UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUTANCY LIST OF DISSERTATION B. ACCOUNTANCY (HONOURS) DISSERTATION NO. 402 COURSE GROUP: 1995-1997 NAME OF STUDENT DISSERTATION TITLE ABELA FITZPATRICK Vanessa Feasibility Study of Subcontracted Restaurants in Hotels 403 AQUILINA Claire An Evaluation of the Financial and Administrative aspects of the homes for the elderly run by the Government of Malta 404 AQUILINA David The Need for the Application of budgetary planning and Control in an Offshore fish farm 405 ATTARD Stephen Internal Controls at NSTS – An Evaluation 406 BALDACCHINO Charmaine Working Capital Evaluation for Supermarkets 407 BARUN Michelle Producing and Employee Report: A Case Study 408 BONELLO Stefan An Analysis of the Finance Function in a Local Council – A Case Study 409 BORG Lucienne The Level of Financial gearing in Maltese Industry – An Analysis of the Present Situation and Its Implications 410 BORG Robert An Analysis of the Changes and Developments of the Accounting Profession in Selected Countries 411 CAMILLERI Ethelle Re-Siting and Upgrading of Operational Facilities at a Local Import-Distribution Company – A Feasibility Study 412 CAMILLERI Lucienne An Evaluation of the Setting Up of a Child Day Care Centre at the University of Malta 413 CARUANA Sharon The Statement of Non-Owner Movements in Equity – Its Scope and Applicability to Loal Financial Reporting 414 CARUANA SAYDON Therese Working Capital Management at the Water Services Corporation – A Case Study 415 CATANIA Lorianne Financial Management in Selected Maltese Bank Band Clubs - A Case Study DISSERTATION NO. NAME OF STUDENT DISSERTATION TITLE 416 CAUCHI Jean Pierre Internal Controls at the Pitkali Markets – An Evaluation 417 CEFAI Andrew Accounting Considerations arising from a New Consumption Tax System 418 CUSCHIERI Ilona Ann The Applicability of Foreign Experience regarding the Privatisation of Posta Ltd 419 DARMANIN Ruth An Evaluation of the Stock Control Policies and Procedures at TeleMalta Corporation 420 DEBATTISTA Brian An Evaluation of Internal Controls at the Malta Government Medical Stores 421 DEGIOVANNI Karl B Financial Reporting for Individual Companies in Accordance with the Companies Act XXV of 1995 422 DELIA Diane Treaty Shopping Under the Maltese Double Tax Treaty Network 423 EBEJER Robert Selected Internal Control Systems at Frosch Touristik (Malta) Ltd. 424 ELLUL Kevin Feasibility Study of Setting Up a Business in Ornamentation with Plaster 425 ELLUL Kevin Paul Introduction of an Internal Audit Department at AX Holdings Co. Ltd. 426 FARRUGIA Thomas Working Capital Management in the Car Rental Industry 427 FARRUGIA Tonio The Introduction of a Local School Annual Report 428 FARRUGIA DEBONO Christine Offshore to Onshore….. From the Perspective of the Foreign Investor 429 GALEA Adrian The Treatment of Deferred Tax by Local Companies 430 GATT Bernardette Setting Up an Internal Audit Function in a Local Group of Companies: A Case Study 431 GRECH Paul The Introduction of Internal Auditing at Water Services Corporation 432 LAURI Mark The Impact of Information Technology on the Local Audit Profession DISSERTATION NO. 433 NAME OF STUDENT DISSERTATION TITLE MAGRI Berta Franchising in Malta: General and Accounting Implications 434 MAGRO Dunstan The Financial Implications of Joint Ventures & Mergers within the Perspective of the Competition Act 435 MIFSUD Frances Running the Mediterranean Conference Centre on a self-financing basis: A Financial Evaluation 436 MIFSUD SAYDON Rudolph Sports Complex at Zurrieq District – A Feasibility Study 437 MINTOFF Patrick An Evaluation of the procurement System at State Schools 438 MUSU Pierre The Introduction of a Cost Accounting System at a Local Printing Firm – A Case Study 439 PORTELLI Darryl A Profile of the Maltese Accountant 440 PORTELLI Kevin Recent Trends in Maltese Audit Reporting – An Evaluation 441 PORTELLI Mario Costing Nursing Services at Zammit Clapp Hospital: An Activity-Based Costing Approach 442 PORTELLI Stephen Internal Controls of a Spectacles Manufacturing Company 443 PSAILA Carmen The Insurance Business Act: An Evaluation of Proposed Changes in the Current Legislation 444 PULI Ralph Jeremy Operating and Internal controls at the IRD: An Evaluation 445 PULLICINO Robert Establishing a Pleasure Craft Complex Enterprise – A Feasibility Study 446 SAMMUT Marvin The Evaluation of A Cruise Line with Malta as its Hub 447 SCHEMBRI Reuben Running the Malta Abattoir on a Self Financing Basis – A Financial Evaluation 448 SCIBERRAS Isabelle A Feasibility Study of Setting Up A Paint Ball Facility in Malta DISSERTATION NO. 449 NAME OF STUDENT DISSERTATION TITLE STIVALA Dorianne An Evaluation of the Flower and Plant Industry in Malta 450 WEST Roberta Matsec Examinations: An Analysis of Costs and their Implications 451 XUEREB Marisa A Financial Evaluation of Recent Developments in the Life Assurance Business in Malta 452 ZAMMIT Aldo Louis The Formation of a Co-Operative of Boat Excursions at Wied Iz-Zurrieq 453 ZARB SCIBERRAS Rosanne The External Audit Planning Process in Selected Audit Firms: A Maltese Perspective