Northeast Field Guide, Version 1.5 January 2001 APPENDIX 11 TALLY SHEET GUIDE 285 A11 – Tally Sheet Guide Northeast Field Guide, Version 1.5 January 2001 286 A11 – Tally Sheet Guide Northeast Field Guide, Version 1.5 January 2001 TALLY SHEET GUIDE On the seven page sample record there are several variables that may require entries, either coded or written, by the field crews. Where a numbered variable requires a coded entry, the number of digits required for that entry is indicated by the number of X's immediately below the variable number on the sample record. Some variables require measurements to decimal fractions of inches or feet. For those items, it is understood that the last digit represents a decimal fraction. For example, a tree DBH of 23.4 inches is coded as 234. The decimal points are never placed in coded entries. The entries for some variables will have been made in the office. These are usually variables 3.100 through 3.140. These entries may be incorrect, but do not change any previously made entry without the approval of your supervisor. Notes should be recorded as often as needed to clarify coded entries and to explain unusual or unique situations. Notes are also used to direct attention to anything about a particular plot that the crews think is important now, or may be important when the plot is remeasured during the next inventory. If necessary, attach extra sheets of notes. The value of notes cannot be overemphasized! Suffice it to say that a few notes are made at a fraction of the cost that would be involved in going back to a plot to answer questionable data. Take a moment to read the statement printed on the inside cover of this document. Even though it was written more than sixty years ago, this statement still applies to everything that we do today. Field data collection is the most important part of this inventory. Everything that comes afterward is dependent on a complete and accurate set of data. The information to be recorded on the sample record is determined by the category of plot (sample kind) and the condition class status assigned by the field crew. Examples of the specific data variables needed for each category of plot appear on the following pages. NOTE: When using the data recorder the following information is displayed from plot history files stored in the data recorder memory: plot identification and previous tree information (tree number, species, horizontal distance, azimuth, previous tree class / merchantability class, and previous DBH). In general, the variables that specifically apply to the previous inventory and the current inventory (such as species, horizontal distance and azimuth) are the variables that may be changed. 287 A11 – Tally Sheet Guide Northeast Field Guide, Version 1.5 January 2001 288 4.300 X 1 X PRIVATE OWNER INDUSTRIAL STATUS 4.340 4.350 4.360 4.370 4.380 4.400 4.405 X X X XX XX DISTURBANCE 3 X DISTURBANCE 2 YEAR ROAD ACCESS PUB. USE RESTRIC. RECREATION USE WATER ON PLOT TERRAIN POS SITE PROD CLASS 3.240 3.250 3.255 3.260 3.270 3.280 3.290 3.295 X X X XXX X X X 5 5 55 289 MANUAL VERSION DIST. TO IMP. ROAD CRUISER NUMBER YEAR MONTH LAND USE 3.230 5 4.410 4.420 4.431 4.432 4.433 4.434 4.435 4.436 4.491 4.492 4.493 4.494 XXX XXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX 4.495 4.496 4.440 4.450 4.451 4.452 4.460 4.465 4.470 XXXX XX XX XX XX X X X STOCKING CLASS DAY YEAR TALLY NUMBER X TRAIL/ROAD TYPE XXX STAND HISTORY 