1 Kansas State University Division of Student Life - Summary of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plans 2010-11 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Academic and Career Information Center As a result of meeting with a career specialist, students will be able to develop a plan of action to choose a major or career. A question on the ACIC user survey. Survey to be administered to all students who meet with a career specialist in an individual appointment (indirect). A question on the Academic Majors Fair follow up survey. Survey to be administered to all students who attend the Academic Majors Fair (indirect). Scoring each student's mock interview performance using a rubric. All students enrolled in EDCEP 120 will complete a mock interview (direct). As a result of attending the Academic Majors Fair, students will be able to identify the different majors available at K-State. After taking the EDCEP 120 class, students will be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their interviewing skills by participating in a mock interview. Academic Assistance Center As a result of enrollment and participation in the basic math review course DED 051 Study Skills Lab, students will improve their basic mathematics skills and be better prepared to take an introductory algebra course. As a result of enrollment and participation in the EDCEP 111 University Experience course, students will know and be able to apply study techniques that are essential to success in college. As a result of participating in weekly tutoring sessions at the Leasure Hall Tutoring Center, students will improve their academic performance and achieve a satisfactory grade of "C" or higher in the course(s) in which they received tutoring. Through comparison of individual performance on the Math Placement Exam and performance on pre- and post-tests in the DED 051 course as well as final course grade in a subsequent mathematics course. Via a Learning Portfolio of completed assignments that each student collects throughout the EDCEP 111 course. Students will analyze their portfolio materials at the end of the semester and write a reflection paper discussing how their study habits have changed and improved over the semester. Students will also provide feedback through a final course evaluation. A specific question on a survey completed by students who receive tutoring: “Do you feel that working with this tutor has helped you to improve your academic performance in the class for which you are tutored?” An additional measure of this outcome will be the actual academic performance of students in the courses being tutored. 2 Departments Learning Outcome Alcohol and Other Drug Education Services Students will take newly received information about alcohol and other drugs and connect the information to their personal actions and experiences. Career and Employment Services Make decisions about career options. Measure The AlcoholEdu for College program will review results from generated statistics. Other (direct) measures include online assessments taken by students, such as the Healthy behaviors Assessment, and the eCHUG. Also, the biennial AODES alcohol and other drug student survey provides long-term measures of KState student alcohol and drug usage levels. Students will exhibit healthy behaviors Through Project ABC, students will and develop strategies for dealing create a plan to change and their with alcohol and other drug issues. progress will be monitored through individual sessions. Students who go through Project ABC will have a decreased number of problem behaviors in the residence halls as reported by residence life staff. This will be monitored by the AODES Assistant Director. Students will incorporate ethical Through reviewing data such as yearly reasoning into action; explore and arrests for DUIs, MIPs/MICs, and articulate the values and principles alcohol and other drug related involved in personal decision-making; accidents and deaths in the and act in congruence with personal Manhattan area and among K-State values and beliefs. students. This information will be compared to previous years by the AODES Director. Create well written resumes. Communicate effectively in interviews. Conduct a successful job search Administer career advising survey to all students who schedule individual appointments (indirect). Select randomly 100 students who uploaded resumes to online CES system and have research assistant critique them blindly using a rubric in the summer months following the academic year (direct). Gather feedback from student participants and guest interviewers involved with mock interview clinics (indirect). Conduct a post-graduation survey and cross reference it with activation data for all graduating students annually up to 6 months after graduation (Indirect). 3 Departments Learning Outcome Measure College Advancement-Student Life-KState Salina Students will better understand and appreciate other cultures Program/Event Student Survey will be given to students in attendance and compared to total student body survey (indirect). Student survey conducted for students utilizing the recreation center and attending health/wellness programs/events at the end of each semester and following health/wellness programs/events (indirect). Student Survey taken following participation in team building activities, such as a challenge course (direct). Student Survey and observation for students that run for club officer positions, apply for resident assistants, mentors, and ambassadors given at time of application and again following selections/elections (direct and indirect). Students will learn healthy lifestyles options Students will learn team building skills Students will develop leadership skills 4 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Counseling Services Identify personal concerns and develop strategies to alleviate symptoms that have created the interference with academic and social functioning. Ongoing intake interview and followup assessment at session 3 by counselors using DSM defined rubric of diagnosis, case descriptors, and action maker assessment (direct). Ongoing student self-ratings on symptoms, academic and social interference, readiness, and progress at intake and at session 3 (pre and post tests), utilizing K-PIRS (indirect). Ongoing survey of attendees utilizing Presentation/Workshop Evaluation Form completed by the students at the end of the presentation (indirect). Ongoing internet-based survey of the students who viewed the Suzy’s Study Strategies video that will be compared to the students who haven’t viewed the video (indirect). Supervisors' evaluation on professional decorum and professional objectives at the end of semester, utilizing the Intern Semester Evaluation Form on a 5-point rating scale (direct). Intern follow-up evaluation of training program (indirect). Supervisors’ evaluation of artifacts of the interns’ performance at the end of semester utilizing the Intern Semester Evaluation Form on a 5-point rating scale. The artifacts include videotapes, audiotapes, case writeups, and presentations at a formal case conference (direct). Intern follow-up evaluation of training program (indirect). Ongoing evaluation by senior staff on interns’ activities discussed in supervisors’ meetings, then a formal evaluation by the Training Director at the end of semester, utilizing the Intern Semester Evaluation Form on a 5-point rating scale (direct). Intern follow-up evaluation of training program (indirect). Make use of skills and information presented to enhance ability to be successful in life. Develop personal goals for improved academic performance through the reflecting process of self-efficacy and outcome expectation of the 10-areas of study behaviors and skills. Demonstrate skills related to professional identity and professionalism. Conduct effective counseling and therapeutic interventions Conduct effective developmental, remedial programmatic, and educational interventions 5 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Developing Scholars Program Undergraduate students will learn how to engage in intellectual discourse. Undergraduate students will learn how to conduct credible research in their given area of interest. Undergraduate students will learn how to pursue a "pathway of progress" toward graduation and to enter graduate programs, professional schools, or to find placement in their professional fields upon graduation. -Students in Developing Scholars, Bridges to the Future, and EdgerleyFranklin Urban Leadership respond to entry surveys and year-end surveys (indirect). -Faculty respond to year-end surveys (indirect). -Compile abstracts of students' research activities (direct). -Compile data on students' Grade Point Averages (direct). -Faculty review of research projects (direct). -Invitation to honorary societies, travel abroad and language acquisition (indirect). 6 Departments Disability Support Services Learning Outcome Students at K-State who are eligible for DSS services are self-identifying and requesting support services and accommodations that are necessary to reach their academic goals. Measure Students with disabilities registered with DSS are tagged in iSIS by disability and accommodations that are received. This data will be compared to the data statistics available through the Department of Education (direct). Students registered with DSS and are GPA data will be gathered through eligible for classroom iSIS. Utilizing accommodation will be accommodations will be retained gathered by tracking which new after their first semester due to using students formally requested services accommodations immediately upon and accommodations by completing a enrollment at K-State. request for Letter of Accommodations. GPA’s will then be compared between those that used services their first semester and those that did not (direct). Students registered with DSS will For each student that uses the DSS utilize their accommodation of testing center, data for start and stop extended time on exams only when times on individual tests will be extended time is necessary due to gathered to determine how many their disability. For clarity, some students did not utilize the extended students will request extended time time, but rather completed the test in only because of anxiety or fear and the allotted time for all students not need the extra time. (direct). Students registered with DSS with GPA data will be gathered through iSIS print disabilities such as reading for those students who are eligible for disabilities and visual impairments will the accommodation of alternate improve their GPA by requesting format of text. Those students who alternate format for course materials actually requested and used this such as textbooks. A book in alternate accommodation will be gathered by format is defined as books that are in DSS staff. GPA’s will then be electronic format that can be compared to those who used the accessed on a computer screen and accommodation and those that did heard using specialized reading not (direct). software. Educational Supportive Services Effectively use of tutoring assistance by attending sessions as scheduled, completing course assignments, and being prepared to ask questions over material that is not understood. Effective study skills by achieving at least satisfactory grades on course assignments and exams. Administer Educational Supportive Services Tutorial Assessment to all program participants receiving professional and peer tutoring (indirect). Administer a pre and post-Study Skills Assessment to all program participants receiving professional and peer tutoring (direct). Develop effective critical thinking skills Academic Enrichment Program course in applying knowledge at levels assignments will be graded to assess required in pursuing a baccalaureate the critical thinking skills of the ESS degree, such as interpreting participants enrolled in the course information, solving problems, and (direct). evaluating actions. 7 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Financial Assistance 50% of students who participate in OSFA Scholarship Workshop will complete a scholarship application by the priority deadline of February 1. As a result of participating in the scholarship workshop, current students will demonstrate the knowledge and motivation to complete the K-State Scholarships application by the priority deadline of February 1. 40% of current students who receive an email reminder will complete a FAFSA by the priority deadline of March 1. As a result of receiving and reading an email reminder of the importance of applying for financial aid by the priority date, students will file their initial FAFSA application with the federal processor on or before March 1. 35% of students who are contacted by our office regarding their outstanding account balance and additional aid eligibility will settle their accounts with the University by June 1. As a result of the outreach by the Financial Aid office, students will have the knowledge and motivation to take the necessary steps to settle their account with the University, either through additional financial aid eligibility or other means, on or before June 1. Student attendance at the OSFA Scholarship Workshop was collected on site. We will query the iSIS system to determine which students completed a scholarship application by the February 1 priority deadline. All currently enrolled students will be sent an email reminding them to complete their FAFSA for 2011-2012. We will use the application-processed date on the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to determine which students have applied by the March 1 priority deadline. A list of students contacted by our office regarding their outstanding student account balance and financial aid options will be maintained. We will utilize system data to determine which students follow through and settle their account with the University. 