Inventory Processor and Forest Growth and Management Model: An Introductory Guide Dr. Thomas B. Brann Dr. Dale S. Solomon FlexFIBER Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station University of Maine Miscellaneous Publication 749 May 2001 1 THE AUTHORS Dr. Dale S. Solomon, is the Director of the Forest Management Research Cooperative in the Department of Forest Management at the University of Maine, Orono, and the project leader of Research Work Unit 4104, Methods for Measurement, Analysis, and Modeling of Forest Growth and Structure with the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Durham, New Hampshire. Dr. Thomas B. Brann, is the Associate Director of the Forest Management Research Cooperative in the Department of Forest Management at the University of Maine, Orono, and Professor of Forestry, Biometrics, in the Department of Forest Management at the University of Maine, Orono. The computer program described in this publication is available on request with the understanding that neither the University of Maine nor the U.S. Department of Agriculture can assure its accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability for any other purpose than that reported. The recipient may not assert any proprietary rights thereto nor represent it to anyone as other than a Forest Management Research Cooperative produced computer program. 2 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION TO FLEXINV.................................................................................................................... 4 2 INTRODUCTION TO FIBER ......................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Source of Data............................................................................................................................................ 7 Ecological Land Classification .................................................................................................................. 7 Model Definition/Equation Development.................................................................................................. 9 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 12 3.1 4 Install........................................................................................................................................................ 12 FILE STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Organizational and Control Folders......................................................................................................... 14 FlexInv ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 Inventory Data ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Flex Output .............................................................................................................................................. 18 FIBER ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Stand Data Files ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Management............................................................................................................................................. 23 FIBER Output .......................................................................................................................................... 24 5 GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................................................... 26 6 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................... 71 7 LITERATURE CITED................................................................................................................................... 71 8 APPENDIX A—INPUT VARIABLES ......................................................................................................... 73 9 APPENDIX B—SAMPLE FIX AREA PLOTS ............................................................................................ 74 10 APPENDIX C—SAMPLE POINT SAMPLE ............................................................................................ 78 11 APPENDIX D—SAMPLE DOUBLE SAMPLING................................................................................... 79 3 ABSTRACT The model FlexFIBER is divided into two principal components: FlexInv, an inventory processor, and FIBER, a forest growth model. The capabilities of FlexInv and FIBER are explained followed by installation instructions and file structure information common to both programs. The procedures necessary to enter forest inventory data, process it, create reports, project growth, and evaluate alternative management scenarios are presented. 1 INTRODUCTION TO FLEXINV Resource managers have expanded the scope of forest ecosystem structure to include the relationships of many different forest habitat components. Managers are required to provide accurate estimates of present forest growing stock and predictions of future yields for a variety of management practices. To project these changes in growth, a flexible inventory tool is needed to assist in estimating the current growing stock and a reliable tree growth model is needed to capture interactions and predict yields for changing conditions. FlexInv is forest measurement and inventory tool for processing basic and common inventory designs and for linking output to FIBER, a Forest Increment model Based on Ecological Rationale for forest types in New England (Solomon et al. 1986, 1995). The forest inventory designs available represent a wide range of sample unit configurations and data collection techniques. Possible sample units include total enumeration, fixed length strips, variable length strips, circular plots, square plots, rectangular plots, horizontal point samples, and horizontal line samples. At present the list is not intended to be exhaustive; future releases will include additional sampling methods. However, FlexInv currently supports inventory designs that include total enumeration, random, systematic, systematic clusters at random points, and double sampling with regression in a point sampling context (Shiver and Borders 1996). Estimates of individual tree parameters are derived assuming a random two-stage sample with individual trees forming the second stage within sample units. Stands may be combined and weighted by area to produce stratified estimates of parameters of the combined totals. Future releases will support complimentary sampling, sampling with partial replacement, repeated measurement of permanent sample units, the construction of taper functions based on upper stem diameter measurements, and stand table projection. The field data required for FlexInv to generate stand tables and basal area stocking tables are individual tree diameters for area-based sample units, or stem counts for point samples. Stock tables may be generated if tree heights are measured and added to the field data. Expanded sets of tree and stand parameters may be added to reports when the appropriate field data are collected. Volume calculations in FlexInv are based on taper functions (Honer 1965, 1965b, 1964) and on standard volume equations (Scott 1981, 1979; Wiant 1978). These equations require an estimate of either total stem length, or merchantable stem length with a user specified merchantable top diameter. A mixture of total tree height and merchantable tree height on the same or different trees can assist the user in satisfying these requirements. Height may be measured directly in the field on all trees, on a sub-sample of trees from the inventory, a sub-sample of trees not in the inventory, or derived from dbh when an equation form and coefficients are provided. When no height information is provided, default equations are utilized. Supported tree height measurement techniques include direct estimation, altimeters, reference pole hypsometers, and Merritt hypsometers (Avery and Burkhart 1994; Husch et al. 1971; Bruce and Schumacher 1942). FlexInv recognizes up to 40 diameter classes measured at either 4.5 feet or 1.3 meters, and using taper functions, can predict one from the other. Diameters may be in English, metric, or other measurement units. The first diameter class may be centered about any point as a positive number. The last class will be centered up to 39-width multiples away. Tallied stems less than the lower limit of the first diameter class may be ignored or included in the first class. Trees tallied that are greater than the last class may be ignored or summed into the last class defined. Field variables may be reported as an average per tree, per unit area, per stand, per square foot of tree basal area, per square foot of total stand basal area, or on a percentage of total basis. The more common variables include radial increment, time to produce a radial increment, crown point, live crown ratio, crown width, stump height, merchantable diameter, merchantable length, top length, tree grade, tree condition, XYZ position of the tree, sawlog length, pulpwood length, percentage of the stem in cull, percentage of the sawlog portion of the stem in cull, and percentage of pulpwood cull (see Appendix A). 4 Data is read from ASCII formatted text files and output is generated to ASCII formatted files. Output files with a .txt extension are fully formatted tables for printing on an ASCII text printer and can be edited with common word-processing programs. The user selects a report format and loads the columns for the report through the selection of a volume measure, such as cubic feet, cords, International ¼ board feet, Doyle board feet, and/or Scribner board feet. Other variables include, product length, board feet per cubic foot, value, average diameter inside bark (dib), and total tree value. Confidence intervals on selected variable totals are calculated at the 95%, 90%, 85%, 80%, and 75% levels. Summary statistics also include means, coefficients of variation, sample standard deviations, standard errors, correlation coefficients, linear slopes, and function ‘Y’ intercepts when applicable. FlexInv automatically creates and constructs files for FIBER. We recommend the use of FlexInv to generate tree lists for FIBER and to regulate data details to be used in FIBER. FlexInv is an efficient place to manage those details such as species names, growth characteristics, or dbh-to-height functions. 2 INTRODUCTION TO FIBER The original forest growth model, FIBER, was developed to predict the growth interactions among species within the spruce-fir, northern hardwood, and mixed hardwood-softwood stands in the Northeastern United States (Solomon et al. 1986). The prototype model, FIBER 2.0, was modified and expanded to include a broader geographical area (Solomon et al. 1986b). Updated in 1995, FIBER 3.0, Forest Increment Based on Ecological Rational, connected the model’s growth characteristics with the inclusion of six different ecological land classifications or habitats (Solomon et al. 1995). FIBER 4.5, enhances the capabilities of FIBER 3.0, by allowing forest managers to aggregate, disaggregate, project, and manage individual forest inventory sample units. Other techniques allow for selecting ecological habitat from standing inventory, the use of proportional stocking guides for mixed hardwood-softwood stands, improved treatment options, and an expanded list of output options, such as the generation of Stand Visualization System (SVS) (McGaughey 1997) data files. Linkages with the forest inventory processing program, FlexInv, can be used to aid managers in the development of the input files, such as tree lists and local volume tables, used by FIBER. These additions improve the ability of forest managers to simulate a range of growth and development conditions for forested areas from those with no management to those receiving a complete range of management options from clearcutting through partial harvest. FIBER is a two-stage matrix model that provides the predictive power of an individual tree model using measured stand attributes. FIBER’s internal structure is based on a set of regression equations that predict the probability of growth and mortality for each tree species in each diameter class as a function of species, size, stand density, stand composition, elevation, and ecological habitat classification. These predicted probabilities project the distribution of stand diameters over a five-year increment. Local volume tables developed from height information supplied by the user through linkages with Flex are used to determine standing volume, allowing for site specific model predictions of both acceptable and unacceptable growing stock. Growth, mortality, and ingrowth coefficients for the following checklist of species names and symbols are contained in the model (Little 1979). However, FlexFIBER can simulate the growth of up to 350+ species with the grows like function accessed through mapped-linkages with FlexInv. This function allows managers to assign species, other than those explicitly modeled in FIBER, to grow as if it were one of the 17 basic species used to construct the FIBER model. FIBER 3.0 used in FlexFIBER has been modified to maintain the original identity of a grows like species until harvest or mortality using grows like growth coefficients. Ingrowth can be generated only for species that were represented in the original FIBER data set. Ingrowth for species that were not part of the original FIBER data set will accumulate in the grows like species at the 5-inch dbh class. 5 Table 1. FIBER base species. Common Name Scientific Name FIBER Symbol Balsam fir Red spruce Black spruce White spruce Eastern hemlock Northern white-cedar Sugar maple Red maple Yellow birch Paper birch American beech White ash Aspen Northern red oak Tamarack White pine Gray birch Abies balsamea Picea rubens Picea mariana Picea glauca Tsuga canadensis Thuja occidentalis Acer saccharum Acer rubrum Betula alleghaniensis Betula papyrifera Fagus grandifolia Fraxinus americana Populus tremuloides Quercus rubra Larix laricina Pinus strobus Betula populifolia BF RS BS WS HE CE SM RM YB PB BE WA AS RO TA WP GB The amount of ingrowth for each species in FIBER is a function of initial basal area, residual basal area, percentage of hardwood, percentage of the overstory stand composition of the ingrowth species, elevation, and habitat type. FIBER allows forest managers the options to interactively include ingrowth for each species at each iteration, not allow any ingrowth, ingrow only those species currently found on the sample unit or that are found in the stand (all sample units), or ingrow all 17 base species. In addition the user can exclude ingrowth of selected species for a specified period as a function of management. For each species, the growth and ingrowth rate were developed by ecological land classification or habitat. An ecological habitat is defined by landform, soils, and typical successional patterns (Leak 1982). Each of the six different ecological habitats used in FIBER exhibit characteristic successional patterns, indicative of the competitive interaction among species for the limited resources available on each site. Each ecological habitat is considered based on an average site productivity. However, the user may increase or decrease productivity level by up to 10%, allowing FIBER to more accurately model the productive capacity of individual sites. FIBER will assign an ecological habitat using the composition of overstory (tree greater than 5 inches dbh) to be simulated or the user may choose to assign the ecological habitat. Additional information can assist in assignment of ecological habitat for any given site or group of sites. For example, FIBER provides an additional algorithm which uses the current overstory and understory species composition, past forest cover type, and soil moisture characteristics to assign an ecological habitat on a sample-unit-by-sample-unit basis. The species composition of the different ecological habitats used in the construction of the model ranged from complete softwood stands to complete northern hardwood stands. Softwood stands were defined as those with at least 65% of their basal area in softwood species, hardwood stands had at most 25% of their basal area in softwood species, and mixedwood stands had 25% to 65% of their basal area in softwood species. Stands used in model development were both managed and unmanaged. Managed stands resulted from harvesting practices that covered a broad range of densities from clearcut to fully stocked. Unmanaged stands were natural stands that had developed with minimal management influences. As a result of the wide range in density, structure, and management practices represented in the original data set, FIBER can be user for both even-age and multi-age management regimes. FIBER allows resource managers to predict forest growth and yield, over a specified time interval, for individual stands or large forested areas receiving similar management practices. FIBER projections are based on inventory data. 6 The identity of each sample unit is maintained throughout the projection allowing the simulation results to better approximate the variability within a stand or forested area. The user may specify the role of individual sample units in the projection. Sample units may be added to, or removed from, the projection at a user-specified time. This models the movement of land into and out of the forested landbase. Sample units may be retained in the projection as non-productive land. This feature may be used to model the creation of woodyards or roads. These options add ability of forest managers to examine not only the impact of various silivicultural treatments, but also to model changes in the forested landbase. Sample units representing of a range in species compositions and/or ecological land classifications can be managed within the model on the basis of a time interval, a specified basal area, trees per acre, cubic foot volume, board foot volume, quadratic mean stand diameter, or percentage of the A-line, B-line, or C-line from standard stocking charts (Solomon et al. 1995). Forest managers may set a desired level of residual basal area, tree per acre, cubic foot volume, board foot volume, quadratic mean stand diameter, and percentage of A-line, B-line, or C-line. In addition to describing residual levels, forest managers may also choose to describe the minimum or maximum amount of basal area, trees per acre, cubic foot volume, and board foot volume to be removed by species or species group. Harvest practices used in the program include thinning from above, thinning from below, thinning uniformly, and residual condition by species, species group, tree quality, and/or diameter range. Tree quality is described in terms of acceptable growing stock (AGS potentially can be or currently is sawlog quality) and unacceptable growing stock (UGS does not have potential to be or currently is not sawlog quality). Thinning from above is defined as the removal of species starting with the largest diameter trees within a diameter range, while thinning from below begins by removing the smallest diameter trees. Uniform thinning removes species equally from all diameter classes within the range specified. Managers may also describe leave trees within a diameter range in which trees are not to be removed. Leave trees may be from above, below, or uniformly as described above. All treatment options allow managers to assign a sequence to each treatment and minimum or maximum amount of basal area to be removed or retained. These options allow modelers a range of harvesting practices. By linking harvesting practices together, FIBER expands modeling capabilities for complex management regimes including three stage shelterwoods both with and without retention. FIBER provides preformatted output tables for use by standard spreadsheet and text-editing programs. Output options include current stocking in terms of basal area, live trees, quadratic mean stand diameter, volume, and value by species group (hardwood or softwood), type (living, ingrowth, and mortality), and quality (total, merchantable, sawlog, and pulpwood). Financial values may be discounted in FIBER; however, product specifications and price appreciation rates are maintained through linkages with Flex. In addition to the above information, which is common to all reports, text reports give a sample-unit-by-sample-unit account of treatment implementation. FIBER also has the ability to explore potential visual impacts through linkages with a Stand Visualization System. 2.1 Source of Data Nearly 4,000 independent growth plots from northern Maine, New Hampshire, northern New York, Vermont, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were included in the development of FIBER. Plots were measured between 1959 and 1974 at five-year intervals; the data sets covered a wide range of species composition, sites, management options, and densities. Two data sources included in the development of FIBER were intensively managed (Solomon 1977; Frank and Blum 1978). 2.2 Ecological Land Classification In the Northeast, softwood stands often are found on poorer sites, and northern hardwood stands on better sites, with a mixture of both species groups on intermediate sites. The soils on sites used to develop FIBER ranged from poorly to well drained. Instead of using site index, data were separated into ecological land classifications or habitat that ranged from poor wet black spruce stands to the well drained, pure northern hardwood stands. An expression of site index was not included as a variable in the development of FIBER. However, as described later, the user can specify a known site index (productivity) and the growth rate of the stand will be increased or decreased in relation to the base average site index. Ecological habitats are land units defined by landform, soils, and typical climax tree species (Leak 1982). These units exhibit a characteristic successional pattern, indicative of the tree species that will most likely regenerate and compete on a given ecological unit. The relationship between tree species and soil/landform conditions vary with climate and bedrock geology. Heavy disturbance, such as agricultural use and fire, may change the successional stage, but not the characteristic successional sequence. In developing FIBER, the basic remeasurement plot data were classified into habitat based on the 7 maximum basal area of the species composition at the beginning of any single remeasurement period. Growth and ingrowth rates are implemented in the model by habitat. The six habitats are 1. Sugar maple-ash. This habitat includes sites supporting typical northern hardwood, beech-birch-maple, as well as richer sites supporting white ash and high proportions of sugar maple. The soils vary from deep, well drained fine tills to moderately well drained soils and enriched sites. Fine tills are typical till deposits without any evidence of working by water. All particle sizes are present; many surface rocks and irregular topography are characteristic. Textures are sandy loam or finer, sometimes with a silty feeling. Enriched sites usually occur as coves or are benched within areas of tills or occasionally compact tills. The distinguishing feature is organic matter or organic-coated fine material incorporated into the mineral horizon. Sugar maple-ash sites have very good growth rates for both softwoods and hardwoods; however, softwoods are uncommon due to hardwood competition. These sites are well suited to hardwood sawlog and veneer production. On the basis of species composition, FIBER identifies this habitat as a hardwood type (less than 25% softwood species), supporting more sugar maple than red maple, and with at least 10% of the species composition in sugar maple and white ash. 2. Beech-red maple. Also a hardwood type, this habitat occurs on well drained tills that are sandier and rockier than sugar maple-ash habitat. The species composition tends towards beech, red maple, and birches with small amounts of sugar maple and very little ash. Softwoods, usually hemlocks, are more common here than on sugar maple ash sites. These sites are generally coarse or washed fine tills. Coarse tills were heavily rinsed as they were deposited, removing much of the fine material. The substrate is a loose sand/gravel or loam sand/gravel. These tills resemble gravely outwash, except that they have a broader gradation in particle sizes and some evidence of silt caps. Washed fine tills are unsorted glacial drift, which may or may not have been water worked. These tills are loosely deposited, usually contain levels or small blocks of stratified material and have few surface rocks on rolling topography. The washed fine till exhibits prominent silt caps. Beech-red maple sites have good growth rates for softwood and hardwood species. However, softwood may be difficult to establish due to hardwood competition. Hardwood competition on beech-red maple sites is lower than on sugar maple-ash sites and as such, softwoods may establish themselves. FIBER identifies this habitat as a hardwood type when the criteria for sugar maple-ash or oak-white pine are not satisfied. 3. Oak-white pine. This habitat typically includes areas of sandy outwash, soils shallow to bedrock, or very sandy tills supporting eastern white pine and northern red oak. Sandy outwashes are generally sands and gravel that have been stratified, at least to some extent, and deposited by moving water. Stones are generally clean without silt caps. Outwash areas are flat to gently rolling, free of surface rocks, and associated with streams or old drainage ways. Shallow bedrock sites generally contain bedrock, angular boulders, or nearly pure weathered granite found as deep as 2 feet below the surface of the mineral soil. These areas were plucked and scoured by glaciers and may be on steep or moderate slopes. Ledges and rectangular boulders are often evident. Shallow bedrock sites that should be classified as an oak-white pine habitat are generally on a southern exposure. Oak-white pine habitats have slow to medium growth rates for softwood and hardwoods, with white pine being the most productive species. Softwoods are more productive than hardwoods on these sites. However, past agricultural disturbance may result in an oak-white pine community on better soils. Over time hemlock becomes the dominant species. 4. Hemlock-red spruce. This habitat is characterized by shallow, wet, dry, or rocky soils supporting a mixedwood or softwood cover type (more than 25% softwood) where hemlock and red spruce are more abundant than white pine, red spruce, white spruce, and fir combined, or cedar and black spruce combined. Hemlock-red spruce sites are generally silty or sandy sediments or dry or wet compact tills in the more southern and coastal areas covered by FIBER. Silty and sandy sediments are generally poorly graded sand and silt deposited by slack water. Soils tend to be loose and dry (sandy sediments) or moist and sticky (silty sediments), with a mostly rock free surface on flat or gently rolling topography. Wet compact tills are platy basal tills compacted by the glacier at the base of the B-horizon, and mottling or free water is very evident. These sites are generally flat or concave and gently sloping with boulders pressed into the surface. Dry compact tills are similar to wet compact tills except there is very little evidence of mottling or free water in the B-horizon; however, the C-horizon usually is wet. These sites are generally found on moderate upper slopes and knolls, usually above areas of wet compact tills. Softwoods are the most productive and usually the most abundant on Hemlock-red spruce habitat, although hardwoods (red maple, paper birch, and yellow birch) are common in successional stands. 