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.220 XXX STAND STRUCTURE 3.210 PAST NONFOREST LU XXXX 5 PRESENT NONFOREST LU PHASE MONTH PLOT LEVEL DATA TIMBER MGMT. CLASS XX PHYSIOGRAPHIC CLASS 3.200 XX TREATMENT 3 YEAR 3.190 XXXX TREATMENT 3 3.180 XX TREATMENT 2 YEAR 3.170 XX TREATMENT 2 3.160 X TREATMENT 1 YEAR 3.155 X TREATMENT 1 3.145 DISTURBANCE 3 YEAR X PREVIOUS DISTURBANCE 2 3.140 DISTURBANCE 1 XXXX DISTURBANCE 1 YEAR 3.130 XXX QA STATUS SAMPLE KIND PLOT NUMBER COUNTY UNIT STATE CURRENT STAND AGE 3.120 X ARTIFICIAL REGENERATION SPECIES 3.110 XX OWNER GROUP 3.100 TREE DENSITY OWNER CLASS XXX X RESERVE STATUS 4.330 REGENERATION STATUS 4.320 XX STAND SIZE FOREST TYPE 4.310 LAND USE CLASS CONDITION CLASS STATUS CONDITION CLASS NUMBER USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS UNIT MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 PAGE 1 All accessible forestland Remeasure plots ME MAINE only All plots 3.400 5 XX CONDITION CLASS LEVEL DATA ME 2 3 5 4 6 7 REV. 1/2001 USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS UNIT MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 PAGE 2 5 All plots All accessible forestland X 1 2 3 4 XXX X X XXX XXX XX 55 5 55 5 55 5 55 7.005 7.100 7.105 7.110 7.120 7.130 7.140 X X X XXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX AGE DBH TOTAL LENGTH 7.001 SPECIES 4.130 CONDITION CLASS LIST 4.125 SUBPLOT NUMBER 4.120 CONDITION CLASS NUM. 4.110 SITE TREE NUMBER 4.107 CROWN CLOSURE CLASS SUBPLOT ASPECT 4.106 SITE INDEX DATA SNOW / WATER DEPTH SUBPLOT SLOPE 4.105 MICROPLOT CENTER CONDITION 4.100 SUBPLOT CENTER CONDITION SUBPLOT NUMBER SLOPE CORRECTION SUBPLOT LEVEL DATA COND CL X ME ME COND CL COND CL ME COND CL ME COND CL COND CL M E MAINE only All boundaries STAND AGE WORKSHEET 4.214 4.215 4.216 4.217 X XXX XXX XX XXX XXX WEIGHTED AGE CORNER DIS TO BOUNDARY 4.213 X PERCENT OF OVERSTORY CORNER AZ TO BOUNDARY 4.212 X RING COUNT PLUS 5 YEARS CONDITION CLASS NUMBER 4.211 X SPECIES BOUNDARY CHANGE CONTRASTING COND. CLASS 4.200 X RIGHT AZ TO BOUNDARY PLOT TYPE 4.100 LEFT AZ TO BOUNDARY SUBPLOT NUMBER BOUNDARY DATA XXX XX XXX 100% REV. 1/2001 290 USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS UNIT MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 YR 3.180 CRUISER 3.220 XX XX XX.XX MIN 3.320 SEC 3.330 XX XX XX.XX NUMBER OF READINGS 3.361 TALLY 3.230 XXX XX DEG 3.310 GPS ELEVATION 3.365 5 5 XXX XXX XXXX & / TIME :& AM PM OWNER TELEPHONE #: & / TIME :& AM PM POSTED? LETTER & [ ] XXX XX XX.XX . Y TELEPHONE& [ ] . GPS ERROR(ft) 3.375 PLGR S/N XXX / ON-SITE [& SEC 3.360 3.380 XXXXXX + - / N XX.XX MIN 3.350 X DATE 5 XX DEG 3.340 5 5 5 5 DATE Y XXX GPS LOCATION 3.370 OWNER CONTACT ATTEMPT #2: OWNER CONTACT? SEC 3.360 0 OWNER CONTACT ATTEMPT #1: 8.100 MIN 3.350 0 . 55 5 5 5 XX LONGITUDE DEG 3.340 5 5 55 5 5 55 PC DAY 3.170 SEC 3.330 . Printed label with plot and photo information XX MIN 3.320 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 SP MO 3.160 PAGE 3 NAD27 GPS LATITUDE DEG 3.310 8.120 N ] NAME Complete ownership information for plot center on all forested plots and as necessary for nonforest plots. ADDRESS CITY & ZIP CODE SOURCE TWP/MAP#/SECT.# 5 2.110 STARTING POINT: SPECIES - DBH - Provide notes about the starting point for all plots. 5 WITNESSED BY SPEC DBH HD AZ 5 5 55 5 5 55 2.120 COURSE TO PLOT (cont.) DIST SC 5 NOTES - SPP DBH DIS DIR NOTES -- All plots = -- Plots with forested conditions 2.160 PLOT CENTER WITNESSED BY - Provide notes about the PC witnesses when established. LINE NO. SPEC * * DBH HD AZ NOTES - = = = = = = = = * -- Complete if witness trees were also tally trees. & -- Plots with a forested condition at PC. 2.120 COURSE TO PLOT DISTANCE & 5 DIST SC AZIMUTH FEET 5 SPP DBH DIS DEG DIR = = ==== NOTES Continue station information as needed until arrival at PC. Include descriptive notes when warranted. REV. 1/2001 291 USDA FOREST SERVICE FOREST INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 PAGE 4 OFFICE EDIT FIELD EDIT 3.100 3.110 3.120 XX X XXX 5 5 5 3.130 XXXX 3.140 X 5 5 5 All Plots 2.210 XXX 2.220 2.230 2.240 XX XX XX 5 555 2.182 GENERAL NOTES 2.310 XXX 2.320 2.330 2.340 XX XX XX 5 5 55 CALCULATIONS This area is used for notes about the plot or individual tally items. All changes in land use must be documented in this section. Describe the land use for all nonforest plots in this section (e.g., Entire plot fall in cropland without trees -- LU is 61.) Show calculations used to determine the course-to-plot. N 2.181 SKETCH MAP OF PLOT LOCATION W E S ALL PLOTS Draw a sketch map of the general plot location that provides enough detail so that the Starting Point can be relocated without the use of aerial photographs. Include the distance to the nearest town, major road intersectons, the locations of SP and PC, as well as any additional landmarks that may be useful. Record distances that are driven in miles and tenths of miles, and distances that are walked in feet or chains. 292 USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 3.100 3.110 XX X 5 5 3.120 XXX 5 PAGE 5 3.130 3.140 XXXX 5 X 5 5 All Plots 2.170 PLOT DIAGRAM 2 Sketch in the boundaries of any plot that has multiple conditions, as well as any features that may facilitate the relocation of this plot. Be particularly careful to sketch condition boundaries that occur within the subplot as accurately as possible (include azimuths). For plots where all 4 subplots fall entirely within one condition, clearly note on this page: "All Condition 1". 4 1 3 REV. 1/2001 293 USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 3.100 3.110 XX X PAGE 6 5 3.120 3.130 3.140 XXX XXXX X 5 5 5 Accessible forest land only All plots ME MAINE accessible forest land only 5 5 REPRODUCTION NUMBER CONDITION CLASS # OF STEMS 5.200 5.300 5.100 5.110 5.120 5.140 5.200 5.300 XXX X XX X XXX XXX XXX X XX DBH (SEEDS) SUBPLOT NUMBER 5.140 XXX SPECIES # OF STEMS 5.120 XXX Seedlings ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME Dwarf shrubs ME ME ME ME Vines Shrubs STOCKING PLOT WORKSHEET FOREST TYPE ________________________________ CUMULATIVE TOTAL XXX STOCKING VALUE X SEEDLING COUNT LARGEST DBH IN CONDITION _________________ TEMPORARY SUBPLOT # ME DBH (TREE AND SAPLING) 001 SPECIES DBH (SEEDS) 5.110 X SPECIES 5.100 SUBPLOT NUMBER CONDITION CLASS REPRODUCTION DATA (cont.) REPRODUCTION NUMBER REPRODUCTION DATA XXX XX XXX XXX REV. 1/2001 294 USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTOY AND ANALYSIS MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 3.130 3.140 X X X XX 6.207 6.210 6.220 6.230 6.2406.250 6.260 X XX X XX X X XX 6.270 6.271 6.272 6.273 6.274 6.275 6.276 6.290 6.300 XX X XX X X XX X X X 6.305 XXXX 6.310 6.320 X X 6.330 6.340 6.350 XXX XX XXX NOTES DECAY CLASS UTILIZATION CLASS MORTALITY YEAR TREE CLASS MERCH CLASS DAMAGE TYPE 2 DAMAGE SEVERITY 2 DAMAGE TYPE 1 DAMAGE LOCATION 2 DAMAGE SEVERITY 