Fall 2007 1. Comparative & Int’l Race Relations Courses 07/20/07 SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 015 Rudolph SIS-511 Kurds: Soc, Cult, Pol Identity Relig, Politics & Human Rights 001 Ghareeb SIS-519 Special Studies in Int’l Pol Ethnicity, Crime & Immigration 002 Schneider ANTH-210 Roots of Racism 001 Watkins SOCY-210 Inequality: Class, Race, Ethnicity 001 Dickerson SPAN-559 Colloquium on Latin America Culture, Religion, Pol in L.A. 001 Serra HNRS-300 Honors Collqm in Arts & Hum Oral Hist of Civil Rights Mvmt 001H** Bond HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Dialogue or Clash of Cultures 007H** Ahmed ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 1 of 23 2. Int’l Communication Courses SIS-308 Intro to Peace & Conflict Resolut 001 002 Norman Johnson SIS-340 Found of Int’l Communication 001 002 Novotny Novotny SIS-349 Sel Topics in Int’l Communication: News Media & Foreign Pol Principles and Practice of Peace 001 002 Malek McCarthy SIS-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Human Rights and the Media 001 Chong GOVT-541 Politics of Mass Communication 001 TBA *IBUS-401 Cultural Environ of Int’l Business 001 Allee HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Media Myth and Power Dialogue or Clash of Cultures 006H** 007H** Campbell Ahmed Fall 2007 07/20/07 ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 2 of 23 Fall 2007 3. Int’l Development Courses 07/20/07 CORE ONLY SIS-110 Beyond Sovereignty 001 TBA SIS-210 Human Geography 001 002 Gallaher Gallaher ECON-110 Global Majority 001 Ayittey, G EDU-285 Education for Int'l Devel 001 Tesconi GOVT-235 Dynamics of Political Change 001 002 TBA TBA HIST-120 Imperialism & Revolution 001 Aksakal LIT-150 Third World Literature 001 Larson SOCY-110 Views from the 3rd World 001 002 003 Macharia Stone Macharia SIS-322 Human Rights 001 Chong SIS-337 International Development 001 Hanna SIS-338 Environment and Development 001 Broad SIS-388 International Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson CORE OR FUNCTIONAL FIELD ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 3 of 23 Fall 2007 3. Int’l Development Courses 07/20/07 continued SIS-396 Sel Topics: Non-Recurring Rural Development 004 Appleby *SIS-400 Senior Sem in Int’l Relations Democracy and Development Political Ecology of Food and Agric 004 005 Carter Feltault SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Health and Development Rethinking U.S. Foreign Aid 011 013 Zeilinger Rosenthal SIS-536 Special Topics in Int’l Devel Complex Emergencies 001 Hansch SIS-540 Conflict and Development 001 Quast SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post Saddam Iraq Global Poverty & Peace 006 007 O’Leary Chong *ECON-361 Economic Development 001 Floro *ECON-362 Microeconomics of Econ Devel 001 Winters HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Legal Issues in Globalization Politics in Cuba Dialogue or Clash of Cultures Economic Blocs Politics of Tropical Africa 001H** 003H** 007H** 011H** 013H** Mass LeoGrande Ahmed Solis Taylor ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 4 of 23 4. Int’l Economic Relations Courses Fall 2007 07/20/07 CORE ONLY SIS-215 Competition in Interdependent World 001H** 002 TBA Suarez-Mier IBUS-200 The Global Marketplace 001 002 003 TBA Elms Chidamber SIS-331 Overview of European Union 001 Egan *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli *SIS-388 Int’l Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson *SIS-465 Int’l Trade & Investment Relations 001 Cohen *SIS-466 Int’l Monetary & Finance Relations 001 Henning SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring The Global Knowledge Economy Int’l Econ Orgs: Public/Private 002 014 Venturelli Porzecanski SIS-504 Multinational Corporations 001 Cohen, S SIS-551 Econ, Pol & Society in Europe 001 Egan SIS-587 Globalztn:Power,Prod &Culture 001 Mittelman CORE OR FUNCTIONAL FIELD ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 5 of 23 4. Int’l Economic Relations Courses Fall 2007 07/20/07 continued SIS-589 Global Political Economy 001 Mittelman *ECON-358 Economics of the World Regions Economics of Africa 001 Ayittey ECON-361 Economic Development 001 Floro ECON-362 Microeconomics of Econ Devel 001 Winters *ECON-370 International Economics 001 002 Muller Blecker *ECON-372 International Econ: Finance 001 Blecker *IBUS-300 Fundamentals of Int’l Business 001 002 003 004 005 TBA DuBois TBA Mroczkowski Oetzel *IBUS-401 