Project Summary Form Id Number 2006-110

Project Summary Form
Id Number 2006-110
Application for Prevention & Education Projects
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
A. State
B. County
C. Municipal
D. Township
E. Interstate
Please Call Ahead For FAX
H. Independent School District
I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning
J. Private University
K. Indian Tribe
L. Nonprofit Organization
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
P.O. Box 190 225 S. Silke Rd Colville, WA 99114
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Mr. Steve Harris Northeast Region Fire Prevention Coordinator
State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Call Ahead For FAX
Project Information
Project Title:
North Columbia Puppetry Set-up
Proposed Project Start Date:
Federal Funding Request:
Proposed Project End Date:
Total Project Funding:
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize:
Washington State Department of Natural Resources is only submitting one prevention & education grant proposal for this area. This project
will mainly impact the area covered by the Stevens Count Local Coordinating Group. No other prevention and education proposal are being
submitted for this area and thus this proposal has the highest priority. The WA DNR is submitting statewide prevention and education
proposals that may cover this area.
Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and
Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2).
An educational puppetry set-up is proposed. The puppetry set-up will be used in classroom and public event settings in Northeast
Washington. The primary focus area will be Stevens and Eastern Ferry County. As time allows, the show will be taken to other
areas when requested. Fire prevention and protection messages will be delivered to adults and children with this project. The
puppet show will deliver general fire prevention messages that will reduce fire starts. Fewer fire starts reduces the risk to WUI
communities in Northeast Washington. In addition, Firewise information will be incorporated into scripts. This will reduce the risk to
WUI property. Grant funds will be used to purchase supplies and materials to build and transport the puppet show materials and
equipment. DNR Northeast staff and cooperators will purchase materials and construct the display and props.
Project Location:
Latitude: -48.543
Longitude: 117.888
Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal:
Federal Congressional District:
Telephone number of Contact:
WA Department of Natural Resources, Chuck Johnson
USFS Colville Forest, Leon Mitchell
Describe project, including, but not limited to:
x type of project to be delivered
x project location
x method of delivery
x project relationship to community or natural
landscape fire plans
x target audience
x timeliness
x tools and/or skills needed to complete project
x projected timelines and cost estimation
x monitoring and evaluation procedures
For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination
Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not?
The intention of the North Columbia Puppetry Set-up is to develop and implement educational puppet shows. The puppetry set-up project will be used to
present shows in classrooms and public event settings in Northeast Washington. Initially, puppet shows will primarily occur in classrooms located in Stevens
and Eastern Ferry County. As prevention staff become familiar with the set-up and scripts, shows can be taken on the road to other areas in Northeast
Washington. A Risk Assessment Mitigation Strategies [RAMS] prevention plan has been developed for this area. Children caused fires are the third most
common type of human caused fire in this area. Debris burning and recreational fires are more common. Educating children can reduce all three types of
wildfire. Puppet shows are a type of general prevention strategy identified in the DNR NE Region RAMS plan. Puppet shows bring fire prevention to life and
makes it entertaining. The impacts of the puppet shows will extend beyond the focus area. As children explore the outdoors during fire season, they will
remember prevention tips from the puppet shows. Hopefully, they will share this information with other children and adults. Reducing fire starts will reduce the
risk to WUI communities. Washington State DNR Northeast Region staff have successfully conducted puppet shows in the past. Unfortunately, the equipment
has to be borrowed. Using loaned equipment has not worked well due to conflicting dates. Given experience conducting puppet shows in the past, this grant
proposal has a high likelihood of success. Grant funds in the amount of $9000 are requested to purchase set building materials, prop building materials,
puppets, sound and wireless microphone equipment and transportation equipment. DNR Northeast Region staff and cooperators will purchase materials,
construct the set and props and develop additional scripts. In addition, DNR NE staff and cooperators will implement the puppet shows. Time and mileage
involved in these activities is considered an in-kind match. The expenses are expected to be about $6700. A fire prevention script has already been
developed for use. Additional scripts will be developed to deliver various messages including; defensible space, safe recreation, safe burning, fire safety at
home [smoke detectors & stop drop and roll], prohibited burning and fire in the ecosystem. This will make provide a variety of shows for teachers and
puppeteers to choose from. The puppetry set-up will be available to other federal, state and local agencies as requested. The Stevens County Local
Coordinating Group is familiar with this proposal.
1. Prevention of Wildland Urban Interface Fire (40 points)
Describe how the proposal will lead to:
A. Reduction of wildland urban interface fire
B. Reduction of structural losses
C. Homeowner action and personal responsibility to reduce fire loss of private land.
Washington DNR Northeast Region extinguishes an average of 360 wildland fires each summer. Of these fires, 73 percent are
human caused. The vast majority of the human caused fires occur within WUI. The North Columbia Puppetry Set-up project will
reduce wildland urban interface fire starts by discouraging fire-starting behaviors in the children. As stated in the narrative, children
are the third major human cause of wildland fire. The fires that children start are often located in backyards, schoolyards,
playgrounds, common areas and other wildland urban interface lands. By reducing these fire starts, fewer structures will be lost.
The scripts will emphasize the danger and potential results of common fire causing behaviors such as playing with fire. In addition,
tried and true fire prevention tactics such as Smokey Bear appearances and materials will be incorporated. By incorporating
Firewise scripts and themes, the project will lead to homeowner action that reduces fire loss on private land. Even though children
are not homeowners, they will share Firewise information from the puppet shows with their parents. Children are not shy about
pointing hazards around the home. In addition, children in school today will be homeowners in the WUI tomorrow.
Community Participation (30 points)
Detail the community participation and collaboration for this project. Define clearly why you believe your group
will be successful in delivering the proposal to the target audience. How will the project be sustained or carried
forward beyond project timelines? How will the project be monitored and evaluated?
The North Columbia Puppetry Set-up project will involve community members during each event. Washington DNR staff will
coordinate with school staff and other volunteers at each location. Volunteer assistance from community members is encouraged.
School drama clubs will be encouraged to participate as well. As stated in the narrative, this project has a high likelihood for
success given previous experience. DNR Northeast region staff have proven themselves capable of implementing quality puppet
shows. The biggest hindrance has been the lack of materials and equipments. The target audience [children] responds very well to
interactive puppet shows. Puppet shows have the ability to capture and hold the attention of children where other types of
presentations fail. The end result of a quality puppet is better retention of fire prevention information. This project will be carried
forward for several years beyond the grant timelines. Once the puppetry set-up is developed, it will continue to be use year after
year. Routine maintenance will be required and performed by DNR Northeast Region staff. Knowledge learned and shared by
children will be carried forward for future generations. Feedback will be solicited from school staff at each event. In addition,
teachers will be requested to check for understanding back in the classroom. By analyzing fire statistics in the affected
compartments, the overall effectiveness of this project will be measured.
Partnerships (30 points)
Detail the level of involvement of any local multi-agency, emergency services, non-profit coordination group, and
provide a list of partners for this project with their current and expected level of involvement, including any kind of
contributions or matching funds. What is the project relationship to a community risk assessment or mitigation
plan? Include the name of the plan, date it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested.
Washington DNR Northeast Region staff will take the lead in coordinating the North Columbia Puppetry Set-up project. The sets
and props will be built and stored at the DNR Northeast Region office. NE Region staff will coordinate with school district staff in
order to schedule puppet shows. USFS Three-Rivers Ranger District staff have committed to providing prevention materials,
mileage and at least one week of staff time to develop and implement puppet shows. Stevens County Fire Protection District Staff
have committed to providing mileage and at least one week of staff time for puppet show development, implementation and venue
identification. As stated earlier, a RAMS assessment and prevention plan has been developed for this area by DNR NE Region
staff. General activities, including puppet shows, are included in this plan. This project is not directly associated with any specific
community wildfire protection plan. Puppet shows will occur in areas where plans are under development. General prevention
activities such as puppet shows will likely be identified within these plans.
Project Work Form
Time Frame
Purchase sound system after soliciting at least
three bids.
Responsible Party
Lead: DNR NE Region, Steve Harris
Support: DNR NE Region, Bob Hinds
March 2006
Purchase set, prop and puppet materials.
Construct sets and props.
March 2006
Lead: DNR NE Region, Bob Hinds
Support: DNR NE Region, Marvin Fikes &
Bob Smith
March 2006
Lead: DNR NE Region, Bob Hinds
Support: DNR NE Region, Marvin Fikes &
Bob Smith
Contract puppet construction or purchase puppets
from vendor(s).
Lead: DNR NE Region, Bob Smith
Purchase covered trailer for puppet set-up
transportation after soliciting competitive bids.
April 2006
Schedule and present puppet shows with partners
in local schools.
Lead: DNR NE Region, Marvin Fikes
Support: Other DNR, USFS & FPD staff
May-June 2006
Lead: DNR NE Region, Marvin Fikes
Solicit constructive feedback from school staff and
other show viewers.
May-June 2006
Evaluate effectiveness of puppet shows by
analyzing fire statistics in the affected
Schedule and implement 2007 puppet shows with
improvements based upon feedback. Continue with
puppet shows for years to come.
Lead: DNR NE Region, Steve Harris
January 2007
May-June 2007
Lead: DNR NE Region, Marvin Fikes
Support: DNR NE Region, Bob Hinds and
Steve Harris
Project Budget
Steven CO FPDS
Cost Category
Partner 1
Partner 2
Partner 3
Staff Time
Fringe Benefits
Vehicle Mileage
Sound System
Set, props, fabric
Total Costs
Project (Program)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program
income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real
property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant
or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.