8 5. Spruce-fir. Shallow, wet, dry, or rocky soils typify this habitat. This habitat is identified in FIBER as a mixedwood or softwood type where red spruce, white spruce, and balsam fir combined are the predominant softwood species as compared to white pine, cedar, and black spruce combined, or hemlock and red spruce combined. Spruce-fir sites are generally silty/sandy sediments or dry/wet compact tills in the more northern locations covered by FIBER and shallow bedrock, outwash, and poorly drained sites throughout FIBER’s range. Silty/sandy sediments and dry/wet compact tills are described under the hemlock-red spruce habitat. These sites should be deemed spruce-fir habitat in areas outside the range of hemlock. Shallow bedrock and outwash sites are described under the oak-white pine habitat. These sites should be deemed spruce-fir habitat were white pine and oak are not commonly found. Poorly drained sites are generally flat areas with heavy mottling and gray mineral soils throughout the B-horizon. The substrate may be difficult to classify due to standing water, or shallow water table during much of the year. Poorly drained sites found in the more northern locations covered by FIBER may be better classified as cedar-black spruce. Spruce-fir habitats have slightly lower growth rates than hemlock-red spruce for softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods are the most productive on these sites. 6. Cedar-black spruce. These are generally poorly drained areas in northern New England where cedar, black spruce, and tamarack are the predominant softwood species in mixedwood or softwood types. The basal area of these species is more than the basal area of white pine, hemlock, and red spruce combined, or red spruce, white spruce, and balsam fir combined. Poorly drained sites are described under the Spruce-fir habitat and should only be classified as cedar-black spruce in the more northerly locations covered by FIBER. This habitat has the slowest growth rate of all of the FIBER habitats. Softwoods are more productive than hardwoods. However, even softwood productivity is limited by excess water and poor drainage. 2.3 Model Definition/Equation Development FIBER is a two-stage matrix model. Stage one of the matrix is a set of linear regression equations that predicts the transition probabilities for growth and mortality of each tree species as a function of stand density, tree size, proportion of hardwood, and elevation for each habitat classification. These predicted probabilities are the elements of stand projection matrices that are used to project the distribution of stand diameters over a five-year period in the second stage of the model (Solomon et al. 1986). 2.3.1 Equation development For each species, a matrix Ut of predicted transition probabilities is applied to a stand table vector Yt, which contains the number of live trees at time t of that species in each dbh class. By adding the ingrowth to this growth matrix, these two operations generate the stand table vector after five years of growth for each species: (1) Y t+5 = U t (Yi –Ht) + Ij 0 0 a 5t 0 b5t a 6 t 0 0 c 5t b 6t a 7 t 0 0 c 6 t b 7 t a8t whereUt = ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 0 ... ... 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 ... 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... cn − 2, t bn − 1, t 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; It = . ... ... . . ... ant 0 With… ajt = the probability that a tree survives and remains in the diameter class j during the time interval from t to t+5; 9 bjt = the probability that a tree beginning in diameter class j at time t survives and progresses to diameter class j+1 at time t+5; cjt = the probability that a tree beginning in diameter class j at time t survives and progresses to diameter class j+2 at time t+5; Ht = the vector of the number of live trees harvested from each diameter class at time t; It = ingrowth in number of trees per acre into the 5-inch class during the time interval from t to t+5. The number of mortality trees, though not explicitly calculated in the growth equation (1), may be calculated according to the following vector equation: (2) Z t+5 = mt • (Yt – Ht). In equation (2), mt =[ m5t, m6t, …., mnt]’ is the vector of mortality probabilities by diameter class, and the matrix operator (•) denotes Hadamard or the element-by-element matrix product. Therefore, the number of trees that died in the 5-inch diameter class over the growth period would be computed as Z 5,t+5 = m5t (Y 5t – H 5t). Other diameter classes are similarly computed. 2.3.2 Growth equations The data sets described earlier were combined. Tree diameters were measured at 4.5 ft and placed in 1-inch classes that ranged from 5 to 32 inches. In subsequent inventories, each tree on the plot was categorized as ingrowth, survivor, or mortality. Because the growth response of forest stands may vary by magnitude of change in density (Solomon 1977; Solomon and Frank, 1983), the plots were categorized by both initial basal area (IBAt) prior to the inventory at time t, and the residual basal area (RBAt) after inventory at time t. If there was no harvest at time t, the IBAt and RBAt were the same. Based on IBAt, the plot data were grouped by basal area into 20 ft2/acre intervals starting at 10 ft2. Plots with less than 10 ft2 were grouped into 5 ft2/acre intervals. The range from 5 to 220 ft2/acre of basal area categories for these data sets was sufficient to provide growth response information for the general management alternatives. The plots grouped in each specific IBA-RBA category were considered to have the same growth rate. Plots with RBAt = 0 for any growth period were not used in the data sets for model construction. Elevation was grouped in 400-ft intervals starting at 200 ft up to a maximum of 3,400 ft. A method of computing regression coefficients for categorical data developed by Grizzel et al. (1969) was employed using the CATMOD procedure in SAS (SAS Institute Inc. 1989). Let ukjt denote a component of the growth matrix Ut; that is, u1jt = ajt,u2jt = bjt, u3jt = mjt where mjt is implicitly calculated in Ut. Thus, ukjt for each diameter class j by species is assumed to have a multinomial distribution, and is modeled by the linear function of the form: β k , 0 + β k ,1 ∗ D j + β k , 2 ∗ D 2j + β k,3 * IBAt + β k , 4 ∗ RBAt + β k ,5 * RBAt2 + β k ,6 ∗ Pt + β k , 6 * Et + β k ,8 ∗ X 1 + β ∗ X 1 ∗ D j + β k ,10 * X 2 ∗ E j + β k11 ∗ X 2 + β k ,12 ∗ X 2 ∗ D j + β k ,13 ∗ X 2 ∗ Et + β k ,14 ∗ X 3 + β k ,15 k ,9 ukjt = ∗ X 3 ∗ D j + β k ,16 ∗ X 3 ∗ Et + β k ,17 ∗ X 4 + β k ,18 ∗ X 4 ∗ D j + β k ,19 ∗ X 4 ∗ Et + β k , 20 ∗ X 5 + β k , 21 ∗ X 5 ∗ D j + β k , 22 ∗ X 5 ∗ Et (3) where Dj = midpoint of diameter class j (inches), IBAt = initial stand basal area before harvest at time t (ft2/acre), RBAt = residual stand basal area after harvest at time t (ft2/acre), Pt = proportion of hardwood in a stand based on IBAt at time t, 10 Et = elevation of the plot in feet, βk = regression coefficients to be estimated and x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 = dummy variables for the six different habitats 2.3.3 Stocking charts In its A-line limits off (experimental) mode of operation, FIBER does not utilize the same maximum density limit. In its A-line limits on (original) mode FIBER contains a maximum density limit for each habitat based on the level of average maximum stocking (A-line). The A-line position is calculated by proportionally weighting the A-line position according to stocking charts for pure softwood and pure hardwood (Figures 1 and 2) and the proportion the stand currently occupied by each species group. When stands grow above the A-line, stand growth slows to a rate influenced by the degree of overstocking. Mortality increases as the basal area in these stands increases to a maximum value of 20 ft2 over the A-line and remains constant until the basal area of the stand is reduced below the A-line stocking. Then mortality is again predicted from the equations. Figure 1. Softwood stocking chart. Figure 2. Hardwood stocking chart. 2.3.4 Tree size by species In its default mode (diameter limits off), FIBER limits the maximum size of a tree to 32 inches for all species. When tree diameter limits by site and species are turned on, FIBER contains species and habitat specific limits on maximum tree size to prevent trees from growing too big. Maximum tree diameters (Table 2) for each species/habitat combination were defined using maximum diameters observed in the database, and personal experience from numerous old-growth research plots. Whenever diameter limits are enabled in FIBER 4.5, a habitat-specific controlling diameter (Table 3) defines the dbh at which large trees begin senescence. Diameter classes are allocated to a linear-increase mortality rate between the controlling diameter and the specified maximum diameter. Table 2. Maximum diameter by species and habitat. Habitat BF RS BS WS HE BE-RM CE-BS HE-RS WP-RO SM-WA SP-BF 18 18 18 18 18 20 22 24 24 24 20 30 10 18 10 10 10 15 15 25 20 15 18 30 20 25 32 32 20 30 CE 25 25 30 32 25 32 WP 25 25 30 32 25 32 TA 10 20 10 10 10 20 SM RM YB 30 23 29 15 32 32 25 20 28 20 25 25 32 25 30 17 32 32 PB 20 15 20 20 20 20 BE 28 15 25 17 28 25 WA 30 15 23 17 30 20 AS 20 25 18 20 20 25 RO 20 10 20 32 20 20 OH 15 20 20 24 20 24 11 Table 3. Diameters used to control growth reduction by species and habitat. Habitat BE-RM CE-BS HE-RS WP-RO SM-WA SP-BF 2.3.5 BF RS BS WS HE 10 10 10 10 10 15 17 19 19 19 15 25 5 13 5 5 5 10 10 20 15 10 13 25 20 20 27 27 15 25 CE 5 27 15 15 10 27 WP 25 20 25 27 20 27 TA 20 15 5 5 5 15 SM RM 25 18 24 10 27 27 20 15 23 15 20 20 YB 27 20 25 12 27 27 PB 12 7 12 12 12 12 BE 23 10 20 12 23 20 WA 25 10 18 12 25 15 AS 10 15 8 10 10 15 RO OH 15 5 15 26 15 15 8 12 12 16 12 16 Mortality Excessive mortality rates can occur for stands with compositions and structures that are outside the range of those observed in the FIBER database. If this occurs, the mortality rate is limited to a maximum of 15% for any given diameter class. If the stand has less than 80 ft2 of basal area, then maximum mortality is reduced from 10% at 80 ft2 to 2.5% at 20 ft2. Below 20 ft2, maximum mortality remains at 2.5%. 2.3.6 Site index To model differences in growth rate due to species composition on each habitat class, bjt and cjt were modified if the site potential differed from the value of the base site index. bjt* = bjt SI/x and cjt* = cjt SI/x where bjt* = b adjusted for site potential cjt* = c adjusted for site potential SI = site potential x = base site index for a representative species on each habitat Then a* = ajt (1.0 – mjt) / (ajt +bjt* +cjt*) bjt** = bjt (1.0-mjt) / (ajt + bjt* +cjt*) cjt** = cjt (1.0 –mjt) / (ajt + bjt* +cjt*) This procedure assures that ajt * , bjt **, and cjt** are all less than 1 and that ajt + bjt** +cjt**+ mjt =1. It also leaves mortality unaffected by site potential. 3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FlexFIBER will run under the following X86 operating systems Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT3.1, Windows NT4.0, and Win/2000. Attempt an install only on Win/95, Win/98, Win/Me, Win/NT 4, Win/2000. FlexFIBER also requires 32 Megabytes of temporary storage and 100 Megabytes of storage as operational management unit. 3.1 Install 1. Place the FMRC CD in your CD-drive. 2. Double click the Install Icon. End of installation. 3. Double click on the shortcut that you just created (FlexFIBER startup screen should appear), Figure 3. Included files: FlexFIBER.exe FlexFIBER9.0 program DivIndex.exe Diversity Index Program WinSVS.exe Stand Visualization Program 12 Tbl2svs.exe Viewpic.exe Wild1.mde Measurements.exe FlexINV.doc FlexVariablelist.doc Flexinv.ico Manual.doc Manual.pdf Commandoption.doc list.doc Sample Inventory Run.txt Speclist.txt Tblsvs.txt Utility.txt Winsvs.hlp Viewpic.hlp FlexFIBER to SVS program Image viewing program for SVS Wildlife Database Measurement unit conversion GUI Flex inventory manual Variable list that may be passed to FIBER FlexFIBER program ICON FlexFIBER 9 Manual FlexFIBER 9 Manual Command line option available in FlexFIBER FlexINV Variable Extract form FlexINV.doc Sample inventory & FIBER run. Species list, names for code FlexFIBER 9.0 Information about Tbl2svs program SVS utilities manual Online SVS help Online Viewpic help ************************************************************************ ** Resource Information Management & Spatial Analysis Laboratory ** ** and ** ** Forestry Alumni: Forest Management And Planing Laboratory ** ** -----------** ** Department of Forest Management University of Maine Orono, Me. ** ** -----------** ** Forest Inventory and Modeling Project ** ** -----------** ** By ** ** Dr. Thomas B. Brann ** ** ---** ** Dr. Dale S. Solomon ** ** -----------** ** For further information contact Dr. Thomas B. Brann ** ** University of Maine ** ** Orono, Maine, U.S.A. ** ** 04469-5755 ** ** (207) - 581 - 2836 (NO Voice Mail) ** ** E-Mail: ** ** E-Mail: ** ** FlexFIBER Version 9 Compile No: x Date: x/xx/xxxx COPYRIGHT ** ************************************************************************ Figure 3. FlexFIBER startup screen. A future version of FlexFIBER is being constructed and will use a mouse select Graphical User Interface (GUI). The file structure of FlexFIBER will be changed and additional features will include: a GIS interface, a plantation stand simulator, expanded tree products, products by weight, tree grade processing for both hardwood and softwood, graphic output without a spreadsheet, internal spreadsheet for data entry, improved plot description, and links to MeWildOne. Inquires can be made by any of the following methods: Email: US Mail: Dr. Thomas B. Brann, 250 Nutting Hall, University of Maine, Orono, Me. 04469-5755 Fax: Tom Brann, (207)-581-2875 13 4 FILE STRUCTURE Modern forest management requires the use of data in different forms to be made accessible to users with varying levels of experience and understanding. As an aid to effectively managing information, FlexFIBER uses a system designed to store, process, and summarize large amounts of forest inventory data in an efficient and flexible manner. The data management system used by FlexFIBER is expressed in its file structure where files are arranged as a hierarchical system of interrelated folders (Figure 4). Management units are the highest level of data management and are primarily used to represent an ownership, or geographic area. Below management units are compartments, which are subdivisions of management units and usually represent administrative districts or current conditions. Administrative districts (compartments) are often separated geographically, and therefore may have different topography, soils, and markets or even tree height. FlexFIBER stores information according to these differences in control files in the control folders (CTL, BIN, and HGT). These differences affect the volume and value of the trees contained in the numerous stands (stored in the STD folder) found with the compartment. These folders (management units, compartments, stands) are known as organization folders. Together they allow forest inventory data that is being analyzed under different management philosophies, conditions, or assumptions to be assemble, accessed, and synthesized in an efficient manner. Multiple stands may be stored within each compartment in the STD folder and each stand is represented in Flex by a forest inventory description file (HDR). This information is often reported as summary tables and stored as output files in several different folders (PRT, SVS, and DIV). FlexFIBER will create a subdirectory (FIB) that contains the data necessary for growth projection. For FIBER to project growth and yield, a one-acre tree list (TPA) and local volume tables are required. Stand growth can be predicted with and without management. FIBER defines management in terms of when should treatments take place (initiator), what is the stand condition goal (treatment), and how will this goal be achieved (cutting guide). Once the user has projected a stand, he/she may view numerous summary reports (General Report, STK, PAI, CPI, SVS, and DIV). 4.1 Organizational and Control Folders Three folders are used primarily to organize information and three other folders are used to control information. Management units, compartments, and stands are used to organize data according to certain properties such as ownership, geographic area, or current condition. Within any given ownership or geographic area there exists certain assumptions concerning tree characteristics and value. The user may define these criteria for each compartment or, in the case of height information, for each stand. FlexFIBER will store this information as files in the control folders (CTL, BIN, and HGT). The criteria defined by the user will be applied to all of the forest inventory data contained within the compartment. 4.1.1 Management unit Management units are the highest level of data organization (ownership) within the FlexFIBER system. The primary function of a management unit is to allow the user to assign the name and location of data (what filing cabinet is my data stored in?). When creating a management unit, the user is prompted to assign the full path to the unit (c:\B&B), its unique name (Bob and Bob Property), and an abbreviation (B&B). The name that the user assigns to the management unit will appear on all output reports generated within that unit. The user may create multiple management units. Consulting foresters may choose to have a management unit for each client. The location of each management unit is stored by FlexFIBER in the Manage.unt file, located in FlexFIBER’s home directory (Winsvs). Within each management unit the user may define multiple sub-divisions or compartments. 4.1.2 Compartments A compartment is the second level of data organization (administrative districts). Compartments are subdivisions of management units and are stored in a management unit folder (what drawer in a filing cabinet is my data stored in?). The user may choose to create as many as 200 different compartments (drawers) within a management unit (filing cabinet). Compartments may be used to represent certain geographic areas or administrative districts. It is at the compartment level that the user defines many of the criteria concerning species, products, and their associated financial values. This information is stored in the control (CTL) and binary (BIN) folders located within each compartment (folders in the filing cabinet drawers). 14 When defining a compartment, the user is prompted to give it a unique name (e.g., Bog Brook). Once the user has defined a compartment, FlexFIBER automatically creates two control folders (CTL and BIN) (see below). The CTL and BIN subfolders contain all the information required by Flex to process forest inventory data and produce output reports. These control folders (CTL and BIN) contain default values; however, the user may change these values using Flex. The STD folder is used to store the forest inventory data to be processed within a compartment using Flex. Legend Management Unit Folder Flow File Multiple Folders Multiple Files Compartment BIN 4.1.3 CTL 4.1.3 HGT 4.1.4 Output HDR 4.3.1 DATA 4.3.2 BIN 4.5.2 SDS 4.5.3 General Report 4.8.3 DIV 4.8.8 Initiator 4.7.1 Volume Tables 4.6.2 STPA 4.8.1 TRT 4.7.2 MTPA 4.8.2 TPA 4.6.1 STK 4.8.4 SVS 4.8.6 Image PRT 4.4.1 FIB 4.5.1 STD 4.1.5 Stocking PAI 4.8.5 Annual Growth SVS 4.4.2 Image Cutting 4.7.3 STPA 4.8.2 CPI 4.8.6 Period Growth Figure 4. FlexFIBER file structure and program flow. 15 4.1.3 Control (CTL) and binary (BIN) folders Control and binary folders are contained within a compartment folder, are created automatically, and are used by the program to calculate volume and value by species, including how and what the user desires to view for output. Each time the user accesses a compartment, FlexFIBER automatically reads the files contained within these folders. Both of these folders will contain the same information; however, the CTL folder is stored as an ASCII text file, which may be viewed using standard word-processing programs. The BIN folder stores this same information in binary form, for use by the computer only. Users should not attempt to alter the contents of these folders using programs external to Flex. If the user wishes to change species-product definitions, output reports, or any other information contained within these folders, they must do so using the appropriate menu options provided by Flex. This is because each time these definitions are changed, Flex will automatically update CTL and BIN files. Following any changes, all inventory information processed will be according to the new criteria. Inventories processed prior to these changes will require reprocessing to reflect any changes. 4.1.4 Height and height folder Tree height is a vital piece of information used to help determine tree volume. Flex has four different means of determining tree height: (1) from the field data, (2) by a height equation file, (3) by equations set at the compartment level, or (4) by default equations. The height folder and its associated files represent the second of these four options and it is contained within the compartment folder. This folder is created automatically and contains user defined height equation files that predict tree height as function of diameter. These files are accessed by the program upon user request prior to processing a stand. Up to 200 different height equation files may be created by species using equation form (1 of 6), intercept, and slope coefficients. The six different equation forms are Model (1)=> Total Height = a + b(dbh) Model (2)=> Total Height = a + b / dbh Model (3)=> Total Height = a + b(ln(dbh)) Model (4)=> ln(Total Height) = a + b(ln(dbh)) Model (5)=> Total Height = a + b(log(dbh)) Model (6)=> log(Total Height) = a + b(log(dbh)) It is important to note that all height equations predict total tree height. The height equation files can be considered the most advanced method to provide the user with a great deal of flexibility, allowing the development of site-specific equations. Flex also provides the user with numerous menu options designed to help create the height equation files. Height equations that are defined at the compartment level for each species are store in the CTL and BIN folders. The disadvantage of defining height equations at the compartment level is that all stands, regardless of the site they occupy, will have their height determined using these equations. The preferred option is to determine tree height for all trees or for a sub-sample of trees in the field and enter it as part of the inventory data file (below). Flex will then use the actual tree height (merchantable or total height) to calculate volume. Flex will also develop height equations based on this data and display them as the first table in the stand text report (below). When inventory data files contain a sub-sample of tree heights, Flex will fill in the missing height information with equations developed from this sub-sample as long as the equations meet the user specified sample size and predictive power (r2). When equations developed from a sub-sample do not meet the user specified sample size and/or r2 or no height information is found (in the data or as equations), Flex will use a default set of equations to predict tree height. The use of the default equations is the least preferred option as these equations may not be appropriate for certain sites. 4.1.5 Stand folder (STD) The stand folder (STD) contains the third and fourth levels of data organization in FlexFIBER. This folder (STD) is automatically created by Flex when the user creates a compartment. The stand folder is where the user stores the forest 16 inventory data to be processed by the program. Inventory data stored within the stand folder uses two separate files: the inventory description or header file (HDR) and sample unit/individual tree data file (DATA). 4.2 FlexInv The role of FlexInv in the FlexFIBER system is to organize stored information, as well as to process inventory data and create and view summary outputs. Control files/folders (CTL, BIN, and HGT) contain information related to species, height, products, codes, specifications, value, form, and volume calculation. Flex allows the user to edit the information contained in these files. These options may be selected using menu items provided in the FlexInv Master Menu (Figure 5). ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 EXIT The Program . Selection = < 0 > ? _________________________________________________________________ Figure 5. FlexInv Master Menu. From the FlexInv Master Menu the user has the option to change management unit (1), or exit the program (2). 4.3 Inventory Data Inventories are samples of tree characteristics used to obtain estimates of tree or stand parameters. These inventories are composed of different measures, which when aggregated represent and quantify aspects of stand conditions. Within the STD folder, Flex stores information gathered during forest inventories using two different file types (HDR and DATA [Figures 6 and 7]). The inventory description file or header (HDR) lists and describes sampling techniques and tree/site parameters. The header file also describes the stand that the inventory is attempting to quantify and the location (within the computer) of the data used to quantify that stand. The inventory data file (DATA) contains information from each sample location (sample unit). By using this two file system, Flex can efficiently manage forest inventory data without limiting flexibility in inventory techniques. This system also facilitates reaggregation of data when appropriate. _________________________________________ "FlexInv Version 1.0 Copyright 1995" !Stand_name,"only" !Stand_abbreviation,"only" !Table_Header_1,"cruised 2 APR 2000" !Table_Header_2 ,"for procurement class" !Collection_date,"2000" !area, 18.4000,"Acres" !Design,"!random" !BAF, 10.0000 !Dtape,"Inches " !Total,"Pole Hypsometer", 6.6667,"feet" !FORMAT,"!Species","!DBH 4.5 feet","!Growing stock” !DATA #!POINT # .... comment here .... #!POINT # .... comment here .... !in_file etna.txt ____________________________________________ Figure 6. Sample header file. ________________________ !Point # 1 rs 8.4 1 rs 9.6 1 rs 8.9 1 bf 10.9 1 bf 9.4 1 ce 5.7 1 bf 7.7 2 rs 6.7 1 bf 8.2 1 !Point # 2 bf 10.1 2 bf 7.2 1 rs 7.2 2 bf 9.3 1 rs 9.2 2 ______________________________ Figure 7. Sample data file. 17 4.3.1 Inventory Definition File (HDR) The inventory definition file, or header (HDR), is the third level of data organization (the stand) in FlexFIBER. Within a single compartment, up to 200 different header files may be defined that describe the forest inventory to be processed in terms of the stand, location, ownership, the date the inventory was collected, the methods used, and the order in which tree parameters are stored. However, advanced users may use header files to represent any collection of inventoried plots of interest. When defining a header file, the user is prompted to name the file, the stand that it represents, the inventory it represents, the format of the data that describes the stand, and what file contains the data. Each header file must have a unique standard ASCII character name. When defining the stand the user is prompted to assign the stand name, stand abbreviation, and the area of the stand. Although the header file name and stand name need not be identical, for reference it is advisable to assign each a like name. The primary difference between the file names is that the user refers to the header file name when processing data, while the stand name and/or abbreviation is used on all output tables. When defining the inventory within the header file, the user is prompted to describe the date of inventory, the sample design, the blow up factor for each sample unit, and how tree diameters and height were measured. When defining data formats, it is necessary to tell Flex the order in which individual tree parameters are stored (i.e., species, then dbh, then total tree height…..). It is critical that tree parameters appear in the inventory data file in the same order as described in the data format statement. The final piece of information contained in a header file is the name of the file or files that contain the inventory data (DATA). Each header file may reference up to 200 different inventory data files. 