LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY ESTATES MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Meeting held on Wednesday 6 May 2015 at 8.30 a.m. in the Council Room MINUTES Present: Professor Michael Arthur (Chair) Dame Nicola Brewer Professor Nick Brook Professor Anthony Finkelstein Professor Mary Fulbrook Dame Hazel Genn Mr Phil Harding Professor Graham Hart Professor Chris Husbands Mr Rex Knight Professor David Lomas Professor Alan Penn Professor David Price Professor Geraint Rees Professor Jo Wolff Apologies for absence were received from: Professor Stephen Caddick; Mr Andrew Grainger; Professor Anthony Smith; Mr David Smith; Professor Alan Thompson; and Professor Sir John Tooke. In attendance: Mr Ravinder Dhillon (Head of Estates Strategy) and Dr Marguerite Nolan (Secretary). Key to abbreviations CSPC EMC FC Capital Programme Sub Committee Estates Management Committee Finance Committee Preliminary Business 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 MARCH 2015 1.1 Approved: The Minutes of the meeting of the Estates Management Committee (EMC) held on 11 March 2015 were approved. 1 Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 6 May 2015 2. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 2A Finance Committee approval of recommendations from EMC 2A.1 Noted: At its meeting on 11 March 2015, the Estates Management Committee approved the following, which were subsequently approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on 26 March 2015: Capital Programme update; The Witham Acquisition proposal. Matters for Approval 3. NEW STUDENT CENTRE EMC 5-1 (14-15) 3.1 Considered: The Committee considered the report and recommendations on the New Student Centre at EMC 5-1 (14-15). This provided the outline business case for the New Student Centre and the enabling works project scope, budget and programme. 3.2 There were a number of enabling projects proposed to commence this summer that would allow the main works to commence in May 2016 as follows: New plant deck to be built on the roof of the Gym (this would entail shutting the gym for 5 weeks from 11 August to 14 Sept 2015); Relocation of plant from the Bloomsbury Theatre escape stair (Node) to the new deck (this would entail shutting the Bloomsbury Theatre for 18 weeks from 25 January to 27 May 2016); Demolish Node. 3.3 It was noted that at its meeting on 29 April 2015, the Capital Programme Sub Committee had recommended the enabling works for the New Student Centre to the Estates Management Committee (EMC) for approval at its next meeting on 6 May 2015. The cost of the enabling works as outlined in the proposal was £4.5m. The Capital Programme Sub Committee would be reviewing the prioritisation of other projects in the Capital Programme to take account of this additional cost. 3.4 Members gave their broad support for the enabling works to be carried out. The Committee discussed the possible impact of the temporary closure of the Gym and the Bloomsbury Theatre. It was reported that progress was being made in finding a suitable local temporary alternative location for the theatre. The Committee noted the need to take account of any possible impact that the enabling works could have on the activities in the surrounding buildings within the main campus area. 3.5 The full business case for the New Student Centre would be submitted to the Estates Management Committee and the Finance Committee for consideration and approval in due course. Members highlighted the importance of the New Student Centre for UCL’s students and that other universities in the UK had invested in new high quality Student Centres in recent years. It was agreed to make reference to this in the full business case for the New Student Centre. 2 Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 6 May 2015 3.6 Feedback was sought on the Constitution and Terms of Reference of the New Student Centre Project Board and it was agreed to circulate this to members of the Estates Management Committee. 3.7 Resolved: The Committee noted the outline business case for the New Student Centre and approved the enabling works project scope, budget and programme as set out at EMC 5-1 (14-15). 4. INCLUSIVE DESIGN STANDARD 4.1 Considered: The Committee considered the Inclusive Design Standard summary at EMC 5-2 (14-15). This had been developed by the Estates department in order to inform future project design in construction activity. The Inclusive Design Standard drew on best practice standards from across the development and construction sector and set out a clear process by which the standards would be addressed. 4.2 The Committee discussed the proposed inclusion of smoking shelters in the Inclusive Design Standard. Although members were not generally in favour of the provision of smoking shelters, the Committee acknowledged that this was a complex issue and that this was a pragmatic way of dealing with this issue at this time. The Committee was in favour of working towards achieving a non-smoking campus in the future. It was agreed that this issue would be considered at a future meeting of the Estates Management Committee. 4.3 The Committee noted the importance of consultation being carried out early in the preparation of building and refurbishment project proposals to enable UCL to consider equality issues at the beginning of the process. 4.4 Resolved: The Committee endorsed the Inclusive Design Standard as set out at EMC 5-2 (14-15). EMC 5-2 (14-15) Matters for Discussion 5. CAPITAL PROGRAMME UPDATE EMC 5-3 (14-15) 5.1 Considered: The Committee considered the Capital Programme update. This showed the impact of changes authorised by the Capital Programme Sub Committee (CPSC) since the programme had last been approved by the Finance Committee on 26 March 2015. 5.2 It was noted that the programme total had increased from £1,156m to £1,162m which was mainly due to an additional budget request of £5.9m for the Bidborough House / Torrington Place re-stack project. CPSC had approved this addition on the basis that it would review the programme with a view to absorbing the increase. A full list of projects in the Capital Programme would be provided for the next meeting of the CPSC on 2 June 2015 for review. 5.3 The business case for the Bidborough House / Torrington Place re-stack project would be submitted to the next meeting of the Estates Management Committee on 17 June 2015 for consideration and approval. 5.4 Resolved: The Committee noted the Capital Programme update as set out at EMC 5-3 (1415). 3 Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 6 May 2015 Matters for Information 6. TEACHING AND LEARNING SPACES UPDATE EMC 5-4 (14-15) 6.1 Noted: The progress report as set out at EMC 5-4 (14-15). 6.2 Comments on the Teaching and Learning Spaces update should be submitted to the ViceProvost (Education and Student Affairs). 7. HS2 AND DATA CENTRE UPDATE 7.1 Noted: The progress report as set out at EMC 5-5 (14-15). 8. UCL EAST UPDATE 8.1 Noted: The progress report as set out at EMC 5-6 (14-15). 9. MINUTES OF THE CPSC MEETING HELD ON 29 APRIL 2015 9.1 Noted: The Minutes of the Capital Programme Sub Committee (CPSC) meeting held on 29 April 2015 at EMC 5-7 (14-15). 10. CAPITAL PROGRAMME DASHBOARD 10.1 Noted: The Capital Programme Dashboard for the period 1 to 31 March 2015 at EMC 5-8 (14-15). 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 11.1 There was no other business discussed. 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 12.1 It was noted that the next meeting of EMC would be held on 17 June 2015 at 8.30 a.m. in the Council Room. EMC 5-5 (14-15) EMC 5-6 (14-15) EMC 5-7 (14-15) EMC 5-8 (1415) DR MARGUERITE NOLAN Governance Officer Academic Services Student and Registry Services Email: 4