8 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Housing and Dining Services Increasing awareness of one’s identity Map-Works Survey, Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey, and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Map-Works Survey, Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey, and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Map-Works Survey, Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey, and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Map-Works Survey, Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcome Survey, and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric MAP-Works survey and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric Learning responsible decision making skills Building mature interpersonal relationships Developing a sense of purpose Developing an awareness of one’s role in the local and global community Developing concern and mutual understanding for others in an effort to successfully manage conflict Developing and practicing attitudes and behaviors that leads to participation in the community and positive influence on others Managing the change in academic expectations from high school to the University Knowing and utilizing available campus resources Determining goals based on academic priorities Lafene Health Center Health Promotion/Nutrition Counseling Identify safer health behaviors that will reduce their risk for acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (Sexual Health Awareness Peer Education SHAPE). Recognize symptoms of disordered eating (Sensible Nutrition and Body Image Choices - SNAC). List key health issues affecting college students and know where to find reliable information on the internet (Healthful and Safe College Life EDCEP 103). MAP-Works survey and Student Staff Evaluation Rubric 231 participants completed the mini assessment following 8 SHAPE presentations (indirect). Complete SNAC assessment at the conclusion of each presentation (indirect). 140 students completed online course work in 2 offerings of EDCEP 103 including 6 exams and 6 group discussions (direct). Completion of pre- and post-online assessment for enrolled students (indirect). 9 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Lafene Health Center Laboratory Hematology. Run specimens through instrument, recognize repeatable values, correctly run QC controls, Make and stain blood smear, and perform mono test. Run specimens through instrument, recognize obscured results, and perform Ictotest. Inoculate media correctly including throat and urine cultures, prepare stool sample for state lab, and perform occult blood testing. Urinalysis Area. Microbiology: Inoculate media correctly and miscellaneous. McNair Scholars Program Demonstrate effective communication skills appropriate to his/her discipline through oral and visual presentations at K-State McNair Colloquia and McNair Research Conferences and submission of final written research report. Demonstrate appropriate disciplinebased academic research skills. Demonstrate having applied successfully to a post-baccalaureate program. New Student Services Identify self as a K-State student. Recognize academic support services and resources. Establish a connection with a member of the K-State community. Select an involvement opportunity that aligns with their personal, academic, or career interests. Gather feedback from staff and faculty mentors regarding communication skills (direct). Gather feedback from faculty mentors about McNair Scholars' research skills, to include using discipline-based computer software and electronic communication network (direct). Scholar will show acceptance letter that they received from a postbaccalaureate program to the McNair Associate Director (indirect). June orientation and enrollment online survey taken by approximately 3300 students (indirect measure). 10 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Non-Traditional and Veteran Student Services Upon receiving services from the NonTraditional and Veteran Student Services staff, students will be able to identify and utilize campus and community resources specific to their needs. As a result of attending events sponsored by NTVSS, students will feel more connected on campus to their fellow non-traditional students, as well as faculty, staff, and their traditional counterparts. After taking the EDCEP 111 class, students will be able to effectively apply study skills and habits to aid in their academic success. In addition, students will be able to identify campus resources to meet their personal, academic, and professional needs. Through questions on a NTVSS user survey. The survey will be administered to all students who receive services from Non-Traditional and Veteran Student Services through an individual appointment (indirect). Through questions on a NTVSS event survey. The survey will be administered to students who attend NTVSS networking events (indirect). Engage with the administrative/functional staff of KState early. Students will apply to K-State early. Talisma CRM is used throughout the recruiting cycle to communicate with students and track visit participation. iSIS (PeopleSoft, Campus Solutions) is used to accept and process applications for admission. Dates of application submission are recorded. Talisma CRM is used throughout the recruiting cycle to communicate with students and track delivered URL click throughs. Office of Admissions Students will complete the tasks necessary to become a student in a timely manner. By questions on the final exam for EDCEP 111. All students enrolled in EDCEP 111 will complete the final exam (direct). 