Synthesis and Structure of <r-Complexes of the Chiral Rhenium Lewis Acid [(//5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)]+ and Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles Michael A. Dewey, D. Andrew Knight, A tta M. Arif, and J. A. Gladysz* Department o f Chemistry, University o f Utah, Salt Lake City, U tah 84112, U .S .A . Z. Naturforsch. 47b, 1 1 7 5 -1184(1992); received December 30, 1991 Aromatic N itrogen Heterocycles, Chiral Rhenium Lewis Acid R eactions o f (//5-C5H 5)R e(N O )(PPh3)(OTf) (1) with pyridine, quinoline, and isoquinoline give the respective er-adducts [(^5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(N C ;<.Hv)]+T fO _ (2 -4 ) in 8 6 -9 5 % yields. However, 1 and 8-m ethylquinoline do not react in refluxing xylene (16 h). Reactions o f (+)-(i?)-l with quinoline and isoquinoline give (-)-(S)-3 and (+)-(S)-4. Both products form with retention o f configuration at rhenium and in >98% ee, as assayed by subsequent reac­ tions with (C H 3C H 2)4N +C N - to give (+ > (5 )-(^ 5-C5H5)R e(N O )(PPh3)(CN). The crystal struc­ tures o f 3 (triclinic; P I , a = 9.879(1) A, b = 16.677(2) A, c = 9.962(1) Ä, a = 91.477(3)°, ß = 99.155(3)°, y = 100.633(3)°, Z = 2) and 4 (triclinic, P 1, a = 10.961(2) Ä, b = 15.770(2) Ä, c = 10.159(1) A, a = 87.65(2)°, ß = 109.88(2)°, y = 101.27(2)°, Z = 2) are determined, and the R e - N conform ations analyzed. Introduction Transition metal complexes o f aromatic nitro­ gen heterocycles [1] are of considerable interest in several contexts. First, such com pounds can serve as reactivity models for metal-catalyzed hydrodenitrogenation (H D N ) processes [2-4], Second, nu­ m erous chiral hydroquinoline and hydroisoquinoline derivatives are im portant pharmaceutical agents [5]. M etal-m ediated asymmetric transfor­ m ations may enable enantioselective syntheses of these com pounds [6]. We have conducted an extensive study of com­ plexes o f unsaturated organic ligands and the chir­ al rhenium Lewis acid [(/75-C 5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)]+ (I). In particular, 7r-alkene [7], 7r-aldehyde [8], and cr-ketone [9] adducts have been found to undergo highly diastereoselective nucleophilic attack. Re­ cently, simple amine adducts o f I have been syn­ thesized [10]. We wondered if this chemistry could be extended to unsaturated nitrogen donor ligands such as imines and arom atic heterocycles. Thus, we sought to prepare and characterize the neces­ sary precursor complexes. In this paper, we report (A) high yield syntheses o f racemic and optically active pyridine, quinoline and isoquinoline complexes of the formula [(^5-C5H 5)Re(N O )(PPh3)(N C vH v)]+TfO -, (B) the * Reprint requests to Prof. J. A. Gladysz. Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, D -W -7400 Tübingen 0 9 3 2 -0 7 7 6 /9 2 /0 8 0 0 - 1175/$ 01.00/0 spectroscopic characterization of these com ­ pounds, as well as crystal structures o f the quino­ line and isoquinoline complexes, and (C) facile cyanide ion displacement of the arom atic hetero­ cycle ligands. These data provide the groundwork for interpreting highly diastereoselective additions described elsewhere [11]. A portion of this work has been com municated [12]. Results 1. Synthesis and characterization o f o-heterocycle complexes The triflate complex (^5-C5H 5)Re(N O )(PPh3)(OTf) (1) has been previously shown to react with primary, secondary, and tertiary amines to give the corresponding adducts [(^5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(N R R 'R ")]+TfO - in high yields [10], Thus, 1 was generated in toluene as described earlier [13] and treated with 5 equivalents of pyridine (Scheme I). After 2 h, w orkup gave the cr-pyridine complex [(/75-C5H 5)Re(N O )(PPh3)(N C 5H 5)]+TfCT (2) as an analytically pure orange powder in 