SIS Summer Abroad 2016: ASEAN Studies
Priority for these positions will be given to students who are participating the SIS Summer 2016 Abroad
Program in ASEAN countries. Application deadline for those not participating in the program is March
1 and later applicants will be admitted on a rolling basis. SIS cannot guarantee placement with these
organizations; the list is meant to be demonstrative.
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1. UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) –Refugees, community development,
human rights; UNHCR leads and coordinates international action to protect refugees and
resolve refugee problems.
Examples of past internship work: Monitored refugee training projects, wrote reports
and provided recommendations; assessment of the Iranian refugee community in Kuala
Lumpur and Selangor; supported the implementation of a community-based SGBV
awareness program.
2. Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS)
A leading research institute that covers security, political, economic, social and
technology issues. It has played a key role in fostering closer regional integration and
cooperation through forums such as the Asia-Pacific Roundtable.
Examples of past internship work: Helped to organize and report on the Business
Dialogue sessions of the ASEAN-Japan Economic Ministers Meeting and the Federation
of Japanese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in ASEAN; Reported on and presented
the education component of the first US-Malaysia Study Group Meeting; contributed an
article to ASEAN Monthly Commentary for Korean Min. of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
3. Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI)
Malaysia’s top ranked think tank in 2015 with a mission to enhance Malaysia’s
competitiveness through public policy, international business, and social enterprise
4. Sisters-in-Islam Forum (SIS)
A Muslim reformist/modernist advocacy group that promotes gender equality, women’s
rights, public policy, justice and legal reform to advance freedom and dignity in Islam
through the empowerment of women as agents of change.
February 22, 2016
5. All Women’s Action Society of Malaysia (AWAM)
Independent feminist organization committed to improving the lives of women.
Examples of past internship work: Assigned with two research projects on 1) strategies
for a campaign and, 2) frequently asked questions on the issue of sex education. Assisted
in AWAM’s preliminary work on starting a campaign on sexual harassment. Assisted in
AWAM’s advocacy work, assigned to do reports/minutes of meetings attended with the
supervisors to other coalition of women’s groups’ meetings on advocacy against
discrimination of women at work.
6. Tenaganita
Promotes rights of women, migrant workers, and refugees through the creation of a just,
free and democratic society where all are equal human beings with dignity and rights.
7. Malaysian AIDS Council
Promotes AIDS/HIV, youth, and women’s issues advocacy. It supports and coordinates
the efforts of organizations working on HIV/AIDS issues in Malaysia through training,
funding and programming.
8. Malaysian Nature Society
Malaysia’s largest and oldest non-governmental environmental organization that
promotes conservation and science, environmental education, and communication
outreach to protect Malaysia’s natural heritage and rich biological diversity.
9. Asian Centre for Media Studies (Star Publication)
Malaysia’s largest English-language newspaper.
10. HELP University
A leading institution of higher learning in Malaysia with a strong international reputation
for research and development.
11. Teach For Malaysia
Modeled on Teach for America, TAM seeks to nurture future leaders who will contribute
energy and vibrancy to Malaysia’s educational institutions.
12. Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (INSAP)
Economy, elections, education, politics; this is the think-tank of the Malaysian Chinese
Association, the country’s largest Chinese political party.
February 22, 2016
13. World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF)
WIEF promotes the economic wellbeing of the people of Muslim nations and
communities worldwide through trade and business activities.
14. Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
Promotes press freedom, access to information, and an independent media in Malaysia.
15. The Guardian
A monthly publication of the Malaysian Chinese Association, the country’s largest
Chinese political party.
Examples of past internship work: Drafted press statements for MCA leaders in
English in response to political issues; Covered press conferences after MCA Central
Committee meetings, Presidential Council meetings, press conferences given by
individual MCA leaders; Summarized the morning news from online news portals to be
disseminated to party leaders; Researched, analyzed issues, wrote and edited politicalbased commentaries for The Guardian and Akhbar Rakyat (The People’s News).
16. Lariche Community
Engages in social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, consulting,
monitoring and evaluation of corporate practices and media relations with the objective
of raising the overall standards of sustainable development programs.
17. OWW Consulting
An international provider of corporate social responsibility solutions and risk assessments
for Malaysian international business. Their headquarters is in Kuala Lumpur with a
regional office in Jakarta.
Examples of past internship work: Assisted in CSR Ratings of Asian Companies,
helped with transcription of interviews recorded for our policy research programs and
attended a CSR Training Course with partners at the Malaysian Institute of Management
18. CHILD (Children Information, Learning, and Development Center Malaysia)
Promotes children’s rights, education, community capacity building and outreach
particularly within the ethnic Indian population in Malaysia.
February 22, 2016
Location: Penang, Malaysia
12 The Penang Institute
As the public policy think tank of the state government of Penang, it seeks to spur bold
thinking in the key areas of political, economic and socio-cultural development and race
relations in the country
A research center at the Science University of Malaysia in Penang dedicated to women’s
rights, gender equity and community development.
14 Asian Global Business (AGB)
A private company that redevelops old abandoned buildings while preserving their
historical identity in the UNESCO-designated cultural heritage city of Penang.
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
1. Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Jakarta – Public policy,
research, human rights
CSIS is an independent, non-profit organization focusing on the policy-orientated studies
on domestic and international issues. Research in economics, politics and social change,
and international relations is undertaken with topics selected based on their relevance to
public policy. CSIS seeks to improve policy making through policy-oriented research,
dialogue, and public debate.
Preferred Skills: knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia or Indonesian culture as well as
experience with editing article drafts and publication software are a plus
Dates and Hours: Minimum of two months
Examples of past internship work: Contributed to the ongoing research by creating a
database monitoring violence in Indonesia, contributed to the improvement of CSIS’s
capacity to organize seminars and workshops, proofread and translated drafts from
Bahasa Indonesia to English.
2. The Habibie Center–Democracy, human rights, technology, culture
The Habibie Center is committed to the modernization and democratization of Indonesian
society, as well as to studying and advocacy of issues in the development of democracy
and human rights.
February 22, 2016
3. KontraS (Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence)
Advocates accountability, minority rights and human rights in Indonesia
4. U.S.-ASEAN Business Council, Jakarta Office
Promotes U.S. business interests in Indonesia and ASEAN
5. Jakarta Post Newspaper
Leading English language daily in Indonesia
6. Maverick Indonesia
Communications consultancy specializing in corporate communications, crisis and issues
management and marketing communications.
Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
1. Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP)—regional studies,
civil society, economic development.
CICP is a non-partisan research institute that promotes both regional and domestic
dialogue between government officials, national and international organizations,
scholars, and the private sector on issues of peace, democracy, civil society, security,
and national development. Located in Phnom Penh.
Contact Info:
Pou Sovachana – Deputy Dir. Research and Publications
+885 017-592-018
Location: Singapore
MARUAH means Dignity in Malay, Singapore’s national language. Human rights is all
about maintaining, restoring and reclaiming one’s dignity at the individual, regional and
international level. Singapore focal point for the Working Group for an ASEAN Human
Rights Mechanism.
February 22, 2016