Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Wildland Urban Interface Fuels / Education and Prevention / Community Planning for Fire Protection Projects Applicant Applicant/Organization: Lake County Phone: FAX: Email: 541-947-6000 541-947-7012 lakecoasr@centurytel.net Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): 513 Center Street, Lakeview, Oregon 97630 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Phil Israel, Lake County Assessor Organization/Jurisdiction: Assessment and Taxation Department Phone: FAX: Email: 541-947-6000 541-947-7012 lakecoasr@centurytel.net Project Information Project Title: Community Planning for Fire Protection Projects-Lake County Tax Lot Digitization Project Proposed Project Start Date: July 1, 2004 Proposed Project End Date: January 1, 2006 Federal Funding Request: $40,000 Total Project Funding: $329,405 Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize: No Brief Project Description: Several current and previous Community Planning efforts for Fire Protection and assessments exist for various parts of Lake County, Oregon. These efforts are being conducted by Federal, State, City and Rural Fire Departments. These planning efforts have a central need to create a common base to store, analyze and cooperatively share information. This project would help create the vehicle for Geographic Information System (GIS) data base(s) by the creation of digitized maps which are control point, survey, and deed record reconciled for all the Assessor’s tax lots within Lake County. Project Location (latitude/longitude if applicable): County: Congressional District: County wide project Lake County, Oregon 2nd Project Type: Check appropriate project type. More than one type may be checked. If only Box (4) is checked, use Enclosure 4. (1) (2) Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Project Wildland Urban Interface Education and Prevention Project (3) X Community Planning for Fire Protection Project (4) Fuels Utilization and Marketing Project If the applicant is an unincorporated area, define the geographic area being represented: Lake County, Oregon Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font. Describe project including, but not limited to: project location Address these project implementation items as anticipated outcomes applicable: measures and reporting interagency partners project relationship to community or natural landscape fire plans project time frames and income specify types of activities and equipment used amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc) environmental, cultural and historical resource requirements Response: Project Location: Lake County, OR Project Implementation: Lake County personnel will work cooperatively with the Oregon Department of Revenue (ODOR) Cartography section, which maintains Lake Co. assessment maps, to provide quality control and oversight of the conversion of digitally scanned tax lot maps to control point, survey and deed record reconciled digital maps. ODOR Cartography will accomplish this conversion and based on current probable funding through other grants and cooperative agreements, the additional monies necessary to complete this project is $40,000. Anticipated Outcomes: Lake County will obtain digital tax lot maps which are accurate to a minimum of Bureau of Land Management’s Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB) control point data, with additional reconciliation to existing survey and deed records. This data would be made available to other government agencies and general public and would provide a basis for commonality and the creation of additional GIS map layers and data bases. Measures and Reporting: ODOR Cartography section will create the control point reconciled digital maps and will monitor the quality and progress of this project. Periodic progress reports will be provided to Lake County by ODOR Cartography. Interagency Partners: Lakeview Bureau of Land Management has a cooperative agreement with Lake County which provides Lake County the use of the recently completed GCDB for GIS. Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) is the principle source of private ownership information for the Interagency Fire Protection and dispatch for South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership (SCOFMP). In addition, the ODF will benefit greatly from quality digital assessment maps for the management of the Fire Patrol assessment and emergency management. ODF will also use this information to assist with fire planning, fuels treatment, landowner education projects and grants. ODF is applying separately for National Fire Plan grant with a focus to the completion of quality digital assessment maps. Other partnerships in process are with Collins Products of Lakeview, two local Title Companies, and a local timber consulting company, Lake County Resources Initiative. The ODOR Cartography has an agreement with the counties for which it does maintenance to only charge for half of the cost incurred which includes the cost of the conversion project to control point reconciled digital assessment maps for Lake County. Project Relationship to Community Fire Plans: The control reconciled digital assessment maps will provide up-to-date access to cross referenced ownership as well as a quality base for layers of fire protection maps and data for fire prevention as well as emergency fire management. This will be especially true for the ODF and South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership, as well as rural and urban fire protection districts. Lake County Resources Initiative (LCRI) is currently applying to NFP for Goose Lake Fire Risk Assessment Project to coordinate State, Federal and local fire protection planning