1 CAUSE OF DEATH DAMAGE LOCATION 1 XXX CROWN CLASS 6.206 XXX COMPACT. CROWN RATIO 6.205 XX BOLE LENGTH 6.200 PREV DBH X PREV TREE/MERCH CLASS X ACTUAL LENGTH 6.155 6.160 6.170 6.175 6.180 6.190 TOTAL LENGTH TREE GRADE XXX SAWLOG LENGTH 6.150 XX LEAN ANGLE 6.140 XXX TREE CONDITION DBH 6.130 XXX COND. CLASS NUMBER AZIMUTH TREE HISTORY 6.120 XXX DIAMETER CHECK HORIZ DISTANCE 6.110 XXX SPECIES 6.105 X TREE NUMBER ME MAINE only TREE LEVEL DATA 6.100 SUBPLOT NUMBER D Dead trees R Rem. live trees X CUBIC FOOT CULL XXXX 55 5 55 % SOUNDNESS (CUFT) XXX BOARD FOOT CULL 3.120 X = Rem. live/dead trees S Sawlogs % SOUNDNESS (BDFT) XX New trees LENGTH METHOD 3.100 3.110 PAGE 7 5 All plots / trees Live saplings 1.0-in to <5.0-in DBH 5 ME Live trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5 S S Dead trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5 S S S S Snags >= 5.0-in DBH 5 Remeasure trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5= = = 5= = = 5= = = 5= = = 5= = = 5= = = 5= = = = = = = = = = 5= = = = 5= = = = 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ===== S ===== S = =====S = = ====S = ====S S ==== ==== S ====S S S = = == = = == = ====S = ====S S S = = == S = = == S S S S == R R S S == R R R R R R R R R R R R R R == == S == R R D R R R R R R == D S S == R R S S ==R R D R R R R R R == D S == R R S == R R R R R R R R == R R R R R R == D R R R R R R == D = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = REV. 1/2001 295 USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTOY AND ANALYSIS MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 3.130 3.140 X 5= = = = 5= = = = 5= = = = 40 41 42 43 44 = ====S = = = ====S = == == S = = S = = XX X == S == S == S == S S S == S = = == S S == S = = == S S == R S = = == S S == S S == R XX XX 6.271 6.272 6.273 6.274 6.275 X XX X X XX 6.276 6.290 6.300 X R D R R RR R R S == R R S == D R R RR R R D D D D R D R R RR R R D D X X 6.305 6.310 6.320 6.330 6.340 6.350 XXXX X X XXX XX XXX == == == == D D == D == D == D == D = D D D D D S = = == S S == D D 50 53 54 ===== = = == NOTES 6.270 X TREE CLASS 6.240 6.250 6.260 PREV TREE/MERCH CLASS X PREV DBH 6.220 6.230 DECAY CLASS XX UTILIZATION CLASS X MORTALITY YEAR 6.207 6.210 MERCH CLASS = = = = = XXX DAMAGE TYPE 2 = = = = = 6.206 XXX DAMAGE SEVERITY 2 = = = = = 32 33 34 = ====S = = = ====S = 6.205 XX DAMAGE TYPE 1 5= 5= 5= 5= 5= 30 31 6.200 DAMAGE LOCATION 2 = = = = = 25 = ====S = ====S = ====S = ====S XX DAMAGE SEVERITY 1 = = = = = 24 X CAUSE OF DEATH = = = = = 23 X DAMAGE LOCATION 1 5= 5= 5= 5= 5= 22 X CROWN CLASS = = = = X COMPACT. CROWN RATIO = = = = X CUBIC FOOT CULL = = = = 6.155 6.160 6.170 6.175 6.180 6.190 % SOUNDNESS (CUFT) 5= 5= 5= 5= XXX BOARD FOOT CULL 6.150 XX % SOUNDNESS (BDFT) 6.140 XXX ACTUAL LENGTH 6.130 XXX LENGTH METHOD 6.120 XXX BOLE LENGTH DBH 6.110 XXX TOTAL LENGTH AZIMUTH TREE HISTORY 6.105 X DIAMETER CHECK SPECIES HORIZ DISTANCE 6.100 SUBPLOT NUMBER TREE NUMBER TREE LEVEL DATA TREE GRADE XXXX 55 5 55 SAWLOG LENGTH XXX LEAN ANGLE 3.120 X TREE CONDITION XX COND. CLASS NUMBER 3.100 3.110 PAGE 7 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = REV. 1/2001 297 X X X X XX 6.207 6.210 6.220 6.230 6.240 6.250 6.260 X XX X XX X X XX 6.270 6.271 6.272 6.273 6.274 6.275 6.276 6.290 6.300 XX X XX X X XX X X X 6.305 XXXX 6.310 6.320 X X 6.330 6.340 6.350 XXX XX XXX NOTES DECAY CLASS UTILIZATION CLASS MORTALITY YEAR TREE CLASS MERCH CLASS DAMAGE TYPE 2 DAMAGE SEVERITY 