Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 8 / 6 / 0 2 1 4 9 Removed slew to waypoint between ISS_004EN_OBSERV002_PRIME and ISS_004TE_OBSERV002_PRIME; made note that at the end of ISS_004TE_OBSERV002_PRIME, the return to waypoint slew should have +X to NEP, not -X to NEP 8 / 6 / 0 2 1 4 8 Changed 2nd axis of SP turn to Earth at 088T12:28 and downlink at 088T13:30 from to -X to NEP to +X to NEP 8 / 6 / 0 2 1 4 7 Changed 2nd axis of turn to Earth at end of NAV 007PH OPNAV241 PRIME from -X to NSP to -X to NEP 8 / 6 / 0 2 1 4 6 SP turn to Earth at 122T19:15 broken into two separate turns 8 / 6 / 0 2 1 4 5 Shortened ISS_004EN_REGEO002_PRIME by 3 min; new end time = 068T08:53:34; add'l 3 min. allocated to SP turn to RAM; new start time = 068T08:53:34; end time unchanged 8 / 6 / 0 2 1 4 4 Shortened VIMS_007TE_TETHYS001_PRIME to end 10 min. earlier; new end time = 122T19:15; gave add'l 10 minutes to SP turn to Earth; new start time = 122T19:15 8 / 5 / 0 2 1 4 3 Combined ISS_004TE_OBSERV002_PRIME and 003_PRIME into 002 PRIME; undoes Change #131 8 / 5 / 0 2 1 4 2 Combined ISS_004EN_OBSERV002_PRIME, 003_PRIME, and 004 PRIME into 002 PRIME; undoes Change #130 8 / 5 / 0 2 1 4 1 New waypoint attitude from 068T18:25 to 069T07:26 = ISS_NAC to Enceladus, -X to NEP; affected request are SP turn to waypoint, ISS_004EN_OBSERV002_PRIME, ISS_004TE_OBSERV002_PRIME, and SP turn to Earth 8 / 5 / 0 2 1 4 0 New waypoint from 068T05:50:34 to 068T10:39:34 = ISS_NAC to Enceladus (0,-25°,0 offset), +X to NEP; turn to new waypoint executed by ISS at end of ISS_004EN_N4COLR004_PRIME; affected requests are CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP003_PRIME, ISS_004EN_NGNPOL001_PRIME, CIRS_004EN_FP1DAY001_PRIME, ISS 004EN REGEO002 PRIME, SP turn to safe S/C attitude 8 / 5 / 0 2 1 3 9 Increased duration of NAV_004IA_OPNAV711_PRIME at 071T10:40 from 0:23:15 to 01:00:0; changed 2nd axis from +Z to Sun to +Z to Saturn; deleted NAV 004IA OPNAV712 PRIME at 071T11:03:15 8 / 5 / 0 2 1 3 8 Changed start time of DSN pass on DOY 087; was 19:09; is 19:17; extra time allocated to preceding SP Turn 8 / 2 / 0 2 1 3 7 Chagned 2nd axis of turn to Earth ending at 095T20:15 in NAV 005EN OPNAV951 PRIME; was +X to NEP; is -X to NEP 8 / 2 / 0 2 1 3 6 Changed 2nd axis of turn to Earth ending at 069T13:15 in NAV 004EN OPNAV691 PRIME; was +X to NEP; is -X to NEP 8 / 1 / 0 2 1 3 5 Extended SP turn to waypoint starting at 093T05:37 by 00:04; end was 06:02; is 06:06; MIMI MAGBNDSW shortened by 00:04 to start at 06:06 1 As of 8/7/02 Justification All required to avoid CIRS FR violations Required to avoid CIRS FR violations; req'd by L. Cheng Required to avoid CIRS FR violations Required to avoid CIRS FR violations; consistency with implemented design; req'd by L. Cheng SP turn to RAM requires 3 add'l minutes when starting at the modified waypoint (see Change #140); req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by P. Helfenstein 10 extra minutes req'd for SP turn in order to avoid CIRS FR violations; req'd by L. Cheng, OK'd by D. Moynihan Req'd by P. Helfenstein Req'd by P. Helfenstein Req'd to avoid CIRS FR violations during turn to waypoint; req'd by L. Cheng, OK'd by P. Helfenstein New waypoint req'd to satisfy CIRS radiator FR violations; no time to implement new SP turn to new waypoint, so ISS is leaving s/c in new waypoint attitude at end of ISS_004EN_N4COLR004_PRIME; req'd by A. Hendrix and SOST; OK'd by M. Segura and P. Helfenstein NAV_004IA_OPNAV711_PRIME requires an hour in order to perform the turn with the new 2nd axis; new 2nd axis req'd to avoid CIRS FR violations; req'd by B. Owen No telecom available until 19:17; req'd by D. Seal To avoid CMT geometric violations; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by B. Owen To avoid CMT geometric violations; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by B. Owen Extra time required for SP turn to avoid FR violations; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by D. Mitchell J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 7 / 2 9 / 0 2 1 3 4 Changed 2nd axis of CAPS_007SU_ROLLING002 at 110T06:45 from NAC to Saturn to rolling 7 / 2 9 / 0 2 1 3 3 Changed 2nd axis of CAPS_007SU_ROLLING001 at 108T13:25 from NAC to Saturn to rolling 7 / 2 5 / 0 2 1 3 2 Updated end time of Goldstone 70-m at 089T21:08:42; was 5:49:42; is 05:50 7 / 2 3 / 0 2 1 3 1 Expanded ISS_004TE_OBSERV002_PRIME @ 068T21:00 into 2 separate obs. (OBSERV002 and 003) 7 / 2 3 / 0 2 1 3 0 Expanded ISS_004EN_OBSERV002_PRIME @ 068T18:25 into 3 separate obs (OBSERV002, 003, and 004) 7 / 2 3 / 0 2 1 2 9 Eliminated return to waypoint slew at the end of RADAR_004EN_SCATTRAD001_PRIME ending at 068T14:06 (004_Enceladus_Tar+05:00:00); SP turn to Earth at 068T14:06 will start directly from RADAR attitude (-Z to Enceladus, -X to 247.5/63.3) 7 / 2 3 / 0 2 1 2 8 Changed waypoint between 088T20:00 and 090T06:20; was NAC to Left Ring Ansa (0,40°,0 offset), +X to NSP; is NAC to Left Ring Ansa (0,20°,0), +X to NSP; affected requests are CAPS_005SA_WAYPOINT001, CIRS_005SA_LMBFRNG002, VIMS_005SA_THRCYLMAP001, VIMS_005RH_RHEA001, NAV 005TE OPNAV891 PRIME 7 / 2 3 / 0 2 1 2 7 Updated all CAPS entries to correspond to request names in Port 2 delivery 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 6 Updated downlink at 118T18:58 to indicate a roll until terminated by the OTM-24 mini-sequence 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 5 Updated 2nd axis of ISS_007RI_SPKLRSLPH003 @ 117T03:00 from "PIC" to "+Z to NSP" 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 4 Updated 2nd axis of ISS_007RI_SPKLRSLPH001 @ 115T07:30 from "PIC" to "+Z to NSP" 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 3 Deleted lien on SP turn to Earth @ 105T02:02 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 2 Deleted roll during downlink @ 080T18:15; 2nd axis = +X to NEP As of 8/7/02 Justification Consistency with observation design; req'd by J. Furman Consistency with observation design; req'd by J. Furman Consistency with turn strategy Consistency with CIMS request names; no add'l resources used Consistency with CIMS request names; no add'l resources used The slew back to the waypoint interrupts the Mag measurement of the Enceladus B-field; turning directly from RADAR attitude to Earth represents a significant improvement in the Mag observation; req'd by A. Hendrix & SOST Old waypoint attitude resulted in FR violations; req'd by F. Crary & Mag TWT Consistency with Port 2 delivery Req'd by L. Cheng Consistency with prelim Port 2 SASF Consistency with prelim Port 2 SASF CIRS FR no longer being violated Downlink pass is concurrent with VIMS Decon, which allows only low-power RWAs; not enough power to roll; req'd by B. Burt 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 1 Updated 2nd of VIMS_004RE_E80PHASE001 @ 073T06:15 from "+Z Consistency with prelim Port 2 SASF in equator plane" to "+X to NSP" 7 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 0 Updated 2nd axis of VIMS_004RI_RPX85PH001 @ 071T20:00 from Consistency with prelim Port 2 SASF "+X along ring plane" to "+Z to NSP" 2 J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 7 / 1 5 / 0 2 1 1 9 Numerous changes internal to the OpNav windows, including both timing changes and a change of 2nd axis from +Z to NSP to +X to NSP; affected requests include NAV_005IA_OPNAV791_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV792_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV821_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV822_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV841_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV842_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV861_PRIME, NAV 005IA OPNAV862 PRIME, NAV 005IA OPNAV871 PRIME 7 / 1 5 / 0 2 1 1 8 Changed 2nd axis of SP turn to Earth at 088T12:28 and downlink at 088T13:30 from -Y to NSP (offset 0,0,30°) to -X to NEP 7 / 1 2 / 0 2 1 1 7 Slew to waypoint deleted between ISS_004SA_WINDS2003_PRIME and ISS 004OT SATELLORB022 PRIME at 065T13:58 7 / 1 2 / 0 2 1 1 6 Changed 2nd axis of VIMS_004TE_TETHYS004_PRIME at 068T11:21:34 from -X to 247.5/-63.3 to -X to 261.3/58.2 7 / 1 2 / 0 2 1 1 5 Corrected two OpNav names at 069T9:30 and 069T09:53:15; was NAV_004HY_OPNAV691_PRIME, is NAV_004IA_OPNAV691_PRIME; was NAV_004IA_OPNAV691_PRIME, is NAV 004IA OPNAV692 PRIME 7 / 1 2 / 0 2 1 1 4 Numerous changes internal to the OpNav windows; affected requests are NAV_004IA_OPNAV771_PRIME, NAV_004IA_OPNAV772_PRIME, NAV_005DI_OPNAV831_PRIME, NAV_005RH_OPNAV831_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV841_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV842_PRIME, NAV_005MI_OPNAV851_PRIME, NAV_005EN_OPNAV851_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV861_PRIME, NAV_005IA_OPNAV862_PRIME 7 / 9 / 0 2 1 1 3 SP turn to Earth at 122T19:30 allocated add'l 5 min.; new start = 122T19:25; end still = 19:50; VIMS_007TE_TETHYS001_PRIME shortened 5 min. to accommodate longer SP turn; start still = 122T17:30; new end = 19:25 7 / 9 / 0 2 1 1 2 Deleted ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOO001_PRIME from 086T06:05 to 07:00; allocated time to NAV_005IA_OPNAV862_PRIME; start still = 086T05:43; new end = 07:00 As of 8/7/02 Justification 2nd axis changes required to eliminate CIRS radiator FR violations; 2nd axis changes end up requiring internal timing changes; req'd by B. Owen Eliminates CIRS radiatior FR violation; req'd by L. Cheng Req'd by E. Birath Old attitude violated FRs; req'd by D. Moynihan Req'd by B. Owen Req'd by B. Owen Not enough time allocated to SP to slew from waypoint to Earth, now that 2nd axis changed (see Change #103) ; OK'd by R. McCloskey Not enough time for ISS to slew to/from waypoint; time for ISS request given to extend OpNav of Iapetus; ISS to ride along; Nav will slew s/c from RA/Dec pointing to center of Iapetus after OpNav is finished at 06:05; req'd by T. Denk; OK'd by B. Owen 7 / 9 / 0 2 1 1 1 Deleted ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOM001_PRIME from 084T06:05 - 07:00; Not enough time for ISS to slew to/from waypoint; time for ISS request given allocated time to NAV_005IA_OPNAV842_PRIME; start still = to extend OpNav of Iapetus; ISS to ride along; Nav will slew s/c from RA/Dec 084T05:43; new end = 07:00; ISS now rides along with OpNav pointing to center of Iapetus after OpNav is finished at 06:05; req'd by T. Denk; OK'd by B. Owen 7 / 9 / 0 2 1 1 0 SP turn to waypont at 068T17:50 allocated an add'l 15 min. ; new Not enough time allocated to SP to slew from Earth to waypoint; OK'd by P. Helfenstein end = 18:25; ISS_004EN_OBSERV002_PRIME shortened by 15 min. to accommodate longer SP turn; new start = 068T18:25; end still = 21:00 3 J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change As of 8/7/02 Justification 7 / 8 / 0 2 1 0 9 Notes added to "Comment" column to indicate critical Mag field measurements during the following periods: 068T09:20-068T14:20; 088T20:50 - 089T02:00; 104T19:45 - 105T03:05; 122T22:45 123T03:35 7 / 8 / 0 2 1 0 8 SP turn to waypoint at 122T03:12 allocated add'l 5 min.; new end time = 03:35; CIRS_007RI_TEMPL20LP001_PRIME shortened 5 min. to accommodate longer SP turn; new start = 122T03:35; end still = 05:40 7 / 8 / 0 2 1 0 7 SP turn to waypoint at 069T19:15 allocated add'l 5 min.; new end time = 069T19:50; CIRS_004SA_FIRMAP004_PRIME is shortened 5 min. to accommodate longer SP turn; new start = 069T19:50; end still = 070T17:00 7 / 3 / 0 2 1 0 6 SP turn to waypoint at 068T10:21:34 allocated add'l 3 minutes; new end time = 068T10:39:34; CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT001_PRIME shortened by 3 min. to accommodate longer SP turn; new start = 068T10:39:34; end still = 068T11:21:34 7 / 3 / 0 2 1 0 5 New Waypoint attitude from 068T10:39:34 to 068T18:10 = NAC to Enceladus, -X to 261.3/58.2; affected requests are SP turn to waypoint, CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT001_PRIME, VIMS_004TE_TETHYS004_PRIME, RADAR 004EN SCATTRAD001 PRIME, SP turn to Earth 7 / 3 / 0 2 1 0 4 Allocated extra 5 min to ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOC001_PRIME; new start = 074T05:15; end still = 074T06:00; SP turn to waypoint is shortened by 5 min. and is now a turn to NAC to Iapetus (-Z to Sun) for ISS; start still = 074T05:00; new end = 074T05:15 7 / 3 / 0 2 1 0 3 Changed 2nd axis of all requests between 122T19:30 and 123T08:52 to -X to 298.3/68.1; affected requests are SP Turn to Earth, SP Goldstone 70m downlink, RSS_007RI_OCC003_PRIME, RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME, VIMS_007RI_HIPHASE001_PRIME, RSS 007SA OCC004 PRIME, and RSS 007RI OCC004 PRIME 7 / 2 / 0 2 1 0 2 Allocated extra 5 min to ISS_004IA_SPECPHOTC001_PRIME; start still = 074T17:00; new end = 074T17:50; 5 min reduction to NAV_004EN_OPNAV741_PRIME; new start = 074T17:50; end still = 074T18:05 7 / 2 / 0 2 1 0 1 Changed all "NAC" entries to "ISS_NAC" 7 / 2 / 0 2 1 0 0 Changed boresights for UVIS_006ST_EPSORI003_PRIME at 103T16:15 and UVIS_007ST_BETCEN001_PRIME at 115T05:30 from "UVIS EUV" to "NAC" 7 / 2 / 0 2 9 9 Changed primary axis of CIRS_004SA_FIRMAP004_PRIME at 069T19:45; was "CIRS_FP3 to Enceladus"; is now "CIRS_FP1 to Saturn" 4 Indicate for which requests Mag needs input into the 2nd axis in order to accomplish Saturn B-field measurements; req'd by S. Kellock Not enough time allocated to SP to slew from Earth to waypoint; OK'd by M. Segura Not enough time allocated to SP to slew from Earth to waypoint; OK'd by A. Simon-Miller Required by Change # 105; OK'd by M. Segura CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT001_PRIME did not have enough time to turn to desired attitude when SP 2nd axis = +X to NEP; req'd by A. Hendrix Iapetus needed an extra 5 min; SP has time to complete turn to Iapetus for ISS in just 15 min; ISS required to return to waypoint attitude NAC to Saturn (+Z to NSP) by 074T06:00; req'd by T. Denk; OK'd by S. Edberg and L. Cheng New 2nd axis protects radiators, reduces turn times, keep Mag within 45° of B-field, and is CDA-friendly; req'd by P. Nicholson Iapetus needed an extra 5 min; plenty of margin in the original OpNav design; req'd by T. Denk; OK'd by S. Edberg and B. Owen Consistency with other BVT entries Will result in better calibration; req'd by A. Jouchoux "Enceladus" was typo in Att Strat; BVT entry for Port 2 will change from "FP3" to "FP1"; req'd by A. Simon J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change As of 8/7/02 Justification 7 / 2 / 0 2 9 8 Changed request name at 104T20:30 from ISS_006TI_1X1PT60001_ISS to ISS_006SA_LIMBRING001_PRIME; also changed 2nd axis from -Z to NEP (0,-30°,0 offset) to -X to 185.7/-73.2 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 7 Deleted several redundant "NEW WAYPOINT" lines 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 6 Increased duration of RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME from 0T00:34:28 to 0T00:40:28; start time still = 123T04:00:32; new end time = 123T04:41:00 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 5 Deleted lien from Orb SUPV for SP Madrid downlink on DOY 124 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 4 Deleted liens from Orb SUPV for CIRS_007RI_TEMPL20LP001_PRIME and CIRS_007RA_SHADLLP001_PRIME Titan is occulted by Saturn for the majority of the observation; observation re-designed to target Saturn instead; 2nd axis change to keep X-axis aligned with B-field for Mag measurement; req'd by E. Birath; 2nd axis OK'd by S. Kellock Unnecessary to indicate a waypoint change when in fact the waypoint attitude stays the same Uses 6 min. freed up in timeline by delaying the start of VIMS_007RI_HIPHASE001_PRIME from 123T04:35 to 123T04:41 for CMT management reasons; increasing the RSS duration has no impact whatsoever on the VIMS CMT issues; req'd by R. French, OK'd by L. Won SCART overlap problem has been corrected; req'd by L. Cheng 2nd axis problem has been corrected; req'd by L. Cheng 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 3 Increased duration of ISS_004TE_094W075PH001_PRIME from 0T00:30 to 0T00:35; new start time = 072T16:05; end time still = 072T16:40 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 2 Increased duration of ISS_004TE_238W098PH001_PRIME from 0T00:30 to 0T00:50; new start time = 071T09:50; new end time = 071T10:40 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 1 Increased duration of ISS_004EN_310W126PH001_PRIME from 0T00:30 to 0T00:34; start time still = 069T10:41; new end time = 069T11:15 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 9 0 Increased duration of ISS_004EN_310W047PH001_PRIME from 0T00:30 to 0T00:45; start time still = 065T16:00; new end time is 065T16:45 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 8 9 Increased duration of ISS_004MI_022W040PH001_PRIME from 0T00:30 to 0T00:42; start time still = 065T 10:18; new end time = 065T11:00 6 / 1 8 / 0 2 8 8 Re-ordered RADAR requests on DOY 108; RADAR_006TI_SOUTHSCAT001_PRIME/ RADAR_006TI_SOUTHCAL001_PRIME are now 108T01:25 to 03:25; RADAR_006OT_SRCRADCAL001_PRIME is now 108T03:25 to 10:25 Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein 6 / 1 1 / 0 2 8 7 Changed 2nd axis of SP Goldstone 70-m at 133T17:55 from +X to NEP to -Y to Saturn 6 / 1 1 / 0 2 8 6 Changed end time of DSN pass on DOY 116 from 02:00 to 01:58 6 / 1 1 / 0 2 8 5 Changed start time of DSN pass on DOY 115; was 19:59 should be 20:00 6 / 1 1 / 0 2 8 4 Changed end time of DSN pass on DOY 118; should be 03:58, not 04:00 Reverses change #66; error in input led to erroneous conclusion; req'd by L. Cheng Consisitency with pointing profile Avoid overlapping OpNav 5 Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Titan requests need to be executed first, when the S/C is closer to Titan; changes are internal to RADAR; consistency with CIMS inputs; req'd by K. Kelleher Consistency with DSN requests J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 6 / 1 1 / 0 2 8 3 Fixed typos in end time of SP Turn and start time of Mad 34-m pass at Typo DOY 102; turn ends and DSN pass starts at 102T19:30, not 19:00 6 / 1 1 / 0 2 8 2 Updated time of SP turns and Mad 70-m on DOY 088; SP turn to Earth = 088T12:28:30 to 13:30; Mad 70-m = 13:30 to 19:30; SP turn to waypoint = 19:30 to 20:00 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 8 1 ISS listed as rider to NAV_005MI_OPNAV871_PRIME at 087T06:10 and to CIRS 005SA LMBFRNG002 at 088T23:00 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 8 0 Increased duration of ISS_004MI_094W036PH001_PRIME at 067T15:03 from 0T00:30 to 0T00:57; new end time = 065T16:00, followed by direct turn to ISS_004EN_310W047PH001_PRIME 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 9 Increased duration of ISS_004TE_094W035PH001_PRIME at 067T08:50 from 0T00:30 to 0T00:58; new end time = 065T09:48, followed by direct turn to ISS_004EN_238W049PH001_PRIME, followed by direct turn to ISS_004MI_022W040PH001_PRIME 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 8 Changed start time and duration of ISS_004MI_094W029PH001_PRIME to be 066T14:00, 0T00:50; end time of 066T14:50 unchanged 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 7 Changed start time and duration of ISS_004EN_166W033PH001_PRIME to be 066T13:20, 0T00:40; end time of 066T14:00 unchanged 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 6 Changed start time and duration of ISS_004TE_310W044PH001_PRIME to be 066T10:08, 0T00:52; end time of 066T11:00 unchanged 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 5 Increased duration of ISS_004MI_022W034PH001_PRIME @ 066T09:35 from 0T00:30 to 0T00:33; new end time = 066T10:08 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 4 Added "No PDT design necessary" notations in the Comment fields of the MIMI MAGBNDCOR entries that start at 092T02:22, 094T07:37, 098T03:22, 099T16:50, and 101T01:50 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 3 Changed duration of UVIS_007RI_IMPACT001_PRIME @ 117T14:00 from 0T04:10 to 0T04:00 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 2 Changed 2nd axis of UVIS_005SA_EUVFUV001_PRIME @087T07:46 from +Z to Sun to +Z to NSP 6 / 1 0 / 0 2 7 1 Changed 2nd axis of UVIS_005TI_EUVFUV001_PRIME @ 090T21:55 from -X to Sun to +X to NTP 6 / 6 / 0 2 7 0 2nd axis for Waypoint attitude between 068T00:00 and 069T07:26 changed from -X to NEP to +X to NEP (004 Enceladus encounter & after) 6 / 6 / 0 2 6 9 Updated BVT entry used for all UVIS observations 6 As of 8/7/02 Justification Consistency with DSN plan Oversight; req'd by T. Denk Taking advantage of gap in sequence; waiving of WP slews undertaken at ISS' request, and with the understanding that a problem in SSUP which would require deleting one request from sequence will require deleting both; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; waiving of WP slews undertaken at ISS' request, and with the understanding that a problem in SSUP which would require deleting one request from sequence will require deleting all three; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein Taking advantage of gap in sequence; req'd by P. Helfenstein MIMI pointing requirements are satisifed by tracking waypoint; discussions with AACS and MSS programmers indicate that there is no need for a SCART, as IVP will correctly track the waypoint attitude throughout Typo; end time is 117T18:00, so correct dur = 0T04:00; req'd by A. Jouchoux Req'd by A. Jouchoux Req'd by A. Jouchoux -X to NEP was causing FR violations; req'd by A. Hendrix Consistency with prelim Port 1 SASF J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 6 / 6 / 0 2 6 8 Updated BVT entry used for CIRS observations 6 / 6 / 0 2 6 7 Updated BVT entry used for all VIMS observations 6 / 5 / 0 2 6 6 Changed 2nd axis of SP Goldstone 70-m at 133T17:55 from -Y to Saturn to +X to NEP 6 / 5 / 0 2 6 5 Changed start time of VIMS_007RI_HIPHASE001_PRIME from 123T04:35 to 04:41; end time remains unchanged 6 / 2 / 0 2 6 4 Changed the targeting for NAV_006RH_OPNAV081_PRIME, NAV_006EN_OPNAV091_PRIME, NAV_006EN_OPNAV101_PRIME, NAV_006MI_OPNAV111_PRIME; changed targeting and timing of NAV 006HY OPNAV131 PRIME and NAV 006TE OPNAV131 PRIME 6 / 1 / 0 2 6 3 Changed 2nd axis of ISS_007RI_LPHRLFMOV001_ISS from +Z to NSP to +X to NSP 6 / 1 / 0 2 6 2 Changed 2nd axis of the downlinks on DOYs 115, 116, 117, 118, and 119 from +X to NEP to -X to NEP; turns to/from Earth designed by OpNav; rolls designed by SP 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 6 1 Changed 2nd axis of VIMS_004TE_TETHYS004_PRIME and RADAR_004EN_SCATTRAD001_PRIME from -X to NEP to -X to 247.5/-63.3 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 6 0 Changed 2nd axis of CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT001_PRIME from -X to 253.5/-22.6 to -X to 261.3/+58.2 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 5 9 Changed primary axis for SP turn to safe S/C attitude & RPX attitude from -Z to 164.9/4.2 to -Z to 164.9/-23.6 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 5 8 Shortened VIMS_004SA_CYLMAP001_PRIME at 067T09:30 from 0T11:30 to 0T10:00; moved SP turn to Earth from 067T21:00 to 067T19:30; increased duration of SP Madrid 70m pass from 0T02:20 to 0T03:50 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 5 7 Changed 2nd axis from +Z to NSP to -Z to Sun for ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOA001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOB001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOC001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_SPECPHOTC001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOD001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOE001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_SPECPHOTF001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOG001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOI001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTJ001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOK001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTL001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOM001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTN001_PRIME, and ISS 005IA LIMBTOPOO001 PRIME 7 As of 8/7/02 Justification Consistency with prelim Port 1 SASF Consistency with prelim Port 1 SASF Required to avoid CIRS FR violations; req'd by T. Ray Change required to provide additional timing margin for CMT management; req'd by L. Won & R. Belenky; OK'd by P. Nicholson Changes required due change in shutter times in order to accommodate turns to downlink; req'd by B. Owen To orient the slits properly for the CIRS rider; req'd by P. Nicholson +X to NEP was causing radiator FR violations in PDT; -X to NEP does not; req'd by B. Owen Better for CDA and MAG; req'd by A. Hendrix Better for CDA and MAG; req'd by A. Hendrix Provides better observing attitude for CDA & MAG while still protecting the s/c from the RPX; req'd by A. Hendrix NAV needed longer pass to improve navigation accuracy and Enceladus ephemeris accuracy; req'd by A. Hendrix Req'd by T. Denk J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 5 6 Changed time and duration of SP turn to Earth; was 087T18:46 to 087T18:53; is 087T18:46 to 087T19:09; changed start time of SP Goldstone 34-m HEF; was 087T19:23, is 087T19:09; no change to pass end time 5 / 3 1 / 0 2 5 5 Changed time of SP Goldstone 70-m Downlink; was 103T20:39:59 104T05:54:59; is 103T20:40:00 - 104T05:55:00 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 5 4 SP rolling downlink from 121T19:00 to 122T03:12 will now terminate roll at 121T23:30; 2nd axis at 121T23:30 = +X to NSP 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 5 3 Changed of 2nd axis for waypoint starting at 103T00:00 from +Z to Sun to +X to NEP; affected requests are SP Turn to waypoint, SS_006RI_LPHRLFMOV001_ISS, and UVIS_006ST_EPSORI003_PRIME (OpNavs in this segment already had +X to NEP as 2nd axis) 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 5 2 Removed requirement to slew to waypoint during Rings Rev 7 moveable block; note added to Comment field of RSS_007RI_OCC003_PRIME, RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME, VIMS_007RI_HIPHASE001_PRIME, RSS_007SA_OCC004_PRIME, RSS_007RI_OCC004_PRIME, and SP Turn to waypoint to indicate that initial attitude is end attitude of previous request 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 5 1 Added Comment at 087T19:28 denoting OTM-19 back-up OTM and at 105T02:10 denoting OTM-22 back-up 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 5 0 Fixed typo in end time of SP Gold 34 HEF at 072T20:49; end time is 073T05:49 (not 072T05:49) 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 4 9 Fixed typo in start/end time of SP downlink turn; was 072T05:49 to 072T06:15; should be 073T05:59 to 073T06:15 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 4 8 Ten add'l minutes were allocated to ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOD001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOE001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_SPECPHOTF001_PRIME, ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOG001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOI001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTJ001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOK001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTL001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOM001_PRIME, ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTN001_PRIME, and ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOO001_PRIME; in each case the start time was moved 10 minutes earlier and the duration was increased from 0T00:45 to 0T00:55 5 / 3 0 / 0 2 4 7 The targeting for all OpNavs between 058T00:41 and 099T05:15 as updated 8 As of 8/7/02 Justification Align turn to Earth and DSN pass with OTM-19 back-up window; req'd by B. Burt; OK'd by J. Pitesky Round-off error; updated for consistency with CIMS requests; req'd by B. Burt Stopping roll early avoids heating CIRS for 4 hours prior to CIRS_007RI_TEMPL20LP001_PRIME; req'd by L. Spilker; OK'd by P. Nicholson & B. Wallis Req'd by P. Nicholson Agreement to waive slews to waypoint dates back to Orb SUPV; req'd by P. Nicholson; OK'd by L. Cheng Req'd by L. Won Typo; req'd L. Won Typo; req'd L. Won In each case the preceding OpNav was reduced in duration by ten minutes; negotiated between B. Owen and T. Denk; req'd by B. Owen Targeting changes required by trajectory tweak; req'd by B. Owen J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 5 / 2 9 / 0 2 4 6 CIRS added instance "001" to all requests names Req'd by M. Segura CIRS_004EN_FP1COMP_PRIME, CIRS_004EN_FP1DAY_PRIME, and CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT_PRIME; changed CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP01_PRIME to CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP001_PRIME; changed CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP02_PRIME to CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP002_PRIME; changed CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP03_PRIME to CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP003_PRIME As of 8/7/02 Justification 5 / 2 9 / 0 2 4 5 CAPS observation at 088T20:00 extended in duration from 0T02:30 to 0T03:00 5 / 2 8 / 0 2 4 4 The targeting for all OpNavs between 099T18:00 and 134T02:50 was updated. 5 / 2 8 / 0 2 4 3 Changed end date of SP Madrid 34-m HEF at 070T21:20 from 070T06:20 to 071T06:20; changed date of SP waypoint turn at 070T06:20 to 071T06:20 5 / 2 8 / 0 2 4 2 Changed duration of SP Madrid 34-m HEF at 070T21:20 from 0T09:15 to 0T09:00 5 / 2 8 / 0 2 4 1 Changed waypoint attitude at 088T20:00 from -Z to Sun (NAC to NSP) to NAC to L. F-Ring Ansa (+X to NSP w/ 0,+40°,0 offset); deleted unnecessary waypoint change at 088T22:30 5 / 2 8 / 0 2 4 0 Flipped sign of attitude offsets for the following activities: SP waypoint turn at 088T04:23, CIRS_005RF_FMOVIEA0001 at 088T04:53, SP turn to Earth at 088T12:28:30, D/L pass at 088T12:58:30, SP waypoint turn at 088T22:30, CIRS_005SA_LMBFRNG002 at 088T23:00, and NAV 005TE OPNAV891 PRIME at 089T18:00 5 / 2 8 / 0 2 3 9 Name changes to CIRS Enceladus requests to reflect more accurately the science objective; CIRS_004EN_FP1FAZ0P5003_PRIME now CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP01_PRIME; CIRS_004EN_TBD2003_PRIME now CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP02_PRIME CIRS_004EN_TBD3003_PRIME now CIRS_004EN_FP1COMP_PRIME CIRS_004EN_TBD4003_PRIME now CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP03_PRIME CIRS_004EN_TBD5003_PRIME now CIRS_004EN_FP1DAY_PRIME CIRS_004EN_FP1FAZ0P5350_PRIME now CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT_PRIME Uses 30 min. freed up in timeline by deleting SP waypoint turn at 088T22:30 (see Change #41); req'd by J. Furman; OK'd by J. Pitesky Targeting changes required by trajectory tweak; req'd by B. Owen 5 / 2 4 / 0 2 3 8 Corrected typos in epoch-rel time of RSS_007RI_OCC003_PRIME and in end time of RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME; corrected one-second duration problems (caused by round-off errors) in RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME, RSS_007SA_OCC004_PRIME, and RSS 007RI OCC004 PRIME Req'd by D. French; OK'd by P. Nicholson 9 Typos; req'd by B. Kurth, OK'd by J. Gross Typo; Pass duration is really 9 hours; req'd by B. Kurth; OK'd by J. Gross As negotiated within MAG TWT; req'd by J. Pitesky Sign convention for offsets used by PDT is the opposite of the sign convention used by F. Crary's analysis software; protects MAPS ride-along science; req'd by F. Crary Req'd by M. Segura J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # Change 5 / 2 4 / 0 2 3 7 Moved ISS_006OT_SATELLORB017_PRIME to 103T15:30 - 16:15; moved UVIS 006ST EPSORI003 PRIME to 103T16:15 - 19:00 5 / 2 4 / 0 2 3 6 Changed attitude of SP turn to safe att. at 068T08:56 and RPX att. at 068T09:19 to -Z to 164.9/4.2 (-X to 238.1/33.5) 5 / 2 4 / 0 2 3 5 Changed 2nd axis of CIRS_004EN_FP1FAZ0P5350_PRIME to -X to 253.5/-22.6 5 / 2 3 / 0 2 3 4 Changed waypoint attitude at 113T05:14 from -X to Sun (NAC to Saturn) to NAC to Saturn (-X to Sun) 5 / 2 2 / 0 2 3 3 Changed primary axis of waypoint at 107T22:25 from NAC to Titan to NAC to Saturn 5 / 2 2 / 0 2 3 2 Increased duration