Cultural Envir of Int Business 001 Allee HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Legal Issues in Globalization Contract Law: Law of the Deal Dialogue or Clash of Cultures Demographics of Public Policy 001H** 002H** 007H** 008H** Mass Mass Ahmed Quainton ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 6 of 23 Fall 2007 5. Int’l Politics Courses 07/20/07 SIS-255 China, Japan and the US 001H** 002H** 003 004 Solis Heng-Blackburn Miller Heng-Blackburn SIS-308 Intro Peace & Conflict Resolut 001 002 Norman Johnson, S SIS-318 Topics in North American Stds U.S. & North American Relations 003 Randall SIS-322 Human Rights 001 Chong SIS-325 International Organizations 001 Bosco SIS-337 International Development 001 Hanna SIS-340 Found of Int'l Communication 001 002 Novotny Novotny SIS-349 Sel Topics in Int’l Communication News Media & Foreign Policy 001 Malek SIS-355 Relat of West European Nations 001 Johnson, R SIS-364 Contemporary Islam & Int’l Rel 001 Weinberger SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli *SIS-388 International Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 7 of 23 Fall 2007 5. Int’l Politics Courses 07/20/07 continued SIS-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Human Rights and the Media 001 Chong SIS-400 Senior Sem in Int’l Relations Democracy and Development Pol Ecology of Food & Agricul Indian Foreign Policy Japanese Pol in War and Peace 004 005 006 007 Carter Feltault Mansingh Kimijima SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring The Global Knowledge Economy Transnat’l Crime & Terrorism Human Rights in Latin America Environmental Peacemaking Rethinking US Foreign Aid Intl Econ Orgs: Public/Private Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 002 004 005 007 013 014 015 Venturelli Shelley Tate Kyrou Rosenthal Porzecanski Rudolph SIS-511 Kurds: Social, Cultrl, Pol Iden Relig, Politics & Human Rights 001 Ghareeb SIS-519 Special Studies in Int'l Pol Ethnicity, Crime & Immigration 002 Schneider SIS-542 Human & Global Security 001 Persaud SIS-560 Chinese Foreign Policy 001 Zhao SIS-587 Globalztn: Power, Prod & Culture 001 Mittelman SIS-589 Global Political Economy 001 Mittelman ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 8 of 23 Fall 2007 5. Int’l Politics Courses 07/20/07 continued SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post-Saddam Iraq Global Poverty and Peace US-Iran Relations 006 007 009 O’Leary Chong Simone GOVT-396 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Idea of Am in Eur Pol Thought Latin Am Pol in Fact & Film 004 005 Levine Eizenstadt GOVT-526 U.S. Intelligence Community 001 Beyoghlow GOVT-529 Homeland Security 001 Beyoghlow HIST-331 Modern Revolutions 001 Klein HIST-362 America and the Cold War 001 Friedman HIST-500 Studies in History Globalization/Anti-Americanism 003 Friedman HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Legal Issues in Globalization Politics in Cuba Guerillas, Insurg & Paramil Dialogue or Clash of Cultures Demographics of Public Policy Human Rights & U.S. Foreign Pol Politics of Tropical Africa 001H** 003H** 005H** 007H** 008H** 009H** 013H** Mass LeoGrande Gallaher Ahmed Quainton Mertus Taylor ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 9 of 23 Fall 2007 6. Islamic Studies Courses 07/20/07 SIS-245 World of Islam 001 TBA SIS-264 Contemporary Middle East 001 Diwan SIS-364 Contemporary Islam & Int’l Rel 001 Weinberger SIS-515 Islamic Peace Paradigms 001 Kadayifci SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post-Saddam Iraq US-Iran Relations 006 009 O’Leary Simone SOCY-225 Contemporary Arab World 001 002 Fay Fay HIST-332 Contemporary Historical Studies Formation of Islamic Societies Soc/Culture in Arab Middle East 003 Aksakal 004 Fay HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Dialogue or Clash of Cultures 007H** Ahmed ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 10 of 23 Fall 2007 7. Peace & Conflict Resolution Courses 07/20/07 CORE ONLY SIS-220 Differncs/Simils:Confl Res 001 Smith, M SIS-308 Intro Peace & Conflict Resolut 001 002 Norman Johnson, S SIS-322 Human Rights 001 Chong SIS-325 International Organizations 001 Bosco SIS-349 Sel Topics in Intl Communicatn Principles and Practice of Peace 002 McCarthy SIS-396 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Human Rights and the Media 001 Chong SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Negotiation Analysis & Skills Human rights in Latin America