Dean of f the Facu ulty y Stra ategic Educcation nal Te echnollogy S Summ mit TECHN NOLOGY YANDLIBERAL LARTS EMERGING M GUSESOF FTECHNO OLOGYIN NTEACHIN NG ANDRESEARCHA E ATCMC Friiday, April A l 11, 20 014 9::00 a.m m. – 4: 00 p.m m. Location MarianMinerC CookAtheenaeum(m morningseessions) KravisCen K nterandR RobertsNo orthClassrrooms(aftternoonseessions) StrrategicE EducationalTech hnologySummitt Friday,April11,20 014 9:00a..m.–4:00p p.m. MorningSSessions:SecurityPacificDiningRoom,M MarianMinerC CookAthenaeu um Afternoon nSessions:Rob bertsNorth12 2&KravisCen nterFreebergForum/LC62 2 Afternoon nTechnologyO OpenHouse:KrravisCenter/L LC63 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8:30–9:0 00 ContinentaalBreakfast((SecurityPaccificDiningR Room) SummitO OpeningSesssion(SecurrityPacificD DiningRoom m) 9:00–9:1 10 PresidentH HiramChodo oshandDean nNickWarneer–“StrateggizingEducattional TechnologyatCMC” InnovativeTechnolo ogyPresenttations(Secu urityPacificcDiningRoo om) 30 Session1:Prof.DanMiichon–“Digi talHumanitiies” 9:10–9:3 9:35–9:5 55 ureCapture”” Session2:Prof.BillAscher–“Lectu 10:00–1 10:20 oom” Session3:Prof.ManfreedKeil–“Fli ppedClassro 10:20–1 10:30 om) RefreshmeentBreak(SeecurityPacifiicDiningRoo 10:30–1 10:50 Session4:Prof.DeannaNeedell&P Prof.MarkH Huber–“Usin ngInstruction nal heClassroom m” VideosInaandOutofth 10:55–1 11:15 Session5:Prof.PiercarrloValdesoloo–“SocialM MediaintheC Classroom” 11:20–1 11:40 OperationAR RA:WhatwecanLearnAb bout Session6:Prof.DianeHalpern–“O Reasoningfro omAliensan ndAvatars” ScientificR 11:40–1 12:50 LuncheonBuffetandCollaborative Program FacultyT TechnologyOpenHouse e(LC63) 1:00–2:4 45 PosterSessions;Techn nologyDemo nstrations;T TalktoInstru uctional nologyPreferrences;HelpDetermine Technologists;VoteforrYourTechn FutureTecchnologyforFaculty. Teaching gwithTechn nologyWorkshopSessiions(RN12)) 1:00–1:2 25 Needell–“UssingInstructtional Workshop1:Prof.MarrkHuber&Prrof.DeannaN heClassroom m” VideosInaandOutofth 1:30–1:5 55 Workshop2:Prof.Man nfredKeil–“T TheFlippedClassroom” 2:00–2:2 25 Workshop3:Prof.PierrcarloValdessolo–“SociallMediaintheeClassroom”” 2:30–2:4 45 CourtBreezeeway) RefreshmeentBreak(KrravisLowerC InnovativeTechnolo ogyPresenttations(Free ebergForum m/LC62) 05 Session7:Dir.MikeSu uttonandoth herAthleticsFaculty–“Economiesof f 2:45–3:0 Technology–UsingTechnologytoggetMoreforrLess” 3:10–3:3 30 Session8:Prof.Audrey yBilger–“Pu ublicScholarrshipinMulttiplePlatform ms” Facultya andStudenttEngagemen ntwithTech hnologyatC ClaremontM McKennaColllege(Freeb berg Forum/L LC62) 3:35–3:4 45 Prof.Cynth hiaHumes– “ExecutiveSSummaryRep portonFacu ultyandStudent EngagementwithTech hnologyatClaaremontMcK KennaCollegge” SummitC ClosingSesssion(Freebe ergForum/L LC62) 3:45–4:0 00 DeanNickWarner–“W Whatdidyou ulearn?Whattdoyouneed d?” Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 William m Ascher, Ph h.D. Profe fessor of Govvernment and Economiccs her has been at CMC sin nce 2000, teaaching cours es on enviroonmental andd natural Bill Asch resource policy, deveelopment policy, and international orrganizationss. He was CM MC’s Dean oof the Facullty from 200 00 to 2005, and a currently y chairs the IInternationall Relations P Program. Hiss most receent publicatiions include,, Knowledgee in the Envirronmental P Policy Proceess (with Robbert Healy an nd Toddi Steeelman) (Cam mbridge, MA A: MIT Presss), and Bringging in the F Future: Strattegies for farsig ghtedness an nd Sustainab bility in Deveeloping Counntries (Chicaago: Universsity of Chicaago Press). He H also has seeveral recentt chapter con ntributions ffocusing on eeconomic deevelopment patterns in i Latin America as welll as Social Policy P in Indoonesia. Lecture Capture To mainttain contactss in the intern national enerrgy industryy, he taught a hybrid facee-to-face andd online courrse for the Gllobal Energy y Managemeent mid-careeer program aat the Univeersity of Colorado o, Denver. He H will remarrk on lecturee capture andd other technnologies he uused for the course, and a he will co omment on the t challeng ges of teachinng this type of course peedagogicallyy as well as teechnologicallly, providin ng an assessm ment of the ccontent, workkload, and liimitations off the hybrid mid-career m co ourse called “Leadership “ in the Energgy Sector.” Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Audrey y Bilger, Ph .D. fessor of Liteerature & Fa aculty Directtor of the Ceenter for Wriiting & Publlic Discourse Profe Audrey Bilger B is the faculty direcctor of the Center C for Wr Writing and Puublic Discouurse and professorr of literaturee at Claremo ont McKenn na College. H Her most recent book, cooedited with Michele Kort, the antthology Herre Come the Brides! Refl flections on L Lesbian Lovee and Marriaage, was a 2013 Lambda Literary L Aw ward finalist. She is the auuthor of Lauughing Femiinism: Subveersive Comedy in Frances Burney, B Marria Edgeworth, and Janee Austen andd editor of a ccritical edition of Jane Colllier’s 1753 An A Essay on the Art of In ngeniously T Tormenting. She is on thee editorial booard of Pickerring and Chaatto's Genderr and Genre series and th the Burney JJournal. Her work has appeared d in Ms magaazine, the Ms. blog, Bitch magazine,, the Los Anggeles Times, and she is tthe gender/seexuality edittor of the Loss Angeles Reeview of Boooks. Public Sccholarship in n Multiple Platforms P In additio on to publish hing in tradittional scholaarly venues, Professor B Bilger regularrly writes for a variety of online pub blications and d translates her h classroom m and researrch work forr a general readershiip. As but on ne example, she will sho ow how the i nternet can hhelp to prom mote intellecttual discoursee, and she will talk aboutt how she drrew on her sccholarship too write threee different w web publications and conduct a radio broadcast to o call attentioon to the biccentennial off Jane Austeen’s Pride and d Prejudice. She will disscuss the neeed for scholaars writing oonline to be pprepared to reframe material m to suit different platforms an nd audiencees. When facculty membeers actively participatte in discusssions in the public p spheree by writing and publishhing online, oour researchh, teaching,, and the misssion of liberral arts colleeges becomees more visibble and valueed by the pubblic at large. Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Diane Halpern, H Ph h.D. The McElwee M Fa amily Professsor of Psychhology & Rooberts Fellow w y awards for her teaching g and researcch. Most reccently, she reeceived the 22013 Diane haas won many Associatiion for Psych hological Sccience Jamess McKeen C Cattell Fellow w Award for a lifetime of outstandiing contributtions to appllied psycholo ogical researrch. Diane iss a past president of the American n Psycholog gical Associaation, the Weestern Psychhological Association, thhe Society foor the Teaching g of Psycholo ogy, and thee Division off General Psyychology. D Diane has puublished hundredss of articles and a over 20 books includ ding Thoughht and Know wledge: An Inntroduction tto Critical Thinking T (5th Ed., 2014)); Sex Differrences in Coggnitive Abiliities (4th ed.)), and Womeen at the Top: Powerful Leeaders Tell Us U How to Combine C Worrk and Famiily (co-authoored with Fannny Cheung).. Her other recent r bookss include Psyychological Science (4thh ed. with M Michael Gazzanig ga and Todd Heatherton)) and the ediited book, U Undergraduate Educationn in Psychollogy: A Blueprrint for the Future F of the Discipline. Operatio on ARA: What W We Can n Learn About Scientiffic Reasonin ng from Aliens and Avaatars Operation n ARA is a serious s gamee developed by Keith M Millis (Northeern Illinois U University), A Art Graesser (University of Memphiss), and Dian ne F. Halpernn (Claremonnt McKenna College) witth input from m a team off marvelous professionals p s, talented sttudents, and snotty avataars. It was funded with w a multiy year grant fro om the U. S. Departmentt of Educatioon (Institute for Educatioonal Sciences) and is com mmercially av vailable from m Pearson H Higher Educaation, Publishhers. Your misssion: to exp pose the alien ns who endeeavor to takee over Earth bby stealing oour natural resourcess, spreading bad science, and lulling