of RAM-pointing for ring plane crossing at 068T09:19 from 0T00:57 to 0T01:02; SP turn to waypoint after RPX moved later by 5 min. and shortened from 20 min. to 15 min. in duration 5 / 2 2 / 0 2 3 1 Changed primary vector for CIRS_007RI_TEMPL20LP001_PRIME and CIRS 007RI TEMPU11HP001 PRIME from FP4 to FP1 5 / 2 1 / 0 2 3 0 Deleted SP turn to Earth at 089T20:38:42; changed times of NAV 005TE OPNAV891 PRIME to be 089T18:40 to 089T21:08:42 5 / 2 1 / 0 2 2 9 Changed start of ISS_007RI_HPMRDFMOV001_ISS from 123T21:36:00 to 123T21:06 and increased dur from 0T12:24 to 0T12:54 5 / 2 1 / 0 2 2 8 Updated Comment field in CIRS_006SA_MIRMAPA004_PRIME to reflect the 2nd axis is a MAPS SW att, not MAPS COR 5 / 2 1 / 0 2 2 7 Changed offset from (0,24.2°,0) to (0,32°,0) for SP turn and waypoint attitude at 096T05:27 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 6 Changed 2nd axis of RADAR waypoint turn and ISS_005TI_HIGHRESNA001_ISS from -X to NEP to -X to Sun at 090T18:55 and 090T19:25, respectively 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 5 Increased duration of CIRS_007RI_TEMPU11HP001_PRIME and ISS_007RI_HPMRDFMOV001_ISS by 30 min each; moved OpNavs later by 1 hour to 124T10:00 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 4 Deleted redundant entries between 064T07:35 and 065T07:35 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 3 Changed name of CIRS_007RI_TEMPU08HP001_PRIME to CIRS 007RI TEMPU11HP001 PRIME @ 123T17:12 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 2 Changed 2nd axis of CIRS_006TI_FIRNADCMP002 from -X to Sun to +X to NEP 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 1 Changed 2nd axis of CIRS_006SA_MIRMAPA004_PRIME from +Z to Pole to -X to Sun 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 2 0 Changed 2nd axis of CIRS_007SA_MIRMAPB004_PRIME from +Z to NSP to -X to Sun 10 As of 8/7/02 Justification Latest s/c trajectory changed occ time; swapping UVIS occ and ISS SatOrb preserves occ; req'd by P. Nicholson; OK'd by B. West & M. Evans For CDA; req'd by G. Moragas; OK'd by D. Seal, A. Hendrix For CDA; req'd by G. Moragas; OK'd by J. Pearl Significantly reduces turn time to CIRS_006SA_MIRMAPA004_PRIME; no other science obs prior to DSN pass; req'd by A. Simon, OK'd by B. Owen Transcription error from Orb SUPV to S09/S10; waypoint is intended to be NAC to Saturn D. Seal states that s/c must be RAM-pointed until at least 068T10:20; J. Aiello indicates that return to waypoint slew takes only ~13 min.; req'd by A. Hendrix; OK'd by D. Seal Req'd by L. Spilker Extra time in sequence allocated to OpNav to perform turn to Earth; req'd by J. Pitesky, OK'd by B. Owen Consistency with updated Rings TOL; should have been changed on 5/20, when req'd by P. Nicholson For consistency with change to 2nd axis on 5/20; req'd by F. Crary (0,24.2°,0) offset will violate FR07B5; need to pick FR-free waypoint attitude; req'd by T. Averkamp -X to NEP turn was warming CIRS radiator and -X to Sun is consistent with all CIRS observations following ISS_005TI_HIGHRESNA001_ISS; req'd by D. Dawson, OK'd by E. Gudim To use up unallocated time in Rings 7 segment; req'd by P. Nicholson; OK'd by B. Owen Typos Consistency with CIMS request name Clean-up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by A. Simon and C. Nixon Clean-up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by A. Simon and C. Nixon Clean-up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by A. Simon and C. Nixon J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy As of 8/7/02 Date # Change Justification 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 1 9 Removed "RETARG" designation from ISS SATORBs Not true retargetables; targets are being selected now by Mike Evans; cleanup from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by Emma Skinner 028,029,031,033,034,036 on Rev 6 and SATORBs 004,005,007,016,020 on Rev 7 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 1 8 Removed "RETARG" designation from ISS_007OT_NAMEORBIT001 Not true retargetables; targets are being selected now by Mike Evans; cleanand 002 up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by Emma Skinner 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 1 7 Fixed typo in INMS attitude at 106T18:46:56; was +X to Titan RAM, is Clean-up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng; OK'd by G. Fletcher -X to Titan RAM 5 / 2 0 / 0 2 1 6 Fixed durations & end times in the rev 7 rings moveable block No changes to start/end of moveable block; just changes within it; req'd by B. Wallis 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 5 Changed units of offsets from mrad to deg. in TOST 6 segment Consistency within Attitude Strategy document; clean-up from Orb SUPV; observations CAPS Inbound Turn, INMS Closest Approach Turn, and req'd by L. Cheng CAPS Outbound Turn 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 4 Corrected offset in waypoint attitude and RPWS cal at 096T05:50; Clean-up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng, OK'd by B. Kurth was 32°, should be 24.2° 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 3 Updated primary axis of SP turn at 096T05:27 to include (0,0,24°) Consistency with new requested waypoint attitude; clean-up from Orb SUPV; offset req'd by L. Cheng 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 2 Correction of typo in 2nd axis in SP turn at 107T11:49; was -X to NEP; Clean-up from Orb SUPV; req'd by L. Cheng should be +X to NEP 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 1 Re-integration of rev 7 Ring occ moveable block between 123T01:40 Latest s/c trajectory changed occ time by ~50 minutes; also needed to and 123T08:52 create >6 min of "dead time" in sequence to accommodate ephemeris uncertainties; req'd by Phil Nicholson and Brad Wallis (Rings TWT) 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 1 0 Waypoint turn eliminated between Not enough time to slew from Dione -> waypoint -> Tethys; requested by T. Denk ISS_004DI_238W107PH001_PRIME and ISS 004TE 094W084PH001 PRIME 5 / 1 6 / 0 2 9 Waypoint turn eliminated between Not enough time to slew from Rhea -> waypoint -> Mimas; requested by T. ISS_004RH_094W073PH001_PRIME and Denk ISS 004MI 166W089PH001 PRIME 5 / 1 5 / 0 2 8 ISS_004EN_022W088PH001_PRIME @ 070T06:20 deleted Request already hidden in CIMS; accidentally included in Att Strat.; OK'd by J. Long 5 / 1 5 / 0 2 7 Changed name of MIMI requests at 097T07:30 and 098T03:22 to References to MAPS COR and MAPS SW campaigns were reversed; req'd by D. MIMI_006SW_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME and Mitchell MIMI 006SW MAGBNDCOR001 PRIME, respectively 5 / 1 4 / 0 2 6 Added D/L attitude info to Comments for some OpNavs OpNav did not have enough info complete the turns to/from D/L att. 5 / 1 4 / 0 2 5 Shortened NAV_007EN_OPNAV201_NAV by 10 min. Was overlapping NAV_007TI_OPNAV201_NAV; OK'd by B. Owen 5 / 1 4 / 0 2 4 Shortened NAV_003DI_OPNAV581_PRIME by 5 min. Need 5 min. of "dead time" at start of S09 sequence; OK'd by B. Owen 5 / 1 4 / 0 2 3 Updated SCET times of all TOST 5 segment science obs. C/A time changed to 2005-090T19:55:11; all durations and epoch-rel. times are unchanged except for CIRS_005TI_MIDIRTMAP003_PRIME, which was lengthened 20 min. 5 / 1 4 / 0 2 2 Updated SCET times of all TOST 6 segment science obs. C/A time chagned to 2005-106T19:05:5; all durations and epoch-rel .times are unchanged except for CIRS_006TI_FIRNADCMP002_PRIME, which had to be shortened 20 min., and the CAPS outbound obs, which was lengthened 20 min. 11 J. Gross Change History for S09/S10 Attitude Strategy Date # 5/13/02 1 Change As of 8/7/02 Justification Changed OpNav text to white At OpNav's request 12 J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request Start S09 Sequence SP 5-min gap for IVP updates NAV_003IA_OPNAV581_PRIME NAV_003EN_OPNAV581_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_003SA_1X6MOVIEC001_PRIME ISS_003OT_SATELLORB065_PRIME ISS_003SA_1X6MOVIEC002_PRIME ISS_003SA_1X6MOVIEC003_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB001_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA002_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA003_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA004_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA005_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA006_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB002_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEA007_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV582_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV582_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF SP turn to waypoint ISS_004OT_SATELLORB003_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEB001_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEB002_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB004_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEB003_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEB004_PRIME ISS_004SA_1X6MOVIEB005_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB005_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV591_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV591_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV591_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV591_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF NAV_004DI_OPNAV601_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV601_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV601_PRIME NAV_004RH_OPNAV601_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004OT_SATELLORB017_PRIME CIRS_004SA_MIRMAPA039_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Goldstone 34-HEF SP turn to waypoint CIRS_004SA_MIRMAPB039_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB011_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV611_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV611_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV611_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV611_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF NAV_004MI_OPNAV621_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV621_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT VIMS_004RE_E45PHASE001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB013_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Madrid 34-HEF Riders V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V DSCAL C DSCAL Start (SCET) 2005-058T00:36 2005-058T00:36 2005-058T00:41:00 2005-058T01:11:00 2005-058T01:36 2005-058T01:58:01 2005-058T02:38:00 2005-058T04:06:01 2005-058T06:14:01 2005-058T08:22:01 2005-058T09:30:00 2005-058T10:30:01 2005-058T12:38:01 2005-058T14:46:01 2005-058T16:54:01 2005-058T19:02:01 2005-058T20:30:00 2005-058T21:10:01 2005-058T21:50:00 2005-058T22:10:00 2005-058T22:50:00 2005-059T07:50:00 2005-059T08:30:00 2005-059T10:10:01 2005-059T12:18:01 2005-059T13:30:00 2005-059T14:26:01 2005-059T16:34:01 2005-059T18:42:01 2005-059T20:00:00 2005-059T20:50:00 2005-059T21:25:00 2005-059T21:45:00 2005-059T22:05:00 2005-059T22:50:00 2005-060T07:50:00 2005-060T08:35:00 2005-060T08:55:00 2005-060T09:15:00 2005-060T09:50 2005-060T09:50:00 2005-060T11:20:00 2005-060T22:20:00 2005-060T22:50:00 2005-061T07:50:00 2005-061T08:20:00 2005-061T19:20:00 2005-061T20:50:00 2005-061T21:25:00 2005-061T21:45:00 2005-061T22:05:00 2005-061T22:50:00 2005-062T07:50:00 2005-062T08:25:00 2005-062T08:50 2005-062T08:50:00 2005-062T14:05:00 2005-062T14:35:00 2005-062T15:05:00 Start (Epoch) Dur 00T00:05 00T00:30:00 00T00:25:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:40:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:45:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:45:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:35:00 00T01:30:00 00T11:00:00 00T00:30:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:30:00 00T11:00:00 00T01:30:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:45:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:25:00 00T05:15:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:30:00 00T09:00:00 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary +X to NSP XBAND to Earth 2 0 0 5 - 0 5 8 T 0 0 : 4 1 XBAND to Earth +X to NSP 2005-058T01:11:00 ISS_NAC to 98.856/7.335 +X to NSP 2005-058T01:36:00 ISS_NAC to 60.951/-5.941 +X to NSP 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 0 T 0 9 : 5 0 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T02:38:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T03:08:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-058T04:46:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T06:54:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T09:02:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T10:00:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-058T11:10:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T13:18:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T15:26:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T17:34:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T19:42:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T21:00:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-058T21:50:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-058T22:10:00 ISS_NAC to 102.260/7.619 +X to NSP 2005-058T22:50:00 ISS_NAC to 63.115/-6.001 +X to NSP 2005-059T07:50:00 XBAND to Earth rolling 2005-059T08:20:00 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-059T09:00:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-059T10:50:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-059T12:58:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-059T14:00:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-059T15:06:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-059T17:14:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-059T19:22:01 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-059T20:30:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-059T21:25:00 ISS_NAC to 58.235/-5.979 +X to NSP 2005-059T21:45:00 ISS_NAC to 65.845/-5.830 +X to NSP 2005-059T22:05:00 ISS_NAC to 63.974/-5.831 +X to NSP 2005-059T22:50:00 ISS_NAC to 106.489/7.887 +X to NSP 2005-060T07:50:00 XBAND to Earth rolling 2005-060T08:35:00 ISS_NAC to 54.551/-6.046 +Z to NSP 2005-060T08:55:00 ISS_NAC to 108.452/8.042 +Z to NSP 2005-060T09:15:00 ISS_NAC to 59.071/-5.910 +Z to NSP 2005-060T09:50:00 ISS_NAC to 52.664/-6.204 +Z to NSP 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 2 T 0 8 : 5 0 ISS_NAC to Saturn +Z to NSP 2005-060T11:20:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +Z to NSP 2005-060T22:20:00 CIRS_FP3 to Saturn +Z to NSP 2005-060T22:50:00 XBAND to Earth +X to NEP 2005-061T07:50:00 XBAND to Earth +X to NEP 2005-061T08:20:00 ISS_NAC to Saturn +Z to NSP 2005-061T19:20:00 CIRS_FP3 to Saturn +Z to NSP 2005-061T20:50:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +Z to NSP 2005-061T21:25:00 ISS_NAC to 71.290/-5.465 +Z to NSP 2005-061T21:45:00 ISS_NAC to 76.446/-5.116 +Z to NSP 2005-061T22:05:00 ISS_NAC to 71.642/-5.428 +Z to NSP 2005-061T22:50:00 ISS_NAC to 37.402/-6.638 +Z to NSP 2005-062T07:50:00 XBAND to Earth +X to NEP 2005-062T08:25:00 ISS_NAC to 65.390/-5.708 +X to NSP 2005-062T08:50:00 ISS_NAC to 39.479/-6.624 +X to NSP 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 5 T 0 8 : 5 0 ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NSP 2005-062T14:05:00 ISS_NAC to E ring +X to NSP 2005-062T14:35:00 ISS_NAC to satellites +X to NSP 2005-062T15:05:00 XBAND to Earth +X to NSP 2005-063T00:05:00 XBAND to Earth +X to NSP End (SCET) 1 Comments Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Up to 8 satellite targets possible OTM-15 Prime Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-15 back-up Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Up to 8 satellite targets possible J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Riders Request NAV_004DI_OPNAV631_PRIME NAV_004TEI_OPNAV631_PRIME RPWS_004SA_ANTCAL001_PRIME ISS_004RH_166W047PH001_PRIME