FSCOT Agenda Sept. 6 , 2006

FSCOT Agenda
Sept. 6th, 2006
FSCOT Meeting
Sept. 6th, 2006 3:15pm – 4:45pm
Location: Hale Library – Room 503 Deans Conference Room
Polycom IP address: (for Salina call in)
Guest: none
Attachments: none
1. New Business? Agenda additions?
2. Old Business – discussion?
3. New AntiVirus Software package – Trend Micro
4. PPM 3430 Security policy – revisions (where it stands now)
5. IT Policies Approval Process – IRMC rewriting
6. Prospective names for two (2) FS IRMC selections – new philosophy
7. Future Security-related Policies – coming soon.
8. FS Representation on the AVPAST search committee – reasoning for 3 requests.
10. SRT25 - Schedule Resource Technology Subcommittee
11. Notes from SIRT and VPAST COOP meetings
12. Any “for the good of the University” items or last minute discussions?
13. Adjournment
FSCOT Meeting Agenda – Sept. 6, 2006
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