1227 Statutes, Article 6252-1 3a, 56, requires that ex- higher education and concerned laymen. One member will be designated by the lieutenant governor, one member will be designated by the speaker of the house of representatives, and the remaining members designated by the governor. Members will serve for one year and a t the pleasure of their appointing authority. and without state reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses to attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the task force. Travel and subsistence expenses for other necessary committee activities, such as t i s k force hearings Said task force is directed to meet monthly in various locations throughout the state and a t other times a s may be directe'd by the chairman. Said task force is directed to hold hearings and conferences a s may be directed by the chairman. t by government; and state and foreign students; coordination of activities, courses, teaching methods, etc., for the maximum delivery benefit to nor. and staff support from the Governor's Office. , the Governor of Texas is the highest elected ofstate'and designated by law as the chief planner Issued in Austin, Texas, on March 26, 1981. Doc. No. 812061 William P. Clements, Jr. Governor of Texas For further information, please call (512) 435-3021.