VIMS_004RE_E45PHASE002_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB016_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV631_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV631_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV632_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV631_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF NAV_004MI_OPNAV641_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV641_PRIME ISS_004JA_MUTUALEVE007_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB019_PRIME ISS_004JA_MUTUALEVE027_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB020_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV641_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV641_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF NAV_004EN_OPNAV651_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV651_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV652_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004TE_094W035PH001_PRIME ISS_004EN_238W049PH001_PRIME ISS_004MI_022W040PH001_PRIME ISS_004SA_WINDS1001_PRIME ISS_004SA_WINDS1002_PRIME ISS_004SA_WINDS1003_PRIME ISS_004SA_WINDS2001_PRIME ISS_004SA_WINDS2002_PRIME ISS_004SA_WINDS2003_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB022_PRIME ISS_004MI_094W036PH001_PRIME ISS_004EN_310W047PH001_PRIME ISS_004TE_166W039PH001_PRIME ISS_004DI_238W051PH001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB023_PRIME ISS_004MI_166W039PH001_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV651_PRIME NAV_004TI_OPNAV651_PRIME NAV_004RH_OPNAV651_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV652_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF SP turn to waypoint ISS_004DI_310W047PH001_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV661_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV661_PRIME ISS_004MI_022W034PH001_PRIME ISS_004TE_310W044PH001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB025_PRIME ISS_004RH_022W029PH001_PRIME ISS_004EN_166W033PH001_PRIME ISS_004MI_094W029PH001_PRIME VIMS_004RG_G45PHASE001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB018_PRIME ISS_004MI_166W030PH001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB024_PRIME ISS_004EN_238W040PH001_PRIME C,I I Start (SCET) 2005-063T00:05:00 2005-063T00:40:00 2005-063T01:05:00 2005-063T13:00:00 2005-063T14:00:00 2005-063T19:35:00 2005-063T20:35:00 2005-063T21:05:00 2005-063T21:27:00 2005-063T21:49:00 2005-063T22:35:00 2005-064T07:35:00 2005-064T08:10:00 2005-064T08:35:00 2005-064T09:30:00 2005-064T18:00:00 2005-064T19:30:00 2005-064T21:35:00 2005-064T21:55:00 2005-064T22:35:00 2005-065T07:35 2005-065T08:15 2005-065T08:30 2005-065T08:50 2005-065T08:50 2005-065T09:48 2005-065T10:18 2005-065T11:00 2005-065T11:25 2005-065T11:50 2005-065T13:00 2005-065T13:25 2005-065T13:50 2005-065T14:03 2005-065T15:03 2005-065T16:00 2005-065T17:15 2005-065T17:35 2005-065T18:10 2005-065T19:16 2005-065T19:46 2005-065T20:16 2005-065T20:41 2005-065T21:06 2005-065T22:20 2005-066T07:20 2005-066T07:45 2005-066T08:35 2005-066T08:58:15 2005-066T09:35 2005-066T10:08 2005-066T11:00 2005-066T12:50 2005-066T13:20 2005-066T14:00 2005-066T14:50 2005-066T17:55 2005-066T18:25 2005-066T18:55 2005-066T19:25 Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) 00T00:35:00 00T00:25:00 00T11:30:00 00T01:00:00 00T05:35:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:22:00 00T00:22:00 00T00:46:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:25:00 00T00:55:00 00T01:00:00 00T01:30:00 00T01:30:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:40:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:40 00T00:15 00T00:20 2005-063T00:40:00 2005-063T01:05:00 2005-063T12:35:00 2005-063T14:00:00 2005-063T19:35:00 2005-063T20:05:00 2005-063T21:05:00 2005-063T21:27:00 2005-063T21:49:00 2005-063T22:35:00 2005-064T07:35:00 2005-064T08:10:00 2005-064T08:35:00 2005-064T09:30:00 2005-064T10:30:00 2005-064T19:30:00 2005-064T21:00:00 2005-064T21:55:00 2005-064T22:35:00 2005-065T07:35:00 2005-065T08:15 2005-065T08:30 2005-065T08:50 00T00:58 00T00:30 00T00:42 00T00:08 00T00:08 00T00:08 00T00:08 00T00:08 00T00:08 00T01:00 00T00:57 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:30 00T01:00 00T00:30 00T00:30 00T00:25 00T00:25 00T01:14 00T09:00 00T00:25 00T00:30 00T00:23:15 00T00:36:45 00T00:33 00T00:52 00T01:50 00T00:30 00T00:40 00T00:50 00T03:05 00T00:30 00T00:30 00T00:30 00T00:30 2005-067T07:56 2005-065T09:48 2005-065T10:18 2005-065T11:00 2005-065T11:08 2005-065T11:33 2005-065T11:58 2005-065T13:08 2005-065T13:33 2005-065T13:58 2005-065T15:03 2005-065T16:00 2005-065T16:45 2005-065T17:35 2005-065T18:05 2005-065T19:10 2005-065T19:46 2005-065T20:16 2005-065T20:41 2005-065T21:06 2005-065T22:20 2005-066T07:20 2005-066T07:45 2005-066T08:15 2005-066T08:58:15 2005-066T09:35 2005-066T10:08 2005-066T11:00 2005-066T12:50 2005-066T13:20 2005-066T14:00 2005-066T14:50 2005-066T17:55 2005-066T18:25 2005-066T18:55 2005-066T19:25 2005-066T19:55 2 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary ISS_NAC to 62.320/-5.837 ISS_NAC to 74.510/-5.035 +X to Saturn ISS_NAC to Rhea ISS_NAC to E ring ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to 72.575/-5.250 ISS_NAC to 127.917/9.267 ISS_NAC to 71.835/-5.319 ISS_NAC to 49.175/-6.347 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 74.769/-5.210 ISS_NAC to 72.928/-5.295 ISS_NAC to Janus ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Janus ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to 82.039/-4.525 ISS_NAC to 135.406/9.699 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 77.320/-4.952 ISS_NAC to 92.414/-3.757 ISS_NAC to 76.884/-5.015 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to Dione ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to 72.585/-5.234 ISS_NAC to 50.286/-6.265 ISS_NAC to 81.440/-4.752 ISS_NAC to 82.571/-4.755 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Dione ISS_NAC to 100.385/-3.048 ISS_NAC to 79.902/-4.806 ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Rhea ISS_NAC to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to G ring ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Enceladus +X to NSP +X to NSP rolling +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +X to NEP +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun Comments Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP OTM-16 Prime Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NSP direct turn from Tethys to Enceladus direct turn from Enceladus to Mimas direct turn from Saturn to satellites Up to 8 satellite targets possible direct turn from Mimas to Enceladus direct turn from Tethys to Dione Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-16 back-up Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible Up to 8 satellite targets possible J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request Riders ISS_004RH_GLOCOL001_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV662_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV661_PRIME NAV_004RH_OPNAV661_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV661_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-HEF Start SOST 4 Segment SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT VIMS_004SA_CYLMAP001_PRIME C SP turn to Earth SP Madrid 70-m SP turn to waypoint VIMS_004TE_TETHYS001_PRIME CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP001_PRIME ISS_004EN_N3CPOL002_PRIME CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP002_PRIME ISS_004EN_N4COLR003_PRIME CIRS_004EN_FP1COMP001_PRIME ISS_004EN_N4COLR004_PRIME U, C V, U C, U, V U, V U, C, V U, V U, C, V DSCAL NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_004EN_FP3MAP003_PRIME ISS_004EN_NGNPOL001_PRIME CIRS_004EN_FP1DAY001_PRIME ISS_004EN_REGEO002_PRIME U, V U, C, V U, V U, C, V SP turn to safe S/C attitude SP E-ring crossing SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) 2005-066T19:55 2005-066T20:55 2005-066T21:15 2005-066T21:33 2005-066T21:51 2005-066T22:35 2005-067T07:35 00T01:00 00T00:20 00T00:18 00T00:18 00T00:44 00T09:00 2005-066T20:55 2005-066T21:15 2005-066T21:33 2005-066T21:51 2005-066T22:35 2005-067T07:35 2005-067T07:35:00 2005-067T07:56 2005-067T09:30 2005-067T19:30 2005-067T19:50 2005-067T23:40 2005-068T00:00:00 2005-068T01:46:34 2005-068T02:50:34 2005-068T03:05:34 2005-068T04:05:34 2005-068T04:35:34 2005-068T05:25:34 2005-068T05:50:34 00T00:20:30 2005-067T07:55:30 2005-068T05:50:34 2005-067T19:30 2005-067T19:50 2005-067T23:40 2005-068T00:00 2005-068T01:46:34 2005-068T02:50:34 2005-068T03:05:34 2005-068T04:05:34 2005-068T04:35:34 2005-068T05:25:34 2005-068T05:50:34 2005-068T10:39:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-09:06:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-07:20 004_Enceladus_Tar-06:16 004_Enceladus_Tar-06:01 004_Enceladus_Tar-05:01 004_Enceladus_Tar-04:31 004_Enceladus_Tar-03:41 2005-068T05:50:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-03:16 2005-068T06:45:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-02:21 2005-068T07:25:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-01:41 2005-068T07:45:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-01:21 2005-068T08:53:34 004_Enceladus_Tar-00:10:00 2005-068T09:19:34 004_Enceladus_Tar+00:13:00 00T10:00 00T00:20 00T03:50 00T00:20 00T01:46:34 00T01:04 00T00:15 00T01:00 00T00:30 00T00:50 00T00:25 00T00:55 00T00:40 00T00:20 00T01:08 00T00:26 00T01:02 2005-068T06:45:34 2005-068T07:25:34 2005-068T07:45:34 2005-068T08:53:34 2005-068T09:19:34 2005-068T10:21:34 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary ISS_NAC to Rhea ISS_NAC to 85.335/-4.352 ISS_NAC to 92.455/-3.403 ISS_NAC to 113.271/-1.614 ISS_NAC to 102.063/-2.629 XBAND to Earth +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun rolling ISS_NAC to Enceladus +X to 270/+66.561 +X to NEP +X to NSP +X to Tethys NP rolling +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP ISS_NAC to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Enceladus VIMS_IR to Tethys CIRS_FP3 to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Enceladus CIRS_FP3 to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Enceladus CIRS_FP1 to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Enceladus (0,25°, 0 offset) CIRS_FP3 to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Enceladus CIRS_FP1 to Enceladus ISS_NAC to Enceladus -Z to 164.9/-23.6 -Z to 164.9/-23.6 +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP -X to 238.1/33.5 -X to 238.1/33.5 2005-068T10:21:34 2005-068T10:39:34 004_Enceladus_Tar+01:10 00T00:18 2005-068T10:39:34 ISS_NAC to Enceladus 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 8 T 1 8 : 2 5 ISS_NAC to Enceladus -X to 261.3/+58.2 -X to 261.3/+58.2 2005-068T10:39:34 2005-068T11:21:34 004_Enceladus_Tar+01:30 004_Enceladus_Tar+02:15 00T00:42 00T00:45 2005-068T11:21:34 CIRS_FP1 to Enceladus 2005-068T12:06:34 VIMS_IR to Tethys -X to 261.3/+58.2 -X to 261.3/+58.2 RADAR_004EN_SCATTRAD001_PRIME 2005-068T12:06:34 004_Enceladus_Tar+03:00 00T02:00 2005-068T14:06:34 -Z to Enceladus -X to 247.5/-63.3 SP turn to Earth 2005-068T14:06:34 00T00:23:26 2005-068T14:30 XBAND to Earth 2005-068T14:30 2005-068T17:50 2005-068T18:25 2005-068T18:25 2005-068T21:00 00T03:20 00T00:35 CIRS_004EN_FP1NIGHT001_PRIME VIMS_004TE_TETHYS004_PRIME I, U, C U, C SP Madrid 70-m SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004EN_OBSERV002_PRIME ISS_004TE_OBSERV002_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Goldstone 70-m Start XD 4/5 Segment NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004TE_238W136PH001_PRIME SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004MI_166W113PH001_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV691_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV692_PRIME ISS_004EN_310W126PH001_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV691_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV691_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV691_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV691_PRIME C, U C 2005-068T23:11 2005-068T23:26 2005-069T07:26 2005-069T07:26 2005-069T07:26:00 2005-069T08:00:00 2005-069T08:35 2005-069T08:35:00 2005-069T09:30:00 2005-069T09:53:15 2005-069T10:41:00 2005-069T11:15:00 2005-069T11:50:00 2005-069T12:10:00 2005-069T12:30:00 00T02:35 00T02:11 2005-068T17:50 XBAND to Earth 2005-068T18:25 ISS_NAC to Enceladus 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 9 T 0 7 : 2 6 ISS_NAC to Enceladus 2005-068T21:00 ISS_NAC to Enceladus 2005-068T23:11 ISS_NAC to Tethys 00T00:15 00T08:00 00T00:34:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:55:00 00T00:23:15 00T00:47:45 00T00:34:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:45:00 2005-068T23:26 XBAND to Earth 2005-069T07:26 XBAND to Earth 2005-069T08:35 2005-069T08:00:00 2005-069T08:35:00 2005-069T19:45 2005-069T09:30:00 2005-069T09:53:15 2005-069T10:41:00 2005-069T11:15:00 2005-069T11:50:00 2005-069T12:10:00 2005-069T12:30:00 2005-069T13:15:00 3 -Z to Earth ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to 179.598/12.889 ISS_NAC to 179.592/12.870 ISS_NAC to Enceladus ISS_NAC to 356.987/-4.822 ISS_NAC to 28.278/-6.403 ISS_NAC to 345.554/-4.202 ISS_NAC to 356.494/-4.819 +X to NEP rolling -X to NEP -X to NEP -X to 104/-75 +X to NEP Comments Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP End request at new waypoint (see below) Req'd for CIRS radiator FR avoidance 2nd axis for CDA 2nd axis for CDA; Mag field from 068T09:20 to 14:20 Mag field from 068T09:20 to 14:20 2nd axis for CDA; Mag field from 068T09:20 to 14:20 No return to waypoint slew; Mag field from 068T09:20 to 14:20 pick up at NAC to Tethys; no return to waypoint slew in support of Mag; Mag field from 068T09:20 to 14:20 direct turn to Earth from RADAR attitude in support of Mag; Mag field from 068T09:20 to direct turn from Enceladus to Tethys leave 2nd axis at +X to NEP at end of request (not -X) +X to NEP rolling (end at -Y to Saturn) -Y to Saturn -Z to Earth +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request SP Madrid 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_004SA_FIRMAP004_PRIME ISS_004DI_MUTUALEVE018_PRIME ISS_004DI_238W107PH001_PRIME ISS_004TE_094W084PH001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB026_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV701_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV701_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004RH_094W073PH001_PRIME ISS_004MI_166W089PH001_PRIME ISS_004DI_310W100PH001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB027_PRIME ISS_004TE_238W098PH001_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV711_PRIME ISS_004MI_238W094PH001_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Madrid 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT VIMS_004RI_RPX85PH001_PRIME ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOA001_PRIME ISS_004MI_310W087PH001_PRIME ISS_004OT_SATELLORB031_PRIME ISS_004TE_094W075PH001_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV721_PRIME NAV_004TI_OPNAV721_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV721_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV721_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_004OT_SATELLORB032_PRIME ISS_004RH_238W094PH001_PRIME SP turn to waypoint SP Goldstone 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT VIMS_004RE_E80PHASE001_PRIME ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOB001_PRIME NAV_004RH_OPNAV731_PRIME NAV_004TE_OPNAV731_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV731_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV731_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOC001_PRIME UVIS_004SA_MOS04APO005_PRIME ISS_004IA_SPECPHOTC001_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV741_PRIME NAV_004DI_OPNAV741_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV741_PRIME SP Mad/Gold 34-m HEF NAV_004RH_OPNAV751_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV751_PRIME ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOD001_PRIME UVIS_004SA_MOS04APO006_PRIME Riders DSCAL C_SI DSCAL C, I C DSCAL DSCAL Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) 2005-069T13:15:00 2005-069T19:15:00 2005-069T19:45 2005-069T19:50:00 2005-070T17:00:00 2005-070T17:30:00 2005-070T17:50:00 2005-070T18:10:00 2005-070T19:15:00 2005-070T19:50:00 2005-070T21:20:00 2005-071T06:20:00 2005-071T07:10 2005-071T07:10:00 2005-071T07:30:00 2005-071T08:10:00 2005-071T08:50:00 2005-071T09:50:00 2005-071T10:40:00 2005-071T11:40:00 2005-071T12:30:00 2005-071T13:30:00 2005-071T19:30:00 2005-071T20:00 2005-071T20:00:00 2005-072T14:00:00 2005-072T15:05:00 2005-072T15:35:00 2005-072T16:05:00 2005-072T16:40:00 2005-072T17:15:00 2005-072T17:35:00 2005-072T17:55:00 2005-072T18:40 2005-072T18:40:00 2005-072T19:45:00 2005-072T20:15:00 2005-072T20:49:00 2005-073T05:49:00 2005-073T06:15 00T06:00:00 000T00:35:00 2005-069T19:15:00 2005-069T19:50:00 2005-071T07:10 2005-070T17:00:00 2005-070T17:30:00 2005-070T17:50:00 2005-070T18:10:00 2005-070T19:15:00 2005-070T19:50:00 2005-070T21:20:00 2005-071T06:20:00 2005-071T07:10:00 2005-071T20:00 2005-071T07:30:00 2005-071T08:00:00 2005-071T08:40:00 2005-071T09:50:00 2005-071T10:40:00 2005-071T11:40:00 2005-071T12:30:00 2005-071T13:30:00 2005-071T19:30:00 2005-071T20:00:00 2005-072T18:40 2005-072T14:00:00 2005-072T15:05:00 2005-072T15:35:00 2005-072T16:05:00 2005-072T16:40:00 2005-072T17:15:00 2005-072T17:35:00 2005-072T17:55:00 2005-072T18:40:00 2005-073T06:15 2005-072T19:40:00 2005-072T20:15:00 2005-072T20:49:00 2005-073T05:49:00 2005-073T06:15:00 2005-088T04:53 2005-073T06:15:00 2005-073T18:15:00 2005-073T19:00:00 2005-073T19:35:00 2005-073T19:55:00 2005-073T20:15:00 2005-073T21:04:00 2005-074T05:00:00 2005-074T05:15:00 2005-074T06:00:00 2005-074T17:00:00 2005-074T17:50:00 2005-074T18:05:00 2005-074T18:20:00 2005-074T19:15:00 2005-075T05:15:00 2005-075T05:43:00 2005-075T06:05:00 2005-075T07:00:00 000T12:00:00 000T00:45:00 000T00:35:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:49:00 000T08:00:00 000T00:15:00 000T00:45:00 000T11:00:00 000T00:50:00 000T00:15:00 000T00:15:00 000T00:55:00 000T10:00:00 000T00:28:00 000T00:22:00 000T00:55:00 000T12:15:00 00T21:10:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:20:00 00T01:05:00 00T00:35:00 00T01:30:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:40:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:30:00 00T01:00:00 00T00:50:00 00T01:00:00 00T00:50:00 00T01:00:00 00T06:00:00 00T00:30:00 00T18:00:00 00T01:05:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:35:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:20:00 00T00:45:00 00T01:00:00 00T00:30:00 00T00:34:00 00T09:00:00 00T00:26:00 2005-073T18:15:00 2005-073T19:00:00 2005-073T19:35:00 2005-073T19:55:00 2005-073T20:15:00 2005-073T21:04:00 2005-074T05:00:00 2005-074T05:15:00 2005-074T06:00:00 2005-074T17:00:00 2005-074T17:50:00 2005-074T18:05:00 2005-074T18:20:00 2005-074T19:15:00 2005-075T05:15:00 2005-075T05:43:00 2005-075T06:05:00 2005-075T07:00:00 2005-075T19:15:00 4 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn CIRS_FP1 to Saturn ISS_NAC to Dione ISS_NAC to Dione ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to 16.540/-5.890 ISS_NAC to 37.083/-6.266 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Rhea ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to Dione ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to 172.614/11.118 ISS_NAC to Mimas XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to rings ISS_NAC to Iapetus ISS_NAC to Mimas ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Tethys ISS_NAC to 46.349/-6.329 ISS_NAC to 75.867/-5.080 ISS_NAC to 80.478/-4.323 ISS_NAC to 48.513/-6.362 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to satellites ISS_NAC to Rhea XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to E ring core ISS_NAC to Iapetus ISS_NAC to 31.829/-6.376 ISS_NAC to 37.700/-6.382 ISS_NAC to 45.451/-6.497 ISS_NAC to 40.131/-6.413 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Iapetus ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to Iapetus ISS_NAC to 43.501/-6.391 ISS_NAC to 47.669/-6.403 ISS_NAC to 48.066/-6.392 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 55.109/-6.133 ISS_NACt o 84.844/-4.249 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn rolling +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NEP +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Saturn +Z to Sun -X to NEP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth +X to NEP +X to NEP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +X to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling -Z to Sun -Z to Sun +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP Comments do not need ctrl of 2ndary axis direct turn from Dione to Tethys Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-17 Prime; no roll direct turn from Rhea to Mimas Up to 8 satellite targets possible Includes turn to NAC to Saturn, -Z to Earth Up to 8 satellite targets possible OTM-17 back-up; no roll Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP direct turn from Earth to Iapetus for ISS must return to waypoint by end of request Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request NAV_004HY_OPNAV752_PRIME NAV_004RH_OPNAV752_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_004EN_OPNAV761_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV761_PRIME ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOE001_PRIME UVIS_004SA_MOS04APO007_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV761_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV762_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_004IA_OPNAV771_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV772_PRIME ISS_004IA_SPECPHOTF001_PRIME UVIS_004SA_MOS04APO008_PRIME NAV_004EN_OPNAV771_PRIME NAV_004MI_OPNAV771_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_004EN_OPNAV781_PRIME NAV_004HY_OPNAV781_PRIME ISS_004IA_LIMBTOPOG001_PRIME UVIS_004SA_MOS04APO009_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV781_PRIME NAV_004IA_OPNAV782_PRIME SP Madrid 34-m HEF NAV_005RH_OPNAV781_PRIME NAV_005DI_OPNAV781_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO010_PRIME NAV_005TE_OPNAV791_PRIME NAV_005HY_OPNAV791_PRIME SP Madrid 34-m HEF NAV_005IA_OPNAV791_PRIME NAV_005IA_OPNAV792_PRIME ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOI001_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO011_PRIME NAV_005MI_OPNAV801_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV801_PRIME SP Mad/Gold 34-m HEF Riders Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) Observation Attitude Secondary Primary 2005-075T19:15:00 2005-075T19:35:00 2005-075T20:19:00 2005-076T05:15:00 2005-076T05:43:00 2005-076T06:05:00 2005-076T07:00:00 2005-076T19:15:00 2005-076T19:35:00 2005-076T20:19:00 2005-077T05:15:00 2005-077T05:40:00 2005-077T06:05:00 2005-077T07:00:00 2005-077T19:15:00 2005-077T19:35:00 2005-077T20:15:00 2005-078T05:15:00 2005-078T05:43:00 2005-078T06:05:00 2005-078T07:00:00 2005-078T11:00:00 2005-078T11:30:00 2005-078T12:19:00 2005-078T21:19:00 2005-078T22:05:00 2005-078T22:45:00 2005-079T11:00:00 2005-079T11:30:00 2005-079T12:19:00 2005-079T22:00:00 2005-079T22:20:00 2005-079T22:50:00 2005-079T23:45:00 2005-080T17:15:00 2005-080T17:35:00 2005-080T18:15:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:44:00 000T08:56:00 000T00:28:00 000T00:22:00 000T00:55:00 000T12:15:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:44:00 000T08:56:00 000T00:25:00 000T00:25:00 000T00:55:00 000T12:15:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:40:00 000T09:00:00 000T00:28:00 000T00:22:00 000T00:55:00 000T04:00:00 000T00:30:00 000T00:49:00 000T09:00:00 000T00:46:00 000T00:40:00 000T12:15:00 000T00:30:00 000T00:49:00 000T09:41:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:30:00 000T00:55:00 000T17:30:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:40:00 000T11:00:00 2005-075T19:35:00 2005-075T20:19:00 2005-076T05:15:00 2005-076T05:43:00 2005-076T06:05:00 2005-076T07:00:00 2005-076T19:15:00 2005-076T19:35:00 2005-076T20:19:00 2005-077T05:15:00 2005-077T05:40:00 2005-077T06:05:00 2005-077T07:00:00 2005-077T19:15:00 2005-077T19:35:00 2005-077T20:15:00 2005-078T05:15:00 2005-078T05:43:00 2005-078T06:05:00 2005-078T07:00:00 2005-078T11:00:00 2005-078T11:30:00 2005-078T12:19:00 2005-078T21:19:00 2005-078T22:05:00 2005-078T22:45:00 2005-079T11:00:00 2005-079T11:30:00 2005-079T12:19:00 2005-079T22:00:00 2005-079T22:20:00 2005-079T22:50:00 2005-079T23:45:00 2005-080T17:15:00 2005-080T17:35:00 2005-080T18:15:00 2005-081T05:15:00 ISS_NAC to 83.741/-4.443 ISS_NAC to 61.163/-5.937 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 46.279/-6.357 ISS_NAC to 47.503/-6.183 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 78.175/-5.102 ISS_NAC to 56.375/-6.207 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 176.248/-1.456 ISS_NAC to 176.275/-1.477 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 49.942/-6.276 ISS_NAC to 58.945/-6.100 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 58.371/-6.053 ISS_NAC to 60.332/-6.473 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 182.146/-5.118 ISS_NAC to 182.148/-5.123 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 52.741/-6.262 ISS_NAC to 56.429/-6.110 UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 53.872/-6.208 ISS_NAC to 42.946/-7.069 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 191.460/-9.329 ISS_NAC to 191.532/-9.360 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 66.285/-5.685 ISS_NAC to 59.766/-5.920 XBAND to Earth +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +X to NEP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +X to NEP +X to NSP +X to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +X to NEP 2005-081T05:15:00 2005-081T05:43:00 2005-081T06:05:00 2005-081T07:00:00 2005-081T19:15:00 2005-081T19:35:00 2005-081T20:18:00 2005-082T05:15:00 000T00:28:00 000T00:22:00 000T00:55:00 000T12:15:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:43:00 000T08:57:00 000T00:20:00 2005-081T05:43:00 2005-081T06:05:00 2005-081T07:00:00 2005-081T19:15:00 2005-081T19:35:00 2005-081T20:18:00 2005-082T05:15:00 2005-082T05:35:00 ISS_NAC to 69.586/-5.501 ISS_NAC to 61.955/-5.937 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 46.254/-6.350 ISS_NAC to 60.955/-5.957 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 210.572/-14.420 +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +X to NSP NAV_005IA_OPNAV822_PRIME 2005-082T05:35:00 000T00:30:00 2005-082T06:05:00 ISS_NAC to 210.595/-14.414 +X to NSP ISS_005IA_LIMBTOPOK001_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO013_PRIME NAV_005DI_OPNAV821_PRIME NAV_005TE_OPNAV821_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_005DI_OPNAV831_PRIME NAV_005RH_OPNAV831_PRIME ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTL001_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO014_PRIME NAV_005DI_OPNAV832_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV831_PRIME 2005-082T06:05:00 2005-082T07:00:00 2005-082T19:15:00 2005-082T19:35:00 2005-082T20:18:00 2005-083T05:15:00 2005-083T05:41:00 2005-083T06:05:00 2005-083T07:00:00 2005-083T19:15:00 2005-083T19:35:00 000T00:55:00 000T12:15:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:43:00 000T08:57:00 000T00:26:00 000T00:24:00 000T00:55:00 000T12:15:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:43:00 2005-082T07:00:00 2005-082T19:15:00 2005-082T19:35:00 2005-082T20:18:00 2005-083T05:15:00 2005-083T05:41:00 2005-083T06:05:00 2005-083T07:00:00 2005-083T19:15:00 2005-083T19:35:00 2005-083T20:18:00 NAV_005EN_OPNAV811_PRIME NAV_005MI_OPNAV811_PRIME ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTJ001_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO012_PRIME NAV_005TI_OPNAV811_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV812_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_005IA_OPNAV821_PRIME DSCAL DSCAL DSCAL V DSCAL DSCAL DSCAL 5 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 66.336/-5.739 ISS_NAC to 36.705/-6.685 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 73.760/-5.256 ISS_NAC to 60.631/-5.953 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 82.604/-4.642 ISS_NAC to 76.494/-5.091 -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP Comments Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP VIMS_IEBUPLOAD placeholder Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-18 Prime; no roll Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-18 Back-up; no roll Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP VIMS_005SC_DECONHIGH001_PRIME Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP VIMS_005SC_DECONLOW001_PRIME; roll eliminated due to limited RWAs during VIMS Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Riders Request Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) Observation Attitude Secondary Primary SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_005IA_OPNAV841_PRIME DSCAL 2005-083T20:18:00 2005-084T05:15:00 000T08:57:00 000T00:23:00 2005-084T05:15:00 XBAND to Earth rolling 2005-084T05:38:00 ISS_NAC to 227.199/-15.433 +X to NSP NAV_005IA_OPNAV842_PRIME I 2005-084T05:38:00 000T01:22:00 2005-084T07:00:00 ISS_NAC to 227.236/-15.422 +X to NSP 2005-084T07:00:00 2005-084T18:45:00 2005-084T19:10:00 2005-084T19:30:00 2005-084T20:15:00 2005-085T05:15:00 2005-085T05:41:00 2005-085T06:05:00 2005-085T07:00:00 2005-085T18:45:00 2005-085T19:10:00 2005-085T19:30:00 2005-085T20:18:00 2005-086T05:15:00 000T11:45:00 000T00:25:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:45:00 000T09:00:00 000T00:26:00 000T00:24:00 000T00:55:00 000T11:45:00 000T00:25:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:45:00 000T08:57:00 000T00:23:00 2005-084T18:45:00 2005-084T19:10:00 2005-084T19:30:00 2005-084T20:15:00 2005-085T05:15:00 2005-085T05:41:00 2005-085T06:05:00 2005-085T07:00:00 2005-085T18:45:00 2005-085T19:10:00 2005-085T19:30:00 2005-085T20:18:00 2005-086T05:15:00 2005-086T05:38:00 I 2005-086T05:38:00 000T01:22:00 2005-086T07:00:00 ISS_NAC to 240.775/-13.556 +X to NSP 000T11:30:00 000T00:20:00 000T00:15:00 000T00:55:00 000T09:09:00 2005-086T18:30:00 2005-086T18:50:00 2005-086T19:05:00 2005-086T20:00:00 2005-087T05:09:00 I 2005-086T07:00:00 2005-086T18:30:00 2005-086T18:50:00 2005-086T19:05:00 2005-086T20:00:00 2005-087T05:09 2005-087T06:10:00 C,V 2005-087T07:46:00 2005-087T18:46:00 2005-087T19:17:00 2005-088T04:23:00 V 2005-088T04:53:00 2005-088T12:28:30 2005-088T13:30:00 2005-088T19:30:00 UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO015_PRIME NAV_005TI_OPNAV841_PRIME NAV_005MI_OPNAV841_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV841_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_005MI_OPNAV851_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV851_PRIME ISS_005IA_SPECPHOTN001_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO016_PRIME NAV_005RH_OPNAV851_PRIME NAV_005TE_OPNAV851_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV852_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_005IA_OPNAV861_PRIME NAV_005IA_OPNAV862_PRIME UVIS_005SA_MOS04APO017_PRIME NAV_005TE_OPNAV861_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV861_PRIME NAV_005TI_OPNAV861_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF Start MAG 5 Segment NAV_005IA_OPNAV871_PRIME UVIS_005SA_EUVFUV001_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Goldstone 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint DSCAL DSCAL CAPS_005SA_WAYPOINT001 CIRS_005SA_LMBFRNG002 VIMS_005SA_THRCYLMAP001 VIMS_005RH_RHEA001 NAV_005TE_OPNAV891_PRIME SP Goldstone 70-m SP turn to waypoint Start TOST 5 Segment NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_005TI_FIRNADCMP002_PRIME ISS_005TI_COMBINED001_ISS RADAR Turn from waypoint RADAR_005TI_T4RADIOM001_RADAR RADAR Turn to waypoint I,V C,I,U C,I,U V,U C,V C 2005-090T07:25:11 2005-090T11:25:11 2005-090T14:25:11 2005-090T14:55:11 2005-090T18:55:11 Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes Iapetus observing for ISS from 06:05 to 07:00 2005-087T07:46:00 ISS_NAC to 104.386/-2.648 +Z to NSP 11:00:00 00:23:00 09:06:00 00:30:00 2005-087T18:46:00 2005-087T19:17:00 2005-088T04:23:00 2005-088T04:53:00 +Z to NSP -X to 280/34 -X to 280/34 OTM-19 Back-Up; Secondary axis specified by CDA +X to NSP offset (0,+20 Primary 1.65 R_S from Saturn body center, towards the right ansa. Sec. Parallel to Saturn pole direction. Secondary axis specified by MAPS. +X to NSP 07:35:00 01:01:30 06:00:00 00:30:00 2205-088T12:28:00 2005-088T13:30:00 2005-088T19:30:00 2005-088T20:00:00 00:03:00 09:00:00 03:00:00 07:00:00 00T03:08:42 08:41:18 00:30:00 2005-088T23:00:00 2005-089T08:00:00 2005-089T11:00:00 2005-089T18:00:00 2005-089T21:08:42 2005-090T05:50:00 2005-090T06:20:00 00T04:00 00T03:00 00T00:30 00T04:00 00T00:30 2005-090T11:25:11 2005-090T14:25:11 2005-090T14:55:11 2005-090T18:55:11 2005-090T19:25:11 UVIS_EUV to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Right F-Ring Ansa 2 0 0 5 - 0 8 8 T 2 0 : 0 0 ISS_NAC to Right F-Ring Ansa (0,-20°,0 offset) CIRS_FP1 to F Ring XBAND to Earth XBAND to earth ISS_NAC to Left F-Ring Ansa ( 6 Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-19 Prime; no roll Include turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP; includes ISS Iapetus observing from 06:10 to 06:45; OpNav follows +X to NSP offset (0,-20,0) +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NSP Satisfies everyone but MIMI (corotation in -Y/Z plane). Sun is actually >15 deg from Sun. Requires big messy turn at start. ISS_NAC to Left F-Ring Ansa +X to NSP (0,+20°,0 offset) +X to NSP -Y to Sun Mag field from 088T20:50 to 089T02:00 CIRS_FP1 to F Ring +X to NSP offset (0,+25 Mag field from 088T20:50 to 089T02:00 ISS_NAC to Saturn +Z to NSP ISS_NAC to Rhea +Z to NSP ISS_NAC to 13.228/-5.692 +X to NSP offset (0,+40 Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to 303.8/67.6 XBAND to Earth -X to 303.8/67.6 Secondary axis specified by CDA ISS_NAC to Titan -X to Sun 2 0 0 5 - 0 9 2 T 0 2 : 2 2 ISS_NAC to Titan 005_Titan4-0T12:30 005_Titan4-0T08:30 005_Titan4-0T05:30 005_Titan4-0T05:00 005_Titan4-0T01:00 Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP 01:36:00 2005-090T06:20 2005-088T20:00:00 2005-088T23:00:00 2005-089T08:00:00 2005-089T11:00:00 2005-089T18:00:00 2005-089T21:08:42 2005-090T05:50:00 2005-090T07:52 2005-090T06:20 Includes Iapetus observing for ISS from 06:05 to 07:00 +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +X to NEP 2005-088T20:00 NEW WAYPOINT +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Z to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +X to NSP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 81.565/-4.801 ISS_NAC to 99.750/-3.046 ISS_NAC to 101.855/-2.777 XBAND to Earth 2005-088T04:53 NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_005RF_FMOVIEA0001 SP turn to Earth SP Madrid 70-m SP turn to waypoint UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 74.482/-5.084 ISS_NAC to 72.755/-5.045 ISS_NAC to 71.517/-5.359 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 82.230/-4.744 ISS_NAC to 84.130/-4.449 ISS_NAC to Iapetus UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 98.386/-3.085 ISS_NAC to 87.976/-4.031 ISS_NAC to 80.078/-4.708 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 240.754/-13.550 Comments CIRS_FP1 to Titan ISS_NAC to Titan -Z to Titan -Z to Titan ISS_NAC to Titan -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun PIC PIC -X to Sun RADAR will choose 2nd axis RADAR will choose 2nd axis RADAR performs change-of-waypoint turn J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request ISS_005TI_HIGHRESNA001_ISS CIRS_005TI_FIRLMBT002_PRIME CIRS_005TI_FIRLMBAER002_PRIME CIRS_005TI_FIRLMBINT002_PRIME UVIS_005TI_EUVFUV001_PRIME CIRS_005TI_MIRLMBMAP002_PRIME CIRS_005TI_FIRNADCMP003_PRIME CIRS_005TI_MIDIRTMAP003_PRIME SP Turn to Earth SP Mad-Gold 70-m Start XD 5/6 Segment NAV_005HY_OPNAV921_PRIME NAV_005DI_OPNAV921_PRIME NAV_005TE_OPNAV921_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT MIMI MAGBNDCOR SP turn to Earth SP Goldstone 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT MIMI MAGBNDSW NAV_005HY_OPNAV931_PRIME NAV_005TE_OPNAV931_PRIME NAV_005MI_OPNAV931_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_005EN_OPNAV941_PRIME NAV_005DI_OPNAV941_PRIME NAV_005HY_OPNAV941_PRIME NAV_005MI_OPNAV941_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT MIMI MAGBNDCOR SP turn to Earth SP Mad/Gold 34-m HEF NAV_005MI_OPNAV951_PRIME NAV_00HY_OPNAV951_PRIME NAV_005RH_OPNAV951_PRIME NAV_005MI_OPNAV952_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT MIMI MAGBNDSW NAV_005MI_OPNAV953_PRIME NAV_005HY_OPNAV952_PRIME NAV_005RH_OPNAV952_PRIME NAV_005EN_OPNAV951_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT RPWS_005SA_ANTCAL002_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Goldstone 70-m NAV_006DI_OPNAV971_PRIME NAV_006HY_OPNAV971_PRIME NAV_006TE_OPNAV971_PRIME NAV_006HY_OPNAV972_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT MIMI_006SW_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Mad/Gold 34-m HEF Riders V I,V I,V I,V C,V I,V I,U,V I,V Start (SCET) 2005-090T19:25:11 2005-090T19:55:11 2005-090T20:40:11 2005-090T21:10:11 2005-090T21:55:11 2005-091T00:25:11 2005-091T03:55:11 2005-091T07:55:11 2005-091T14:53 2005-091T15:22 2005-092T00:22 2005-092T00:22 2005-092T01:07 2005-092T01:27 2005-092T02:22 2005-092T02:22 2005-092T19:47 2005-092T20:22 2005-093T05:37 2005-093T06:02 2005-093T06:06 2005-093T18:22 2005-093T18:57 2005-093T19:17 2005-093T20:22 2005-094T05:37 2005-094T06:22 2005-094T06:42 2005-094T07:02 2005-094T07:37 2005-094T07:37 2005-094T15:47 2005-094T16:22 2005-095T01:37 2005-095T02:22 2005-095T02:42 2005-095T03:02 2005-095T03:37 2005-095T03:37 2005-095T18:15 2005-095T18:50 2005-095T19:10 2005-095T19:30 2005-095T20:15 2005-096T05:27 Start (Epoch) 005_Titan4-0T00:30 005_Titan4-0T00:00 005_Titan4+0T00:45 005_Titan4+0T01:15 005_Titan4+0T02:00 005_Titan4+0T04:30 005_Titan4+0T08:00 005_Titan4+0T12:00 Dur End (SCET) 00T00:30 00T00:45 00T00:30 00T00:45 00T02:30 00T03:30 00T04:00 00T06:50 00T00:29 00T09:00 2005-090T19:55:11 2005-090T20:40:11 2005-090T21:10:11 2005-090T21:55:11 2005-091T00:25:11 2005-091T03:55:11 2005-091T07:55:11 2005-091T14:45:11 2005-091T15:22 2005-092T00:22 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:55 2005-092T01:07 2005-092T01:27 2005-092T02:22 2005-093T06:02 2005-092T19:47 2005-092T20:22 2005-093T05:37 2005-093T06:06 2005-094T07:37 2005-093T18:22 2005-093T18:57 2005-093T19:17 2005-093T20:22 2005-094T05:37 2005-094T06:22 2005-094T06:42 2005-094T07:02 2005-094T07:37 2005-095T03:37 2005-094T15:47 2005-094T16:22 2005-095T01:37 2005-095T02:22 2005-095T02:42 2005-095T03:02 2005-095T03:37 2005-096T05:50 2005-095T18:15 2005-095T18:50 2005-095T19:10 2005-095T19:30 2005-095T20:15 2005-096T05:27 2005-096T05:50 00T17:25 00T00:35 00T09:15 00T00:29 00T12:16 00T00:35 00T00:20 00T01:05 00T09:15 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 00T08:10 00T00:35 00T09:15 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 00T14:38 00T00:35 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:45 00T09:12 00T00:23 2005-096T05:50 2005-096T05:50 00T14:05 2005-096T19:55 2005-096T20:22 2005-097T05:30 2005-097T06:15 2005-097T06:35 2005-097T06:55 2005-097T07:30 2005-097T07:30 2005-097T15:32 2005-097T16:07 00T00:27 00T09:08 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 00T08:02 00T00:35 00T09:15 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun +X to NTP -X to Sun -X to Sun +X to NTP +X to NEP rolling ISS_NAC to 70.178/-4.173 ISS_NAC to 39.801/-5.214 ISS_NAC to 25.370/-5.143 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun ISS_NAC to 79.063/-2.717 ISS_NAC to 40.876/-4.140 ISS_NAC to 43.733/-4.388 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 34.864/-4.319 ISS_NAC to 49.040/-4.329 ISS_NAC to 81.384/-2.279 ISS_NAC to 36.079/-4.154 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 39.277/-3.588 ISS_NAC to 84.687/-1.499 ISS_NAC to 39.169/-3.123 ISS_NAC to 38.828/-3.626 -X to Sun -X to Sun ISS_NAC to 49.189/-3.330 ISS_NAC to 87.021/-0.771 ISS_NAC to 32.358/-3.407 ISS_NAC to 43.858/-3.874 XBAND to Earth +X to Saturn (0,0,+32° offset) +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +X to NEP rolling ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun +X to NEP +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +X to NEP +X to NEP -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to NEP +Z to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +Z to NEP For RPWS calibration rolling X offset from Saturn by 24° 2 0 0 5 - 0 9 7 T 0 7 : 3 0 +X to Saturn (0,0,+32° offset) 2005-096T19:55 +X to Saturn (0,0,+24.2° offset) 2005-096T20:22 XBAND to Earth 2005-097T05:30 XBAND to Earth 2005-097T06:15 ISS_NAC to 59.455/-2.855 2005-097T06:35 ISS_NAC to 89.065/0.821 2005-097T06:55 ISS_NAC to 57.745/-2.713 2005-097T07:30 ISS_NAC to 89.050/0.946 2 0 0 5 - 0 9 8 T 0 3 : 2 2 -X to Sun 2005-097T15:32 -X to Sun 2005-097T16:07 XBAND to Earth 2005-098T01:22 XBAND to Earth 7 Comments ISS_NAC to Titan CIRS_FP1 to Titan CIRS_FP1 to Titan CIRS_FP1 to Titan UVIS_EUV to Titan CIRS_FP3 to Titan CIRS_FP1 to Titan CIRS_FP3 to Titan XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth +X to NEP rolling +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn +X to NEP rolling No PDT design necessary Offsets TBD Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-20 Prime; no roll Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP No PDT design necessary OTM-20 back-up; no roll Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Offsets TBD Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Offsets TBD J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Riders Request NAV_006MI_OPNAV981_PRIME NAV_006EN_OPNAV981_PRIME NAV_006RH_OPNAV981_PRIME NAV_006TE_OPNAV981_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT MIMI_006SW_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CIRS_006SA_FIRMAPA005_PRIME SP turn to Earth SP Goldstone 34-m HEF Start S10 Sequence SP 5-min gap for IVP updates SP turn to waypoint CIRS_006SA_FIRMAPB005_PRIME V DSCAL SP Turn to waypoint I,U,V DSCAL I,U,V I Start (Epoch) Dur 2005-098T01:22 2005-098T02:07 2005-098T02:27 2005-098T02:47 2005-098T03:22 2005-098T03:22 2005-098T08:25 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 2005-098T19:25 2005-098T20:00 2005-099T05:15 2005-099T05:15 2005-099T05:20 2005-099T05:50 00T00:35 00T09:15 2005-099T16:50 2005-099T18:00 2005-099T18:25 2005-099T18:45 2005-099T19:05 2005-099T20:00 2005-100T05:15 2005-100T06:00 2005-100T06:20 2005-100T06:40 2005-100T07:15 2005-100T07:15 2005-100T15:35 2005-100T16:00 2005-101T01:15 2005-101T01:50 MIMI MAGBNDCOR NAV_006HY_OPNAV991_PRIME NAV_006MI_OPNAV991_PRIME NAV_006TE_OPNAV991_PRIME NAV_006DI_OPNAV991_PRIME SP Goldstone 34-m HEF NAV_006DI_OPNAV001_PRIME NAV_006EN_OPNAV001_PRIME NAV_006TE_OPNAV001_PRIME NAV_006RH_OPNAV001_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT MIMI MAGBNDSW SP turn to Earth SP Mad/Gold 34-m HEF SP turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT MIMI MAGBNDCOR NAV_006TI_OPNAV011_PRIME NAV_006DI_OPNAV011_PRIME NAV_006EN_OPNAV011_PRIME NAV_006RH_OPNAV011_PRIME SP Goldstone 70-m SP Turn to waypoint Start Rings 6 Segment CIRS_006RB_COMP001_PRIME RADAR_006RI_PO8RINGS001_PRIME SP Turn to Earth SP Goldstone 34m BWG downlink SP Turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT ISS_006RI_LPHRLFMOV001_ISS ISS_006OT_SATELLORB017_PRIME UVIS_006ST_EPSORI003_PRIME NAV_006EN_OPNAV031_NAV NAV_006MI_OPNAV031_NAV SP Goldstone 70m downlink Start (SCET) 00T05:03 00T11:00 00T00:05 00T00:30 00T11:00 00T01:10 00T00:25 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:55 00T09:15 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 00T08:20 00T00:25 00T09:15 00T00:35 End (SCET) 2005-098T02:07 2005-098T02:27 2005-098T02:47 2005-098T03:22 2005-100T07:15 2005-098T08:25 2005-098T19:25 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary ISS_NAC to 48.479/-2.750 ISS_NAC to 49.501/-2.319 ISS_NAC to 63.588/-2.643 ISS_NAC to 45.511/-2.861 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn CIRS_FP4 to Saturn 2005-098T20:00 XBAND to Earth 2005-099T05:15 XBAND to Earth 2 0 0 5 - 0 9 9 T 0 5 : 2 0 XBAND to Earth 2005-099T05:50 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-099T16:50 CIRS_FP4 to Saturn 2005-099T18:00 2005-099T18:25 2005-099T18:45 2005-099T19:05 2005-099T20:00 2005-100T05:15 2005-100T06:00 2005-100T06:20 2005-100T06:40 2005-100T07:15 2005-101T01:50 2005-100T15:35 2005-100T16:00 2005-101T01:15 2005-101T01:50 2005-103T00:30 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to 63.123/4.459 ISS_NAC to 56.165/-1.465 ISS_NAC to 54.149/-1.596 ISS_NAC to 66.239/-1.995 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 70.928/-0.990 ISS_NAC to 65.283/-1.802 ISS_NAC to 53.713/-2.234 ISS_NAC to 47.324/-1.278 -X to Sun -X to Sun XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-101T17:45 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-101T01:50 00T15:55 2005-101T17:45 2005-101T18:10 2005-101T18:30 2005-101T18:50 2005-101T19:45 2005-102T05:00 2005-102T06:00 2005-102T07:00:00 2005-102T12:30:05 2005-102T18:30:05 2005-102T19:30:00 2005-103T00:00:00 2005-103T00:30 2005-103T00:30:00 2005-103T15:30:00 2005-103T16:15:00 2005-103T19:00:00 2005-103T19:50:00 2005-103T20:40:00 00T00:25 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:55 00T09:15 00T00:30 2005-101T18:10 2005-101T18:30 2005-101T18:50 2005-101T19:45 2005-102T05:00 2005-102T05:30 00T05:30 00T06:00 00T00:30 00T04:30 00T00:30 00T15:00 00T00:45 00T02:45 00T00:50 00T00:50 00T09:15 2005-102T12:30:00 2005-102T18:30:05 2005-102T19:30:00 2005-103T00:00:00 2005-103T00:30:00 2005-104T06:25 2005-103T15:30:00 2005-103T16:15:00 2005-103T19:00:00 2005-103T19:50:00 2005-103T20:40:00 2005-104T05:55:00 2005-104T05:55:00 00T00:30 2005-104T06:25:00 ISS_NAC to Saturn 8 Comments -X to Sun Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun No PDT design necessary +X to Saturn N. Pole, seeMAPS (COR): The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The -Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +Z to Sun +X to Saturn N. Pole, seeMAPS (COR): The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The -Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body +Z to Sun No PDT design necessary +Z to NEP +Z to NEP +Z to NEP +Z to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +X to NEP OTM-21 prime; no roll -X to Sun Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn Offsets TBD +X to NEP +X to NEP OTM-21 back-up; no roll +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun ISS_NAC to 78.044/-1.945 ISS_NAC to 58.059/-1.710 ISS_NAC to 75.355/-0.382 ISS_NAC to 63.370/-1.972 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun rolling + Z to SUN CIRS_FP1 to Rings -Z to Rings XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Rings ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to 84.05/-1.20 ISS_NAC to 73.171/1.906 ISS_NAC to 78.050/0.753 XBAND to Earth + Z to NSP + X to NSP +X to NEP rolling +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +Z to Sun +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP -X to 119/-68 No PDT design necessary; RSS_006EA_PIM001 first 9 hrs; low-power RWAs Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP stop roll by 102T02:59 (CDA loss: 25%) Rings TWT defines new waypoint Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to 119/-68 angle(Sun,+X)=88.79; OTM-22. Does not include +X to NSP (0,20°,0 offset) J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request Riders V C,I I,U,V C SP turn to change waypoint NEW WAYPOINT SP turn to RAM VIMS_006MI_MIMAS001_PRIME SP Turn to Earth SP Gold-Can 70-m SP Turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_006RI_SUBMU04HP001_PRIME VIMS_006SA_HIPHZLIMB003_PRIME SP Turn to Earth SP Goldstone 70-m Start TOST 6 Segment SP Turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_006TI_FIRNADCMP002_PRIME ISS_006TI_PHOTOMWAC001_ISS UVIS_006TI_EUVFUV001_PRIME ISS_006TI_HIGHRESNA001_ISS NEW WAYPOINT Start (Epoch) Dur 2005-104T06:00 2005-104T06:25 Start Saturn 6 Segment NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_006RI_SUBML07LP001_PRIME VIMS_006SA_ALPCMIOCC001_PRIME VIMS_006RH_RHEA003_PRIME CIRS_006SA_FTRACK002_PRIME ISS_006SA_LIMBRING001_PRIME Start (SCET) C,I,U V U,V C,U,V C,I,V C,U,V End (SCET) Observation Attitude Secondary Primary 2 0 0 5 - 1 0 4 T 2 1 : 4 0 ISS_NAC to Saturn (0,20°,0 offset) 2005-104T10:20 CIRS_FP1 to Rings 2005-104T11:50 ISS_NAC to star 2005-104T14:25 VIMS_IR to Rhea 2005-104T20:25 CIRS_FP3 to Saturn 2005-104T21:20 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-104T06:25 2005-104T10:20 2005-104T11:50 2005-104T14:25 2005-104T20:30 00T03:55 00T01:30 00T02:35 00T06:00 00T00:50 2005-104T21:20 00T00:20 2005-104T21:40 ISS_NAC to Mimas 2005-104T21:40 2005-104T21:40 00T00:45 2 0 0 5 - 1 0 5 T 1 1 : 2 5 ISS_NAC to Mimas 2005-104T22:25 -Z to dust RAM 2005-104T23:40 2005-105T02:02 2005-105T02:10 00T02:30 00T00:08 00T08:45 2005-105T02:02 ISS_NAC to Mimas 2005-105T02:10 XBAND to Earth 2005-105T10:55 XBAND to Earth 2005-105T10:55 2005-105T11:25 2005-105T11:25 2005-105T13:55 2005-105T20:55 2005-105T21:25 2005-106T06:25 2005-106T06:25 2005-106T06:55 2005-106T06:55:56 2005-106T10:35:56 2005-106T11:05:56 2005-106T16:05:56 2005-106T18:05:56 00T00:30 00T02:30 00T07:00 00T00:30 00T09:00 00T00:30 006_Titan5-0T12:10 006_Titan5-0T08:30 006_Titan5-0T08:00 006_Titan5-0T03:00 00T03:40 00T00:30 00T05:00 00T02:00 2005-105T11:25 2005-106T06:55 2005-105T13:55 2005-105T20:55 2005-105T21:25 2005-106T06:25 2005-106T06:55 2005-106T18:05:56 2005-106T10:35:56 2005-106T11:05:56 2005-106T16:05:56 2005-106T18:05:56 2005-107T11:48:56 +X to NSP +Z +X +X +X -X ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn CIRS_FP1 to Rings ISS_NAC to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth perp. to rings to NSP (0,20°,0 offset) to NSP (0,-15°,0 offset) to NSP (0,10°,0 offseMag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 to 185.7/-73.2 2nd axis for Mag; Mag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 +X to NSP (no offset) +X to NSP to accommodate MAG internal field measurement; Mag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 +X to NSP +X to NSP (no offset) hazardous RPX = 21:54 to 22:09; +X to NSP for MAG; Mag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 +X to NSP (no offset) Mag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 +X to NSP (no offset) Mag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 +X to NSP OTM-22 Back-Up; Mag field from 104T19:45 to 105T03:05 +Z to NEP Observation ends at new waypoint +Z to NEP +Z to NEP +Z to NEP +X to NSP (no offset) rolling stop roll by 106T02:55 (CDA loss: 39%) ISS_NAC to Titan ISS_NAC to Titan CIRS_FP1 to Titan ISS_NAC to Titan UVIS_EUV to Titan ISS_NAC to Titan Custom +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to NEP +X to 262.8/64.6 +X to NTP +X to 262.8/64.6 Custom CAPS_006SA_T5EXTIN001_PRIME 2005-106T18:28:56 006_Titan5-0T00:37 00T00:18 2005-106T18:46:56 -Y to Saturn (6.42°,0,0 offset) +Z to Sun INMS Closest Approach Turn 2005-106T18:46:56 006_Titan5-0T00:19 00T00:31 +Z to Sun 2005-106T19:17:56 -X to Titan s/c RAM (60°,0,0 offset) 2005-107T11:42:56 -Y to Saturn (6.42°,0,0 offset) +Z to Sun CAPS_006SA_T5EXTOUT001_PRIME 2005-106T19:17:56 006_Titan5+0T00:12 00T16:25 2005-107T11:42:56 006_Titan5+0T16:37 2005-107T11:48:56 2005-107T11:49 2005-107T12:13 2005-107T12:31 2005-107T21:25 2005-107T21:25 2005-107T22:00 2005-107T22:25 2005-108T01:25 00T00:06 00T00:24 00T00:18 00T08:54 2005-107T11:48:56 2005-109T06:15 2005-107T12:13 2005-107T12:31 2005-107T21:25 00T00:35 00T00:25 00T03:00 00T02:00 2005-107T22:00 2005-107T22:25 2005-108T01:25 2005-108T03:25 2005-108T03:25 00T07:00 2005-108T10:25 -Z to sources PIC ISS_006RG_GPHOT5DEG001_PRIME 2005-108T10:25 00T03:00 2005-108T13:25 ISS_NAC to G Ring Ansa see comments CAPS_007SU_ROLLING001 NAV 006EN OPNAV081 PRIME 2005-108T13:25 00T04:35 2005-108T18:00 00T00:20 2005-108T18:00 +Z to Sun 2005-108T18:20 ISS NAC to 39.903/-0.237 rolling +Z to Sun CAPS_006SA_WAYPOINT001 NEW WAYPOINT SP Turn to Earth - Part 1 SP Turn to Earth - Part 2 SP Mad-Gold 70-m Start XD 6/7 Segment NAV_006RH_OPNAV071_PRIME NAV_006DI_OPNAV071_PRIME CAPS_007SA_WAYPOINT001 RADAR_006TI_SOUTHSCAT001_PRIME RADAR_006TI_SOUTHCAL001_PRIME RADAR_006OT_SRCRADCAL001_PRIME DSCAL 9 Comments ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn +Y to Sun XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +X to NEP +X to NEP rolling ISS_NAC to 44.548/-1.514 ISS_NAC to 42.072/-3.122 ISS_NAC to Saturn -Z to Titan +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun PIC Observation ends at new waypoint Negotiated between the inst. teams to minimize slew time Negotiated between MAPS and SP Two parts req'd to avoid FR violations Two parts req'd to avoid FR violations Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP MAGBNDCOR Scatterometry of Titan. Distant Titan radiometer science and calibration data. Scan Sun, Saturn and microwave sources. RADAR must control primary and secondary axes ISS requests 2nd axis to be parallel to ring plane. MAPS (COR): The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The -Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body MAGBNDCOR J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request NAV_006RH_OPNAV081_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_006RH_OPNAV091_PRIME NAV_006DI_OPNAV091_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_006RI_FMONITOR001_PRIME Riders I,U Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Dur 2005-108T18:20 2005-108T19:00 2005-109T05:15 2005-109T05:50 2005-109T06:15 2005-109T06:15 00T00:40 00T10:15 00T00:35 00T00:25 2005-109T14:30 00T03:29 00T08:15 End (SCET) 2005-108T19:00 2005-109T05:15 2005-109T05:50 2005-109T06:15 2005-110T05:59 2005-109T14:30 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary ISS_NAC to 25.500/1.043 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 22.830/0.836 ISS_NAC to 27.947/0.785 -X to Sun ISS_NAC to Rings CAPS_007SA_WAYPOINT002 NAV_006HY_OPNAV091_PRIME NAV_006EN_OPNAV091_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_006TE_OPNAV101_PRIME NAV_006HY_OPNAV101_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT CAPS_007SA_WAYPOINT003 ISS_006OT_SATELLORB028_PRIME 2005-109T17:59 2005-109T18:22 2005-109T18:59 00T00:23 00T00:37 00T10:00 2005-110T04:59 2005-110T05:34 2005-110T05:59 2005-110T05:59 2005-110T06:15 00T00:35 00T00:25 00T00:16 00T00:30 2005-109T17:59 -X to Sun 2005-109T18:22 ISS_NAC to 49.493/-1.923 2005-109T18:59 ISS_NAC to 44.976/0.339 2005-110T04:59 XBAND to Earth 2005-110T05:34 ISS_NAC to 48.143/1.124 2005-110T05:59 ISS_NAC to 53.278/-1.233 2 0 0 5 - 1 1 1 T 0 6 : 2 9 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-110T06:15 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-110T06:45 ISS_NAC to satellite CAPS_007SU_ROLLING002 NAV_006TE_OPNAV102_PRIME ISS_006OT_SATELLORB029_PRIME 2005-110T06:45 2005-110T14:05 2005-110T14:55 00T07:20 00T00:50 00T00:30 2005-110T14:05 +Z to Sun 2005-110T14:55 ISS_NAC to 50.115/2.766 2005-110T15:25 ISS_NAC to satellite CAPS_007SA_WAYPOINT004 NAV_006DI_OPNAV101_PRIME NAV_006EN_OPNAV101_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_006DI_OPNAV111_PRIME NAV_006MI_OPNAV111_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_006OT_SATELLORB031_PRIME 2005-110T15:25 00T02:19 2005-110T17:44 2005-110T18:04 2005-110T18:44 00T00:20 00T00:40 00T10:45 2005-111T05:29 2005-111T06:04 2005-111T06:29 2005-111T06:29 00T00:35 00T00:25 2005-110T17:44 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-110T18:04 ISS_NAC to 52.351/1.681 2005-110T18:44 ISS_NAC to 39.466/1.635 2005-111T05:29 XBAND to Earth 2005-111T06:04 ISS_NAC to 53.576/4.093 2005-111T06:29 ISS_NAC to 41.384/2.633 2 0 0 5 - 1 1 2 T 0 5 : 1 3 -X to Sun 2005-111T06:59 ISS_NAC to satellite CAPS_007SA_WAYPOINT005 CIRS_006RI_FMONITOR002_PRIME ISS_006OT_SATELLORB033_PRIME NAV_006RH_OPNAV111_PRIME NAV_006MI_OPNAV112_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_006TE_OPNAV121_PRIME NAV_006IA_OPNAV121_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_006OT_SATELLORB034_PRIME I,U 2005-111T06:59 2005-111T07:28 2005-111T17:28 2005-111T17:58 2005-111T18:18 2005-111T18:59 2005-112T04:14 2005-112T04:48 2005-112T05:13 2005-112T05:13 00T00:30 00T00:29 00T10:00 00T00:30 00T00:20 00T00:40 00T09:15 00T00:34 00T00:25 00T00:30 2005-111T07:28 2005-111T17:28 2005-111T17:58 2005-111T18:18 2005-111T18:58 2005-112T04:14 2005-112T04:48 2005-112T05:13 2005-113T05:14 2005-112T05:43 10 -X to Sun CIRS_FP1 to Rings ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to 59.143/3.122 ISS_NAC to 51.564/3.989 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 54.875/3.667 ISS_NAC to 28.160/-3.525 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to satellite +Z to Sun rolling -X to Sun -X to Sun ISS_NAC to Saturn see comments ISS_NAC to Saturn +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +X to NEP +Z +Z +Z +Z +Z Comments Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP MAPS (COR):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body center. MAGBNDSW Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP OTM-23 Prime; no roll Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP to Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun MAGBNDCOR to Sun, see comment MAPS (COR):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body center. rolling MAGBNDCOR +Z to Sun +Z to Sun, see comment MAPS (COR):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body center. +Z to Sun MAGBNDCOR +Z to Sun +Z to Sun Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +X to NEP OTM-23 Back-Up; no roll +Z to Sun Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +Z to Sun ISS_NAC to Saturn -X to Sun, see commentsMAPS (SW):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The -Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center and, if not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the right of Saturn body center. ISS_NAC to Saturn MAGBNDSW see comments MAPS (SW):The secondary axis must be within 45 -X to Sun, see commentsMAPS (SW):The secondary axis must be within 45 -X to Sun -X to Sun Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP rolling +Z to Sun Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +Z to Sun +Z to Sun +Z to Sun, see comment MAPS (COR):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body center. J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request CIRS_006RI_FMONITOR003_PRIME Riders I,U ISS_006OT_SATELLORB036_PRIME NAV_006HY_OPNAV121_PRIME NAV_006MI_OPNAV121_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_006HY_OPNAV131_PRIME NAV_006TE_OPNAV131_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_006SA_MIRMAPA004_PRIME SP Turn to Earth SP Mad-Gold 70-m NAV_007RH_OPNAV141_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV141_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_007SA_MIRMAPB004_PRIME VIMS_007RI_APOMOSAIC002_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV142_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_007RH_OPNAV151_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV151_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_007OT_SATELLORB004_PRIME UVIS_007ST_BETCEN001_PRIME V DSCAL V C,I,U ISS_007RI_SPKLRSLPH001_PRIME ISS_007OT_SATELLORB005_PRIME NAV_007HY_OPNAV151_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV151_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_007EN_OPNAV161_PRIME NAV_007TE_OPNAV161_PRIME ISS_007OT_SATELLORB007_PRIME ISS_007RI_SPKLRSLPH002_PRIME NAV_007HY_OPNAV161_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV161_PRIME DSCAL SP Mad-Gold 34m HEF NAV_007RH_OPNAV171_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV171_PRIME ISS_007RI_SPKLRSLPH003_PRIME UVIS_007RI_IMPACT001_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV172_PRIME DSCAL I,V Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Observation Attitude Secondary Primary Dur End (SCET) 2005-112T05:43 00T11:44 2005-112T17:27 CIRS_FP1 to Saturn 2005-112T17:27 00T00:30 2005-112T17:57 ISS_NAC to satellite 2005-112T17:57 2005-112T18:17 2005-112T18:59 2005-113T04:14 2005-113T04:47 2005-113T05:14 2005-113T05:14 00T00:20 00T00:42 00T09:15 00T00:33 00T00:27 2005-113T16:04 2005-113T16:32 2005-114T01:14 2005-114T01:49 2005-114T02:14 2005-114T02:50 2005-114T13:50 2005-114T18:00 2005-114T18:44 2005-115T03:59 2005-115T04:35 2005-115T05:00 2005-115T05:00 2005-115T05:30 00T00:28 00T08:42 00T00:35 00T00:25 MAPS (COR):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body center. +Z to Sun, see attached MAPS (COR):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The secondary axis may not point +X or -X north (Saturn pole direction). The Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center. If not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the left of Saturn body center. +Z to Sun +Z to Sun Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP rolling stop roll by 113T01:14 (CDA loss: 32%) +X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +Z to NEP -X to Sun -X to Sun, see commentsMAPS (SW):The secondary axis must be within 45 deg of the waypoint. The -Y axis must be between 0 and 30 deg from Saturn body center and, if not pointed at Saturn body center, the -Y must be to the right of Saturn body center. +X to NEP +X to NEP +Z to NSP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -X to Sun +Z to NSP +Z to NSP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP rolling Initial Sec Axis: -X to NEP -Z to Earth Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to (275.0, 21.0) NAC to Beta Centauris (210.9553, -60.3731) 2005-112T18:17 2005-112T18:59 2005-113T04:14 2005-113T04:47 2005-113T05:14 2005-114T02:14 2005-113T16:04 ISS_NAC to 71.268/2.156 ISS_NAC to 53.649/5.455 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 74.313/2.862 ISS_NAC to 45.143/5.195 ISS_NAC to Saturn CIRS_FP3 to Saturn 00T00:30 00T02:00 2005-113T16:32 2005-114T01:14 2005-114T01:49 2005-114T02:14 2005-115T05:00 2005-114T13:50 2005-114T18:00 2005-114T18:43 2005-115T03:59 2005-115T04:35 2005-115T05:00 2005-120T07:00 2005-115T05:30 2005-115T07:30 2005-115T07:30 2005-115T18:30 00T11:00 00T00:30 2005-115T18:30 2005-115T19:00 2005-115T19:00 2005-115T19:20 00T00:20 00T00:40 2005-115T19:20 2005-115T20:00 XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 42.150/6.266 ISS_NAC to 40.251/2.374 ISS_NAC to Saturn CIRS_FP3 to Saturn ISS_NAC to Rings ISS_NAC to 46.621/2.625 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 54.232/4.861 ISS_NAC to 50.747/2.818 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to 210.9553/60.3731 ISS_NAC to Rings ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to 92.135/7.591 ISS_NAC to 59.634/6.014 -Z to Earth -Z to Earth 2005-115T20:00 2005-116T03:59 2005-116T04:35 2005-116T05:00 2005-116T05:30 2005-116T16:30 2005-116T16:50 00T07:59 00T00:36 00T00:25 00T00:30 00T11:00 00T00:20 00T00:40 2005-116T03:59 2005-116T04:35 2005-116T05:00 2005-116T05:30 2005-116T16:30 2005-116T16:50 2005-116T17:30 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 55.447/7.870 ISS_NAC to 68.518/8.810 ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to Rings ISS_NAC to 98.763/9.767 ISS_NAC to 76.255/9.520 rolling -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth PIC -Z to Earth -Z to Earth 2005-116T17:30 2005-117T01:58 2005-117T02:35 2005-117T03:00 2005-117T14:00 2005-117T18:00 00T08:28 00T00:37 00T00:25 00T11:00 00T04:00 00T04:00 2005-117T01:58 2005-117T02:35 2005-117T03:00 2005-117T14:00 2005-117T18:00 2005-117T18:20 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 77.127/12.009 ISS_NAC to 69.959/4.486 ISS_NAC to Rings UVIS_HSP to Rings ISS_NAC to 76.844/5.374 rolling -Z to Earth -Z to Earth +Z to NSP -Z to Earth -Z to Earth 00T10:50 00T11:00 00T04:10 00T00:43 00T09:15 00T00:36 00T00:25 11 Comments see comments +Z to NSP -Z to Earth Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP; Note: the one minute overlap between the OPNAV and the Downlink pass will be absorbed in the extra 10 minutes given for lock-up (KLP) Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP 2nd axis is X or Z perp to ring Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP; Note: the two minute overlap between the OPNAV and the Downlink pass will be absorbed in the extra 10 minutes given for lock-up (KLP) Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request Riders NAV_007RH_OPNAV172_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_007MI_OPNAV181_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV181_PRIME ISS_007OT_NAMEORBIT001_PRIME UVIS_007RI_IMPACT002_PRIME ISS_007OT_NAMEORBIT002_PRIME NAV_007EN_OPNAV181_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV181_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF NAV_007RH_OPNAV191_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV191_PRIME ISS_007OT_SATELLORB016_PRIME CIRS_007RB_VERTLMP001_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV192_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV192_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF SP Turn to waypoint Start Rings 7 Segment NAV_007RH_OPNAV201_PRIME NAV_007TEN_OPNAV201_PRIME NAV_007MI_OPNAV201_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT ISS_007RI_RDCOLSCNA001_ISS ISS_007OT_SATELLORB020_ISS VIMS_007RI_LATPHASE001_PRIME CIRS_007RB_VERTLMP003_PRIME ISS_007OT_RETMDRESA001_ISS ISS_007RI_LPHRLFMOV001_ISS SP Turn to Earth SP Goldstone 70-m DSCAL I,V SI C,I,U U C DSCAL SP Turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_007RI_TEMPL20LP001_PRIME ISS_007RI_AZSCNLOPH001_ISS CIRS_007RA_SHADLLP001_PRIME VIMS_007TE_TETHYS001_PRIME SP Turn to Earth - Part 1 SP Turn to Earth - Part 2 NEW WAYPOINT SP Goldstone 70m downlink SP moveable block "dead time" RSS_007RI_OCC003_PRIME C C,I,U RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME Start (Epoch) Observation Attitude Secondary Primary Dur End (SCET) 2005-117T18:20 00T00:40 2005-117T19:00 ISS_NAC to 68.431/15.231 -Z to Earth 2005-117T19:00 2005-118T03:58 2005-118T04:35 2005-118T05:00 2005-118T10:00 2005-118T12:00 2005-118T18:00 2005-118T18:20 2005-118T18:58 00T08:58 00T00:37 00T00:25 00T05:00 00T02:00 00T06:00 00T00:20 00T00:38 00T09:15 2005-118T03:58 2005-118T04:35 2005-118T05:00 2005-118T10:00 2005-118T12:00 2005-118T18:00 2005-118T18:20 2005-118T18:58 2005-119T04:13 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 71.135/9.569 ISS_NAC to 81.833/6.046 ISS_NAC to satellite UVIS_HSP to Rings ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to 66.141/12.915 ISS_NAC to 73.804/9.009 XBAND to Earth rolling -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth rolling 2005-119T04:13 2005-119T04:48 2005-119T05:30 2005-119T06:00 00T00:35 00T00:25 00T00:30 00T11:30 2005-119T04:48 2005-119T05:13 2005-119T06:00 2005-119T17:30 2005-119T17:30 2005-119T17:50 2005-119T18:28 2005-120T04:13 2005-120T05:00 2005-120T05:00:00 2005-120T05:40:00 2005-120T06:10:00 2005-120T07:00 00T00:20 00T00:38 00T09:45 00T00:30 2005-119T17:50 2005-119T18:28 2005-120T04:13 2005-120T04:43 ISS_NAC to 58.582/9.856 ISS_NAC to 83.879/11.532 ISS_NAC to satellite CIRS_FP1 to Rings ISS_NAC to 67.971/8.898 ISS_NAC to 86.687/17.042 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -Z to Earth +Z to NSP -Z to Earth -Z to Earth -X to NEP +Z to NSP 00T00:40 00T00:30 00T00:50 2005-120T05:40:00 2005-120T06:10:00 2005-120T07:00:00 2005-122T03:30 ISS_NAC ISS_NAC ISS_NAC ISS_NAC +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP 2005-120T07:00:00 2005-120T08:45:00 2005-120T09:30:00 2005-120T16:30:00 2005-121T02:00:00 2005-121T04:00:00 2005-121T19:00:00 2005-121T19:42:00 00T01:45 00T00:45 00T07:00 00T09:30 00T02:00 00T15:00 00T00:42 00T07:30 2005-120T08:45:00 2005-120T09:30:00 2005-120T16:30:00 2005-121T02:00:00 2005-121T04:00:00 2005-121T19:00:00 2005-121T19:42:00 2005-122T03:12:00 ISS_NAC to Rings ISS_NAC to satellite ISS_NAC to Rings CIRS_FP1 to Rings RETARG ISS_NAC to Rings XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth 2005-122T03:12:00 2005-122T03:30 00T00:23 2005-122T03:35:00 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2 0 0 5 - 1 2 2 T 1 9 : 5 0 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-122T03:35:00 2005-122T05:40:00 2005-122T15:20:00 2005-122T17:30:00 2005-122T19:15:00 2005-122T19:29:00 2005-122T19:50 2005-122T19:50:00 2005-123T01:40 2005-123T01:54 00T02:05 00T09:40 00T02:10 00T01:45 00T00:14 00T00:21 007_Peri+00:45:17 00T05:50 00T00:14 00T02:06:32 2005-122T05:40:00 2005-122T15:20:00 2005-122T17:30:00 2005-122T19:15:00 2005-122T19:29:00 2005-122T19:50:00 2005-123T09:12 2005-123T01:40:00 2005-123T01:54 2005-123T04:00:32 2005-123T04:00:32 007_Peri+02:51:49 00T00:40:28 2005-123T04:41 007_Peri+03:32:17 00T01:20 RSS_007SA_OCC004_PRIME 2005-123T06:01:00 007_Peri+04:52:17 00T00:32:49 RSS_007RI_OCC004_PRIME SP moveable block "dead time" 2005-123T06:33:49 2005-123T08:37 007_Peri+05:25:06 007_Peri+07:28:18 00T02:03:11 00T00:15 VIMS_007RI_HIPHASE001_PRIME I,U Start (SCET) to to to to 79.681/9.261 89.933/16.906 87.439/14.836 Saturn CIRS_FP4 to Rings ISS_NAC to Rings CIRS_FP1 to Rings ISS_NAC to Tethys XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth Custom XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth 2005-123T04:41 XBAND to Earth 2005-123T06:01:00 ISS_NAC to Rings 2005-123T06:33:49 XBAND to Earth 2005-123T08:37 XBAND to Earth 2 0 0 5 - 1 2 3 T 0 8 : 5 2 XBAND to Earth 12 Comments Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP; Note: the one minute overlap between the OPNAV and the Downlink pass will be absorbed in the extra 10 minutes given for lock-up (KLP) Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP OTM-24 Prime; roll terminated by OTM sequence; (CDA loss: 24%) Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP OTM-24 Back-Up; no roll Sec. Axis adjusted +/-20 deg (?) to optimize MAPS +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +X to NSP rolling (only partial; see stop roll at 121T23:30 for CIRS; new 2nd axis +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP Sec. Axis adjusted +/-20 deg (?) to optimize MAPS +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP +X to NSP Two-part turn req'd to avoid CIRS FR violations -X to 298.3/68.1 RSS->VIMS->RSS->SP customize handoffs -X to 298.3/68.1 Mag field from 122T22:45 to 123T03:35 -X to 298.3/68.1 1-sigma ephemeris uncert. = +/- 6 min. -X to 298.3/68.1 Start at XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP; RSS require DSN tracking over Goldstone or Canberra; Mag field from 122T22:45 to 123T03:35 -X to 298.3/68.1 RSS require DSN tracking over Goldstone or Canberra. -X to 298.3/68.1 Start at end att of RSS_007SA_OCC003_PRIME; timing critical -X to 298.3/68.1 Start at end att. Of VIMS_007RI_HIPHASE001_PRIME; RSS require DSN tracking over Canberra; Timing Critical -X to 298.3/68.1 RSS require DSN tracking over Canberra -X to 298.3/68.1 1-sigma ephemeris uncert. = +/- 6 min. J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request Riders SP Turn to waypoint NEW WAYPOINT CIRS_007RI_SUBMU14HP001_PRIME CIRS_007RI_TEMPU11HP001_PRIME ISS_007RI_HPMRDFMOV001_ISS NAV_007DI_OPNAV241_PRIME NAV_007EN_OPNAV241_PRIME NAV_007PH_OPNAV241_PRIME SP Madrid 70-m SP Turn to waypoint Start Saturn 7 Segment NEW WAYPOINT ISS_007SA_1X2WPH120001_ISS ISS_007SA_1X2WPH120002_ISS ISS_007SA_1X2WPH100001_ISS ISS_007SA_1X2WPH100002_ISS ISS_007DI_MUTUALEVE001_ISS ISS_007SA_1X2WPH100003_ISS ISS_007SA_1X2WPH100004_ISS NAV_007EN_OPNAV251_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV251_PRIME ISS_007TI_1X1PT150001_ISS ISS_007TL_MUTUALEVE001_ISS UVIS_007SA_EUVFUV002_PRIME ISS_007T1_1X1PT140001_ISS SP Turn to Earth SP Goldstone 70-m Start XD 7/8 Segment NAV_007RH_OPNAV261_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV261_PRIME NAV_007EN_OPNAV261_PRIME NAV_007TE_OPNAV261_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV262_PRIME NAV_007TE_OPNAV262_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV262_PRIME NAV_007HY_OPNAV261_PRIME NEW WAYPOINT UVIS_007SA_MOS7APO002_PRIME SP_007EA_WAYPTTURN501_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF SP_007SA_WAYPTTURN502_PRIME UVIS_007SA_MOS7APO003_PRIME NAV_007HY_OPNAV271_PRIME NAV_007PH_OPNAV271_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV271_PRIME NAV_007MI_OPNAV271_PRIME SP Mad-Gold 34m HEF NAV_007DI_OPNAV281_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV281_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV281_PRIME NAV_007PH_OPNAV281_PRIME UVIS_007SA_MOS7APO004_PRIME SP_007SA_WAYPTTURN503_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF SP_007SA_WAYPTTURN504_PRIME UVIS_007SA_MOS07APO005_PRIME NAV_007TE_OPNAV291_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV291_PRIME NAV_007EN_OPNAV291_PRIME U,V C V V V V V V C,V U U U Start (SCET) Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) Observation Attitude Secondary Primary 2005-123T08:52 2005-123T09:12 00T00:20 2005-123T09:12 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2 0 0 5 - 1 2 4 T 2 1 : 0 0 ISS_NAC to Saturn 2005-123T09:12:00 2005-123T17:12:00 2005-123T21:06:00 2005-124T10:00:00 2005-124T10:25:00 2005-124T10:50:00 2005-124T11:40:00 2005-124T20:00:00 2005-124T21:00 2005-124T21:00 2005-124T21:19:00 2005-124T22:19:00 2005-124T23:24:00 2005-125T00:24:00 2005-125T01:28:39 2005-125T02:00:00 2005-125T03:00:00 2005-125T04:00:00 2005-125T05:00:00 2005-125T06:00:00 2005-125T07:26:14 2005-125T08:10:00 2005-125T17:10:00 2005-125T18:10:00 2005-125T18:40:00 2005-126T03:40 00T08:00 00T03:54 00T12:54 00T00:25 00T00:25 00T00:50 00T08:20 00T00:30 2005-123T17:12:00 2005-123T21:06:00 2005-124T10:00:00 2005-124T10:25:00 2005-124T10:50:00 2005-124T11:40:00 2005-124T20:00:00 2005-124T20:30:00 CIRS_FP1 to Rings CIRS_FP4 to Rings ISS_NAC to Rings ISS_NAC to 34.686/-9.921 ISS_NAC to 8.617/-8.222 ISS_NAC to 29.319/5.518 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling -X to Sun 00T00:59 00T00:59 00T00:59 00T00:59 00T00:31 00T00:59 00T00:59 00T00:50 00T00:50 00T01:00 00T00:32 00T09:00 00T01:00 00T00:30 00T09:00 2005-126T07:00 2005-124T22:18:00 2005-124T23:18:00 2005-125T00:23:00 2005-125T01:23:00 2005-125T01:59:39 2005-125T02:59:00 2005-125T03:59:00 2005-125T04:50:00 2005-125T05:50:00 2005-125T07:00:00 2005-125T07:58:14 2005-125T17:10:00 2005-125T18:10:00 2005-125T18:40:00 2005-126T03:40:00 ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Dione ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to Saturn ISS_NAC to 28.203/-5.802 ISS_NAC to 45.450/-5.771 ISS_NAC to Titan ISS_NAC to Telesto UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to Titan XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun -X to Sun +X to NSP -X to Sun +X to NEP rolling 2005-126T03:40 2005-126T04:25 2005-126T04:45 2005-126T05:05 2005-126T05:25 2005-126T05:45 2005-126T06:05 2005-126T06:25 2005-126T07:00 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 2005-126T04:25 2005-126T04:45 2005-126T05:05 2005-126T05:25 2005-126T05:45 2005-126T06:05 2005-126T06:25 2005-126T07:00 2005-134T02:50 2005-126T07:00 2005-126T18:15 2005-126T18:42 2005-127T03:27 2005-127T04:00 2005-127T11:45 2005-127T12:10 2005-127T12:30 2005-127T12:50 2005-127T13:45 00T11:15 00T00:27 00T08:45 00T00:33 00T07:45 00T00:25 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:55 00T11:15 2005-126T18:15 2005-126T18:42 2005-127T03:27 2005-127T04:00 2005-127T11:45 2005-127T12:10 2005-127T12:30 2005-127T12:50 2005-127T13:45 2005-128T01:00 +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Y to Saturn rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth 2005-128T01:00 2005-128T01:45 2005-128T02:05 2005-128T02:25 2005-128T03:00 2005-128T18:00 2005-128T18:27 2005-129T03:27 2005-129T04:00 2005-129T12:45 2005-129T13:10 2005-129T13:30 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 00T15:00 00T00:27 00T09:00 00T00:33 00T08:45 00T00:25 00T00:20 00T00:20 2005-128T01:45 2005-128T02:05 2005-128T02:25 2005-128T03:00 2005-128T18:00 2005-128T18:27 2005-129T03:27 2005-129T04:00 2005-129T12:45 2005-129T13:10 2005-129T13:30 2005-129T13:50 ISS_NAC to 39.573/-1.302 ISS_NAC to 23.144/-2.997 ISS_NAC to 37.776/-3.126 ISS_NAC to 22.350/-2.361 ISS_NAC to 38.282/-1.075 ISS_NAC to 22.309/-2.347 ISS_NAC to 24.959/-2.948 ISS_NAC to 10.139/-3.586 ISS_NAC to Saturn UVIS_EUV to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 24.522/-2.429 ISS_NAC to 30.057/5.172 ISS_NAC to 48.551/0.528 ISS_NAC to 41.218/-0.711 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 38.623/2.377 ISS_NAC to 30.421/-0.178 ISS_NAC to 14.869/-0.148 ISS_NAC to 30.245/5.175 UVIS_EUV to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 51.752/3.760 ISS_NAC to 48.895/1.655 ISS_NAC to 43.290/3.687 13 +Z to NSP +Z to NSP rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Y to Saturn rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth Comments Start at end att. of RSS_007RI_OCC004_PRIME Sec. Axis adjusted +/-20 deg (?) to optimize MAPS Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -X to NEP Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, +X to NEP RA=32.32, DEC=-2.61 RA=35.48,DEC=-1.03 Includes turn to XBAND TO Earth, -Y to Saturn Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn RA=41.31,DEC=0.81 RA=45.25,DEC=2.3 J. Gross As of 8/7/02 S09/S10 Implementation Attitude Strategy Spreadsheet Request NAV_007MI_OPNAV291_PRIME SP Mad-Gold 34m HEF NAV_007MI_OPNAV301_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV301_PRIME NAV_007EN_OPNAV301_PRIME NAV_007PH_OPNAV301_PRIME UVIS_007SA_MOS07APO006_PRIME SP_007EA_WAYPTTURN505_PRIME SP Madrid 34m HEF SP_008SA_WAYPTTURN506_PRIME UVIS_007SA_MOS07APO007_PRIME NAV_007HY_OPNAV311_PRIME NAV_007TI_OPNAV311_PRIME NAV_007RH_OPNAV311_PRIME NAV_007EN_OPNAV311_PRIME SP Mad-Gold 34m HEF NAV_007HY_OPNAV312_PRIME NAV_007DI_OPNAV321_PRIME NAV_007PH_OPNAV321_PRIME VIMS_007RI_APOMOSAIC001_PRIME UVIS_008SA_MOS07AP008_PRIME NAV_008EN_OPNAV321_PRIME NAV_008DI_OPNAV322_PRIME SP Goldstone 34m HEF SP_008SA_WAYPTTURN001_PRIME UVIS_008SA_MOS07APO009_PRIME NAV_008TI_OPNAV331_PRIME NAV_008HY_OPNAV331_PRIME SP Goldstone 70-m End S10 Riders Start (SCET) 2005-129T13:50 U U U C,U C,U 2005-129T14:45 2005-130T01:00 2005-130T01:45 2005-130T02:05 2005-130T02:25 2005-130T03:00 2005-130T09:30 2005-130T09:57 2005-130T20:42 2005-130T21:10 2005-131T10:10 2005-131T10:35 2005-131T10:55 2005-131T11:15 2005-131T12:12 2005-131T23:25 2005-132T00:10 2005-132T00:30 2005-132T01:00 2005-132T03:15 2005-132T16:20 2005-132T16:45 2005-132T17:41 2005-133T02:41 2005-133T03:10 2005-133T16:55 2005-133T17:15 2005-133T17:55 Start (Epoch) Dur End (SCET) 00T00:55 00T10:15 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:35 2005-129T14:45 2005-130T01:00 2005-130T01:45 2005-130T02:05 2005-130T02:25 2005-130T03:00 00T06:30 00T00:27 00T10:45 00T00:28 00T13:00 00T00:25 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T00:57 00T11:13 2005-130T09:30 2005-130T09:57 2005-130T20:42 2005-130T21:10 2005-131T10:10 2005-131T10:35 2005-131T10:55 2005-131T11:15 2005-131T12:12 2005-131T23:25 00T00:45 00T00:20 00T00:30 00T02:15 00T13:05 00T00:25 00T00:56 00T09:00 00T00:29 00T13:45 00T00:20 00T00:20 00T08:55 2005-132T00:10 2005-132T00:30 2005-132T01:00 2005-132T03:15 2005-132T16:20 2005-132T16:45 2005-132T17:41 2005-133T02:41 2005-133T03:10 2005-133T16:55 2005-133T17:15 2005-133T17:55 2005-134T02:50 2005-134T02:50 14 Observation Attitude Secondary Primary ISS_NAC to 50.877/2.883 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 43.276/3.527 ISS_NAC to 60.662/3.828 ISS_NAC to 46.381/2.595 ISS_NAC to 30.627/5.122 UVIS_EUV to Saturn XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 57.774/1.024 ISS_NAC to 49.232/1.373 ISS_NAC to 46.563/7.770 ISS_NAC to 50.638/4.154 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to 61.932/1.682 ISS_NAC to 50.628/4.196 ISS_NAC to 30.704/5.100 ISS_NAC to Rings UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 51.172/5.712 ISS_NAC to 63.515/5.822 XBAND to Earth ISS_NAC to Saturn UVIS_EUV to Saturn ISS_NAC to 71.031/4.004 ISS_NAC to 74.705/3.728 XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Y to Saturn rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP XBAND to Earth XBAND to Earth rolling +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP +Z to NSP -Y to Saturn Comments Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn RA=48.4, DEC=+3.49 RA=51.2,DEC=4.53 Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn Includes turn from XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn RA=54.57, DEC=6.77 Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn RA=57.7, DEC=6.89 Includes turn to XBAND to Earth, -Y to Saturn No Roll Due to ENGR DSAT J. Gross