Department of Science and Technology Studies Local Rules STS BSc degrees Rev: October 2012, July 2014 These local rules are applied by the Department of Science and Technology Studies to the MAPS overarching scheme of award for undergraduate course-unit degrees. They apply for entry from the 2012-13 session. For V550, V551, and L391 1. Table 1 lists compulsory HPSC modules for V500 and L391. Table 2 lists compulsory HPSC modules for V551. 2. Students must pass a minimum of 3.0 course units (HPSC3004 inclusive) in advanced HPSC courses (3000-level). 3. In the event a compulsory module is not available, others may be substituted. These must contribute to a coherent programme of study within the degree. 4. Many HPSC modules are interdisciplinary, so one substitution per year is allowed between the HPS and SAS lists. 5. Up to 0.5 compulsory course units at 2000-level and 3000-level each may be replaced with a module elsewhere in UCL provided those units contribute to a coherent programme of study within the degree. Or, a history or philosophy module for a HPS module; a policy module for a SAS module. Students should apply through their personal tutor for a written decision by the Undergraduate Tutor. 6. For students transferring into an STS degree, a written agreement must be in place, prior to the start date, on which previously earned course units (if any) will be substituted for compulsory courses. If no approval exists, no substitutes to the prescribed programme will be permitted. 7. The Undergraduate Tutor must approve all substitutions. Decisions are subject to review by the STS Board of Examiners. For intercalated BSc in Philosophy, Medicine and Society 1. Students must complete 4.0 course units 2. Students must pass 3.0 course units, including HPSC3026 3. Students must attempt HPSC2020 and HPSC3028. In exceptional circumstances, other STS modules may be substituted if they create a coherent programme of study. Substitutions require the approval of the Undergraduate Tutor. 4. Students must attempt no fewer than 3.0 course units at the 3000-level, including HPSC3026. Introductory (1000-level) modules cannot be taken as part of this degree. 5. The scheme of awards for this degree is prescribed by UCL Medical School. Approval Undergraduate Teaching Committee Prof Joe Cain ______________________________ (Chair) date _____________ STS Board of Examiners Dr Brendan Clarke ______________________________ (Chair) date _____________ 1 Table 1: HPSC courses compulsory for BSc degrees V550 L391 Year 1 Compulsory modules 1001 History of Science: Antiquity to Enlightenment 1003 Philosophy of Science 1 1004 Science Policy 1007 Investigating Science & Society 1008 Fundamentals of Science Communication 1010 Revealing Science 1011 History of Modern Science 1012 Sources in History of Science Years 2 and 3 Years 2 and 3 Compulsory modules 2017 Global Citizenship in Action 3004 Dissertation Compulsory modules 2017 Global Citizenship in Action 3004 Dissertation In addition In addition at 2000-level 1.5 course units in HPS modules 1.0 course units in any HPS or SAS modules at 2000-level 1.5 course units in SAS modules 1.0 course units in any HPS or SAS modules at 3000-level 1.5 course units in HPS modules 1.0 course units in any HPS or SAS modules at 3000-level 1.5 course units in SAS modules 1.0 course units in any HPS or SAS modules Table 2: HPSC courses compulsory for BSc degrees V551 Compulsory modules 1001 History of Science: Antiquity to Enlightenment 1003 Philosophy of Science 1 1004 Science Policy 1007 Investigating Science & Society 1008 Fundamentals of Science Communication 1010 Revealing Science 1011 History of Modern Science 1012 Sources in History of Science Compulsory modules 2017 Global Citizenship in Action 3004 Dissertation In addition 2.5 course units in HPS or SAS modules at 2000-level 2.5 course units in any HPS or SAS modules at 3000-level V551 is no longer accepting students. The last year of entry is 2012-13. Table 3: Option modules in HPS and SAS streams (Revised July 2014) History and Philosophy of Science HPS option modules Science and Society SAS option modules 2000-level 2003 Philosophy of Science 2 2005 Philosophy of Biology 2012 Science, Religion and Revolution 2018 History of Life Sciences 2019 History of Modern Physical Sciences 2020 Philosophy of Medicine 2022 Philosophy of Social Science 2024 Special Topics in History and Philosophy of Science 2000-level 2001 Policy Issues in the Life Sciences 2002 Science in the Mass Media 2006 Science and Ethics 2011 Science, Communication and the Citizen 2014 Science Policy Issues in Global Perspective 2015 Investigating Science on a Global Scale 2016 Globalization in Theory and Practice 2023 Sociology of Science * 2025 Special Topics in Science and Society 3000-level Running in 2014/15 3015 History of Astronomy and Cosmology 3020 Philosophy of Natural Sciences new title 3028 Philosophy of Medicine * (Students who took HPSC2020 in 2013/14 may not enrol on HPSC3028 in 2014/15) new title 3029 History of Medicine * 3034 Science, Art and Philosophy 3030 Science and Global History 3040 Science, Politics and the State in Russia and the Soviet Union *new 3041 Disease in History *new 3045 Philosophy of Information *new 3049 Sleep and Dreaming *new 3050 Science in Nineteenth Century London Not running in 2014/15 but may have been taken previously to count towards the degree 3007 Topics in History of the Physical Sciences 3014 Magic to Science 3022 Frontiers of Knowledge in HPS 3027 Evolution in Science and Culture 3031 Philosophy of Chemistry *new 3000-level Running in 2014/15 3003 Communication of Scientific Ideas 3032 Investigating Contemporary Science 3033 Communicating Science in Digital Environments 3036 Governing Emerging Technologies *new 3046 Science and Film Production new course code 3053 Globalization in Theory and Practice * (Students who took HPSC2016 in 2013/14 may not enrol on HPSC3053 in 2014/15) Not running in 2014/15 but may have been taken previously to count towards the degree. 3002 Science, Warfare and Peace 3006 Advanced Sociology of Science 3010 Popularisation of the Physical Sciences 3011 Science Writing and Reporting 3013 New Genetics and Society 3024 Frontiers of Knowledge in Science and Society Some modules vary in content from one offer to the next, so the STS Undergraduate Tutor has discretion to assign categories to these modules as appropriate, subject to review by the STS Board of Examiners. These modules are listed here. 3035 Major Internship Please note: Not all options are offered every year. Students need to monitor announcements on availability.