95% yield. Similar reactions with quinoline and isoqui­ noline gave the corresponding cr-complexes [0/5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(NC9H 7)]+T fO “ (3, 4) in 8 6 -92% yields (Scheme I). However, the complete formation of quinoline complex 3 required heating for 3 h at 60 °C. Single crystals o f 3 and 4 were readily obtained from C H 2Cl2/hexane. No reac­ tion was observed when 1 and 8-methylquinoline Dieses Werk wurde im Jahr 2013 vom Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. digitalisiert und unter folgender Lizenz veröffentlicht: Creative Commons Namensnennung-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz. This work has been digitalized and published in 2013 by Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschung in cooperation with the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Germany License. Zum 01.01.2015 ist eine Anpassung der Lizenzbedingungen (Entfall der Creative Commons Lizenzbedingung „Keine Bearbeitung“) beabsichtigt, um eine Nachnutzung auch im Rahmen zukünftiger wissenschaftlicher Nutzungsformen zu ermöglichen. On 01.01.2015 it is planned to change the License Conditions (the removal of the Creative Commons License condition “no derivative works”). This is to allow reuse in the area of future scientific usage. 1176 M. A. Dewey et al. • Arom atic Nitrogen Heterocycles exhibited by the “isosteric” neutral phenyl complex 0/5-C5H s)Re(NO)(PPh3)(C6H 5) (5) [14). Quinoline, unlike pyridine, has a carbon substi­ tuent ortho to the donor nitrogen. We thought that this increased bulk might lead to a higher R e -N C VH Vrotational barrier in 3, thus allowing the observation of rotam ers of the general types II and III (Fig. 1). Hence, N M R spectra o f 3 (’H, 31P, l3C) were recorded at - 9 0 °C in C D 2C12. Reso­ nances broadened and shifted somewhat. How­ ever, with the exception o f some PPh3 carbon reso­ nances, no decoalescence was observed. Similar broadening, but no PPh3 carbon decoalescence, occurred in parallel experiments with the isoquinoline complex 4. 2. Crystal structures no reaction : Scheme I. Reactions o f the triflate com plex (?75-C5H 5)Re(N O )(PPh3)(OTf) (1) and aromatic nitrogen heterocy­ cles. were refluxed in toluene for 24 h, or xylene for 16 h. Complexes 2 - 4 were characterized by m icro­ analysis (Experimental Section), and IR and N M R ('H , 13C, 31P) spectroscopy (Table I). The IR vN0 values (1692-1698 cm“1) and cyclopentadienyl 'H and 13C N M R resonances (Ö 5.62-5.68; 9 2 -9 3 ppm) resembled those o f the analogous amine complexes [10]. The am bient tem perature 13C N M R spectrum o f 2 exhibited three pyridine carbon resonances (156.3, 137.4, 126.3 ppm), in­ dicative of rapid rotation about the R e -N C 5H 5 bond on the N M R time scale. In an attem pt to decoalesce the ortho and m eta carbon resonances, a 13C N M R spectrum was recorded at -9 0 °C in C D 2C12. N o decoalescence or significant line broadening was observed. Similar behavior was X-Ray data were collected on 3 and 4 under the conditions summarized in Table II. Refinement (Experimental Section) yielded the structures shown in Fig. 2. In order to facilitate the com pari­ son of metrical param eters, nearly identical atomic numbering systems were employed. Atom ic co­ ordinates, bond lengths and angles, and torsion angles are given in Tables III and IV. In order to characterize the rhenium -nitrogen bond conform ations in 3 and 4, least squares planes were calculated for the heterocyclic ligands. The rhenium was displaced 0.27 Ä from the arene plane in 3, but only 0.08 Ä in 4. The R e -N O and R e -P P h 3 bonds made angles o f 22.0° and 65.1° with the plane in 3, and 33.6° and 55.7° in 4. As would be expected, these values closely matched the O N - R e - N 2 -C 3 2 and O N - R e - N 2 - C 2 4 torsion angles (3: -23.5°, 68.5°; 4: -31.6°, 54.6°). Also, the plane of the isoquinoline ligand in 4 was roughly parallel to that o f the C 1 8 -C 2 3 PPh3 ON III Fig. 1. I: d-Orbital HOM O o f the pyramidal rhenium fragment [(/75-C5H 5)R e(N O )(PPh3)]+; II and III: Possible R e -N rotamers o f quinoline and isoquinoline com plex­ es [(//5-C5H 5)R e(N O )(PPh3)(N C 9H 7)]+T fO - (3 ,4 ). M. A. Dewey et al. ■Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles 1177 Table I. Spectroscopic characterization o f aromatic nitrogen heterocycle complexes. Complex ON | o ON | -N , IR (cm -1, KBr) pph3 vNO 1692 vs TfO - PPh3 vNO 1692 vs TfO" 1698 vs l3C {'H } N M R (ppm)b 31P{'H } N M R (ppm)c 8 .6 9 -8 .4 0 (m, 2 H o f N C 5H 5), 7 .7 2 -7 .3 1 (m, 9 H o f 3 C 6H 5, 1H o f N C 5H 5), 7 .3 0 -6 .9 3 (m, 6H o f 3 C 6H 5, 2H o f N C 5H 5), 5.62 (s, C5H 5). C5H 5N at: 156.25 (s), 137.38 (s), 126.25 (s); PPh3 at: 133.00 ( d , J = 10.6, o), 131.06 (s,p), 130.60 (d, J = 55.4,/), 128.92 (d , J = 10.5, w); 120.61 (q, JCF = 319.9, C F 3), 92.74 (d , / = 1.6 Hz, C5H 5). 16.0 (s) 8.93 ( d ,7 = 5.4, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 8.67 (d, J = 8.2, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 8.02 ( d , / = 8.2, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 7.92 (ddd, J = 7.9, 7.7, 1.7, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 7.82 (dd, / = 1.7, 8.1, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 7.71 (ddd, J = 0.8, 6.9, 7.5, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 7 .5 0 -7 .3 2 (m, 9 H o f 3C 6H 5), 7 .2 3 -7 .1 3 (m, 6H o f 3 C 6H 5, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 5.68 (s, C5H 5). C9H 7N at: 165.19 (s, br), 149.20 (s), 140.01 (s), 132.42 (s), 130.52 (s), 129.76 (s), 129.59 (s), 127.86 (s), 122.72 (s); PPh3 at: 133.19 (d, / = 10.8, o), 131.15 (s,/>), 129.43 (d, J = 5 4 .1 ,0 , 129.06 ( d , / = 10.2, m); 120.72 (q, JCF = 320.0, C F3), 92.39 (s, C 5H 5). 'H N M R (sy 8.90 (d, J = 0.8, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 8.50 ( d d ,7 = 6.7, 0.8, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 7 .8 5 -7 .6 5 (m ,4 H o f N C 9H 7), 7.55 (d, J = 6.7, 1H o f N C 9H 7), 7 .4 2 -7 .3 4 (m, 9 H o f 3 C 6H 5), 7 .2 9 -7 .1 8 (m, 6 H o f 3 C 6H 5), 5.64 (s, C5H 5). C9H 7N at: 159.68 ( d , / = 2.4), 148.08 (s), 134.49 (s), 133.65 (s), 129.29 (s), 128.68 (s), 128.12 (s), 120.99 (s), 123.48 (s); PPh3 at: 133.28 ( d , / = 10.2,o), 131.24 ( d , / = 2.5, p), 130.62 ( d , 7 = 5 6 .0 ,0 , 129.12 ( d , / = 10.9, m); 120.99 (q ,/CF = 321.1, C F 3), 93.02 (s, C5H 5). 17.4 (s) 16.7 (s) a At 300 M Hz at ambient probe temperature in CDC13 and referenced to internal SiM e4; all couplings are to 'H unless noted and are in Hz; b at 75 M H z at ambient probe temperature in CDC13 and referenced to internal SiM e4; all couplings are to 3IP unless noted and are in Hz; assignments o f resonances to phenyl carbons are made as described in W. E. Buhro, S. Georgiou, J. M. Fernandez, A. T. Patton, C. E. Strouse, J. A. Gladysz, Organometallics 5, 956 (1986);c at 32 M Hz at ambient probe temperature in CDC13 and referenced to external H 3P 0 4. phenyl ring (< 16.7°; Fig. 2). Distances of phenyl carbons from the isoquinoline plane ranged from 3.0 Ä (C18) to 3.8 Ä (C21). The plane o f the quinoline ligand in 3 was to a lesser degree aligned with that of the C 6 -C 1 1 PPh3 phenyl ring (< 35.6°). Distances of phenyl carbons from the quinoline plane ranged from 3.4 Ä (C7) to 4.9 Ä (CIO). 3. Syntheses o f optically active complexes We next sought to establish routes to enantiomerically pure complexes. Hence, the optically ac­ tive triflate complex (+)-(/?)-1 [13] and isoquino­ line were reacted (Scheme II). W orkup gave the optically active isoquinoline complex (+ )-(S)-4 in 74% yield, [a^f9 111 ± 2° [15]. The configuration at rhenium, which corresponds to retention, was as- 1178 M. A. Dewey et al. ■Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles Compound Molecular formula Molecular weight Crystal system Space group Cell dimensions (16 °C) a, A b ,A c, A a , deg ß, deg y, deg V, A 3 Z dCaic’ gm/cm3 (16 °C) d„bs>gm /cm 3 (22 °C) Crystal dimensions, mm Radiation, A Data collection method Scan speed, deg/min Reflections measured Range/indices (h , k , /) Scan range 26 limit, deg Total bkdg. time/scan time N o. o f reflections between std. Total unique data Observed data, I > 3er(I) Abs. coefficient, cm “1 min. transmission, % max. transmission, % N o. o f variables G oodness o f fit R = Y |IF 0I—IFCI |/Z |F 0| i?w = [ S w (|F 0| - | F c|)2/S w |F 0|2]'/2 zf/<7(max.) A q (max.), e/Ä 3 Table II. Summary o f crys­ tallography data for quinoline complex 3 and isoquinoline complex 4. 3 C33H ,7F 3N , 0 4PReS 821.8 triclinic PI ( # 2 ) 4 C33H ,7F 3N , 0 4PReS 821.8 triclinic PI (# 2 ) 9.879(1) 16.677(2) 9.962(1) 91.477(3) 99.155(3) 100.633(3) 1590.05 2 1.72 1.72 0 .3 0 x 0 .2 8 x 0 .1 8 M o K a (0.71073) 10.961(2) 15.770(2) 10.159(1) 87.65(2) 109.88(2) 101.27(2) 1619.01 2 1.69 1.68 0 .3 3 x 0 .2 3 x 0 .1 8 M oK a (0.71073) 0-26 6-26 3.0 5709 0 ,1 1 ,- 1 9 ,1 9 ,- 1 1 ,1 1 K a, —1.3 to K a 2 + 1 .6 2 .0 -4 5 .0 0.0 98 5709 4953 40.4 66.20 99.99 406 4.08 0.034 0.040 0.009 1.712, 0.84 Ä from Re 3.0 4538 0 ,1 2 ,- 1 7 ,1 7 ,- 1 0 ,1 0 K a, - 1 .3 to K a , +1.6 2 .0 -5 0 .0 0.0 97 4273 4273 39.7 81.21 99.99 406 1.20 0.021 0.024 0.001 0.492, 1.22 Ä from Re Table III. Atomic coordinates for 3 and 4. 4 3 Atom Re P Ol N 1 N2 Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Cl C8 C9 CIO C ll C 12 C 13 C 14 X 0.15591(3) 0.0999(2) -0.1000(6) 0.0086(6) 0.3200(5) 0.3215(9) 0.2739(8) 0.1303(8) 0.0873(9) 0.206(1) 0.1571(7) 0.1364(8) 0.185(1) 0.254(1) 0.2717(9) 0.2252(7) 0.1597(6) 0.2985(7) 0.3469(8) y 0.33134(2) 0.1906(1) 0.3556(4) 0.3453(4) 0.3543(3) 0.3985(5) 0.3193(5) 0.3085(5) 0.3823(6) 0.4378(5) 0.1698(4) 0.2228(5) 0.2143(6) 0.1506(6) 0.0958(5) 0.1054(5) 0.1149(4) 0.1234(4) 0.0651(5) 2 0.22156(3) 0.1408(2) 0.0437(6) 0.1086(6) 0.0982(5) 0.4028(8) 0.4344(7) 0.4325(7) 0.4016(8) 0.3835(8) -0 .0 1 9 2 (6 ) -0 .1 2 1 2 (7 ) -0 .2 4 2 5 (8 ) -0 .2 6 3 1 (8 ) -0 .1 6 3 2 (9 ) -0 .0 4 1 7 (8 ) 0.2531(6) 0.3094(8) 0.3911(9) u eq 3.230(5) 3.26(3) 6.6(1) 4.2(1) 3.5(1) 5.5(2) 4.9(2) 5.0(2) 5.9(2) 6.3(2) 3.6(1) 4.8(2) 6.3(2) 6.9(2) 5.8(2) 4.6(2) 3.5(1) 4.7(2) 5.6(2) X y 0.13405(2) 0.34484(1) 0.0826(1) 0.19862(7) -0 .1 1 3 3 (4 ) 0.3779(3) -0 .0 1 1 8 (4 ) 0.3644(2) 0.2533(3) 0.3829(2) 0.1468(6) 0.3043(4) 0.2792(6) 0.3269(4) 0.4147(4) 0.3050(5) 0.1924(6) 0.4500(3) 0.0928(5) 0.3797(4) -0 .0 9 6 7 (4 ) 0.1579(3) -0 .1 6 7 3 (4 ) 0.1728(3) -0 .3 0 2 8 (4 ) 0.1427(3) -0 .3 6 8 5 (5 ) 0.1002(3) -0 .3 0 0 0 (5 ) 0.0868(3) -0 .1 6 3 3 (4 ) 0.1141(3) 0.1522(4) 0.1215(3) 0.0532(3) 0.0731(5) 0.1299(5) -0 .0 0 2 5 (3 ) z 0.20664(2) 0.1248(1) -0.0036(5) 0.0787(4) 0.0768(3) 0.4223(5) 0.4244(5) 0.3981(5) 0.3792(6) 0.3958(5) 0.0646(4) 0.1499(5) 0.1086(6) -0.0193(7) -0.1059(6) -0.0636(5) 0.2557(4) 0.2963(5) 0.3986(5) u eq 3.458(3) 3.15(2) 8.4(1) 4.8(1) 3.44(8) 6.9(2) 5.9(1) 5.5(1) 6.8(1) 7.2(1) 3.55(9) 4.6(1) 5.5(1) 6.0(1) 5.5(1) 4.4(1) 3.58(9) 4.5(1) 5.7(1) M. A. Dewey et al. • Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles 1179 Table III. (Continued). 