Dynamic causal modelling of brain-behaviour relationships J. Daunizeau Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London, UK Overview DCM: introduction Augmenting DCM with behavioural outputs Proof of concept: inhibitory control Overview DCM: introduction Augmenting DCM with behavioural outputs Proof of concept: inhibitory control Brain connectivities structural connectivity functional connectivity effective connectivity O. Sporns 2007, Scholarpedia • structural connectivity = presence of axonal connections • functional connectivity = statistical dependencies between regional time series • effective connectivity = causal (directed) influences between neuronal populations ! connections are recruited in a context-dependent fashion Functional segregation / integration localizing brain activity: functional segregation A effective connectivity analysis: functional integration A B A u1 u2 u1 B B u1 u2 u1 X u2 « Where, in the brain, did my experimental manipulation have an effect? » « How did my experimental manipulation propagate through the network? » DCM for fMRI: example auditory cue visual outcome or P(outcome|cue) or Put response 0 200 400 600 800 2000 time (ms) PMd PPA FFA PPA cue-dependent surprise Put FFA PMd cue-independent surprise Den Ouden et al., J. Neurosci., 2010 Dynamical systems theory 1 u x y 1 2 2 3 21 1 1 2 3 2 32 13 3 13u time 3 u t t t 0 3u t u t t x t 0 x t Evolution and observation mappings Hemodynamic observation model: temporal convolution Electromagnetic observation model: spatial convolution neural states dynamics x f ( x, u , ) fMRI EEG/MEG • simple neuronal model • realistic observation model • realistic neuronal model • simple observation model inputs System identification: agnostic neural dynamics a24 b12 d24 gating effect 2 4 u2 modulatory effect 1 3 c1 u1 driving input f f 2 f 2 f x2 x f ( x, u ) f x0 ,0 x u ux 2 ... x u xu x 2 0 nonlinear state equation: m n (i ) ( j) x A ui B x j D x Cu i 1 j 1 Stephan et al., 2008 The neuro-vascular coupling u t m n x A ui B (i ) x j D ( j ) x Cu i 1 j 1 experimentally controlled stimulus neural states dynamics vasodilatory signal s x s ( f 1) f s s flow induction (rCBF) f s h { , , , , E0 , } hemodynamic states dynamics f n {A, B(i ) , C, D( j ) } Balloon model changes in volume v f v 1/ v ( q, v ) v changes in dHb 1/ q f E ( f,E0 ) E q0 v q / v q S q V0 k1 1 q k2 1 k3 1 v S0 v k1 4.30 E0TE k2 r0 E0TE k3 1 BOLD signal change observation Friston et al., 2003 Parametric statistical approach • DCM: model structure y g x, x f x, u, 24 2 likelihood p y ,, m 4 3 1 u • DCM: Bayesian inference parameter estimates: model evidence: priors on parameters ˆ p y , , m p m p m d d p y m p y , , m p m p m d d The variational Bayesian approach ln p y m ln p , y m S q DKL q ; p y, m q free energy : functional of q mean-field: approximate marginal posterior distributions: q , q 1 2 p 1 ,2 y, m 2 p 1 or 2 y, m 1 q 1 or 2 Overview DCM: introduction Augmenting DCM with behavioural outputs Proof of concept: inhibitory control Identifying the brain-behaviour mapping dk2 ak2 x2 x4 u2 x1 sensory u input 1 bk3 ok behavioural output x3 u3 modelling the brain input-output transform (through the network) decomposing the relative contribution of brain regions and their interactions to the behavioural response Identifying the brain-behaviour mapping dk2 ak2 x2 x4 u2 x1 bk3 ok behavioural output x3 sensory u input 1 u3 p o x s r 1 s r o 1 o t r t h x , u e d r h x, u r h h 2h 2h x2 h x, u h 0,0 x u ux 2 ... x u xu x 2 bDCM: face validity B u2 0 1 u1 0 r 0 time (s) F u1 0 35 0 time (s) 35 time (s) 35 H 3 4 0 1 2 0 0 -2 r 0 beh u2 0 BOLD r 2 -2 y inverted 1 G Estimated value E BOLD signal Inputs u2 u1 4 1 Response simulated D C y A -2 Parameter 0 g(x)BOLD 4 0 g(x) beh 1 bDCM: face validity u2 Functional connectivity u2 u2 u1 u1 u1 r Response encoding u1 u1 r A B C D explained variance bDCM: behavioural susceptibility analysis u1 u2 u1 u2 u1 u2 u1 u2 ? r r r r bDCM: predicting the effect of lesions to u1 on off B to u2 u1 permutation 0 u2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time (s) u2 B 1 u1 C 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 A u contribution B C A connection B C C 2 A susceptibility 1 r response rate Volterra kernel A 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 u2 = 0 u2 = 1 condition normal lesioned u2 = 0 u2 = 1 condition Overview DCM: introduction Augmenting DCM with behavioural outputs Proof of concept: inhibitory control Go/noGo: paradigm and fMRI results A B Execute (NOGO) t-value 8.5 Prepare C Go cue 0.0 z=28 No-Go z=62 Execute (GO) prep exec stop z=62 Go/noGo: model comparison set H2 H3 H4 stop direct 1 drive cue 2 exec 3 potent cue cue cue 4 serial 5 6 exec exec stop H1 partial prep prep prep withold prep parallel cue cue cue cue stop full 1. left dPFC 2. right dPFC 3. left pre-motor 4. rigth pre-motor 5. left M1 6. right M1 modulation Go/noGo: Bayesian model selection 5 H4 partial H3 modulate H1 drive H2 direct stop - 4.85 cue cue exec - 4.90 H0: - 6.73 x 103 - 4.95 +1 −1 1 prepare left execute (Go) stop (NoGo) 0 nnormalized eural activity models response predictor log model evidence x103 - 4.80 Go/noGo: behavioural fit 100 accuracy (%) accuracy (%) 100 90 80 70 60 90 bDCM 70 fMRI decoding 60 50 50 0 2 train test train test evaluation set 4 6 8 10 time (s) Left response Right response 12 Volterra kernel 12 Volterra kernel 80 8 4 0 -4 -8 8 cue left 4 cue right 0 exec -4 stop -8 0 1 time (s) 2 0 1 time (s) 2 Go/noGo: behavioural susceptibility analysis stop cue cue exec right response left response preparation execution (Go) stop (NoGo) Go/noGo: lesion-induced behavioural deficits stop cue cue exec 1 response rate 1 0 1 L R 1 0 0 L R L R L R 1 L R R response side condition: Go No Go 0 L R 1 0 1 node state: normal lesioned 0 L R 0 Overview DCM: introduction Augmenting DCM with behavioural outputs Proof of concept: inhibitory control Many thanks to Lionel Rigoux