11 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Office of Student Activities and Services K-State Healthy Decisions- Students will identify campus services in order to utilize those services to help them become well-rounded and successful at K-State. Guide to Personal Success- Students will evaluate their success in specific areas. Survey of all students about awareness of HD services and using website; usage statistics of the HD website; usage statistics and number of emails to Ask Willie. Survey of students specifically in the GPS program in areas such as academics, stress management, time management, making friends, getting involved, knowledge of campus services and resources, getting enough exercise, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep Usage statistics for Student Legal Services, Consumer and Tenant Affairs, Powercat Financial Counseling, SafeRide, Ask Willie, and web statistics Pre and Post Surveys when leaders begin and end their term to selfreport their perceived leadership abilities. Direct evaluation of the leaders of each branch to evaluate their leadership abilities. Students will know about and utilize the services available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. Students serving in SGA positions will develop their leadership skills. PILOTS Program Students will perform better academically than those of equal ability who do not participate in the program. Students will seek involvement with individuals from other cultural backgrounds by participating with diverse students and tutors. Students will describe participating in the PILOTS Program as a contributing factor for their academic success. By comparing freshman and sophomore retention rates of program participants vs. freshmen with the same ACT score range who did not participate in our program. Through a survey regarding the students' ability to understand other cultures. Through a survey regarding the program's impact on their academic success. 12 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Recreational Services Student employees will learn, demonstrate, and retain comprehension of blood borne pathogens, CPR/AED, and first aid skills. Students must take an American Red Cross class taught by Rec services staff covering each listed risk management area and then subsequently pass the written and practical skills test. They will be assessed on these skills by taking the same written and practical skills tests throughout the year. Personal training clients will complete a small survey at their initial fitness screening measuring their knowledge level of exercise safety and healthy lifestyles. At the conclusion of their training program, the clients will take the same survey to measure the knowledge they gained/lost. Surveys will be sent out via email at the start of a term for specific intramural team managers. At the conclusion of the manager's term another survey will be sent out via email, and will include original questions to look for improvements as well as determining if the experience was the primary reason for the improvement. Upon completion of personal training package, first time clients will demonstrate knowledge of exercise safety and healthy lifestyles. Students servicing as Intramural Managers for their respective organizations will demonstrate and improve Leadership skills, Management skills, team work, organization and time management skills, and study habits. Student Life Student Conduct Students will demonstrate increased understanding of the effect of their behavior on themselves, others, and the K-State community. Students will demonstrate greater understanding of the Student Code of Conduct. Pre and post survey of students referred to OSL/SJA for conduct violations. Pre and post survey of students referred to OSL/SJA for conduct violations. 13 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Union Marketing Through employment with K-State Student Union marketing department, students will be able to increase their design knowledge through the completion of design projects. Students will be able to demonstrate and improve professional media writing skills. A rubric will be developed to assess selected design projects based on specific design principles. Students will be able to develop time management and professional procedure skills. Union Program Council To develop leadership skills in UPC executive board students through participation in leadership training. To help UPC executive board develop leadership and life skills as a result of their participation in UPC leadership activities. To develop students’ knowledge of self and others through participation in selected UPC-sponsored events. Upward Bound-Salina 70% or more of program participants will achieve proficiency in reading/language arts and math on the Kansas state assessment test 80% of program participants will demonstrate social skills growth through indication of the student evaluation Participate in online tutoring on a regular basis if the student’s GPA is below a 2.0 A rubric will be developed to assess selected different types of media writing projects based on current marketplace standards. A rubric will be developed based on employee performance reviews. UPC executive board evaluation after the retreats and leadership seminars which answer the question (direct). UPC executive board students will complete an assessment tool where they rate their skills and plan a program of self-improvement. UPC advisors will review how many areas on which the students report improvement and the extent of the improvement (direct). Through event attendees answering a question on each event survey (direct). Obtain all participants state assessment results annually each may from official student high school transcripts. Administer an annual student evaluation/survey where students self-indicate social growth. Online tutoring is offered three times per week from September-May. Students will participate as required by the Upward Bound program and higher grades will result as based on student GPA’s as obtained each nine weeks through official high school transcripts. 14 Departments Learning Outcome Measure Upward Bound-Math and Science 80% of all high school graduating students will enroll in a program of postsecondary education by the fall term immediately following graduation from high school. As a result of participating in the senior component, students will demonstrate enhanced study skills, efficient time management, and a comprehension of the college experience with the expectation to be prepared for postsecondary education. All student participants will obtain a “C” or better in all high school course work for each semester. As a result of participating in the academic year component, students will manage their opportunities for improvement, their recorded progress, and their opportunities for enrichment in their high school coursework. All student participants will obtain a score of 18 or better on the ACT test. As a result of completing the ACT component, students will have demonstrated an increased comprehension of the test material. Updated 08/10/2011 High School tracking system, federal tracking system (Clearinghouse), and internal records of acceptance letters. Created August 26, 2010 High school transcripts, progress reports, and student/teacher conversation logs. ACT report distributed to high school counselors, individual ACT reports sent to students, and the ACT data reported to Kansas State University.