SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 337 SIS 338 SIS 388 SIS 419.033 SIS 419.037 SIS 419.040 SIS 419.054 COMM 524 COMM 535.001 COMM 589 ECON 379 ENVS 220 ENVS 375 GOVT 296 GOVT 496.003 SOCY 389 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS Title International Development Environment and Development International Environmental Politics Environmental Politics in Asia Environmental Peacemaking Climate Change and Violent Conflict Political Ecology of Food and Agriculture Producing Environmental and Wildlife Films Health, Science, and Environmental Reporting Sustainability Communication Economics of Environmental Politics Energy and Resources Water Resources Bioethics and Politics Global Warming and US Environmental Policy Society and Global Environment 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 308 SIS 341 SIS 349 SIS 419.018 SIS 419.019 SIS 519.001 ANTH 110 ANTH 215 ANTH 220 ANTH 225 ANTH 254 ANTH 537 ANTH 544.002 COMM 280 COMM 539 COMM 544 COMM 546 COMM 580 COMM 596.005 EDU 596.002 EDU 598 HNRS 302.004 SOCY 525 SPAN 456.002 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION Title Introduction to IPCR Intercultural Communication News Media and Foreign Policy Theories and Methods of Nonviolence Dialogue: Approaches and Applications Comparative Social Movements Culture and the Human Experience Sex, Gender, and Culture Living in a Multicultural Society Language and the Human Experience Language and Culture Language and Social Justice Media Activism Contemporary Media in Global Society International Public Communication Foreign Correspondence Foreign Policy and the Press Strategic Health Communication Strategic Multicultural Communication Education in Latin America Comparative and International Education Power and Protest Social Advocacy and Social Change History, Culture and Society in Latin American Cinema 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 221 SIS 319.006 SIS 322 SIS 337 SIS 338 SIS 388 SIS 400.004 SIS 419.028 SIS 419.029 SIS 533 SIS 589 ANTH 215 COMM 535.001 COMM 541 ECON 110 ECON 361 ECON 362 ECON 370 ECON 371 ECON 396.001 ECON 396.002 EDU 285 EDU 596.002 GOVT 231 GOVT 235 GOVT 596.002 IBUS 496 LIT 150 MGMT 361 SOCY 110 SOCY 235 SOCY 525 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Title Global Health Politics of Population Introduction to Human Rights International Development Environment and Development International Environmental Politics Gender and Development Health in the Developing World Principles of Microfinance Population, Migration and Development Global Political Economy Sex, Gender, & Culture Health, Science, and Environmental Reporting Crisis Communication The Global Majority Economic Development Microeconomics of Development International Economics International Economics: Trade Global Health and Economics of Development International Economic Policy Education for International Development Education in Latin America Third World Politics Dynamics of Political Change Politics and Development of India and Pakistan Global Emerging Markets Third World Literature Global Entrepreneurship Views from the Third World Gender in Transnational Perspective Social Advocacy and Social Change 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 215 SIS 325 SIS 337 SIS 338 SIS 385 SIS 388 SIS 419.029 SIS 419.043 SIS 427 SIS 458 SIS 466 SIS 589 ECON 110 ECON 361 ECON 362 ECON 370 ECON 371 ECON 379 ECON 396.001 ECON 396.002 ECON 458.001 ECON 458.002 ECON 458.003 FIN 463 IBUS 200 IBUS 300 IBUS 301 IBUS 303 IBUS 463 IBUS 496 IBUS 550 KSB 489 MGMT 201 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS Title Competition in Interdependent World International Organizations International Development Environment and Development International Economic Policy International Environmental Politics Principles of Microfinance Trade and Finance Post-Crisis International Finance/Emerging Markets Financial Issues in Latin America Int'l Monetary and Financial Relations Global Political Economy The Global Majority Economic Development Microeconomics of International Development International Economics International Economics: Trade Econ of Environmental Politics Global Health and the Economics of Development International Economic Policy The Arab Economies International Finance/Emerging Markets Financial Issues in Latin America International Finance The Global Marketplace Fundamentals of International Business International Marketing Global Enterprise Failure International Finance Global Emerging Markets Microfinance in Global Business Development Peace Through Commerce Practicum Global Corporate Citizenship 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 MGMT 361 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS Global Entrepreneurship 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 110 SIS 215.001 SIS 301 SIS 308 SIS 319.006 SIS 321 SIS 322 SIS 325 SIS 331 SIS 338 SIS 349 SIS 364 SIS 365 SIS 385 SIS 388 SIS 400.003 SIS 419.001 SIS 419.002 SIS 419.003 SIS 419.005 SIS 419.007 SIS 419.008 SIS 419.011 SIS 419.012 SIS 419.013 SIS 419.014 SIS 419.015 SIS 419.022 SIS 419.025 SIS 419.026 SIS 419.027 SIS 419.030 SIS 419.033 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS Title Beyond Sovereignty Competition in Interdependent World Theories of International Politics Introduction to IPCR Politics of Population International Law Introduction to Human Rights International Organizations Overview of the EU Environment and Development News, Media and Foreign Policy Contemporary Islam & IR Arab-Israeli Relations International Economic Policy International Environmental Politics The United Nations U.S. - Latin America Relations Transnational Security Challenges Politics of Naitonal Security Budgeting U.S. Strategy Toward Iran National Security and Proliferation Wicked Problems in National Security International Relations in Africa Islamist Political Movements SE Asia - US and Regional Powers Political Economy of the Middle East U.S. Policy Toward Africa Political Economy of Mexico Insurgency/Counterinsurgency Illicit Financial Flows Transnational Crime and Terrorism Women, Gender, Pol Change MENA Environmental Security in Asia 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 SIS 419.034 SIS 419.035 SIS 419.039 SIS 419.047 SIS 419.049 SIS 419.054 SIS 519.002 SIS 579.001 SIS 579.002 SIS 579.003 SIS 589 COMM 546 GOVT 130 GOVT 226 GOVT 231 GOVT 232 GOVT 235 GOVT 296 GOVT 315 GOVT 333 GOVT 408 GOVT 469 GOVT 484 GOVT 496.002 GOVT 526 GOVT 535 GOVT 596.002 HIST 419 HIST 500 SOCY 225 SPAN 553 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS U.S. Policy Toward Africa U.S. - China Relations Foundations of Public Diplomacy Japan: Society, Politics and Foreign Policy Evolving Triangle: U.S., India, China Political Ecology of Food and Agriculture Human Rights and Conflict Korean Politics and Foreign Policy Political Economy of the Southern Cone African Political Institutions Global Political Economy Foreign Policy and the Press Comparative Politics Constitution, presidential Power, War on Terror Third World Politics Politics of Postindustrial Society Dynamics of Political Change Bioethics and Politics Elections and Voting Behavior Government and Politics of the EU Contemporary Political Thought Media/Politics of Intervention Women and Political Leadership Chinese Politics U.S. Intelligence Community Leaders in Comparative Perspectives Politics and Development of India and Pakistan Holocaust International Politics: 1918-1939 Arab Societies Culture and Radical Politics in Latin America 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 110 SIS 308 SIS 319.001 SIS 319.007 SIS 319.009 SIS 321 SIS 322 SIS 325 SIS 341 SIS 365 SIS 400.003 SIS 419.002 SIS 419.018 SIS 419.019 SIS 419.021 SIS 419.025 SIS 419.027 SIS 419.037 SIS 419.038 SIS 419.040 SIS 511.002 SIS 517.001 SIS 519.001 SIS 519.002 SIS 519.003 SIS 519.004 SIS 519.005 SIS 519.006 HNRS 302.004 HNRS 302.012 KSB 489 SPAN 559 WGSS 350.001 INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION Title Beyond Sovereignty Introduction to IPCR U.S. - Israel Relations Peace and Social Justice Humanitarian Intervention International Law Human Rights International Organizations Intercultural Communication Arab - Israeli Relations United Nations Transnational Security Challenges Theories/Methods of Nonviolence Dialogue: Approaches & Application Peace Education Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Transnational Crime and Terrorism Environmental Peacemaking Localizing Peace Climate Change and Violent Conflict The Kurds and their Neighbors Gender and Conflict Comparative Social Movements Human Rights and Conflict Human Rights and Islam Christian Peace Paradigms Women, Gender and Political Change in the MENA Region Peacebuilding in Africa Power and Protest Cultures in Contact/Conflict Peace through Commerce Practicum Conflict and Culture in the Andes Gender and Violence 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 255 SIS 319.001 SIS 319.008 SIS 319.010 SIS 319.011 SIS 349 SIS 382 SIS 419.001 SIS 419.002 SIS 419.003 SIS 419.004 SIS 419.005 SIS 419.007 SIS 419.008 SIS 419.013 SIS 419.015 SIS 419.025 SIS 419.027 SIS 419.034 SIS 419.039 SIS 419.048 SIS 419.049 SIS 465 SIS 466 COMM 546 ECON 371 GOVT 226 GOVT 469 GOVT 496.003 GOVT 526 HIST 462 HNRS 302.003 HNRS 302.010 UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY Title China, Japan, and the US U.S. - Israel Relations Transnational Crime, Globalization and State Intro. To Global Security Intro. To Global Security News, Media and Foreign Policy Analysis of USFP U.S. - Latin America Relations Transnational Security Challenges Politics of National Security Budgeting Bioterror in the 21st Century U.S. Strategy Toward Iran National Security and Proliferation Wicked Problems in National Security SE Asia: U.S. and Regional Powers U.S. Policy Toward Africa Insurgency/Counterinsurgency Transnational Crime and Terrorism U.S. Policy Toward Africa Foundations of Public Diplomacy USFP Toward the Middle East Evolving Triangle: U.S., India, China International Trade and Investment Relations International Monetary and Financial Relations Foreign Policy and the Press International Economics: Trade Constitution, Presidential Power, War on Terror Media/Politics of Intervention Global Warming and U.S. Environmental Policy U.S. Intelligence Community America and the Cold War Mexico 2013: Democracy, Development and the Challenge of Violence Key Debates in International Security 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 161 SIS 210 SIS 250 SIS 255 SIS 264 SIS 265 SIS 276 SIS 319.002 SIS 319.012 SIS 331 SIS 355 SIS 364 SIS 365 SIS 400.004 SIS 419.001 SIS 419.005 SIS 419.010 SIS 419.011 SIS 419.012 SIS 419.013 SIS 419.014 SIS 419.015 SIS 419.022 SIS 419.030 SIS 419.033 SIS 419.034 SIS 419.036 SIS 419.041 SIS 419.046 SIS 419.047 SIS 419.048 SIS 419.049 SIS 511.002 COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL RACE RELATIONS Title Civilizations of Asia Human Geography Civilizations of Africa China, Japan, and the US Contemporary Middle East Contemporary Africa Contemporary Latin America Crime, Immigration, Race in US & Europe Central Asia: Development and Regional Security Overview of the EU European Foreign and Security Policy Contemporary Islam & IR Arab-Israeli Relations Gender and Development U.S. - Latin America Relations U.S. Strategy Toward Iran Race/Ethnicity in the Americas International Relations in Africa Islamist Political Movements SE Asia: U.S., Regional Powers Political Economy of MENA U.S. Policy Toward Africa Political Economy of Mexico Women, Gender, Pol Change MENA Environmental Security in Asia U.S. Policy Toward Africa Nationalism, Populism and Nativism Comm/Cultr/Soc Entrepreneurship Russia: State and Society Japan: Soc, Pol and Foreign Policy USFP Toward the Middle East Evolving Triangle: U.S., India, China The Kurds and their Neighbors 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 SIS 519.001 SIS 519.003 SIS 519.006 SIS 560 SIS 579.001 SIS 579. 002 SIS 579.003 SIS 589 AMST 330.001 ANTH 210 ANTH 215 ANTH 220 ANTH 225 ANTH 254 GOVT 130 GOVT 325 GOVT 596.002 HIST 296.002 HIST 396.001 HIST 496.003 HNRS 302.003 PSYC 497.001 SOCY 150 SOCY 210 SOCY 225 SOCY 235 SOCY 551 SPAN 456.001 SPAN 462 SPAN 553 SPAN 559 COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL RACE RELATIONS Comparative Social Movements Human Rights and Islam Peacebuilding in Africa Chinese Foreign Policy Korean Politics and Foreign Policy Political Economy of the Southern Cone African Political Institutions Global Political Economy The U.S. Through Foreign Eyes Roots of Racism Sex, Gender, & Culture Living in a Multicultural Society Language and the Human Experience Language and Culture Comparative Politics Racial, Ethnic and Religious Groups Politics and Development of India and Pakistan China in Foreigner's Eyes Israel/Palestine: History and Culture Modern Iran Mexico 2013: Democracy, Development and the Challenge of Violence Stereotyping and Prejudice Global Sociology Power, Privilege and Inequality Arab Societies Gender in Transnational Prespective Sociology of Latino Studies Indigenous Peoples of Latin America Latin American - U.S. Relations Culture and Radical Politics in Latin America Conflict and Culture in the Andes 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 319.002 SIS 319.008 SIS 319.009 SIS 319.010 SIS 319.011 SIS 319.012 SIS 355 SIS 365 SIS 400.003 SIS 419.002 SIS 419.003 SIS 419.004 SIS 419.005 SIS 419.007 SIS 419.008 SIS 419.025 SIS 419.026 SIS 419.027 GOVT 226 GOVT 526 HIST 235 HIST 396.001 HIST 445 HIST 448 HIST 462 HNRS 302.010 HNRS 302.012 GLOBAL SECURITY Title Crime, Immigration, Race in US & Europe Transnational Crime, Globalization and State Humanitarian Intervention Intro. To Global Security Intro. To Global Security Central Asia: Development and Regional Security European Foreign and Security Policy Arab-Israeli Relations The United Nations Transnational Security Challenges Politics of National Security Budgeting Bioterror in the 21st Century U.S. Strategy Toward Iran National Security and Proliferation Wicked Problems in National Security Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Illicit Financial Flows Transnational Crime and Terrorism Constitution, Presidential Power, War on Terror U.S. Intelligence Community West in Crisis: 1900-1945 Israel and Palestine: Hist/Cultr Cold War and the Spy Novel American Culture in the Nuclear Age America and the Cold War Key Debates in International Security Cultures in Contact/Conflict SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Course SIS 210 SIS 215 SIS 255 SIS 325 SIS 331 Title Human Geography Competition in Interdependent World China, Japan and the United States International Organizations Overview of the EU SIS 385 International Economic Policy SIS 419.014 Political Economy of Middle East/North Africa SIS 419.022 Political Economy of Mexico SIS 419.026 Illicit Financial Flows SIS 419.029 Principles of Microfinance SIS 419.043 Trade and Finance Post-Crisis SIS 427 International Finance and Emerging Markets SIS 458 SIS 466 SIS 579.002 SIS 589 ECON 332 ECON 351 ECON 370 ECON 371 ECON 458.001 ECON 458.002 ECON 458.003 FIN 463 GERM 339 HNRS 302.001 IBUS 200 IBUS 244 IBUS 300 IBUS 301 IBUS 303 IBUS 402 Financial Issues in Latin America International Monetary and Financial Relations Political Economy of the Southern Cone Global Political Economy Money, Banking and Finance Comparative Economic Systems International Economics International Economics: Trade The Arab Economies International Finance and Emerging Markets Financial Issues in Latin America International Finance Business German Legal Issues in Globalization The Global Marketplace International Management Practices Fundamentals of International Business International Marketing Global Enterprise Failure International Human Resources Management 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 IBUS 463 IBUS 496 IBUS 550 KSB 489 MGMT 201 MGMT 361 RUSS 443 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS International Finance Global Emerging Markets Microfinance and Global Business Development Peace Through Commerce Practicum (meets with KSB 689.001) Global Corporate Citizenship Global Entrepreneurship Russian Business Translation 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 245 SIS 264 SIS 364 SIS 365 SIS 419.005 SIS 419.012 SIS 511 SIS 519.003 ECON 458.001 HIST 396 HIST 496.003 HNRS 302.009 IBUS 303 RELG 105 RELG 185 RELG 210 SOCY 225 ISLAMIC STUDIES Title World of Islam Contemporary Middle East Contemporary Islam & IR Arab-Israeli Realtions U.S. Strategy Toward Iran Islamist Political Movements The Kurds and their Neighbors Human Rights and Islam The Arab Economies Israel and Palestine: Hist/Culture Modern Iran American Identity/Challenge of Islam Global Enterprise Failure Religious Heritage of the West Forms of the Sacred Non-Western Religious Traditions Arab Societies 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 250 SIS 265 SIS 419.011 SIS 419.014 SIS 419.015 SIS 419.028 SIS 419.030 SIS 419.034 SIS 519.006 SIS 579.003 ECON 361 GOVT 231 LIT 150 PERF 206 RELG 210 SOCY 110 AFRICA AREA Title Civilizations of Africa Contemporary Africa International Relations in Africa Political Economy of MENA U.S. Policy Toward Africa Health in the Developing World Women, Gender and Political Change in MENA U.S. Policy Toward Africa Peacebuilding in Africa African Political Institutions Economic Development Third World Politics Third World Literature African Dance Non-Western Relgious Traditions Views from the Third World 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 276 SIS 419.001 SIS 419.010 SIS 419.022 SIS 458 SIS 579.002 AMST 340.001 ECON 361 ECON 458.003 GOVT 231 GOVT 423.002 HIST 242 HNRS 302.003 LIT 150 SOCY 110 SPAN 210 SPAN 355.001 SPAN 355.002 SPAN 357 SPAN 456.001 SPAN 456.002 SPAN 462 SPAN 553 SPAN 559 THE AMERICAS AREA Title Contemporary Latin America U.S. - Latin America Relations Race/Ethnicity in the Americas Political Economy of Mexico Financial Issues in Latin America Political Economy of the Southern Cone The Latino Community of the DC Area Economic Development Financial Issues in Latin America Third World Politics The Latino Community of the DC Area Latin America Since Independence Mexico 2013: Democracy, Development and the Challenge of Violence Third World Literature Views from the Third World Latin America: History, Art and Literature Central Issues in Latin American Studies Media for Spanish Advanced Conversation Introduction to Latin American Literature Indigenous Peoples of Latin America History, Culture, and Society in Latin American Cinema Latin American - U.S. Relations Culture/Radical Politics in Latin America Culture and Conflict in the Andes 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 161 SIS 255 SIS 319.012 SIS 419.005 SIS 419.013 SIS 419.033 SIS 419.047 SIS 419.049 SIS 419.050 SIS 560 SIS 579.001 ARTH 320 ARTH 423 ECON 361 GOVT 231 GOVT 496.002 GOVT 596.002 HIST 296.002 HIST 496.003 LIT 242 LIT 467.001 RELG 185 RELG 210 RELG 473 ASIA AREA Title Civilizations of Asia China, Japan, and the US Central Asia: Development and Regional Security U.S. Strategy toward Iran SE Asia: U.S. and Regional Powers Environmental Security in Asia Japan: Society, Politics and Foreign Policy Evolving Triangle: U.S., India and China India After Gandhi Chinese Foreign Policy Korean Politics and Foreign Policy Introduction to the Arts of Japan East-West Photography Economic Development Third World Politics Chinese Politics Politics and Development of India and Pakistan China in Foreigners' Eyes Modern Iran Chinese Literature and Society Pacific Crossings Forms of the Sacred Non-Western Religious Traditions Hinduism 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 319.002 SIS 331 SIS 355 SIS 519.001 ARTH 205 ARTH 303 ARTH 496 ARTH 520 ECON 351 FREN 432 FREN 433.001 FREN 433.002 GERM 230 GOVT 333 GOVT 408 HIST 110 HIST 203 HIST 222 HIST 235 HIST 419 HIST 438 HIST 496.004 LIT 221 LIT 265 LIT 270 LIT 437 LIT 440 RELG 105 EUROPE AREA Title Crime, Immigration, Race in US & Europe Overview of the EU European Foreign & Security Policy Comparative Social Movements Art of the Renaissance Medieval Art Renaissance Venice Ballets Russes Comparative Economic Systems Civilisation Francaise II Approches de la Litterature History and Social Cross-Currents The Modernist Explosion Government and Politics of the EU America in European Political Thought Renaissance and Revolution: Europe 1400-1815 The Ancient World: Rome History of Britain II West in Crisis: 1900-1945 The Holocaust French History Since 1789 Consumerism: Britain and the U.S. Survey of British Literature II Lit and Society in Victorian England Transformations of Shakespeare Austen and Burney Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Others Religious Heritage of the West 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 245 SIS 264 SIS 319.001 SIS 364 SIS 365 SIS 419.014 SIS 419.025 SIS 419.030 SIS 419.048 SIS 511 SIS 519.003 ECON 458.001 HIST 296.003 HIST 396.005 JWST 210 JWST 296.001 JWST 296.002 JWST 320 JWST 396 SOCY 225 MIDDLE EAST AREA Title World of Islam Contemporary Middle East U.S.- Israel Relations Contemporary Islam & IR Arab - Israeli Relations Political Economy of MENA Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Women, Gender and Political Change in MENA USFP toward the Middle East The Kurds and their Neighbors Human Rights and Islam The Arab Economies Divided Cities in the 21st Century Jewish Politics Voices of Modern Jewish Literature Modern Jewish Civilization Divided Cities in the 21st Century Israel & Palestine: History/Culture Jewish Politics Arab Societies 11/7/2012 SIS Course Specialization List SPRING 2013 Course SIS 419.046 SIS 419.052 HIST 225 HIST 436 HIST 445 HIST 462 LIT 440 RUSSIA AND CENTRAL EURASIA AREA Title Russia: State and Society Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Russia and the Origins of Continental Eurasia The Soviet Union The Cold War and the Spy Novel America and the Cold War Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Others 11/7/2012