Document 13223641

and the executive director of the Texas Commission
Hlind shall serve as ex officio.members of the commit
(41 Committee members shall serve without pay.
between the Texas Rehabilitation (!ommission and the
Executive Orders
of its business.
Employment of. the Handicapped: repealing Executive Order
D.B. 40.
Functions. The Governor's Committee on Employm
the Handicapped shall:
Executive Order WPC-14 is amended a s follows and shall be
known a s WPC-14 as Amended October 2. 1980.
WHEREAS. the Texas Legislature has' enacted legislation
stating that it is the policy of the State of Texas to provide
rehabilitation and related services to eligible handicapped
persons so that
may prepare for and engage in gainful
occupation: and
WHEREAS. the Federal Congress has passed legislation to
authorize programs to promote and expand employment opportunities in the public and private sectors for handicapped
employment of the handicapped:
( 3 ) encourage coordination between local. sta
, 'federal agencies in their activities to promote the
. ment of the handicapped:
( 4 ) i n f o r m h a n d i c a p p e d persons of progra
rehabilitation. vocational training. and job placement
ble to them:
WHEREAS, in carrying out the functions vested in it. the
(6) inform the public of the benefits to the com
( 9 ) promote a favorable climate in the business
munity for employment of the handicapped.
on Employment of the Handicapped in the achievement of
their stated goals.
NOW. THEREFORE. 1. William P. Clements. Jr.. Governor of
Texas. under the authority vested in me. do hereby revoke.
rescind. and repeal Executive Order D.B. 40 and hereby establish overn nor's Committee on Employment of the ~ a n d i capped.
Purpose. The committee shall carry on a continuing program to promote employment of handicapped persons in this
(1) The committee shall be composed of a minimum of six
members appointed by the governor who shall serve for a oneyear term and a t the pleasure of the governor. At least one of
the members shall be a handicapped person.
(2) The governor shall annually designate one committee
member to serve as chairman and one committee member to
serve as !ice chairman. Such designations shall take place a t
the committee's fall meeting of each year.
. .
.. . . . .
Meeti rigs. The committee shall meet at least once ev
months a t the call of the chairman to conduct its bus
Reports. The committee shall annually report to the
nor on committee activities and on the state of empl
of the handicapped. This report may include any rec
dntions believed necessary or desirable to prom
employment of the handicapped.
This executive order shall become effective on Oct
1980, and shall remain in effect until amended. modi
lssued in Austin. Texas. on October 2. '19HO.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Doc. No. 807576
Governor of Texas
For further information, please call (512) 475-3021.
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