DOCUMENT #: GSC14-PLEN-036 FOR: Information

ISACC Opening Plenary Presentation
Jim MacFie
Opening Plenary Presentation
13-16 July 2009
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
39th ISACC PLENARY - September 30, 2008
“Identity Management and Standards”
Topic of extreme relevance
Identity Management is a necessity and a challenge given the
proliferation of information systems globally
Standards required to ensure interoperable and secure identity
management technologies
Need for cooperation/coordination among SDOs to avoid
duplication of work and to ensure consistent definitions and
interoperability on a global scale
National Committee on Identity Management
More in ISACC contribution:
“Identity & Identity Management - Canada's Approach”
The Bad Business of Standards? (Advanced Card Technology
Association of Canada)
it was noted that standardization efforts should aim to address
projects and systems in their entirety, and resulting technical
standards should be graduated or layered
challenges continue in identifying champions, new
participants/experts, new procedures/tools to ensure effective use
of the time of SDO participants
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
Identity, Identity Management and Privacy (Office of the Privacy
Commissioner of Canada)
highlighted the need for terminology surrounding identity to be
precise and unambiguous
concerns about the over-identification of individuals where
identification may be requested when not required
End-to-End Trust (Microsoft Canada)
convergence has led to security challenges, such as the control of
data with respect to identities and also to a break down in the
security perimeter
anytime, anywhere data accessibility are driving changes and
securing the data requires a layered defense technology approach
The Ups and Downs of Standards in Identity Management (Bell
highlighted the need for linkages between legislation, standards
and technology
noted that the standards community has had difficulty in
understanding the subtleties of identity and related issues
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
40th ISACC PLENARY - April 16, 2009
“Internet Evolution”
Discussed Canadian situation at present
No agreed Canadian view on when and how to migrate from
IPv4 to IPv6
IPv4 address depletion is a pressing issue but IPv6
deployment still timid
Should governments take a proactive approach or maintain a
hands-off, market-driven approach ?
Participants approved Task Group on IPv6 Deployment (more
on next slide)
Creating a Hyper-connected World: The IPv6 Factor (Tata
IPv6 is an easier sell when part of an overall network upgrade,
instead of a standalone initiative
address depletion even a more serious problem to developing
nations, as they are more likely to be in need of IPv4 addresses
for a longer timeframe
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
DNSSEC viewed as a ‘must-have’ especially after so many reported
(and unreported ?) breaches
worldwide DNSSEC deployment will require co-operation from ISPs,
but this initiative has been facing some of the same challenges as IPv6
Strategy Development for the Government of Canada (Treasury
Board Secretariat)
proposed that the Government of Canada develop an IPv6 Community
of Expertise
Building a Zero Carbon Internet (CANARIE)
ICT industry is part of the problem but also, and more importantly, a
big enabler of the solution
promoted Carbon Rewards (free internet access, free downloads etc.)
instead of Carbon Tax, calling it the “gCommerce”
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
National Committee on Identity Management
The 39th ISACC Plenary observed that IdM standards
development was underway in JTC 1 and in ITU-T, and that
the Canadian preparatory process for each was different
ISACC has sponsored some procedural changes, using IdM as
a test case
A National Committee on Identity Management has been
formed to coordinate Canadian positions for international
standards on IdM
Dialogue between interested parties around a common table
Establish a uniform direction
Establish a common understanding of
Terms and Definitions
Allow for an efficient allocation of resources in these difficult
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
National Committee on Identity Management
The new National Committee on IdM is essentially dually
accredited as a Canadian JTC 1 mirror committee and an ITUT SG 17 mirror committee
Problems that needed to be overcome included different
membership rules for JTC 1 and ITU-T mirror committees,
and different document distribution policies and systems
The arrangements that have been worked out for the
National Committee on IdM can be extended to other
Canadian joint mirror committees for JTC 1 and ITU-T
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities
Special Task Group on Canadian IPv6 Deployment
Develop a national strategy for transition to IPv6 in Canada
Explore the options available in Canada regarding IPv6
Analyze the benefits and challenges for each option
Explore actions to be taken by public and private sectors
Prepare policy recommendations to the federal government
Co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6 will be a reality during the
Final report expected for next ISACC Plenary
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Next Steps/Actions
ISACC IPv6 Task Group
Kick off meeting July 7
41st ISACC PLENARY – November 5, 2009
Next Generation Networks
National Committee on Identity Management
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
Corporate Governance of IT
At its 2009 Plenary, ISO/IEC JTC 1 established a WG to address
this topic area
This is a JTC 1 WG and deals with Strategic Governance issues
JTC 1 SCs address Operational Governance issues
Although the name does not reflect it, this group is considering
ICT Governance, not just IT Governance
Canada is a founding member and keen participant in this activity
ISACC recommends that ITU:
Seek participation in the JTC 1 WG via Liaison
Strongly consider producing joint JTC 1/ITU products in conjunction
with this WG
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
ISACC Documents for GSC-14
ISACC Opening Plenary Presentation
Contribution The Canadian National Committee on Identity Management
Contribution New and Novel
Revised Resolution Software Defined Radios and Cognitive Radio Systems
Revised Resolution ICT and the Environment
Revised Resolution Cybersecurity
Revised Resolution Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas
New Resolution Governance of ICT
New Resolution Telecommunication/ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
ISS Contribution Challenges Faced by Electrical Utilities
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability
For additional information,
please visit:
Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability