Hazardous Fuels Reduction Program Creating and capturing contracting opportunities

Lake County Resources Initiative
Lake County, Oregon
Hazardous Fuels Reduction Program
Creating and capturing contracting opportunities
Project Need or Opportunity
The implementation of the National Fire Plan represents a significant economic opportunity for
rural communities. Traditionally, rural communities located on the eastside of the Cascade
mountain range have not participated in the labor-intensive work associated with hazardous fuel
reduction. This labor force has historically been located along the Interstate 5 corridor. To help
capture more fuel reduction projects for local firms in rural communities, a suite of strategic
investments is needed.
Project Implementation
The scope of work for creating and capturing more fuel hazard reduction work for local
communities is detailed below. Implementation will be carried out in close collaboration with
local community members, local Forest Service personnel, and local contracting firms.
1. Develop and implement contract design innovations on Fremont National Forest service and
timber contracts.
Design fuel hazard reduction contracts scaled to the skills, equipment, crew size, and
bonding level of local firms.
Expand the use of the “local preference” language in restoration contracts.
Expand the use of “local economic impact” criteria in restoration contracts.
Expand the use of HUB Zone set aside for restoration contracts.
Develop a “timber sale embedded in a service contract” for participation by local firms.
Work with environmental groups to gain support for projects
2. Provide targeted workforce training to local contractors in new work types and techniques.
Train local contracting firms on specific restoration techniques being used in fuel
reduction projects through on-the-ground demonstrations.
Train local firms on the doing business with the government, e.g. bidding, licenses,
bonding, etc.
Assist local firms to get certified to participate in HUB Zone contracts.
Train local firms in the requirements to participate in Region 6 engine/tender and
emergency equipment rental contracts.
Provide general bid preparation assistance.
Work to increase bonding capabilities for contractors
3. Demonstrate “light touch” mechanical harvester and advocate for its use on national forest
Demonstrate Bobcat style small diameter shear to thin overstocked stands.
Monitor rates of production, stand improvement, and soil impacts.
Determine if machine is appropriate for use on National Forest land.
If yes, assist Fremont National Forest to develop fuel hazard reduction projects
specifying use of machine and/or hand thinning.
If yes, assist local contractors to obtain machine and operator training.
4. Monitor the results of the program.
 Determine results of contract design innovations.
 Determine results of workforce training program.
 Determine results of equipment demonstration program.
Anticipated Outcomes
We anticipate that this project of work will result in the following outcomes:
Creation and solicitation of at least two fuel hazard reduction projects designed for local
participation of the local workforce.
15 contractors trained in bid procedures, licenses, and bonding requirements of doing
business with the government.
10 contractors trained in the latest techniques of under-story removal, juniper removal,
plantation thinning, undesirable tree felling, and aspen release.
5 firms trained in the requirements for participating in the regional/engine tender contract
and emergency equipment rental agreement.
10 contractors assisted to sign up with the HUB Zone program.
At least 3 contracts developed that use the HUB Zone set-aside authority.
Increased knowledge about specific equipment that is appropriate for mechanical harvest of
small diameter material with minimal soil impacts.
Increase knowledge and experience about what how communities and contractors can
participate in the National Fire Plan.
Partners in this project include:
Fremont National Forest
Ecosystem Workforce Program
Lake County Chamber of Commerce
Lake County, Oregon
The Collins Pine Company
The Nature Conservancy
Several Lake County contractors
Sustainable Northwest
The Wilderness Society
Pacific Rivers Council
Defenders of Wildlife
Concerned Friends of the Winema
This project is urgent and timely. Due to the short time frame of the National Fire Plan many
local agency units are working under intense pressure to produce results. This urgency could
easily eclipse the opportunity to develop local contracting opportunities. Also, the authorities
included in the national fire plan may not extend to similar projects upon completion of the
National Fire Plan. Economically, many local logging firms have been suffering due to the
prolonged slump in timber prices. Thus the opportunities presented by the Fire Plan represent a
critical source of new contracts to many local firms that are being force to diversify.
Connection to the National Fire Plan
This project is intimately connected to the National Fire Plan at the forest level. This project will
be developing projects that are a high priority for fuel hazard reduction on the Fremont National
Forest. Additionally, it will be refining and testing the local preference and other authorities that
are included in the plan. Lastly, the project will be conducted in a highly collaborative manner
that is consistent with the goals of the National Fire Plan.
Time Frame
The project will begin fall of 2002 and end the fall of 2003.
Expected budget:
$50,000 plus $12,500 match