4.3.2 Inventory data file (DATA) The inventory data file (DATA) is the fourth level of data organization (sample units/data) in FlexFIBER (what files are in the STD folder in the cabinet drawer). Inventory data files are used to store the field data to be processed. Users may choose to enter inventory data using options provided by Flex, or they may choose to create these files using external programs such as a spreadsheet, word-processing, database, or GIS program. However, all inventory data files must be stored in the STD folder within the appropriate compartment and management unit as comma-, tab-, or spacedelimited ASCII files with a .TXT file extension. Each inventory data file must have a unique name. The previous header file (HDR) will look for inventory data according to these names, generally named after the stand inventoried. The general structure of an inventory data file is sample unit type, sample unit name, followed by individual tree parameters for each tree found within that sample unit. Sample unit type refers to the kind of sampling used (e.g., !Plot for fixed area sample or !Point for point samples). The keyword used to identify the sample unit type will be displayed in the inventory definition file following the !Data line (see Figures 6 and 7). The sample unit name can be as simple as 1, 2, 3… or a complex name. The sample unit name must be proceeded by # (see Figure 7), as this symbol is reserved in FlexFIBER to denote comments. The number of individual tree parameters entered will depend on the number of parameters measured. Inventory data files generally contain all of the sample units taken within a particular stand or forest strataum. However, advanced users may organize these files to explore different data relationships. The user may define up to 200 different inventory data files in each compartment, each with a unique name. Each inventory data file, like header files, may reference or point to another data file up to three levels deep. Although this may be a confusing at first, it does provide users with a great deal of flexibility. 4.4 Flex Output One of the reasons for collecting forest inventory data is to be able to assess forest conditions using summary data. Flex allows the definition of 17 different output tables in five different forms and may create an output file for each stand processed (or one summary file for all stands processed) that is stored in the PRT folder. These files use the same name as the header file used to create them and are stored as ASCII text files viewed using any standard word processor or the menu option provided by Flex. Each output table contains a heading that identifies management unit, stand name, two lines of optional input data, date of inventory, report name, the variable being summarized, and the date and time the stand was processed by Flex (Figure 8). In addition to creating user defined output tables, Flex also creates and files required by the Stand Visualization System (SVS) and the Diversity profiler (DIV). Flex also creates and populates all of the files and folders required by FIBER to project future stand conditions. 18 Management Unit Folder Name From the Inventory Description File (HDR) !Stand_name Lines 1 and 2 from Inventory Description File (HDR) !table_header_1 s From Inventory Description File (HDR) Collection_date |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bobs Land | Table Name Defined by User | H3A | | Initial Inventory | | Cruise by: John Doe | Variable Presented | 1996 | | in the Table Stand & Stock Table | | All Species Summary |Date and Time From | Compiled: "March 25,1999 at 22:12" | |____________________________________________________________________________|Computer’s Internal | | | | | | | |Clock | dbh 4.5 | Number of | Basal | Total | Merch. | Small & |Inter 1/4 | | feet | Trees | Area | Height | Height | Upper Pulp| bd.ft. | | Inches | Count | Sqft | feet | feet | Cubic Feet| I_bf | | | /ac | /ac | /Tree | /Tree | /ac | /ac | |__________|___________|_________|_________|__________|___________|__________| Species and Product | <= 5.0 | 11.00| 1.50| 1.00| ---- | ---- | ---- | Specifications | 6.0 | 30.56| 6.00| 36.00| 20.88| 94.59| ---- | Defined in CTL and | 7.0 | 33.68| 9.00| 53.33| 36.94| 200.10| ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIN Files Summary of Data File. Default Tree Height Used When No Height Data Are Found in Data File --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Columns Defined1|by User in Report Generator | >= 24.0 | 1.9 6.00| 58.00| 56.59| 134.91| ---- | Summary Statistic Will Vary with Sample Design |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | | | | | | | | | Totals | 150.58| 97.50|< 49.45>|< 42.33>| 1471.46| 4815.84| |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | | | | | | | | | Mean | 150.58| 97.50| 49.45| 42.33| 1471.46| 4815.84| | Std. Dev.|0.7313D+02|0.4138D+02|0.5881D+07|0.1418D+07|0.8890D+03|0.2630D+04| | n = | 10 | 10 | 1505 | 1550 | 10 | 10 | |Std. Error| 23.13| 13.09| 5.09| 2.56| 281.13| 831.70| | |c.v.= 49% | c.v.= 42%| | | c.v.= 60%| c.v.= 55%| | 95% AE% | 34.74%| 30.36%| 20.20%| 11.86%| 43.22%| 39.07%| | 90% AE% | 28.15%| 24.60%| 16.94%| 9.95%| 35.02%| 31.66%| | 85% AE% | 24.17%| 21.12%| 14.83%| 8.70%| 30.07%| 27.18%| | 80% AE% | 21.24%| 18.56%| 13.20%| 7.75%| 26.42%| 23.89%| | 75% AE% | 18.89%| 16.50%| 11.85%| 6.96%| 23.49%| 21.24%| | 70% AE% | 16.89%| 14.76%| 10.67%| 6.27%| 21.01%| 18.99%| |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| Figure 8. Sample FlexInv inventory data output . 19 4.4.1 Output folder (PRT) The output folder (PRT) is created automatically when the user processes a stand using a header file and its associated data files. The PRT folder contains text files for each stand processed. Each text file will have the same name as its associated header file. The amount and kind of information contained within an output file will depend on the amount and kind of information requested by the user. Flex allows the user to create upto 17 output table definitions. These tables come in five different forms: (1) statistics by dbh, species, and species groups, (2) statistics or discrete codes by species, (3) a single statistic or discrete codes by diameter class and species, (4) estimates by sample unit, or (5) forest summaries. In order to receive information by discrete codes that code must be turned on (see Discrete Variables). Forest summary tables contain selected statistics for each stand processed and require that more than one stand be processed. All other tables are created for each stand processed. All output files may be viewed using menu option provided by Flex or through the use of an external spreadsheet or word-processing program. The CTL and BIN files store the type and kind of table the user wishes to create. It is important to remember that the user must have at least 1 of the 17 tables turned on in order to create output. 4.4.2 Stand visualization (SVS) The SVS folder contain the files required by the USDA Forest Services Stand Visualization System (SVS) (McGaurery 1997) to generate visual representations of processed forest inventory data. SVS image files are created automatically once the user processes a stand. This image can be an effective tool for checking and conceptualizing inventory data. The SVS program is public domain software and is distributed with FlexFIBER. The user may choose to view an SVS image using menu options provided by FlexFIBER. Only advanced users who are completely familiar with SVS should attempt to view images created by FlexFIBER from outside the program. Before the user can view an SVS image he/she must select the DOS version of SVS, using the menu options provided, as the preferred viewer. Flex can not generate an SVS image file when output diameter class ranges are set to metric. It is also important to note that SVS files are replaced/ over-written each time the stand is processed. 4.4.3 Diversity calculation file (DIV) Diversity index calculation files can be created upon user request for each iteration of stand projection. These files are stored in the DIV folder within the compartment folder and may be viewed using the menu options provided. These files are overwritten each time the stand is projected. 4.5 FIBER FlexFIBER allows forest managers to process forest inventory data for projections of future growth and yield. Each time a stand is processed Flex automatically creates and populates the folders and files required by FIBER to make projections of stand growth and development. When FIBER is selected using the menu option, the program enters the FIB folder and the FIBER Main Menu (Figure 9) will appear on the screen. The FIB folder contains one or more stand directory folders (SDS), each named after the header file used to create them. Within each stand folder will be a TPA file and volume table files. The TPA file contains trees per acre estimates by species, diameter, and quality for each sample unit found in the inventory data file associated with the stand’s header file. The volume tables contain estimates of total, merchantable, pulpwood or boardfoot volume by species and diameter developed from the inventory data file. Once the user has chosen to project the stand’s growth, the SDS folder contains (upon user request) numerous output files and folders concerning stocking (STK), periodic growth (CPI), annual growth (PAI), stand visualization system (SVS) images, diversity profiles (DIV) files, or a detailed text report of growth, harvest, mortality, and ingrowth by species and diameter for each five-year period projected. This folder may also contain (upon user request) simulated tree per acre estimates used by FIBER or processed by Flex. Different harvesting scenarios may be simulated by creating three different files contained in the FIB folder. These files are the initiator, which describes when a harvesting strategy begins, the treatment, which describes the desired results of harvesting, and the cutting guide, which describes how harvesting will be conducted. These harvesting strategies may be applied to any stand (SDS folder and TPA file) contained in the FIB folder. 20 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. 2 Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat 3 "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." 4 Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. 5 Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. 6 Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. 7 {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 8 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. 9 Initiator Menu: 10 Treatment Menu: 11 Tree diameter limits are off. 12 A-Line restrictions ON (Original) 13 Projection Menu: 14 Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: 15 Report Management Menu 16 Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off 17 Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. 18 Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? ________________________________________________ Figure 9. FIBER Main Menu. The FIBER Main Menu and the numeric values associated with each menu option will vary depending on which menu option have been activated. The FIBER Main Menu will appear as above once the user has selected a stand directory and a TPA file. From the FIBER Main Menu, the user has the option to select a stand directory (1), set ingrowth controls (2), determine ecological habitat type (3), control projected plot characteristic (advanced) (4, 5, and 6), select a TPA file (7), change ingrowth quality ratios (8), define an initiator or treatment (9 and 10), turn diameter limits on or off (11), turn A-line limits on or off (12), project growth (13), view output reports (14), turn output report on or off (15), turn STPA and MTPA files on (16 and 17), or return to Flex (18). 4.5.1 FIBER folder (FIB) The FIB folder is automatically created by Flex each time the user processes a stand. However, the user may choose not to create this folder and its contents using the appropriate menu option in Flex. This folder represents the fifth level (projections) of data organization in FlexFIBER. It is important to remember that this folder is a subdivision of a compartment and its contents are subdivision of stands. The FIB folder contains all of the information required and generated by FIBER. Within the FIB folder there will be numerous subfolders (SDS), one for each stand processed. These folders will have the same name as the header files used to created them and will contain the tree list (TPA) and volume table information based on that same header file and associated data file. These files must be located in their appropriate SDS directory within the FIB folder in order to make projections. It is important to remember that the user must first choose to process a stand (header) in order to create this folder and associated files. Simply put, FlexFIBER will not project the growth of a stand using FIBER unless the stand has been processed by Flex. However, advanced users may choose to work around this limitation by creating this folder and its associated files. Another folder contained within FIB is the FIBER binary folder (BIN). FIBER will access the FIB folder and read the FIBER BIN files whenever the user chooses FIBER from the Flex master menu. The “BIN” files establish control information for all FIBER subdirectories (SDS). Another series of files common to all SDS folders are the management files (Initiator, Treatment, and Cutting). These files describe the management options and must be defined before FIBER can model treatments. 4.5.2 FIBER binary files (BIN) The FIBER binary folder (BIN) and associated files function similar to the BIN files in Flex. The BIN folder contains information related to desired output files, projection preferences and assumptions that may be changed with the appropriate menu options. The user chooses the FIBER projection preferences to include sample unit stocking level, 21 sample unit projection length, and projection length of all sample units combined. Internal assumptions are related to the quality of the species which ingrow. This folder and its contents are only used by the program. 4.5.3 FIBER stand directory system folders (SDS) FIBER stand directory system folders (SDS) are created and named automatically each time a stand (header file) is processed in Flex. The information contained within this folder is based on the inventory data file referenced by the header file and a tree list file (TPA) and several volume table files that are created automatically by Flex each time a stand is processed. Once the stand has been processed, numerous other files may be found in this folder. This folder and its contents must be contained within the FIB folder of a compartment, within a management unit, before FIBER can access them. When using FIBER the user must select a stand directory from up to 200 available SDS folders. Once a stand directory (SDS) is chosen, a TPA file should be selected. 4.6 Stand Data Files Two essential pieces of information are required to project the growth and development of a stand in FIBER. FIBER uses tree lists (TPA) for estimates of trees per acre by species, diameter, quality, and site as the starting condition. The second piece of information required by FIBER is a volume table that contains estimates of volume by species and diameter. This information is automatically created within the FlexFIBER system each time the user processes a stand in Flex. 4.6.1 Tree list file (TPA) Tree list files (TPA) are automatically created and placed in the appropriate folders each time a stand is processed by Flex. The TPA file is used by FIBER as the basis of growth and yield projections. It is important to remember that although TPA file may contain trees smaller than 4.5 inches, FIBER will not project the growth of trees smaller than 4.5 inches. These small diameter trees are used primarily for the determination of Ecological Habitat Type, and can also be used to direct ingrowth. Each time a user selects a stand directory a prompt is given to select a TPA file. An SDS folder may contain multiple TPA files (not including STP and MTPA files (see 4.8.1 and 4.8.2)). However, this situation should only be used by advanced users. Tree list files are generated using tree data contained within the inventory data files referenced by the header file. The TPA file contains trees per acre estimates for each sample unit, formatted according to FIBER’s specifications. The TPA file structure used by FIBER is not the same as that used by FIBER 3.0. It is recommended that FIBER 3.0 files be processed by Flex prior to being used by FIBER. However, advanced users may choose to reformat these old files or create new files by appending different TPA files with a different inventory date, thus allowing the user to take advantage of FIBER’s delay plot option. The contents of a TPA file may be viewed by using the appropriate FIBER menu option form or an external program for viewing. 4.6.2 Volume tables Each time a stand is processed, Flex automatically creates, populates, and places in the appropriate SDS folder several volume table files required by FIBER. The five expressions of volume that are contained in these tables are based on the inventory data: (1) total cubic foot volume, (2) merchantable cubic foot volume, (3) pulpwood cubic foot volume, (4) sawlog boardfoot volume, and (5) total tree height. These tables are viewed by using the appropriate menu option provided in FIBER or by using external programs. Volume tables are stored as comma delimited ASCII files with volume/height values by species and diameter class. Advanced users may choose to edit or create their own files, containing specified volume measures based on their experience and preferences. It is important to remember that FIBER does not predict volume per se, but rather FIBER predicts diameter growth and computes volumes according to these tables and associated equations. The total tree height table (file) is only accessed by FIBER when generating SVS images files. All volumes and heights are predicted using total tree height as predicted by height equations. When Flex creates these tables, it will first attempt to use height equations derived from the inventory data. If these height equations do not meet the user-specified predictive power or do not continually increase with diameter the default equation will be used. User-specified height equation files or height equations set by species at the compartment level will always take precedence over the default equations. The user is encouraged to examine the volume and height files prior to 22 projecting growth, to ensure that the proper height and equations were used to construct these files and that the files do not contain anomalies. 4.7 Management FIBER 4.5 models management activities using heuristic rules. These rules are defined in three different files: initiators, treatments, and cutting guides. The initiator defines when management activities may occur. The treatment defines the results of management activities and the cutting guide defines how those results are achieved. FIBER implements these rules by first checking each sample unit at each iteration to determine if it has reached the condition defined in the initiator file currently active. If a sample unit meets the conditions defined in the initiator, FIBER then references an associated treatment. Each treatment then references a cutting guide. FIBER will then remove trees according to the priorities assigned in the cutting guide until the conditions specified in the treatment are met or all of the species specified in the cutting guide have been removed. These heuristic rules allow users to model the implications of different management alternatives on a large number of sample units quickly and efficiently. These rules are a significant departure from the selection system formerly used in FIBER 3.0. However, the FIBER 3.0 system of individually selecting each tree, at each iteration, on each sample can be invoked using a special command line option. 4.7.1 Initiator file The initiator file is the first of three files used by FIBER to model forest management activities. The initiator file describes when management can occur in terms of time, site, species composition, and/or minimum/maximum levels of basal area, trees per acre, board foot volume, cubic foot volume, quadratic mean stand diameter, and/or stocking according to the A-,B-, or C- line. FIBER will check each plot, at each iteration, to determine if the conditions specified in the initiator have been met. If met, FIBER will then refers to one or more associated treatments. Initiator files are stored in the FIB folder and can be accessed by any stand (SDS) folder within the FIB folder. Initiator files are stored as binary files and may not be altered by programs external to FIBER. Users may view, edit, and define an initiator file using the menu options provided. Novice users should define one initiator per initiator file each initiator file. However, each initiator file may contain up to 200 initiators for expanded capabilities to model management regimes for advanced users. An initiator is generally named after the conditions it defines that warrant management. The next step is to link, or associate, the initiator with a particular treatment file (TRT). An initiator must be linked to one or more treatments before stand manipulations can be modeled. This can be done if a treatment has been defined and its associated file is currently open. The final step in this process is to write (save) the initiator to a file (initiator file). If the user does not write the initiator file they will not be able to access it in the future. In practice, the initiator file name is similar to that of the initiator itself; however, the length of the file name is limited by whatever operating system the user is using. 4.7.2 Treatments (TRT) The treatment file (TRT) is the second of the three files used by FIBER to model management activities. Treatment files store one or more treatments that describe the desired resulting stand condition in terms of site, species composition, and/or minimum/maximum levels of basal are, trees per acre, board foot volume, or cubic foot volume to be retained or removed, resulting quadratic mean stand diameter, and/or stocking according to the A, B, or C line. Each treatment is associated with one or more initiators. Once the conditions specified in an initiator have been met, FlexFIBER references any associated treatment. FlexFIBER will attempt to reach the condition, defined in the treatment, using a cutting guide. Treatments are stored in treatment files in the FIB folder and as such can be accessed for use with any stand (SDS folder) within the FIB folder. Treatment files are stored as binary files and may not be altered by programs external to FIBER. Users may view, edit, and define a treatment using the menu options provided. Each treatment file may contain multiple treatments each defining a different resulting condition. Beginners, however, should not attempt to do this until they are completely familiar with the program. It is recommended that beginning users have one treatment per treatment file. Advanced users will find this option to be a powerful tool that provides them with the capability to model complete management regimes. When more than one treatment is contained within a treatment file, FIBER will implement the treatment that has the greatest impact on basal area. Each treatment file may contain up to 200 treatments and there may be up to 200 treatment files. 23 When defining a treatment, the user is prompted to assign a name. Generally, the name should reflect the resulting conditions that it defines. The user is then prompted to define the desired resulting conditions of management. The next step is to link the treatment with a particular initiator. A treatment must be linked to one or more initiators before stand manipulations can be modeled. This can be done if an initiator has already been defined and its associated file is currently open. Once the desired resulting stand condition has been defined, the user must then define how that condition will be achieved (cutting guide) (see below). A cutting guide must be specified before stand manipulations can be modeled. The final step in this process is to write (save) the treatment to a treatment file. If the user does not write the treatment file, they will not be able to access it in the future. In practice, the treatment file name is similar to that of the treatment itself; however, the length of the file name is limited by whatever operating system the user is using. 4.7.3 Cutting guide (cutting) Cutting guides (cutting) are the final files used by FIBER to model management activities. Each cutting guide is directly associated with, and named after, a treatment. Cutting guides are accessed through the menu option provided in the treatment menu and describe how the desired stand condition is achieved. How is a prioritized list of tree removal or retention specified according to minimum or maximum levels of basal area to be removed/ retained. How trees are removed (removal type) is specified as either nonremoval (leave), larger trees first (from above), smallest trees first (from below), or equally (uniform) across the diameter range. Trees are specified by species or species group, quality (AGS, UGS, or AGS and UGS), and diameter range. Priorities (1-999) are assigned in numerical order (1 being the highest). The user defines what is to be cut first and what is to be cut last. The user also has the option to delay ingrowth for a given number of years in cutting guides. Cutting guides are stored as binary files in the FIB folder and are accessed whenever the user selects the associated treatment. There can only be one cutting guide associated with each treatment. There must be a cutting guide defined for each treatment before stand manipulations can be modeled. When defining a cutting guide, the user is first prompted to assign a sequence number. Each cutting guide may have up to 900 sequences. A sequence is used to represent a class of harvesting activities. The user may choose to have all the activities associated with removing poor quality stems (UGS) in one sequence while operations associated with removing financially mature trees could be in another sequence. FlexFIBER implements sequences in numerical order (lowest to highest). Although the user may define multiple sequences, it is recommended that beginners only use one. Once the user has assigned a sequence number they are then prompt to define an entry. Each sequence may have up to 900 entries. Entries describe the removal of a particular species or species group, of a particular quality, within a given diameter range, in a given order, with or without minimum and maximum removal/residuals. The first step in defining an entry is to assign it a sequence. Entries are implemented in numerical order as determined by their assigned sub-sequence. After defining the entry’s priority sequence, the user then defines the species or species group to be removed, its quality, diameter range, removal type, and minimum or maximum amount of basal area to remove or retain. The user may also choose to delay the ingrowth of this species or species group as a function of the entry’s implementation. Once the user has defined an entry, they have the option to define more entries, sequences, or return to the treatment menu. It is important to remember that Flex FIBER will only remove those tree specified in the cutting guide. It is recommend that the last entry in the last sequence be a removal of “all species,” AGS and UGS, across all diameters. 