The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) Claremont McKenna College ARBC 002 CM Continuing Introductory Arabic Frangieh, B ARBC044 CM Continuing Intermediate Arabic Habib, M ARBC 148 CM Special Topics in Arabic Translation Habib, M CSCI040 CM Computing for the Web Sun, J CSCI051 CM Introduction to Computer Science Lee, A CSCI062 CM Data Structures and Advanced Programming Lee, A CSCI 145 CM Introduction to Data Mining (cross listed with Math 166) Hunter, B ECON050 CM Principles of Economics Analysis Staff ECON086 CM Accounting for Decision Making Staff ECON101 CM Intermediate Microeconomics Staff ECON102 CM Intermediate Macroeconomics Staff ECON109 CM Ethics, Economics, and Public Policy Wright, C ECON120 CM Statistics Raviv, Y ECON125 CM Econometrics Staff ECON134 CM Corporate Finance Binay, M ECON134B CM Advanced Corporate Finance Meulbroek, L ECON136 CM Derivatives Yu, F ECON139 CM Topics: Investments & Valuation Hughson, E ECON140 CM The World Economy Willett, T ECON150 CM Intermediate Accounting I Rosett, J ECON154 CM Financial Statement Analysis Batta, G ECON155 CM Intermediate Accounting II Magilke, M ECON159 CM Accounting Theory and Research Staff ECON165 CM Industrial Organization Filson, D ECON171 CM Environmental Economics Evans, M ECON174 CM Economics of Entrepreneurship Tocoian, O ECON175 CM Labor Economics Antecol, H ECON180 CM Seminar in Research Methods Staff ECON191 CM Business Law Staff ECON193 CM Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital Smith, J ECON194B CM Seminar in Investment Management (0.5 credit) Hughson, E ECON196 CM Advanced Macroeconomics Shelton, C ECONXXX CM Health Economics Staff FHS 010 CM Freshman Humanities Seminar Staff FWS 010 CM Freshman Writing Seminar Staff FIN 301B CM Leadership Development in Finance & Accounting Filson, D FIN 330 CM Corporate Financial Management Meulbroek, L FIN 410 CM Portfolio Management Filson, D FIN 420 CM Asset Pricing and Derivatives Yu, F FIN 440 CM Advanced Accounting Analysis Batta, G FIN 450 CM Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital Smith, J FREN002 CM Continued Introduction to French Aitel, F FREN044 CM Advanced French Shelton, M Page 1 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) GOVT020 CM Introduction to American Politics Staff GOVT060 Introduction to Comparative Government Staff GOVT070 CM Introduction to International Politics Taw, J GOVT070H CM Introduction to International Politics Taw, J GOVT080 CM Introduction to Political Philosophy Staff GOVT100 CM Domestic Public Policy Analysis with Lab Helland/Courser GOVT107 CM Revolutions in American Politics Pears, E GOVT110 CM American Culture Wars Shields, J GOVT112A CM Constitutional Law: National Powers Rossum, R GOVT112B CM Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties Rossum, R GOVT114 CM Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Nonprofits: Gann, P GOVT117 CM California Politics Miller, K GOVT120 CM Environmental Law and Policy McHenry/Christopher GOVT120E CM Environmental Leadership McHenry/Christopher GOVT124 CM Cases in American Political Leadership Pears, E GOVT134E CM Democratization, Violence and Change: Camp, R GOVT136 CM The Politics of Radical Movements in America Martin, J GOVT143C CM International Pol. Economy of Money and Finance Appel, H GOVT149 CM Foreign Relations of the United States Koch, L GOVT163 CM Democracy in Crisis: the Statesmanship of Abraham Lincoln Nadon, C GOVT172 CM Political Philosophy and Foreign Policy Nichols, J GOVT173 CM Politics of Eastern Europe and Russia Appel, H GOVT178 CM International Law Gann, P GOVT186 CM The Death Penalty Debate Phil., Religion Law & Popular Culture Bessette, J GOVTXXX CM Triangle of Anglo Countries Martin, J GOVTXXX CM Technology and Politics Areshidze, G HIST051 CM Modern South Asian History through its Literature, 1700-Present Kumar, N HIST052 CM South Asian History: An Introduction Kumar, N HIST112 CM Topics in American History Livesay, D HIST114 CM Race and Racism in The Colonial Americas Livesay, D HIST121 CM United States History Since 1945 Geismer, L HIST128 CM U.S. Gay and Lesbian History Selig, D HISTXXX CM Russia from Stalin to Putin Hamburg, G HISTXXX CM Race and American Cities Geismer, L KORE002 CM Continuing Introductory Korean Kim, M KORE044 CM Advanced Korean Hong, Y KRNT130 CM Korean Cinema and Culture Kim, M LEAD010 CM Foundations of Leadership Thompson, S LIT 034 CM Creative Journalism Kindley, E LIT 038 CM Fiction Writing Moffett, K LIT 058 British Writers II Warner, N LIT 062 CM Shakespeare's Tragedies Lobis, S LIT 063 CM Chaucer Rentz, E LIT 081 CM Melville Faggen, R Page 2 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) LIT 093 CM Postwar American Poetry Stergiopoulos, K LIT 098 CM News from the Delphic Oracle Farrell, J LIT 101 CM Translation in Theory and Practice Stergiopoulos, K LIT 114 CM Politics, Violence, and Early Modern Literature Lobis, S LIT 119 CM 19th Century Russian Novel Warner, N LIT 125 CM 20th Century English and Irish Poetry Farrell, J LIT 130 CM Introduction to Film Schur, T LIT 137 CM Gay and Lesbian Cinema in the U.S. Morrison, J LIT XXX CM TBA Pertile, G LIT XXX CM TBA de la Durantaye, L LIT XXX CM Travel and Literary Imagination Rentz, E LIT XXX CM Rilke von Hallberg, R LIT XXX CM Love Songs von Hallberg, R LIT XXX CM The Long Poem Cole, H MATH030 CM Calculus I Staff MATH031 CM Calculus II Staff MATH032 CM Calculus III Staff MATH060 CM Linear Algebra Staff MATH111 CM Differential Equations Bradley, G MATH131 CM Math Analysis I Aksoy, A MATH 138 CM Real Analysis II O'Neill, M MATH152 CM Statistical Inference Needell, D MATH 160 CM Monte Carlo Methods Huber, M MATH 166 CM Introduction to Data Mining (cross listed with CSCI 145) Hunter, B MATH171 CM Abstract Algebra Fukshansky, L MATH 180 CM Partial Differential Equations Kao, C MSL 001A CM Analysis of Key 20th Century Battles TBD MSL 101B CM The Basics of Leadership (B) TBD MSL 102B CM Introduction to Military Operations and Leadership (B) TBD MSL 103B CM Intermediate Leadership and Management (B) TBD MSL 104B CM Advanced Leadership and Management (B) TBD PHIL030 CM Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophical Questions Staff PHIL034 CM Introduction to Philosophy: Moral and Political Issues Rajczi, A PHIL036 CM Philosophy of Religion (CL RLST 143) Davis, S PHIL095 CM Fundamentals of Logic Kind, A PHIL100E CM Special Topics in History of Philosophy Kreines, J PHIL101C CM Classical Ethical Theory: Aristotle Obdrzalek, S PHIL136 CM Belief, Justification and Religion Locke, D PHIL158 CM Ethical Theory Schroeder, A PHIL178 CM Special Topics in Philosophy Rajczi, A PHIL 180 CM Health, Measurement, and Justice Schroeder, A PHIL198 CM Advance Seminar in Philosophy Kind, A PPE001A/B CM Philosophy Hurley, P PPE011A/B CM Politics Staff Page 3 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) PORT022 CM Continuing Introductory Portuguese Bivona, K PORT 044 CM Advanced Portuguese Bivona, K PSYC030 CM Introduction to Psychology Staff PSYC037 CM Organizational Psychology Staff PSYC040 CM Cognitive Psychology Cook, G PSYC065 CM Behavioral Psychology Charlop, M PSYC070 CM Abnormal Psychology Krauss, D PSYC081 CM Developmental Psychology Doan, S PSYC096 CM Neuropsychology Reed, C PSYC109 CM Introduction to Statistics for Psychologists Levin, S PSYC110 CM Research Methods Staff PSYC111L CM Research Methods Practicum Staff PSYC120 CM Seminar in Behavior Modification Charlop, M PSYC122 CM Seminar in Developmental Psychology Brown, K PSYC132 CM Personality Psychology Bowman, C PSYC161 CM Seminar in Decision Making and Memory Cook, G PSYC180 CM Forensic Psychology Krauss, D PSYC185 CM Health Psychology Doan, S PSYC188 CM Psychology and Law Costanzo, M RLST010 CM Introduction to South Asian Religious Traditions Martinez, C RLST055 CM Visual Judaism Gilbert, G RLST058 CM The End of the World As We Know It Velji, J RLST078 CM Matriarchal Societies Eller, C RLST137 CM Jewish-Christian Relations Gilbert, G RLST143 CM Philosophy of Religion (CL Phil 36) Davis, S RLST149 CM Islamic Thought Velji, J RLST156 CM The Protestant Reformation Chung-Kim, E RLST169 CM Christianity and Politics in East Asia Chung-Kim, E RLST186 CM Research Practicum in Archaeology Gilbert, G SPAN002 CM Continuing Introductory Spanish Hernandez, E SPAN022 CM Intensive Introductory Spanish Hernandez, E SPAN033 CM Intermediate Spanish Altamirano, N SPAN044 CM Advanced Spanish: Contemporary Hispanic Culture & Society Staff SPAN102 CM Introduction to Latin American Cultural Studies Velazco, S SPAN125B CM Introduction to Latin American Literature & Civilization II Gonzales, C SPAN179 CM Mexican Cinema in the New Millennium Velazco, S SPCH061A CM Speech and Debate (0.5 credit) Meany, J SPCH061B CM Speech and Debate (0.0 credit) Meany, J X 190 CM Senior Thesis Staff Harvey Mudd College Spring 2017 - Courses TBA Pitzer College ANTH001 PZ Intro Archaeology & Bio Anthro Miller ANTH003 PZ Language, Culture & Society Strauss Page 4 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) ANTH009 PZ Food, Culture, Power Chao ANTH050 Sex, Body, Reproduction Chao ANTH050 PZ Sex, Body and Reproduction Chao ANTH151 PZ Methods of Discourse Analysis Strauss ANTH160 PZ Native American Women's Arts Miller ARHI186A PZ Theories of Contemporary Art Anthes ARHI186T Things Anthes/Johnson ART 015 PZ Beginning Wheel Throwing Berg ART 074 PZ Engineering Materials Gilbert ART 075 PZ Watercolor McCoy ART 127 PZ Sculpture Practicum Gilbert ART 129 Photography, Power & the Ethics of Representation Krajnak ART 133 Mural Painting McCoy ART 133 PZ Mural Painting McCoy ART 196 PZ Artist Apprenticeship Ennis ART 197 PZ Art in Los Angeles Now Ennis ART 199 PZ Senior Projects in Art Krajnak ART XXX Materiality, Craft & Labor Gilbert CLAS162 PZ Roman Art & Archaeology Berenfeld CLAS175 PZ International Cultural Heritage Berenfeld CREA159C Shakespeare and Film Wachtel EA 032 PZ (re)Making Am Metropolis Neckar EA 034 PZ Environmental Art/Public Art Neckar EA 092 PZ Socal Environ Policy Landscape Donez/Staff EA 115 PZ Qualitative Research Methods Phillips EA 134 PZ Sustainable Place Studio Neckar EA 146 PZ Thry & Prac in Environ Education Faulstich EA 162 PZ Gender,Environ & Developmnt Herrold-Menzies EA 197 PZ EA Senior Thesis Seminar Herrold-Menzies EA 010 PZ Intro to Environmental Analysis Faulstich ECON051 PZ Principles of Macroeconomics Bizuneh ECON052 PZ Principles of Microeconomics Federman ECON091 PZ Statistics Pedace ECON104 Macroeconomic Theory Bizuneh ECON104 PZ Macroeconomic Theory Bizuneh ECON105 PZ Microeconomic Theory Stephens ECON140 PZ Economic Development Stephens ECON182 PZ Econ History of Globalization Stephens ENGL010B PZ Survey of British Literature II Bhattacharya ENGL015B PZ Intro to 20th Century World Literature Correia ENGL091 PZ Cross Borders, Rites of Passage Correia ENGL114 PZ British Women Writers Pre-1900 Bhattacharya ENGL128 PZ Writing the Body Armendinger ENGL130 Adv Projects in Creative Writing Armendinger Page 5 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) ENGL130 PZ Adv Projects in Creative Writing Armendinger HIST026 PZ US History: 1877 to Present McConnell HIST045 PZ West African History thru Novel O'Rourke HIST068 PZ Prison Autobiography Wakefield HIST152 PZ The Great Depression 1929-1941 McConnell HIST175 PZ Magic, Heresy & Religion Johnson IIS 128 PZ War on Terror Parker LGCS010 PZ Introduction to Linguistics Fought LGCS116 PZ Language & Ethnicity Fought LGCS166 PZ Ethnicity in the Media Fought LGCS191 PZ Senior Thesis Fought MATH10X Symbolism, generality & abstraction in the history of algebra Lorenat MLLC110 PZ Intercultural Learning Portfolio Staff MLLC144 PZ Adv Speech & Rhetoric: Arg & Dbt Staff MLLC155 PZ Writing Across the Curriculum Herman MLLC166 PZ Directed Resrch in American Cltr Herman MS 045 PZ Documentary Media Lerner MS 050 PZ Language of Film Ma MS 079 PZ Silent Film Lerner MS 084 PZ Handmade Film Lerner MS 175 PZ Contemporary Animation Practice Hutin ONT 101 PZ Critical Community Studies Arguelles, F; Staff, Sp ONT 110 PZ Healing Ourselves & Communities Hicks ORST050 PZ Organizational Life Lewis ORST100 PZ Organizational Theory Lewis (F) B. Junisbai (S) ORST135 PZ Organizational Behavior Wallis ORST160 PZ Corporate Social Responsibility Lewis ORST166 PZ Advance Org Theory & Leadership Wallis ORST198 PZ Topics in Orgs: Dynamics & Chang Wallis ORST199 PZ Senior Thesis Lewis PHIL/HISTXXX Fundamentalism and Rationalism in Comparative Context Alwishah/Wakefield PHIL084 PZ Islamic Philosophy Alwishah PORT022 PZ Intensive Introductory Portugese ARISTIZABAL POST/CHLT107 Latino Politics POST070 PZ Research Methods in Polit Stdies POST106 PZ Law and Politics POST107 CH Latino Politics Pantoja Van Sickle-Ward and Pantoja Van Sickle-Ward/HollisBrusky (PO) Pantoja POST131 PZ US Foreign Pol: US as a Gbl Pwr Herrera POST141 PZ International Political Economy Herrera PSYC126 Psychology of Music Justus PSYC199 Seminar in Developmental Psychology Moore SOC 095 PZ Contemporary Central Asia Junisbai Page 6 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) SOC 102 Qualitative Research Methods Espinoza SOC 111 Social Movements and Social Change Steinman SOC 111 PZ Social Movements & Social Change Steinman SOC 170 PZ Internship: Soc of Health & Med Bonaparte SOC 199 PZ Senior Thesis Bonaparte SOC 199A Senior Seminar Steinman SOC 199A PZ Sociology Senior Seminar Steinman SOC XXX The Social Construction of Morality Zuckerman SOC/ART XXX The Social World Geographically Zuckerman/McCoy SPAN002 PZ Continuing Introductory Spanish FLOREZ SPAN022 PZ Intensive Introductory Spanish ALFARO SPAN031 PZ Community-Based Spanish Practicum GUTIERREZ SPAN033 PZ Intermediate Spanish PIEROLA SPAN044 PZ Adv. Spanish: Language & Culture ALFARO SPAN055 PZ Adv Conversation through Film PIEROLA SPAN100 PZ Spanish in the Community - Children of Immigration GUTIERREZ SPAN135 PZ Los Angeles: La Ciudad, su Gente JORGE SPAN199 PZ Senior Research Project JORGE AMST103 JT Introduction to American Cultures Pohl ANTH105 PO Methods in Anthropological Inquiry Pardis Mahdavi ANTH107 PO Medical Anthropology Pardis Mahdavi ANTH109 PO Theory in Anthropology Carina Giorgi ANTH150 PO Understanding Religion Dru Gladney ANTH157 PO Anthropology of Chinese Society Dru Gladney ARHI051C PO Introduction to the History of Art: Renaissance to Modern Gorse ARHI141A PO (Re)presenting Africa: Art, History and Film Jackson ARHI173 PO Gorse ARHI186L PO Medieval and Renaissance City Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism: A Social History of North American Art Critical Race Theory, Representation and the Rule of Law ART 005 PO Drawing I Mercedes Teixido ART 010 PO Painting I Sandeep Mukherjee ART 021 PO Foundations of 2D Design Mark Allen ART 027 PO Wood Sculpture Michael O'Malley ART 028 PO Digital Photography Lisa Anne Auerbach CHIN001B PO Elementary Chinese Cheng CHIN001B PO Elementary Chinese Wu CHIN001B PO Elementary Chinese Barr CHIN051B PO Intermediate Chinese Hou CHIN051B PO Intermediate Chinese Xiao CHIN051H PO Intermediate Chinese for Bilinguals Wu CHIN111B PO Advanced Chinese Barr CHIN127 PO Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese Lit Cheng ARHI184 PO Pomona College Page 7 Pohl Jackson The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) CHIN150 PO Chinese Language in Society Xiao CHNT164 PO Chinese Poetry and Poetics Hou CHST101 CH Community Partnerships (CP) Tomas Summers Sandoval CSCI030 PO Computation and Cognition with Lab Staff CSCI051 PO Introduction to Computer Science with Lab Staff CSCI052 PO Fumdamentals of Computer Science Staff CSCI055 PO Discrete Mathematics Staff CSCI062 PO Data Structures and Advanced Programming Staff CSCI081 PO Computability and Logic Staff CSCI105 PO Computer Systems Staff DANC010 PO Beginning Modern Dance Pennington DANC012 PO Beginning Ballet I Koenig DANC050 PO Intermediate Modern Dance Pennington DANC051 PO Intermediate Ballet Technique Koenig DANC120 PO Modern Dance Technique III Szanyi DANC122 PO Modern Dance Technique IV Szanyi DANC123 PO Advanced Ballet Technique and Theory Koenig DANC124 PO Advanced Ballet Technique Koenig DANC130 PO Language of the Body Cameron DANC140 PO Beginning Creative Movement Exploration Cameron DANC150C PO Music and Dance of Bali Wenten DANC151 PO African Aesthetics Gadlin DANC175 PO Alexander Technique in Motion - Group Miller DANC176 PO Alexander Technique in Motion - Group Miller DANC180 PO Dance Repertory Pennington DANC181 PO Dance Repertory Pennington DANC192 PO Senior Project Cameron FREN002 PO Introductory French Claire Nettleton FREN033 PO Intermediate French Claire Nettleton FREN033 PO Intermediate French Yoshioka-Maxwell FREN044 PO Advanced French Yoshioka-Maxwell FREN044 PO Advanced French Abecassis FREN101 PO Introduction to Literary Analysis Abecassis FREN127 PO Language and Power in the Francophone World Divita FREN151 PO Men, Women and Power Waller FREN174 PO The Romantic Other Waller GEOL015 PO Living on the Edge: Earthquakes and Water in Southern California Reinen GEOL020A PO Intro to Geology: Geohazards Reinen GEOL020E PO Oceanography Prokopenko GEOL125 PO Earth History with Lab Gaines GEOL125 LPO Earth History Lab Gaines GEOL181 PO Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology with Lab Lackey GEOL181 LPO Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Lab Lackey Page 8 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) GERM002 PO Elementary German 2 staff GERM010 PO Intensive Introduction to German Language and Culture staff GERM151 PO Language at its Limits: German Poetry in Cultural Context staff HIST012 PO Saints and Society Ken Wolf HIST025 CH All Power to the People Tomas Summers Sandoval HIST042 PO Worlds of Islam Arash Khazeni HIST073 PO Ordinary People Gary Kates HIST110WHPO Heresy and Church Ken Wolf HIST140 PO Empire and Colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa Asia Khazeni HIST173 PO The French Revolution Gary Kates JAPN001B PO Elementary Japanese K. Takahashi JAPN001B PO Elementary Japanese T. Terada Landis JAPN001B PO Elementary Japanese T. Terada Landis JAPN011 PO Conversation: Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture Lang. Resident JAPN012B PO Japanese Kanji Class I A. Nakagoshi JAPN013 PO Advanced Conversation Lang. Resident JAPN014B PO Japanese Kanji Class II A. Nakagoshi JAPN051B PO Intermediate Japanese K. Takahashi JAPN111B PO Advanced Japanese L. Miyake JAPN123 PO An Introduction to Japanese Linguistics K. Takahashi JAPN191H PO Senior Thesis Staff JAPN192 PO Senior Research Paper Staff JPNT179 PO Graphically Speaking: Japanese Manga and Its Buds L. Miyake LGCS010 PO Introduction to Linguistics Meredith Landman LGCS011 PO Introduction to Cognitive Science Deborah Burke LGCS105 PO Syntax Michael Diercks LGCS106 PO Semantics Meredith Landman LGCS119 PO Language and Social Justice Robin Melnick LGCS121 PO Psycholinguistics Laura Johnson LGCS125 PO Field Methods Michael Diercks LGCS185C PO Topics in Cognitive Science Laura Johnson MOBI188 PO Molecular Biology Laboratory Tina Negritto MOBI191B PO Senior Library Thesis - Research Grant Proposal Staff and Tina Negritto MOBI194B PO Experimental Senior Thesis (2nd Semester) Staff and Tina Negritto MS 049 PO Introduction to Media Studies Friedlander, Jennifer MS 089C PO Television and Globalization Volcic, Zala MS 148B PO Drone Theory Andrejevic, Mark MS 148C PO Media, Space and Power: Cultural and Political Geographies of the Media Andrejevic, Mark MS 148D PO Powers of Pleasure Friedlander, Jennifer MS 149S PO Street Theories, Precarious Desires Hall, Jonathan MS 160 PO Japanese Film: Canon to Fringe Hall, Jonathan MUS 004 PO Materials of Music Lindholm, E. Page 9 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) MUS 010 PO Individual Instruction, Level I Staff MUS 020 PO Individual Instruction, Level II Staff MUS 031 PO Pomona College Choir Di Grazia, D. MUS 032 PO Pomona College Glee Club Di Grazia, D. MUS 033 PO Pomona College Orchestra Lindholm, E. MUS 035 PO Pomona College Band Beeks, G. MUS 037 PO Jazz Ensemble Catlin, B. MUS 040 PO Chamber Music Lee, G. MUS 041 PO Balinese Gamelan Ensemble Wenten, N. MUS 042B PO Afro-Cuban Drumming Addington, P. MUS 060 PO History of Jazz Bradford, B. MUS 062 PO Survey of American Music Staff MUS 065 PO Introduction to World Music Schreffler, G. MUS 074 PO Maritime Music Schreffler, G. MUS 080 LPO Lab, Theory I Blankenburg, G. MUS 080 LPO Lab, Theory I Jung, J. MUS 080 PO Music Theory I Rockwell, J. MUS 082 LPO Lab, Theory III Blankenburg, G. MUS 082 PO Music Theory III Cramer, A. MUS 091 PO Perception and Cognition of Sound in the Modern World Cramer, A. MUS 096B PO Electronic Music Studio Flaherty, T. MUS 100 PO Individual Instruction, Level II Staff MUS 177 PO Music for Composers and Performers Flaherty, T. MUS 192 PO Senior Project Staff PHIL001 PO Problems of Philosophy Peter Thielke PHIL042 PO History of Modern Philosophy Peter Thielke PHIL043 PO Continental Thought Steve Erickson PHIL070 PO Art and Aesthetics Laura Perini PHIL081 PO Epistemology: Truth, Justification, Knowledge Peter Kung PHIL106 PO Philosophy of Biology Laura Perini PHIL115 PO Heidegger and the Tradition Steve Erickson PHIL185L PO Topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics and the Philosophy of the Mind Peter Kung PPA 001 PO Introduction to Public Policy Analysis Richard Worthington PPA 191 PO Senior Thesis Richard Worthington PSYC051 PO Introduction to Psychological Science Hurley PSYC051 PO Introduction to Psychological Science Pearson PSYC051 PO Introduction to Psychological Science Satpute PSYC108 PO Child Development Smiley PSYC140 PO The Social Brain Lewis PSYC153 AA Asian American Psychology Goto PSYC156 PO Industrial/Organizational Psychology Goto PSYC157 PO Research Design and Methodology in Psychology with Lab Sher PSYC160 PO Cognitive Psychology with Lab Sher PSYC180A PO Seminar in Social and Emotional Development Smiley Page 10 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) PSYC180D PO Seminar in Affective Neuroscience Satpute PSYC180J PO Seminar: Language, Memory, Brain Burke PSYC180P PO Contemporary Prejudice Pearson PSYC180X PO Culture and Human Development: Global Diasporas Hurley PSYC191 PO Senior Thesis Staff RLST100 PO Worlds of Buddhism Zhiru Ng RLST140 PO The Stories We Tell: Narrative and the Moral Imagination Jerry Irish RLST152 PO Oona Eisenstadt RLST162 PO Ritual and Magic in Children's Literature Religion, Ethics and Social Practice: An Intergenerational Partnership on Vocations for Social Change Modern Jewish Philosophy RLST177 PO Gender and Religion Erin Runions SPAN002 PO Elementary Spanish Wha Sook Kim SPAN022 PO Intensive Introductory Spanish Chris VanGinhoven Rey SPAN033 PO Intermediate Spanish Wha Sook Kim SPAN033 PO Intermediate Spanish Grace Davila-Lopez SPAN044 PO Advanced Grammar and Composition Jose Cartagena-Calderon SPAN044 PO Advanced Grammar and Composition Susana Chavez-Silverman SPAN101 PO Introduction to Literary Analysis Grace Davila-Lopez SPAN101 PO Introduction to Literary Analysis Nivia Montenegro SPAN108 PO Actos Autobiográficos: Latin@ American Life Writing Susana Chavez-Silverman SPAN120B PO Survey of Spanish Literature Paul Cahill SPAN126 PO In Short: Latin American Story Telling Nivia Montenegro SPAN153 PO Spanglish in Context: Bilingualism in the United States David Divita SPAN170 PO Don Quixote and Cultural Identity Jose Cartagena-Calderon SPAN175 PO Romantics and Realists: 19th Century Spanish Literature Mary Coffey THEA001A PO Basic Acting: Tools and Fundamentals Staff THEA001A PO Basic Acting: Tools and Fundamentals Staff THEA001A PO Basic Acting: Tools and Fundamentals Staff THEA002 PO The Dramatic Imagination Taylor, J THEA012 PO Intermediate Acting Staff THEA013 PO Corporeal Mime Leabhart, T. THEA014 PO Corporeal Mime and Pedagogy Leabhart, T. THEA017 PO Make-up French, M. THEA022 PO Stage Lighting Technology Staff THEA031 PO World Theatre and Drama II: Kabuki to Contemporary Horowitz, A. THEA041 PO Stage and Theatre Management Staff THEA051C PO Theatre Performance Staff THEA051C PO Theatre Performance Staff THEA051H PO Theatre Performance and Pedagogy Staff THEA051H PO Theatre Performance and Pedagogy Staff THEA052C PO Theatre Production: Practicum Linnell, S. & Taylor, J. THEA052C PO Theatre Production: Practicum Linnell, S. & Taylor, J. THEA052C PO Theatre Production: Practicum Linnell, S. & Taylor, J. RLST155 PO Page 11 Erin Runions Oona Eisenstadt The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) THEA052H PO Theatre Production: Practicum and Pedagogy Linnell, S. & Taylor, J. THEA052H PO Theatre Production: Practicum and Pedagogy Linnell, S. & Taylor, J. THEA052H PO Theatre Production: Practicum and Pedagogy Linnell, S. & Taylor, J. THEA053CGPO Alexander Technique in Motion - Group Jolley, M. THEA053CIPO Alexander Technique and Pedagogy - Individual Jolley, M. THEA053HGPO Alexander Technique in Motion - Group Jolley, M. THEA053HIPO Alexander Technique and Pedagogy - Individual Jolley, M. THEA054C PO Voice for the Actor Kemp, M. THEA054H PO Voice for the Actor: Pedagogy Kemp, M. THEA060 PO Theatre for Young Audiences Portillo, R. THEA061 PO Theatre for Young Audiences Portillo, R. THEA081 PO Costume Design for Stage and Screen Linnell, S. THEA130 PO Introduction to Directing Staff THEA170 PO Writing for Performance Horowitz, A. THEA188 PO Theory/Criticism/Praxis Lu, J. THEA190 PO Senior Research and Colloquium Staff THEA192 PO Senior Project Staff AISS002AL KS Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence Coleman, M/Staff/Gould, S AISS002BL KS Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence Coleman, M/Staff/Gould, S Scripps College AMST103 JT Introduction to American Cultures Cheng, W ANTH119 SC East Asian Connections and Global Futures Park, S ANTH185P SC Palestine in Ethnography and Film Deeb, L ANTH191 SC Senior Thesis Seminar Park, S ARHI180 SC Russian and Soviet Avant-Gardes Koss, J ARHI188 SC Representing the Metropolis Koss, J ART 100A SC Introduction to Studio Art Mann, E ART 102 SC Intermediate/Advanced Painting Kovitz, K ART 105 SC Introduction to Drawing Kovitz, K ART 106 SC Intermediate and Advanced Drawing Kovitz, K ART 120 SC Introduction to Wheel Throwing Davis, A ART 121 SC Introduction to Ceramic Sculpture Seisler, N ART 124 SC Documenting Change Seisler, N ART 134 SC Crossing Media: Moving between Analog and Digital in Printmaking Macko, N ART 135 SC Typography and the Book Arts Staff ART 141 SC Introduction to Digital Art Macko, N ART 142 SC Introduction to Design in the Visual Arts Staff ART 145 SC Introduction to Black and White Photograhy Staff ART 146 SC Intermediate and Advanced Black and White Photography Staff ART 149 SC Intermediate and Advanced Video Tran, T ART 181 SC Topics Seminar in Studio Art Staff ART 193 SC Advanced Senior Project and Seminar in Art Davis, A Page 12 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) ASAM160 SC Asian American Women's Experiences Staff ASAM187 SC Arts, Activism, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Staff ASTR066L KS Elementary Astronomy Staff BIOL044L KS 01 Introductory Biology McFarlane, D BIOL044L KS 02 Introductory Biology Monroy, J BIOL044L KS 03 Introductory Biology Staff BIOL044L KS 04 Introductory Biology Engel, R BIOL044L KS 05 Introductory Biology BIOL095L JT Foundations of Neuroscience BIOL109 KS Biological and Environmental Science Engel, R Spence, R; Scott-Kakures, D et al Williams, B BIOL131L KS Vertebrate Physiology Staff BIOL137 KS EEP Clinic Morhardt, E BIOL140 KS Selected Topics in Neuroscience Coleman, M BIOL143 KS Genetics Fortini, B BIOL149 KS Neuroscience 2: Systems Spence, R BIOL154 KS Animal Behavior Ferree, E BIOL154L KS Animal Behavior Lab Ferree, E BIOL155L KS Selected Topics in Computational Neuroscience Milton, J BIOL156L KS Genomics and Bioinformatics Finseth, F BIOL157L KS Cell Biology Staff BIOL159 KS Natural Resource Management Morhardt, E BIOL168L KS Microbiology Staff BIOL170L KS Molecular Biology Staff BIOL173L KS Molecular Biology Seminar/Lab Aldrich, J BIOL175 KS Applied Biostatistics Staff BIOL176 KS Tropical Ecology McFarlane, D BIOL177 KS Biochemistry Rinaldi, A BIOL188L KS Senior Thesis Research Project in Biology McFarlane, D BIOL189L KS Senior Thesis Summer Research Project McFarlane, D BIOL190L KS Senior Thesis Research Project in Biology, Second Semester McFarlane, D BIOL191 KS One-Semester Thesis in Biology McFarlane, D BIOL199 KS Independent Study in Biology Staff CHEM015L KS 01 Basic Principles of Chemistry Staff CHEM015L KS 02 Basic Principles of Chemistry Sanii, B CHEM015L KS 03 Basic Principles of Chemistry Fucaloro, A CHEM015L KS 04 Basic Principles of Chemistry Rinaldi, A CHEM015L KS 05 Basic Principles of Chemistry Babbes, A CHEM029L KS Accelerated General Chemistry Williams, N CHEM117L KS 01 Organic Chemistry Staff CHEM117L KS 02 Organic Chemistry Wenzel, A CHEM117L KS 03 Organic Chemistry Wenzel, A CHEM117L KS 04 Organic Chemistry Mackey, J CHEM117L KS 05 Organic Chemistry Mackey, J Page 13 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) CHEM121 KS Principles of Physical Chemistry Fucaloro, A CHEM127L KS Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry Leconte, A/Staff CHEM177 KS Biochemistry Rinaldi, A CHEM188L KS Senior Thesis Research Project in Chemistry McFarlane, D CHEM189L KS Senior Thesis Summer Research Project in Chemistry McFarlane, D CHEM190L KS Senior Thesis Research Project, Second Semester McFarlane, D CHEM191 KS One-Semester Thesis in Chemistry McFarlane, D CHEM199 KS Independent Study in Chemistry Staff CHST015 CH Introduction to Chicana/o Latina/o studies Alcala, R CLAS012 SC Greek Tragdy Roselli, D CLAS112 SC Vergil Valentine, J CLAS114 SC Female and Male in Ancient Greece Valentine, J CORE002 SC Sections TBD DANC076A/B SC Modern Dance I Branfman, S DANC077A/B SC Modern Dance II Branfman, S DANC078B SC Ballet I Staff DANC081A/B SC Introduction to Jazz Gandhi, S DANC100A/B SC Modern Dance III Williamson, K DANC110A/B SC Modern Dance IV Williamson, K DANC131 SC Critical Perspectives on Dance: Gender, Race, and Sexuality Staff DANC160 SC Dance Composition II Williamson, K DANC161 SC Dancing the News: Choreographing Women's Lives Branfman, S DANC162A/B SC Repertory Williamson, K DANC163 SC Kinesiology as Related to Dance Cordova-Caddes, A DANC193A,B,C,D SC Production Experience Williamson, K DANCE191 SC Senior Thesis in Dance Staff EA 030L KS Science and the Environment Williams, B EA 055L KS Physical Geography and Geomorphology Robins, C ECON051 SC Principles of Macroeconomics Keskinel, M ECON052 SC Principles of Microeconomics Bose ECON101 SC Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Bose ECON102 SC Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Flynn, S ECON120 SC Statistics Staff ECON125 SC Econometrics Staff ECON184 SC Behavioral Finance Flynn, S ENGL115 SC Seminar in Literary Theory Decker, M ENGL151 SC Modern British Novel Staff ENGL152 SC Hardy and Lawrence Matz, A ENGL161 SC The Slave Narrative and the Novel of Slavery Koenigs, T ENGL173 SC American Women Writers Koenigs, T ENGL185P SC Poetry Writing Workshop Liu, W FGSS036 SC Introduction to Queer Studies Feminist Intersectional Pedagogies: Learning Grassroots Leadership Practices Cheng, J FGSS182 SC Page 14 Chatterjee, P The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) FREN002 SC Continued Introductory French Boucquey, T FREN033 SC 01 Intermediate French Toth, L FREN033 SC 02 Intermediate French Toth, L FREN044 SC 01 Rachlin, N FREN121 SC Advanced French From French "Frogs" to Quebec "Wawarons": A Cultural Exploration of French Identity The Politics of Love FREN130 SC French Theatre Boucquey, T / Haskell, E FREN160 SC Hugo, Women, and the French Revolution Lemoine, F FREN173 SC Wit and Ridicule in the French Salon Lemoine, F HIST050B AF African Diaspora in the United States since 1877 Roberts, R HIST070B SC Introduction to Modern U.S. History Redford, L HUM 195J SC Fellowship in Humanties Institute Deeb, L ITAL001 SC 01 Introductory Italian Magistro, E ITAL002 SC 01 Continued Introductory Italian Mehrmand, N ITAL002 SC 02 Continued Introductory Italian Staff ITAL044 SC Advanced Italian: Readings in Literature and Civilization Ovan, S ITAL120 JT SC Italian Cities Ovan, S; /Gorse, G MATH023 SC Transcendental Fucntions Chaderjian, A MATH030 SC Calculus I Ou, W MATH031 SC Calculus II Ou, W MATH032 SC Calculus III Ou, W MATH060 SC 01 Linear Algebra Chaderjian, A MATH060 SC 02 Linear Algebra Ou, W MATH102 SC Differential Equations and Modeling Towse, C MATH103 SC Combinatorics Chaderjian, A MATH135 SC Complex Analysis Towse, C MS 192 SC Senior Projects in Media Studies Tran, T MUS 081 JM Intro to Music: Sound and Meaning Staff MUS 085 SC Group Piano Simon, J MUS 089 SC Group Voice Wilson, D MUS 089 SC Group Voice Zaidel, S MUS 102 SC Music Theory I Cubek, D MUS 112 SC Introduction to Ethnomusicology Jaquez, C MUS 120 SC or Music in Christian Practice Kang, Y MUS 126 SC Music in East Asia and its American Diasporas Kang, Y MUS 170B/D/F SC Voice Harley/Zaidel/Wilson MUS 171B/D/F SC Piano Staff/Blankenburg/Simon MUS 172 SC Chamber Music Staff MUS 173 JM Claremont Concert Choir Staff MUS 174 JM Claremont Chamber Choir Staff MUS 175 JM The Claremont Concert Orchestra Cubek, D MUS 177 SC Violin Staff MUS 191 SC Senior Recital Harley, A FREN118 SC Page 15 Lemoine, F Rachlin, N The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) NEUR095 JT Foundations of Neuroscience PHIL160 SC Ethical Theory Scott-Kakures, D; Spence, R et al Weinberg, R PHIL164 SC Ethical Theory Seminar: The Moral Deal Weinberg, R PHIL169 SC Responsibility, Guilt, and the Person Scott-Kakures, D PHYS031L KS 01 General Physics Staff PHYS031L KS 02 General Physics Higdon, J PHYS031L KS 03 General Physics Staff PHYS034L KS 01 Principles of Physics Landsberg, A PHYS034L KS 02 Principles of Physics Landsberg, A PHYS034L KS 03 Principles of Physics Naftilan, S PHYS100 KS Computational Physics and Engineering Higdon, J PHYS102 KS Electromagnetism Staff PHYS106L KS Electronics Laboratory Powell, M PHYS114 KS Quantum Mechanics with Computational Applications Staff PHYS178L KS Biophysics Powell, M PHYS188L KS Senior Thesis Research Project in Physics McFarlane, D PHYS189L KS Senior Thesis Summer Research Project in Physics McFarlane, D PHYS190L KS Senior Thesis Research Project, Second Semester McFarlane, D PHYS191 KS One-Semester Thesis in Physics McFarlane, D PHYS199 KS Independent Study in Physics Staff POLI116 SC Politics of God Pahwa, S POLI122 SC The Power Elite Auerbach, N POLI126 SC Black Americans and the Political System Tyson, V POLI130 SC Introduction to Political Economy Auerbach, N POLI135 SC Political Economy of Food Auerbach, N PSYC102 SC Psychology of Women LeMaster, J PSYC104 SC Research Design in Psychology Groscup, J PSYC104L SC Research Design in Psychology Lab Groscup, J PSYC123 SC Cognitive Neuroscience Spezio, M PSYC123L SC Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Spezio, M PSYC143 SC Advanced Statistics I: Analysis of Variance and Regression Groscup, J PSYC168 SC Social Psychology Ma, J PSYC168L SC Social Psychology Lab Ma, J PSYC195 SC Internship in Psychology LeMaster, J RLST180 SC Interpreting Religious Worlds Jacobs, A RLST137 JT Jewish-Christian Relations Jacobs, A/Gilbert SPAN033 SC 01 Intermediate Spanish Sanjuan, C SPAN033 SC 02 Intermediate Spanish Sanjuan, C SPAN033 SC 03 Intermediate Spanish Santizo, G SPAN044 SC Advanced Spanish: Readings in Literature and Civilization Arteaga, C SPAN101 SC Introduction to Literary Analysis. Analysis of literary genres and styles Perez de Mendiola, M SPAN127 CH Literatura Chicana en Espanol Alcala, R SPAN131 SC Representations of Queer Lives in Latin America Santizo, G Page 16 The Claremont Colleges - Spring 2017 Anticipated Course Offerings (subject to change) SPAN134 SC Indigenous Women, Representations, and Struggles Arteaga, C SPAN140 SC The Spanish Transition Through the Lens of Pedro Almodóvar Sanjuan, C WRIT132 SC Arts and Culture Review Drake, K Page 17