Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #: GSC14-GRSC7-016 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: Radio Microphones Task Force AGENDA ITEM: GRSC 7.2 CONTACT(S): Brian Copsey GRSC Radio Microphone Task Force Report Presenter: Adrian Scrase, VP ETSI ESP Source: Brian Copsey, Chairman GRSC Radio Microphone Task Force Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlight of Current Activities (1) As raised last year, the “Digital Dividend” obtained by the switching off of analogue TV has been the major focus this year. Radio microphones in Europe have traditionally used the whole broadcast band 470 – 862 MHz on a secondary licensed or unlicensed basis. Within Europe the proposals from CEPT/SE42 are to clear the band 790-862 MHz and allow a LTE based mobile service. Considerable discussion has taken place on replacement spectrum for Radio Microphones. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 2 Highlight of Current Activities (2) A present the CEPT proposals are to use the duplex gap between the base and terminal allocations as shown in the next two slides. Within ETSI the continuing erosion of traditional radio microphone spectrum has been met by the proposal for a Specialist Task Force (STF) to investigate Cognitive Interference Mitigation, slides 6 onwards provide detailed information on its objectives. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 3 BEMs for the FDD duplex gap 5 MHz Guard-band FDD-UL FDD-DL 13 dBm -9 dBm/(5 MHz) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 862 MHz 832 MHz 832 MHz 5 MHz 826 MHz -43 dBm/5MHz 821 MHz -43 dBm/5MHz f 4 Narrow-band devices In-block emissions In-block emissions (handheld) In-block emissions (body-worn) Out-of-block emissions 2 MHz Guard-band FDD-UL FDD-DL 20 dBm 13 dBm 6 dBm -25 dBm/5MHz Wideband devices 862 MHz 832 MHz 832 MHz 826 MHz 823 MHz 5 MHz 821 MHz -43 dBm/5MHz f 5 MHz Guard-band FDD-UL FDD-DL 20 dBm -1 dBm/5MHz -25 dBm/5MHz Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 862 MHz 832 MHz 832 MHz 826 MHz 5 MHz 821 MHz -43 dBm/5MHz Fostering worldwide interoperability f 5 ETSI STF (1) Cognitive Interference Mitigation Techniques for use by Program Making & Special Events (PMSE) Devices Phase 1: ETSI Technical Report on Operation methods and principles for spectrum access systems and quality control of used spectrum for PMSE technologies utilising cognitive interference mitigation techniques. Phase 2: ETSI Technical Specification on the recommended spectrum access technique. Phase 3: ETSI Technical Report of the different RF compliance tests for the selected spectrum access mechanism. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 6 ETSI STF (2) The following liaisons will be established: CEPT/ECC WGSE and ECC-TG 4 for the provision of cognitive interference mitigation regulatory requirements EU and National Projects on the subject IEEE 802.22 working group Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 7 ETSI STF (3) The purpose of the work is to achieve coexistence of high audio quality PMSE devices using often a 100% transmitter duty cycle emission profile with victim radio services such as Services in L-Band or Broadcast Services and future Land Mobile Services and applications in the UHF frequency range that is currently under investigation under the “Digital Dividend” discussions in EC, ECC and ETSI fora. All procedures, techniques and solutions developed by this STF should be ultimately transferable to other SAB/SAP applications. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 8 ETSI STF (4) techniques included, but not limited to: a site installed database that may also use GNSS positioning information. an organisational radio channel or beacon (intra- PMSE use) for PMSE in the UHF frequency range. intelligent detection and cataloguing of victim systems. the development of an L-Band spectrum access demonstrator, using cognitive interference mitigation techniques. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 9 Next Steps/Actions 2009 - 2010 As information becomes available it will be placed in the Task Force docbox, and an e-mail sent to the Task Force list. Once the CEPT/SE42 report is finalized it and other relevant documents will also be uploaded. We welcome any information from other GSC members on this and related subjects. When the STF has completed its work there will probably be a need to make changes in the ETSI standards, it is proposed to also update the GRSC document at the same time. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 10