4.8 FIBER Output In FlexFIBER 9.0 the user may request a simulated trees per acre file for each iteration in two different forms by sample unit (STPA) and stand average (MTPA), a detailed report of growth, mortality, ingrowth, and harvest by species (general report), three different, spreadsheet-ready, growth summary reports (Stocking, Annual Growth, and Periodic Growth), SVS images at each iteration, and diversity index calculation files. Simulated trees per acre files contain projected per acre estimates by species, diameter, and quality for each iteration. This file has the same format as the TPA file used by FIBER and can be simulated again under different management scenarios by FIBER or processed as an inventory by Flex. The general report is formatted so that it can be viewed by any standard word-processing program. This informative report contains detailed information on growth, mortality, ingrowth, and harvest by species for the stand as a whole, as well as summary information for each sample unit. Stocking reports contain summary information related to density management diagrams and stocking charts. Annual and period growth reports contain summary statistics related to stand growth, mortality, ingrowth, and harvests for each iteration on a per acre per year/period basis. SVS and diversity 24 output contain all the information required by their respective programs to visually represent the stand or calculate diversity indices. All of these files may be viewed using menu options provided by FlexFIBER. 4.8.1 Simulated trees per acre on a sample unit basis (STPA) Simulated trees per acre on a sample unit basis (STPA) files can be created by the user using the appropriate menu options. These files contain future tree distributions as predicted by FIBER for each sample unit. All STPA files have the STPA file extension and have “_(date)” (date = future date, i.e., 2025) added to the stand name (stand name is identical to header file name). The format of these files is identical to that of the TPA file used to create them and as such they can be used like a TPA file. Advanced users may choose to reprocess these files in Flex to produce output files. 4.8.2 Simulated trees per acre for stand average (MTPA) A simulated trees per acre for the stand average (MTPA) file can be created by the user using the appropriate menu option. These files contain future tree distribution as predicted by FIBER representing the average acre of a stand’s plots. All MTPA files have the MTPA extension and also have “_(date)” added to the stand name. The format of these files is identical to that of the TPA used to create them. However, an MTPA file will have one sample unit. The tree distribution of this sample unit will be based on the stand average tree distribution of all sample units combined. Advanced users will find these files useful for assessing the loss of variance due to data aggregation. 4.8.3 General report The general report is automatically created each time the user projects a stand and is found in the SDS folder. This is formatted using ASCII text and can be viewed using the menu option provided or any standard word-processing program. The default mode of the general report contains stand summary based on the stand averages for each iteration that include current vegetative cover type, weighted mean elevation, weighted mean site index, top three species (in terms of basal area), percentage hardwood and softwood (by basal area and volume), total cubic foot volume, quadratic mean stand diameter, 1-inch and 2-inch q-value, trees per acre, current basal area, and A-line, B-line, and C-line position. This report also includes period mortality (volume and present dollar value) by species (based on stand average) and a sub-sequenceby-sub-sequence summary of cutting guide implementations for each sample unit. Dollar values will be presented in this report if the user defines species and product values in Flex. These values will be discounted if the user has entered a discount rate in FIBER. Using the appropriate menu options, additional information available in the general text report includes species by diameter summaries of trees per acre, volume, and value of the initial trees, ingrowth trees, and mortality trees. When all of these outputs options are turned on, the general report can become quite large. That is why the file is replaced each time the stand is projected. 4.8.4 Stocking report (STK) Stocking reports can be created upon user request and are stored in the STK folder within an SDS folder as commadelimited files. Stocking reports may be viewed using the menu options provided or standard spreadsheet or text editors. This report is generally named after the TPA file used to create it and may be overwritten or appended each time the stand is projected. Stocking reports contain information related to density management diagrams, Northeast stocking charts, and other measures of stand stocking. This information includes forest cover type; percentage hardwood (basal area basis); live, merchantable, and log values in trees per acre; basal area; quadratic mean stand diameter; cubic foot volume per tree; A-line, B-line, and C-line basal area; softwood B-line; hardwood B-line; weighted mean B-line; and weighted A-line percentage. Values reported in this table are projected and occur at the beginning of each iteration and following each harvest for the average acre of the stand. 4.8.5 Annual growth (PAI) The annual growth report (PAI) is created upon user request each time a stand is projected. Once created, the user has the option to overwrite or append the file each time the stand is processed. The report is generally named after the TPA used to create it. The user may choose to assign this file some other name. The annual growth report is stored in the PAI folder within the SDS folder as a comma-delimited file and may be viewed using the menu options provided or any 25 standard spreadsheet or text editor. The annual growth report contains information related to stand growth including gross growth of initial volume; gross growth including ingrowth; net growth of initial volume; net growth including ingrowth; and net increase on a basal area, cubic-foot volume, or dollar-value basis for total, softwood, and hardwood, sawtimber and pulp. Dollar values will only be reported if the user has entered species and product values in Flex. All growth statistics are calculated over one iteration (five years) and are reported on an annual basis. This report also contains all of the information required to calculate these same growth statistics. This information is reported as the average of the beginning and ending of the period inventories (mid-point of the period) on the average acre in the stand on a per acres basis. 4.8.6 Period growth (CPI) The period growth report (CPI) is created upon user request each time a stand is projected and may be over- written or appended each time the stand is processed. The report is generally named after the TPA used to create it and is stored in the CPI folder within the SDS folder as a comma-delimited file. This file may be viewed using the menu option provided or any standard spreadsheet or text editor. Information includes gross growth of initial volume; gross growth including ingrowth; net growth of initial volume; net growth including ingrowth; and net increase on a basal area, cubic-foot volume, or dollar-value basis for total, softwood, and hardwood, sawtimber, and pulp. Dollar values will only be reported if the user has entered species and product value in Flex. All growth statistics are calculated over one iteration (five years) and are reported for that iteration. This report also contains all of the information required to calculate these same growth statistics. This information is reported as the average of beginning and ending of the period inventories (mid-point of the period) on the average acre in the stand on a per acre basis. 4.8.7 Stand visualization system images (SVS) SVS images can be created upon user request for each iteration of the stand projection. These files are stored in the SVS folder within the SDS folder and may be viewed using the menu options provided. SVS images are named after the TPA file used to create them with “_(date)” added to the name to identify the date and stand conditions at the beginning of an iteration (before growth or harvest) that the image represents. These files are identical to those created in Flex and will be overwritten each time the stand is projected. 4.8.8 Diversity calculations (DIV) Diversity index calculation files can be created for each iteration of stand projection. These files are stored in the DIV folder within the SDS folder and may be viewed using the menu options provided and are overwritten each time the stand is projected. 5 GETTING STARTED The Getting Started section is structured to give first time users of FlexFIBER knowledge of the basic options available. Information covered in this section includes starting FlexFIBER, creating the necessary data organization files (management unit and compartment), entering field data, creating a header file, editing default parameters (species product information), designing and viewing output reports, projecting growth with FIBER, and defining management action (initiators, treatment, and cutting guides). Expanded or alternative options not covered are available upon request. This section is organized into two columns, with the left-hand column containing screen output and the right-hand side containing a brief narrative that describes the menu and actions that appear in the left-hand column. It is important to note that the left column screen output contained in the sections below assumes that the user is running the FlexFIBER 9 released 9/12/2000 for the first time. If the user is running an earlier release date or has used the program before, the screen output may be slightly different. Within this column there will also be a series of italicized comments that inform the user of recommended procedures, critical processes, and other information. Bold information in the left-hand column should be entered for execution to proceed through the guide. Comments contained within a shaded background describe the computer processes that will automatically occur. Occasionally while working through this section, the user may find him/herself making an inappropriate menu selection. Provided the selection prompt does not contain a default selection (<0>), enclosed in brackets, the user may 26 return to the previous menu by pressing the Enter key without making a menu selection. Pressing the Enter key when the selection prompt contains a value other than “0” will automatically select that menu option and the program will proceed to the next menu. If a default selection is present and the user wishes to return to the previous menu they may simply type the word “Back” and the program will usually return to the previous menu. If the user is lost or unable to exit a menu screen, they may type the word “Exit” and the program will terminate. 27 Starting FlexFIBER ************************************************************************ ** Resource Information Management & Spatial Analysis Laboratory ** ** and ** ** Forestry Alumni: Forest Management And Planing Laboratory ** ** -----------** ** Department of Forest Management University of Maine Orono, Me. ** ** -----------** ** Forest Inventory and Modeling Project ** ** -----------** ** By ** ** Dr. Thomas B. Brann ** ** ---** ** Dr. Dale S. Solomon ** ** ** ** -----------** ** For further information contact Dr. Thomas B. Brann ** ** University of Maine ** ** Orono, Maine, U.S.A. ** ** 04469-5755 ** ** (207) - 581 - 2836 (NO Voice Mail) ** ** E-Mail: ** ** E-Mail: ** ** FlexFIBER Version 9 Compile No: 1 Date: 9/12/2000 COPYRIGHT ** ************************************************************************ FlexInv Master Menu 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 EXIT The Program Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________________ The user may choose to create a shortcut to FlexFIBER on the Desktop. See operating system manual for instructions or section 3.1. The first screen is the FlexFIBER introduction screen (left). This section identifies the points of contact and version of the program. FlexFIBER is continually beginning improved. (Contact program developers for up dates.) Select/Define Management Units When using FlexFIBER first, select or define a management unit (see section 4.1.1); option 1 from the introduction screen (left). If management units have been defined in the past, the user may select a unit by choosing the appropriate menu option. If no units exist or to establish a new unit, select option 1 (left). You have access to the following Management Units. 1 Add a management unit. Selection = < 0 > ? Once the FlexFIBER folder has been installed from the CD to the local drive (usually C), the user may initiate FlexFIBER by double clicking on FlexFIBER9.exe; located in the Winsvs folder. 1 Enter the "Full path name" to the Management Unit to be Added Path: ? c:\GetStart That Management Unit "c:\GetStart" is not in the database. Would you like to ADD it now{ enter "yes" or "no" } < yes > ? Enter A Management Unit Name (40 characters) Name: ? Getting Started with FlexFIBER Enter A Management Unit Name abbreviation (20 characters) <Getting Started with> ? Getting Started Management unit set to "Getting Started". “Enter” When defining a new unit, give the full DOS path to the unit. This unit will be added to the database by selecting yes when prompted. The user must then give the unit a name and abbreviation (left), which will appear on output tables. When defining DOS path, the unit’s name should be eight characters or fewer, with no spaces. The unit name should be easily recognized by the user. 28 _________________________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 EXIT The Program . Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ List of Compartments in Unit "Getting Started with" 1 Add A Compartment directory. Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Enter A New Compartment Name (8 characters or less.) ? Comp1 Selecting/Defining Compartments Once the user has selected a management unit, options allow for the selection of a different management unit (1) or select/define a compartment (2) (left). If compartments (see section 4.1.2) have been previously defined, the user may choose that compartment using the appropriate menu option. If no compartment has been defined, to establish a new compartment select option 1 (left). When defining a new compartment the user is prompt to enter a name. Compartment names should be eight characters or fewer, with no spaces. Compartment names should be recognizable to the user. ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Change Table Definitions. { } Process a Stand: Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. Options Print / Edit Report Files. Run FIBER { } Process a Simulated fiber tree list: Setup Spectrum Interface Setup Fiber Batch Files EXIT The Program . Selection = < 0 > ? 15 ___________________________________________ After a compartment has been selected or its name assigned, Flex will automatically read or create the required control and binary files. FlexInv Master Menu Once the user has created and selected a path to a new compartment, the FlexInv Master Menu will appear. From this menu the user has the option to change management unit (1), compartment (2), define inventory definition (3), diameter class species information (4), information (5), edit discrete variables (6), edit field data (7), output table definitions (8), process an inventory (9), define height controls (10 and 11), adjust FIBER volume table information (12), view output (13), edit option (14), use FIBER (15), process a FIBER tree list (16), define batch files (17 and 18), or exit the program (19). 29 ___________________________________________ Field Data File FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" To enter field data (see section 4.3.2), select option 7 from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 Inventory definitions 4 Species list information editor: 5 Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches 6 Discrete variable database management. 7 Field data 8 Change Table Definitions. (ETC) Selection = < 0 > ? 7 ____________________________________________________________________________ Select an Inventory field data file (.txt). 1 Enter a NEW File Name. Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Enter the new file name. ? Stand1 Flex will automatically start the preferred text editor once a data file has been selected or named. The user then enters inventory information using spaces, commas, or tabs to separate individual tree data. Each tree should be entered as a separate line. Sample units are identified and separated by “!Point“ (or “!Plot“, etc. see FlexInv manual for information). Following “!Point “ the user enters a space followed by # space and any comment desired. The # symbol is a reserved symbol in Flex and is used to identify comments (see Section 4.3.2). Once all of the data have been entered and saved the user then closes the text editor. The computer will automatically return to Flex. _____________________________________________________________________________ Select an Inventory field data file (.txt). If field data have previously been entered, the user may choose to edit the file by selecting the appropriate menu option. To enter a new inventory data file, select option 1 (left) and assign the file a name (Stand1) (left). Inventory data file names are restricted to eight characters. Avoid using spaces and “_”. File names should help the user identify the data. If a text editor is not automatically opened, it is because an editor has not be defined. See “Defining Report Editor”. Inventory data files may be created external to FlexFIBER. Once data have been entered and saved, the user can make a new file, edit a file, or return to the Master Menu by selecting the appropriate menu option (default will return to FlexInv Master Menu). See Appendix for sample field data. 1 Enter a NEW File Name. 2 Stand1 Selection = < 0 > ? 2 __________________________________________ 30 _________________________________________________________________________ Inventory Definition File FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 Inventory definitions 4 Species list information editor: 5 Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches 6 Discrete variable database management. 7 Field data 8 Change Table Definitions. 9 { } Process a Stand: 10 Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". 11 Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". 12 Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. 13 Options 14 Print / Edit Report Files. 15 Run FIBER 16 { } Process a Simulated fiber tree list: 17 Setup Spectrum Interface 18 Setup Fiber Batch Files 19 EXIT The Program . Inventory definition files or headers (see section 4.3.1) are used to describe stands or any other aggregation of forest inventory data (stored in inventory data file). To create an inventory definition (HDR) file select option 3 from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). Selection = < 0 > ? 3 ____________________________________________________________ If an inventory definition file has been previously created, the user may choose to edit using the appropriate menu options (2) (left). If no inventory definition file exists or the user wishes to create a new file, then select option 1 (left). Selection = < 0> 1 _______________________________________________________________ If a previously defined file (option 2) has been selected, Flex will automatically open the file. The user is allowed to edit and save the file. When this preferred editor is closed, the computer will automatically return to Flex. __________________________________________________________ When creating a new file, the user is prompted to assign the stand file a name (left). This name will be used whenever the user wishes to process information. Select an Inventory definition file (.hdr or .std). 1 Enter a NEW File Name. 2 Demo Enter the new file name. ? Stand1 __________________________________________________________ Stand Name< > ? Once the inventory definition file name has been assigned (“Stand1” left) the user is prompted for a stand name and an abbreviation of the stand name that the header file represents (left). Bob’s Stand ___________________________________________________________ Stand name abbreviation< Bob’s Stand > ? Bob _____________________________________________________________________ 31 _____________________________________________________________________ Table Heading Line 1,(Optional)< > ? Learning to use Flex _____________________________________________________________________ Table Heading Line 2,(Optional)< > ? For the First Time Note: The above line may be left blank, but is best to identify. _______________________________________________________________ Year of data collection {Required}(19xx-20xx) < ___________________________________________ Select a portion of the year 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 13 Before Growth 14 While Growing 15 After Growth 16 Use year as the only date. Selection = < 16 0 > ? 2000 > ? Note: Pressing the Enter key automatically selects the default value (above) _________________________________________ Stand area {Non-zero required} < 0.00 Acres > ? 1 Once the year has been define (left), the user is prompted to define the portion of the year in which the inventory was conducted (left). The default is to use year only option 16. The user is prompted to define the size of the stand (left). This value will be used as the blow up factor for all per stand area estimates. 20 __________________________________________ Sampling design 1 Random 2 Systematic 3 Total enumeration 4 Random prim. w/systematic sec. "clusters" 5 Double sampling with regression (points) Selection = < Once the user has named the stand, he/she is prompted to define two optional table lines (left). These lines will appear in the heading of all Tables produced by Flex using the header file. The user should select the appropriate sample design that identifies the statistical procedures used. Default is a random design, (option 1 left). > ? ___________________________________________ Sample units 1 Fixed area plots 2 Horizontal points 3 Horizontal line segments 4 Linear strips Selection = < 1 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Once sample design has been assigned, the user selects the type of sample unit that determines how individual tree data will be expanded. The default value is fixed area plots (option 1) (left). Note: Enter values other than the default by using the appropriate value (above). 32 ___________________________________________ The following section will vary with sample unit type. Select a variable plot expansion factor 1 Basal Area Factor 2 Plot Radius Factor 3 Limiting Distance pairs (LD dbh) 4 Diameter Factor Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Basal Area Factor {Square Feet/acre/tree} ? ___________________________________________ 10 Diameter measurement device 1 Diameter tape | These are field determined dbh| 2 Biltmore stick | values. Use () to average, | 3 Calipers | [] for quadratic mean, and, | 4 Optical calipers| {} for the geometric mean. | 5 Tree circumference 6 Yard stick as a Biltmore with a known reach. 7 Calibrate a yardstick Biltmore for reach (ys dd). Selection = < 1 > ? ___________________________________________ {Diameter measurement units} Distance Conversion Factors 1 Temporary Change of Base Units. 2 1.000000 feet (ft) = 1.0 ft 3 12.000000 Inches (in) = 1.0 ft 4 0.060606 Rods (rod) = 1.0 ft 5 0.015152 Chains (ch) = 1.0 ft 6 0.000189 Miles (mi) = 1.0 ft 7 30.479999 Centimeters (cm) = 1.0 ft 8 0.304800 Meters (m) = 1.0 ft 9 0.000305 Kilometers (km) = 1.0 ft 10 0.061538 Logs (logs) = 1.0 ft Selection = < 3 > Once a sample unit type has been selected, the user defines an expansion factor related to that sample unit type. For point samples, the type of expansion factor and its size are defined (left). The user is prompted to define how tree diameters were measured. The default measurement device is a diameter tape (option 1) (left). If two dbh measurements are taken, the user may enter both values in the field data file, and Flex will calculate an average dbh if the value are enclosed in (), a quadratric mean when enclosed in [], and a geometric mean when enclosed in {}. The units used to measure diameter need to be defined. The default measurement units for diameter are inches (option 3) (left). If some other unit of measure was used to gather field data, the user should select the appropriate option. ___________________________________________ Height measurement technique 1 Height determined in the field. 2 Altimeter |Instrument Base distance required. | 3 Clinometer | Note: With the percent scale the | 4 Hega Altimeter | base distance is 1.0 or 100, for | 5 Blume Leiss | topographic scale use 66 feet. | 6 Reference pole (The Pole length required.) 7 Yard stick hypsometer with known reach (Merritt hypsomiter). 8 Calibrate a yardstick Merritt hypsomiter for reach (ys dd hh) Next, the means of measuring height and units must be defined. The default height measurement technique is determined in the field (option 1) (left). Selection = < 1 > ? ___________________________________________ The following section will vary by height measurement technique. Option 1 is the only technique that requires no further data such as pole length (option 6), or base distance (option 2). It is important to note that option 1 should be used whenever tree height (merchantable or total) is entered directly in the field data file. Other options should be selected when tree height is to be calculated from field measurements. 33 {Height measurement units} Distance ________________________________________________________ Conversion Factors 1 Temporary Change of Base Units. 2 1.000000 feet (ft) = 3 12.000000 Inches (in) = 4 0.060606 Rods (rod) = 5 0.015152 Chains (ch) = 6 0.000189 Miles (mi) = 7 30.479999 Centimeters (cm) = 8 0.304800 Meters (m) = 9 0.000305 Kilometers (km) = 10 0.061538 Logs (logs) = 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Selection = < 2 > ? ____________________________________________________________________ The following section will be the same for all header files. ________________________________________________ Format construction: select the next field 1 Forward up the list 2 Skip 1 field 3 End of line 4 Sample unit name 5 Growing stock 6 FIBER Habitat 7 Crown Class 8 Sample unit name 9 Tree Grade 10 Species 11 Area Represented 12 Number of Trees 13 DBH 4.5 feet 14 dbh 1.3 meters 15 Total Tree Height 16 Merch. Tree Height 17 Limiting distance 18 Sawlog Length 19 Pulp Length 20 Stump Height 21 Stump DIB 22 Live Crown Ratio 23 Crown Radius Selection = < 0 > ? 10 __________________________________________ Numeric value will change each time a format statement is selected. Note the change in the numeric vale for Number of Trees from “12” (above) to “10” (below) when Species (option 10) was selected (above). Format construction: select the next field 1 Forward up the list 2 Skip 1 field 3 End of line 4 Growing stock 5 FIBER Habitat 6 Crown Class 7 Sample unit name 8 Tree Grade 9 Area Represented 10 Number of Trees 11 DBH 4.5 feet 12 dbh 1.3 meters (Etc.) Selection = < Units used to measure height must be defined. The default unit is feet (option 2) (left). If tree heights were measured in meters, select option 8. Next define the format or order in which data will appear in the field data file. This is one of the most important steps when defining a header file (HDR). The sequence in which options are selected from this screen must be identical to the sequence of individual tree data found in the associated data file (DATA). When defining the format statement in the header file, Flex provides the user with a menu screen containing the possible forms of input data (left). Due to the large number of possible inputs (see Appendix A) and limited screen size, this menu is contained on multiple screens. To view input options contained on other screens the user should select option 1. Each time a menu option is selected, Flex updates the menu to reflect that an option has been chosen. This causes the numeric value assigned to each option to change. The user continues to select the appropriate menu options until all of the input data contained in the field data file has been defined. Once all of the input data have been defined, press Enter to proceed to the next screen (left). 0 > ? 34 There are a number of commands that control the processing of a field data file. One command allows the user to direct the input data processor to obtain the information, normally found in the field data .hdr file, from another file found in the same stand-data directory. Up to three redirections may be chained together. If a "?" is entered as the file in a redirection statement, FlexInv will ask the user for the file name at run time. The remaining optional commands control the construction of height equations during execution and override any instructions given from the keyboard. If you use these special commands, be careful, there are no second chances. Continue ? Exit < Continue > ? ___________________________________________ Misc. commands 1 Attach an Inventory field data file (xxx.txt) 2 Attach a Fiber (xxx.tpa) file 3 Insert:"Clear all height prediction equations." 4 Insert:"Load height coefficients from a file." 5 Insert:"Save height coefficients to a file." 6 Insert:"Load height SUMS-OF-SQUARES DATA from a file." 7 Insert:"Save height SUMS-OF-SQUARES DATA to a file." 8 Insert:"Add SUMS-OF-SQUARES in a file to those in memory." 9 Insert:"Subtract SUMS-OF-SQUARES in a file from those in memory. 10 Insert:"ADD SUMS-OF-SQUARES from the field data to those in memory. 11 Insert:"DO NOT add SUMS-OF-SQUARES from the field data to memory." 12 Edit this Inventory Definition file 13 Return to the Master Menu Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________________ Attach an Inventory Field data file: 1 2 3 4 Use the keyboard to enter a file name! Select from existing files. Create a file. Cancel option request. Selection = < 1 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Attach an Inventory Field data file: 1 Stand1 Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________________ Once the format statement has been defined, Flex will display a warning message explaining some data options available to the user (left). The default reply to this screen is to Continue. The last step in defining a header file is to define miscellaneous commands. Options 3-11 are consider advanced options and are used to create height equations (see section 4.1.4) from two different field data files. Option 12 allows the header file to be edited. Options 1 and 2 allow the user to attach data files (left). When attaching a field data file (option 1) (left), the user has the option to use the keyboard to define the full path to the data file (1), select from existing files (2), or to create a field data file (3) (left). If field data files have been created previously, the user should select option 2, otherwise use option 3 to create a new field data file. When selecting previously defined data files, Flex will display a list of all of the data files contained in the STD folder (left). Flex will then prompt the user to attach additional file(s) (left). When the user has attached all of the files desired, use the Enter key to finish defining the header and return to the FlexInv Master Menu (left). ANOTHER ? Attach an Inventory Field data file: See Appendix for sample header files 1 Stand1 Selection = < 0 > ? _________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 Inventory definitions (Etc.) 35 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 Species Product Information Forest inventory data may include merchantable tree volume or value estimates that will vary by species and product. To define species information in Flex, select option 4 from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Selection = < 0 > ? 4 ___________________________________________ Select a species. 1 Forward up the list 2 All Species 3 Softwood 4 Hardwood 5 balsam fir 6 red spruce 7 black spruce 8 white spruce 9 hemlock 10 cedar 11 white pine 12 tamarack 13 sugar maple 14 red maple 15 yellow birch 16 paper birch 17 American beech 18 white ash 19 aspen 20 red oak 21 other hardwood 22 oak 23 spruce Flex has over 200 predefined species and cannot display the full list so the user must select option 1 (Forward up the list) to scroll through the species supported. The first seventeen species are supported by FIBER (option 5-21) and were used in its construction. To edit species information, the user should select the appropriate menu option for that species (6 left). Selection = < 0 > ? 6 ___________________________________________ Select item to edit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name: " red spruce " Alpha. code: " RS " Numeric code: " 97 " USFS FIA code: " 097 " Species group: " Softwood " FIBER species: " red spruce " Default GFC: " 78 " Stump height: " 0.5 feet. " Cubic ft./Ecd: " 85 " Int 1/4 DIB: (All ) 0.0 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Doyle DIB: (Soft) 6.5 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Scribner DIB:(Soft) 6.5 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Pulp DIB: (RS ) 4.0 in. dbh:(RS ) 5.0 to "Total height" red spruce : "Y = 0.0000 + "Merch. height" red spruce : "Y = 0.0000 + Volume equations. Edit volume equation links (All ) 41.5 @ (All ) 41.5 @ (All ) 41.5 @ (All ) 41.5 @ 0.0000/(dbh)" 0.0000/(dbh)" 0.00/mbf 0.00/mbf 0.00/mbf 0.00/Ecd Selecting a species will automatically display the species Select to Edit Menu (left). This menu contains species code information (option 1-6), form class (7), merchantability limits, value, and price appreciation rate for sawlogs by log rule (10 and 12), merchantability limits, value, and price appreciation rate for pulpwood (13), stump height (8), cubic-feet per Eastern standard cord (9), and height and volume equation information (14, 15, 16, and 17). All of this information is used to identify and calculate the volume and value for the species. The user may use predefined defaults or edit these values. To define the pulpwood product specifications the user should select option 13 (left). Selection = < 0 > ? 13 _______________________________________________________ Note: Merchantablility limits need not be the same for Int., Doyle, and Scribner log rules. Codes enclosed in ( ) next to each merchantability limit describe the species or species group to which these limits apply. 36 The following section is the same process when defining pulpwood or sawtimber (Int., Doyle, and Scribner) product specifications. ___________________________________ Select item to edit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name: " red spruce " Alpha. code: " RS " Numeric code: " 97 " USFS FIA code: " 097 " Species group: " Softwood " FIBER species: " red spruce " Default GFC: " 78 " Stump height: " 0.5 feet. " Cubic ft./Ecd: " 85 " Int 1/4 DIB: (All ) 0.0 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Doyle DIB: (Soft) 6.5 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Scribner DIB:(Soft) 6.5 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Pulp DIB: (RS ) 4.0 in. dbh:(RS ) 5.0 to "Total height" red spruce : "Y = 0.0000 + "Merch. height" red spruce : "Y = 0.0000 + Volume equations. Edit volume equation links. (All ) 41.5 @ (All ) 41.5 @ (All ) 41.5 @ (All ) 41.5 @ 0.0000/(dbh)" 0.0000/(dbh)" 0.00/mbf 0.00/mbf 0.00/mbf 0.00/Ecd Selection = < 0 > ? 13 ___________________________________________ Select item to edit. 1 Minimum DIB 2 Minimum dbh 3 Maximum dbh 4 Value 5 Annual Appreciation Rate 4.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 To define the value per eastern standard cord select option 4 (left) and enter the dollar value (90 left). Once a value has been entered, Flex will return to the previous menu. Other options may be edited or press Enter (left) to return to the species information menu. inches inches inches /Ecd percent Selection = < 0 > ? 4 ____________________________________________ Enter the new sawlog price( per Ecd )<0.00 US Dollars >? ___________________________________________ Select item to edit. 1 2 3 4 5 Annual Minimum DIB 4.00 Minimum dbh 5.00 Maximum dbh 0.00 Value 100.00 Appreciation Rate 90 inches inches inches /Ecd 0.00 percent Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Select item to edit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name: " red spruce " Alpha. code: " RS " Numeric code: " 97 " USFS FIA code: " 097 " Species group: " Softwood " FIBER species: " red spruce " Default GFC: " 78 " Stump height: " 0.5 feet. " Cubic ft./Ecd: " 85 " Int 1/4 DIB: (All ) 0.0 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Doyle DIB: (Soft) 6.5 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Scribner DIB:(Soft) 6.5 in. dbh:(All ) 0.0 to Pulp DIB: (RS ) 4.0 in. dbh:(RS ) 5.0 to "Total height" red spruce : "Y = 0.0000 + "Merch. height" red spruce : "Y = 0.0000 + Volume equations. Edit volume equation links. Selection = < 0 > ? ______________________________ When defining pulpwood product specifications, the user is prompted to define the minimum top (small end) diameter inside bark (1), minimum diameter at breast height (2), and maximum diameter at breast height (3) for merchantable trees of that species (left). The user may also define the value per cord (3) and the expected price appreciation rate (4) (left). (All ) 41.5 @ 0.00/mbf (All ) 41.5 @ 0.00/mbf (All ) 41.5 @ 0.00/mbf (All ) 41.5 @ 100.00/Ecd 0.0000/(dbh)" 0.0000/(dbh)" Press Enter to return to the species list menu and edit other species or press Enter again to return to the FIBER Main menu. Note: Product specificatiosn apply to all stands within a compartment. When referencing species and product specifications, Flex first checks the species itself, then the species group (softwood or hardwood), and finally the “All” species. If the species specification, differ from those of the species group, the species specification, will be used. If the species and species group are the same, Flex then compares the group to the “All” species category. If the groups are different, the group specification will be used, otherwise the “All” category is used. The user may take advantage of this structure and minimize the amount of time spent specifying products. 37 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Selection = < 0 > ? 5 ___________________________________________ Definitions for "Number of Trees". 1 Report heading => "Number of Trees" 2 Default units for reports => Count 3 English base. Diameters measured at 4.5 feet. 4 Diameter class size => 1.000 Inches 5 Round borderline tree diameters UP. 6 Use measured diameter. 7 Minimum diameter class lower limit => 0.50 Inches 8 Place trees smaller than 0.5 in the 1.000 diameter class. 9 Maximum diameter class upper limit => 40.50 Inches 10 Place trees larger than 40.5 in the 40.000 diameter class. Selection = < 0 > ? 4 Note: Options 8 and 10 act as on/off switches, allowing the user to either sum trees larger (smaller) than the maximum (minimum) diameter class into the maximum (minimum) diameter class, or to ignore (not sum their volume, value, or count) those trees altogether. ___________________________________________ {Select diameter class units} Distance Conversion Factors 1 Temporary Change of Base Units. 2 1.000000 feet (ft) = 3 12.000000 Inches (in) = 4 0.060606 Rods (rod) = 5 0.015152 Chains (ch) = 6 0.000189 Miles (mi) = 7 30.479999 Centimeters (cm) = 8 0.304800 Meters (m) = 9 0.000305 Kilometers (km) = 10 0.061538 Logs (logs) = 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Diameter Classes Summary statistics for forest inventory data are often presented by diameter class. The range and size of the diameter class will alter the tabular output data. To define diameter class information in Flex, the user should select option 5— Trees/Acre—from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). Flex will display the Diameter Class Definition Menu (left). The output column heading for Trees/?? (1), the default output units (2), the diameter class basis (English or Metric) (3), rounding rule (5), when volume is calculated (6), minimum and maximum diameter classes (7 and 9), and what to do with trees larger or smaller than the minimum or maximum (8 and 9). To edit the diameter class size, select option 4 (left), and Flex will prompt the user to define the diameter class units (left). The default unit is inches 3 (left). Next, a prompt is given to define the diameter class width (left). The class width is equal to the distance between the midpoint of two consecutive classes (left). The default value of 1.0 inches may be changed to 2.0 inches. Selection = < 3 > ? ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The diameter class width is equal to the distance between the midpoint of two consecutive diameter classes. Diameter class width in Inches < 1.000 Inches > ? 2 ______________________________________________________ 38 _____________________________________________________________ Present minimum diameter class MIDPOINT is < 1.0000 Inches > ? A total of 40 diameter classes are allowed. The minimum diameter class midpoint is 2 2.000 Inches< 1.000 to 3.00>. “Enter” The midpoint of the largest possible diameter class is 79.000 to 81.00>. 80.000 Inches< “Enter” Present maximum diameter class MIDPOINT is < 80.0000 Inches > ? “Enter” By defining the midpoint of the smallest diameter class (left), Flex will display the diameter class range for the smallest class (left). If the displayed class boundaries are acceptable the user should press Enter. Then repeat the process for maximum diameter class range and midpoint. ___________________________________________ The tree diameter, for calculations? 1 Use measured diameter. 2 Use diameter class midpoint. Selection = < 1 > ? 1 ____________________________________________ Note: It is recommended that option 1 in the above menu be selected as option 2 can have a significant impact on calculated and reported inventory volumes. ___________________________________________ Once the user has entered the appropriate diameter class ranges, Flex will prompt the user on where to place trees into a diameter class. The choices are before volume, value, and basal area are calculated (2) or after volume, basal area, and value are calculated (1). Option 1 is the default and preferred option (left). Definitions for "Number of Trees". 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Report heading => "Number of Trees" Default units for reports => Count English base. Diameters measured at 4.5 feet. Diameter class size => 1.000 Inches Round borderline tree diameters DOWN. Use measured diameter. Minimum diameter class lower limit => 1.00 Inches Place trees smaller than 1.0 in the 2.000 diameter class. Maximum diameter class upper limit => 81.00 Inches Place trees larger than 81.0 in the 80.000 diameter class. Selection = < 0 > ? Once the user has determined how to place trees into diameter classes, Flex automatically returns to the diameter class definition menu (left). This menu will reflect the changes made by the user. The user may select another option or press Enter. If no selection is made, the program will return to the FlexInv Master Menu (left). __________________________________________ 39 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 6 ___________________________________________ Note: Option 1 and 2 can not be edited from this menu. If the user wishes to edit these variable they should use the species list editor. Status of Discrete database variables 1 139 Code(s), Summary ON, Species 2 3 Code(s), Summary ON, Species Group 3 0 Code(s), Summary OFF, Condition Class 4 0 Code(s), Summary OFF, Crown Class 5 5 Code(s), Summary OFF, Physiographic Class 6 6 Code(s), Summary ON, Growing stock 7 19 Code(s), Summary OFF, Past FIA Type 8 7 Code(s), Summary OFF, Tree Grade 9 0 Code(s), Summary OFF, Current FIA type 10 8 Code(s), Summary OFF, FIBER Habitat Selection = < 0 > ? 8 The following Tree Grade "codes" are defined. To select one for editing enter its number. ___________________________________________ Tree Grade Code List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Present report heading => "Tree Grade" Summary Off Add a new code. Delete an existing code. 1, grade 1 2, grade 2 3, grade 4 5, grade 5 6, grade 6 9, pulpwood Selection = < 0 > ? 3 Discrete Variables Many individual tree attributes such as grade, quality, and crown position, cannot be quantified as continuous data, rather these variables are often handled as discrete categories (good vs. bad; living vs. dead). To define discrete variables in Flex the user should select option 6–Discrete variable data base management (left). The discrete variable database status menu (left) displays the different discrete code categories, summary status (on or off), and the number of different codes defined for that category. Once a user has selected a discrete code category to edit (option 8) (left), Flex automatically dispalys the category’s code list (left). From this menu the user has the option to edit the category name (1), turn summary capability on or off (2), add new codes (3), or delete existing codes (4). The remaining options display existing codes. The total number of codes, summed across all categories, that may be defined is 500. To define a new variable code, select option 3—Add a new code (left). The following section will be the same whenever the user chooses to add a new code. Note: All species codes found in the field data file must be defined in the discrete code database. The format statement, found in the header file, should contain the discrete code category name. Discrete code category summaries must be turned on in order to receive summary statistics in output reports. See section 4.4 40 ____________________________________________ A null line, i.e. "ENTER" only, will terminate the "Code"-"Full Name" loop. New Tree Grade Code: < ? > ? 4 Full Name: <Spruce-Fir> ? grade 4 ___________________________________________ Tree Grade Code List 1 Present report heading => "Tree Grade" 2 Summary Off 3 Add a new code. 4 Delete an existing code. 5 1, grade 1 6 2, grade 2 7 3, grade 4 8 5, grade 5 9 6, grade 6 10 9, pulpwood 11 4, grade 4 Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Tree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Grade Code List Present report heading => "Tree Grade" Summary ON Add a new code. Delete an existing code. 1, grade 1 2, grade 2 3, grade 4 5, grade 5 6, grade 6 9, pulpwood 4, grade 4 Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Status of Discrete database variables 1 139 Code(s), Summary ON, Species 2 3 Code(s), Summary ON, Species Group 3 0 Code(s), Summary OFF, Condition Class 4 0 Code(s), Summary OFF, Crown Class 5 5 Code(s), Summary OFF, Physiographic Class 6 6 Code(s), Summary ON, Growing stock 7 19 Code(s), Summary OFF, Past FIA Type 8 7 Code(s), Summary ON, Tree Grade 9 0 Code(s), Summary OFF, Current FIA type 10 8 Code(s), Summary OFF, FIBER Habitat Selection = < 0 When defining a new discrete code, the user is prompted to assign the new code (4) (left) and define it (grade 4) (left). Once defined, Flex will automatically return to the code list menu (left). This new code list will reflect the changes made (11) (left). To provide summary statistics by discrete codes the code, category’s summary must be turned on by selecting option 2 (left). Flex will automatically up date the code list (left). If the summary was on and the user selected the option 2, then summaries will be turned off and vice versa. Note: Turning code summaries on only tells Flex to calculate summary statistics. It does not mean that Flex output will contain summary statistics for that code. To get summary statistics by discrete data code, the user must request a table containing that code (see Defining Output Tables). To exit the discrete code category press Enter without selecting an option (left). Flex will automatically return to the discrete variable database status menu (left). Pressing the Enter key again will return the user to the FlexInv Master Menu. > ? 41 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Change Table Definitions. { } Process a Stand (ETC) Selection = < 0 > ? 8 _________________________________________ Note: At least one table must be defined and turned on for FlexInv to create summary tables. All output table will be contained in the PRT folder as text (.TXT) files. __________________________________________ Current Table Status. 1 [ On] Stand & Stock Table < dbh; Species Grouping > 2 Unused Table 3 Unused Table 4 Unused Table 5 Unused Table 6 Unused Table 7 Unused Table 8 Unused Table 9 Unused Table 10 Unused Table 11 Unused Table 12 Unused Table 13 Unused Table 14 Unused Table 15 Unused Table 16 Unused Table 17 Unused Table 18 Delete ALL Tables 19 Turn All Tables ON 20 Turn ALL Tables OFF Selection = < 0 > ? 1 __________________________________________ Defining Output Tables Collected inventory data are often presented in the form of summary tables (see section 4.4) using a wide variety of different summary statistics. In Flex, to define, edit, or eliminate summary tables and statistics, select option 8–Change Table Definitions— from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). Flex will automatically display the Current Table Status (left) and give the status (on or off) of previously defined tables. The user may define up to 17 different tables. A default Stand and Stock Table (option 1) is defined and turned on. Options 19 and 20 turn all tables on or off, respectively. Option 18 deletes all tables (see Note). At least one table must be on and defined for Flex to create output. Deleting a table cannot be undone. The user may also choose to delete, edit, turn on or off an individual table by selecting the table status menu (option 1 left). If the table is currently on, selecting it will turn it off and vice versa. To define a new output table the user selects one of the “Unused Tables” (option 2 left). Stand & Stock Table 1 Delete ? 2 Edit ? 3 Printing of this table is ON Selection = < 2 > ? 0 ___________________________________________ Note: Entering “0” will return the user to the previous menu. This works for most menus however, some menus will not accept “0”. __________________________________________ Current Table Status. 1 [ On] Stand & Stock Table < dbh; Species Grouping > 2 Unused Table 3 Unused Table 4 Unused Table 42 ___________________________________________________ Table Format: 1 (Type One) Selected Statistics by dbh with Species Grouping 2 (Type Two) Selected Statistics by Species 3 (Type Three) A Single Statistic by Diameter Class and Species. 4 (Type Two) Discrete Data Codes by Species. 5 (Type Three) Discrete Data Codes By Diameter Class 6 (Type Four) Estimates By Sample Unit 7 (Type Five) Forest Summary (Stratified Estimates) Selection = < 0 > ? 6 ___________________________________________ Table Description Title Line :< > ?Sample ___________________________________________ Units Note: Depending on the table selected above the user may be prompted to answer additional questions concerning whether the table is to be produced by species, species group, and/or growing stock. _____________________________________________ Existing Column Definitions. 1 NOT Defined? 2 NOT Defined? 3 NOT Defined? 4 NOT Defined? 5 NOT Defined? 6 NOT Defined? Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Note: The number of columns that may be defined will vary with table type and format. __________________________________________ Select A product category 1 Total Stem ( Total tree above the stump ) 2 Merchantable Stem ( Above the stump to DIB) 3 Topwood ( Tip of the tree above the DIB point ) 4 Stump ( Ground to the top of the stump.) 5 Standing Tree Int 1/4 ( Sawlogs & Pulp ) 6 Pulpwood 7 Cull 8 Trees/?? 9 Basal Area (??)/?? 10 Misc. Tree Attributes.. Flex has five different table types with seven different formats (see section 4.4.1). Type One tables will display eight different summary statistics by dbh for each species. Type Two tables will display multiple statistics by species (for each discrete data code option 4). Type Three tables will display one statistic or discrete data code by species and dbh. Type Four tables will display multiple statistics by sample unit. Type Five tables will display multiple statistics for each header file processed. Once the table type and format has been selected the user is prompted for a name to appear in the heading of the output table or tables that will be created (left). Each column in the table and the order in which they will appear must be defined by selecting the appropriate menu option (1) (left). When defining column summary information, the user must define the product category (left). The total stem option (1), the merchantable stem (2), unmerchantable stem (Topwood) (3), stump (4), standing tree using Int ¼ log rule (5), pulpwood (6), cull (7), trees per ?? (8), basal area per ?? (9), or other miscellaneous tree attributes (10). Selection = < 0 > ? 9 ___________________________________________ Note: Selecting options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 (above) will display sub-menus. The user should select the desired option from these sub-menus. Once an option has been selected from these sub-menus Flex will automatically display the same menus as below. Options 8 and 9 (above) will automatically display the same menus as follows below. 43 _____________________________________________ Report Basis "/Acre" 1 Per Tree 2 Per Unit Area 3 Per Stand Selection = < 2 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Note: The following screens and default values will vary by product category. {Display variable values in ? units.} Area Conversion Factors 1 Temporary Change of Base Units. 2 1.000000 Square Feet (Sqft) = 1.0 Sqft 3 144.000000 Square Inches (SqIn) = 1.0 Sqft 4 0.003673 Square Rods (rd^2) = 1.0 Sqft 5 0.000230 Square Chains (ch^2) = 1.0 Sqft 6 0.000023 Acres (ac) = 1.0 Sqft 7 0.000000 Square Miles (mi^2) = 1.0 Sqft 8 9290.304000 Square Centimeters (cm^2) = 1.0 Sqft 9 0.092903 Square Meters (m^2) = 1.0 Sqft 10 0.000929 Square Decameters (dm^2) = 1.0 Sqft 11 0.000009 Hectares (h) = 1.0 Sqft 12 0.000000 Square Kilometers (km^2) = 1.0 Sqft 13 0.000092 Roods (rood) = 1.0 Sqft Selection = < 2 > ? __________________________________________ {Report Column on A Per ? Basis:} Area Conversion 1 Temporary Change of Base Units. 2 1.000000 Square Feet (Sqft) = 1.0 3 144.000000 Square Inches (SqIn) = 1.0 4 0.003673 Square Rods (rd^2) = 1.0 5 0.000230 Square Chains (ch^2) = 1.0 6 0.000023 Acres (ac) = 1.0 7 0.000000 Square Miles (mi^2) = 1.0 8 9290.304000 Square Centimeters (cm^2) = 1.0 9 0.092903 Square Meters (m^2) = 1.0 10 0.000929 Square Decameters (dm^2) = 1.0 11 0.000009 Hectares (h) = 1.0 12 0.000000 Square Kilometers (km^2) = 1.0 13 0.000092 Roods (rood) = 1.0 Selection = < 6 > ? Factors Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Sqft Once the user has defined the report column basis (above), Flex will automatically prompt the user to define a new column. The user should continue defining columns until all summary statistics desired are defined or all columns have been defined. The final screen will look similar to the one below. After selecting the desired product category, the report basis (left) must be selected to define the denominator of the report column. Statistics can be reported on a per tree (1), per unit area (i.e., Acre) (2), or per stand (total area as defined in the header file) (3). A column for percentage is an additional option for some report types. Flex will prompt for a display variable units conversion factor (left). With a default option, usually the user will collect field data in English units. However, for output results to be metric, the user can have Flex do the conversion by selecting the appropriate option. In addition to the display variable report basis, the user must define the report column basis (left). The report column basis is associated with the report basis defined above (i.e., per tree, per unit area, per stand), with the default option in English units. Once the output columns or desired columns (all columns need not be defined) are defined, press Enter while in the Existing Column Definitions Menu (left). Flex will return the Current Table Status Menu (left). The user may define another table or return to the FlexInv Master Menu by using the Enter key. ___________________________________________ Existing Column Definitions. 