Forced reconnection studies in the MAST spherical tokamak M P Gryaznevich

Forced reconnection studies in the MAST
spherical tokamak
M P Gryaznevich1, A Sykes1, K G McClements1
T Yamada2, Y Hayashi2, R Imazawa2, Y Ono2
Reported by K G McClements with acknowledgements to
A Thyagaraja1 & C G Gimblett1
Fusion Association, UK
2 University of Tokyo, Japan
Workshop on MHD waves & reconnection, University of
Warwick, November 18-19 2010
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
 Magnetic reconnection can be studied in laboratory experiments under
conditions approximating those of space plasmas including solar corona
 Dedicated experiments include TS-3/4 at Tokyo University1 & MRX at
 Reconnection can also be studied in magnetic fusion experiments, such
as Mega Ampère Spherical Tokamak (MAST) at Culham → higher
magnetic field, stronger heating & more detailed diagnostics than those
available in dedicated experiments
 Reconnection can occur spontaneously in tokamak plasmas due to MHD
instabilities, leading to sawtooth oscillations & magnetic island formation
 I will present experimental signatures of forced reconnection that occurs in
MAST during one particular method of plasma start-up:
→ merging-compression
1 Ono
et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3328 (1996)
Hsu et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3859 (2000)
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
MAST spherical tokamak (ST)
 Unlike conventional tokamaks, aspect
ratio R/a ~ 1 in STs
 In MAST R  0.85 m, a  0.65 m
 Current in centre rod & external coils
produces toroidal B field  5 kG
 Current in plasma (produced by
combination of inductive & noninductive methods) ≤ 1.45 MA
 poloidal B at plasma edge ≤ 4 kG
 Electron & ion temperatures in plasma core ~ 106 - 107 K ( 0.1-1 keV)
 Particle density (~1018 – 51019 m-3) >> solar coronal values, but
 ~ 0.01 is comparable
 Ions mostly deuterium (mi = 2mp, mi /me = 3675)
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Merging/compression start-up in MAST
t=2.0 ms
t=3.0 ms
t=3.4 ms
t=6.6 ms
 MAST shot #15929: two plasma
rings, inductively formed around
P3 in-vessel coils (t=2.0ms),
merge (t=3.0ms), & eventually
produce plasma current of up to
0.45 MA (t=6.6ms)
 Right-hand frames show same
images but with closed poloidal
magnetic flux contours
 reconnection of poloidal flux
occurs in midplane
 accompanied by rapid heating of
ions & electrons, with some
evidence of ion acceleration
 toroidal (guide) field unaffected
by reconnection
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Reconnection in TS-3, TS-4
 Rise in ion temperature found to increase approximately as B2 where B
is initial magnetic field  conversion of field energy to thermal energy
 In these cases toroidal field reverses at X-line → no strong guide field
 No electron temperature measurements
1 Ono
et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3328 (1996)
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Temperature evolution in MAST
Ti (keV)
Te (keV)
Ip (MA)
 No evidence of
electrons, from
either Thomson
scattering or hard
X-ray diagnostics
Imazawa et al. to be submitted
to Phys. Rev. Lett.
 Te increases from ~105 K to around 5106 K while
Ti rises to 1.3 107 K in ~10ms (caveat: Ti
measurements based on neutral particle analyser
data, which may have been affected by fast ions)
 In another merging-compression shot Te > 107 K
was measured
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
2D Te profiles in MAST
Hollow case
Peaked case
Yag @ 8 ms
Te (eV)
Yag @ 9 ms
Yag @ 10 ms
z (m)
Yag @ 11 ms
R (m)
 2D Thomson scattering maps of Te show centrally peaked & hollow profiles;
in latter cases central peak may also be present
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
f (kHz)
High-frequency instabilities in MAST
 Instabilities in Alfvén frequency range
A ~ cA/R ~ 2102 kHz present
during & after reconnection → cf.
Alfvén eigenmodes excited by superAlfvénic beam ions in tokamaks
- but, no beam injection occurs during
merging-compression in MAST
 Frequency-sweeping modes also
observed; seen in MAST only when
fast ions are present
 evidence that reconnection is
accelerating ions to E ~ 102 keV
 in this case Alfvénic instabilities could
be producing fast ions rather than vice
 Instabilities in lower hybrid range
~ (ie)1/2 ~ 2200 MHz also
observed during reconnection
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Filaments in MAST
4.9 ms
 Filamentary structures can be
seen during merging
compression in backgroundsubtracted optical images
 These are observed following
spikes in line-integrated density,
implying radial ejection of
plasma following reconnection
 evidence of turbulence in postreconnection plasma?
5.0 ms
5.1 ms
minimum subtracted
average subtracted
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Reconnection length & time scales (1)
 Both electrons & ions strongly heated during merging compression in
MAST, but at unequal rates; generally ions are heated more rapidly
 results cannot be explained by MHD alone
 Some estimates of length & time scales:
Alfvén timescale A ~ 2/A ~ 1s
Thickness of current sheet (based on 2D Te profiles) ~ 2 cm
Identifying this as reconnection length scale, assuming Spitzer resistivity &
setting Te equal to pre-reconnection values ~105 K (  ~ 410-5 ohm m)
 resistive timescale r ~ 10s ~ 10A
Ion skin depth c/pi ~ 14 cm, electron skin depth c/pe ~ 2 mm,
ion Larmor radius ~ 1 mm, electron Larmor radius ~ 0.01 mm
 electron inertia & finite Larmor radius effects negligible, but Hall term
cannot be neglected in induction equation
 η 2
j 
    v 
 B
ne 
 μ0
 two-fluid or kinetic analysis of reconnection process is necessary
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Reconnection length & time scales (2)
 Based on rate at which plasma rings approach each other, assuming
Spitzer resistivity with Te~105 K, magnetic Reynolds number is of order
μ LU
Rm  0
~ 10
(NB Rm << Lundquist number since inflow velocity << Alfvén speed)
 highly dissipative plasma
 Post-reconnection electron-ion collisional energy equilibration time
E ~ tens of ms >> r , but comparable to actual equilibration time
(E >> r also found by Hsu et al. in MRX, in which there is no guide field)
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Ion & electron heating
 Neglecting radiative losses, electron & ion energy equations are
3me nk
Ti  Te   ηj 2
nk e  pe   v e    qe  Pe : v e 
mi τ e
3me nk
Te  Ti 
nk i  pi   v i    qi  Pi : v i 
mi τ e
q – heat flux; P – stress tensor; e – electron collision time
 Temperature evolution cannot be explained by Ohmic term (j2) since
this only heats electrons (measurements indicate that ions heat up first)
 If mechanism were found for heating ions alone, rise in Te could be
largely accounted for by equilibration term ( Ti -Te)
 Possible ion heating mechanisms:
 damping of turbulent ion flows associated with magnetic fluctuations –
proposed by Haas & Thyagaraja1 & Gimblett2 as explanations of Ti >Te in
reverse field pinches
1 Haas
& Thyagaraja Culham Report CLM-P 606 (1980)
Gimblett Europhys. Lett. 11, 541 (1990)
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Buneman instability
 3rd possibility: heating due to turbulence driven by two-stream (Buneman) instability1
 Ampère’s law in reconnecting region
 μ0 j φ  μ0 ne v i  v e φ
 ,  - toroidal & poloidal components
 B-field mainly toroidal, so electron-ion drift parallel to B is
vi  ve
1 Bθ
 107 ms 1
μ0 ne Z
 using B  1 kG, n  51018 m-3, Z  0.01 m (from 2D Te profiles)
 Threshold drift for instability is  (kTe /me)1/2  106 ms-1 if Te = 105 K
 Conditions for Buneman instability may exist in pre-reconnection plasma
 Maximum growth rate at frequencies comparable to that of observed wave activity in
lower hybrid range
 Instability saturates when (kTe/me)1/2  initial drift  Te,sat  6106 K, which is close to
measured values
 However, Buneman instability expected to heat mainly electrons – cannot explain
why rise in Ti precedes that in Te
Lampe et al. Phys. Fluids 17, 428 (1974)
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
 Merging-compression method of start-up in MAST spherical tokamak
provides opportunity to study reconnection in high temperature plasma
with strong guide field
 Information available on Ti, Te, bulk plasma motions & fast particles
 Reconnection associated with rapid heating of ions & (on slightly longer
timescale) electrons; Te often has hollow profile
 High frequency instabilities & filamentary structures observed during &
following reconnection, suggesting presence of fast ions & turbulence
 Detailed theoretical model of reconnection during merging-compression
in MAST yet to be worked out; any such model would need to include
two-fluid (& possibly kinetic) effects
 Preliminary analysis suggests that ion & electron heating could be due to
turbulence &/or streaming instabilities, but there any many unresolved
issues, e.g. origin of hollow Te profiles, filaments & ion acceleration
 Is this telling us anything useful about reconnection in solar flares?
CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority