Health and Safety Committee Tuesday 23 September 2014 Minutes and Report

Health and Safety Committee
Tuesday 23rd September 2014
Minutes and Report
Chair: Tom Hase [TB]
Minutes: Rachel Harrington [RH]
Committee: Julie Brannon [JB], Bob Bridgland [BB], Sue Burrows [SB], Bob Day [RD], Tom Hase [TH],
Robert Johnston [RJ], Mark Hadley [MJH], David Walker [DW], Steve York [SY]
Apologies: Jeanette Chattaway [JC], Jon Duffy [JD], Mohammed Saghir [MS]
1. Minutes of the meeting of 1st July 2014
The minutes from the last meeting were approved
2. Matters Arising
2.1 Membership
The committee agreed to continue with no changes and incorporate the RTP representatives
2.2 Departmental safety briefing
It was agreed that objectives need to be agreed first before a departmental safety briefing can be
held. This will be revisited at a later date. In addition, JB is developing a workstation H&S package.
This could be included within a future safety briefing.
2.3 Top tier approval
Tom Hase has now been added to the top tier approval list. All approvers receive an email when a
relevant order is placed which needs checking.
Action – RB to approach John Hanna, Steven Brown and Jeremy Sloan regarding becoming top
tier approvers due to their background in chemistry.
Action – RH to put top tier approvers on health and safety website (done)
2.4 Alarm maps
JB contacted Honeywell regarding a map of the alarms but received no response.
Action – JB to contact Duncan Stiles and ask him to request the alarm maps from Honeywell as
part of the new contract
2.5 H&S documentation
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All H&S paper documents will now be in Bob Bridgland’s office. Old accident reports can be moved
into the archive. All other documentation should be available online. If there is anything missing,
please contact Rachel Harrington
3. Chair’s business
3.1 Incidents/Accidents
JB informed the committee that accidents and incidents are now being reported more, hence an
increase in the last 12 months. Once an incident is reported, the supervisor/manager is made aware
and receives feedback from JB. A system is now operating which requires the supervisor/manager
to give feedback on the procedures taken place as a result of the incident within 7 days.
Action – JB to send accident report spreadsheet to the committee 7 days before each meeting. An
action box is required on the spreadsheet to clearly indicate what action has been taken
Action – RH to make accident/incident reporting form more prominent on the front page (done)
3.2 First aid posters
More first aiders are needed for physics as two have now left the department. JB is looking into
running a physics first aid course for up to 12 people (renewed every 3 years)
Action – RH to update first aid posters and distribute around the department
3.3 Lab notices
All lab posters must be put up within 2 weeks. Some labs are still not displaying posters
Action - RB to raise at departmental staff meeting
3.4 Regulatory observance
It was reported that dewars for cryogenics plus the pressure and regulators must be checked
regularly. Tom Orton was nominated to do this.
4. Items
4.1 Electrical testing (by external company)
BB reported this is successful and is currently awaiting a final report.
4.2 Risk assessments
JB reported there is a new risk assessment form and users should follow standard operating
 An approved users list is required for all areas
 JB send new risk assessment form to RH, who will send this out to the department along
with information on standard operating procedures.
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4.3 Online testing
Moodle will be used to host the online testing and training for new students and starters but there
remain difficulties in managing the process. RH has recently attended a moodle course on creating
online tests
4.4 Safety inspections
JB and Mike Smith will be doing a general inspection of Millburn House (including Jeanette
Action – TH and RH to organise a rota for safety inspections in physics and MAS and circulate to
the committee. A volunteer from the safety committee is required alongside JB.
4.5 Clarification on policy
A clear statement is required on disciplinary action regarding violations to policy
Action - MJH
9. Specialist areas
5.1 Chemicals
Nothing to report
5.2 Radiation
Radioactive sources have all been tested
5.3 Lasers
Nothing to report
5.4 HF
SB reported that the gel for the HF workstation had expired. BB has ordered replacement gel.
Action – SB to organise a log book is required for signing in and out by users and buddys when
entering and leaving the HF workstation. RH to email this out to users (done)
5.5 Safety office
JB reported that the EMF director (connected with NMR) would like to visit Physics. Mike Smith
would like to work with a nominated person (suggested Jeanette Chattaway with help from Bob
Day) in the main areas (Millburn House)
10. AOB
Dr Iain Mackirdy is retiring from the university safety office.
The next meeting is on Monday 15th December, 11-12 in MAS 2.06
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