Document 13223656

I! Governor
b*by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, 96, the Texas Register publishes executive orders issued by
mor of Texas. Appointments and proclamations are also published. Appointments are published in
ation on documents submitted for publication by the Governor's Office can be
Commission has encouraged state and city officials to plan state and local quincentenmy programs and to establish
C o m m i s s i o n s 3 ~ ~ c e ~ ~ e o ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - ----
of Texas wishes to ,participate in and con~ibuteto this- important celebratory event;
ion shall propose, evaluate, recommend and coordinate activities throughout the State of Texas which develop the themes
the Quincentenary Jubilee Commission Report in commemoration of Columbus' discovery of the New World.
encourage development of projects which will increase knowledge and understanding of Columbus and his
of Columbus' voyages in the development of the modem world.
eCommiwion shall encourage development of projects which aclmowledge the important impact which the diversity of settlers in
has had on the development of our political, economic and cultural heritage.
mmission shall encourage projects which reflect upon the legacy of Columbus' vision as evidence of the human ability to
to seek new frontiers, with special emphasis on the potential benefits of the cooperative exploration of space.
members of the Commission shall serve without compensation or reimbursement of actual expenses.
shall periodically submit to the Go~emora schedule and an evaluation of proposed projects and recommend suggested
ial recognition by the State of Texas.