Interference Interference and and quantum quantum coherence coherence in in beauty beauty and and charm charm Anton Anton Poluektov Poluektov The The University University of of Warwick, Warwick, UK UK Budker Budker Istitute Istitute of of Nuclear Nuclear Physics, Physics, Russia Russia 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 1 A bit of my CV Graduated from Novosibirsk State University (Russia) PhD at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (2007): ● “Measurement of CKM phase γ at Belle experiment”. University of Warwick (UK) and LHCb since 2009. ● Data preselection (“stripping”) developer and coordinator (2011–2012) ● “Beauty decays to open charm” WG convener (Jan 2013 – Mar 2015) Research interests: ● Studies of CP violation in B hadron decays ● Analysis techniques involving amplitude analyses, Dalitz plot analyses ● Spectroscopy of beauty and charmed hadrons 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 2 Plan ● Main physics objectives: CP violation and the angle γ ● Technique: amplitude analyses ● Experimental results on γ ● Mostly Belle and LHCb analyses I was involved in. But other results are there (especially BaBar!) ● Other use cases: indirect CPV and mixing ● Extensions for future: multibody B decays, baryonic decays ● Tools for amplitude analyses ● Future prospects 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 3 Baryogenesis and baryon asymmetry Baryogenesis: Baryon number violation ● C and CP violation ● Should occur outside of thermal equilibrium (A.D. Sakharov, 1967) ● Don't need New Physics for baryon number violation: sphaleron mechanism in SM Although some SM extensions include anomalous B violation C and CP are violated in the SM, but CP violation is too weak. 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 4 How do we search for New Physics Can directly search for new heavy particles in high-energy collisions (Atlas, CMS) Indirect searches in heavy flavours: heavy particles are produced virtually and cause subtle effects in precision measurements wrt. Standard Model predictions. (LHCb) ● Rare decays, e.g. B(s) → μ+μ-, B0 → K*μ+μ- ● CP violation measurements 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 5 CP violation in the SM CP violation occurs in the SM charged currents Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix Unitarity condition => “geometrical” representation as a triangle (Unitarity Triangle) Experimentally measurable 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 6 B-factories Electron-positron colliders (B factories) Production of bb pairs at threshold in e+e− collisions ● ● ● ● ● Clean environment Efficient reconstruction of neutral modes Efficient flavour tagging Belle (KEKB, KEK) Low production cross-section (especially Bs) Small boost (artificially by asymmetric energies), low time resolution BaBar (PEP-II, SLAC) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 7 LHCb One-arm spectrometer optimised for studies of B and D decays. Forward geometry: 2<η<5 ✔ Good vertexing - Measure Bd and Bs oscillations, reject prompt background Particle identification - Flavour tagging, misID background ✔ Calorimetry - Reconstruction of neutral particles (γ, π0) ✔ Efficient trigger, including hadronic modes ✔ 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 8 Direct CP violation ● Asymmetry in decay amplitudes ● The only possibility for charged B mesons Interference between two different diagrams is needed for CP violation Two possible types of transitions: ● Tree QCD penguin b→c transitions Final states with open charm Probe CKM angle γ Not affected by NP Charmless final states Potentially contain information on γ. Can be affected by NP (loops!) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 9 Measurement of γ “Reference wave” A~1 CP violation occurs if D is reconstructed in a final state accessible to both D0 and D0 Magnitude is determined by the ratio of two amplitudes: rB=0.1 for DK, ~0.01 for Dπ [f]DK- B- “Object wave” A~rBeiδe±iγ 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 10 Are we actually measuring γ? Yes! Irreducible theory corrections are only in 2nd order EW transitions. Brod, Zupan, JHEP 1401 (2014) 051 |δγ|<10-7 ! O(1014) years running upgraded LHCb to reach the theory limit :) Unique system: both factorisation and interference: Yu. Grossman (CKM2012) A = ABAD+ eiγ ABAD Take several B amplitudes AB (M unknown parameters) several D amplitudes AD (N unknown parameters) MxN observables, but only M+N unknowns => can extract all from experiment! At ~1° precision, need to consider effects of D0 mixing. B → Dπ, is sensitive to it already now (rB~0.01) 19/02/15 D0K+ D0K+ B+ (f)DK+ D0K+ LPNHE seminar D0K+ Time 11 γ from counting measurements LHCb, PLB 713 (2012) 351 “GLW mode”: D→KK, ππ “ADS mode”: fav. B→DK, sup. D→πK and sup. B→DK, fav. D→Kπ 4.5σ 4.0σ LHCb, 1 fb-1 sample (2011) 5.8σ observation of CP violation in the combination of B→D(hh)K modes 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 12 Dalitz plot analyses: kinematics Two-body decay is completely determined by energy-momentum conservation. No internal degrees of freedom. Three-body decay has