Sally J. Rogers, Ph.D. Journal Articles 2015 Schreibman L, Dawson G, Stahmer AC, Landa R, Rogers SJ, McGee GG, et al. Naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions: Empirically validated treatments for autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2407-8. 2015 Rogers SJ. Henry Leland (1923-2013). American Psychologist, 70(1), 47. 2015 Estes A, Munson J, Rogers SJ, Greenson J, Winter J, Dawson G. Long-term outcomes of early intervention in 6-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 54(7), 580-587. 2015 Pokorny JJ, Hatt NV, Colombi C, Vivanti G, Rogers SJ, Rivera SM. The Action Observation System when Observing Hand Actions in Autism and Typical Development. Autism Research, 8(3), 284-96. 2015 Schreibman L, Dawson G, Stahmer AC, Landa R, Rogers SJ, McGee GG, Halladay A. Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions: Empirically Validated Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45, 1-18. 2015 McCormick C, Hepburn S, Young GS, Rogers SJ. Sensory symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder, other developmental disorders and typical development: A longitudinal study. Autism, 1362361315599755. 2015 Nordahl CW, Iosif AM, Young GS, Perry LM, Dougherty R, Lee A Li D, Buonocore MH, Simon T, Rogers SJ, Wandell B, Amaral DG. Sex differences in the corpus callosum in preschool-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism, 6, 26. Book Chapter 2015 Fulton E, Eapen V, Crncec R, Walter A, Rogers SJ. Reducing maladaptive behaviors in preschool-aged children with autism spectrum disorder using the Early Start Denver Model. In R. Canitano & Y. Bozzi (Eds.). Frontiers research topics: New treatment perspectives in autism spectrum disorders. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers in Pediatrics. Abstracts and Presentations 2014 Rogers SJ. New findings and new applications of the Early Start Denver Model. Infant Development Association – Weaving a Community of Resiliency Conference, Sacramento, CA, September 19. 2014 Rogers SJ. Latest findings and studies related to the Early Start Denver Model. John D. Wiley Seminar Series, Madison WI, Waisman Center. October 10. 68 2014 Rogers SJ. ESDM Introductory Training. Focus, CRL, Oporto, Portugal, November 8. 2014 Rogers SJ. ESDM AdvancedTraining. Focus, CRL, Oporto, Portugal, November 10-12. 2015 Rogers SJ. Early Start Denver Model. Evidence and Rationales for Comprehensive Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment: Divergence and Convergence. Las Vegas, NV, January 14. 2015 Rogers SJ. ESDM Introductory Training, MIND Institute, Sacramento, CA, February 2. 2015 Rogers SJ. ESDM Introductory and Advanced Training. Centre for Autism Research in Africa. Capetown, South Africa, February 17-20. 2015 Rogers SJ. Reflections on 50 years of intervention science for ASD. UC Davis MIND Institute. Research Seminar Series, March 13. 2015 Rogers SJ. Past, Present, and Future of Early Intervention: A View Through the Autism Spectrum Disorder Lens. JFK Partners 50th Anniversary Symposium, Denver, Colorado, April 17. 2015 Rogers SJ. Early Behavioral Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mas Casadevall Conference, Barcelona, Spain, April 22. 2015 McCormick C, Young GS, Bernstein J, Rogers SJ. Behavioral Differences in Reward Salience but Not Motivation in Toddlers with ASD. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 14. 2015 Iverson JM, Shic F, Wall CA, Bensinger-Brody Y, Curtin S, Estes AM, Rogers SJ, et al. Early Gross and Fine Motor Abilities in Infants at Heightened vs. Low Risk for ASD: A BSRC Study. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 14. 2015 Stamova B, Tian Y, Nordahl CW, Shen MD, Rogers SJ. Use of Blood Transcriptomes to Characterize ASD Phenotypes. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 14. 2015 Estes AM, Rogers SJ, Greenson J, Munson J, Winter J, Dawson G. Long-term Outcomes of Early Intervention in 6-Year-Old Children with Autism. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 2015 Rogers SJ. Reflections on 50 Years of ASD Early Intervention Science: Keynote Address. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 2015 Rogers SJ. Responses to Early Intervention and Mechanisms of Change. Keynote Panel Session. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 69 2015 Sullivan KA, Stone WL, Munson J, Rogers SJ, Dawson G. Moderators of Language Outcomes in Randomized Controlled ESDM Intervention Trial for Toddlers with Autism. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 2015 Naigles L, Ozonoff S, Rogers SJ, Mastergeorge AM. The Origins of the SLI Phenotype in the Early Language Development of Children with ASD. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 2015 Libero L, Nordahl CW, Li DD, Rogers SJ, Amaral DG. Persistence of Megalencephaly in Early Childhood in a Subset of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 2015 Odom SL, Hume K, Dykstra Steinbrenner JR, Carter E, Smith LE, Rogers SJ, et al. Examining Treatment Implementation in Secondary Education Settings. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15. 2015 Feng Y, Ota H, Rogers SJ, Amaral DG, Hoeft F, Nordahl CW. Different Patterns of Cortical Brain Alterations in Preschool-Aged Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder with and without Intellectual Disability. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16. 2015 Burrier R, Amaral DG, Smith AM, West PR, LI DD, Rogers SJ, et al. A Metabolic Profile of Autism Spectrum disorder from Autism Phenome Project Patient Plasma. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16. 2015 Johnson RT, Li DD, Amaral DG, Rogers SJ. Sex Differences in Social Impairment in Preschool-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. IMFAR, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16. 2015 Rogers SJ. How Malleable is Autism? Outcome Studies from the Youngest Children with ASD. ESCAP, Madrid, Spain, June 22. 2015 Rogers SJ. How Malleable is Autism? The ESDM for Children with Autism – Part 1. Measuring Developmental Trajectories. ESCAP, Madrid, Spain, June 22. 2015 Rogers SJ. How Malleable is Autism? The ESDM for Children with Autism – Part 1. Language and Cultural Adaptations. ESCAP, Madrid, Spain, June 22. 2015 Rogers SJ. Efforts, Challenges, and Results from Initial Cross-Cultural Adaptations of an American Intervention Model. ESCAP, Madrid, Spain, June 22. Research Funding Strengthening the Effects of Parent-Implemented Early Intervention to Improve Symptoms of ASD. Autism Speaks, Rogers SJ (PI), 2012-2015, $253,533.50 (annual direct costs). UC Davis Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Department of Health and Human Services, 9 0DD0670/01, Rogers SJ (Co-Investigator), 2011-2016, $554,000 (annual direct costs). 70 Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSESA). University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Rogers SJ (Co-PI), 2012-2017, $270,000 (annual direct costs). Intervention Effects of Intensity and Delivery Style for Toddlers with ASD. National Institutes of Health, 1R01MH10030, Rogers SJ (PI), 2013-2018, $2,985,663 (annual direct costs). MIND Institute Intellectual and Developmental Research Center. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U54HD079125, Rogers SJ (Core Director), 2013-2018, $260,000 (annual direct costs). Adapting an Evidence-Based Program for Children at Risk for Autism for Diverse Early Intervention Service Systems. Dept of Education, Rogers SJ (PI), 2015-2018, $374,262 (annual direct costs). Interdisciplinary Training for Autism Researchers, NIMH, T32 MH073124, Rogers SJ (PI), 2004-2019, $275,212 (annual direct costs). Community Service Member, Autism Advisory Board, Guilford Press, New York, NY Member, Graduate Group in Developmental Psychology, University of California Davis Member, Graduate Group in Human Development University of California at Davis Member, Italian Association for Autism Research Advisory Board Member, Michelangelo Project, Scientific Advisory Board Member, Natural vs. Behavioral Interventions, Toddler Treatment Network Work Group Member, NIH-Autism Speaks Consortium on Infant Siblings Studies in Autism Member, NIH/NICHD Scientific Review Committee, IDDRC Review Member, Planning Committee, International Meeting for Autism Research Member, Professional Board of Advisors, Univ. Cal. Irvine Institute for Autism and Child Development Member, Editorial Board, Autism Research Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Member, Editorial Board, Development and Psychopathology Review Chair, Clinical Trial Review, NIDCD Council ZDC1-SRB-L-48 Reviewer, Development and Psychopathology Reviewer, Pediatrics Reviewer, Infant Mental Health Reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Reviewer, Journal of Cognition and Development Reviewer, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 71