1 Basal Area (Square Feet/ac) 2 Number of Trees (Count/ac) 3 Total Volume (Cubic Feet/ac) 4 Merch. Volume (Cubic Feet/ac) 5 Inter 1/4 bd.ft. (Int_1/4 Board Feet/ac) 6 Net Pulp Cords ( 85 cu.ft./cd./ac) Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Current Table Status. 1 [ On] Stand & Stock Table < dbh; Species Grouping > 2 [ On] Sample Units < By Sample Unit > 3 Unused Table (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ 44 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Change Table Definitions. { } Process a Stand: Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations Processing a Stand Before summary statistics or growth projection can be presented, the inventory data must be processed. Select option 9–Process a Stand—for the location of the stand and treatment of height information (left). The recommended default option is to use field data to make height information (option 1). (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 9 ____________________________________________ Note: The following processes will be the same for options 9 and 16. ___________________________________________ Height management options {NOTE: Options in data file will override.}: 1 2 3 4 5 CLEAR height functions & BUILD new one from field data. RETAIN existing functions WITHOUT modification. RETAIN and ADD new field data to the existing functions. Read a height equation coefficient file into memory More options. Selection = < 1 > ? _________________________________________ After selection of preferences for the treatment of height information, Flex will display a list of header files found in the STD folder of the active compartment (left). The user should select the appropriate header file (1) (left). If this is the correct file (left), select yes. Otherwise, type no and Flex will return to the previous menu. Note: If field data do not contain height information (this is not recommended), Flex will automatically fill in this information with default equations. Options 2, 3, 4, and 5 are considered advanced options. __________________________________________ Select a stand data file. 1 Demo.hdr 2 testing.hdr Selection = < 0 > ? 1 _________________________________________ The stand name found in the file is: "Demo Stand_ “ Once the correct file has been found, Flex will proceed with processing the stand. A series of lines will be displayed on the screen (left) to indicate that the program is working. When finished, the program will return to the FlexInv Master Menu. Is this the CORRECT file (yes/no) < yes > ? ________________________________________________ Stratum area => 20.00 Acres The gauge constant is 0.03030303 Horizontal Point Basal Area Factor 10.00 Square feet / acre. Limiting distance multiplier (PRF) 2.75 Feet per inch of diameter. Horizontal Line Diameter Factor 120.00 (inches / acre.)/ 66 foot line segment. Basal Area per inch of tree diameter 0.6545 (Square Feet / acre.)/ 66 foot line segment. Level 1 indirect file =>"Demo.txt". **************************** (Etc.) 45 _________________________________________ **************************** Screening Sample Unit For Height Equation Data Mapping Species Codes 1 : ... #1.1 The Flex input processor has discovered an undefined species, in the !Species field of your data file. There are three ways to proceed. ___________________________________________ How 1 2 3 would you like to proceed? Ignore all trees with the species code " redsp" Map the code "redsp" to another, existing code. Exit the program! Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ How would you like to proceed? 1 Forward up the list 2 balsam fir 3 red spruce 4 black spruce 5 white spruce 6 hemlock 7 cedar 8 white pine 9 tamarack 10 sugar maple 11 red maple 12 yellow birch 13 paper birch 14 American beech 15 white ash 16 aspen 17 red oak 18 other hardwood 19 oak 20 spruce 21 moose maple 22 white cedar 23 red pine Selection = < 0 > ? 3 Note: Once an unknown code has been mapped all other trees with this same code will automatically be mapped to the same species. This applies to all stands processed following mapping. Occasionally when processing forest inventory data, a species that is not defined in the species list will occur. Flex will prompt the user for the interpretation of the unknown species code or name (left). The user may choose to handle this in three different ways. The user may choose to ignore the species code (1), map the unknown code to an identifiable existing code (2), or exit the program and fix the data error (3). If the user chooses to ignore the unknown code, that tree and all other trees with the same code will not be included in the volume, basal area, value, trees per acre, or other summary statistics. If the user desires to keep the tree (including its associated attributes) and all of the trees with the same code, the user must tell Flex what species that code represents. This process is called “mapping”. To map an unknown species code to an existing species code the user should select option 2 (left). Flex will automatically present a species list (left). The user should scroll through the species list until the appropriate species is found. Select the appropriate species (3) (left) and Flex will continue to process the stand data. **************************** Screening Sample Unit For Height Equation Data 2: ... #1.2 **************************** Screening Sample Unit For Height Equation Data 3 : ... #1.3 46 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Change Table Definitions. { } Process a Stand: Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. Options (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 13 ___________________________________________ Setup options 1 Screen pause OFF 2 Lines per screen => 24 . 3 Measurement unit & Volume table functions. 4 TBL2SVS Command line control 5 SVS Command line control 6 Adjust tree data to RETAIN trees when errors are detected. 7 General default cubic feet of solid wood per 4x4x8 cord => 85.000 8 Edit missing species code maps. 9 Valid total height equation minimum sample size = 30 10 Valid total height equation minimum R-Square = 0.6000 Selection = < 0 > ? 8 ___________________________________________ Species Map editor? 1 Clear all species maps! 2 Delete specific species map entry. 3 Add a New species map entry. Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Select a species map entry to DELETE 1 Code: "redsp" is mapped to "red spruce" Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________ Select a species map entry to DELETE NO Species Mappings Defined. Clearing Mapped Species Codes To undo or clear mapped species codes, the user should select option 13— Options—from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). Flex will display the Setup Options Menu (left). The user will have the options to turn the screen pause on or off (1), define the number of lines per screen (2), define measurement and volume table function (3), edit SVS output command (4 and 5), define action when erroneous tree data are detected (6), define volume per cord (7), edit mapped species codes (8), set minimum sample size for height equation development (9), or set minimum height equation R-square (10). To edit mapped species code option 8 (left), Flex will prompt the user to either clear all species maps (1), delete a specific map (2), or map a species code (3) (left). To delete a specific code the user should select option 2. Flex will then automatically list all of the mapped species (left). The user should select the appropriate map or maps (1 left). Press “Enter” to return to the “Species Map Editor” menu (left). “Enter” again will return the user to the “Setup Options” menu (left). Continue ? Exit < Continue > ? ___________________________________________ Species Map editor? 1 Clear all species maps! 2 Delete specific species map entry. 3 Add a New species map entry. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Setup options 1 Screen pause OFF 2 Lines per screen => 24 . 3 Measurement unit & Volume table functions. 4 TBL2SVS Command line control 5 SVS Command line control 6 Adjust tree data to RETAIN trees when errors are detected. 7 General default cubic feet of solid wood per 4x4x8 cord => 85.000 8 Edit missing species code maps. 9 Valid total height equation minimum sample size = 30 10 Valid total height equation minimum R-Square = 0.6000 Selection = < 0 > ? 47 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Change Table Definitions. { } Process a Stand: Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. Options (ETC) Selection = < 0 > ? 13 ___________________________________________ Setup options 1 Screen pause OFF 2 Lines per screen => 24 . 3 Measurement unit & Volume table functions. 4 TBL2SVS Command line control 5 SVS Command line control 6 Adjust tree data to RETAIN trees when errors are detected. 7 General default cubic feet of solid wood per 4x4x8 cord => 85.000 8 Edit missing species code maps. 9 Valid total height equation minimum sample size = 30 10 Valid total height equation minimum R-Square = 0.6000 Selection = < 0 > ? 9 __________________________________________ Valid total height equation minimum sample size < 30 > ?5 ___________________________________________ Setup options 1 Screen pause OFF 2 Lines per screen => 24 . 3 Measurement unit & Volume table functions. 4 TBL2SVS Command line control 5 SVS Command line control 6 Adjust tree data to RETAIN trees when errors are detected. 7 General default cubic feet of solid wood per 4x4x8 cord => 85.000 8 Edit missing species code maps. 9 Valid total height equation minimum sample size = 5 10 Valid total height equation minimum R-Square = 0.6000 Set Minimum Parameters for Height Equations When inventory data files contain height information, Flex will use this data to develop equations to predict total tree height. These equations will then be used to build volume tables for use by FIBER. However, to avoid using equations with anomalies, Flex requires that these equations have given predictive power (see section 4.1.4). To set the minimum predictive power that height equations must meet, select option 13—Options from the Flex Master Menu (left). Note: This process is the same for setting the minimum sample size or Rsquare. To set the minimum sample size that a species height equation must have to be valid the user should select option 9— Set Options Menu (left). The user will then be prompted to set the minimum sample size (5) (left). Once the minimum sample size is defined, Flex will return to the Setup Options Menu. To return to the FlexInv Master Menu press Enter (left). Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches 4 Inventory definitions 5 Field data 6 Change Table Definitions. 7 Species list information editor: 8 Discrete variable database management. 9 { } Process a Stand: (ETC) 48 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 Inventory definitions 4 Species list information editor: 5 Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches 6 Discrete variable database management. 7 Field data 8 Change Table Definitions. 9 { } Process a Stand: 10 Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". 11 Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". 12 Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. 13 Options 14 Print / Edit Report Files (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 14 ___________________________________________ Note: The user must have defined at least one table and successfully processed a stand for an output report to have been created (see section 4.4). ___________________________________________ FlexInv View Menu Options 1 Select a spreadsheet data viewer < MicroSoft Excel >. 2 Select a text viewer < MicroSoft Word >. 3 Open/Create a Species Code List file. 4 Stand Text Reports 5 Display a stand using SVS. 6 A Compartment (Stratified) Report Defining a Report Editor After the forest inventory data have been processed the user may choose to view, print, or edit the output tables but must first define Print/Edit Report Files (option 14) from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). From the Print/Edit Reports, Flex automatically displays the FlexInv View Menu. This menu defines spreadsheet and text viewers (1 and 2), opens a species code list (3), opens a stand output report (4), displays an SVS image (5), and opens a forest summary report (6) (left). Flex attempts to locate popular editors. If options 1 and 2 do not define an editor, see notes (left). All Flex output is formatted as text files but may be view with a spreadsheet program by identifying them as “|” delimited. Selection = < 0 > ? Note: FlexFIBER will automatically attempt to located several of the most common spreadsheet and text editors. If the program was unable to find these programs in default locations the user will have to specify their location.. This can be done by selecting the type of editor options 1 or 2. Flex will display a screen similar to the one below. Choose option 3 (below) and type in the full DOS path to the editor of your choice. Using the run command on Windows operating systems will help you test the path statement. 49 Viewing Output Reports ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 Select or Change The Management Unit 2 Select or Change The Compartment. 3 Inventory definitions 4 Species list information editor: 5 Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches 6 Discrete variable database management. 7 Field data 8 Change Table Definitions. 9 { } Process a Stand: 10 Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". 11 Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". 12 Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. 13 Options 14 Print / Edit Report Files (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 14 _________________________________________________ FlexInv View Menu Options 1 2 3 4 5 6 Select a spreadsheet data viewer < MicroSoft Excel >. Select a text viewer < MicroSoft Write >. Open/Create a Species Code List file. Stand Text Reports Display a stand using SVS. A Compartment (Stratified) Report Selection = < 0 > ? 5 ___________________________________________ Select an SVS ASCII file to convert and view. Forest inventory data are generally displayed as tables and graphs. These tables or graphs are created in Flex, once output tables and a Report Editor have been defined and a stand processed. To view output data, select option 14—Print/Edit Reports—from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). The FlexInv View Menu (left) allows the user to define editors (1 and 2) or view different output reports (3, 4, 5, and 6). To view an output report, select option 5 (left). Flex will automatically display a list of header files (stratified reports will contain all header files in one report) that have been processed. Select the appropriate option (1 left) to start the editor. When finished viewing the report, the user MUST close the editor and the computer will return to the FlexInv View Menu (left). To return to the FlexInv Master Menu press Enter. 1 Demo Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Flex will automatically start the editor defined in option 1 or 2. When the user has finished viewing the output information, they should simply close the editor and Flex will resume as follows. _________________________________________ FlexInv View Menu Options 1 Select a spreadsheet data viewer < MicroSoft Excel >. 2 Select a text viewer < MicroSoft Write >. 3 Open/Create a Species Code List file. 4 Stand Text Reports 5 Display a stand using SVS. 6 A Compartment (Stratified) Report Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ 50 ___________________________________________ FlexInv Master Menu For: Mgt. Unit=>"Getting Started with" ,Compartment=>"comp1" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Select or Change The Management Unit Select or Change The Compartment. Inventory definitions Species list information editor: Trees/Acre, Diameter Classes: Width = 1.000; Range 4.5 to 32.5 Inches Discrete variable database management. Field data Change Table Definitions. { } Process a Stand: Obtain total tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Obtain merchantable tree height using "Fill In With Equations". Adjust for cull estimates {FIBER volumes reduced for CULL}. Options Print / Edit Report Files. Run FIBER { } Process a Simulated fiber tree list: Setup Spectrum Interface Setup Fiber Batch Files Selection = < 0 > ? 15 _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Demo_2000-2000} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Getting to FIBER The ability to explore the forest response to alternative forest management scenarios is a powerful part of the FlexFIBER system. To project the dynamic processes that result from forest management scenarios, the user must access the FIBER Main Menu by selecting option 15 from the FlexInv Master Menu (left). Note: If the user has just finished processing a stand in Flex, the program accesses the FIBER Stand Directory and the FIBER Main Menu will be displayed on the left (see Selecting a FIBER Stand Directory). Once chosen, the FIBER program will automatically display the FIBER Main Menu (left). The user has the option to select a stand directory (1), change ingrowth function (2), evaluate FIBER habitat type (3), control projected plot characteristics (advanced) (4, 5, and 6), read a TPA file (7), change ingrowth quality ratios (8), define an initiator or treatment (9 and 10), set diameter limit control (11), set A-line control (12), project growth (13), view output reports (14), turn output report on and off (15), turn STPA and MTPA files on (16 and 17), or return to Flex (18) (left). Note: Menu option numeric values may change as the user begins to select specific options. 51 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu Selecting a FIBER Stand Directory 1 { } Select stand directory. 2 Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat 3 "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." 4 Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. 5 Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports (ETC) Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________________ Select a Stand name! 1 Stand1 FIBER will display a list of the stand folders contained in the FIB folder of the active compartment (left). Scroll through the list to select the appropriate stand (1) (left) and return to the FIBER Main Menu (left). Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. 2 Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat 3 "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." 4 Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. 5 Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. 6 Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. 7 { } Select inventory tree list. 8 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. 9 Initiator Menu: 10 Treatment Menu: 11 Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: 12 Report Management Menu. (ETC) Selection = < 0 > ? 7 ___________________________________________ Select an inventory file name! 1 Stand1_1999 Selection = < 0 > ? 1 _______________________________________________ Processing sample unit No. 1 " #1.1 " 27 Records read. retained. 27 Records ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Note: The user must select a stand directory before he/she can project growth or view output files. The user need not select a stand directory if he/she would like to create initiators or treatments. Selecting a TPA file Next select a tree list or TPA file option 7—Select inventory tree list— from the FIBER Main Menu(left). FIBER will continue to read all of the input sample units until all have been read. FIBER will then return to the FIBER Main Menu. Note the appearance of the Projection option. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 To select a stand directory the user should select option 3—Select stand directory from the FIBER Main Menu (left). All the tree lists contained in the stand directory will be displayed. The user should select the desired file (1 left). Once the correct file has been located, FIBER will read the data and return to the FIBER Main Menu(below). Note: The user must select a TPA, STPA, or MTPA file before growth can be projected. Stand directories may contain more than one TPA file; however, creating this situation requires advanced knowledge of FIBER. After projecting the growth of a stand, the user should reread the TPA file prior to making another projection. This will reset the date of the file to that of its associate header file. 52 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 11 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Diameter and A-Line Controls FIBER operates in several different modes. These modes are Diameter limits on or off and A-line limits on or off in any combination. These modes of operation will determine how FIBER will handle certain operations (see sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4). To rotate FIBER’s mode of operation from diameter limits off to diameter limits on and vice versa select option 11 from the FIBER Main Menu (left). To switch the operation mode from Aline limits on to A-Line limits off and vice versa, select option 12 from the FIBER Main Menu (left). { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameters are limited by site:species. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 12 ___________________________________________ Note: A-line “off” mode is experimental. ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameters are limited by site:species. A-Line restrictions OFF (Experimental!?) (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? ______________________________________ 53 __________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. 2 Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat 3 "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." 4 Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. 5 Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. 6 Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. 7 {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 8 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. 9 Initiator Menu: 10 Treatment Menu: 11 Tree diameter limits are off. 12 A-Line restrictions ON (Original) 13 Projection Menu: 14 Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: 15 Report Management Menu 16 Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off 17 Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. 18 Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 15 ___________________________________________ Report Management Menu 1 Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: 2 " ON" Screen guide reports. " ON" File guide reports. 3 "OFF" Detailed Stand reports 4 "OFF" "TEXT" "5 Year Periodic Inventory Summary" 5 "OFF" "TEXT" "Periodic Annual Increment Summary" 6 "OFF" "TEXT" "Misc. Mortality,Ingrowth and/or, Cut" 7 "OFF" "FILE" "The Plot Classification Series" for ALL classes 8 "OFF" "FILE" "5 Year Periodic Stocking Series" 9 "OFF" "FILE" "Periodic Annual Increment Series". 10 "OFF" "FILE" " 5 Year Periodic Increment Series". Selection = < 0 > ? 8 ___________________________________________ Report Management Menu 1 Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: 2 " ON" Screen guide reports. " ON" File guide reports. 3 "OFF" Detailed Stand reports 4 "OFF" "TEXT" "5 Year Periodic Inventory Summary" 5 "OFF" "TEXT" "Periodic Annual Increment Summary" 6 "OFF" "TEXT" "Misc. Mortality,Ingrowth and/or, Cut" 7 "OFF" "FILE" "The Plot Classification Series" for ALL classes 8 " ON" "FILE" "5 Year Periodic Stocking Series" 9 "OFF" "FILE" "Periodic Annual Increment Series". 10 "OFF" "FILE" " 5 Year Periodic Increment Series". Selection = < 0 Report Management To turn output summary statistics for growth and yield projections on or off, the user must define what reports to view. To identify output reports in FIBER select option 15—Report Management Menu—from the FIBER Main Menu (left). FIBER will display the Report Management Menu (left) that contains a list of preformatted reports for FIBER to create and turn their status on or off. Options 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are all formatted as text reports and are contained in one file (see General Report). Options 8, 9, and 10 are formatted as spreadsheet reports (see CPI, PAI, and STK). Note: The Screen Guide Report scrolls across the screen during projection and is placed in the General Report. The user cannot turn the General Report off. To turn a report on (or off), select menu option (8) (left). FIBER will update the status of the selected report (left). To exit the Report Management Menu press Enter without making a selection (left). FIBER will return to the FIBER Main Menu (left). > ? FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. 54 _____________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Ingrowth Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ingrow any FIBER species suited to the plot habitat No ingrowth on any plot. Ingrow species initially found on the plot. Ingrow species initially found on the plot with dbh >= 4.5". Ingrowth any species found in the initial STAND. Ingrowth adjusted From the "Projection Menu" . Manually set for each plot, as it is loaded. Selection = < 0 > ? 3 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow species initially found on the plot. "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Ingrowth Controls Ingrowth can be one of the most variable but critical elements of forest growth and species successional changes. To help forest managers project and control species that will ingrow into a stand, FIBER has seven different ingrowth control options. To select these ingrowth options, choose option 2 from the FIBER Main Menu (left). The ingrowth menu (left) allows the user to select species that are expected to ingrow into a stand. The options are select all of the FIBER species suited to the habitat (1), allow no ingrowth (2), ingrow those species currently found on the plot (3), ingrow only those species currently greater than 4.5 inches on the plot (4), ingrow all species found on all plots in the stand (5), set ingrowth from the projection menu (6), or manually set the ingrowth for each plot at each iteration (7). The user should select the type of ingrowth that best reflects the current stand conditions and the site on which the stand is growing. Changing ingrowth control does not change the ingrowth equations used by FIBER. These options allow for selected species to grow into a developing stand (see section 2.3). Note: The user may delay ingrowth as a function of management (see Cutting Guide) or change ingrowth control during a simulation. Selection = < 0 > ? 55 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ingrowth Quality { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow species initially found on the plot. "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 8 Select Species to change the "Ingrowth" UGS percent 1 Forward up the list 2 balsam fir Ingrowth UGS 8. Current standing 3 red spruce Ingrowth UGS 18. Current standing 4 black spruce Ingrowth UGS 14. Current standing 5 white spruce Ingrowth UGS 25. Current standing 6 hemlock Ingrowth UGS 68. Current standing 7 cedar Ingrowth UGS 0. Current standing 8 white pine Ingrowth UGS 15. Current standing 9 tamarack Ingrowth UGS 14. Current standing 10 sugar maple Ingrowth UGS 25. Current standing live live live live live live live live live UGS UGS UGS UGS UGS UGS UGS UGS UGS 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 2 _________________________________________________________ Enter UGS percent of "Ingrowth" for "balsam fir" < ___________________________________________ Select Species to change the 2 balsam fir Ingrowth 3 red spruce Ingrowth 4 black spruce Ingrowth 5 white spruce Ingrowth 6 hemlock Ingrowth 7 cedar Ingrowth 8 white pine Ingrowth 9 tamarack Ingrowth 10 sugar maple Ingrowth 8 > ? 14 "Ingrowth" UGS percent Forward up the list UGS 14. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 18. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 14. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 25. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 68. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 0. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 15. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 14. Current standing live UGS 0. UGS 25. Current standing live UGS 0. The quality of ingrowth is an important factor when projecting the growing stock value of a stand (see section 2.3). FIBER recognizes two different expressions of quality. AGS are trees that can produce sawlogs and UGS trees that will not produce sawlogs. Without high value sawlogs, the volume of UGS trees in a stand can have an impact on stand value. A typical management objective is to improve stand quality and could also improve the quality of ingrowth. To change the quality of ingrowth trees, the user should select option 8 from the FIBER Main Menu (left). FIBER will define ingrowth quality and present the Species UGS Percent Menu (left). This menu will contain the default percentage of ingrowth by species not expected to reach sawlog quality. To change the UGS percentage, the user selects the appropriate species (2) (left). FIBER will then prompt the user to define the new UGS percentage and will update the display to reflect changes (left). To leave the Species UGS Menu, press Enter without making a selection (left), and FIBER will return to the FIBER Main Menu. (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? __________________________________________ 56 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow species initially found on the plot. "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 13 The menu below will vary by stand. _______________________________________________ Stand projection control status: 1 Return without Executing this projection. 2 Present value discount rate 0.00 percent. 3 Manually set INGROWTH ( Changes ingrowth control ). 4 Current species (1): "hemlock", BA/ac. = 92.1 square feet. 5 Current species (2): "red spruce", BA/ac. = 40.6 square feet. 6 Current species (3): "red maple", BA/ac. = 10.1 square feet. 7 { Hemlock - red spruce } Plots found => 6 8 { 500 } Elevation: " Weighted Mean From File Data." 9 { 2000 } Current year: ( 6 acres on 6 plots) 10 { 50 } Site Quality: 11 { 10 } Projection length in years. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Enter a title line for this projection now.< > ?No Harvest _________________________________________________ Do nothing Simulation from 2000 to 2005 Compiled: "April 5,2000 at 21: 7" Initial Stand Guide Report. Years simulated. The present year is 2000 ( 6 acres on 6 plots) Stand name ....... "Demo Stand" Eco. habitat type (Mean Vegetation data).. " Hemlock - red spruce " Weighted Mean Elevation = 1000 Weighted Mean Site Index = 50 Current species(1)... " hemlock ", BA/ac. = 92.1 square feet. Current species(2)... " red spruce ", BA/ac. = 40.6 square feet. Current species(3)... " red maple ", BA/ac. = 10.1 square feet. Projection Menu To project stand growth and yield using FIBER, select option 13 from the FIBER Main Menu (left). Once 13 is chosen, FIBER will display the Stand Projection Menu (left). From this menu the user has the options to change the FIBER habitat type (7), define stand elevation (9), override default site quality (10), change projection length (11), define a discount rate (2), and change ingrowth control to manual (3). This menu also displays the top three species in the stand in terms of basal area (4, 5, and 6) and the current year and number of sample units in the stand (9). To project the stand forward, simply press Enter without making a selection (left). FIBER will prompt the user for a projection title. The user should use a name for the projection that references the management scenario being projected (No Harvest left). Note: The projection name will appear in all output reports created during the simulation. To remind the user that the program is working, FIBER will display the Screen Guide Report. When FIBER has projected the stand for the specified number of years, the program will return to the FIBER Main Menu (left). FIBER will continue to display the Screen Guide Report (above) for each iteration. When FIBER has projected the specified time period the FIBER Main Menu will be displayed 57 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow species initially found on the plot. "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu: Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 9 Initiator Menu: 1 Define a New Initiator. 2 Clear All Initiators. 3 Write an Initiator definition file 4 Read an Initiator definition file Selection = < 0 > ? FIBER will automatically display the Initiator Menu (left), where the user may define a new initiator (1), delete active initiators from memory (2), save (write) an initiator (3), or load (read) a previously defined initiator (4). 1 Note; An initiator must be defined and loaded before it can be cleared. Clearing initiator (2 above) will not delete saved files. Enter a name for this initiator.< > ? “When 69 A” Note; It is recommended that initiator be named after the condition that they are defining. __________________________________________ Edit an Initiator (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Defining an Initiator Forest managers often use a predictive model to evaluate the possible outcomes of management activities. FIBER allows managers to model different management scenarios in terms of three different criteria: when should management activity take place (initiator), what is the desired result of management (treatment), and how will those results be achieved (cutting guide) (see section 4.7). To define when a management activity should take place, the user should select option 9—Initiator Menu, from the FIBER Main Menu (left). Initiator name:" When 69 A " CLEAR this initiator: This initiator name may request a treatment. Number of treatment linked to this Initiator => 0 Begin testing for treatment initiation immediately. Re-test for treatment initiation every 5 years. Never stop testing for treatment initiation. For softwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. For hardwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. For mixedwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. Attempt treatment if basal area is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if stems is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if Cu.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if Bd.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if QMSD is greater than 0. A-line not examined. B-line not examined. C-line not examined. To define a new initiator (section 4.7.1), select option 1 from the Initiator Menu (left), and FIBER will prompt the user to name the initiator. Enter the desired name (When 69 A left). FIBER will then display the Initiator Definition Menu (left). From the Initiator Definition Menu, the user may choose to turn the initiator off or on (3), link the initiator to a treatment (4), define the timing options (5, 6, and 7), define site and stand type options (8, 9, and 10), quantity options (11, 12, 13, 14, and 15), and stocking options (16, 17, and 18) (left). Selection = < 0 > ? _____________________________________________ 58 __________________________________________ Edit an Initiator (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 Initiator name:" When 69 A " 2 CLEAR this initiator: 3 This initiator name may request a treatment. 4 Number of treatment linked to this Initiator => 0 5 Begin testing for treatment initiation immediately. 6 Re-test for treatment initiation every 5 years. 7 Never stop testing for treatment initiation. 8 For softwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 9 For hardwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 10 For mixedwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 11 Attempt treatment if basal area is greater than 0. 12 Attempt treatment if stems is greater than 0. 13 Attempt treatment if Cu.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. 14 Attempt treatment if Bd.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. 15 Attempt treatment if QMSD is greater than 0. 16 A-line not examined. 17 B-line not examined. 18 C-line not examined. Selection = < 0 > ? 11 ___________________________________________ Basal area range to try treatment options. 1 if "Total AGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 2 if "Total UGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 3 if "Total" is over 0.0 try treatments. 4 if "Softwood AGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 5 if "Softwood UGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 6 if "Softwood" is over 0.0 try treatments. 7 if "Hardwood AGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 8 if "Hardwood UGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 9 if "Hardwood" is over 0.0 try treatments. Selection = < 0 > ? 3 __________________________________________ The section below will be the same regardless of above selection. ___________________________________________ Basal area " "Total" ": 1 Minimum threshold for "Total" => 0.0 2 Maximum threshold for "Total" => " No upper limit " Selection = < 0 > ? __________________________________________ If the user selects one of the above options FIBER will prompt the user to define the threshold. The user should select the desired level. Once the desired level has been selected, FIBER will display the above menu reflecting changes made. ___________________________________________ Basal area range options. 1 if "Total AGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 2 if "Total UGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 3 if "Total" is over 0.0 try treatments. 4 if "Softwood AGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 5 if "Softwood UGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 6 if "Softwood" is over 0.0 try treatments. 7 if "Hardwood AGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 8 if "Hardwood UGS" is over 0.0 try treatments. 9 if "Hardwood" is over 0.0 try treatments. To define the basal area level a stand must reach before harvesting activity can occur, the user should select option 11 from the Initiator Definition Menu (left). The following section will be the same regardless of whether the user is defining required conditions in terms of trees per unit area (12), cubic foot volume (13), board foot volume (14), or mean stand diameter (15). Once the user chooses to define the required stand conditions in terms of quantity, FIBER will display the To Try Treatment Options Menu . Ranges may be defined in terms of all trees (total), softwood trees, hardwood trees, acceptable growing stock (AGS), unacceptable growing stock (UGS), or any combination of the above (left). To define a condition in terms of all trees, the user should select option 3 (left). Note: The user may define a condition by option number in the Initiator Definition and Range Options Menus. FIBER will prompt the user to define the thresholds of that range (left). The user may choose to define a minimum (1), a maximum (2), or both (select 1, then 2). When finished defining a threshold range, return to the range options menu by pressing Enter twice without making a selection (left). FIBER will display the initiator definition menu reflecting the changes made. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ If more than one range option (above) is defined, FIBER will consider all ranges 59 _____________________________________________________ Edit an Initiator (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 Initiator name:" When 69 A " 2 CLEAR this initiator: 3 This initiator name may request a treatment. 4 Number of treatment linked to this Initiator => 0 5 Begin testing for treatment initiation immediately. 6 Re-test for treatment initiation every 5 years. 7 Never stop testing for treatment initiation. 8 For softwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 9 For hardwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 10 For mixedwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 11 Attempt treatment if basal area is greater than 0. 12 Attempt treatment if stems is greater than 0. 13 Attempt treatment if Cu.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. 14 Attempt treatment if Bd.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. 15 Attempt treatment if QMSD is greater than 0. 16 A-line not examined. 17 B-line not examined. 18 C-line not examined. Selection = < 0 > ? 16 __________________________________________ Initiate when the percent of the "A-line" reaches ? 69 When defining the percentage of a reference line, FIBER treats it as “>=” statement. ___________________________________________ Edit an Initiator (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 Initiator name:" When 69 A " 2 CLEAR this initiator: 3 This initiator name may request a treatment. 4 Number of treatment linked to this Initiator => 0 5 Begin testing for treatment initiation immediately. 6 Re-test for treatment initiation every 5 years. 7 Never stop testing for treatment initiation. 8 For softwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 9 For hardwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 10 For mixedwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. 11 Attempt a treatment if basal area is greater than 12 Attempt a treatment if stems is greater than 13 Attempt a treatment if Cu.Ft. Vol is greater than 14 Attempt a treatment if Bd.Ft. Vol is greater than 15 Attempt a treatment if QMSD is greater than 16 When above 69 percent of the "A"-line 17 B-line not examined. 18 C-line not examined. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Selection = < 0 > ? 6 ________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Interval accumulation basis: 1 Begin Immediately, Re-examine every 5 years. 2 Begin Immediately, Re-examine every 5 years, until success, restart in 5 3 Begin Immediately, Re-examine every 5 years, disable after success. To define the initiators in terms of New England mixed species stocking charts, the user should select the appropriate reference line (A, B, or C) options 16, 17, or 18 (left). After selecting a reference line, FIBER will prompt the user to define what percentage of that line (69) (left) must be exceeded to warrant a management action. Once the user has defined the desired stocking level, FIBER will display the initiator definition menu to reflect any changes made (left). FIBER allows the user three options to define an initiator in terms of elapsed time, when to begin checking (5), how often to check (6), and when to stop checking (7). To define how often FIBER should examine stand conditions to determine whether a stand should receive management, the user should select option 6 (left). Once the user has chosen how frequently to examine the stand, FIBER will display the interval definition menu (left). From this menu, the user may choose to have FIBER re-examine the stand continuously at a regular interval (1), re-examine continuously at an irregular interval (2), or re-examine at a regular interval until stand conditions have been met (3). To exit, press Enter without making a selection (left) and the initiator definition menu will reflect any changes made. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ 60 ____________________________________________________ Edit an Initiator (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Initiator name:" When 69 A " CLEAR this initiator: This initiator name may request a treatment. Number of treatment linked to this Initiator => 0 Begin testing for treatment initiation immediately. Re-test for treatment initiation every 5 years. Never stop testing for treatment initiation. For softwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. For hardwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. For mixedwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. Attempt treatment if basal area is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if stems is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if Cu.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if Bd.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if QMSD is greater than 0. When above 69 percent of the "A"-line B-line not examined. C-line not examined. Selection = < 0 > ? 8 _____________________________________________________ The following section will be essentially the same regardless of whether the user selects option 8, 9, or 10. ___________________________________________ Initiator status in "Softwood" stands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 < < < < < < < Not Permitted > "Beech - red maple" Not Permitted > "Cedar - black spruce" Not Permitted > "Hemlock - red spruce" Not Permitted > "Oak - white pine" Not Permitted > "Sugar maple - ash" Not Permitted > "Spruce - fir" Permitted > "All or, unknown" Selection = < 0 > ? _____________________________________________ Note: The user may select more than one ecological habitat type. ___________________________________________ Edit an Initiator (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Initiator name:" When 69 A " CLEAR this initiator: This initiator name may request a treatment. Number of treatment linked to this Initiator => 0 Begin testing for treatment initiation immediately. Re-test for treatment initiation every 5 years. Never stop testing for treatment initiation. For softwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. For hardwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. For mixedwood stands, on all FIBER habitats. Attempt treatment if basal area is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if stems is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if Cu.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if Bd.Ft. Vol is greater than 0. Attempt treatment if QMSD is greater than 0. When above 69 percent of the "A"-line B-line not examined. C-line not examined. Selection = < 0 Different stand conditions may warrant different management practices depending on the species composition and site. To establish the species composition and site requirements of an initiator in FIBER, the user has three options. For stands with the majority (>74%) of their species composition in hardwoods, the user should select option 8. For stands with <74% but >25% hardwood species, the user should select option 10. For stands with >74% of their species composition in softwood species, the user should select option 8 (left). Once the user has selected the desired species composition FIBER will display a menu containing the different habitats that that species composition may be found on (left). These sites are the six different ecological habitat types used by FIBER. From this menu the user should select the ecological habitat type or types that may warrant management. Each menu option is an on/off switch with the menu displaying the current status. Option 7 allows the user to select all habitat types and is on by default. To exit the ecological habitat type menu, press Enter without making a selection (left). FIBER will then display the initiator definition menu to reflect any changes made. Press Enter (left) to display the initiator edit menu (below). > ? ___________________________________________ 61 ___________________________________________ Initiator definition file (ALL conditions must be satisfied). 1 2 3 4 5 Define a New Initiator. Clear All Initiators. Write an Initiator definition file Read an Initiator definition file When 69 A Selection = < 0 > ? 3 ____________________________________________________ Note: The user should always save (write) the initiator definition to a file before exiting the above menu. This will allow the user to access the definitions at a later date. If the user does not save the definition, it will be lost when the user closes FlexFIBER. ___________________________________________ Initiator definition file 1 Enter a NEW File Name. Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Note: Beginners should use the same name for the initiator definition file as the initiator. Beginners should also keep one initiator per initiator file. Enter the new file name. ? “When 69 A” ___________________________________________ Select a Initiator definition file. 1 2 3 4 5 Define a New Initiator. Clear All Initiators. Write an Initiator definition file Read an Initiator definition file When 69 A When finished, the user must save (write) an initiator definition if they desire access to that definition after they exit the FlexFIBER program. To write an initiator definition file, select option 3. FIBER will display all of the previously defined initiator definition files (left). To add the initiator definition to a file containing other definitions, the user should select the appropriate file (recommended for advanced users only). To create a new definition file, select option 1. Once the user has chosen to define a new initiator definition file, FIBER will prompt for a name (left). Enter a name that helps identify the initiator or initiators stored within the file. Once the user has entered the appropriate name, FIBER will return to the initiator definition menu (left). Press Enter and FIBER will display the FIBER Main Menu to reflect that an initiator has been saved or loaded (read) (left). Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ 62 ___________________________________________ FIBER Main Menu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Defining a Treatment { Stand1 } Select stand directory. Ingrow species initially found on the plot. "OFF" "Output a file for FIBER habitat classification." Plots below the lower range are retain as unstocked. Exclude the area of Unstocked and Delayed plots from reports. Plots with stocking less than 5 sqft/ac are unstocked. {Stand1_1999-1999} Plots: All= 6, Mean= 6/ 6, Delay= 0/ 0 Change species ingrowth "AGS.vs.UGS" ratios. Initiator Menu:(File “When” loaded) Treatment Menu: Tree diameter limits are off. A-Line restrictions ON (Original) Projection Menu: Look at a FIBER reports, etc.: Report Management Menu Generation of a simulated sample unit tree list is turned off Generation of a simulated mean unit tree list is turned off. Return to FlexInv. Selection = < 0 > ? 10 Thinning Definition Options. 1 2 3 4 Define a New Treatment. Clear All Treatments. Write a Treatment definition file Read a Treatment definition file Selection = < 0 > ? __________________________________________ > ?”To B Line” It is recommended that treatments be named after the resulting desired condition or initiator linked to track the treatments being conducted. ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Once chosen, FIBER displays the treatment status menu (left) with options to define a new treatment (1), delete active treatments from memory (2), save (write) a treatment definition (3), or load (read) a previously defined treatment definition (4). To define a new treatment, the user should select option 1. The user should enter the appropriate name (“To B Line” left). 1 Enter a name for this treatment.< Management activities are conducted to achieve objectives. These objectives are often associated with achieving a desired stand condition after management. To define this stand condition (see section 4.7.2), FIBER allows the user to select option 10, the Treatment Menu from the FIBER Main Menu (left). Treatment name:" To B line " This treatment is Selectable. Clear this definition! Number of active Initiators => 0 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Apply in "Hardwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Apply in "Mixedwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Min. residual,total basal area 5 Min. residual,total stems 0 Min. residual,total Cu.Ft. Vol 0 Min. residual,total Bd.Ft. Vol 0 Thin to 0 percent of the "A"-line Thin to 0 percent of the "B"-line Thin to 0 percent of the "C"-line Cutting guide editor. Once named, FIBER will display the treatment definition menu (left) to rename the treatment (1), turn it “on/off” (2), clear the definition (set back to defaults) (3), link the treatment to an initiator (4), define the stand composition and site were the treatment applies (5, 6,and 7), define the resulting quantities or levels of removal (8, 9, 10, and 11), or resulting stocking level in terms of stocking charts (12, 13, and 14). To define how the resulting condition will be achieved using the Cutting Guide Editor, choose option 15. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ 63 ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Treatment name:" To B line " This treatment is Selectable. Clear this definition! Number of active Initiators => 0 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Apply in "Hardwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Apply in "Mixedwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Min. residual,total basal area 5 Min. residual,total stems 0 Min. residual,total Cu.Ft. Vol 0 Min. residual,total Bd.Ft. Vol 0 Thin to 0 percent of the "A"-line Thin to 0 percent of the "B"-line Thin to 0 percent of the "C"-line Cutting guide editor. Selection = < 0 > ? 4 =============================================================== Thinning name " To B line" =============================================================== ___________________________________________ Available initiators: 1 {NOT Linked & Active} "When 69 A Selection = < 0 > ? 1 A treatment may only be linked to an initiator if there is an initiator currently loaded and vice versa. Beginners should only link one initiator to a treatment and vice versa. ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 Treatment name:" To B line " 2 This treatment is Selectable. 3 Clear this definition! 4 Number of active Initiators => 1 5 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 6 Apply in "Hardwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 7 Apply in "Mixedwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 8 Min. residual,total basal area 5 9 Min. residual,total stems 0 10 Min. residual,total Cu.Ft. Vol 0 11 Min. residual,total Bd.Ft. Vol 0 12 Thin to 0 percent of the "A"-line 13 Thin to 100 percent of the "B"-line 14 Thin to 0 percent of the "C"-line 15 Cutting guide editor. Before FIBER can model alternative management actions the user must link a starting condition to a resulting condition by selecting option 4 (left). Once chosen, FIBER will display a list and current status of initiators in memory (left). Each initiator is linked or not linked (1) (left). The above menu will be similar when the user chooses to link an initiator to a treatment. Once the user has selected the appropriate available initiators, press Enter and FIBER will display the treatment definition menu to reflect the changes made. The process for defining the species composition and habitat criteria is identical to that used by an initiator. Reference this process as defined under an initiator (above). Selection = < 0 > ? The above menu displays a treatment definition with a resulting condition described in terms of the B-line on a stand stocking chart. The process used to define this condition is identical to defining this condition in an initiator. The process used to define species composition and site characteristic in a treatment is also identical to the process used to define these same options in an initiator. Although this manual will not go over these processes in a treatment the user is encouraged to reference the initiator definitions. 