54 (360) 902-1754 (360) 902-1757

Enclosure 3B - Project Summary Form
Application for Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources
Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box)
(360) 902-1754
A. State
B. County
C. Municipal
D. Township
E. Interstate
F. Intermunicipal
G. Special District
(360) 902-1757
H. Independent School District
I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning
J. Private University
K. Indian Tribe
L. Nonprofit Organization
M. Other (Specify) _______________________
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
1111 Washington Street S.E. Olympia, WA 98504-7037
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Chuck Johnson, Northeast Washington Grant Administrator
State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources, Northeast Region
(509) 684-7474
(509) 684-7484
Project Information
Project Title:
Mullen Hill Terrace Community Planning Project
Proposed Project Start Date:
Proposed Project End Date:
Federal Funding Request:
Total Project Cost:
April 2005
July 2005
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please prioritize, and explain if the projects are stand alone, sequential, or other:
The Mullen Hill Fuel Treatment project is linked to this proposal, but this is a stand-alone proposal. The Spokane County Local
Coordinating Group has reviewed this proposal and given it high priority.
Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and
Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2).
The Mullen Hill Terrace Mobile Home Park is a 120 home community south of Spokane, Washington. A risk
assessment has been completed. The overall rating using NFPA 299 is High (80 points). A copy of the
assessment is available upon request. The community is pursuing Firewise Communities USA status and has
established a Firewise Board. A Community Protection Planning grant is proposed to complete a community
protection plan that will further address community description, prescription, priorities and maintenance
requirements. Additional community partnerships and resources will be identified.
Project Location:
Federal Congressional District:
1 Mile South of Spokane, WA, City Limits
Name of Federal, tribal, and/or State Official with whom you coordinated this
Telephone number of Contact:
Chuck Johnson, Washington State DNR, Northeast Region
(509) 684-7474
Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description
Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than
one page, single space, 12-pitch font.
Describe project including, but not limited to:
 change fire behavior
 WHO are your collaborators - are they current or potential collaborators?
Address these
 describe the relationship of this plan’s desired outcome to NFP Goals
items as
 increase community
and to any existing community fire protection plan.
education and awareness
 project time frames and matching or contributed funds
 enhance fire protection
 tools and/or skills needed to complete project
 specific project location, geographic extent, and fire risk assessment
 desired outcome
For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination
Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not?
The Mullen Hill Terrace Mobile Home Park is located about one mile south of Spokane City Limits in
Spokane County off Highway 195. The community currently consists of 120 small lots with mobile and
modular homes that are secluded in the middle of a Ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir forest. It is located in the
Hangman Valley. Previous catastrophic wildland urban interface fires have occurred in the Hangman Valley.
A risk assessment was completed in the Fall of 2003 by Washington State Department of Natural Resources
(WADNR) staff and cooperators. The risk assessment is available upon request by e-mail at
steve.harris@wadnr.gov. The overall rating using NFPA 299 is High (80 points). The risk assessment
identifies several hazards that need to mitigated in order reduce the wildfire hazard. The proposed Mullen
Hill Terrace Mobile Home Park Community Planning Project will address and prioritize hazard mitigation
strategies. The Community is pursuing Firewise Communities USA status. Community leaders have
established a Firewise Board. The Firewise Board received and accepted the Risk Assessment. The board
has agreed that action must be taken to reduce the risk to the community.
The primary community protection strategy identified within the risk assessment is fuel reduction. A fuel
reduction companion grant is being submitted. Currently, the forest in and around the Mullen Hill Terrace
community is overstocked and has an understory of brush and regeneration (photos available upon request).
The fuel reduction proposal focuses on reducing ladder fuels, increases tree spacing and reducing diseased
trees in and around the community. This will reduce the crown fire potential. Improvement in landscaping
will then prevent fires from spreading into yards. By removing fuels within the community, firebrands will
not be able to create spot ignitions.
The current situation within the community is such that fire suppression staff from Spokane FPD 3 stated that
they would not feel safe entering the community during a major wildfire event. The grant proposals will
assist the local fire agencies by decreasing crown fire potential and increasing the margin of firefighter safety.
Mullen Hill Terrace Community Firewise Board and the landowner have been working with Spokane County
FPD Three, Spokane County Building and Planning, Firesafe Spokane and Washington State Department of
Natural Resources staff.
If the Mullen Hill Community Planning grant is funded, it is expected that the plan will take about two
months to write and be approved. As soon as the plan is approved, fuel reduction can be initiated with grant
funds from the companion grant proposal.
In order to complete the project, a detailed description of the community will need to be completed. This
includes additional research regarding the community’s utilities, access, emergency services, local
ordinances, insurance rating, available GIS data, etc. After completing the description, a community
prescription will be developed. The community prescription will address goals, proposed actions, responsible
parties, partnerships, resources and priorities. The plan will have appendices. The appendices will include
maps of the community, technical assessments, emergency contact list and other applicable materials.
Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
Applications for funding, must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Be sure you address every one
briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided.
1. Planning for Action (40 points)
A. Describe your desired plan outcome and how the outcome will be measured.
B. How will the plan address :
 Fire behavior changes through fuels reduction
 Community education and awareness
 Enhanced suppression capability
C. How will the completed plan be implemented, and by whom? OR How does this plan enhance or complete
previous fire planning by the community?
D. How will the plan address landowner responsibility for implementation of this plan?
E. Describe your ability to complete project in one year of receipt of funds
The desired outcome is a complete Community Protection Plan for the Mullen Hill Terrace Mobile Home
Park. The plan will be measured by how well it addresses each of the key elements required to reduce the
risk to the community and provide for long-term community protection.
Technical expertise regarding fire behavior will be incorporated into the drafting of the plan. Based upon the
completed risk assessment, it is apparent that ladder fuels must be removed and tree spacing increased.
Crown fire potential is very high at this time. Community education is a vital action necessary to ensure
success. Educational outreach methods and actions will be part of the community prescription. The risk
assessment has shown that water sources are sufficient throughout the community. The main suppression
issues that need addressed are road access and fuel loading.
The plan will address developer (landowner) responsibilities and community actions necessary to ensure
implementation. The community will complete actions as possible and be coordinated by the Firewise Board.
In addition, grant assistance is requested to help with fuel reduction (see companion grant). WA DNR staff,
Spokane FPD 3, Firesafe Spokane and other agencies will provide technical assistance.
Given the fact that the risk assessment has already been completed, plan completion has a high likelihood of
Enhancing Community Collaboration and Local Capacity. (30 points )
A. Describe your strategy for collaboration to develop this plan across multiple ownerships.
B. Identify the interested partners and members of the community who are involved in this project, and the level of
their involvement.
C. How will this project enhance local community collaboration and local capacity for cooperative action?
D. Describe skills or experience the community will gain through development of this plan.
The difficulty in Southern Spokane county is that there are few distinct communities. There are multiple 5 to
20 acre ownerships in the area. Work is being done to coordinate with existing communities that have
homeowner associations. Outreach to neighbors will occur during planning and implementation.
Firesafe Spokane is a partner who will help with the plan development and will take the lead in gathering
information and drafting the plan. Spokane County FPD Three will provide technical expertise with the
project. The WA State Department of Natural Resources will provide technical expertise, statistical data and
GIS support for the project. Spokane Building and Planning will provide guidance regarding local
ordinances. Mullen Hill Terrace Firewise board will help by performing outreach and information gathering.
The project will increase participation from residents within the community in the pursuit of Firewise USA
status. Community Firewise projects will be identified through planning process.
Through the planning process, the community will be able to better able to identify problems that need to
mitigated within the community. In addition, the community will gain access to more resources.
Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
Expanding Community Participation. (30 Points)
Explain the level of cooperation, coordination and/or involvement of the Local Coordination Group. List the
cooperators/members (in a broad way) of the local area coordination group.
Describe your strategy for leveraging funding. Who are the partners and what is their commitment to the
plan’s completion, including any existing or proposed cost-share agreements and their status.
Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project.
Describe your strategy for post-plan marketing and collaboration for the successful implementation of the
next steps described in the plan.
To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities in your sub-geographic
area, state-wide area?
The Mullen Hill Terrace Community Planning proposal has had and will continue to have involvement from
several key players in the Spokane County Local Coordinating Group (LCG). The group has reviewed the
proposal and has given it high priority. The Spokane County LCG is currently composed of Spokane County
Fire Chiefs, Firesafe Spokane staff, Washington DNR staff, IEPFE Coop. and City of Spokane.
Partners have agreed to provide cost-share in the form of in kind contributions. Spokane County FPD Three
and WA DNR will provide technical expertise and data for the project. Spokane County FPD Three and the
DNR are interested in the plan’s completion because fire response and suppression will be more effective and
safe. In addition, both fire suppression agencies will benefit by the decreased risk to improvements in the
wildland urban interface. Mullen Hill Terrace Firewise Board will eventually benefit by having a Firewise
Community that will have a better chance of surviving catastrophic wildfires. Community leaders are aware
that the risk to their community and their property is currently high.
Local support for the project is strong. Community members have a heightened awareness of the current
wildfire risk given several recent wildfires in the area. Other Firewise projects in the Hangman Valley have
had strong community and local agency support. There is no known opposition to the project.
After the plan is completed, community workshops and meetings will be held to share the plan with all
community members. In addition, risk assessment and plan information can be distributed through
community newsletters. Surveys of community members have shown strong support of Firewise projects. If
the Mullen Hill Fuel Reduction project is approved, individual resident contacts will be made and home site
Firewise Plans will be written. The community is highly motivated to reduce their wildfire risk.
The Mullen Hill Terrace Community Planning Project will serve as a model for other communities when
Mullen Hill Terrace receives Firewise Communities USA recognition. Mullen Hill is located in a high profile
area and will be visible to other communities. Existing relations with local media will be utilized to advertise
the plan’s Firewise activities. This will help to sell Firewise concepts and principles to other communities
and make this a model plan.
Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form
Time Frame
Responsible Party
Collect community description information
and data in addition to completed risk
As soon as grant funds are awarded.
April of 2005.
Firesafe Spokane (Lead)
WA DNR (Assist)
Spokane Co. FPD 3 (Assist)
Mullen Hill Terrace Community
Firewise Board (Assist)
Spokane County Building and
(Assist) (Lead)
Compile community information and data.
Develop protection plan based upon risk
assessment findings.
May of 2005
Review draft community plan.
May 2005
Spokane Co. FPD 3
Spokane Co Building and Planning
Other interested agencies.
Finalize community protection plan and
present to Mullen Hill Terrace Community
Firewise Board and interested agencies.
June 2005
Firewise Spokane
Present Mullen Hill Terrace Community
Fire Protection Plan to community.
June 2005
Mullen Hill Terrace Community
Firewise Board (Lead)
Firesafe Spokane (Assist)
WA DNR (Assist)
Initiate fire hazard mitigation strategies as
described in community protection plan.
Funding of the Mullen Hill Fuel Treatment
Grant Proposal will greatly assist in this
June 2005
Mullen Hill Terrace Community
Firewise Board
Firesafe Spokane
Spokane County FPD 3
Ensure plan objectives are met and
hazards continue to be mitigated.
From plan completion date forward.
Mullen Hill Terrace Community
Firewise Board
Enclosure 3D Project Budget
Cost Category
Spok FPD 3
Mullen Hill
Prevention Staff
Firewise Board & Tenants Assoc
Fringe Benefits
Laptop, GPS & Printer Usage
Vehicle Mileage
Office Supplies
Firesafe Spokane, Plan Writer
Total Costs
Project (Program) Income1
(using deductive alternative)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant.
Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned fro m
renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items
developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval
by the granting agency.