Health and Safety Committee Meeting Wednesday 8 September 2010, 10-11am, Room P564

Health and Safety Committee Meeting
Wednesday 8th September 2010, 10-11am, Room P564
Present: Robin Ball (RCB) Roger Buckle (RB), Jeanette Chattaway (JC), Bob Day (BD),
Jon Duffy (JD), Rob Johnston (RJ) Tim Veal (TV), Tim Naylor (TN).
In Attendance: Louise Humphrey
1. Apologies
Diane Holland (DH)
2. Membership of the Committee
Robin Ball [HOD] has joined the committee.
Chris Jarvis has had to resign from the committee as they [CSC] have now moved to Computer Science.
3. Minutes of last meeting (7th July 2010)
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
Noted that [5.3] TV didn’t end up being part of the waste disposal subcommittee.
(Discussion continued in 6.3)
4. Matters arising
4.1 (4.2) Ventilation / Environmental issues – existing rooms and labs – P172.
RB reported that after estates’ inspection it is working “as well as it can” one problem is that the system is old
and the room has had alterations. There are no obvious health and safety issues. Noted that the MPhys lab
[P345] has had a new ventilation system fitted as part of the MAS building programme.
P172 will achieve better natural ventilation once the building work is completed and noise and dust issues have
Diane’s office [P160] is particularly susceptible to ventilation and noise problems during building work on the
chiller farm site – it may be necessary to relocate her office if problems persist.
4.2 (7) Access to Centrally Timetabled rooms – congestion in corridor in PhySci – PS128
RB reported that there isn’t an easy solution as the room needs to be used by central timetabling. TN
suggested the students remain on the concourse so not to block these corridors. RCB suggested making it very
apparent to the students in inductions/start of term they can’t wait there.
Possibly new signs/talk to affected staff.
5. Chair’s business
5.1 Accidents/Incidents
RB reported that 1 PHD student had suffered a minor cut to their finger with a knife whilst cutting plastic
materials. S Parkin was the first aider.
RB reported that a contractor had suffered a small laceration to his hand whilst moving a cylinder in the
CVD gas room. S Parkin was the first aider. As a contractor they have their own risk assessment, and he is
an experienced worker. RB telephoned his manager to check their procedure and ppe/training.
5.2 Recent fire alarm
RB reported that the reason for the alarm was investigated and the cause was fumes from the contractors work
on the BAM site - use of a disc cutter - entering the solvent store. There was a subsequent concern that the
sensor that should have tripped the fire prevention system in the solvent store didn’t work - investigation of this
revealed that the system requires the two sensors to be activated.
The disc cutting work has relocated away from that area it so shouldn’t happen again.
TN reported that on their recent fire alarm test for the CVD rooms security didn’t have the alarm information on
their screen. The test shall be longer next time to allow time to indicate on the security display.
JD reported that after a fire alarm at Bristol University's the fire brigade made the observation that their PAT
was not up to date and that could have resulted in a formal inspection and possible fine.
5.3 Safety Inspection
[Post meeting report] safety inspections will be carried out during the autumn term.
6. Items
6.1 Gas monitoring
RJ reported that training and procedures for the new system in P456 need to be written and put in place.
The group have purchased a portable ‘sniffer’ probe for fluorine gas, but will request a room sensor be fitted as
6.2 Laser systems
RJ reported that Mike Smith [URPA] visited the area, P456, and now a 4 step checking system is in place for
the laser system.
Needs risk assessment and the installation company to confirm safe operation as the beam is not enclosed.
Training and emergency procedures need to be put in place.
6.3 Waste disposal – chemicals
RB reported that waste subcommittee members, RB, RJ and DH, met to discuss and review the current
position with our chemical disposals.
Main conclusions were that there should be a reliable labelling [critical] method and regular disposals from the
solvent store. It would cost around £300 for a disposals chemist visit to categorise waste but if we have a robust
procedure in place this would not be necessary in future.
RJ suggested providing an information pack for all new starters. Agreed that this will be carried out for autumn
2010. The information pack will include labels for containers and risk assessment forms etc.
Agreed to have a survey for waste chemicals and an amnesty for this round of disposals.
7. Specialist areas
None reported
7. AOB
7.1 RCB reported Safety responsibilities in Milburn house are not clear. Agreed to discuss with chemistry
7.2 RB reported there needs to be a committee replacement for CJ in the Physical Sciences building.
7.3 Agreed not to provide a DDHSO but to firstly check our website then raise the query with the US office.
7.4 JC raised the issue of PAT checking for Millburn H - requires training.
7.5 Agreed to discuss PAT issues at the next meeting.
Meeting closed at 11:05
Next meeting is timetabled for
Signed ---------------------------------------