2 DAMAGE TYPE 1 DAMAGE LOCATION 2 DAMAGE SEVERITY 1 CAUSE OF DEATH DAMAGE LOCATION 1 XXX CROWN CLASS 6.206 XXX COMPACT. CROWN RATIO 6.205 XX CUBIC FOOT CULL 6.200 PREV TREE/MERCH CLASS X PREV DBH 6.155 6.160 6.170 6.175 6.180 6.190 % SOUNDNESS (CUFT) XXX BOARD FOOT CULL 6.150 XX % SOUNDNESS (BDFT) 6.140 XXX ACTUAL LENGTH 6.130 XXX LENGTH METHOD 6.120 XXX DBH AZIMUTH TREE HISTORY 6.110 XXX SPECIES 6.105 X TREE NUMBER 6.100 SUBPLOT NUMBER HORIZ DISTANCE TREE LEVEL DATA BOLE LENGTH X TOTAL LENGTH XXXX TREE GRADE 3.130 3.140 SAWLOG LENGTH XXX LEAN ANGLE 3.120 X TREE CONDITION XX COND. CLASS NUMBER 3.100 3.110 55 5 55 PAGE 7 Ohio Tally Variables for the Partial 10-Pt Remeasurement 5All plots / trees = All live/dead trees on "Prism" Points 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 DIAMETER CHECK USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTOY AND ANALYSIS MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 Trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5= = 5= = 5= = 5= = 5= = 5= = 5= = 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 = = = = = = == = = = = == == = = = = = = = = = = = = Reconcile All Survivors on Points 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 == == = = = = * = = = = Trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5= 5= 5= 5= 5= 5= = = = = = = 20 21 22 23 24 25 * Tally Ingrowth on the 6.8' Microplot located at PC for Points 6, 7, 8 & 9 == == == == == == = = = = = = * * Use these tree histories with caution REV. 1/2001 298 X X X X XX 6.207 6.210 6.220 6.230 6.240 6.250 6.260 X XX X XX X X XX 6.270 6.271 6.272 6.273 6.274 6.275 6.276 6.290 6.300 XX X XX X X XX X X X 6.305 XXXX 6.310 6.320 X X 6.330 6.340 6.350 XXX XX XXX = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = NOTES DECAY CLASS UTILIZATION CLASS MORTALITY YEAR TREE CLASS MERCH CLASS DAMAGE TYPE 2 DAMAGE SEVERITY 2 DAMAGE TYPE 1 DAMAGE LOCATION 2 DAMAGE SEVERITY 1 CAUSE OF DEATH XXX DAMAGE LOCATION 1 6.206 XXX CROWN CLASS 6.205 XX COMPACT. CROWN RATIO 6.200 PREV TREE/MERCH CLASS X PREV DBH 6.155 6.160 6.170 6.175 6.180 6.190 CUBIC FOOT CULL XXX % SOUNDNESS (CUFT) 6.150 XX BOARD FOOT CULL 6.140 XXX % SOUNDNESS (BDFT) 6.130 XXX ACTUAL LENGTH DBH 6.120 XXX DIAMETER CHECK AZIMUTH TREE HISTORY 6.110 XXX SPECIES 6.105 X TREE NUMBER 6.100 SUBPLOT NUMBER HORIZ DISTANCE TREE LEVEL DATA LENGTH METHOD X BOLE LENGTH XXXX 55 5 55 TOTAL LENGTH 3.130 3.140 TREE GRADE XXX SAWLOG LENGTH 3.120 X LEAN ANGLE XX TREE CONDITION 3.100 3.110 PAGE 7 Ohio Tally Variables for the Partial 10-Pt Remeasurement on Prism Points 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 COND. CLASS NUMBER USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN RESEARCH STATION FOREST INVENTOY AND ANALYSIS MANUAL VERSION 1.4 AND 1.5 Trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5= 5= 5= 5= 5= = = = = = 40 = = 41 = 42 = 43 = = 44 = = = = = = 30 31 32 33 34 Reconcile All Removals on Points 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 == == Trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5= = 5= = 5= = 5= = 5= = = = = = = Reconcile All Mortality on Points 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 == == = Trees >= 5.0-in DBH 5= = = = 5= = = = 5= = = = 50 53 54 = = Reconcile All Other Trees on Points 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 = = = = = = = * REV. 1/2001 299 A11 – Tally Sheet Guide Northeast Field Guide, Version 1.5 January 2001 300