grid, which is coarser than the grid used in the hydrodynamic and sediment transport models. This was done to achieve reasonable simulation times given the number of contaminants of interest, and the number and duration of model scenarios for future forecast. Starting with the 1995 data as the initial condition, the model was run until 2012 and the model results compared to data collected between 1995 and 2012, including more extensive datasets collected by the CPG in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012. The comparison between model results and data should be interpreted with caution because some of the sampling programs were not designed to be spatially representative of the surface sediment bed in the FFS Study Area. In setting the initial conditions in the Lower Passaic River portion of the model the following procedure was used: • In the FFS Study Area (below RM8.3) - Historical data from 1990-1995 were used to populate the contaminant concentrations of the sediment bed. • Above the FFS Study Area in the Lower Passaic River (RM8.3 – RM17.4) - there are only limited historical data available so more recent data that the CPG collected in 2008 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-22 2014 were also used. The 1995 initial sediment bed concentrations were scaled-up to values that, on average, declined to the 2008 values in model year 2008 during simulations. • The sediment bed was divided into the following layers: 0 to 0.5 feet, 0.5 to 1.5 feet, 1.5 to 2.5 feet, 2.5 to 3.5 feet, 3.5 to 5.5 feet, and archive (greater than 5.5 feet). • The individual data points were averaged locally and spatially using geomorphic zones. The geomorphic make up of each model grid cell was used to assign its concentration. In Newark Bay, historical data from 1990-1995 were used to populate the contaminant concentrations of the sediment bed. In addition, the specification of sediment initial conditions in Newark Bay incorporated carbon-normalization and segregation of spatial interpolations within and outside of the navigation channels of Newark Bay. 4.3.2 Application of Models for Simulating FFS Alternatives One of the important tasks in the application of the models was to simulate the future sediment and water column concentrations for the four FFS alternatives. The results show how the system would react under each alternative and form the basis for calculation of future risks. The four FFS alternatives are: No Action, Deep Dredging with Backfill, Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, and Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding. Model applications for these scenarios are as follows: • The initial condition year for the models was 1995. • The hydrodynamic and sediment transport models were simulated for the period 1995 to 2012. Note that Hurricane Irene, a 1 in 90 year storm event which occurred in August 2011, was included in the simulation (based on a peer review recommendation). • The hydrograph and other tidal forcing for the period October 1995 to September 2010 were repeated in 15-year cycles to simulate conditions in the future through September 2059, which is 30 years after remedy-related construction would be completed. (The hydrographs for 2011 and 2012 were not included in the repeating cycle to avoid simulating a 1 in 90 year storm event every 17 years.) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-23 2014 • Boundary conditions for contaminants were developed as a function of increasing concentration with increasing river flow. The 15-year time-variable boundary condition time series was repeated for future conditions along with the 15-year repeating hydrograph cycle. • Modeling scenarios included the removal of sediments within an enclosure for the Tierra Removal (Phases 1 and 2) and the implementation of the RM10.9 Removal 26. • Remediation of the active remedial alternatives was assumed to start in 2018 using the No Action result as initial condition. • For dredging, a resuspension rate of three percent of the mass removed (solids, carbon, and chemical) was assumed. This rate is based the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012) results and similar measurements from other dredging projects. Therefore, three percent of the material in the dredge bucket was added back into the water column in the sediment transport, organic carbon production and transport, and contaminant fate and transport models, with half introduced in the bottom layer and half in the surface layer. • No resuspension or loss of solids was assumed during cap/backfill placement. • For the Focused Capping Alternative (Alternative 4), the No Action (Alternative 1) modeling results were used in a knee-of-the-curve type analysis to determine the following: o Identify and rank the cells that contribute significantly to contaminant resuspension on a gross and net basis. o Select the cells constituting approximately 50 percent of the gross resuspension flux, and about 75 percent of the net resuspension flux (Figure 4-2). Gross flux is the sum of the resuspension flux from the sediment bed over the year of simulation. For each time step, the model keeps track of the resuspension from the sediment bed in each grid cell and these values are the summed to get a cumulative gross 26 At the time modeling was performed, the RM10.9 Removal had not yet been implemented, so for modeling purposes, the removal was assumed to start and finish in 2013. In reality, the removal started in 2013, but has not yet been completed as of the writing of this report. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-24 2014 resuspension flux at the end of the year. For net flux, the net of resuspension and deposition over the year of simulation are summed for each grid cell. For all the active remedial alternatives, a projected schedule for progress of the dredging, capping and/or backfill processes was provided as a model input. In the hydrodynamic and sediment transport models, both the release of solids due to dredging and the change in bathymetry associated with dredging were simulated in each model time step. The composition of the solids released was based on the composition of the parent bed for the cell being dredged from the sediment transport model initial conditions. Over the same duration, the bathymetry for the cell being dredged was adjusted from the elevation at the start of dredging to the post capping elevation. The net bed elevation change associated with the alternative was used to avoid numerical stability issues associated with the gross elevation change due to dredging and the subsequent backfill or capping. Both the mass of solids released and the bathymetry change were distributed equally over the duration of dredging within the model grid cell where remediation was occurring. Upon completion of dredging within a cell, the composition of the bed was set to the capping or backfill composition. In most areas the composition was sand with a one percent cohesive fraction. In locations where mudflats were to be restored, the cohesive fraction was set to six percent in the top foot of the bed. The simulation of remediation in the organic carbon production and transport model was similar to the approach used in the sediment transport model. The release of organic carbon to the water column due to dredging (three percent of the mass was released with half released to the surface layer and half to the bottom layer) was simulated each time step. The composition of the organic carbon released was based on the composition of the bed at the beginning of dredging within the model grid cell being dredged. The mass of organic carbon released was distributed equally over the duration of dredging within the model grid cell where remediation was occurring. Upon completion of dredging within a cell the composition of the bed was set to the capping or backfill composition. In most areas that composition was sand with a one percent cohesive fraction and one tenth of a percent organic carbon. In locations where mudflats would be restored the organic carbon fraction is set to six tenths of a percent, or one tenth of the cohesive fraction. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-25 2014 The simulation of remediation in the contaminant fate and transport model follows the same approach. The release of contaminant (COPCs and COPECs) to the water column due to dredging was simulated each time step (three percent of the mass was released with half released to the surface layer and half to the bottom layer). The contaminant mass released was based on the concentrations in the bed at the beginning of dredging within the cell being dredged. The mass of contaminant released was distributed equally over the duration of dredging within the model cell where remediation was occurring. Upon completion of dredging within a cell the contaminant concentration of the bed was set to zero. Uncertainties in model predictions of surface sediment contaminant concentrations for the FFS Study Area were developed using an approach discussed in USEPA’s 2005 Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites, which relies on consideration of residuals between model results and data (Connolly and Tonelli, 1985; see Appendix B for details). These uncertainties are represented as upper and lower bounds on the best estimates of average surface sediments concentrations and they were used to determine whether the model projections for one alternative are significantly different from another alternative. 4.4 Description and Screening of Remedial Alternatives 4.4.1 Evaluation Criteria and Approach The screening criteria discussed herein conform to the remedy selection requirements set forth in Section 121 of CERCLA, the NCP [40 CFR 300.430(e)(7)], and the RI/FS Guidance (USEPA, 1988). The three criteria used for the initial screening of alternatives are effectiveness, implementability, and cost. Effectiveness Effectiveness criteria are based on the outline presented in CERCLA, Section 121(b) and Section 300.430(e)(7)(I) of the NCP. The primary criterion in screening the effectiveness of a remedial alternative is its ability to protect human health and the environment. Effectiveness of alternatives was evaluated by comparing the following: Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-26 2014 • The modeled COPC and COPEC concentrations in the FFS Study Area surface sediments after completion of remediation to sediment PRGs. • The modeled cumulative gross resuspension flux of COPCs and COPECs from the sediment bed in the FFS Study Area. • The modeled cumulative water column mass transport of COPCs and COPECs towards Newark Bay at RM0.9. Detailed modeling results for the complete set of COPCs and COPECs along with model sensitivity analyses are presented in Appendix B. Implementability Implementability was considered in the screening process as a measure of the technical and administrative feasibility of constructing, operating, and maintaining the proposed remedial action. Cost The intent of the cost screening is to make order-of-magnitude comparisons between remedial alternatives. Costs are identified as advantageous (low) or disadvantageous (high) to aid in choosing between similar alternatives. Both capital and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs were considered. Alternatives that have excessive costs (at least an order of magnitude higher than a comparable alternative) and do not provide an increase in protection were eliminated from further consideration. Costs are used to compare on-site and off-site treatment technologies for screening purposes but are not used to screen between treatment and non-treatment alternatives. Cost details are presented in Appendix H. 4.4.2 Alternative 1: No Action Description The No Action Alternative does not include any dredging, capping or backfill, disposal or treatment of contaminated sediments. NJDEP could continue the fish and shellfish consumption advisories already in place pursuant to state legal authorities, but the No Action Alternative does not include implementation of any new institutional controls or monitoring as part of a CERCLA Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-27 2014 response action for the FFS Study Area. Implementation of the 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS would continue. The model simulation for Alternative 1 assumed that the Tierra Removal (Phases 1 and 2) and RM10.9 Removal would be implemented. Model simulations were prepared for Alternative 1 based on a start date of 1995 and a completion date of 2059. Although no active remediation would be conducted under this alternative, the same project duration (based on the construction schedule for Alternative 2) was used for comparison to be consistent with the other active remedial alternative results. The model progression for Alternative 1 was based on the following schedule assumptions for other work in the river: Tierra Removal Phase 1 (completed) 2012 (February): Sheet pile enclosure constructed. 2012 (March): Start dredging within enclosure – 40,000 cubic yards removed. 2012 (August): Start backfill placement within enclosure. 2012 (November): Remove sheetpile enclosure. RM10.9 Removal (assumed to be completed) 27 2013 (June): Start of RM10.9 Removal 2013 (August): End of RM10.9 Removal Tierra Removal Phase 2 (planned) 2017 (February): Sheet pile enclosure constructed. 2017 (March): Start dredging within enclosure – 160,000 cy planned to be removed. 2017 (September): Start backfill placement within enclosure. 2017 (October): Remove Phase 2 sheetpile enclosure. 2018: Establish initial conditions for all model runs. 27 At the time modeling was performed, the RM10.9 Removal had not yet been implemented, so for modeling purposes, it was assumed that the removal would start and finish in 2013. In reality, the removal started in 2013, but has not yet been completed as of the writing of this report. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-28 2014 Effectiveness The No Action Alternative would not be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs. According to the modeling results for the period from 2018 to 2059 (Alternative 1 is represented by the red lines in Figures 4-3a through 4-3k) 28, the FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations would remain far above any of the proposed remediation goals or background levels for any COPC and COPEC. The lack of any significant recovery under Alternative 1 is due to the combination of the impact of contaminated sediments remaining in the river and the fact that accumulation of less-contaminated solids has slowed down as the river has reached a quasi-steady state. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux from the bed resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area is presented in Table 4-2 for period 2030 to 2059. This period (2030 to 2059) was evaluated so as to maintain the same hydrologic conditions across all of the alternatives. For Alternative 1, the total gross resuspension from the FFS Study Area was estimated at 0.9 kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,100 kg of Total PCBs, 230 kg for Total DDx, and 3,500 kg for mercury. The modeled cumulative water column mass transport of contaminants towards Newark Bay at RM0.9 is presented in Figures 4-4a through 4-4d for the period 2030 to 2059. The contaminant mass transport model results for all alternatives and contaminants show gradual increases over time, with step increases associated with high flow conditions in 2039 and 2054, which is when the April 2007 high flow occurs in the 15-year repeating hydrograph. Smaller steps are also noted in 2042 and 2057 when the 2010 high flow occurs in the 15-year cycle. The transport of contaminants under Alternative 1 is higher than corresponding values under Alternatives 2 and 3. Implementability The No Action alternative is easily implemented from both a technical and an administrative standpoint as it does not include active remediation or new monitoring requirements. 28 The same surface sediment concentration data is presented in both a linear and log scale for each of the four main COPCs in the Figure 4-3 plots. The log scale presentation of data in these figures magnifies the effect of storms, so that while storm-driven increases in contamination might be visually better seen in Alternative 2 and 3, they also have significant effects on in Alternatives 1 and 4. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-29 2014 Cost If Alternative 1 were the selected alternative, no action would be taken to address the contamination in the lower 8.3 miles of the Lower Passaic River at this time. Therefore, there are no costs associated with this alternative. Further evaluation of remedial alternatives would be addressed as part of the 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS. Conclusion Although Alternative 1 (No Action) is not effective in meeting RAOs and PRGs within a reasonable time frame and is not protective of human health and the environment, it has been retained for detailed analysis, as required by CERCLA and the NCP, to serve as a basis for comparison with other remedial alternatives. 4.4.3 Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill Description Deep Dredging with Backfill evaluates a bank-to-bank remedy that would involve dredging the contaminated fine-grained sediments throughout the FFS Study Area (9.7 million cy) to varying depths followed by placement of two feet of backfill material over the dredged area. This alternative is intended to remove the contaminated sediment inventory causing the current and potential future risks in the FFS Study Area. This alternative would accommodate continued use of the federally-authorized navigation channel, since the contaminated sediment inventory is coincident with the authorized navigation channel. Enhanced outreach programs would be implemented to educate local communities about the NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories already in place. Additional institutional controls may be developed during the remedial design. The sequence of dredging would be from RM8.3 to RM0. In-river construction duration for this alternative is estimated to be 11 years starting in 2018 and ending in 2029, with no additional time required to complete dredged material processing. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-30 2014 Within the horizontal limits of the authorized navigation channel, the depth of contaminated finegrained sediment corresponds well with the depth of historical navigation dredging (see Table 1-1). Therefore, the depth of dredging is assumed to be the authorized channel depth plus an additional three feet to account for historical dredging accuracy and over-dredging. The resulting sediment removal depths (in MLW) are as follows: • RM8.3 to RM8.1: 13 feet (resulting in a 10-foot deep navigation channel) over a 150-foot width • RM8.1 to RM7.1: 19 feet (resulting in a 16-foot deep navigation channel) over a 200-foot width • RM7.1 to RM4.6: 19 feet (resulting in a 16-foot deep navigation channel) over a 300-foot width • RM4.6 to RM2.629: 23 feet (resulting in a 20-foot deep navigation channel) over a 300-foot width • RM2.6 to RM0: 33 feet (resulting in a 30-foot deep navigation channel) over a 300-foot width. Outside the horizontal limits of the federally-authorized navigation channel (i.e., in the shoals), the depth of contaminated fine-grained sediment varies. Data from geotechnical and chemical cores were used to estimate the depth of contaminated fine-grained sediments targeted for dredging at various locations in the river. For locations where the targeted depths are less than 15 feet, the sediment removal depth was assumed to be the estimated depth of fine-grained sediment plus an additional six inches to account for dredging accuracy. For locations where the targeted depths are greater than 15 feet, the sediment removal depth was assumed to be the estimated depth of fine-grained sediment plus one foot. Sediment removal in shoal areas is described in Appendix G. Mudflats dredged during implementation of Alternative 2 would be reconstructed to their original grade and incorporating one foot of mudflat reconstruction (habitat) material. 29 The 20-foot deep section of the federally-authorized navigation channel stops at RM4.1; however, historical dredging records show that the channel was sometimes maintained to a 20-foot depth up to RM4.6 (refer to Table 1-1). Therefore, Alternative 2 includes dredging to the 20-foot depth (plus three feet) up to RM4.6 to ensure removal of the contaminated fine-grained sediment that would have deposited there after maintenance dredging stopped. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-31 2014 The objective of Alternative 2 is to remove as much of the contaminated fine-grained sediment as practicable, resulting in the exposure of the underlying sandy material or red-brown clay. Two feet of backfill material would then be placed to address residual contamination. The backfill would not be monitored or maintained after placement. The dredged material removed from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 2 would be managed in accordance with one of the three DMM scenarios described previously: • DMM Scenario A: Confined Aquatic Disposal • DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal • DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use As described in Section 4.2, institutional controls and MNR would be implemented after construction until PRGs are met. As with Alternative 1, the model simulation for Alternative 2 assumed that the Tierra Removal and RM10.9 Removal would be implemented. The model progression for Alternative 2 was as follows. • The Tierra Removal (Phases 1 and 2) and RM10.9 Removal were included in model simulations under this alternative based on the same schedule presented for Alternative 1. • The following alternative specific schedule dates were used in the model simulations: o 2018: Establish initial conditions using the No Action scenario results o 2018 (March): Start dredging in the FFS Study Area o 2028: Dredging activities end o 2029: Placement of final backfill layer ends. For the model run, it was assumed that each grid cell is a SMU. Dredging was assumed to progress one SMU at a time. The conceptual design construction plan specifies that after completing dredging at a specific SMU, a 1-foot layer of backfill would be placed in the SMU to cover dredging residuals. After dredging is completed in all SMUs, a second 1-foot layer of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-32 2014 backfill would be placed over the entire FFS Study Area. This approach was simulated in the hydrodynamic and sediment transport models with changes in bathymetry to reflect grid cells scheduled for dredging and backfilling at every time step. Upon completion of dredging within a cell the composition of the bed was set to the backfill composition (see Section 4.3). In most areas the backfill composition is sand with a one percent cohesive fraction and one tenth of a percent organic carbon. In locations where mudflats are to be restored, the organic carbon fraction would be six tenths of a percent, or one tenth of the cohesive fraction. Contaminant concentrations are set to zero in the contaminant fate model in the individual cells representing a SMU when dredging and backfilling are completed in the SMU. The conceptual design for Alternative 2 is shown on Figure 4-5. Additional information on material volumes is provided in Table 4-3. Effectiveness Model simulations predict a significant decline in surface sediment concentrations of COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 2 (Alternative 2 is represented by the orange lines in Figures 4-3a through 4-3k), so this alternative, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment and would be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs. From 2030 to 2059, under Alternative 2, average 2,3,7,8-TCDD surface sediment concentrations would decline by an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal (at HQ equal to one); Total PCB concentrations would decline by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal (calculated at HQ equal to one); Total DDx concentrations would decline by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate at a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal; and mercury concentrations would decline by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal. Future risk levels are predicted to get close enough to protective goals that Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR, would achieve those goals relatively shortly beyond the model simulation period. Model uncertainty bounds for surface sediment COPC concentrations (shown in Figures 4-3c, 43f, 4-3h, and 4-3k) show no overlap between Alternative 2 and Alternative 1 post-remediation. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-33 2014 The lack of an overlap in the uncertainty bounds indicates that the predicted surface sediment concentrations of COPCs under Alternative 2 are significantly lower than corresponding concentrations under Alternative 1. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux from the bed resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 2 is presented in Table 4-2 for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Alternative 2, which is designed to remove the inventory of contaminated sediment in the FFS Study Area, would significantly reduce the gross resuspension flux from the bed into the water. In addition, lower tidal velocities resulting from the deeper bathymetry following implementation of Alternative 2 reduce bed shear stresses that cause resuspension. The modeled gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 2 would be lower by 63 percent, 53 percent, 56 percent and 48 percent for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx, and mercury, respectively, as compared to Alternative 1. The modeled cumulative water column mass transport of contaminants towards Newark Bay at RM0.9 for the period 2030 to 2059 is presented in Figures 4-4a through 4-4d. Implementation of Alternative 2 would produce substantial reductions in the transport of contaminants in the water column towards Newark Bay. Under Alternative 2, the dominant carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic hazards to human health and ecological receptors (benthic invertebrates, fish, piscivorous birds and mammals) posed by the sediments with COPCs and COPECs would be significantly reduced after 2030. There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in sediments resuspended during dredging. Measures to minimize and mitigate such risks would be addressed in community and worker safety plans and by the use of dredging best management practices. Sediment removal may result in short-term adverse impacts to the river. These impacts would include biota in the water being exposed to higher concentrations of contaminants than usually present in the water column due to resuspension of legacy sediments during dredging and temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-34 2014 dredged areas. Risks due to resuspension could be minimized through the control of sediment removal rate and other best management practices (see Appendix F). Placement of backfill would cover residual sediments that may remain after dredging is completed (see Appendix F). The continuous tidal action would result in benthic communities upstream of RM8.3 and in Newark Bay re-colonizing the clean backfill in the FFS Study Area. Natural benthic recolonization following a disturbance is expected to be rapid and often full recovery to predisturbance species composition and abundance occurs within one to five years (see Appendix F). Sediment processing at the dewatering and transfer facilities (DMM Scenarios B and C) may pose some short-term risks (e.g., spills, accidents) depending on the complexity of operations. Risks due to stabilization using cement or other pozzolanic material are generally negligible with proper handling of the reagent. More mechanically complex operations involving chemical treatment may present somewhat greater risks. Short-term risks posed by emissions from thermal treatment processes may be higher than those for other treatment processes like sediment washing. However, these can be mitigated by the use of proper pollution controls. Transport of contaminated sediments to off-site disposal or treatment facilities may pose some short-term risks from spills or accidents although rail transport generally presents fewer risks than road transport. Under Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively eliminated following placement in the CAD cells, although this would not be accomplished through treatment but by sequestering the dredged sediments in the CAD cells under an engineered cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. There would be no reduction in the toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs. With DMM Scenarios B and C, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through treatment, satisfying the statutory preference under CERCLA. With DMM Scenario B, approximately 10 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal destruction. With DMM Scenario C, approximately 10 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal treatment; 88 percent is assumed to undergo sediment washing; and, 2 percent is assumed to undergo solidification / stabilization. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-35 2014 Several pilot and treatability studies have addressed the technical feasibility of the different systems in decontaminating dredged materials and reducing COPCs and COPECs concentrations. However, the sediment washing pilot study results using Passaic River sediments have been mixed (see Appendix G). Implementability Alternative 2 would be readily implementable from both the technical and administrative standpoints. The remedial action as envisioned above could be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. Debris removal, dredging, backfilling, CAD cell placement, dewatering, treatment, local and off-site treatment, disposal, and beneficial use could all be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling the large volumes of dredged materials. Depending on the locations that are eventually selected, dewatering, water treatment, and transfer facilities with good rail access and suitable wharf facilities are expected to be available or could be developed. The remedial design would include procedures to more precisely locate utilities in the FFS Study Area and determine appropriate dredging off-sets, as well as coordination with bridge authorities regarding opening movable bridges when necessary. The large volume of sediments to be removed would require significant coordination of the dredging efforts, material handling activities, and off-site transportation logistics. No insurmountable administrative difficulties are anticipated in getting the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or backfill placement. DMM Scenario A has been demonstrated to be technically feasible. However, DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments, because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. USFWS and NOAA also oppose construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. Since a large number of the activities are expected to occur on-site (as defined under CERCLA Section 121(e)(1) and 40 CFR 300.5), federal, state and local permits would not be required. Permits are expected to be obtained from the appropriate local, state and federal agencies for actions that occur off-site. Key components of this alternative, including Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-36 2014 equipment and technical specialties and treatment, storage, and disposal services, are all expected to be commercially available according to the proposed construction schedule described above. The sediment removal activities would result in some temporary disruption of commercial/ recreational uses and boating access during remediation. For this screening level assessment, the implementability issues associated with shoreline disruption are assumed to be a function of the length of shoreline that would be impacted. Although measures to mitigate or prevent impacts and disruptions would be employed, local communities would be expected to experience some measure of inconvenience during remedial activities. Measures that would be implemented in conjunction with this alternative to minimize both short- and long-term disruption include: • Accommodation of existing boat traffic during construction, where feasible • Limited duration of the remediation period (a matter of months at any given location) • Shoreline stabilization and waterfront restoration • Control of sediment removal mechanics and rates. Cost Due to the large volume of sediments that would be removed from the FFS Study Area, Alternative 2 would be expected to have the highest capital costs and present value (Table 4-3). For Alternative 2, capital costs for debris removal, sediment removal, and backfill placement, are higher than the costs of capping equivalent target areas (Alternative 3). O&M costs include costs for monitoring of sediment, surface water, and biota, as well as the five-year reviews required by CERCLA. In general, O&M costs for Alternative 2 would be lower than O&M costs for a comparably sized capping alternative. Conclusion Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment and would be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs. Under Alternative 2, the COPCs and COPECs present in fine-grained sediments within the FFS Study Area would be permanently removed from the river. Based on the effectiveness, Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-37 2014 implementability and cost screening evaluation described above, Alternative 2 has been retained for detailed analysis in Chapter 5. 4.4.4 Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Description Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation evaluates a bank-to-bank remedy that would place an engineered cap (or backfill where appropriate, as described below) bank-to-bank over the FFS Study Area. Before cap placement, enough fine-grained sediment (4.3 million cy) would be dredged so that the cap could be placed without causing additional flooding and to accommodate continued use of the federally-authorized navigation channel between RM0 and RM2.2. Enhanced outreach programs would be implemented to educate local communities about the NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories already in place. Additional institutional controls would be implemented to maintain cap integrity in perpetuity, as described in Section 4.2.1. The anticipated sequence of dredging and capping would be from RM0 to RM2.2; RM8.3 to RM2.2; and then the Kearny Point mudflats. In-river construction is estimated to take 4.5 years, starting in 2018 and ending in 2023 with an additional 6 months to complete dredged material processing. Alternative 3 includes dredging the 300-foot wide federal navigation channel from RM0 to RM2.2, to accommodate the reasonably-anticipated future use depths as determined with reference to the USACE (2010) survey of commercial users described in Section 2.1 and Appendix F. Where dredging depths coincide with the federally-authorized navigation channel (RM0 to RM1.2), an additional three feet would be dredged to account for historical dredging accuracy and over-dredging, followed by placement of two feet of backfill. Where future use dredging depths are shallower than the authorized channel (RM1.2 to RM2.2), an additional 5.5 feet would be dredged to accommodate an engineered cap (including provisions for a cap protection buffer and allowance for future maintenance dredging; refer to Table 4-1). Resulting sediment removal depths are as follows (in MLW based on the 300-foot width): Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-38 2014 • RM0 to RM1.2: 33 feet (resulting in a 30-foot deep navigation channel) • RM1.2 to RM1.7: 30.5 feet (resulting in a 25-foot deep navigation channel) • RM1.7 to RM2.2: 25.5 feet (resulting in a 20-foot deep navigation channel). Between RM2.2 and RM8.3, enough dredging would be performed to prevent the engineered cap from causing additional flooding and to provide a depth of at least 10 feet below MLW over a 200-foot width (except between RM8.1 and RM8.3 where dredging would be over a 150-foot width) to accommodate reasonably anticipated recreational future uses above RM2.2. This means dredging 2.5 feet below the existing sediment surface to accommodate the engineered cap, with a relatively minimal amount of additional sediment removal to provide a depth of at least 10 feet below MLW. Final dredging depths may be refined in the remedial design phase of the project and would include enough dredging to ensure cap stability and integrity. Since the depth after remediation in RM1.2 to RM8.3 would be shallower than the federally-authorized navigation channel, it would be necessary to obtain modification of the authorized depth between RM1.2 and RM2.2, and deauthorization of the navigation channel above RM2.2 under the federal River and Harbors Act through USACE procedures and Congressional action. No maintenance dredging of the navigation channel would occur in the future above RM2.2. After sediment removal between RM0 and RM8.3 has been completed along the side slopes and in shoal areas, it is likely that additional contaminant inventory would remain in place outside of the targeted sediment removal areas. An engineered cap would be placed in these areas. Mudflats disturbed by implementation of Alternative 3 would be reconstructed to their original grade. The cap placed over the mudflat areas would consist of one foot of sand and one foot of mudflat reconstruction (habitat) material (see Figure 2-1 in Appendix F). As part of the annual LongTerm Monitoring Program, the thickness of the engineered cap would be monitored and maintained following implementation. The dredged material removed from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 would be managed in accordance with one of the three DMM scenarios described previously. Also, as described in Section 4.2, institutional controls and MNR would be implemented after construction until PRGs are met. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-39 2014 The model simulation for Alternative 3 assumed that the Tierra Removal and RM10.9 Removal would be implemented. The model progression for Alternative 3 is as follows. • The Tierra Removal (Phases 1 and 2) and RM10.9 Removal were included in model simulations under this alternative based on the same schedule presented for Alternative 1. • The following alternative specific schedule was used in the models simulations: o 2018: Establish initial conditions using No Action o 2018 (March): Start dredging and capping in the FFS Study Area o 2023: Complete dredging activities and placement of the engineered cap. For the model run, it was assumed that each grid cell is a SMU. Dredging was assumed to progress one SMU at a time. The conceptual design construction plan specifies that after completing dredging at a specific SMU, the 2-foot layer engineered cap or backfill is placed in the SMU. This approach was simulated in the hydrodynamic and sediment transport models with changes in bathymetry to reflect grid cells scheduled for dredging and capping at every time step. After completion of dredging within a cell the composition of the bed was set to the capping composition (see Section 4.3). In most areas that composition was sand with a one percent cohesive fraction and one tenth of a percent organic carbon; in locations where mudflats would be restored, the organic carbon fraction was set at six tenths of a percent, or one tenth of the cohesive fraction. Contaminant concentrations were set to zero in the contaminant fate and transport model in the individual cells representing a SMU when dredging and capping were completed in the SMU. The conceptual design for Alternative 3 is shown on Figure 4-6. Additional information on material volumes is provided in Table 4-3. Effectiveness Model simulations predict a significant decline in surface sediment concentrations of COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 (Alternative 3 is represented by the green lines in Figures 4-3a through 4-3k), so that this alternative, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls would be protective of human health and the environment and would be Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-40 2014 effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs. From 2023 to 2059, under Alternative 3, average 2,3,7,8-TCDD surface sediment concentrations would decline by an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal (HQ equal to one); Total PCB concentrations would decline by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal (HQ equal to one); Total DDx concentrations would decline by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate at a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal; and mercury concentrations would decline by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, until they fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal. Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR, would reduce human health risks to an acceptable range (HQ equal to one; risk between 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6) for COPCs and ecological risks would approach an HI equal to one for COPECs. Model uncertainty bounds for surface sediment COPC and COPEC concentrations (Figures 4-3c, 4-3f, 4-3h, and 4-3k) show no overlap between Alternative 3 and Alternative 1 post-remediation. The lack of an overlap in the uncertainty bounds indicates that the predicted surface sediment concentrations of COPCs under Alternative 3 are significantly lower than corresponding concentrations under Alternative 1. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux from the bed resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 is presented in Table 4-2 for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Alternative 3, which is designed to isolate the inventory of contaminated sediment in the FFS Study Area, would significantly reduce the gross resuspension flux from the sediment bed to the water column. The modeled gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 would be lower by 45 percent, 35 percent, 30 percent and 25 percent for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx and mercury, respectively, as compared to Alternative 1. The modeled cumulative water column mass transport of contaminants towards Newark Bay at RM0.9 is presented in Figures 4-4a through 4-4d for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-41 2014 Alternative 3 would produce substantial reductions in the transport of contaminants in the water column towards Newark Bay. Under Alternative 3, the dominant carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic hazards to human health and ecological receptors (benthic invertebrates, fish, piscivorous birds and mammals) posed by the sediments with COPCs and COPECs would be significantly reduced after 2030. Alternative 3 would be effective in the long term in limiting exposure to risks posed by COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area sediments provided the integrity of the engineered cap is maintained. Therefore, the cap would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Engineered caps have been demonstrated to be effective in the long term in sequestering contaminated sediments at other Superfund sites, when they are properly designed and maintained. As described under Alternative 2, during the construction period for Alternative 3, there may be some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in dredged materials. Measures to minimize and mitigate such risks would be addressed in community and worker safety plans, and by the use of best management practices. Sediment removal and engineered capping may result in short-term adverse impacts to the river. These impacts would include biota in the water being exposed to higher concentrations of contaminants than usually present in the water column due to resuspension of legacy sediments during dredging and temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in dredged and capped areas. Risks due to resuspension could be minimized through the control of sediment removal rate and other best management practices (see Appendix F). The engineered cap would isolate residual sediments and un-targeted inventory of contaminants remaining after dredging and capping are completed. The continuous tidal action would result in the benthic community from upstream of RM8.3 and from Newark Bay re-colonizing the clean backfill and engineered cap material in the FFS Study Area (see Appendix F). Natural benthic re-colonization following a disturbance is expected to be rapid and often full recovery to pre-disturbance species composition and abundance occurs within one to five years (see Appendix F). Other short-term risks for Alternative 3 that can be attributed to Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-42 2014 processing and transport of contaminated sediments are similar to those discussed above under the effectiveness evaluation for Alternative 2. Under Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively eliminated following placement in the CAD cells although this would not be accomplished through treatment but by sequestering the dredged sediments in the CAD cells under an engineered cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. There would be no reduction in the toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs. With DMM Scenarios B and C, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through treatment, satisfying the statutory preference under CERCLA. With DMM Scenario B, approximately 7 percent of the dredged material is assumed to require thermal treatment. With DMM Scenario C, approximately 7 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal treatment, 92 percent is assumed to undergo sediment washing, and 1 percent is assumed to undergo solidification / stabilization. Several pilot and treatability studies have addressed the technical feasibility of the different systems in decontaminating dredged materials and reducing COPCs and COPECs concentrations. However, the sediment washing pilot study results using Passaic River sediments have been mixed (see Appendix G). Implementability Similar to Alternative 2, Alternative 3 would be readily implementable from both the technical and administrative standpoints. The remedial action as envisioned above could be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. Debris removal, dredging, backfilling, engineered capping, CAD placement, dewatering, treatment, local and off-site treatment, disposal, and beneficial use could be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling the large volumes of dredged materials. Depending on the facility location that is eventually selected, dewatering, water treatment, and transfer facilities with good rail access and suitable wharf facilities are expected to be available or could be developed. The remedial design would include procedures to more precisely locate utilities in the FFS Study Area and determine appropriate Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-43 2014 dredging off-sets, as well as coordination with bridge authorities regarding opening movable bridges when necessary. The large volume of sediments to be removed would require significant coordination of the dredging efforts, material handling activities, and off-site transportation logistics. No insurmountable administrative difficulties would be anticipated in getting the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or backfill and engineered cap placement. DMM Scenario A has been demonstrated to be technically feasible. However, DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments, because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. USFWS and NOAA also oppose construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. Since a large number of the activities are expected to occur on-site (as defined under CERCLA Section 121(e)(1) and 40 CFR 300.5), federal, state and local permits would not be required. Permits are expected to be obtained from the appropriate local, state and federal agencies for actions that occur off-site. Key components of this alternative, including equipment and technical specialties and treatment, storage, and disposal services, are all expected to be commercially available according to the proposed construction schedule described above. The sediment removal as well as engineered cap and backfill placement activities would result in some temporary disruption of commercial/ recreational uses and boating access during remediation. For this screening level assessment, the implementability issues associated with shoreline disruption are assumed to be a function of the length of shoreline that would be impacted. Although measures to mitigate or prevent impacts and disruptions would be employed, local communities would be expected to experience some measure of inconvenience during remedial activities. Measures that would be implemented in conjunction with this alternative to minimize both short- and long-term disruption include: • Accommodation of existing boat traffic during construction, where feasible • Limited duration of the remediation period (a matter of months at any given location) • Shoreline stabilization and waterfront restoration • Control of sediment removal and engineered cap placement mechanics and rates. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-44 2014 Cost Due to the relatively large volume of sediment that would be removed from the FFS Study Area, Alternative 3 would be expected to have high capital costs and present value (Table 4-3). For Alternative 3, capital costs for debris removal, sediment removal, backfill and engineered cap placement are lower than the costs of the complete dredging of equivalent target areas (Alternative 2). In general, O&M costs for Alternative 3 would be significantly higher than O&M costs for a complete dredging alternative for an equivalent area, as removal-only alternatives do not result in in-river capped areas that require long-term maintenance for an indefinite period. The O&M costs include costs for monitoring the condition of the cap as well as sediment, surface water, and biota to prepare the five-year reviews required by CERCLA. Conclusion Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment and would be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs. Under Alternative 3 some, but not all, of the fine-grained sediments within the FFS Study Area contaminated with COPCs and COPECs would be permanently removed from the river; the rest would be sequestered under an engineered cap that would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Based on the effectiveness, implementability and cost screening evaluation described above, Alternative 3 has been retained for detailed analysis in Chapter 5. 4.4.5 Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Description Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding evaluates a remedy that is less than bank-to-bank in scope. This alternative focuses on discrete areas of the FFS Study Area sediments that release the most contaminants into the water column. It includes dredging of contaminated fine-grained sediment in selected portions of the FFS Study Area with the highest gross and net fluxes of COPCs and COPECs. Approximately 220 acres would be dredged and capped, or about one third of the FFS Study Area surface. Dredging would occur to the targeted depth of 2.5 feet, so that an engineered cap could be placed over the dredged portions without causing additional flooding Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-45 2014 (Figure 4-2). As part of the post-construction monitoring program, the thickness of the engineered caps would be monitored and maintained following implementation. Alternative 4 would not include any dredging to accommodate the continued use of the federally-authorized channel for navigation. Since the depths after remediation would be shallower than the authorized channel depth from RM0 to RM8.3, it would be necessary to obtain deauthorization of the federal navigation channel under the federal River and Harbors Act through USACE procedures and Congressional action. Enhanced outreach programs would be implemented to educate local communities about the NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories already in place. Additional institutional controls would be implemented to maintain cap integrity in perpetuity, as described in Section 4.2.1. Mudflats disturbed by implementation of Alternative 4 would be reconstructed to their original grade. The cap placed over the mudflat areas would consist of one foot of sand and one foot of mudflat reconstruction (habitat) material (see Figure 2-1 in Appendix F). The sequence of dredging and capping would be from RM8.3 to RM0. It is estimated that 1.0 million cy would be targeted for removal under Alternative 4. In-river construction for this alternative is estimated to be 1.5 years starting in 2018 and ending in 2019, with an additional six months to complete dredged material processing. The model simulation for Alternative 4 assumed that the Tierra Removal and RM10.9 Removal would be implemented. The model progression for Alternative 4 is as follows: • The Tierra Removal (Phases 1 and 2) and RM10.9 Removal were included in model simulations under this alternative based on the same schedule presented for Alternative 1. • The following alternative specific schedule was used in the model: o 2018: Establish initial conditions using No Action o 2018 (March): Start dredging and capping in selected portions of the FFS Study Area o 2020: Complete dredging activities and placement of the engineered cap. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-46 2014 For the model run, it was assumed that each grid cell was a SMU. Dredging was assumed to progress one SMU at a time. The construction plan specifies that after completing dredging in a specific SMU, a 2-foot layer of engineered cap would be placed in the SMU. This approach was simulated in the hydrodynamic and sediment transport models with changes in bathymetry to reflect grid cells scheduled for dredging and capping at every time step. Upon completion of dredging within a cell the composition of the bed was set to the capping composition (see Section 4.3). In most areas that composition was sand with a one percent cohesive fraction and one tenth of a percent organic carbon. In locations where mudflats would be restored the organic carbon fraction was set to six tenths of a percent or one tenth of the cohesive fraction. Contaminant concentrations were set to zero in the contaminant fate model in the individual cells representing a SMU when dredging and capping were completed in the SMU. The dredged material removed from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 4 would be managed in accordance with one of the three DMM scenarios described previously. Also as described in Section 4.2, institutional controls and MNR would be implemented after construction. The conceptual design for Alternative 4 is shown on Figure 4-7. Additional information on material volumes is provided in Table 4-3. Effectiveness Alternative 4, even with MNR and institutional controls, would not be protective of human health and the environment and would not be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs in the foreseeable future. From 2029 to 2059, 2,3,7,8-TCDD surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area would be well over an order of magnitude above the proposed remediation goal; concentrations of Total PCB, Total DDx, and mercury would approach background concentrations although they would remain an order of magnitude (for Total PCBs and mercury) and two orders of magnitude (for Total DDx) above the proposed remediation goals. Human health risks would not achieve an acceptable range (HQ equal to one; risk between 1 × 10-4 and 1 × 10-6) for COPCs and ecological risks would significantly exceed an HI equal to one for COPECs. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-47 2014 Model uncertainty bounds for surface sediment COPC and COPEC concentrations (Figures 4-3c, 4-3f, 4-3h, and 4-3k) show overlap between Alternative 4 and Alternative 1 post-remediation, except for Total DDx. This overlap in the uncertainty bounds indicates that the predicted surface sediment concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB, and mercury under Alternative 4, while slightly lower than corresponding concentrations under Alternative 1, do not show a statistically significant difference. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area for Alternative 4 is presented in Table 4-2 for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Alternative 4 would not significantly reduce the gross resuspension flux because it is less than bank-to-bank in scope and would leave areas of contaminated sediment unremediated. The modeled gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 4 would be lower by 18 percent, 6 percent and 5 percent for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx, respectively, with no change in the mercury flux as compared to Alternative 1. The modeled cumulative water column mass transport of contaminants towards Newark Bay at RM0.9 for the period 2030 to 2059 is presented in Figures 4-4a through 4-4d. Implementation of Alternative 4 would not produce substantial reductions in the transport of contaminants in the water column towards Newark Bay. Short term impacts to the community, workers and the environment would be similar to those discussed above under the effectiveness evaluation for Alternatives 2 and 3, although the shorter construction duration and smaller volume of sediment being handled under Alternative 4 would reduce the scale of those potential impacts. Under Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively eliminated following placement in the CAD cells, although this would not be accomplished through treatment, but by sequestering the dredged sediments in the CAD cells under an engineered cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. There would be no reduction in the toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs. With DMM Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-48 2014 Scenarios B and C, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through treatment and satisfy the statutory preference under CERCLA. With DMM Scenario B, approximately 4 percent of the dredged material is assumed to require thermal destruction. With DMM Scenario C, approximately 4 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal treatment, 94 percent is assumed to undergo sediment washing, and 2 percent is assumed to undergo solidification / stabilization. Several pilot and treatability studies have addressed the technical feasibility of the different systems in decontaminating dredged materials and reducing COPCs and COPECs concentrations. However, the sediment washing pilot study results using Passaic River sediments have been mixed (see Appendix G). Implementability The screening level implementability evaluation for Alternative 4 is similar to that for Alternative 3 above, except that Alternative 4 may face an additional administrative implementability challenge with respect to obtaining deauthorization of the federally-authorized navigation channel in the lower 2.2 miles of the river, where a USACE study has shown commercial navigation is ongoing and is projected to continue in the future. Cost Due to the relatively smaller volume of sediments that would be removed from the FFS Study Area, Alternative 4 would be expected to have relatively moderate capital costs and present value (Table 4-3). For Alternative 4, capital costs for debris removal, sediment removal, backfill and engineered cap placement, dewatering and water treatment, on-site treatment, off-site transportation, and disposal in a CAD site or off-site landfill or off-site treatment would be lower than the costs for Alternative 3. The O&M costs include costs for monitoring of sediment, surface water, and biota, as well as the five-year reviews required by CERCLA. Conclusion Although Alternative 4 is not effective in meeting RAOs and PRGs within a reasonable time frame and is not protective of human health and the environment, it has been retained for Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-49 2014 detailed analysis to serve as a basis for comparison with the other active remedial alternatives that are all bank-to-bank in scope. 4.5 Summary of Remedial Alternatives Retained for Detailed Analysis Alternatives 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been retained for detailed analysis in Chapter 5. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 4-50 2014 5 DETAILED ANALYSIS OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Chapter 5 presents a detailed description and analysis of the four remedial alternatives retained in Chapter 4. The detailed analysis, through nine criteria required under CERCLA and the NCP, provides the means by which facts are assembled and evaluated to develop the rationale for a remedy selection. 5.1 Evaluation Process and Evaluation Criteria The NCP provides nine key criteria to address the CERCLA requirements for analysis of remedial alternatives. The first two criteria are threshold criteria that must be met by each alternative. The next five criteria are the primary balancing criteria upon which the analysis is based. The final two criteria are referred to as modifying criteria and are applied to evaluate state and community acceptance. The two modifying criteria will be evaluated following comments on the Proposed Plan and will be described in USEPA’s ROD for the FFS Study Area. The two threshold criteria are: • Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment • Compliance with ARARs. The five primary balancing criteria upon which the analysis is based are: • Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence • Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment • Short-Term Effectiveness • Implementability • Cost. The two modifying criteria are: • State Acceptance • Community Acceptance. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-1 2014 Brief discussions of each of the nine criteria and their application to remedial alternatives for the FFS Study Area are presented in the sections below. 5.1.1 Threshold Criterion 1: Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment This criterion draws on the assessments conducted under other evaluation criteria, especially long-term effectiveness and permanence, short-term effectiveness, and compliance with ARARs, and provides an overall assessment as to whether each alternative adequately protects human health and the environment. It describes how risks associated with each exposure pathway would be eliminated, reduced, or controlled through treatment, engineering, or institutional controls. Specific information on the risk assessments on which this evaluation is based can be found in Chapter 7 of the RI Report and Appendix D. Protection of Human Health For the FFS, the protection of human health for each remedial alternative is assessed quantitatively through calculation of both carcinogenic health risks and non-cancer health hazards for the adult angler and family members (adolescent and child), and their exposure to COPCs associated with consumption of self-caught fish and blue crab over a 30-year exposure duration post remediation (i.e., starting in 2019 for Alternative 1; 2030 for Alternative 2; 2023 for Alterative 3; and 2020 for Alternative 4). The project schedule assumed for FFS evaluation purposes and presented graphically in Figure 1-1 of Appendix H, reflects the time required to conduct predesign investigation, remedial design, and DMM facility construction. Note that all alternatives assume that the Tierra Removal (Phase 1 and 2 30) and RM10.9 Removal have been completed prior to the post remediation period, since they are governed by existing agreements (refer to Chapter 4 for initial conditions established for model runs for all alternatives). The following table presents a summary of the dates discussed in this chapter. 30 The agreement for Phase 2 of the Tierra Removal contemplates the siting of a CDF as a receptacle for the dredged materials, which has not been done to date. If Phase 2 has not been implemented by the start of the FFS Study Area remediation, then USEPA expects that Phase 2 would be implemented in conjunction with the FFS Study Area remedy in a coordinated and consistent manner. The project schedule assumed for FFS evaluation purposes includes implementation of Phase 2 at the same time as the active remedial alternatives. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-2 2014 Alternative Start of Modeled End of Modeled Start of Post End of Post End of In-River In-River Remediation Remediation Modeled Remediation Remediation1 Exposure Period2 Exposure Period2 Period 2018 2019 2048 2029 2030 2059 2022 2023 2052 2019 2020 2049 Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 2018 Alternative 4 2059 Notes: 1. Variations in estimated start and end years associated with the modeling may deviate slightly from estimated dates used in the cost estimates (Figure 1-1 of Appendix H) based on initial assumptions. In general the differences were minor and resulted in completion dates for the model and costs estimates that were within six months of each other. 2. Time period used for risk assessment purposes. The 30-year exposure period begins with the year immediately following completion of the modeled remedial construction and ends 30 years post remediation. Protection of the Environment In the FFS, similar to protection of human health, protection of the environment is assessed through the evaluation of risks to ecological receptors and the upstream and downstream migration of COPCs and COPECs over the same 30-year time period. The risks to ecological receptors (specifically blue crab, fish [multi-species composite], mummichogs, generic fish eggs, herring gull and cormorant eggs, mink, and great blue heron) are addressed quantitatively through calculation of NOAEL/LOAEL-based HQs. Upstream and downstream migration of COPCs and COPECs are evaluated through modeled projections of contaminant loads transported from the FFS Study Area to upstream portions of the Lower Passaic River and to Newark Bay and the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. 5.1.2 Threshold Criterion 2: Compliance with ARARs Alternatives are assessed as to whether they attain legally applicable or relevant and appropriate federal and state environmental requirements, standards, criteria and limitations, and state facility siting laws, which are collectively referred to as “ARARs” (see Section 2.3) unless such ARARs are waived under CERCLA Section 121(d)(4). USEPA may select a remedial action that does not attain a particular ARAR under certain conditions outlined in CERCLA Section 121(d)(4) and the NCP. These waivers are discussed in Section 2.2.2. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-3 2014 5.1.3 Primary Balancing Criterion 1: Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence Alternatives are assessed on the long-term effectiveness and permanence they afford and the degree of certainty that the alternative would prove successful. Factors that may be considered, according to the NCP and RI/FS Guidance (USEPA, 1988), are as follows: • Magnitude of residual risks in terms of amounts and concentrations of wastes remaining following implementation of a remedial action, considering the persistence, toxicity, mobility, and propensity to bioaccumulate of such hazardous substances and their constituents. • Long-term reliability and adequacy of the engineering and institutional controls, including uncertainties associated with land disposal of untreated wastes and residuals. • Remedy replacement and the continuing need for repairs/maintenance. The time period for the long-term effectiveness and permanence evaluation starts at the end of the short-term, or in-river, remediation period, with the end dates varying as shown in the summary table presented under Section 5.1.1. Magnitude of Residual Risks The magnitude of residual risks for each alternative is based on both human health and ecological effects. Additional information is provided in Appendix D. Long-Term Effectiveness – Human Health Evaluation The process of evaluating modeled future risks uses essentially the same set of COPCs and the same risk assessment methodology, including potential exposure scenarios and assumptions, as presented in the baseline risk assessment described in Appendix D. The exceptions are that for purposes of comparing modeled relative risk reductions, carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic health hazards are estimated only for the RME individual and only for the adult angler/sportsman and the child who consumes the adult’s catch (see Table 5-1). In addition, one COPC, dieldrin, is not included in the future risk evaluation, because the model was unable to forecast future concentrations (due to an inability to complete a mass balance; see Appendices B, C, and D for more information). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-4 2014 The exposure point concentrations (EPCs) for future exposures were based on modeled annual average projections of future contaminant concentrations in sediment that consider natural attenuation and degradation over time (as described in Appendix D). EPCs were derived to represent the ranges of concentrations that may be contacted over a 30-year exposure period, comparable to the manner in which concentrations were assessed in the baseline current risk assessment and consistent with USEPA guidance (1989). The 30-year exposure period of the No Action alternative, begins in 2019 and ends in 2048. A 6-year exposure period is used for the child, and a 24-year exposure period is used for the adult. Although concentrations of the COPCs exhibit an overall decreasing trend over time, concentrations continue to fluctuate throughout that time period due to storm-driven resuspension of contaminated sediments (at temporally and spatially varying rates and concentrations) from within, upstream, or downstream of the FFS Study Area. In order to capture these fluctuations in concentrations over the 30-year exposure period, the maximum of 6- and 24-year rolling averages were summed 31 and used to estimate EPCs for the child and adult scenarios. The long-term human health modeled risk reduction calculations for fish and blue crab ingestion for each alternative are presented in Section 5.2; more detail is provided in Appendix D. Long-Term Effectiveness – Ecological Assessment The ecological assessment is based on modeled effects for the receptors identified in Section 5.1.1. HQs are calculated for both the NOAEL and the LOAEL to provide a range of exposure risks. The process used to evaluate potential future ecological risks is similar to that described above for future human health risks. The same risk assessment methodology, including receptors, potential exposure scenarios and assumptions, as presented in the baseline risk assessment (Appendix D), was followed. However, two COPECs, LMW PAHs and dieldrin, were not included in the future risk evaluation because the model was unable to forecast future 31 For example, for Alternative 1, for the child, averages of modeled COPC concentrations were calculated over 6-year periods for 2019 to 2025, 2020 to 2026, 2021 to 2027 and so on, while for the adult, averages of modeled COPC concentrations were calculated over 24-year periods, for 2019 to 2033, 2020 to 2034, 2021 to 2034 and so on. The maximum of the rolling 6-year averages was added to the maximum of the rolling 24year averages for use as the EPC for the COPC. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-5 2014 concentrations (due to an inability to complete mass balances; see Appendices B, C, and D for more information). In addition, the evaluation of potential future ecological risks to the egg life stage of birds and fish, part of the baseline assessment, was not conducted because future trajectories for individual dioxin/furan and PCB congeners were not modeled. For these constituents, a single sediment EPC for the FFS Study Area was evaluated. The EPC was not evaluated separately for the entire sediment surface and the mudflats (shoals) as evaluated in the baseline ecological assessment, because the model grid resolution was not sufficient to resolve estimates of small individual mudflats. Rather than the 95 percent upper confidence limits on the arithmetic mean COPEC concentration, the EPCs for future exposures were based on annual average projections of modeled concentrations in sediment that considered natural attenuation and degradation over time (as described in Appendix D). Two separate time periods were evaluated for each remedial alternative: one beginning with the year immediately following the completion of the remediation and the other 30 years thereafter (see Tables 5-2a through 5-2c). In the case of the No Action alternative, the time periods considered were 2019 and 2048. For each time period, the average annual COPEC concentrations were used to estimate prey (and in some cases, receptor) tissue concentrations using the uptake models described in Data Evaluation Report No.6 in Appendix A. Future modeled tissue concentrations were used along with the projected sediment concentrations to evaluate risks associated with ingested contaminant doses as well as tissue residues as was done in the baseline assessment. Adequacy and Reliability of Controls This factor assesses the adequacy and suitability of controls, if any, that are used to manage untreated wastes or treatment residuals that remain at the site. It includes an assessment of containment systems (i.e., the engineered cap is a major component of two of the alternatives as well as in DMM Scenario A for the three active remedial alternatives) and institutional controls to determine if they are sufficient to ensure that exposures to humans and ecological receptors are within protective levels. It also addresses the long-term reliability of these controls in providing protection from residuals. This assessment is discussed in greater detail in the Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-6 2014 alternative-specific analysis of this criterion. Additional information is provided in Appendices F and G. Remedy Replacement and the Continuing Need for Repairs/Maintenance Two design elements may require maintenance or other activities over the long term: the engineered cap and monitoring. Maintenance of an engineered cap is a major component of two of the active remedial alternatives as well as DMM Scenario A for all three of the active remedial alternatives. Maintenance and repair of the engineered cap would be performed in perpetuity. Monitoring, involving measurement of COPC and COPEC concentrations in sediment, water column, and biota is another long-term component of the three active remedial alternatives. Both monitoring and cap maintenance requirements are discussed in other evaluation criteria. Additional information on monitoring and cap maintenance is provided in Appendices F, G, and H. 5.1.4 Primary Balancing Criterion 2: Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment CERCLA expresses a preference for remedial alternatives employing treatment technologies that permanently and significantly reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume of hazardous substances. Relevant factors include: • The treatment processes that the alternatives employ and the materials they would treat • The amount of hazardous materials that would be destroyed or treated • The degree of expected reduction in toxicity, mobility, or volume • The degree to which the treatment is irreversible • The type and quantity of residuals 32 that would remain following treatment, considering the persistence, toxicity, mobility, and propensity to bioaccumulate of such hazardous substances and their constituents 32 Treatment residuals are contaminated materials that may be by-products of the treatment process and/or result from incomplete treatment. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-7 2014 • The alternative’s ability to satisfy the statutory preference for treatment as a principal element. 5.1.5 Primary Balancing Criterion 3: Short-Term Effectiveness Short-term effectiveness addresses the period of time needed to implement the remedy and the adverse impacts that may be posed to workers, the community, and the environment during construction and operation of the remedy until remedial response objectives are achieved. For the FFS, the short-term, or in-river remediation period, includes the time from initiation of remedial activities, assumed to be in the year 2018 for all alternatives based on the anticipated project schedule discussed in Chapter 4 and presented in Section 5.1.1, through the alternativespecific completion of construction activities (i.e., 2029 for Alternative 2, 2022 for Alternative 3, and 2019 for Alternative 4). 5.1.6 Primary Balancing Criterion 4: Implementability This criterion addresses the technical and administrative feasibility of implementing a remedy from design through construction and operation. Factors such as the availability of services and materials and coordination with other governmental entities are considered. 5.1.7 Primary Balancing Criterion 5: Cost An estimate of the cost for each alternative is made so that those alternatives that achieve the two threshold criteria to equal or similar degrees can be differentiated. The typical cost estimate made during an FS is intended to provide an accuracy of +50 percent to -30 percent, as discussed in the USEPA RI/FS guidance (1988). Individual costs are evaluated through a sensitivity analysis if there is sufficient uncertainty concerning specific assumptions (see Section 5.3.2). A sensitivity analysis is performed for those factors that can substantially change overall costs of an alternative with only small changes in their values, especially if such factors have a high degree of uncertainty associated with them. The types of costs that are assessed include capital and O&M costs. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-8 2014 • Capital Costs: This category includes direct costs related to construction, such as for equipment, labor, materials, transportation and disposal, as well as indirect costs associated with regulatory and legal activities, engineering, services during construction, and contingencies. • O&M Costs: These costs include labor and materials associated with operation and maintenance following the remedial action, such as operating a wastewater treatment plant, long-term monitoring costs or periodic site reviews. The USEPA RI/FS guidance (1988) recommends that O&M costs not be determined for longer than 30 years due to their normally de minimis impact on the present value beyond that point. • Present Value (PV): Given the variations in the timing of work on each alternative to allow a comparison of costs on an equivalent basis, the costs for each Alternative/DMM Scenario combination were converted to a PV which represents the project’s monetary value at a single point in time regardless of the actual date of each expenditure. Future costs are discounted back to the present using a standard discount rate. The PV was calculated based on a seven percent discount rate as recommended in guidance (USEPA, 2000). Constant dollar (no inflation) valuations were used also per USEPA guidance. Figure 1-1 in Appendix H shows the anticipated project schedule that was used in the PV analysis. The PV for each of the Alternatives and DMM Scenarios combinations is presented in Table 5-3. The capital and O&M cost estimates incorporated in this FFS were generated using information from a variety of published and unpublished sources including RS Means, internal cost databases, and communications with contractors, suppliers, vendors and other professionals engaged in similar activities. Where appropriate, costs were based on delivery of goods and services to Newark, New Jersey. Costs are presented in 2014 dollars (refer to Appendix H for additional details). Demolition and site remediation costs at the upland processing site (DMM location) are not included in the cost estimate. Given the likely location of potential upland support or processing facility sites in an urban industrial area, it is not unreasonable to assume that some remedial activities would be required on the property before it can developed for the proposed project. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-9 2014 However, due to the unknown scope of this work, it is not possible to estimate these costs. Similarly, costs for structural improvements to the soil at the site were not included in the cost estimate. A variety of soil conditions exist in upland sites along the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay which would affect site development and it is not possible at this stage to determine which conditions are likely to apply to the selected site. These conditions would impact each of the remedial alternatives evaluated since each DMM scenario includes either an upland support facility or an upland sediment processing facility. DMM Scenarios B and C with large upland processing sites have the most potential to be impacted by these conditions; DMM Scenario A with a small upland support site would have the least potential for impact. These factors would need to be addressed during the site selection process. The costs for USEPA oversight are also not included. It is assumed that construction would be performed under multiple prime contracts procured by the lead entity, not by a single prime/general contractor. A ten percent construction management fee and a six percent design fee applied to construction phase capital costs (not including preconstruction activities costs) are included in the cost estimates. A twenty-five percent contingency on costs, except construction management, is included in the cost estimates. Further information on and detailed results from the cost estimating effort can be found in Appendix H. Output from the cost estimation effort is summarized in this chapter for each remedial alternative that is subject to detailed evaluation. Present Value Analysis For the alternatives that involve active remediation, the following timeline was used to calculate the PV: pre-construction activities, design, and upland processing facility construction was assumed to be conducted through 2017 and remediation (dredging, capping material processing and disposal) was assumed to be conducted from 2018 through the alternative-specific completion of construction activities (refer to Figure 1-1 of Appendix H), depending on the remedial alternative. Costs for post-remediation monitoring and O&M are calculated for a 30-year period starting after remediation is complete for the three active remedial alternatives. The No Action alternative has a PV of $0. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-10 2014 5.1.8 Modifying Criterion 1: State Acceptance This criterion provides the government of the state where the project is located - in this case, the State of New Jersey - with the opportunity to assess technical or administrative issues and concerns regarding each of the alternatives. State acceptance is not addressed in this FFS but will be addressed in the ROD for the FFS Study Area. Input and review of major RI/FFS documents by the State of New Jersey was sought and considered throughout the development of the FFS. 5.1.9 Modifying Criterion 2: Community Acceptance The alternatives evaluated in the FFS and the preferred remedy described in the Proposed Plan will be presented to the public. Community acceptance will then be evaluated in the ROD for the FFS Study Area. Issues raised by the community will be discussed in the Responsiveness Summary of the ROD, which will respond to public questions and concerns on the FFS and Proposed Plan. Input from the public, potentially responsible parties and interested stakeholders was sought and considered throughout development of the FFS. This occurred through various technical Workgroup sessions organized by USEPA, monthly Community Advisory Group (CAG) meetings, meetings with the CPG, publication of information on the project website, in ListServ notices, and other activities consistent with the Community Involvement Plan (June 2006). 5.2 Detailed Analysis of Remedial Alternatives 5.2.1 Alternative 1: No Action (described in Section 4.4.2) Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment Alternative 1 would not be protective of human health and the environment. Under Alternative 1, the resuspension of contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area would continue to impact surface sediments and biota so that the unacceptable risks to humans and the environment calculated in the baseline risk assessments would continue for the foreseeable future. Sediment coring data show some decline in surface sediment concentrations over time due to natural recovery processes, although these processes have slowed considerably over approximately the past 15 years as the federally-authorized navigation channel has filled in and the river has begun to reach a quasi-steady state. Modeling results for Alternative 1 (represented by the red lines in Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-11 2014 Figures 4-3a through 4-3k) show that the decline in concentrations is extremely slow, so that in the period of 2019 to 2048 (30-year period chosen in order to allow comparison to the 30-year period after remediation for the active remedial alternatives), human health total cancer risk (sum for the adult and child for all contaminants) would be 4 × 10-3 and 2 × 10-3 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). The total non-cancer HIs for the adult would be 90 and 40 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, and for the child would be 163 and 71, respectively (Table 5-1). By the end of that 30 year period, total ecological HQs for benthic invertebrates would range from 40 to 300; for fish HQs would range from 10 to 200; and, for wildlife HQs would range from 2 to 700 (Tables 5-2a through 5-2c). Since under Alternative 1 risk levels would remain one to well over two orders of magnitude above protective goals after the 30 year post-remediation period, it would not be reasonable to expect natural recovery processes to achieve protective goals in the foreseeable future beyond the modeling simulation period. The transport of contaminants from the FFS Study Area upstream to the Lower Passaic River above RM8.3 and downriver into Newark Bay is projected to continue unabated under Alternative 1. In the upstream portion of the Lower Passaic River between RM8.3 and RM17 (refer to red line in Figures 5-1a through 5-1d), surface sediment concentrations for 2,3,7,8TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx and mercury were estimated to decline by less than one percent per year between 2019 and 2059. Significant storm events (such as Hurricane Irene) and other high flow events (in April 2007 and March 2010 flows of over 15,000 cubic feet per second were measured at Little Falls) in the model hydrograph were evident in the model simulation results as fluctuations in surface sediment concentrations. Because the model hydrograph was repeated in 15-year cycles, these events are evident as cyclical perturbations in the simulated future surface sediment concentrations. It should be noted that differences in temporal patterns between the four alternatives are due to the differences in dredging and capping schedule assumptions in the model. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux from the bed resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 1 is presented in Table 4-2 for the period from 2030 to 2059. This period (2030 to 2059) was evaluated so as to maintain the same Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-12 2014 hydrologic conditions across all of the alternatives. For Alternative 1, the total gross resuspension from the FFS Study Area was estimated to be 0.9 kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,100 kg of Total PCBs, 230 kg for Total DDx 33, and 3,500 kg for mercury. The greater cumulative resuspension from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 1 would indicate greater export upriver and into Newark Bay. The modeled cumulative water column mass transport of contaminants towards Newark Bay at RM0.9 is presented in Figures 4-4a through 4-4d for the period 2030 to 2059. The transport of contaminants under Alternative 1 is higher than corresponding values under Alternatives 2 and 3. Compliance with ARARs There are currently no chemical-specific state or federal ARARs for sediment management. Alternative 1 would not contribute significantly toward eventual achievement of federal and state surface water ARARs. Since there is no active remediation associated with this alternative, action-and location-specific ARARs do not apply. Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence Magnitude of Residual Risks Alternative 1 would not be effective in addressing the contaminated sediments that are causing the unacceptable risks identified in the baseline risk assessments. Natural recovery processes would cause some decline in surface sediment concentrations over time, but modeling results (see red line in Figures 4-3a through 4-3k) for Alternative 1 show that, by the end of the 30-year post remediation period, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations would remain far above any of the proposed remediation goals or background levels for any COPC and COPEC. • For 2,3,7,8-TCDD, by the end of the 30-year post-remediation period, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations would remain well over an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. • For Total PCBs, Total DDx and mercury, by the end of the 30-year post-remediation period, surface sediment concentrations would remain almost twice as high as 33 In the FFS, Total DDx = Sum of 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) and 4.4’dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE).Total DDx does not include 2,4 DDx. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-13 2014 background concentrations and over an order of magnitude (for Total PCBs and mercury) or two orders of magnitude (for Total DDx) higher than the proposed remediation goal. Adequacy and Reliability of Controls NJDEP could continue to implement fish and shellfish consumption advisories which rely on voluntary compliance. However, studies show that the existing advisories are not sufficiently effective in protecting human health since, despite their presence, some anglers still eat their catch and bring their catch home for their families to eat (NJDEP, 1995; May and Burger, 1996; Burger et al, 1999; Kirk-Pflugh et al, 1999 and 2011). In addition, consumption advisories are ineffective in reducing risk to ecological receptors. No institutional controls or containment systems would be implemented as part of a CERCLA response action for the FFS Study Area under Alternative 1. Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment Under Alternative 1, natural recovery processes would potentially reduce COPC and COPEC concentrations in sediments; however there is no mechanism included in this alternative to measure or confirm such reductions. Under this alternative there would be no reduction of toxicity, mobility or volume of contaminants through treatment. Short-Term Effectiveness As discussed above, Alternative 1 is not effective in meeting RAOs and PRGs in a reasonable timeframe (more than 30 years). Since there is no construction planned, there are no related impacts on the community or workers, and no adverse environmental impacts from remedial actions. Implementability There are no implementability issues with Alternative 1. Cost If Alternative 1 were selected, no action would be taken to address the contamination in the FFS Study Area at this time. Therefore, no costs were included in this FFS associated with this Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-14 2014 alternative. Further remedial decision-making would be addressed as part of the 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS process. 5.2.2 Alternative 2: Deep Dredging with Backfill (described in Section 4.4.3) Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment. Alternative 2 would address the unacceptable risks calculated in the baseline risk assessments by removing the extensive inventory of contaminated fine-grained sediments between RM0 to RM8.3 (approximately 9.7 million cy). Dredging residuals that remain within the FFS Study Area after construction would be covered by a two-foot layer of backfill. The extent to which the surface sediments in the FFS Study Area would be recontaminated would be determined by the influx, mixing, and deposition of sediment that enters from above Dundee Dam, from between the dam and RM8.3, and from Newark Bay. The FFS Study Area is the major source of COPCs and COPECs to the river above RM8.3 and to Newark Bay; so removing those sediments would reduce that source of contamination to those areas, thereby reducing the contamination brought back into the FFS Study Area from those areas over time. Modeling predicts that Alternative 2 would reduce risks by an order of magnitude after remedial construction, so that in the 30-year period after construction, the human health total cancer risk (for the adult and child for all COPCs) would be 5 × 10-4 and 4 × 10-4 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). The non-cancer HIs for an adult would be 10 and 7 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, and for a child would be 22 and 15 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). Thirty years after construction, total ecological HQs for benthic invertebrates would range from 4 to 30; for fish would range from 2 to 20; and, for wildlife would range from 0.8 to 40 (Tables 5-2a through 5-2c). Future risk levels are predicted to get close enough to protective goals that Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR processes, would achieve those goals relatively shortly beyond the model simulation period. During the relatively short time until protective goals would be reached, an intensive outreach effort to increase public awareness of institutional controls, such as NJDEP’s fish and crab consumption advisories, could be implemented to maintain some protectiveness for human health. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-15 2014 The transport of contaminants from the FFS Study Area to the Lower Passaic River above RM8.3 and into Newark Bay is projected to significantly decline under Alternative 2. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux from the bed resulting from resuspension of sediment in the FFS Study Area is presented in Table 4-2 for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Alternative 2 would significantly reduce the gross resuspension flux from this area. The modeled gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 2 would be reduced by 70 percent, 50 percent, 60 percent and 50 percent for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx, and mercury, respectively, as compared to Alternative 1. These reductions in gross resuspension in the FFS Study Area would result in substantial reductions in the transport of contaminants in the water column towards Newark Bay from 2030 to 2059 (see Figures 4-4a through 4-4d). Following remediation, under Alternative 2 surface sediment concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD upstream of the FFS Study Area would remain lower than under Alternative 1. Over the 30-year post-remediation period, the average surface sediment concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD would be approximately 25 percent lower than the corresponding average values upstream of the FFS Study Area under Alternative 1; the average surface sediment concentrations of Total PCB, Total DDx and mercury would be approximately 5 to 20 percent lower upstream of the FFS Study Area compared to corresponding averages for Alternative 1. For DMM Scenario A, an engineered cap would be placed over the CAD cells in Newark Bay sequestering the contaminated sediment from the bay; the cap would be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. For DMM Scenarios B and C, no such monitoring or maintenance would be required after construction is completed; contaminated sediment would either be placed in a commercially operated facility or treated to decontaminate the sediment allowing its beneficial use. Compliance with ARARs There are currently no chemical-specific state or federal ARARs for sediment management. Alternative 2 would satisfy the location-specific and action-specific ARARs (see Table 2-1a). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-16 2014 Alternative 2 is designed to address sediment contamination in the FFS Study Area. Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation of Alternative 2, by itself, would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. However, because this FFS only addresses the sediment portion of the Lower Passaic River and is only part of the remedial activities under consideration for the 17-mile Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence Under Alternative 2, approximately 9.7 million cy of contaminated fine-grained sediments covering approximately 650 acres of river bottom between RM0 and RM8.3 would be permanently removed from the ecosystem of the Lower Passaic River and would no longer contaminate surface sediments and biota, or pose unacceptable impacts to humans and the environment after construction is completed in 2029. Magnitude of Residual Risks Contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area would be removed from the river ecosystem by mechanical dredging. Dredging residuals remaining in the FFS Study Area would be addressed by a two-foot layer of backfill. Modeling has predicted that in order for any alternatives to achieve protectiveness of human health (i.e., not only be within the risk range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6, but also be at or below an HI equal to 1), bank-to-bank remediation in the FFS Study Area would be required. Modeling results also predicted that bank-to-bank alternatives would reduce surface sediment concentration for some of the COPCs and COPECs to below background levels in the future. This is because under post remediation conditions, suspended sediments coming from immediately above Dundee Dam (background for the FFS Study Area) will mix with suspended sediments from other sources coming into the FFS Study Area (e.g., Newark Bay, Saddle River, Third River, and Second River) as well as with the cleaner solids in the water column resulting from a remediated FFS Study Area and with clean material placed on the riverbed as part of remediation. As a Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-17 2014 result, contaminant concentrations in the top six inches (bioactive zone evaluated in the risk assessment) can end up being much less than background concentrations coming over Dundee Dam. A significant decline in surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area is forecast for COPCs and COPECs under Alternative 2 (see orange line in Figure 4-3a through 4-3k). • For 2,3,7,8-TCDD, during the 30 year period after construction, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal and be about two orders of magnitude higher than the most protective risk-based PRG. Surface sediment concentrations are expected to fluctuate above and below the proposed remediation goal, although storm events which are programmed into the model at 15 year intervals result in temporary increases in surface sediment concentrations above the proposed remedial goal. In reality, the sequence of storm events cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty. • For Total PCBs, during the 30 year period after construction, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to achieve concentrations that are on average about six times lower than background concentrations and about an order of magnitude higher than the most protective risk-based PRG. Surface sediment concentrations are expected to fluctuate above and below the proposed remediation goal, although storm events which are programmed into the model at 15 year intervals result in temporary increases in surface sediment concentrations above the proposed remedial goal. • For mercury, during the 30 year period after construction, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. For Total DDx, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to decrease by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions and to approach and fluctuate near a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-18 2014 Adequacy of Controls In the FFS Study Area, no long-term containment system (i.e., no engineered cap) would be required since the source of mobile contaminated fine-grained sediments would be removed during dredging. For DMM Scenario A, the engineered cap over the CAD cells would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity in order for Alternative 2 to be protective of human health and the environment. Appendix G provides information on the efficacy of CAD cells in use at other locations and potential costs for cap maintenance (for CAD sites under DMM Scenario A) are included in Appendix H. In contrast, there are no additional long-term maintenance requirements built into the costs for DMM Scenario B (Off-Site Disposal) because existing landfills already have provisions for long-term monitoring and maintenance by landfill owners and operators, which are built into the tipping fees; for DMM Scenario C (Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use) the sediment is treated to remove or stabilize the contaminants and no monitoring is required. The existing NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories which rely on voluntary compliance would be enhanced by additional outreach to improve their effectiveness in reducing the risk to human health by limiting exposure to COPCs. Additional institutional controls (see Section 4.2.1) would be necessary to maintain cap integrity for the CAD cells in perpetuity. Under Alternative 2, this applies only to DMM Scenario A (CAD). MNR is part of Alternative 2 and includes modeling and monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue during and after construction of active remedial measures to verify that risks to the ecosystem continue to decrease. The planned post-construction monitoring program would result in collection of the data necessary to determine whether NJDEP could relax or modify its fish and shellfish consumption advisories, and whether other restrictions imposed on private sediment disturbance activities as part of the remedial action could be relaxed. Interim tissue PRGs based on the consumption of 12 eight-ounce fish or crab meals per year were developed for use during the post-construction monitoring period to evaluate if contaminant concentrations are decreasing toward PRGs as expected. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-19 2014 Reliability of Controls Sediment removal and backfilling are reliable and proven technologies. CAD cell disposal using engineered caps is also a reliable and proven technology. Off-site thermal destruction (incineration) and land-based disposal facilities are in operation and have proven to be reliable technologies. The reliability of local decontamination technologies such as thermal treatment and sediment washing is more uncertain since they have not been built and operated in the United States on a scale approaching the capacity required for this project. In addition, sediment washing may be less effective when the matrix contains multiple contaminants and the sediment contains a large percentage of fine particles like silts and clays. Multiple treatment passes may be required under such conditions which would increase cost. The NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories for the river, particularly when enhanced with additional outreach efforts to increase effectiveness, would provide a limited measure of protection of human health until COPC concentrations in fish and blue crabs are reduced and the PRGs for protection of human health are attained. Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment For Alternative 2, reduction of mobility and volume of contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area would be achieved by dredging, not through in-situ treatment. The ultimate reduction of toxicity, mobility and volume of the sediments removed from the FFS Study Area would depend on the DMM Scenario selected. Under Alternative 2 reduction of mobility and volume would be achieved through the permanent removal of 9.7 million cy of contaminated fine-grained sediments, including approximately 24 kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 23,000 kg of Total PCBs, 4,200 kg of Total DDx and 41,000 kg of mercury. Under DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area would be effectively eliminated, not through treatment but by sequestering the dredged sediments in the CAD cells under an engineered cap that would need to be monitored and Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-20 2014 maintained in perpetuity. There would be no reduction in the toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs in the CAD site. Under DMM Scenario B, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area would be reduced through thermal destruction (incineration) of approximately 10 percent of the dredged material (sediment contaminant concentrations would be reduced by more than 99 percent). For the remaining material, mobility would be reduced by placing it into a permitted landfill (through sequestration, not treatment); there would be no reduction in toxicity or volume. The actual amount of material subject to thermal destruction would depend on the results of the waste characterization testing during the remedial design. Under DMM Scenario C, approximately 10 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal treatment, 88 percent is assumed to undergo sediment washing, and 2 percent is assumed to undergo solidification / stabilization. The toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs undergoing thermal treatment would be reduced by more than 99 percent. The toxicity of the material undergoing sediment washing would be reduced by 10 to 80 percent depending on the constituent. Where necessary, solidification / stabilization would further reduce the mobility of the remaining contaminants in the sediment before it is placed in a landfill potentially as capping material. The actual amount of material subject to each technology would depend on the results of the waste characterization testing during the remedial design. Short-Term Effectiveness The implementation of Alternative 2 would have the greatest impact on the community, workers and the environment as compared to other alternatives because the construction period would be the longest (11 years) and Alternative 2 requires the handling of the largest volume of contaminated sediments (9.7 million cy). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-21 2014 Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in sediments that are resuspended during dredging. For FFS evaluation purposes, under Alternative 2 it was assumed that dredging would proceed 24 hours per day, six days per week, and 40 weeks per year for 11 years using two dredges. This would result in temporary noise, light, odors, blocked views, potential air quality impacts and disruptions to commercial and recreational river users on both sides of the river from RM0 to RM8.3 (operating for a few months at a given location). Under DMM Scenario A, dredged materials would be barged to the Newark Bay CAD site minimizing on-land impacts to the community but increasing vessel traffic in the bay. For FFS evaluation purposes, it was assumed that the CAD cells would be sited in the part of Newark Bay where the thickest layer of clay (approximately 60 feet) is likely to be found. Since major container terminals are located in Newark Bay near the assumed CAD site, increased barge traffic to and from the CAD site may interfere with existing commercial port traffic and increase the potential for waterborne commerce accidents. These risks can be managed through engineering and navigation controls established by the dredging and/or materials management contractor working in association with the Port Authority and other regulatory agencies, to control traffic in and around the CAD site. Under DMM Scenarios B or C, dredged materials would be barged to an approximately 28-acre or 40-acre, respectively, upland sediment processing facility, ideally located on the banks of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay. Both scenarios would increase in-water vessel traffic and cause on-land impacts to the community (e.g., increased vehicle traffic and air quality impacts) in the area of the upland sediment processing facility. DMM Scenario C would have the largest on-land impact on the community because the dewatered dredged materials would be treated onsite with potential air quality impacts and a greater risk of accidents from vehicle and equipment operations. In addition, under DMM Scenario C, end-products may be transported by truck offsite for beneficial use resulting in air quality impacts and traffic on area roads. The on-land Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-22 2014 impact from DMM Scenario B would be somewhat less than for DMM Scenario C since the dewatered dredged materials would be placed in rail cars and transported from the FFS Study Area for off-site disposal. Because the upland processing facilities would be constructed in an urban, industrialized area, the impact to wildlife habitat is anticipated to be minimal. Measures to minimize and mitigate impacts to the community would be addressed in community health and safety plans and by the use of best management practices. Those plans would cover such issues as the following: • Risks posed by sediment processing at the upland processing and transfer facilities (e.g., from spills, accidents or emissions). Access to these areas would be restricted to authorized and trained personnel. Monitoring and engineering controls would be employed to minimize short-term effects due to material processing activities. For DMM Scenario C, emissions from decontamination at a local facility may pose some short-term risks to the surrounding community and environment. However, as with most industrial processes, these can be mitigated by the use of proper pollution controls. Site-specific pilot and treatability studies (LBG, 2012) already conducted have demonstrated the effectiveness of such controls. • Risks posed by transportation of dewatered materials to off-site disposal or treatment facilities (e.g., from spills or accidents). Increased traffic would present an incremental risk to the community. The potential for traffic accidents may increase marginally due to additional vehicles for site workers and the transport of processed sediments on the roads in the area of the upland processing facility (mostly for DMM Scenario C but potentially some for DMM Scenario B). These effects are expected to be minimal for DMM Scenario B because transportation of sediments for treatment or disposal would likely be accomplished by rail. • In addition to vehicular traffic, measures to mitigate risks posed by increased river traffic would be implemented. Work areas in the river would be isolated (access-restricted) with an adequate buffer zone so that pleasure craft and commercial shipping can safely avoid such areas. Increased in-river barge traffic would be monitored and controlled to minimize, to the extent possible, adverse effects on the commercial or recreational use of the Lower Passaic River. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-23 2014 Protection of Workers during Remedial Actions Alternative 2 would pose potential occupational risks to site workers from direct contact, ingestion, and inhalation of COPCs and COPECs from the surface water and sediments, and routine physical hazards associated with construction work and working on water. Measures to minimize and mitigate such risks would be addressed in worker health and safety plans, by the use of best management practices, and by following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-approved health and safety procedures. Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts Resulting from Construction and Implementation Sediment removal may result in short-term adverse impacts to the river including exposure of fish and biota to contaminated sediments in the water column due to resuspension of contaminated sediments during dredging. Resuspension rates for environmental dredging 34 projects are reported to range from less than 0.1 percent to over 5 percent of the mass removed (USACE, 2008d). For the FFS, a resuspension rate of three percent of the mass removed (solids, carbon, and chemical) was assumed. This rate is based on the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012) results and similar measurements from other dredging projects. Risks due to resuspension can be minimized through proper equipment selection for the location (e.g., navigation channel, open river, shoals) and site conditions (e.g., bottom slope, depth of water, depth of sediment, depth of planned cut); control of the sediment removal process (e.g., placement of bucket, bucket removal speed); and the use of trained, skilled dredge operators and crews. Environmental impacts from construction include temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in dredged areas and in areas affected by resuspension of contaminated sediments during dredging. Habitat replacement measures would be implemented to address these impacts. Since the remedial action would replace existing intertidal habitat (i.e., mudflats) affected by remedial construction, the FFS assumes that no additional compensatory mitigation measures are necessary for this aspect of the remediation (i.e., in-river remediation). This approach is 34 No quantitative estimates are available for the amount of resuspension caused by cap placement, but USEPA assumes that less resuspension is caused by capping than by dredging (USEPA, 2005). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-24 2014 consistent with other on-going Superfund river dredging projects, such as the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site. Detailed analyses of compensatory mitigation are presented in Appendix F. Natural benthic re-colonization following a disturbance is usually fairly rapid and can begin within days after perturbation. In some cases, full recovery to pre-disturbance species composition and abundance can occur within one to five years (see Appendix F). Under DMM Scenario A, construction and operation of the CAD site could have substantial impacts on the aquatic environment that could be minimized through engineering controls. Intertidal and subtidal shallows, such as those where CAD cells would be located, provide valuable habitat for various aquatic species including areas designated by NOAA as Essential Fish Habitat. Operation of the CAD site would involve discharging dredged materials through the water column into the CAD cell over the 11-year operating period. The area of the open waters subject to temporary impacts from the CAD construction and operation would be approximately 171 acres for Alternative 2 (165 acres for the CAD cells and 6 acres for the access channels). In addition to restoring the bay bottom at the completion of the project, compensatory mitigation for the CAD site would be required under the CWA; that is, provision of a separate mitigation site to offset temporary ecological losses to habitat and their functional value. Local mitigation banks tentatively identified in Appendix F could only provide about 55 percent of the total mitigation acreage necessary to offset the temporal losses associated with the Alternative 2 CAD cells. Additional acres could be provided through restoration of sites identified in USACE’s Hudson-Raritan Estuary Comprehensive Restoration Plan (USACE, 2009) and Lower Passaic River Ecosystem Restoration Plan (USACE, undated (under development) 35). The cost of this mitigation is included in the cost estimate for DMM Scenario A under Alternative 2 in Appendix H. DMM Scenarios B and C are likely to have a less direct impact on the aquatic environment than DMM Scenario A primarily because they do not involve in-water disposal. While DMM 35 Draft available at Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-25 2014 Scenarios B and C have greater on-land impacts (discussed above under “Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions”) due to the need for a large upland processing facility, those impacts can be mitigated through proven technologies such as air pollution control technology and buffer zones around construction sites. Time until Remedial Response Objectives are Achieved During the 30 year period after construction under Alternative 2, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB and mercury surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate around the proposed remediation goals, depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. Total DDx surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate at a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal, depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. The surface sediment concentrations predicted by computer modeling at the end of the 30 year period are close enough to proposed remediation goals that Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR processes, would achieve those goals relatively shortly beyond the model simulation period. Implementability For Alternative 2, the remedial work in the FFS Study Area would be readily implementable from both the technical and administrative standpoints. The in-river remedial action as envisioned in this FFS can be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. However, the technical and administrative implementability of the DMM Scenarios vary. Technical Feasibility The in-river construction activities (debris removal, dredging, backfilling and dredged material transport) required for the implementation of Alternative 2 would be technically feasible and have been implemented at many Superfund sites around the country (see Chapter 3 and Appendix G). However implementing a remediation program the size and complexity of that planned for the FFS Study Area adjacent to one of the major East Coast waterways would require extensive planning and coordination. Given the large volume of material and longer Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-26 2014 project duration for the in-water removal, Alternative 2 would present a greater challenge to implement than either Alternative 3 or 4. The FFS Study Area river bed is crossed by utilities of various sizes and depths in a number of locations. Dredging for Alternative 2 would affect more utilities than dredging for Alternative 3 because Alternative 2 would involve much deeper dredging cuts. Remedial design would include additional work to locate utilities in the FFS Study Area and determine appropriate dredging off-sets. The FFS Study Area is also crossed by 14 bridges of various heights. The necessary coordination, which may include assisting bridge authorities with engineering evaluations and maintenance of the bridges, would occur during the remedial design. Similarly, the three DMM Scenarios are technically feasible. DMM Scenario A (placement in CAD cells) and DMM Scenario B (dewatering, dredged material transport and off-site disposal) can be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling large volumes of dredged materials. The technologies have been successfully implemented at other Superfund sites (see Chapter 3 and Appendix G). Depending upon the selected approach, a suitable site for the CAD cells or upland sediment processing facility is expected to be available or can be developed. The large volume of sediments to be removed would require significant coordination of the dredging/excavation efforts, material handling activities, and transportation logistics between the dredging contractor and/or materials management contractor and the Port Authority to manage vessel traffic in the area safely. The decontamination technologies involved in DMM Scenario C (thermal treatment and sediment washing) have not been constructed and operated in the United States on a scale approaching the capacity required for this project so the technical feasibility of using these technologies to handle large volumes of highly contaminated sediments is more uncertain. The performance of the sediment washing technology was demonstrated in 2006 (LBG, 2012) on a pilot study level involving processing rates that were high enough (although for a relatively short duration) to be considered equivalent to a commercial scale operation (see Appendix G). However, more recently in 2012, bench-scale studies by two sediment washing technology vendors showed that their technologies were unable to reduce Lower Passaic River sediment Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-27 2014 contamination to levels low enough for beneficial use (de maximis, inc., 2012). Thermal treatment has been demonstrated to have very high treatment efficiencies although the technology has only been tested on a pilot study level involving relatively small volumes and short durations (see Appendix G). Administrative Feasibility No insurmountable administrative difficulties are anticipated in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or backfill placement. Since a large number of the activities are expected to occur on-site (as defined under CERCLA Section 121(e)(1) and 40 CFR 300.5), federal, state and local permits are not required. Permits are expected to be obtained from the appropriate local, state and federal agencies for actions that occur off-site. Sediment removal and backfill activities would result in some temporary disruption of commercial/ recreational uses and boating access during remediation. Although measures to mitigate or prevent impacts and disruptions would be employed, local communities would be expected to experience some measure of inconvenience during remedial activities. Measures that would be implemented in conjunction with this alternative to minimize both short- and long-term disruption and adverse impacts include: • Accommodation of existing boat traffic during construction, where feasible • Limited duration of the remediation period in one location (operating only a few months in the vicinity of any given shore location) • Shoreline stabilization and waterfront restoration • Proper equipment selection for the location and site conditions, control of the sediment removal process, and the use of trained, skilled dredge operators and crews. DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. The State’s position is clearly articulated in a letter dated November 28, 2012 from Governor Chris Christie to former USEPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. USFWS and NOAA also oppose construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. For DMM Scenario B, administrative Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-28 2014 feasibility is less of a concern, although siting a 28-acre upland processing facility for dewatering of dredged materials, water treatment to satisfy regulatory requirements, and rail car loading may be challenging in the densely populated urban areas around the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay. For DMM Scenario C, administrative feasibility is less of a concern than for DMM Scenario A but more of a concern than for DMM Scenario B because DMM Scenario C requires a larger upland area for dredged material processing and staging (40 acres). It also involves the construction of a thermal treatment plant which may be subject to stringent limitations on air emissions and regulatory requirements may be administratively challenging. Availability of Services and Materials For the remedial work in the FFS Study Area, services and materials are expected to be commercially available. Equipment and technical expertise for dredging and backfill placement are available through a number of commercial firms. While a large amount of backfill material would be needed, adequate resources have been preliminarily identified at several local borrow sources. Equipment and technical expertise for constructing CAD cells are available. Available capacity at off-site thermal treatment and landfills has been preliminarily identified (Appendix G). Several companies have expressed interest in and have demonstrated the technical ability to construct the local thermal treatment and sediment washing facilities generating beneficial use end-products. However, since no such facilities have been built locally, there remains some uncertainty over the implementability of DMM Scenario C. Cost For Alternative 2, capital costs were broken into two main categories: in-river activities and DMM. Operation and maintenance costs were broken down into three main categories: operation of DMM facilities during dredging, activities conducted annually after dredging, and periodic costs over the 30-year post-construction monitoring period. Details of the costs to implement Alternative 2 are detailed in Appendix H and summarized in Table 5-3. • For Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A (Deep Dredging with Backfill and CAD), the estimated PV cost is approximately $1,341,000,000. • For Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B (Deep Dredging with Backfill and Off-Site Disposal), the estimated PV cost is approximately $3,245,000,000. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-29 2014 • For Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C (Deep Dredging with Backfill and Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use), the estimated PV cost is approximately $2,621,000,000. The dredging cost estimates presented in Appendix H were developed using mechanical dredging as the representative process option because mechanical dredging may be better able to handle the debris-laden sediments in the FFS Study Area. The PV cost for Alternative 2, assuming hydraulic dredging is used, is approximately $2,960,000,000 and $2,460,000,000 with DMM Scenarios B and C, respectively. The cost of Alternative 2, assuming hydraulic dredging in combination with DMM Scenario A, was not estimated because of the complexity of maintaining a pumping line down the length of the FFS Study Area and crossing the federallyauthorized navigation channel one or more times. Detailed hydraulic dredging costs are not presented in Appendix H. 5.2.3 Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation (described in Section 4.4.4) Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment. Alternative 3 addresses the unacceptable risks identified in the baseline risk assessments by sequestering the extensive inventory of contaminated fine-grained sediments in the FFS Study Area under a 650-acre engineered cap (or backfill layer where appropriate). Before placement of the engineered cap, enough contaminated fine-grained sediment would be dredged so that the cap could be placed without causing additional flooding and to accommodate continued use of the federally-authorized navigation channel through RM2.2. The extent to which the surface sediments in the FFS Study Area would be recontaminated would be determined by the influx, mixing, and deposition of sediment that enters from above Dundee Dam, from between the dam and RM8.3, and from Newark Bay. The FFS Study Area is the major source of COPCs and COPECs to the river above RM8.3 and to Newark Bay; so removing those sediments would reduce that source of contamination to those areas, thereby reducing the contamination brought back into the FFS Study Area from those areas over time. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-30 2014 Modeling predicts that Alternative 3 would reduce risks by more than an order of magnitude after remedial construction so that in the 30-year period after construction, human health total cancer risk (for the adult and child for all COPCs) would be 4 × 10-4 and 3 × 10-4 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). The non-cancer health hazard for the adult would be 8 and 6 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, and for the child would be 18 and 13 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). Thirty years after construction, total ecological hazards for benthic invertebrates would range from 3 to 30, for fish would range from 2 to 20 and for wildlife would range from 0.8 to 30 (Tables 5-2a through 5-2c). Future risk levels are predicted to get close enough to protective goals that Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR processes, would achieve those goals relatively shortly beyond the model simulation period. During the relatively short time until protective goals would be reached, an intensive outreach effort to increase public awareness of institutional controls, such as NJDEP’s fish and crab consumption advisories, could be implemented to maintain some protectiveness for human health. The transport of contaminants from the FFS Study Area to the Lower Passaic River above RM8.3 and into Newark Bay is projected to significantly decline under Alternative 3. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 is presented in Table 4-2 for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Alternative 3 would significantly reduce the gross resuspension flux in the FFS Study Area. The modeled gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 3 would be reduced by 45 percent, 35 percent, 30 percent and 25 percent for 2,3,7,8TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx, and mercury, respectively, as compared to Alternative 1. These reductions in gross resuspension in the FFS Study Area would result in substantial reductions in the transport of contaminants in the water column towards Newark Bay from 2030 to 2059 (see Figures 4-4a through 4-4d). Upstream of the FFS Study Area between RM8.3 and RM17 (see green line in Figures 5-1a through 5-1d), Alternative 3 modeling results display the same cyclical perturbations observed for Alternative 1. It should be noted that differences in temporal patterns between the alternatives Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-31 2014 are due to the differences in dredging and capping schedule assumptions in the model. Over the 30-year post-remediation period, the average surface sediment concentrations between RM8.3 and RM17 of 2,3,7,8-TCDD under Alternative 3 would be approximately 2 percent lower than corresponding average values under Alternative 1. For Total PCB, Total DDx, and mercury, concentrations in surface sediments immediately following remediation would fluctuate above and below corresponding values under Alternative 1; over the 30-year post-remediation period the average surface sediment concentrations of these constituents would be approximately 2 to 4 percent lower than corresponding averages for Alternative 1. Under DMM Scenario A, an engineered cap would be placed over the CAD cells in Newark Bay sequestering the contaminated sediment; this cap along with the engineered cap in the river would be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. For DMM Scenarios B and C, no such monitoring or maintenance of the disposal site would be required after construction is completed; contaminated sediment would either be placed in a commercially operated facility or treated to decontaminate the sediment, allowing its beneficial use. Compliance with ARARs There are currently no chemical-specific state or federal ARARs for sediment management. Alternative 3 would satisfy the location-specific and action-specific ARARs (see Table 2-1a). Alternative 3 is designed to address sediment contamination in the FFS Study Area. Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation of Alternative 3, by itself, would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. However, because this FFS only addresses the sediments portion of the Lower Passaic River and is only part of the remedial activities under consideration for the 17-mile Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence Under Alternative 3, approximately 4.3 million cy of contaminated fine-grained sediments covering approximately 650 acres of river bottom between RM0 and RM8.3 would be Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-32 2014 permanently removed from the ecosystem of the Lower Passaic River by dredging to targeted sediment removal depths. A two-foot engineered cap (or backfill where appropriate) would be placed over the entire FFS Study Area. After construction is completed in 2023, the resuspension of contaminated sediments would no longer contaminate surface sediments and biota or pose unacceptable impacts to humans and the environment. Magnitude of Residual Risks The remaining contaminated sediments and dredging residuals in the FFS Study Area would be sequestered under an engineered cap (in areas where the intent is to remove all contaminated sediment such as portions of the federal navigation channel, a backfill layer would be placed to cover dredging residuals). Modeling has predicted that in order for any alternatives to achieve protectiveness of human health (i.e., not only be within the risk range of 1 × 10-4 to 1 × 10-6, but also be at or below an HI equal to 1), bank-to-bank remediation in the FFS Study Area would be required. Modeling results also predicted that bank-to-bank alternatives would reduce surface sediment concentrations for some of the COPCs and COPECs to below background levels in the future. This is because under post remediation conditions, suspended sediments coming from immediately above Dundee Dam (background for the FFS Study Area) will mix with suspended solids from other sources coming into the FFS Study Area (e.g., Newark Bay, Saddle River, Third River, and Second River) as well as with the cleaner solids in the water column resulting from a remediated FFS Study Area and with clean cap material placed on the riverbed as part of remediation. As a result, contaminant concentrations in the top six inches (bioactive zone evaluated in the risk assessment) can end up being much less than background concentrations coming over Dundee Dam. A significant decline in surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area is forecast for COPCs and COPECs under Alternative 3 (see green line in Figure 4-3a through 4-3k). • For 2,3,7,8-TCDD, during the 30 year period after construction, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal and be about two orders of magnitude higher than the most protective risk-based PRG. Surface Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-33 2014 sediment concentrations are expected to fluctuate above and below the proposed remediation goal, although storm events which are included in the model at 15 year intervals result in temporary increase in sediment concentrations above the proposed remedial goal. In reality the sequence of storm events cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty). • For Total PCBs, during the 30 year period after construction, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to achieve concentrations that are on average about six times lower than background concentrations in some years and an order of magnitude higher than the most protective risk-based PRG. Surface sediment concentrations are expected to fluctuate above and below the proposed remediation goal, although storm events which are included in the model at 15 year intervals result in temporary increase in sediment concentrations above the proposed remedial goal. • For mercury, during the 30 years period after construction, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate around the proposed remediation goal depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. For Total DDx, surface sediment concentrations are predicted to decrease by over an order of magnitude relative to current conditions, to approach and fluctuate near a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Adequacy of Controls Alternative 3 would be effective in limiting exposure to risks posed by COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area sediments provided the integrity of the engineered cap is maintained. Therefore, the cap would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. For DMM Scenario A, the engineered cap over the CAD cells would also have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity in order for the alternative to be protective of human health and the environment. Appendix G provides information on the efficacy of CAD cells in use at other locations and potential costs for cap maintenance (in-river and CAD site) are included in Appendix H. In contrast, there are no additional long-term maintenance requirements built into the cost for DMM Scenario B (Off-Site Disposal) because existing landfills already have provisions for long-term monitoring and maintenance by landfill owners and operators, which Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-34 2014 are built into the tipping fees; for DMM Scenario C (Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use) the sediment is treated to remove or stabilize the contaminants and no monitoring is required. The existing NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories, which rely on voluntary compliance, would be enhanced by additional outreach to improve their effectiveness in reducing risk to human health by limiting exposure to COPCs. Additional institutional controls (see Section 4.2.1) would be necessary to maintain cap integrity in perpetuity. Under Alternative 3, this would include the engineered cap in the river as well as DMM Scenario A (CAD). MNR is part of Alternative 3 and includes modeling and monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue during and after construction of active remedial measures to verify that risks to the ecosystem continue to decrease. The planned post-construction monitoring program would result in collection of the data necessary to determine whether NJDEP could relax or modify its fish and shellfish consumption advisories and whether other restrictions imposed on private sediment disturbance activities as part of the remedial action could be relaxed. Interim tissue PRGs based on the consumption of 12 eight-ounce fish or crab meals per year were developed for use during the post-construction monitoring period to evaluate if contaminant concentrations are decreasing toward PRGs as expected. Reliability of Controls Sediment removal, engineered capping, and backfilling are reliable and proven technologies. Disposal in a CAD cell under an engineered cap is also a reliable and proven technology. Offsite thermal destruction (incineration) and land-based disposal facilities are in operation and have proven to be reliable technologies. The reliability of local decontamination technologies such as thermal treatment and sediment washing is more uncertain since they have not been built and operated in the United States on a scale approaching the capacity required for this project. In addition, sediment washing may be less effective when the matrix contains multiple contaminants and the sediment contains a large percentage of fine particles like silts and clays. Multiple treatment passes may be required under such conditions which would increase costs. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-35 2014 The NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories for the river, particularly when enhanced with additional outreach efforts to increase effectiveness, would provide a limited measure of protection for human health until COPC concentrations in fish and blue crabs are reduced and the PRGs for protection of human health are attained. Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment For Alternative 3, reduction in the mobility and volume of contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area would be achieved by dredging and capping, not through treatment. The ultimate reduction of toxicity, mobility and volume of the sediments removed from the FFS Study Area would depend on the DMM Scenario selected. Under Alternative 3, in the FFS Study Area, reduction of mobility and volume would be achieved through the permanent removal of 4.3 million cy of contaminated fine-grained sediments, including approximately 8 kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 7,000 kg of Total PCBs, 800 kg of Total DDx, and 16,000 kg of mercury. The remaining 5.4 million cy of contaminated sediments would be sequestered in the river under an engineered cap so that mobility is effectively eliminated; no reduction of toxicity is achieved for the contaminants that remain under the cap and cap integrity would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Under DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area would be effectively eliminated, not through treatment, but by sequestering the dredged sediments in the CAD cells under an engineered cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. There would be no reduction in toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs. Under DMM Scenario B, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area would be reduced through incineration of approximately 7 percent of the dredged material (for which sediment concentrations would be reduced by more than 99 percent). For the remaining material, mobility would be reduced by placing it in a permitted landfill (through sequestration, not treatment), but there would be no reduction of Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-36 2014 toxicity and volume. The actual amount of material subject to incineration would depend on the results of waste characterization testing during the design phase. Under DMM Scenario C, approximately 7 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal treatment, 92 percent is assumed to undergo sediment washing, and 1 percent is assumed to undergo solidification / stabilization. The toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area undergoing thermal treatment would be reduced by more than 99 percent. The toxicity of the dredged material undergoing sediment washing would be reduced by 10 to 80 percent (depending on the constituent). Where necessary, solidification / stabilization would further reduce the mobility of the remaining contaminants in the sediment before it is placed in a landfill, potentially as capping material. The actual amount of material subject to each technology would depend on the results of waste characterization testing during the design phase. Short-Term Effectiveness The implementation of Alternative 3 would have less of an impact on the community, workers and the environment than Alternative 2 due to the shorter project duration. However, those impacts would still be important to address since the remediation period would be five years and would require the handling of 4.3 million cy of dredged materials. Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in sediments that are resuspended during dredging. For FFS evaluation purposes, under Alternative 3, it was assumed dredging would proceed 24- hours per day, six days per week, and 40 weeks per year for 4.5 years using two dredges. This would result in temporary noise, light, odors, blocked views, potential air quality impacts and disruptions to commercial and recreational river users on both sides of the river from RM0 to RM8.3 (operating for a few months in the vicinity of any given shore location). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-37 2014 Under DMM Scenario A, dredged materials would be barged to the Newark Bay CAD site, minimizing on-land impacts to the community but increasing vessel traffic in the bay. For FFS evaluation purposes, it was assumed that the CAD cells would be sited in the part of Newark Bay where the thickest layer of clay (approximately 60 feet) is likely to be found. Since major container terminals are located in Newark Bay near the assumed CAD site, increased barge traffic to and from the CAD site may interfere with existing commercial port traffic and increase the potential for waterborne commerce accidents. These risks can be managed through engineering and navigation controls established by the dredging and/or materials management contractor working in association with the Port Authority, to control traffic in and around the CAD site. Under DMM Scenario B or C, dredged materials would be barged to an approximately 26- or 36acre, respectively, upland sediment processing facility, ideally located on the banks of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay. Both scenarios would increase in-water vessel traffic and cause on-land impacts to the community (e.g., increased vehicle traffic and air quality impacts) in the area of the upland processing facility. DMM Scenario C would have the largest on-land impact to the community because the dewatered dredged materials would be treated on-site resulting in potential air quality impacts and a greater risk of accidents from vehicle and equipment operations. In addition, under DMM Scenario C, end-products may be transported by truck offsite for beneficial use resulting in air quality impacts and traffic on area roads. The on-land impacts from DMM Scenario B would be somewhat less than for DMM Scenario C since the dewatered dredged materials would be loaded in rail cars and transported from the FFS Study Area for off-site disposal. Because the upland processing facilities would be constructed in an urban, industrialized area the impact to wildlife habitat is anticipated to be minimal. The measures to minimize and mitigate impacts on the community described under Alternative 2 would also be implemented under Alternative 3. Protection of Workers during Remedial Actions Alternative 3 would pose potential occupational risks to site workers from direct contact, ingestion, and inhalation of COPCs and COPECs from the surface water and sediments, and Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-38 2014 routine physical hazards associated with construction work and working on water. Measures to minimize and mitigate such risks would be addressed in worker health and safety plans, by the use of best management practices and by following OSHA-approved health and safety procedures. Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts Resulting from Construction and Implementation Sediment removal may result in short-term adverse impacts to the river including exposure of the water column, fish, and biota to contaminated sediments due to resuspension of contaminated sediments during dredging. Resuspension rates for environmental dredging 36 projects are reported to range from less than 0.1 percent to over 5 percent of the mass removed (USACE, 2008d). For the FFS, a resuspension rate of three percent of the mass removed (solids, carbon, and chemical) was assumed. This rate is based on the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012) results and similar measurements from other dredging projects. Risks due to resuspension can be minimized through proper equipment selection for the location (e.g., navigation channel, open river, shoals) and site conditions (e.g., bottom slope, depth of water, depth of sediment, depth of planned cut); control of the sediment removal process (e.g., placement of bucket, bucket removal speed); and the use of trained, skilled dredge operators and crews. Environmental impacts from construction include temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in dredged and capped areas and in areas affected by resuspension of contaminated sediments during dredging. Habitat replacement measures would be implemented to address these impacts. Since the remedial action would improve and replace existing intertidal habitat (i.e., mudflat) affected by remedial construction, the FFS assumes that no additional compensatory mitigation measures are necessary for this aspect of the remediation (i.e., in-river remediation). This approach is consistent with other on-going Superfund river dredging projects, such as the Hudson River PCB Superfund Site. Detailed analyses of compensatory mitigation are presented in Appendix F. 36 No quantitative estimates are available for the amount of resuspension caused by cap placement, but USEPA assumes that less resuspension is caused by capping than by dredging (USEPA, 2005). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-39 2014 Natural benthic re-colonization following a disturbance is rapid, and in many instances, the process begins within days after perturbation. In some cases, full recovery to pre-disturbance species composition and abundance occurs within one to five years (see Appendix F). Under DMM Scenario A, construction and operation of the CAD site would have substantial impacts on the aquatic environment that could be minimized through engineering controls. Intertidal and subtidal shallows, such as those where CAD cells would be located, provide valuable habitat for various aquatic species, including areas designated by NOAA as Essential Fish Habitat. Operation of the CAD site involves discharging dredged materials through the water column into the CAD cells for disposal over a five year operating period. The area of the open waters subject to temporary impacts from the CAD site construction and operation would be approximately 80 acres for Alternative 3 (76 acres for the CAD cells and 4 acres for the access channels). In addition to restoring the bay bottom at the completion of the project, compensatory mitigation for the CAD site would be required under the CWA; that is, provision of a separate mitigation site to offset temporary ecological losses to habitat and their functional value. Local mitigation banks tentatively identified in Appendix F provide the total mitigation acreage necessary to offset the temporal losses associated with the Alternative 3 CAD cells. The cost of this mitigation is included in the cost estimate for DMM Scenario A in Appendix H. DMM Scenarios B and C are likely to have a less direct impact on the aquatic environment than DMM Scenario A primarily because they do not involve in-water disposal. While DMM Scenarios B and C have greater on-land impacts (discussed above under “Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions”) due to the need for an upland processing facility, those impacts can be mitigated through proven technologies such as air pollution control technology and buffer zones around construction sites. Time until Remedial Response Objectives are Achieved For Alternative 3, during the 30 year period after construction, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB and mercury surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate around the proposed remediation goals, depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. Total DDx surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate at a level about an order of magnitude Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-40 2014 higher than the proposed remediation goal, depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. Alternative 3 would achieve significant reductions in surface sediment concentrations sooner than Alternative 2 given the shorter construction period (5 years versus 11 years). The surface sediment concentrations predicted by computer modeling at the end of the 30 year period would be close enough to proposed remediation goals that Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR processes, would achieve those goals relatively shortly beyond the model simulation period. Implementability For Alternative 3, the remedial work in the FFS Study Area would be readily implementable from both the technical and administrative standpoints. The in-river remedial action as envisioned in this FFS can be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. However, the technical and administrative implementability of the DMM Scenarios vary. Technical Feasibility The in-river construction activities (debris removal, dredging, backfilling, engineered capping and dredged material transport) required for the implementation of Alternative 3 would be technically feasible and have been implemented at many Superfund sites around the country (see Chapter 3 and Appendix G). However implementing a remediation program the size and complexity of that planned for the FFS Study Area adjacent to one of the major East Coast waterways would require extensive planning and coordination. Given the volume of material to be handled and the project duration of the in-water removal, Alternative 3 should be easier to implement than Alternative 2 but more of a challenge than Alternative 4. The FFS Study Area river bed is crossed by utilities of various sizes and depths, in a number of locations. Dredging for Alternative 3 may affect some utilities where dredging extends to greater depths in the river. The remedial design would include additional work to locate utilities in the FFS Study Area and determine appropriate dredging off-sets. The FFS Study Area is also crossed by 14 bridges of various heights. The necessary coordination, which may include Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-41 2014 assisting bridge authorities with engineering evaluations and maintenance of the bridges, would occur during the remedial design. The three DMM Scenarios are technically feasible. DMM Scenario A (placement in CAD cells) and DMM Scenario B (dewatering, dredged material transport and off-site disposal) can be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling large volumes of dredged materials. The technologies have been successfully implemented at other Superfund sites (see Chapter 3 and Appendix G). Depending on the selected approach, a suitable site for the CAD site or upland sediment processing facility is expected to be available or can be developed. The large volume of sediments to be removed would require significant coordination of the dredging/excavation efforts, material handling activities, and transportation logistics between the dredging contractor and/or materials management contractor and the Port Authority and other regulatory agencies to manage vessel traffic in the area safely. As stated previously, the volume of dredged material for Alternative 3 is smaller than for Alternative 2. The decontamination technologies involved in DMM Scenario C (thermal treatment and sediment washing) have not been constructed and operated in the United States on a scale approaching the capacity required for this project, so the technical feasibility of using these technologies to handle large volumes of highly contaminated sediments is more uncertain. The performance of the sediment washing technology was demonstrated in 2006 (LBG, 2012) on a pilot study level involving processing rates that were high enough (although for a relatively short duration) to be considered equivalent to a commercial scale operation (see Appendix G). However, more recently, in 2012, bench-scale studies by two sediment washing technology vendors showed that their technologies were unable to reduce Lower Passaic River sediment contamination to levels low enough for beneficial use (de maximis, inc., 2012). Thermal treatment has been demonstrated to have very high treatment efficiencies although the technology has only been tested on a pilot scale level involving relatively small volumes and short durations (see Appendix G). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-42 2014 Administrative Feasibility No insurmountable administrative difficulties are anticipated in getting the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or engineered cap and backfill placement. Since a large number of the activities are expected to occur on-site (as defined under CERCLA Section 121(e)(1) and 40 CFR 300.5), federal, state and local permits are not required. Permits are expected to be obtained from the appropriate local, state and federal agencies for actions that occur off-site. Since the post-remediation depths would be shallower than the federally-authorized channel depths, it would be necessary to obtain modification of the authorized depths in RM1.2 to RM2.2 and deauthorization of the federally-authorized navigation channel in RM2.2 to RM8.3, under the federal River and Harbors Act, through USACE administrative procedures and Congressional action. Sediment removal and engineered capping activities would result in some temporary disruption of commercial/ recreational uses and boating access during remediation. Although measures to mitigate or prevent impacts and disruptions would be employed, local communities would be expected to experience some degree of inconvenience during remedial activities. Measures that would be implemented in conjunction with this alternative to minimize both short- and long-term disruption and adverse impacts include: • Accommodation of existing boat traffic during construction, where feasible • Limited duration of the remediation period (operating a few months in the vicinity of any given shore location) • Shoreline stabilization and waterfront restoration • Proper equipment selection for the location and site conditions, control of the sediment removal and capping process, and the use of trained, skilled dredge operators and crews. DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments, because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. The State’s position is clearly articulated in a letter dated November 28, 2012 from Governor Chris Christie to former USEPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. USFWS and NOAA also oppose construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. For DMM Scenario B, administrative Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-43 2014 feasibility is less of a concern, although siting a 26-acre upland processing facility for dewatering of dredged materials, water treatment to satisfy regulatory requirements, and rail car loading may be challenging in the densely populated urban areas around the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay. For DMM Scenario C, administrative feasibility is less of a concern than for DMM Scenario A but more of a concern than DMM Scenario B, because Scenario C requires more upland area for dredged material processing and staging (36 acres). It also involves the construction of a thermal treatment plant which would be subject to stringent limitations on air emissions and regulatory requirements may be administratively challenging. Availability of Services and Materials For the remedial work in the FFS Study Area, services and materials are expected to be commercially available. Equipment and technical expertise for dredging and backfill or engineered cap placement are available through a number of commercial firms. While a large amount of backfill and cap material would be needed, adequate resources have been preliminarily identified at several local borrow sources. Equipment and technical expertise for constructing CAD cells are available. Available capacity at off-site thermal treatment and landfills has been preliminarily identified (Appendix G). Several companies have expressed interest in and have demonstrated the technical ability to construct the local thermal treatment and sediment washing facilities generating beneficial use end-products. However, since no such facilities have been built locally, there remains some uncertainty over the implementability of DMM Scenario C. Cost For Alternative 3, capital costs were broken into two main categories: in-river activities and DMM. Operation and maintenance costs were broken down into three main categories: operation of DMM facilities during dredging, activities conducted annually after dredging, and periodic costs over the 30-year post-construction monitoring period. Details of the costs to implement Alternative 3 are detailed in Appendix H and summarized in Table 5-3. • For Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A (Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and CAD), the estimated PV cost is approximately $953,000,000. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-44 2014 • For Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B (Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and Off-Site Disposal), the estimated PV cost is approximately $1,731,000,000. • For Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C (Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use), the estimated PV cost is approximately $1,585,000,000. The dredging cost estimates presented in Appendix H were developed using mechanical dredging as the representative process option, because mechanical dredging may be better able to handle the debris-laden sediments in the FFS Study Area. The PV cost for Alternative 3 assuming hydraulic dredging is used is approximately $1,257,000,000 and $1,260,000,000 with DMM Scenarios B and C, respectively. The cost of Alternative 3 assuming hydraulic dredging in combination with DMM Scenario A was not estimated because of the complexity of maintaining a pumping line down the length of the FFS Study Area and crossing the federally-authorized navigation channel one or more times. Detailed hydraulic dredging costs are not presented in Appendix H. 5.2.4 Alternative 4: Capping with Dredging for Flooding (described in Section 4.4.5) Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment Alternative 4, even with MNR and institutional controls, would not be protective of human health and the environment in the foreseeable future. Alternative 4 addresses the unacceptable risks identified in the baseline risk assessments by sequestering the sediment with the highest gross and net fluxes of COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area under discrete engineered caps. Before placement of the caps, enough fine-grained sediment would be dredged so the caps could be placed without causing additional flooding. Contaminated sediment in approximately 220 acres, or one third of the FFS Study Area surface area between RM0 and RM8.3, would be addressed by this alternative; contaminants in the remaining two thirds of the FFS Study Area would not be addressed. After in-water construction is completed in 2019, the resuspension of contaminated sediments from within the FFS Study Area would be limited to areas that had not been capped. Over time, Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-45 2014 resuspension from uncapped areas is likely to recontaminate remediated areas resulting in impacts to humans and biota. COPCs and COPECs released into the surface water from contaminated sediments in uncapped areas may migrate upstream above RM8.3 and downriver towards Newark Bay. While Alternative 4 reduces the potential risks for a period of time after remedial construction, it is unlikely that PRGs would be achieved because of the remaining exposed contaminated sediments (totaling two-thirds of the FFS Study Area). Modeling predicts that Alternative 4 would not come close to achieving protectiveness of human health and the environment in the 30 years after construction (duration of model simulation). Implementation of Alternative 4 would reduce the risks by about half after remedial construction, so that in the 30-year period after construction, total cancer risk (for adult and child for all COCs) would still be 2 × 10-3 and 1 × 10-3 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). The non-cancer HI for the adult would be 55 and 27 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, and for the child would be 97 and 47 for fish and crab consumption, respectively (Table 5-1). Thirty years after construction, total ecological HQs for benthic invertebrates would range from 30 to 200; for fish would range from 10 to 100; and, for wildlife would range from 2 to 400 (Tables 5-2a through 5-2c). Since under Alternative 4 risk levels would remain up to two orders of magnitude above protective goals 30 years after construction, it would not be reasonable to expect natural recovery processes would achieve protective goals in the foreseeable future beyond the modeling simulation period. The transport of contaminants from the FFS Study Area to the Lower Passaic River above RM8.3 and into Newark Bay is projected to continue. The modeled cumulative gross contaminant flux resulting from resuspension of sediments in the FFS Study Area under Alternative 4 is presented in Table 4-2 for the period 2030 to 2059. Implementation of Alternative 4 would not significantly reduce the gross resuspension flux because it is less than bank-to-bank in scope and leaves areas of contaminated sediment unremediated. The modeled gross resuspension flux from the FFS Study Area under Alternative 4 would be lower by 18 percent, 6 percent and 5 percent for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCB, Total DDx, respectively, with no change in the mercury flux, as compared to Alternative 1. The transport of contaminants in Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-46 2014 the water column towards Newark Bay (see Figures 4-4a through 4-4d) under Alternative 4 for the period from 2030 to 2059, is close to values simulated for Alternative 1. Upstream of the FFS Study Area between RM8.3 and RM17 (see blue line in Figures 5-1a through 5-1d), Alternative 4 modeling results displayed the same cyclical perturbations shown under Alternative 1. It should be noted that differences in temporal patterns between alternatives are due to the differences in dredging and capping schedule assumptions in the model. Over the 30 year post-remediation period, the average surface sediment concentrations would decline by less than 2 percent for the COPC and COPECs compared to the corresponding values under Alternative 1 For DMM Scenario A, an engineered cap would be placed over the CAD cell in Newark Bay, sequestering the contaminated sediment from the bay; this cap along with the engineered caps in the river would be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. For DMM Scenarios B and C, no such monitoring or maintenance of the disposal site would be required after construction is completed; contaminated sediment would either be placed in a commercially operated facility or treated to decontaminate the sediment, allowing its beneficial use. Compliance with ARARs There are currently no chemical-specific state or federal ARARs for sediment management. Alternative 4 would satisfy the location-specific and action-specific ARARs (see Table 2-1a). Alternative 4 is designed to address sediment contamination in the FFS Study Area. Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation of Alternative 4, by itself, would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. However, because this FFS only addresses the sediments portion of the Lower Passaic River and is only part of the remedial activities under consideration for the 17-mile Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-47 2014 Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence Alternative 4, even with MNR and institutional controls, would not be protective of human health and the environment and would not be effective in meeting all of the RAOs and PRGs in the foreseeable future. Under Alternative 4, approximately 220 acres of river bottom between RM0 and RM8.3 would be capped following the removal of approximately 1.0 million cy of contaminated fine-grained sediments from the ecosystem of the Lower Passaic River. Dredging would be conducted to targeted depths to allow placement of the caps on the dredged areas without causing additional flooding. After in-water construction is completed in 2019, the resuspension of contaminated sediments that were not capped would continue to contaminate surface sediments and biota, and impact human health and the environment although to a lesser degree than before implementation of Alternative 4. Magnitude of Residual Risks Contaminated sediments in high COPC and COPEC flux areas would be dredged to accommodate discrete engineered caps and the contaminated sediments in the dredged areas would be sequestered under the caps. In low flux areas, contaminated sediment would remain in place. Modeling results (see blue line in Figure 4-3a through 4-3k) show that by the end of the 30-year post remediation period, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations would remain far above any of the proposed remediation goals, although some background levels might be reached. • For 2,3,7,8-TCDD, during the 30-year post remedy period, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations would remain well over an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goals and three orders of magnitude higher than the most protective risk-based PRG. • For Total PCBs and Total DDx, during the 30-year post remedy period, surface sediment concentrations would be 25 percent higher than background concentrations and an order of magnitude (for Total PCBs) or two orders of magnitude (for Total DDx) higher than the proposed remediation goals. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-48 2014 • For mercury, during the 30-year post remedy period, surface sediment concentrations would just meet background concentrations and be an order of magnitude above the proposed remediation goal. Adequacy of Controls Alternative 4 would reduce, but not eliminate, the exposure risks posed by COPCs and COPECs in the FFS Study Area sediments provided that the integrity of the engineered caps is maintained. For DMM Scenario A, the engineered cap over the CAD cell would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity in order for Alternative 4 to be protective of human health and the environment. Appendix G provides information on the efficacy of CAD cells in use at other locations and costs for cap maintenance (in river and CAD site) are included in Appendix H. In contrast, there are no additional maintenance requirements built into cost for DMM Scenario B (Off-Site Disposal) because existing landfills already have provisions for long-term monitoring and maintenance by landfill owners and operators which are built into the tipping fees, or DMM Scenario C (Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use) because the sediment is treated to remove or stabilize the contaminants. The existing NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories which rely on voluntary compliance would be enhanced by additional outreach to improve their effectiveness in reducing the risk to human health by limiting exposure to COPCs. Additional institutional controls (see Section 4.2.1) would be necessary to maintain cap integrity in perpetuity. Under Alternative 4, this would include the engineered caps in the river as well as DMM Scenario A (CAD). MNR is part of Alternative 4 and includes modeling and monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue during and after construction of active remedial measures to verify that risks to the ecosystem continue to decrease. The planned post-construction monitoring program would result in collection of the data necessary to determine whether the NJDEP fish and shellfish consumption advisories and other restrictions imposed on private sediment disturbance activities can be relaxed. Interim tissue PRGs based on the consumption of 12 eight- Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-49 2014 ounce fish or crab meals per year were developed for use during the post-construction monitoring period to evaluate if contaminant concentrations are decreasing toward PRGs. Reliability of Controls Sediment removal and engineered capping are reliable and proven technologies. CAD cell disposal using engineered caps is also a reliable and proven technology. Off-site thermal destruction (incineration) and land-based disposal facilities are in operation and have proven to be reliable technologies. The reliability of the local operation of decontamination technologies such as thermal treatment and sediment washing is more uncertain since they have not been built and operated in the United States on a scale approaching the capacity required for this project. In addition, sediment washing may be less effective when the matrix contains multiple contaminants and the sediment contains a large percentage of fine particles like silts and clays. Multiple treatment passes, which would increase costs, may be required under such conditions. For Alternative 4, long-term reliance on fish and crab consumption advisories would not provide adequate protection of human health since published studies show that despite the NJDEP advisories currently in place, people still catch and eat fish and crabs from the river. Enhanced outreach to increase awareness of the advisories would be unlikely to be sufficient to ensure protectiveness over the long term. In addition, institutional controls do not address ecological risks. Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment For Alternative 4, reduction of mobility and volume of contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area would be achieved by dredging and capping, not through treatment. The ultimate reduction of toxicity, mobility and volume of the sediments removed from the FFS Study Area would depend on the DMM Scenario selected. Under Alternative 4, in the FFS Study Area, a reduction of mobility and volume would be achieved by the removal of approximately 1.0 million cy of sediments in approximately 220 acres (one third of the river) containing approximately 1 kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 1,300 kg of Total PCBs, 100 kg of Total DDx, and 2,300 kg of mercury. The remaining contaminated sediments in Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-50 2014 dredged areas would be sequestered in the river under discrete engineered caps so that contaminant mobility, in some areas, would be effectively eliminated; however, in approximately two thirds of the river, the contaminated sediment would not be remediated. No reduction of toxicity is achieved for the contaminants that remain in place under the caps or for the contaminated sediment that would be excluded from the Alternative 4 capping and dredging footprint. Under DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area would be effectively eliminated, not through treatment but by sequestering the dredged sediments in a CAD site under an engineered cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity; there would be no reduction in the toxicity or the volume of the COPCs and COPECs in the CAD site. Under DMM Scenario B, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area would be reduced through the thermal destruction (incineration) of approximately 4 percent of the contaminated sediment (for which sediment contaminant concentrations would be reduced by more than 99 percent). For the remaining material, mobility would be reduced by placing it in a permitted landfill (e.g., through sequestration, not treatment), but there would be no reduction in toxicity or volume. The actual amount of material subject to thermal destruction would depend on the results of waste characterization testing during the remedial design. Under DMM Scenario C, approximately 4 percent of the dredged material is assumed to undergo thermal treatment, 94 percent is assumed to undergo sediment washing, and 2 percent is assumed to undergo solidification / stabilization. The toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs removed from the FFS Study Area undergoing thermal treatment would be reduced by more than 99 percent. The toxicity of the dredged material undergoing sediment washing would be reduced by 10 to 80 percent (depending on the constituent). Where necessary, solidification / stabilization would further reduce the mobility of the remaining contaminants in the sediment before it is placed in a landfill, potentially as capping material. The actual amount of material Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-51 2014 subject to each technology would depend on the results of waste characterization testing during the remedial design. Short-Term Effectiveness The implementation of Alternative 4 would have less of an impact on the community, workers and the environment than Alternatives 2 and 3 due to the smaller volume of material handled and the shorter project duration. However, those impacts would still be important to address since the construction period would be two years and would require handling of 1.0 million cy of dredged materials. Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in sediments that are resuspended during dredging. For FFS evaluation purposes, under Alternative 4, it was assumed that dredging would proceed 24 hours per day, six days per week, 40 weeks per year, for 1.5 years using two dredges. This would result in temporary noise, light, odors, blocked views, potential air quality impacts and disruptions to commercial and recreational river users on both sides of the river from RM0 to RM8.3 (operating for a few months in the vicinity of any given shore location). Under DMM Scenario A, dredged materials would be barged to the Newark Bay CAD site, minimizing on-land impacts to the community, but increasing vessel traffic in the bay. For FFS evaluation purposes, it was assumed that the CAD cells would be sited in the part of Newark Bay where the thickest layer of clay (approximately 60 feet) is likely to be found. Since major container terminals are located in Newark Bay near the assumed CAD site, increased barge traffic to and from the CAD site may interfere with existing commercial port traffic and increase the potential for waterborne commerce accidents. These risks can be managed through engineering and navigation controls established by the dredging and/or materials management contractor working in association with the Port Authority and other regulatory agencies, to control traffic in and around the CAD site. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-52 2014 Under DMM Scenarios B or C, dredged materials would be barged to an approximately 26- or 36-acre, respectively, upland sediment processing facility, ideally located on the banks of the Lower Passaic River or Newark Bay. Both scenarios would increase in-water vessel traffic and cause on-land impacts to the community (e.g., increased vehicle traffic and air quality impacts) in the area of the upland processing facility. DMM Scenario C would have the largest on-land impact on the community because the dewatered dredged materials would be treated on-site resulting in potential air quality impacts and a greater risk of accidents from vehicle and equipment operations. In addition, under DMM Scenario C, end-products may be transported by truck off-site for beneficial use resulting in air quality impacts and traffic on area roads. The on-land impact from DMM Scenario B would be somewhat less than that for DMM Scenario C, since the dewatered dredged materials would be placed in rail cars and transported from the FFS Study Area for off-site disposal. Because the upland processing facilities would be constructed in an urban, industrialized area the impact to wildlife habitat is anticipated to be minimal. The measures to minimize and mitigate impacts to the community described under Alternative 2 above would also be implemented under Alternative 4. Protection of Workers during Remedial Actions Alternative 4 would pose potential occupational risks to site workers from direct contact, ingestion, and inhalation of COPCs and COPECs from the surface water and sediments, and routine physical hazards associated with construction activities and working on and around water. Measures to minimize and mitigate such risks would be addressed in worker health and safety plans and by the use of best management practices and following OSHA-approved health and safety procedures. Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts Resulting from Construction and Implementation Sediment removal may result in short-term adverse impacts to the river including exposure of the water column, fish and biota to contaminated sediments due to resuspension of contaminated Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-53 2014 sediments during dredging. Resuspension rates for environmental dredging 37 projects are reported to range from less than 0.1 percent to over 5 percent of the mass removed (USACE, 2008d). For the FFS, a resuspension rate of three percent of the mass removed (solids, carbon, and chemical) was assumed. This rate is based on the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study (LBG, 2012) results and similar measurements from other dredging projects. Risks due to resuspension can be minimized through proper equipment selection for the location (e.g., navigation channel, open river, shoals) and site conditions (e.g., bottom slope, depth of water, depth of sediment, depth of planned cut); control of the sediment removal process (e.g., placement of bucket, bucket removal speed); and the use of trained, skilled dredge operators and crews. Environmental impacts from in-water construction include temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in dredged and capped areas and in areas affected by resuspension of contaminated sediments from dredging. Habitat replacement measures would be implemented to address these impacts. Since the remedial action would improve and replace existing intertidal habitat (i.e., mudflats) affected by remedial construction, the FFS assumes that no additional compensatory mitigation measures are necessary for this aspect of the remediation (i.e., in-river remediation). This approach is consistent with other on-going Superfund river dredging projects, such as the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site. Detailed analyses of compensatory mitigation are presented in Appendix F. Natural benthic re-colonization following a disturbance is rapid and in many instances the process begins within days after perturbation. In many cases, full recovery to pre-disturbance species composition and abundance occurs within one to five years (see Appendix F). Under DMM Scenario A, construction and operation of the CAD site could have substantial impacts on the aquatic environment that could be minimized through engineering controls. Intertidal and subtidal shallows, such as those where CAD cells would be located, provide valuable habitat for various aquatic species, including areas designated by NOAA as Essential 37 No quantitative estimates are available for the amount of resuspension caused by cap placement, but USEPA assumes that less resuspension is caused by capping than by dredging (USEPA, 2005). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-54 2014 Fish Habitat. Operation of the CAD site would involve discharging dredged materials through the water column into the CAD cells for disposal over the operating period. The area of the open waters subject to temporary impacts from the CAD construction and operation would be approximately 19 acres for Alternative 4 (17 acres for the CAD cells and 2 acres for the access channel). In addition to restoring the bay bottom at the completion of the project, compensatory mitigation for the CAD site would be required under CWA; that is, provision of a separate mitigation site to offset the temporary ecological losses to habitat and their functional value. Local mitigation banks tentatively identified in Appendix F provide the total mitigation acreage necessary to offset the temporal losses associated with the Alternative 4 CAD cells. The cost of this mitigation is included in the cost estimate for the DMM Scenario A in Appendix H. DMM Scenarios B and C are likely to have a less direct impact on the aquatic environment than DMM Scenario A primarily because they do not involve in-water disposal. While DMM Scenarios B and C have greater on-land impacts (discussed above under “Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions”) due to the need for a large upland processing facility, those impacts can be mitigated through proven technologies such as air pollution control technology and buffer zones around construction sites. Time until Remedial Response Objectives are Achieved Alternative 4, even in conjunction with MNR, would not be effective in reaching risk-based PRGs for any COPCs and COPECs by the end of the 30 year post-remediation period or relatively shortly after the post-remediation period. Surface sediment concentrations of the COPCs and COPECs would remain one to two orders of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goals. Alternative 4 would also not be effective in reaching background levels for any COPCs and COPECs except for mercury, whose background level would just be met in the 2050s. Implementability For Alternative 4, the remedial work in the FFS Study Area faces both technical and administrative implementation issues. The in-river remedial action can be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-55 2014 However, the process of reliably identifying discrete areas that release the most contaminants into the water column would involve a great degree of uncertainty given the complex estuarine environment of the FFS Study Area. In addition, Alternative 4 faces an administrative hurdle in obtaining deauthorization of the federal navigation channel. Finally, the technical and administrative implementability of the DMM Scenarios vary from one to the next. Technical Feasibility The in-river construction activities (debris removal, dredging, engineered capping and dredged material transport) required for the implementation of Alternative 4 would be technically feasible and have been implemented at many Superfund sites around the country (see Chapter 3 and Appendix G). However implementing a remediation program the size and complexity of that planned for the FFS Study Area adjacent to one of the major East Coast waterways would require extensive planning and coordination. Given the smaller volume of material to be handled and the shorter duration of the in-water removal, Alternative 4 could be seen as presenting fewer challenges than either Alternatives 2 or 3. Under Alternative 4, the process of reliably identifying discrete areas that release the most contaminants into the water column would involve a great degree of uncertainty given the complex estuarine environment of the FFS Study Area. The river bottom changes constantly as the tides move back and forth twice a day and unpredictably as storm events scour different areas depending on intensity, location and direction of travel. The FFS Study Area river bed is crossed by utilities of various sizes and depths, in a number of locations. Dredging for Alternative 4 may not affect utilities due to the shallower dredging depths; however, remedial design would include additional work to locate utilities in the FFS Study Area and determine appropriate dredging off-sets. The FFS Study Area is also crossed by 14 bridges of various heights. The necessary coordination, which may include assisting bridge authorities with engineering evaluations and maintenance of the bridges, would occur during remedial design. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-56 2014 The three DMM Scenarios are technically feasible. DMM Scenario A (placement in CAD cells) and B (dewatering, dredged material transport and off-site disposal) can be implemented with proper planning. The technologies have been successfully implemented at other Superfund sites (see Chapter 3 and Appendix G). Depending on the selected approach, a suitable site for the CAD or upland sediment processing facility is expected to be available or can be developed. The large volume of sediments to be removed would require significant coordination of the dredging/excavation efforts, material handling activities, and transportation logistics between the dredging contractor and/or materials management contractor and the Port Authority and other regulatory agencies to manage vessel traffic in the area safely. As stated previously, the volume of dredged material and project duration for Alternative 4 is significantly smaller than that for Alternatives 2 and 3. The decontamination technologies involved in DMM Scenario C (thermal treatment and sediment washing) have not been constructed and operated in the United States on a scale approaching the capacity required for this project so the technical feasibility of using these technologies to handle large volumes of highly contaminated sediments is more uncertain. The performance of the sediment washing technology was demonstrated in 2006 on a pilot study level involving processing rates that were high enough (although for a relatively short duration) to be considered equivalent to commercial scale operation (see Appendix G). However, more recently, in 2012, bench-scale studies by two sediment washing technology vendors showed that their technologies were unable to reduce Lower Passaic River sediment contamination to levels low enough for beneficial use (de maximis, inc., 2012). Thermal treatment has been demonstrated to have very high treatment efficiencies although the technology has only been tested on a pilot scale level involving relatively small volumes and short durations (see Appendix G). Administrative Feasibility No insurmountable administrative difficulties are anticipated in getting the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or engineered cap placement. Since a large number of the activities are expected to occur on-site (as defined under CERCLA Section 121(e)(1) and Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-57 2014 40 CFR 300.5), federal, state and local permits are not required. Permits are expected to be obtained from the appropriate local, state and federal agencies for actions that occur off-site. Alternative 4 may face an administrative implementability challenge with respect to obtaining deauthorization of the federally-authorized navigation channel in the lower 2.2 miles of the river. To obtain deauthorization, a request would need to be submitted to the USACE. The process requires that, after a public comment period, the USACE regional office make a recommendation to USACE HQ, which would forward its report to Congress for action. However, the USACE berth-by-berth analysis and survey of commercial users showed future waterway use objectives in the lower two miles of the river (USACE, 2010). USACE and Congressional support for deauthorization of the lower two miles of the navigation channel is highly uncertain. Sediment removal and engineered capping activities would result in some temporary disruption of commercial/ recreational uses and boating access during remediation. Although measures to mitigate or prevent impacts and disruptions would be employed, local communities would be expected to experience some degree of inconvenience during remedial activities. Measures to be implemented in conjunction with this alternative to minimize both short- and long-term disruption and adverse impacts include: • Accommodation of existing boat traffic during construction, where feasible • Limited duration of the remediation period (a few months in the vicinity of any given shore location) • Shoreline stabilization and waterfront restoration • Proper equipment selection for the location and site conditions, control of the sediment removal and capping process, and the use of trained, skilled dredge operators and crews. DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments, because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. The State’s position is clearly articulated in a letter dated November 28, 2012 from Governor Chris Christie to former USEPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. USFWS and NOAA also oppose construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. For DMM Scenario B, administrative Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-58 2014 feasibility is less of a concern, although siting a 26-acre upland processing facility for dewatering of dredged materials, water treatment to satisfy regulatory requirements, and provisions for a rail car loading spur may be challenging in the densely populated urban areas around the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay. For DMM Scenario C, administrative feasibility is less of a concern than for DMM Scenario A but more of a concern than for DMM Scenario B because DMM Scenario C requires a larger upland area for dredged material processing and staging (36 acres). It also involves the construction of a thermal treatment plant which would be subject to stringent limitations on air emissions and regulatory requirements may be administratively challenging. Availability of Services and Materials For the remedial work in the FFS Study Area, services and materials are expected to be commercially available. Equipment and technical expertise for dredging and engineered cap placement are available through a number of commercial firms. While a large amount of cap material would be needed, adequate resources have been preliminarily identified at several local borrow sources. Equipment and technical expertise for constructing CAD cells are available. Available capacity at off-site incinerators and landfills has been preliminarily identified (Appendix G). Several companies have expressed interest in and have demonstrated the technical ability to construct the local thermal treatment and sediment washing facilities generating beneficial use end-products. However, since no such facilities have been built locally, there remains some uncertainty over the implementability of DMM Scenario C. Cost For Alternative 4, capital costs were broken into two main categories: in-river activities and DMM. Operation and maintenance costs were broken down into three main categories: operation of DMM facilities during dredging, activities conducted annually after dredging, and periodic costs over the 30-year post-construction monitoring period. Details of the costs to implement Alternative 4 are detailed in Appendix H and summarized in Table 5-3. • For Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A (Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and CAD), the estimated PV cost is approximately $365,000,000. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-59 2014 • For Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B (Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and Off-Site Disposal), the estimated PV cost is approximately $614,000,000. • For Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C (Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation and Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use), the estimated PV cost is approximately $606,000,000. The dredging cost estimates presented in Appendix H were developed using mechanical dredging as the representative process option, because mechanical dredging may be better able to handle the debris-laden sediments in the FFS Study Area. The PV cost for Alternative 4 assuming hydraulic dredging is used is approximately $483,000,000 and $543,000,000 with DMM Scenarios B and C, respectively. The cost of Alternative 4 assuming hydraulic dredging in combination with DMM Scenario A was not estimated because of the complexity of maintaining a pumping line down the length of the FFS Study Area and crossing the federally-authorized navigation channel one or more times. Detailed hydraulic dredging costs are not presented in Appendix H. 5.3 Comparative Analysis and Cost Sensitivity Analyses 5.3.1 Comparative Analysis A detailed comparative analysis of alternatives is presented in Table 5-4. Alternative 1 is not protective of human health and the environment and does not comply with ARARs. The Alternative 1 does not reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume of the contamination through treatment. The cancer risks and non-cancer human health hazards posed by fish and crab consumption and risks to ecological receptors would remain above acceptable levels (PRGs) and surface water quality would continue to be degraded indefinitely. Alternatives 2 and 3 are protective of human health and the environment, are effective in meeting the RAOs, and rely on MNR after active remediation to reach the PRGs relatively shortly after the modeled forecast period. The cancer risks and non-cancer hazards to human health, and risks to ecological receptors (benthic invertebrates, fish, piscivorous birds and mammals) posed by the Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-60 2014 sediments with COPCs and COPECs would be significantly reduced after completion of construction (construction completion occurs in 2022 for Alternative 3 and in 2029 for Alternative 2). Alternatives 2 and 3 are designed to address sediment contamination in the FFS Study Area and reduce the migration of contamination to Newark Bay and the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. Alternative 4, even with MNR and institutional controls, is not protective of human health and the environment. While Alternative 4 reduces the risks posed by contaminated sediment by about half to below Alternative 1 levels, ultimately PRGs would not be achieved in the foreseeable future because the unremediated two-thirds of surface sediments in the FFS Study Area are ubiquitously contaminated at levels at least an order of magnitude above acceptable levels (PRGs). The cancer risks and non-cancer human health hazards posed by fish and crab consumption and risks to ecological receptors would remain above acceptable levels. All alternatives would satisfy the location-specific and action-specific ARARs; however, Alternative 4 would result in placing of capping material within an actively used federallyauthorized navigation channel, effectively limiting the channel to below-authorized depths and hindering current and reasonably-anticipated future use. Under Alternative 2, the COPCs and COPECs present in fine-grained sediments within the FFS Study Area would be permanently removed from the river and no in-river maintenance would be required. Under Alternative 3, some, but not all, of the COPCs and COPECs present in the predominantly fine-grained sediments within the FFS Study Area would be permanently removed from the river and the remainder sequestered under an engineered cap. For Alternative 3, the engineered cap would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. This would require annual maintenance to ensure the performance and protectiveness of the cap. For Alternative 4, a portion of the COPCs and COPECs present in fine-grained sediments (in approximately 220 acres, or one third of the FFS Study Area) would be permanently removed from the river. Some of the remaining sediment inventory would be sequestered under an engineered cap with the remainder (two thirds of the FFS Study Area) not receiving any controls. For Alternative 4, the discrete engineered caps would have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. This would require annual maintenance to ensure the performance and protectiveness of the caps. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-61 2014 Following removal, the dredged sediment would be placed in CAD cells (DMM Scenario A), disposed of off-site (DMM Scenario B), or locally decontaminated for beneficial use (DMM Scenario C). For DMM Scenario A, the engineered cap on the CAD cells would also have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. For DMM Scenario B, the off-site treatment and disposal are permanent remedy components and do not require further monitoring or maintenance. Similarly, for DMM Scenario C, local decontamination and beneficial reuse are permanent and do not require further monitoring or maintenance. For DMM Scenario A, under Alternatives 2 and 3 the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be reduced through sequestration not treatment; there would be no reduction in the toxicity or volume of the COPCs and COPECs and long-term effectiveness relies on monitoring and maintenance of the engineered caps for the CAD cells. For Alternative 4, the mobility of approximately 3 million cy (including 1 million cy removed and 2 million cy sequestered, or approximately 30 percent) of the sediment inventory would be reduced. Under DMM Scenario B, approximately 4 to 10 percent of the contaminated sediment would be incinerated; the toxicity and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through thermal destruction satisfying the statutory preference under CERCLA. The remaining material would be placed untreated in a landfill reducing contaminant mobility with no impact on contaminant volume. For DMM Scenario C, the toxicity, mobility, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be reduced through treatment (thermal treatment [approximately 4 to 10 percent] or sediment washing [88 to 94 percent]) satisfying the statutory preference under CERCLA. The remaining material (1 to 2 percent) would undergo solidification or stabilization, reducing the mobility of contaminants. Alternative 2 is expected to have a greater impact on the community and site workers because of the long duration of the construction and the handling of larger volumes of more contaminated dredged material (9.7 million cy versus 4.3 million cy versus 1 million cy). Alternative 4 would have the least impact on the community and site workers. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-62 2014 DMM Scenario A would have the least impact on the community and site workers but the most impact on the aquatic habitat because the transport and disposal occurs on or in the water. DMM Scenario C would have a greater impact on the local community and workers than DMM Scenario B because the decontamination technologies require a slightly larger upland processing facility, incorporates a local thermal treatment unit with potential air emissions, and may require more trucking to transport beneficial end use products to local destinations (as opposed to the reliance on rail for DMM Scenario B). For Alternatives 2 and 3 the in-river work has been demonstrated to be technically and administratively feasible. Alternative 4 may not be technically feasible due to the uncertainty involved in the process of reliably identifying discrete areas of sediment with the highest gross and net fluxes of contaminants. In addition, deauthorization of the federally-authorized navigation channel between RM0 to RM2.2, required under Alternative 4, may not be administratively feasible. For all three active remedial alternatives, the necessary materials and expertise are readily available. DMM Scenario A has been demonstrated to be technically feasible. DMM Scenario A is likely to face significant administrative and legal impediments because the State of New Jersey is the owner of the bay bottom and strongly opposes construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. The State’s position is clearly articulated in a letter dated November 28, 2012 from Governor Chris Christie to former USEPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. This opposition is likely to make DMM Scenario A administratively infeasible. USFWS and NOAA also oppose construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. DMM Scenario B is technically and administratively feasible although it may be difficult to site a 26- to 28-acre upland processing facility in a densely populated urban area. DMM Scenario C has the most uncertainty since the thermal treatment and sediment washing treatment technologies have not been built and operated in the United States on a scale approaching what is required for this project. Siting a 36- to 40-acre upland processing facility in a densely populated urban area is likely to be difficult and meeting regulatory requirements for thermal treatment locally may be administratively challenging. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-63 2014 Present Value Costs The bar chart below and Table 5-3 present the PV for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 (including the three DMM scenarios). Each bar illustrates the relative contribution of the total capital costs, the total DMM costs, the total O&M costs, and the contingency costs. Removal alternatives range from complete removal of contaminated sediments (Alternative 2) to partial removal and containment (Alternative 3) to limited removal and containment (Alternative 4) to no action (Alternative 1). 3500 Total Contingency Total Operation and Maintenance Costs Total Dredged Material Management Costs Total Capital Costs 3000 2500 Cost [$M] 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Alternative 2 Alternative 2 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 3 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 4 Alternative 4 DMM Scenario A DMM Scenario B DMM Scenario C DMM Scenario A DMM Scenario B DMM Scenario C DMM Scenario A DMM Scenario B DMM Scenario C The alternatives and the associated DMM scenarios for the FFS Study Area include a No Action alternative (Alternative 1), in-water containment alternatives involving little or no treatment (Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 with DMM Scenario A); upland containment alternatives involving limited treatment (Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 with DMM Scenario B); and alternatives that maximize to the degree possible, treatment and beneficial use of the end-products of the treatment system (Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 with DMM Scenario C). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-64 2014 The model simulation of these alternatives and calculations of modeled future risks demonstrate that Alternatives 2 and 3, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, are protective of human health and the environment, are consistent with location-specific and action-specific ARARs, and are capable of achieving the RAOs and meeting the PRGs with varying degrees of cost-effectiveness. Alternative 4, even with MNR and institutional controls, is not protective of human health and the environment, is not capable of achieving RAOs or meeting PRGs, and therefore is not cost effective. Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 involve solutions that, in whole or in part, permanently reduce the volume, toxicity, or mobility of the hazardous substances. 5.3.2 Cost Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the impact that changing various assumptions used in the conceptual design for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4, would have on the overall PV costs for each alternative. Based on the cost estimates described in Section 5.2 (base case) and presented in detail in Appendix H, five critical factors were identified that are likely to have the greatest impact on the project PV. These critical factors are as follows: • Changes in the proportion of dredged material requiring thermal destruction treatment for DMM Scenarios B and C for Alternatives 2, 3 and 4. • Changes in the volume of sediment removed for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4. • Changes in the thickness of the engineered cap for Alternatives 3 and 4. • Changes in the discount rate used for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4. • Changes in the dredge production rate for Alternatives 2, 3, and 4. Cost Structure In preparing the cost estimates for each of the alternatives and DMM scenarios, a cost model was prepared (see Appendix H), breaking the costs into four major categories: • Capital Costs (in-river costs) • DMM Capital Costs • DMM O&M Costs • Long Term O&M Costs Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-65 2014 For the base case estimates presented in Appendix H, the combined O&M costs (i.e., DMM and the Long Term O&M costs) represent less than fifteen percent of the project PV (see Table 1-11 in Appendix H). Even major changes in fuel or labor costs (which make up a significant portion of these O&M costs) would have relatively little impact on the overall PV. Because of this cost distribution the focus of the analysis was on the capital costs and the DMM capital costs, which comprise the bulk of the PV for the remedial alternatives. The cost structure of the different alternatives and DMM scenarios affected the degree of impact each change had on the PV. For example, under DMM Scenario A, fixed costs (e.g., costs not directly related to the volume of contaminated sediment such as the predesign investigation, remedial design, and construction costs) were up to 80 percent of the total capital costs. With DMM Scenarios B and C, this ratio was flipped with variable costs (e.g., costs directed related to the volume of contaminated sediment such as dredging and processing costs) accounting for up to 80 percent of the capital costs. The ratio of fixed to variable costs varied for each alternative/scenario combination. These variations impacted how the PV for each alternative reacted to changes in the project costs. In the alternatives evaluated in this FFS, fixed costs generally occur early in the project. Because of the timing, the fixed costs are not as deeply discounted as costs occurring later in the project. On the other hand, variable costs generally occur later in the project and are more deeply discounted. As noted in Section 5.1.7, the PV is impacted by the timing of the expenditures as well as the actual costs. Changes during the predesign investigation/design phase are likely to have a more limited impact when the facility design can be more readily modified whereas changes during operations to address conditions encountered in the field are likely to have a greater impact. For this analysis, it was assumed that the changes that occurred during project implementation were after construction of the upland processing facility or CAD site. It should be noted that this analysis is based on the calculated PV (Appendix H) of the three active remedial alternatives based on current assumptions in the conceptual designs, and is not a measure of the actual costs that would be incurred or the actual changes in the project costs Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-66 2014 arising from changes to basic assumptions. Rather this an assessment of which factors have the greatest potential to impact the PV of the different alternatives and is intended for comparison purposes only. Critical Cost Factors Cost Sensitivity to Factor 1: Proportion of Dewatered Dredged Material Requiring Thermal Treatment It is currently estimated that approximately 10 percent of the dredged material under Alternative 2, 7 percent under Alternative 3, and 4 percent under Alternative 4 would require thermal destruction treatment to comply with RCRA disposal requirements (see Chapter 4 and Appendix G). Doubling the percentage of material requiring treatment under DMM Scenarios B and C would have a low to moderate impact on the PV. The PV increased by approximately 1 to 12 percent under DMM Scenario B and approximately 1 to 7 percent under DMM Scenario C. For both DMM Scenarios, Alternative 2 would be impacted the most and Alternative 4 would be impacted the least. DMM Scenario A does not involve treatment and would not be impacted by changes in this factor. This suggests that within the accuracy of the cost estimates, the two upland DMM scenarios would be similarly impacted by changes in the volume of material requiring thermal treatment. Of the three alternatives, Alternative 2 would be impacted the most because it has the greatest percentage of the material receiving thermal treatment. Cost Sensitivity to Factor 2: Volume of Sediment Removed The horizontal extent of the contamination was used to establish the limits of the removal program in the river for each of the alternatives. For Alternatives 2 and 3, the limits were set by the banks of the FFS Study Area, with the primary variable being the depth of excavation. Changes in the depth of excavation would have the impact of increasing (or decreasing) the volume of material to be removed or capped in place. For Alternative 4, the limits were set by the contaminant flux, with sediment removal in the areas with the highest flux. Under Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-67 2014 Alternative 4, dredging is primarily aimed at preventing any additional flooding from capping. Changes in threshold level of flux to be addressed would impact the volume of the sediment to be removed. A small increase or decrease in the dredged sediment volume would have a relatively small impact on the PV, if it could be handled by increasing or decreasing the marginal productivity of the dredging and processing operations without changing the number of dredges, making substantial equipment modifications to the sediment processing/disposal train, or lengthening the project duration. A large increase or decrease in the sediment volume would have a much more significant impact because the conceptual design would have to be reconfigured to efficiently handle the revised volume, the equipment would have to be resized or additional equipment added, or, in the case of increased sediment volume, the project duration would have to be extended. In general, dredging costs increase in a stepwise manner based on the operating schedule (days per week, weeks per year) and the number of dredges used. Each dredge has a maximum daily rate and an optimal range for efficient operation based on site specific conditions. For purposes of this estimate, an average production rate of 2,000 cy per day was assumed. The processing costs (DMM Scenarios B and C) also increase in a stepwise manner based on the equipment capacity and the degree of redundancy built into the design. Some redundancy in equipment capacity must be included in the system or the schedule must allow for planned down time for equipment maintenance, particularly in a remediation program extending over a number of years. The disposal capacity of a CAD cell (DMM Scenario A) may have some available capacity due to consolidation of the in-place material during fill operations or through capacity allowances made in the original facility design to accommodate overdredging or unforeseen conditions. Because of the number of variables, reliably predicting the impact of an increase in the volume of material on the PV is difficult. Minor increases in volume (approximately 10 percent) may be Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-68 2014 accommodated under the existing design; however, a more substantial increase in the volume of sediment dredged (e.g., a 25 percent increase) would result in the need for additional equipment and crews or increasing the project schedule, which would have a more substantial impact on the PV as well as requiring significant modifications to the DMM system. This analysis evaluates only a small change in sediment volume. Increasing the volume of sediment removed by 10 percent For this analysis, it was assumed that the total volume of material dredged would be increased by approximately 10 percent. For example, under Alternative 2, a 10 percent increase in the volume of sediment is roughly equivalent to increasing the depth of dredging by approximately 1 foot over the entire area being dredged. • DMM Scenario A was the least sensitive to an increase in sediment volume with the PV increasing approximately 1 to 2 percent for the three alternatives. • DMM Scenario B and DMM Scenario C had similar responses to the increase in the sediment volume, increasing approximately 5 to 9 percent. Alternative 2 showed the greatest impact with the PV increasing by 8 to 9 percent; Alternative 4 showed the least impact increasing by 5 percent. Decreasing the volume of sediment removed by 10 percent For this analysis, it was assumed that volume of material dredged would be decreased by approximately 10 percent. For example, under Alternative 2, a 10 percent decrease in the volume of sediment is roughly equivalent to decreasing the depth of dredging by approximately 1 foot over the entire area being dredged. The changes in the PV were relatively consistent within each of the DMM Scenarios. • DMM Scenario A was also the least sensitive to a decrease in sediment volume with the PV decreasing approximately 2 percent for the three alternatives. • DMM Scenario B and DMM Scenario C had similar responses to a decrease in the sediment volume, with the PV decreasing by approximately 4 to 9 percent. The change in sediment volume had the greatest impact on Alternatives 2, with the PV decreasing by 8 and 9 percent for DMM Scenarios B and C, respectively; the PV for Alternative 3 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-69 2014 decreased by 7 percent for both scenarios; and, Alternative 4 showed the least impact with the PV decreasing by 4 and 5 percent for DMM Scenarios B and C, respectively. Cost Sensitivity to Factor 3: Thickness of the Engineered Cap for Alternative 3 For this analysis, it was assumed that the thickness of the engineered cap would have to be increased to account for increased flux through the cap. The thickness of the cap was increased by approximately 6 inches, or 25 percent. This was only applied to the engineered cap in the river, not to the engineered cap over the CAD cells or to the volume of backfill material. Alternative 2 would not be impacted because it does not include an engineered cap. The impacts to Alternatives 3 and 4 were similar for each of the three DMM Scenarios, with increases in the PV ranging from 3 to 5 percent. Cost Sensitivity to Factor 4: Discount Rate The discount rate used in this analysis is based on USEPA guidance in OSWER 9355.0-75 (USEPA, 2000) which specifies a 7 percent rate unless justification is provided for a different rate. To assess the impact of varying discount rates, the PV was calculated for each alternative based on a 3 percent discount rate and a 10 percent discount rate. Increasing the Discount Rate to 10 percent Increasing the discount rate by 3 percentage points to 10 percent decreased the PV, on average, by approximately $120,000,000. The changes in PV were relatively constant with the Alternative 2 PV decreasing by 16 to 18 percent; Alternative 3 PV decreasing by 14 percent, and Alternative 4 PV decreasing by 12 to 14 percent. Decreasing the Discount Rate to 3 percent Decreasing the discount rate by 4 percentage points to 3 percent increased the PV, on average, by approximately $225,000,000. This factor had the greatest impact on the PV, of all the variables evaluated, with the changes ranging from approximately 21 to 33 percent, although the changes were relatively constant for each alternative. The PV increased by 32 to 34 percent for Alternative 2; by 25 to 26 percent for Alternative 3; and by 21 to 26 percent for Alternative 4. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-70 2014 Cost Sensitivity to Factor 5: Changes in the Dredging Productivity Rate A reach by reach analysis was prepared to assess the impact of dredging production rates on project costs for the FFS comparative evaluation of alternatives. In this evaluation, consideration was given to several factors including the ability to move vessels up and down river, the impact of obstructions in the river on vessel sizing, dredge production rates, and capping rates. The river was broken into three reaches and for each of the reaches a maximum dredge production rate was estimated based on site restrictions. For additional information on this analysis, refer to Appendix F. In each case, the controlling factor on the overall dredging production rate was the bridges that limit the size of equipment that could access the site. While additional dredges could be used to increase the sediment removal rate from the river, there is a practical limitation on the ability to transport the sediment to the CAD site or upland sediment processing facility. Based on discussions with equipment suppliers it was determined it is not feasible to purchase or lease equipment small enough to allow passage under the closed bridges in Reach 2 (with vertical clearances of 10 to 13 feet at MLW) that would allow production scale dredging operations. Therefore, when operating in Reach 2 and 3, it was assumed equipment sizing would be dictated by the beam limitations for the bridges and that it would be necessary to coordinate barge shipments with bridge openings. A similar analysis was prepared for the handling of backfill/capping materials. The dredge production rate was used as a surrogate measure for the overall productivity of the project. For this analysis, the dredge production rate was assumed to be approximately 25 percent less than the rate assumed during the design process (i.e., 1,500 cy per day versus 2,000 cy per day). Decreasing the dredging productivity by approximately 25 percent increased the project duration by roughly 25 percent (e.g., Alternative 2 went from 11 to 14 years) but decreased the PV by approximately 0 to 5 percent. On the surface, this appears counter intuitive since a longer project duration would be assumed to have higher project costs. There are several reasons for this small response in the PV to this change in the cost model: Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-71 2014 • In the cost model, the majority of the capital costs were based on unit quantity pricing (e.g., cost per sample, cost of cy) with approximately 5 percent of the costs based on unit time pricing (e.g., cost per day, cost per year) under Alternative 2A; the other alternatives have similar patterns. So while decreasing the productivity rate increased the project duration, it did not substantially increase the overall project costs. • Under USEPA cost estimating guidance (USEPA, 2000), FS costs are prepared in constant (non-inflationary) dollars. This means that extending the project duration does not impact unit pricing rates. • Extending the project duration results in some costs being more deeply discounted than they would be under the original project duration. This would impact alternatives that have the longest project durations the most (Alternative 2A, 2B, and 2C). The net effect is that decreasing the productivity had the net effect of reducing the PV. Other Cost Factors Considered Consideration was given to other cost factors that could have a potentially significant impact on the PV but were not included in the sensitivity analysis due the potential range of variables. Remedy failure was one of these factors. For analysis purposes, potential failure modes were divided into two categories: failure to control the risk of exposure to contaminated sediment and failure to manage the contaminated sediments after dredging. • Failure to control the future risk of exposure is primarily related to the dredging and backfill placement/capping process and could include one or more of the following factors: failure to remove targeted inventory, failure to design/construct an adequate cap over remaining inventory, or failure to protect the engineered cap (from anthropogenic or natural forces). For this analysis, it was assumed that remedy failure was separate from performance failure (poor performance on the part of contractors doing the work) which can be addressed through appropriate bonding and contractual arrangements. • Failure to appropriately manage contaminated sediments could include one or more of the following: failure to select appropriate technologies or disposal sites, failure to meet treatment standards during operations, or failure to comply with beneficial use standards. For this analysis it was assumed that treatment and disposal would be contracted to an Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-72 2014 approved vendor with appropriate performance guarantees, such as bonding, or insurance. This would minimize the potential risk associated with this type of remedy failure. The financial implications of failure, in either mode, can vary substantially depending on the work required to repair the damage – to attempt to estimate the cost and the impact on the PV is speculative at best. The impact of increasing the amount of the engineered cap that is armored under Alternatives 3 and 4 were also considered for review. However, the cost of purchasing and installing the armor represents less than 0.5 percent of the capital costs for the project. Doubling or tripling the amount of armoring would have a negligible impact on the PV. Summary of Cost Sensitivity Analyses A summary of the results of the sensitivity analyses are presented in Table 5-5. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 5-73 2014 6 ACRONYMS 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin AOC Administrative Order on Consent ARARs applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements ARCS Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments BERA baseline ecological risk assessment Be-7 Beryllium-7 CAD Confined aquatic disposal CAG Community Advisory Group CARP Contamination Assessment and Reduction Project CBR critical body residues CDF Confined Disposal Facility CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations cm centimeter COPCs contaminants of potential concern COPECs chemicals of potential ecological concern CPG Cooperating Parties Group CSMs Conceptual Site Models CSO combined sewer overflow CWA Clean Water Act cy cubic yard D/F Dioxins/furans Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-1 2014 DDD dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane DDE dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDx dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DMM dredged material management DOC dissolved organic carbon ECOM Estuarine, Coastal and Ocean Model EMB empirical mass balance EPCs exposure point concentrations ERDC Environmental Dredging of Contaminated Sediments ETM estuarine turbidity maximum FCSA USACE Feasibility Study Cost Share Agreement FFS Focused Feasibility Study FRTR Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable ft feet GAC granular activated carbon GIS geographic information system GRAs general response actions GTI Gas Technology Institute HARS Historic Area Remediation Site HHRA human health risk assessments HI hazard index HMW high molecular weight HQ hazard quotient Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-2 2014 kg kilograms LDR Land Disposal Restriction LBG The Louis Berger Group, Inc. LMW low molecular weight LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels LPR-NB Lower Passaic River-Newark Bay LPRSA Lower Passaic River Study Area MCLs maximum contaminant levels mg/kg milligram per kilogram MLW mean low water MNR Monitored Natural Recovery MT/yr metric tons per year NBSA Newark Bay Study Area NCP National Contingency Plan ng nanograms ng/g nanograms per gram NJ New Jersey N.J.A.C. New Jersey Administrative Code NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDOT New Jersey Department of Transportation NJDOT-OMR NJDOT Office of Maritime Resources NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Levels Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-3 2014 NPL National Priorities List NY/NJ New York/New Jersey O&M operation and maintenance OCC Occidental Chemical Corporation OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls ρg/g picograms per gram POC particulate organic carbon ppb parts per billion ppt parts per trillion PRGs preliminary remediation goals PTM Particle Tracking Model PV present value RAGS Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund RAOs remedial action objectives RBC risk-based concentration RCATOX Row Column Aesop Toxics RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RI Remedial Investigation RI/FS Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study RM river mile RME reasonable maximum exposure Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-4 2014 ROD Record of Decision SMU sediment management unit ST-SWEM Sediment Transport-System Wide Eutrophication Model STFATE Short Term Fate SWO stormwater outfall TBC to-be-considered TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TEF toxic equivalency factors TEQ toxic equivalency quotient TOC total organic carbon TRV toxicity reference value TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act TSI Tierra Solutions, Inc. UHC underlying hazardous constituent µg/kg micrograms per kilogram USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service UTS universal treatment standard WRDA Water Resources Development Act Acronyms Presented in the Tables °F Degrees Fahrenheit BROM DIOX/F Brominated Dioxins/Furans Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-5 2014 BCD Base catalyzed decomposition CAA Clean Air Act CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act CLP PQL Laboratory Program Practical Quantification Limit DIOX/F Dioxins/Furans EDQLs/ESLs Environmental Data Quality Levels/Ecological Screening Levels EO Executive Orders EqP Equilibrium Partitioning ER-L Effects Range – Low ER-M Effects Range – Median ETs Ecotox Thresholds GCL Geosynthetic Clay Liners HPAH High Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons HMTA Hazardous Material Transportation Act ISQG Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines LDR Land Disposal Restrictions LEL Lowest Effects Level LPAH Low Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons MET Metal NAWQC National Ambient Water Quality Criteria ND Not Detect NEC No Effect Concentration NHPA National Historic Preservation Act N.J.S.A. New Jersey Statutes Annotated Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6-6 2014 NMFS National Marine Fisheries Services OENJ Orion of Elizabeth New Jersey Ontario MOE Ontario Ministry of the Environment ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory OTS Office of Technical Services PADEP Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection PELs Probable Effects Levels PEST Pesticides PEC Probable Effect Concentration POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works SECs Sediment Effect Concentrations SEL Sediment Effects Level SLC Screening Level Concentration SQBs Sediment Quality Benchmarks SQC Sediment Quality Criteria SMCRA Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act SV Semi Volatile SVOCs Semi Volatile Organic Compounds TEC Threshold effect concentration TEL Threshold Effects Level TPH Total petroleum hydrocarbon U.S.C. 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Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 7-15 2014 TABLES Table 1-1 Lower Passaic River Authorized Dimensions of the Federal Navigation Channel and Periods of Dredging Dredging History (Iannuzzi, et. al. 2002 ) Passaic River Reaches Kearny Point Reach: RM0 to RM1.2 Authorized Depth: 30 feet 1884 – Constructed to 10 Feet 1906 – Deepened to 12 Feet 1913 – Deepened to 16 Feet 1914 – Deepened to 20-22 Feet 1916 – Maintained at 16-17 Feet 1917 – Maintained at 21-22 Feet 1921 – Maintained at 20 Feet 1932 – Constructed to 30 Feet 1933 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1941 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1946 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1951 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1957 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1962 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1965 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1971 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1972 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1977 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1983 – Maintained at 30 Feet Point No Point Reach: RM1.2 to RM2.5 Authorized Depth: 30 feet 1884 – Constructed to 10 Feet 1899 – Maintained at 10 Feet (from RM1.9) 1906 – Deepened to 12 Feet 1913 – Deepened to 16 Feet 1914 – Deepened to 20-22 Feet (to RM1.9) 1916 – Maintained at 16-17 Feet 1917 – Maintained to 21-22 Feet (to RM2.0) 1921 – Maintained at 20 Feet 1922 – Maintained at 20 Feet (from RM1.4) 1932 – Constructed to 30 Feet 1933 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1941 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1946 – Maintained at 30 Feet 1951 – Maintained at 30 Feet (to RM1.3) 1957 – Maintained at 30 Feet (to RM2.1) 1965 – Maintained at 30 Feet (to RM1.8) 1971 – Maintained at 30 Feet (to RM1.5) 1972 – Maintained at 30 Feet (to RM1.8) 1983 – Maintained at 30 Feet (to RM1.9) Harrison Reach: RM2.5 to RM4.6 Authorized Depth: 30 feet to RM2.6 Authorized Depth: 20 feet From RM2.6 1884 – Constructed to 10 Feet 1899 – Maintained at 10 Feet 1906 – Deepened to 12 Feet 1913 – Deepened to 16 Feet 1916 – Maintained at 16-17 Feet 1916 – Deepened to 20-21 Feet (RM2.6 to RM4.5) 1921 – Maintained at 20 Feet 1922 – Maintained at 20 Feet (to RM4.2) 1923 – Maintained at 20 Feet (RM4.2 to RM4.6) 1932 – Constructed to 30 Feet (to RM2.6) 1937 – Maintained to 20 Feet (starting at RM2.6) Newark Reach: RM4.6 to RM6.1 Authorized Depth: 20 feet (Constructed Depth: 16 feet) 1884 – Constructed to 10 Feet (to RM5.4) 1899 – Maintained at 10 Feet (to RM5.4) 1906 – Deepened to 12 Feet 1913 – Deepened to 16 Feet (to RM5.8) 1916 – Maintained at 16-17 Feet 1919 – Maintained at 16 Feet (starting at RM4.6) 1933 – Maintained at 10 Feet (from RM6.0) 1950 – Maintained at 16 Feet (from RM5.5) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 2 2014 Table 1-1 Lower Passaic River Authorized Dimensions of the Federal Navigation Channel and Periods of Dredging Dredging History (Iannuzzi, et. al. 2002 ) Passaic River Reaches Kearny Reach: RM6.1 to RM7.1 Authorized Depth: 20 feet (Constructed Depth: 16 feet) Arlington Reach: RM7.1 to RM8.1 Authorized Depth: 16 feet 1883 – Constructed to 6 Feet 1906 – Deepened to 12 Feet (to RM6.5) 1906 – Deepened to 12 Feet (from RM6.5) 1913 – Deepened to 16 Feet (to RM5.8) 1916 – Maintained/Deepened at 16-17 Feet 1919 – Maintained at 16 Feet (to RM6.4) 1933 – Maintained at 16 Feet (to RM6.3) 1950 – Maintained at 16 Feet (to RM7.0) 1883 – Constructed to 6 Feet 1906 – Deepened to 10 Feet (to RM8.0) 1915 – Constructed to 6-7 Feet (from RM8.0) 1916 – Deepened to 16-17 Feet (to RM8.0) 1927 – Maintained to 6 Feet (from RM8.0) 1929 – Maintained to 6 Feet (from RM8.0) 1930 – Constructed to 10 Feet (from RM8.0) Belleville Reach: RM8.1 to RM8.3 (Partial Reach) Authorized Depth: 16 feet 1915 – Constructed to 6-7 Feet 1927 – Maintained to 6 Feet 1929 – Maintained to 6 Feet 1930 – Constructed to 10 Feet 1931 – Maintained to 10 Feet 1932 – Maintained to 10 Feet Above Erie/Montclair & Greenwood Lake Railroad Bridge: RM8.3 to RM15.4 Authorized Depth: 10 feet 1915 – Constructed to 6-7 Feet (to RM13.2) 1927 – Maintained to 6 Feet (to RM9.0) 1929 – Maintained to 6 Feet (to RM9.0) 1930 – Constructed to 10 Feet (to RM9.0) 1931 – Maintained to 10 Feet (to RM9.0) 1931 – Constructed to 10 Feet (RM9.0 to RM15.4) 1932 – Maintained to 10 Feet (to RM15.4) 1950 – Maintained to 10 Feet (RM14.3 to RM15.4) 1976 – Maintained to 10 Feet (RM9.0 to RM10.2) Source: Table 1 of USACE 2010 Lower Passaic River Commercial Navigation Analysis Report (USACE, 2010). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 2 of 2 2014 Table 1-2a Summary Statistics for Concentrations of Contaminants in Surface Sediments in the Lower Passaic River Chemical Parameters Unit 2,3,7,8-TCDD Total TCDD Dieldrin Total Chlordane Total DDx Total PAH Total PCB Copper Lead Mercury ρg/g ρg/g µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD Total TCDD Dieldrin Total Chlordane Total DDx Total PAH Total PCB Copper Lead Mercury ρg/g ρg/g µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD Total TCDD Dieldrin Total Chlordane Total DDx Total PAH Total PCB Copper Lead Mercury ρg/g ρg/g µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD Total TCDD Dieldrin Total Chlordane Total DDx Total PAH Total PCB Copper Lead Mercury ρg/g ρg/g µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Count Min Max Mean 1995-2012 Data for RM0 to RM2 87 0.09 2,370 293 66 32 2,880 433 85 0.02 42 7.0 85 0.05 230 31 86 3.3 410 98 86 2.0 359 34 86 0.10 6,960 1,155 103 0.21 289 147 102 28 565 197 103 0.32 8.3 2.3 1995-2012 Data for RM2 to RM8 278 0.77 34,100 1,157 246 2.2 37,900 1,396 270 0.01 152 13 259 0.31 254 39 275 0.32 10,229 278 275 0.21 2,806 52 272 2.3 28,600 1,831 281 0.28 2,470 196 276 4.4 906 281 278 0.05 16 2.9 1995-2012 Data for RM8 to RM12 84 4.9 23,200 1,305 67 7.7 25,100 1,859 85 0.11 85 7.0 84 0.43 154 52 84 1.5 1,045 139 85 0.50 98 35 85 0.23 17,588 1,657 88 5.7 778 170 88 8.6 1,030 252 88 0.02 16 2.4 1995-2012 Data for RM12 to RM17.4 61 0.05 585 78 40 3.2 666 123 61 0.02 43 4.5 61 0.38 330 34 61 0.19 568 42 61 0.76 242 38 61 0.06 4,010 458 64 7.7 382 71 62 14 641 153 64 0.02 5.5 0.81 Median Std Dev Std Err 210 337 4.4 21 76 28 871 143 194 2.0 306 398 7.7 34 79 42 994 53 84 1.3 33 49 0.84 3.7 8.6 4.5 107 5.2 8.4 0.13 293 419 5.9 36 112 32 1,050 176 256 2.3 3,452 3,905 20 34 787 177 3,352 172 143 2.5 207 249 1.2 2.1 47 11 203 10 8.6 0.15 294 450 4.6 48 85 36 770 151 225 1.7 3,502 4,301 10 37 193 21 3,063 140 188 2.7 382 525 1.1 4.0 21 2.2 332 15 20 0.29 3.8 27 2.8 26 18 29 210 46 124 0.38 145 187 6.4 44 82 43 646 68 123 1.0 19 30 0.82 5.7 11 5.5 83 8.5 16 0.13 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; CPG = Cooperating Parties Group; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram; mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; ρg/g = picograms per gram; RM = river mile. 1995, 1999 and 2000 Total DDx data were adjusted to high resolution method using the following equation: C(HRGC/HRMS)=0.87795*[C(GC/ECD)]^1.0767 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations generated during the 2008 CPG coring program were biased low and have been corrected by applying a factor of 1.89, 2008 EPA river mile 0-1 Total PCB data were calculated as sum of 209 congeners. 2008 CPG Total TCDD data were not used because the correction factor was not developed. All non-detects were equal to 1/2 method detection limits. 1999-2000 Dieldrin and Total Chlordane data were all non-detect. 1995-2000 individual DDx isomers were not adjusted to high resolution method. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 1 2014 Table 1-2b Summary Statistics for Concentrations of Contaminants in Surface Sediments in Newark Bay (2005 and 2007 data) Chemical Parameters Unit Count Min Max Mean Median Std Dev Std Err 2,3,7,8-TCDD ρg/g 82 0.95 592 77 55 85 9.4 Total TCDD ρg/g 82 7.1 946 145 127 126 14 Dieldrin µg/kg 81 1.3 230 13 8.5 27 3.0 Total Chlordane µg/kg 82 0.58 115 7.9 4.9 14 1.5 Total DDx µg/kg 82 2.7 1,000 55 26 116 13 Total PAH µg/kg 82 1,765 516,100 21,749 8,048 60,682 6,701 Total PCB µg/kg 82 4,390 7,690,000 736,043 465,000 1,044,256 115,319 Copper mg/kg 80 23 781 135 103 119 13 Lead mg/kg 82 22 863 135 107 118 13 Mercury mg/kg 82 0.27 21 2.6 1.8 3.1 0.35 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram; mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; ρg/g = picograms per gram. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 1 2014 Table 1-2c Summary Statistics for Concentrations of Contaminants in Surface Sediments (0-1 inch) in the Upper Passaic River Chemical Parameters Unit Count Min Max Mean Median Std Dev Std Err 2,3,7,8-TCDD ρg/g 11 1.0 4.6 2.3 1.9 1.1 0.34 Total TCDD ρg/g 11 16 73 40 34 18 5.3 Dieldrin µg/kg 10 3.1 50 10 4.3 14 4.5 Trans-Chlordane µg/kg 11 14 120 41 24 40 12 Total DDx µg/kg 11 22 133 54 37 41 12 Total PAH µg/kg 11 41 130 70 60 28 8.3 Total PCB µg/kg 11 220 1,500 510 430 360 109 Copper mg/kg 13 44 260 89 68 65 18 Lead mg/kg 13 87 390 170 140 91 25 Mercury mg/kg 13 0.43 1.8 0.70 0.59 0.37 0.10 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; µg/kg = micrograms per kilogram; mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; ρg/g = picograms per gram. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1 of 1 2014 Table 1-3 Concentrations of COPCs and COPECs by Depth Within the FFS Study Area Contaminant Concentrations in Sediment with Depth 0.5 to 1.5 feet COPCsCOPECs 1.5 to 2.5 feet 2.5 to 3.5 feet 3.5 feet to bottom of cores1 Min Mean Min Mean Min Mean Min Mean Max (Median) Max (Median) Max (Median) Max (Median) 0.29 1,900 0.26 3,620 0.46 9,900 0.07 19,300 50,400 (-400) 77,900 (-520) 932,000 (-470) 5,300,000 (-280) 0.032 1,920 0.11 3,390 0.021 3,670 0.021 12,400 27,700 (-500) 60,200 (-620) 67,900 (-790) 2,760,000 (-380) 0.15 2,940 0.33 3,570 0.0062 4,050 0.00059 3,360 33,000 (-1640) 1,800 (-1880) 29,960 (-1650) 133,000 (-940) Total DDx (µg/kg) 0.024 230 0.04 580 0.02 460 0.0038 29,300 1,800 (-120) 30,800 (-130) 7,800 (-180) 14,000,000 (-120) Dieldrin (µg/kg) 0.019 15 0.024 17 0.0014 25 0.0016 27 250 (-3.6) 250 (-3.9) 580 (-3.9) 1,000 (-3) Chlordane (µg/kg) 0.011 45 0.033 45 0.0037 61 0.0023 35 180 (-41) 220 (-36) 290 (-48) 240 (-10) Total PAHs (mg/kg) 0.006 73 0.0013 140 0.0011 45 0.00032 64 6,500 (-30) 7,750 (-32) 720 (-29) 1,270 (-33) Mercury (mg/kg) 0.0034 4.6 0.017 5.9 0.01 5.9 0.0016 6.6 28 (-3.7) 29 (-4.4) 28 (-4.8) 30 (-5.5) Copper (mg/kg) 1.5 270 3.4 290 2.3 280 2.1 330 3,020 (-220) 1,210 (-270) 1,040 (-280) 4,700 (-310) 1.9 460 1.7 430 1.7 410 1 430 17,900 (-340) 1,100 (-410) 980 (-420) 7,860 (-460) 2,3,7,8-TCDD (ρg/g) Total TCDD (ρg/g) Total PCB (µg/kg) Lead (mg/kg) Note: 1. Depths of cores are highly variable, but average about 12 to 20 feet. Statistics based on 1990 to 2012 data. 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; COPC = contaminants of potential concern; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; ρg/g = picograms per gram; μg/kg = micrograms per kilogram; mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source General Description ARAR or TBC Potential Chemical-Specific ARARs or TBCs Federal Ecological screening values are based on contaminant levels associated with a low probability of unacceptable risks to ecological receptors. The Office of Technical Services (OTS) has developed the screening values for surface water, sediment, and soil for use at Region 4 hazardous waste sites. Since these numbers are based on conservative endpoints USEPA Region 4 Waste Management and sensitive ecological effects data, they represent a preliminary screening of site Division Sediment Screening Values contaminant levels to determine if there is a need to conduct further investigations at the for Hazardous Waste Sites site. Ecological screening values should not be used as remediation levels. For sediments, these are the higher of two values, the EPA Contract Laboratory Program Practical Quantitation Limit and the Effects Value, which is the lower of the Effects Range – Low (ER-L) and the Threshold Effects Level (TEL). These are possible effects benchmarks. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Ecological Screening Levels Jones, D.S., G.W. Suter II, R.N. Hull. November 1997. Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Contaminants of Potential Concern for Effects on Sediment-Associated Biota: 1997 Revision. ES/ER/TM-95/R4. (Section 3, Recommended Sediment Benchmarks) Environmental Data Quality Levels/Ecological Screening Levels (EDQLs/ESLs). EDQLs are media-specific (soil, water, sediment, and air) values that can be used for initial screening levels to use in ecological risk assessments; values are included for organics, pesticides, PCBs, and inorganics. TBC TBC USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Ecotox Thresholds (ETs) are available for screening of 8 metals and 41 organics at Superfund sites. Sediment Quality Benchmarks (SQBs) used to calculate the ETs are from the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative, Suter and Mabrey (1994), or were calculated by OSWER. ER-L and Effects Range-Median (ER-M) values were calculated by Long et al. (1995), incorporating National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sediment sampling data. TBC TELs and Probable Effects Levels (PELs) were calculated by MacDonald (1994) and are employed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Equilibrium Partitioning (EqP) Benchmarks developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Lowest chronic values developed for fish, daphnids, and non-daphnid invertebrates. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 7 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source General Description Sediment effects concentrations (SECs) calculated by the National Biological Service for the EPA Great Lakes National Program Office as part of the Assessment and Remediation Jones, D.S., G.W. Suter II, R.N. Hull of Contaminated Sediment (ARCS) Program. (cont'd) Screening Level Concentration (SLC) benchmarks developed by the Ontario Ministry of the ARAR or TBC TBC Environment. Lowest effect levels and severe effect levels are provided (Persaud et al. 1993). Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. Dioxin and furan values given in the units of ng Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (TEQ)/kg. (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) 1999. updated 2001. TBC State Ecological Evaluation Technical Guidance (NJDEP 2012) Provides guidance for the evaluation of ecological risk in aquatic and terrestrial habitats associated with contaminated sites. The ecological screen criteria are available at: TBC Potential Location-Specific ARARs or TBCs Federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), 16 U.S.C. §1451 et seq., CZMA § 307 Coordination and cooperation The CZMA Federal Consistency Determination provisions require that any Federal agency undertaking a project in the coastal zone of a State shall insure that the project is, to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with the enforceable policies of approved State Coastal Zone Management Act Federal management programs. Consistency Regulations, 15 CFR Part 930: 15 CFR 930.30 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 2 of 7 ARAR 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. §1531 et seq. 50 CFR Part 17, Subpart I, Part 402 National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), 16 U.S.C. §470 et seq. Protection of Historic Properties, 36 CFR. Part 800 General Description ARAR or TBC The Endangered Species Act provides broad protection for species of fish, wildlife and plants that are listed as threatened or endangered in the U.S. or elsewhere. Applicable if any action may have an impact on an endangered species. ARAR The NHPA requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of any federally assisted undertaking on any district, site, building, structure or object included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places. If the undertaking results in adverse effects, the agency must consult with the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and other parties to develop ways to avoid, reduce, minimize, or mitigate any adverse impacts to those identified properties. ARAR Floodplain Management: Executive Order 11988, 40 CFR Part 6 Requires federal agencies to evaluate the potential effects of actions that may be taken in a floodplain and to avoid, to the extent possible, long-term and short-term adverse affects associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains, and to avoid direct or indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative. TBC Protection of Wetlands, Executive Order 11990, 40 CFR Part 6 Requires that activities conducted by federal agencies avoid, to the extent possible, longterm and short-term adverse affects associated with the modification or destruction of wetlands. Federal agencies are also required to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands when there are practical alternatives; harm to wetlands must be minimized when there is no practical alternative available. These requirements are applicable to alternatives involving remedial actions (including construction) in wetlands. TBC Requires consideration of the effects of a proposed action on wetlands and areas affecting streams (including floodplains), as well as other protected habitats. Federal agencies must Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, 16 consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the appropriate state U.S.C. § 662, 40 CFR 6.302(g). agency with jurisdiction over wildlife resources prior to issuing permits or undertaking actions involving the modification of any body of water (including impoundment, diversion, deepening, or otherwise controlled or modified for any purpose). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 3 of 7 ARAR 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source General Description ARAR or TBC Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Public Law 94-265, as amended through October 11, 1996 Requires that federal agencies consult with National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) on actions that may adversely affect essential fish habitats, defined as “those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity.” ARAR Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 U.S.C. §703 Requires that federal agencies consult with USFWS during remedial design and remedial construction to ensure that the cleanup of the site does not unnecessarily impact migratory birds. ARAR Statement of Procedures on Floodplain Sets forth USEPA policy and guidance for carrying out Executive Orders (EO) 11990 and Management and Wetlands Protection; 11988. 40 CFR Part 6, Appendix A TBC State New Jersey Soil Erosion and Sediment Regulates construction that will potentially result in erosion of soils, such as upland Control Act , N.J.S.A. 4:24-39, processing facility. N.J.A.C. 2:90 ARAR New Jersey Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act, N.J.S.A. 13:9B-1, N.J.A.C. 7:7A Regulates construction or other activities (including remedial action) that will have an impact on wetlands, including working and transporting across coastal zone to upland processing facility. ARAR New Jersey Flood Hazard Area Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:16A-50, N.J.A.C. 7:13 Regulates activities (including remedial action) within flood hazard areas that will impact stream carrying capacity or flow velocity to avoid increasing impacts of flood waters, to minimize degradation of water quality, protect wildlife and fisheries, and protect and enhance public health and welfare. ARAR New Jersey Tidelands Act, N.J.S.A. 12:3 Requires a tidelands lease, grant or conveyance for use of State-owned riparian lands, including sediment removal and backfill. Tidelands, also known as riparian lands, are all those lands now or formerly flowed by the mean high tide of a natural waterway, except for those lands for which the States has already conveyed its interest in the form of a riparian grant. ARAR Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 4 of 7 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source New Jersey Waterfront Development Law, N.J.S.A. 12:5-3, New Jersey Coastal Zone Management, N.J.A.C. 7:7E, New Jersey Coastal Permit Program, N.J.A.C. 7:7 General Description Regulates any waterfront development, including sediment removal and fill, at or below mean high water and up to 500 feet from mean high water in the coastal zone and tidal waters of the State. Implemented through Coastal Zone Management (NJAC 7:7E) and Coastal Permit Program Rules (NJAC 7:7), which provide rules and standards for use and development of resources in New Jersey’s coastal zone. If federally assisted undertaking on any district, site, building, structure or object included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places results in adverse New Jersey Register of Historic Places effects, the agency must consult with the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and other Act N.J.S.A. 13:1B-15.128 et seq. parties to develop ways to avoid, reduce, minimize, or mitigate any adverse impacts to those identified properties. ARAR or TBC ARAR ARAR Potential Action-Specific ARARs Federal Governs coordination of activities occurring in navigable waters. Congressional approval Rivers & Harbors Act, 33 U.S.C. § 403 required for any obstruction of the navigable capacity of the waters of the United States, and for construction of bridges, wharfs, piers, and other structures across navigable waters. ARAR 33 CFR Parts 322, 323, 329 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regulations in 33 CFR 322, 323 and 329 provide permitting authority for work in or affecting navigable waters, and discharge of dredged or fill material in the waters of the US. Provides authority for USEPA to establish water quality criteria for the protection of Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251, et aquatic life and human health. New Jersey has promulgated surface water quality criteria. seq., Federally recommended water quality criteria established under Section 304(a) of the CWA that are more stringent than state criteria may be relevant and appropriate. CWA §§ 303, 304(a) 40 CFR Parts 129, 131 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River ARAR Specific toxic pollution effluent standards that may apply: Aldrin/Dieldrin 129.4(a), DDT 129.4(b), PCBs 129.4(f) Page 5 of 7 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source General Description ARAR or TBC Clean Water Act, §401 40 CFR §121.2 Requires that an applicant for a federal license or permit provide a certification that any discharges (e.g., dredged material dewatering effluent, placement of fill, discharges of decants water) will comply with the Act, including water quality standard requirements (water quality certification). ARAR Clean Water Act, §404 40 CFR Part 230 (Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material). Regulates the discharge of dredged and fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands. ARAR Federal Pretreatment Regulations For Existing And New Sources Of Pollution - 40 CFR § 403, and as Adopted by NJ Utility Authorities Provides pretreatment criteria that waste streams must meet prior to discharge to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). ARAR Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq , Section 112, 40 CFR Parts 61, 63 Provides emissions standards for specific contaminants and for categories of operating (National Emission Standards for equipment. Hazardous Air Pollutants) ARAR Resource Conservation and Recovery Establishes requirements for generators, transporters and facilities that manage nonAct (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. § 6921 et seq. hazardous solid waste, and hazardous wastes. Provides for evaluation and control of materials that contain a listed waste, or that display a hazardous waste characteristic based on the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test. Regulate storage, treatment and disposal of listed or characteristic waste unless an exemption applies. 40 CFR Parts 239 – 299 ARAR Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. §§ 2601 et seq. Regulates PCBs from manufacture to disposal. ARAR 40 CFR Part 761 Subpart D Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 6 of 7 2014 Table 2-1a ARARs and TBCs Authority/Source General Description Hazardous Material Transportation Act Regulates the transportation of hazardous materials, and include the procedures for the (HMTA), 49 U.S.C. §§ 1801-1819 packaging, labeling, manifesting and transporting of hazardous materials to a licensed offHazardous Waste Transportation: 49 site disposal facility. CFR Parts 171-177 ARAR or TBC ARAR State New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10A, et seq., New Jersey Water Quality Planning Act, N.J.S.A 58:11 A, et seq. Establishes the designated uses and antidegradation categories of the State's surface waters, classifies surface waters based on those uses (i.e., stream classifications), and specifies the water quality criteria and other policies and provisions necessary to attain those designated uses. ARAR New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES), N.J.A.C. 7:14A Establishes effluent discharge standards to protect water quality. ARAR Stormwater Management Rules, N.J.A.C. 7:8 Establishes the design and performance standards for stormwater management measures. ARAR Noise Control, N.J.S.A., §13:1g-1 et seq., N.J.A.C. 7:20 Regulates noise levels for certain types of activities and facilities such as commercial, industrial, community service and public service facilities. ARAR New Jersey Surface Water Quality Standards, N.J.A.C. 7:9B New Jersey Air Pollution Control Act, Governs emissions that introduce contaminants into the ambient atmosphere for a variety of N.J.S.A. § 26:2C et seq., N.J.A.C. substances and from a variety of sources; controls and prohibits air pollution, particle 7:27 emissions and toxic VOC emissions. ARAR New Jersey Solid Waste Management Act, N.J.S.A. §13:1E-1, et seq., New Establishes requirements for generators, transporters and facilities that manage solid waste Jersey Solid and Hazardous Waste and hazardous waste, and for thermal destruction facilities. Rules, N.J.A.C. 7:26, 7:26B and 7:26G ARAR Notes: ARAR = applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements; CFR = Code of Federal Regulations; N.J.A.C. =New Jersey Administrative Code; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; TBC = to-be-considered; USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency; VOC = volatile organic compounds. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 7 of 7 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC NOAA: TBC, FL DEP: TBC (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 0.01 87-61-6 540-59-0 591-78-6 108-10-1 67-64-1 AVS 71-43-2 75-25-2 75-15-0 108-90-7 124-48-1 67-66-3 75-27-4 100-41-4 74-87-3 78-93-3 75-09-2 108-88-3 127-18-4 79-01-6 1330-20-7 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene (Historical) 1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 2-HEXANONE (Historical) 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE ACETONE Acid Volatile sulfides (Historical) BENZENE BROMOFORM CARBON DISULFIDE CHLOROBENZENE CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE CHLOROFORM DICHLOROBROMOMETHANE ETHYLBENZENE METHYL CHLORIDE METHYL ETHYL KETONE METHYLENE CHLORIDE TOLUENE Tetrachloroethene TRICHLOROETHYLENE XYLENE (Historical) (total) VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA 95-94-3 120-82-1 105-67-9 51-28-5 28804-88-8 606-20-2 95-57-8 99-09-2 59-50-7 106-44-5 100-02-7 95-15-8 65-85-0 1,2,4,5-TETRACHLOROBENZENE 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 2,6-/2,7-DIMETHYLNAPHTHALENE 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE 2-CHLOROPHENOL 3-NITROANILINE 4-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL 4-METHYLPHENOL 4-NITROPHENOL BENZO(b)THIOPHENE BENZOIC ACID BIS(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE CHLOROBENZILATE Chlorpyrifos (Historical) DACTHAL DIBENZOFURAN DIBENZOTHIOPHENE DIBUTYLTIN DIMETHYLPHTHALATE DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE DI-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE M-DICHLOROBENZENE (1,3-DCB) MONOBUTYLTIN N-NITROSO-DI-PHENYLAMINE N-NITROSO-DI-PROPYLAMINE O-CRESOL (2-Methylphenol) O-DICHLOROBENZENE (1,2-DCB) PENTACHLOROANISOLE PENTACHLOROBENZENE PENTACHLORONITROBENZENE PHENOL TETRABUTYLTIN TRIBUTYLTIN Trifluralin (Historical) SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SVOL SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SVOL 117-81-7 85-68-7 510-15-6 2921-88-2 1861-32-1 132-64-9 132-65-0 1002-53-5 131-11-3 84-74-2 117-84-0 87-68-3 541-73-1 78763-54-9 86-30-6 621-64-7 95-48-7 95-50-1 1825-21-4 608-93-5 82-68-8 108-95-2 1461-25-2 56573-85-4 1582-09-8 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene METHYL_NAP167 1,6,7-Trimethylnaphthalene (Historical) 90-12-0 832-69-9 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylphenanthrene PAH Effects Value CLP PQL (a) Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) (µg/kg) Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) 58.2 (j) 25.1 (j) 9.9 (j) 142 492 (j) 23.9 (j) 291 0.34 121 -175 -42.4 (j) 159 (j) 1220 (j) 990 112(j) 433 (j) 1.4 0.45 1.6 >0.12 1252 (j) 5062 (j) 304 6.21 39.8 31.9 -388 20.2 13.3 182 (c) 3.6 182 182 (g) 1970 (j) 860 -- -- 182 2647 449 (j) 1114 40600 26.5 (j) 1315 (j) --55.4 294 24 (j) -49.1 318 (j) PAH PAH PAH Page 1 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) Description 0.01 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene (Historical) 1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE 2-HEXANONE (Historical) 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE ACETONE Acid Volatile sulfides (Historical) BENZENE BROMOFORM CARBON DISULFIDE CHLOROBENZENE CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE CHLOROFORM DICHLOROBROMOMETHANE ETHYLBENZENE METHYL CHLORIDE METHYL ETHYL KETONE METHYLENE CHLORIDE TOLUENE Tetrachloroethene TRICHLOROETHYLENE XYLENE (Historical) (total) VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA VOA 95-94-3 120-82-1 105-67-9 51-28-5 28804-88-8 606-20-2 95-57-8 99-09-2 59-50-7 106-44-5 100-02-7 95-15-8 65-85-0 1,2,4,5-TETRACHLOROBENZENE 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 2,6-/2,7-DIMETHYLNAPHTHALENE 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE 2-CHLOROPHENOL 3-NITROANILINE 4-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL 4-METHYLPHENOL 4-NITROPHENOL BENZO(b)THIOPHENE BENZOIC ACID BIS(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE CHLOROBENZILATE Chlorpyrifos (Historical) DACTHAL DIBENZOFURAN DIBENZOTHIOPHENE DIBUTYLTIN DIMETHYLPHTHALATE DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE DI-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE M-DICHLOROBENZENE (1,3-DCB) MONOBUTYLTIN N-NITROSO-DI-PHENYLAMINE N-NITROSO-DI-PROPYLAMINE O-CRESOL (2-Methylphenol) O-DICHLOROBENZENE (1,2-DCB) PENTACHLOROANISOLE PENTACHLOROBENZENE PENTACHLORONITROBENZENE PHENOL TETRABUTYLTIN TRIBUTYLTIN Trifluralin (Historical) SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SVOL SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SVOL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene PAH 106-46-7 METHYL_NAP167 1,6,7-Trimethylnaphthalene (Historical) 90-12-0 832-69-9 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 1-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylphenanthrene TBC TBC TBC (5) Jones et al. (1997) (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) Class 87-61-6 540-59-0 591-78-6 108-10-1 67-64-1 AVS 71-43-2 75-25-2 75-15-0 108-90-7 124-48-1 67-66-3 75-27-4 100-41-4 74-87-3 78-93-3 75-09-2 108-88-3 127-18-4 79-01-6 1330-20-7 117-81-7 85-68-7 510-15-6 2921-88-2 1861-32-1 132-64-9 132-65-0 1002-53-5 131-11-3 84-74-2 117-84-0 87-68-3 541-73-1 78763-54-9 86-30-6 621-64-7 95-48-7 95-50-1 1825-21-4 608-93-5 82-68-8 108-95-2 1461-25-2 56573-85-4 1582-09-8 TBC NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) -- (r) -- (r) -- (r) 22 (r) 33 (r) 8.7 (r) 7,400 (r) 15,000 (r) 3,000 (r) -- (r) -- (r) 9.1 (r) -- (r) -- (r) -- (r) -- 160 -- > 120,000 -- 57 SQB --- 0.85 410 8800 7800 230 97,000 --- 820 SQB -- 22 960 3500 -- -- 89 > 5400 160,000 -- 3600 SQB -- (r) ------ 270 (r) 370 50 410 220 160 5,400 (r) 18,000 6400 3500 51,000 740,000 27,000 (r) 7200 130,000 3200 33,000 -- -- (r) ------ 670 530 1600 25 SQB SQB SQB SQB -- 9600 -- -- -- 9200 SQB --- 890,000 11,000 --- --- --- -11,000 SQB -- 420 -- 110,000 -- 2000 SQB -- 11,000 240,000 240,000 -- 11,000 SQB -- 1700 - -- -- 1700 SQB -- (r) -- 12 (r) 330 440 (r) -- 1200 (r) -- -- (r) -- 340 SQB -- 700 -- -- -- 31 -- < 57 570 -- -- 340 -- -- -- 350 SQB -- 130 34000 -- -- ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC ARCS (u) - NEC Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) µg/kg Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) µg/kg µg/kg PEL (dd) µg/kg PAH PAH PAH Page 2 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 2245-38-7 0.01 Effects Value CLP PQL (a) Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (µg/kg) (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) 2,3,5-Trimethylnaphthalene PAH 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene PAH 20.2 (c) 330 330 20.2 (g) See Marine/Estuarine -- 0.07 0.67 70 670 20.2 201 83-32-9 Acenaphthene PAH 6.71 (c) 330 330 6.71 (g) See Marine/Estuarine -- 0.016 0.5 16 500 6.71 88.9 15067-26-2 208-96-8 120-12-7 56-55-3 50-32-8 205-99-2 192-97-2 191-24-2 207-08-9 56832-73-6 92-52-4 218-01-9 1719-03-5 53-70-3 CARP002 206-44-0 86-73-7 T_HMW_PAH CARP399 193-39-5 T_LMW_PAH CARP400 91-20-3 Acenaphthene d-10 Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzo[a]anthracene Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[e]pyrene Benzo[g,h,i]perylene Benzo[k]fluoranthene Benzoflouranthenes, total biphenyl Chrysene Chrysene d-12 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Dibenz[ah]anthracene d-14 Fluoranthene Fluorene High molecular weight PAHs, total (Historical) HPAH Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]-pyrene Low molecular weight PAHs, total (Historical) LPAH Naphthalene 1146-65-2 1146-54-2 T PAH 198-55-0 85-01-8 1517-22-2 129-00-0 SUM PAH CARP407 Naphthalene d-8 d8-Naphthalene PAHs, total (Historical) Perylene Phenanthrene Phenanthrene d-10 Pyrene Sum of PAH Total PAH 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-70-2 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 57-12-5 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-95-4 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7440-02-0 7440-09-7 7782-49-2 7440-21-3 ALUMINUM ANTIMONY Arsenic BARIUM BERYLLIUM Cadmium CALCIUM Chromium COBALT Copper CYANIDE IRON Lead MAGNESIUM MANGANESE Mercury Nickel POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILICON PAHSURR PAH 5.87 (c) 330 330 5.87 (g) See Marine/Estuarine -- 0.044 0.64 44 640 5.87 128 PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAHSURR PAH PAHSURR PAH PAH 46.9 (c) 74.8 (c) 88.8 (c) 330 330 330 330 330 330 57.2 (i) 108 (i) 150 (i) 10400 0.22 0.32 0.37 370 1480 1440 0.085 0.261 0.43 1.1 1.6 1.6 85.3 261 430 1100 1600 1600 46.9 74.8 88.8 245 693 763 170 (h) 240 (h) 0.37 0.17 0.24 1440 320 1340 See Freshwater See Freshwater --- PAH 330 330 166 (i) 0.34 460 0.384 2.8 384 2800 108 846 6.22 (c) 330 330 33 (i) 0.06 130 0.063 0.26 63.4 260 6.22 135 113 (c) 21.2 (c) 330 330 330 330 423 (i) 77.4 (i) 0.75 0.19 1020 160 0.6 0.019 5.1 0.54 600 19 5100 540 113 21.2 1494 144 655 (c) 330 655 1700 (o) 9600 (o) 655 (o) 6676 (o) 312 (c) 330 330 552 (o) 3160 (o) 312 (o) 1442 (o) 34.6 (c) 330 330 160 2100 34.6 391 4022 (o) 44792 (o) 1684 (o) 16770 (o) PAH PAH PAH 200 (h) 0.2 320 See Freshwater -- PAH PAH PAHSURR SURR PAH PAH PAH PAHSURR PAH PAH PAH MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET 7440-22-4 Silver MET 7440-23-5 7440-28-0 7440-31-5 SODIUM Thallium TIN MET MET MET Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 108 (c) 176 (i) See Marine/Estuarine -- 0.16 2.1 86.7 (c) 330 330 204 (i) 0.56 950 0.24 1.5 240 1500 86.7 544 153 (c) 330 330 195 (i) 0.49 850 0.665 2.6 665 2600 153 1398 1684 (c) 330 1684 4 10000 4 45 2 (b) 7.24 (c) 12 2 12 7.24 9790 (i) 6 33 8.2 70 2 (m) 8.2 25 (m) 70 -7.24 -41.6 0.676 (c) 1 1 990 (i) 0.6 10 1.2 9.6 1.2 9.6 0.68 4.21 52.3 (c) 2 52.3 26 110 81 370 81 370 52.3 160 18.7 (c) 5 18.7 43400 (i) 50000 (h) 31600 (i) 0.1 (h) 16 110 34 270 34 270 18.7 108 30.2 (c) 0.6 30.2 35800 (i) 31 250 47 218 46.7 218 30.2 112 0.13 (c) 15.9 (d) 0.02 8 0.13 15.9 174 (g) 22700 (i) 0.2 16 2 75 0.15 21 0.71 52 0.15 20.9 0.71 51.6 0.13 15.9 0.7 42.8 See Marine/Estuarine -- 1 3.7 1 3.7 0.73 1.77 -0.733 (c) 2 2 500 (h) --- Page 3 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 2245-38-7 91-57-6 Class 0.01 2,3,5-Trimethylnaphthalene PAH 2-Methylnaphthalene PAH (5) Jones et al. (1997) (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) 1300 (q) -- 5300 470,000 16,000 ---- 220 110 140 27 --- <620 2600 3000 ---- ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC ARCS (u) - NEC Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) 83-32-9 208-96-8 120-12-7 56-55-3 50-32-8 205-99-2 192-97-2 191-24-2 207-08-9 56832-73-6 92-52-4 218-01-9 1719-03-5 53-70-3 CARP002 206-44-0 86-73-7 T_HMW_PAH CARP399 193-39-5 T_LMW_PAH CARP400 91-20-3 Acenaphthene Acenaphthene d-10 Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzo[a]anthracene Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[e]pyrene Benzo[g,h,i]perylene Benzo[k]fluoranthene Benzoflouranthenes, total biphenyl Chrysene Chrysene d-12 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Dibenz[ah]anthracene d-14 Fluoranthene Fluorene High molecular weight PAHs, total (Historical) HPAH Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]-pyrene Low molecular weight PAHs, total (Historical) LPAH Naphthalene 1146-65-2 1146-54-2 T PAH 198-55-0 85-01-8 1517-22-2 129-00-0 SUM PAH CARP407 Naphthalene d-8 d8-Naphthalene PAHs, total (Historical) Perylene Phenanthrene Phenanthrene d-10 Pyrene Sum of PAH Total PAH 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-70-2 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 57-12-5 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-95-4 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7440-02-0 7440-09-7 7782-49-2 7440-21-3 ALUMINUM ANTIMONY Arsenic BARIUM BERYLLIUM Cadmium CALCIUM Chromium COBALT Copper CYANIDE IRON Lead MAGNESIUM MANGANESE Mercury Nickel POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILICON PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAHSURR PAH PAHSURR PAH PAH -- 6200 (q) -- 1100 -540 -- 32,000 -- -- 16,000 -- -- --- 547.72 4200 393.7 1700 3500 440 220 320 370 3700 14,800 14,400 290 -- 6300 -- 3800 -- 170 240 3200 13,400 500 5200 4000 340 4600 1100 -- -- 28.2 870 60 1300 -- 64.23 34.64 834.27 651.92 7500 1800 750 190 10,200 1600 2900 -- 2900 4353.82 51,000 -- -- 78 836.66 3800 200 3200 PAH 786 3369 3040 -- -- 32.75 687.39 290 -- -- 3553 13,660 84,600 4000 100,000 -- -- -- 560 570 3225 6100 490 PAH PAH PAH PAHSURR SURR PAH PAH PAH PAHSURR PAH PAH PAH MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET MET Silver MET 7440-23-5 7440-28-0 7440-31-5 SODIUM Thallium TIN MET MET MET -- 1800 (q) 240 -- 12,000 -- 23,000 59,000 -- -- ---430 31.62 260 350 PAH PAH 7440-22-4 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 620 PAHSURR Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) -15067-26-2 (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines µg/kg Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) µg/kg µg/kg PEL (dd) µg/kg 20.2 201 20.2 201 SQC 6.71 88.9 6.71 88.9 ER-L 5.87 46.9 31.7 31.9 128 245 385 782 5.87 46.9 74.8 88.8 128 245 693 763 57.1 862 108 846 6.22 135 6.22 135 111 21.2 2355 144 113 21.2 1494 144 34.6 391 34.6 391 SQB SQC -- -480 SQB 9500 850 SQC 41.9 515 86.7 544 8500 660 ER-L 53 875 153 1398 4000 ER-L -- 58,030 73,160 -- -- 12.1 57 92.9 6 33 -8.2 ER-L 5900 17,000 7240 4160 0.592 11.7 41.1 0.6 10 1.2 ER-L 600 3500 700 4200 56 159 312 26 110 81 ER-L 37,000 90,000 52,300 160,000 28 77.7 54.8 16 110 34 ER-L 35,700 197,000 18,700 108,000 -34.2 -396 -68.7 2% 31 4% 250 47 ER-L 35,000 91,300 30,200 112,000 1673 -39.6 1081 -38.5 819 -37.9 460 0.2 16 1110 2 75 0.15 21 ER-L ER-L 170 486 130 700 -- Page 4 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 7440-32-6 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 1746-01-6 19408-74-3 30402-15-4 3268-87-9 34465-46-8 35822-46-9 36088-22-9 37871-00-4 38998-75-3 39001-02-0 39227-28-6 40321-76-4 41903-57-5 51207-31-9 55673-89-7 55684-94-1 55722-27-5 57117-31-4 57117-41-6 57117-44-9 57653-85-7 60851-34-5 67562-39-4 70648-26-9 72918-21-9 PCD T5 PCD T6 PCD T7 PCDD12478 PCF T5 PCF T6 PCF T7 0.01 Titanium VANADIUM Zinc 2,3,7,8-TCDD (toxic equivalent) 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD Total PeCDF OCDD Total HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD Total PeCDD Total HpCDD Total HpCDF OCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD Total TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF Total HxCDF Total TCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF Dioxins, 5PCDD, total (Historical) Dioxins, 6HxCDD, total (Historical) Dioxins, 7HpCDD, total (Historical) PCDD12478 (Historical) Furans, 5PCDF, total (Historical) Furans, 6HxCDF, total (Historical) Furans, 7HpCDF, total (Historical) MET MET MET DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F PCF23467 2,3,4,6,7-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (Historical) DIOX/F PCF2367 2,3,6,7-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (Historical) DIOX/F PCF3467 3,4,6,7-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (Historical) DIOX/F TCDD_T Dioxins, 4TCDD, total (Historical) DIOX/F TCDF_T Furans, 4TCDF, total (Historical) CARP037 CARP038 CARP039 CARP040 CARP041 CARP042 CARP043 CARP044 CARP045 CARP046 CARP047 CARP048 CARP049 CARP050 CARP051 CARP052 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 13C12-OCDD 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 37Cl-2,3,7,8-TCDD Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Effects Value CLP PQL (a) Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) 124 (c) 4 124 (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (µg/kg) (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) -121000 (i) 120 820 150 410 NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) 150 410 124 271 1.2E-04 (j) -- DIOX/F DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOXCLEAN Page 5 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 7440-32-6 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 1746-01-6 19408-74-3 30402-15-4 3268-87-9 34465-46-8 35822-46-9 36088-22-9 37871-00-4 38998-75-3 39001-02-0 39227-28-6 40321-76-4 41903-57-5 51207-31-9 55673-89-7 55684-94-1 55722-27-5 57117-31-4 57117-41-6 57117-44-9 57653-85-7 60851-34-5 67562-39-4 70648-26-9 72918-21-9 PCD T5 PCD T6 PCD T7 PCDD12478 PCF T5 PCF T6 PCF T7 Class 0.01 Titanium VANADIUM Zinc 2,3,7,8-TCDD (toxic equivalent) 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD Total PeCDF OCDD Total HxCDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD Total PeCDD Total HpCDD Total HpCDF OCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD Total TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF Total HxCDF Total TCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF Dioxins, 5PCDD, total (Historical) Dioxins, 6HxCDD, total (Historical) Dioxins, 7HpCDD, total (Historical) PCDD12478 (Historical) Furans, 5PCDF, total (Historical) Furans, 6HxCDF, total (Historical) Furans, 7HpCDF, total (Historical) MET MET MET 2,3,4,6,7-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (Historical) DIOX/F PCF2367 2,3,6,7-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (Historical) DIOX/F PCF3467 3,4,6,7-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (Historical) DIOX/F TCDD_T Dioxins, 4TCDD, total (Historical) DIOX/F TCDF_T Furans, 4TCDF, total (Historical) 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 13C12-OCDD 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 37Cl-2,3,7,8-TCDD Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC ARCS (u) - NEC Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) 159 1532 541 120 820 150 (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) ER-L Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) PEL (dd) µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg 123,000 315,000 124,000 271,000 DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F DIOX/F PCF23467 CARP037 CARP038 CARP039 CARP040 CARP041 CARP042 CARP043 CARP044 CARP045 CARP046 CARP047 CARP048 CARP049 CARP050 CARP051 CARP052 (5) Jones et al. (1997) DIOX/F DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOX/FSURR DIOXCLEAN Page 6 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 0.01 CARP200 Total Tetra-Dioxins CARP201 Total Penta-Dioxins CARP202 Total Hexa-Dioxins CARP203 Total Hepta-Dioxins CARP204 Total Tetra-Furans CARP205 Total Penta-Furans CARP206 Total Hexa-Furans CARP207 Total Hepta-Furans 1016 1242 1016 1248 1254 1221 1232 13029-08-8 15862-07-4 15968-05-5 16605-91-7 16606-02-3 2050-68-2 2051-24-3 2051-60-7 2051-61-8 2051-62-9 2136-99-4 2437-79-8 25323-68-6 25569-80-6 25663-74-8 26601-64-9 26914-33-0 27323-18-8 28655-71-2 2974-92-7 31508-00-6 32598-10-0 32598-11-1 32598-12-2 32598-13-3 32598-14-4 32690-93-0 32774-16-6 33025-41-1 33091-17-7 33146-45-1 33284-50-3 344883-43-7 34883-39-1 34883-43-7 35065-27-1 35065-28-2 35065-29-3 35065-30-6 35298-10-0 35693-99-3 35694-06-5 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (µg/kg) Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) 2.5 (e) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (µg/kg - Region 5 entry) AR1016-AR1242 (Historical) AR1016-AR1248-AR1254 (Historical) AR1221-AR1232 (Historical) 2,2'-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',6,6'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4',5-trichlorobiphenyl 4,4'-dichlorobiphenyl decachlorobiphenyl 2-chlorobiphenyl 3-chlorobiphenyl 4-chlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl TRICHLOROBIPHENYL 2,3'-dichlorobiphenyl BZ172NT HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL TETRACHLOROBIPHENYL MONOCHLOROBIPHENYL HEPTACHLOROBIPHENYL 3,4-dichlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,4,4',6-tetrachlorobiphenyl 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,4,4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 3,3',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,6-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4-dichlorobiphenyl BZ#8 (Historical) 2,5-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4'-dichlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-heptachlorobiphenyl BZ#66 and BZ#95 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl CLP PQL (a) (3) NJDEP 1998 BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F Dioxin (ng/kg - Region 4 entry) PCDD-S Effects Value (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 0.011 PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB Page 7 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) Description Class 0.01 CARP200 Total Tetra-Dioxins CARP201 Total Penta-Dioxins CARP202 Total Hexa-Dioxins CARP203 Total Hepta-Dioxins CARP204 Total Tetra-Furans CARP205 Total Penta-Furans CARP206 Total Hexa-Furans CARP207 Total Hepta-Furans (5) Jones et al. (1997) (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC ARCS (u) - NEC Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) PEL (dd) µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg µg/kg 0.85 (ee) 21.5 (ee) 0.85 (ee) 21.5 (ee) BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F BROM DIOX/F Dioxin (ng/kg - Region 4 entry) PCDD-S 1016 1242 1016 1248 1254 1221 1232 13029-08-8 15862-07-4 15968-05-5 16605-91-7 16606-02-3 2050-68-2 2051-24-3 2051-60-7 2051-61-8 2051-62-9 2136-99-4 2437-79-8 25323-68-6 25569-80-6 25663-74-8 26601-64-9 26914-33-0 27323-18-8 28655-71-2 2974-92-7 31508-00-6 32598-10-0 32598-11-1 32598-12-2 32598-13-3 32598-14-4 32690-93-0 32774-16-6 33025-41-1 33091-17-7 33146-45-1 33284-50-3 344883-43-7 34883-39-1 34883-43-7 35065-27-1 35065-28-2 35065-29-3 35065-30-6 35298-10-0 35693-99-3 35694-06-5 Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (µg/kg - Region 5 entry) AR1016-AR1242 (Historical) AR1016-AR1248-AR1254 (Historical) AR1221-AR1232 (Historical) 2,2'-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',6,6'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4',5-trichlorobiphenyl 4,4'-dichlorobiphenyl decachlorobiphenyl 2-chlorobiphenyl 3-chlorobiphenyl 4-chlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl TRICHLOROBIPHENYL 2,3'-dichlorobiphenyl BZ172NT HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL TETRACHLOROBIPHENYL MONOCHLOROBIPHENYL HEPTACHLOROBIPHENYL 3,4-dichlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,4,4',6-tetrachlorobiphenyl 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,4,4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 3,3',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,6-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4-dichlorobiphenyl BZ#8 (Historical) 2,5-dichlorobiphenyl 2,4'-dichlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-heptachlorobiphenyl BZ#66 and BZ#95 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB Page 8 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 35694-08-7 36559-22-5 37680-65-2 37680-65-5 37680-66-3 37680-68-5 37680-73-2 38379-99-6 38380-01-7 38380-02-8 38380-03-9 38380-04-0 38380-05-1 38380-07-3 38380-08-4 38411-22-2 38411-25-5 38444-73-4 38444-76-7 38444-77-8 38444-78-9 38444-81-4 38444-84-7 38444-85-8 38444-86-9 38444-90-5 38444-93-8 39635-31-9 40186-70-7 40186-71-8 0.01 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',5-trichlorobiphenyl Cl3(34) 2,2',4-trichlorobiphenyl 2',3,5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',5',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',6,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',6-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',6-trichlorobiphenyl 2,4',6-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',3-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3,3'-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3,4'-trichlorobiphenyl 2',3,4-trichlorobiphenyl 3,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl CLP PQL (a) Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (µg/kg) Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-nonachlorobiphenyl PCB 41411-62-5 41411-64-7 41464-39-5 41464-40-8 41464-41-9 41464-43-1 41464-47-5 41464-49-7 41464-51-1 42740-50-1 51908-16-8 52663-58-8 52663-59-9 52663-60-2 52663-61-3 52663-62-4 52663-63-5 52663-64-6 52663-65-7 52663-66-8 52663-67-9 52663-68-0 52663-69-1 52663-70-4 52663-71-5 52663-72-6 52663-73-7 52663-74-8 52663-75-9 52663-76-0 2,3,3',4,5,6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5,6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',5,6'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,6'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3',4,5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',5',6-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4',6-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5,5',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,6,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,6,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4',5,6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5,5',6-octachlorobiphenyl PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB 52663-77-1 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6,6'-nonachlorobiphenyl PCB 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-octachlorobiphenyl PCB 52663-79-3 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6,6'-nonachlorobiphenyl PCB 52704-70-8 2,2',3,3',5,6-hexachlorobiphenyl PCB Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Effects Value (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 Page 9 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 35694-08-7 36559-22-5 37680-65-2 37680-65-5 37680-66-3 37680-68-5 37680-73-2 38379-99-6 38380-01-7 38380-02-8 38380-03-9 38380-04-0 38380-05-1 38380-07-3 38380-08-4 38411-22-2 38411-25-5 38444-73-4 38444-76-7 38444-77-8 38444-78-9 38444-81-4 38444-84-7 38444-85-8 38444-86-9 38444-90-5 38444-93-8 39635-31-9 40186-70-7 40186-71-8 Description Class 0.01 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',5-trichlorobiphenyl Cl3(34) 2,2',4-trichlorobiphenyl 2',3,5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',5',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',6,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',6-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',6-trichlorobiphenyl 2,4',6-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',3-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3,3'-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3,4'-trichlorobiphenyl 2',3,4-trichlorobiphenyl 3,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC ARCS (u) - NEC Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) µg/kg Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) µg/kg µg/kg PEL (dd) µg/kg PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-nonachlorobiphenyl PCB 41411-62-5 41411-64-7 41464-39-5 41464-40-8 41464-41-9 41464-43-1 41464-47-5 41464-49-7 41464-51-1 42740-50-1 51908-16-8 52663-58-8 52663-59-9 52663-60-2 52663-61-3 52663-62-4 52663-63-5 52663-64-6 52663-65-7 52663-66-8 52663-67-9 52663-68-0 52663-69-1 52663-70-4 52663-71-5 52663-72-6 52663-73-7 52663-74-8 52663-75-9 52663-76-0 2,3,3',4,5,6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5,6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',5,6'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,6'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3',4,5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',5',6-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4',6-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,5,5',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,6,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,6,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4',5,6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,4',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-octachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5,5',6-octachlorobiphenyl PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB 52663-77-1 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6,6'-nonachlorobiphenyl PCB 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-octachlorobiphenyl PCB 52663-79-3 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6,6'-nonachlorobiphenyl PCB 52704-70-8 2,2',3,3',5,6-hexachlorobiphenyl PCB Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River (5) Jones et al. (1997) Page 10 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 52712-04-6 52712-05-7 52744-13-5 55215-17-3 55215-18-4 55702-46-0 55712-37-3 55720-44-0 56558-17-9 57465-28-8 58702-45-9 59291-64-4 60145-20-2 60145-23-5 60233-24-1 65194-04-7 65510-44-3 65510-45-4 68194-05-8 68194-14-9 68194-15-0 68194-17-2 69782-90-7 69782-91-8 7012-37-5 70362-45-7 70362-47-9 70362-50-4 70424-68-9 73575-53-8 73575-54-9 74472-35-8 74472-36-9 74472-37-0 74472-38-1 74472-38-8 74472-42-7 74472-48-3 74472-50-7 74472-51-8 74472-53-0 76842-07-4 87-86-5 CARP397 CARP402 0.01 PCB DCBP Total PCB 2,2',3,4,5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',4-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3,5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl BZ#24NT 2,2',3,4,4',6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl BZ#51 (Historical) 2',3,4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6-octachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4',5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 3,4,4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,6,6'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl BZ#63 (Historical) 2,3,3',4,4',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-octachlorobiphenyl 2',3,3',4,5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,5,6-PENTACHLOROPHENOL Unidentified PCB Congener Cl2(18) PCB NONACHLOROBIPHENYL (Historical) DICHLOROBIPHENYL (Historical) Total PCB (Historical) 65510-44-3C BZ#123"&"BZ#149 (Historical) 69782-90-7C BZ#157"&"BZ#201 (Historical) NONA_PCB CLP PQL (a) Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (µg/kg) Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) 0.07 530 0.023 0.18 0.005 24 See Freshwater -- 0.06 34 See Freshwater -- 0.03 150 See Freshwater -- NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) 23000 (j) PCB PCB PCB PCB_GROUPI NGS PCB_GROUPI NGS 1336-36-3 PCB, TOTAL PCB_SUM CARP408 PCB SUM Total PCB PCBs, total (Historical) 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 PCB SUM PCB SUM PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Effects Value (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 21.6 (c) 33 (67 for Aroclor 33 (67 for Aroclor 1221) 1221) 67 59.8 (i) 22.7 180 21.6 189 67 Page 11 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 52712-04-6 52712-05-7 52744-13-5 55215-17-3 55215-18-4 55702-46-0 55712-37-3 55720-44-0 56558-17-9 57465-28-8 58702-45-9 59291-64-4 60145-20-2 60145-23-5 60233-24-1 65194-04-7 65510-44-3 65510-45-4 68194-05-8 68194-14-9 68194-15-0 68194-17-2 69782-90-7 69782-91-8 7012-37-5 70362-45-7 70362-47-9 70362-50-4 70424-68-9 73575-53-8 73575-54-9 74472-35-8 74472-36-9 74472-37-0 74472-38-1 74472-38-8 74472-42-7 74472-48-3 74472-50-7 74472-51-8 74472-53-0 76842-07-4 87-86-5 CARP397 CARP402 0.01 PCB DCBP Total PCB 2,2',3,4,5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',4-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3,5-trichlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl BZ#24NT 2,2',3,4,4',6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl BZ#51 (Historical) 2',3,4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,5,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6-octachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4',5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',4,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 3,4,4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3',4,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,6,6'-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl BZ#63 (Historical) 2,3,3',4,4',6-hexachlorobiphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,5,5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-octachlorobiphenyl 2',3,3',4,5-pentachlorobiphenyl 2,3,4,5,6-PENTACHLOROPHENOL Unidentified PCB Congener Cl2(18) PCB NONACHLOROBIPHENYL (Historical) DICHLOROBIPHENYL (Historical) Total PCB (Historical) 65510-44-3C BZ#123"&"BZ#149 (Historical) 69782-90-7C BZ#157"&"BZ#201 (Historical) NONA_PCB Class (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC ARCS (u) - NEC Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) µg/kg Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) µg/kg µg/kg PEL (dd) µg/kg PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB_GROUPI NGS PCB_GROUPI NGS 1336-36-3 PCB, TOTAL PCB_SUM CARP408 PCB SUM Total PCB PCBs, total (Historical) 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 PCB SUM PCB SUM PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR PCBAROCLOR Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River (5) Jones et al. (1997) 31.62 244.66 194 70 (a) 5300 (z) -- 4,500,000 < 63,000 -- -- -- -- -- 5 (x,z) 240 (y,z) -- 810 -- 71,000 -- -- -- -- 60 (x,z) 340 (y,z) -- 120 25,000 -- -- -- 600 130,000 -- -- -- 1000 -- -- -- -- -- -- 30 (x,z) 1500 (y,z) Page 12 of 14 23 ER-L 34.1 277 21.5 189 60 340 63.3 709 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description Class (1) USEPA Region 4, 2001 Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment Screening Values for Hazardous Waste Sites (note: also given in ARCS) TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) 0.01 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 PCBAROCLOR 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 PCBAROCLOR DDD DDE DDT 634-66-2 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene (Historical) 1,2,3,5 Tetrachlorobenzene (Historical) PEST 53-19-0 3424-82-6 789-02-6 72-54-8 72-55-9 50-29-3 2,4'-DDD 2,4'-DDE 2,4'-DDT 4,4'-DDD 4,4'-DDE 4,4'-DDT 2,4'-DDD + 4,4'-DDD 2,4'-DDT + 4,4'-DDT DDT, Total Aldrin BHC, alpha BHC, beta BHC, delta BHC, gamma (Lindane) BHCs, total (Historical) CHLORDANE Chlordane,alpha (cis) Chlordane,gamma (trans) Chlordane,oxyChlordene - alpha (Historical) Chlordene - gamma (Historical) DDTS, total of 6 isomers (Historical) Dieldrin Dieldrin+aldrin, total (Historical) Diphenyl disulfide (Historical) Endosulfan sulfate Endosulfan, alpha Endosulfan, beta Endrin Endrin aldehyde Endrin ketone Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Isopropalin (Historical) Kelthane (Historical) Methoxychlor Mirex Nonachlor, cisNonachlor, transOctachlorostyrene (Historical) Perthane (Historical) PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST 012789-03-6 Total chlordane (alpha+cis+oxy+trans) (Historical) PEST CARP406 Total DDT 8001-35-2 Total DDT Total DDT (Historical) Toxaphene PEST PEST PEST CARP409 TPH TPH Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River CLP PQL (a) Screening Value Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg) Inorg: (mg/kg); Org: (µg/kg); Dioxin (ng/kg) 2 (b) 2 (b) 1 (b) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 1.22 (c) 2.07 (c) 1.19 (c) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (3) NJDEP 1998 (4) Jones et al. (1997) RCRA Ecological Screening Levels (f) Freshwater Sediment Screening Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1993) (k) Marine/Estuarine Sediment Screening Guidelines (Long et al., 1995) (k) Volatile Organic Sediment Screening Guidelines, Freshwater and Estuarine/Marine Systems (MacDonald et al., 1992) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (µg/kg) Lowest Effects Level (LEL) Severe Effects Level (SEL) Effects Range Low (ER-L) Effects Range Median (ER-M) Chronic Value (mg/kg, dry weight) Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (mg/kg OC, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg, dry weight) (mg/kg dry weight at 1% TOC) 0.007 53 See Freshwater -- 0.008 0.005 0.06 0.19 0.0022 0.027 0.008 0.71 0.002 0.006 0.005 8 10 21 See Freshwater -- 1 12 6 See Freshwater See Freshwater NOAA (l): ER-L NOAA (l): ER-M FL DEP (l): TEL FL DEP (l): PEL Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) PEST 634-90-2 309-00-2 319-84-6 319-85-7 319-86-8 58-89-9 BHC TOTAL 57-74-9 5103-71-9 5103-74-2 27304-13-8 CHLORDEN A CHLORDEN G DDT TOTAL 60-57-1 T DIE A LDRIN 882-33-7 1031-07-8 959-98-8 33213-65-9 72-20-8 7421-93-4 53494-70-5 76-44-8 1024-57-3 118-74-1 33820-53-0 115-32-2 72-43-5 2385-85-5 5103-73-1 39765-80-5 29082-74-4 72-56-0 Effects Value (2) USEPA Region 5, 2003 4.88 (i,j) 3.16 (i) 4.16 (i) -2.2 -2 (m) 1 (m) 1.58 (n) -27 -20 (m) 7 (m) 46.1 (n) 1.22 2.07 1.19 --3.89 (n) 7.81 374 4.77 --51.7 (n) --- --- --- --- --- --0.5 (m) --6 (m) 0.32 -2.26 0.99 -4.79 0.32 (c) 3.3 3.3 2 (h) 6 (h) 5 (h) 71500 2.37 (i) 0.5 (b) 1.7 1.7 3.24 (i,j) 0.003 0.003 0.007 0.02 (b) 3.3 3.3 1.9 (i,j) 0.007 0.002 12 91 0.0016 See Freshwater 0.046 -- 0.02 (m) 8 (m) 0.72 4.3 0.003 130 See Freshwater -- 0.02 (m) 45 (m) -- -- 0.005 0.02 5 24 See Freshwater See Freshwater --- 0.007 130 See Freshwater -- 0.02 (b) 3.3 3.3 34.6 3.26 1.94 2.22 (i,j) 480 (j) 0.6 (g) 2.47 (i) 20 (h) 13.6 1.58 (d) 3.3 3.3 0.077 (j) Page 13 of 14 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values CAS No. Description TOC (used for NJDEP 1998, SEL) Class 0.01 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 PCBAROCLOR 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 PCBAROCLOR DDD DDE DDT 634-66-2 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene (Historical) 1,2,3,5 Tetrachlorobenzene (Historical) PEST 53-19-0 3424-82-6 789-02-6 72-54-8 72-55-9 50-29-3 2,4'-DDD 2,4'-DDE 2,4'-DDT 4,4'-DDD 4,4'-DDE 4,4'-DDT 2,4'-DDD + 4,4'-DDD 2,4'-DDT + 4,4'-DDT DDT, Total Aldrin BHC, alpha BHC, beta BHC, delta BHC, gamma (Lindane) BHCs, total (Historical) CHLORDANE Chlordane,alpha (cis) Chlordane,gamma (trans) Chlordane,oxyChlordene - alpha (Historical) Chlordene - gamma (Historical) DDTS, total of 6 isomers (Historical) Dieldrin Dieldrin+aldrin, total (Historical) Diphenyl disulfide (Historical) Endosulfan sulfate Endosulfan, alpha Endosulfan, beta Endrin Endrin aldehyde Endrin ketone Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Isopropalin (Historical) Kelthane (Historical) Methoxychlor Mirex Nonachlor, cisNonachlor, transOctachlorostyrene (Historical) Perthane (Historical) PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST PEST 012789-03-6 Total chlordane (alpha+cis+oxy+trans) (Historical) PEST CARP406 Total DDT 8001-35-2 Total DDT Total DDT (Historical) Toxaphene PEST PEST PEST CARP409 TPH TPH Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) Selected Integrative Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Marine and Estuarine Sediments (p) Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments Sediment Screening Values (aa) NAWQC Chronic Secondary Chronic Value Fish Daphnids Nondaphnid invertebrates (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) ARCS (b) - TEC ARCS (u) - PEC 170 29,000 -- Ontario MOE (v) - Low Ontario MOE (v) Severe OSWER (bb) Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry Inorg: (mg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight); Org: (µg/kg dry weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) weight) -- -- ARCS (u) - NEC -- -- 7 (x,z) (8) Canadian Sediment Guidelines Interim Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) ISQG (dd) Type (cc) µg/kg Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (dd) PEL (dd) ISQG (dd) µg/kg µg/kg PEL (dd) µg/kg 530 (y,z) 16,000 -- 340 (t) 19,000 420 -- -- 110 17,000 -- -- ---- 3.54 1.42 1.19 8.51 6.75 4.77 1.22 2.07 1.19 7.81 374 4.77 4.5 8.87 2.26 4.79 PEST 634-90-2 309-00-2 319-84-6 319-85-7 319-86-8 58-89-9 BHC TOTAL 57-74-9 5103-71-9 5103-74-2 27304-13-8 CHLORDEN A CHLORDEN G DDT TOTAL 60-57-1 T DIE A LDRIN 882-33-7 1031-07-8 959-98-8 33213-65-9 72-20-8 7421-93-4 53494-70-5 76-44-8 1024-57-3 118-74-1 33820-53-0 115-32-2 72-43-5 2385-85-5 5103-73-1 39765-80-5 29082-74-4 72-56-0 (5) Jones et al. (1997) --- --- --- 8 5 60 190 --- (w) ---- --- (w) ---- --- (w) ---- 8 7 (w) 2 6 5 710 120 (w) 80 100 210 ---- ---- 3 (x,z) 3 7 10 (y,z) 120 60 3.7 -- -- 2 910 52 SQC 2.85 6.67 0.71 4.3 2.9 14 20 SQB SQB SQC 2.67 62.4 2.67 62.4 0.6 2.74 0.69 2.74 -- (s) -- (s) -- (s) 3.7 120 (s) 120 (s) 120 (s) -- -- (s) -- (s) -- (s) 680 5200 (s) 5200 (s) 5200 (s) 670 -- (s) -- (s) -- (s) 150 2800 -- 26,000 260,000 18,000 ---- 110 (q) -- -- -- -- -- --42 (q) 5.5 5.5 -- ---- ---- ---- -- 68 12,000 31,000 -- -- 19 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 1300 -- -- -- 5 (x) 20 50 (y) 240 -- -- -- 7 1300 Page 14 of 14 --- SQB -- 19 SQB 1.6 ER-L 28 SQB 0.1 0.1 2014 Table 2-1b Sediment Screening Values Notes: (1) USEPA 2001 (a): (b): (c): (d): (e): (2) USEPA 2003 (f): (g): (h): (i): (j): (3) NJDEP, 1998 (k): (4) Jones et al. (1997) (l): (m): (n): (o): (5) Jones et al. (1997) (p): (q): (r) (s): (t): (6) Jones et al. (1997) (7) Jones et al. (1997) (8) Canadian Reference (9) " --" USEPA, 2001c. Supplemental Guidance to RAGS: Region 4 Bulletins, Ecological Risk Assessment. Originally published November 1995. Website version last updated November 30, 2001: Contract Laboratory Program Practical Quantification Limit. Long, Edward R., and Lee G. Morgan. 1991. The Potential for Biological Effects of Sediment-Sorbed Contaminants Tested in the National Status and Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. MacDonald, D.D. 1994. Approach to the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Florida Coastal Waters. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Long, Edward R., Donald D. MacDonald, Sherri L. Smith, and Fred D. Calder. 1995. Incidence of Adverse Biological Effects within Ranges of Chemical Concentrations in Marine and Estuarine Sediments. Environmental Management 19(1):81-97. USEPA. 1993. Interim Report on Data and Methods for Assessment of 2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Risks to Aquatic Life and Associated Wildlife. EPA/600/R-93/055. U.S. EPA, Region 5, RCRA. Ecological Screening Levels. August 22, 2003. Unless noted otherwise, all sediment Ecological Screening Levels were derived using equilibrium partitioning equation and the corresponding water ESL. ESLsediment = Koc x ESLwater x 0.01 Environment Canada. September 1994. Interim Sediment Quality Assessment Values. Ecosystem Conservation Directorate. Evaluation and Interpretation Branch. Ontario Ministry of the Environment. August 1993. Guidelines for the Protection and Management of Aquatic Sediment Quality in Ontario. Consensus based threshold effect concentrations (TECs) as presented in MacDonald et al., 2000. Development and evaluation of consensus-based guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 39:20-31 (see Table 2 of Region 5 ESLs). The TEC for mercury had a high incidence of toxicity and was not used. These values do not consider bioaccumulation or biomagnification. New ESL data is lower than the previous table. Guidance for Sediment Quality Evaluations. NJDEP. November 1998. NJDEP = New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; LEL = Lowest Effect Level; SEL = Severe Effect Level; LEL are ecological screening levels to be used in the Baseline Ecological Evaluation. Jones, D.S., G.W. Suter II, R.N. Hull. November 1997. Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Contaminants of Potential Concern for Effects on Sediment-Associated Biota: 1997 Revision. ES/ER/TM-95/R4 NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; ER-L = Effects Range-Low; ER-M = Effects Range Median; except where noted, effects levels are the updated and revised values from Long et al. (1995). FL DEP = Florida Department of Environmental Protection; TEL = Threshold Effects Level; PEL = Probable Effects Level. Source document is MacDonald (1994). Source document is Long and Morgan (1991). Total DDT is the sum of the concentrations of the o,p'- and p,p'-isomers of DDD, DDE, and DDT. LMW = low molecular weight and is the sum of the concentrations of acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, anthracene, fluorene, 2-methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene. HMW = high molecular weight and is the sum of the concentrations of benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysens, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, fluoranthene, and pyrene. Total is the sum of the concentrations of the aforementioned low and high molecular weight PAHs. Equilibrium Partitioning-Derived Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Nonionic Organic Chemicals Corresponding to Conventional Aqueous Benchmarks Conventional aqueous benchmars are presented in Suter and Tsao (1996). Estimated to 2 significant figures assuming 1% TOC. Estimated sediment quality benchmarks greater than 10% (100,000,000 µg/kg) not included because such concentrations are assumed unlikely to be exceeded under natural conditions [applies to bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and di-n-octylphthalate]. Denotes proposed EPA sediment quality criteria. Column C denotes polar nonionic compounds, for which the EqP model is likely to provide a conservative estimate of exposure. Most conservative (i.e., lowest) recommended value for reported configurations. BHC (other) is lowest of alpha-, beta-, and delta-BHC only. Source is USEPA (1995b) and Source is ATSDR (1989). Summary of Selected Toxicity Test- and Screening Level Concentration-Based Sediment Quality Benchmarks for Freshwater Sediments (u): ARCS = Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Program; TEC = Threshold Effect Concentration; PEC = Probable Effect Concentration; NEC = high No Effect Concentration from (USEPA, 1996a). (v): Ontario MOE = Ontario Ministry of the Environment; Low = lowest effect level and is the 5th percentile of the screening level concentration except where noted otherwise; Severe = severe effect level and is the 95th percentile of the screening level concentration except where noted otherwise; Source document is Persaud et al. (1993). Values for organic chemicals were normalized assuming 1% TOC. (w): Total DDT is the sum of the concentrations of the o,p'- and p,p'-isomers of DDD, DDE, and DDR. (x): 10th percentile of the screening level concentration. (y): 90th percentile of the screening level concentration. (z): Denotes tentative guideline. OSWER Sediment Screening Values (aa): Screening values are presented with the same number of significant digits used in the EPA source documents. (bb): OSWER = EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Ecotox Thresholds (ET). Only the most preferred ET, as defined in (USEPA,1996b), is presented (cc): ER-L = effects range-low and, except where noted otherwise, is from Long et al. (1995); SQC = the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the proposed EPA sediment quality criteria, assuming 1% TOC; SQB = the EPA sediment quality benchmark based EPA Tier II Chronic value (USEPA, Region IV, 1995b), assuming 1% TOC. Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) 1999. updated 2001. (dd): ISQG = Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines; PEL = Probable Effects Level (ee): Values expressed as ng TEC/kg; TEQ = units of Toxicity Equivalence Quotient Based on WHO 1998 TEF values for fish. Indicates that the chemical was listed in the guidance document but no value was provided. (10) Jones et al. (1997) sources: Long, E.R., and L.G. Morgan. 1991. The Potential for Biological Effects of Sediment-Sorbed Contaminants in the National Status and Trends Program , NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Suter, G.W. II, and C.L. Tsao. 1996. Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Aquatic Biota: 1996 Revision , ES/ER/TM-96/R2, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995c. National Sediment Inventory: Documentation of Derivation of Freshwater Sediment Quality , Office of Water, Washington, D.C. ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) 1989. Toxicological Profile for Selected PCBs , ATSDR/TP-88/21, U.S. Public Health Service, Washington, D.C. Persaud, D., R. Jaagumagi, and A. Hayton. August 1993. Guidelines for the Protection and Management of Aquatic Sediment Quality in Ontario, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy. Long, E.R., D.D. MacDonald, S.L. Smith, and F.D. Calder. 1995. "Incidence of Adverse Biological Effects within Ranges of Chemical Concentrations in Marine and Estuarine Sediments," Environmental Management 19(1), 81-97. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV. 1995b. Ecological Screening Values , Ecological Risk Assessment Bulletin No. 2, Waste Management Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IV, Atlanta, GA. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1996a. Calculation and Evaluation of Sediment Effect Concentrations for the Amphipod Hyalella azteca and the Midge Chironomus riparius , EPA 905-R96-008, Great Lakes National Program Office, Chicago, IL. USEPA, 1996b. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). "Ecotox Thresholds," ECO Update 3(2):1-12. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 15 of 15 2014 Table 2-2 Summary of Biota Tissue PRG Levels Protective of the Adult Angler Receptor Cancer Risk-Based Tissue Concentrations Based on Number of Fish and Crab Meals1 per Year for an Adult (ng/g) COPC TCDD TEQ 3 56 fish meals per year 12 fish or crab meals per year2 34 crab meals per year 1 x 10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 1x10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 1x10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 0.000039 0.00039 0.0039 0.000064 0.00064 0.0064 0.00018 0.0018 0.018 2.9 29 290 4.8 48 480 14 140 1400 Total Non-dioxin-like PCBs3 Classification — C Possible human carcinogen There is no quantitative estimate of carcinogenic risk from oral exposure. Methylmercury Non-cancer Hazard-Based Tissue Concentrations Based on Number of Fish or Crab Meals1 per Year for an Adult (ng/g) COPC 56 fish meals per year 34 crab meals per year 12 fish or crab meals per year2 0.0014 0.0023 0.0066 Total Non-dioxin-like PCBs3 40 66 190 Methylmercury 200 330 940 TCDD TEQ3 Notes: Concentrations are presented as two significant figures. COPC = contaminants of potential concern; HHRA = human health risk assessments; ng/g = nanograms per gram; NJDEP = New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; PRG = preliminary remediation goal; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Consumption of 12 fish or crab meals per year is an interim PRG. Indicates that the risk-based value exceeds the NJDEP advisory trigger level and would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. The NJDEP uses ‘do not eat’ values of 0.0077 ng/g, 240 ng/g, and 540 ng/g to set fish consumption advisories for TCDD TEQ, PCBs, and mercury, respectively. Use of PRGs that exceed these NJDEP advisory triggers would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. 1. For fish, 56 meals/year = ~1 fish meal every week (consistent with the HHRA ingestion rate [Appendix D]); For crab, 34 meals/year = ~1.5 crab meal every week (consistent with the HHRA ingestion rate [Appendix D]); 12 meals/year = 1 fish or crab meal every month. 2. 12 fish or crab meals per year is an interim PRG. 3. For Total Non-dioxin-like PCBs and TCDD TEQ, PRGs have been calculated for both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects. It is recommended that the toxicological effect resulting in the more conservative PRG be used to be protective of both types of health effects. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-3 Summary of Sediment PRGs Based on Human Health 1 Cancer Risk-Based Sediment Concentrations Based on Number of Fish and Crab Meals per Year for an Adult (ng/g) COPC TCDD TEQ3 Total Non-dioxin-like PCBs3 56 fish meals per year 2 34 crab meals per year 12 fish or crab meals per year 1 x 10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 1 x 10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 1 x 10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 0.000095 0.0016 0.022 0.00043 0.0050 0.058 0.00080 0.012 0.19 3.2 32 320 1.6 51 1600 13 170 2000 Classification — C (Possible human carcinogen) There is no quantitative estimate of carcinogenic risk from oral exposure. Methylmercury 1 Non-cancer Hazard-Based Sediment Concentrations Based on Number of Fish or Crab Meals per Year for an Adult (ng/g) COPC 2 56 fish meals per year 34 crab meals per year 12 fish or crab meals per year 0.0071 0.019 0.059 Total non-dioxin-like PCBs3 44 82 230 Methylmercury 550 45,000 67,000 TCDD TEQ3 Notes: Concentrations are presented as two significant figures. COPC = contaminants of potential concern; HHRA = human health risk assessments; ng/g = nanograms per gram; NJDEP = New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; PRG = preliminary remediation goal; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Indicates that the risk-based value exceeds the NJDEP advisory trigger level and would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. The NJDEP uses ‘do not eat’ values of 0.0077 ng/g, 240 ng/g, and 540 ng/g to set fish consumption advisories for TCDD TEQ, PCBs, and mercury, respectively. Use of PRGs that exceed these NJDEP advisory triggers would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. 1. For fish, 56 meals/year = ~1 fish meal every week (consistent with the HHRA ingestion rate [Appendix D]); For crab, 34 meals/year = ~1.5 crab meal every week (consistent with the HHRA ingestion rate [Appendix D]); 12 meals/year = 1 fish or crab meal every month. 2. 12 fish or crab meals per year is an interim PRG. 3. For Total Non-dioxin-like PCBs and TCDD TEQ, PRGs have been calculated for both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects. It is recommended that the toxicological effect resulting in the more conservative PRG be used to be protective of both types of health effects. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-4 Summary of Biota Tissue PRG Levels Protective of Ecological Receptors Category1 Residue-Based COPEC Mercury Total PCBs Total DDx 2,3,7,8-TCDD TCDD TEQ Lowest2 Dose-Based Invertebrate Fish Fish Embryo Bird Embryo Bird Mammal Invertebrate Fish Wildlife Overall 68 14 88 0.00044 NA 120 300 170 NA 0.0013 NA 0.036 80 100 NA 0.013 180 150 NA 0.086 69 250 NA 0.0014 68 14 88 0.00044 NA 120 300 170 NA 0.0013 69 80 100 NA 0.0014 68 14 88 0.00044 0.0013 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; CPG = Cooperating Parties Group; COPECs = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyls; PRGs = preliminary remediation goals; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient; NA – not available. “–” indicates that a PRG was not necessary for the particular combination of COPEC and receptor. Units in ng/g (ppb) wet weight. Bolded values are the lowest tissue PRGs by category and overall. 1. Biota PRGs were only developed for dioxins (2,3,7,8-TCDD and Toxic Equivalents [TEQ]), PCBs, Total DDx and mercury because these are the major ecological risk drivers and there are multiple lines of evidence developed to evaluate how alternatives would achieve clean-up goals for these COPECs after remediation. In addition, most active alternatives that are designed to address the major risk drivers would also address the other COPECs as well. 2. The lowest biota tissue PRGs summarized by receptor category and overall lowest ecological value. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-5 Summary of Sediment PRGs Based on Ecological Health Residue-Based2 Direct Contact1 COPEC Invertebrate Mercury Total PCB Total DDx 2,3,7,8-TCDD TCDD TEQ 260 110 8.6 0.0032 NA Invertebrate4 660 7.8 250 0.0033 NA Summary3 Dose-Based2 Fish5 Wildlife6 Wildlife7 Fish Wildlife Overall 320 82 1.4 NA 0.0011 22 0.30 NA 0.012 74 69 0.98 NA 0.0011 320 82 1.4 NA 0.0011 74 22 0.30 NA 0.0011 74 7.8 0.30 0.0032 0.0011 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; CBR = critical body residues; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; RI/FS = remedial investigation and feasibility study; HQ = Hazard Quotient; LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels; NA – not available/applicable; NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Levels; PCB = polychlorinated Biphenyl; PRGs = preliminary remediation goals; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Units in ng/g (ppb) dry weight; bolded values are lowest values for one or more receptor categories and included in the summary column. “–” indicates that a PRG was not necessary for the particular combination of COPEC and receptor. 1. Geometric mean value from Table 2-6 of Appendix E. 2. Sediment PRGs were calculated using appropriate equation in Attachment 1 of Appendix E. 3. Summary PRGs are the lowest values across different measurement endpoints (e.g., residue- and dose-based endpoints for wildlife) within a receptor category or across all receptor categories (overall). 4. Invertebrate values derived using the invertebrate tissue PRGs (Table 2-5 of Appendix E) as input to the appropriate equation in Attachment 1 of Appendix E. 5. Fish values derived using the fish tissue PRGs (Table 2-5 of Appendix E) as input to the appropriate equations in Attachment 1; selected value is the lowest estimated value derived using specified models for white perch, American eel and mummichog. 6. Based on CBRs for avian embryo tissue (Table 2-3 of Appendix E). 7. Wildlife values derived by dividing the sediment concentration by the sediment hazard quotient, assuming a target HQ of 1; selected value is the lowest of the great blue heron and mink model, and the PRG is the geometric mean of the NOAEL-based and LOAEL-based hazard quotient. 8. The sediment PRGs for wildlife were estimated using a general exposure model (Equation 3 in Appendix E) that included the consumption of contaminated prey but not the incidental sediment ingestion exposure pathway. The resulting sediment PRGs are protective of ecological assessment endpoints for COPECs such as those included in this analysis, that present primarily a bioaccumulation hazard. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-6 Background COPEC and COPC Concentrations in Sediment Analyte Units Concentration Inorganics Copper Lead ng/g ng/g ng/g PAHs 63,000 130,000 720 ng/g ng/g PCB Aroclors 7,900 53,000 Total PCB ng/g Pesticides/Herbicides 460 Dieldrin Total DDx Chlordane ng/g ng/g ng/g PCDD/F 5 30 23 ng/g 0.002 Mercury 1 LMW PAHs HMW PAHs 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; COPC = contaminants of potential concern; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; D/F = Dioxins/furans; HMW = High Molecular Weight; LMW = Low Molecular Weight; ng/g = nanograms per gram; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyls; PCDD/F = Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/furan; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. 1. All occurrences of mercury are assumed to be methylated for the purposes of this evaluation. 2. TCDD TEQ (D/F) is represented by the background concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-7 Estimates of the Cancer Risks and Non-cancer Health Hazards Associated with Background Sediment Concentrations for Consumption of Fish and Crabs Ingestion of Fish Adult COPC1 TCDD TEQ (D/F) Total PCB Methyl mercury 2 Child Combined Adult/Child Risk Hazard Risk Hazard Risk 1.0E-05 1.0E-04 ND 0.3 10 1 5.0E-06 6.0E-05 ND 0.5 16 2 2.0E-05 2.0E-04 ND Ingestion of Crab Adult COPC1 TCDD TEQ (D/F) Total PCB Methyl mercury 2 Child Combined Adult/Child Risk Hazard Risk Hazard Risk 4.0E-06 4.0E-05 ND 0.1 4 0.2 2.0E-06 2.0E-05 ND 0.2 6 0.3 6.0E-06 6.0E-05 ND Notes: COPC = contaminants of potential concern; D/F = Dioxins/furans; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient; ND - not determined because toxicity values are not available for this exposure route. 1. Cancer risk and non-cancer health hazard were estimated for background sediment concentrations for those COPCs with individual cancer risks above 10-4 and individual non-cancer health hazards above 1.0 in the remedial alternatives future risk assessment (Appendix D “Risk Assessment”). 2. TCDD TEQ (D/F) is represented by the background concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Although USEPA generally uses 1 × 10-4 in making risk management decisions, the upper boundary of the risk range is not a discrete line at 1 × 10-4 (USEPA, 1991a). A specific risk estimate around 1 x 10-4 may be considered acceptable if justified based on site-specific conditions (USEPA, 1991a). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-8 Summary of Hazard Quotients for Macroinvertebrate and Fish Receptors Associated with Exposure to Background Conditions COPEC Copper Lead Mercury LMW PAHs HMW PAHs Total PCB Dieldrin Total DDx 2,3,7,8-TCDD TCDD TEQ (PCBs) TCDD TEQ (D/F) Total TCDD TEQ Total (HI) Tissue/Critical Body Residues Sediment Benchmark Crab Generic Fish Mummichog Lower Bound Upper Bound NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL 2 4 5 10 30 10 6 20 0.6 100 0.7 1 2 3 6 1 2 0.7 0.6 20 1 0.2 1 0.2 1 30 3 0.4 2 40 0.6 0.05 0.7 0.02 0.1 8 0.6 0.2 0.2 10 6 0.5 3 0.7 0.5 7 4 4 2 2 30 1 0.05 0.6 0.07 0.05 2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 7 4 1 0.5 0.2 0.4 1 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.5 9 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.3 0.2 0.06 0.3 0.3 2 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; D/F = Dioxins/furans; HI = hazard index; HMW = High Molecular Weight; LMW = Low Molecular Weight; LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels; NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Levels; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-9 Summary of Hazard Quotients for Wildlife Receptors Associated with Exposure to Background Conditions Wildlife Dose Models COPEC Heron – Generic fish diet Copper Lead Mercury LMW PAHs HMW PAHs Total PCB Dieldrin Total DDx 2,3,7,8-TCDD NOAEL 0.3 4 1 0.09 6 0.3 0.06 3 - LOAEL 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.009 0.6 0.2 0.02 1 - NOAEL 0.2 4 0.6 0.07 6 0.05 0.01 0.3 - LOAEL 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.007 0.6 0.04 0.004 0.9 - NOAEL 0.4 1 3 0.002 0.6 4 0.6 0.1 - LOAEL 0.2 0.1 2 0.0006 0.1 4 0.3 0.02 - - - - - - - 0.05 0.05 10 0.005 0.005 3 0.02 0.02 10 0.002 0.002 2 5 5 10 0.2 0.2 6 TCDD TEQ (PCBs) TCDD TEQ (D/F) Total TCDD TEQ Total (HI) Heron – Mummichog diet Mink Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; D/F = Dioxins/furans; HI = hazard index; HMW = High Molecular Weight; LMW = Low Molecular Weight; LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels; NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Levels; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 2-10 PRG Selection Ecological PRG3 Cancer Threshold Sediment Concentration Based on Number of Meals per Year for an Adult3, 5, 6 Sediment PRGs2,6 Units 56 fish meals per year 34 crab meals per year 12 meals per year Noncancer Threshold Sediment Concentration Based on Number of Meals per Year3, 5, 6 Background Values6 Proposed Remediation Goals Chemical Lowest 1 x 10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 1 x 10-6 1x10-5 1x10-4 1 x 10-6 56 fish meals per year 34 crab meals per year 550 45,000 67,000 720 74 2000 44 82 230 460 44 - - - - - 30 0.30 0.012 0.19 0.0071 0.019 0.059 0.002 0.0071 1x10-5 Benthos Fish Wildlife 260 320 74 Wildlife 7.8 82 22 Benthos 3.2 32 320 1.6 51 1600 13 170 8.6 1.4 0.30 Wildlife - - - - - - - 0.0011 0.0011 Fish / Wildlife 0.000095 0.0016 0.022 0.00043 0.0050 0.058 0.00080 1x10-4 12 meals Above Dundee per year Dam 2007 Inorganics ng/g 1 Mercury Classification — C (possible human carcinogen) There is no quantitative estimate of carcinogenic risk from oral exposure PCB Aroclors ng/g Total PCB Pesticides/Herbicides ng/g Total DDx Polychlorinated dibenzodioxin/furan (PCDD/F) ng/g 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.0032 4 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; HHRA = human health risk assessments; HQ = Hazard Quotient; NCP = National Contingency Plan; NJDEP = New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; ng/g = nanograms per gram; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; PRGs = preliminary remediation goals; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient; USFWS = United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 1. All occurrences of mercury assumed to be methylated for purposes of this evaluation. 2. Derived as described in Appendix E. 3. Benthic benchmark derived by USFWS using sediment chemistry for Arthur Kill and oyster effect data presented in Wintermyer and Cooper, 2003. 4. For fish, 56 meals/year = ~1 fish meal every week (consistent with the HHRA ingestion rate [Appendix D]); For crab, 34 meals/year = ~1.5 crab meal every week (consistent with the HHRA ingestion rate [Appendix D]); 12 meals/year = 1 fish or crab meal every month; 6 meals/year = 1 fish or crab meal every other month; 2 meals/year = 1 fish or crab meal every six months. 5. Values rounded to the nearest 2 significant digits. Indicates that the risk-based value exceeds the NJDEP advisory trigger level and would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. The NJDEP uses ‘do not eat’ values of 0.0077 ng/g, 240 ng/g, and 540 ng/g to set fish consumption advisories for TCDD TEQ, PCBs, and mercury, respectively. Use of PRGs that exceed these NJDEP advisory triggers would not be protective or allow additional consumption of fish/crabs. -4 "-" indicates that the constituent was not identified as having carcinogenic risk above the NCP risk range of 10 or non-cancer health hazard above a HQ of 1 for human receptors; or a HQ above 1 for ecological receptors. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology Type Process Option Description Technically Implementable? Retained for Further Consideration? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes General Response Action: No Action Under No Action, no active remediation of any kind is implemented. The No Action response serves as a baseline against which the performance of other remedial alternatives may be compared. The NCP requires that No Action be considered as a potential remedial action in a feasibility study. No Action Under the No Action alternative in the FFS Study Area, contaminated river sediments would be left in place, without treatment or containment. In this FFS, NJDEP fish and crab consumption advisories, implemented under State authorities, would remain in place, but no new controls or monitoring would be implemented as part of a CERCLA response action. The CPG would continue to conduct the 17-mile LPRSA RI/FS. As described in Section 3.1.1, the NCP requires that No Action be considered as a baseline potential remedial action in a feasibility study. General Response Action: Institutional Controls Institutional Controls Institutional controls are legal or administrative measures designed to prevent or reduce human exposure to on-site hazardous substances. Institutional controls are already in place in the FFS Study Area in the form of NJDEP fish consumption advisories for PCDD/F and PCBs. Institutional controls such as fish consumption advisories, community outreach to increase awareness of fish advisories, limitations on recreational use, restrictions on private activities that disturb sediment, and dredging moratoria could be implemented as components of alternatives that also include active remedial measures. General Response Action: Monitored Natural Recovery Monitored Natural Recovery (MNR) Natural recovery refers to the decline in contaminant concentrations in impacted media over time via natural processes that contain, destroy, or reduce bioavailability or toxicity of contaminants. These naturally occurring mechanisms include physical phenomena (e.g., burial and sedimentation), biological processes (e.g., biodegradation), and chemical processes (e.g., sorption and oxidation). Changes in surface sediment concentrations over time indicate that natural recovery occurred in the last half of the twentieth century but has slowed considerably over the past fifteen years in the sediments of the lower eight miles (see Chapter 4 of the RI Report). MNR could be implemented alone or as a component of alternatives that also include active remedial measures. Monitored natural recovery includes implementation of long-term monitoring programs to track the ongoing, naturally occurring processes that contain, destroy, or reduce the bioavailability or toxicity of contaminants in sediments. General Response Action: Containment Capping Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Sediment containment is the physical isolation or immobilization of contaminated sediment through use of a barrier layer. It is usually achieved via the placement of a subaqueous covering or a cap of clean material over contaminated material that remains in place. Containment generally requires less infrastructure than sediment removal, in terms of materials handling, dewatering, and treatment (USEPA, 2005). For containment, as compared to removal, there is no need for transport and disposal of contaminated sediment (which is more costly when ex-situ treatment is required). Capping technologies require long-term monitoring and maintenance. Page 1 of 6 2014 Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology Type Process Option Description Technically Implementable? Retained for Further Consideration? No No Yes Yes No No General Response Action: In-Situ Treatment In-situ immobilization methods typically involve amending sediments in place with agents such as cement, quicklime, grout, or pozzolanic1 materials. These agents are mixed through the zone of contamination using conventional excavation equipment or a specially designed injection apparatus. Full-scale applications of in-situ solidification/stabilization of sediments are limited and have primarily focused on the improvement of the geotechnical properties of sediment for construction projects, as opposed to stabilization with the goal of contaminant mass remediation. The improvement of geotechnical properties of sediments in an area to be dredged may render the sediment more suitable for accurate dredging, and may also result in a stronger sediment bed which may not require sheet pile to maintain sidewall stability during dredging operations. If successful, solidification/stabilization might have the benefit of reducing resuspension during dredging, as well as improving the handling Immobilization characteristics of the sediment for transportation and disposal or treatment. The two most applicable case studies that were found during a literature search are the (solidification/stabili Minamata Bay project in Japan (Hosokawa, 1993), and a pilot study sponsored by NJDOT-OMR in the New York-New Jersey Harbor described below. zation) In-situ solidification/ stabilization of sediments in the New York/New Jersey Harbor was performed in a demonstration project in 2004 sponsored by NJDOT-OMR (Maher, Najm, and Boile, 2005). The project demonstrated a significant increase in the shear strength of the solidified/stabilized sediments (refer to Appendix F). However, such in-situ solidification/ stabilization may also result in adverse impacts on the benthic habitat and the release of gases (due to an exothermic reaction) which were observed but not measured during the demonstration. In addition, neither the Minamata Bay project nor the New York/New Jersey Harbor demonstration project provided sufficient data to evaluate the effectiveness of immobilization for the purpose of contaminant fixation. In-situ Treatment Sequestration is an innovative in-situ technology that involves the use of remedial agents like activated carbon, organoclays, apatite, and zeolites to reduce the toxicity, bioavailability and mobility of sediment contaminants. These agents are mixed into the sediment surface layer typically by mechanical means. Several demonstration projects have been conducted using various forms of activated carbon. Examples of such demonstration projects where sediments are contaminated with PCBs include the Grasse River in Massena, NY and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco Bay, CA. Sequestration2 Biological Treatment Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River SediMiteTM is a low impact system for delivery of remedial agents to the sediment surface. It is an agglomerate comprised of a treatment agent like activated carbon, a weighting agent, and an inert binder. The weighting agent enables the SediMiteTM granular material to sink to the surface and release the activated carbon which is then mixed by bioturbation. Examples of demonstration projects using this technology include the Bailey’s Creek project in Fort Eustis, VA and the Canal Creek at the Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, MD. Since many of the Lower Passaic River contaminants are either not biodegradable (particularly heavy metals) or are very persistent in the environment (e.g. , PCDD/F, PCB, pesticides), it is not considered feasible to implement in-situ biological treatment. Page 2 of 6 2014 Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology Type Process Option In-situ Treatment (cont'd) Chemical Treatment Description There are no known sediment applications of in-situ chemical treatment involving the injection and subsequent removal of chemical reagents to demonstrate effectiveness and implementability of forming less toxic by-products on a large scale. Technically Implementable? Retained for Further Consideration? No No General Response Action: Sediment Removal Excavation Excavation of contaminated sediment involves pumping or diverting water from the area to be excavated, managing the continuing inflow of water, and excavating contaminated sediment using conventional land-based excavators (such as backhoes). Excavation is considered both implementable and effective for mass remediation of sediments in the FFS Study Area. Yes Yes Dredging Dredging involves mechanically grabbing, raking, cutting, or hydraulically scouring the bottom of a waterway to dislodge sediment. Once dislodged, the sediment may be removed either mechanically with dredge buckets, or hydraulically by pumping. Dredging has been implemented at a large scale for the Hudson River (mechanical) and Fox River (hydraulic) sediment remediation projects, among many others. Yes Yes Ex-situ Treatment Ex-situ immobilization methods involve mixing setting agents such as cement, quicklime, grout, pozzolanic materials, and/or reagents with sediments in a treatment unit. Immobilization Sediments generally require some pre-processing, such as screening of oversized material prior to solidification/stabilization. This technology has been used in the Port (solidification/stabili of New York and New Jersey region with dredged material from navigation projects; examples include the Orion of Elizabeth New Jersey (OENJ) shopping mall zation) construction (Maher et al., 2003& Maher, 2009) and OENJ Bayonne golf course (Wilk, 2008). The potential for public concerns regarding beneficial use of immobilized dioxin-containing sediments would need to be thoroughly evaluated if this technology were selected. Yes Yes Ex-situ Treatment Biological treatment is a technique in which the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of a contaminated medium are manipulated to accelerate the natural Biological Treatment biodegradation and mineralization processes. Since many of the contaminants present in the FFS Study Area are either not biodegradable (e.g. , heavy metals) or are resistant to biological degradation (e.g. , PCDD/F, Total PCB, pesticides), biological treatment is not considered to be effective or feasible. No No Yes Yes General Response Action: Ex-Situ Treatment Physical/ Chemical Extraction Sediment Washing Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Sediment washing is a physio-chemical process that uses impact forces in conjunction with chemicals to desorb contaminants from solid sediment particles of all sizes. During this process, contaminants are extracted and concentrated into the sludge associated with water treatment. Depending on the reagents used, in some instances, contaminants may be oxidized. In a demonstration project sponsored by EPA and NJDOT using dredged material from the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, this process was shown to be implementable and potentially effective for some contaminants (see Appendix G), with the additional production of a beneficial use product which is a manufactured soil (BioGenesisSM Enterprises, Inc., 2009). Page 3 of 6 2014 Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology Type Technically Implementable? Retained for Further Consideration? Yes Yes Yes Yes Sanitary Landfill Cover A sanitary landfill cover is used to control odors and the waste from contaminated surface water runoff from precipitation. Restrictions are placed on the types of materials that can be used for this purpose. Sanitary landfills accept dredged material on a case-by-case basis. Given the restrictions placed on land disposal of PCDD/Fcontaining materials (refer to Appendix G), only a small portion of the dredged material from the lower eight miles would likely be suitable for landfill cover without treatment. Yes Yes Construction Fill This beneficial use option may be suitable for dredged material with low concentrations of contaminants (especially if the dredged material is subjected to a relatively low-cost treatment such as solidification/stabilization) or for more contaminated dredged material that has been more aggressively treated. One example of such beneficial use is for the OENJ Bayonne golf course redevelopment project in Bayonne, New Jersey (Wilk, 2008). Selection of this beneficial use option would require testing to demonstrate that risks from runoff and volatilization are within permissible limits. Yes Yes Mined Lands Restoration Dredged material can be beneficially used in the restoration of abandoned surface-mined lands and to restore, protect and enhance lands damaged by mining. The goal is to successfully use the dredged material to stabilize and re-vegetate the damaged lands, reduce acid mine drainage and restore the local ecosystem. The successful reclamation project at the Bark Camp Mine Reclamation Experimental Facility in central Pennsylvania demonstrated the effectiveness and the potential for the acceptance of large quantities of sediment. Yes Yes Process Option Thermal destruction Thermal Treatment Vitrification Description Thermal destruction is a controlled process that uses high temperatures (typically between 1,400°F and 2,200°F) to volatilize and combust organic chemicals. Thermal destruction has been demonstrated to be very effective in destroying organic contaminants such as PCDD/F, PCBs, and PAHs. The process is potentially implementable as there are several facilities in the United States (primarily in Texas and other western states) and Canada that operate on a commerical basis and are permitted to accept such waste materials. In a 2004 demonstration project sponsored by EPA and NJDOT using dredged material from the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, this process was shown to be implementable and potentially effective [Gas Technology Institute (GTI), 2008b], with the additional production of a beneficial use product (GTI, 2008a). This beneficial use product is construction-grade cement in which the non-volatile metals originally present in the sediment are bound via an ionic replacement mechanism. Volatile heavy metals – such as mercury – are removed from the flue gas as it passes through a bed of activated carbon pellets. Vitrification is a process in which higher temperatures (2,500°F to 3,000°F) are used to destroy organic chemicals by melting the contaminated dredged material to form a glass aggregate product. The glass aggregates can be used for beneficial use products such as hot mix asphalt, construction fill, cement substitutes and ceramic floor tiles. Vitrification has been demonstrated to be very effective in destroying organic contaminants such as PCDD/F, PCBs, and PAHs in dredged material. It is also one of the few technologies proven to be effective in treating the organic COPCs and COPECs in the sediment of the lower eight miles. Vitrification technology has been commercialized in facilities in Neenah and Winneconne, Wisconsin, among others. General Response Action: Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 4 of 6 2014 Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology Type Process Option Description Technically Implementable? Retained for Further Consideration? Yes Yes Yes Yes Options involving sediment removal from the Lower Passaic River will require some means of final placement after dewatering or treatment via ex-situ techniques described above. One of the placement options considered includes land disposal in off-site landfills. Sediments in the FFS Study Area contain many hazardous substances3 including, but not limited to, dioxins (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD), furans, DDT, PCBs, PAHs, mercury, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. However, as explained in EPA guidance, contaminated environmental media such as sediment is not in and of itself hazardous waste and, generally, is not subject to regulation under RCRA, unless it “contains” hazardous waste (USEPA, 1998c). USEPA has determined that the sediment in the Lower Passaic River does not contain a listed hazardous waste, so for purposes of offsite disposal, the sediment will be managed as either a nonhazardous or hazardous material based on whether it exhibits a RCRA hazardous characteristic (toxicity, reactivity, ignitability, or corrosivity), pursuant to 40 CFR Part 261, Subpart C. Non-hazardous material may be eligible for direct landfill disposal at a RCRA Subtitle D facility, depending on the facility’s permit. Off-site Landfill Land Disposal For the portion of the sediment that exhibits a RCRA characteristic (based on experience, this would likely be toxicity) RCRA regulations (40 CFR 268.48-268.49) allow disposal in a RCRA Subtitle C landfill without treatment as long as the underlying hazardous constituents (UHCs) do not exceed the alternative treatment standard (ten times the Universal Treatment Standards [UTS]) for soil or sediment. Because the average concentration of dioxin within the FFS Study Area is greater than the dioxin UTS of 1 ppb (40 CFR Part 268 Subpart D), it is anticipated that some of the sediment will require treatment for dioxin prior to land disposal or beneficial use. In that case, to comply with RCRA Land Disposal Restrictions, the sediment would be treated to reduce concentrations of UHCs by 90 percent, or meet hazardous constituent concentrations that are less than 10 times the UTS (40 CFR 268.48) whichever is greater. For soil that exhibits the RCRA characteristic of toxicity, the characteristic constituent would also be treated. See also “Guidance on Demonstrating Compliance With The Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) Alternative Soil Treatment Standards (USEPA, 2002c).” During design, a comprehensive waste characterization program will be implemented to identify the proportion of sediment requiring treatment prior to disposal or beneficial use. If the sediment does not contain characteristic hazardous waste with UHCs above 10 times the UTS, it is unlikely that the sediment will require treatment prior to land disposal. If treatment is required for dioxin, the most likely option is incineration but the use of other thermal destruction technologies described in Section 3.7 will be considered as well. In addition, land disposal must also comply with any additional conditions in the facility's operating permit. Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River CDFs are engineered structures enclosed by dikes similar to landfills, but specifically designed to contain sediment. CDFs may accommodate mechanically or hydraulically dredged sediments and can be designed and operated to accomplish both dewatering and encapsulation. CDFs may serve as final disposal sites or temporary storage or processing sites prior to sediment treatment. A CDF may be integrated with site reuse plans to reduce environmental risk and simultaneously foster redevelopment in urban areas and at brownfields sites. CDFs have been widely used for navigational dredging projects and some combined navigational/ environmental dredging projects, but are less common for environmental dredging sites due in part to siting considerations (USEPA, 2005). There are a number of factors that must be considered when siting a CDF including proximity to source area and adequate space to construct a CDF and ancillary facillities capable of accepting large volumes of contaminated sediments. Site restrictions (height, buffer zone, landscaping, depth to groundwater, depth to bedrock, wetlands and floodplains setbacks) could increase the footprint necessary to achieve the required disposal volume. Competing land uses may restrict the availability of suitable sites. Page 5 of 6 2014 Table 3-1 Initial Screening of Technology Types Technology Type Process Option Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Description Technically Implementable? Retained for Further Consideration? Yes Yes Yes Yes RCRA regulations exclude dredged material that is subject to the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which would govern disposal of sediment in a disposal area within the navigable waters of the United States, from the definition of hazardous waste. Further, if dredged contaminated sediment is consolidated within the Area of Contamination, which includes the Lower Passaic River, Newark Bay, and areal extent of contamination, LDRs are not triggered (see Appendix F). One of the placement options considered includes aquatic disposal in CAD cells. Confined aquatic disposal of dredged material has been practiced for many years, primarily for navigational dredging projects (Providence Harbor, RI; Boston Harbor, MA), but also for Superfund sites (New Bedford Harbor []). CAD involves placement of dredged material, deposited in depressions or excavated pits, or placed behind subaqueous lateral berms (at a nearshore location) followed by subaqueous covering or capping. If an engineered cap is used in conjunction with CAD at the disposal site, the potential need for armor in erosive areas must be evaluated, and cap maintenance would be required to ensure longterm chemical isolation of the disposed material. The final grade of a capped CAD cell would be similar to the adjacent subaqueous surface elevation. Aquatic Disposal Confined Disposal Facility (In-water and Nearshore) RCRA regulations exclude dredged material that is subject to the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which would govern disposal of sediment in a disposal area within the navigable waters of the United States, from the definition of hazardous waste. Further, if dredged contaminated sediment is consolidated within the Area of Contamination, which includes the Lower Passaic River, Newark Bay, and areal extent of contamination, LDRs are not triggered (see Appendix F). The placement options considered include aquatic disposal in in-water CDFs and nearshore CDFs. A CDF may be constructed as an in-water site (i.e., a containment island). An in-water CDF can be constructed with dikes or other containment structures to contain the contaminated dredged material, isolating it from the surrounding environment. The in-water CDF ultimately converts open water to dry land. A CDF may also be constructed as a nearshore site (i.e., in water with one or more sides adjacent to land). The Nearshore CDF converts open water to dry land. In some cases, a Nearshore CDF can be integrated with site reuse plans to both reduce environmental risk and simultaneously foster redevelopment in urban areas and brownfields sites (USEPA, 2005). Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; CPG = Cooperating Parties Group; COPC = contaminants of potential concern; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; EPA = Environmental Protection Agency; FS = Feasibility Study; FFS = Focused Feasibility Study; NCP =National Contingency Plan; NJDEP = New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; NJDOT = New Jersey Department of Transportation; NJDOT-OMR = NJDOT Office of Maritime Resources; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD/F = Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/furan; RI/FS = remedial investigation and feasibility study; UHC = underlying hazardous contaminant. 1. Pozzolan or pozzolana is a porous variety of volcanic tuff or ash used in making hydraulic cement. The cement is made by grinding pozzolan with hydrated powdered lime. Slag from a blast furnace is a form of artificial pozzolan that can also be used to make hydraulic cement. 2. This use of sequestration refers to in-situ remediation of contaminated sediment, however, the term sequestration is also used when discussing isolation of sediment under engineered caps. 3. Hazardous substances are substances that are considered severely harmful to human health and the environment. Many are commonly used substances which are harmless in their normal uses, but are quite dangerous when released. They are defined in terms of those substances either specifically designated as hazardous under CERCLA, commonly known as the Superfund law, or those substances identified under other laws. In all, the Superfund law designates more than 800 substances as hazardous, and identifies many more as potentially hazardous due to their characteristics and the circumstances of their release. Superfund's definition of a hazardous substance includes the following: · Any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance designated as hazardous under section 102 of CERCLA. · Any hazardous substance designated under section 311(b)(2)(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), or any toxic pollutant listed under section 307(a) of the CWA. There are over 400 substances designated as either hazardous or toxic under the CWA. · Any hazardous waste having the characteristics identified or listed under section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. · Any hazardous air pollutant listed under section 112 of the Clean Air Act, as amended. There are over 200 substances listed as hazardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act (CAA). · Any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture which the EPA Administrator has "taken action under" Section 7 of the Toxic Substances Control Act. 4. Hazardous waste is defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as a solid waste (or combination of solid wastes) which, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may: (1) cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating illness; or (2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. In addition, under RCRA, EPA establishes four characteristics that will determine whether a substance is considered hazardous, including ignitability, corrosiveness, reactivity, and toxicity. Any solid waste that exhibits one or more of these characteristics is classified as a hazardous waste under RCRA and, in turn, as a hazardous substance under Superfund. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 6 of 6 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost General Response Action: No Action No Action The No Action response is not effective in reducing the unacceptable human health and ecological risks currently posed by exposure to the contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area (see Chapter 7 in RI Report). In this FFS, NJDEP fish and crab consumption advisories, implemented under State authorities, would remain in place, but no Not Effective. new controls or monitoring would be implemented as part of a CERCLA response action. As described in Section 3.1.1, the NCP requires that No Action be considered as a baseline potential remedial action in a feasibility study. Easily Implemented. No short- or long-term costs. Yes. Easily Implemented. Low. Yes. As a component of alternatives that also include active measures. Readily Implementable. Yes. As a component of Short-term and long-term alternatives that also include costs are relatively low. active measures. General Response Action: Institutional Controls Institutional Controls The action is potentially effective for reducing risk to human health by limiting exposure but is not effective in reducing mobility, toxicity, or volume of contaminants. They do not reduce or alleviate ecological impacts. The effectiveness of institutional controls if implemented without active remediation is low because RAOs would not be met. Since compliance with fish and shellfish consumption advisories is voluntary, the reduction in risk to human health by limiting exposure may not always be achieved. Low Effectiveness. While institutional controls are easily implemented from a technical and administrative perspective, effective compliance by the public may be difficult to maintain in the long term. Studies have shown that despite the existence of advisories, some anglers will eat their catch. General Response Action: Monitored Natural Recovery (MNR) Monitored Natural Recovery (MNR) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River MNR includes monitoring to assess whether these natural processes are occurring and at what rate they may be reducing contaminant concentrations. Since contaminant concentrations in the sediments of the FFS Study Area have not declined substantially from 1995 to 2010 (see Chapter 4 in RI Report), MNR by itself may not be Not effective by itself. effective in reducing existing unacceptable human health and ecological risks to reach RAOs and PRGs for several decades (see Appendix B and FFS Section 3.1.3). Page 1 of 10 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost General Response Action: Containment There are practical limits to the application of capping to the Lower Passaic River due to its geometry (water depths), navigation needs and flooding concerns. Large sections of the river within the FFS Study Area contain fairly shallow shoal areas. In these areas, installation of an engineered cap of any significant thickness could move the shoreline as much as 20 to 50 feet toward the channel (reducing the effective width of the river), changing both the character of the waterfront and the hydraulic features of the shoals. Based on the preliminary hydrodynamic modeling described in Appendix B, placement of an engineered cap over the existing sediment bed will result in unacceptable flooding conditions. Thus, in-river capping may be impractical unless removal of an equivalent Capping Without thickness of sediment has been accomplished first. Capping also may not be feasible in the authorized navigation Limited Prior Not effective. channel unless enough sediment is removed to allow sufficient clearance above an engineered cap for purposes of Sediment Removal regular maintenance dredging. Therefore, capping without limited prior removal of sediment is eliminated from further consideration in this FFS. Not Implementable due to flooding concerns and obstruction of navigation channel and maintenance dredging. Moderate. No. Implementable with prior sediment removal in federal navigation channel and to address flooding concerns. Low to Moderate. Yes. In an estuarine system, capping of individual operational areas may have to be implemented incrementally over the duration of the project to avoid a final surface that is unacceptably re-contaminated by remobilization of contaminated sediments from adjacent, un-remediated areas. This constraint reduces an advantage over dredging that is typically realized in other settings with respect to the speed with which surface exposures are reduced. Capping Engineered Caps A wide variety of capping materials can be used to minimize or reduce leaching, bioturbation, and erosive transport of contaminants. Engineered caps are implementable, and many full-scale applications have been documented (Fox River and Hudson River). They are effective in reducing mobility of contaminants by isolating impacted sediments from the water column and reducing the exposure to fish and other biota but will not affect toxicity or volume of contaminants. Factors that may affect the effectiveness of an engineered cap include large groundwater fluxes, scour due to movement of ice chunks during spring thaw (ice rafting), possible damage due to watercraft navigation, and drying/cracking or freeze/thaw cycles on cap areas exposed during low-flow periods. Long-term monitoring and maintenance would be required to ensure that a cap remained effective despite these factors. The organic carbon content of the primary capping material may provide some sorptive capacity in an engineered cap allowing the cap to both physically and chemically sequester contaminants and increase its effectiveness. Effective. The implementability of engineered caps may be limited because of the navigation and flooding concerns. A variety of cap placement techniques are available (Palermo, 1991). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 2 of 10 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Armored Caps Description Effectiveness Engineered caps may use armor material to add physical stability in erosive settings (refer to Appendix F). The primary capping material is typically covered with stone or another armoring material such as articulated concrete mats. The armor would be designed to be effective in eliminating or reducing the erosion of the engineered cap; however, armoring along the channel bed increases bed friction and, consequently, may increase water depths during floods. Armoring may be required in navigation channels to overcome the erosion caused by propeller wash. The design of an armor layer should take habitat considerations into account (e.g. , appropriateness of Effective. angular versus rounded stone [see Appendix F]). Active Caps Retained for Further Consideration? Cost Implementable with prior sediment removal in federal navigation channel and to address flooding concerns. Low to Moderate. Yes. Effective. Implementable with limited prior sediment removal. Higher than engineered caps. Yes. Porous geotextile cap layers do not achieve sediment isolation, but are effective in reducing the potential for mixing and displacement of the underlying sediment with the cap material. Geotextiles allow the sediments to consolidate and gain strength under the load of additional cap material. They are effective in reducing the mobility Effective. of contaminants by isolating impacted sediments from the water column and reducing the exposure to fish and other biota but will not affect toxicity or volume of contaminants. Geotextile caps may be considered during the design phase, potentially in selected areas that otherwise do not have adequate strength to support a cap. Implementability over large areas may be challenging. Moderate. Yes, for areas that do not otherwise have the strength to support a cap. Armored caps are effective in reducing mobility of contaminants by isolating impacted sediments from the water column and reducing the exposure to fish and other biota but will not affect the toxicity or the volume of contaminants. Armored engineered caps are being used on the Hudson River and the Fox River and they have been shown to be effective, technically implementable, and administratively feasible. Capping (cont'd) Implementability Active caps (reactive caps) incorporate materials such as activated carbon, iron filings, apatite, or other agents into the capping material to enhance adsorption or in-situ chemical reaction. Organoclays® and Reactive Core MatsTM are examples of such products made by CETCO Remediation Technologies. They are effective in reducing mobility of contaminants by isolating impacted sediments from the water column and reducing the exposure to fish and other biota but will not affect toxicity or volume of contaminants. Active caps eventually lose their sorptive or chemically reactive treatment capabilities. Site monitoring would be required to determine whether the active layer should be replaced and the cap reconstructed to remain protective. Active capping is an emerging innovative technology that has shown much promise in bench-scale, and in limited example pilot-scale (Anacostia River Study, Washington DC) and commercial scale applications (Grand Calumet River, Indiana; Stryker Bay, Minnesota). Short-term results have shown that this innovative technology can be effective and is technically implementable and administratively feasible. Active caps are similar in size (thickness) to engineered caps and have raised similar concerns regarding navigation and flooding. Geotextile Caps Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 3 of 10 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Clay Caps Clay aggregate materials (e.g. , AquaBlok™) consist of a gravel/rock core covered by a layer of clay mixed with polymers that expand in water decreasing the material’s permeability. Geosynthetic clay liners (GCL) (e.g., Bentomat®) can also be used to place an impermeable in-situ subaqueous cap over contaminated sediments to provide scour and bio-intrusion protection. Such materials can also be used for maintaining slope stability. They Effective for scour and bioare effective in reducing mobility of contaminants by isolating impacted sediments from the water column and intrusion protection and reducing the exposure to fish and other biota but will not affect toxicity or volume of contaminants. maintaining slope stability. Implementable as armor layer Higher than engineered caps. to prevent erosion. A primary concern with the use of clay caps is their long-term performance (with respect to maintaining integrity) Effectiveness unknown over in areas of significant groundwater upwelling or diversion. Since the use of subaqueous clay caps over large areas large areas. has not been well documented, the effectiveness is unknown. However, clay aggregate material and GCLs may be technically implementable and administratively feasible as an armor layer to protect an underlying engineered cap from erosive forces while also reducing friction in erosive areas (compared to friction anticipated to be generated using stone armor). Thin Layer Caps Thin layer caps are similar to conventional caps using inert materials except that the cap thickness is typically less than 6 inches. Thin layer capping is an emerging innovative technology that has shown much promise in benchscale and limited example pilot-scale scale applications. Based on calculations performed using the Reible Model (Appendix F ), thin layer caps are not effective in providing containment of the contaminant flux for several Not effective. COPCs in most areas of the river. Thin layer caps are readily implementable and the material and construction costs are relatively low. Thin layer caps could be further evaluated during the design phase for use in selected lowenergy areas of the FFS Study Area with a lower contaminant flux. Capping (cont'd) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 4 of 10 Readily Implementable. Low. Retained for Further Consideration? No for overall capping material. Yes as potential armoring and slope stabilization material. No for overall capping material but may be evaluated in design phase for use in selected areas. 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost General Response Action: In-Situ Treatment A sequestration demonstration project on the Grasse River in Massena, NY was conducted in 2006 on a 0.5 acre area with PCB concentrations ranging from 5 to 15 ppm in surface sediments (Alcoa, 2006). Activated carbon was applied as a slurry to the surface sediments using three methods: 1) mixed using an enclosed tilling device; 2) layered without mixing; and 3) injected using two rows of hollow tines. After treatment with activated carbon and monitoring over a three year period, bioaccumulation in freshwater oligochaete worms was reduced by 69 to 99 percent compared to pre-amendment conditions and concentrations of PCBs in water at equilibrium with the sediment were reduced by greater than 93 percent at all treatment locations (Beckingham and Ghosh, 2011). In-situ Treatment Sequestration1 The demonstration project at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco Bay, CA was conducted in 2006 in a tidal mudflat where the surface concentration of PCBs was 2 ppm. At this site activated carbon was mixed into the sediment to a depth of one foot using commercial equipment. This three year project showed that the activated carbon amendment reduced the availability of PCBs to the water and biota without adversely affecting the natural benthic community of macroinvertebrates or releasing PCBs into overlying water. Effectiveness unknown in larger areas and sites with higher contamination. Implementability unknown in larger areas and sites with Low to Moderate. higher contamination. No. Implementable. Yes. A cost analysis performed as part of the study concluded that scaling-up this treatment method would reduce the costs of dredging and disposal by nearly 70 percent (Cho et al., 2009). Although these results appear to be promising, the effectiveness and implementability of this technology over the long term for other sites with larger contaminated sediment areas and higher concentrations of contaminants like the FFS Study Area are unknown. General Response Action: Sediment Removal Excavation Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Excavation technologies can be effectively used for mudflats and other smaller areas inside a sediment barrier like a sheet pile adjacent to the shoreline. The primary issue is preventing/managing the inflow of water in the Effective. excavation area, particularly in larger water bodies. Excavation is considered both implementable and effective for remediation of contaminant mass in the FFS Study Area. Page 5 of 10 Moderate to High. 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost Mechanical dredges remove sediments from the bottom of a waterway using dredge buckets. The mechanical dredges most commonly used in the United States for environmental dredging are the clamshell, enclosed bucket, and articulated mechanical dredges (USEPA, 2005 and USACE, 2008a). Mechanical dredging is currently being used for the Hudson River remediation project (General Electric, 2012). Dredged material either needs to be handled ex-situ or through aquatic disposal. Ex-situ treatment typically requires significant infrastructure be constructed to transport and unload, process, and dewater dredged materials; this infrastructure would likely require a large operational area near the dredging site. Mechanical Dredging Challenges associated with mechanical dredging include the presence of debris that could hinder productivity and the difficulty in accessing material to be dredged in shallow areas. While the presence of debris can prevent the proper closing of dredge buckets resulting in a release, mechanical dredging is more suitable for removal of such debris than hydraulic dredging. Dredging in shallow areas could require additional dredging to create an access path for the dredge platform. Effective. Implementable. Low to Moderate. Yes. Effective. Implementable. Low to Moderate. Yes. Effective in special situations. Implementable in special situations. Moderate to High. No for overall dredging, but may be considered for specific situations identified during the design phase. A Dredging and Decontamination Pilot Study was conducted in the FFS Study Area over the period of one week in December 2005. The pilot study provided data related to dredging accuracy, working time, productivity, and resuspension for a mechanical clamshell dredge bucket (LBG, 2012). Dredging Hydraulic Dredging Hydraulic dredges remove and transport sediment along with water as a pumped slurry potentially reducing sediment transportation costs. However, this can result in the generation of a large volume of water that would potentially need to be treated before discharge (likely back to the river). Hydraulic dredging is currently being used for the Fox River remediation (Tetra Tech EC, 2009). Dredged materials either need to be handled ex-situ or through aquatic disposal. Ex-situ treatment typically requires significant infrastructure be constructed to transport and unload, process, and dewater dredged materials; this infrastructure would likely require a large operational area near the dredging site. Challenges associated with hydraulic dredging include the presence of debris that could hinder productivity, encumbrances associated with pipelines needed to convey the dredged slurry and the difficulty in accessing material to be dredged in shallow areas. Hydraulic dredging is more susceptible than mechanical dredging to damage of the cutting equipment due to the presence of debris. The latter issue could require additional dredging to create an access path for the dredge platform. Despite these challenges, given the typically soft, unconsolidated nature of the sediment in the FFS Study Area, hydraulic dredging is a potentially effective means of sediment removal and conveyance. Specialty Dredges Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Specialty dredges have been designed to address project-specific issues, such as accessibility and resuspension. Although specialty dredging techniques exist that may be technically implementable, conventional dredges are generally more effective with regard to productivity and working conditions. Page 6 of 10 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost General Response Action: Ex-Situ Treatment Immobilization Solidification/ Stabilization Physical/ Chemical Base Catalyzed Treatment Decomposition Physical/ Chemical Extraction Ex-situ immobilization may effectively fix or bind contaminants in dredged material, and such immobilized dredged material has potential beneficial uses (including sanitary landfill cover, construction fill, and mined land restoration). In addition, solidification/stabilization of dredged sediments can be effective in controlling the moisture content and improving the geotechnical properties of dredged material depending on the additives used. Use of this technology is both technically implementable and administratively feasible. Effective. Base catalyzed decomposition (BCD) is a process developed by the USEPA that uses a combination of heat and sodium bicarbonate to treat soils and sediments contaminated with PCB and PCDD/F. Contaminated media are heated to above 630 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to partially decompose and volatilize the contaminants. The technology is better suited to small-scale applications and may not be implementable for the FFS Study Area. Not Effective. High clay content and high moisture content result in high treatment costs associated with BCD, and the capture and treatment of residuals may be difficult particularly when the contaminated medium contains high levels of finegrained material and moisture. Solvent extraction involves the use of an organic solvent as an agent to separate contaminants from dredged material. While solvent extraction can be effective in separating organic COPCs from sediment it is not effective for treatment of the inorganic COPCs that are present in the sediments of the FFS Study Area. Solvent extraction Solvent Extraction could be one step in a treatment train when combined with other treatment processes. Issues that affect the implementability of this technology are the number of passes required to meet the treatment goals due to the large fraction of fine-grained material and the requirement to dispose of spent solvents and related waste materials. Effective for organic COPCs. Not effective for inorganic COPCs. Sediment washing using the BioGenesisSM Enterprises, Inc. process was part of a sediment decontamination pilot study conducted with FFS Study Area sediments from the Harrison Reach in 2006 to 2007. The pilot study showed Effective for some Sediment Washing that the process was effective for some contaminants (see Appendix G) and implementable. However, the results of contaminants. a 2012 bench scale study (de maximus, inc., 2012) failed to show any reduction in dioxin and PCB concentrations in the highly contaminated sediments at RM10.9. Thermal Thermal Treatment Desorption Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Implementable. Low to Moderate. Yes. Not Implementable. High. No, sediments from the FFS Study Area are mostly finegrained. Implementability affected by number of passes to meet Low to Moderate. treatment goals. No. Implementable. Yes (as represented by the BioGenesisSM Enterprises, Inc. process). Thermal desorption is a treatment technology which is designed to remove contaminants from solid media by volatilizing them with heat at below-combustion temperatures [typically 200°F to 1,000°F] in a primary chamber. The desorbed contaminants are then treated in a secondary unit to control air emissions. The efficiency of thermal desorption decreases rapidly with increased soil moisture content and compromises the effectiveness of the Effectiveness compromised technology. Clay and silty soils and high humic content soils increase reaction time as a result of binding of Implementable. by high moisture content. contaminants (FRTR, 2002). Under the conditions present in the sediments of the FFS Study Area, thermal desorption is not likely to be implementable or cost-effective. While thermal desorption can separate organic COPCs from the sediment once it is dewatered, it does not treat metals and would have to be part of a treatment train combined with other treatment processes. The treated residue would need to be further processed to immobilize the metals. Page 7 of 10 Low to Moderate. No, sediments from the FFS Not cost-effective due to Study Area are mostly finegrained and contain high high moisture content. concentrations of heavy metals. 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Pyrolysis Thermal Treatment (cont'd) Thermal Destruction Vitrification Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost Pyrolysis is a form of chemical decomposition which is designed to remove contaminants from solid media by heating in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis typically occurs under pressure at operating temperatures above 800°F. The target groups of contaminants for pyrolysis are SVOCs and pesticides. The process has been effectively used for a wide range of organic COPCs (including SVOCs, pesticides, PCDD/F, PCBs, and PAHs), but it is not effective in destroying or physically separating metals from the contaminated medium. Under the conditions present in the sediments of the FFS Study Area, pyrolysis is not likely to be implementable or costeffective. In addition, high moisture content results in higher treatment costs (FRTR, 2002). Effective for organic COPCs. Not effective for metal COPCs. Not Implementable. Not cost-effective due to No. high moisture content. Thermal destruction using the Cement-Lock® process was part of a sediment decontamination pilot study conducted with FFS Study Area sediments from the Harrison Reach in 2006 to 2007. Although the demonstration process encountered some material handling problems, the thermal destruction process was generally shown to be effective and implementable. This process produces a higher value beneficial use product (EcoMelt®) that can be used to manufacture cement. Effective. Implementable. Moderate to High. Yes (as represented by the Cement-Lock® process). Vitrification technology forms glass by melting silica in the feed material. Most sediments have mineralogical characteristics suitable for this purpose. The Fox River sediment used for a pilot demonstration of this technology Effective. contained 60 to 80 percent silt with lesser amounts of sand and clay (0 to 40 percent each; USEPA, 2004). The process was shown to be effective and implementable and produces a higher value beneficial use product (glass aggregate) that is suitable for hot mix asphalt, construction fill, cement substitute, and ceramic floor tiles. Implementable. Moderate to High. Yes (as represented by the Minergy Corporation glass furnace technology process). General Response Action: Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments Sanitary Landfill Cover Use of dredged materials (either with or without treatment) at a given sanitary landfill must satisfy the federal, state Effective. and local requirements, be addressed in the facility's operating permit, and approved on a case-by-case basis. Implementable. Low. Yes. Construction Fill One example of such beneficial is for the OENJ Bayonne golf course redevelopment project in Bayonne, New Jersey. Use of dredged material (either with or without treatment) as construction fill would need to demonstrate Effective. that the material met the fill specifications and demonstrate that risks from runoff and volatilization are acceptable. Implementable. Low. Yes. Mined Lands Restoration The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation administers a program which eliminates health and safety hazards and reclaims lands and waters damaged by coal mining that occurred prior to passage of stricter federal reclamation laws in the 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). The goal is to successfully use the dredged material to stabilize and re-vegetate the damaged lands, reduce acid mine drainage and restore the local ecosystem. The effectiveness and implementability of this process option was observed during the successful reclamation project at the Bark Camp Mine Reclamation Experimental Facility in central Pennsylvania. Implementable. Low to Moderate. Yes. Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 8 of 10 Effective. 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Description Effectiveness Implementability Retained for Further Consideration? Cost General Response Action: Disposal of Dredged Sediments Off-site Landfill Land Disposal Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Landfill acceptance of dredged material is determined on a case-by-case basis because permit requirements are facility-specific. Off-site landfill disposal in a local non-hazardous landfill may be effective and implementable for Effective. less-contaminated, untreated dredged material from the FFS Study Area or for more contaminated dredged material that has been treated to an acceptable degree. An upland CDF may be considered as a final disposal site or as a temporary storage location prior to dredged material treatment. The organic material and open water (from undrained sediment during disposal) in the CDF may attract birds to the site potentially causing safety concerns related to air traffic (the LPR is located within 2 to 19 miles of three of the largest airports in the United States and in the flight paths of several runways). Secondary impacts associated with CDFs include lights, noise, odors, and vectors. The facility would operate 24 hours per day during dredging periods impacting area residents and local businesses near the site. The large volume of truck traffic would add to congestion on area roads and could damage roadways. The required footprint of the facility varies depending on the material characteristics. Unprocessed material (placed in the CDF without dewatering) generally has a high water content and low strength, limiting the height of the fill. Dewatered sediment has a higher strength meaning the facility can have a greater overall depth and smaller Effective. footprint. Buffer areas, surface water management facilties, wastewater treatment systems and other ancillary facilities will add to the space requirements. A lternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Dewatering material in situ (acres) 265 162 75 Dewatered material (acres) 128 79 43 While an upland CDF can be effective for disposal of dredged sediments, it would not be possible to site an upland CDF within the areal extent of contamination and therefore it would be necessary to obtain permits and other administrative approvals. The large amount of land necessary would make the siting process very challenging. Page 9 of 10 Implementable. Moderate to High. Implementability hindered by Moderate to High. siting challenges. Yes. No. 2014 Table 3-2 Effectiveness, Implementability, and Cost Screening of Technologies and Process Options Technology Type Process Option Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Description Effectiveness Compared to in-water or nearshore CDFs (see below), when constructing and filling CAD cells there is typically a reduced ability to control effluent, precisely place the material into the unit, and minimize sediment resuspension. However, impacts to aquatic and benthic habitat associated with use of a CAD cell are significantly reduced as compared to placement in a CDF, because the aquatic habitat can be restored at the disposal site after closure of the CAD cell (see Section 404(b)(1) mitigation analysis in Appendix F). The operation of the Newark Bay CDF (although referred to as a CDF, the Newark Bay facility is technically a CAD cell as defined in this document) near Effective. the Elizabeth Channel demonstrates that this option is technically feasible and implementable in the New YorkNew Jersey Harbor Estuary. Implementability Implementable. Retained for Further Consideration? Cost Low to Moderate. Yes. CAD cells may be implemented with solid phase controls, such as silt curtains or berms, in order to address concerns with potential sediment transport outside the CAD area during filling events. Aquatic Disposal In-water Confined Disposal Facility Although an in-water CDF can be effective, challenges to implementability include waterway impacts such as disruption of circulation patterns, impact on flooding, need for low permeability subgrade formation, and avoidance of buried utilities. In addition, because of the permanent loss of aquatic habitat, extensive mitigation would be required. See Section 404(b)(1) analysis in Appendix F. Nearshore Although a nearshore CDF can be effective, challenges to implementability are similar to those of in-water CDFs, Confined Disposal including waterway impacts such as disruption of circulation patterns, impact on flooding, need for low permeability subgrade formation, avoidance of buried utilities, and permanent loss of aquatic habitat. Facility Effective. Implementability hindered by siting challenges, permanent Moderate to High. impacts on aquatic habitat. No. Effective Implementability hindered by siting challenges, permanent Moderate to High. impacts on aquatic habitat. No. Notes: 1. This use of sequestration refers to in-situ remediation of contaminated sediment, however, the term sequestration is also used when discussing isolation of sediment under engineered caps. CPG = Cooperating Parties Group; COPC = contaminants of potential concern; EPA = Environmental Protection Agency; FFS = Focused Feasibility Study; FRTR = Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable; LBG = Louis Berger Group Inc.; NCP = National Contingency Plan; OENJ = Orion of Elizabeth New Jersey; PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCBs = Polychlorinated Biphenyls; PCDD/F = Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/furan; RI/FS = remedial investigation and feasibility study; RM = river mile; SVOC = semi-volatile organic compounds; USACE = United States Army Corps of Engineers; USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 10 of 10 2014 Table 3-3 Dewatering Methods Category Description Methods Advantages Disadvantages Concerns Specific to the Lower Passaic River Passive Relies on settling, surface drainage, consolidation, and evaporation to remove water Settling basins with underdrains; tanks, lagoons, surface impoundments; geotextile tubes Low cost; relatively small footprint when using geotextile tubes due to stacking ability Settling basins and tanks require large amounts of time and space and are not feasible for large dewatering projects; potential for air emissions Mechanical Input of energy to squeeze, press or draw water from sediments Belt filter presses, plate filter presses, membrane filter presses, hydrocyclones, centrifuges High processing rates, less time and space required Low to moderate operations and More equipment maintenance maintenance costs but higher than required than other dewatering passive or active amendment technologies categories Active evaporative Active amendment Availability of sufficient space in highly urban area; protection of the community from air emissions in a densely-populated area High energy cost to treat large volume of dredged material; protection of the community from air emissions in a denselypopulated area Artificial energy sources to heat sediments and remove moisture Flash dryers, rotary dryers, Can achieve the highest solids modified multiple hearth furnaces content (up to 90 percent) High energy costs; capture and treatment of air emissions Addition of pozzolanic material Portland Cement, quicklime, grout, Low cost, easily implementable ash Increase in volume, heat generated by exothermic reaction could Significant increase in already potentially volatilize mercury, large volume of dredged material PAHs and PCBs Notes: PAH = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaice River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 4-1 Factors Affecting Dredging Depth Requirements Dimension (Not to scale) Design Vessel Depth Authorized Channel Depth Armor Sand Assumed Dimension for FFS Basis for Assumption Depths vary with river Reasonably anticipated future use. mile Applicable References Lower Passaic River Commercial Navigation Analysis (USACE, 2010) New Jersey’s Position on the Future Navigational Use on the Lower Passaic River, River Miles 0 – 8 (NJDOT, 2007) 2' to 4' typical. Includes: freshwater effects (0.5' for brackish ports); 2' safety clearance; trim, wave, and shallow water effects. Engineering and Design – Hydraulic Design of Deep Draft Navigation Projects (USACE, 2006) 1' 2' to 3' typical. Depends on shoaling rate and cost effective maintenance interval. Engineering and Design – Hydraulic Design of Deep Draft Navigation Projects (USACE, 2006) Future Overdredge Allowance for Channel Maintenance 1' 1' to 3' typical. Expect payment for overdredging to be minimized because of potential for disposal costs. Engineering and Design – Hydraulic Design of Deep Draft Navigation Projects (USACE, 2006) Cap Protection Buffer 1' Future dredging operations may exceed overdredging payment depths. Buffer zone required to prevent dredging of the cap during future channel maintenance. Professional judgment; discussions with USACE; Guidance for In-Situ Subaqueous Capping of Contaminated Sediments (USEPA, 1998b) 2' Designs vary considerably. Erosional areas: 0.5' sand (top of armor), 0.5' armor, 1' sand (below armor; assumes 0.5' of consolidation). Non-erosional areas: minimum 2' sand (assumes no consolidation). Refer to Appendix F for cap concept design 0.5' 0' to 2' typical for environmental remediation projects. Vertical accuracy achieved during December 2005 environmental dredging pilot results: ±12 inches more than 90 percent of the time and ±6 inches more than 70 percent of the time. LBG, 2012 Gross Underkeel Clearance 3' soft bottom Advanced Maintenance Dredging Top of Cap Bottom of Cap Overdredge Allowance for Cap Construction Total in addition to authorized depth Dimensions Used for . FFS 1 5.5' Notes: FFS = Focused Feasibility Study; LBG = Louis Berger Group Inc.; NJDOT = New Jersey Department of Transportation; USACE = United States Army Corps of Engineers; USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1. When inventory may remain. Cap components as presented in this table do not include a habitat layer for restoration. The need for navigation is not anticipated in areas of mudflat reconstruction. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 4-2 Gross Cumulative Resuspension Fluxes in the FFS Study Area from 2030-2059 2,3,7,8-TCDD (kg) Total PCB (kg) Total DDx (kg) Mercury (kg) Alternative 1 - No Action 0.9 2100 230 3500 Alternative 2 - Deep Dredging 0.3 1000 100 1800 Alternative 3 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 0.5 1400 160 2700 Alternative 4 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 0.7 2000 220 3600 Alternative Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; FFS = focused feasibility study; kg = kilogram; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 4-3 Summary of Estimates for Remedial Alternatives Dredged Material Volume Alternative Volume of Material Required For Placement Dredged Sediment Volume [Cubic Yards] Backfill Material [Cubic Yards] Capping Material [Cubic Yards] Armor Material [Cubic Yards] Mudflat Reconstruction Material [Cubic Yards] 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative Net Present Value 1 Construction Durations Preconstruction Activities, DMM Dredging and Processing Capping/ Facilities Construction, and Backfilling3 Mobilization/ [Years] Demobilization [Years] Total Project [Years] Capital Dredge Material Management 2 Operation and Maintenance Construction Management and Contingency Total 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $549,000,000 $522,000,000 $18,000,000 $252,000,000 $1,341,000,000 $657,000,000 $1,967,000,000 $13,000,000 $608,000,000 $3,245,000,000 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $657,000,000 $1,460,000,000 $13,000,000 $491,000,000 $2,621,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD $408,000,000 $322,000,000 $45,000,000 $179,000,000 $953,000,000 $463,000,000 $903,000,000 $41,000,000 $324,000,000 $1,731,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $463,000,000 $784,000,000 $41,000,000 $297,000,000 $1,585,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, CAD $140,000,000 $116,000,000 $41,000,000 $68,000,000 $365,000,000 $154,000,000 $306,000,000 $39,000,000 $115,000,000 $614,000,000 $154,000,000 $299,000,000 $39,000,000 $113,000,000 $606,000,000 Alternative 1 - No Action 0 0 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-Site Disposal 9,681,000 4,304,000 1,021,000 1,799,000 141,000 0 - 1,960,000 707,000 - 96,000 46,000 916,000 407,000 207,000 3 3 3 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use 11 5 2 14 8 5 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; DMM = dredged material management. 1. Costs are calculated based on 2012 constant dollars. 2. Dredged material management costs include DMM operation and maintenance costs. 3. DMM scenarios B and C extend 6 months beyond dredging and capping activities. Costs are rounded to the nearest million. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 5-1 Summary of Total Cancer Risks and Child Health Hazards Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Deep Dredging with Backfill Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation1 Focused Capping with Dredging 1 for Flooding 2030 2023 2020 Alternative 1 No Action Alternative 2 1 1 2019 Year Fish Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) 2.00E-03 1.00E-03 5.00E-04 6.00E-06 9.00E-06 8.00E-06 3.00E-06 ND 4.00E-03 38 27 24 ND ND 0.1 0.04 1 90 65 50 45 ND ND 0.2 0.06 2 163 2.00E-04 2.00E-04 4.00E-05 3.00E-06 5.00E-06 4.00E-06 3.00E-06 ND 5.00E-04 3 4 2 ND ND 0.05 0.03 0.6 10 10 7 4 ND ND 0.09 0.05 1 22 2.00E-04 2.00E-04 3.00E-05 2.00E-06 4.00E-06 4.00E-06 3.00E-06 ND 4.00E-04 3 3 2 ND ND 0.05 0.03 0.6 8 7 6 4 ND ND 0.08 0.05 1 18 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 3.00E-04 5.00E-06 8.00E-06 7.00E-06 3.00E-06 ND 2.00E-03 20 19 15 ND ND 0.09 0.04 1 55 35 33 27 ND ND 0.1 0.06 2 97 Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) Risk Hazard (Adult) Hazard (Child) 9.00E-04 9.00E-04 1.00E-04 6.00E-07 1.00E-06 8.00E-07 2.00E-07 ND 2.00E-03 17 18 5 ND ND 0.01 0.002 0.3 40 29 32 10 ND ND 0.02 0.004 0.5 71 8.00E-05 3.00E-04 2.00E-05 1.00E-07 3.00E-07 2.00E-07 2.00E-07 ND 4.00E-04 1 5 1 ND ND 0.003 0.002 0.1 7 4 8 2 ND ND 0.005 0.004 0.2 15 7.00E-05 2.00E-04 2.00E-05 1.00E-07 2.00E-07 2.00E-07 2.00E-07 ND 3.00E-04 1 4 1 ND ND 0.002 0.002 0.1 6 3 7 2 ND ND 0.004 0.004 0.1 13 5.00E-04 7.00E-04 8.00E-05 4.00E-07 8.00E-07 7.00E-07 2.00E-07 ND 1.00E-03 9 14 4 ND ND 0.008 0.002 0.2 27 15 24 7 ND ND 0.01 0.004 0.4 47 1 TCDD TEQ (D/F) TCDD TEQ (PCBs) Total PCBs 4,4'-DDD 4,4'-DDE 4,4'-DDT Total Chlordane Methylmercury Total 1 1 1 Crab 1 TCDD TEQ (D/F) TCDD TEQ (PCBs) Total PCBs 4,4'-DDD 4,4'-DDE 4,4'-DDT Total Chlordane Methylmercury Total 1 1 1 Notes: DDD = dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane; DDE = dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; DDT = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; D/F = Dioxins/furans; ND = non-detect; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. 1. Sum of individual receptor risk results for the adult and the child. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 5-2a Sediment Benchmarks Hazard Quotients Based on Future Modeled Sediment Exposures Benthic Invertebrates Alternative 1 No Action 2019 Year Basis Alternative 2 Deep Dredging with Backfill 2048 2030 Alternative 3 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 2059 2023 Alternative 4 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 2052 2020 2049 Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Copper 5 2 4 1 0.1 0.05 2 0.6 0.1 0.05 2 0.7 3 1 3 1 Lead 8 3 7 2 0.2 0.07 3 1 0.2 0.07 3 1 5 1 5 2 Mercury 20 5 8 2 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.2 1 0.4 0.6 0.2 10 3 6 2 HMW PAHs 30 4 30 4 1 0.2 20 3 1 0.2 20 3 10 2 20 4 Total DDx 60 2 40 1 4 0.1 4 0.1 5 0.2 3 0.1 40 1 20 0.9 Total PCBs 2,3,7,8-TCDD Total HI 40 4 30 2 2 0.2 1 0.1 3 0.2 1 0.1 30 2 20 2 200 200 100 100 5 5 3 3 7 7 2 2 80 80 60 60 300 200 200 100 10 6 30 8 20 8 30 7 200 100 100 70 Notes: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; HMW = High Molecular Weight; PAHs = polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern. Future modeled concentrations for LWM PAHs and dieldrin are not available; therefore, future risks were not estimated for these COPECs. Discrepancies between the sum of the values for the individual COPECs (hazard quotients) and the total hazard index (HI) are due to rounding error associated with presentation of a single significant figure for all values. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 5-2b Critical Body Residues Based on Future Modeled Sediment Exposures Crab Tissue, Predatory Fish Tissue, and Mummichog Tissue Alternative 1 No Action 2019 Year Alternative 3 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 2 Deep Dredging with Backfill 2048 2030 2059 2023 Alternative 4 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 2052 2020 2049 Critical Body Residues - Crab Tissue Basis NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL 5 2 4 2 0.05 0.02 1 0.6 0.06 0.02 1 0.6 2 1 3 1 0.4 0.08 0.3 0.06 0.03 0.005 0.2 0.04 0.03 0.005 0.2 0.04 0.3 0.05 0.3 0.05 2 1 2 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.3 2 1 2 0.8 HMW PAHs 0.9 0.09 0.9 0.09 0.1 0.01 0.7 0.07 0.1 0.01 0.7 0.07 0.6 0.06 0.8 0.08 Total DDx 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.07 0.1 0.05 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 Aroclor, Total 60 20 40 10 6 2 6 2 9 3 5 2 40 10 30 9 2,3,7,8-TCDD Total HI 300 40 200 30 10 2 8 0.9 20 2 6 0.7 200 20 100 10 400 60 300 40 20 4 20 4 30 5 10 3 200 40 200 30 NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL Copper 20 3 10 3 0.4 0.09 6 1 0.4 0.1 6 1 9 2 10 2 Lead 0.9 0.09 0.7 0.07 0.06 0.006 0.4 0.04 0.06 0.006 0.4 0.04 0.6 0.06 0.6 0.06 Copper Lead Mercury Critical Body Residues - Generic Fish Tissue Basis 4 0.9 3 0.6 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3 1 0.2 4 0.7 3 0.6 0.4 0.04 0.4 0.04 0.02 0.002 0.3 0.03 0.02 0.002 0.3 0.03 0.2 0.02 0.3 0.03 Total DDx 6 1 5 1 2 0.5 2 0.5 3 0.5 2 0.5 5 1 5 0.9 Aroclor, Total 20 7 10 4 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.2 1 0.4 0.6 0.2 10 4 9 3 TCDD TEQ (D/F) 3 1 2 0.8 0.2 0.09 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 2 0.9 1 0.6 Mercury HMW PAHs TCDD TEQ (PCBs) Total TCDD TEQ Total HI 300 100 200 100 10 6 8 4 20 8 6 3 200 80 100 60 300 100 200 100 10 6 8 4 20 8 6 3 200 80 100 60 300 200 200 100 20 7 20 6 20 9 20 5 200 90 100 70 LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL Critical Body Residues - Mummichog Tissue Basis NOAEL Copper 10 2 9 2 0.3 0.06 4 0.8 0.3 0.06 4 0.8 6 1 7 1 Lead 2 0.2 2 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.9 0.09 0.1 0.01 1 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.1 Mercury 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.06 0.3 0.05 0.3 0.07 0.2 0.05 0.7 0.1 0.6 0.1 HMW PAHs 0.3 0.03 0.3 0.03 0.05 0.005 0.2 0.02 0.05 0.005 0.2 0.03 0.2 0.02 0.3 0.03 Total DDx 0.5 0.09 0.4 0.08 0.2 0.03 0.2 0.03 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.03 0.4 0.08 0.3 0.07 3 0.9 2 0.6 0.1 0.04 0.1 0.04 0.2 0.07 0.1 0.03 2 0.6 1 0.4 TCDD TEQ (D/F) 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.07 0.1 0.05 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 TCDD TEQ (PCBs) 30 10 20 10 3 1 2 0.9 3 2 2 0.8 20 9 10 7 30 10 20 10 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 0.8 20 9 20 7 50 20 40 10 4 2 8 2 4 2 7 2 30 10 20 10 Aroclor, Total Total TCDD TEQ Total HI Note: 2,3,7,8-TCDD = 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; COPEC = contaminants of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; D/F = Dioxins/furans; HI = hazard index; HMW = high molecular weight; LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels; NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Levels; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Future modeled concentrations for LWM PAHs and dieldrin are not available; therefore, future risks were not estimated for these COPECs. Discrepancies between the sum of the values for the individual COPECs (hazard quotients) and the total hazard index (HI) are due to rounding error associated with presentation of a single significant figure for all values. To avoid double-counting, the Total TCDD TEQ values, which are the sum of the dioxin/furan (D/F) and PCB congeners, were not included in the total calculations. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 5-2c Wildlife Dose Risks Based on Future Modeled Sediment Exposures Heron (general fish diet), Heron (mummichog diet), and Mink Alternative 1 No Action 2019 Year Alternative 3 Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 2 Deep Dredging with Backfill 2048 2030 2059 2023 Alternative 4 Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding 2052 2020 2049 Wildlife Dose Modeling - Heron (Generic Fish Diet) Basis Copper Lead NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.02 0.008 0.3 0.1 0.02 0.009 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 7 0.7 6 0.6 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 4 0.4 4 0.4 Mercury 3 1 2 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.2 2 1 1 0.7 HPAHs 5 0.5 5 0.5 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 3 0.3 4 0.4 Total DDx 5 2 4 1 2 0.6 2 0.6 2 0.7 2 0.6 4 1 3 1 Total PCBs 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 TCDD TEQ (PCBs) 7 0.7 4 0.4 0.3 0.03 0.3 0.03 0.5 0.05 0.3 0.03 4 0.4 3 0.3 TCDD TEQ (D/F) 10 1 7 0.7 0.4 0.04 0.3 0.03 0.5 0.05 0.2 0.02 6 0.6 4 0.4 Total TCDD TEQ 20 2 10 1 0.8 0.08 0.6 0.06 1 0.1 0.5 0.05 10 1 7 0.7 Total HI 40 7 30 5 4 1 9 2 4 1 9 2 20 5 20 4 NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.02 0.007 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.008 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 Lead 7 0.7 6 0.6 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 4 0.4 4 0.4 Mercury 1 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.09 0.2 0.08 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.08 1 0.5 0.6 0.3 HPAHs 5 0.5 5 0.5 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 0.2 0.02 3 0.3 3 0.3 4 0.4 Total DDx 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.04 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 Total PCBs 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.07 0.008 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.01 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05 Wildlife Dose Modeling - Heron (Mummichog Diet) Basis Copper TCDD TEQ (PCBs) 2 0.2 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.2 0.02 0.09 0.009 1 0.1 0.7 0.07 TCDD TEQ (D/F) 2 0.2 2 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.09 0.009 0.2 0.02 0.07 0.007 1 0.1 1 0.1 Total TCDD TEQ 4 0.4 3 0.3 0.2 0.02 0.2 0.02 0.3 0.03 0.2 0.02 2 0.2 2 0.2 Total HI 20 3 10 2 1 0.2 7 0.8 1 0.3 7 0.8 10 2 10 2 LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL NOAEL LOAEL Wildlife Dose Modeling - Mink (Generic Fish Diet) Basis NOAEL Copper 1 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.02 0.01 0.4 0.2 0.02 0.01 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.3 Lead 2 0.2 2 0.2 0.07 0.007 0.8 0.08 0.07 0.007 0.9 0.09 1 0.1 1 0.1 Mercury 5 3 3 2 1 0.8 1 0.7 2 1 1 0.7 4 2 3 2 HPAHs 0.4 0.09 0.4 0.09 0.02 0.004 0.3 0.06 0.02 0.004 0.3 0.06 0.3 0.05 0.4 0.08 Total DDx 0.1 0.03 0.1 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.1 0.03 0.1 0.02 Total PCBs 10 10 8 7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.3 8 7 5 5 TCDD TEQ (PCBs) 100 3 60 2 7 0.3 10 0.4 10 0.4 9 0.3 70 2 50 2 TCDD TEQ (D/F) 900 30 600 20 40 1 20 0.9 50 2 20 0.7 500 20 300 10 Total TCDD TEQ 1000 30 700 20 40 2 30 1 60 2 30 1 500 20 400 10 Total HI 1000 50 700 30 50 3 30 3 60 4 30 2 600 30 400 20 Notes: COPECs = chemicals of potential ecological concern; DDx = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; D/F = Dioxins/furans; HPAH = High-Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Levels; NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Levels; PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl; TCDD TEQ = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Equivalency Quotient. Future modeled concentrations for LWM PAHs and dieldrin are not available; therefore, future risks were not estimated for these COPECs. Discrepancies between the sum of the values for the individual COPECs (hazard quotients) and the total hazard index (HI) are due to rounding error associated with presentation of a single significant figure for all values. To avoid double-counting, the Total TCDD TEQ values, which are the sum of the dioxin/furan (D/F) and PCB congeners, were not included in the total calculations. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 5-3 Summary of Present Value Estimates Present Value Costs Alternative 2 Capital Alternative 1: No Action DMM 3,4 O&M 5 1 Contingency Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD $549,000,000 $522,000,000 $18,000,000 $252,000,000 $1,341,000,000 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Off-Site Disposal $657,000,000 $1,967,000,000 $13,000,000 $608,000,000 $3,245,000,000 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario C: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $657,000,000 $1,460,000,000 $13,000,000 $491,000,000 $2,621,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD $408,000,000 $322,000,000 $45,000,000 $179,000,000 $953,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal $463,000,000 $903,000,000 $41,000,000 $324,000,000 $1,731,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $463,000,000 $784,000,000 $41,000,000 $297,000,000 $1,585,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, CAD $140,000,000 $116,000,000 $41,000,000 $68,000,000 $365,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-Site Disposal $154,000,000 $306,000,000 $39,000,000 $115,000,000 $614,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario C: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $154,000,000 $299,000,000 $39,000,000 $113,000,000 $606,000,000 Notes: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal. 1. Present value costs calculated using a seven percent discount rate and project schedule shown in Figure 1-1 in Appendix H. Values are rounded to the nearest million. 2. Capital Costs includes Construction Management. 3. DMM = Dredged Material Management (includes Construction Management). 4. Total DMM Costs = DMM Capital Cost + DMM O&M Costs. 5. O&M = Operation and Maintenance. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Alternative 1- No Action Alternative Description Under Superfund, the No Action Alternative is considered as a baseline for comparison with other alternatives. Active remedial measures like containment, removal, disposal, or treatment of contaminated sediments are not included. NJDEP fish and crab consumption advisories, implemented under state authorities, would remain in place. No institutional controls would be implemented as part of a CERCLA remedial action. Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement Alternative 2 is a bank-to-bank remedy. Mechanical dredging of predominantly fine-grained sediments throughout the FFS Study Area to varying depths would be followed by placing two feet of backfill material. The existing federal navigation channel would be dredged to 33 feet MLW from RM0.0 to RM2.6; 23 feet MLW from RM2.6 to RM4.6; 19 feet MLW from RM4.6 to RM8.1; and 13 feet MLW from RM8.1 to RM8.3. The resulting elevations would accommodate continued use of the navigation channel to its federally-authorized depths. Shoal areas would be dredged to varying depths ranging from 3 to 19.5 feet. The total volume removed under Alternative 2 would be 9.7 MCY. Disturbed mudflats would be reconstructed to original grade with the top foot as mudflat reconstruction material. Surrounding areas would be regraded to restore hydrologic conditions. MNR would be implemented including monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue after construction to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Institutional controls would include enhanced outreach activities to educate community members about NJDEP’s fish and crab consumption advisories. Dredged materials would be managed by one of three possible approaches: ï‚· DMM Scenario A: Confined Aquatic Disposal ï‚· DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal ï‚· DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Alternative 3 is a bank-to-bank remedy. Mechanical dredging of predominantly fine-grained sediments throughout the FFS Study Area of the river to varying depths would be followed by construction of an engineered cap or placement of backfill (as appropriate). Select areas of the engineered cap would be armored to prevent erosion during high flow events. Alternative 4 is a remedy that is less than bank-to-bank in scope. Mechanical dredging in areas having the highest gross or net contaminant flux based on modeling results would be followed by construction of engineered caps over the dredged areas. Select areas of the engineered caps would be armored to prevent erosion during high flow events. The Alternative 4 footprint covers approximately one third of the FFS Study Area. The existing federal navigation channel would be dredged to RM 2.2 with depths of 33 feet MLW from RM0 to RM1.2, 30.5 feet MLW from RM1.2 to RM1.7, and 25.5 feet MLW from RM1.7 to RM2.2. The resulting elevations would accommodate continued use of the navigation channel in RM0 to RM2.2 with final depths of 30 feet MLW from RM0 to RM1.2, 25 feet MLW from RM1.2 to RM1.7, and 20 feet MLW from RM1.7 to RM2.2 (refer to Chapter 4). Between RM2.2 and RM8.3, enough dredging would be performed to allow capping without causing additional flooding and to accommodate recreational use of the river. This would mean dredging approximately 2.5 feet below the sediment surface. The total volume removed under Alternative 3 would be 4.3 MCY. Alternative 3 would require modification of the navigation channel from RM1.2 to RM2.2, and deauthorization of the navigation channel above RM2.2 under the federal River and Harbors Act through USACE procedures and Congressional action. Disturbed mudflats would be reconstructed by removing 2.5 feet and replacing it with one foot of sand and one foot of mudflat reconstruction material. MNR would be implemented including monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue after construction to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Institutional controls would include enhanced outreach activities to educate community members about NJDEP’s fish and crab consumption advisories, and restrictions on private and recreational activities that would disturb the engineered cap. Dredged materials would be managed by one of three possible approaches: ï‚· DMM Scenario A: Confined Aquatic Disposal ï‚· DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal ï‚· DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use Overall Protection of Human Health and the Environment With no change in current conditions, unacceptable risks to human health and the environment in the FFS Study Area would continue to exist. Resuspension of contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area of the Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River The dominant risks and hazards to human health and ecological receptors posed by the sediments with COPCs and COPECs would be significantly reduced soon after remediation is completed (2029). Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, would be protective of human health and the environment and effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs relatively shortly beyond the 30-year Dredging would be to a depth of 2.5 feet below sediment surface and sufficient to allow capping without causing additional flooding. The total volume removed under Alternative 4 would be 1 MCY. Alternative 4 would not include any dredging to accommodate the continued use of the federally-authorized navigation channel. Since the depths after remediation would be shallower than the authorized channel depth from RM0 to RM8.3, it would be necessary to obtain deauthorization of the federal navigation channel under the federal River and Harbors Act through USACE procedures and Congressional action. Disturbed mudflats would be reconstructed by removing 2.5 feet and replacing it with one foot of sand and one foot of mudflat reconstruction material. MNR would be implemented including monitoring of the water column, sediment, and biota tissue after construction to determine the degree to which they are recovering to PRGs. Institutional controls would include enhanced outreach activities to educated community members about NJDEP’s fish and crab consumption advisories, and restrictions on private and recreational activities that would disturb the engineered cap. Dredged materials would be managed by one of three possible approaches: ï‚· DMM Scenario A: Confined Aquatic Disposal ï‚· DMM Scenario B: Off-Site Disposal ï‚· DMM Scenario C: Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use The engineered cap would be effective in containing the release of COPCs and COPECs into the surface water. The dominant carcinogenic risks to human health and ecological receptors posed by the sediments with COPCs and COPECs would be significantly reduced soon after remediation is completed (2022). The discrete areas of the FFS Study Area that release the most contaminants into the water column would be addressed, sequestering the sediment in those areas under the cap. However, COPCs and COPECs would continue to be released into the surface water from the uncapped areas. Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR and institutional controls, Alternative 4, even with MNR and institutional controls, would not be Page 1 of 7 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Alternative 1- No Action river would continue to release contaminants into the surface water, further contaminating Newark Bay and the upstream portion of the river. The No Action Alternative would not be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs over the 30-year model forecast period or relatively shortly beyond that period. Cancer risks would remain an order of magnitude above the acceptable risk range of 1 × 10ï€4 and 1 × 10ï€6 (Table 5-1). Noncancer Hazard Index (30-year exposure duration) ï‚· Fish: Adult: 90; Child: 163 ï‚· Crab: Adult: 40; Child: 71 (Table 5-1) The sum of hazard quotients post remedy and 30 years later would range from: ï‚· 40 to 300 for benthic invertebrates ï‚· 10 to 200 for fish ï‚· 2 to 700 for wildlife Body residues and wildlife HI totals would be an order of magnitude greater than Alternatives 2 and 3 and approximately double those of Alternative 4. No significant recovery in surface sediment contaminant concentrations between RM8.3 and RM17. Cumulative flux of contaminants from the FFS Study Area to Newark Bay is higher than corresponding values under Alternatives 2 and 3. The model shows that spikes in contaminant concentrations correlate to storm events. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding model forecast period. would be protective of human health and the environment and effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs relatively shortly beyond the 30-year model forecast period, assuming the engineered cap is maintained in perpetuity. protective of human health and the environment and would not be effective in meeting the RAOs and PRGs in the foreseeable future. Total cancer risks for Alternative 2 would be 5 x 10-4 and 4 x 10-4 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, in the 30-year period after construction. Total cancer risks for Alternative 3 would be 4 x 10-4 and 3 x 10-4 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, in the 30-year period after construction. Total cancer risks for Alternative 4 would be 2 x 10-3 and 1 x 10-3 for fish and crab consumption, respectively, in the 30-year period after construction. Noncancer Hazard Index (30-year exposure duration) ï‚· Fish: Adult: 10; Child: 22 ï‚· Crab: Adult: 7; Child: 15 (Table 5-1) Noncancer Hazard Index (30-year exposure duration) ï‚· Fish: Adult: 8; Child: 18 ï‚· Crab: Adult: 6; Child: 13 (Table 5-1) Noncancer Hazard Index (30-year exposure duration) ï‚· Fish: Adult 55; Child: 97 ï‚· Crab: Adult: 27; Child: 47 (Table 5-1) The sums of hazard quotients for benthic invertebrates would be an order of magnitude lower for Alternative 2 post remedy and 30 years later, as compared to Alternatives 1 and 4. The sums of hazard quotients for benthic invertebrates would be an order of magnitude lower for Alternative 3 post remedy and 30 years later as compared to Alternatives 1 and 4. Body residues and wildlife HI totals would be an order of magnitude lower than Alternatives 1 and 4 and approximately the same as Alternative 3. Body residues and wildlife HI totals would be an order of magnitude lower than Alternatives 1 and 4 and approximately the same as Alternative 2. The sum of hazard quotients post remedy and 30 years later would range from: ï‚· 30 to 200 for benthic invertebrates ï‚· 10 to 100 for fish ï‚· 2 to 400 for wildlife Values can be found in Tables 5-2a through 5-2c. Values can be found in Tables 5-2a through 5-2c. Body residues and wildlife HI totals would be an order of magnitude greater than Alternatives 2 and 3 and approximately half those of Alternative 1. Once active remediation is completed, the influx, mixing and deposition of sediment, originating from freshwater flow over Dundee Dam, from resuspended sediment between the dam and RM8.3, and tidal exchange with Newark Bay, would determine the extent to which the sediment surface in the FFS Study Area is recontaminated. Once active remediation is completed, the influx, mixing and deposition of sediment, originating from freshwater flow over Dundee Dam, from resuspended sediment between the dam and RM8.3, and tidal exchange with Newark Bay, would determine the extent to which the sediment surface in the FFS Study Area is recontaminated. Because two-thirds of the contaminated sediment surface area in the FFS Study Area remains exposed, this material would serve as an ongoing source of contaminants in the FFS Study Area as well as potentially impacting sediment quality in Newark Bay and upstream of RM8.3. Since the contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area are a major contributor of contamination to the river above RM8.3 and to Newark Bay, remediation would substantially reduce that major source of contamination to those areas, thereby reducing the contamination brought back into the FFS Study Area from those areas over time for most COPCs and COPECs. Since the contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area are a major contributor of contamination to the river above RM8.3 and to Newark Bay, remediation would substantially reduce that major source of contamination to those areas, thereby reducing the contamination brought back into the FFS Study Area from those areas over time for most COPCs and COPECs. The presence of the remaining exposed contaminated sediments would keep the FFS Study Area from recovering fully and would contribute to continued contamination to the surrounding areas. Page 2 of 7 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Compliance with ARARs Alternative 1- No Action Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No federal or state chemical-specific sediment quality ARARs for the FFS Study Area. No federal or state chemical-specific sediment quality ARARs for the FFS Study Area. PRGs were specifically developed for the FFS Study Area. No federal or state chemical-specific sediment quality ARARs for the FFS Study Area. PRGs were specifically developed for the FFS Study Area. No federal or state chemical-specific sediment quality ARARs for the FFS Study Area. PRGs were specifically developed for the FFS Study Area. Does not comply with federal or state surface water quality ARARs for the entire 30-year forecast period. Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. This FFS only addresses the sediments portion of the Lower Passaic River; compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. This FFS only addresses the sediments portion of the Lower Passaic River; compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. Although remediation of contaminated sediment would contribute to improved water quality, implementation would be unlikely to achieve compliance with ARARs in the water column. This FFS only addresses the sediments portion of the Lower Passaic River; compliance with surface water ARARs would more likely be achieved after additional response actions have been implemented. Would satisfy all the location-specific and action-specific ARARs and TBCs. 9.7 million cy of contaminated sediments removed from the FFS Study Area would no longer contaminate surface sediments and biota or pose unacceptable impacts to humans and the environment after construction is completed in 2029. Would satisfy all the location-specific and action-specific ARARs and TBCs. The contaminated sediments in the FFS Study Area would be sequestered under the bank to bank engineered cap, so that resuspension of contaminated sediments from the FFS Study Area would no longer contaminate surface sediments and biota or pose unacceptable impacts to humans and the environment after construction is completed in 2022. During the 30-year period after construction, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations: ï‚· of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs and mercury, would decline significantly and fluctuate around the proposed remediation goals, depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. ï‚· of Total DDx, would decline significantly, approaching and fluctuating near a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Would satisfy all the location-specific and action-specific ARARs and TBCs. Not effective in substantially reducing impacts to humans and the surrounding environment due to remaining exposed contaminated sediments. NJDEP’s existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories, which rely on voluntary compliance, would be enhanced by additional outreach to improve their effectiveness in reducing risk to human health. Advisories are ineffective in reducing risk for ecological receptors. Additional restrictions imposed on private activities that disturb sediment, such as vessel speed reductions, limitations on anchoring and limitations on recreational use of the river, would be required to protect the engineered cap in perpetuity. NJDEP’s existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories, which rely on voluntary compliance, would be enhanced by additional outreach to improve their effectiveness in reducing risk to human health. Advisories are ineffective in reducing risk for ecological receptors. Action-specific ARARs do not apply. No location-specific ARARs are applicable to this alternative. Long-Term Effectiveness and Permanence Continued degradation of surficial sediments and surface water with no effective remedial outcome. Magnitude of Residual Risks The magnitude of residual risks essentially remains the same, with future changes occurring only through natural processes. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD surface sediment concentrations in the FFS Study Area would remain well over an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Total PCB and mercury surface sediment concentrations would remain over an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Total DDx would remain over two orders of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Adequacy of Controls Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement No controls would be implemented as part of a CERCLA response action. NJDEP’s existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories, implemented under state authorities, rely on voluntary compliance. They are somewhat effective in reducing risk to human health, but some anglers still eat their catch despite the advisories. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River During the 30-year period after construction, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations: ï‚· of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs and mercury, would decline significantly and fluctuate around the proposed remediation goals, depending on the magnitude and frequency of storm events. ï‚· of Total DDx, would decline significantly, approaching and fluctuating near a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. NJDEP’s existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories, which rely on voluntary compliance, would be enhanced by additional outreach to improve their effectiveness in reducing the risk to human health. Advisories are ineffective in reducing risk for ecological receptors. Removal of all contaminated sediments would result in an eventual decrease in the risk of exposure to ecological receptors. MNR would reduce exposure risks to the ecosystem over time. Removal of some of the contaminated sediments and sequestration of the remaining sediments would result in an eventual decrease in the risk Page 3 of 7 During the 30-year period after construction, FFS Study Area surface sediment concentrations for 2,3,7,8-TCDD would remain well over an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Total PCB and mercury surface sediment concentrations would remain an order of magnitude above proposed remediation goals while Total DDx would remain two orders of magnitude above the proposed remediation goal. Residual risks remain because of the resuspension of contaminated sediments from the two-thirds of the FFS Study Area that remain unremediated. Additional restrictions imposed on private activities that disturb sediment, such as vessel speed reductions, limitations on anchoring and limitations on recreational use of the river, would be required to protect the engineered caps in perpetuity. Removal and capping of a fraction of contaminated sediments would result in an eventual decrease but not elimination of the risk of exposure to ecological receptors. 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Alternative 1- No Action Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Advisories are ineffective in reducing risk for ecological receptors. of exposure to ecological receptors. Sediment removal and backfilling are reliable and proven technologies. Sediment removal and backfilling are reliable and proven technologies. While MNR would reduce exposure risks to the ecosystem over time, resuspension of remaining contaminants in the FFS Study Area would continue to impact surface sediment quality, posing an ongoing risk to the ecosystem. Sediment removal and backfilling are reliable and proven technologies. CAD and engineered caps are reliable and proven technologies. Similarly, off-site incineration and disposal are also reliable and proven technologies. Local treatment and beneficial use technologies have been tested in pilot scale operations on Passaic River sediment. However, thermal treatment and sediment washing are unproved technologies at the scale envisioned for the project and sediment washing has been proven less effective with some contaminants identified in the sediment. CAD and engineered caps are reliable and proven technologies. Similarly, off-site incineration and disposal are also reliable and proven technologies. Local treatment and beneficial use technologies have been tested in pilot scale operations on Passaic River sediment. However, thermal treatment and sediment washing are unproved technologies at the scale envisioned for the project and sediment washing has been proven less effective with some contaminants identified in the sediment. CAD and engineered caps are reliable and proven technologies. Similarly, off-site incineration and disposal are also reliable and proven technologies. Local treatment and beneficial use technologies have been tested in pilot scale operations on Passaic River sediment. However, thermal treatment and sediment washing are unproven technologies at the scale envisioned for the project and sediment washing has been proven less effective with some contaminants identified in the sediment. Existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories which rely on voluntary compliance are somewhat effective. Enhanced outreach would educate the community about advisories that would remain in place during and after remediation until PRGs are reached. Existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories which rely on voluntary compliance are somewhat effective. Enhanced outreach would educate the community about advisories that would remain in place during and after remediation until PRGs are reached. Existing fish and shellfish consumption advisories which rely on voluntary compliance are somewhat effective. Enhanced outreach about advisories is unlikely to be sufficient to ensure protectiveness over the long term until PRGs are reached. Permanent removal from the FFS Study Area of 38 kg of 2,3,7,8TCDD, 42,000 kg of mercury, 23,500 kg of Total PCBs and 29,000 kg of Total DDx. Permanent removal from the FFS Study Area of 22 kg of 2,3,7,8TCDD, 17,000 kg of mercury, 7,800 kg of Total PCBs and 26,000 kg of Total DDx. Permanent removal from the FFS Study Area of 1 kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,300 kg of mercury, 1,300 kg of Total PCBs and 100 kg of Total DDx. Under DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced by containment under a cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Toxicity or volume of contaminated sediment would not be reduced. Under DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced by containment under a cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Toxicity or volume of contaminated sediment would not be reduced. Under DMM Scenario B, the toxicity and volume of approximately 10 percent of the COPCs and COPECs in the contaminated sediment would be reduced through incineration; the contaminant mobility of the remaining 90 percent would be reduced by landfill disposal. Under DMM Scenario B, the toxicity and volume of approximately 7 percent of the COPCs and COPECs in the contaminated sediment would be reduced through incineration; the contaminant mobility of the remaining 93 percent would be reduced by landfill disposal. Under DMM Scenario C, the mobility, toxicity, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through a combination of thermal treatment (10 percent), sediment washing (88 percent) and solidification (2 percent). Under DMM Scenario C, the mobility, toxicity, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through a combination of thermal treatment (7 percent), sediment washing (92 percent) and solidification (1 percent). There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to COPCs and COPECs present in dredged materials. After construction it is expected that risks would drop substantially in the short term. Implementation of Alternative 2 would have the greatest impact as compared to Alternatives 3 and 4. There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in dredged materials. After construction it is expected that risks would drop substantially in the short term. Implementation of Alternative 3 would have less impact as compared to Alternative 2 but more impact compared to Alternative 4. MNR would reduce exposure risks to the ecosystem over time. Reliability of Controls Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility or Volume through Treatment NJDEP’s fish and shellfish consumption advisories, implemented under state authorities, would remain in place. No institutional controls would be implemented as part of a CERCLA response action. Only natural processes such as burial by cleaner sediments, biodegradation, bioturbation, and dilution can potentially reduce COPC and COPEC concentrations in sediments and surface water. There is no reduction of toxicity, mobility or volume through treatment. Short-Term Effectiveness Not effective in meeting RAOs and PRGs in a reasonable timeframe (within 30 year modeled time period or relatively shortly beyond that period). Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Page 4 of 7 Under DMM Scenario A, the mobility of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced by containment under a cap that would need to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity. Toxicity or volume of contaminated sediment would not be reduced. Under DMM Scenario B, the toxicity and volume of approximately 4 percent of the COPCs and COPECs in the contaminated sediment would be reduced through incineration; the contaminant mobility of the remaining 96 percent would be reduced by landfill disposal. Under DMM Scenario C, the mobility, toxicity, and volume of the COPCs and COPECs would be effectively reduced through a combination of thermal treatment (4 percent), sediment washing (94 percent) and solidification (2 percent). There may be a risk of some adverse short-term impacts to human health and the environment during the construction period due to the increased potential for exposure to the COPCs and COPECs present in dredged materials. While water quality would improve with implementation of Alternative 4, risks to humans and ecological receptors remain throughout the short term. Implementation of Alternative 4 would have the least impact as compared to Alternatives 2 and 3. 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Protection of the Community during Remedial Actions Protection of Workers during Remedial Actions Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts Resulting from Construction and Implementation Alternative 1- No Action No construction so no impact on community. Because there are no activities performed, no risks to workers. No construction activities and therefore no resulting adverse environmental impacts. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Potential quality of life impacts (noise, odors, lighting, traffic, impacts to navigation, aesthetics, and recreation) related to dredging and processing activities. Potential quality of life impacts (noise, odors, lighting, traffic, impacts to navigation, aesthetics, and recreation) related to dredging and processing activities. Potential quality of life impacts (noise, odors, lighting, traffic, impacts to navigation, aesthetics, and recreation) related to dredging and processing activities. Potential impacts due to accidents from dredging and processing activities are similar to other navigational dredging projects conducted periodically in the river and bay. Potential impacts due to accidents from dredging and processing activities are similar to other navigational dredging projects conducted periodically in the river and bay. Potential impacts due to accidents from dredging and processing activities are similar to other navigational dredging projects conducted periodically in the river and bay. DMM Scenario A would have the least impact on the volume of onland traffic, but have the most impact on vessel traffic in Newark Bay. DMM Scenario C would have the greatest impact on the volume of onland traffic. Barge transport operations could potentially increase road congestion due to periodic road closures to open bridges. The location of the processing facility and selected DMM Scenario would impact the number of bridge openings required on a daily basis. DMM Scenario A would have the least impact on the volume of onland traffic, but have the most impact on vessel traffic in Newark Bay. DMM Scenario C would have the greatest impact on the volume of onland traffic. Barge transport operations could potentially increase road congestion due to periodic road closures to open bridges. The location of the processing facility and selected DMM Scenario would impact the number of bridge openings required on a daily basis. DMM Scenario A would have the least impact on the volume of onland traffic, but have the most impact on vessel traffic in Newark Bay. DMM Scenario C would have the greatest impact on the volume of onland traffic. Barge transport operations could potentially increase road congestion due to periodic road closures to open bridges. The location of the processing facility and selected DMM Scenario would impact the number of bridge openings required on a daily basis. Measures to minimize and mitigate such impacts would be addressed in community health and safety plans, and by the use of best management practices. Measures to minimize and mitigate such impacts would be addressed in community health and safety plans, and by the use of best management practices. Measures to minimize and mitigate such impacts would be addressed in community health and safety plans, and by the use of best management practices. Impacts are the greatest under Alternative 2 due to the project duration and the volume dredged. Shorter project duration and smaller volume dredged under Alternative 3 (compared to Alternative 2) would lessen the impacts. Potential risk of accidents associated with dredging or processing activities. In-water accidents associated with dredging or the construction and operation of DMM Scenario A would be similar, both in type of accident and frequency to other similar in-water projects. Onland accidents associated with DMM Scenarios B and C could occur during either construction or operation of the upland processing facility. Accidents would be typical to those related to the construction of similar sized industrial facilities, involving a range of hazards including mechanical, electrical, chemical, material and equipment handling, falls, etc. Potential risk of accidents associated with dredging or processing activities. In-water accidents associated with dredging or the construction and operation of DMM Scenario A would be similar, both in type of accident and frequency to other similar in-water projects. Onland accidents associated with DMM Scenarios B and C could occur during either construction or operation of the upland processing facility. Accidents would be typical to those related to the construction of similar sized industrial facilities, involving a range of hazards including mechanical, electrical, chemical, material and equipment handling, falls, etc. Shortest project duration and smallest volume dredged under Alternative 4 (compared to Alternatives 2 and 3) would lessen the time of impacts. Potential risk of accidents associated with dredging or processing activities. In-water accidents associated with dredging or the construction and operation of DMM Scenario A would be similar, both in type of accident and frequency to other similar in-water projects. Onland accidents associated with DMM Scenarios B and C could occur during either construction or operation of the upland processing facility. Accidents would be typical to those related to the construction of similar sized industrial facilities, involving a range of hazards including mechanical, electrical, chemical, material and equipment handling, falls, etc. Measures to minimize and mitigate risks would be addressed in worker health and safety plans, by the use of best management practices, and by following OSHA-approved health and safety procedures. Measures to minimize and mitigate risks would be addressed in worker health and safety plans, by the use of best management practices, and by following OSHA-approved health and safety procedures. Measures to minimize and mitigate risks would be addressed in worker health and safety plans, the use of best management practices, and by following OSHA-approved health and safety procedures. Impacts are the greatest under Alternative 2 due to the project duration and volume dredged. Shorter project duration and smaller volume dredged under Alternative 3 (compared to Alternative 2) would lessen the impacts. Water quality and ecological concerns resulting from resuspension, contaminant release and residuals related to dredging. Impacts can be addressed by dredging procedures and backfilling as soon as possible following dredging. Water quality and ecological concerns resulting from resuspension, contaminant release and residuals related to dredging. Impacts can be addressed by dredging procedures and capping or backfilling as soon as possible following dredging. Shortest project duration and smallest volume dredged under Alternative 4 (compared to Alternatives 2 and 3) would lessen the time of impacts. Water quality and ecological concerns resulting from resuspension, contaminant release and residuals related to dredging. Impacts can be addressed by dredging procedures and capping as soon as possible following dredging. Temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in mudflats, wetlands, and disturbed areas during dredging, until Temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in mudflats, wetlands, and disturbed areas during dredging, until Temporary loss of benthos and habitat for the ecological community in mudflats, wetlands, and disturbed areas during dredging, until Page 5 of 7 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Alternative 1- No Action Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation conditions are restored over time. conditions are restored over time. conditions are restored over time. Under DMM Scenario A, potential water quality and ecological concerns associated with construction of the CAD and temporary loss of habitat and benthos while CAD cells are operational. DMM Scenarios B and C would be developed in an urban developed area with potentially few environmental impacts. Potential air quality impacts from thermal treatment process under DMM Scenario C. Under DMM Scenario A, potential water quality and ecological concerns associated with construction of the CAD and temporary loss of habitat and benthos while CAD cells are operational. DMM Scenarios B and C would be developed in an urban developed area with potentially few environmental impacts. Potential air quality impacts from thermal treatment process under DMM Scenario C. Under DMM Scenario A, potential water quality and ecological concerns associated with construction of the CAD and temporary loss of habitat and benthos while CAD cells are operational. DMM Scenarios B and C would be developed in an urban developed area with potentially few environmental impacts. Potential air quality impacts from thermal treatment process under DMM Scenario C. Impacts are the greatest under Alternative 2 due to the project duration and volume dredged, extending the recovery period. Shorter project duration and smaller volume dredged under Alternative 3 (compared to Alternative 2) would lessen the impacts and allow for more rapid recovery. Shortest project duration and smallest volume dredged under Alternative 4 (compared to Alternatives 2 and 3) would lessen the time of impacts and allow for more rapid recovery in the areas dredged and capped. Surface sediment concentrations at the end of the 30 year period after construction predicted by computer modeling would remain one to two orders of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goals. Alternative 4 would also not be effective in reaching background levels for any COPCs and COPECs, except for mercury, whose background level would just be met in the 2050s. Alternative 4, even in conjunction with MNR, would not be effective in reaching proposed remediation goals in the foreseeable future. Time until Remedial Response Objectives are Achieved Would not satisfy the RAOs and PRGs over the 30-year model forecast period or relatively shortly beyond that period. Surface sediment concentrations at the end of the 30-year period after construction predicted by computer modeling fluctuate around proposed remediation goals for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs and mercury, depending on magnitude and frequency of storm events. Total DDx surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate at a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Surface concentrations are close enough to proposed remediation goals that Alternative 2, in conjunction with MNR processes, would achieve those goals in a relatively short time beyond the model simulation period, as compared to Alternative 4. Surface sediment concentrations at the end of the 30 year period after construction predicted by computer modeling fluctuate around proposed remediation goals for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Total PCBs and mercury, depending on magnitude and frequency of storm events. Total DDx surface sediment concentrations are predicted to fluctuate at a level about an order of magnitude higher than the proposed remediation goal. Surface concentrations are close enough to proposed remediation goals that Alternative 3, in conjunction with MNR processes, would achieve those goals in a relatively short time beyond the model simulation period, as compared to Alternative 4. Implementability Implementable from both technical and administrative standpoints as it requires no action. Alternative 2 can be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. Alternative 3 can be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. For DMM Scenario C, multiple treatment passes may be required due to the amount of fines in the sediment. For DMM Scenario C, multiple treatment passes may be required due to the amount of fines in the sediment. Technical Feasibility No Action is technically feasible. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Alternative 4 can be constructed, operated, and maintained within the site-specific and technology-specific regulations and constraints. However, Alternative 4 may face some technical difficulties and administrative hurdles, as described below. Dredging, treatment, and disposal can be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling the large volumes of dredged materials. Suitable dewatering, water treatment, and transfer facilities are expected to be available or can be developed. Dredging, treatment, and disposal can be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling the large volumes of dredged materials. Suitable dewatering, water treatment, and transfer facilities are expected to be available or can be developed. For DMM Scenario C, multiple treatment passes may be required due to the amount of fines in the sediment. Dredging, treatment, and disposal can be implemented with proper planning of the logistics and challenges involved in handling the large volumes of dredged materials. Suitable dewatering, water treatment, and transfer facilities are expected to be available or can be developed. For DMM Scenario C, multiple treatment passes may be required for sediment washing to achieve decontamination levels allowable for beneficial use due to the type of contaminants and the material characteristics. For DMM Scenario C, multiple treatment passes may be required for sediment washing to achieve decontamination levels allowable for beneficial use due to the type of contaminants and the material characteristics. The process of reliably identifying discrete areas that release the most contaminants into the water column would involve a great degree of uncertainty given the complex estuarine environment of the FFS Study Area. Alternative 3 would be technically more feasible than Alternative 2 because of the smaller volume of sediment and shorter project duration. For DMM Scenario C, multiple treatment passes may be required for sediment washing to achieve decontamination levels allowable for beneficial use due to the type of contaminants and the material characteristics. Page 6 of 7 2014 Table 5-4 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives NCP Criterion Administrative Feasibility Alternative 1- No Action Alternative 2- Deep Dredging with Backfill Placement Alternative 3- Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Alternative 4- Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding No Action is administratively feasible. No administrative difficulties are anticipated in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or backfill placement. No administrative difficulties are anticipated in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or cap/backfill placement. No administrative difficulties are anticipated in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for sediment removal or cap placement. Sediment removal may cause temporary disruption of commercial/recreational uses and boating access. Modification (RM1.2 to RM2.2) and deauthorization (RM2.2 to RM8.3) of the federally-authorized navigation channel would be necessary under the federal River and Harbors Act, through USACE administrative procedures and Congressional action. Deauthorization (RM0 to RM8.3) of the federally-authorized navigation channel would be necessary under the federal River and Harbors Act, through USACE administrative procedures and Congressional action. USACE and Congressional support for deauthorization of the lower 2.2 miles of the federal navigation channel is highly uncertain due to studies showing future waterway use objectives in the lower 2.2 miles of the river (USACE 2010). DMM Scenario A is likely administratively infeasible due to strong opposition from the State of New Jersey to construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. Local thermal treatment facility under DMM Scenario C would have to meet air emission standards. Sediment removal and capping may cause temporary disruption of commercial/recreational uses and boating access. DMM Scenario A is likely administratively infeasible due to strong opposition from the State of New Jersey to construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. Local thermal treatment facility under DMM Scenario C would have to meet air emission standards. Sediment removal and capping may cause temporary disruption of commercial/recreational uses and boating access. DMM Scenario A is likely administratively infeasible due to strong opposition from the State of New Jersey to construction of a CAD site in Newark Bay. Local thermal treatment facility under DMM Scenario C would have to meet air emission standards. Availability of Services and Materials No services or materials required. Key components of this alternative including: equipment and technical specialties; treatment, storage, and disposal services; and the expertise required to install and start-up the process equipment are expected to be commercially available. Key components of this alternative, including: equipment and technical specialties; treatment, storage, and disposal services; and the expertise required to install and start-up the process equipment are expected to be commercially available. Key components of this alternative, including: equipment and technical specialties; treatment, storage, and disposal services; and the expertise required to install and start-up the process equipment are expected to be commercially available. Cost The estimated PV is $0. DMM Scenario A estimated PV cost: $1,341,000,000. DMM Scenario B estimated PV cost: $3,245,000,000. DMM Scenario C estimated PV cost: $2,621,000,000. DMM Scenario A estimated PV cost: $953,000,000. DMM Scenario B estimated PV cost: $1,731,000,000. DMM Scenario C estimated PV cost: $1,585,000,000. DMM Scenario A estimated PV cost: $365,000,000. DMM Scenario B estimated PV cost: $614,000,000. DMM Scenario C estimated PV cost: $606,000,000. A seven percent discount rate was used in calculating the PV. A seven percent discount rate was used in calculating the PV. A seven percent discount rate was used in calculating the PV. Notes: ARARs = applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements; CAD = Confined aquatic disposal; COPC = contaminants of potential concern; COPEC = chemicals of potential ecological concern; cy = cubic yards; D/F = Dioxins/furans; DDx = Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; DMM = dredged material management; FFS = Focused Feasibility Study; HI = hazard index; HQ = Hazard Quotient; MCY = million cubic yards; MLW = mean low water; MNR = monitored natural recovery; NJDEP = New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Act; PCBs = polychlorinated biphenyls; PRGs = preliminary remediation goals; PV = present value; RAOs = remedial action objectives; RM = River Mile; TBC = To-be-considered; TCDD = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; TEQ = Toxic Equivalency Quotient; USACE = United States Army Corps of Engineers; USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 7 of 7 2014 Table 5-5 Sensitivity Analysis for Alternatives 2, 3 and 4 Alternative 2 with DMM Scenario A: Deep Dredging with Backfill, CAD Baseline Present Value Alternative 2 with DMM Alternative 2 with Scenario C: Deep DMM Scenario B: Deep Dredging with Backfill, Dredging with Backfill, Local Decontamination Off-Site Disposal and Beneficial Use $1,341,000,000 $3,245,000,000 $2,621,000,000 Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario A: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, CAD Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario B: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Off-Site Disposal Alternative 3 with DMM Scenario C: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation, Local Decontamination and Beneficial Use $953,000,000 $1,731,000,000 $1,585,000,000 $365,000,000 $614,000,000 $606,000,000 Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario A: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, CAD Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-Site Disposal Alternative 4 with DMM Scenario B: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding, Off-Site Disposal Cost Sensitivity to Factor 1: Changes in the Proportion of Dewatered Dredged Material Requiring Thermal Destruction Treatment Double the estimated percentage of material requiring thermal treatment No Impact Increase PV by approximately12% Increase PV by approximately 7% No Impact Increase PV by approximately 7% Increase PV by approximately 2% No impact Increase PV by approximately 1% Increase PV by approximately 1% Cost Sensitivity to Factor 2: Changes in the Volume of Sediment Removed Increase volume of material removed by 10 percent Increase PV by approximately 2% Increase PV by approximately 9% Increase PV by approximately 8% Increase PV by approximately 2% Increase PV by approximately 7% Increase PV by approximately 7% Increase PV by approximately 1% Increase PV by approximately 5% Increase PV by approximately 5% Decrease volume of material removed by 10 percent Decrease PV by approximately 2% Decrease PV by approximately 9% Decrease PV by approximately 8% Decrease PV by approximately 2% Decrease PV by approximately 7% Decrease PV by approximately 7% Decrease PV by approximately 2% Decrease PV by approximately 4% Decrease PV by approximately 5% No Impact No Impact Increase PV by approximately 5% Increase PV by approximately 3% Increase PV by approximately 3% Increase PV by approximately 3% Increase PV by approximately 3% Increase PV by approximately 3% Cost Sensitivity to Factor 3: Changes in the Thickness of the Engineered Cap Increase the depth of the cap by 0.5 foot No Impact Cost Sensitivity to Factor 4: Changes in the Discount Rate Increase the discount rate to 10 percent Decrease PV by approximately 16% Decrease PV by approximately 18% Decrease PV by approximately 17% Decrease PV by approximately 14% Decrease PV by approximately 14% Decrease PV by approximately 14% Decrease PV by approximately 13% Decrease PV by approximately 11% Decrease PV by approximately 12% Decrease the discount rate to 3 percent Increase PV by approximately 32% Increase PV by approximately 34% Increase PV by approximately 33% Increase PV by approximately 26% Increase PV by approximately 25% Increase PV by approximately 25% Increase PV by approximately 26% Increase PV by approximately 21% Increase PV by approximately 21% Decrease PV by approximately 5% Decrease PV by approximately 2% Decrease PV by approximately 3% Decrease PV by approximately 3% No impact Decrease PV by approximately 2% Decrease PV by approximately 3% Cost Sensitivity to Factor 5: Changes in the Dredging Productivity Rate Reduce the productivity of the dredging/transport of material by 25 percent Decrease PV by approximately 3% Decrease PV by approximately 5% Note: CAD = Confined Aquatic Disposal; DMM = dredged material management. PV = present value, see Appendix H. This analysis is based on the assumption and conceptual design as presented in the FFS and are developed for comparison purposes only. Actual costs and impacts of changes in the cost sensitivity factors may vary substantially based on the final remedial design. Focused Feasibility Study Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Page 1 of 1 2014 FIGURES iver le R Sad d ³ Rockland Passaic ho Ho ku sB o ro k Morris Oradell Dam r er pe Riv p U aic ss Pa Beatties Mill Dam Hacken sack R iver Bergen Dundee Dam B P Low e 14 13assaic Rr iv 16 er 17 15 12 Riv on Hu ds r ive Ea s Queens 2 4 tR Ma nh 6 Hudson 3 5 1 Legend State and County Boundaries FFS Study Area Boundary ) River Mile Po r tE liz a rk y ew a Ba Lower Passaic River Study Area Qu tN Brooklyn rk Po r be th Ne wa Dams Upper New York Bay 0 Major Waterbodies 1 2 4 Kil l Miles ur Van Kull Map FFS Study Area Kill Location Art h s:\Projects\Passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2013\Figure 1-1_FFSStudyAreaLocationMap.mxd 7 att an 8 Se c Ri o n d ve r Essex 11 er R Bronx 9 10 Th ird r ive Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 1-1 Brooklyn 2014 Oradell Dam c ai s as r P r e pe Riv p U le R iver Beatties Mill Dam Sad d Dundee Dam USGS Gauge Station at Little Falls NJ Bronx er Riv rd r ve be th Ea s tR ive r att an y Ba rk rk liz a Queens Ne wa tE ew a Upper New York Bay Brooklyn Kill Van Kull Jamaica Bay Staten Island Lower New York Bay Rockaway Point New York Bight Ri v e r Legend r it an Ra s:\Projects\Passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2013\Figure 1-2_NYNJHarborEstuaryLocationMap.mxd Art h ur Kil l Po r tN Ma nh Hac Low e Po r Hu ds ken Riv sack er Ri v r Pa ssa ic Se c Ri o n d ve r New Jersey on er i Th Ri USGS Gauge Station Raritan Bay Sandy Hook 0 1.25 2.5 5 Dams Streams/Rivers Major Waterbodies Miles New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Location Map Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 1-2 2014 Legend Below RM2 Above RM2 Notes Data Sources: Iannuzzi, et al., 2002 (refer to Section 7.0 “References” for complete citation). The History of Dredging in the Lower Passaic River Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 1-3 2014 ! ( ! ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Chevron Environmental Management Co. for itself, Texaco, Inc. and TRMI-H LLC ! ( Vertellus Specialties, Inc. ! ( Sun Chemical Corporation ! ( Ashland Inc ! ( E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co ! ( ! ( ! ( 0 1,000 CNA Holdings LLC on behalf of Celanese LTD 2,000 Feet ! ( BASF Corp on behalf of itself and BASF Catalysts LLC Elan Chemical Co ) ) ) ) ) ! ( Revere Smelting & Refining 1 Sequa Corporation Saddle ) ) ) ) Leemilt's Petroleum, Inc., successor to Power Test of NJ, Inc. R i ver ! (! ( Quality Carriers, Inc. Croda Inc ³ PSE&G Corp ) 4 ! ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ! ( Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. The Newark Group ) STWB ! ( Teva Pharmaceuticals USA,Inc. ! ( Covanta Essex Company Covanta Essex Company ( ! (! (! ! ( News Publishing Australia, Ltd Benjamin Moore & Co 2 ) ) ) The Sherwin Williams Co 3 Essex Chemical Corp ! ( ! ( ! ( Textron Inc Reichhold, Inc. Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, i-cubed, GeoEye INSET ! ( ! ( ! ( ISP Chemicals LLC Purdue Pharma Technologies Inc Eden Wood Corporation Note: Occidental Chemical Corporation, located at 80-120 Lister Avenue, Newark (on the southern bank of the river near RM3) was a member of the CPG until 2013. Hexcel Corp Wyeth 17 ! ( National-Standard LLC ! ( 16 ! ( 14 ! ( Hoffman-La Roche Inc. on behalf of itself and Roche Diagnostics Coats & Clark, Inc. r DiLorenzo Properties Company ! ( ! ( ! ( Novelis Corp, f/k/a Alcan Aluminum Corp. ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( (! ! (! ! (3 (! ( (! (! ! (! !! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( 4 ! ( ! (! ! ( ( See ! ( ! ( ( ! Inset ! ( ! ( Coltec Industries Inc Hess Corporation on behalf of itself and Atlantic Richfield Co. Pharmacia Corp, f/k/a Monsanto Company Newell Rubbermaid, Inc. 1 2 Otis Elevator Co Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas, Inc. DII Industries, LLC ! (! ( 6 ! ( The Hartz Consumer Group, Inc. on behalf of the Hartz Mountain Corporation CPG Member Locations Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigation Channel Centerline Shoreline as Defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Arkema Incorporated 5 S:\Projects\passaic\MapDocuments\201207_Locations of CPG Members_Fig1-4.mxd ! ( ! ( ! ( General Electric Company ! ( Linde LLC on behalf of The BOC Group, Inc. PSE&G Corp ! ( Teval Corporation Legend ! ( 7 Coats & Clark, Inc. 2 Miles Three County Volkswagen 9 8 ! ( ! ( con ! ( d Ri ve ! (r ! ( Franklin Burlington Plastics Inc 1 ! ( Belleville Industrial Center Se PPG Industries Inc 0.5 Conopco, Inc., d/b/a Unilever 10 ! ( Cooper Industries, LLC 0 Excelis Inc. for itself and ITT Industries, Inc. ! ( Seton Tanning General Electric Company ! ( 11 Tiffany & Company BASF Catalysts LLC Garfield Molding Company Inc Givaudan Fragrances Corp. ! ( Flexon Industries Corp KAO U.S.A. Inc. CBS Corporation EPEC Polymers Inc.on behalf of itself and EPEC Oil Company Liquadating Trust 13 R e iv ! ( Newell Rubbermaid on behalf of itself, Goody Products, and Berol Corporation ! ( 15 12 ird Th Coats & Clark, Inc. Goodrich Corporation Honeywell International Inc ! ( ! ( Mallinckrodt Inc ! ( Pfizer Inc Cooper Industries, LLC ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc. BASF Corp on behalf of itself and BASF Catalysts LLC McKesson Corporation for itself and for Safety-Klean Envirosystems, Inc. Legacy Vulcan Corp. Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, i-cubed, GeoEye Locations of CPG Members as of July 2012 Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 1-4 2014 ³ Legend Shoreline as Defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigation Channel Centerline Tierra Removal Action Areas Phase 1 Phase 2 3 s:\passaic\mapdocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2013\Figure2-2 Phase12 Removal Areas.mxd 4 0 500 1,000 2 2,000 Feet Footprint of the Phase I and Phase II Tierra Non-Time-Critical Removal Action Areas Figure 1-5 Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 ³ 6 7 BERGEN COUNTY HUDSON COUNTY 3 5 2 4 ESSEX COUNTY Legend 1 Project Centerline Shoreline as Defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection County Boundaries City Boundaries Rock and Coarse Gravel Gravel and Sand Sand Silt and Sand Silt 0 0.25 0 Path: S:\Projects\passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2014\Figure 1-6 SedimentTexture - base map.mxd Sediment Type 0.5 Miles 1 Sediment Texture Type – RM0 to RM8 Figure 1-6a Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 13 ³ PASSAIC COUNTY 12 Third River 11 10 ESSEX COUNTY BERGEN COUNTY Legend Project Centerline 9 Shoreline as Defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection County Boundaries City Boundaries Second River Sediment Type Gravel and Sand Sand Silt and Sand Silt 8 Path: S:\Projects\passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2014\Figure 1-6 SedimentTexture - base map.mxd Rock and Coarse Gravel HUDSON COUNTY 0 0.25 0.5 Miles 1 Sediment Texture Type – RM8 to RM13 Figure 1-6b Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 17 ³ 16 Saddle River PASSAIC COUNTY BERGEN COUNTY 14 15 Legend Project Centerline Shoreline as Defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection County Boundaries City Boundaries Sediment Type Gravel and Sand Sand Silt and Sand Silt 13 Path: S:\Projects\passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2014\Figure 1-6 SedimentTexture - base map.mxd Rock and Coarse Gravel 0 0.15 0.3 Miles 0.6 Sediment Texture Type – RM13 to RM17 Figure 1-6c Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 ³ ³ Alternative 2 s:\passaic\mapdocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2013\Figure4-2 Proposed Confined Aquatic Disposal Cells in Newark Bay.mxd Entrance Channel: Depth = 25 feet MLW Width = 150 feet ³ Alternative 3 Entrance Channel: Depth = 25 feet MLW Width = 150 feet Entrance Channel: Depth = 25 feet MLW Width = 150 feet CAD Cell: Area = 17 acres Dimensions = 1000 x 750 feet CAD Cell: Area = 38 acres Dimensions = 1500 x 1100 feet CAD Cell: Area = 55 acres Dimensions = 1500 x 1600 feet Alternative 4 Legend CAD Cell Entrance Channel CAD Cell Federally Authorized Navigation Channel Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, i-cubed, Channel Top of Slope (Approximate) GeoEye Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, i-cubed, GeoEye 0 0.252013 0.5ESRI, i-cubed, 1 Copyright:© Miles GeoEye Proposed Confined Aquatic Disposal Cells in Newark Bay Figure 4-1 Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 8 ³ 7 6 3 5 2 4 1 Legend Shoreline as Defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigation Channel Centerline Alternative 4 Capping Area 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles 0 Capping Area for Alternative 4 Figure 4-2 Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Fish Consumption 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (µg/kg) 1 Legend 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 Human Health PRGs 0 56 Fish Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 0 1995 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (µg/kg) 1 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Crab Consumption 1 Risk = 10-4 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 1995 HQ = 1 (Proposed Remediation Goal) 34 Crab Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 HQ = 1 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear Scale) Figure 4-3a Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Fish Consumption 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (µg/kg) 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00001 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Crab Consumption 10 Human Health PRGs 56 Fish Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 10 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00001 1995 Legend 1 0.1 0.00001 1995 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (µg/kg) 10 HQ = 1 (Proposed Remediation Goal) 34 Crab Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 HQ = 1 0.00001 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Log Scale) Figure 4-3b Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 10 10 Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (µg/kg) 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 1995 10 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 Alternative 1 and Alternative 3 0.001 2060 10 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 1995 10 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 0.001 2060 10 Legend Alternative 1 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 2 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 3 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 4 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 1 Best Estimate Alternative 2 Best Estimate Alternative 3 Best Estimate Alternative 4 Best Estimate Proposed Remediation Goal Alternative 1 and Alternative 4 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 0.001 2060 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-3c Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Fish Consumption Total PCB Concentration (µg/kg) 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 1995 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Crab Consumption 2500 Total PCB Concentration (µg/kg) 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 1995 Legend Human Health PRGs 56 Fish Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 HQ = 1 (Proposed Remediation Goal) 34 Crab Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 HQ = 1 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Total PCB in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear Scale) Figure 4-3d Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Fish Consumption Total PCB Concentration (µg/kg) 10000 1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1995 1 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Crab Consumption 10000 Total PCB Concentration (µg/kg) 10000 10000 1000 1000 Legend Human Health PRGs 56 Fish Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 HQ = 1 (Proposed Remediation Goal) 34 Crab Meals per year: Risk = 10-6 Risk = 10-4 100 100 10 10 1 1995 HQ = 1 1 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Total PCB in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Log Scale) Figure 4-3e Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 10000 Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 1000 10000 1000 100 100 Legend Alternative 1 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 2 Uncertainty Bounds Total PCB Concentration (µg/kg) Alternative 3 Uncertainty Bounds 10 1995 10000 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 Alternative 1 and Alternative 3 10 2060 10000 Alternative 4 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 1 Best Estimate 1000 1000 100 100 Alternative 2 Best Estimate Alternative 3 Best Estimate Alternative 4 Best Estimate 10 1995 10000 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 10 2060 10000 Proposed Remediation Goal Alternative 1 and Alternative 4 1000 1000 100 100 10 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 10 2060 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Total PCB in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-3f Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Total DDx Concentration (µg/kg) 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 0 1995 Total DDx Concentration (µg/kg) 50 50 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1 0.1 1995 Legend (Proposed Remediation Goal) Note: Human Health PRGs were not calculated for Total DDX because it does not contribute significantly to human health risk. 0.1 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Total DDx in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear and Log Scale) Figure 4-3g Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Total DDx Concentration (µg/kg) 1000 Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1 0.1 1995 1000 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 0.1 2060 1000 Alternative 1 and Alternative 3 100 100 10 10 1 1 0.1 1995 1000 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 0.1 2060 1000 Legend Alternative 1 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 2 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 3 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 4 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 1 Best Estimate Alternative 2 Best Estimate Alternative 3 Best Estimate Alternative 4 Best Estimate Proposed Remediation Goal Alternative 1 and Alternative 4 100 100 10 10 1 1 0.1 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 0.1 2060 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Total DDx in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-3h Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Fish Consumption Mercury Concentration (µg/kg) 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 1995 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Crab Consumption 4000 Mercury Concentration (µg/kg) 4000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 1995 Legend (Proposed Remediation Goal) Human Health PRGs 56 Fish Meals per year: HQ = 1 34 Crab Meals per year: HQ = 1 Note: 34 Crab Meals per year PRG at the HQ = 1 threshold is not shown in the figure because the concentration is 45000 µg/kg. 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Mercury in Surface Sediments in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Linear Scale) Figure 4-3i Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Fish Consumption Mercury Concentration (µg/kg) 100000 10000 10000 1000 1000 100 100 10 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Crab Consumption 100000 Mercury Concentration (µg/kg) 100000 10 100000 10000 10000 1000 1000 100 100 10 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 Legend (Proposed Remediation Goal) Human Health PRGs 56 Fish Meals per year: HQ = 1 34 Crab Meals per year: HQ = 1 10 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Mercury in Surface Sediments in the FFS Study Area versus PRGs (Log Scale) Figure 4-3j Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 10000 Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 1000 10000 1000 100 100 Legend Alternative 1 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 2 Uncertainty Bounds Mercury Concentration (µg/kg) Alternative 3 Uncertainty Bounds 10 1995 10000 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 10 2060 10000 Alternative 1 and Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Uncertainty Bounds Alternative 1 Best Estimate 1000 1000 100 100 Alternative 2 Best Estimate Alternative 3 Best Estimate Alternative 4 Best Estimate 10 1995 10000 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 10 2060 10000 Proposed Remediation Goal Alternative 1 and Alternative 4 1000 1000 100 100 10 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 10 2060 Time (Years) Average Concentrations of Mercury in Surface Sediment in the FFS Study Area: Best Estimate and Uncertainty Bounds Figure 4-3k Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 350 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 2,3,7,8-TCDD Cumulative Flux (g) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 Year Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-4a Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 700 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Total PCB Cumulative Flux (kg) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 Year Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of Total PCBs at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 4-4b 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 80 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 70 Total DDx Cumulative Flux (kg) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 Year Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of Total 4,4'-DDx at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-4c Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 900 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 800 Mercury Cumulative Flux (kg) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 Year Cumulative Flux (from 2030) of Mercury at Newark Bay Passaic River Boundary at RM0.9 Figure 4-4d Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014 ³ TRANSECT R TRANSECT Q2 30 20 20 10 R 0 -10 -20 Q -30 Railroad Crossing -40 -50 R' 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) Map Legend 30 0 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 30 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 10 P 0 -10 -20 -30 Kearny -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 Navigation Channel River Mile Designation (per Federal Channel centerline) Political Boundary - Municipalities Utilities (by Location) Submerged Overhead Cable Lines Tierra Removal - Phase 1 and Phase 2 (removed under separate action) 0 -10 Unknown -20 -30 Section Legend -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 Authorized Navigation Channel Lateral Limits (1) Approximate Removal Depth Existing Sediment Surface (2004) Future Use Depth of Navigation Channel MLW = 0 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 7+00 30 20 10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) O TRANSECT N 30 20 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0 -10 TRANSECT O1 -20 -30 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 20 7+00 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) -50 30 N -40 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) TRANSECT M 30 Railroad Crossing 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 10 0 M -20 TRANSECT G TRANSECT H 30 -40 20 20 -50 10 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 I-280 West I-280 East Newark 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 7+00 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 NJ -30 G -40 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 H 7+00 Ra K 30 d oa ilr C ss ro -10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) Jackson St. 0 I -20 -30 -40 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 1+00 1+50 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) TRANSECT I 10 1+50 0+50 0+00 g in 20 1+00 0+00 Harrison TRANSECT K 0+50 F J 7+00 TRANSECT E E 30 30 20 20 10 10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 1+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0+00 -50 20 -20 -50 -40 30 -10 1+00 -30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 0 0+50 -20 TRANSECT F1 Ra 10 0+00 -10 ng npi ke Tur L 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 7+00 0 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 30 -50 10 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Street Bridge TRANSECT L 1+50 20 Cr o ssi 1+00 30 ilro ad 0+50 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 0+00 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 30 Central Ave -30 TRANSECT F2 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) East Newark -10 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) Political Boundary - Counties 10 TRANSECT O2 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) Bridges and Bridge Abutments Tidal Mudflats DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) Federally Authorized Navigation Channel Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigation Channel Centerline TRANSECT Q1 20 Debris Targets (Sunken Cars) -30 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 30 j Proposed Extent of Dredging -20 7+00 TRANSECT P Transects Shoreline as Defined by NJDEP -10 0 US 1 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 US 1 T ru Rou ck te DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) D TRANSECT J1 30 20 10 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\FFS_Final_Figures_2013\Figure4-19_Conceptual Design for Alternative 2-Deep Dredging With Backfill.mxd DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 500 1,000 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 7+00 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Notes on Data Sources Debris Targets - Digitized from June 2006 Geophysical Survey by Aqua Survey, Inc. Utilities - Combined NOAA electronic navigational data; Digitized by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. from NJDOT hard copy maps. Bridge and Bridge Abutments - NOAA electronic navigation data Federal Navigation Channel - USACE Lower Passaic River Centerline - Generated by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. based on Federal Channel. Shoreline - NJDEP Existing Sediment Surface - 2004 USACE Bathymetry Mudflats - NOAA Acronyms ft - feet MLW - Mean Low Water as defined by USACE NJDEP - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDOT - New Jersey Department of Transportation NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers Section Notes Where vertical removal cuts are shown and competent bulkhead structures are not present, slope stabilization measures are required. (1) Approximate Removal Depth: Represents the targeted removal elevation plus overdredging allowance. In areas of armor placement or mudflat reconstruction, additional removal will be necessary and is included in the volume calculations (see Appendix G). 0 10 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 C 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) TRANSECT C 30 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 0+50 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) B TRANSECT B TRANSECT A 30 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 0+00 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 30 -50 TRANSECT D 30 10 20 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) A DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) TRANSECT J2 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 5+00 5+50 6+00 Jersey City 2,000 Feet Conceptual Design for Alternative 2: Deep Dredging With Backfill Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 6+50 Figure 4-5 2014 7+00 ³ TRANSECT R Map Legend 30 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) R TRANSECT P 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 20 Q Railroad Crossing 10 0 R' -10 8 Shoreline as defined by NJDEP 10 0 -20 7 -30 -40 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) -30 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 TRANSECT Q 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 20 10 Kearny 0 10 -20 0 -10 -20 -40 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 -40 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Utilities (by Location) Submerged Overhead Cable Lines Unknown Authorized Navigation Channel Lateral Limits Top of Cap (1) Approximate Removal Depth Existing Sediment Surface (2004) Future Use Depth of Navigation Channel MLW = 0 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0+50 Political Boundary - Counties Section Legend -30 -30 -50 0+00 Political Boundary - Municipalities Tierra Removal - Phase 1 and Phase 2 (removed under separate action) -50 0+00 -10 Navigation Channel River Mile Designation (per Federal Channel centerline) Armor Areas 20 TRANSECT O Bridges and Bridge Abutments Tidal Mudflats 30 P Debris Targets (Sunken Cars) Federally Authorized Navigation Channel Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigation Channel Centerline -40 -50 j Proposed Extent of Cap or Backfill -10 -50 0+00 -20 Transects O 7 TRANSECT N 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 20 j 10 0 -10 -20 N -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) j TRANSECT M j j 30 Railroad Crossing -10 -20 Central Ave -30 6 -40 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) I-280 West I-280 East j Newark 30 30 20 20 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 7+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 npi ke 6+50 7+00 j -20 G -30 F -40 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 H 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) R K 30 5 20 10 ad l ro i a g in j j j4 I -30 J -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 10 2 0 -10 20 20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 10 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 US 1 T ru Rou ck te 7+00 -30 -40 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 0+50 1+00 1+50 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 TRANSECT D1 30 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 C 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) TRANSECT C1 1 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) B TRANSECT B 30 TRANSECT A 20 10 30 0 20 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 6+50 7+00 A0 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 500 1,000 7+00 -20 -50 0+00 20 Notes on Data Sources Debris Targets - Digitized from June 2006 Geophysical Survey by Aqua Survey, Inc. Utilities - Combined NOAA electronic navigational data; Digitized by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. from NJDOT hard copy maps. Bridge and Bridge Abutments - NOAA electronic navigation data Federal Navigation Channel - USACE Lower Passaic River Centerline - Generated by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. based on Federal Channel. Shoreline - NJDEP Existing Sediment Surface - 2004 USACE Bathymetry Mudflats - NOAA Acronyms ft - feet MLW - Mean Low Water as defined by USACE NJDEP - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDOT - New Jersey Department of Transportation NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers Section Notes Where vertical removal cuts are shown and competent bulkhead structures are not present, slope stabilization measures are required. (1) Approximate Removal Depth: Represents the targeted removal elevation plus overdredging allowance. In areas of armor placement or mudflat reconstruction, additional removal will be necessary and is included in the volume calculations (see Appendix G). 0 6+50 30 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 0+50 6+00 -10 TRANSECT C2 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 0+00 5+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) -50 US 1 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 30 -40 5+00 0 TRANSECT I TRANSECT J -30 4+50 TRANSECT D2 -20 D -20 4+00 20 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) -10 3+50 20 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0 3+00 E 7+00 10 2+50 30 j -20 2+00 10 -50 0+00 TRANSECT H 0 -10 1+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Jackson St. TRANSECT K C ss ro 1+00 Harrison DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 1+50 0+50 20 3 -10 1+00 -40 30 0 0+50 -30 TRANSECT E1 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 10 -50 0+00 -20 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Ra NJ Tur L 20 s:\projects\passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2013\Figure 4-20_Conceptual Design for Alternative 3 - CApping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation 6+00 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 5+50 -10 ng TRANSECT L DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 5+00 0 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Street Bridge 2+50 10 -50 0+00 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 1+00 30 Cr o ssi 0+50 TRANSECT E2 ilro ad -50 0+00 TRANSECT F TRANSECT G East Newark DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) j j j M 0 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (FEET) 20 Jersey City 2,000 Feet Conceptual Design for Alternative 3: Capping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 4-6 2014 7+00 ³ Map Legend Shoreline as defined by NJDEP TRANSECT II JJ 30 10 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) 8 R' 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 7 10 0 -10 -30 -50 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 10 -10 -20 TRANSECT HH2 -30 -40 30 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 20 7+00 7 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) Submerged Overhead Cable Lines Unknown Proposed Cap Lateral Extent Top of Cap (1) Approximate Removal Depth Existing Sediment Surface (2004) Future Use Depth of Navigation Channel MLW = 0 0 2+50 Utilities (by Location) Section Legend Kearny DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) 20 2+00 Political Boundary - Counties Tierra Removal - Phase 1 and Phase 2 (removed under separate action) 30 1+50 Political Boundary - Municipalities Armor Areas TRANSECT HH1 1+00 Navigation Channel River Mile Designation (per Federal Channel centerline) Tidal Mudflats II 0+50 Bridges and Bridge Abutments -40 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 0+00 Debris Targets (Sunken Cars) Proposed Extent of Cap Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigation Channel Centerline -20 0+00 -50 j Federally Authorized Navigation Channel 30 Railroad Crossing 20 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) TRANSECT JJ Transects 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 j 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) HH j j j TRANSECT GG2 Railroad Crossing TRANSECT CC2 30 20 East Newark Central Ave 6 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 30 20 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) I-280 West I-280 East j TRANSECT EE 30 10 -10 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 7+00 -30 -40 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 ng 10 npi ke 0 -10 -20 TRANSECT CC1 30 20 -30 -40 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) CC 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -30 -50 DD -40 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) R 5 ad l ro i a C ss ro g in 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 EE 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) TRANSECT BB2 Harrison FF j j 0+00 30 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) 0+50 j4 Jackson St. 0+00 6+50 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) -20 -20 -50 6+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) -50 j 0 1+00 3 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) 20 0+50 Ra GG 0+00 Tur DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) TRANSECT GG1 -40 -50 0+00 20 -30 -10 -50 30 Street Bridge 0 -20 NJ Newark 10 -10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) -30 0 Cr o ssi -20 TRANSECT DD 10 ilro ad 0 -10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) 10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) 30 j j j 20 j 20 10 0 -10 2 -20 US 1 -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) US 1 T ru Rou ck te TRANSECT FF2 30 10 30 0 -40 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 30 0 20 -10 TRANSECT AA -20 -30 30 -40 -50 0+00 20 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) s:\projects\passaic\MapDocuments\Final_FFS_Figures_2013\Figure 4-20_Conceptual Design for Alternative 3 - CApping with Dredging for Flooding and Navigation DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) -30 10 Notes on Data Sources Debris Targets - Digitized from June 2006 Geophysical Survey by Aqua Survey, Inc. Utilities - Combined NOAA electronic navigational data; Digitized by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. from NJDOT hard copy maps. Bridge and Bridge Abutments - NOAA electronic navigation data Federal Navigation Channel - USACE Lower Passaic River Centerline - Generated by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. based on Federal Channel. Shoreline - NJDEP Existing Sediment Surface - 2004 USACE Bathymetry Mudflats - NOAA Acronyms ft - feet MLW - Mean Low Water as defined by USACE NJDEP - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDOT - New Jersey Department of Transportation NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers Section Notes Where vertical removal cuts are shown and competent bulkhead structures are not present, slope stabilization measures are required. Some transects have upstream and downstream cross sections because of the capping footprint geometry. (1) Approximate Removal Depth: Represents the targeted removal elevation plus overdredging allowance. In areas of armor placement or mudflat reconstruction, additional removal will be necessary and is included in the volume calculations (see Appendix G). DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) -20 -50 TRANSECT BB1 20 -10 DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) DEPTH RELATIVE TO MLW (ft) BB TRANSECT FF1 20 10 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 -40 -10 -50 0+00 -20 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) -30 -40 -50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 DISTANCE FROM WEST BANK (FEET) 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 AA 1 0 Jersey City 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet Conceptual Design for Alternative 4: Focused Capping with Dredging for Flooding Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 4-7 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (µg/kg) Alternative 4 RM8 to RM17 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 1995 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 Time (Years) 2045 2055 Average Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1a 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 RM8 to RM17 Total PCB Concentration (µg/kg) 1800 1800 1600 1600 1400 1400 1200 1200 1000 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 1995 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 Time (Years) 2045 2055 Average Concentrations of Total PCB in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1b 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 RM8 to RM17 Total DDx Concentration (µg/kg) 160 160 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 1995 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 Time (Years) 2045 2055 Average Concentrations of Total DDx in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1c 2014 Legend Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 RM8 to RM17 Mercury Concentration (µg/kg) 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 1995 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 Time (Years) 2045 2055 Average Concentrations of Mercury in Surface Sediment (Top 15 cm) between RM8 and RM17 in the Lower Passaic River Figure 5-1d Lower Eight Miles of the Lower Passaic River 2014