International Telecommunication Union Preliminary analysis of presentations Arve Meisingset Telenor R&D Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 Comments Categorisations of ASN.1, TTCN and UML are missing Category Rick Rick Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram Relevance Some SDL MSC URN eODL Core/ Enterprise viewpoint Information viewpoint Computational viewpoint Engineering viewpoint Technology viewpoint 31.05.2016 Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 2 Open Distributed Processing Category Rick Rick Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram Relevance Some SDL MSC URN eODL MSC URN MSC URN(UCM) Core/ 31.05.2016 Enterprise viewpoint SDL Information viewpoint Core? SDL Computational viewpoint Core SDL Engineering viewpoint Core Technology viewpoint Some? ? eODL Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 3 Phases Category 31.05.2016 Rick Sum mary ReleCore vance / Some Surveying Some Analysis Core Overall design Core Detailed design Amarde o Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL URN MSC URN eODL? SDL MSC URN? eODL? Core SDL MSC Implementation Core SDL MSC Validation and testing Core SDL MSC Intro., train. and conv. Some Operation and use Some eODL URN URN eODL? Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 4 Scale of granularity Category Rick Sum mary ReleCore/ vance Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL Some Module development Core ? MSC ? eODL System development Core? SDL MSC URN eODL System planning and organization Some? SDL MSC Interoperation plan. betw. organizat. Information society planning 31.05.2016 Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 5 Media Category 31.05.2016 Rick Amarde o Clive Daniel Bertram Relevance SDL MSC URN eODL Alpha-gra. screens Some? Graphic screens Some Reports Some Databases Some? Telecom. lines Some Interoperation between processes Core SDL? MSC? MSC SDL MSC eODL Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 6 Application areas and Usages Category 31.05.2016 Rick Amarde o Clive Daniel Bertram Relevance SDL MSC URN eODL Data oriented approach Core? Process oriented approach Core End user help ? Application software development Core Application software management Some? Tool development ? eODL SDL MSC URN eODL SDL MSC URN eODL eODL Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 7 Language categories Category Rick Sum mary ReleCore/ vance Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL URN Some Control flow Core SDL MSC Data flow Core ? MSC Precedence relations between data 31.05.2016 Transformations between data Some? Nesting of schemata Core? ? Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 8 Structures and Implementations Category Rick Sum mary ReleCore/ vance Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL URN eODL Some 31.05.2016 Static structures Core? SDL Behaviour Core SDL MSC URN(UCM) Abstract Some? SDL MSC URN Detailed Core SDL MSC eODL Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 9 Schema types Category Rick Sum mary ReleCore vance / Some Amarde o Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL Layout schema Contents schema Core External terminology schema Concept schema Internal terminology schema Distribution schema Some Physical schema Core? System schema 31.05.2016 SDL eODL eODL? SDL? eODL Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 10 Levels and constraints Category Rick Sum mary ReleCore/ vance Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL Some Instantiation language Core SDL eODL Type language Core SDL eODL Selection, projection and union 31.05.2016 Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 11 Usage granularity Amardeo Clive Daniel Bertram SDL MSC URN eODL Individual relative to task SDL MSC URN eODL? Individual to several tasks SDL MSC URN Office with collaborating individuals SDL MSC URN Category Rick Sum mary ReleCore/ vance Some Organizations independ. of tasks Market segments with variations 31.05.2016 URN SDL MSC URN Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 12 Usages: Closeness, intention, scenario and collaboration Category Rick Amarde o Clive Daniel Bertram Relevance SDL MSC URN eODL Terminal users Core SDL ? ? Data users Core? Goals Core Requirements Core SDL Hands on use ? SDL Scenario language Core Translations between tiles ? MSC? URN(GRL) eODL? MSC URN MSC URN(UCM) ? Relations between tiles 31.05.2016 Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 13 Summary Need more responses and validation. Some need for coordination of languages both use and mappings. The languages do not have focus on technology end user perspectives and use management data and media All the four points are essential to Telecom Operators. These conclusions may not be surprising. The Tile architecture seems to serve the role as an analysis tool, but needs better definitions and requirements, as concluded in the first workshop 31.05.2016 Workshop on Integrated Application of Formal Languages, Geneva, 13 September 2003 14