UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS BERKELEY DAVIS IRVINE LOS ANGELES MERCED RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA SANTA CRUZ SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY 4860 Y STREET, SUITE 3500 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95817 TELEPHONE : (916) 734-2823 FAX : (916) 734-8094 Dear Sir, Hello and thank you for your interest in our research project! Drs. Robert Szabo and Robert Allen (department of orthopedics) and Alan Shindel (department of urology) are conducting a research project on men with nodules and/or cords in the hand, a condition called Dupuytren’s disease. You have been invited to participate as you have been referred to the practice of Dr. Szabo or Dr. Allen for possible Dupuytren’s disease. We are studying conditions that may be associated with Dupuytren’s disease. The following survey contains questions about you and about conditions that you may or may not have. Some of the questions are about sex and may seem very personal. All information gathered will be anonymous and confidential. We hope that this research will help improve men’s health in the future. The survey should take about 10 minutes. When you are done please place the completed survey in the pre-paid envelope provided. If you complete this survey, you are giving consent for us to use this information for research purposes. We are not asking for your signature or other identifying information as we do not want any information that may link you to the responses we receive. Participation in this research study is completely voluntary. If you decide not to participate it will not influence the care you will receive at UC Davis. Thank you again for your consideration and assistance in this important research project! If you have questions or concerns about this research or topics related to this survey please contact Dr. Shindel at or at (916) 734-6491. You can also contact the UC Davis Institutional Review Board Administration at 916-703-9151. Approved by the University of California, Davis Institutional Review Board Protocol 520651-1 DD/PD Survey Version 2, Dated 10.15.13 Approved 10/30/2013 Expires 10/29/2014