EU ICT Standardization Policy

Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14
Plen 6.10
Jørgen Friis
EU ICT Standardization Policy
Results of EC ICT Study and EC White paper on
Modernising ICT Standardisation in the EU The Way Forward
Jørgen Friis, ETSI VP SES
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
The European Commission launched in 2006 a study on the
specific policy needs for ICT standardization
ETSI has participated in the EC ICT Study Steering
Committee that has been monitoring the execution of the
The objectives of the study are:
To present in an accurate and objective way the current
state-of-play of standardisation in the ICT area.
To discuss the views of the expert team regarding future
To describe the needs and expectations of the market
from the ICT standardisation policy in Europe by
providing justifications.
To formulate clear policy recommendations.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
European Standardization policy
Principles for a European (ICT) standardisation policy
ICT Standardisation : voluntary co-operation amongst
stakeholders; each has specific expectations
Societal community: support for public interest
Public authorities: support/complement legislation
and policies
Industry: competitiveness, innovation and
The current EU standardisation policy, largely based
on the New Approach, has been proved beneficial to
achieving internal market objectives
The revised EU ICT standardisation policy needs to
balance the various interests
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
EU ICT Standardization Policy
Directive 98/34 - formal recognition of ESOs:
ESO standards can be associated with EU
ESO’s relations with international
Basis for co-financing
Basis for standardisation mandates
Complemented by Council Decision (CD 87/95)
- introduces some flexibility for ICT sector:
Functional standards
International standardisation
Flexibility for public procurement
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Expectation to the new EU ICT
Standardization Policy
Linked to market and policy developments and thus
supporting competitiveness and innovation
Accommodate the dynamics of the ICT sector (
infrastructures and applications)
Allow for fast standard setting to provide industry/SME with
high quality standards which balance competitiveness
expectations with societal needs
Re-position EU standardisation at global level and
strengthen co-operation EU wide and globally
Ensure consumer satisfaction
Strengthen Internal market by fostering reference to
standards in legislation /policy on the basis of common
criteria for processes
Increase quality, coherence and consistency of ICT
Support implementation of standards
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Proposed EU ICT Standardization
Policy (1)
Attributes for ICT standards associated with
EU legislation and policies :10 characteristics
related to processes and deliverables; based on
WTO criteria ; They cover openness, consensus,
Balance, transparency, maintenance, availability,
IPR, relevance, neutrality &stability, quality
Permanent policy dialogue with all
stakeholders via the establishment of a multi
stakeholders ICT standardisation platform ;
complemented by a coordination structure
between standards developing organisations
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Proposed EU ICT Standardization
Policy (2)
Direct referencing of Fora & Consortia
specifications for specific cases and under
specific conditions only
Promoting better co-operation between ESOs and
Fora & Consortia leading to ESO standards
Flexibility in public procurement provisions
Effective IPR policies not discriminating among
different business models and considering
declaration of ex ante licensing terms
Synergy between ICT R&D, innovation and
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
The review process
Study managed by external consultant
Steering committee with all stakeholders
Public consultation report and recommendations
Commission document: The way forward
Open meeting February 2008
IPR related Open Meeting November 2008
Preparation White paper on new orientations
Commission adoption early July 2009
Public consultation on White Paper July 2009
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Next Steps
The White paper on ICT standardization was published
2nd July 2009 and aim at achieving a modern ICT
standardization policy
The public is invited to comment on the white paper until
15 September
The Commission will decide on next steps in the light of
comments received; rev CD 87/95
A workshop on education on ICT standardization is planned
for 18th November
Impact assessment expected January 2010
EXPRESS policy group will deliver report end of 2009
Coordination with Horizontal standardisation review
Legal package on ICT standardisation expected mid 2010
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Supplementary Slides
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Supplementary Slides
White paper - Modernising ICT
Standardisation in the EU - The Way
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability