Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14

Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14
Information Sharing Subject
IEEE Overview & Update
Dr. W. Charlton Adams
IEEE Standards Association
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Executive Summary
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society, with over 376,000
members in over 160 countries, grouped into geographic and technical areas
reflecting where members live and work. There are 44 technical societies and
councils which represent the wide range of technical interests in the IEEE.
IEEE holds more than 900 international conferences annually and publishes over
30% of the world’s literature in its fields. There are more than 1.7 million
documents in the IEEE/IET Electronic Library, including more than 900 active
industry standards and nearly 1,300 standards and projects under
IEEE has been developing standards for 115+ years. IEEE standards reflect the
standardization principles as stated by the WTO, and the IEEE-SA has a leading
contemporary intellectual property policy. It encourages its membership to
participate in standardization activities, for the benefit of their industries and
the public good. IEEE’s technical professionals work in a global marketplace
where national boundaries are often a secondary issue. In fields where IEEE
work has already been done, it encourages international and regional standards
bodies to consider using IEEE standards as the source of technical information.
It has been a long standing IEEE policy to harmonize work with other SDOs when
possible to eliminate duplication of effort and speed the development of
international standards. A review of the high-interest areas of GSC-14
indicates a large amount (80%) of common areas with IEEE.
following slides provide detail.
IEEE-SA Updates
IEEE-SA approved the industry's first standard for
Broadband Over Power Lines: IEEE 1675™, IEEE Standard
for Broadband Over Powerline Hardware. Provides testing and
verification standards for the commonly used hardware, primarily
couplers, for BPL installations, and provides suggested installation
methods to supplement a utility's or contractor's installation procedures.
IEEE Std 1650™-2005, IEEE Standard Test Methods for
Measurement of Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
approved for adoption as an IEC/IEEE Dual Logo Document
(IEC 62624).
World's first motor vehicle “black box” data security standard
begun at IEEE; Intended to enhance both highway safety and
consumer protection. New work has begun on IEEE P1616a™ in order
to help prevent data tampering, VIN theft, and odometer fraud.
IEEE Approved Seven New Health Informatics Standards. The
standards have been created within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073
family of standards addressing the interoperability of medical devices.
These new standards will help guide the manufacturers of health-care
devices in creating equipment for the secure creation and transmission
of electronic health-care information.
IEEE-SA Recent Agreements
Joint development with IEC
Addition of SC 31 Sensor Technology to ISO PSDO
MOU with CESI (China Electronics Standardization
MOU with KEA (Korea Electric Association)
Developing MOUs with:
CCSA (China Communications Standards Association)
AICTO (Arab Information & Communications
Technologies Organization)
ETSI (European Telecommunications
Standards Institute)
TTA (Telecommunications Technology
Association of Korea)
IEEE 802 Recent Developments
802.16m - IEEE submitted a candidate radio interface
technology that meets the enhanced technical requirements of
the ITU-R IMT-Advanced project based on IEEE Project
802.16m™, the “Advanced Air Interface” specification.
802.20 - IEEE Approves Standard for Vehicular Broadband
Wireless Access. IEEE 802.20 Sets Data Rates Above 1 Mbps
for Mobile Users at Vehicular Speeds to 250 km/hr.
802.3ba - 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet Project Reaches
Milestone Vote. New project that will extend the existing IEEE
Std 802.3™ Ethernet standard to operating speeds of 40Gb/s
and 100Gb/s in order to provide a significant increase in
802.1Qay - IEEE 802.1Qay (PBB-TE) Standard Enters Final
Phase of Ratification. Technical agreement has been reached
on the industry’s first connection-oriented technology for next
generation service provider networks.
IEEE Standards Work
with common interest to the
GSC – 14
High Interest Areas
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
Continuing Cooperation on IMT
IEEE 802.16 incorporated as 6th terrestrial
air interface for ITU IMT-2000
Emergency Communications
IEEE 1512 series “Standard for Common
Incident Management Message Sets for Use
by Emergency Management Centers”
P802.11u on interworking with external
networks includes emergency
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High Interest Subjects
Identity Management and Identification
IEEE 1902.1-2009 “Standard for Long
Wavelength Wireless Network Protocol”
IEEE 1451 series for sensor networks
especially P1451.7 RFID/Sensor
IEEE 802 series especially 802.11 and
802.15 for ubiquitous sensor networks
P802.15.4 f “.. amendment Active Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) System Physical
Layer (PHY)
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Continuing IEEE 1512 series activities (see
emergency communications)
Continuing IEEE 1609 series, “Standard for
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)”
Published IEEE 1616-2004, “IEEE Standard for
Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR)”
Rail Transportation
P1473 “Standard for Communications Protocol
Aboard Passenger Trains” (Revision)
P1482 “Standard for Rail Vehicle Monitoring and
Diagnostic Systems”
P1544 “Standard for Transit Communications
Interface Profiles (TCIP) for Railcar Basic
Operating Unit Interoperability”
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
IP over Broadband Access in Support of
IEEE 802, e.g., 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.20, 802.22
Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc
IEEE 802.11 series
IEEE 802.11ad “…Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC)
and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications - Amendment:
Enhancements for Very High Throughput in the 60 GHz Band”
IEEE 802.15.1 series for Wireless Personal Area Networks
(WPAN) , part of [Bluetooth]
IEEE 802.15.3 series for High Rate Wireless Personal Area
Networks (WPAN)
IEEE 802.15.4 series for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area
Networks (WPANs) [Zigbee]
IEEE P802.15.7 Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control
(MAC) Layer Standard for Short- Range Wireless Optical
Communication Using Visible Light
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
Mobile Multimedia Broadcast &
IEEE 802.16 series including IEEE 802.16e for
Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband
Wireless Access Systems
IEEE 802.20-2008, “Standard Air Interface for
Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems
Supporting Vehicular Mobility” and subsequent
NGN – General
P1903 “Standard for a Next Generation Service
Overlay Network”
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
Reconfigurable Radio Systems
Continuing P802.22 series for cognitive wireless
RAN medium access control (MAC) and physical
layer (PHY) specifications: policies and
procedures for operation in the TV bands
Continuing P1900 series under SCC 41, Dynamic
Spectrum Access Networks, including
terminology, analysis of interference and
coexistence, spectrum access, architectural
building blocks for distributed device decision
Published IEEE 1900.1-2008, IEEE 1900.2-2008, IEEE
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
P802.21a Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
Networks: Media Independent Handover Services Amendment for Security Extensions to Media
Independent Handover Services and Protocol
P1619 series, “Standard for Cryptographic
Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage
Devices ”
Published IEEE 1619-2007, IEEE 1619.1-2007
P1667 (revision), “Standard Protocol for
Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient
Storage Devices”
P1700, “Standard for Information System Security
Assurance Architecture (ISSAA)”
P2200, “Standard for Baseline Operating Systems
Security™ (BOSSTM)
P2600 series, “Standard for Information
Technology: Hardcopy Device and System Security”
Published IEEE 2600-2008, IEEE 2600.1-2009
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
Home Networking
P1901, “Standard for Broadband over
Power Line Networks: Medium Access
Control and Physical Layer Specifications”
IEEE 802 series
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
ICT and the Environment
IEEE1680-2006 “IEEE Standard for Environmental
Assessment of Personal Computer Products, including
Laptop Personal Computers, Desktop Personal Computers,
and Personal Computer Monitors” and projects IEEE
P1680, IEEE P1680.1
IEEE 1621-2004 “IEEE Standard for User Interface
Elements in Power Control of Electronic Devices Employed
in Office/Consumer Environments”
IEEE P1888 “Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community
Control Network Protocol”
IEEE P802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
ICT and the Environment- continued
IEEE P2030 Draft Guide for Smart Grid
Interoperability of Energy Technology and
Information Technology Operation with the
Electric Power System (EPS), and End-Use
Applications and Loads
IEEE P802.15.4g ”….Amendment: Physical
layer for Low Data Rate Wireless Smart
Metering Utility Networks.”
IEEE Standards:
GSC-14 High-Interest Subjects
ICT Management and Operations
IEEE P1723 “Standard for SOA (ServiceOriented Architecture) Solution
Reference Architecture”
IEEE Common
Interest Areas
Fostering worldwide interoperability