Summer International Internships: Chile 2016 Organization: TECHO

Summer International Internships: Chile 2016
TECHO is a youth led non-profit organization present in Latin America & the Caribbean. Through
the joint work of families living in extreme poverty with youth volunteers, TECHO seeks to
overcome poverty in slums. TECHO is convinced that poverty can be permanently eradicated if
society as a whole recognizes poverty as a priority and actively works towards overcoming it.
Therefore, TECHO pursues three strategic objectives:
(1) The promotion of community development in slums, through a process of community
strengthening that promotes representative & validated leadership, drives the organization and
participation of thousands of families living in slums to generate solutions of their own problems.
(2) Fostering social awareness and action, with special emphasis on generating critical and
determined volunteers working next to the families living in slums while involving different actors of
(3) Political advocacy that promotes necessary structural changes to ensure that poverty does not
continue reproducing, and that it begins to decrease rapidly.
Content Area: Management of administrative issues (department communications, fundraising,
administration, and finance). There are also projects to support and strengthen TECHO’s social
work in the areas of working with communities and volunteers.
Date and Hours: 3-6 months, 30-40 hours/ week
Preferred Skills: Interest in Latin America with specific focus on overcoming poverty. Intern must
share institutional value, including: diversity, optimism, excellence, conviction, and solidarity.
TECHO provides a daily lunch for interns.
Contact Information:
Ms. Laura Sanchez Gil