mankind innto mindless consumerism m. These aliiens must be stopped. As an agent with the Federal Bureau of Science, you will receive the latest training methods to spot aliens posing as human scientists, you will identify the flaws in research from a variety of fields, and you will interrogate suspected alien spies. This is the science-fiction plot behind Operation ARA, an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) that teaches scientific reasoning and critical thinking skills. Student players become Federal Bureau of Science agentsin-training charged with defending Earth from aliens who are intent on destroying it. To defend Earth, student agents must learn the principles of the scientific method and critical thinking. The student players then must use these principles to evaluate case studies and interrogate suspected alien scientists. Operation ARA employs the scientific principles of learning and serious games. Students are engaged in the material using the pedagogical principles of active learning, immediate feedback, dialog interactivity, multimedia effects, distributed practice, and transfer of learning. “Hard fun” is another principle that may increase the success of educational or epistemic games. This phenomenon describes the resulting sense of satisfaction students experience after struggling to understand a difficult topic. That is, the student’s enjoyment should increase as the game moves from teaching basic declarative knowledge in the first module to the use of this knowledge in the analysis of ecologically valid cases in the later modules. Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Ma ark Huber Fletcher Jones Founda ation Associatte Professor off Mathematicss and Statisticss and George R. Roberts Feellow Mark Hu uber joined CMC in thee Departmen nt of Mathem matical Sciennces in 2009. He works iin the area of co omputationaal probability y, designing Monte Carl o methods fo for applicatioons in statistics and comp puter sciencee. His areas of expertise are probabillity, statisticcs, computerrs, applied mathemaatics, and callculus. Using In nstructional Videos In and a Out of the t Classrooom Togetherr with colleague Deanna Needell, wee will look att short form (3 to 10 minnutes) videos and several different d way ys they can be b used in a typical t class . The pros aand cons of tthe many typpes of videoss, as well as different sofftware for eaasily creatingg videos will be discusseed. We also will present our o experiencces using thiis type of vid deo as a suppplemental leearning tool aand as an exxtra credit veh hicle. op Worksho We will walk w particip pants throug gh the creatio on of a simplle short educcational videeo using the (free) PowToon softw ware. Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Manfrred Keil, Ph h.D. Associatee Professor of o The Roberrt Day Schoool of Econom mics and Finnance Professorr Keil’s reseearch focusees on aggreg gate labor m market outcoomes, compaarative econnomic performaance of coun ntries and reegions, issuees in financee, politico-ecconomic intteraction, annd the study of business b cyccles. His pub blications haave appearedd in the Journ rnal of Applieed Economeetrics, Journal of o Developm ment Econom mics, Journall of Macroecconomics, O Oxford Econoomic Paperss, and Weltwirtsschaftliches Archiv among others. Most M recentlyy he has starrted work wiith students aat the Lowe In nstitute on economic e issues facing the Southeern Californnia economyy and the Innland Empire in n particular. ondon Schoool of Econom mics. He joinned the facuulty of Manfred Keil receiveed his Ph.D. from the Lo Claremon nt McKennaa College in 1995. He haas taught in tthe Robert D Day School oof Economiccs and Finance (formerly the t Departm ment of Ecconomics) ssince then, primarily iin the fieldds of onomics, econometrics, and statistics. In the suummer of 22009, he com mpleted his three macroeco year term m as the Chairman C off the Faculty y of the R RDS. Beforee coming too CMC, he held appointm ments in Bosston, Montreeal, and Eng gland. In adddition to beeing a facultty member aat the RDS, he is a research h fellow of both b the Low we and the Ro Rose Institutees. Flipped Classroom At the beeginning of the first leccture in Eco on 120, Statiistics, in Jannuary, I annnounced 'Theere is good new ws and bad news for yo ou. The good news is thhat I am flippping the claassroom, thee bad news is th hat I am doing this for th he first time.' Since onlyy 5 of the 45 students kneew what 'flippping the classrroom meant, there was not n much go ood news, peeriod. It has been a wildd ride for muuch of the semester. I will report r on thee advantagess and disadvaantages of thhis new teacching methodd as I see it. Th here will be a short PoweerPoint preseentation folloowed by exttensive Q&A A. Worksho op This worrkshop will be b a hands-on explanatio on of the techhnical issuess in “flippingg” the classrroom. Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Daniel Michon, Ph h.D. Assiistant Professsor of Religgious Studiess Daniel Michon M joineed CMC in 2007 2 and teaaches coursess on South A Asian religioous history. H His research specialty cro osses the dissciplinary bo oundaries of archaeologyy, religion, hhistory, and numismaatics. His boo ok Archaeollogy and Relligion in Earrly Historic P Punjab: History, Theoryy, Practice is forthcomiing from Routledge Indiia. In his worrk, he uses ddigital technoologies to aiid his interpretaation of arch haeological data. d To that end, he wass awarded a N National Enndowment foor the Humanities research grant for hiss project, “V Virtual Taxilaa.” H Digital Humanities While dig gital humaniists have cerrtainly strugg gled to find a single defiinintion for tthe broad movemen nt called “Digital Human nities,” the lack l of a singgular definittion has not ccompletely silenced their voices within the academy. a Forr example, thhere now exxist peer-reviiewed journaals, d annual con nferences, an nd academic research cennters associaated with thee term. Howeever, dedicated for many y academics, the key queestion is not what w is digittal humanitiees, but ratheer more simpply, what is th he purpose of o digital hum manities? Th his presentattion engagess the emerginng, and in faact already contentious, c debate concerning the ro ole of the diggital humaniities in acadeemia. Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Deanna a Needell, Ph h.D. Assista ant Professorr of Mathem matical Sciences ned CMC in 2011 and is currently ann Assistant P Professor in the Deanna Needell join Numerical Annalysis, Mathemaatical Sciencces Departmeent. Her reseearch interessts include N Geometric Functionaal Analysis, Statistics, S Prrobability, A Applications to Computer Science, annd Scientificc Computing g. In particullar, she work ks in the areaa of Compreessed Sensinng. She graduuated with her Ph.D. from University U of o Californiaa Davis, undeer her adviseer Roman Veershynin. Shhe was a postdoctoral feellow in the Mathematics M s and Statisttics Departm ments at Stanford Universsity, working with Prof. Emmanuel E Candès. She is i the recipieent of a Simoons Foundatiion Collaboration Grant, an AIM SQ QuaRE grant,, and an Alfrred P. Sloan Research Feellowship. S She has won the ScienceW Watch Fast-B Breaking Paaper Award, the ACHA T Top Article award, and tthe IEEE Yo oung Author Best Paper award. Using In nstructional Videos In and a Out of the t Classrooom Togetherr with colleague Mark Huber, H we willl look at shoort form (3 tto 10 minutees) videos annd several different d way ys they can be b used in a typical t class . The pros aand cons of tthe many typpes of videoss, as well as different sofftware for eaasily creatingg videos will be discusseed. We also will present our o experiencces using thiis type of vid deo as a suppplemental leearning tool aand as an exxtra credit veh hicle. Worksho op We will walk w particip pants throug gh the creatio on of a simplle short educcational videeo using the (free) PowToon softw ware. Strattegic Educatiional Technoology Summiit Ap pril 11, 2014 Micchael Sutton Director of Athleticcs Michael Sutton S is in hiis 14th season n as Director of o Athletics aat Claremont-Mudd-Scrippps after a 21 yyear coaching