64 ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 Treatment name:" To B line " 2 This treatment is Selectable. 3 Clear this definition! 4 Number of active Initiators => 1 5 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 6 Apply in "Hardwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 7 Apply in "Mixedwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 8 Min. residual,total basal area 5 9 Min. residual,total stems 0 10 Min. residual,total Cu.Ft. Vol 0 11 Min. residual,total Bd.Ft. Vol 0 12 Thin to 0 percent of the "A"-line 13 Thin to 100 percent of the "B"-line 14 Thin to 0 percent of the "C"-line 15 Cutting guide editor. Selection = < 0 > ? 8 The following section will be similar upon selection of option 8, 9, 10, or 11. ___________________________________________ Basal area range options. ( 0.0< entry < 1.0 => percent of inventory ) 1 "Total AGS" Residual = 0.00 2 "Total UGS" Residual = 0.00 3 "Total" Residual = 5.00 4 "Softwood AGS" Residual = 0.00 5 "Softwood UGS" Residual = 0.00 6 "Softwood" Residual = 0.00 7 "Hardwood AGS" Residual = 0.00 8 "Hardwood UGS" Residual = 0.00 9 "Hardwood" Residual = 0.00 Selection = < 0 > ? 3 The section below will be the same regardless of the above selection. ___________________________________________ Basal area " "Total" ": 1 Minimum residual "Total" => 5.0 2 Minimum "Total" to be removed => 0.0 3 Maximum "Total" Remove all available. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Basal area range options.(0.0< entry<1.0=> percent of inventory ) 1 "Total AGS" Residual = 0.00 2 "Total UGS" Residual = 0.00 3 "Total" Residual = 5.00 4 "Softwood AGS" Residual = 0.00 5 "Softwood UGS" Residual = 0.00 6 "Softwood" Residual = 0.00 7 "Hardwood AGS" Residual = 0.00 8 "Hardwood UGS" Residual = 0.00 9 "Hardwood" Residual = 0.00 Selection = < 0 To define the level of basal area a stand must reach before a harvesting activity is initiated, the user should select option 8 from the treatment definition menu (left). The following section will be the same for defining resulting conditions in terms of trees per unit area (9), cubic foot volume (10) or, board foot volume (11) (left). FIBER will display the range of quantity options menu. Ranges may be defined in terms of all trees (total), softwood trees, hardwood trees, acceptable growing stock (AGS), unacceptable growing stock (UGS), or any combination of the above (left). To define a condition in terms of all trees, select option 3 (left). Now define the thresholds of that range (left). The user may choose to define a minimum residual (1), a minimum removal (2), a maximum removal (3), or all of the above (select 1, then 2, then 3). Once the user has finished defining a threshold range, FIBER will display the treatment definition menu reflecting the changes made after pressing the Enter key twice (left). > ? If more than one range option (above) is defined, FIBER will consider each range to be part of an “and “ clause. ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 Treatment name:" To B line " 2 This treatment is Selectable. 3 Clear this definition! 4 Number of active Initiators => 1 5 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". (Etc.) 65 ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 Treatment name:" To B line " 2 This treatment is Selectable. 3 Clear this definition! 4 Number of active Initiators => 1 5 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 6 Apply in "Hardwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 7 Apply in "Mixedwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". 8 Min. residual,total basal area 5 9 Min. residual,total stems 0 10 Min. residual,total Cu.Ft. Vol 0 11 Min. residual,total Bd.Ft. Vol 0 12 Thin to 0 percent of the "A"-line 13 Thin to 100 percent of the "B"-line 14 Thin to 0 percent of the "C"-line 15 Cutting guide editor. Selection = < 0 > ? 15 ___________________________________________ Cutting Guide Definition Control For Treatment: "To B line" 1 Clear ALL Sequences: 2 Add a Sequence Set: Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ____________________________ Sequence No. < 0. > ? 5 ___________________________________ Sequences are executed in numerical order by FIBER. The user should assign the lowest sequence number to the group of activities to be executed first. FIBER allows up to 900 sequences, although it is recommended that beginners use just use one. ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence (0-9999): 10 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: AGS & UGS 4 D iameter range: 5 inches thru 32 5 Tree Selection: From Above 6 Target Residual BA: All the qualified BA may be removed. 7 Maximum Removal BA: No limit on BA to be removed 8 Ingrowth Delay: 0 years Defining Cutting Guides Defining a management action based on stand conditions and desired results does not allow the resource manager to determine the impacts and dynamics of that management. This is because there are different ways to reach the stand condition objectives. To define how the desired condition can be achieved in FIBER, the user should select option 15—Cutting Guide Editor—from the Treatment Definition Menu (left) (see section 4.7.3). Once chosen, FIBER will display the Cutting Guide Sequence Menu (left) from which the user may choose to delete all sequences currently loaded (1) or define a new sequence number (2). A sequence is a logical grouping of individual activities that are used to achieve a common objective. To define a sequence number, the user should select option 2 from the Cutting Guide Sequence Menu. Once the user has chosen to add a sequence, FIBER will prompt for an assignment of a sequence number (5) (left). Once the sequence number has been defined, FIBER will automatically display the Sub-sequence Definition Menu (left). Selection = < 0 > ? FIBER will execute sub-sequences in numerical order. 66 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 10 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: AGS & UGS 4 Diameter range: 5 inches thru 32 5 Tree Selection: From Above 6 Target Residual BA: All the qualified BA may be removed. 7 Maximum Removal BA: No limit on BA to be removed 8 Ingrowth Delay: 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Select a species. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Forward up the list All Species Softwood Hardwood balsam fir red spruce black spruce (Etc.) Selection = < 0 > ? 4 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: The sub-sequence menu (left) allows the user to define the removal sequence order (1), and target the species (2), quality of trees (3), diameter range (4), type of harvest (5), residual level (for that species of that quality in that diameter range) (6), maximum removal for this part of the harvest (7), and how long the harvesting activity will delay ingrowth (8). To define the species selected for removal by sub-sequence, the user should choose option 2 (left). FIBER will display a list of all possible species and species groups. The user should select the appropriate species (4) (left), and FIBER will display the Subsequence Menu to reflect changes made (left). Option 3 will display the Species Quality Menu (left). 10 Hardwood AGS & UGS 5 inches thru 32 From Above All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? 3 ___________________________________________ AGS-UGS sequencing:"AGS & UGS" From the Species Quality Menu, the user may choose to target AGS trees only (1), UGS trees only (2), or both AGS and UGS trees equally (3). The sub-sequence menu reflects the changes made (left). 1 "AGS" 2 "UGS" 3 "AGS & UGS" Selection = < 0 > ? 2 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 32 From Above All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? 67 ___________________________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 32 From Above All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years 5 Maximum diameter class to be treated: < 32. > ? 16 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 16 From Above All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? 5 ___________________________________________ Type of Cut:"From Above" 1 2 3 4 5 6 The user should enter the desired range (5 min/16 max left). To define how FIBER will remove trees from the selected diameter range, select option 5 from the sub-sequence menu (left). Selection = < 0 > ? 4 ____________________________________________ Minimum diameter class to be treated: < 5. > ? To define the minimum and maximum diameter range targeted by the subsequence, the user should select option 4 (left). From the next menu, the user may select from removing the largest trees first (1), the smallest trees first (2), all tree equally (3), leaving largest tree first (4), leaving smallest trees first (5), or leave all trees equally (6). Once a desired method has been chosen, FIBER will display the sub-sequence menu to reflect the changes made (left). To define a target residual basal area for the species, of the quality, within the diameter range in question, the user should select option 6 (left). FIBER will then prompt the user to define a residual level (see note.) "From Above" "From Below" "Uniformly" "Touch-A" "Touch-B" "Touch-U" Selection = < 0 > ? 3 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: Selection = < 0 > ? 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 16 Uniformly All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years 6 Minimum Residual BA in sqft./ac (Decimal => Percent): < 0.00 > ? 0 Specifying a residual of 0 means that all available basal area may be removed. Entering a decimal value implies a percentage of the available basal area should be removed. 68 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 16 Uniformly All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? 7 ___________________________________________ Maximum BA Removal in sq.ft./ac(Decimal =>Percent):<0.00 >?0 Maximum "Leave"BA in sq.ft./ac(Decimal =>Percent):<0.00 >?0 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 16 Uniformly All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? 8 ___________________________________________ Years till ingrowth after this treatment: < 0. > ? 0 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 10 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: 4 Diameter range: 5 Tree Selection: 6 Target Residual BA: 7 Maximum Removal BA: 8 Ingrowth Delay: To define the maximum amount of the target basal area to remove, the user should select option 7 from the Subsequence Menu (left). FIBER will prompt the user to define a maximum removal or leave amount (left). The user should enter the desired amount in both locations and the treatment definition menu will reflect the changes made (left). If harvesting might delay regeneration of the species defined, select option 8 (left) from the Treatment Definition Menu. Once the user has chosen to delay the regeneration of a species, FIBER will prompt them to enter the number of years to delay ingrowth. The user should enter the desired period of time (0 left). To exit the treatment definition menu, the user should press the Enter key without making a selection (left). To define another entry (sub-sequence), select option 1. 10 Hardwood UGS 5 inches thru 16 Uniformly All the qualified BA may be removed. No limit on BA to be removed 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Treatment : "To B line", Sequence : 5 1 Add An Entry: 2 Delete An Entry: 3 P( 10),Hardwood,UGS,D( 5 - 16),Uniform,BA-Res 0,MC-BA 0),ID( 0) Selection = < 0 > ? 1 ___________________________________________ Treatment: "To B line", Sequence No. 5, Sub_sequence No. 20 1 Sub-Sequence priority (0-9999): 20 2 Species: 3 AGS-UGS sequencing: AGS & UGS 4 Diameter range: 5 inches thru 32 5 Tree Selection: From Above 6 Target Residual BA: All the qualified BA may be removed. 7 Maximum Removal BA: No limit on BA to be removed 8 Ingrowth Delay: 0 years Selection = < 0 > ? _________________________________________________ 69 __________________________ Treatment : "To B line", Sequence : 5 1 2 3 4 Add An Entry: Delete An Entry: P( 10),Hardwood,UGS,D( 5 - 16),Uniform,BA-Res 0,MC-BA 0),ID( 0) P( 20),Softwood,AGS&UGS,D( 5 - 32),Above,BA-Res 0,MC-BA 0),ID( 0) Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Cutting Guide Definition Control For Treatment: "To B line" 1 Clear ALL Sequences: 2 Add a Sequence Set: 3 Sequence Set No: 5 Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Edit a treatment definition. (ALL conditions must be satisfied.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Treatment name:" To B line " This treatment is Selectable. Clear this definition! Number of active Initiators => 1 Apply in "Softwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Apply in "Hardwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Apply in "Mixedwood" stands, on "All FIBER habitats". Min. residual,total basal area 5 Min. residual,total stems 0 Min. residual,total Cu.Ft. Vol 0 Min. residual,total Bd.Ft. Vol 0 Thin to 0 percent of the "A"-line Thin to 100 percent of the "B"-line Thin to 0 percent of the "C"-line Cutting guide editor. Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ Thinning Definition Options. 1 2 3 4 5 Define a New Treatment. Clear All Treatments. Write a Treatment definition file Read a Treatment definition file To B line Once the user has finished defining a sub sequence, FIBER will display the sequence status menu. From this menu the user may edit any previously defined sub-sequences (3 and 4) (left), delete previously defined subsequences (2), or add a new subsequence (1). To exit, press Enter. FIBER will then display the Cutting Guide Definition Menu (left). From the Cutting Guide Definition Menu, the user may choose to define a new sequence (2), edit an existing sequence (3), or delete all sequences (1) (left) or press Enter without making a selection (left). The Cutting Guide Definition Menu will display the Treatment Definition Menu (left). To exit, press Enter. To save a recently defined treatment, the user should select option 3 from the Treatment Status Menu (left). Once the user has chosen to save a treatment, FIBER will prompt the user to save the treatment to an existing file or to create a new file. To create a new treatment file, the user should select option 1 (left). FIBER will prompt the user to provide a name. The user should enter the desired name (“To B” left). Selection = < 0 > ? 3 ___________________________________________ Select a thinning definition file. 1 Enter a NEW File Name. Selection = < 0 > ? 1 Select a thinning definition file. Enter the new file name. ? “To B” ___________________________________________ Thinning Definition Options. 1 2 3 4 5 Define a New Treatment. Clear All Treatments. Write a Treatment definition file Read a Treatment definition file To B line Selection = < 0 > ? ___________________________________________ 70 6 SUMMARY Once the user has completed the Get Started section they are encouraged to continue exploring the many options offered by FlexFIBER. The user is also encouraged to keep in touch with the contact personnel listed in this manual for program updates and application-specific documentation. As a program that is being actively developed and tested, FlexFIBER has the capability to adapt to the changing needs of forest managers. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Comments and suggestions made by FlexFIBER users assist the developers in designing next version of the program. This version will contain a more user-friendlier user interface, improved data management capabilities through the integration with a geographic information system (GIS), improved species and product definitions, and many other features. 7 LITERATURE CITED Avery, T.E.; Burkhart, H.E. 1994. Forest Measurements. 4ed, McGraw Hill Inc. 408p. Bruce, D.B; Schumacher, F.X. 1942. Forest Measurements. Mc Graw Hill Inc. Frank, R. M.; Blum, B.M. 1978. The Selection System of Silviculture in Spruce-fir Stands-procedures, Early Results, and Comparisons With Unmanaged Stands. Res. Pap. NE-425. Broomall PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 15p. Grizzle, J.E.; Starmer, C.F. ; Koch G.G. 1969 Analysis of Categorical Data by Linear Models. Biometrics Vol. 25. Honer, T.G. 1964. The Use of Height and Squared Diameter Ratios for the Estimation of Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume. Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 40, No. 3. Honer, T.G. 1965. Volume Distribution in Individual Trees. Woodlands Review Section, Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada. Woodlands Section Index 2340 (F-2). Honer, T.G. 1965B. A New Total Cubic Foot Volume Function. Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 41, No. 4. Husch, B.; Miller, C.I.; Beers, T.W. 1982. Forest Mensuration Third Edition. The Ronald Press Co. New York, 402p. Leak, W.B. 1982. Habitat Mapping and Interpretation in New England. Res. Pap. NE-496. Broomall PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 28p. Little, E.L., Jr. 1979. Checklist of United States Trees (Native and Naturalized). Agric. Handb. 541. Washington, DC; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 375p. McGaughey, R. J. 1997. Visualizing Forest Stand Dynamics using the Stand Visualization System, Proceedings of the 1997 ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention and Exposition, April 7-10, Bethesda, MD: ASPRS Vol. 4:248 SAS Institute Inc. 1989. SAS/SAT User’s Guide. Version 6, 4th ed. Vol. 1. Cary, NC; SAS Institute Inc. Scott, C.T. 1979. Northeastern Forest Survey Board-Foot Volume Equations. Res. Note NE-271. Broomall, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 3p. Scott, C.T. 1981. Northeastern Forest Survey Revised Cubic-Foot Volume Equations. Res. Note NE-304. Broomall, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 3p. Shiver, B.D; Borders, B.E. 1996. Sampling Techniques for Forest Resource Inventory. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 35p Solomon, D.S. 1977. The Influence of Stand Density and Structure on Growth of Northern Hardwoods in New England. Res. Pap. NE-362. Upper Darby, PA; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Solomon, D.S.; Frank, R.M. 1983. Growth Response of Unmanaged Uneven-aged Northern Conifer Stands Res. Pap. NE-517. Broomall PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 17p. Solomon, D.S.; Hosmer, R. A.; Hayslett, H.T., Jr. 1986. A Two-Stage Matrix Model for Predicting Growth of Forest Stands in the Northeast. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Vol. 16. No. 3. 71 Solomon, D.S.; Hosmer, R.A.; Hayslett, H. T., Jr. 1986b. FIBER Handbook: A growth model for Spruce-fir and northern hardwood forest types. Res. Pap. NE-602. Broomall, PA; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Forest Experiment Station. 19p. Solomon, D.S.; Herman, D.A.; Leak, W.B. 1995. FIBER 3.0: An ecological growth model for Northeastern Forest types. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-204. Randor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Wiant, H.V., Jr. 1978. A Technique for Combining Related Regression into One Equation. Resource Inventory Notes BLM 16 72 8 APPENDIX A—INPUT VARIABLES Numerical variable field names: Variable name 'DBH 4.5 feet' 'Distance to tree' 'Top Sighting' 'Ground Sighting' 'Top Sighting' 'Ground Sighting' 'Merch. Height Sighting' 'Live Crown Ratio' 'Girard Form Class' 'Merch. DOB' 'Merch. DIB' 'Stump DIB' 'Stump DOB' 'Stump Height' 'dbh 1.3 meters' 'Crown Radius' 'Limiting distance' 'Pole sighting' 'Tree age' 'Tree Site Index' 'Easting' 'Northing' 'Elevation' 'Crown Coverage' 'Number of Trees' 'Leaning Tree Base' 'Merch. Tree Height' 'Total Tree Height' 'Sawlog DIB' 'Sawlog DOB' 'Sawlog Length' 'Pulp Length' 'Pulp Butt DOB' 'Pulp Cull' 'Sawlog Cull' 'Merch. Cull' 'Crown Point' 'Area Represented' Format line declaration '!DBH 4.5 feet' '!Distance to tree' '!Top Sighting' '!Ground Sighting '!Top Sighting' '!Ground Sighting' !Merch. Height Sighting' '!Live Crown Ratio' '!Girard Form Class' '!Merch. DOB' '!Merch. DIB' '!Stump DIB' '!Stump '!Stump Height' '!dbh 1.3 meters' '!Crown Radius' '!Limiting distance' '!Pole sighting' '!Tree age' '!Tree Site Index' '!Easting' '!Northing' '!Elevation' '!Crown Coverage' '!Number of Trees' '!Leaning Tree Base' '!Merch. Tree Height' '!Total Tree Height' '!Sawlog DIB' '!Sawlog DOB' '!Sawlog Length' '!Pulp Length' '!Pulp Butt DOB' '!Pulp '!Sawlog Cull' '!Merch. Cull' '!Crown Point' '!Area Represented' Measurement units ‘inches’ ‘feet’ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.xx or xx 0.xx or “DIB” or “xx” > dbh ’inches’ ’inches’ ’inches’ ’inches’ ’inches’ ’centimeters’ ‘feet’ ‘feet to surface of tree’ n/a ‘years’ ‘feet at base age’ ‘meters’ ‘meters’ ‘feet’ ‘square feet’ ‘count’ ‘feet’ ‘feet’ ‘feet’ ‘inches’ ‘inches’ ‘feet’ ‘feet’ ‘inches’ ‘percent’ ‘percent’ ‘percent’ ‘percent’ ‘acres’ Discrete variables 'Species' 'Growing stock' 'Condition Class' 'Crown Class' 'Physiographic Class' 'Species Group' 'Tree Grade' 'Current FIA type' 'Past FIA Type' 'FIBER Habitat' 'Sample unit name' '!Species' '!Growing stock' '!Condition Class' '!Crown Class' '!Physiographic Class' '!Species Group' '!Tree Grade' '!Current FIA type' '!Past FIA Type' '!FIBER Habitat' '!Sample unit name' ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ ‘codes’ 73 9 APPENDIX B—SAMPLE FIX AREA PLOTS This data set contains sample field data collected using fixed area plot (1 acres). Input variables include species (numeric code), DBH 4.5 feet, and number of trees (tree count). Note that the header file requires two pieces of information to be ignored, data fields 3 and 5 (“!Skip” and “!new_line” following tree count). Sample Inventory Definition for Fixed Area Plot "FlexInv Version 1.0 Copyright 1995" !Stand_name,"Cedar - Black spruce Ecological Type" !Colection_date,"Data Set Created in November 1996" !area, 1.0000,"Acres" !Design,"!random" !Plot, 1.0000,"Acres" !Dtape,"Inches" !Total,"direct","feet" !FORMAT,"!Species","!DBH 4.5 feet","!Skip","!Number of Trees","!new_line" !DATA #!PLOT # .... comment here .... #!PLOT # .... comment here .... !in_file Stand1.txt Sample Field Data for Fixed Area Plot !plot # dataset CC compartment 1 plot 6 habitat CE-BS-TAM 1, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 1, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 4, 5, CE-BS-TAM 1, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 1, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 74 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 8, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 8, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 1, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM !plot # dataset CC compartment 2 plot 92 habitat CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 5, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 7, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 3, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 2, 6, 0, 5, CE-BS-TAM 75 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM CE-BS-TAM 76 !plot # dataset DD compartment 1 plot 11 habitat CE-BS-TAM 25, 12, 3, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 8, 3, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 11, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 16, 3, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 7, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 7, 3, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 6, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 8, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 7, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 6, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 7, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 7, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 7, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 9, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 9, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 10, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 9, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 11, 4, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 8, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 11, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 10, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 8, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 7, 3, 7, CE-BS-TAM 1, 10, 1, 7, CE-BS-TAM 25, 17, 3, 7, CE-BS-TAM 77 10 APPENDIX C—SAMPLE POINT SAMPLE This data set contains sample field data collected using point sampling (10 factor prism). Input variables include Species, DBH 4.5 feet, and Total tree height. Note that only a sub-sample of tree height were taken. Sample Inventory Definition File for Point Sampling "FlexInv Version 1.0 Copyright 1995" !Stand_name,"Nokomis West Lot Stand 6" !Stand_abbreviation,"Noko W S 6" !Table_Header_1,"Nokomis High School Woollot" !Table_Header_2 ,"Tracy Daras and Mike Tibbetts" !Collection_date,"October 14 1997" !area, 12.0000,"Acres" !Design,"!random" !BAF, 10.0000 !Calipers,"Inches" !Total,"direct","feet" !FORMAT,"!species","!DBH 4.5 feet","!Total Tree Height" !DATA #!POINT # .... comment here .... #!POINT # .... comment here .... !in_file Stand2.txt Sample Field Data for Point Sampling !point #stand 6 #1 wb 9 60 wb 6 ce 4 24 rm 5 yb 10 52 rm 8 !point #stand 6 #2 he 20 60 wb 19 65 !point #stand 6 #3 as 16 55 rs 5 rs 10 45 he 8 rs 9 55 rm 9 78 11 APPENDIX D—SAMPLE DOUBLE SAMPLING This data set contains an example of forest inventory using double sampling. Input variables are species, dbh 4.5feet, Growing Stock (a discrete code 1= AGS, 2=UGS), Tree Grade (a discrete code 1-9), Merchantable tre height, Sawlog length, percentage Pulpwood cull, and percentage Sawlog cull. Sample Inventory Definition File for Double Sampling #!Double_BA XXX # where XXX is the tree count on a BA point "FlexInv Version 1.0 Copyright 1995" !Stand_name,"Compartment 36" !Stand_abbreviation,"Comp. 36" !Colection_date, 5 15 1996 !area, 45.000,"Acres" !Design !Point_Double !BAF, 10.0000 !Dtape,"Inches" !Merchantable,"direct","feet" !FORMAT,"!species","!DBH 4.5 feet","!Growing stock","!Tree Grade","!Merch. Tree Height" ,"!Sawlog Length","!Pulp Cull","!Sawlog Cull" !DATA #!POINT # .... comment here .... #!POINT # .... comment here .... #!Double_ba NN # .... comment here .... !in_file Stand3.txt Sample Field Data For Double Sampling !Double_BA 12 !Double_BA 14 !POINT #1.5 YB 13.9 1 6 29 22 HE 10.9 1 2 27 23 RM 10.8 1 9 28 RS 11.7 1 3 34 31 HE 11.8 1 2 31 24 RM 6.9 1 9 26 RM 7.9 1 9 28 RS 8.6 1 9 33 RM 12.7 1 4 32 11 RM 8.1 1 9 23 RS 12.4 1 3 35 23 HE 14.3 1 3 26 22 HE 15.1 1 1 37 32 !Double_BA 10 !Double_BA 15 !POINT #1.6 HE 8.5 1 9 8 PB 13.8 1 3 25 25 RS 9 1 3 27 22 RM 14.2 1 2 27 27 SM 22.3 1 2 34 34 67 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 SM 17.6 BE 12.9 BE 15.7 RO 16.2 PB 14.1 PB 12.1 RS 10.7 HE 11.9 RS 12.2 PB 10.4 !POINT #2.1 BE 11.8 BE 14.3 BE 13.3 BE 10.6 BE 9.4 BE 17.8 OH 6.3 OH 8.8 WA 19.6 SM 18.2 !POINT #2.2 SM 10.9 RO 8.6 RM 14.4 RO 24.5 RO 19.9 RO 14.1 HE 12.2 HE 14.5 HE 21.1 HE 14.9 RO 9 SM 13.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 6 3 3 2 3 9 32 12 17 24 23 26 26 19 32 24 26 12 17 24 23 26 26 17 26 4 50 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 9 9 2 9 9 3 1 37 37 27 33 21 36 18 31 41 34 25 27 27 4 13 0 0 30 0 36 0 0 22 27 22 4 10 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 2 1 1 3 2 3 3 1 9 3 19 32 28 40 23 33 32 39 37 35 29 31 24 28 23 28 24 32 33 32 16 7 0 6 7 8 14 0 16 0 5 6 15 21 21 0 31 0 0 80