two degrees of freedom. e.g. m2(ab), m2(bc) Approach introduced by Richard Dalitz (1925-2006) for studies of kaon decays R. Dalitz, “On the analysis of tau-meson data and the nature of the tau-meson.”, Phil. Mag. 44 (1953) 1068 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 13 Dalitz plot analyses: dynamics Flat nonresonant amplitude Scalar resonance in ab channel Scalar resonance in bc channel Scalar resonance in ac channel Vector resonance in ab channel Tensor (J=2) resonance in ab channel Interfering scalars in ab and bc, δ=0° Interfering scalars in ab and bc, δ=90° Interfering scalars in ab and bc, δ=180° Interfering scalar and vector in ab 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 14 D → Ksπ+π− Dalitz plot The best kind of decay to study the D0-D0 admixture we have e.g. in B → DK m2(KSπ−) (GeV2/c4) But not only that! f0(980) ρ (770) 0 K*+(892) K*─(892) Large branching ratio: 2.8% ● No neutral particles in the final state ● Large interference between D 0 and D0 ● Large phase variations ● m2(KSπ+) (GeV2/c4) Can be obtained from large flavour-tagged sample D*+ → D0π (>100k events at B-factories and LHCb) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 15 Dalitz plot analysis for γ Giri, Grossman, Soffer, Zupan, Phys.Rev. D68 (2003) 054018 Bondar (2002), unpublished Multibody final state of D0 results in the interference pattern that is directly sensitive to the phase difference between D 0 and D0 m2(KSπ−) (GeV2/c4) B D0K+ + D0K+ (KSπ+π−)K+ rBeiδe±iγ=x±+iy± m2(KSπ+) (GeV2/c4) First prelim. result using this technique reported by Belle in 2003: arXiv:hep-ex/0308043 followed by 3 papers with increasing dataset. 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 16 y=rBsin(δB±γ) GGSZ analysis at Belle 2γ x=rBcos(δB±γ) Belle, 600 fb-1 sample 19/02/15 Belle, Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 112002 LPNHE seminar 17 Introducing model independence The problem with such approach is that it depends on the model of D0 → KSππ amplitude. What we need is not only |A|2, but also phase difference ΔδD Use quantum coherence in e+e− →γ* →DD ! D0 e+ ΔδD e− D0 The two D mesons are in a state with negative C parity, and are described by the common antisymmetric wave function: ● ● If we reconstruct one D in CP-eigenstate (e.g. D0 → K+K-) the other has to have the opposite CP-parity, even if it decays to D0 → Ksππ If both D decay to Ksππ, their Dalitz distributions will be correlated 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 18 Binned model-independent analysis So, the two D mesons include all the information we need, how to extract it? Binned Dalitz distribution. Work with number of bins Ki and averaged m2(KSπ−) (GeV2/c4) ci=<cos ΔδD>, si=<sin ΔδD> Correlated DD: Ki K-i CP-tagged D: D from B → DK: m2(KSπ+) (GeV2/c4) Simple algebraic system of equations solvable wrt. x, y (and thus γ) However, is the bin size is large, interference pattern is smeared. 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 19 Binned model-independent analysis A. Bondar, A.P., Eur.Phys.J.C55:51-56,2008 First approximation: choose the binning based on (model-based) phase difference Δδ D Even better: maximise a certain functor Q(binning) related to expected sensitivity Start with ΔδD, divide the plot into small pixels, change bin assignment for each pixel, so that Q increases. As a result, expect only ~10% loss in stat. precision due to binning. 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 20 CLEO results with quantum-correlated D0D0 CLEO, Phys.Rev. D80 (2009) 032002 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 21 Belle model-independent analysis Belle, Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 112014 Belle, full bb sample (710 fb-1) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 22 LHCb model-independent analysis LHCb, 3 fb-1 (2011+2012) B → DK LHCb, JHEP 1410 (2014) 97 B → Dπ (control sample) D → KSππ D → KSKK 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 23 LHCb model-independent analysis LHCb, JHEP 1410 (2014) 97 2γ LHCb, 3 fb-1 (2011+2012) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 24 Measurements of mixing Neutral mesons (B0, Bs, D0, K0) oscillate, e.g. : Mass eigenstates ≠ flavour eigenstates Unlike K0 system, width difference ΔΓ is small. Indirect CP violation, when the amplitudes B0 → f and B0 → f interfere though B0-B0 mixing sin2β measured well by B factories in CP-eigenstate B0 → J/ψK0. This method gives two-fold ambiguity: β ↔ π/2-β 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 25 Measurements of mixing: angle β B0 → D0π0 in another final state accessible for both B0 and B0 Dalitz-analysis of D → Ksππ as 0 Bondar, Gershon, Krokovny, Phys.Lett. B624 (2005) 1-10 a function of B0 decay time. Sensitive to the mixing phase. Analysis performed by both Belle and BaBar BaBar, Phys.Rev.Lett. 99 (2007) 231802 Belle, Phys.Rev.Lett. 97 (2006) 081801 cos2β>0 at 86% CL (BaBar) KS ρ 19/02/15 K* π + - cos2β>0 at 98% CL (Belle) K* π - + LPNHE seminar 26 Measurements of mixing: charm Unlike B, oscillations of D mesons are slow. Belle, Phys.Rev.Lett. 99 (2007) 131803 both << 1 Again, a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis extracts both x and y. Additionally, sensitive to CP violating parameters q/p Upgraded LHCb: expect 19/02/15 G. Wilkinson, C. Thomas, arXiv:1209.0172 LPNHE seminar 27 B0 → D0K+π− Neutral B0 decays: larger rB~0.3 (compared to ~0.1 for B± → DK±) Increased “contrast” of the interference pattern (larger CP violation magnitude) but lower “brightness” (smaller probability of the decay) T. Gershon, Phys.Rev. D79 (2009) 051301 Now, the Dalitz plot analysis of B0 → D0Kπ provides useful info Can extract γ by analysing B → DKπ with D → Kπ (flavour state, mostly D0) and D → KK, ππ (CP-eigenstate) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 28 Bs0 → D0K+π− LHCb, Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 162001 LHCb analysis: start with Bs → D0Kπ: Mode with higher yield, potential background for B → D0Kπ Surprising result for charm spectroscopy: the Ds state around 2.86 GeV is found to be an admixture of spin-1 and spin-3 states. First observation of heavy-flavor spin-3 state 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 29 B0 → DKπ, D → KSπ+π− Double Dalitz plot T. Gershon, A.P., Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 014025 The method with B0 → DKπ, D → hh is inherently model-dependent. Can make it model-independent if consider B0 → DKπ, D → KSπ+π− Correlated Dalitz plots, both binned. Large interference term in some regions of B phase space 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 30 Other B → charm states: baryons Several first observations LHCb, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 3, 032001 Λb→D0pK- Λb→Λc+K- 19/02/15 Ξb0→D0pK- Ξb0→Λc+K- LPNHE seminar 31 Other B → charm states: baryons LHCb, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 3, 032001 Amplitude analysis of Λb → D pπ decay. Interesting spectroscopy, preparation for Λ b → D0pK (for γ) 0 Λc(2880) Λc(2940) Λc(2940): mass very close to m(D*)+m(p). Exotic candidate: molecule/pentaquark Need to measure quantum numbers. Should be possible with 3 fb -1. 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 32 A nice by-product: new Λb states Λb → Λcπ signal is so large that allows one to use it for b baryon spectroscopy Discovery of two excited Λb baryons (Λb*(5912) and Λb*(5920)) decaying to Λbπ+π-. First observation of orbital excitations of beauty baryons. 18±5 events 5.2σ 53±8 events 10.2σ Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 172003 (2012) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 33 Amplitude analysis tools All of this is cool and exciting, but doing the amplitude analyses is usually still a challenge. Need efficient tools. ● Laura++ package (T. Latham et al.) Dalitz plot fits. Developed for BaBar, used in many analyses at LHCb. Still something to do: - Principally 2D (only 3-body) - Only scalar states so far. Now developing the fit model for baryonic decays ● EvtGen Famous generator package, Warwick took responsibility of. Many improvements, incl. ones for amplitude description 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 34 Meerkat: estimation of multidimensional PDFs A very common problem for amplitude analyses (and not only) is functional representation of scattered data (PDF estimation). E.g. efficiency from simulated sample, background, etc. Especially troublesome in multiple dimensions. For Λb → D0pπ analysis (5D): a technique using kernel density, which can be applied as a correction to some approximate shape Hierarchy of PDFs of increasing dimensionality. Optimise bias/fluctuations, correct for boundary effects 1D θp 2D Dalitz 1D φp 1D φDK 3D angular 5D full phase space A.P., arXiv:1411.5528 (to appear in JINST) 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 35 What can we expect in the future? ● ● ● ● With 3 fb-1 data at LHCb (Run 1, 2011-2012) , σ(γ)≈10°. After Run 2, expect 3-4 times larger dataset. Same modes as now (+ some additional DK*, DKππ), expect σ(γ)≈4°. Many new possibilities can still to be tried, sensitivity to be determined: ● B → D*K, D* → Dπ0, Dγ (partially or fully reconstructed) ● B baryons ● Four-body D modes (D → KKππ, 4π, KSπππ0) ● Double Dalitz plot analysis B → DKπ, D → Ksππ Precision of strong-phase parameters from CLEO will start to limit measurement ● BES-III: 4 times larger sample ● cτ-factory projects (Cabibbo lab, Italy; Novosibirsk, Russia)? 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 36 BES-III: preliminary results of Ksππ phase 2.9 fb-1 data sample at e+e- → ψ(3770) → DD Precision 1.5-2 times better than CLEO-c. Expect similar gain in γ contribution 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 37 Summary ● ● ● Amplitude analyses are effective tools that can be used in many heavy flavour measurements. Dalitz plot analyses of the neutral D is a very interesting particular case: ● Can be done completely model-independently ● Probes D0-D0 admixture found in many important cases: – Measurement of CKM phase γ – Indirect CP violation with neutral B (angle β) – Charm mixing and CP violation in mixing Dalitz analyses of charmed B decays are another interesting area, both for γ and charm spectroscopy. 19/02/15 LPNHE seminar 38