Environmental Peacemaking Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Applied Conflict Resolution 003 005 007 015 017 Wanis-St.John Tate Kyrou Rudolph Fisher SIS-515 Islamic Peace Paradigms 001 Kadayifci SIS-516 Peacebuilding in Divided Soc 001 Abu-Nimer SIS-540 Conflict and Development 001 Quast SIS-542 Human & Global Security 001 Persaud CORE AND FUNCTIONAL FIELD ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 11 of 23 Fall 2007 7. Peace & Conflict Resolution Courses continued 07/20/07 SIS-596 Selected Topics:NonRecurring Post-Saddam Iraq Global Poverty & Peace US-Iran Relations 006 007 009 O’Leary Chong Simone HIST-319 Holocaust 001 Nadell RELG-386 Topics in Religious Discussion Religion, Politics & Human Rights 002 Peach HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Politics in Cuba Dialogue or Clash of Cultures Human Rights & U.S. Foreign Pol 003H** 007H** 009H** LeoGrande Ahmed Mertus ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 12 of 23 Fall 2007 8. United States Foreign Policy Courses SIS-349 Sel. Topics in Int’l Communication: News, Media & Foreign Policy 07/20/07 001 Malek SIS-382 Analysis of US Foreign Policy 001 002 003 004 006 Housenick Housenick TBA Quainton Cohn *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli *SIS-465 Intl Trade & Investment Relations 001 Cohen *SIS-466 Intl Monetary & Finance Relations 001 Henning SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Politics of Nat’l Security Budgeting U.S. Defense and Security Politics Rethinking US Foreign Aid Domestic Sources of U.S.F.P. 008 010 013 016 Adams Weiner Rosenthal Cohn SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post-Saddam Iraq US-Iran Relations 006 009 O’Leary Simone GOVT-526 U.S. Intelligence Community 001 Beyoghlow GOVT-529 Homeland Security 001 Beyoghlow HIST-360 U.S. Foreign Reltns 1774-1914 001 Friedman ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 13 of 23 Fall 2007 8. United States Foreign Policy Courses continued 07/20/07 HIST-362 America and the Cold War 001 Friedman HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Politics in Cuba Human Rights & U.S. Foreign Pol 003H** 009H** LeoGrande Mertus ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 14 of 23 Fall 2007 9. Africa Area Courses 07/20/07 SIS-250 Civilizations of Africa 001 Levan ECON-358 Economics of the World Regions Economics of Africa 001 Ayittey LIT-150 Third World Literature 001 Larson LIT-225 The African Writer 001 Larson PERF-504 African Dance 001 Howard, M RELG-210 Non-Western Religious Traditions 001 Park HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Science Politics of Tropical Africa 013H** Taylor ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 15 of 23 Fall 2007 10. Americas Area Courses 07/20/07 SIS-276 Contemporary Latin America 001 Cohn SIS-318 Topics in North American Stds U.S. & North American Relations 003 Randall SIS-496 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Human Rights in Latin America 005 Tate GOVT-396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring Latin Am Pol in Fact & Film 005 Eisenstadt HIST-241 Colonial Latin America 001 Findlay HIST-500 Studies in History America Through Immigrant Eyes 002 Kraut LFS-210 Latin America: Hist, Art, Lit *Taught in English *Taught in Spanish *Taught in English 001H** 002 003 Child TBA TBA *PHIL-386 Selected Topics in Philosophy Latin American Thought 001 Oliver SPAN-356 Spanish Topics U.S.-Latin American Relations *Taught in Spanish 004 Pascal SPAN-357 Intro to Latin American Lit 001 Hernandez SPAN-559 Colloquium on Latin America Culture, Religion, Pol in L.A. *Taught in Spanish 001 Serra ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 16 of 23 11. Asia/Australia Area Courses Fall 2007 SIS-161 Civilizations of Asia 001 Miller SIS-255 China, Japan & the United States 001H** 002H** 003 004 Solis Heng-Blackburn Miller Heng-Blackburn SIS-400 Senior Sem in Int'l Relations Indian Foreign Policy Japanese Pol in Peace and War 006 007 Mansingh Kimijima SIS-560 Chinese Foreign Policy 001 Zhao ANTH-230 India: Living Traditions 001 TBA HIST-120 Imperialism & Revolution 001 TBA HIST-347 Asian Studies Asian Crises and the West 001 Klein RELG-185 Forms of the Sacred 001 002 003 Pathak Springs Springs RELG-210 Non-Western Religious Traditions 001 Park HNRS-302 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Economic Blocs 011H** Solis 07/20/07 ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 17 of 23 Fall 2007 12. Europe Area Courses 07/20/07 SIS-331 Overview of European Union 001 Egan SIS-355 Relat of West European Nations 001 Johnson SIS-551 Econ, Pol, & Society in Europe 001 Egan FREN-326 French Topics La Politique Francaise *Taught in French 001 Harris HIST-221 History of Britain I 001 Stern HIST-312 Studies in European History Soc & Culture Modern France 001 Norris HIST-319 Holocaust 001 Nadell HIST-327 Twentieth Century Europe 001 Breitman HIST-500 Studies in History Society & Democracy in Germany 001 Breitman ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 18 of 23 Fall 2007 13. Middle East Area Courses 07/20/07 SIS-264 Contemporary Middle East 001 Diwan SIS-364 Contemporary Islam & Int’l Rel 001 Weinberger SIS-511 Kurds: Soc, Cult, Pol Identity Relig, Politics & Human Rights 001 Ghareeb SIS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Post-Saddam Iraq US-Iran Relations 006 009 O’Leary Simone HIST-332 Contemp Historical Studies Formation of Islamic Societies Soc/Cul in Arab Middle East 003 004 Aksakal Aksakal HIST-343 History of Israel 001 TBA JLS-596 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Israeli Law and Legal System 001 Gale RELG-371 Topics in Jewish Religion What Today’s Jews Think About 001 Berner 001 002 Fay Fay 007H** Ahmed SOCY-225 Contemporary Arab World HNRS-302 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Dialogue or Clash of Cultures ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 19 of 23 14. Russia & Central Eurasia Area Courses SIS-258 Contemporary Russia 001 Aslund HIST-120 Imperialism & Revolution 001 Akaskal LFS-200 Russia and the United States 001 TBA *RUSS-548 Russian Topics Russian Lit of 19th Century 001 Israeli HIST-231 Imperial Russia 1700-1917 001 Lohr HIST-232 Twentieth Century Russia 001 Lohr Fall 2007 07/20/07 ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 20 of 23 15. Global Environmental Politics SIS-210 Human Geography 001 002 Gallaher Gallaher SIS-337 International Development 001 Hanna SIS-338 Environment and Development 001 Broad SIS-388 Int'l Environmental Politics 001 002 Nicholson Nicholson SIS-400 Senior Sem in Int’l Relations Pol Ecology of Food & Agricul 005 Feltault SIS-496 Selected Topics:Non-Recurring Environmental Peacemaking 007 Kyrou ANTH-334 Environmental Justice 001 Williams GOVT-370 Formation & Implem Environ Pol 001 Fiorino HNRS-301 Honors Collqm Nat & Math Sc Sci, Ethics & Law in Policymkg 001H** Hirzy Fall 2007 07/20/07 ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 21 of 23 16. Int’l Business Relations Courses Fall 2007 07/20/07 Concentration Requires 3 credits (1 course) from the following: *Note: SIS 385 & IBUS 200/300 overlap; students should not take both courses *SIS-385 International Economic Policy 001 002 003 Tsereteli Henning Tsereteli IBUS-200 The Global Marketplace 001 002 003 TBA Chidamber TBA *IBUS-300 Fundamentals of Int’l Business 001 002 003 004 005 TBA DuBois TBA Mroczkowski Oetzel *IBUS-401 Cultural Envir of Int Business 001 TBA 6 ADDITIONAL CREDITS (2 COURSES) FROM THE FOLLOWING 4 SETS OF COURSES: No more than 3 credits (1 course) from the following: SIS-340 Found of Int’l Communication 001 002 Novotny Novotny 001 Egan SIS-215 Compet in an Interdep World 001H** 002 TBA Suarez-Mier *SIS-465 Int'l Trade & Investmnt Reltns 001 Cohen *SIS-466 Int'l Monetary & Financial Rel 001 Henning SIS-504 Multinational Corporations 001 Cohen No more than 3 credits (1 course) from the following: SIS-331 Overview of the European Union No more than 3 credits (1 course) from the following: ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 22 of 23 16. Int’l Business Relations Courses Fall 2007 07/20/07 continued Other courses (no credit limit): SIS-210 Human Geography 001 002 Gallaher Gallaher SIS-337 International Development 001 Hanna SIS-400 Senior Sem in Int’l Relations Social Entrepreneurship 003 Levinson HNRS-302 Honors Collqm in Social Sc Global Emerging Market 004H** Kvint ______________________________________________________________________________ *Course has prerequisite - please check schedule of classes Senior Seminar is open to advanced juniors as well. Please see your advisor if you are not able to register. ** Honors classes are for Honors students ONLY. This information subject to change without notice. For all listed courses, please be sure to check the Registrar’s Online Schedule of Classes - and, as always, if you have questions please check with your advisor Page 23 of 23