LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY ESTATES MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday 30 October 2013 PRESENT: President and Provost (Chair) Professor Stephen Caddick Professor Richard Catlow Professor Mary Collins Professor Anthony Finkelstein Professor Mary Fulbrook Professor Dame Hazel Genn Mr Andrew Grainger Mr Phil Harding Professor Graham Hart Professor Alan Penn Professor Anthony Smith Mr Dave Smith Professor Alan Thompson Professor Jo Wolf In attendance: Mr Jason Clarke (Secretary) and Ms Valerie Hogg. Apologies for absence were received from Mr Rex Knight, Professor David Lomas, Professor David Price and Professor Sir John Tooke. Key to abbreviations EMC FC PRG Estates Management Committee Finance Committee Project Review Group (formerly Estates Approval Committee) Preliminary Business 13 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18 SEPTEMBER 2013 Confirmed: 13.1 The Minutes of the meeting of EMC held on 18 September 2013 [EMC Mins. 1-12, 18.9.13]. Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 30 October 2013 14 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 14A Finance Committee approval of recommendations from EMC Noted: 14A.1 At its meeting on 5 June 2013, EMC had approved a proposal for the refurbishment of the Wolfson Teaching Laboratories in the School of Pharmacy, which was subsequently referred to, and approved by, FC at its meeting on 23 September 2013. 14B Scoping exercise for the new ‘estates prioritisation group’ [EMC Min.1, 18.9.13] Noted: 14B.1 At its last meeting, EMC had noted that the Provost had invited the Vice-Provost (Operations) to chair a scoping group to develop proposals for the composition and modus operandi of a new ‘estates prioritisation group’. Membership of the scoping group had been agreed 1 and arrangements for its first two meetings had been made. A progress report would be made to EMC at its next meeting. [ACTION: Rex Knight – to note] Matters for Discussion 15 DIRECTOR’S REPORT Received: 15.1 The above report at EMC 2-11 (13-14), presented by the Director of Estates. Reported: 15.2 In his report, the Director updated EMC on progress in relation to, inter alia, planning for the New Student Centre, the Queens Square House project, and the review of the UCL Masterplan. Discussion: 15.3 1 During EMC’s discussion of the Director’s report, the following points, inter alia, were noted: • It was noted that, following the completion of the review of the Masterplan, it was intended to publish the revised document in a more manageable format, with the overarching principles and strategies set out in separate annexes. This approach was supported by EMC which also suggested that the document should include a forward annual schedule of projects to be undertaken in accordance with the revised plan. • Several members of EMC observed that, as a result of increasing student numbers, some faculties are currently paying for external space for teaching and having to organise such arrangements locally. The Director of Estates noted that it was The members are Professor Steve Caddick, Professor Mary Fulbrook, Mr Andrew Grainger, Mr Phil Harding, Mr Rex Knight (Chair), Professor Alan Penn, Professor David Price, Professor Anthony Smith and Professor Alan Thompson. 2 Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 30 October 2013 intended that new arrangements for the central management of externally-provided teaching space would be put in place for the start of the 2014-15 session. • The Provost noted the importance of the above issue and that he would be looking to the members of EMC to work collectively in developing and implementing an integrated planning process, which would take into account factors including student and staff numbers and estates planning; this process would also need to take account of possible future developments in curricula design and delivery. However, developing such an integrated planning process would not obviate the need to put in place immediately some remedial measures to address UCL’s current and short term problems in relation to the provision of teaching space. • EMC noted that the Director’s Report made reference to the implications for UCL of HS2 and asked that an update report be submitted to its next meeting. RESOLVED: 15.4 That EMC welcome the report at EMC 2-11 (13-14). 15.5 That a further report on the implications of the HS2 project for UCL be submitted to the next meeting. [ACTION: Andrew Grainger – to note] Matters for Approval 16 WILKINS NORTH TERRACE, REFECTORY AND BLOOMSBURY THEATRE Received: 16.1 The above proposal, as set out at EMC 2-12 (13-14). Reported: 16.2 The proposal comprised a set of integrated projects designed to transform the Wilkins complex to achieve a major improvement in the student and staff experience. As well as including some much needed repair to the existing infrastructure, the project would also see the creation of new facilities for staff and students. Discussion: 16.3 EMC supported the proposal, noting that this project (and the subsequent two proposals before the Committee) would deliver significant improvements to UCL’s public realm and core estate, thereby enhancing both the staff and students experience at UCL. Also, by investing in its core estate and buildings in this way, UCL would be sending a clear and confident message about its future prospects. EMC noted that FC would be advised as to the broader context and objectives of this project in relation to UCL’s core estate. RESOLVED – for recommendation to Finance Committee: 16.4 That EMC approve the proposal at EMC 2-12 (13-14). [ACTION: Dave Smith, Nick McGhee – to note] 3 Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 30 October 2013 17 REFURBISHMENT OF THE KATHLEEN LONSDALE BUILDING Received: 17.1 The above proposal, as set out at EMC 2-13 (13-14). Reported: 17.2 The proposal would see: (i) the complete refurbishment of the Kathleen Lonsdale Building and the provision of state-of-the-art facilities for the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences; (ii) enhancements to the student and staff experience with the creation of specialist teaching facilities and a learning hub; (iii) the opportunity to co-locate Department of Earth Sciences from its current four separate buildings; and (iv) the opportunity to address issues relating to poor environmental performance. RESOLVED – for recommendation to Finance Committee: 17.3 That EMC approve the proposal at EMC 2-13 (13-14). [ACTION: Dave Smith, Nick McGhee – to note] 18 WATES HOUSE Received: 18.1 The above proposal, as set out at EMC 2-14 (13-14). Reported: 18.2 This project would see the total refurbishment and extension of Wates House, thereby improving the student and staff experience by rectifying the historic space deficit and remedying the many faults with the building services and design, and enabling the colocation of the Bartlett School of Architecture. RESOLVED – for recommendation to Finance Committee: 18.3 That EMC approve the proposal at EMC 2-14 (13-14). [ACTION: Dave Smith, Nick McGhee – to note] 19 CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY Received: 19.1 The above report at EMC 2-15 (13-14). RESOLVED: 19.2 That EMC approve the proposal at EMC 2-15 (13-14). [ACTION: Andrew Grainger – to note] 4 Estates Management Committee – Minutes – 30 October 2013 Matters for Information 20 CONSTRUCTION LOGISTICS Noted: 20.1 The above report at EMC 2-16 (13-14). 21 PUBLIC REALM STRATEGY Noted: 21.1 The above report at EMC 2-17 (13-14). 22 SUMMER PROGRAMME AND RECENT PROJECT COMPLETIONS Noted: 22.1 The above report at EMC 2-18 (13-14). 23 CAPITAL PROJECTS DASHBOARD Noted: 23.1 The above report at EMC 2-19 (13-14). 24 PROJECT REVIEW GROUP (FORMERLY ESTATES APPROVAL COMMITTEE) – MINUTES AND DECISIONS Noted: 24.1 Minutes of the most recent meeting of the PRG at EMC 2-20 (13-14). 25 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted: 25.1 The next meeting will be on Wednesday 22 January 2014 at 8.30am in the Council Room. JDC i/2014 5