in Lake County. LCRI has expressed support of the Lake County assessment map digitization project as providing useful data for the risk assessment project. Project Time Frames and Income: In 1999, the State of Oregon created a fund administered as ORMAP for the purpose of assisting Oregon county development of quality digital GIS seamless maps from deed recording fees. Partial funding has been considered desirable by the ORMAP Advisory Board in granting funds for large projects to applicants. ODOR Cartography maintains Lake County’s maps and provides service at 50% of actual cost under Oregon Revised Statute 306.125, and will provide for 50%, or $150,000, of the $300,000 conversion cost for this digital map project. Lake County is currently incurring cost of equipment, wiring for network system, and computer programming which will, in part, enable public access to County GIS maps as well as other related data associated with the parcels. Total cost to Lake County will be in excess of $360,000 with completion by July 1, 2004. While some interagency cooperative agreements exist, there is presently no monetary commitment from those agreements for this project. Private source funding is probable on an advanced payment for future services basis and would amount to less than $10,000 for this project if necessary. The Oregon Department of Forestry is also applying to National Fire Plan for a grant which would provide $65,000 directly applicable to the creation of control point reconciled digital assessment maps as well as cost of equipment, software and training for Lake County personnel to use the equipment and software in applications with the digital maps. Activities/Equipment: Public and public entity access will be available by web site and by compact disc or possibly FTP server for users with GIS software to obtain updated digital county map information. Various fire agency data storage and cooperative planning will be greatly enhanced by the use of the digital map information. Extent of Actions: Lake County has approximately 5.2 million acres. Over 77% of the ownership in the county is public lands, with over 350,000 acres of private lands under ODF fire patrol assessment and protection. Public lands tend to have a much higher level of fuels and interagency fire prevention and management are exceptionally important to Lake County. Rural fire protection districts require a large degree of planning and coordination with federal, state and county agencies as there is a significant length of boundary with public land ownership. Environmental and Cultural: Fire management/ prevention and necessary road building/maintenance will allow more accurate and comprehensive treatment of environmental issues and cultural artifacts by the availability and use of quality digitized assessment maps. No ground disturbing activities are required for this project. Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Within each criterion, subcriteria are listed in descending order of importance. Limit your responses to the areas provided. 1. Reducing Fire Risk. (40 points)) A. Describe how the proposal promotes reduction of risk in high hazard areas or communities, or natural landscapes. B. Describe how the proposed project benefits resources on federal land or adjacent non-federal land, or how it protects the safety of communities. C. To what extent does the project implement or create a cooperative (1) fuels treatment plan or (2) community fire strategy (include evidence of the plan if it already exists)? D. Explain to what extent the affected community or proponent has been involved or plans to involve the affected community in a qualified fuels education program (e.g., FIREWISE). E. Explain how the proposal (1) leads to, enhances or restores a local fire-adapted ecosystem, and/or (2) mitigates or leads to the mitigation of hazardous fuel conditions. F. How will the proposed treatments or programs be maintained in future years? Response: A: Identification of potentially affected structures will be enhanced with development of integrated ownership information with digitized tax lot maps, both for preparation planning in higher risk areas and during fire management. B: Orthophoto use overlaying control point reconciled digital tax lot maps will help in the identification of potential high risk areas including properties of private ownership adjacent to public property. C: South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership has existed for several years and have existing plans in place. Considerable improvement and enhancement to the existing plans will be possible with the use of accurate digital tax lot data. D: A current mailing list of affected properties will be possible with integrated assessment map data. SCOFMP representatives have been contacted for support and coordination of this project, as well as the proposed Goose Lake Fire Risk Assessment Project. E: Accurate identification of higher risk areas using orthophotos and high accuracy digital maps will allow mitigation of risk through coordination and planning. F: Lake County will continue to maintain accurate digital tax lot maps and regard this data as public information in compliance with Oregon law and will be available at the Lake County Courthouse or on county servers. 2. Increasing local capacity. (30 points) A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and sustainable economic activity? How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long (please distinguish between essentially yearround and seasonal jobs)? How will this proposal link to other projects (or proposed projects) to create year-round jobs? B. To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities or natural landscapes? C. Will biomass or forest fuels be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much? Response: A: There will initially be some additional technical work necessary to create additional digital map layer data base or adjustments to existing data bases for improvement of fire planning coordination and management. The greatest improvements to the community of Lake County will be in enhanced quality of emergency services and fire protection that will result from use of quality digitized tax lot maps. ODF will be able to do considerable work on accurate stocking acreage and fire patrol acreages. Development of other public information data layers as a result of availability of quality digital parcel maps will require addition technical staff for at least the time to develop these layers. B: Greater ability to identify areas of fire risk and coordinated response will result from this project. C: No use of biomass or forest fuels is required for this project. Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria 3. Increasing interagency and intergovernmental coordination. (15 Points) A. Describe how this project implements a local intergovernmental strategy or plan, or creates such a plan. Describe the plan if it already exists. B. Explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning through a “Local Coordination Group” for wildland fire activities, or among federal, state, tribal, local government and community organizations. List the cooperators (a detailed list of cooperators will be required for projects that are funded). Response: A: This project is being coordinated the South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership which includes the US Fish & Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, USFS and Oregon Department of Forestry. Application for this grant was forwarded and encouraged by the Lakeview ODF. The Partnership has been in existence for the past several years and coordinates planning for fire prevention and fire management as well as having an established interagency fire dispatch for coordination when public land has a fire or is threatened by fire. The use of digitized county tax lot maps will benefit planning projects with cross referenced survey and control point data, current ownership and accurate boundary data. This data will also be valuable to response and management of fires and enhancement of public safety. B: A high degree of cooperation exists within the South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership. Lake County and representatives of SCOFMP and the proposed Goose Lake Fire Risk Assessment Project are coordinating with regard to the purpose of this grant. 4. Expanding Community Participation. (15 Points) A. To what extent have interested individuals, groups, and communities been provided an opportunity to become informed and involved in this proposal? B. Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project, including any cost-sharing arrangements. C. What are the environmental, social and educational benefits or concerns of the project? Response: A: For the past several years public and private entities have been contacted to discuss GIS applications related to digitized tax lot maps. On two different occasions in the past four years, individuals from these organizations have been invited to demonstrations of GeoMedia products and for group discussion of applications of GIS. Recently, preliminary preparations for the conversion to control point oriented tax lot maps have been given local newspaper exposure. B: Recent and ongoing effort to contact entities in both the public and private sector relative to partnerships and support regarding the creation of quality digitized tax lot maps has been favorably received. Considerable discussion of application and anticipation has resulted. One of the consistent and primary applications has been with the Oregon Department of Forestry and their desire to have accurate digital tax lot data to use in work that will improve their performance of responsibilities for private reforestation, and fire protection, as well as management of the State forest lands. C: Considerable additional information will be available to the public directly and indirectly related to the digital tax lot maps. Web site and electronic media access of fire information as well as other public information will greatly benefit the public and private sectors. Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form Tasks Time Frame Responsible Party Secure and finalize financial and other Partnerships. February 2003 Through December 2003 Lake County Finalize County GIS equipment and software Selection. December 2003 Lake County Submit ORMAP grant request for balance of funding. January 2004 Lake County Conversion from scanned tax lot maps to control oriented digital parcel maps. July, 2004 Lake County and ODOR Cartography Financial accounting of grant monies and disbursement for project costs. February 2003 through January 2006 Lake County Receive and accept deliverables and accomplish grant closure documentation. January 2006 Lake County Share Data Ongoing Lake County Enclosure 3D Project Budget Cost Category Description Personnel Federal Agency Applicant NFP Lake County Partner 1 Or. Dept. of For. Partner 2 Total ORMAP Subtotal Fringe Benefits Subtotal Travel Subtotal Equipment Cmptr, plotter, server GIS Software Subtotal 17,600 9,305 26,905 17,600 9,305 26,905 Supplies Subtotal Contractual Digital map conversion 40,000 35,595 74,405 150,000 Subtotal 40,000 35,595 74,405 150,000 Other Co. training for GIS 2,500 2,500 Subtotal 2,500 2,500 Total Costs 40,000 65,000 74,405 Project (Program) Income1 (using deductive alternative) 1 Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency. 179,405