career in the department. During D his ten nure as Directtor of Athletics, Sutton has overseen a departmen nt that has gro own to 21 spo orts – 10 men n’s, 11 womenn’s – at the N NCAA Divisioon III level in addition to 13 club spo orts and an inttramurals program. Sutton has overseenn the addition of women’s a women’s golf to the vaarsity level. Approximately A y one in six sttudents at Claaremont McK Kenna lacrosse and College, Harvey H Mudd d College and Scripps College participatte in intercolllegiate athletiics at CMS. Sutton is the t fourth ind dividual to hold the title off director of atthletics at Claaremont-Muddd-Scripps. Ovver his tenuree, CMS teamss have won 98 8 SCIAC titles in 17 of thee 21 sports, a SCIAC-best 14 tournamennt titles and captured 10 overall o SCIAC C All-Sports trophies. Thee success of C CMS Athleticss across the bboard t program earn e five top-2 25 finishes un nder Sutton inn the NCAA D Division III D Director’s Cupp has seen the standings,, including a program-best p t 13th place fiinish in 2012--13. Sutton is a former mem mber of the NCAA Swimm ming & Divingg Rules Comm mittee and the NCAA Watter Polo Com mmittee and was w the team leeader of the 1992 1 United S States Olympic Water Poloo Team. He iss a 1976 grad duate of Clareemont McKen nna College. Economiccs of Techno ology – Using g Technology y to Get Moree for Less Nowadays, in the world of College Athletics, A straategic use of technology hhas become esssential for teaam and class success. Join Director Suttton and somee of his fellow w Athletics facculty to learnn about how thhey have deployed innovative technolog gy for recruitiing through thheir database and video filee sharing program. Presenterss will also speeak about how w they have used u technolo gy to improve teaching ouur students about how to up p their game. as a well as to involve i diverrse audiences,, including ouur parents andd alumni. Thee strategic investment i in technology has h helped Atthletics to impplement one oof the best Atthletic program ms in the countrry, and saved the departmeent considerab ble time, resuulting in cost ssavings and eefficiency. Strategic Educatiional Techn nology Summ mit Aprril 11, 2014 Piercarlo Valdesolo, Ph.D. Assistant A Pro ofessor of Pssychology Piercarlo o Valdesolo o joined CMC C in 2011 an nd is currentlly Assistant Professor off Psychologyy and director of o the Morall Emotions and a Trust lab b. He teachess courses in social and m moral psychoology and his reesearch expllores the psy ychological bases b of trus t, cooperatioon and moraal judgment. He is co-authorr of the book k Out of Cha aracter and his h work hass been featurred in venues such as Thhe New Yorkk Times, Thee Atlantic, an nd The Wash hington Postt. He is a meember of the Editorial Booard of the jou urnals Emotiion, Journal of Experimeental Social Psychology and Journal of Personaality and Socia al Psycholog gy, and he iss a regular co ontributor too Scientific A American andd Psychology gy Today. Social Media M in the Classroom "Who sen nds emails anymore?" a This T was a high school sttudent's dism missive respoonse to an audience member's comment c at a recent paneel on cyber-bbullying at F Facebook headquarters inn Menlo Paark. It shook k my sense of o tech-comp petence to thee core. The m manner in w which our students relate to eacch other is mediated m by in ncreasingly sophisticated technologyy, and researrch has show wn that this iss systematicaally altering the way theey process innformation m more generally y. This sessio on will highllight the way ys in which II've incorporrated social networking tools into my classroom c an nd laboratory y, in a (desperate) attemppt to keep paace with thiss trajectory. op Worksho This worrkshop will discuss d in greeater detail the t fine-poinnts of some oof the social networkingg tools thatt I have inco orporated into o my classro oom and techhnology, andd I will resppond to audieence questionss of how they might wan nt to augmen nt their own teaching andd research thhrough sociaal networkiing tools. Strategic Educational Technology Summit: April 11, 2014