Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14

Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14
Plenary; 6.8
Tim Jeffries (
ATIS’ Green Initiative:
Promoting Efficiency and Innovation for
Environmental Sustainability
Tim Jeffries
VP Technology and Business
Development, ATIS
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Current Activities: ATIS’ Green Initiative
ATIS is approaching the topic of “Green” through a holistic
combination of executive level activities and committee level
standards development.
Board of Directors Green Workshop
Adoption of “Green Mission Statement”
Exploratory Group on Green (EGG)
Network Power and Protection (NIPP) Committee
Home Networking (HNET) Forum
Through the development of standards and industry direction,
ATIS and its membership aim to:
Grasp the tremendous opportunity to demonstrate
environmental leadership and awareness.
Advance the ICT industry’s ability to develop solutions to
deliver energy-efficient substitutes for manual,
mechanical, or physical processes.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Current Activities: ATIS’ Green Initiative
Exploratory Group on Green
The Exploratory Group on Green (EGG) launched on
October 10, 2008, to investigate how environmental
sustainability can be achieved by the industry while
leveraging the uniqueness of our member companies’
role in and of their position to advance sustainability as
a whole across other industry segments.
assessed the broad landscape of initiatives affecting the
ICT industry with regards to environmental sustainability
initial deliverable entitled, ATIS Report on Environmental
Sustainability, March 2009 (the “Report”) now available to
the public.
Work is continuing on wireless network energy
efficiency and lifecycle assessments.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Current Activities: ATIS’ Green Initiative
ATIS Environmental Sustainability Report
Sustainability report includes:
the ICT sector’s definition of “sustainability”;
a review of the ICT sector’s current “green” initiatives;
an examination of energy efficiency practices and
alternate energy sources;
an outline of the business drivers behind the ICT
sector’s sustainability actions;
a demonstration of the ICT industry as an enabler of
applications and services that improve energy
efficiency in other sectors; and
a number of actions to consider in establishing or
expanding a sustainability program.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Current Activities: ATIS’ Green Initiative
Standards Activities
ATIS’ Network Interface, Power, and Protection
(NIPP) subcommittees and working groups
producing related standards are:
The Telecommunications Energy Efficiency
Subcommittee (NIPP-TEE) develops standards and
technical reports which define energy efficiency
metrics, measurement techniques and new
technologies, as well as operational practices for
telecommunications components, systems and
The Network Physical Protection Subcommittee Pbfree Working Group (NIPP-NPP PWG) proposes,
develops, and recommends Standards and Technical
Reports relating to the use of lead or the restriction
of lead in solder used in the manufacturing of
telecommunications network equipment.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Current Activities: ATIS’ Green Initiative
Current and Upcoming work Items in NIPP-TEE:
Released 3 specifications outlining measurement methods
for calculating telecommunication equipment energy ratio
Preparing to release ATIS-0600015.03.2009: Draft Proposed
American National Standard – Energy Efficiency for
Telecommunications Equipment: Methodology for Measuring
and Reporting For Router and Ethernet Switch Products.
Starting work on the next baseline document focusing on
Power Plant AC/DC rectifiers.
Active correspondence is occurring with ETSI EE, and the
Broadband Forum, on related work matters
Next steps will include work on Energy Efficiency for
Wireline Access, Broadband Service Routers and Firewall
ATIS’ HNET Forum is investigating the need for global
coordination of the various energy saving requirement
activities ongoing in other standards organizations.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Climate change is a global problem that requires a global
U.S. legislation and mandates are inevitable – Be
U.S. government should publicly recognize the important
role that ICT can play in realizing efficiency gains.
Government mandates or self-imposed industry metrics
that would restrict the use of ICT’s by indiscriminately
limiting total ICT power consumption would be
State and Local level requirements and incentives can be
difficult to navigate, and lead to a fragmented regulatory
Standards and best practices across the global landscape
must be harmonized to meet the needs of the ICT
industry’s multinational reach.
Maintaining a pragmatic business approach to
sustainability on a topic besieged with marketing-hype
and “green washing” campaigns.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Next Steps/Actions
Advance environmental sustainability on behalf of our
member companies including:
educating industry associations and other
appropriate stakeholders of ATIS’ Green Mission;
launching efforts to engage other standards
developers to achieve globally harmonized solutions.
Assess issues associated with advancing wireless
network energy efficiency and lifecycle assessment.
Work in unison with other standards organizations to
achieve harmonized industry standards and
Continue to deliver critical industry standards; i.e.,
TEER specifications.
Prepare for federally mandated carbon caps!
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Supplemental Slides
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
ATIS Green Workshop
ATIS conducted a workshop on behalf of its Board
of Directors in July 2008 to investigate issues of
importance to the ATIS membership concerning
Areas and efforts explored during the Workshop
to further advance existing company Green
initiatives and gain additional value were:
Lessons learned and other information about member
company initiatives with other companies;
Industry-wide operational policies, technical standards
or performance benchmarks to consistently “quantify”
conformity to, or levels of, being Green; and
The development of industry-based parameters, criteria
and guidelines, when possible, vs. government-driven
mandates or programs.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Current Activities: ATIS’ Green Initiative
ATIS’ Green Mission
ATIS’ Board of Directors adopted a “Green
Mission” in September 2008, to reflect the
importance of environmental sustainability to the
ATIS membership and organization.
ATIS and its members are committed to providing
global leadership for the development of
environmentally sustainable solutions for the
information, entertainment, and communications
industry. The development of these innovative end-toend solutions will:
Promote Energy Efficiencies.
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Promote “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”
Promote eco-aware business sustainability.
Support the potential for societal benefits.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
ATIS Report on Environmental
Key conclusions of the Report:
The ICT industry’s consideration of and actions toward sustainability
must be balanced against its environmental responsibility, social
acceptance, and economical viability.
Existing initiatives and programs across a variety of standards bodies,
industry groups, and government regulators are addressing the needs
of the ICT industry.
The ICT industry is well-positioned to help develop and advance
solutions for reducing greenhouse gases by harnessing the power of
Government mandates or self-imposed industry metrics that would
restrict the use of ICT’s by limiting total ICT power consumption
would be counterproductive.
Some companies have robust and effective sustainability programs in
place and are partnering with other industry groups committed to the
same environmental goals.
Despite existing best efforts, initiatives and programs, environmental
sustainability is not a target and therefore existing efforts must be
constantly monitored, assessed and adjusted to meet evolving
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Triple Bottom Line
Actions toward sustainability must consider balancing a growing
economy, protection for the environment and social responsibilities
simultaneously; the Triple Bottom Line approach.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
ATIS Energy Efficiency Standards
ATIS’ NIPP-Telecommunications Energy Efficiencies (NIPP-TEE)
subcommittee was established to produce a document or suite of
documents for use by Service Providers to assess the true energy
needs of equipment at time of purchase such as:
Energy use as a function of traffic
Energy use as a function of environmental conditions
Cooling Requirements
Suitability of a product for use with renewable energy sources
Improvements in environmental footprint through Life Cycle Assessments
Energy Using Products horizontal implementing measures
Standby and off-mode definitions
Standby and off-mode losses
Current work has focused on a uniform method for measuring
telecommunication equipment energy consumption (power), as well as
establishing efficiency metrics and reporting methods.
Subsequent documents in the NIPP’s series of documents, planned for
release over time, will cover other network and consumer equipment
and devices including, but not limited to, core network routers and
switches, outside plant equipment, gateways, set-top-boxes and other
CE devices, and power systems.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
ATIS Energy Efficiency Standards (cont’d)
The NIPP-TEE has released the following TEER standards:
NIPP-TEE-2008-028R2: Energy Efficiency For Telecommunication
Equipment: Methodology For Measurement and Reporting General
Requirements (Baseline Document)
NIPP-TEE-2008-036R2: Energy Efficiency For Telecommunication
Equipment: Methodology For Measurement and Reporting Server
NIPP-TEE-2008-031R4: Energy Efficiency For Telecommunication
Equipment: Methodology for Measurement and Reporting
Transport Requirements
The ATIS NIPP also has work underway on:
potential use of environmentally friendly materials in describing
materials used for connectors;
airborne contamination (mixed flowing gas and hygroscopic dust)
requirements for network equipment in the central office and
outside plant environments; and
heat dissipation and power consumption requirements for network
equipment in central office and outside plant environments
including methods to reduce power consumption for DSL modems
at both ends of the line.
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
ATIS Hazardous Waste Standards
With respect to hazardous waste reduction, the ATIS NIPP
launched a working group in 2006 (NIPP-NPP Pb-Free
Working Group).
RoHS-Compliant Standard for Structural Metals, Bus Bars and
Fasteners (ATIS-PP-0600009.2007) was completed in 2007,
providing the physical technical requirements for
telecommunications equipment systems and assemblies
intended for installation in network equipment buildings and
electronic equipment enclosures as well as the design and
construction of mechanical hardware, cable assemblies and
printed wiring boards.
Additional work on reducing the use of lead-free solder in
telecommunications equipment has been launched. Three
documents are currently planned to address the following
testing areas:
Pb-Free Acceptance Criteria for Modules (ATIS-0600019.2009)
Pb-Free Acceptance Criteria for Pb-Free Assemblies (expected
to be balloted in Summer 2009)
Accelerated Pb-Free Robustness Check
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability