Project Summary Form Id Number 2006-227

Project Summary Form
Id Number 2006-227
Application for Fuels Treatment Projects
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
A. State
B. County
C. Municipal
D. Township
E. Interstate
Please Call Ahead For FAX
H. Independent School District
I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning
J. Private University
K. Indian Tribe
L. Nonprofit Organization
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
P.O. Box 190 Colville, WA 99114
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Mr. Chuck Johnson Community Fire Planner
Department of Natural Resources, NE Region
Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111)
Call Ahead For FAX
Project Information
Project Title:
Dennison-Chattaroy Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Reduction Project
Proposed Project Start Date:
Proposed Project End Date:
Federal Funding Request:
$ 192,000
Total Project Funding:
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize:
Yes, DNR is submitting multiple projects that are all stand alone. All projects will be prioritized by Local Coordinating Groups.
Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and
Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2).
This project, in cooperation with Firesafe Spokane and Spokane County Fire Protection District 4, will create fuel breaks in and around an at-risk
community in the wildland urban interface of northern Spokane County.
Project Location:
Latitude: 47.96333
Longitude: 117.433
Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal:
Federal Congressional District:
Telephone number of Contact:
Loren Torgerson, Asst. Region Mgr., DNR
509-684-7474 Ext.
Steve Harris, Fire Prevention Specialist, DNR
509-684-7474 Ext.
Bill Wilburn, Firesafe Spokane
509-680-1719 Ext.
Project Narrative Description
Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses
longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font.
Describe project including, but not limited to:
x project relationship to the community risk assessment and
x project location (e.g., Watershed,
mitigation plan
neighboring community)
these items
as applicable: x anticipated outcomes
x amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc.)
x project timeline and matching or contributed funds
x community partners and their
x proponent’s ability to complete project
For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination
Group.” If you have not worked with a local coordination group, why not?
This proposal is strongly supported by the Spokane County Local Coordinating Group.
Is this project adjacent to a current prescribed burn project on federal lands or to one that is planned within the next
three years? (Yes/No) No
Please indicate planned treatments and associated acres:
* Treatment Thinning
Acres 160
Acres 0
Treatment Mastication/Mowing
Acres 160
Acres 0
If you have a treatment type other than standard types above:
Other 1 Fuel Ladder Removal
Acres 160
Other 2
Acres 0
The project is located in Northern Spokane County near Deer Park, Washington.
Spokane County Fire Protection District Four and Firesafe Spokane are currently conducting outreach and preparing a Community Wildfire
Protection Plan. Major fuel reduction needs have been identified and subsequent implementation by local contractors, utilizing hand and mechanical
methods is proposed. Fuels reduction will be accomplished by thinning, pruning, and slash disposal.
The outcome of the project will be to create fuel breaks in and around a community with a history of large, destructive fires.
Approximately 160 acres will be treated if hand crews are used. More treatment will occur if mechanical equipment is used. This will be determined
when projects are developed with landowner collaboration.
Washington State environmental, cultural and historical protection measures will be in place.
This project will begin upon notification of grant funding. It is possible that the entire project be completed during 2006. It will definitely be completed
by 2007.
Project Evaluation Criteria
Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following three criteria. Be sure you address every one
briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided.
1. Reducing Hazardous Fuels (50 points)
A. Describe the community infrastructure that will be protected.
B. Explain how the proposal reduces fire behavior in high hazard areas by describing the fuels to be disposed or
removed, and the techniques and timing of the treatments.
C. How will the proposed treatments be maintained in future years?
D. How will you use multi-party monitoring to improve this and future projects?
This proposal promotes a reduction of risk to property owners in the Dennison/Chattaroy community by significantly reducing
hazardous fuel levels currently present.
The community currently exists in a 40-year-old burn area with incredibly dense stocking levels exacerbated by ice storm damage
from several years ago.
This project will provide for greater safety in the community by the fuels reduction treatments it proposes.
FIREWISE workshops have been provided in the past couple of years. Additional workshops will be offered this year promoting
FIREWISE concepts in the at-risk communities in NE Washington.
The project will, through fuels reduction treatments such as thinning, pruning, and slash disposal, mitigate extremely hazardous
conditions that currently exist in the community.
Landowners will be required to sign a maintenance agreement to maintain fuel breaks.
Multi-party monitoring by members of the Local Coordinating Group and collaborators will identify changes needed to this and
future projects. Adaptive management concepts will be used.
Project Evaluation Criteria
Increasing Local Capacity (25 points)
A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and
sustainable economic activity?
B. How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long? (Please distinguish between
essentially year-round and seasonal jobs).
C. What tools and skills will be gained or utilized as a result of this project?
D. Will biomass be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much?
This proposal will improve the local economy by hiring local contractors. These contractors will bid on the jobs and spend their
paychecks in the local community.
Jobs provided by this project will be seasonal in nature, in that fuels reduction projects will have to be shut down during the winter
months. It is anticipated that hand crews with chippers would be utilized, as well as potential heavy equipment contractors on
portions of the project area.
Due to the fact that our Northeast Washington community fire planning and fuels reduction program has been in place for several
years, numerous contractors have entered the fuels reduction arena. With over 2,000 homes protected over the last couple of years,
contractors have the ability to move from job to job and develop expertise to compete in related fields.
By utilizing media opportunities and demonstration sites, this project will serve as a model for other at-risk communities to follow. As
market conditions improve, this project should be able tap into biomass utilization from fuels reduction in power generation plants as
well as other small wood products. Contacts have been made with power generation facilities as well as value added small wood
companies in Northeast Washington.
Demonstrating Community and Intergovernmental Collaboration (25 Points)
A. How will this project implement a community risk assessment and mitigation plan? Include name of plan, date
it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested.
B. How has this treatment been coordinated with adjacent landowners and local/State/Tribal/Federal agencies?
C. Identify the cooperators/partners involved in implementation of this project.
D. Describe the extent of current local support for the project, including any cost-sharing agreements.
This project is tied to the Denison-Chattaroy Community Wildfire Protection Plan that is being prepared in 2005. The risk
assessment has been completed and is classes as a High Risk. The local contact for the CWPP is Bill Wilburn of Firesafe
Spokane, [509] 680-1719.
A Grant Advisory Board is in place and composed up of representatives from Colville National Forest, Okanogan-Wenatchee
National Forest, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, and
Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Overall National Fire Plan strategy is given by the Grant Advisory Board and
is implemented in cooperation with the Local Coordination Group.
Local Coordination Group membership includes fuels specialists from the above named agencies in addition to Inland Empire Fire
Chiefs Association, Inland Empire Public Fire Educators Cooperative, Spokane County, City of Spokane, Firesafe Spokane, local
environmental organizations, forestry consultants, fuels reduction contractors and interested public members.
Local support for this project is strong and has been for the period of time this process has been occurring in the community.
Project Work Form
Time Frame
Obtain Funding, Hire Fuels Consultant and
Contract Crews
May 2006
Project Design
Responsible Party
Grant Administrator, Firesafe
Spokane FPD#4
Firesafe Spokane, Spokane County
Fire District #4
June 2006
Fuels Reduction Planning and Implementation
Grant administrator, Contractors,
Consultant, Firesafe Spokane
July - November 2006
Firesafe Spokane, Spokane County
Fire District #4, Grant Administrator
Media Notification and Coverage
July 2006
Firesafe Spokane, Spokane County
Fire District #4, Grant Administrator
July â?? Project end
Grant Administrator
Project Accomplishment Report
April 2007
Project Budget
Spokane FPD 4
Cost Category
Firesafe Spokane
Partner 1
Partner 2
Partner 3
Administration & Monitor
Fuels Consultant
Fuels Contractors
Fringe Benefits
Indirect Cost
Mileage, Per Diem
Cameras, GPS
Laptop Computers
Media & Educ Materials
Mailing & Newspaper
Total Costs
Project (Program)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program
income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real
property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant
or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.