4 3 Atom C 15 C 16 C 17 C 18 C 19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C 24 C25 C 26 C27 C28 C29 C 30 C31 C 32 y 0.2549(9) 0.1167(9) 0.0672(8) -0.0909(6) -0.1585(8) -0.3035(8) -0.3778(8) -0.3118(8) -0.1671(7) 0.4377(1) 0.5436(8) 0.5400(8) 0.4281(8) 0.419(1) 0.313(1) 0.210(1) 0.2129(8) 0.3200(7) -0.0027(5) -0.0127(5) 0.0454(5) 0.1567(4) 0.1186(5) 0.0940(5) 0.1068(5) 0.1441(5) 0.1705(5) 0.3202(4) 0.3252(5) 0.3651(5) 0.4038(4) 0.4464(5) 0.4863(5) 0.4860(5) 0.4451(4) 0.4006(4) z 0.4189(9) 0.3646(9) 0.2828(8) 0.1043(7) -0 .0 2 0 3 (8 ) -0 .0 4 3 (1 ) 0.057(1) 0.181(1) 0.2044(8) 0.1347(8) 0.0654(9) -0 .0 5 2 3 (9 ) -0 .0 9 6 2 (7 ) -0 .2 1 8 0 (8 ) -0 .2 5 5 7 (8 ) -0 .1 7 4 3 (9 ) -0 .0 5 6 5 (8 ) -0 .0 1 6 8 (7 ) u eq X y 5.8(2) 6.1(2) 5.0(2) 3.7(1) 4.8(2) 6.1(2) 6.2(2) 5.9(2) 4.8(2) 4.5(2) 5.4(2) 5.7(2) 4.6(2) 6.1(2) 6.3(2) 6.0(2) 4.9(2) 3.8(1) 0.2654(6) 0.3454(5) 0.2891(4) 0.1293(4) 0.0948(4) 0.1344(5) 0.2071(5) 0.2389(4) 0.2014(4) 0.3529(4) 0.4186(4) 0.5173(4) 0.5711(4) 0.5307(5) 0.4380(5) 0.3783(4) 0.2787(4) 0.2202(4) 0.0100(3) 0.0767(3) 0.1322(3) 0.1783(3) 0.2323(3) 0.2251(3) 0.1632(4) 0.1085(3) 0.1158(3) 0.3461(3) 0.3639(3) 0.3177(3) 0.3309(3) 0.3910(4) 0.4384(3) 0.4249(3) 0.4673(3) 0.4463(3) z 0.4604(6) 0.4206(6) 0.3168(5) -0 .0259(4) -0.1 3 9 0 (4 ) -0 .2527(5) -0.2561(5) -0 .1468(5) -0.0300(5) 0.0782(4) -0.0199(4) -0 .0203(5) -0 .1247(5) -0 .2299(5) -0 .2298(5) -0 .1243(4) -0 .1181(5) -0 .0201(5) u eq 5.9(1) 5.7(1) 4.8(1) 3.36(9) 4.1(1) 5.3(1) 5.6(1) 5.4(1) 4.2(1) 3.40(9) 3.33(9) 4.2(1) 5.0(1) 5.3(1) 4.8(1) 3.7(1) 4.3(1) 4.2(1) Anisotropically refined atoms are given in the form o f the isotropic equivalent displacement parameter defined as: (4/3)[a2U ( l,l ) + b1U (2,2) + c2U (3,3) + oft(cosy)U (l,2) + a c(co sß )U (l,3 ) + M c o s« )U (2 ,3 )]. Fig. 2. Structures o f the cations o f quinoline complex 3 and isoquinoline com plex 4: (a) numbering diagrams; (b) Newman-type projections down the N 2 - R e bonds. M. A. Dewey et al. • Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles 1180 Table IV. Selected bond lengths (Ä), bond angles (°), and torsion angles (°) in 3 and 4a. R e -N 2 R e -P R e -N l N l-O l R e -C l R e -C 2 R e -C 3 R e -C 4 R e -C 5 N 2 -C 2 4 N 2 -C 3 2 C 2 4 -C 2 5 C 2 5 -C 3 0 C 2 5 -C 2 6 C 2 6 -C 2 7 C 2 7 -C 2 8 C 2 7 -C 3 2 C 2 8 -C 2 9 C 2 9 -C 3 0 C 3 0 -C 3 1 C 3 1 -C 3 2 P -C 6 P - C 12 P -C 1 8 N 2 -R e -P N 2 -R e -N 1 P -R e -N l R e -N l-O l R e -N 2 -C 2 4 R e -N 2 -C 3 2 C 2 4 -N 2 -C 3 2 N 2 -C 2 4 -C 2 5 N 2 -C 3 2 -C 3 1 C 2 4 -C 2 5 -C 2 6 C 2 4 -C 2 5 -C 3 0 C 2 5 -C 2 6 -C 2 7 C 2 5 -C 3 0 -C 2 9 C 2 5 -C 3 0 -C 3 1 C 2 6 -C 2 5 -C 3 0 C 2 6 -C 2 7 -C 2 8 C 2 6 -C 2 7 -C 3 2 C 2 7 -C 2 8 -C 2 9 C 2 7 -C 3 2 -C 3 1 C 2 8 -C 2 7 -C 3 2 C 2 8 -C 2 9 -C 3 0 C 2 9 -C 3 0 -C 3 1 C 3 0 -C 3 1 -C 3 2 P -R e -N 2 -C 2 4 P -R e -N 2 -C 3 2 N l-R e -N 2 -C 2 4 N l-R e -N 2 -C 3 2 3 4 2.171(3) 2.3963(8) 1.748(3) 1.204(4) 2.339(4) 2.284(4) 2.191(4) 2.218(4) 2.296(4) 1.333(4) 1.398(4) 1.390(5) 2.147(3) 2.378(1) 1.756(4) 1.195(5) 2.223(5) 2.288(5) 2.323(4) 2.301(5) 2.230(5) 1.328(5) 1.385(5) 1.406(5) 1.417(5) 1.419(6) 1.369(6) 1.412(7) - 1.362(6) 1.397(6) 1.421(5) 1.421(5) 1.355(7) 1.398(6) 1.371(5) 1.415(5) 1.820(3) 1.826(3) 1.839(3) 90.38(7) 102.6(1) 87.1(1) 172.5(3) 116.9(2) 126.5(2) 116.6(3) 125.2(3) 120.8(3) 118.6(4) - 119.6(4) - 121.9(4) 119.2(3) 121.0(4) 118.7(3) 118.9(4) 119.9(4) 121.4(4) 120.0(4) 68.5(5) -1 1 0 .7 (5 ) 155.6(5) - 23.5(5) signed by analogy to the results of closely related substitution reactions [13, 16], and the commonly observed correlation with the sign of [ a ] ^ in this series o f com pounds [7 -9 , 13, 16]. ..Ret ..Re... ON"’ | ON"’’ { "'PPh3 OTf '"PPh3 TfO~ (-)-(S)-3 (CH3CH2)4N+ CN" - 1.374(7) 1.424(6) 1.406(6) 1.355(6) 1.836(4) 1.835(4) 1.829(4) 91.65(8) 94.1(2) 90.0(1) 177.1(4) 124.0(3) 118.2(3) 117.7(3) 123.1(3) 122.7(3) 120.7(4) 118.7(4) 119.4(4) 118.7(4) 117.2(4) 120.5(4) 120.6(4) - 121.3(4) - 119.5(4) 124.0(4) 120.4(4) 54.6(3) -1 2 1 .7 (3 ) 144.7(3) - 31.6(3) a Bond lengths and angles involving the phenyl rings have been omitted. . (CH3CH2)4N+CN- ..Ret ----------------------► ON"” i "PPh3 .N . TfO’ ON" ...Re..., j "PPh3 CN (+)-(S)-6 (+)-(S)-4 Scheme II. Syntheses o f optically active complexes. Complex (+)-(S)-4 was subsequently treated with the cyanide salt (CH 3CH 2)4N +CN~ (Scheme II). W orkup gave the previously charac­ terized optically active cyanide complex (+)-(£)(^5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(CN) ((+)-(S>6) [10] in 74% yield, [a]f|9 182 ± 2°. The optical rotation in­ dicated an enantiomeric purity of > 98% ee. N M R analysis with (+)-Eu(hfc)3 also showed an enan­ tiomeric purity of > 9 8 % ee [10]. This in turn bounds the enantiomeric purity of (+)-(S)-4 as > 9 8 % ee. Next, ( + )-(/?)-l and quinoline were reacted at 60 °C (Scheme II). W orkup gave the levorotatory quinoline complex (-)-3 in 81% yield, [a]^9 -101 ± 2 ° [15], This contrasted with the dextrorotary substitution product obtained with isoquinoline. Thus, (~)-3 was treated with (C H 3C H 2)4N +CN~. W orkup gave (+)-(5>6 in 71% yield, [a]||9 180 ± 8° [15]. Hence, the optically active triflate complex (+)-(/?)-! is converted to 1181 M. A. D ew ey et al. ■Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles the same enantiom er o f the cyanide complex, (+)(S)-6, regardless of whether quinoline or isoquino­ line is employed. This strongly suggests that quin­ oline and isoquinoline complexes of identical ab­ solute configurations are generated in Scheme II. Accordingly, (~)-3 was assigned as (-)-(S)-3. Thus, 3 is one o f three optically active [(^5C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(X)]”+ complexes found to date (out of over one hundred) with an anom alous sign o f [a]589. The others are the benzoyl complex (7 5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(COC6H 5) and the phenylacetylene complex [(^5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(H C = C P h )]+BF4~ [17]. Discussion To our knowledge, 3 and 4 constitute the first pair o f structurally characterized quinoline and isoquinoline complexes. The R e - N 2 bonds (2.171(3), 2.147(3) Ä) are slightly shorter than that found in the analogous dimethyl amine complex t(l,5-C 5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(H N (C H 3)2)]*TfO(7, 2.193(4) Ä) [10], and longer than that in the neu­ tral phenylamido complex (^5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(N H C 6H 5) (2.076(6) Ä) [18], The contraction rela­ tive to 7 may be a consequence of ligand unsatura­ tion. The rhenium fragment I is a strong n donor, with the d orbital HOM O shown in Fig. 1 [19]. The quinoline and isoquinoline ligands adopt R e -N conform ations that allow a high degree of overlap with vacant n* orbitals. Complexes 1 - 7 are formally octahedral. Ac­ cordingly, the crystal structures of 4 and 7 exhibit O N - R e - P , P - R e - N C , and O N - R e - N C bond angles of 90-95°. However, the corresponding bond angles in the quinoline complex 3 (87.1(1)°, 90.38(7)°, 102.6(1)°) show greater deviations from 90°. Also, 3 exhibits a longer R e - N 2 bond than 4, and the rhenium is further displaced from the plane o f the heterocycle. We suggest that this likely reflects the presence o f a substituent ortho to the donor nitrogen in 3, and consequential strain-induced deformations. In principle, the heterocyclic ligands in 3, 4 can adopt several possible conformations. The inter­ stice between the nitrosyl and bulky PPh3 ligand is the m ost congested [20]. Thus, rotamers o f the gen­ eral types II and III (Fig. 1) are the most probable. The interstice between the small nitrosyl and medi­ um-sized cyclopentadienyl ligand is the most spa­ cious. Accordingly, the quinoline ligand in 3 adopts a conform ation o f the type II. However, the isoquinoline ligand in 4, which bears substi­ tuents further removed from the donor nitrogen (m eta, para), adopts a conform ation of the type III. This may be due in part to n interactions be­ tween the isoquinoline ligand and a PPh3 phenyl ring. However, we suggest that in solution, rotamer II dominates. The vinyl complex ( £)-(rj 5C5H 5)Re(N O )(PPh3)(CH = C H C 6H 5) has been pre­ viously shown to adopt a R e - C conform ation of the type III in the solid state, but one o f type II in solution [21]. A search o f the Cam bridge Structural Database showed that structurally characterized isoquino­ line complexes are relatively rare [22]. However, many quinoline complexes were located [23], Sur­ prisingly, no structural studies o f free quinoline and isoquinoline appear to have been conducted. However, data on solvates, and theoretical investi­ gations, have been reported [24], Only a few series o f pyridine, quinoline, and iso­ quinoline complexes involving metals in lower oxi­ dation states have been previously characterized [25]. Examples include the rhodium (I) complexes [(C 0D )R h(N C xH>,)2]+C104- and [Rh(CO)(PPh3)2(N C vH v)]+C104~ [25a, b], and an extensive series of ruthenium (II) complexes [(^5-C5M e5)Ru(N C C H 3)2(N C ,H v)]+P F 6- prepared by Fish [3b,c], In certain cases, the latter can be converted (with acetonitrile loss) to ^-heterocycle ^-complexes. In summary, this study has established the ready availability o f the racemic and optically active aro­ matic nitrogen heterocycle complexes 2 - 4 , and structural properties that will aid in the interpreta­ tion o f diastereoselective addition reactions [11]. We anticipate that metal complexes of such li­ gands, which are capable o f exhibiting a variety of binding modes [3 a -c , 6b, 26], will be the focus of considerable reactivity studies in the near future [6c]. Experimental Section General data Experimental procedures, acquisition o f re­ agents and purification o f solvents were identical to those given in a previous paper [10] with the M. A. Dewey et al. ■Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles 1182 following additions: pyridine, quinoline, and isoquinoline (Aldrich), distilled from zinc dust; 8-methylquinoline (Fluka), vacuum distilled. [ ( rj--C5H 5)R e (N O ) ( PPh 3) ( N C 5H 5) ] +TfO~ (2) A Schlenk flask was charged with (^5-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(CH 3) (10 [27], 0.245 g, 0.439 mmol), toluene (15 ml), and a stir bar and cooled to -4 5 °C (C H 3CN/liquid N 2 bath). Then H O Tf (0.0389 ml, 0.439 mmol) was added with stirring to generate (>75-C5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(OTf) (1) [13]. After 5 min, pyridine (0.178 ml, 2.20 mmol) was added with stirring. The bath was removed and the mixture allowed to warm to room tem perature. Some product precipitated. After 2 h, hexane (50 ml) was added with stirring to complete precip­ itation. The resulting orange powder was collected by filtration, washed with hexane and dried under oil pump vacuum to give 2 (0.321 g, 0.417 mmol, 95%), m .p. 223-225 °C dec. Analysis fo r C 29H 25F3N ^04P R eS Calcd C 45.13 Found C 45.01 H 3.27, H 3.22. [ (rf-C 5H 5)R e (N O ) ( PPh3) ( N C 9H 7) ] +TfO~ (3) Complex 10 (0.928 g, 1.66 mmol), toluene (30 ml), H O Tf (0.147 ml, 1.66 mmol), and quino­ line (0.982 ml, 8.30 mmol) were combined in a pro­ cedure analogous to that given for 2. The flask was immersed in a 60 °C oil bath. After 3 h, the bath was removed and the mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature. Some product precipitated. After lh , hexane (150 ml) was added to complete precipitation. The resulting orange powder was collected as above to give 3 (1.165 g, 1.43 mmol, 86%), m. p. 230-231 °C dec. Analysis fo r C 33H v F3N 20 4P R eS Calcd C 48.23 Found C 48.17 H 3.31, H 3.35. [ (rj5-C 5H 5)R e (N O ) (PPh 3)(iso -N C 9H 7) J +TfO~ (4) Complex 10 (1.002 g, 1.794 mmol), toluene (25 ml), H O Tf (0.159 ml, 1.79 mmol), and isoquinoline (1.060 ml, 8.970 mmol) were combined in a procedure analogous to that given for 2. An identical workup gave 4 as an orange powder (1.352 g, 1.650 mmol, 92%), m .p. 216-218 °C dec. Analysis fo r C 33H v F3N 10 4P R eS Calcd C 48.23 Found C 48.14 H 3.31, H 3.31. ( - ) - ( S )-3 Complex ( + )-(S>10 (0.159 g, 0.285 mmol) [27], toluene (5 ml), H O Tf (0.0252 ml, 0.285 mmol), and quinoline (0.169 ml, 1.43 mmol) were com ­ bined to generate ( + )-(/?)-1 in a procedure analo­ gous to that given for 3. A brown oil formed when the reaction mixture was cooled. After 12 h, sol­ vent was removed under oil pump vacuum. The re­ sulting residue was extracted with C H 2Cl2/hexane (30 ml, 2:1 v/v). The solution was slowly concen­ trated until a solid formed and the supernatant was nearly colorless. The resulting orange powder was collected as above to give (-)-(S )-3 (0.191 g, 0.231 mmol, 81%), m .p. 107-110 °C dec, [a]^f9 -101 ± 2 ° (c 0.864 mg/ml) [15b], Analysis fo r C 33H v F3N-,04PReS Calcd C 48.23 Found C 48.12 H 3.31, H3.41. ( + )-(S )-4 Complex (+)-(S)-10 (0.180 g, 0.322 mmol), to ­ luene (7 ml), H O Tf (0.285 ml, 0.322 mmol), and isoquinoline (0.190 ml, 1.61 mmol) were combined in a procedure analogous to that given for 4. Hex­ ane addition gave an oil. Solvent was then re­ moved under oil pum p vacuum. The resulting resi­ due was triturated in ether (50 ml) until a fine or­ ange powder formed. This was collected as above to give (+)-(S)-4 (0.196 g, 0.238 mmol, 74%), m .p. 200-202 °C dec, [«]||9 111 ± 2° (c 0.948 mg/ml [15b]. Analysis fo r C 33H v F3N 10 4PR eS Calcd C 48.23 Found C 48.00 H 3.31, H 3.29. Reaction o f ( - ) - ( S )-3 and (C H 3CH 2) 4N +CN~ A Schlenk flask was charged with ( - ) - ( S )-3 (0.079 g, 0.097 mmol), CH,C1, (5 ml), and a stir bar. Then (CH 3C H 2)fN +CN - (0.018 g, 0.12 mmol) was added with stirring. After 5 min, hexane (25 ml) was slowly added with stirring. An oil formed, and the solvent was removed under oil pum p vacuum. The resulting residue was triturat­ ed in ether (10 ml) until a yellow powder formed. This was collected by filtration and chrom ato­ graphed on a 2 cm silica gel column in TH F. Sol­ vent was removed from a yellow band to give (+)-(S )-(^-C 5H 5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(CN) ((+)-(S>6) [10]; 0.039 g, 0.69 mmol, 71%), [«]&, 180±8° (c 0.940 mg/ml) [15 b]. Optical purity: [a], > 95% ee; ( + )-Eu(hfc)3, > 9 8 % ee [10]. M. A. Dewey et al. ■Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles Reaction o f ( + ) - ( S ) - 4 and ( C H 3C H 2) 4N +CN~ Complex (+)-(S>4 (0.117g, 0.143 mmol), C H 2C12 (5 ml), and (CH3C H 2)4N +C N - (0.027 g, 0.172 mmol) were combined in a procedure analo­ gous to that given for reaction of (-)-(S)-3. An identical workup gave (+)-(S)-6 as a yellow pow­ der (0.060 g, 0.106 mmol, 74%), [<*]52859 182 ± 2 ° ( c l . 16 mg/ml) [15b]. Optical purity: [a], > 98 % ee; (+ )-Eu(hfc)3, > 98 % ee [ 10]. C r y sta l structures 1183 no decay during data collection. Lorentz, polariza­ tion, and empirical absorption (y/ scans) correc­ tions were applied. The structures were solved by standard heavy-atom techniques with the SDP/ VAX package [28]. Non-hydrogen atoms were re­ fined with anisotropic therm al parameters. H ydro­ gen atom positions were calculated and added to the structure factor calculations, but were not re­ fined. Scattering factors, and A i ' and A i " values, were taken from the literature [29], Additional de­ tails are given elsewhere [lib ]. We thank the N IH for support of this research. Complexes 3 , 4 were dissolved in CH 2C12 and slowly layered with hexane. Orange prisms formed, and were collected by filtration and dried under a nitrogen stream. X-Ray data were collect­ ed as summarized in Table II. Cell constants were obtained from 25 reflections in the range 20° < 2 6 < 34° (3) or 20 reflections in the range 20 < 2 6 < 28° (4). 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